announcement for prof chin lecture 2013 final

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Announcement for Prof Chin Lecture 2013 Final


    Ir. Yee Yew WengOrganizing Chairman, Professor Chin Fung Kee Memorial Lecturec/o Puan orlian a!i"#he Institution of $ngineers, Mala%siaLots &' ( &), *alan +)/,P.O. -o )) 0*alan 1ultan2, &3)' Petaling *a%a, 1elangor#el. no. '435&6''7/'') Fa no. '435+33&36$ .m% We"site8



    Exploring th !i"#ilit$ o% &"'( i( K$ to M"l"$(i"n )"trR(o*r+( &,lop'nt o% th F*t*r

    -th&+'#r 2./3

    o0 N"' IEM no0 P0E0 no0 F(


    $nclose: herewith is a che;ue o.8

  • 8/13/2019 Announcement for Prof Chin Lecture 2013 Final


    S$nop(i( o% L+t*r

    It is sai: that ci>ilization "egan an: ?ros?ere: when humans coul: control waterDan: that same ci>ilization :ecline: an: >anishe: when that control is lost. amsan: other ri>er flow "arriers were "uilt to harness an: control water in the earl%:a%s of ci>ilisation in or:er to secure the "enefits for human "asic nee:s an:comfort. Centuries later, more :ams were "uilt to cater for increasing ?o?ulation,es?eciall% in ari: an: semi4ari: areas. -ut it is reall% in the ?ast two centuries thatman% large4size: :ams ha>e "een "uilt to satisf% a wi:er range of :e>elo?ment:eman:s E h%:ro?ower, treate: water su??l%, irrigation, floo: control an:en>ironmental nee:s.

    -% the secon: half of the last centur%, societ% came to realise that :ams cancause significant negati>e social an: en>ironmental im?acts that coul: outweighthe original economic "enefits. O??onents of :ams ?rotest >ehementl% worl:4wi:eagainst the :e>elo?ment of more :ams whilst ?ro?onents are con>ince: that the%are a necessar% feature to su??ort growth an: ?ros?erit%. It is these contra:icting"eliefs in min: that the ?u"lic must "e engage: to facilitate a "etter un:erstan:ingof the >iews of "oth the ?ro?onents an: the o??onents of :am :e>elo?ment"efore :eci:ing on a long4term strateg%. In the meantime, more effort ma% ha>e to"e ma:e for water an: energ% conser>ation strategies an: to realize the ?otentiala??lications of low im?act an: non4structural solutions that com?lement eisting:ams an: :efer new :am :e>elo?ment to as far into the future as ?ossi"le.

    #his lecture aims to ?ro>oe a critical :e"ate amongst engineers an: the ?u"lic toloo at the longer term future of :ams in water resources :e>elo?ment that coul:?ossi"l% re:uce the fun:amental :eman: for ser>ices that :am ?ro>i:es. In otherwor:s, to tr% an: answer the ;uestion GWh% shoul: a countr% rich in water, asMala%sia is, nee: to construct :ams an: e>en ?lan for moreH

    C0!0 o% th Sp"9r

    atoJ Ir. 1%e: Muhamma: 1haha"u:in has "een in the water engineering fiel: forclose to +' %ears most of which in ?ri>ate ?ractice as a consulting engineer. Begra:uate: as an engineer from Pl%mouth College of #echnolog%, nite: King:om

    an: is a Professional $ngineer Mala%sia, a Mem"er of the Institution of $ngineersMala%sia, a Fellow of the Institution of $ngineers, nite: King:om an: aChartere: Water an: $n>ironmental Manager, nite: King:om.

    After ser>ing the o>ernment of Mala%sia for 7) %ears, the last a??ointment "eingthe Chief $ecuti>e $ngineer of the newl%4forme: Penang Water Authorit% 0753432 on secon:ment from the Pu"lic Wors e?artment, he "ecame as ?artner inthe consulting engineering firm of -innie :an =aan 0-=2 Mala%sia, a mem"er ofthe international grou? of -innie an: Partners, nite: King:om with ?ractices in1outh4$ast Asia an: Bongong s?ecializing in water engineering.

    -= was restructure: in 756' as 1%e: Muhamma:, Booi :an -innie 1:n -h:an: atoJ Ir. 1%e: Muhamma: 1haha"u:in "ecame the Chairman an:Managing irector. #he firm was com?letel% taen o>er "% Mala%sians in 755+an: 1MB- 1:n -h: was forme:. Be assume: the :ut% as $ecuti>e Chairman.

    atoJ Ir. 1%e: Muhamma: 1haha"u:in has ma:e man% contri"utions towar:sthe fiel: of engineering ?articularl% to the Association of Consulting $ngineersMala%sia as Presi:ent 0756+ E 75632, the Mala%sian Water Association asPresi:ent 0755 E )''32. As Presi:ent of Mala%sian Water Association, he le: ateam in initiating the transformation of water ser>ices in:ustr%, taing the matteru? in )'' to the Minister who o"taine: o>ernmentJs a??ro>al to e>entuall%form ational Water 1er>ices Commission 01PA2 three %ears later.

    As Chairman of Mala%sian Water Partnershi? 0)''3 E )'772, he was committe:to the im?lementation of Integrate: Water =esources Management 0IW=M2 an:strongl% "elie>es that this is the "est a??roach which can ?romote sustaina"ilit%of water resources management in Mala%sia.

    Be has "een a "oar: mem"er of 1elangor Water Management -oar: 0LA12since its formation in )''' an: is currentl% a mem"er of the ational Water1er>ices Commission 01PA2 since its formation in )''3. Be is a Fellow of theAca:em% of 1ciences Mala%sia, esta"lishe: un:er the Act of Parliament to

    ?ursue, encourage an: enhance ecellence in the fiel: of science, engineeringan: technolog%. Be is currentl% Chairman of #as Force on Water eman:Management.

    Rgi(tr"tion F

    Mem"ers, I$M 4 =M )'.''Mem"ers, $ngineering Alumni, ni>ersit% of Mala%a 4 =M )'.''on4mem"ers 4 =M '.''

    All che;ues/"an :rafts must "e crosse: an: ma:e ?a%a"le to1PROF CHIN FUNG KEE LECTURE FUN&:0

    IMPORTANT6 All rgi(tr"tion %( '*(t # FULL; p"id #%or+o''n+'nt o% th L+t*r0


    ate8 1atur:a%, 3thecem"er )'7#ime8 5.'' a.m. E 7'.'' a.m. 4 =egistration ( light refreshments

    7'.'' a.m E 77.' a.m 4 Lectureenue8 Professor Chin Fung Kee Au:itorium, r:floor, Wisma I$M, )7*alan 1elangor, &)'' Petaling *a%a, 1elangor arul $hsan.

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