annual examination worksheet 2018-2019 class three … · annual examination worksheet 2018-2019...

Post on 18-Mar-2020






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1.Why do you think Amin bought hard-boiled eggs?


2. Why did the merchant ask for so much money?


3. How did Amin win the case?


Q2. Complete the sentences with the name of an animal from the given list.

bullock Camel donkey elephant horse

1. The ______________ is used in a sport at the Olympic Games.2. The ______________ works in forests to carry heavy loads.3. The _______________ is called the Ship of the Desert.4. Farmers use the _______________ in the field.5. Washer men use the _____________ to carry bundles of washing.

Comprehension ParagraphOnce upon a time there was a man called Amin. He lost all his crops in a drought. Amin decided to lookfor work in another village, and off he went on his donkey. Before he left, he bought a dozen hard-boiledeggs from a merchant and promised to pay him later. Seven years later, Amin returned to his village. Hecame on a fine black horse. Behind him was a camel carrying bags of gold and silver coins. Amin was arich man now. The news soon spread through the village.Q1. How did Amin lose his crops?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q2. What did Amin decided to do?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q3. What did Amin promise the merchant?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q4. After how many years did Amin return to his village?

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q5. What was the camel carrying?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

TOM’S SORE TOEQ1. Why was Tom unhappy?


Q4. Aunt Polly was not worried when Sid told her about Tom. True/False

Q5. What was the matter with Tom’s tooth?


Q6. Why did Aunt Polly want a silk thread?


Q7. Why did Aunt Polly want a piece of coal from the fire?


Q8. Comprehension paragraph

Tom Sawyer was unhappy. It was 7 o’ clock on Monday. He wished he could stay at home. But there was nothingwrong with him. Suddenly he discovered something. One of his teeth was loose. He was about to start groaning,when he remembered something. If he complained about a bad tooth, his aunt would pull it out. That would hurt.No, that wouldn’t work. Then he found a sore toe. A good excuse. He lay in bed groaning loudly. Sid woke up.“What’s the matter, Tom?” “Oh, Sid, don’t touch me,” groaned Tom.

1. What did Tom wish?_____________________________________________________________________________________

2. What was wrong with him?_____________________________________________________________________________________

3. What will happen if he complained about the bad tooth?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What did he find?_____________________________________________________________________________________

5. What did he do in bed?


Q8. Complete the following by using words in the box.

thigh knee ankle sole toea. She tripped and fell. Now she has sprained her _____________________.b. I was not wearing any shoes. I stepped on a drawing pin. It went into my ______________.c. He fell down and scraped his __________. He’s got a bandage on it.d. I hit my __________ on the chair leg. It’s really hurting now.e. She was doing exercises and hurt a muscle in her ________________.

Q9. Fill in the blanks with in, on, at.

1. Our school reopens _______ Monday.2. I always get up _______ 6 o’ clock.3. We are going to have exams _________ March.4. Sheraz’s birthday is ________ 25th April.5. The party ended ________ midnight.6. I hear the birds sing _______ the morning.7. Pakistan became independent ______ 1947.

8. Dear Feroza,Thank you for your letter and card. They reached me in time for my birthday _______ 26 July. But I had myparty only ______ the weekend. It was held _____ the evening ________ my uncle’s house. He has a largegarden and there is lots of room to play. We had a lot of fun.By the way, my sister Tanya is getting married _______ December to MohsinFawad. They work in thesame office. Tanya started working there _____ 2002. Tanya is not here _______ the moment. She has goneto Sydney for a conference. She will be back ________ Saturday.I have got the book you wanted. I will send it to you next week.

A SONG ABOUT MYSELFQ1. Why did the boy runaway?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q2. Where did the boy run away from?________________________________________________________________________Q3. What did he hope to find in Scotland?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q4. What did he find when he reached Scotland? Do you think he was surprised?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Q5. Find words in the poem that rhymes with the following.1. me _____________ ____________ 4. bury ____________ ______________2. bread ____________ ______________ 5. wrong ___________ ______________3. sound ___________ ______________ 6. card _____________ _______________


Q1. Why did Mr. Carson frown as he worked?


Q2. Why did the cakes not come out right?


Q3. The packets of butter that Farmer Winston sold Mr. Carson did not weigh one pound each. True/False

Q4. Why did the police arrest the farmer?


Q5. Who was cheating who?



Mr. Carson was a good baker. His cakes were the lightest in town and the bread was delicious. Mr. Carsonenjoyed his work. But this morning, Mr. Carson was frowning. For some days his cakes had not turned outas well as they usually did. There was something wrong. He couldn’t understand it. He used the sameamount of everything--- butter, sugar, eggs, and flour. But the cakes were not the same.

Mr. Carson began to get suspicious. It was the butter. He was sure of it. He was sure that the bricks of butterthat Farmer Winston delivered were not the correct weight; they did not weigh a pound each.

1. How was Mr. Carson’s cakes and bread?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Why was Mr. Carson frowning?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What things did Mr. Carson use to make his cakes?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What did Mr. Carson begin to get?___________________________________________________________________________________

5. What was he sure of?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Q7. Complete the sentences by choosing one item each from the given phrases

under the carpet

between the two girls

behind the curtain

in front of the cinema hall

near the petrol station

1. The maid swept all the dust ______________________________________________.2. I will buy the tickets and wait for you ________________________________________.3. When she saw me she hid __________________________________________________.4. The medical shop is very __________________________________________________.5. My brother is the one who is standing ________________________________________.

Q8. Fill in the blanks with prepositions from the list below.

under through across beside around nearDuring the summer holidays my parents, my sister, and I went to Karachi. We had a great time. We stayed in ahotel which was ______________ the sea. You could see the beach _____________________ the windows. Lots oftourists were sitting ___________________ beach umbrellas. We could hear the sound of the waves all___________________ us. There was a restaurant just __________________ the road, where we ate good seafood.There was a little shop __________________ the hotel which sold lovely handicraft items.

Q9. Cross out the incorrect word.

1. She worked hard all morning. Then she decided to take a brake/break.2. Thank you for your letter/ later.3. The house is very quiet/quite after the children left.4. They gave me all their/there books to read.5. Stop talking! I have no peace/piece with all this noise.


Q1. How did the peasant spend the money he earned? Write the names of the people beside each coin.

Q2. The peasant wanted to give money to his wife because of ‘all that she does for us’. What things do youthink she did for the family?


Q3. The peasant wanted to give money to his parents. What had they done for him?


Q4. Why did the peasant agree to tell the minister the answer to the riddle?


Q5. Did the peasant break his promise to the king?



A king was riding through the countryside. He met a peasant and asked him how much he earned. “Four coins aday, Your Majesty,” the man replied. “And how do you spend your four coins?” “ One on myself, one I give ingratitude, one I give back, and one I give on interest.” the king was puzzled. He asked the man to explain. “Onepart of the money I spend on myself,” said the man, “one part on my wife because I am grateful to all that shedoes for us, one part on my aged parents for all that they did for me, and one part on our children because I hopethat they will pay me back by looking after me and my wife in our old age.”

“That’s a fine riddle” said the king. “Please keep it a secret until you’ve seen my face a hundred times.”

Q1. Where was the king riding?


Q2. How many coins did the peasant earn each day?


Q3. How did the peasant spend his four coins?


Q4. How did the peasant explain spending his money?


Q5. How did the king tell the peasant to keep the answer a secret?


Q6. Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

my your her his your our Their its1. _______ tooth hurts. She has a toothache.

2. Give them to me. Those are ________ photos.

3. Hadi is an artist. I like _______ paintings very much.

4. We have lost ______ tickets. Now we can’t go to the movie.

5. Are these _________ books? They aren’t mine.

6. The dog is limping. I think it has hurt _______ paw.

7. Mr. and Mrs. Khan are very rich. _________ new car is a Honda.

8. Awais and Alina, have you finished _________ homework?

Q7. Fill in the blanks with our, your, their.

Shahbaz is my brother. _______best friends are Nina and Navin Nair. They live in the house next door. Theyhave been _____ neighbours for many years. ______ Father, Mr. Nair, works in a factory.Mrs. Nair, ________mother, is a teacher. ________ families always celebrate festivals together. When we celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr, theNair’s come to ______ house. When they celebrate Onam, we go to _________ house. “I like ________ kheer,Aunty Shamim,” says Nina to my mother. ________ mother has promised to teach me how to make kheer,”says Mrs. Nair to Shahbaz. “Then we will all come to _____ house to eat kheer,” says Shahbaz. Everybodylaughs.


Q1. Where do you think the mother and baby are? (Tick your choice)

• In a house in the city . In a hut in a village

Q2. Why can’t the mother sing anymore?


Q3. Which of these words would you use to describe the mother in the poem?

Sad tired rich hardworking loving caringQ4. Write rhyming words.

Night ________ day ______ dream ________ any more __________


Q1. Why was Mor frightened?


Q2. Why did Mor and the jackals go to Ulluji for advice?


Q3. What was Ulluji’s plan?


Q4. Why were the poachers happy to see the five large peacocks?


Comprehension Paragraph

Haka and Paka, the twin jackals, were eating some juicy berries. Suddenly, they saw Mor, the peacock,running down the path. The poor bird looked frightened. “What’s wrong, Mor bhai?” Haka asked. “We arein great trouble Haka. The humans are hunting us. They want our feathers. They want to make fans out ofthem,” Mor sobbed. There was the sound of footsteps, and voices. Humans! Coming in this direction! Mortook off. He flew up to a high branch and hid himself there. Haka and Paka dived into a bush.

Q1. Who were Haka and Paka?


Q2. Whom did they suddenly see?


Q3. What did the Mor tell them?


Q4. Where did Mor hide himself?


Q5. Where did Haka and Paka hide themselves?


Q6. Match the columns.

1. As quiet as a lion

2. As brave as a a fox

3. As friendly as a a mouse

4. As cunning as a lamb

5. As gentle as a puppy

6. The little boy came up and climbed into my lap. He was as _____________________.

7. Ruhi is very shy and doesn’t talk much. She’s as ____________________________.

8. Bala looks very fierce, but he is as _____________________________________.

9. I don’t trust him. He is as ____________________________________________.

Q7. Which blanks need “the”? Put an X in the other blanks.

1. There is a dam on ________ Jehlum.

2. My sister has gone to _______ Katmandu.

3. Arshad reads _________ Quran every day.

4. My brother works in ________ United Arab Emirates.

5. ______ Earth goes round ________ sun.

6. The spacecraft fell into ______ Atlantic Ocean.

Q8. Circle the wrongly- spelt word in each row and write the correct spelling in the space provided.

1. Believe receive thives _____________

2. Forign soldier science _____________

3. Stories journies ladies _____________

4. Dropped sleepping clapped _____________

5. Thum come lamb _____________

6. Knot could lisen _____________


Q1. Why does the poet say do not stir? What will happen if you will stir?



Q1. Why was Habibullah so surprised when Naseereddin brought the pot back the next day?


Q2. What reason did Naseereddin give for not returning the pot?


Q3. Fill in the blanks with a word from the brackets.

It was ____ (a/the) bright and sunny day. Zain ______________ (wants/wanted) to go out and play cricket.Miss Kiran was teaching them English. ________ (She/Her) voice was very soft. It made him feel sleepy. Zainlooked out of the window. Some boys were playing cricket ______ (on/at) the road. Lucky boys! Zain could notbear it any longer. He raised his hand. The teacher looked at him. “What is it, Zain?” Zain ________ (said/told)“______ (Can/May) I be excused, Miss?”

Q4. Fill in the blanks with the word that describes the person.

1. Waseem is the Head Boy of the school. Everyone likes him. He is very p_ _ _ _ _ r (prapoul)

2. The man next door throw stones at dogs and cats. I even saw him hit a dog with a big stick. I think he’svery c _ _ _ l (leruc)

3. Waqas only thinks of himself. Last week I asked him to lend me his English notebook and he said “no”.Today he came to me, smiled sweetly, and narrowed my maths notebook. Waqas is really very s_ _ __ _ h (fishles)

4. Firoza’s brother Cyrus is very good looking. We all think Cyrus is very h _ _ _ _ _ _ e(meanshod)

5. Lubna drops things all the time. When she walks she bumps into furniture. She is really

c _ _ _ _ y (cumsly)


Q1. Fill in the blanks with the common nouns given below.

grapes Ships cows thieves Fishsheep Tools cards stairs Clothes

1. A bunch of _______________ 6. A set of __________________2. A flock of ________________ 7. A flight of ________________3. A herd of _________________ 8. A pack of ________________4. A suit of __________________ 9. A school of ________________5. A gang of _________________ 10. A fleet of __________________

Q2. Fill in the blanks with suitable collective nouns.

gaggle swarm herd troop shoal Bunchgroup litter flock team

1. A _____________ of bees flew out of the hive.2. The lady has a _______________ of keys at her waist.3. The ___________ of soldiers fought bravely.4. The _________________ of geese waddled across the yard.5. In the clear water of the lagoon we saw a ________________ of fish.6. The __________ of elephants destroyed all the crops.7. The ship past a ______________ of islands.8. The ____________ of kittens slept snugly in the basket.9. The __________ of players entered the stadium.10. The _____________ of birds flew away.


Q1. Give the singular or plural forms of the underlined nouns.1. The spy looked over the hedge.____________________________2. The thief began to put the jewel into a bag. ____________________3. The army marched toward Rome. __________________4. The swallow flew over the roof of the building. __________________5. The echoes of the gunshot could still be heard. ________________________6. The shops selling fish were closed. ________________________7. The baby slept through the show. ________________________8. The fairy drew rings on the grass. _______________________9. The boys chased the bully away. ________________________10. The ladies waited until the speech had ended. _______________________Q2.Change the number of each underlined nouns--- singular to plural, or plural to singular.

1. He caught the balls thrown to him and smiled. ________________2. The boys came out of their classes and started to play._____________3. The sweets are in the paper bag. ___________________4. The lady enjoyed the play. _____________________5. Bring the apples from the red bowl. __________________6. Aslam arranged his toy neatly on the shelf. _______________________7. Put the vegetable on the kitchen table. ______________________8. Cut the tomato for the salad. ________________________9. They waited for the buses to arrive. _____________________10. The men stood at the gate and watched the child play. _____________

ADJECTIVESQ1. Underline the adjectives in the following sentences.1. Naila ate some ice-cream after lunch.2. Give me five minutes to finish the exercise.3. There were many things in the big box.4. There are three glasses on the table.5. There were several books on the shelf.6. Whose is the third name in the register?7. There were few people on the street that dark night.8. Akbar was a wise ruler.9. The monster had one eye in the middle of its forehead.10. No members attended the important meeting.11. All men respected the great teacher.12. Most people now like to watch a cricket match on television.

Q2. Fill each blank with the correct form of the adjective given at the end of the sentence.1. That was the ___________ thing to have happened. (bad)2. Nasir is _________________ than I am. (tall)3. The princess chose the _____________ robe in the cupboard. (fine)4. He was flung into a _______________ dungeon. (cold)

5. Huma is ______________ than Sara. (smart)6. The lamp is ________________ than that. (bright)7. She is the _____________ girl in the class. (lazy)8. This road is ________________ than the other. (long)9. Tom is the _________________ runner in the team. (fast)10. Arif is a ________________ player than Taha. (good)


Q1. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles.1. Rabia borrowed _____ pencil from Salma.2. Farah bought _____ box full of chocolates.3. Harry Potter had ______ owl named Hedwig.4. What is ______ time?5. We decided to go on ______ picnic.6. I read _____ story about _____ Unicorn.7. He was not allowed to attend the class as he was not wearing ______ school uniform.8. He is ______ honest man.9. It took us _______ hour to reach ________ station.10. ____________ mathematics teacher taught us ______ new method of division.11. Mother made me ____ sandwich for lunch.12. There was _____ picture of _______ ox on the wall.13. Iqbal is ______ brave boy.14. He ate _____ egg, _____ slice of bread, and ______ apple.15. ________ lion has a mane.16. Robab has bought ______ pair of new shoes.17. I have ___ bad cold.18. _________ giraffe has a long neck.19. They left ____ hour ago.20. She put the letter in _____ envelope.21. One day _____ royal messenger announced that there would be _____ Grand Ball at

________ Royal Palace.22. ___________ Ball was to be held in honour of _____ prince.23. Naila rang ________ bell and _______ door was opened by a butler.24. Arif’s mother told him to wear ______ clean shirt.25. He made an omelette with ______ egg and a tomato.26. The thief hid ______ jewels behind ________ bush.27. __________ old lady wrapped ______ shawl round herself.28. I have bought _______ ticket for _______ show to be held at _______ stadium.29. Will your brother play in _______ match today?30. He had to wear ______ uniform to work at ______ factory.31. After lunch, Huma had _______ ice-cream and Asma had _______ piece of cake.32. Cinderella lost ______ glass slipper on ______ stairs of _______ Royal Palace.33. ____________ fox is a clever animal.34. All _______ boys in my class are going to ______ play tomorrow.


Q1. Form adverbs by adding –ly to the following words.

Soft roughBrave badSad neat

Quick boldSmart stiff

Clumsy grimSafe angry

Hungry tameFunny truthfulCertain delightful

Hopeless faithfulLoud patient

Q2. Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs.

(slowly, quietly, quickly, heartily, happily, rudely, patiently, loudly, carefully, early)

1. Neha went ___________________ into the room.2. He came back home _______________________.3. The rabbit hopped _______________ up to me.4. The shopkeeper spoke ______________________ to the old lady.5. The door banged ________________________.6. We waited ________________ for our turn.7. Everybody laughed _________________ at his jokes.8. The audience clapped ___________________ after the show was over.9. The children listened ___________________ to the story.10. We walked ________________ because we were in no hurry.

PRONOUNSQ1. Underline the pronouns in the following sentences.1. You should learn this lesson today.2. They have gone to see a film.3. I like mangoes, but he likes bananas.4. They played a match against us last year.5. We bought the book because she told us to.6. He came to mend the machine as it was not working.7. Tom and I are going on a picnic.8. We cleaned the drain because it was blocked with dried leaves.9. Mother and I went shopping yesterday.10. The teacher asked him a question.

Q2. Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns.

(him, it, she, them, me, they )

1. The child wants to play. Take _________ to the park.2. Give __________ the book that I gave you.3. The dog limped because ___________ had hurt its paw.4. The teacher told ______________ to open their books.5. We looked for the keys but _______________ could not be found.6. She was angry because _________ he had told us not to go.7. My mother cannot go out because __________ is ill.8. We could not get the kite back because _______ was entangled in the branches.9. The baby is crying because _________ is hungry.10. His uncle gave ____________ a bicycle on his birthday.

Q3. Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the underlined words with pronouns.

1. Neha complained that Neha had a headache.___________________________________________________________________________________

2. The dog chased the rabbit, but the rabbit went down a hole.___________________________________________________________________________________

3. Robab and Bisma said that Robab and Bisma would clean the cupboards.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Aslam missed the train because Aslam got up late in the morning.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Uncle Saleem said that uncle Saleem had put the newspaper on the table and now the newspapercould not be found.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Bisma was upset because Robab had borrowed a book from Bisma and had lost the book.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. The gate had been left unlocked and so the gate swung open easily.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. Taha fed the dog because the dog was hungry.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Tony brought the packet and put the packet on the table.___________________________________________________________________________________

10. Alice was not hurt at all and Alice jumped up in a moment.____________________________________________________________________________________

11. Though John and Jeff go to different schools, John and Jeff are great friends.


12. History is a very interesting subject, but history is not only about kings and queens.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

NOUNS: Gender

Q1. Rewrite the sentences replacing the masculine nouns with feminine and feminine nouns withmasculine nouns.1. The cow gazed at the little girl.

______________________________________________________________________________2. My grandfather told me a story.


3. The duck waddled on the pond._________________________________________________________________________________4. The peahen shook its feathers.

_________________________________________________________________________________5. The lion sat regally on the rock.____________________________________________________________________________________6. The king was very sad.

_______________________________________________________________________________7. Our host was a kind and cheerful person._________________________________________________________________________________8. The fox chased the cock all round the farmyard.

_______________________________________________________________________________9. The prince mounted the horse and galloped away.

________________________________________________________________________________10. My uncle took me shopping on my birthday.


Q3. Underline the nouns that are of the common gender:

1. The baby cried because it was hungry.2. The teacher scolded the class for making so much noise.3. The doctor attended to the patient who was in pain.4. We must find out who the thief is.5. I gave the book to my friend.6. My cousin will visit me tomorrow.7. My neighbour is a very kind person.8. There is only one student in the library.9. The note was delivered by a servant.10. The lawyer won the case.


Q1. Underline the prepositions in the following sentences.1. The horse galloped towards the open field.2. Cinderella sat by the fire and wept.3. This road goes to Karachi.4. The cowhand led the cows into the next field.5. He always sits on the floor.6. The man was coming down the stairs.7. The boys jumped into the lake.8. Take him to the next room.9. Which country does the man come from?10. The train from Lahore has nor arrived yet.

Q2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

(from, to, into, under, between, on, by, under, after, down, through, beside, behind)

1. The dog at the circus jumped ____________ the hoop.2. He is coming ____________ Karachi.3. This train goes ________ Quetta.4. Aamir was going ________ the airport.5. Taha hid _________ the bed.6. Rabia stood __________ the other girls.7. There is a sweet shop ___________ the road.8. The boy stood _________ the stage and recited a poem.9. They sat down _____________ the tree and ate their sandwiches.10. She received many presents ___________ her friends on her birthday.11. The little cub sat _____________ its mother.12. Arif hid ____________ the door.13. Neha put the money away carefully ____________ her purse.14. The conductor got down ____________ the bus to help the lady across the road.15. Huma ran ___________ Sara to catch her.16. We bought a top ____________ the toy shop.17. He went _________ the room and sat down.18. The thief climbed ________ the pipe and escaped.19. She went out __________ the house and did not look back.20. The eagle swooped down ___________ the sky on the rabbit.


Q1. Rewrite the following sentences, replacing each underlined word with a word of opposite meaning.1. Aslam was asleep when his father came home.

_____________________________________________________________2. He was told not to the ripe apples_______________________________________________________________3. The princess was very beautiful.


4. What Ajmal has told is true._______________________________________________________________5. It is wise to sleep late every night.

_____________________________________________________________6. Sara was willing to stay at home alone._______________________________________________________________7. The road was very narrow.

_____________________________________________________________8. He carried a light suitcase.________________________________________________________________9. Taha could not tie the knot.

_____________________________________________________________10. The class was very noisy.


Q2. Give the opposite beginning with un--, in--, im--, or dis—of the underlined words.1. He is truthful and obedient.

___________________________________________________________2. The teacher was satisfied with my composition.

________________________________________________________________3. Her work was complete.

___________________________________________________________4. He said it would be proper to sit in the front row.

________________________________________________________________5. The flagpole was quite steady.

___________________________________________________________6. Sara was very happy in her new school.

___________________________________________________________7. Arif thought that it was possible to swim across the wide lake.

________________________________________________________________8. He did not deserve the respect he was shown.

___________________________________________________________9. Tom is a very selfish boy.

_______________________________________________________________10. I cannot agree with you.

FUN WITH WORDS_ 3Q1. Choose the correct word from those given and fill in the blanks.

1. ( sea, see)We can ______________ the river from our house.We saw ships sailing on the _____________.

2. (air, heir)Neha opened the window to let in some fresh ______________.Taha is the sole _______________ to a great fortune.

3. (cell, sell)You cannot _______________ something that is not yours.The prisoner lay quietly in his _____________.

4. (too, two)There are ___________ birds sitting on that branch.The news is ____________ good to be true.

5. (hour, our)The school is near __________ house.Sahar came home an ____________ ago.

6. (hair, hare)The ________________ lost the race to the tortoise.Huma has long and curly ____________.

7. (red, read)This is a __________ dress.

I _____________ that book last night.8. (tail, tale)

The monkey has a long ________________.He had a long _______________ to tell about his adventures at sea.

9. (whole, hole)The snake disappeared into a _____________________.Tom ate the ________________box of sweets all by himself.

10. (wait, weight)They decided to _______________ for Ali to come.Nasir checked his ______________ at the gymnasium.

11. (meet, meat)Many people like to eat vegetables rather than __________________.Aamir was very happy to ____________ so many of his old friends.

12. (bear, bare)Sajid saw a big, black ___________ at the zoo.The room had no furniture and was absolutely ________________.

13. (write, right)“__________ an essay on spring,” said the teacher.Omar gave all the __________answers and won a prize.

14. (seen, scene)The play opens with a frightening ______________ of witches and ghosts.We have never ____________ such a beautiful sight.

15. (new, knew)Jamil was proud of his _________ toy.The police ________________ who had stolen the money.


Tom had got lost among the chimneys of a large house and came down in the wrong room. It was a beautifulroom, all done in white. The walls were white, the curtains were white, and the furniture was white. The carpethad a pattern of gay flowers on it and there were pictures on the wall. There were pictures of ladies andgentlemen and there were pictures of horses and dogs.

The next thing he saw was a large bathtub full of clean water, and soap, and brushes, and towels. ‘She must be avery dirty lady to want so much scrubbing!’ thought Tom, who had realized that the room belonged to a lady.

And then, he turned towards the bed and gasped. Under the snow-white coverlet, upon a snow-white pillow, laythe most beautiful girl that tom had ever seen. Her cheeks were very white, and her hair was like threads of goldspread all over the pillow. Tom wondered if she were a real, live girl or one of the wax dolls he had seen in theshops. But when he saw her breathe, he made up his mind the she was alive and stood staring at her as if shewere an angel from heaven.

Looking around, he suddenly saw a little ugly, black, ragged figure with grinning white teeth. He turned on itangrily. What was such a horribly black ape doing in such a sweet lady’s room? Suddenly, he realized that hewas looking at himself in great, big mirror. For the first time in his life, tom found out that he was dirty, and heburst into tears of shame and anger.

Q1. Describe the room that Tom saw.


Q2. What did Tom think when he saw the girl on the bed?


Q3. Why did Tom cry?


Q4. Why do you think Tom was so dirty?


B. Match the first part of the sentences in column A with their second part in column B:

Column A Column B

• Tom got lost was full of clean water.

• The girl’s hair that he was looking at himself in a mirror.

• The large bathtub among the chimneys of a large house.

• Tom thought was like threads of gold.

• Tom realized that the girl was an angel from heaven.

C. Find words in the passage that have the following meanings.

1. a covering for a floor ________________________________

2. a bedspread _______________________________

3. a messenger or servant of God ______________________________

4. cleaning by rubbing hard ______________________________



Eid is the greatest festival of the Muslims. It is celebrated by all the Muslims of the world with great pomp andshow. There are two eids in a Muslim year. Eid ul Fitr and Eid ulAzha. Eid ul Fitr is celebrated at the end ofRamazan. It is the holy month in which the Muslims fast for the whole month. Muslims offer regular prayers,recite the holy Quran, feed the hungry and give alms to the poor. It is celebrated on the first ofShawwal.Muslims thank Allah for celebrating the Eid and making them Muslims. It is the festival of love andgoodwill.


A house is a place where we live in. I live in FFC town ship. It is a beautiful small house. It is the best place forme in the world. Here I live with my mother, father, brother and sister. It has two bedrooms, a drawing room, adining room, a kitchen and two bathrooms. There is a small courtyard at the back. It is a modern house made oftiles and marble. There is a big T.V, a computer and many modern things in my home. We also have a big sofaset, a fridge and a washing machine in my house. There is a small garden at the front and back of my house.Many flowers grow in the front lawn. Many vegetables grow in the back lawn. All these things make my housea beautiful place to live in. I live my sweet home.


The postman is a public servant. He plays an important part in the society. He wears a khaki uniform. He getsup early in the morning. He goes to his office daily. He selects letters and parcels of his area. He puts them inhis bag and goes from house to house to deliver them. He works very hard. The postman is a very helpful man.We should be thankful to him for working so hard.


A carpenter is a very useful worker. He works with wood. He has a bag of tools. His important tools are adze, asaw and a plane. He also makes furniture as chairs, tables, sofas, cupboards and many other things. He alsomakes doors, kitchen cupboards and windows of new houses. They are very hard workers. Some carpentersonly do repair work. We should look for them and also help them as they have low wages.


I have a watch. It is made of steel. It is round in shape with twelve figures on it. It has two hands. The longerhand shows minutes. The shorter hand shows hours. It works by a cell. It is water proof. It cost me rs. 300/- ithas a leather strap. It keeps good time. It has made me punctual and I am never late for school.


An elephant is the biggest of all animals. It is a very heavy animal. It has two large ears, two white tusks and asmall tail. It has Avery long nose called a trunk. It is grey in colour. It uses its trunk to eat and take a bath also.It eats plants and grass. Elephants are found in Pakistan, India and African countries. They can carry heavyloads and people on them. It also works in the forest with humans. Its keeper is called a mahout.


Once a fox was hungry. He went in search of food. He reached a vineyard. He saw a bunch of grapes. Hejumped to get them. The grapes were too high. He tried again and again, but failed. He went away saying, “Thegrapes are sour.”

Moral: People pretend to dislike things they cannot get.


A farmer had three sons. They always fought with each other. One day, the father fell ill. He asked his sons tobring sticks. He tied them together. He told them to break it. They could not do so. He then untied the sticks.The sons easily broke the sticks. He told them if they are united, no one can harm them.

Moral: Union is strength.


Once a fisherman caught a fish. The fish said to let it go. It was very small. He could catch it when it wasbigger. The fisherman said that he knew it would grow bigger but he would not be able to catch it again. He putthe fish into his bag. His wife cooked the fish for his dinner.

Moral: A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.


Once a dog stole a piece of meat and ran into a jungle. On its way was a river. While crossing, it saw its ownshadow in the water. It thought that it was another dog. It tried to get that piece too. It opened its mouth to bark.His own piece fell into the river and was lost.

Moral: Greed is a curse.


Once a crow was very thirsty. It flew here and there in search of water. It found a jug of water. The water in thejug was too low. Its beak could not reach it. It found some stones nearby. It put the stones into the jug one byone. The water in the jug rose. The crow drank it and flew away.

Moral: Necessity is the mother of invention.


1. That evening the king asked his ministers to explain the riddle. Nobody knew the answer but one ofthem said he would have the answer in twenty-four hours. The minister searched around and found thepeasant who had spoken to the king.(Pgs 96,97)

2. Ulluji came out of his hole in the jamun tree. The three friends told him of the problem. Ulluji satperfectly still for about ten minutes. “Do you think he's fallen asleep?" whispered Haka to Paka. “Shhh!"said Paka, “Ulluji is a very wise owl."(Pg 108)

3. The merchant appeared in court, but there was no sign of Amin. The judge waited and waited. Suddenly,Amin rushed in, out of breath. At once, the merchant said, “My Lord, seven years ago, this man tooktwelve eggs from me. Twelve eggs would have become twelve chickens. These chickens would havebecome hens and cocks. (Pg 12)

4. “Open your mouth and let me see,” said his aunt. “Yes, there is a loose one there, but you’re not goingto die because of that. Mary, get me a silk thread and a piece of coal from the kitchen fire.” (Pg 51)

5. Every morning, Farmer Winston drove up to the bakery and delivered the day’s supply. Milk came inlarge metal cans. There were large round blocks of creamy cheese. The golden yellow butter came inone-pound packets, shaped like bricks. (pg 86)


merchant debt drought complaint speechless

tricked whispered permission pretending nonsense

groan excuse terrible naughty fourscore

wondered Scotland England Plainsville deliver

creamy cheese delicious frowning suspicious trial

several countryside peasant majesty gratitude

puzzled grateful parents riddle secret

certainly ministers refused delight wit

reward comets fiery light golden stream gliding

jackals frightened humans sobbed suggested

blinked snarling attacked poachers growling

strutted fanned crawled tinkling neighbour

boasts feast borrow surprise separate

crazy tomorrow afraid grave trouble

problem perfectly proud as apeacock

healthy quietly

breakfast wonderful growled bedpost cherry

Sore toe excuse suddenly beautiful delicate

awake remembered complained honour court


1 countryside

2 peasant

3 gratitude

4 riddle

5 reward

6 secret

7 wit

8 fiery light

9 naughty

10 suspicious

11 humans

12 delighted

13 suggested

14 attacked

15 poachers

16 neighbour

17 feast

18 borrow

19 boast

20 grave

21 cheese

22 trial

23 grateful

24 stir

25 whispered

top related