annual report 2011-2012 · groups working in the field by contributing to the area of women and...

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Annual Report 2011-2012 Tathapi Trust, Pune

Our Vision and Mission

Tathapi will be known as a small group with a large impact, relevantly engaged at the grassroots level throughout Maharashtra. Communication from us will be seen as giving voice to the people’s perceptions, concerns and needs. Tathapi’s resource centre will be a place that local workers from all over the state call their own. Tathapi seeks to promote health training and advocacy initiatives within community health and development innovations in Maharashtra. Tathapi adheres to and promotes equality, democracy and justice. Tathapi strongly believes in people’s right to health and information. Tathapi seeks to make a contribution to improve the health of women and to initiatives that empower women in a scenario where information is power. Tathapi’s goal is to provide and spread information to disadvantaged populations and communities, at the same time to promote people’s health and health traditions. While promoting people’s health rights from women’s perspectives we focus on some burning issues such as population policy, sex-selection, and access to health care services; and are specifically focused on developing Sexuality Education as ‘Body Literacy’. With this mission, Tathapi seeks to find its place among the many groups working in the field by contributing to the area of women and health.

Introduction The year that passed by has been a time in which we have consolidated our work in field and ventured into some new areas. Looking at the changing environments and needs of women and communities, we are trying to create models which will be self sustainable and thus replicable. The year was also quite eventful. One of our staff and his partner nabbed a doctor ‘renowned’ for doing sex determination. The case is in the court. Back in 2005 we had helped AIDWA catch a government radiologist for doing sex determination. The doctor has been finally convicted guilty by the court. With much pressure and persuasion the government has now suspended him from his service and his license as a doctor stands cancelled for five years. This is one positive step that keeps us going and continuing our fight against the misuse of technology for commercial gain. Our dream of a health centre for women is soon going to be a reality. All our positive energies and efforts are towards making this centre a place for women to be ‘Anandi’ (meaning happy). We deeply appreciate efforts of our newly found young friends in this regard.

Body Literacy Session with 5th Std in GR Palkar High School, Pune

Body Literacy The work on the Body Literacy in schools has picked up momentum. Ten schools across Maharashtra are implementing the curricula starting with 10 year olds. Two schools in Pune city, 3 in Gadchiroli and 3 in Konkan have introduced the curriculum after basic teacher and parent training. The books have been acclaimed for their content and also methodologies used therein. We have gone into the first reprint of 1000 within three months of publishing the first set of 1000 books. We look forward to more schools using it and are trying our best to get it into the curricula at the municipal and district level. 26 Marathi and 32 English medium schools were contacted and complimentary sets given. Orientation and training sessions on Body Literacy were orgainsed with 7 schools in Pune and 2 voluntary organisations, Niramay in Sawantwadi in Konkan and Aamhi Aamchya Arogyasathi in Gadchiroli. Two sessions were organised with parents from New English School, Ramanbag in Pune. The group is willing to take the sessions with boys. The workbooks were displayed at annual Book Exhibition in 2 schools. We also got one of the popular distributors to agree to keep the books for sale in their book shops. A meeting was organised with a renowned children’s publisher to look at the possibilities of publishing the books

for popular media. Meenakshi wrote three articles for daily Sakal, Maharashtra Times and Prerak Lalkari, a newsletter published by Stree Mukti Sanghatana. We continue to help other groups design their programmes with adolescents. Last year we conducted two Training of Trainers sessions with BAIF MITTRA at Shahada. This group works with 40 Ashram Schools in Nandurbar district, primarily with the adivasi children. The ToTs were conducted with their core team members and teachers from the 40 ashram schools. The response was good and helped us gain insights into the problems faced by children and also teachers in these schools. This will help design newer resources regarding Body Literacy. The second ToT was with students of MSW course in Taloda, where girls participated in a facilitation session on gender, puberty and sexuality. Achut worked with two schools (Vidya Bhavan, RBA) and took 8 sessions over the period of June 2011 to January 2012 with boys from 6th to 9th std. The interactions have been appreciated by children and also the school counsellors and teachers. Achut also conducted one day session on gender for Jan Vikas Pratishthan (17th December 2011)

Sanjeevanis ‘recreating’ the digestive system at training in Chhattisgad

Women and Health Sanjeevani – Women and Health Worker Training Programme This is a community health worker training programme with a special focus on women’s health. It is implemented by Prerana Gram Vikas Sanstha in Yavatmal and Bharati Ramteke in Chandrapur, Maharashtra; Gram Seva Samiti, Hoshangabad and Sanjeevani, Amarwada in MP and Lok Astha Seva Sansthan, Ghariyaband and Rajim Ketwas, Mahasamund in Chhattisgad. In the first year Amhi Amchya Arogyasathi trained 150 women from 80 villages in basic illnesses and dispensing medicines. Tathapi has been working on this project since April 2011. The project is supported by AEI Luxembourg through TdH Germany. This year the focus was on reproductive and sexual health. Three training sessions of five day duration were organised in each state. 129 Sanjeevanis were trained to identify complaints related to menstruation, sexual and reproductive illnesses, and early signs of cervical and breast cancer. The training also covered systems of referral and services available in existing government health centres. Sanjeevanis are trained in doing internal exams for detecting illnesses and giving basic medicines. In year 2011-12 more than 1500 women consulted Sanjeevanis specifically for sexual and reproductive complaints and received basic medication or information regarding referral. More than 4500 patients went to the Sanjeevanis for common illnesses, mostly for fever, diarrhoea, cold and cough.

This year 131 Sanjeevanis appeared for a certificate examination conducted by SNDT University, Mumbai. Separate preparatory training sessions were organised for this purpose. Examinations were conducted in each state in collaboration with SATHI in Pune during September to November 2011. One hundred and twenty Sanjeevanis and 15 field workers passed the exam and received a valid certificate from SNDT to function as Community Health Worker in their village. This year we produced a comprehensive training manual on women and child health for Sanjeevanis. The manual was produced in Marathi and Hindi. The manual comes with a set of communication material including posters, flash cards and pictures cards. 50 sets in Marathi and 100 in Hindi were given to Sanjeevanis. They are using the resource to disseminate information to the women in their village. We also produced two posters on, 1. Breast Self Exam and 2. Cervical Cancer. These were distributed to Sanjeevanis for use in training and display in health centres for awareness. A film on the Sanjeevani project, ‘Ek Kadam Swasthya Ki Aur’ is ready. It captures the core values of the work on field, achievements and challenges faced by Sanjeevanis as well as the organisations. It is available with English and Hindi subtitles.

A Review of Health of Children in India Audrey worked on a research assignment and prepared a report, ‘A Review of Health of Children in India: The First Thousand Days of Life. The report looked the health status of children before and after birth; policies and programmes by government and NGOs in selected (Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand) states and recommendations in terms of improving health outcomes in the first 1000 days of life. The assignment was supported

and coordinated by Action for Global Health Germany, and European advocacy network on global health, and Terre-des Hommes Germany, an international child-right based organisation supporting children in distress. Findings were presented during the World Health Summit in Berlin, Germany from 23rd until 26th October 2011. For more information please visit or

Health camps/sessions Last year we organised various orientation sessions with women’s orgaisations. These were,

- An orientation on Women, Work and Health with 40 field workers of AIDWA (14th July 2011). - General health camp with organised in Panmala. 80 women underwent check up and

received medication.(7th August 2011) - Two sessions with women members of Shramik Mahila Morcha in Pune on Body and its

Functioning (16th and 17th May 2011). - One ToT with Nari Prabodhan Manch in Latur and Pethsangvi and Rachanatmak Sangharsh

Samiti in Osmanabad on resource development for Sakhya and Maitri programme(6th August 2011)

- One day orientation with field workers and SHG leaders on Sex Selection and implementation of PCPNDT Act for Samata Pratishthan, Beed (14th August 2011)

- Two demonstration sessions with girls from Hutatma Rajguru High School in Pandavnagar, Pune with students’ group of Fergusson College (August 2011)

- Presentation for the SC/ST/OBC Cell of Karve Institute of Social Sciences, Pune on ‘Health Status of OBC Women’ (17TH March 2012)

Resources Tathapi’s strength has been creating, compiling and distributing good resources in women and health to smaller groups working in the field. This year we added a set of five posters on Sex Selection to our resource base. These were prepared for Samata Pratishthan for their campaign against sex selection. We reprinted 1000 sets which were sold within 3 months of publication. The posters were distributed to all participants at the ‘State level Consultation on Sex Selection’, organised by Halo Medical Foundation in Solapur. The posters were also on display at the publication ceremony of ‘Mahila Dhoran Ase Asawe’, an alternative women’s policy prepared by Stree Mukti Andolan Samparka Samiti, Pune, a women’s collective working in Maharashtra for last 30 years. We also prepared a pamphlet and a poster for elected representatives for All India Institute for Local Self Governance. These have been appreciated and are in great demand. Both the resources have gone into reprints. More than 5000 copies of the poster and 3000 copies of the pamphlet were distributed. On demand, we recorded a 15 minute play on Sex Selection for a youth group from Nira in Pune district. Alka Pawangadkar from Stree Mukti Sanghatana collaborated in writing and recording. The play was used in the Ganesh Festival for awareness. It is available in form of

an Audio CD and was appreciated by groups working on this issue. 10 copies were distributed or sold. ‘Sanjeevani: Women and Health Training Manual’ was compiled, both in Hindi and Marathi for the Sanjeevani programme. Maitri Arogyashi (a manual on women and health produced with MAVIM) was used as a reference and six new sessions were added. Role of Sanjeevani with reference to various health problems was defined and added at the end of each chapter. The entire set was translated into Hindi, peer reviewed for language and printed. The manual is useful for health workers in giving messages specifically about women’s health. 100 sets in Hindi and 50 in Marathi were distributed to Sanjeevanis, in MP, CG and Maharashtra for the Sanjeevani programme. Jivhala, our quarterly newsletter on women and health has entered its 13th year. This year we produced three issues including a special issue of 24 pages on Sex Selection. The issue covered various discussions and debates on Sex Selection and also featured stories of women who have fought all odds to resist sex determination and gave birth to their daughters. A piece on Silent Observer was also published. This year, we received 18 new subscriptions and 15 renewals, mostly from public libraries in far off places such as Dhule and Nandurbar.

Girls from Hutatma Rajguru High School using Mirror Chart to check redness of the blood.

We continue to prepare Maitri Arogyashi a bi-monthly newsletter for MAVIM. It reaches around 2000 Sahayoginis across the state. The response to the competitions is increasing with more and more Sahayoginis participating and sending in their comments and write-ups. 6 issues were printed in the last year with emphasis on mental health and policies and schemes for women and health. A meeting was organised with Sahayoginis from Gadchiroli to encourage participation. Using the Checklist provided in the newsletter, the group studied sleep patterns of 70 women and wrote an analysis for the next issue. Similar initiatives have been planned for this year.

We put up a resource exhibition in on the occasion of Training of Teachers organised by Maharashtra Rajya Shikshan Parishad and Akshara during 21st February to 25th February 2012. The teachers found our resources useful and more than 100 teachers purchased our books and other material. The translation of ‘Where There is no Psychiatrist’ is complete. After peer reviews by a psychiatrist and one local partner for language, content and usefulness, it is into the last round of editing. We are looking for funds for publishing the book. Last year, we collected Rs. 6000 for this purpose.

Some of the popular resources, this year Name Copies sold Violence as a Public Health Issue (Marathi) 179 Anaemia detection Poster 122 Menstrual Cycle Wheel (Marathi) 177 Booklet on CEDAW 63 Body Puzzle (Marathi) 1891 Body Literacy for Children (Marathi) 842 Poster on Body Mass Index 85 Sex Selection (set of 5 posters) 1976 Sex Selection Pamphlet 3012 Sex Selection poster for elected representatives 5512 Sanjeevani Women and Health training manual (Hindi and Marathi) 150 Body Puzzle and menstrual cycle wheel went into fifth reprint of 2000 copies each.

Collaborations School Drop-out – Creating Safe Spaces of Girls Last year we undertook an exploratory study for Population Council, to look at the reasons of girls dropping out of middle and high school. The study was conducted through Rajgad Vidyalay in the Velhe block of Pune district. 31 interviews (individual and group) were conducted to understand reasons and circumstances in which girls dropped out of school. Similarly, parents, teachers and other gate keepers such as elected representatives and other leaders in the villages were interviewed to understand their views regarding girls’ education. Out of these, 26 interviews were transcribed and translated to English. The study will act as a base on which a pilot intervention project of ‘Safe Spaces’ will be designed and implemented in the same region. Field Testing – Community Action for Women’s and Girls’ Health and Empowerment Hesperian Foundation is well known for their resources on community health. Their publications such as Where There is no Doctor, Where Women have No Doctor, Disabled Village Children or Where There is no Dentist are path breaking books. The foundation is bringing out a resource book titled Community Action for Women’s and Girls’ Health and Empowerment.

We collaborated for field testing and reviewing certain chapters of the book. Madhuri Khadse and 15 Sanjeevanis, community health workers from Prerana in Yavatmal conducted the testing of Chapter on Family Planning. The chapter on Abortion was field tested by us with two groups of women in collaboration with Rachana Trust, in Mulshi block of Pune district. We have extended our support for testing more chapters of the resource book. Resource Books on PCPNDT We peer reviewed a resource book, ‘Compilation of Case-laws on PCPNDT Act’ by Adv. Shalini Phansalkar-Joshi and looked after the designing and printing. Similarly we reviewed the training manual for Appropriate Authorities prepared by Adv. Varsha Deshpande and undertook designing and printing. This book was also translated in English. The books have been published by UNFPA and serve as a good resource on the implementation of the PCPNDT Act. As part of the Advisory Committee at the Pune District, we computed the entire data on registered Ultrasound/Imaging and Genetic Centres in Pune districts. We analysed the data and helped the Civil Hospital PNDT team in inspection and maintenance of records. This work needs consistent efforts and vigilance to close gaps in the current system.

Anandi – A Self Help Health Centre for Women In 2010, we started Anandi as a self help health centre for women. We envisage this centre as a place here women will come, share their problems related to mental and physical health, seek help from other women who are going through similar condition. The atmosphere will be such that it will encourage them to choose techniques and methods based on self help ideology. We started with a series of workshops (6) on Menopause, which were well received. Two follow up sessions were organised with BAIF and Janakibai Bajaj Gramin Vikas Sanstha in Akurdi, Pune for their staff and women from their field

areas. We look forward to more such sessions with a strong focus on self help. For the first time Tathapi is seeking to raise funds for a permanent space through Anandi. The campaign has begun. Four girls around the world will do a sponsored run (10 km) on 24th June to raise funds for Anandi. Many more have joined them in this effort. A small event will be organised here in Pune for their support. For more information please visit our website. More information is also available on, a blog created by the girls.

Capacity Building Tathapi provided its expertise to a capacity building training session with women employees of GE, Bangalore. Audrey conducted the session along with Shirish Joshi with these high potential women technologists during (19-20 Sept. 2012). The session was intense with many women

speaking for the first time about hurdles faced at personal or professional level. They reflected on how they can reach their goal. There was a demand for more such sessions from the group. Another session with a new batch has been organised in the next year.

Support and Sustainability The Tathapi Trust is certified under Section 80 G of the Income Tax Act (No. PN/CITIV/ Tech/80G/15/2007-8/765). Accounts are prepared on cash basis. The summary statements (balance sheet, income and expenditure and receipt and payments) are abridged from the audited accounts of the last two financial years. Tathapi’s annual financial volume has been hovering around 13 lakhs of rupees. Our auditors are B. Z. Challani, Chartered Accountant, Pune Remuneration and Reimbursements to staff and trustees Below we show the gender-wise breakdown of gross salary paid to the staff (team) members into slabs. The amount paid to the Co-ordinator as remuneration was Rs.3,41,524 and the lowest was paid to the Office Assistant (Rs 54,848). In 2011-12, the co-ordinator attended World Summit in Berlin. The expenses were borne by the organising institute, i.e. TdH Germany.

There was no foreign travel by other staff. The expenses on national travel were Rs 2,14,520/- only. The co-ordinating trustee received Rs. 5000/- for communication expenses. The trustees supported their own travel to attend board meetings. Thus the expense to the organisation is nil. Gratuity is paid to the staff that leaves after completing their contracts. Similarly an amount equivalent of 8.33% of basic for every month worked is a benefit in lieu of Provident Fund. In 2011-12, Rs.11,406 was paid to Meenakshi Alawani and Rs.12,451 paid to Manisha Buddhivant as gratuity and welfare fund. Annual Budgeting The annual budgeting exercise takes into account our needs. Each project proposal is passed with its own budget. A statutory overall budget is submitted to the charity commissioner every year in February. The annual budget submitted to the charity commissioner for year 2012-13 is rupees 88,59,521/- only.

Slab of Gross Monthly Salary Male Staff Female Staff Total Less than 5000 0 1 1 5,000-10,000 0 1 1 10,000-25,000 1 4 5 25000 + 0 1 1 Total 1 7 8

Summary Financial Statements

A. Summary Balance Sheet

Funds, Liabilities 10-11 11-12 Property Assets 10-11 11-12

Trust Funds 128,104.80 128,104.80 Investments 913,977.00 735,452.00

Earmarked Funds 901,701.18 785,820.46 Furniture/Fixtures 27,637.00 22,189.00

Grant payable : Tata - -

Loans - -

N S Foundation - -

Adv :Sec. Deposit 111,273.00 114,593.00

TDH-Sanjivani H W - 107,265.00

Library deposits 1,900.00 - Advances: work - -

Income & Exp A/C 236,384.00 281,700.00 Cash & Bank Bal. 215,202.98 430,656.26

Total 1,268,089.98 1,302,890.26 Total 1,268,089.98 1,302,890.26

B. Annual Income and Expenditure

Income 10-11 11-12 Expenditure 10-11 11-12

Donations 107,263.00 36,250.00 Grant Utilisation(Local): - -

Grants(local) 830,539.00 - Grants (FCRA) - 5,410,212.28

Grants(FCRA) - 5,410,212.28 -

Other Sources 332,106.00 549,369.00 Sir Dorabji Tata Trust 60,539.00 -

Interest 61,351.50 79,538.00 N S Foundation 770,000.00 -

Other Expenses 372,874.50 680,564.00

Donations Publication 119,360.00 302,555.00 Depreciation 10,822.00 5,448.00

Deficit - - Surplus 236,384.00 281,700.00

Total Income 1,450,619.50 6,377,924.28 Total Expenditure 1,450,619.50 6,377,924.28

C. Receipts and Payments

Receipts Non FCRA 10-11 11-12 Payments 10-11 11-12 Cash & Bank bal 531,697.48 215,202.98 Trusts Objects: Outstanding Liabilities-SBI - - N S Foundation 770,000.00 - Contingency Fund - - Sir Dorabji Tata Trust 60,539.00 - Interest 61,351.50 79,538.00 MAVIM Newsletter 103,594.00 244,307.00 Donations Publication 119,360.00 302,555.00 Capital exp 3,950.00 - Donations Received 107,263.00 36,250.00 TDS Deducted 8,636.00 3,320.00 Resource D. Fund - - Sakhya & Maitri Doc. NPM 63,408.00 - Grants: - - Miscellaneous income 73,947.50 131,492.00 Other Sources

334,306.00 300,369.00 Donation towards Publication 131,925.00 304,765.00

Investment Realised 1,745,300.00 913,977.00 Fund utilised: Staff welfare 175,970.00 11,406.00 Staff Welfare Fund 161,458.00 - Contingency Fund 581,486.50 424,932.00 Staff Adv. Recovered 48,000.00 - Res. Dev. Found - - MAVIM - 249,000.00 Fixed Deposit 913,977.00 735,452.00 Security Deposit 45,000.00 - Security deposit 51,100.00 1,900.00 N S Foundation - - Cash & Bank Bal. 215,202.98 239,317.98

Total 3,153,735.98 2,096,891.98 Total 3,153,735.98 2,096,891.98

Receipts, FCRA 10-11 11-12 Payments 10-11 11-12 Cash & Bank bal Grant: TdH Germany: Sanjeevani CMR Population Council Hesperian PayPal


360,000.00 150,000.00

15,175.00 2.28

Grants Utilisation : TdH Germany: Sanjeevani CMR Population Council Hesperian PayPal

- 4,885,035.00

360,000.00 150,000.00

15,175.00 2.28

Investments realised - - Interest - - General Fund Utiltsation - - Staff Welfare Account - Staff Welfare Account - - Investment General - - General Res.Fund - 84,073.28 Cash & Bank Bal. - 191,338.28

Total NIL 5,601,550.56 Total NIL 5,601,550.56

Thank you, we enjoyed the training sessions with you. Hutatma Rajguru School, Pune; Akshara, Mumbai; BAIF, Pune; BAIF Mittra, Shahada; Janvadi Mahila Sanghatana, Jan Vikas Pratishthan, Pune; JBGVS Akurdi, Nari Prabodhan Manch, Latur/Pethsangvi, Niramay Kendra, Sawantwadi, Rachna Trust, Pune, RB Academy, St. Mira’s College, Samata Pratishthan, Beed; Shirish Joshi, Shramik Mahila Morcha, Pune; Rachanatmak Sangharsh Samiti, Usmnabad; Vidya Bhawan English Medium School, Nigdi Thanks for your help in peer reviews, training, translations and designing; Alka Pavangadkar, Dr. Anil Pimpalkhare, Amruta Walimbe, Ashok Nirgulkar, Avinash Bhosekar, Daivashala Giri, Dr. Dnyanraj Choudhary, Keerti, Madhuri Khadse, Nachiket Pandit, Namdev S H of Sanskruti Printers, Sangeeta Gandhe, Saroj Ojha, Sanjeevani Mulay, Seema Deodhar, Sumati Kulkarni, Ujwala Mehendale, Dr. Vasudeo Paralikar, Vidya Kulkarni Thank you for your donations, Amardeep Tarun Mandal, Nira; Dr. Abhay Mulay, IHMP, Medha Kale, Pune; NISD, Sangamner; Samata Pratishthan, Beed; Suchitra Kulkarni, Sugandha More, Pune Thank you for your financial support, AEI, Luxemburg through TdH Germany; MAVIM; Population Council; UNFPA Board of Trustees (as on 31.03.2012) 1. Ashutosh Bhupatkar, Trustee 2. Audrey Fernandes, Managing and Co-ordinating Trustee 3. Mira Sadgopal, Trustee 4. Nandita Kapadia-Kundu, Treasurer 5. Satish Gogulwar, Trustee

Our Team

1. Achut Borgavkar 2. Manisha Buddhivant 3. Medha Kale 4. Meenakshi Alawani 5. Shakila Choudhary 6. Sugandha More 7. Zeenat Ansari

Girls on their way to school, Wajeghar, Block Velhe, Dist Pune

Tathapi Trust

Renuprakash A, 3rd Floor, B Gadgil Street, Near Nagnath Par, 817, Sadashiv Peth, Pune 411030, Tel – 020 24431106/24430057 Email – Do visit us at

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