anunsteady-state modelto predict concentration ... · 16 boundary condition is appropriately...

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Journal of Membrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34


An unsteady-state model to predict concentration polarizationin commercial spiral wound membranes

K. Madireddia, R.B. Babcockb, B . Levinec , J.H . Kimd, M.K . Stenstrome' *aEMC Corp., 3961 Kamden Way, Las Vegas, NV 89119, USA

DDppartment of Civil Engineering, University of Hawaii, 2540 Dole Street, Holmes Hall 383, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA'Center ofInternational Research for Water and Environment (CIRSEE)ILyonnaise Des Eaux, 78230 Le Pecq, France

"Environmental and Biological Engineering Division, Kangwon National University, 192-1 Hyojadong,Chunchon Kangwondo 200-701, South Korea

'Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, 4173 Engr I, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1953, USA

Received 20 June 1998 ; received in revised form 11 August 1998 ; accepted 19 October 1998

A comprehensive finite difference model is developed and presented to predict concentration polarization (CP) incommercial spiral wound membranes. The model was developed by solving the non-conservative mass balance equation in thefeed channel employing fluid flow profiles based on feed spacer mixing . Both ideal membranes with complete solute rejectioncharacteristics and non-ideal membranes were considered . The model predicts CP for low, moderate as well as high solventrecovery up to 90%. The model was tested for numerical stability and convergence, and subsequently applied to generate CPand permeate flow loss information for a range of feed and operating conditions . The model results were verifiedexperimentally on 1 .89 x 10-4 m3/s pilot-scale spiral wound reverse osmosis (RO) unit . Since flow loss in membranes is adynamic phenomenon, it is anticipated that the model will be an appropriate choice for further work on predicting long-termpermeate flow loss from membrane fouling . C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords : Concentration polarization ; Modeling ; Spiral wound membranes

1. Introduction

Membrane separation processes such as RO andultrafiltration (UF) have gained considerable impor-tance because they offer superior treatment at rela-tively modest capital and operating costs [1,2] . Theprocesses remove a wide range of contaminants pre-sent in untreated water, municipal and industrial was-

*Corresponding author. Tel . : +1-310-825-1408; fax : +1-310-206-5476; e-mail :

0376-7388/99/$ - see front matter © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved .PJl :S0376-7388(98)00340-8

tewater discharges such as suspended and dissolvedsolids, organic matter, heavy metals, bacteria andviruses [3] . In spite of the above advantages, theprogress of membrane implementation at full-scalehas been restricted because of two principal problemscommonly encountered during operation: concentra-tion polarization (CP) and fouling. CP refers to anincrease in concentration of contaminants (solutes)near the membrane surface that create additionalresistance to separation. Thus, CP increases operatingcosts while also adversely affecting product water


quality. Membrane fouling refers to the long-termdecline in the permeate flux from prolonged operation .Fouling is a complex phenomenon with a number ofinfluencing factors such as membrane pore plugging,chemical degradation and bacterial growth [4] .Depending on the size ofthe system, fouling manifestsover a long period ranging from a few 100 h to several1000 h of operation . It is acknowledged that CP gen-erally increases fouling, because it increases the con-centration of contaminants such as bacteria, organicand inorganic material near the membrane surface,which aggravate fouling .

Concentration polarization was previously studiedfrom a theoretical view so that its effects could beincluded in membrane design and operation . Most ofthese studies centered on solving the solute massbalance equation with appropriate fluid velocity pro-files using various numerical methods [5] . Most ofthese models assume steady-state conditions and/ordeal with simplified membrane systems operating atlow product water recoveries . The present study wasundertaken to model CP for commercial membraneunits operating at moderate to high recoveries (50-90%) . In addition, the initial transient state perfor-mance of the unit is also studied by taking into accountthe non-steady-state term in the mass balance equa-tion . Such a time-dependent analysis can include theeffects of long-term decline in product water flow dueto fouling and membrane degradation .Two types of membrane modules, spiral wound and

hollow-fiber configurations, dominate the desalinationand water treatment systems . The main advantage ofthese modules is high membrane packing density,which allows for compact design and easy installationof the units . Hollow-fiber membranes are more sus-ceptible to fouling from particulate and colloidalmatter and therefore widely used in water treatment .For wastewater reclamation applications, spiralwound membranes which are relatively more tolerantto these contaminants are more appropriate . In thispaper, a transient model is developed to analyze andpredict CP for a spiral wound membrane system .

2. Model development

Fig . 1(a) represents a spiral wound membrane thatis unwound ; the flow within the module which approxi-

K. Madireddi et al ./Journal of Membrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34




Fig. 1 . (a) Flow in channel with two porous walls (spiral woundmodule) and (b) graphical representatin of the finite difference(FD) solution .

mates flow in a channel with two porous walls ifspiraling effects are ignored. The flow balance equa-tions are represented by the expanded Navier-Stokesequations as follows [3] :




1 aPx-momentum :

at + u-x + v-y- -


Ca2ua 2u1axe + ay )e




1 OPaty-momentum :

+ u ax + va = -P axy

a2v a2v



O Unknowns

+ v l axe +X2 )'


Continuity :


aYav =



where a and v are the axial and transverse (lateral)velocities, P is the pressure, p the density and v is thekinematic viscosity. The mass balance equation iswritten in its conservative form as follows :



au C

av C- =DS--ar




K. Madireddi et al. /Journal of Membrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34

where DS is the solute diffusivity and c is the soluteconcentration. Substituting (3) into (4) leads tothe mass balance equation in its non-conservativeform as

ac _




ax a-v.a


YMost of the available models solve Eq . (4) or Eq . (5)in their steady-state form along with appropriateexpressions for the velocities u and v . In this paper,this methodology is preserved but the time dependentterm is included during numerical model develop-ment . Available expressions for a and v are basedon analytical methods applied to solve the flow bal-ance equations in channels with two porous walls(Table 1) . The second term on the right-hand sideof Eqs . (6a), (6b) and (7) is generally neglectedbecause of its lower magnitude compared to the firstterm. For spiral wound membranes, the presence of

Table 1Expressions for axial and lateral velocities in channels with two porous walls


feed spacers that promote mixing and turbulencedistort the laminar profile of the axial flow. Thisdistortion has been previously studied in detail, andis presented in Eqs . (8a) and (8b) as a function of amixing parameter m [6] . For low values of m (less than1), the axial profile resembles the parabolic shapelaminar flow while for high values of m (greater than100), the profile resembles the uniform shape ofcompletely mixed flow .Eq . (5) was scaled using appropriate scaling factors

(see Section 6) to yield a modified mass balanceequation in its non-dimensional form as



DOY2 -

VaY -



The initial and boundary conditions are given as


at T = 0,


C = 1

at X = 0,





D- = Vw Cw - Vp Cpat Y= 1 .


Eq . (10b) represents concentration at the inlet, and isequal to 1 in the absence of recycle . During recyclemode, a portion of the reject stream is diverted andmixed with the feed stream . For recycle>0, the inlet

(1) Laminar flow [11]

u (x, Y) =Z Uavg (x) (1 - (H/


) [1 (2 -1 (Hl


z-7 (Hl


) ] '(6a)


"X . (6b)

V(Y) Y Rey y__2H C3- H(y)2) 280H (2-3 H(

y ) 2



)H (7)vu,

(2) Spiral wound flow [10]


dP h v x rm2 C1-"O){(m+l)ln[m(1-h/+1]-m

l(1 h/J'



m=2.1 x 10 5 [ns (ts-ds)]24 ~1E3

E~o.a (8b)

Note: Expression for v(y) remains unchanged.

1 6

boundary condition is appropriately modified into


1 +R, '(l0e)

where R, is the recycle ratio, and CR is the scaledrecycle solute concentration, which is a function oftime . Hence, the inlet boundary condition is time-dependent boundary condition that develops asrecycle solute concentration increases from an initialzero (if the model run is started assuming steady-stateclean water conditions initially) to a finite positivevalue . Eq. (l0a) represents initial clean water operat-ing conditions without CP, while Eqs . (10c) and (10d)represent boundary conditions at the axial center-line(symmetry) and membrane wall (CP), respectively.The velocity profiles were also similarly scaled to



Eqs . (11) and (12) represent profiles for laminar flowin porous channels ; for spiral wound flow, lateralprofile remains the same while the axial profileassumes

U(X, Y, T) =Uavg (X, T)X {(m+1)ln[m(1-Y)+1]-m(1-Y)} .

(m+1)Z ln(m+1)-1 .5mz-m(14)

For m->oc, Eq . (14) represents completelyflow as

K. Madireddi et al. /Journal ofMembrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34


U(X, Y, T) = Uavg (X, T) .


In addition, the following axial pressure drop equationwas used :

P(X) = P(o) - APax X .


In this study, the maximum axial pressure drop (APax)was observed to be 10% of the inlet pressure in all theexperiments ; therefore, this value was substituted in

Eq. (16) to compute P(X) . This approximation wasemployed instead of calculating pressure drop varia-tion spatially and in time using the fluid flow equation .The approximation reduced overall model calculationtimes as substantial number of additional iterationswere required to allow the pressure drop to converge toa stable value at each axial step . The approximationalso reduced problems associated with model stabilityand accuracy.

Finally, a membrane permeation flux equationbased on the osmotic model was used to obtainmembrane permeation velocity :

vv (x, t) = A (AP(x, t) - DII(x, t)),


where A is the membrane permeability, and AP andAH are the applied pressure and the induced osmoticback pressure . The corresponding scaled membranepermeation velocity is denoted by VW . The osmoticpressure is described as a linear function of the soluteconcentration as

17 = Kosmc,


where Kosm is the osmotic pressure coefficient.A finite difference (FD) formulation was employed

to solve Eq . (9) and the supporting fluid flow andmembrane permeation equations ; these included aspace averaged centered-difference analog for timederivative, a time averaged centered-difference analogfor the axial derivative, and modified Crank-Nichol-son analogs for the transverse derivatives . The analogswere written at the center of the grid unit and thesubscripts i,j and n refer to axial, transverse and timecoordinates as shown in Fig . 1(b) .

aC aCaT = aT i_z,1,n+2

Ci-ij,n+1 - Ci-I,J,n+

Ci,J,n+1 - Cij,n2 {




aC aCUOX - Ui 2 "j "n+2 OX . i

'~-z,J, n+ 12




1 Vi j,n_ _


Cij,n+l - Ci-1 j,n+1Ox i_Zj,n+2







U(X, Y, T) = Uavg(X, T) 2 (1 - YZ), (11)

V(X,Y,T)=VW(X,T) 2 (3-YZ), (12)


Uavg(X, T) = I -JVv (X, T) dX (13)

aC aCV aY = Vi-Z,j,n+z aY ~ .-,Z,j, n+2aC


Ci-l j,n+l - Ci-1j-l,n- aY .-~' n+2~= 4 {

2AY2,+ Ci-1j+l,n+l - Ci-1j-l,n+l + Cij+l,n - Cij-l,n

+ Cij+l,n+l - Ci j,n+l2AY 11

a2C _


Ci-l j+l,n - 2Ci-lj,n + Ci_l j-l,nD~y2 D4

DY2+ Ci-1 j+l,n+l - 2Ci-1j,n+l + Ci-1 j-1,n+l

Ay2+ Cij+l,n - 2Cij,n + Cij-l,n

+AY 2

K. Madireddi et al . /Journal ofMembrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34




+ Cij+l,n+l - ?Cij,n+l + Cij-l,n+l ~ .

(22)D Y2

The axial and transverse velocities at the center werecalculated employing a four-point average method asfollows :

Ui-2,J, n+2 = 4{Ui-l,j, n+ Uij,n + Ui- l ,j, n+l +Ui,J,n+1 } ,


Vi-z .j,n+2 -4S Vi-l,j,n+Vij,n+Vi-l,J,n+1+Vi,j,n+l} .


All the known and unknown terms (underlined) inEq . (9) were rearranged to create a canonical form, asfollows :

aj Ci,j-l,n+l + bj Ci,j,n+l + dj Ci,j,n+l = ej,


where aj, bj and dj are coefficients that involve con-stants and velocities as computed using Eqs . (23) and(24) while ej is the term that involves constants, knownconcentrations and velocities . It should be noted thatthe last terms in Eqs . (23) and (24) are unknowns thatdepend on solute concentration at the membrane sur-face at the new time level ; therefore, an iterativetechnique is required for solution . Eq . (25) was solvedusing the tri-diagonal Thomas algorithm after incor-porating the necessary boundary conditions [7] .As the permeation recoveries were relatively sig-

nificant (above 50%), the spiral wound unit wasdivided into K equal elements axially ; the valuesranged from 1 to 10 depending on the size of the

module and the initial operating recovery . Each ele-ment was individually scaled in the same manner asthe first element; however, element characteristics andinitial axial velocities at each inlet were employed forscaling. The overall effect was to solve the massbalance equation successively for K elements withlow recoveries in contrast to solving the mass balanceas a single unit operating at high recovery. Thisprocedure increased the computation time but con-siderably increased numerical stability and the overallaccuracy. The computation was started at the inlet tothe first element (K=1). The solute concentrationvalues at n=1 (old time level) were computed forall values of i and j from the initial condition ; simul-taneously, the concentration values at n=2 (new timelevel) were computed for i=1 and all values ofj fromthe axial boundary condition at the inlet . Thus, theconcentrations are known for three columns shown inFig . 1(b) marked by dark circles ; the last columnconsists of terms with unknown solute concentrationsand velocities, and therefore equations analogous toEq . (25) are written for all transverse grid points fromj=1 to jjmaX based on solute mass balance, andarranged tri-diagonally. The first term of the firstequation (a Ci,l, n+1) and the third term of the lastequation (d Cijmax,n+1) are eliminated employing thetwo transverse boundary conditions at Y=0 and Y--1 .The remaining equations are conveniently solved forconcentration values employing the Thomas algo-rithm .The velocities that are required to compute the

coefficients a, b and d are based on four-point averageas in Eqs . (23) and (24) ; these velocities are dependenton solute concentration at the old and new time levels .In order to remove this non-linearity, an iterativetechnique is employed ; the velocities at the new timelevel and at i=2 are assumed to be equal to old timelevel values for the first guess, the coefficients a, b andd are then computed and Eq . (25) is solved for allvalues of j at i=2 . The new solute concentration isused to compute the osmotic pressure from Eq . (18),and the membrane permeation velocity at the new timelevel from Eq . (17) ; the new value is then substitutedin the transverse velocity profile to obtain values for allj. The axial velocities at the new time level aresubsequently computed from an incremental flowbalance . These values are substituted in Eq . (25),and the procedure is repeated to convergence . For


this study, a convergence criterion of 0.5% was chosenfor old and new values of the permeation velocity .The solution progresses through successive axial

increments until all the grid concentrations werecomputed at the new time level for the first element(K=1) . Simultaneously, the permeation velocitieswere computed and integrated axially to yield thepermeate flow for this element at the new time level .The calculations proceed through successive elements(K=2,3, . . .) until all the elements are solved for soluteconcentrations at the new time level . The permeationvelocities in individual elements were computed asbefore and integrated to yield permeate flows for theelements ; the permeate flows for each element aresummed to yield the total permeate flow from themodule at the new time level. Calculations proceedthrough successive time steps until steady-state isattained .The model was also extended to include recycle

flow ; it was assumed that at the start of each run, thefluid flow (pure water) was at steady-state with con-stant recycle . In this case, the introduction of solute inthe feed flow does not appear as a constant boundarycondition at the inlet ; it starts at a numerically lowervalue than the feed concentration because of recyclemixing . As time progresses, the recycle solute con-centration increases which increases the inlet feedconcentration to a constant value at steady-state .However, this did not disturb the sequence of calcula-tions in the numerical model .A computer program was written in FORTRAN 77

for the model described above . After analyzing themodel for stability, 10 transverse grid elements werefound be sufficient ; a time step equal to one-twohundredth of the nominal residence time was chosenfor each element in the module . As the CDE washyperbolic in the axial direction, the same number ofaxial steps were also chosen ; a characteristics aver-aging scheme is more suitable for hyperbolic equa-tions where the axial grid steps are taken in proportionthe axial velocity propagation . However, the axialvelocities varied from the inlet to exit section of eachelement and also in the transverse direction making itdifficult for characteristics averaging to be success-fully employed . Some error from numerical dispersionwas unavoidable because of the presence of the non-uniform velocity profiles . However, in the model, thedivision of the spiral wound module into several axial

K. Madireddi et al . /Journal ofMembrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34

elements gave the effect of solving low recoveryproblems successively and thus decreased the magni-tude of the numerical error in the axial direction . Theprogram was run on an IBM RISC 6000/550E powerstation . For a typical transient run from start-up tosteady-state involving 500 to 1000 time steps, approxi-mately 1 min of computing time was required ; thistime could be further reduced if larger time steps aretaken as the problem reaches steady-state . The rapidsolution allowed the model to predict behavior for arange of operating pressures, feed concentrations andambient conditions .

3 . Experimental

3.1 . Determination of A, D,s and K,,sm

The permeability A values were evaluated from purewater permeation experiments conducted on the mem-brane at different operating pressures and ambienttemperatures. Eq . (17) was used to relate permeationflux (m/s) with the average operating pressure (KPa)for two different feed flow rates, and subsequentlyused to compute A . The computed A values wereplotted against ambient temperature as shown inFig . 2(a) . This information can also be alternativelyobtained from the membrane manufacturer . NaCl-water system was used to verify model predictions .There is negligible variation in the value of DS for therange of NaCl concentrations from 0 to 1 .6 molar (M)[8] ; hence, a value of 1 .61 x 10-9 m2/s that representsmolecular diffusivity was used in all model runs . Theeffect of NaCl concentration on osmotic pressure atdifferent ambient temperatures has also been docu-mented [8] . The osmotic pressure data were plottedversus NaCl concentrations in the range of 0.1-1 .0 Mat different temperatures ; Kosm was computed as theslope of these lines (Fig . 2(b)) .

3.2 . Pilot-scale experimental set-up

A pilot-scale RO unit that was operated in LakeArrowhead, CA, as a part of a reclamation study, wasused to verify model results experimentally [9] . Theunit was purchased from DESAL, and consisted ofthree spiral wound RO elements 1 .0 m (40 in.) inlength and 0.1 m (4 in .) in diameter placed in series


K. Madireddi et al. /Journal ofMembrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34


Temperature (C)(a)

Fig . 2. (a) Permeability data on membranes used in this study and (b) osmotic constant Kosm (KPa m3/kg) versus temperature based on datafrom [8] .


in a single module, and mounted on a transportableskid with two feed pumps, cartridge filters, and stain-less steel piping (Fig. 3) . A centrifugal booster pumpwas used to push the flow across two one-microncartridge filters to remove particulate matter while apositive displacement pump was used to developdynamic head up to 2070 KPa (300 psi) necessaryfor RO separation . The design product flow rangedfrom 1 .67 x 10-4 to 2.5 x 10-4 m/s (i .e ., 10-15 1/min)for permeate recoveries between 50% and 95%. Thefeed to the unit was NaCl-water solutions preparedfrom "pure water" with electric conductivity (EC)less than 10 ltmho/cm, and non-iodized salt . The purewater was RO-treated tap water produced in batches of1 .0 m3 for each experiment . This procedure was usedinstead of using purchasing laboratory grade DI waterbecause of the unusually large quantity (1 .0 m3 ) thatwas required to prepare the feed solution for eachexperimental run . As this procedure for producingpure water slightly fouled the membranes ; the perme-ability data were collected on these lightly fouledmembranes . The adjusted value of A includes anyfouling and/or degradation effects during the produc-tion of the pure water .

Parameters such as fluid temperature, operatingpressures and fluid concentrations were measuredduring and at the end of each experimental run tofacilitate both transient and steady-state analysis . Eachexperimental run was conducted for 1 h, which wasapproximately five times the feed-side hydraulic resi-dence time ; it was determined from preliminary runs

K. Madireddi et al. /Journal ofMembrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34

Fig . 3 . Schematic of the pilot-scale experimental RO unit.

that this time period was sufficient to achieve steady-state . Since the main emphasis of the experiments wasonly to verify transient and steady-state CP behavior,all the experimental runs required 1 h to complete . Thedata were collected in intervals of 2 min for the first20 min, and in intervals of 10 min for the remaining40 min . Temperature was measured using an on-linetemperature probe, and inlet and downstream operat-ing pressures were measured using on-line pressuregauges . Feed, permeate and concentrate salt concen-trations were measured employing a conductivitymeter ; this was relatively more convenient becausea large number of samples were withdrawn for eachrun . Moreover, EC was linearly related to the saltconcentration in the range of 0-0.1 M employed inthis study . Four different feed NaCI concentrations(0.2, 0.5, 1 .0 and 2.0 kg/m3 ) in addition to pure waterwere used to study the effect of feed solute concen-trations on CP and flux decline . In addition, two feedflow rates 1 .28x 10-4 and 1 .91 x 10-4 m3/s and threedifferent recycle rates (recycle ratios R. of 0.0, 0 .5 and1 .0) were used to verify the effects of different cross-flow velocities . All the experiments were performed inthe temperature range of 18-20°C .

4 . Results and discussion

4.1 . Parametric consistency

P-Pressure gaugeT-TemperatureF-Flow meter

In order to verify the behavior of the model, aparametric study was undertaken . This included vary-


Membrane descriptionModule typeNumber of elements

Membrane characteristics

ing A, R (solute rejection coefficient) and Kos,,, andascertaining if the model behavior matched expectedphysical variations ; for instance, increasing A effec-tively increased permeation rates and thereforeincreased CP. The feed and operating conditions forthese tests are listed in Table 2 . Fig . 4(a) and (b) showthe effect of membrane permeability A on CP and lossin permeate flow. CP modulus, which is the ratio of thesolute concentration calculated at the axial mid-pointon the membrane surface at steady-state to the feedsolute concentration, was plotted versus initial perme-ate recovery for various values of A . It was observedthat the value of CP modulus steadily increasedfrom A=1 .7 x 10-9 to A=6.8 x 10-9 m/s KPa ; this isexpected since increasing A effectively increases per-meation rate and therefore the transport of solute to themembrane surface . The effect ofA on the reduction inoverall permeate flow was also plotted to confirm thisresult. Steady-state values of permeate flow (in m 3/s)were plotted versus initial permeate flow ; in theabsence of CP, which is the case for pure water, itis expected that such a plot will be linear with a slopeof unity i .e ., there is no change in the permeate flow

K. Madireddi et al. /Journal ofMembrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34

Table 2Feed conditions, and membrane characteristics employed for (a) experimental verification and parametric analysis, and (b) accuracy analysis

Spiral wound RO

Spiral wound RO3



over time . However, the presence of solute results inCP and therefore the permeate flux decreases overtime and eventually reaches a steady-state value that islower than the starting flux . The overall decline isdependent on factors that aggravate CP ; for instance,increasing A increases CP and causes a greaterloss in permeate flow . This result is depicted inFig . 4(b) where higher values of A cause the fluxcurves to bend towards the abscissa ; conversely, lowervalues of A result in curves that linearly reflect low CPbuild-up .

Fig . 5(a) and (b) show the effect of solute rejectioncoefficient R and Kosn, on CP. Rejection is defined asthe percentage of the solute molecules retained on thefeed side during membrane separation ; from a physi-cal viewpoint, decreasing R results in passage ofsolutemolecules across the membrane barrier instead ofaccumulating near the surface . From Fig . 5(a), itcan be observed that decreasing R from 98% to60% results in lower values of CP modulus at themembrane surface which confirms the physical intui-tion . Kosm indicates the magnitude of osmotic pressurethat is induced by a solute ; increasing Kosm results in a

Solute rejection (R) 0.98 0 .98Permeability A (20°C) (m/s KPa) 5 .3 x 10-9 7 .45 x 10-9Channel width (2H) (m) 7 .62x 10-4 8 .O x 10_'Length per element (m) 1 .1 2 .0Area per element (mz) 8 .36 2 .0

Operating conditionsAmbient temperature (TS) (°C) 20 25Operating pressure (P) (KPa) 700-1250 3040Flow regime Laminar LaminarFeed Reynolds number (Re) 101 1333Feed flow (Q o) (m3 /s) 1 .9 x 10 -4 6.Ox 10-4Initial inlet velocity (no) (m/s) 0.06 0.75

Fluid propertiesFeed solute concentration (c o ) (kg/m3 ) 1 .0 5 .0Solute diffusivity (DS ) (mz /s) 1 .61x10 -9 1 .61x10 -9

Osmotic pressure constant (Ko��) (KPa M3 /kg) 75 .4 68 .9


K. Madireddi et al. /Journal ofMembrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34

state flow.



1 .0x10-6~




Feed : 1 .89E-04m3/sFlow: Laminar

Recycle RC 0.0

A= 1.7E-09

A =3.4E-09

T--U-.' .

I0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 .0

Initial Permeate Recovery (r)

Flow: Laminar

Feed: 1.89E-04m3/sRecycle RC: 0.0

A = 3.4E-09

A= 5.3E-09

A =5.3E-09

A = 6.8E-09 m/sXPa

A= 6.8E-09 m/sXPa

0.0 i



1.0x10,1 .5x106


Initial Permeate Flow (m3/s)(b)

Fig. 4. Effect of membrane permeability A on: (a) steady state CP modulus, and (b) loss ofpermeate flow : initial flow plotted versus steady-











K. Madireddi et al. /Journal ofMembrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34


Flow: LaminarFeed : 1.89E-04 m3/sRecycleRC : 0.0

Flow: Laminar

Feed : 1 .89E-04 m3/sRecycle R. : 0.0

Initial Permeate Recovery (r)



2~TiTrTi ~iTi~0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

I Initial Recovery (r)

Fig. 5 . (a) Effect of membrane rejection coefficient R on CP, and (b) effect of osmotic pressure constant Ko�� on CP.








K. Madireddi et al . /Journal ofMembrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34

Flow: Laminar Flow

Feed : 1 .89E-04m3/sRecycle R

c: 0.0

high value of 017 and therefore an overall decrease inthe solvent driving force AP-D77. This translates tolower permeation rates and therefore lower CP. Twovalues of K,,,,, were chosen for ascertaining para-metric

consistency :

3.45 x 10+3and6.89 x 10+3 KPa M3/kg .

From Fig . 5(b), it can beobserved that the lower Kosn, value results in increasedCP.The model was also tested for parametric consis-

tency with respect to DS; however, Ds was used as akey parameter during scaling and thus an order ofmagnitude change altered the numerical stability ofthe problem, thus requiring different time and spatialincrements . In order to minimize numerical discre-pancies, the model runs were generated for two closeDs values : 1 .61 x 10-9 m2/s which is the moleculardiffusivity of NaCI in water and 3 .12x 10-9 m2/swhich is twice the preceding value ; the effect onCP is shown in Fig . 6 . As expected, increasing D,decreased CP because of increased solute back diffu-sion into the bulk stream.The model was also tested for numerical accuracy

by comparing with results of a steady-state CP modelfor commercial membranes . A steady-state CP model


1 '



Initial Permeate Recovery (r)(a)

Fig. 6. Effect of solute diffusivity D, on CP modulus.

previously developed using an alternate solution tech-nique namely a finite element formulation was chosenfor comparison [10] . The operating conditions andmembrane characteristics for this comparison arelisted in Table 2, and the results are plotted inFig . 7 ; it was found that the steady-state predictionsof the transient model were within 10% of the pre-dictions of the Bhattacharya model.The model was also tested for numerical stability

and for avoiding oscillatory problems . Though a vonNeumann analysis was not conducted because of thecomplexities involved with the non-linear nature ofthe coefficients in the tri-diagonal coefficient matrix inEq. (25), a relatively simpler analysis of the depen-dence ofnumerical solution on numerical grid size andtime steps were undertaken . The numerical procedurewas found to be conditionally stable in the lateraldirection because of the parabolic nature of Eq . (9) inthat direction. Accordingly, a relatively small timestep of 1/200th of the nominal residence time waschosen . This ensured numerical stability in the lateraldirection ; Eq . (9) is hyperbolic in the axial direction,and therefore the adopted centered-difference proce-dure worked effectively.

Fig . 7. Comparison of the CP results of the model with an earlier steady-state FEM solution [10] ; operating conditions listed in Table 2 .

4.2. Model predictions


b0 3-



Flow: Laminar

Feed: 6 .0E-04 m3/s

FD model

0.0 0 .2 0.4

Axial position (X)

Three different axial velocity profiles were used toduplicate laminar flow, completely mixed flow andspacer-induced mixing (partial mixing) regimesdescribed by Eqs . (11), (14) and (15) ; some of theresults were verified experimentally. Five feed soluteconcentrations were chosen for model runs at 0.01,0.2, 0.5, 1 .0 and 2.0 kg/m3 ; four feed flow rates at1.26x 10-4 , 1 .89 x 10-4 , 9.46 x 10-4 , 1.89 x 10-3 m3/Sand three recycle rates at recycle ratios of 0.0, 0.5, 1 .0,5.0 and 10 were chosen to investigate the effect ofcross-flow. In addition, the effect of ambient tempera-ture was also investigated at 15°C, 20°C and 25°C .Transient flux decline information that the model iscapable of generating is illustrated for laminar flow fordifferent feed concentrations in Fig . 8 ; the permeatefluxes are plotted as a function of time until steady-state conditions are attained. However, this procedurewas not adopted for illustrating all model results . Toconserve space, only steady-state results are shown fordifferent feed and operating conditions, and flowregimes .CP and loss in permeate flow are plotted for various

feed concentrations in Fig . 9(a) and (b), respectively.Lower feed solute concentrations resulted in higherCP modulus values because of higher permeationrates . Since experiments were conducted only for saltconcentrations ranging from 0.01 to 2.0 kg/m3 , the

K. Madireddi et al . /Journal of Membrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34

FEM Solution


model predictions and discussion are limited to thisrange . The lower concentrations ranging up to 0.5 kg/m3 reflect those found in typical municipal and indus-trial wastewater discharges while higher concentra-tions up to 2.0 kg/m3 are more representative ofbrackish water sources . Laminar flow (Eq . (11))results were also compared to completely-mixed flowregimes (Eq . (15)) for two feed concentrations : 0.01and 1 .0 kg/m3 ; the latter invariably decreased CP andtherefore the permeate flux decline because of moreeffective mass transfer via mixing (Fig . 10) .The effect of increasing cross-flow velocity was

investigated in two ways : (1) increasing feed flow, and(2) increasing recycle flow. The effect of increasingfeed flow on CP, and therefore permeate flux decline isshown in Fig . 11 (a) while the effects of recycle flowrates are shown in Fig . 11(b) . Two different flow rateswere used to verify the model with experiments at1 .26x 10-4 and 1 .89x 10-4 m3/S (Reynolds Number -Re of 67 and 101, respectively) ; however, the modelwas also tested at flow rates of 9.46x 10-4 and1 .89 x 10-3 m3/s (Re values of 505 and 1010), andthe results from this increase which are more dramatic,are shown in Fig. 11(a) . As expected, higher feed flowrates directly reduced CP and permeate flow lossbecause of increased cross-flow and effective masstransfer. The impact of increasing recycle flow rateswas more complicated because there were competingfactors that influenced CP. The increase in cross-flow




8x10 5-


5x105 -

K. Madireddi et al . /Journal ofMembrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34

Flow: Laminar

Feed : 1 .89E-04 m3/sRecycle R. 0.0

OP: 690 KPa

velocity had the impact of reducing CP and fluxdecline but it also contributed to an effective increasein feed concentration because of mixing with the moreconcentrated recycle fluid. While the latter effect wasdominant at lower recycle rates (recycle ratios up to1 .0), CP was reduced at higher recycle flow rates(recycle ratios above 1.0) . However, the results areonly preliminary and need to be verified experimen-tally ; this is especially important at higher cross-flowvelocities because of the impact of axial pressure drop .In all the above model runs, a constant axial pressuredrop of 10% was assumed ; this could be higher in realsystems leading to greater flux decline than what isshown in Fig . 11(b) . The effect of temperature onpermeate flux decline is illustrated in Fig . 12 . Tem-perature was mainly assumed to influence A and Kosm .Since the permeability experiments on the membranewere conducted in the limited range of 15-25°C, themodel runs were limited to this range . Nevertheless,increasing temperature had the effect of increasingpermeability, and therefore increased CP and fluxdecline .The model was also used to predict CP and loss in

permeate flow for spiral wound membranes based on


Time (X nominal residence time)

Co = 0.01 kg/m 3

Co = 0.2 kg/m3

Fig . 8 . Transient state model predictions : permeate flow loss is plotted versus time.


an axial velocity profile provided by Miyoshi (Eq . 76) .The main parameter of interest was the constant m,which defined the extent of mixing induced by thespacer. Based on the specifications provided by themanufacturer in this study (Desal, based in Escondido,CA) on the spacer thickness (7.62 x 10-4 m), cross-barthickness (2.16x 10-4 m) and spacer porosity (atapproximately 0.9), the constant was calculated tobe 8.7 employing Eq . (8b) . The losses in permeateflow for a specific feed concentration (0.5 kg/m3 ) arecompared with laminar and completely mixed flow(m--->oc) regimes and plotted in Fig . 13(a) . The lami-nar flow regime gave the highest CP and permeate flowloss confirming the need for effective solute masstransfer during membrane separation ; the presenceof the spacer only decreased CP and flux declinebut the change was marginal . This result indicatesthe improvements that are necessary for increasing theeffectiveness of the mixers by increasing m ; forinstance, decreasing spacer porosity considerablyincreases the value of m, ensuring adequate mixing .The model was also used to study the effect of

channel half-width H and the degree of mixing ; thelatter effect is represented by the parameter m . The





60 -I








1 .5x10°1 .4x10-41 .3x10,1 .2x10,1 .1x10-4

1 .0x10-4






K. Madireddi et al . /Journal ofMembrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34


Flow: Laminar

Feed : 1.89E-04 m3/sRecycle RC: 0.0

C0 = 0.01 kg/ 3

C = 0.20= 0.5 kg/m 3= 1.0 kg/m 3- 2.0 kg/m3






Initial Permeate Recovery (r)


1 .0x10, 1 .2x10-4 1 .4x10"° 1 .6x10-4

Initial Permeate Flow (m3/s)


Fig. 9. Model predictions for various feed solute concentrations : (a) CP modulus versus recovery, and (b) initial versus steady-state permeateflow.


1 .6x10-°

1 .0x10-4 -

8.0x1 0-e -

6.0x10-5 -{-8.Ox10'

4.3 . Experimental verification

K. Madireddi et al. /Journal ofMembrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34

results on permeate flux decline for initial startingrecovery of 0.83 are presented in Fig . 13(b) ; fivevalues of H at 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 mils (1 mil=7.62x 10-4 m), and four values of m at 1, 10, 100 and1000 were chosen for model runs . The permeate fluxdecline was lowest for H value of 20 mils and m valueof 1000 ; lower H values essentially increased cross-flow velocity while higher m values represented agreater degree of mixing and turbulence .

The experimental data were compared with modelruns for all the cases of axial velocity i .e ., laminarflow, completely mixed flow and flow with feedspacers . Fig . 14(a) represents normalized flux declinedata for a typical 1 h experiment conducted on theunit; for the feed flow rates used in these experiments(1 .26x 10-4, 1.89x 10-4 m3/s), the 1 h test period wasapproximately 30 times the feed side fluid residencetime . This test period was adequate for the permeateflux to decline to a steady-state value . The experi-mental flux values were adjusted for variations in theoperating pressure since it varied, though within 10%,

1 .0x10-4 1 .2x10-4 1 .4x10

Initial permeate flow (m3/s)

1 .6x10' 4

Fig . 10 . Effect of laminar versus completely mixed flow regimes on permeate flow loss .

over the test period ; this procedure facilitated compar-ison with model results where the operating pressurewas assumed to be constant . From Fig . 14(a), it can beobserved that there is approximately a 10% discre-pancy between experimental flux decline and modelpredictions based on spacer-induced mixing ; however,it was lower than the flux decline predicted by com-pletely mixed flow . This difference is primarily attrib-uted to two factors : (1) numerical error that isnormally associated with any FD solution and/or (2)the limitations associated with the description of theeddy constant m . For instance in the latter case, theauthors who provided expressions for the axial velo-city ignored the effects of drag induced by the spacerin order to simplify analysis . In addition, empiricalexpressions were provided for m based on limitedexperiments conducted on standard spacers . Anotherdiscrepancy between experimental data and modelpredictions is the rate of development of CP andeventual flux decline ; for instance, it can be observedfrom Fig . 14(a) that the flux decline in the case ofexperimental data is slower as compared to all thethree model curves . This discrepancy is attributed tosome of the basic assumptions associated with the

1 .5x104 -

1 .4x104 -

1 .3x10-4 -

1 .2x104-

1 .1x104-

1 .0x10






1 .3x104 -

1 .2x10-4 r,

1 .1x10-4 -

1 .0x10-4 -


8.0x105 -

7.0x105 -1

6.0x105 j

K. Madireddi et al. /Journal of Membrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34


8.0x10-5 1 .0x10-4 1.2x10-4 1.4x10-4 1 .6x10-4

Initial permeate flow (m3/s)(a)

Initial permeate flow (m3/s)(b)

8.0x105 1.0x104 1 .2x104 1.4x104i


Fig. 11 . Effect of cross-flow on CP and permeate flow loss: (a) Re versus flow loss, and (b) R. versus flow loss .


7x105 -

6x105 -

Flow: Laminar

Feed : 1 .89E-04 m3/sRecycle R. : 0.0

5x105 i






1 .0x104

1 .2x10°1 .4x10

1 .6x10°

Fig . 12 . Effect of ambient temperature on permeate flow loss at zero recycle.

model namely that the fluid is already at a steady-stateon the feed side of the membrane before salt isintroduced as a step function (i .e ., from initial puresolvent to a specific feed concentration) . However, thiswas not observed during the experiments because ofthe large quantity of pure solvent (water) that wasnecessary for each experiment. A typical experimentalrun consisted of operating the RO unit at a specificpermeate recovery initially on 1 .0 m3 of clean water(with an approximate salt concentration of 0.01 kg/m3) in a total recycle mode with both the concentrateand permeate being recycled to the feed tank. The ROunit was then suspended for a brief period of 2 min tomix a predetermined quantity of salt in the feed tank toattain a specific concentration, and restarted to con-duct the flux decline experiment for that salt concen-tration . Thus, the procedure automatically insured thatthere was a delay in the build-up of CP and flux declineassociated more with the positive displacement feedpump reaching its operating rpm . This discrepancywas limited to within two to three minutes of operationand did not affect flux decline thereafter. The steady-state values of CP modulus and flux decline that

K. Madireddi et al./Journal of Membrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34



Initial permeate flow (m3/s)

T=25 C


depended only on feed and operating conditions suchas recovery, feed solute concentration and ambienttemperature were also unaffected .

Steady-state data were compared with modelingresults for various feed solute concentrations, operat-ing pressures and recycle flow rates . In general, themodeling results based on laminar and spacerinduced flow regimes consistently over-predictedpermeate flow loss . However, flow loss based oncompletely mixed flow was consistently lower thanthat observed during the experiments. It is expectedthat model predictions based on laminar flow wouldover-predict permeate flow loss, while those based oncompletely mixed flow would under-predict it. Thisresults because of the partial mixing, which is notdescribed in either case . This was true in all theexperiments that were conducted during this study.The relatively minor differences between experimen-tal data and predictions based on spacer inducedmixing can be attributed to the simplifying assump-tions made during model development . Some of thesteady-state results with respect to flow loss are shownin Fig . 14(b) .


1.5x10 -t

1 .3x10-0 -


-01.1x10 -

v1.0x10-4 -

8.Oxlo-5 ~

K. Madireddi et al. /Journal ofMembrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34


Flow : 1 .89E-04 m3/sD : 1 .61E-09 mZ/s


A : 5 .3E-09 m/s.KPa

Ca : 0.51cg/m 3

7.OxIO-5 -I


I ,8 .0x10 -5 1 .0x10 -4 1 .2x104 1 .4x10 -0 1 .6x10

Initial permeate flow (m 3 /s)(a)

Channel width (mils)(b)

Laminar (m=0)

Fig . 13 . Permeate flow loss at zero recycle plotted : (a) for various flow regimes, and (b) versus channel thickness in mils (1 mil=7.6x 10-° m)and mixing parameter m .


K. Madireddi et al. /Journal ofMembrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34

1.40x10 -0 -

n 1.35x10 -

1 .25x10' ° -Pr

1 .20x10-° -


Feed: 1 .89E-04 m 3/sCo : 0 .2 kg/m3

OP: 1105 KPa

Recycle R. 0.0


Spiral wound


200 400 600 800 1000

Elapsed time (s)


Initial permeate flow (m3/s)(b)

Fig . 14 . Experimental verification on the pilot-scale RO unit : (a) transient-state data, and (b) steady-state data.

5 . Summary and conclusions

Concentration polarization (CP) is a seriousproblem that has restricted the use of membranes .In this study, a transient state finite difference (FD)model for predicting CP and initial loss in permeateflow was developed and tested as a first step towardsdeveloping a more comprehensive model for long-term permeate flow loss in commercial membranesystems . A computer program was written to solvethe solute mass balance equation along with theequations of fluid balance and continuity. The equa-tions were written to describe flow in spiral woundmembranes with feed spacers, but other flow regimessuch as laminar flow and completely turbulent flow inrectangular channels were also analyzed . Awide rangeof feed and operating conditions were studied toascertain the consistency and behavior of the model .The effect of other important membrane characteris-tics such as channel thickness, spacer characteristicsand temperature were also studied . The effect of cross-flow was also studied by varying feed and recycle flowrates .

Experiments conducted on a pilot-scale spiralwound RO unit for separation of NaCl solutions atvarious feed concentrations, feed flow rates, recyclerates compared well with the model ; the model con-sistently over-predicted permeate flow loss byapproximately 10% . This was attributed to the limita-tions of the model, including numerical error aswell as limitations relating to the description of themembrane, module and the spacers . For example,several assumptions were made during the formula-tion of the model such as constant solute rejection,constant axial pressure drop of 10% on all modelruns and the absence of spiraling effects . Nevertheless,the model was successful in accurately predictingthe effects of CP and is expected to be useful in thedesign of commercial membrane systems . Theoverall formulation of the model is also relativelyeasy to interpret, and is therefore expected to be usefulfor separation problems involving colloidal andorganic matter removal that are described by othermembrane flux models such as the gel polarizationmodel or the resistances model . Another advantageof the model is its relevance to long-term fluxdecline ; as each model runs reaches steady-state withrespect to CP, progressively larger time increments

K. Madireddi et al./Journal of Membrane Science 157 (1999) 13-34

can be taken in order to incorporate these effects.Thus, a substantial amount of flux decline informationcould be generated within reasonable computationtimes .

6. Nomenclature


membrane permeability (m/s KPa)c

solute concentration (kg/m3)CO

inlet (feed) solute concentrationC

scaled solute concentration (C=clco)CPscaledpermeate solute concentrationCRscaledrecycle solute concentrationCWscaledwall solute concentrationd5spacerfiber thicknessD

scaled solute diffusivity (DS Lluo H2 )Ds

solute diffusivity (m2/s)2H

channel thickness (m)K,,sm

osmotic coefficient (KPa m3/kg)i

numerical variable in x-directionj

numerical variable in y-directionL

channel axial length (m)m

mixing parametern

numerical variable in timens

number of spacersP

applied pressure on the feed side (KPa)OPax

axial pressure drop (KPa)R

percent rejection coefficient (100(C-CP))


recycle ratioRe

axial Reynolds number (4Huolv)t

time coordinate (s)is

spacer thicknessT

scaled time coordinate (t uOIL)u

axial velocity (m/s)uoaxialvelocity at the module inletU

scaled axial velocity (uluo)Uavg

space-averaged scaled axial velocityv

lateral velocity (m/s)VW

wall permeation velocityV

scaled lateral velocity (v Lluo H)VPscaledpermeation velocityVWscaledwall permeation velocityx

axial coordinate (m)X

scaled axial coordinate (x/L)y

lateral coordinate (m)Y

scaled lateral coordinate (y/H)



Greek letters


spacer porosityv

solvent kinematic viscosity (mz/S)17

osmotic pressure (KPa)p

solvent density (kg/m3)


The authors are grateful to the Ahmanson Founda-tion that funded this research and the Lake Arrowheadpilot-study . They are especially thankful to the LakeArrowhead Community Services District (LACSD),and Mr. Ken Nelsen, the chief operator at their waste-water treatment facilities . They are also grateful to themany graduate students at the University of Califor-nia, Los Angeles, who participated in this study.


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