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June 20 2016

St. Andrews Heights Community Association

Annual General Meeting

Finance Report

• Treasurer’s Role

• FY Year (ended Mar-31-16) in review

• Statement of Funds (2)

• Audit Opinion

• Motion to accept

• Motion to appoint auditors

• Treasury: Today & Looking Ahead

SAHCA 2016 Annual General Meeting 22016-06-20

FY Year in review

• Revenue* 41,899 41,750

• Expenses 46,573** 34,729

Balance (4,674)** 7,471***

• First Calgary bal. 5,047**** 11,955****

• CSB 10,021 10,021

• RBC Mkt. Value 268,265 264,911#

2014-2015 2015-2016

* = includes investment income (RBC)

** = reflects costs of shed, floor machine, lights, locks = ~ 9,000*** = reflects transfer of $7,000 from bldg fund, lower utility costs

**** = May 31, 2015 and Apr 30, 2016 respectively

# = after $7000 transfer to FC operating account

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Audit Results

Auditor’s opinion:

“In my opinion, except for the effects of adjustments, if any, which I might have determined to be necessary had I been able to satisfy myself of the completeness of fundraising activities, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the St Andrews Heights Community Association as at March 31, 2016 and the results of its operations and cash flows for the years ended March 31, 2016 in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organisations.”

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Motion to Accept Financial Statements

“I move to accept the financial statements for the St Andrews Heights Community Association for the fiscal year end March 31, 2016 as presented by the board”

Moved: Ken Zdunich

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Appointment of Auditors

“ I move that the St Andrews Heights Community Association appoint an Auditor from the Federation of Calgary Communities for the fiscal year end March 31, 2017.”

Moved: Ken Zdunich

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Finance: Today & Looking Ahead

• First Calgary balance Apr 30: $8,072

• Investments:

• GIC June 2 for $40,824 – semi -liquid

• Bond Jul 13 for $$25,706 - tbd

• Insurance coverage

• Asset Valuation/Assessment

• SAH Revenue/Expense balance

SAHCA 2016 Annual General Meeting 92016-06-20

VP Facilities Report

• Role of VP Facilities

• Regular Maintenance:

• As needed; Hazmat

• No extraordinary repairs or maintenance

• Keyless Entry

• Looking Ahead:

• Life Cycle Report

• Single pane windows, shingles

• Skate room access: keyless, security upgrades

• No scheduled renovations

• Motion to accept: Michael Fuchs

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Sports ReportVery High Level Highlights

• Significant Issues

• Soccer

• Tennis• Gwen Schaefer

• Ice & Skating Lessons• Nik Rasula & the “Ice Men”

• Heather Makowecki

• Motion to Accept

• Sports: Looking Ahead

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Highlights• Significant Issues

- Recreational Soccer – ‘merged’ with UH

- No Vandalism of the Tennis court

• Soccer• 40 registered (34 played with SAH teams)

• Shortfall in U8 to U18 registration

• Tennis• Register to gain access – currently 31

• UofC Dinos provide tennis lessons

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Highlights … cont’d• Ice …

• Due to our volunteers – 16

• Short season ended Feb-22-16

• Skating Lessons

• Back after a 1 year absence

• Volunteers: the basics for 20 children

• Motion to Accept: Kevin Noakes

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Sports: Looking Ahead• Tennis Court Security improvements

• Missing equipment

• Wrap installed, volunteer removal in the fall

• Skate Room access year round• Warm skate tying

• Indoor plumbing

• Review:• Consider tennis backboard upgrade

• Soccer registration/payment alternatives

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Residential Development Report• Role of VP Residential Development

• Residential Development:• Contextual

• Discretionary

• 2015-16: • Slowed development

• 5 discretionary permits

• Volunteer required

• Motion to accept: Julia Stadnyk

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VP Non-Residential Development Report

• FMC ACWG• Lot 1 replacement• Lot 8 expansion• Temporary

powerplant• Master plan• Cancer Centre

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• West Campus• University District• Land use plan

• Temporary parking lot

• Naming

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Shaganappi Trail entrance

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High Street

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• Western Securities• DP applications approved by CPC• Construction likely to begin in spring 2017

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• Brentwood Care Centre• Phase 3 expansion• Removal of old building has begun

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City of Calgary• Crowchild Trail Corridor


This will have a significant impact on access to SAH

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City of Calgary• South Shaganappi Trail Study

• Stakeholder engagement is ongoing to come up with a 30-60 year vision for this area

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City of Calgary• North Crosstown BRT

• Operates mainly in regular traffic lanes• There will be a station at 16th Ave/29th St

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City of Calgary• 16th Ave at 29th St Intersection upgrade

• Utility work in 2016• Road work 2017• Info session June 23rd

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• University of Calgary• Taylor Institute• Crowsnest Hall• School of Engineering• Master planning


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• Rundle School• Sale was completed• Redevelopment plans yet to be determined

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• Brookfield Development• 29th St and Parkdale – The Henry in Parkdale

• Townhouse development consisting of 4 buildings

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St Andrews Heights Community AssociationPresident’s Report June 2016

2015-16 – More Challenges and

More Opportunities

Major Issues we Engaged In - 2015-16

• The Current Executive and Key Resources.

• Governance policies, financial and business Planning for the Executive.

• SAH Community Hall.

• Sports.

• Important local developments impacting our community.

• Slower pace of internal re-developments.

• Parking in the community.

• Rundle School.

• City Planning and managing relations with surrounding communities and stakeholders.

• Several bylaw amendments.

Annual General MeetingJune 20, 2016

Newsletter Editor’s ReportSylvia Siemens, Outgoing Editor

David Cary, Incoming Editor

St. Andrews Heights Community Association

Newsletter Editor’s Report – 2015-16 AGMHighlights

New Editor• Sylvia Siemens finished her term in May.• David Cary started as the new editor with the June issue.

Role of Newsletter Editor• Published nine times a year.• ‘Unofficially’ obtain new advertisers and liaise with existing advertisers.• Write copy, coordinate with editorial contributors, design and layout each issue.• Arranges for printing and delivery of each issue.

Carriers• The Executive approved an increase of $5 per route per month, to $25 (effective

October 2015). The total cost for delivery is $100 per month. Increase from $80.

Printing• Printing costs remained steady at $231.00 per issue.

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Highlights (continued)

SAHCA Annual General Meeting 33June 20, 2016

Newsletter Revenue / Expenses*

* = as audited ** = includes ‘special’ deliveries

Looking Ahead

Advertising / Content

• Advertising revenue is important for the newsletter to minimize its costs. Advertising prices have remained unchanged for over 2 years, but this may be revisited in the near future.

• The Executive approved an increase in the classified ad fee from $3 to $5, starting in September. There will be a volume discount (3 ads for $10).

• With an increase in advertising rates, the potential exists for expanded editorial content (12 pages to 16 pages) and more photos.


• We are requesting your feedback - What you would like to see in the newsletter? Please provide your feedback by emailing:

SAHCA Annual General Meeting 34June 20, 2016

Hall Rental Report• Role of Hall Rental Coordinator

• Hall Renter Profiles:• Regular Long Term – wide variety

• Occasional – parties, family reunions, etc.

• Rental Revenue:• FY Apr-01-14 – Mar-31-15: $23,609

• FY Apr-01-15 – Mar-31-16: $24,583

• Keyless Entry

• Hall Cleanliness

SAHCA 2016 Annual General Meeting 352016-06-20

Membership Report

• Family Memberships 196 211

• Senior Memberships 84 73

Extra Family Members 7 8

• Total 298 308

• %age of Community 74% 78%

• Total Revenue** $6,823 $6,794

Thank you to my 19 volunteers

2014-2015 2015-2016*

* = Membership Drive: September 13-28, 2015

** = as AuditedSAHCA 2016 Annual General Meeting 362016-06-20

Membership: Looking Ahead

• 2016-17 Membership Drive• Proposed: September 10 – 25, 2016

• Annual Membership Fees (no increase):

• Family: $25

• Seniors: $15

• Extra Family Members: $5

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Proposed Bylaw AmendmentsAGM

June 20 , 2016

St. Andrews Heights Community Association

SAH Proposed Bylaw Amendments Administrative Changes

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DefinitionsOriginal Proposed

General Membership includes all “members in good standing” of the community, meaning all those who have paid their membership dues and have not been suspended from the Association.”

“General Membership includes all St.Andrews Heights residents who are “Members in Good Standing” of the community by virtue of having paid the approved annual membership dues to the St Andrews Heights Community Association and who have not been suspended from the Association.”

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DefinitionsOriginal Proposed

“Resource People” are appointed by the Executive and include positions such as Newsletter Editor and Maintenance Advisor.

Add: “ Hall Rental Coordinator, SAHCA representatives to the South Shaganappi Strategic Planning Group” to the list.

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1. NameOriginal Proposed

a) The organization shall be called “St. Andrews Heights Community Association.”

a) The organization shall be called “St. Andrews Heights Community Association (“SAHCA”). ”The abbreviation “SAHCA” to be used throughout the Bylaws and Policies.

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SAH Proposed Bylaw Amendments Governance Changes

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4. Membership MeetingsOriginal Proposed

None New e) :Should a Special Meeting of the General Membership be called with fewer than twenty one calendar days, the first order of business after establishing quorum will be to call a vote to waive the requirement of 21 days notice. A vote of the majority of the Members in Good Standing in attendance at the meeting to do so will waive the twenty one calendar day meeting notice requirement.

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7. DutiesOriginal Proposed

a) The President shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive. In his or her absence, the President may designate someone to preside at any such meetings or a chairperson may be elected by the meeting to preside thereat.

a) The President shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive. In his or her absence, the President may designate another member of the Executive to preside at any such meetings. If the President or, his/her designate, are unable to attend a meeting of the members, a chairperson may be elected by a majority of Members in Good Standing present at the meeting to preside over said meeting. If the President or, his/her designate, are unable to attend a meeting of the Executive, a chairperson may be elected by a majority of the Executive present at the meeting to preside over said meeting.

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8. Executive MeetingsOriginal Proposed

b) A quorum at any Executive meeting shall consist of not fewer than four members of the Executive…..”

Add to b): The required quorum will be achieved by Executive members attending in person, attending by phone or, through a technology similar to Skype. Member votes cast over the phone or via a technology such as Skype are deemed valid for the purposes of endorsing or opposing a motion brought forward at an Executive meeting.

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8. Executive MeetingsOriginal Proposed

None New c) A member of the Executive may initiate a motion on an issue of concern to the community or the Executive in between normally scheduled Executive meetings. The motion may be circulated in writing or via e mail to other members of the Executive. Members of the Executive may or may not sign the written motion or endorse/oppose the motion via e mail. The motion will pass or fail if a quorum of Executive members voting is met and a majority of those voting approve/oppose the motion.

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8. Executive MeetingsOriginal Proposed

None New d) The President may call a special meeting of the Executive to address specific business affecting the community or the Executive, providing not fewer than four calendar days’ notice of the meeting has been given.

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8. Executive MeetingsOriginal Proposed

None New g)Should a member of the Executive not attend three consecutive Executive meetings, the remaining members of the Executive will review the status of the Executive member in question including the reasons for the absences and may request the member resign his or her position on the Executive.

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9. FinancesOriginal Proposed

a) All cheques of the Association shall be signed by any two of the following; President, Treasurer and any one additional Executive member, as designated by the Executive.

a) All cheques of the Association shall be signed by any two of the following; President, Treasurer or one of two additional Executive members, as authorized by the Executive.

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11. Inspection of Books and RecordsOriginal Proposed

a) Any General Member in Good Standing of the Association may inspect the Books and Records of the Association by making the necessary arrangements with the President and Treasurer.

a) Any General Member in Good Standing of the Association may inspect the Books and Records of the Association by making the necessary arrangements with the President and Treasurer. Members of the Executive may by majority vote limit access to certain Records (i.e . the Membership Roster) for generally accepted privacy considerations.

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