anti-aging and you sir arthur c clarke i think there is a strong possibility that we are at a...

Post on 26-Mar-2015






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“Anti-Aging and You”

Sir Arthur C Clarke

“I think there is a strong possibility that we are at a turning point in history; a complete revolution in human affairs with the discovery of totally new energy sources.”

Science Fiction author, Inventor, Futurist

Sir Arthur C Clarke

“Many people are skeptical of this but I think we may be going through the four stages involved in any revolutionary development.”

1) It’s nonsense, don’t waste my time2) Oh, it’s interesting but not

important3) I always said it was a good idea4) I wish I had thought of it first

Strange But True

TRUE – There is enough energy that strikes the Earth from the Sun in 1 hour to power all of mankind’s energy needs for an entire year.

Strange But True

TRUE – There is enough methane gas trapped at the bottom of the ocean off the coast of North Carolina to meet ALL of the energy needs of the United States for the next 150 years.

Strange But True

TRUE – Scientists theorize that 98% of the Universe is made of Dark Matter, and that we know virtually nothing about what Dark Matter is.

What does this mean?

It is safe to assume that there is more that we DO NOT know about the world around us than what we do know, and it pays to keep an open mind.

LifeWave is a new method and product for gently stimulating acupressure points

What Is LifeWave?


Tan on Left

Why Acupressure?

Acupressure is used by over 1.8B people as their primary means of healthcare. Acupressure provides a simple, non-drug, safe method for alleviating symptoms of common ailments.


Move White patch around area of pain

Why Acupressure?

Acupressure may also be used for improving energy and energy flow, improving the quality of sleep, controlling appetite, and even elevation of antioxidant levels.

GLUTATHIONE PATCHApply patch to mid line of body

What Can Acupressure Do?

Acupressure has a long 5000 year history of being able to improve the function of the body. Many ailments such as eye problems, upset stomach, allergies, high blood pressure and nausea may all be alleviated with acupressure.

SP6 PATCHAppetite control with acupressure

My Favorite?

ANTI-AGING!Are the stories of people in China living to be 250 years old true?

Why Do We Age?


Why Do We Age?

- Cells become dehydrated and shrink- Cells become damaged- Cells lose energy- Cells stop multiplying

Time / Aging

Our Anti-Aging Strategy?

- Keep Cells hydrated and plump- Prevent and Repair damage- Elevate Cell energy- Keeps Cells multiplying

Our Anti-Aging Strategy?

REMEMBER: We also need to exercise, eat right, avoid excess (such as sugar) and avoid what we know is not good for us (smoking)

How Does LifeWave Fit In?

How can we use Acupressure and LifeWave patches to achieve our Anti-Aging results?

1 - Hydrate

Everything in the body requires water! If you are not drinking enough water each day, you are becoming dehydrated and aging faster

1 - Hydrate

- Roughly 70 percent of an adult’s body is made up of water.

- At birth, water accounts for approximately 80 percent of an infant’s body weight.

- By Age 70, water accounts for as little as only 54% of our body weight.

- By the time a person feels thirsty, his or her body has lost over 1 percent of its total water amount.

Every cell in the human body requires energy! It is a fact that as we age, the amount of energy our body produces decreases. We can use acupressure to increase both energy production and energy flow

2 - Energy

2 - Energy

As the cell shrinks, the electrical charge of the cell decreases. As an example, over time the cell potential can drop from 100mV to 35mV.

We can use acupressure to elevate antioxidant levels in the body, to both protect and repair from aging

3 – Prevent and Repair

3 – Prevent and Repair

Most antioxidant pills like Vitamin C go in and out of your body in 1 hour. LifeWave patches keep your antioxidant levels elevated all day. Would you rather have protection 1 hour or all day?

4 – Multiply or Die

The “Hayflick limit” describes the limit to the number of times that our cells can divide (about age 70). This is what limits our lifespan.

4 – Multiply or Die

So, can we use acupressure to keep our cells dividing? Can we use acupressure to increase our lifespan? More on that later

How do we use LifeWave patches to increase energy production and energy flow?


We discovered in clinical studies that LifeWave Energy Enhancer would increase fat burning by 23%; this means that energy in the cell is increasing


How do we use Energy Enhancer patches for anti-aging?


5 Element Theory





Yang Cycle5 Element Theory















Gallbladder Meridian

Triple Burner Meridian

Stomach Meridian

Large Intestine Meridian

Bladder Meridian











Yin Cycle5 Element Theory

Liver Meridian

Pericardium Meridian

Spleen Meridian

Lung Meridian

Kidney Meridian

So to increase energy and energy flow through all of the meridians on a regular basis, simply apply the patches to the body in a regular cycle!

This Is What You Do





Day 1 – Wood Meridian

White Patch – On top of RIGHT foot on the Gallbladder 41 Acu-point

Tan Patch – On top of the LEFT foot on the Liver 3 Acu-point

Day 2 – Fire Meridian

White Patch – On the back of the RIGHT hand, Triple Burner 6 Acu-point

Tan Patch – On the LEFT wrist on the Pericardium 5 Acu-point

Day 3 – Stomach Meridian

White Patch – Below the RIGHT knee on the Stomach 36 Acu-point

Tan Patch – On inside of the LEFT ankle on the Spleen 6 Acu-point

Day 4 – Metal Meridian

White Patch – On the RIGHT hand on the Large Intestine 4 Acu-point

Tan Patch – On the LEFT wrist on the Lung 7 Acu-point

Day 5 – Water Meridian

White Patch – On the RIGHT foot on the Urinary Bladder 62 Acu-point

Tan Patch – On inside of the LEFT foot on the Kidney 3 Acu-point

Protect and Repair

How do we use LifeWave patches to protect and repair from the effects of aging?

It is known that both Glutathione and Carnosine have remarkable anti-aging effects




Protect and Repair

Glutathione is the bodies master antioxidant and has remarkable properties in protecting our cells from the effects of aging.


In clinical studies, Carnosine has been

shown to increase the lifespan of lab mice

by up to 40%!

1996 Study; Professors Gallant and Boldyrev


The study showed that increasing

Carnosine levels could restore an older

mouse to one that functioned like a

younger mouse.


How do we use the Y-Age System, Glutathione and Carnosine patches, with the Energy patches?


Example # 1

When using Energy patches with the 5 Day protocol, either the Glutathione or Carnosine patch may be used along the mid line of the body

Example # 2

When using Energy patches with the 5 Day protocol, either the Glutathione or Carnosine patch may be used along the mid line of the body

Lastly, can we use acupressure and LifeWave patches to dramatically extend our lifespan?

The Frontier of Anti-Aging

The Frontier of Anti-Aging

A telomere is a region of repetitive DNA at the end of chromosomes, which protects the end of the chromosome from destruction. Its name is derived from the Greek meaning "end" and "part".

The Frontier of Anti-Aging

Problem: During cell division, the enzymes that duplicate the chromosome and its DNA cannot continue their duplication all the way to the end of the chromosome. If cells divided without telomeres, they would lose the end of their chromosomes, and the necessary information they contain.

The Frontier of Anti-Aging

What this means is that eventually the telomeres are “used up” from cell division; this is one of the important limiting factors of lifespan.

The Frontier of Anti-Aging

So, increase the telomeres, and this can increase the lifespan!

The Frontier of Anti-Aging

Scientific studies by researchers in New York in 1988 (Omura et al.), “Found that acupuncture on ST 36 on normal subjects increased the telomere levels up to a maximum of 2 times their telomere levels before treatment. Frequently increases were between 60% to 100%."

The Frontier of Anti-Aging

- Drink plenty of clean water each day- Exercise, eat right, avoid excess- Use Energy patches to increase energy flow and energy production- Use Y-Age to protect and repair your body from aging- Use patches on ST 36 and K1 for additional anti-aging benefits

Summary of Anti-Aging Strategy

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