apache knox gateway "single sign on" expands the reach of the enterprise users

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Apache Knox Gateway “Single Sign On” expands the reach of

the Enterprise users Jeffrey E Rodriguez Viaña

Tanping Wang

June 2017

Who Am I?

• Jeffrey E Rodriguez

• Senior BigData Engineer/Tech Security Leader

• Work @ IBM.

• Apache Hadoop/Knox contributor.

• Apache Xerces committer.

• https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffreyrodriguezinnovationperu/

Apache Knox Gateway is a proxy for interacting with Apache Hadoopclusters in a secure way providing authentication, service level authorization,and many other extensions to secure any HTTP interactions in your cluster.One feature of Apache Knox Gateway is the ability to extend the reach ofyour REST APIs to the internet while still securing your cluster and workingwith Kerberos. Recent contributions to the Apache Knox community haveadded support for Single Sign On (SSO) based on Pac4j 1.8.9 which is a verypowerful security engine which provides SSO support through SAML2,OAuth, OpenID, and CAS. In addition, through recent communitycontributions Apache Ambari, Apache Atlas and Apache Ranger can nowalso provide SSO authentication through Knox. This presentation willdiscuss the architecture of Knox SSO, it will explain how enterprise user couldbenefit by this feature and will present enterprise use cases for Knox SSO,and integration with open source Shibboleth, ADFS Windows server Idpsupport, and Okta cloud Idp.

Single Sign On (SSO) Case

Single Sign On/Federation

• Knox “SSO” is not a Kerberos or Ldap replacement but an effective way to distribute enterprise authentication resources.

• You don’t longer need to proliferate authentication resources (LDAP, KDCs, etc) but you can put these resources behind Identity providers such as Shibboleth, ADFS, WSO2, Okta.

• You can also do identity management through Idp services. This means user identity lifecycle, credentials and authorization can be manage in one single place.

• The Apache Knox Gateway is a system that provides a single point of authentication and access for Apache™ Hadoop® services. It provides the following features: Single REST API Access Point. Centralized authentication, authorization and auditing for Hadoop REST/HTTP services.

• An Identity provider is defined as "A kind of provider that creates, maintains, and manages identity information for principals and provides principal authentication to other service providers within a federation, such as with web browser profiles

Knox Idps

1. Form-based identity Provider – Knox has a customizable form application which leverages JWT. – AKA local SSO• JWT, JSON Web Token – RFC7797.

• “JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties. The claims in a JWT are encoded as a JSON object that is used as the payload of a JSON Web Signature (JWS) structure or as the plaintext of a JSON Web Encryption (JWE) structure, enabling the claims to be digitally signed or integrity protected with a Message Authentication Code (MAC) and/or encrypted.”

• SAML – based identity Provider

• This is set through the knoxsso.xml topology.

Knox Idps infrastructure

2. SAML-based Identity Provider (IdP)• This leverages PAC4J lib to add support for SAML, CAS, Oauth, OpenId.

• Also requires changes to knoxsso.xml and default.xml topologies.

• At the time of this presentation there is no support for establishing groups from the SAML assertion and the participating applications must use a group lookup to establish group membership based on username.

Single Sign On Providers

• Case allows a web application builder like our demo KnoxExplorer (on a different domain www.local.com), reach out Hadoop HDFS cluster data in a secure way and process/transform/analyze such data.

• There are many commercial identity providers as a service available but enterprises have many choices:• Host their own SAML, Oauth, etc identity provider using IBM TFIM (IBM Tivoli

Federation Identity Manager) or Microsoft Active Directory Federated Services (ADFS).

• Use a comercial web service as Okta cloud Idp.• User IBM Bluemix clous SSO as a Service APIs.• There are Ambari Single Sign On services such as


Knox starting in Knox 0.8.0 has SSO support (

CAS/OAuth/OpenID/SAML) using pac4j

pac4j is a Java security engine to authenticate users, get their profiles and manage their authorizations in order to secure Java web applications.It supports many authentication mechanisms for UI and web services and is implemented by many frameworks and tools.For Knox, it is used as a federation provider to support the OAuth, CAS, SAML and OpenID Connect protocols. It must be used for SSO, in association with the KnoxSSO service and optionally with the SSOCookieProvider for access to REST APIs.

Knox SSO Providers/Services

• KnoxSSO Default Form-based IDP - The default configuration of KnoxSSO provides a form-based authentication mechanism that leverages the Shiro authenticationto authenticate against LDAP/AD with credentials collected from a form-based challenge.

• Pac4J - The pac4j provider adds numerous authentication and federation capabilities including: SAML, CAS, OpenID Connect, Google,Twitter, etc.

• HeaderPreAuth - A simple mechanism for propagating the identity through HTTP Headers that specify the username and group for theauthenticated user. This has been built with vendor usecases such as SiteMinder and IBM Tivoli Access Manager.

Knox SSO Providers/Services

• KnoxSSO - The KnoxSSO service is an integration service that provides a normalized SSO token for representing the authenticated user.This token is generally used for WebSSO capabilities for participating UIs and their consumption of the Apache Hadoop REST APIs.KnoxSSO abstracts the actual identity provider integration away from participating applications so that they only need tobe aware of the KnoxSSO cookie. The token is presented by the browser as a cookie and applications that are participating inthe KnoxSSO integration are able to cryptographically validate the presented token and remain agnostic to the underlyingSSO integration.

SAML ( Almost other known SSO solution follows similar pattern)• Security Assertion Markup Language (XML based).

Knox SAML Arch flow

SSO SAML Idp Services

• ADFS – Active Directory Federation Services.

• Shibboleth – Enterprise and Cloud Idp.

• Bluemix Single Sign On for Bluemix and Bluemix Identity bridge.

• IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager

• Bitium

• Microsoft Azure Active Directory

• Centrify

• RSA SecurID

• OneLogin

SSO SAML Idp Services…

• Gigya

• SalesForce App Cloud Identity

• ManageEngine ADManager Plus

• NetIQ Access Manager

• CA Identity Manager

• Oracle Identity Management

• AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

• Foxpass

SSO SAML Idp Services…

• NetIQ Indentity Manager

• WSO2 Identity Manager

• PingOne

• Covisint Cloud Identity

• CloudSOC

• SecureAuth IdP

ADFS SSO solution for Windows

• You can configure FS services in AD (ActiveDirectory) so ADFS can serve as and Idp server and support SAML.

Shibboleth IdP 3.x Service

• Shibboleth is a standards based, open source software package for web single sign-on across or within organizational boundaries.

• Open source project providing Idp through SAML

• Supports SAM 2.0

• You can configure Shibboleth with FreeIPA.

• Shibboleth IOP V3

• Either build it from source or try it using docker image: “docker run -it -v $(pwd):/ext-mount --rm unicon/shibboleth-idp init-idp.sh”


• Knox provides a secure SSL access to Hadoop REST APIs and UI’s.

• The support of SSO by Knox allows to manage Authentication in a more efficient and manageable way by leveraging Identity Provider services through SAML.

• You can either use a commercial SaaS Identity providers like Okta or roll your own using your existing Enterprise middleware like ADFS or even using Shibboleth Idp as an open source alternative.

• We will add a Shibboleth Idp Knox SSO demo and provide future blogs on this integration through the Knox community.

• Knox Supports SSO for Ambari, Apache Ranger, and Apache Atlas.


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