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annual report 2018

architectural coatings














To provide the global construction industry with the best possible specification and methodology for performance coatings on architectural aluminium. By constant development in finish formulations, equipment selection and application to enable QUALICOAT to lead the development of quality architectural finishes worldwide.

To grant approvals to manufacturers of powder and liquid formulations and pre-treatment systems that meet the requirements of QUALICOAT members. To review and licence coating plants which exceed the QUALICOAT specification and to monitor the same to ensure consistent quality in supply.

To ensure the development and communication of the QUALICOAT standard is driven by the membership which continues to exceed both country standards and regulations.

Mo PanamPresident




Mo Panam


2018 proved to be a year of improvements for QUALICOAT, with our move to independence nearly completed, bringing a relocation of the Head Office of the Administration to premises of our own. In June 2018 we also welcomed Ms. Catherine Tourolle as administration support and closing the year with the recruitment of our Future Managing Director, Ms. Sue Paredi. Also, with the help of Ms. Martine Kalmar preparation is in its final stages for QUALICOAT accreditation.

Last year saw seven updates to the Specification; full details of these can be found on Page 4 of this report. Over 1,275 reports were evaluated from inspections carried out at licensees’ plants.

It was once again a busy year for meetings, which took the members to many cities all over the world, including Amsterdam, London, Zurich, Paris, Alcala, Budapest, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Barcelona, Novara and Bangkok. To add to these, presentations were given to promote QUALICOAT. To name a few, Josef attended the General Assembly of QUALISINO in Foshan, China, a board meeting of AISF (QUALICOAT Australia) and the 10th anniversary of QUALIPOL. Josef and I attended a conference and exhibition in s’Hertogenbosch, delivered presentations in Cairo, Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth and Johannesburg. More details of these events and others can be found later in the report.

Another highlight of the year was QUALICOAT having its own stand at the Aluminium Trade Fair in Dusseldorf; our thanks goes to all those who helped on the stand and came to visit us, ensuring its success. It was great to see our logo not only on our stand but on many others too.

Our members around the world have been pivotal to our continued success and improvements. I would like to thank you all for your continued support and input into our meetings and Specification.

I would also like to thank the whole QUALICOAT team, based in Zurich, for their continued hard work to ensure the success and relevance of our organisation. Their joint commitment and knowledge provides us with up to date information and unites us worldwide.

Finally, I hope your year has started well and that it continues to be prosperous, with good health, luck and happiness. I look forward to seeing you all soon.




A Meetings of the QUALICOAT Committees and Working Groups

In 2018, the Executive Committee held three meetings, in March, May and November, while the Technical Committee met twice, in May and November. The meetings took place in Budapest, London and Bangkok.

The Meeting of Association Members was held in London on 17 May 2018 and Extraordinary Meetings of Association Members took place in Madrid on 3 July 2018 and in Bangkok on 23 November 2018.

All the meetings of the various Working Groups (WGs), the QUALIDECO Committee and QUALISURFAL are shown in the table below:

Aluminium WG Amsterdam 25.01.18Extension of the label WG Amsterdam 25.01.18

Future WG

Amsterdam 25.01.18London 15.05.18Zürich 13.07.18Paris 16.09.18

Florida WG Alcalá 3-5.07.18GL Managers and Secretaries Budapest 20.03.18In-House Control WG (ad hoc) Paris 17.09.18

Laboratories WGSchwäbisch Gmünd 10-11.04.18

Marketing WG Budapest 21.03.18

Powders WGBarcelona 20-21.02.18Alcalá 5-6.07.18

Preanodising WG (ad hoc) Amsterdam 23.01.18

Pretreatment WG Amsterdam 24.01.18

QUALIDECO CommitteeBarcelona 21-22.02.18Novara 13-14.09.18

QUALIDECO Laboratories WG Schwäbisch Gmünd 11.04.18Novara 12-13.09.18

QUALISURFAL Coating Section QUALISRUFAL Decoration Section

Amsterdam 15-16.10.18Amsterdam 17.10.18

Specifications WGBarcelona 19-20.02.18Paris 18.09.18

Training WG Budapest 21.03.18

The proceedings of the various meetings, except for those of the Specifications WG, were recorded in minutes, which were sent to the General


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B. Summary of the most important decisions and activities

1. Publication of the 15th Edition of the QUALICOAT Specifications and publication of several update sheets

The latest edition of the Specifications was valid as from 1 September 2017. Furthermore, the following new update sheets were issued in 2018:

No. Title Application9 Acceptable reasons for announced

inspections1 July 2019

10 Modified FFC test method 1 January 201911 Machu test – Sampling and

assessment1 January 2019

12 Thickness measurement 1 January 201913 Anodic pretreatment 1 January 201914 Clarification on metallic extensions and

on withdrawal of special approvals and extensions

1 January 2019

15 Removal of the section on extensions for sublimation technology

1 January 2019

2. Results of the 2018 inspections carried out at licensees’ plants

The Secretariat handled and evaluated 1,275 reports between November 2017 and November 2018.

3. Number of licensees and approved systems

31.12.17 31.12.18 Difference

QUALICOAT Licensees 458 475 +17

Approved powders 553 591 +38Approved alternativepretreatment systems

89 88 -1

QUALiDECO Licensees (decorators)

84 91 +7

Breakdown by region (QUALICOAT licences)

Year Europe Africa Asia Australia Americas2017 351 24 63 9 112018 358 28 66 9 14

4. Quality matters and investigations

Off-site pre-anodising

A joint Dutch and German WG had submitted concrete proposals to permit the split of anodising and coating to more than one site. The Pre-anodising WG had subsequently proposed to the Technical Committee to allow off-site pre-anodising, provided it was done exclusively at QUALANOD licensed plants. These plants should be inspected at least once a year by a QUALICOAT inspector and would receive a specific QUALICOAT licence for pre-anodising. The main argument against such permission was concern regarding transportation of the pre-anodised material from the anodisers to the coaters.

Review of in-house control Specifications

It was already decided in 2017 to reduce the number of mechanical tests in the frame of the in-house control. Only one test for rapid deformation and one for slow deformation in in-house control was sufficient so the cupping test will be dropped. The reduction of the mechanical tests will be more than compensated by the increase of the frequency of the process controls mainly regarding the pretreatment. At a special meeting held in Paris in September 2018 the General Licensees had a last chance to submit their comments. At the November TC meeting a majority of the TC endorsed the final draft and the Specifications WG was instructed to draft an update sheet concerning the revision of Chapter 6 (In-House Control).

Revision of Appendix A6

A full revision of Appendix A6 was started in 2018. This document contained the regulations for granting and renewing (alternative) chromium-free pretreatment systems. A very important issue was the approval process for chemicals for pre-anodising.

Draft concept combining corrosivity classes with resistance to UV

The Aluminium & Extension WG had analysed several ISO standards and ascertained to which extent QUALICOAT could implement the concept of corrosion classes. The Powders WG started to consider whether the various corrosion classes could be possibly linked to the concept of several powder classes. The project was not finished yet.


The Dutch QUAL.ION had developed a very comprehensive manual which gave full instructions to correctly conduct all tests re


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stipulated in the Specifications. This document was the base of an enhanced training scheme for licensed coaters. With the permission of QUAL.ION an English version was prepared and disseminated to those General Licensees who had so far not started with the mandatory training.


During 2018 the QUALIDECO Committee and the QUALIDECO Specifications WG worked hard to prepare a fully revised version of the Specifications to be published in 2019.

The main changes were the following :• Integration of the content of Appendix II (class 2) in the main

part of the Specifications and removal of alternative 2 for decorators using sublimation

• Double licensing and new numbering system (UDS No. 4)• Transfer of a coater ‘s decoration activity to another production

site• Visual assessment in case of colour change• Clarification of the specifications for powder on powder

technology• Film codification and list of self-tested decorations

Simultaneously, a procedure for evaluating laboratories and inspectors was finalised and rules for approving other effect (i.e. no wood effect) decorations were prepared in view of their integration into the 4th Edition of the Specifications .

5. Contacts with General Licensees

Mr. Panam attended VOA’s General Assembly in June.

Mr. Schoppig attended and delivered presentations at the General Assembly of QUALISINO in Foshan in September.

Messrs. Panam and Schoppig attended a conference and exhibition in s’Hertogenbosch in October organised by QUAL.ION. Mr. Panam presented the advantages of being a QUALICOAT licensee. Attendance at this and other presentations were mandatory for Dutch QUALICOAT licensees in the frame on a well established training programme.

Mr. Schoppig attended a board meeting of AISF (QUALICOAT AUSTRALIA) in Sydney in November in order to be assured that the malfunctions and the administrative problems had been solved.

Mr. Schoppig delivered a presentation at the 10th anniversary of QUALIPOL in Warsaw in December.

6. Preliminary inspections and audits of powder manufacturers

The Managing Director carried out preliminary inspections and audits in Austria, Brazil, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Denmark, Israel, Lithuania, Slovenia and Uzbekistan.

7. PR activities

Messrs Panam and Schoppig delivered presentations at an event in Cairo organised by QMEA at which numerous architects from Arab countries attended.

Messrs. Panam and Schoppig delivered presentations in Capetown, Durban, Port Elizabeth and Johannesburg in South Africa in cooperation with ASFA (South African surface finisher’s association), a potential General Licensee for South Africa.

QUALICOAT had its own booth at the at the “Aluminium” trade fair in Dusseldorf in the surface treatment sector. Messrs. Panam, Schoppig and Mr. Frank Viester assured the presence at the booth and answered questions and queries from interested visitors. In many cases the interested third parties were directed to the relevant General Licensee in a specific country.

Mr. Schoppig gave a presentation at an event of the German Pulvertreff in Dresden in March.

Mr. Schoppig attended the Annual General Meeting of GSB in Dusseldorf in April.

Messrs. Bernabé, Panam and Schoppig delivered presentations at a PR and Training Event organised in Munich by VOA.

8. Coating Section of QUALISURFAL

Both sections of QUALISURFAL held their annual meeting in Amsterdam on 16 October 2018. The inspectors and representatives of the testing laboratories were fully informed about the various decisions taken by the Technical and Executive Committees.

9. QUALICOAT and QUALIDECO inspectors

In 2018, Mr. Schoppig accompanied new QUALICOAT inspectors performing inspections in Germany, Poland and Serbia. Mr. Carullo visited the new Turkish testing institute which became QUALIDECO


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10. Cancellation of General Licensees for Australia and France

At the meeting of the Executive Committee held in Budapest in March 2018 the French General Licensee ADAL was confronted with the possibility of cancelling the General Licence if no solutions for the issue of mutual recognition of QUALIMARINE and SEASIDE was achieved. This issue had been dealt with for about 15 years without a satisfying outcome. As no solution could be achieved, ADAL was expelled, and its General Licence cancelled by the end of 2018 during an extraordinary Meeting of Association Members held in Madrid in July 2018. The French coaters and suppliers were regularly informed by the QUALICOAT secretariat and reassured that they could remain with QUALICOAT even without ADAL. Detailed information was given at a special meeting with the French coater in Lyon in November 2019.

At the Extraordinary Meeting of Association Members in Madrid the General Licence of AISF for Australia was also cancelled due to insufficient activities and financial issues with this organisation. However, at another Extraordinary Meeting of Association Members held in Bangkok it was agreed to grant again a provisional General Licence to AISF provided they would confirm their new structure by the end of January 2019.

11. Accreditation matters

Progress was made with the assistance of Ms. Martine Kalmar who was mandated to prepare a Quality Manual for the new QUALICOAT own accreditation. In connection to the manual several new or modified documents related to new bodies (Board of Governors, Label Committee) were elaborated and approved during the Bangkok Meeting of Association Members.

12. QUALICOAT staff

In March 2019, Ms. Kornelia Lips left our employ. It was therefore necessary to restart the search of the future Managing Director as Mr. Josef Schoppig would be retired at the end of November 2019. However, Mr. Schoppig would remain available as from 2020 for specific projects.

After an intensive search, under the management of the President and the Future WG in December 2018, the position was once again filled. Ms. Sue Paredi, who had amongst others experience in the management of a European association in the medical field, was appointed Future Managing Director.

In June 2019, Ms. Catherine Tourolle took employment of an 80% job, with the focus of assuring the back office.

10th anniversary Qualipol

Chinese delegation at the booth in Dusseldorf

Workshop in Bangkok




Mo Panam and Andrzej Jelonek President of Qualipol

Mo Panam and his predecessor Ralf Heitzelmann at the VOA

QUALICOAT booth at the Aluminium fair Event in Cairo organised by Nasir Fahmed from QME

Training course QC Switzerland The current and two former Presidents (Frank Viester, Juan Bernabé and Mo Panam)





Qualicoat Australia

Australasian Institute of Surface Finishing (AISF)Mr. Mark HardySuite 3, 458 Middleborough RoadBlackburn AU3030 Collingwood Victoria Australia

Tel: +61 3 9890 6700Email:



Mr. Simon MeirsschautChemin des Soeurs 7 NodebaisBE - 1320 Beauvechain

Tel: +32 473 451 263 E-mail:



Mr. Riccardo BoiVia Privata Ragni 13/15IT-28062 Cameri (Novara)

Tel: +39 0321 51 05 78Fax: +39 0321 51 79 37E-mail: boi@qualital.euWebsite:



Mrs. Jerry LiNo.99, 4th Jianshe Rd.Xiaoshan Eco. & Tec. Dev. ZoneCN - 311200 Hangzhou City

Tel: +86-571 8286 5811Fax: +852-21 80 99 56Email: jerry@qualisino.comWeb:



Mrs. Caroline Colombier 17, rue de l’Amiral HamelinFR - 75783 Paris Cedex 16

Tel: +33 1 42 25 26 44Fax: +33 1 53 75 02 13E-mail: caroline.colombier@aluminium.frWeb: associations/adal



Hungarian Aluminium Surface Treaters’AssociationMr. Imre FehérNépfürdo u. 19/A. I/4.HU - 1138 Budapest

Tel: +36 30 9590575E-Mail: feher.imre@atenzio.huWeb:



Aluminium Association of Greece N.P.C.Mrs. Ellie Ganakou41-43 Michalakopoulou str. GR-115 28 Athens

Tel. +30 210 72 56 130-2 Fax +30 210 72 56 133 E-mail:



Haus der Bayerischen WirtschaftMrs. Dr. Alexa BeckerMax-Joseph-Str. 5DE - 80333 München

Tel: +49 895 517 86 70Fax: +49 895 517 86 75E-mail: info@industrieverbaende-nbg.deWeb:



c/o JAPAN ALUMINIUM PRODUCTS ASSOCIATIONMr. S. Kikuchi13-13 Akasaka 2-chrome, Minatoku, JP - Tokyo

Tel: +81 3 3583 7971Email: qualicoatj@apajapan.orgWeb:



c/o Oxal SA de CVMr. Alejandro RuizFrancisco I. Madero 146San Esteban, NaucalpanEstado de Mexico, 53550

Tel: +52 555 1083 5092:E-mail:



Associaçao Portuguesa do AluminioMrs. Margarida CasqueiroR. Cons. Luis de Magalhães, 46-1-B-2Apartado 287PT - 3811-901 AveiroTel: +351 234 42 22 41Fax: +351 234 481 189E-mail: apaluminio@sapo.ptWeb:


Qualicoat (UK & Ireland)c/o Aluminium Federation Ltd Mr. Jan LukaszewskiNational Metalforming Centre47 Birmingham Road West BromwichWest Midlands. B70 6PY

Tel: +44 (0)121 601 6746E-mail:



Mrs. BugarinovicBose Milićević 5RS-11000 Belgrade

Tel: +381 63 20 35 99E-mail: office@qualibal.orgWeb:



c/o ARCO Association Management AGMr. Josef SchoppigPostfach 1507CH-8027 Zürich

Tel: +41 43 305 09 70E-mail: josef.schoppig@arco.swissWeb:



Mr. Egbert StremmelaarVereniging Industrieel Oppervlaktebehandelend NederlandPostbus 2600NL - 3430 GA NieuwegeinTel: +31 30 630 03 90E-mail: henraat@vereniging-ion.nlEmail: secretariaat@vereniging-ion.nlWeb:



Mrs. Marina YatsenkoOffice. 160, 7/4 Build.1Kutuzovsky ProspektRU- 121248 Moscow

Tel: +7 (962) 941 2707Email: imarina@apral.orgEmail: qualicoat@apral.orgWeb:



Mrs. Katarzyna Bartoszakul. Sepia 22PL - 04-512 Warsaw

tel/fax: +48 500 579 089e-mail: sekretariat@qualipol.plWeb:








Quali Middle East AssociationMr. Nasir Fahmeed7th Floor, Sheikh Rashid TowerDubai World Trade CentreP.O. Box 23070Dubai

Tel: +971 4 309 7088Email: admin@qualimiddleeast.comWeb:




Alüminyum Yüzey Islem DernegiMr. Metin YilmazSemsettin Günaltay Caddesi Serhan Apt. 193/5Erenköy - KadiköyTR - 34738 IstanbulTel: +90 216 386 16 85Fax: +90 216 359 19 42E-Mail:




(Asociación Española del Aluminio y Tratamientos de Superficie)Mr. Jon de Olabarria RuizPrincipe de Vergara, 74 – 3ª, ES - 28006 Madrid

Tel: +34 91 802 08 78Fax: +34 914 115 971E-mail: informes@asoc-aluminio.esWeb:

QUALICOATCertification Body

Office:Tödistrasse 48CH-8002 Zürich

Accreditation: ARCO Tödistrasse 42CH-8002 ZurichAccreditation number SCESp 0045

Tel: +41 44 515 98 40E-Mail:

the global standard for architectural aluminium coatings


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