“armageddon advertising” and the power of...

Post on 27-Jun-2020






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The Cash Cow Stephen Leeb's Guide to Currency & Commodity Profits with ETFs

The Biggest Investment in the History of Capitalism is

About to Collapse By March 1st, 2013, It Will Bring

An Endgame to Your Way of Life ... By Dr. Stephen Leeb

Research Chairman, The Cash Cow

Stephen Leeb, Ph.D. Research Chairman

Gentle Reader,

This investment was once hailed as:

((The greatest innovation in the history of money:'

It boasts a market cap that is more than 18 times the size of Exxon Mobil's ... and more than 22 times the size of Gazprom and Google combined ...

It also boasts an investment following that eclipses cult stocks like Microsoft and McDonald's­by orders ofmagnitude . ..

But now an historic event, which has just bubbled to the surface in the Persian Gulf, is about to bring a violent end to its unprecedented rise ...

A 30-year investment mega-trend is about to reverse ... and when it does it will shake the value of everything you've worked for ... and everything

you own ... to the ground ...

Your income and investment gains will begin to vanish, while at the same time the costs of almost everything you need to buy ... from your gas to your groceries ... your computer to your car. .. your iPhones to your home loans ... will go.vertical.

It will be the reversal of everything you've come to know.

But despite the magnitude and importance of this event, not one major western media outlet (bar the Telegraph in London) cared (or should I say)­dared - to cover the story ...

And even more curious is that the ancient region where this event took place isn't even labeled on Google maps - despite the fact that it ranks among one of the most historically and strategically significant regions on the planet.

But I'll tell you about this civilization-altering

please turn over ...


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