ap pre test

Post on 01-Jun-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 ap pre test


    Are You Up To The Challenge Of AP Biology?

    Multiple Choice

    Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

    ____ 1. Membrane-bound organelles have been an important component in the evolution of complex, multicellularorganisms. Which of the following best summarizes an advantage of eukarotic cells having internal

    membranes! "new practice#1$

    a. %ukarotic cells are able to reproduce faster because of the presence of organelles.

    b. &ome organelles, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts, are similar to prokarotic cells in


    c. 'rganelles isolate specific reactions, increasing metabolic efficienc.

    d. (ompartmentalization leads to a higher mutation rate in )*+, which leads to more new


    ____ . aramecia are unicellular protists that have contractile vacuoles to remove excess intracellular water. n an

    experimental investigation, paramecia were placed in salt solutions of increasing osmolarit. /he rate at

    which the contractile vacuole contracted to pump out excess water was determined and plotted against

    osmolarit of the solutions, as shown in the graph. Which of the following is the correct explanation for the

    data! "new practice#0$

    a. +t higher osmolarit, lower rates of contraction are reuired because more salt diffuses

    into the paramecia

    b. /he contraction rate increases as the osmolarit decreases because the amount of water

    entering the paramecia b osmosis increases

    c. /he contractile vacuole is less efficient is solutions of high osmolarit because of thereduced amount of +/ produced from cellular respiration

    d. n an isosmotic salt solution, there is no diffusion of water into or out of the paramecia, so

    the contraction rate is zero.

    ____ 2. /he 3ts4 protein is present in prokarotes and in chloroplasts. /he protein is structurall and functionall

    similar to tubulin proteins of eukarotic cells. Which of the following is a likel conclusion to draw from thisinformation! "new practice# 5$

    a. 3ts4 and tubulin proteins were both present in a common ancestor.

    b. Microtubules are involved in the mechanics of photosnthesis.

    c. tubulin genes are evolutionaril derived from the gene that codes for the 3ts4 protein

    d. /he seuences of the genes encoding the 3ts4 and tubulin proteins are identical

  • 8/9/2019 ap pre test


    ____ 6. Which of the following statements best supports the claim that organisms share fundamental processes as a

    result of evolution! "new practice# 0$

    a. +ll organisms that are introduced into new environments have the capacit to fill vacant

    ecological roles

    b. +ll organisms have the abilit to utilize oxgen to harness energ from the chemicalbreakdown of organic compounds

    c. +ll organisms share a genetic code organized into triplet codons, making it possible for oneorganism to express a gene from another organism.

    d. +ll organisms possess structures such as chloroplasts and mitochondria within their cells

    that reflect past smbiotic relationships between prokarotic precursors.

    + biologist spent man ears researching the rate of evolutionar change in the finch populations of a group

    of islands. t was determined that the average beak size "both length and mass$ of finches in a certain

    population increased dramaticall during an intense drought between 1781 and 1789. )uring the drought,

    there was a reduction in the number of plants producing thin-walled seeds.

    ____ 0. Which of the following procedures was most likel followed to determine the change in beak size! "new

    practice# 9$a. + few finches were trapped in 1781 and again in 1789, and their beak sizes were


    b. /he beak size in fifteen finches was measured in 1789, and the beak size in the original

    finches was determined b estimation.

    c. /he beak size in a large number of finches was measured ever ear from 1781 to 1789.

    d. 3inches were captured and bred in 1781, and the beak size of the offspring was measured.

    ____ :. Which of the following best describes the mechanism behind the change in beak size in the finch population!

    "new practice# 7$

    a. /he formation of two new finch species from a single parent species

    b. + change in gene freuencies in the finch population due to selective pressure from the

    environmental change

    c. + new allele appearing in the finch population as a result of mutation

    d. /he achievement of dnamic euilibrium in the finch population as a result of homeostasis.

    ____ 9. Which of the following depicts the most probable pathwa of processing and packaging a secretor protein

    within a eukarotic cell!

    a. secretor vesicles rough endoplasmic reticulum ;olgi bod cell membrane

    b. rough endoplasmic reticulum ;olgi bod secretor vesicles cell membrane

    c. ;olgi bod secretor vesicles rough endoplasmic reticulum cell membrane

    d. &ecretor vesicles ;olgi bod rough endoplasmic reticulum cell membrane

    ____ 8. 3ive new species of bacteria were discovered in +ntarctic ice core samples. /he nucleotide "base$ seuencesof r

  • 8/9/2019 ap pre test


    Nucleotide Differences

    &pecies 1 2 6 0

    1 - 2 17 18 9

    - 17 18 :

    2 - 1 9

    6 - 9

    0 -

    Which of the following phlogenetic trees is most consistent with the data! "new practice# 2$a. b. c. d.

    ____ 7. /he amino acid seuence of ctochromecis exactl the same in humans and chimpanzees. /here is a

    difference of 12 amino acids between the ctochrome cof humans and dogs, and a difference of 5 amino

    acids between the ctochrome cof humans and rattlesnakes. Which of the following statements is best

    supported b these data! "558#1$


  • 8/9/2019 ap pre test


    a. c.

    b. d.

    ____ 1. /he illustration above depicts a neuromuscular >unction of a patient with an autoimmune disorder.

    +cetlcholine is a stimulator neurotransmitter. Which of the following would be the most likel result of the

    continued presence of the antibod! "new practice#09$

    a. +n increase in action potentials in the motor neuron and constant nerve pain

    b. + decrease in action potentials in the muscle, causing muscle weakness and fatigue

    c. + decrease in the opening of sodium-gated channels in the muscle, causing less sodium to

    be released from the muscle.

    d. +n increase in the opening of sodium-gated channels in the motor neuron because of the

    accumulation of acetlcholine in the >unction.

  • 8/9/2019 ap pre test


    n the first step of an experiment, rat liver cells were exposed for 0 minutes to amino acids labeled with a

    radioactive isotope. /he cells were then washed to stop an further incorporation of radioactive amino acids.

    /he cells were sampled periodicall thereafter, and the radioactivit of a certain protein "protein ?$ was

    measured in various cell components, as shown below

    uice dail had smptoms that lasted

    an average of 6 das. +nother :,555 people with a common cold who did not drink orange >uice dail had

    smptoms that lasted an average of 9 das. &cientists repeated the experiment 2 times with the same results.

    /he concluded that orange >uice reduces the length of the common cold. Was this conclusion valid, and


  • 8/9/2019 ap pre test


    a. Bes, because vitamin ( is a known common cold cure.

    b. Bes, because scientists repeated the experiment.

    c. *o, because the sample size was too small.

    d. *o, because some of the people who drank orange >uice did not feel better.

    ____ 18. +den wanted to determine the effects of stress on heart rate. +s his stress factor, he asked sub>ects to

    complete math problems. De randoml divided his biolog class of 6 students into groups. De gave 1group a timed test of difficult algebra problems= he gave the other group a timed test of simple arithmetic

    problems. +den measured heart rates both before and immediatel after the test. De hpothesized that the

    group given the difficult problems would show a higher mean heart rate "that is, a higher stress level$ than

    those given simple problems. ect his initial hpothesis!

    a. Deart rates of the groups taken during the testb. +verage math grades of the groups

    c. Gefore and after heart rates when both groups are given a more difficult test

    d. Gefore and after heart rates when a single group is given the same test

    ____ 17. &everal students in a biolog lab tested mealwormsE preference for damp or dr conditions. /he students

    placed 05 mealworms one-b-one in the middle of a laer of paper towels with a damp area and a dr area.

    /he mealworms were allowed to move freel over the paper towels for 15 min. +fter 15 min the students

    noted the location of each mealworm. /he data is summarized below.

    n a second experiment the same 05 mealworms were exposed to each of 6 different arrangements of paper

    towels with food sources in different locations. 3ood sources >ust off the paper towels can be sensed b themealworms, but are out of their reach. /he diagram below shows the location of the worms after 15 min.

    Which conclusion best supports the data collected in both experiments!

    a. Mealworms prefer damp conditions over dr conditions

    b. Mealworms prefer dr conditions over damp conditions

    c. Mealworms are more strongl influenced b food then b damp or dr conditions

    d. Mealworms are more strongl influenced b damp or dr conditions than b food

    ____ 5. &hown below is a growth curve for aramecium grown in a 1.5l flask containing pond water at 5H(. /he

    pond water is continuall filtered to remove waste products, and nutrients are added at a constant rate.

  • 8/9/2019 ap pre test


    Dow could the experiment be modified to determine whether temperature influences the population size of



  • 8/9/2019 ap pre test


    Are You Up To The Challenge Of AP Biology?

    Answer ection

    MU!T"P!# C$O"C#

    1. +* ( / 1. +* G / 1

    2. +* ( / 1 'GI# %volution

    6. +* ( / 1 'GI# %volution

    0. +* ( / 1 'GI# %volution

    :. +* G / 1 'GI# %volution

    9. +* G / 1

    8. +* ( / 1 'GI# %volution

    7. +* % / 1

    15. +* ) / 1 C'(# +1 /'# sci meth

    11. +* ( / 1

    1. +* G / 1

    12. +* ) / 1

    16. +* + / 1

    10. +* ( / 1

    1:. +* ) / 1 C'(# +6 /'# sci meth

    19. +* G / 1 C'(# +2 /'# sci meth

    18. +* ) / 1 C'(# +1 /'# sci meth

    17. +* ( / 1 C'(# +1 /'# sci meth

    5. +* ( / 1 C'(# +1 /'# sci meth

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