announcing the missions and ministries of first...

Post on 04-Jun-2020






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1289 Lexington Ave. Cape Girardeau MO 63701

Phone: (573) 335-6006 Fax: (573) 334-9693 Email:

Saturday, May 2

6:00 pm Chinese Bible Study @ Baptist Student Center

Sunday, May 3 9:30 am Bible Study for all ages

10:45 Morning Worship

4:00 pm Church Council

Wednesday, May 6 5:00 pm Church Staff Meeting

5:30 Family Meal

6:00 Financial Peace University,

Children’s Choir

6:15 Adult Classes/Kids Club/ Youth Activities

7:00 Sanctuary Choir

Saturday, May 9

6:00 pm Chinese Bible Study @ Baptist Student Center

The Chimes Announcing the Missions and Ministries of First Baptist Church, Cape Girardeau, MO.

Church Staff Pastor: Mike Shupert [] Office Administrator: Donna Komorech [] Music Ministry: Becky Gentry [] Ministry Assistant: Keith Kyle [] Ministry Assistant: Bob Phillips [] Office Assistant: Matt Porter []

Custodians: Lawrence & Erin Kenkel

May 6 BBQ Pork Cole Slaw Potato Salad Baked Beans Dessert

May 13 Baked Spaghetti Salad Breadsticks Dessert

Wednesday Night Menu

Ladies Night Out

May 18 @ McAlister’s Deli

5:30 pm

All Ladies Welcome!

Dutch Treat

May 10 Mother’s Day May 17 FBC Graduate Recognition May 18 Ladies Night Out May 27 Business Meeting @ 6:15 pm May 31 Shupert Farewell Luncheon July 6-9 Vacation Bible School

May 20 Chicken Pot Pie

Salad Fruit


May 27 Ham

Scalloped Potatoes Baked Beans


Note from Pastor Mike Shupert

Fifteen years ago, in August of 2000, the Shuperts rolled into Cape Girardeau. Abby was three and Aaron was ready to start high school.

That previous Spring—before being contacted about a ministry posi-tion at the church—Brenda and I had a conversation where we said to one another: “Wouldn’t it be great to live in Cape Girardeau?” And we said, “Well, the only CBF church in the area is FBC, Cape, so we know that would be the church that would need to call us.”

About two weeks later, again in early spring of 2000, we got an unso-licited call from the church saying that they had gotten a copy of my resume (from who knows where), and wondered if I would be inter-ested in interviewing for the position of Minister of Youth/Education.

We kind of took that as a sign from God, and, started talking to FBC, Cape.

A month later I received a phone call from the search committee chairman saying, “this may affect how you decide about continuing our conversations, but. . .our pastor has left/resigned”. Well, I had been on staff during about 3 interim periods after a pastor left, so it didn’t faze me or derail the conversation. To make a long story a little shorter, we moved here during an interim pastor phase.

And. . .the first 3 years were doozies. Those were some of the hardest days of ministry I’ve had in 35 years of ministry and some of the most meaningful too.

During 2000 until 2004 I was youth & education minister, then music minister, and when our previous pastor left, I said, I’ve done every staff position in the church, let me be the interim pastor.

I guess I wore everybody down enough until the pastor search com-mittee in 2004-5 recommended that I become senior pastor.

I love this church. And I have loved being pastor here among you in this town we’ve grown to love.

I have sat in your living rooms, visited you and waited with you in waiting rooms, ER’s and hospital rooms. I have stood with you at the bedside of those you loved (and I had grown to love). I married a few of you. Counseled with others. Baptized others.

We’ve laughed and cried together. Agonized. Strategized. And you have stood with me in the chronicles of my life and walked with us in times of joy and sorrow and challenge. That’s what family does.

I’ve always viewed church as family. That’s the best metaphor for this household of faith that we have, I think.

I think it’s time for me to move on. I think God calls us and leads us and gives us a sense of his peace and God (Continued next page)

Birthdays Liz Lockhart 5-01 Avalyn Smith 5-01 Virgil Chirnside 5-09 Sarah Young 5-09 Jesse Pulley 5-10 Laverne Smith 5-11 Joan McPherson 5-12 Jim Robins 5-16 Laurie Hamblin 5-17 Eric Martin 5-17 Ron Winstead 5-21 Alesha Sikes 5-24 Lydia Meece 5-25 Jodean Holshouser 5-26 Kent Maddox 5-26 Chris Hutson 5-31

May 17 Deacon of the Week

Liz Lockhart Children’s Moment

Laura Meece

May 24 Deacon of the Week

Carol Robinson Children’s Moment

Becky Gentry

May 3 Deacon of the Week

Bruce Gentry Children’s Moment

Liz Lockhart

May 10 Deacon of the Week

Margie Deimund Children’s Moment

May 31 Deacon of the Week: Ina Winstead

Super Sunday for Kids (No Children’s Moment)

Current Sermon Series— The ♥ of the Matter

May 3 Forgiveness. Dreamcoat.

Genesis 37

May 10

Mother’s Day

(continued) directs us and redirects us. We follow him in faith, listening for his call, sensing his prodding.

I’m sensing that God’s got something special in store for both the church and for me, but that it’s time to take that fork in the road—as Yogi Berra said—still moving in the same kingdom direction, just taking different paths on our journeys.

I believe God has used us for good these past 15 years. There was a lot of healing that needed to happen. We’ve emphasized fellow-ship and loving one another and finding our unique shape for ministry. I’ve led through teams and building consensus.

We built a wonderful new facility on this hill we’re on and weathered the stresses that go along with [deciding to move from being a downtown church] to designing and building a building and making the move.

We are multi-generational and multi-cultural. We have great blended, creative worship services. FBC has outstanding people re-sources to build the future with. We were formed 180 years ago on strong missions principles and they are intact today.

I believe this church has great days ahead of it, as I also feel God’s got great things in store for Brenda and me. I believe this church is ready for the next phase of growth and challenge as are we.

I want this time of change and transition to be a positive blessing on all involved, so please trust that whether we move out of state or remain in this area, we will build up FBC and celebrate our time together.

My last official day will June 1st. I will continue to work and be available and I hope to be able to talk to as many people as possible before I leave.

Like I mentioned last Sunday. . . I’m no Abraham, but like Abraham I am going to walk in faith, listening to God’s call, not know-ing where that will lead. I’m no Moses, but like Moses, there’s only so far I’m going with you on this journey, and there will be bright days and challenging days ahead.

I prefer the words of the Apostle Paul to close with. Words I shared with you when I came in view of a call, from 1 Thessalonians 2:7b-8: “. . .we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.”

You all are loved and appreciated.



Lawrence & Erin Kenkel 5-07

Mitch & Patty Herod 5-10

Joe & Linda Dirden 5-28

Nathan & Laura Meece 5-28

Bruce & Becky Gentry 5-30

If you know of a birthday or anniversary we missed, please call the church office at 335-


Luncheon for Mike & Brenda Shupert

Sunday, May 31 will be Mike and Brenda’s last official Sunday with us. You are invited to a

luncheon in their honor after morning worship on that day.

A love offering for the Shuperts has been


The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is partnering

with other Baptists to assist with relief efforts af-

ter the devastating earthquake in Nepal. CBF will

have a long-term presence in the area, as relief ef-

forts will be focused on providing food and shelter

in the coming days, and on long-term support in

the months and years ahead. Please consider

making a gift to CBF Nepal Response. Simply

mark your offering envelope “CBF Nepal.”

Thank you.


We will be recognizing high school and college graduates during our May 17th worship service. If you information on a graduate, please contact the

office with the graduate’s name, school, and degree.

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