anxiety disorder psych

Post on 24-Dec-2014



Health & Medicine



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Anxiety Disorder

By: Andie Smith

What is Anxiety Disorder?

• Generalized anxiety disorder (or GAD) is characterized by excessive, exaggerated anxiety and worry about everyday life events with no obvious reasons for worry.

• The individual’s daily life becomes a huge stress filled with worry, fear, and dread.

• These people tend to always expect disaster and can’t stop worrying about things such as money, health, family, and work.

• The person’s anxiety eventually begins to interfere with their lives on both a physical and emotional standpoint.

Anxiety Disorder cont’d

• Usually people who are diagnosed with anxiety disorder, normally suffer from depression, drug abuse, or alcohol abuse.

• Most people with this disease tend to worry about unrealistic events or out of proportion situations.

What are the causes of Anxiety Disorder?

• Researchers are discovering new ways to understand biological, psychological, and social factors that may influence this disorder.

• Heredity• Brain chemistry• Personality• Life experiences


Who does Anxiety Disorder target?

• Anxiety disorder can be present to anyone no matter what age.

• It usually becomes noticed around the teenage years to even the 40s depending on the person.

• If an individual does not seek treatment, the disorder may be present for many years down the road.

Symptoms of anxiety disorder

• Excessive, ongoing worry and tension

• An unrealistic view of problems

• Restlessness or a feeling of being "edgy"

• Irritability• Muscle tension• Headaches • Sweating

• Difficulty concentrating• Nausea• The need to go to the

bathroom frequently• Tiredness• Trouble falling or staying

asleep• Trembling• Being easily startled

What are some of the treatments for Anxiety Disorder?

• Depending on how severe the disorder is, there are different types and strengths of medicine and therapy available.

• Therapy: psychotherapy, pharmaceutical therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy, etc.

• Medicine: SSRIs are the main medication that is recommended however there are many other types offered.

Does it affect men and women differently?

• Women are more likely to report feelings of sadness, worthlessness, and excessive guilt.

• Men are more likely to acknowledge symptoms of fatigue, irritability, loss of interest in activities, and sleep disturbances.

• Men are more likely than women to turn to alcohol or drugs when they are depressed.

• Older adults are more likely to medical conditions which can worsen the symptoms.

Interesting facts related to anxiety disorder

• People who have anxiety disorder occasionally have others types of disorders along with it.

• One of the main disorders that is common in people with anxiety disorder is depression.

• About 4 million people in the United States suffer from an anxiety disorder during the course of a year.

• It is more common in women than in men.

Anxiety Disorder

My Anxiety Process

• Before I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder, I didn’t really think my worrying was that much of a serious thing.

• I always knew that I worried about the little things more than people but I never thought anything of it.

• People would always say to me just calm down and take deep breaths because everything is going to be fine.

My Anxiety Process

• After a few years of going through this in my life, my family and close friends said that it might be a good idea to go and see a doctor to see if anything was wrong or if I could get any help.

• When I was setting up the appointment to finally go see a doctor, I was extremely nervous and worried about the possibilities constantly.

My Anxiety Process

• When I finally went to the doctor, he asked me some questions about my everyday life and we also discussed my stress level.

• He told me that I have a disorder known as anxiety disorder.

• I was completely shocked because I never thought about that possibility and I just did not think my problem was that serious.

My Anxiety Process

• The doctor told me some of the options that I have for this disorder, and there are many types to choose from.

• The treatment options range from therapy sessions to simply taking medication.

• I have chosen to go through with therapy sessions because I think it will be more effective and I worry about the effects that the medication might have on me so I am to scared to try it.

My Anxiety Process

• After I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder I to take out some of the stress in my life by cutting back some of my work hours.

• I tried to focus on improving myself and health so that I could take control of all of the anxiety I have.

• My doctor also said that cutting back some of the stress in my life would reduce my anxiety.

My Anxiety Process

• Over the past few months, I have been seeking treatment from my therapist which has helped tremendously.

• Not all of the anxiety that I had is completely gone but it has been reduced a great amount.

• After a few therapy sessions, my therapist persuaded me to at least try some simple medication that could have a positive effect on my disorder.

• I tried a few types of medication to see which one worked the best for me prescribed by my doctor and finally found one that worked for me with no harmful effects, which I was extremely worried about.

My Anxiety Process

• Since I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder, I knew that I would have to make a change in my life if I ever wanted to get better.

• My family and friends all supported me in my time of struggle and I am very thankful for having them in my life.

• After dealing with improving my anxiety in multiple ways, I now see a great improvement and I don’t worry about near as many things that have no obvious reasons for worrying.

My life now

• To the people out there who have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder, don’t be afraid to seek help or try new things.

• I know that the options might be very different than anything you are used to and you might worry about some of the effects, just know that it is completely worth it.

• I was once the person who would always worry about unimportant things in life, but now after getting help, I can enjoy my life worry-free!

• This is a project for a high school AP Psychology course. This is a fictionalized account of having a psychological ailment. For questions about this blog project or its content please email the teacher Chris Jocham:

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