apcna visit to peshawar

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar





    O Peshawar, Pakistan - Winter o 2011

    The MemoirsAPCNA membersvisit to Peshawar inWinter of 2011.

    The Inner City Tour .Chowk Yaadgar . QissaKhwani Bazaar

    Masjid Muhabbat KhanTrip to Amankot

    The Kabul RiverIslamia College Peshawarmore!!!

    APCNA Annual Winter MeetingPeshawar, Pakistan - December 2011

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar

    2/40PCNA Memoirs - December 2011

    Memoirs of PeshawarMy soul is restless in search o the beautiul;As the breeze yearns or the scent o owers.

    Your beauty is like the sun drying up the dew;Dawn breaks, and turns my tears to laughter.

    When I contemplate your beautyMy heart marvels at your sight.

    Te image o your aceMakes my soul sing like a bird.

    Within this rail body my soulLies visible, like pure wine in the glass.

    Once my search discovered your radiant beautyMy spirit moved spinning day and night like the sun.

    In search o your cheeks I became a nomad;My soul wanders as ar as India and Khorasan.

    rom Te Poetry o Rahman Baba: Poet o the Pashtuns,

    translated by Robert Sampson and Momin Khan

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    We have visited many cities and toured many towns in the past but we all eelthat nowhere have we been greeted with greater hospitality and warmth thanPeshawar. APCNA last visited Peshawar in 2007 and again this last year. rue to the

    tradition, we were delighted each and every day o our stay in this city o the mosthospitable people in December o 2011.

    Our hosts once again proved wonderul. We are especially thankul to Dr. Hazullahand Dr. Adnan Gul and their team. Dr. Adnan Gul arranged a wonderul guided touro the walled city o Peshawar. Our guide, Raheel was vey kind to take us through thebusy streets o Peshawar, passing through Sarraa Bazar, Qissa Khwani Bazar, ChowkYadagar, Ghanta Ghar, Koocha Sethian, Masjid Mahabat Khan and more.

    Our APCNA colleagues, Arshad Rehan and Naeem Khan also deserve our thanksor the wonderul time we had in Peshawar. Te trips to Amankot, Kabul Riverat Nowshera and Islamia College are some o the many occasions that will remainetched in our memory orever. Te most sumptuous traditional dinners at Naeemand Arshads places were simply wonderul. Words simply cannot do justice so hereare some o the memorable moments in pictures. We present to you, the memoirs oPeshawar lets raise a cup oQehva to celebrate and enjoy the memories

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar

    4/40PCNA Memoirs - December 2011

    Te inner city tour was all onoot. Tere was no hassle orproblems. We touched uponthe many landmarks o the

    historic city. During our lastvisit in 2007, we had visited theBala Hisaarort so this time itwas great to see the inner city oPeshawar

    Inner City Tour

    PeshawarWe thank Drs. Hazullah, Adnan Gul and their team or arranging an excellentguided tour to the walled city o Peshawar where our guide, Mr. Raheel took usthrough the busy streets, passing through Sarraa Bazar, Qissa Khwani, ChowkYaadgar, Ghanta Ghar, Koocha Sethian, Masjid Mahabat Khan and much more

    All the pictures are original taken byAPCNA members

    December 24, 2011

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar

    5/40APCNA Memoirs - January 2

    Inner City Tour Peshawar

    Wamique and Salman with our guide Raheel

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar

    6/40PCNA Memoirs - December 2011

    Te amous dry ruit shops o Peshawar

    Pekhawar kho Pekhawar dae Kana

    (Peshawar is Peshawar, the only one)

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    Inner City Tour

    Koocha Sethian


    Wamique and Salman

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar

    8/40PCNA Memoirs - December 2011

    Dr. Naeem Khan accompanied us on this parto the tour. Tis was indeed a true historical

    journey. While walking through the streetso the inner city you suddenly encounter thishistoric building. Its two minarets are visiblerom ar but the actual masjid somewhathidden behind the street shops.

    While visiting this historic mosque, we weredelighted to see the Imam who true to thetraditions o Peshawar, invited us to hisstudy or a cup o tea. Te room was ull obookshelves with rows upon rows o religiousand historical texts and encyclopedias.

    Inner City Tour

    Masjid Muhabbat KhanTe Masjid built in 17th century in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa,Pakistan. It is named ater theMughalgovernor o Peshawar Nawab MohabbatKhan who served under Emperors Shah Jehan andAurangzeb and who wasthe grandson o Nawab Dadan Khan (who had been governor o Lahore).

    Te Mosque was built in 1670s. Its open courtyard has an ablution poolin the middle and a single row o rooms around the sides. Te prayer halloccupies the west side anked by two tall minarets.

    We were invited to Imamslibrary or a cup o tea

    ource: Wikipedia but all the picturese original taken by APCNA members

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar

    9/40APCNA Memoirs - January 2

    Inner City Tour Peshawar

    Te masjid was built in the 17th century. Te innerarchitecture and the calligraphy on the walls is amazing andvery well maintained.

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar

    10/40PCNA Memoirs - December 2011

    Masjid Muhabbat Khan

    With the Imam o Masjid Mahabat Khan in his library

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar

    11/40APCNA Memoirs - January 2

    Inner City Tour Peshawar

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar

    12/40PCNA Memoirs - December 2011

    Te evening stroll through the city was a real delight. Most welcoming peoplewith unsurpassable hospitality. Everyone insisting on inviting you to a cup

    o tea It was wonderul to interact with these lovely people

    Inner City Tour Peshawar

    Sitting with eldershaving evening teain the busy bazaar

    Shuhadah-e-AzadiA memorial to the martyrs o reedom who

    laid their lie in the struggle against theoccupying British Empire at this very site

    in 1930

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    Inner City Tour Peshawar

    Priceless !A priceless moment. Pure and innocent souls. Even in ourbrie interactions with the people, you could get a sense thathatred and destruction is oreign to these people. Te heartsweep at the calamity brought on by oreign undamentalistphilosophy

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar

    14/40PCNA Memoirs - December 2011

    Inner City Tour Peshawar

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    Inner City Tour Peshawar

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar

    16/40PCNA Memoirs - December 2011

    Kabul RiverKabul River, the classical Cophes, is a 700 km long river that starts in theSanglakh Range o the Hindu Kush Mountains in Aghanistan and endsin the Indus River near Attock, Pakistan. It is the main river in easternAghanistan and is separated rom the watershed o the Helmand by theUnai Pass. It passes through the cities o Kabul, Chaharbagh and Jalalabadin Aghanistan beore owing into Pakistan some 25 km north o the Pak-Aghan Border crossing at orkham. Te major tributaries o the KabulRiver are the Logar, Panjshir, Kunar, Alingar, Bara and Swat rivers.

    Te Kabul River is little more than a trickleor most o the year, but swells in summer dueto melting snows in the Hindu Kush Range.

    Its largest tributary is the Kunar River, whichstarts out as the Mastuj River, owing rom theChiantar glacier in Chitral, Pakistan and aterowing south into Aghanistan it is met by theBashgal river owing rom Nurestan. Te Kunarmeets the Kabul near Jalalabad. In spite o theKunar carrying more water than the Kabul,the river continues as the Kabul River ater thisconuence, mainly or the political and historicalsignicance o the name.

    Visit to Kabul River

    December 24, 2011

    Source: Wikipedia

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar

    17/40APCNA Memoirs - January 2

    Kabul River Peshawar

    Sunset time in Nowshera

    On the bridge met the welcoming aces

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar

    18/40PCNA Memoirs - December 2011

    Visit to Kabul River December 24, 2011

    Te Guard House

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    Kabul River Peshawar

    Te Bridge on the River Kabul

    Arshad Rehan busy taking pictures andWamique enjoying the stroll over the bridge

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    AmankotWhile we wanted but could not visit the Khyber pass or the internationalborder at orkham, the visit to Amankot village proved a superb alternative.Arshad Rehan arranged with his riends Jamal, Rashid, Jameel, Aasim andWaqar to invite us to a most wonderul lunch at the traditional Hujra o the

    late Umar Khan o Amankot. Te weather was perect with a crisp sunnywinter day. Tis village is situated about 30 kilometers rom Peshawar on theright bank o the river Kabul.

    he hosts greeted us most warmly. Te hugehujra had the most relaxing traditional chaarpaisand reclining chairs. Te background providedby the traditional barbecue being prepared witha wonderul aroma was just surreal.

    We were treated to some o the most wonderul Peshawaristyle mutton and chicken tikka. It was accompanied byKarahi Goshtand resh cut salad. And o course, what wenoted was that no Peshawari/Pukhtun menu is completewithout delicious yogurt (plain or Raita) and steamingreal tandoori naan.

    Te lunch was ollowed by another Pathan delicacy,Masalaay daar Gurr made with nuts and black pepper.

    Tere was also Gajjrela or those still having room in their

    Visit to Amankot

    December 24, 2011

    by Dr. Arshad Rehan

    stomach and to nish it all, traditional Qehva. Sippingthe delicious Qehva, sitting on the traditional chaarpaisin the crisp winter aternoon sun, seemed like a momentrom out o this world (Wajid made sure that he callJaved who had let in the morning or Islamabad and tellhim what he was missing.)

    Ater the lunch, it was time to visit thelush sugarcane elds and a Gaanrai,the traditional place where Gurr ismade rom raw sugar. Te process hasremained the same over ages exceptthat the sugarcane is now crushedwith diesel-powered kolhu

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    AmanKot Peshawar

    Wajid and Wamique enjoying the ood

    Naeem Khan

    Arshad Rehan and his riends who were our hWamique and Naeem - 2nd plates and counting ...

    No time to look at the camera

    With our hosts in Amankot

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    Visit to Aman Kot

    December 24, 2011

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    AmanKot Peshawar

    Naeem Kh

    Nadeem Ar

    Te Hujra and the Front Lawn

    Naeem and Wajid ater a big meal

    Wajid, Nadeem, Naeem

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    Ater a very delicious ood it was time to relax ...

    Visit to Aman Kot

    December 24, 2011

    Our Host

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    AmanKot Peshawar

    Wajid and Naeem thinking about the next m

    No beepers, no pagers ...

    Rizwan washing hands rom the well wate

    Te perect aternoon

    Nadeem Aridi and Arshad Rehan

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    Visit to Aman KotDecember 24, 2011

    Tere was also Gajjrelaor those still havingroom in their stomach

    and to nish it all,traditional Qehva.Sipping the deliciousQehva, sitting on thetraditional chaarpais

    in the crisp winteraternoon sun, seemedlike a moment rom outo this world.

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    AmanKot Peshawar

    Te perect aternoon

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    Sugar Cane, the countryside, the kids ...

    Way Back from AmanKot

    December 24, 2011

    Te Hosts

    Nadeem and Wamique with

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    AmanKot Peshawar

    Te Kid working on the re in urnace

    Enjoying every momenttill the last drop...

    Evening setting in ...

    Te raw but sweet moment

    Sugarcane Farm, Gurr, Workers ..

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    Sugar Cane, the countryside, the kids ...

    Way Back from AmanKot

    December 24, 2011

    All in a days work ...

    Just a


  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    AmanKot Peshawar

    Nadeem down to the basics ..

    Enjoying every momenttill the last drop...

    Wajid and Gunna

    Nadeems exciting adventure into the mud

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    Tis is my Pakistan ...

    Lab Pe Aati Hai Dua Ban Ke amanna Meri

    Zindagi Shamma Ki Surat Ho, Khudaya Meri ...

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    AmanKot PeshawarTe Children at the

    sugar cane arm

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar

    34/40PCNA Memoirs - December 2011

    Islamia CollegeIslamia College is a renowned educational institution located in the city oPeshawar in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province o Pakistan. It was oundedin October 1913 by regional leader Nawab Sir Sahibzada Abdul Qayyumand then Chie Commissioner o the province Sir George Roos-Keppelin an efort to provide quality education to the regions youth. oday, thecollege educates its students in arts, humanities and modern sciences. In1950 University o Peshawar was ounded as an ofshoot o Islamia CollegePeshawar, with the later being associated to the university as a constituentcollege.

    In 1901 ater its separation rom the Punjab, therewas only one college (Edwards College) in whole

    province. Tis scarcity o quality educationalinstitutions orced local youth to travel to arawayregions o the country (British India) in pursuit ohigher education. Tis same lack o educationalopportunities in the region motivated Nawab SirSahibzada Abdul Qayyum and Sir George Roos-Keppel to establish an institution that would notonly cater the academic needs o the region butalso produce leaders rom the region.

    Visit to Islamia CollegeDecember 26, 2011

    Tanks to Arshad Rehan or such wonderul tour

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    Islamia College Peshawar

    Way to Student Hall

    Chuakidar outside the main building

    Arshad Rehans Umar our little host

    Way to Main Building

    Century old College Hostels

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar

    36/40PCNA Memoirs - December 2011

    Visit to Islamia CollegeDecember 26, 2011

    Tanks to Arshad Rehan or such wonderul tour

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    Islamia College Peshawar

    Te new block

    Wamique, Umar and Rizwan

    In ront o old College Hostels

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar

    38/40PCNA Memoirs - December 2011

    December 26, 20

    Arshad and Wamique with the lower staf at Khyber

    Cricket Match in Progress at the Islamia College

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar


    Khyber Medical College Peshawar

    Wamique and Rizwan with Umar at Khyber

  • 8/2/2019 APCNA visit to Peshawar













    2653 reanor erraceWellington, FL 33414

    We thank all those who contributed in bringing outthis publication o APCNA. Te APCNA members

    trip to Peshawar was indeed a memorable visit and thispublication has attempted to capture the moments.

    In preparing or this publication we have gathered somehistorical inormation using Wikipedia, however, all

    the pictures used in the publication are all originals andtaken by APCNA members.

    For articles credits, thanks to Dr. Mohammed

    Hafzullah, Dr. Syed Wamique Yusu, Dr. ArshadRehan and or photo credits we thank Dr. ArshadRehan, Dr. Naeem Khan, Dr. Wajid Baig and Dr.

    Rizwan Karatela.

    Tanks to the Contributors


    Association of Pakistani-Descent Cardiologists of North America

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