annual report 2010

Post on 13-Mar-2016






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SIPU Internationals Annual report for the year 2010.


AnnuAl RepoRt 2010


Looking back at 2010, it has been another year of everything but business as usual. Financially, we had our best year in a long time, and more than 10 new people joined the company. We took over the Swedish SIPU training business, and entered the commer-cial market for the first time after working exclusively with publicly procured develop-ment projects. While still only representing a small part of our turnover, this business will present interesting opportunities in the future. Internationally, we have been busy as well, with close to a hundred projects and assignments on-going or finalised in more than 40 countries (see page 20).

At the time of writing this column, it is impossible to reflect on international development without thinking about the dramatic events in Northern Africa and the Middle East. Starting in Tunisia and spreading through the region, people are demanding freedom and a better life. Repres-sive regimes that have been in place for decades have been overthrown in Tunisia and Egypt and the political landscape is rapidly changing by the day. This swift de-velopment was completely unexpected, and it shows the real power of the people. In the Tahrir square, civil society manifested itself in its truest sense. People started to organise protests via the internet and continued by traditional means when it was closed down.

Welcome and encouraging as it is, as every-one knows, this is just the beginning of the process of building a more democratic society. To be successful, that process can only be driven by the political forces in the

country. It will be a delicate task that will require both skills and patience. External forces should be considered both a threat and opportunity in this context. They can be of help, but they can also disturb or be taken advantage of to derail the process.

With 30 years of experience worldwide, SIPU International considers itself a highly useful supportive actor. Partly because we understand and respect the process and the

risks involved, and partly because our focus is usually on the foundation level, the less controversial and less political building blocks of democracy like the civil service or administration of parliaments. The services we provide make societies more transparent, and strengthen the rule of law. On page 10-11 in this annual report we have

highlighted some of the projects and assignments that are directly linked to the democratic development of the country in question.

Let’s hope that the Jasmine revolution has ushered in a new era in the Arab world, and that new governments will form that are legitimate and set on continued reform. And who knows, perhaps SIPU will be called upon to assist in some way.

Anders OlinManaging Director

In the service of democracy


SIpu InternationalSIPU International is a Swedish consultancy and training organisation specializing in ca-pacity building and institutional development in Sweden and internationally. We are one of Scandinavia’s leading consultants in the area of public service development. SIPU has a long history of successful implementation of technical assistance projects, with beneficiaries both in the public sphere and civil society.

Our clients include National, Regional, and Local Governments, Parliaments and non-governmental organisations, and the projects are commissioned by donor organisations such as Sida, the World Bank, the European Union and others.

We strive to form long-term partnerships with our clients and are known for our high level of competency, quality of services and reliability.

SIPU International is an attractive employer and we value a healthy mix of older and younger consultants, both men and women. We have a highly efficient organisation which demands a lot from our staff, but we also try to be flexible enough to be able to accommodate both the needs and new ideas of individual staff members.


our History1979 SIPU is established as a public agency for training of civil servants

1983 SIPU’s first steps on the international arena starts in Sub-Saharan Africa: Botswana.

1991 A cooperation between SIPU and the Mongolian Institute of Administration and Management Development begins, as SIPU’s first project in Asia.

1992 The public agency SIPU is privatized and SIPU International Ltd is established

1992 After the fall of the Soviet Union, SIPU starts to work in Central and Eastern Europe by supporting the creation of a new public administration in Estonia.

2001 The first project in Latin America is started in El Salvador.

2007 SIPU is acquired by Finnish Consulting Group.

2010 SIPU International acquires Swedish training business and enters the Swedish market for the first time

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Democratic Governance is a continuous process of expanding the political space to ensure equal access for everyone to basic rights and freedoms. It is a form of political practice based on universal principles of rule of law, popular legitimacy, participation, accountability and alternate of rulers. However, democratic governance moves beyond the mere procedures of democracy and the establishment of demo-cratic institutions. It involves a perspective of a modern government being in service of its citizens and an active civil society to achieve sustainable human development.

SIPU’s business unit for Democratic Governance provides services that enhan-ces the effectiveness of national and local governments and builds the capacity of civil society. Other related areas of expertise are urban development and private sector/market development as well as project cycle related services such as feasibility studies and evaluations.

In 2010 our largest EC funded project TACSO, in the Western Balkans and Turkey, was up and running at full speed. This regional project aims at strengthening the capacity of civil society organisations to achieve increased influence in democratic decision making processes.

In Georgia we are involved in a Sida funded project with the overarching goal is to facilitate institutional change and to build capacity in public administration by providing policy-related in-service training to mid-career public servants throughout the government of Georgia.

The private sector is vital for sustainable development and enhancement of living conditions. In Bosnia Herzegovina (BiH), we promote small and medium enterprises to become competitive on the market by the provision of advisory services and access to business opportunities through a project financed by USAID and Sida.

SIPU International has three business units. Each unit handles its own portfolio of projects and assignments in a number of defined business areas. Marketing, sales and production are done within each group, although cooperation across boundaries is common and encouraged in order to maintain flexibility and responsiveness in the organisation

Democratic Governance

our organisation

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unit Contribution to 2010 turnover

public Finance Management

Public Finance Management (PFM) is about ensuring that public resources are used ef-fectively. A sound PFM system is a precon-dition for long-term and sustainable poverty reduction, enabling the country to manage its own development. SIPU International is a leading PFM consultant providing policy analysis and assistance to both donors and beneficiary countries.

In 2010, we were proud to start a long-term engagement with the Ukrainian Ministry of Finance. We are assisting the reformation of the state budget and to enhance the aid management of the Ministry. In the Kiev office we have a team of 10 experts taking on this demanding challenge.

In Kosovo, the work to assist the Ministry of Education in developing an education sector strategy was finalised. The strategy has gained broad support from the donor com-munity and paves the way for coordinated and effective assistance to the sector.

Financial Control is one of our core business areas and we have been awarded contracts in Bosnia (Public Financial Internal Control) and in Palestine (Institutional Strengthening of the State Audit and Administrative Control Bureau). SIPU has long-term experts in both projects, which are implemented together with our British partner PKF.

In Moldova, a comprehensive three year PFM training programme came to an end in 2010. Upon its completion, the Academy of Public Administration and the Ministry of Finance now have a cadre of 165 trained trainers, a developed curriculum and training materi-als for 18 PFM modules. As a result of the project more than one thousand civil servants have already benefitted from training deli-vered by APA and MoF, with many more to come.

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SIpu training programmes

SIPU believes that training is an important mechanism for change and development, and we want to provide a learning experience that will make a difference. The Training Programmes business unit is responsible for the development, marketing and delivery of all types of training and capacity building services. The Sida contracted International Training Programmes (ITP) still dominates the portfolio. More than 500 professionals

have gone through in-depth training and coaching for change management in the SIPU implemented ITPs. In collaboration with academic institutions in Sweden and Vietnam, SIPU International has also established a successful Master programme

on Public Sector Management in Vietnam. Further diversification and development of internationally marketed training courses is foreseen over the next few years. Since July 2010 SIPU International has a comprehensive training operation aimed at the domestic Swedish market.

SIPU International took over an extensive catalogue of courses from a sister company. Such training courses are offered as both open courses as well as tailor-made training. Some of the areas in which SIPU offers training are public procurement, public administration management, leadership skills, EU-courses, technical management, finance etc. Participants come from both private and public sectors but the main target group is officials in central and local government.

SIPU hires only the best and most qualified trainers in their respective fields. A SIPU training course has the highest quality and will provide participants with new knowledge

SIPU believes that training is an important mechanism for change and development, and we want to provide a learning experience that will make a difference.

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in combination with practical tools for direct application in their own operations. The open courses are carried out either in SIPUs own premises in Stockholm or at an external conference venue.

The tailor-made courses give our clients the opportunity to receive customized training based on their own unique needs. The training can be adjusted in both content and scope and combined with consultant assistance.

Customized training is almost always on site. SIPUs experienced instructors are experts at understanding the clients’ needs and will cus- tomize a training accordingly. Just as in SIPUs

other activities, partnerships are a vital part. For example, in cooperation with Stockholm University, SIPU offers Sweden’s most pro-minent education in public procurement.

Participants come from both private and public sectors but the main target group are officials in central and local government.

A SIPU training course has the highest quality and will provide participants with new knowledge in combination with practical tools for direct application in their own operations.

Participants come from both private and public sectors but the main target group are officials in central and local government.

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SIpu presence 2010– promoting democracy

Strengthening the voice of civil society

A vibrant civil society that engages in social and political processes is an indis-pensable element in a democracy. The TACSO (Technical Assistance for Civil Society organisations) project offers civil society organisations in the western Balkans and Turkey capacity building assistance through a range of interventions including training, partnership and networking activities, provision of information, individual advice and other similar actions. The role of CSOs in national and local level decision-making and service delivery are issues given priority by the project. During the 12-month period August 2010 to August 2011 around 200 courses are being organised within the project.

Learning about the role of a politician

The importance of qualified and professional politicians for democratic governance should not be underestimated. In partnership with Urban Council´s Association in Zimbabwe and SKL International, SIPU builds capacity of local politicians in all Urban Councils in Zimbabwe. The main subjects in the training programmes are: good governance, the role of a politician, council meetings and committee work of councils. The programme will strengthen the local government level and enhance local democracy in urban areas.

On this map all the countries in which we were active in 2010 are marked with a dot and the selection of the democratisation projects are highlighted

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Inspiring to democratic development

Since 2004, SIPU International has offered public administration officials from Belarus the opportunity to visit Sweden with the aim of acquiring knowledge and lessons learnt from public sector reform in Sweden. The assumption is that once they have returned to Belarus, the participants should pass on the information obtained through seminars, articles and similar means of communication. Follow-up reviews show that the visits have inspired many types of technical and organisational changes.

Meeting the needs of the citizens

In 2010, a long relationship and successful cooperation with Mongolian Civil Service Council ended. The project has aimed to contribute to a modern Mongolian civil service in the field of leadership, to become more modern leaders that are oriented to meeting the needs of the citizens; flexible in responding to changing circumstances; proactive; capable; and outcome oriented. Over 3000 civil servants have participated in basic leadership training during the project period 2006-2010. In addition the project leaves 72 certified trainers behind to continue develop leadership skills in Mongolia.

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A tax Administrationfor the FutureAfter gaining independence, Montenegro has followed the path towards joining the European Union, becoming a potential candidate country in October 2007. Being a “new” country there is an opportunity to develop effective procedures and legislation at this key phase in the country’s history. Improving the functioning of the tax administration and aligning it with the EU Acquis is a key priority both from a fi scal and an accession perspective.

The project ‘Improving capacities for better effi ciency and functionality of the Tax Administration work in accordance with European standards’ was commissioned by the EU to support reforms both in the Montenegro Tax Agency and the Ministry of Finance. It was implemented by a consortium consisting of the Swedish Tax Agency and Eurecna and led by SIPU International.

The project ran from October 2009 to October 2010 with the ambitious goal of helping the Montenegrin Tax Agency achieve its ‘pro-cedural, human resource and information technology goals’ and supporting the Ministry of Finance in achieving legislative reforms.

The core team consisted of 4 long-term consultants as well as a number of short-term experts from SIPU and the Swedish Tax Agency working together with both bene-ficiaries. The Swedish Tax Agency played

a key role in implementing the project and has served as a benchmark to compare the Montenegrin institutions in relation to EU legislation and standards. Project activities stretched over the entire spectrum of the Tax Agency’s activities ranging from capacity building for auditing to information campaigns and development of IT systems.

An automated risk analysis system will allow the Tax Agency to rank taxpayers in terms of risk of non-payment according to pre-selected variables. In conjunction with the new system, the entire tax collection process was analysed and capacity building measures implemented. The experts reviewed and improved processes and procedures to bring them closer in line with European standards in the audit and the collection & inspection department.

Significant work was undertaken in improving communication with taxpayers. Several country-wide campaigns were carried out, highlighting important topics such as value added tax (VAT). Several usability improve-ments were made to the Tax Agency’s Web-site. The working processes of call centres were improved as well as the layout of forms and brochures.

The project achieved all stated goals and it received great praise from both beneficiaries and the delegation. Several important steps have been taking towards implementing European best practice that will both directly and indirectly assist the MTA in preparation for EU Accession.

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The experts assisted the Ministry of Finance in analysing the differences between Montenegrin and EU legislation. As a result, legislative improvements have been drafted in the form of amendments to Montenegrin Law on VAT, Corporate Profit Tax Law and Personal Income Tax Law. These amend-ments will help bring the legal framework into line with EU requirements.

In total, more than 250 staff members at the Montenegrin Tax Agency have received training through the project. This included

seminars on VAT, communications, tax inspec-tion and control functions. This training was followed up with a study visit to Sweden where delegates met with experts from the Swedish Tax Agency.

The project achieved all stated goals and it received great praise from both beneficiaries and the EU delegation. Several important steps have been taking towards implementing European best practice that will both directly and indirectly assist the MTA in preparation for EU Accession.

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empowering the poorest

In Lusaka, Zambia, our work in informal settlements stresses the importance of residents’ participation in decisions relating to the development of their communities, both in physical planning and provision of services. To this end our work strengthens local representative committees whose work provi-des a link between democratically elected city councillors and community residents.

Residents are encouraged to participate in public meetings to identify needs, set priorities, and evaluate progress. It is at this level that ordinary citizens feel the greatest urgency and competence to engage in issues that affect their own lives and their children’s future – issues relating to land tenure and housing, water and sanitation, roads, drainage and transportation, their living environment, education, health, safety and security.

Continuous popular participation, especially in the link between planning, implementation, and evaluation, is an important dimension in working for increased empowerment, responsiveness, transparency, and account-ability, while simultaneously redressing inequalities and reducing the wider impact of poverty.

The project targeted five city wards with the existing Ward Development Committees, consisting of some Lusaka City Council staff, councillors and other locally elected members. A manual on participatory community development planning was produced and facilitators from each of the five wards were trained in leading the process. Residents in each ward were encouraged to get involved, first in identifying their assets – all that is positive in their ward – and then in descri-bing their vision for their community. In the process they begin to see that the issues they face now and are likely to face in the future are manageable. The project has seen a noticeable degree of community self-confi- dence replacing an earlier attitude of depen-dence on Council, Central Government and international aid finances. Integrated physical

It is at this level that ordinary citizens feel the greatest urgency and competence to engage in issues that affect their own lives and their children’s future – issues relating to land tenure and housing, water and sanitation, roads, drainage and transportation, their living environment, education, health, safety and security.

It is common knowledge that municipal services and physical planning are best done involving the citizens and their communities. Yet it rarely happens. In this project, community facilitators have mobilised the local citizens to get involved in their own future. The project has also established a dialogue with the municipal council in which community priorities have been factored in when developing the municipal level plans.

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and development plans have been drawn up locally and melded with City plans, with priorities set and budget needs defined.

The targeted wards have grown largely from informal settlements. The City has had a programme, also supported in the project, of delineating and registering land parcels, so that residents gain a greater measure of land tenure security. Residents, however, must pay for their Certificate of Occupancy. Thirty percent of this payment stays in the Ward, providing part of the budget necessary for implementing the development plans.

Apart from achieving positive results at the Ward level, the project has also provided the City Council with valuable tools and in-house capacity to take the process further. Other important outcomes have been improved perceptions of the Council by residents, and a greater understanding by Council staff of the value of engaging the public in development issues.

The success achieved by the project has also caught the eye of the Office of the Presi-dent (State House), which has requested the ministries of Land, Finances and Local Government and Housing (MLG&H) to re-plicate the WDP process. This is being done, starting in two new Zambian cities (Solwezi and Kazungula). Lusaka City Council and the officials trained by the project will define a project proposal to be implemented by the MLG&H

Judith Phiri Banda SitumbekoCommunity Development Consultant

Gabriel Marin CastroSenior Urban Development Advisor

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Study in Vietnam, get an international degree!SIPU International is collaborating with Uppsala University and the University of Economics and Business in Hanoi, Vietnam to provide an International Masters Programme in Public Management for higher civil servants. The programme is part time in evenings and weekends for two years, allowing the participants to study and continue working.

Due to the rapid growth and development taking place in Vietnam, in both the economic and the political sphere, there is an increasing need for highly educated people at all levels of society. In Vietnam it is also essential to have mid-career training in order to be promoted within the public sector, which is facing challenges to develop the policies and management that are required in today’s Vietnamese society. Therefore, there is a demand for a high quality Master Degree in Public Management for public servants at central and local level.

In 2009, SIPU International facilitated the establishment of cooperation between Uppsala University and the University of Economics and Business (UEB) in Hanoi, Vietnam. Contributing to the development of a sustainable Vietnamese administrative culture, the project has two purposes: (1) to provide the students with relevant know-ledge in the field of Public Management tailored to the Vietnamese context; (2) to encourage knowledge transfer between Swedish and Vietnamese teachers and build

capacity with the UEB. Capacity-building of the Vietnamese teachers will also enable the establishment of permanent Public Management faculty at UEB.

The programme is located in Vietnam and taught in Vietnamese and thus allows participation for both full time students and part time students working in the public sector.

The programme is fully financed by student fees and allowances from the Vietnamese state. The project was also granted some seed funding (Partnership Driven Cooperation Funding) from Sida for the development of the programme, and for additional capacity building of the staff involved in the programme.

After a first intake of 37 students in 2009, two more intakes were done in 2010. In 2011, the partners will complete the third intake and start a fourth. Each programme intake has approximately 35 students. The fourth intake targets ethnic minorities and

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is part of a programme by the Vietnamese Government to help improving the living conditions of ethnic minority people. This specific programme is cofounded by Irish Aid, enabling SIPU, Uppsala University and UEB to adjust the curriculum to mainstream ethnic minorities’ issues into the content of the programme.

The different courses of the programme are taught by both Vietnamese and Swedish lecturers and include examples, models and experiences in Public Management from the Swedish and international contexts. SIPU conducts two of the ten courses: Human Resources Management and Organizational Culture; Ethics and Leadership and Strategic Management.

As part of the capacity-building for UEB staff, teaching in Public Management, SIPU conducted a Training of Trainers Programme in 2010 which consisted of a workshop-series targeting teachers and staff of UEB.

Photo by: Mr Cao Manh Tuan, University of Economics & Business, Hanoi

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Finding out what works and whyWith committed in-house evaluators, an extensive network of highly qualified external evaluation experts and engagement in international evaluation societies and consultancy networks, SIPU International is making evaluation a core competence. Our ambition is to continuously improve and develop our evaluation services.

The Paris Declaration, and the subsequent Accra Agenda for Action, has given evalua-tion a central role in today’s international development cooperation. Evaluation is promoted and advanced as a key tool for development effectiveness, transparency and accountability in policy-making, social and organisational learning.

During 2010, SIPU has further focused its efforts on development evaluation: the com-pany has become an institutional member of evaluation societies such as IDEAS (International Development Evaluation

Association) and EES (European Evaluation Society). Also, we have joined an evaluation consultancy network, C2E (Cooperation for European Evaluation) with the purpose to collaborate for EC evaluation assignments to ensure high quality evaluations.

Independence, reliability and validity is at the core for SIPU International when carrying out evaluation assignments. In addition to our own experts, we are collaborating with external evaluators for ensuring timely, relevant and good quality evaluation products. Our evaluation work is guided by the OECD/DAC Quality Standards for Development Evaluation and the Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management.

Examples of evaluations carried out in 2010:

Evaluation of the Swedish Strategy for Development Cooperation with Middle East and North Africa 2006 – 2010.

In January 2010, Sipu International was commissioned by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) to evaluate Sweden’s Strategy for Development Cooperation with the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) 2006–2010.

Sweden has opted for a regional approach in its development assistance to the MENA region. The evaluation assessed the appropria-teness of this regional approach as well as the effectiveness and efficiency in the Strategy’s implementation. Also, it assessed whether the activities carried out under the Strategy are

Independence, reliability and validity is at the core for SIPU International when carrying out evaluation assignments. In addition to our own experts, we are collaborating with external evaluators for ensuring timely, relevant and good quality evaluation products.

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relevant in relation to Sweden’s overarching development cooperation goal – that is, the support to the creation of conditions that enable poor people to improve their lives.

The conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation fed into the work of elabora-ting Sweden’s current development strategy with the MENA region.

Evaluation of Research on Norwegian Development Cooperation.

In May 2010, SIPU International was commissioned by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) evaluation department to carry out an evaluation of research on Norwegian development cooperation. Over the past 50 years, Norway has taken on an increasingly active role in international development. However, compared with the large increase in funds for development cooperation, the amount of independent research on Norwegian development cooperation has been limited. Such research is important to provide general information as well as input to decision makers and the public debate about aid.

The immediate purpose of the evaluation was to assess the amount, composition and independence of research on Norwegian

development cooperation, with a view to identifying ways of strengthening independent research. An underlying assumption was that a greater body of independent research is required to ensure that policy-makers have access to impartial, evidence-based analysis of the impact of different aid modalities in different countries and contexts.

The evaluation provides recommendations on measures for strengthening independent research on Norwegian development cooperation. During the course of the eva-luation, it also became apparent that existing research does not always come to the know-ledge of policy makers and that, therefore, the communication and exchange between researchers and policy makers need to be strengthened: ”What we need is a way to link up the Norwegian research community with one another and with policy-makers”. (Quotation from an interview).

During the course of the evaluation, it also became apparent that existing research does not always come to the knowledge of policy makers and that, therefore, the communication and exchange between researchers and policy makers need to be strengthened.

The conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation fed into the work of elaborating Sweden’s current development strategy with the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA).

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All projects – all projects and assignments on-going or finalised during 2010Project titleAdministrative support to Swedish ConsultantsAdvisory Services on Ukraine’s European Integration Process Appraisal of Economic Growth and Employment Support ProgrammeAppraisal of rural programmeAssessment of coordination opportunitiesAssessment of Eligibility of India for Sector Budget Support Assessment of statistical support to INSTATAudit of Goree InstituteAudit servicesAudit Sierra Leone, Phase IIIAudit Sierra Leone, phase IVBelarusian policy-makers’ study visits to Sweden, Phase 2Budget Reform and Aid Management in UkraineBuilding Capacity for Urban Development and Effective Land Tenure Management in LusakaCao Bang Governance ProjectCapacity Building and Education Sector Support Capacity Building and Education Sector Support IICapacity Building of Georgian LeadershipCapacity development of the entity associations of municipalities and cities COBBSEA planning guidelinesCouncillors Training ProgrammeEfficiency review of National Employment ServiceEvaluation Land AdministrationEvaluation Latino BarometroEvaluation of Land Administration project Evaluation of OAS support to peace processEvaluation of RALGA strategic plan 06-09Evaluation of research on Norwegian development assistance Evaluation of support to environmental authoritiesEvaluation of Swedish research cooperation Evaluation of the OECD/MENA Governance programmeEvaluation of The Swedish Strategy for Development Cooperation in MENA region 2006 – 2010Evaluation of UNDPs approach to regionalisation Evaluation Swedish InstituteFinalisation of the African Development Bank’s Integrated Urban Development StrategyFinancial Governance Programme in The GambiaFostering Interventions for Rapid Market Advancement (FIRMA)Functional analysis of court system Gender (Virginija/Bosse)Gender BridgingGovernance Accountability Project 2 (GAP 2)Human resources advisory servicesImproving Capacity of the Tax Administration ITP - Human Rights Towards Gender Equality, GlobalITP - Administration Services National employment agencyITP - Democratic Institutions and Participative DemocracyITP - Human Rights Towards Gender Equality, MENA regionITP - Local Democracy and self-governanceITP - Local Environmental Management in Urban AreasKosovo Land AdministrationMA Public Management Mangroves for the future (MFF) - ThailandMinisterial study tourMonitoring & review of cadastre projectNational Environmental Protection agency Coaching and AdviceNinh Binh Public Administration ProjectOperational Plan for Ministry of Environment Forestry and Water AdministrationPFM assessmentPFM assessment IIPFM reform advisory servicesPFM TrainingPFM Training Mali & Burkina FasoProcess Consultant Justice Partnership ProgrammeProject monitoring Courts and ProsecutorsProsecutor’s officePublic Financial Management Training and Capacity developmentRegional Outcome analysis Regulatory Reform Core Groups - Study Tours to Sweden March 2010Rehabilitation and Implementation of Educational Reforms in Plantation SchoolsResult-based project monitoringReview of clean tech export promotionReview of Statistics project in CroatiaSeminar with parliamentSeminar at RRVSetting up a land transport authorityStrengthening of the State Audit and Administrative Control bureauStrengthening the Notariat Section of the Supreme courtStudy tour Moscow SchoolSupport to chemical risk managementSupport to MSBSupport to PRODELSupport to project developmentSupport to Public Administration reform Coordinator (PARCO)Support to the Audit Service, Phase I - IIISupport to the introduction of Public Internal Financial Control (PIFC) Support to Training Institute for Public Administration Sustainability Review of VisakhapatnamSweden-India cooperationSystem based audit of Gorée instituteSystem-based audit of the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE)TA to Prepare Performance Indicators for 10th EDF General Budget Support ProgramTACSO - Capacity Building of Civil Society in the IPA countries (Western Balkans and Turkey)Tax administration reform WBTechnical Assistance to implement One-Stop Shop public service delivery in BhutanTraining Mongolian Managers in LeadershipUrban sanitation

Country SwedenUkraineBeninBeninSwedenIndiaAlbaniaSenegalGambiaSierra LeoneSierra LeoneBelarusUkraineZambiaVietnamKosovoKosovoGeorgiaBosnia and HerzegovinaGlobalZimbabweAlbaniaIndonesiaColombiaSerbiaColombiaRwandaGlobalRegional/Balkan NicaraguaRegional /MENARegional/MENAGlobalSwedenRegional/AfricaGambiaBosnia and HerzegovinaFYROM (Macedonia)KyrgysztanBosnia and HerzegovinaBosnia and HerzegovinaKyrgysztanMontenegroGlobalSwedenGlobalRegional/MENARegional/AfricaGlobalKosovoVietnamRegional/AsiaBurkina FasoKosovoSwedenVietnamAlbaniaLiberiaLiberiaKyrgysztanMali and Burkina FasoBurkina Faso and MaliVietnamBosnia and HerzegovinaSwedenMoldovaRegional/LASerbia and MontenegroSri LankaKosovoSwedenCroatiaLiberiaSwedenMauritiusPalestine territoriesEl SalvadorRussiaGlobalSwedenNicaraguaSwedenBosnia and HerzegovinaSierra LeoneBosnia and HerzegovinaAlbaniaIndiaIndiaGlobalGlobal GuyanaRegional/BalkanMongolia BhutanMongoliaGhana

Start date February 2008July 2009May 2010May 2010March 2010December 2010October 2009October 2010June 2010November 2008January 2010May 2008March 2010February 2007January 2004May 2009October 2010July 2009September 2010November 2010November 2009November 2010August 2010June 2009May 2009September 2009May 2009June 2010February 2009July 2010October 2010January 2010June 2010May 2009June 2009March 2006September 2009January 2011October 2007May 2008February 2008December 2010October 2009April 2007January 2009August 2008June 2008January 2010January 2008June 2009September 2009October 2007April 2010September 2009August 2009September 2006September 2010January 2010September 2010March 2007April 2010March 2010January 2010August 2008November 2007May 2007September 2010February 2010January 2005March 2008October 2010March 2009February 2010December 2009August 2010November 2011March 2008November 2010January 2010December 2009November 2009December 2009September 2009November 2004May 2010February 2010October 2008August 2008November 2010October 2010March 2010August 2009October 2007June 2009October 2006July 2007

End DateApril 2010July 2010June 2010June 2010May 2010February 2011May 2010December 2010July 2010April 2010June 2010March 2010December 2012October 2010May 2010December 2010March 2011June 2014July 2013December 2010December 2010December 2010October 2010April 2010May 2010April 2010April 2010January 2011February 2010December 2010February 2011March 2010November 2010April 2010April 2010April 2010September 2014July 2011April 2010April 2010February 2013March 2011October 2010December 2013December 2011May 2010December 2012December 2013January 2011June 2011December 2013February 2010April 2010May 2010May 2010December 2010April 2011April 2010December 2010December 2010May 2010June 2010October 2010April 2011April 2010June 2010December 2010March 2010December 2010March 2010November 2010May 2010April 2010April 2010March 2011November 2013May 2010November 2010May 2010December 2010April 2010March 2010November 2011May 2010June 2011October 2010May 2010July 2010January 2011November 2010April 2010August 2011April 2010June 2013December 2010April 2011

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End DateApril 2010July 2010June 2010June 2010May 2010February 2011May 2010December 2010July 2010April 2010June 2010March 2010December 2012October 2010May 2010December 2010March 2011June 2014July 2013December 2010December 2010December 2010October 2010April 2010May 2010April 2010April 2010January 2011February 2010December 2010February 2011March 2010November 2010April 2010April 2010April 2010September 2014July 2011April 2010April 2010February 2013March 2011October 2010December 2013December 2011May 2010December 2012December 2013January 2011June 2011December 2013February 2010April 2010May 2010May 2010December 2010April 2011April 2010December 2010December 2010May 2010June 2010October 2010April 2011April 2010June 2010December 2010March 2010December 2010March 2010November 2010May 2010April 2010April 2010March 2011November 2013May 2010November 2010May 2010December 2010April 2010March 2010November 2011May 2010June 2011October 2010May 2010July 2010January 2011November 2010April 2010August 2011April 2010June 2013December 2010April 2011

BeneficiarySwedish ConsultantsSidaDanidaDanidaKriminalvårdsstyrelsenEUSCBSidaPKFAuditor GeneralPKDSidaMinistry of FinanceLusaka City CouncilCao Bang Province AdministrationALMAKOALMAKOGeorgian Foundation for Strategic & International Studies (GFSIS)SidaCOBBSEAUrban Councillors’ Association ZimbabweSidaSidaSidaSidaOrg. Of American StatesSidaNORADSida Just governance groupSidaSida, Department for Conflict and Post Conflict, Team for MENA-IRAQUNDPSvenska InstitutetAfrican Development BankThe National Audit Office in The GambiaUSAID and SidaMinistry of JusticeSidaSidaChemonics International Inc.Ministry of FinanceMontenegro Tax AdministrationSida PEO/ITPArbetsförmedlingenSidaSidaICLDSida SidaUppsala universitySSPA Sweden AB / IUCN ThailandSida SidaNaturvårdsverketNinh Binh People’s CommitteeMin of environmentSidaSidaMinistry of FinanceSida SidaMinistry of Foreign Affairs of DenmarkSidaRiksåklagarämbetetMoldovan Academy for Public AdministrationSidaIFC World BankSidaSidaMinistry for Foreign AffairsSidaRiksrevisionenRiksrevisionenMinistry of Public Infrastructure, Land Transport and ShippingState Audit and Administrative Control bureauSupreme CourtMoscow SchoolSidaMSBSidaKronofogdemyndighetenEUAudit Service Sierra LeoneDelegation of the European Union to Bosnia HerzegovinaTIPA City of VishkapatnamSKL International SidaSidaEuropean Commission delegation to GuyanaEUMongolian Tax AgencyThe Government of BhutanGovernment Service CouncilHIFAB

DonorSwedish ConsultantsSidaDanida (PEM Consult)DanidaKriminalvårdsstyrelsenEUSidaSidaDFID U.K.PKFDFID U.K.SidaSidaSidaSwiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC)SidaSidaSidaSidaSSPA Sweden ABSidaSidaSidaSidaSidaOrg. Of American StatesSidaNORADSidaJust governance groupSidaSida, Department for Conflict and Post ConflictUNDPSidaAfrican Development BankDFID U.K.USAID and SidaWorld Bank SidaSidaUSAID and SidaWorld BankEUSidaSida SidaSidaSidaSidaSidaCommercialSidaSidaSidaNaturvårdsverketNORADSidaSidaSidaSidaSidaSidaDanidaSidaSidaWorld BankSidaIFC World BankSidaSidaMinistry for Foreign AffairsSidaRiksrevisionenRRVWorld BankEUSidaSidaSidaSidaSidaKronofogdemyndighetenEUDFID U.K.EUWorld BankSidaSidaSidaSidaEUEUWorld BankSwiss Development CooperationSidaWB

Value of contract (EUR)27 888118 48022 60123 07216 80036 62418 48032 70011 872462 560118 944430 0002 450 980458 700607 000230 840134 064739 064133 00016 128373 64014 89630 80024 19237 63287 69631 360164 30456 0004 25642 448110 4363 24832 14484 80266 3353 282 94995 200404 096320 65657 12022 960797 7503 136 000100 800435 4561 556 5021 680 0002 520 00037 184268 80059 4003 02423 5201 008200 00083 63526 08256 93213160047 71252 482127 31665 072353 920788 70852 08062 811550 000104 00014 00022 7369 8561 008679 05666 752278 8805 60021 84033 60031 6966 72047 911764 509652 08095 312207 98457 90439 18928 8888 3346 710 615568 176177 3311 371 82359 024

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Since 2007, SIPU International is one of six international subsidiaries of FCG Finnish Consulting Group, a multi-industry consulting company operating worldwide.

Owned by the Finnish Association of Local Authorities, and with its origins in the re-construction of Finnish society after world war II, FCG has its roots in the training and development needs of municipalities and organisations close to municipalities.

The services combine a uniquely versatile competence in infrastructural and environ-mental engineering, community planning, training, human resources development and capacity building, development of public services and management consulting.

The FCG product and service range can be seen as a continuum, which begins with supporting the client’s strategic decision- making process and continues on to

planning, implementation and development of community and service structures and shows itself to the public in the guise of a healthy and safe environment and functioning services.

In October 2009, FCG’s Finland-based companies FCG Efeko Oy, FCG International Oy, FCG Planeko Oy, and FCG MentorIT Oy and FCG Rapro Oy merged with the parent company, FCG Finnish Consulting Group Oy.

In addition to Finnish based operations, the FCG Group has subsidiaries in several countries around the world.

our corporate family

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ANZDEC Ltd. ANZDEC Ltd. is regarded as New Zealand’s leading international project management consultancy firm specializing in the sustainable development and management of renewable natural resources and economic planning in developing countries. The company has more than 30 years of experience in managing and implementing projects in over 60 countries. From feasibility studies to monitoring and evaluation, ANZDEC specializes in all aspects of the development assistance programme cycle. In early 2002, ANZDEC became a subsidiary of the Finnish Consulting Group (FCG).

FCG RomaniaFCG is represented in Romania through Finnish Consulting Group srl, a company that was set up in Bucharest in December 2005 to represent all FCG companies in Romania, Moldova and the Balkan region. The core part of the operation of Finnish Consulting Group srl is business promotion and coordination of the international operations of FCG in the region.

Invicta ASInvicta AS is an Estonian company established in 1991 and operating in the field of management training and consulting and preparation of training materials. The mission of Invicta is to create/shape conditions favouring development in cooperation with people, teams and organizations for more effective attainment of their objectives. Invicta has been part of FCG Group since 2003.

Povvik ADPOVVIK AD is a leading independent consulting and engineering company in the field of environ-mental protection and sustainable development in Bulgaria. It offers the full range of consulting and engineering services for all types of industries and projects in the area of environmental protection. The company occupies the leading position in Bulgaria in the field of environmental surveys, desig-ning of environmental facilities in water and waste sectors, due diligence studies, environmental audits and analyses, EIAs, cost-benefit analyses, financial-economic analyses in sustainable deve-lopment field, and technologies for water and waste management. Povvik joined the FCG Group in December 2007.

OOO Man Net PartnersOOO ManNet Partners (MNP) is an international management consulting company located in St. Petersburg, Russia since 2004. Since 2005 the Company has been owned by the FCG Finnish Consulting Group Ltd. MNP specialises in management and development consultancy, preparation and implementation of international projects including financial consultancy, and in business development services for Russian, Finnish and other EU companies.

SIPU International AB

FCG subsidiaries



The Board of Directors and Managing Director of SIPU International ABCorporate Identity Number 556448-4771

hereby present the

AnnuAl RepoRtfor the period1 January 2010 - December 2010

SIpu InteRnAtIonAl ABDalagatan 7 SE-111 23 Stockholm Sweden

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