annual general meeting 18 february 2016€¦ · 18/02/2016  · 18 february 2016 1 annual general...

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Sunrise Resources plc

Sunrise Resources plc

118 February 2016

Annual General Meeting 18 February 2016

Colin FitchCompany Secretary

Francis JohnstonNon-executive Director

Patrick CheethamExecutive Chairman

David SwanNon-executive Director

Sunrise Resources plc

Directors & Officers

A geologist with 34

years in exploration

management and 29

years as executive

director of public traded

companies. Currently

Executive Chairman

Tertiary Minerals plc.

Chartered Accountant.

Former Group Leader in

Mining and Resource

Group, Ernst & Young,

Sydney and CFO of

Oriel Resources.

Currently a director of

Central Asia Metals plc.

Adviser to Baker Steel

Resources Trust.

Formerly Commercial

Director Ridge Mining

plc. Director of a number

of junior mining


Barrister-at-Law &

Chartered Secretary.

Formerly Corporate

Finance Director

Kleinwort Benson.

218 February 2016

Important Notice

March 2014 3 Sunrise Resources plc3

This Presentation is being supplied to you solely for your information. This Presentation has been prepared by, and is the sole responsibility of, Sunrise Resources plc (the “Company”). The directors of the Company

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18 February 2016

Sunrise Resources plc

Company Strategy & Business Plan


Strategic Objectives:

• To generate cash flow from more advanced projects.

• To add value through mineral discovery by drill testing necessarily more speculative

exploration targets.

Industrial minerals projects have the greatest potential to achieve an early cash flow as these

typically have fewer permitting issues enabling them to be advanced to production more

quickly than base or precious metal projects.

Company Business Plan:

• Acquire 100% of a project through research and by staking or licencing of “open ground”

from the relevant authority. This allows the Company to acquire 100% ownership of

valuable assets.

• To run the Company with low overheads and be a low cost explorer.

• To seek partners for certain other projects to reduce exploration costs.

18 February 2016

Overview - Structure

Sunrise Resources plc

Sunrise Resources plc


Sunrise Resources plc.…….an efficient and low cost explorer

………….Commodity diversity in stable and democratic countries


Sunrise Minerals

Australia Pty Ltd

Cue Diamond

Corona Gold

Baker’s Gold

Republic of




18 February 2016

SR Minerals Inc.


Strike Copper

County Line Diatomite

Garfield Gold-Copper

Bay State Silver

Junction Gold

Pozz Ash Project

Diatomite - What is it?

Sunrise Resources plc

Typical diatom: Aulacoseira granulata


• Lightweight, white to buff coloured industrial rock.

• Formed by the accumulation of vast quantities of skeletal material from single celled

aquatic algae called diatoms in marine and fresh water lake environments.

• Diatoms have hollow and lattice-like silica skeletons.

• Mass accumulation of these skeletons during algal blooms forms a rock with very

high micro-porosity.

• Usually chemically inert with low level of crystalline silica.


10 microns

18 February 2016

Diatomite - How is it used?

Sunrise Resources plc


Due to high porosity and micro-porous texture used in filtering beer, liquor,

wine, fats, fruit juices, biofuels and solvents and in swimming pool filters.


Diatomite with high brightness, low bulk density and chemical inertness

used as inert filler in plastics, paints and other coatings.


Highly absorbent, used to clean up oil, chemical and other spills,

cat litter, etc.


Used as insecticide and in agricultural/horticultural surface dressings,

as an animal feed additive and fertilizer carrier.


Aggregate in lightweight concrete and in insulation.

The value of diatomite varies widely from just US$10s of dollars/ton for

lightweight aggregate to over US$1,000/ton for specialist products.

Flux-calcined filter aids (58% of market): US$640-880/ton FOB plant

(source: Industrial Minerals Magazine).


Typical beer filtration line

18 February 2016

Sunrise Resources plc

Diatomite Production, Western USA


Three main producers of

diatomite in the USA:

• EP Minerals, LLC.

• Imerys USA Inc.

• Dicalite Minerals.

Western USA Region is world’s largest and a growing

producer of diatomite – 800,000 tonnes in 2014 from 10

mines, 9 plants (approx. 34% world production of 2.3

million tonnes).

18 February 2016

County Line Diatomite Project

Sunrise Resources plc9

• Project located 200km southeast of Reno, Nevada, USA.

• 109 claims covering 8sq km underlain by extensive beds of diatomite.

Oblique view looking North

18 February 2016

County Line Diatomite Project

Sunrise Resources plc10

Large resource potential suggested by significant

extent of diatomite exposed at surface...

...and exposures of significant vertical thickness

18 February 2016

Sunrise Resources plc

Agreement with EP Minerals, LLC


SR Minerals Inc. (100% owned by Sunrise Resources plc)

SR Minerals Inc. has leased County Line Diatomite claims to EP Minerals for 25 years (renewable for

a further two 25 year periods, subject to EP Minerals’ right to withdraw at any time).

Sunrise to retain significant revenue based royalty payable six monthly from the start of


To maintain the Lease EP Minerals must make minimum royalty payments to Sunrise comprising:

• Initial payment of US$450,000 in 18 months, and

• three years thereafter, a payment of US$75,000 and annual payments of US$150,000 in each

subsequent year.

After 18 months EP must return at least 49 of the 109 claims back to SR which shall be free to

establish diatomite business competitive to EP Minerals.

18 February 2016

Sunrise Resources plc

About EP Minerals, LLC


EP Minerals is a worldwide leader in diatomite, clay and perlite and Nevada’s largest producer of


EP Minerals produces diatomite from four primary diatomite mining areas in the Western USA with

multiple quarries feeding three main process plants.

• The Colado mining and processing complex,

20 miles northwest of Lovelock, Nevada.

• The Clark mining and processing complex,

30 miles northeast of Reno, Nevada.

• The Fernley mining complex,

55 miles northeast of Reno, Nevada.

• The Celatom® mining and processing complex,

90 miles west of Ontario, Oregon.

EP Minerals, LLC has the potential to process diatomite from the County Line Project

through its existing process plants in Nevada thereby reducing permitting

requirements and timelines.

18 February 2016

Sunrise Resources plc

Pozz Ash Project, Nevada


A new industrial minerals project in Nevada -

staked 2015

The Pozz Ash Project claims cover a deposit of volcanic

ash which the Company is now evaluating as a source of

natural pozzolan for use as an environmentally friendly

replacement for Portland cement in the manufacture of

cement and concrete mixes.

• Large expanse of volcanic ash discovered with

significant tonnage potential.

• Favourable characteristics for use as a natural


• Meets chemical requirements of Class “N” natural


Natural pozzolans have strong “green” credentials

and a growing market.

Samples currently undergoing tests for industrial use.

18 February 2016

Pantheon Dome, Rome

Built nearly 2000 years ago using volcanic ash

Chihuahua Adit

500m vertical


Chihuahua Vein projected

Lincoln Vein projected



Bay State Silver Project - Location

Sunrise Resources plc14

Located 15km west of

County mining town of

Eureka, 1km off a sealed




Google Earth oblique view looking northwest

18 February 2016

Bay State Mine History 1850-1950

Sunrise Resources plc15

Recorded production approx. 500,000 ounces silver but mine void space suggests at least 1Moz.









1 4 7



































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Silver price 1850-1950

1863 First claims staked

1864 Mill (process plant) built.

Ore grade c. 50 oz./t silver

Bay State Silver Mining Co. Newark Silver mining Co


Direct shipping ore: 100 oz./t

Mill Ore: 10-20 oz./t

Upper mine levels worked for

tungsten by relatives of current

patent holders during WWII

Private Interests

18 February 2016

Sunrise Resources plc - Exploration Progress

Sunrise Resources plc16

Winter 2014 Various surface sampling campaigns.

June 2015 Underground sampling campaign.

August 2015 Drill permit received.

September 2015 Phase 1 drill programme completed.

Chihuahua adit

18 February 2016

Sunrise Resources plc

Surface Sampling – Winter 2014

Adit level

Chihuahua Vein System

• Known strike length of nearly 1km.

• Historical mined grade >20 ounces/ton silver.

• 11 samples of low grade vein material and wall rocks

left behind by old timers average:

11 ounces/ton silver over 280m strike length






Splay Vein

18 February 2016

Sunrise Resources plc

Underground Sampling – June 2015


Ore piles outside of main entrance to

Chihuahua Splay Vein workings

Assay 1,000g/t silver

Main photo here

18 February 2016

Underground Sampling – June 2015

Sunrise Resources plc19

• June 2015 - Sampling programme completed

beyond the rock fall (blocked underground

access to Chihuahua Adit).

• Bonanza values up to 4kg/tonne silver (4,020g/t

or 0.4% or 117oz/t) within bedded replacement

style mineralisation at end of adit over 61cm


• Over 1kg/tonne silver (1,123g/t or 33oz/t)

average for 18 samples along 230m strike

length to end of adit.

• Base metals enriched up to 10% combined


• Chihuahua Vein now known to carry high-grade

silver over sampling length of 470m.

• The vein remains open to the north and south.

18 February 2016

Drill Permit - Detail

March 2014 20 Sunrise Resources plc20

Lincoln Vein projected

Chihuahua Vein projected0.5km

Drill plan – devised to allow for testing of:

• Chihuahua Vein.

• Lincoln Vein.

• Bedded Mineralisation.

Permitted drill infrastructure will allow

sufficient drilling to define a JORC

Mineral Resource, if justified by drill


18 February 2016

Drill Planning - Phase 1

March 2014 21 Sunrise Resources plc21

Lincoln Vein projected

Chihuahua Vein projected

Phase 1 Drill programme

Three diamond drill holes completed to:

• Test Chihuahua vein over 320m strike length.

• Establish geological control, and

• Grade/thickness information.



18 February 2016

Phase 1 Drilling – High Grade Results

Sunrise Resources plc22



503 g/t silver (14.7 oz/ton)over 1.4m from 185.32m in Hole 15SRDD003

1,460 g/t silver (42.6 oz/ton)over 0.2m from 164.13m in Hole 15SRDD002

566 g/t silver (16.5 oz/ton) over 0.5m from 70.71m in Hole 15SRDD001

18 February 2016













ce $



Source: Silver Institute

The Silver Market

Sunrise Resources plc23

Source: Coeur Mining

Silver Survey released May 2015:

• Mine production peaked, new spending declined.

• Total supply 1.06 billion ounces.

• Demand 1.07 billion ounces.

• Second consecutive year demand >supply.

Silver Price 1850-2015



18 February 2016

Sunrise Resources plc

Garfield Copper-Gold-Silver Project, Nevada

Located in prolific gold and copper producing

Walker Lane belt of southern Nevada.

• 24 claims staked.

Prospecting Discovery:

Grab Samples yielded up to

6% copper, 3.5g/t gold, 126g/t silver

2418 February 2016

Junction Gold Project, Nevada

Sunrise Resources plc

• Acquired March 2015.

• Area previously explored for copper.

• Contains unworked orogenic quartz veins/stockworks

in Cretaceous granite host:

• Grab samples up to 16g/t Au.

2518 February 2016

Sunrise Resources plc

Cue Diamond Project, Australia

• Two diamondiferous kimberlite dykes discovered by De Beers in

1990s - Cue 1 and Soapy Bore.

• Six target areas tested by drilling in 2014:

• Soapy Bore Kimberlite - 227 diamonds recovered from

272kg of kimberlite but stone size distribution dominated by

small stones - unlikely to be economic.

• Source of Targeted 5 kimberlite float - where 250kg of

surface float returned 280 high quality diamonds - remains

to be discovered. A focus for 2016.

• New Discoveries in 2014 - to be evaluated further in 2016:

FW prospect - kimberlite discovered.

Soapy Bore north west - diamondiferous kimberlite


Area 6 - diamondiferous kimberlite discovered.

• Area 1a - tested without success.


A high kimberlite discovery rate in drill testing

18 February 2016

Sunrise Resources plc

Cue Diamond Project, Australia


Diamonds recovered from drill samples

18 February 2016

Cue Diamond Project, Australia

Sunrise Resources plc28

Large Area of kimberlite float – 280 diamonds

recovered from 250kg of float with favourable

stone size distribution – source remains to be


Target 5

18 February 2016

Corona & Bakers Gold Projects, Australia

Sunrise Resources plc

• Located in Murchison Mining District of central

Western Australia.

• 150 km east of the Company's Cue Diamond


• Meekatharra Greenstone Belt has yielded over

5.5 million ounces of gold.

• Belt hosts number of producing gold mines

including the Andy Well high grade gold deposit

being mined by Doray Minerals Ltd:

(690,000 ounces in Resources and

Reserves at 11.00g/t gold).

• Soil sampling completed at both prospects to aid

drill targeting.

2918 February 2016

Bakers Gold Project, Australia

Sunrise Resources plc

• P51/2884 now included in Native Title Agreement and recently


• Soil sampling of P51/2884 now completed - anomalies defined

associated with Dicky Lee Mine workings.

• Dicky Lee Prospect to be drill tested alongside soil anomalies

defined by company on adjacent licences.

• Native Title Survey required to allow for drill testing.

Dicky Lee mine workings – P51/2884

Gold anomalies in soil sampling


3018 February 2016

The Investment Case

Sunrise Resources plc

• County Line Diatomite Project, Nevada – agreement with world leading diatomite producer EP Minerals,

LLC – potential for royalty based revenue within 18 months.

• Bay State Silver Project, Nevada – bonanza and high grade silver values in underground

sampling and first three drill holes.

• Share price at historic low – Market Capitalisation only £1.11 million at mid-price 0.16p

(15 February 2016).

• Directors fully invested – taking fees in shares.

• Operating only in attractive mining jurisdictions in politically stable countries.

• Strong project pipeline:

• Three new kimberlites discovered in last drill programme at Cue Diamond Project, Australia.

• Baker’s Gold Project, Australia ready for drilling.

• Active exploration programme continuing – regular news flow.

Sunrise Resources plc…….an efficient and low cost explorer

… management track record of discovery

18 February 2016 31

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