anthony robbins - 6 human needs

Post on 27-Nov-2014






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According to Anthony Robbins in reference to his personal power program,

the following six human needs are the driving forces behind every human

being and this influence their motivation levels. (Robbins 2005)

The need for certainty and security: To know that you have a

house/shelter where you can be safe especially at night or to be certain

that your partner of children will be at home when you return in the


The need for uncertainty or variety: The need is in conflict with the

first one, but do play an important role, that’s why people watch sport

events and movies because they don’t know how it will end or what the

final score will be. That’s why people explore different routes to the

same destination or orders different meals when they eat out in the

same restaurants.

The need for connection: When you experience for example a

romantic beach sunset with a love one the satisfaction of the experience

will not be 1 + 1 = 2 but the result will be 5.

The need to contribute: People wants to make a different in others life.

It could be in the format of money, their time, support, know how

(sharing knowledge)

The need for recognition: A pat on the back for a job well done. To

receives recognition for an outstanding performance or for walking an

extra mile.

The need to grow. Everything in life must grow; if it does not grow it will

eventually die. Etc. you need to feed a young flower with water and food

otherwise it won’t grow and will die; the same applies with a relationship

if you don’t feed it with love and affection the two individuals will

eventually grow apart and be separated.

These six human needs are the driving forces that determine the

choices that people make; therefore it will potentially have a huge

influence on their goals and aspirations which will directly affects their

motivation levels.

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