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MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 2) Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of group in organization? ► Common goal ► Interaction with one another ► Accept expectations and obligations ► Mutually independent Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Jobs in which success demands stamina, leg strength and manual dexterity require management to identify an employee’s which characteristics?

► Physical abilities ► Motor abilities ► Mental abilities ► Emotional abilities Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following communication network is best illustrated by an unstructured committee?

► Vertical ► Wheel ► All-channel ► Chain Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

When all communication is channeled through one person, which of the following communication network exists?

► All-channel ► Chain ► Horizontal ► Wheel Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Formal guidelines and authority hierarchies are examples of which function of communication?


► Control ► Agreement ► Motivation ► Information Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is an example of downward communication flow?

► Suggestion boxes ► Disscussing problem with boss ► Feedback on job performance ► Letters to your boss Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The means by which a communication is passed is called:

► Medium ► Instrument ► Conductor ► Transmission Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

On the Leadership Grid, a manager who has a medium concern for both, people and production is a (n):

► Team manager ► Country club manager ► MIddle of the road manager ► Authority-obedience manager Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If a leader’s main concern is accomplishing his/her group’s tasks, the University of Michigan studies label this leader as:

► Production-oriented ► Laissez-faire ► Consideration-oriented ► Employee-oriented Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following are the two dimensions of leadership behavior identified in the University of Michigan studies?

► Emotional and rational ► Autocratic and democratic ► Initiating structure and consideration ► Employee-oriented and production-oriented Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If trait theories of leadership are valid, then leaders are _____.

► Educated ► Trained ► Born ► Authoritarian Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The main difference between a leader and a manager is:

► Managers seek change and leaders don't ► Leaders are thought of as better people because they don't punish ► Leaders are advocates for change, and managers for the status quo ► Managers are concerned with people, and leaders with events Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following techniques most restricts discussion or interpersonal communication during the decision-making process?

► Groupthink ► Nominal group ► Brainstorm ► Electronic meeting Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a tendency for members of a cohesive group to reach decisions without weighing all the facts, especially those contradicting the majority opinion?

► Group conformity ► Group shift ► Groupthink ► Social loafing


Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is generally the result of groupthink?

► Higher quality decisions ► More risky decisions ► Less critical analysis ► Unpopular decisions Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is true about virtual teams?

► There is an absence of verbal cues ► There is limited social context ► People collaborate online ► All of the given options Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following helps to explain the current popularity of teams?

► Easy to manage ► Less expensive ► Use employee talents better ► Promote socialization Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements concerning tenure is NOT true?

► Tenure does not appear to be a good predictor of employee productivity ► Tenure and satisfaction are positively related ► Tenure is a good variable in explaining turnover ► Tenure and organizational investment are negatively related Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What other name is the two-factor theory known by?

► Theories X and Y ► Motivator-Hygiene Theory ► Hierarchy of Needs Theory ► Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction Theory


Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following method is used for strengthening desirable behavior?

► Negative Reinforcement ► Neutral Reinforcement ► Pleasant Reinforcement ► Positive Reinforcement Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

How does McClelland define the need for affiliation?

► Drive to excel, to strive to succeed ► Need to make others behave in a novel way ► Desire for friendship and mutual understanding ► The desire to control & influence their behavior Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Who developed ERG theory?

► Mcclelland ► Maslow ► Alderfer ► Ouchi Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs arranges those needs in which of the following orders?

► Physiological, esteem, safety, social, and self-actualization ► Physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization ► Safety, physiological, esteem, social, and self-actualization ► Physiological, social, safety, esteem, and self-actualization Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What are the three key elements of motivation?

► Interest, activity and reward ► Awareness, effort and outcome ► Stimulation, progress and achievement ► Intensity, direction and persistence Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Amna is an honest and straightforward person. She believes her employees are all similarly honest and straightforward, ignoring signs that they may be

manipulating her. What perceptual shortcut is Amna most likely using?

► Prototyping ► Contrast effect ► Halo effect ► Projection Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Asma is experiencing conveyance problem for her college pick and drop. She decides to use the rational decision-making model to decide what to do. What might be the next step she takes if she follows this model?

► Define the problem ► Identify the decisions criteria ► Evaluate other available alternatives ► Select the best alternative Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The time at which an object or event is seen is an example of what type of factor influencing the perceptual process?

► Situation ► Perceiver ► Reality ► Target Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is the most relevant application of perception concepts to OB?

► The perceptions people form about each other ► The perceptions people form about their employer ► The perceptions people form about society ► The perceptions people form about external reality Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Imran is the head of a group at an advertising agency working with artists and designers to come up with effective branding of new products. Why is it particularly important for him to keep his team happy?


► People are more conscientious when they are in a good mood ► People are more efficient when they are in a good mood ► People are more productive when they are in a good mood ► People are more creative when they are in a good mood Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is true regarding Big five Model?

► The Big Five traits are related to intrinsic motivational factors ► The Big Five traits are related to extrinsic motivational factors ► The Big Five traits are related to both intrinsic and extrinsic factors ► The Big Five traits have no relationship to motivational factors Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The degree to which people value relationships and show sensitivity and concern for the welfare for others is called:

► Quantity of life ► Quality of life ► Long-term orientation ► Social Loafing Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

All of the following are sources of the values EXCEPT: ► External Reference Groups ► Role Models ► Achievement ► Teachers Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best described these values?

► Terminal values ► Instrumental values ► Theoretical values ► Social values Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT one of the scales to measure job satisfaction?


► Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire ► The Faces Scale ► The mentor scale ► Descriptive Index Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Following a response by the termination or withdrawal of something unpleasant is called----------------.

► Positive reinforcement ► Extinction ► Negative reinforcement ► Punishment Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Last year, Ali had taken lunch at a fast food restaurant that caused him food poisoning. Now whenever he passes by the restaurant, he feels nauseous. This is an example of which of the following learning theory?

► Classical conditioning ► Social learning ► Operant conditioning ► Reinforcement theory Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are identified as new managerial functions?

► Planning and organizing ► Leading and controlling ► Directing and monitoring ► TQM and continuous improvement Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Mr. Ahmed is responsible to transmit information to outsiders on organization’s plans, policies, actions and results. Which managerial role is he playing in organization?

► Disseminator ► Spokesperson ► Representative ► Figurehead Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



greatest contribution of which one of the following to OB is through their study of group behavior in organizations, particularly formal and complex organizations?

► Psychology ► Sociology ► Anthropology ► Social Psychology Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If a manger is responsible to define goals, establish an overall strategy for achieving those goals and matching activities accordingly, then which one of the following functions is he/ she performing.

► Planning ► Organizing ► Leading ► Controlling Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )

What are the common skills exhibited by an effective manager?

ANSWER: Skill: Skill is defined as an ability to act in a way that allows a person to highly perform his roles.Skills required by Effective Manager: There are various skills which must be possessed by a manager in order to be effective. Some of such skills are listed below

1 Define proper goals for everyone.2 Must plan and organize the work properly so that it flows smoothly.3 Enables proper communication in all directions.4 Promotes participation of individuals5 Provide honest feedback6 Empower and delegate the important tasks to subordinates7 Have full control over the whole process8 Motivate the subordinates to goal achievement9 Exhibits technical as well as administrative expertise to answer related questions.10 Facilitates work through teams and proper training11 Keep the activities move by following the schedule and deadlines.12 Rewards good performances



MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 4) Time: 60 min

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The behavior of people is influenced by which of the following factors? ► Psychological needs ► Individual drives ► Social roles and status ► All of the given options Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is defined as intellectual and mechanical processes used by an organization to transform inputs into products or services?

► Mechanism ► Technology ► Operational system ► Information system Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is not one of the types of attitude?

► Job satisfaction ► Job Involvement ► Organizational Behavior ► Organizational commitment 100%sure Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT included in the ways employees can express dissatisfaction?

► Exit ► Voice ► Loyalty ► Noise Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best described these values?

► Terminal values ► Instrumental values


► Theoretical values ► Social values Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The relatively stable set of psychological attributes that distinguishes one person from another is called __________

► Attitude ► Personality ► Perception ► Mind-set Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to the Big Five model; people having personality dimension of openness to experience are:

► Caring and dependable ► Flexible and risk taker ► Outgoing and talkative ► Tolerant and self-hearted Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Mr. Abad thinks that his own actions and behaviors have an impact in determining what happens to him. What do you think he has?

► Core locus of control ► Personal Locus of control ► Internal Locus of control ► External Locus of control 100%sure Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the dimension of emotional intelligence that describes the ability to manage your own emotions and impulses?

► Self-awareness ► Self-management ► Commitment ► Social-skills Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a factor in the individual perceiver?


► Attitude ► Motive ► Location ► Perception Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

A decision making model that describes how individuals should behave in order to maximize some outcomes is:

► Rational decision making ► Bonded rational model ► Intuitive decision making ► Contingent decision making 100%sure Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is the first step in the Rational Decision-Making Model?

► Defining the problem ► Weighing the decision criteria ► Identifying the decision criteria ► Developing alternatives Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT an assumption of the rational decision-making model?

► The decision maker has complete information ► The decision maker is aware of all consequences ► The decision maker can identify all the relevant criteria ► The decision maker is constrained by time and costs Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If someone wishes to emphasize the importance of making decisions consistent with fundamental liberties and privileges, the focus of his/her teaching will be on which of the following?

► Rights ► Privilege ► Justice ► Utilitarianism Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


According to attribution theory, which of the following is an internally caused behavior?

► Working late in order to get a promotion ► Arriving at work late because heavy traffic ► Working weekends because of your employer’s orders ► Depending on luck for success 100% sure Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one (chap 11)

Amna is an honest and straightforward person. She believes her employees are all similarly honest and straightforward, ignoring signs that they may be

manipulating her. What perceptual shortcut is Amna most likely using?

► Prototyping ► Contrast effect ► Halo effect ► Projection 100%sure Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs deals with satisfying one’s hunger, thirst, and need for sex?

► Esteem ► Safety ► Physiological ► Social Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Sheraz wants to become a surgeon, not only because achieving this goal will give him self-respect and autonomy, but also because he wants a job with high status and recognition from others. Which of Maslow’s needs is Sheraz trying to fill?

► Self-actualization ► Social ► Esteem ► Safety Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Hassan derives a great sense of belongingness, acceptance and friendship from his relationships with his extended family. Which of Maslow’s needs is Hassan fulfilling through these relationships?

► Self-actualization


► Esteem ► Social ► Physiological Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is the primary organizational factor that satisfies people’s physiological needs?

► Relationship ► Recognition ► Pay ► Admiration Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of Maslow’s needs best approximates McClelland’s need for achievement?

► Esteem ► Self-actualization ► Physiological ► Social Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a comparison an employee can use in equity theory?

► Self-inside ► Self-goal ► Other-outside ► Self-outside Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The degree to which an individual believes that performing at a particular level will generate a desired outcome is defined by expectancy theory as what kind of relationship.

► Performance-reward ► Effort-performance ► Reward-personal goal ► Effort-satisfaction Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following concepts is inconsistent with the expectancy theory of motivation?

► Self-interest is pursued


► Performance and rewards are related ► Attractive rewards will motivate ► One’s inputs and outputs are compared to another’s Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is the largest demographic change in the last few years in Pakistani workforce?

► Increasing ethnic diversity ► A fall in married workers ► Increasing age of workers ► More women in the workforce Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is the name for an incentive plan where improvements in group productivity determine the total amount of money that is allocated?

► Gainsharing ► Profit-sharing ► Piece rates ► Employee ownership Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

In which of the following situation Synergy is most likely to occur?

► The activities of all group members are fully dependent on one another ► The performance of one member of a group affects what other members do ► Group members must perform specific behaviors in a predetermined order ► Group members acting together produce more or better output than alone Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following type of teams would most likely empower its team members to make work-related decisions?

► Technical ► Self-managed ► Problem-solving ► Cross functional 100% sure Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is true about virtual teams?


► There is an absence of verbal cues ► There is limited social context ► People collaborate online ► All of the given options Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

All of the following are problem solving techniques EXCEPT:

► Consensus ► Brainstorming ► Nominal Group Techniques ► Synergy Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement best defines leadership?

► Implementing the strategy provided by management ► Least concerned in bringing organizational change ► Coordinating and handling day-to-day problems ► The ability to influence a group in goal achievement Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following leadership style gave the group members complete freedom?

► Autocratic ► Democratic ► Laissez-faire ► Consideration Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a behavioral theory of leadership?

► Trait theory ► Fiedler model ► Ohio State studies ► Equity Theory 100%sure Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

In the communication process, which of the following steps occurs first?

► Transmitting


► Decoding ► Encoding ► Understanding Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the product of a sender’s encoding?

► Channel ► Message ► Transmission ► Medium Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If Ali is apprehensive regarding oral communication, which of the following behaviors is he least likely to display?

► He prefers to talk on the phone ► He prefers to send emails ► He relies on memos or letters ► He avoids face-to-face communication Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is an important nonverbal component of communication?

► Written memo ► Paraphrase ► Eye contact ► E-mail Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The ability to do speedy and accurate arithmetic is called:

► Verbal Comprehension ► Number aptitude ► Perceptual Speed ► Memory Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which emotions are the emotions an individual actually is experiencing, despite what they might apparently show.


► Felt ► Displayed ► Conditional ► Exposed Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

A group composed of MBA marketing students similar in age, type of problem, and personality characteristics can be called_____________________

► A homogeneous group ► A heterogeneous group ► A command group ► A task group Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )

Zahid is responsible for purchasing a new computer system for her offcie. Given the significant financial investment, Zahid has decided to use the rational decision-making model. You are required to identify six steps of rational decision making model and explain how Zahid proceeds according to this model.

A decision-making model that describes how individuals should behave in order to maximize some outcomes.

There are following Steps in the Rational Decision- Making Model

1. Define the problem.2. Identify the decision criteria.3. Allocate weights to the criteria.4. Develop the alternatives.5. Evaluate the alternatives.6. Select the best alternative

Zahid can use the following steps for selecting a good decision for buying a computer system.

Step 1.• Many poor decisions can be traced to the decision maker overlooking a problem or defining the wrong problem.Step 2: Identify the decision criteria important to solving the problem.• The decision maker determines what is relevant in making the decision. Any factors not identified in this step are considered irrelevant to the decision maker.• This brings in the decision maker’s interests, values, and similar personal preferencesStep 3: Weight the previously identified criteria in order to give them the correct priority in the decision.


Step 4: Generate possible alternatives that could succeed in resolving the problem.Step 5: Rating each alternative on each criterion.• Critically analyze and evaluate each alternative• The strengths and weaknesses of each alternative become evident as they are compared with the criteria and weights established in the second and third steps.Step 6: The final step is to compute the optimal decision:• Evaluating each alternative against the weighted criteria and selecting the alternative with the highest total score.

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


opinion or belief segment of an attitude is described by which component of attitude?

► Cognitive ► Affective ► Behavioral ► Behavior intension Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best described these values?

► Terminal values ► Instrumental values ► Theoretical values ► Social values Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following country is a representative of collectivism as a nation i.e. group harmony, cohesiveness, consensus and corporation? ► Canada ► Japan ► United States ► Cape Town Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Guatemala is a country where inequalities exist showing gap between rich and poor. Which of the following value is truly representing the state of Guatemala?

► Power distance


► Individualism ► Collectivism ► Uncertainty avoidance 100%sure Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Big Five model is related to ________________

► Perception ► Personality ► Experience ► Culture Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which dimension of the Big Five model refers to be pleasant and accommodating in social situations?

► Extroversion ► Openness to experience ► Emotional stability ► Agreeableness Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT one of the traits according to the Big Five Model?

► Conscientiousness ► Extroversion ► Agreeableness ► Self actualization Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Emotional Responses that the organization requires workers to show and considers appropriate in a given job are called:

► Felt Emotions ► Displayed Emotions ► Moods ► Emotional Intelligence 100%sure Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT one of the six universal emotions, as agreed upon by most contemporary researchers?


► Anger ► Fear ► Hate ► Sadness 100%sure Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one(chap 12)


is a group leader at interior designing firm. She is concerned with the achievement of her peers and subordinates, she appreciate their suggestions and motivates them to come up with something new and unique. Which of the following is Sana’s style?

► Conceptual ► Behavioral ► Directive ► Analytical 100%sure Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one (chap 11)

“Just because he was late in his first class, his teacher thinks he is irresponsible student". Which error teacher has commited in this case? ► Selective perception ► Stereotyping ► Hallo effect ► Social perception 100%sure Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one(chap 11)

It is

not possible for Mr. Asim to understand everything he sees, he notices a few of the things, we can say that he engages in:

► Assimilating ► Selective perception ► Halo Effect ► Target Perception Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to attribution theory, which of the following is an example of externally caused behavior?

► An employee is late because of a flat tire. ► An employee was promoted because of his abilities ► An employee was fired because he slept on the job. ► An employee was promoted because he was hard working. Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


According to attribution theory, if someone shows different behaviors in different situations then this can be termed as___________.

► Consensus ► Distinctiveness ► Reliability ► Consistency Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement best describes “motivation?”

► Results in a level of efforts put by a group ► Intensifies an individual’s efforts from others ► Guides an individual’s efforts towards a goal ► Meets an individual’s needs, wants and demnands Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Shahid is a salaried employee whose job is to proof read legal documents. He discovers that he is paid substantially more than his colleagues, even though their jobs and performances are very similar. What is likely to be his reaction to this discovery according to equity theory?

► The quantity of documents he proofreads will decrease ► The quality of documents he proofreads will decrease ► The quantity and/or the quality of documents he proofreads will increase ► There will be no effect of this fact on his performance Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


degree to which an individual believes that performing at a particular level will generate a desired outcome is defined by expectancy theory as what kind of relationship.

► Performance-reward ► Effort-performance ► Reward-personal goal ► Effort-satisfaction Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Two-factor theory suggests that dissatisfaction is caused by extrinsic factors. Which of the following is an example of such a factor?

► Advancement ► Working condition


► Achievement ► Recognition Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What continuum in the two-factor theory is made up of the hygiene factors?

► No dissatisfaction to dissatisfaction ► No dissatisfaction to satisfaction ► Satisfaction to no satisfaction ► Satisfaction to dissatisfaction Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a biographical characteristic?

► Region ► Age ► Sex ► Tenure Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements concerning tenure is NOT true?

► Tenure does not appear to be a good predictor of employee productivity ► Tenure and satisfaction are positively related ► Tenure is a good variable in explaining turnover ► Tenure and organizational investment are negatively related Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What does MBO provide for the individual employee?

► Specific performance objectives ► Precise job descriptions ► Clear direction and purpose ► Higher salaries Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


sets MBO objectives?

► The immediate supervisor ► The superior and subordinate ► The head of department


► The employees themselves Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are all forms of variable-pay programs?

Wage incentive plans, flextime, piece-rate►Piece-rate, wage incentive plans, gain sharingProfit-sharing, lump-sum bonuses, extended vacationsRetirement benefits, extended vacations, flextime Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is one advantage of variable pay plans to management?

They turn fixed labor costs into variable labor costsThey turn low producers into high producersThey turn slow employees into fast employeesThey turn high fixed costs into low fixed costs Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements most accurately describes interest groups?

They are longer lasting than friendship groupsThey are formed because of some common objectiveThey are governed by labor lawsThey are likely to involve great social conflict Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Teams typically outperform individuals when the tasks being completed ______________

Require multiple skillsRequire judgmentRequire experienceAll of the given options Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Team members with good listening, feedback, and conflict resolution skills possess ______________.

Technical expertiseProblem-solving skillsDecision-making skills


►Interpersonal skills Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is one of the drawbacks of a small team?

Lack for diversity of viewsLess chances of disagreement Less rigidity Less difficult to assemble Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Individual decisions are generally preferable to group decisions when which of the following is required?

SpeedCreativityAcceptanceQuality Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


main difference between a leader and a manager is:

Managers seek change and leaders don'tLeaders are thought of as better people because they don't punishLeaders are advocates for change, and managers for the status quoManagers are concerned with people, and leaders with events Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a behavioral theory of leadership?

Trait theoryFiedler modelOhio State studies and definitely University of Michigan. Equity Theory Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to the Ohio State studies, the extent to which a leader’s behavior is directed toward getting the job done is called:

Initiating structure Consideration


MaximizationPath-goal Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


leader high in initiating structure would do which of the following?

Exhibit laissez-faire type of leadershipMaximize leader-member relationsAssign group members to particular tasksEmpower employees to make their own decisions Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


graphic portrayal of a two-dimensional view of leadership styles by Blake and Mouton is known as:

Least preferred co-worker scaleLeader-participation modelAutocratic-democratic continuumManagerial grid Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


means by which a communication is passed is called:

MediumInstrument ConductorTransmission Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Bulletin, notice boards, circulars are considered to be which type of communication?

Upward communicationDownward communicationHorizontal communicationLateral communication Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is an important nonverbal component of communication?

Written memo


Paraphrase Eye contact E-mail Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following communication network occurs when a checkout clerk reports to a department manager, who in turn reports to a store manager, who reports to a regional manager?

WheelAll-channelChainHorizontal Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


_____ network best serves to promote high member satisfaction.

DirectCircleWheel►All-channel Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )

What are the common skills exhibited by an effective manager?

A skill is an ability to act in a way that allows a person to perform highly in her or his role. Managers need three types of skills:

1. Conceptual Skills2. Human Skills3. Technical Skills

Technical Skill




Conceptual Skill


Developing a Mission of (LIFE OR COMPANY)

1. Conceptual skills to analyze and diagnose a situation to distinguish between cause and effect;2. Human skills to understand, work with, lead, and control the behavior of individuals and groups3. Technical skills job-specific knowledge and techniques required to perform an organizational role.

Effective managers need all three types of skills—conceptual, human, and technical. For example,Entrepreneurs often are technically skilled but lack conceptual and human skills. Scientists who become managers have technical expertise, but low levels of human skills.

Management SkillsRobert Katz has identified three essential management skills: technical, human, and conceptual.

1. Technical Skills The ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise. All jobs require some specializedexpertise, and many people develop their technical skills on the job.

2. Human Skills The ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and ingroups, describes human skills. Many people are technically proficient but interpersonally incompetent

3. Conceptual Skills1. The mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations2. Decision making, for example, requires managers to spot problems, identify alternativesthat can correct them, evaluate those alternatives, and select the best one.

Skills Exhibited by an Effective Manager1. Clarifies goals and objectives for everyone involved2. Encourages participation, upward communication, and suggestions3. Plans and organizes for an orderly work flow4. Has technical and administrative expertise to answer organization-related questions5. Facilitates work through team building, training, coaching and support 6. Provides feedback honestly and constructively7. Keeps things moving by relying on schedules, deadlines, and helpful reminder8. Controls details without being over-bearing9. Applies reasonable pressure for goal accomplishment10. Empowers and delegates key duties to others while maintaining goal clarity and commitment11. Recognizes good performance with rewards and positive reinforcement

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


migrated from Pakistan to a foreign country. He is disorientated by the country’s customs and has difficulty in adapting it. He also feels homesickness. What is Ali experiencing?


► Culture shock ► Foreign culture ► Alien culture ► Adventure Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Hussain is a salesperson. He remembers the names of his customers easily because he is able to retain and recall past experience. He is able in which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability?

► Memory ► Number Aptitude ► Deductive Reasoning ► Perceptual speed Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Following a response by the termination or withdrawal of something unpleasant is called----------------.

► Positive reinforcement ► Extinction ► Negative reinforcement ► Punishment Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is true regarding “perceiver”?

► The person making interpretations ► The person making accurate judgments ► The person handling problems ► The person appointed to transmit information Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement best describes “motivation?”

► Results in a level of efforts put by a group ► Intensifies an individual’s efforts from others ► Guides an individual’s efforts towards a goal ► Meets an individual’s needs, wants and demnands Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following is likely to decrease as a worker grows older?

► Productivity ► Likelihood of quitting ► Work ethic ► Absenteeism Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

After which stage of a group’s development is there a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership within the group?

► Norming ► Storming ► Development ► Forming Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Individual decisions are generally preferable to group decisions when which of the following is required?

► Speed ► Creativity ► Acceptance ► Quality Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


trait theories of leadership are valid, then leaders are _____.

► Educated ► Trained ► Born ► Authoritarian Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Ali is apprehensive regarding oral communication, which of the following behaviors is he least likely to display?

► He prefers to talk on the phone ► He prefers to send emails ► He relies on memos or letters ► He avoids face-to-face communication


Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Asad telephones his employee, Usman, to let him know that today’s meeting has been moved to one o’clock. In the communication process, Asad is:

► The sender ► The receiver ► The channel ► The encoder Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


path-goal theory was developed by ______________. ► Robert House ► Fred Fiedler ► Blake and Mouton ► Vroom and Yetton Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Sumeera has been working in a packaging company for last ten years. She is the most senior employee of her department that’s why her manager frequently relies on her judgment. Whenever manger goes out of city for work, he put Sumeera in charge because he knows she will handle work efficiently in his absence. What type of trust relationship is this?

Reward-based trustKnowledge-based trustIdentification-based trustDeterrence-based trust Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Computer specialist, tax accountants, economists and industrial psychologists possess which of the following power?ReferentInformationFormalExpert Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Leaders achieve goals, and power is:


A goal in and of itselfUsually used by poor leadersA means of achieving goalsA strong influence on leaders’ goals Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is least likely to create dependency?

Scarcity of resourcesNon substitutabilityPower legitimacySupply and demand Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Dependency is decreased when the resource you control is:

ScarceImportant InsufficientEasily replaced Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a form of illegitimate political behavior?

Forming coalitionsSymbolic protestsComplaining to supervisorsBypassing the chain of command Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which bargaining strategy is preferable for use in intra-organizational behavior?


Positive negotiationDistributive bargainingIntegrative bargainingEqual bargaining Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


wants to buy a motor bike. He goes to the showroom and sees different models of bikes. He likes one of them very much and wants to purchase it. He asks the price from dealer which is more then his range. Both of them then negotiate over price. This is an example of:

BATNADistributive negotiation Integrative negotiationThird party negotiation Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


focus of relationships in distributive bargaining is:

AccommodationThe long termThe short termLose-lose Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements is true pertaining to the role of personality traits in negotiations?

Charming personalities quickly resolve the conflictsCompetent individuals make excellent negotiationsExtraverts are less effective negotiators than introvertsIinternal locus of control people are better negotiators Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following is a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment resulting from in-group pressures?Decision making Groupthink Brainstorming Group polarization Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is right about the encoding step in the communication process?

It is not necessary for verbal communicationIt is difficult for recevier to understand

It involves converting the idea into message It follows the transmission of the message to receiver Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following terms involves the use of power and influence tactics for personal benefit ? Political seasoningCoalition formationLegitimate authority Organizational politics Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


achieve a compromise approach, one needs to________________.

Avoid overt disagreement Value openness and trustDominate the other conflicting partyGive up something of value Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


you have a narrow span of control, you have which of the following type of a (n) organization?



Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT one of the strengths of the Matrix Structure?

It facilitates coordination in complex activitiesIt facilitates the efficient allocation of specialistsIt eliminates the duplication of resourcesIt minimizes ambiguity in reporting Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Setting Goals, establishing and communicating elements and standards is called:PlanningDevelopingMonitoringLeading Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

---------------- is a management strategy aimed at embedding awareness of quality in all organizational processes.DevelopmentStandardsBenchmarkingTQM Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following include behavioral symptoms of stress EXCEPT:AsthmaBad moodsBeing irritableDefensiveness Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following include Physical symptoms of stress EXCEPT:Bad moodsFaster heart beatIncreased sweatingCool skin Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

When the people are asked to envision the organization in five years and to describe what is


different is called:DiscoveryDreamingDesignDestiny Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following are operational activities of HR EXCEPT __________________ which is a strategic activity.

Analyzing HR metrics and measurements Recruiting and selecting employeesResponding to goals and objectives set by executives Complying with laws, policies, and procedures

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


technical specialists working with a reputable organization is allowed to continue to contribute his expertise to the company without having to become manager. He makes recommendations in a wide range of business areas, participates in high level decisions, and acts as mentor to other employees. This situation is represented by which one of the following option?Traditional career path

Network career path

Lateral skill path

Dual career path

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which characteristic is NOT reflective of subcultures?

Includes core values of the organizationTypically defined by department designationsIncludes values shared only within the organizationIncludes values unique to members of a department or group Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Phrases such as “more cultural diversity,” “many new entrants with inadequate skills” are


all examples of which force for change?

TechnologyWorld politicsNature of the work forceSocial trends Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If an

organization used an insider as a change agent, as opposed to an outside consultant then which of the following is true?

The change would probably be more cautiousThe change would probably be more drasticThe change would probably be more objectiveThe change would most likely be second order Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the last step in job analysis process?

Select representative positions to be analyzedReview relevant background informationAnalyze the job by collecting data on job activities Develop a job description and job specification Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a strategy to reduce social loafing?

Have group members evaluate each other's contributions Keep work groups as small as possibleMake individual contributions or levels of performance in a group identifiableContributions of the group, not the individual, are most important Question No: 41 ( Marks: 5 )

What purposes do performance evaluations serve in organizations?


Question No: 42 ( Marks: 5 )

When it is said that organizational change is due to some internal forces then what sort of forces you will recognize that are responsible for this change?

Question No: 43 ( Marks: 10 )

Distinguish between the roles of mediator, arbitrator, conciliator, and consultant.

Question No: 44 ( Marks: 10 )

What is flextime? What are the advantages of flextime from an employee’s perspective and from management’s perspective? Question No: 45 ( Marks: 10 )

Survey feedback is an organizational development technique for bringing change. Discuss.

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

A relatively permanent change in behavior occurring as a result of experience is called:

► Learning Correct ► Grooming ► Performance ► Motivation Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Mr. Afaq is working in sales department of Star Corporation. He gave a personal report to the general manager. In report he pointed out that the sales staff are not performing their due responsibilities. Afaq’s attitude is showing which of the following component?

► Cognitive ► Affective ► Behavioral ► None of the given option Correct Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are sources of shaping the attitudes?


► Heredity ► Observations ► Friends and co workers Correct ► All of the given option Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The Globe Framework for assessing cultures includes all EXCEPT:

► Future Orientation ► Work Moods Correct ► Power Distance ► Gender Differentiation Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a factor in the individual perceiver?

► Attitude ► Motive ► Location Correct ► Perception Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT an assumption of the rational decision-making model?

► The decision maker has complete information ► The decision maker is aware of all consequences ► The decision maker can identify all the relevant criteria ► The decision maker is constrained by time and costs Correct

Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is true regarding “intuitive decision making”?

► A logical process ► An unconscious process Correct ► A satisficing process ► An effective process Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to the goal-setting theory of motivation, highest performance is reached when goals are set to which level?


► Impossible but inspirational ► Difficult but attainable Correct ► Only marginally challenging ► Easily attained Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

How is gain sharing an improvement on profit sharing?

► It focuses on productivity gains rather than profits Correct ► It rewards specific behaviors ► It does not distribute profits, only gains in profits ► It rewards behaviors that are less influenced by external factors Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following has Not been shown to be a benefit of flextime?

► Reduced absenteeism Correct ► Improved productivity ► Decreased satisfaction ► Improved promptness

Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is true regarding brainstorming?

► A technique to handle disputes ► A process for generating ideas Correct ► A strategy formed without consensus ► A strategy formed with consensus Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are members of an organization with authority to influence other members to achieve organizational goals?

► Formal leaders Correct ► Informal leaders ► Managers


► Followers Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If behavioral leadership theories are correct, then which of the following statement is true?

► Leadership behaviors are consistent ► Leaders are born with leadership behaviors Correct ► Leaders’ behavior should be altered ► Leadership skills can be trained Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following leadership styles explored by Kurt Lewin?

► Autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire ► Production oriented and employee oriented ► Initiating structure and consideration ► Rational, task oriented and expressive Correct Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to the University of Michigan studies, which of the following is used to define a leader who takes personal interest in the needs of his/her subordinates? ► Situation-oriented ► Employee-oriented Correct ► Production- oriented ► Task-oriented Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which path-goal leadership style leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or stressful?

► Supportive ► Participative ► Reactive ► Directive Correct Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT an example of a prediction based on path-goal theory?


► Directive leadership leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or stressful ► Subordinates with an internal locus of control will be more satisfied with a directive style Correct ► Supportive leadership results in high employee performance when performing structured tasks ► Directive leadership is likely to be perceived as redundant by employees with a lot of experience Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Vroom and Yetton’s leadership theory could also be described as a _______________ theory.

► Trait ► Contingency ► Decision-making ► Behavioral Correct Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT an effective method in building trust?

► Showing consistency ► Demonstrating competence ► Keeping your feelings to yourself ► All of the given options are useful for building trust Correct Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If individual efforts at gaining power fail, which of the following can be an alternative response?

► Intimidation ► Ingratiation ► To form a coalition


► Promotional moves Correct Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Successful coalitions have been found to do all of the following EXCEPT:

► Disappear quickly Correct ► Contain fluid membership ► Form slowly and deliberately ► Achieve their target issues Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Asad and Saad are working in a company. There occurs a conflict between the two due to different views on some decisions. Both are indulging in what type of conflict? ► Interpersonal Conflict ► Interorganizational Conflict ► Intergroup Conflict Correct ► Person-role Conflict Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Conflict a mother feels between being a friend to her children and also being a disciplinarian explains which of the following type of conflict? ► Intergroup Conflict ► Interpersonal Conflict ► Interrole Conflict Correct ► Intrarole Conflict Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The two general approaches to bargaining are known as:

► Emotional and rational Correct ► Affective and reflective ► Distributive and integrative ► Formal and informal Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Ali wants to buy a motor bike. He goes to the showroom and sees different models of bikes. He likes one of them very much and wants to purchase it. He asks the price from dealer which is more then his range. Both of them then negotiate over price. This is an example of:


BATNADistributive negotiation Integrative negotiation CorrectThird party negotiation Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following term defines how job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated?

Organizational structureWork specialization CorrectDepartmentalizationOrganizational behavior Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The concept that refers to individuals' right to make decisions without approval by higher management is known as________________.

Responsibility CorrectObligation

Authority Organization downsizing Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is TRUE with regard to boundaryless organizations?

These organizations attempt to emulate simple structureThese remove the horizontal boundaries of managementThese do not adopt participative decision making style CorrectTeam members will be rewarded for mastering multiple skills Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Giving workers more control over how a task is to be completed often leads to job enrichment because:

Workers can think out their own way of tackling the taskChange their pattern of working when they wantFeel more responsible for achieving the end product


All of the given options Correct Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Personal management skills such as attitudes and behaviors that drive one's potential for growth and team work skills is called _____________.

Soft skillsHard skillsTechnical skillsNone of the given options Correct Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Setting Goals, establishing and communicating elements and standards is called:Planning CorrectDevelopingMonitoringLeading Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Focusing on controlling or eliminating stressors that might provoke the stress response is called:Managing stressStress PreventionJob stress CorrectStress management Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Sensitivity training is also called:Laboratory TrainingZ- GroupsFocus Groups CorrectNone of the given options Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is the BEST about the interview as a selection method for hiring a job candidate?Interviews should be structured before any interview is conductedInterviewers should check an applicant’s background data before conducting an interviewInterviews must assess an applicant’s intelligence, level of motivation and interpersonal skills Correct


Most interviewers wait until a candidate is leaving the interview before making a decision Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Ali is working as a Finance Officer in a private limited company. His boss periodically observes his work on specific parts of his job and writes down using specific behavioral descriptions, what he sees him doing. The boss is using which one of the following appraisal technique?

Critical incident methods

Written essays

Graphic rating scale CorrectPaired comparison

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Cultures within an organization, typically defined by department designations and geographical separation are called:Multi culturesNational CulturesDominant Cultures CorrectSubcultures Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of Strong Cultures?Have a great influence on the behaviors of its membersLittle alignment with organizational values An internal climate of high behavioral controlThe organization’s core values are both intensely held and widely shared Correct Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which characteristic is NOT reflective of subcultures?

Includes core values of the organizationTypically defined by department designationsIncludes values shared only within the organization CorrectIncludes values unique to members of a department or group


Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is true regarding a dominant culture?

The sum of an organization’s subculturesDefined by the leader of an organizationSynonymous with an organization’s culture CorrectLikely to be a weak culture of an organization Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If an organization used an insider as a change agent, as opposed to an outside consultant then which of the following is true?

The change would probably be more cautiousThe change would probably be more drasticThe change would probably be more objective CorrectThe change would most likely be second order Question No: 41 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

In practice, organizations use interviews for which of the following reason?

To determine applicant-organization fitSolely to assess specific, job relevant skillsTo assess a candidate’s credit historyTo manipulate an applicant’s image of the company Correct Question No: 42 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The managers can correct poor performance of employees by using which of the following technique?

Recognition & Appreciation CorrectJob Enlargement / EnrichmentAdvancement


Establish the social contract Question No: 43 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The ability to do speedy and accurate arithmetic is called:

Verbal ComprehensionNumber aptitude CorrectPerceptual SpeedMemory Question No: 44 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following refers to the network of personal and social relations that is developed spontaneously between people associated with each other?

Formal organizationInformal organizationBusiness organization CorrectGovernment organization Question No: 45 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Ability to understand what is read or heard and the relationship of words to each other is called _______.

Verbal comprehensionNon verbal comprehension Perceptual speed CorrectMemory Question No: 46 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to McClelland, what is the need to make others behave in a way that they would not have behaved otherwise?

The need for powerThe need for achievementThe need for affiliation CorrectThe need for control Question No: 47 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Referent power involves all of the following EXCEPT:Trust CorrectAcceptance


PromotionsAffection Question No: 48 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Keeping subordinates informed about company policies and the penalties for violating those policies is an example of using which of the following power?Referent Legitimate CorrectExpertCoercive Question No: 49 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Trying to make someone else accept blame for a problem is an example of which of the following conflict handling intention?

CompetingCompromisingAvoiding CorrectAccommodating Question No: 50 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Samina and Naeem are Senior managers of marketing depertment. Samina wants her department to grow and expand into new products. While Naeem feels that the department is already too big and should reduce its size and trim its product line. Samina and Naeem are experiencing which of the following conflict?Legal conflictTask conflictProcess conflict CorrectRelationship conflict Question No: 51 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Goals are neither completely compatible nor completely incompatible and interactions are moderately important to goal attainment in which of the following?

CompetitionCompromiseAccommodation CorrectAvoidance


Question No: 52 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the system of task, reporting, and authority relationships within which the work of the organization is done?

Organizational goalsOrganizational structureOrganizational system CorrectOrganizational charts Question No: 53 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The internal operations of an organization provide the framework for which type(s) of departmentalization?

Function and processFunction and marketProduct and customer CorrectGeographical and customer Question No: 54 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The aim of which of the following is to fundamentally change the way everybody in the organization conceives his or her role?

DownsizingReengineering CorrectFormalizationSpecialization Question No: 55 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following selection technique is most commonly used worldwide?

Work sample testInterview CorrectBackground checkPerformance-simulation tests Question No: 56 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a technical procedure used to define the duties, responsibilities


and accountabilities of a job?

Job Analysis Job design CorrectJob enrichmentJob enlargement Question No: 57 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Job title, duties to be performed, the distinguishing characteristics of the job, environmental conditions and authority and responsibility of the jobholder is a common format for which of the following?

Job description CorrectJob specificationJob evaluationJob enrichment Question No: 58 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Stimulating innovation, process reengineering and employee empowerment are examples of which of the following change?

PlannedUnplannedIncremental Reactive Correct Question No: 59 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

All of the following are examples of internal forces for change EXCEPT:

Company CrisisChanging work climate CorrectDeclining effectivenessWorkforce diversity Question No: 60 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the organizational source of resistance to change?Fear of unknownEconomic threat Correct


New social relationshipFixed investment Question No: 61 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Exchanging something of value for a lessening of resistance to change is best defined by which of the following tactics?ConciliationNegotiation CorrectCooptationManipulation Question No: 62 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the process in which data is gathered, analyzed, summarized and returned to those who generated them?

Process ConsultationSurvey feedback CorrectInter-group developmentSensitivity Training Question No: 63 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Suppose Government of Pakistan has contracted with government of UAE to send 100 doctors and engineers to UAE. It is an example of which of the following?Off shoringOutsourcingJob migration CorrectGeocentric

Question No: 64 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Sania is working in an organization where she has to perform multiple tasks. She is forced to meet unrealistic targets and deadlines. Moreover her boss is very demanding and insensitive. Which of the following is the potential source of stress for Sadaf?

Environmental factorsOrganizational factorsPersonal factors CorrectTechnological factors Question No: 65 ( Marks: 3 )

What can managers do to make their firms learning organizations?


In these days mangers can make the firm learning organizations.

1 Mangers should be faced with new change and conditions of rapid change in technologies. By applying new changes a firm learns more about new things in the market.

2 A manager should apply new standards and use new relevant technologies to rum his firm better.

3 A manger make the habit of investment his own employers too to become them a fruitful and productive part of the organizations.

By these applications a firm can learn and earn more and become a learning organization.

Question No: 66 ( Marks: 5 )

TQM has gained great importance in today's organizations. Explain the essential elements of TQM.


Total quality management gained a great importance in today’s organizations. TQM has commitment with organizations to provide the continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, give importance to customer requirements and doing all things right from initially.

Essential Elements of TQM

Followings are the essential elements of TQM

• It provides the management commitment and leadership for organizations• It provides the analysis of customer quality requirement• It provides standards• It provides training• It provides progress monitoring and measurement• It provides a supportive culture• It provides a benchmarking

Question No: 67 ( Marks: 10 )

Describe charismatic and transformation perspective on leadership. What are the similarities and point of differences between both of these theories?



Charismatic Leadership

These leaders have a combination of charm and personal magnetism. These donate a amazing ability to get other people to support to their vision and reveal it strongly.

Transformational Leadership

It occurs when a leader changes group in ways that lead to trust, creating a vision and modeling it and communicating the vision. It also uses to motivate the group towards organizational goals


1 Both have a vision2 Both are working as a changing agent3 In both cases followers follow them to implement the vision.


1 Transformational leaders may be charismatic but chromatic not.2 Charismatic have self confidence3 Transformational leaders make subordinates aware of their needs for personal growth4 Transformational leader motivate subordinates to perform good for the company.5 Charismatic leaders cause group to analyze problems differently and make nature of

responsibility for problem solving

Question No: 68 ( Marks: 10 )

Today organizations are working in a dynamic environment where abrupt changes occur. How HR departments have adopted this change to survive in this environment? Explain with logical reasons.

These days market is going too fast and it is very difficult for HR department to retain the employee in the company for many years. Because of this some time HR made the changes in their policies in favor of company.

For example, these days HR has to give some benefits to employer to retain him in company like

TrainingJob securityExtra benefitsHigh salary


These things become more important now a day because of competition in the market.

Initially company not give the transportation and medical to employees but due to change in market conditions now HR has to revive their policies and has to give theses facilities even that now HR announce the family medical insurance policy.

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The lowest level positions require ____________ skills but as you move up_____________skills are more required.

► Conceptual, Technical ► Technical, Conceptual ► Human, Conceptual ► Human, Technical Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Mr. Hassan, Professor of Mathematics, when he starts teaching about a concept, he praises any answer that is close to the right answer. This is an example of which of the following learning theory?

► Classical conditioning ► Operant conditioning ► Social learning ► Contemporary theory Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following can be considered a method of social learning?

► Classroom ► Workshop ► TV commercial ► Work Manual Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

“Smoking is injurious to health”. This statement is an example of which one of the following components of attitude?

► Cognitive ► Affective ► Behavioral


► Behavior intension Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Asif is late for work each day by about ten minutes. How would Attribution Theory describe this behavior?

► It shows consensus ► It shows similarity ► It shows reliability ► It shows consistency Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement best describes “motivation?”

► Results in a level of efforts put by a group ► Intensifies an individual’s efforts from others ► Guides an individual’s efforts towards a goal ► Meets an individual’s needs, wants and demnands Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What are the three key elements of motivation?

► Interest, activity and reward ► Awareness, effort and outcome ► Stimulation, progress and achievement ► Intensity, direction and persistence Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Hassan derives a great sense of belongingness, acceptance and friendship from his relationships with his extended family. Which of Maslow’s needs is Hassan fulfilling through these relationships?

► Self-actualization ► Esteem ► Social ► Physiological Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Who developed ERG theory?

► Mcclelland


► Maslow ► Alderfer ► Ouchi Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What continuum in the two-factor theory is made up of the hygiene factors?

► No dissatisfaction to dissatisfaction ► No dissatisfaction to satisfaction ► Satisfaction to no satisfaction ► Satisfaction to dissatisfaction Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

All of the following are problem solving techniques EXCEPT:

► Consensus ► Brainstorming ► Nominal Group Techniques ► Synergy Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are the two dimensions of leader behavior explained in the Ohio State studies?

► Initiating structure and consideration ► Employee-oriented and production-oriented ► Concern for people and concern for production ► Operant conditioning and classical conditioning Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to the University of Michigan studies, which of the following is used to define a leader who takes personal interest in the needs of his/her subordinates? ► Situation-oriented ► Employee-oriented ► Production- oriented ► Task-oriented Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to the Managerial Grid, managers perform best using which of the following styles?


► 9, 9 ► 9, 1 ► 1, 9 ► 5, 5 Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is an example of downward communication flow?

► Suggestion boxes ► Disscussing problem with boss ► Feedback on job performance ► Letters to your boss Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Suggestion boxes, employee attitude surveys, and grievance procedures are examples of: ► Downward communication ► Horizontal communication ► Upward communication ► Lateral communication Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Asif is the manager of a petroleum company. He lets the employees know what is expected of them, schedules work to be done, and gives specific guidance as to how to accomplish tasks. He observes which of the following leadership style? ► Supportive ► Participative ► Directive ► Achievement-oriented Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT true of charismatic leaders?

► They have ability to articulate their vision ► They have behavior that is unconventional ► They are unwilling to take high personal risk ► They have high self belief and exhibit determination Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Trust and trustworthiness affect a leader’s access to:

► Dedication and achievement ► Persuasion and control ► Power and influence ► Knowledge and cooperation Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The most fragile relationships are contained in which of the following types of trust?

► Reward ► Deterrence ► Knowledge ► Identification Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Naveed is relatively new employee and wants to make sure that he makes a good impression on his coworkers and supervisor. He agrees with the supervisor’s opinion most of the time and is always doing nice things for him. Naveed is attempting to use:

► Political behavior ► Defensive behavior ► Fastidious behavior ► Impression management Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which type of conflict will you experience among the multiple roles in your life, like role of a father and a manager? ► Intergroup Conflict ► Interpersonal Conflict ► Interrole Conflict ► Intrarole Conflict Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



which stage of the conflict process does conflict become visible?

► Illumination ► Intentions ► Behavior ► Cognition Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which bargaining strategy is preferable for use in intra-organizational behavior?

► Positive negotiation ► Distributive bargaining ► Integrative bargaining ► Equal bargaining Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The example of labor-management negotiations over wages exemplifies which of the following bargaining?

Integrative Reflective Distributive Restrictive Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a conflict resolution technique?

Creating super ordinate goals Appointing a devil’s advocateExercising authoritative commandGenerating additional resources Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


UNO wants to bring in a neutral third party who will facilitate a negotiated solution by using reasoning, persuasion, suggesting alternatives, and the like. This person is a(n):

Mediator ArbitratorConciliatorConsultant Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If you have a narrow span of control, you have which of the following type of a (n) organization?

EfficientShort Tall Matrix Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the given options is the expansion of job content to include a wider variety of the tasks and to increase the workers' responsibility for checking quality and direction for the method?

►Job enlargement Job rotation Job enrichmentJob reengineering Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Seema is working with a pharmaceutical firm; as a means of balancing her work and family responsibilities she typically works a standard 40-hour week or only work 3 or 4 days of the week (i.e., putting in more than 8 hours but working fewer days). Which one of the following work schedule Seema is following? Compressed work week Shorter work weekLonger work week Job sharing Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which one of the following is NOT an example of regional economic alliances?

European Union Democratic Union of Hungarians North American Free Trade Agreement Caribbean Community Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Personal management skills such as attitudes and behaviors that drive one's potential for growth and team work skills is called _____________.

Soft skills Hard skillsTechnical skillsNone of the given options Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

All of the following include Physical symptoms of stress EXCEPT:► Bad moods ►Faster heart beatIncreased sweatingCool skin Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

When the people are asked to envision the organization in five years and to describe what is different is called:Discovery Dreaming DesignDestiny Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which one of the following involves lateral transfers that enable employees to work at different jobs?

Job enlargement Job enrichment Job rotation Job enhancement Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



analysis can be used in performance review to identify or develop:Goals and objectives Performance standardsEvaluation criteria ► All of the given options Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

A technical specialists working with a reputable organization is allowed to continue to contribute his expertise to the company without having to become manager. He makes recommendations in a wide range of business areas, participates in high level decisions, and acts as mentor to other employees. This situation is represented by which one of the following option?Traditional career path

Network career path

Lateral skill path

Dual career path

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The centerpiece of most diversity programs is:

Money ► Employer commitment Training Human resource personnel Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is true regarding a dominant culture?

The sum of an organization’s subculturesDefined by the leader of an organization► Synonymous with an organization’s culture Likely to be a weak culture of an organization Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

All of the following are examples of material symbols EXCEPT:


Use of the company jet► New employee orientations Luxury cars for executivesPrivate parking spots Question No: 41 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Responding to changes in external or internal environment is called:Incremental ChangeAnticipatory changeRadical Change► Reactive change Question No: 42 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Phrases such as “more cultural diversity,” “many new entrants with inadequate skills” are all

examples of which force for change?

TechnologyWorld politics► Nature of the work force Social trends Question No: 43 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is an example of change in the nature of competition?

Growth of e-commerce Decline in global oil prices Increased interest in urban livingA decrease in interest rates Question No: 44 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which tactic for overcoming resistance to change basically assumes that the source of resistance lies in misinformation?


Training and developmentFacilitation and support Education and communication Cooptation and manipulation Question No: 45 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

A bachelor degree holder is most likely to have a job that requires:

Human skills Technical skills Conceptual skills Leading skills Question No: 46 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which emotions are the emotions an individual actually is experiencing, despite what they might apparently show?

Felt Displayed Conditional Exposed Question No: 47 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Desires for associations with those who are significant to us, such as family members, supervisors, and friends, are examples of which of the following Alderfer’s needs?

► Relatedness Existence Association Esteem Question No: 48 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

A person in the organization may have crucial information about a statistical breakthrough of great importance to the organization and its strategic marketing plan. This is an example of which of the following power?

ReferentLegitimateReward Expert


Question No: 49 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Keeping subordinates informed about company policies and the penalties for violating those policies is an example of using which of the following power?Referent Legitimate Expert►Coercive Question No: 50 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The reasons for political behavior include all of the following EXCEPT:

Ambiguous goals Scarce resourcesControl of informationNon-programmed decisions Question No: 51 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Samina and Naeem are Senior managers of marketing depertment. Samina wants her department to grow and expand into new products. While Naeem feels that the department is already too big and should reduce its size and trim its product line. Samina and Naeem are experiencing which of the following conflict?Legal conflict► Task conflict Process conflictRelationship conflict Question No: 52 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The degree to which two party’s goals can be achieved simultaneously is called:

Goal interdependenceGoal accommodationGoal avoidance► Goal compatibility Question No: 53 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

When two party’s goals are incompatible, but their interactions are important to meeting their goals, which reaction to conflict is likely to occur?Competition


Collaboration ►Compromise Accommodation Question No: 54 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements about gender difference in leadership is correct? There is no difference in leadership on the basis of gender Women leaders are not good at negotiationMen leaders seem to be more supportive and patient Women tend to adopt democratic leadership style Question No: 55 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The main advantage of division of labor is that it promotes:Worker satisfactionWorker autonomyThe creation of stimulating jobs► Efficient use of labor Question No: 56 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The process of constructing and adjusting an organization's structure to achieve its goals is:Strategic managementStrategy-structure fit Organizational design Organizational reconfiguration Question No: 57 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the manner in which divided tasks are combined and allocated to work groups?

► Departmentalization SpecializationFormalizationStandardization Question No: 58 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following selection technique is most commonly used worldwide?

Work sample test Interview Background checkPerformance-simulation tests


Question No: 59 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following states the minimum acceptable qualifications that the incumbent must possess to perform the job successfully?

Job description Job specification Job evaluationJob enrichment Question No: 60 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

All of the following are examples of internal forces for change EXCEPT:

Company CrisisChanging work climateDeclining effectiveness Globalization Question No: 61 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

ABC is a manufacturing company. R&D department suggested some changes in their product line. But employees of marketing department were reluctant in accepting this change. A meeting was held to remove the ambiguity and all pros and cons were discussed which resulted in better decision. In this case the resistance to change from the marketing department resulted in which of the following?

► Positive decision Negative decisionConflicting decisionIrrational decision Question No: 62 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the individual source of resistance to change?

Structural inertiaThreat to expertiseDislike of change agent Threatened power


Question No: 63 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the organizational source of resistance to change?Fear of unknownEconomic threatNew social relationship► Fixed investment Question No: 64 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The CEO of ABC manufacturer is not satisfied with the sales of his products. He has decided to operate in international market to earn the targeted sales. What can be the possible reason of this expansion?To work with untrained laborTo avoid cultural diversity► To acquire resources To work under poor working conditions Question No: 65 ( Marks: 3 )

How can charismatic leadership hurt an organization?

Answer : A charismatic leader is one who might not have legitimate authority over the followers but followers respect him for his charisma, knowledge, expertise and his vision.

Charismatic leaders can hurt an organization because their followers might go against the legitimate chain of command of the organization to follow the leader. As it is not necessary for the charismatic leader to have legitimate authority therefore he might not follow the proper chain of command. This creates the problem of unity of command. People will follow two managers. One will be their manager according to the company hierarchy or structure and one will be the leader. This might create people-role conflict for employees. This affects the organization in a negative way and hurt the organization..

Question No: 66 ( Marks: 5 )

“As important as attracting good employees is, it is just as important to retain them”. How you can justify this statement.

Answer : Employees are the biggest assets for an organization. They are the real


distinctive competency of an organization. The organizations who pay heed to this fact are the most successful ones. Technology and other resources that a successful organization holds can be acquired by other organizations as well but motivated, expert and skilled employees that one firm has cannot be duplicated easily by other firms. That is the main reason competing firms try to buy out employees from their rivals in an attempt to gain the distinctive competencies that the rival holds because of these employees.

Therefore for an organization to be successful, it should not only attract or hire good employees but it should also retain them. There are a number of reasons why retaining is also as important or even more important than hiring good employees. Some of the reasons are:

1) The company might spend a lot of money on the training and development of employees and once the employee leaves the company, the company not only suffers in terms of employee loss but also financial loss which was caused because of the wastage of training resources on the leaving employee.

2) When an employee leaves and his position is vacant, the company will need to hire someone new in his/her place. The new person will need to be trained or will take time to get to work on the same position. This wastes valuable company resources and lowers productivity of the company..

3) The employee who has been working for a company for a longer time knows the company culture and has accepted it to a great extent. But when this employee leaves and a new employee is hired in his place, it will take time for the new employee to get acquainted with the culture and norms of the organization.

4) When an employee leaves this does not only affect him but demoralizes other employees as well and gives an impression that people don’t like to work for this company and the employees who are sticking around might be making a mistake. This often urges other employees also to either look for better opportunities and they loose loyalty and commitment to the company.

5) The employee working for a company might have acquired good experience after a considerable amount of time working for the company and if he leaves then this experience can’t be replaced. The company might hire some one with the same qualification but the experience that the leaving employee has will not be there.

Because of all the important reasons mentioned above, it is very important that a company not only attracts good employees but should also strive to retain them by making policies that foster long term commitment and loyalty.

Question No: 67 ( Marks: 10 )


What is flextime? What are the advantages of flextime from an employee’s perspective and from management’s perspective?

Answer : Flextime is a work arrangement where an employee works for the same core hours during the day but the arrangement of these hours or how he makes up these hours from the day is flexible. For example a company might have a policy for employees to work for eight hours every day and the company starts at 8.00 AM. So in flextime arrangement the employee might be given the discretion of working for eight hours but not necessarily from 8 AM. An employee might start for example at 10 AM and work up to 6 AM thereby completing eight hours of work and starting at his convenient time. This is only one example of flextime. Other methods include flexible or compressed work weeks where the employee can work for more hours during some days and thereby reducing the total working days during the week. Others include job sharing , part time work arrangements and telecommuting.

Advantages from employee’s perspective:

1) Flexible working hours will suit many people and they will be more satisfied with their work and will not have to look for other employment options.

2) Working husbands and wives can easily arrange work to take care of their children. For example the wife might arrange her working hours so that either she or the husband is always with the children.

3) If a company allows telecommuting for example then it can get more work force options because then those women can also work who need to be at home. Working from home can help these women earn money as well as attending to their family commitments.

4) Compressed working weeks might help those people who can work for a less number of days for a week for example four out of seven days and extend their working hours per day and then go to their families during the three days off in case their families live in some other area or away from their place of work.

5) There might be many people who would not work at all if flextime option was not available for example for college students who want to work part time because during the day they cannot work. So for these cases flextime will make more types of jobs available to them and they can easily work for example during the evenings and earn without affecting their education.

Advantages from employer’s perspective


1) The biggest advantage from the employer’s perspective is that he will get better productivity from employees working in flextime

2) The employees will be satisfied and hence the employer will not have to worry about boosting the morale of the employees or for employees leaving the company to find other jobs that suits them..

3) This is a very good method to retain employees because when employees get such a good option of flexible timing, they will not be tempted to leave the organization.

4) Using flextime the company can hire experts who will not be willing to work for example during the day maybe because they might be working with some other company. So this way the company can get the experts they need by allowing them to work as part-timers.

Question No: 68 ( Marks: 10 )

Sometimes data gathered from interview is biased. Explain different interviewing mistakes that can lessen the effectiveness of a job interview.

Answer : Interview is a method of verbal communication and therefore is subjective. It depends a lot on the context under which the interview was conducted and also on the interviewer’s skills as well his perceptions. As human interaction gets involved here, therefore the interview can become very subjective instead of being objective. A lot of issues related to human nature can be introduced during the interview which might make it biased. The biasness depends on many factors. These factors can lead to interviewing mistakes which adversely affects the effectiveness of the job interview.

Some of the mistakes that can lessen the effectiveness of the job interview are :

1) Selective perception: The selective perception of the interviewer might affect the interview. Different people perceive the same situation at the same time in different ways. This is due to their life experiences, education, values and personality. So based on these they might interpret the same situation in different ways. This might create biasness in their judgment.

2) Projection: Some interviewers might have some qualities and they might value them a lot and might want to see the same qualities in the interviewee and if they don’t see the same qualities, they will be biased in their interview.


3) Stereotyping : Stereotyping is the preset judgement a person makes based on the group to which the interviewee belongs. For example the interviewer might have a stereotype that women are not good for managerial positions so he might get biased into not giving good review in job interview to a woman who applied for the a management position.

4) Halo effect: Halo effect is when a person makes good or bad judgement based on just one quality. In this the interviewer might get biased based on just one quality and might give good reviews without paying attention to other good qualities or bad qualities that a person has. Similarly the same thing goes for a bad quality that the interviewer might see in the interviewee.

5) Similar to me effect :: In this the interviewer might try to find qualities in an interviewee which is similar to the interviewer. If he doesn’t find any such quality he will be biased to not hire the job applicant. If on the other hand he sees such a quality then he will be biased to hire the job applicant without paying attention to other qualities needed for the job

6) Inadequate knowledge about the job: Some times the interviewer might not be well-versed with the exact requirements for a position for which he might be conducting the interview. For example an HR manager hiring for a technical job in the information technology department. As this is a completely technical field so the manager taking the interview might not be capable enough to do the interview because of his limited knowledge of the field of computer sciences. In this case he will be biased to see human or communications skills more than the technical skills the job applicant has that are more important to the job than his human skills. Similarly the interviewer might be hiring for a non technical position but he might lack the knowledge of the exact requirements or specifications for the job opening.

7) Previous interviewee effect: If an interviewee is being interviewed immediately after a perceived good or bad interviewee then he will be judged against the previous interviewee. If the previous interviewee was perceived as very good by the interviewer then the next person will have difficulties in making a good impression on the interviewer and if the previous interviewee was perceived as bad then the next one will be considered good even if he is just slightly better than the previous. So this creates a bias on the part of the interviewer and is one of the mistakes in job interviews which lessens its effectiveness.

8) Preconceived notion about the interviewee : If the interviewer has already heard about the job interviewee before the interview from some other sources whether it is something good or bad about him, the interviewer will already have made an impression about the interviewee even before the interview begins. So this can introduce a good or a bad bias on the part of the interviewer and lessens the effectiveness of the interview.


9) Emotional state of the interviewer : As interview is a human interaction so it is prone to human emotions. If the interviewer is not emotionally stable then it might bias the interview. For example an interviewer sitting down to take the interview has just heard some bad news before the start of the interview sessions and that might affect his judgement in reviewing the right person for the job.

All the factors mentioned above are mistakes that are involved in the interview process and that might affect the effectiveness of the job interview. There are many techniques to cope with these problems and make the interview as objective as possible so that exactly the right person can be hired for the right job.

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which one of the following is defined as a social entity composed of two or more people which functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals.

► Community ► Organization ► Partnership ► Treaty Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are identified as new managerial functions?

► Planning and organizing ► Leading and controlling ► Directing and monitoring ► TQM and continuous improvement Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is defined as intellectual and mechanical processes used by an organization to transform inputs into products or services?

► Mechanism ► Technology ► Operational system ► Information system Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Faizan, a supervisor, has to choose between two different suggestions offered by employees about work schedule. Which one of the following will be most suitable for Faizan?


► Inductive reasoning ► Spatial visualization ► Deductive reasoning ► Perception Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to the Big Five model; people having personality dimension of openness to experience are:

► Caring and dependable ► Flexible and risk taker ► Outgoing and talkative ► Tolerant and self-hearted Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


ability of a person to manipiulate his/her emotions according to a given situation is called________________. ► Emotional Intelligence ► Emotional Constraints ► Affective Emotions ► Cognitive dissonance Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to which of the following decision making model; people seek solutions that are satisfactory and sufficient?

► Bounded Rational ► Three Component Model ► Contingency ► Rational Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

When individuals compare their outcomes and inputs against those of others, the framework is ______________.

► Equity theory ► Expectancy theory ► Reinforcement theory ► Two Factor theory Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following is NOT a biographical characteristic?

► Region ► Age ► Sex ► Tenure Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What does MBO provide for the individual employee?

► Specific performance objectives ► Precise job descriptions ► Clear direction and purpose ► Higher salaries Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following groups is defined by the organization’s structure?

► Informal ► Friendship ► Interest ► Formal Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


team in which a significant amount of communication and interaction occurs electronically rather than face to face is referred to as:

► A research and development team ► A self-managed work team ► A problem solving team ► A virtual team Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are the two dimensions of leader behavior explained in the Ohio State studies?

► Initiating structure and consideration ► Employee-oriented and production-oriented ► Concern for people and concern for production ► Operant conditioning and classical conditioning


Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which step determines whether understanding has been achieved during the communication process?

► Decoding ► Feedback ► Channel ► Encoding Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT an example of upward communication?

► Informing employees of policies ► Suggestion boxes ► Grievance procedures ► A letter to your boss Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


tells his boss only what he believes the boss wants to hear. Bilal is engaging in: ► Filtering ► Defensiveness ► Selective perception ► Selective selection Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following leadership model integrates the expectancy theory of motivation with the Ohio state Leadership research?

► Contingency ► Path-goal ► Leader-participation ► Cognitive arousal Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


transactional and transformational leadership should be viewed as:


► Opposing approaches to accomplishing goals ► Subcomponents of situational leadership ► Building blocks of charismatic leadership ► Cumulative forms of leadership Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a feeling of devotion, duty, or attachment to somebody or something?

► Integrity ► Consistency ► Loyalty ► Reliability Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


new manager-employee relationship is an example of which of the following type of trust?

► Deterrence-based ► Knowledge-based ► Identification-based ► Supposition-based Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

When a bank robber points a gun at a bank employee, which of the following is his base of power?

► Coercive ► Legitimate ► Positional ► Authoritative Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following types of power requires acceptance of the leader’s authority by members of the organization?


► Personal ► Organizational ► Legitimate ► Positional Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Cricket stars influence people's choice of athletic shoes and cola drinks. People are admired due to which of the following power? ► Referent ► Expert ► Legitimate ► Personal Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

High job specialization can lead to which of the following type of conflict?

► Communication ► Structural ► Personal-variable ► Job-related Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is mostly likely to promote the success of mediation?

► High motivation of the disputing parties ► Shared perceptions of the mediator as coercive ► Shared perceptions of the mediator as biased ► Extensive experience of the mediator Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following can be described as being loose in structure and a catalyst for open lines of communications throughout the organization which results in an increased flow of information?


Centralization DecentralizationDepartmentalization

Simple organizations Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


tall, centralized hierarchy of authority and top-down communication and decision making are characteristics of which of the following organizational structures?

Organic structureMatrix structureMechanistic structure Functional structure Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Plant Manager overseeing the functions of the Manager of Engineering, the Manager of Accounting, and the Manager of Manufacturing is an example of:

Product departmentalizationGeographical departmentalization

Functional departmentalizationProcess departmentalization Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is TRUE with regard to boundaryless organizations?

These organizations attempt to emulate simple structureThese remove the horizontal boundaries of managementThese do not adopt participative decision making styleTeam members will be rewarded for mastering multiple skills Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are the forces that affect how an organization designs its structure?

Suppliers, competitors, job design Suppliers, job design, customers Environment, economic forces, competitors Environment, technology, and human resources


Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Giving workers more control over how a task is to be completed often leads to job enrichment because:

Workers can think out their own way of tackling the taskChange their pattern of working when they wantFeel more responsible for achieving the end productAll of the given options Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following characterizes non-routine or complicated technologies?

High task variety and high task analyzability Low task variety and high task analyzability Low task variety and Low task analyzability High task variety and low task analyzability Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

When the people are asked to envision the organization in five years and to describe what is different is called:DiscoveryDreamingDesignDestiny Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


practice, organizations use interviews _____.

To determine applicant-organization fitSolely to assess specific, job relevant skillsTo manipulate an applicant’s image of the companyTo assess a candidate’s credit history Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following are operational activities of HR EXCEPT __________________ which is a strategic activity.

Analyzing HR metrics and measurements


Recruiting and selecting employeesResponding to goals and objectives set by executives Complying with laws, policies, and procedures

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Performance is a function of which of the following factors? Skill, willingness to act and rewardAbility, motivation and opportunity Knowledge, skills and abilitiesTasks, incentives and rewards Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Cultures within an organization, typically defined by department designations and geographical separation are called:Multi culturesNational CulturesDominant CulturesSubcultures Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which characteristic is NOT reflective of subcultures?

Includes core values of the organizationTypically defined by department designationsIncludes values shared only within the organizationIncludes values unique to members of a department or group Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Consistency of behavior is an asset to an organization when it faces which of the following?

Massive changesA dynamic environmentAn unknown environmentA stable environment Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Looking for better way to stay is called:Reactive changeAnticipatory changeRadical ChangeIncremental Change Question No: 41 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

When there is some change in organization that is intentional and goal-oriented activity then it is called;

Planned change Unplanned change Evolutionary change Revolutionary change Question No: 42 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following technique refer to the application of direct threats or force upon resisters?

ExploitationCooptationManipulationCoercion Question No: 43 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If a

manger is responsible to define goals, establish an overall strategy for achieving those goals and matching activities accordingly, then which one of the following functions is he/ she performing?

PlanningOrganizing LeadingControlling Question No: 44 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which emotions are the emotions an individual actually is experiencing, despite what they might apparently show?

Felt Displayed Conditional


Exposed Question No: 45 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


communication used by managers to provide job instructions is an example of:

Downward communicationLateral communicationDirectional communicationDiagonal communication Question No: 46 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following are the examples of reward power EXCEPT:PayWork assignmentsPromotionTransfer Question No: 47 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


person in the organization may have crucial information about a statistical breakthrough of great importance to the organization and its strategic marketing plan. This is an example of which of the following power?

ReferentLegitimateRewardExpert Question No: 48 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Keeping subordinates informed about company policies and the penalties for violating those policies is an example of using which of the following power?ReferentLegitimateExpertCoercive Question No: 49 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following best describes a leader?

Being a leader also means being a managerLeaders can emerge from with in a group


Leaders are appointed to their positionsLeaders influence others beyond the formal authority Question No: 50 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements about gender difference in leadership is correct?There is no difference in leadership on the basis of genderWomen leaders are not good at negotiationMen leaders seem to be more supportive and patient Women tend to adopt democratic leadership style Question No: 51 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the system of task, reporting, and authority relationships within which the work of the organization is done?

Organizational goalsOrganizational structureOrganizational systemOrganizational charts Question No: 52 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the manner in which divided tasks are combined and allocated to work groups?

DepartmentalizationSpecializationFormalizationStandardization Question No: 53 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Environmental uncertainty exists when managers:Relax the constraints on product demandAttempt to simplify the general environmentAttempt to stabilize the task environmentHave difficulty predicting the impact of environmental factors Question No: 54 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


job design method aimed at increasing the motivational factors in a job is called:Job enrichmentJob enlargement


Job rotationCross-training Question No: 55 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following selection technique is most commonly used worldwide?

Work sample testInterviewBackground checkPerformance-simulation tests Question No: 56 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Website and internet is changing the way companies and individuals communicate. It is an example of which of the following forces for change?

PeopleTechnologyCommunicationSocial Question No: 57 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following are examples of internal forces for change EXCEPT:

Company CrisisChanging work climateDeclining effectivenessGlobalization Question No: 58 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the individual source of resistance to change?

Structural inertiaThreat to expertiseDislike of change agentThreatened power Question No: 59 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following is the organizational source of resistance to change?Fear of unknownEconomic threatNew social relationshipThreatened power Question No: 60 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


years earlier there was a huge market of Window Air conditioner in Pakistan. Now split air conditioners have replaced window AC. This change occurred due to which of the following driving forces of change?Changing values Changing nature of workforceKnowledge explosionRapid product obsolescence Question No: 61 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the process in which data is gathered, analyzed, summarized and returned to those who generated them?

Process ConsultationSurvey feedbackInter-group developmentSensitivity Training Question No: 62 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Textile industry of Pakistan is facing huge losses due to the downfall of electricity. These conditions are causing great stress among the employees and owners of textile mills. Which of the following is the potential source of stress in this scenario?

Economic uncertaintyTechnological changePolitical uncertaintyTask demand Question No: 63 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following performance management component is about acknowledging good performance?



RewardingRating Question No: 64 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT an HR’s role in career development?Taking career development initiativesPolishing leadership qualities Matching individual and organization needsIdentification of career opportunities

MGT502 - Organizational Behaviour  

Question # 1 of 10 ( Start time: 10:48:09 PM ) Total Marks: 1What are the three classes of factors that influence perception?Select correct option: Factors in the setting, factors in the environment and factors in the motives Factors in the perceiver, factors in the target and factors in the situation Factors in the character, factors in knowledge and factors in experience Factors in the personality, factors in the character and factors in the values  Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 10:49:22 PM ) Total Marks: 1Job satisfaction is best described as ____________.Select correct option: A result A valueAn attitude A discipline  Question # 3 of 10 ( Start time: 10:50:30 PM ) Total Marks: 1In the following steps in decision making, which would come first?Select correct option:  Generate alternatives Rating of alternative Make a choice Implement the decision   Question # 4 of 10 ( Start time: 10:51:00 PM ) Total Marks: 1Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best describes these values?Select correct option: Terminal values 


Instrumental values Theoretical values Social values  Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 10:52:23 PM ) Total Marks: 1Which of the following is the most productive stage in group development?Select correct option:  Producing Increasing Maturity Performing  Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 10:53:23 PM ) Total Marks: 1What does consensus refer to in attribution theory?Select correct option:  There is general agreement about a perception Different people perceive a situation similarly Different people respond the same way in the same situation All people behave precisely the same way in certain situations     Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time: 10:54:40 PM ) Total Marks: 1In attribution theory, what is distinctiveness?Select correct option:  Whether an individual displays consistent behaviors in different situations Whether an individual displays different behaviors in different situations Whether an individual displays consistent behaviors in similar situations Whether an individual displays different behaviors in similar situations  Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 10:55:08 PM ) Total Marks: 1Organizational members who intentionally violate established norms that result in negative consequences for the organization, its members, or both, show:Select correct option:  Deviant Workplace Behavior Emotional Labor Interpersonal Skills Social Skills   Question # 9 of 10 ( Start time: 10:55:46 PM ) Total Marks: 1


Today’s managers understand that the success of any effort at improving quality and productivity must include _____.Select correct option:  Quality management programs Customer service improvements Employee’s participation Manufacturing simplification Reference Question # 10 of 10 ( Start time: 10:56:21 PM ) Total Marks: 1What does MBO provide for the individual employee?Select correct option:  Specific personal performance objectives Precise job descriptions Explicit task objectives Clear direction and purpose

MGT502 - Organizational Behaviour

All of the following are true about learning EXCEPT that it :

 Select correct option:

Can have a very short duration Requires a change in behavior

Requires some form of experience

Affects aptitude


_____ is a measure of how organizations are becoming more heterogeneous in terms of gender, race, and ethnicity. Select correct option:

Workforce diversity Affirmative action

Organizational culture

Operational homogeneity


The degree, to which a person identifies with his or her job, actively participates in it, and considers his or her performance as being important to self-worth is __________. Select correct option:

Job satisfaction

Job involvement Job stability

Job enrichment





What is/are the key element(s) of motivation? Select correct option:




All of the given options 

Ref: “The processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal”



Eden Corp has installed a new email system, but many staff members do not know of its features. Upper management decides to allocate a small portion of the company’s budget to solving this problem. A team that uses rational decision making to arrive at a solution should be aware that this case deviates from the assumptions of the rational decision making model in what way? Select correct option:


There are cost constraints

The problem is not clearly defined

The options available to the team are not known

There are constraints on the options available



Mr. Hussain is a salesperson. He remembers the names of his customers easily because he is able to retain and recall past experience. He is able in which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability? Select correct option:

Memory Number Aptitude

Deductive Reasoning

Perceptual speed


What is the term used for a general impression about an individual based on a single characteristic such as intelligence, sociability, or appearance? Select correct option:

The contrast effect

Personal bias

The halo effect Projection



Which one of the following words is the best synonym for “ability”, as the term is used in organizational behavior? Select correct option:



Capacity Experience



Factors other than satisfaction that impact one’s decision to leave a current job include all of the following EXCEPT: Select correct option:

Labor market conditions

Length of tenure with the organization

Expectations about alternative job opportunities

Organizational citizenship behavior 


What do we call it when we judge someone on the basis of our perception of the group to which he/she belongs? Select correct option:

Stereotyping Categorizing

Halo effect


Question # 1 of 10 ( Start time: 10:48:09 PM ) Total Marks: 1 What are the three classes of factors that influence perception? Select correct option:

Factors in the setting, factors in the environment and factors in the motives

Factors in the perceiver, factors in the target and factors in the situationFactors in the character, factors in knowledge and factors in experience

Factors in the personality, factors in the character and factors in the values


Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 10:49:22 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Job satisfaction is best described as ____________. Select correct option:

A result

A value

An attitudeA discipline

 Two important work attitudes are job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Job satisfaction is the collection of feelings and beliefs that people have about their organization as a whole. Work attitudes have three components: an affective component (how a person feels about a job), a cognitive component (what a person thinks about a job), and a behavioral component (what a person thinks about how to behave on the job).


Question # 3 of 10 ( Start time: 10:50:30 PM ) Total Marks: 1 In the following steps in decision making, which would come first? Select correct option:

Generate alternativesRating of alternative

Make a choice

Implement the decision

Question # 4 of 10 ( Start time: 10:51:00 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best describes these values? Select correct option:

Terminal values

Instrumental valuesTheoretical values

Social values

( Instrumental values. • Preferences for the means to be used in achieving desired ends.)Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 10:52:23 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the following is the most productive stage in group development? Select correct option:




PerformingThere is no such thing producing rather performing

  Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 10:53:23 PM ) Total Marks: 1 What does consensus refer to in attribution theory? Select correct option:

There is general agreement about a perception

Different people perceive a situation similarly

Different people respond the same way in the same situationAll people behave precisely the same way in certain situations

Consensus occurs if everyone who is faced with a similar situation responds in the same way. If consensus is high, you would be expected to give an external attribution to the employee’s tardiness, whereas if other employees who took the same route made it to work on time, your conclusion as to causation would be internal.


Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time:10:54:40 PM ) Total Marks: 1 

In attribution theory, what is distinctiveness? Select correct option:

Whether an individual displays consistent behaviors in different situations

Whether an individual displays different behaviors in different situationsWhether an individual displays consistent behaviors in similar situations

Whether an individual displays different behaviors in similar situations

Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 10:55:08 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Organizational members who intentionally violate established norms that result in negative consequences for the organization, its members, or both, show: Select correct option:

Deviant Workplace BehaviorEmotional Labor

Interpersonal Skills

Social Skills


Question # 9 of 10 ( Start time: 10:55:46 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Today’s managers understand that the success of any effort at improving quality and productivity must include _____. Select correct option:

Quality management programs

Customer service improvements

Employee’s participationManufacturing simplification


Question # 10 of 10 ( Start time: 10:56:21 PM ) Total Marks: 1 What does MBO provide for the individual employee? Select correct option:

Specific personal performance objectivesPrecise job descriptions

Explicit task objectives

Clear direction and purpose

1. An OB study is least likely to be used to focus in which of the following problems?

A. An increase in absenteeism at a certain company


B. A fall in productivity in one shift of a manufacturing plantC. A decrease in sales due to growing foreign competitionD. Excessive turnover in volunteer workers at a non-profit organization

2. The topic of motivation in OB has been most influenced by which behavioral science discipline?

A. PsychologyB. SociologyC. Political scienceD. Corporate strategy

3. As a manager, one of Ali’s duties is to present awards to outstanding employees within his department. Which Mintzberg’s managerial role is Ali performing, when he does this?

A. Leadership roleB. Monitor roleC. Figurehead roleD. Spokesperson role

4. Which one of the following would NOT be considered a human skill in Katz’s structure?

A. Decision makingB. CommunicatingC. Working as part of a teamD. Listening to others

5. Using operant conditioning, which of the following is NOT a method that can be used to change behavior?

A. Negative reinforcementB. PunishmentC. CounselingD. Positive reinforcement

6. Suspending an employee for dishonest behavior is an example of which method of shaping behavior?

A. ExtinctionB. PunishmentC. Positive reinforcementD. Negative reinforcement


7. Which of the following terminal values was ranked as the most important by executives?

A. FreedomB. Self-respectC. Family securityD. Social security

8. A high score in which dimension of the Big Five model predicts good job performance for all occupational groups?

A. AgreeablenessB. ConscientiousnessC. Emotional stabilityD. Openness to experience

10. Which of the following is an example of an attitude? A. Satisfaction of a person with a job well doneB. The opinion that it is never acceptable to stealC. Anger at being unfairly accused of a wrongdoingD. The avoidance of a restaurant where one once received bad service

11. Factors other than satisfaction that impact one’s decision to leave a current job include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Labor market conditionsB. Length of tenure with the organizationC. Expectations about alternative job opportunitiesD. Organizational citizenship behavior

12. Job satisfaction is best described as _____.

A. A resultB. A valueC. An attitudeD. A discipline

13. Hanif is dissatisfied with his job but believes that his supervisor is a good man who will do the right thing. Hanif has decided that if he just waits, conditions will improve. Hanif’s approach to this problem is termed _____.

A. ExitB. VoiceC. LoyaltyD. Neglect


 14. “Fawad is easy-going at home, but at work he becomes very tense and anxious.” This statement attributes Fawad’s personality more to which of the following?

A. HeredityB. EnvironmentC. SituationD. Locus of control

15. People with which type of personality trait commonly make poor decisions because they make them too fast.

A. Self-monitorsB. ExtrovertsC. Type AsD. Type Bs

16. Asad, one of your newest employees, is an extravert. Which of the following statements is least likely to be true?

A. Asad will probably attend the company picnicB. Asad will be suited to a managerial or sales positionC. Asad will probably have a large number of relationshipsD. Asad will perform well on specialized, detail-oriented tasks

17. Sadaf has a low absenteeism rate. She takes responsibility for his health and has good health habits. She is likely to have a(an):A. Internal locus of controlB. External locus of controlC. Core locus of controlD. High emotional stability level

18. Rizwan is low on conscientiousness. This would lead you to suspect that which of the following statements is most likely to be true about Rizwan?

A. He will find comfort in the familiarB. He will be easily distractedC. He will be comfortable with solitudeD. He will be nervous, depressed, and insecure

19. Emotional intelligence appears to be especially relevant in jobs that demand which of the following?

A. CharismaB. Commitment


C. Social InteractionD. Leadership Skills20. Asma is an honest and straightforward lady. She believes her employees are all similarly honest and straightforward, ignoring signs that they may be manipulating her. What perceptual shortcut is Asma most likely using?

A. Contrast effectB. Halo effectC. StereotypingD. Projection

The time at which an object or event is seen is an example of what type of factor influencing the perceptual process?Select correct option: 





 The time at which an object or event is seen can influenceattention, as can location, light, heat or any number of situational factors Mrs. Hillary Clinton gained political capital by her marriage to the President Clinton is an example of which of the following power?Select correct option: 

  Referent power

  Legitimate power

  Reward power

  Expert power

 Some examples of referent power are: (a) each of the last seven White House press secretaries have been paid handsomely for their memoirs relating to their presence at the seat of government;


(b) Mrs. Hillary Clinton gained political capital by her marriage to the President;

These MCQ are not crossed checked these are just for idea


 A threatened strike action by a labor union to force the management to accept their demands is an example of which of the following power?Select correct option:       Referent power       Legitimate power       Reward power       Coercive power 

 When a bank robber points a gun at a bank employee, his base of power is:

Select correct option:       Coercive       Punitive       Positional       Authoritative


Which of the following departmentalization can be considered necessary in an organization where the company’s products fall into several categories with very different production methods for each category?Select correct option:       Customer       Production       Process       Matrix


Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best describes these values?Select correct option:       Terminal values       Instrumental values       Theoretical values       Social values

Which of the following techniques most restricts discussion or interpersonal communication during the decision-making process?


Select correct option:       Nominal group       Brainstorm       Electronic meeting       Groupthink According to attribution theory, which of the following is an example of externally caused behavior?Select correct option:       An employee is late because of a flat tire       An employee was promoted because of his abilities       An employee was fired because he slept on the job       An employee was promoted because he was hard working  Several key dimensions to any organization’s environment have been found. Which of the following is one of these key dimensions?Select correct option:       Productivity       Complexity       Interdependence       Collaboration As a manager, one of Ali’s duties is to present awards to outstanding employees within his department. Which Mintzberg managerial role is Ali performing, when he does this?Select correct option:       Leadership role       Monitor role       Figurehead role       Spokesperson role

Which of the following types of teams would most likely empower its team members to make work-related decisions?

Select correct option:       Technical       Self-managed       Problem-solving       Management


What do we call the process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment?Select correct option:       Perception       Interpretation


       Social verification       Environmental analysis


Which of the following factors make it imperative that organizations be fast and flexible?Select correct option:       Temporariness       Corporate excess       Advances in corporate strategy       Globalization


MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 2) Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of group in organization? ► Common goal ► Interaction with one another ► Accept expectations and obligations ► Mutually independent Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Jobs in which success demands stamina, leg strength and manual dexterity require management to identify an employee’s which characteristics?

► Physical abilities ► Motor abilities ► Mental abilities ► Emotional abilities Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following communication network is best illustrated by an unstructured committee?

► Vertical ► Wheel ► All-channel ► Chain Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

When all communication is channeled through one person, which of the following


communication network exists?

► All-channel ► Chain ► Horizontal ► Wheel Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Formal guidelines and authority hierarchies are examples of which function of communication?

► Control ► Agreement ► Motivation ► Information Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is an example of downward communication flow?

► Suggestion boxes ► Disscussing problem with boss ► Feedback on job performance ► Letters to your boss Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The means by which a communication is passed is called:

► Medium ► Instrument ► Conductor ► Transmission Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

On the Leadership Grid, a manager who has a medium concern for both, people and production is a (n):

► Team manager ► Country club manager ► MIddle of the road manager ► Authority-obedience manager Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


If a

leader’s main concern is accomplishing his/her group’s tasks, the University of Michigan studies label this leader as:

► Production-oriented ► Laissez-faire ► Consideration-oriented ► Employee-oriented Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are the two dimensions of leadership behavior identified in the University of Michigan studies?

► Emotional and rational ► Autocratic and democratic ► Initiating structure and consideration ► Employee-oriented and production-oriented Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If trait theories of leadership are valid, then leaders are _____.

► Educated ► Trained ► Born ► Authoritarian Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The main difference between a leader and a manager is:

► Managers seek change and leaders don't ► Leaders are thought of as better people because they don't punish ► Leaders are advocates for change, and managers for the status quo ► Managers are concerned with people, and leaders with events Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following techniques most restricts discussion or interpersonal communication during the decision-making process?

► Groupthink ► Nominal group ► Brainstorm ► Electronic meeting


Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a tendency for members of a cohesive group to reach decisions without weighing all the facts, especially those contradicting the majority opinion?

► Group conformity ► Group shift ► Groupthink ► Social loafing Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is generally the result of groupthink?

► Higher quality decisions ► More risky decisions ► Less critical analysis ► Unpopular decisions Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is true about virtual teams?

► There is an absence of verbal cues ► There is limited social context ► People collaborate online ► All of the given options Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following helps to explain the current popularity of teams?

► Easy to manage ► Less expensive ► Use employee talents better ► Promote socialization Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements concerning tenure is NOT true?

► Tenure does not appear to be a good predictor of employee productivity ► Tenure and satisfaction are positively related ► Tenure is a good variable in explaining turnover ► Tenure and organizational investment are negatively related


Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What other name is the two-factor theory known by?

► Theories X and Y ► Motivator-Hygiene Theory ► Hierarchy of Needs Theory ► Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction Theory Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following method is used for strengthening desirable behavior?

► Negative Reinforcement ► Neutral Reinforcement ► Pleasant Reinforcement ► Positive Reinforcement Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

How does McClelland define the need for affiliation?

► Drive to excel, to strive to succeed ► Need to make others behave in a novel way ► Desire for friendship and mutual understanding ► The desire to control & influence their behavior Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Who developed ERG theory?

► Mcclelland ► Maslow ► Alderfer ► Ouchi Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs arranges those needs in which of the following orders?

► Physiological, esteem, safety, social, and self-actualization ► Physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization ► Safety, physiological, esteem, social, and self-actualization ► Physiological, social, safety, esteem, and self-actualization


Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What are the three key elements of motivation?

► Interest, activity and reward ► Awareness, effort and outcome ► Stimulation, progress and achievement ► Intensity, direction and persistence Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Amna is an honest and straightforward person. She believes her employees are all similarly honest and straightforward, ignoring signs that they may be

manipulating her. What perceptual shortcut is Amna most likely using?

► Prototyping ► Contrast effect ► Halo effect ► Projection Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Asma is experiencing conveyance problem for her college pick and drop. She decides to use the rational decision-making model to decide what to do. What might be the next step she takes if she follows this model?

► Define the problem ► Identify the decisions criteria ► Evaluate other available alternatives ► Select the best alternative Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The time at which an object or event is seen is an example of what type of factor influencing the perceptual process?

► Situation ► Perceiver ► Reality ► Target Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is the most relevant application of perception concepts to OB?

► The perceptions people form about each other


► The perceptions people form about their employer ► The perceptions people form about society ► The perceptions people form about external reality Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Imran is the head of a group at an advertising agency working with artists and designers to come up with effective branding of new products. Why is it particularly important for him to keep his team happy?

► People are more conscientious when they are in a good mood ► People are more efficient when they are in a good mood ► People are more productive when they are in a good mood ► People are more creative when they are in a good mood Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is true regarding Big five Model?

► The Big Five traits are related to intrinsic motivational factors ► The Big Five traits are related to extrinsic motivational factors ► The Big Five traits are related to both intrinsic and extrinsic factors ► The Big Five traits have no relationship to motivational factors Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The degree to which people value relationships and show sensitivity and concern for the welfare for others is called:

► Quantity of life ► Quality of life ► Long-term orientation ► Social Loafing Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

All of the following are sources of the values EXCEPT: ► External Reference Groups ► Role Models ► Achievement ► Teachers Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best described these values?


► Terminal values ► Instrumental values ► Theoretical values ► Social values Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT one of the scales to measure job satisfaction?

► Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire ► The Faces Scale ► The mentor scale ► Descriptive Index Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Following a response by the termination or withdrawal of something unpleasant is called----------------.

► Positive reinforcement ► Extinction ► Negative reinforcement ► Punishment Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Last year, Ali had taken lunch at a fast food restaurant that caused him food poisoning. Now whenever he passes by the restaurant, he feels nauseous. This is an example of which of the following learning theory?

► Classical conditioning ► Social learning ► Operant conditioning ► Reinforcement theory Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are identified as new managerial functions?

► Planning and organizing ► Leading and controlling ► Directing and monitoring ► TQM and continuous improvement Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



Ahmed is responsible to transmit information to outsiders on organization’s plans, policies, actions and results. Which managerial role is he playing in organization?

► Disseminator ► Spokesperson ► Representative ► Figurehead Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The greatest contribution of which one of the following to OB is through their study of group behavior in organizations, particularly formal and complex organizations?

► Psychology ► Sociology ► Anthropology ► Social Psychology Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If a manger is responsible to define goals, establish an overall strategy for achieving those goals and matching activities accordingly, then which one of the following functions is he/ she performing.

► Planning ► Organizing ► Leading ► Controlling Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )

What are the common skills exhibited by an effective manager?

ANSWER: Skill: Skill is defined as an ability to act in a way that allows a person to highly perform his roles.Skills required by Effective Manager: There are various skills which must be possessed by a manager in order to be effective. Some of such skills are listed below

1 Define proper goals for everyone.2 Must plan and organize the work properly so that it flows smoothly.3 Enables proper communication in all directions.4 Promotes participation of individuals5 Provide honest feedback6 Empower and delegate the important tasks to subordinates7 Have full control over the whole process


8 Motivate the subordinates to goal achievement9 Exhibits technical as well as administrative expertise to answer related questions.10 Facilitates work through teams and proper training11 Keep the activities move by following the schedule and deadlines.12 Rewards good performances


MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 4) Time: 60 min

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The behavior of people is influenced by which of the following factors? ► Psychological needs ► Individual drives ► Social roles and status ► All of the given options Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is defined as intellectual and mechanical processes used by an organization to transform inputs into products or services?

► Mechanism ► Technology ► Operational system ► Information system Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is not one of the types of attitude?

► Job satisfaction ► Job Involvement ► Organizational Behavior ► Organizational commitment 100%sure Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT included in the ways employees can express dissatisfaction?

► Exit ► Voice


► Loyalty ► Noise Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best described these values?

► Terminal values ► Instrumental values ► Theoretical values ► Social values Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The relatively stable set of psychological attributes that distinguishes one person from another is called __________

► Attitude ► Personality ► Perception ► Mind-set Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to the Big Five model; people having personality dimension of openness to experience are:

► Caring and dependable ► Flexible and risk taker ► Outgoing and talkative ► Tolerant and self-hearted Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Mr. Abad thinks that his own actions and behaviors have an impact in determining what happens to him. What do you think he has?

► Core locus of control ► Personal Locus of control ► Internal Locus of control ► External Locus of control 100%sure Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the dimension of emotional intelligence that describes the ability to


manage your own emotions and impulses?

► Self-awareness ► Self-management ► Commitment ► Social-skills Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a factor in the individual perceiver?

► Attitude ► Motive ► Location ► Perception Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

A decision making model that describes how individuals should behave in order to maximize some outcomes is:

► Rational decision making ► Bonded rational model ► Intuitive decision making ► Contingent decision making 100%sure Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is the first step in the Rational Decision-Making Model?

► Defining the problem ► Weighing the decision criteria ► Identifying the decision criteria ► Developing alternatives Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT an assumption of the rational decision-making model?

► The decision maker has complete information ► The decision maker is aware of all consequences ► The decision maker can identify all the relevant criteria ► The decision maker is constrained by time and costs Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



someone wishes to emphasize the importance of making decisions consistent with fundamental liberties and privileges, the focus of his/her teaching will be on which of the following?

► Rights ► Privilege ► Justice ► Utilitarianism Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to attribution theory, which of the following is an internally caused behavior?

► Working late in order to get a promotion ► Arriving at work late because heavy traffic ► Working weekends because of your employer’s orders ► Depending on luck for success 100% sure Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one (chap 11)

Amna is an honest and straightforward person. She believes her employees are all similarly honest and straightforward, ignoring signs that they may be

manipulating her. What perceptual shortcut is Amna most likely using?

► Prototyping ► Contrast effect ► Halo effect ► Projection 100%sure Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs deals with satisfying one’s hunger, thirst, and need for sex?

► Esteem ► Safety ► Physiological ► Social Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Sheraz wants to become a surgeon, not only because achieving this goal will give him self-respect and autonomy, but also because he wants a job with high status and recognition from others. Which of Maslow’s needs is Sheraz trying to fill?

► Self-actualization ► Social


► Esteem ► Safety Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Hassan derives a great sense of belongingness, acceptance and friendship from his relationships with his extended family. Which of Maslow’s needs is Hassan fulfilling through these relationships?

► Self-actualization ► Esteem ► Social ► Physiological Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is the primary organizational factor that satisfies people’s physiological needs?

► Relationship ► Recognition ► Pay ► Admiration Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of Maslow’s needs best approximates McClelland’s need for achievement?

► Esteem ► Self-actualization ► Physiological ► Social Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a comparison an employee can use in equity theory?

► Self-inside ► Self-goal ► Other-outside ► Self-outside Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The degree to which an individual believes that performing at a particular level will generate a desired outcome is defined by expectancy theory as what kind of relationship.


► Performance-reward ► Effort-performance ► Reward-personal goal ► Effort-satisfaction Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following concepts is inconsistent with the expectancy theory of motivation?

► Self-interest is pursued ► Performance and rewards are related ► Attractive rewards will motivate ► One’s inputs and outputs are compared to another’s Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is the largest demographic change in the last few years in Pakistani workforce?

► Increasing ethnic diversity ► A fall in married workers ► Increasing age of workers ► More women in the workforce Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is the name for an incentive plan where improvements in group productivity determine the total amount of money that is allocated?

► Gainsharing ► Profit-sharing ► Piece rates ► Employee ownership Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

In which of the following situation Synergy is most likely to occur?

► The activities of all group members are fully dependent on one another ► The performance of one member of a group affects what other members do ► Group members must perform specific behaviors in a predetermined order ► Group members acting together produce more or better output than alone Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following type of teams would most likely empower its team members to make work-related decisions?


► Technical ► Self-managed ► Problem-solving ► Cross functional 100% sure Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is true about virtual teams?

► There is an absence of verbal cues ► There is limited social context ► People collaborate online ► All of the given options Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

All of the following are problem solving techniques EXCEPT:

► Consensus ► Brainstorming ► Nominal Group Techniques ► Synergy Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement best defines leadership?

► Implementing the strategy provided by management ► Least concerned in bringing organizational change ► Coordinating and handling day-to-day problems ► The ability to influence a group in goal achievement Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following leadership style gave the group members complete freedom?

► Autocratic ► Democratic ► Laissez-faire ► Consideration Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a behavioral theory of leadership?


► Trait theory ► Fiedler model ► Ohio State studies ► Equity Theory 100%sure Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

In the communication process, which of the following steps occurs first?

► Transmitting ► Decoding ► Encoding ► Understanding Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the product of a sender’s encoding?

► Channel ► Message ► Transmission ► Medium Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If Ali is apprehensive regarding oral communication, which of the following behaviors is he least likely to display?

► He prefers to talk on the phone ► He prefers to send emails ► He relies on memos or letters ► He avoids face-to-face communication Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is an important nonverbal component of communication?

► Written memo ► Paraphrase ► Eye contact ► E-mail Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The ability to do speedy and accurate arithmetic is called:


► Verbal Comprehension ► Number aptitude ► Perceptual Speed ► Memory Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which emotions are the emotions an individual actually is experiencing, despite what they might apparently show.

► Felt ► Displayed ► Conditional ► Exposed Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

A group composed of MBA marketing students similar in age, type of problem, and personality characteristics can be called_____________________

► A homogeneous group ► A heterogeneous group ► A command group ► A task group Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )

Zahid is responsible for purchasing a new computer system for her offcie. Given the significant financial investment, Zahid has decided to use the rational decision-making model. You are required to identify six steps of rational decision making model and explain how Zahid proceeds according to this model.

A decision-making model that describes how individuals should behave in order to maximize some outcomes.

There are following Steps in the Rational Decision- Making Model

1. Define the problem.2. Identify the decision criteria.3. Allocate weights to the criteria.4. Develop the alternatives.5. Evaluate the alternatives.6. Select the best alternative

Zahid can use the following steps for selecting a good decision for buying a computer system.


Step 1.• Many poor decisions can be traced to the decision maker overlooking a problem or defining the wrong problem.Step 2: Identify the decision criteria important to solving the problem.• The decision maker determines what is relevant in making the decision. Any factors not identified in this step are considered irrelevant to the decision maker.• This brings in the decision maker’s interests, values, and similar personal preferencesStep 3: Weight the previously identified criteria in order to give them the correct priority in the decision.Step 4: Generate possible alternatives that could succeed in resolving the problem.Step 5: Rating each alternative on each criterion.• Critically analyze and evaluate each alternative• The strengths and weaknesses of each alternative become evident as they are compared with the criteria and weights established in the second and third steps.Step 6: The final step is to compute the optimal decision:• Evaluating each alternative against the weighted criteria and selecting the alternative with the highest total score.

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


opinion or belief segment of an attitude is described by which component of attitude?

► Cognitive ► Affective ► Behavioral ► Behavior intension Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best described these values?

► Terminal values ► Instrumental values ► Theoretical values ► Social values Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following country is a representative of collectivism as a nation i.e. group harmony, cohesiveness, consensus and corporation? ► Canada


► Japan ► United States ► Cape Town Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Guatemala is a country where inequalities exist showing gap between rich and poor. Which of the following value is truly representing the state of Guatemala?

► Power distance ► Individualism ► Collectivism ► Uncertainty avoidance 100%sure Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Big Five model is related to ________________

► Perception ► Personality ► Experience ► Culture Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which dimension of the Big Five model refers to be pleasant and accommodating in social situations?

► Extroversion ► Openness to experience ► Emotional stability ► Agreeableness Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT one of the traits according to the Big Five Model?

► Conscientiousness ► Extroversion ► Agreeableness ► Self actualization Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Emotional Responses that the organization requires workers to show and considers appropriate in a given job are called:


► Felt Emotions ► Displayed Emotions ► Moods ► Emotional Intelligence 100%sure Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT one of the six universal emotions, as agreed upon by most contemporary researchers?

► Anger ► Fear ► Hate ► Sadness 100%sure Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one(chap 12)


is a group leader at interior designing firm. She is concerned with the achievement of her peers and subordinates, she appreciate their suggestions and motivates them to come up with something new and unique. Which of the following is Sana’s style?

► Conceptual ► Behavioral ► Directive ► Analytical 100%sure Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one (chap 11)

“Just because he was late in his first class, his teacher thinks he is irresponsible student". Which error teacher has commited in this case? ► Selective perception ► Stereotyping ► Hallo effect ► Social perception 100%sure Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one(chap 11)

It is

not possible for Mr. Asim to understand everything he sees, he notices a few of the things, we can say that he engages in:

► Assimilating ► Selective perception ► Halo Effect ► Target Perception Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


According to attribution theory, which of the following is an example of externally caused behavior?

► An employee is late because of a flat tire. ► An employee was promoted because of his abilities ► An employee was fired because he slept on the job. ► An employee was promoted because he was hard working. Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to attribution theory, if someone shows different behaviors in different situations then this can be termed as___________.

► Consensus ► Distinctiveness ► Reliability ► Consistency Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement best describes “motivation?”

► Results in a level of efforts put by a group ► Intensifies an individual’s efforts from others ► Guides an individual’s efforts towards a goal ► Meets an individual’s needs, wants and demnands Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Shahid is a salaried employee whose job is to proof read legal documents. He discovers that he is paid substantially more than his colleagues, even though their jobs and performances are very similar. What is likely to be his reaction to this discovery according to equity theory?

► The quantity of documents he proofreads will decrease ► The quality of documents he proofreads will decrease ► The quantity and/or the quality of documents he proofreads will increase ► There will be no effect of this fact on his performance Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


degree to which an individual believes that performing at a particular level will generate a desired outcome is defined by expectancy theory as what kind of relationship.

► Performance-reward ► Effort-performance


► Reward-personal goal ► Effort-satisfaction Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Two-factor theory suggests that dissatisfaction is caused by extrinsic factors. Which of the following is an example of such a factor?

► Advancement ► Working condition ► Achievement ► Recognition Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What continuum in the two-factor theory is made up of the hygiene factors?

► No dissatisfaction to dissatisfaction ► No dissatisfaction to satisfaction ► Satisfaction to no satisfaction ► Satisfaction to dissatisfaction Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a biographical characteristic?

► Region ► Age ► Sex ► Tenure Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements concerning tenure is NOT true?

► Tenure does not appear to be a good predictor of employee productivity ► Tenure and satisfaction are positively related ► Tenure is a good variable in explaining turnover ► Tenure and organizational investment are negatively related Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What does MBO provide for the individual employee?

► Specific performance objectives ► Precise job descriptions


► Clear direction and purpose ► Higher salaries Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


sets MBO objectives?

► The immediate supervisor ► The superior and subordinate ► The head of department ► The employees themselves Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are all forms of variable-pay programs?

Wage incentive plans, flextime, piece-rate►Piece-rate, wage incentive plans, gain sharingProfit-sharing, lump-sum bonuses, extended vacationsRetirement benefits, extended vacations, flextime Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is one advantage of variable pay plans to management?

They turn fixed labor costs into variable labor costsThey turn low producers into high producersThey turn slow employees into fast employeesThey turn high fixed costs into low fixed costs Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements most accurately describes interest groups?

They are longer lasting than friendship groupsThey are formed because of some common objectiveThey are governed by labor lawsThey are likely to involve great social conflict Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Teams typically outperform individuals when the tasks being completed ______________

Require multiple skillsRequire judgmentRequire experience


All of the given options Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Team members with good listening, feedback, and conflict resolution skills possess ______________.

Technical expertiseProblem-solving skillsDecision-making skills►Interpersonal skills Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is one of the drawbacks of a small team?

Lack for diversity of viewsLess chances of disagreement Less rigidity Less difficult to assemble Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Individual decisions are generally preferable to group decisions when which of the following is required?

SpeedCreativityAcceptanceQuality Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


main difference between a leader and a manager is:

Managers seek change and leaders don'tLeaders are thought of as better people because they don't punishLeaders are advocates for change, and managers for the status quoManagers are concerned with people, and leaders with events Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a behavioral theory of leadership?

Trait theoryFiedler model


Ohio State studies and definitely University of Michigan. Equity Theory Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to the Ohio State studies, the extent to which a leader’s behavior is directed toward getting the job done is called:

Initiating structure ConsiderationMaximizationPath-goal Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


leader high in initiating structure would do which of the following?

Exhibit laissez-faire type of leadershipMaximize leader-member relationsAssign group members to particular tasksEmpower employees to make their own decisions Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


graphic portrayal of a two-dimensional view of leadership styles by Blake and Mouton is known as:

Least preferred co-worker scaleLeader-participation modelAutocratic-democratic continuumManagerial grid Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


means by which a communication is passed is called:

MediumInstrument ConductorTransmission Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Bulletin, notice boards, circulars are considered to be which type of communication?

Upward communication


Downward communicationHorizontal communicationLateral communication Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is an important nonverbal component of communication?

Written memo Paraphrase Eye contact E-mail Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following communication network occurs when a checkout clerk reports to a department manager, who in turn reports to a store manager, who reports to a regional manager?

WheelAll-channelChainHorizontal Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


_____ network best serves to promote high member satisfaction.

DirectCircleWheel►All-channel Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )

What are the common skills exhibited by an effective manager?

A skill is an ability to act in a way that allows a person to perform highly in her or his role. Managers need three types of skills:

1. Conceptual Skills2. Human Skills3. Technical Skills

Technical Skill





Conceptual Skill

Developing a Mission of (LIFE OR COMPANY)

1. Conceptual skills to analyze and diagnose a situation to distinguish between cause and effect;2. Human skills to understand, work with, lead, and control the behavior of individuals and groups3. Technical skills job-specific knowledge and techniques required to perform an organizational role.

Effective managers need all three types of skills—conceptual, human, and technical. For example,Entrepreneurs often are technically skilled but lack conceptual and human skills. Scientists who become managers have technical expertise, but low levels of human skills.

Management SkillsRobert Katz has identified three essential management skills: technical, human, and conceptual.

1. Technical Skills The ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise. All jobs require some specializedexpertise, and many people develop their technical skills on the job.

2. Human Skills The ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and ingroups, describes human skills. Many people are technically proficient but interpersonally incompetent

3. Conceptual Skills1. The mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations2. Decision making, for example, requires managers to spot problems, identify alternativesthat can correct them, evaluate those alternatives, and select the best one.

Skills Exhibited by an Effective Manager1. Clarifies goals and objectives for everyone involved2. Encourages participation, upward communication, and suggestions3. Plans and organizes for an orderly work flow4. Has technical and administrative expertise to answer organization-related questions5. Facilitates work through team building, training, coaching and support 6. Provides feedback honestly and constructively7. Keeps things moving by relying on schedules, deadlines, and helpful reminder


8. Controls details without being over-bearing9. Applies reasonable pressure for goal accomplishment10. Empowers and delegates key duties to others while maintaining goal clarity and commitment11. Recognizes good performance with rewards and positive reinforcement

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


migrated from Pakistan to a foreign country. He is disorientated by the country’s customs and has difficulty in adapting it. He also feels homesickness. What is Ali experiencing?

► Culture shock ► Foreign culture ► Alien culture ► Adventure Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Hussain is a salesperson. He remembers the names of his customers easily because he is able to retain and recall past experience. He is able in which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability?

► Memory ► Number Aptitude ► Deductive Reasoning ► Perceptual speed Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Following a response by the termination or withdrawal of something unpleasant is called----------------.

► Positive reinforcement ► Extinction ► Negative reinforcement ► Punishment Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is true regarding “perceiver”?

► The person making interpretations ► The person making accurate judgments ► The person handling problems ► The person appointed to transmit information Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following statement best describes “motivation?”

► Results in a level of efforts put by a group ► Intensifies an individual’s efforts from others ► Guides an individual’s efforts towards a goal ► Meets an individual’s needs, wants and demnands Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is likely to decrease as a worker grows older?

► Productivity ► Likelihood of quitting ► Work ethic ► Absenteeism Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

After which stage of a group’s development is there a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership within the group?

► Norming ► Storming ► Development ► Forming Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Individual decisions are generally preferable to group decisions when which of the following is required?

► Speed ► Creativity ► Acceptance ► Quality Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


trait theories of leadership are valid, then leaders are _____.

► Educated ► Trained ► Born ► Authoritarian


Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Ali is apprehensive regarding oral communication, which of the following behaviors is he least likely to display?

► He prefers to talk on the phone ► He prefers to send emails ► He relies on memos or letters ► He avoids face-to-face communication Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Asad telephones his employee, Usman, to let him know that today’s meeting has been moved to one o’clock. In the communication process, Asad is:

► The sender ► The receiver ► The channel ► The encoder Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


path-goal theory was developed by ______________. ► Robert House ► Fred Fiedler ► Blake and Mouton ► Vroom and Yetton Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Sumeera has been working in a packaging company for last ten years. She is the most senior employee of her department that’s why her manager frequently relies on her judgment. Whenever manger goes out of city for work, he put Sumeera in charge because he knows she will handle work efficiently in his absence. What type of trust relationship is this?

Reward-based trustKnowledge-based trustIdentification-based trustDeterrence-based trust Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Computer specialist, tax accountants, economists and industrial psychologists possess which of the following power?Referent


InformationFormalExpert Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Leaders achieve goals, and power is:

A goal in and of itselfUsually used by poor leadersA means of achieving goalsA strong influence on leaders’ goals Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is least likely to create dependency?

Scarcity of resourcesNon substitutabilityPower legitimacySupply and demand Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Dependency is decreased when the resource you control is:

ScarceImportant InsufficientEasily replaced Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a form of illegitimate political behavior?


Forming coalitionsSymbolic protestsComplaining to supervisorsBypassing the chain of command Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which bargaining strategy is preferable for use in intra-organizational behavior?

Positive negotiationDistributive bargainingIntegrative bargainingEqual bargaining Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


wants to buy a motor bike. He goes to the showroom and sees different models of bikes. He likes one of them very much and wants to purchase it. He asks the price from dealer which is more then his range. Both of them then negotiate over price. This is an example of:

BATNADistributive negotiation Integrative negotiationThird party negotiation Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


focus of relationships in distributive bargaining is:

AccommodationThe long termThe short termLose-lose Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements is true pertaining to the role of personality traits in negotiations?


Charming personalities quickly resolve the conflictsCompetent individuals make excellent negotiationsExtraverts are less effective negotiators than introvertsIinternal locus of control people are better negotiators Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment resulting from in-group pressures?Decision making Groupthink Brainstorming Group polarization Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is right about the encoding step in the communication process?

It is not necessary for verbal communicationIt is difficult for recevier to understand

It involves converting the idea into message It follows the transmission of the message to receiver Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following terms involves the use of power and influence tactics for personal benefit ? Political seasoningCoalition formationLegitimate authority Organizational politics Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


achieve a compromise approach, one needs to________________.

Avoid overt disagreement Value openness and trustDominate the other conflicting partyGive up something of value Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



you have a narrow span of control, you have which of the following type of a (n) organization?

EfficientShort►TallMatrix Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT one of the strengths of the Matrix Structure?

It facilitates coordination in complex activitiesIt facilitates the efficient allocation of specialistsIt eliminates the duplication of resourcesIt minimizes ambiguity in reporting Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Setting Goals, establishing and communicating elements and standards is called:PlanningDevelopingMonitoringLeading Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

---------------- is a management strategy aimed at embedding awareness of quality in all organizational processes.DevelopmentStandardsBenchmarkingTQM Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following include behavioral symptoms of stress EXCEPT:AsthmaBad moodsBeing irritableDefensiveness Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



of the following include Physical symptoms of stress EXCEPT:Bad moodsFaster heart beatIncreased sweatingCool skin Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

When the people are asked to envision the organization in five years and to describe what is different is called:DiscoveryDreamingDesignDestiny Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following are operational activities of HR EXCEPT __________________ which is a strategic activity.

Analyzing HR metrics and measurements Recruiting and selecting employeesResponding to goals and objectives set by executives Complying with laws, policies, and procedures

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


technical specialists working with a reputable organization is allowed to continue to contribute his expertise to the company without having to become manager. He makes recommendations in a wide range of business areas, participates in high level decisions, and acts as mentor to other employees. This situation is represented by which one of the following option?Traditional career path

Network career path

Lateral skill path

Dual career path

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which characteristic is NOT reflective of subcultures?


Includes core values of the organizationTypically defined by department designationsIncludes values shared only within the organizationIncludes values unique to members of a department or group Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Phrases such as “more cultural diversity,” “many new entrants with inadequate skills” are all

examples of which force for change?

TechnologyWorld politicsNature of the work forceSocial trends Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If an

organization used an insider as a change agent, as opposed to an outside consultant then which of the following is true?

The change would probably be more cautiousThe change would probably be more drasticThe change would probably be more objectiveThe change would most likely be second order Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the last step in job analysis process?

Select representative positions to be analyzedReview relevant background informationAnalyze the job by collecting data on job activities Develop a job description and job specification Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following is NOT a strategy to reduce social loafing?

Have group members evaluate each other's contributions Keep work groups as small as possibleMake individual contributions or levels of performance in a group identifiableContributions of the group, not the individual, are most important Question No: 41 ( Marks: 5 )

What purposes do performance evaluations serve in organizations?

Question No: 42 ( Marks: 5 )

When it is said that organizational change is due to some internal forces then what sort of forces you will recognize that are responsible for this change?

Question No: 43 ( Marks: 10 )

Distinguish between the roles of mediator, arbitrator, conciliator, and consultant.

Question No: 44 ( Marks: 10 )

What is flextime? What are the advantages of flextime from an employee’s perspective and from management’s perspective? Question No: 45 ( Marks: 10 )

Survey feedback is an organizational development technique for bringing change. Discuss.

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

A relatively permanent change in behavior occurring as a result of experience is called:

► Learning Correct ► Grooming ► Performance ► Motivation Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Mr. Afaq is working in sales department of Star Corporation. He gave a personal report to the general manager. In report he pointed out that the sales staff are not performing their due responsibilities. Afaq’s attitude is showing which of the following component?


► Cognitive ► Affective ► Behavioral ► None of the given option Correct Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are sources of shaping the attitudes?

► Heredity ► Observations ► Friends and co workers Correct ► All of the given option Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The Globe Framework for assessing cultures includes all EXCEPT:

► Future Orientation ► Work Moods Correct ► Power Distance ► Gender Differentiation Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a factor in the individual perceiver?

► Attitude ► Motive ► Location Correct ► Perception Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT an assumption of the rational decision-making model?

► The decision maker has complete information ► The decision maker is aware of all consequences ► The decision maker can identify all the relevant criteria ► The decision maker is constrained by time and costs Correct

Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is true regarding “intuitive decision making”?


► A logical process ► An unconscious process Correct ► A satisficing process ► An effective process Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to the goal-setting theory of motivation, highest performance is reached when goals are set to which level?

► Impossible but inspirational ► Difficult but attainable Correct ► Only marginally challenging ► Easily attained Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

How is gain sharing an improvement on profit sharing?

► It focuses on productivity gains rather than profits Correct ► It rewards specific behaviors ► It does not distribute profits, only gains in profits ► It rewards behaviors that are less influenced by external factors Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following has Not been shown to be a benefit of flextime?

► Reduced absenteeism Correct ► Improved productivity ► Decreased satisfaction ► Improved promptness

Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is true regarding brainstorming?

► A technique to handle disputes ► A process for generating ideas Correct ► A strategy formed without consensus


► A strategy formed with consensus Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are members of an organization with authority to influence other members to achieve organizational goals?

► Formal leaders Correct ► Informal leaders ► Managers ► Followers Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If behavioral leadership theories are correct, then which of the following statement is true?

► Leadership behaviors are consistent ► Leaders are born with leadership behaviors Correct ► Leaders’ behavior should be altered ► Leadership skills can be trained Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following leadership styles explored by Kurt Lewin?

► Autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire ► Production oriented and employee oriented ► Initiating structure and consideration ► Rational, task oriented and expressive Correct Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to the University of Michigan studies, which of the following is used to define a leader who takes personal interest in the needs of his/her subordinates? ► Situation-oriented ► Employee-oriented Correct ► Production- oriented ► Task-oriented Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which path-goal leadership style leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or stressful?


► Supportive ► Participative ► Reactive ► Directive Correct Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT an example of a prediction based on path-goal theory?

► Directive leadership leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or stressful ► Subordinates with an internal locus of control will be more satisfied with a directive style Correct ► Supportive leadership results in high employee performance when performing structured tasks ► Directive leadership is likely to be perceived as redundant by employees with a lot of experience Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Vroom and Yetton’s leadership theory could also be described as a _______________ theory.

► Trait ► Contingency ► Decision-making ► Behavioral Correct Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT an effective method in building trust?

► Showing consistency ► Demonstrating competence ► Keeping your feelings to yourself ► All of the given options are useful for building trust Correct Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



individual efforts at gaining power fail, which of the following can be an alternative response?

► Intimidation ► Ingratiation ► To form a coalition ► Promotional moves Correct Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Successful coalitions have been found to do all of the following EXCEPT:

► Disappear quickly Correct ► Contain fluid membership ► Form slowly and deliberately ► Achieve their target issues Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Asad and Saad are working in a company. There occurs a conflict between the two due to different views on some decisions. Both are indulging in what type of conflict? ► Interpersonal Conflict ► Interorganizational Conflict ► Intergroup Conflict Correct ► Person-role Conflict Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Conflict a mother feels between being a friend to her children and also being a disciplinarian explains which of the following type of conflict? ► Intergroup Conflict ► Interpersonal Conflict ► Interrole Conflict Correct ► Intrarole Conflict Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The two general approaches to bargaining are known as:

► Emotional and rational Correct ► Affective and reflective ► Distributive and integrative


► Formal and informal Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Ali wants to buy a motor bike. He goes to the showroom and sees different models of bikes. He likes one of them very much and wants to purchase it. He asks the price from dealer which is more then his range. Both of them then negotiate over price. This is an example of:

BATNADistributive negotiation Integrative negotiation CorrectThird party negotiation Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following term defines how job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated?

Organizational structureWork specialization CorrectDepartmentalizationOrganizational behavior Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The concept that refers to individuals' right to make decisions without approval by higher management is known as________________.

Responsibility CorrectObligation

Authority Organization downsizing Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is TRUE with regard to boundaryless organizations?

These organizations attempt to emulate simple structureThese remove the horizontal boundaries of managementThese do not adopt participative decision making style Correct


Team members will be rewarded for mastering multiple skills Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Giving workers more control over how a task is to be completed often leads to job enrichment because:

Workers can think out their own way of tackling the taskChange their pattern of working when they wantFeel more responsible for achieving the end productAll of the given options Correct Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Personal management skills such as attitudes and behaviors that drive one's potential for growth and team work skills is called _____________.

Soft skillsHard skillsTechnical skillsNone of the given options Correct Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Setting Goals, establishing and communicating elements and standards is called:Planning CorrectDevelopingMonitoringLeading Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Focusing on controlling or eliminating stressors that might provoke the stress response is called:Managing stressStress PreventionJob stress CorrectStress management Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Sensitivity training is also called:Laboratory TrainingZ- GroupsFocus Groups CorrectNone of the given options


Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is the BEST about the interview as a selection method for hiring a job candidate?Interviews should be structured before any interview is conductedInterviewers should check an applicant’s background data before conducting an interviewInterviews must assess an applicant’s intelligence, level of motivation and interpersonal skills CorrectMost interviewers wait until a candidate is leaving the interview before making a decision Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Ali is working as a Finance Officer in a private limited company. His boss periodically observes his work on specific parts of his job and writes down using specific behavioral descriptions, what he sees him doing. The boss is using which one of the following appraisal technique?

Critical incident methods

Written essays

Graphic rating scale CorrectPaired comparison

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Cultures within an organization, typically defined by department designations and geographical separation are called:Multi culturesNational CulturesDominant Cultures CorrectSubcultures Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of Strong Cultures?Have a great influence on the behaviors of its membersLittle alignment with organizational values An internal climate of high behavioral controlThe organization’s core values are both intensely held and widely shared Correct


Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which characteristic is NOT reflective of subcultures?

Includes core values of the organizationTypically defined by department designationsIncludes values shared only within the organization CorrectIncludes values unique to members of a department or group Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is true regarding a dominant culture?

The sum of an organization’s subculturesDefined by the leader of an organizationSynonymous with an organization’s culture CorrectLikely to be a weak culture of an organization Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If an organization used an insider as a change agent, as opposed to an outside consultant then which of the following is true?

The change would probably be more cautiousThe change would probably be more drasticThe change would probably be more objective CorrectThe change would most likely be second order Question No: 41 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

In practice, organizations use interviews for which of the following reason?

To determine applicant-organization fitSolely to assess specific, job relevant skillsTo assess a candidate’s credit historyTo manipulate an applicant’s image of the company Correct Question No: 42 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



managers can correct poor performance of employees by using which of the following technique?

Recognition & Appreciation CorrectJob Enlargement / EnrichmentAdvancementEstablish the social contract Question No: 43 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The ability to do speedy and accurate arithmetic is called:

Verbal ComprehensionNumber aptitude CorrectPerceptual SpeedMemory Question No: 44 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following refers to the network of personal and social relations that is developed spontaneously between people associated with each other?

Formal organizationInformal organizationBusiness organization CorrectGovernment organization Question No: 45 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Ability to understand what is read or heard and the relationship of words to each other is called _______.

Verbal comprehensionNon verbal comprehension Perceptual speed CorrectMemory Question No: 46 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to McClelland, what is the need to make others behave in a way that they would not have behaved otherwise?


The need for powerThe need for achievementThe need for affiliation CorrectThe need for control Question No: 47 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Referent power involves all of the following EXCEPT:Trust CorrectAcceptancePromotionsAffection Question No: 48 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Keeping subordinates informed about company policies and the penalties for violating those policies is an example of using which of the following power?Referent Legitimate CorrectExpertCoercive Question No: 49 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Trying to make someone else accept blame for a problem is an example of which of the following conflict handling intention?

CompetingCompromisingAvoiding CorrectAccommodating Question No: 50 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Samina and Naeem are Senior managers of marketing depertment. Samina wants her department to grow and expand into new products. While Naeem feels that the department is already too big and should reduce its size and trim its product line. Samina and Naeem are experiencing which of the following conflict?Legal conflictTask conflictProcess conflict CorrectRelationship conflict Question No: 51 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Goals are neither completely compatible nor completely incompatible and interactions are moderately important to goal attainment in which of the following?

CompetitionCompromiseAccommodation CorrectAvoidance Question No: 52 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the system of task, reporting, and authority relationships within which the work of the organization is done?

Organizational goalsOrganizational structureOrganizational system CorrectOrganizational charts Question No: 53 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The internal operations of an organization provide the framework for which type(s) of departmentalization?

Function and processFunction and marketProduct and customer CorrectGeographical and customer Question No: 54 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The aim of which of the following is to fundamentally change the way everybody in the organization conceives his or her role?

DownsizingReengineering CorrectFormalizationSpecialization Question No: 55 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following selection technique is most commonly used worldwide?

Work sample testInterview CorrectBackground checkPerformance-simulation tests Question No: 56 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a technical procedure used to define the duties, responsibilities and accountabilities of a job?

Job Analysis Job design CorrectJob enrichmentJob enlargement Question No: 57 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Job title, duties to be performed, the distinguishing characteristics of the job, environmental conditions and authority and responsibility of the jobholder is a common format for which of the following?

Job description CorrectJob specificationJob evaluationJob enrichment Question No: 58 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Stimulating innovation, process reengineering and employee empowerment are examples of which of the following change?

PlannedUnplannedIncremental Reactive Correct Question No: 59 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

All of the following are examples of internal forces for change EXCEPT:


Company CrisisChanging work climate CorrectDeclining effectivenessWorkforce diversity Question No: 60 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the organizational source of resistance to change?Fear of unknownEconomic threat CorrectNew social relationshipFixed investment Question No: 61 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Exchanging something of value for a lessening of resistance to change is best defined by which of the following tactics?ConciliationNegotiation CorrectCooptationManipulation Question No: 62 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the process in which data is gathered, analyzed, summarized and returned to those who generated them?

Process ConsultationSurvey feedback CorrectInter-group developmentSensitivity Training Question No: 63 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Suppose Government of Pakistan has contracted with government of UAE to send 100 doctors and engineers to UAE. It is an example of which of the following?Off shoringOutsourcingJob migration CorrectGeocentric

Question No: 64 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Sania is working in an organization where she has to perform multiple tasks. She is forced to meet unrealistic targets and deadlines. Moreover her boss is very demanding


and insensitive. Which of the following is the potential source of stress for Sadaf?

Environmental factorsOrganizational factorsPersonal factors CorrectTechnological factors Question No: 65 ( Marks: 3 )

What can managers do to make their firms learning organizations? In these days mangers can make the firm learning organizations.

1 Mangers should be faced with new change and conditions of rapid change in technologies. By applying new changes a firm learns more about new things in the market.

2 A manager should apply new standards and use new relevant technologies to rum his firm better.

3 A manger make the habit of investment his own employers too to become them a fruitful and productive part of the organizations.

By these applications a firm can learn and earn more and become a learning organization.

Question No: 66 ( Marks: 5 )

TQM has gained great importance in today's organizations. Explain the essential elements of TQM.


Total quality management gained a great importance in today’s organizations. TQM has commitment with organizations to provide the continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, give importance to customer requirements and doing all things right from initially.

Essential Elements of TQM

Followings are the essential elements of TQM

• It provides the management commitment and leadership for organizations• It provides the analysis of customer quality requirement• It provides standards• It provides training• It provides progress monitoring and measurement


• It provides a supportive culture• It provides a benchmarking

Question No: 67 ( Marks: 10 )

Describe charismatic and transformation perspective on leadership. What are the similarities and point of differences between both of these theories?


Charismatic Leadership

These leaders have a combination of charm and personal magnetism. These donate a amazing ability to get other people to support to their vision and reveal it strongly.

Transformational Leadership

It occurs when a leader changes group in ways that lead to trust, creating a vision and modeling it and communicating the vision. It also uses to motivate the group towards organizational goals


1 Both have a vision2 Both are working as a changing agent3 In both cases followers follow them to implement the vision.


1 Transformational leaders may be charismatic but chromatic not.2 Charismatic have self confidence3 Transformational leaders make subordinates aware of their needs for personal growth4 Transformational leader motivate subordinates to perform good for the company.5 Charismatic leaders cause group to analyze problems differently and make nature of

responsibility for problem solving

Question No: 68 ( Marks: 10 )

Today organizations are working in a dynamic environment where abrupt changes occur. How HR departments have adopted this change to survive in this environment? Explain with logical reasons.

These days market is going too fast and it is very difficult for HR department to retain


the employee in the company for many years. Because of this some time HR made the changes in their policies in favor of company.

For example, these days HR has to give some benefits to employer to retain him in company like

TrainingJob securityExtra benefitsHigh salary

These things become more important now a day because of competition in the market.

Initially company not give the transportation and medical to employees but due to change in market conditions now HR has to revive their policies and has to give theses facilities even that now HR announce the family medical insurance policy.

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The lowest level positions require ____________ skills but as you move up_____________skills are more required.

► Conceptual, Technical ► Technical, Conceptual ► Human, Conceptual ► Human, Technical Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Mr. Hassan, Professor of Mathematics, when he starts teaching about a concept, he praises any answer that is close to the right answer. This is an example of which of the following learning theory?

► Classical conditioning ► Operant conditioning ► Social learning ► Contemporary theory Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following can be considered a method of social learning?

► Classroom ► Workshop ► TV commercial


► Work Manual Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

“Smoking is injurious to health”. This statement is an example of which one of the following components of attitude?

► Cognitive ► Affective ► Behavioral ► Behavior intension Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Asif is late for work each day by about ten minutes. How would Attribution Theory describe this behavior?

► It shows consensus ► It shows similarity ► It shows reliability ► It shows consistency Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement best describes “motivation?”

► Results in a level of efforts put by a group ► Intensifies an individual’s efforts from others ► Guides an individual’s efforts towards a goal ► Meets an individual’s needs, wants and demnands Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What are the three key elements of motivation?

► Interest, activity and reward ► Awareness, effort and outcome ► Stimulation, progress and achievement ► Intensity, direction and persistence Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Hassan derives a great sense of belongingness, acceptance and friendship from his relationships with his extended family. Which of Maslow’s needs is Hassan fulfilling through these relationships?


► Self-actualization ► Esteem ► Social ► Physiological Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Who developed ERG theory?

► Mcclelland ► Maslow ► Alderfer ► Ouchi Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What continuum in the two-factor theory is made up of the hygiene factors?

► No dissatisfaction to dissatisfaction ► No dissatisfaction to satisfaction ► Satisfaction to no satisfaction ► Satisfaction to dissatisfaction Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

All of the following are problem solving techniques EXCEPT:

► Consensus ► Brainstorming ► Nominal Group Techniques ► Synergy Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are the two dimensions of leader behavior explained in the Ohio State studies?

► Initiating structure and consideration ► Employee-oriented and production-oriented ► Concern for people and concern for production ► Operant conditioning and classical conditioning Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to the University of Michigan studies, which of the following is used to define a leader who takes personal interest in the needs of his/her subordinates?


► Situation-oriented ► Employee-oriented ► Production- oriented ► Task-oriented Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to the Managerial Grid, managers perform best using which of the following styles?

► 9, 9 ► 9, 1 ► 1, 9 ► 5, 5 Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is an example of downward communication flow?

► Suggestion boxes ► Disscussing problem with boss ► Feedback on job performance ► Letters to your boss Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Suggestion boxes, employee attitude surveys, and grievance procedures are examples of: ► Downward communication ► Horizontal communication ► Upward communication ► Lateral communication Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Asif is the manager of a petroleum company. He lets the employees know what is expected of them, schedules work to be done, and gives specific guidance as to how to accomplish tasks. He observes which of the following leadership style? ► Supportive ► Participative ► Directive ► Achievement-oriented Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT true of charismatic leaders?


► They have ability to articulate their vision ► They have behavior that is unconventional ► They are unwilling to take high personal risk ► They have high self belief and exhibit determination Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Trust and trustworthiness affect a leader’s access to:

► Dedication and achievement ► Persuasion and control ► Power and influence ► Knowledge and cooperation Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The most fragile relationships are contained in which of the following types of trust?

► Reward ► Deterrence ► Knowledge ► Identification Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Naveed is relatively new employee and wants to make sure that he makes a good impression on his coworkers and supervisor. He agrees with the supervisor’s opinion most of the time and is always doing nice things for him. Naveed is attempting to use:

► Political behavior ► Defensive behavior ► Fastidious behavior ► Impression management Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which type of conflict will you experience among the multiple roles in your life, like role of a father and a manager? ► Intergroup Conflict ► Interpersonal Conflict ► Interrole Conflict ► Intrarole Conflict Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

In which stage of the conflict process does conflict become visible?

► Illumination ► Intentions ► Behavior ► Cognition Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which bargaining strategy is preferable for use in intra-organizational behavior?

► Positive negotiation ► Distributive bargaining ► Integrative bargaining ► Equal bargaining Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The example of labor-management negotiations over wages exemplifies which of the following bargaining?

Integrative Reflective Distributive Restrictive Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following is NOT a conflict resolution technique?

Creating super ordinate goals Appointing a devil’s advocateExercising authoritative commandGenerating additional resources Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

UNO wants to bring in a neutral third party who will facilitate a negotiated solution by using reasoning, persuasion, suggesting alternatives, and the like. This person is a(n):

Mediator ArbitratorConciliatorConsultant Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If you have a narrow span of control, you have which of the following type of a (n) organization?

EfficientShort Tall Matrix Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the given options is the expansion of job content to include a wider variety of the tasks and to increase the workers' responsibility for checking quality and direction for the method?

►Job enlargement Job rotation Job enrichmentJob reengineering Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Seema is working with a pharmaceutical firm; as a means of balancing her work and family responsibilities she typically works a standard 40-hour week or only work 3 or 4 days of the week (i.e., putting in more than 8 hours but working fewer days). Which one of the following work schedule Seema is following? Compressed work week Shorter work weekLonger work week Job sharing Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which one of the following is NOT an example of regional economic alliances?

European Union Democratic Union of Hungarians North American Free Trade Agreement Caribbean Community Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Personal management skills such as attitudes and behaviors that drive one's potential for growth and team work skills is called _____________.

Soft skills Hard skillsTechnical skillsNone of the given options Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

All of the following include Physical symptoms of stress EXCEPT:► Bad moods ►Faster heart beatIncreased sweatingCool skin Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

When the people are asked to envision the organization in five years and to describe what is different is called:Discovery Dreaming DesignDestiny Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which one of the following involves lateral transfers that enable employees to work at different jobs?

Job enlargement Job enrichment Job rotation Job enhancement Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Job analysis can be used in performance review to identify or develop:Goals and objectives Performance standardsEvaluation criteria ► All of the given options Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

A technical specialists working with a reputable organization is allowed to continue to contribute his expertise to the company without having to become manager. He makes recommendations in a wide range of business areas, participates in high level decisions, and acts as mentor to other employees. This situation is represented by which one of the following option?Traditional career path

Network career path

Lateral skill path

Dual career path

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The centerpiece of most diversity programs is:

Money ► Employer commitment Training Human resource personnel Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is true regarding a dominant culture?


The sum of an organization’s subculturesDefined by the leader of an organization► Synonymous with an organization’s culture Likely to be a weak culture of an organization Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

All of the following are examples of material symbols EXCEPT:

Use of the company jet► New employee orientations Luxury cars for executivesPrivate parking spots Question No: 41 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Responding to changes in external or internal environment is called:Incremental ChangeAnticipatory changeRadical Change► Reactive change Question No: 42 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Phrases such as “more cultural diversity,” “many new entrants with inadequate skills” are all

examples of which force for change?

TechnologyWorld politics► Nature of the work force Social trends Question No: 43 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is an example of change in the nature of competition?

Growth of e-commerce


Decline in global oil prices Increased interest in urban livingA decrease in interest rates Question No: 44 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which tactic for overcoming resistance to change basically assumes that the source of resistance lies in misinformation?

Training and developmentFacilitation and support Education and communication Cooptation and manipulation Question No: 45 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

A bachelor degree holder is most likely to have a job that requires:

Human skills Technical skills Conceptual skills Leading skills Question No: 46 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which emotions are the emotions an individual actually is experiencing, despite what they might apparently show?

Felt Displayed Conditional Exposed Question No: 47 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Desires for associations with those who are significant to us, such as family members, supervisors, and friends, are examples of which of the following Alderfer’s needs?

► Relatedness Existence Association Esteem Question No: 48 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



person in the organization may have crucial information about a statistical breakthrough of great importance to the organization and its strategic marketing plan. This is an example of which of the following power?

ReferentLegitimateReward Expert Question No: 49 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Keeping subordinates informed about company policies and the penalties for violating those policies is an example of using which of the following power?Referent Legitimate Expert►Coercive Question No: 50 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The reasons for political behavior include all of the following EXCEPT:

Ambiguous goals Scarce resourcesControl of informationNon-programmed decisions Question No: 51 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Samina and Naeem are Senior managers of marketing depertment. Samina wants her department to grow and expand into new products. While Naeem feels that the department is already too big and should reduce its size and trim its product line. Samina and Naeem are experiencing which of the following conflict?Legal conflict► Task conflict Process conflictRelationship conflict Question No: 52 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The degree to which two party’s goals can be achieved simultaneously is called:


Goal interdependenceGoal accommodationGoal avoidance► Goal compatibility Question No: 53 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

When two party’s goals are incompatible, but their interactions are important to meeting their goals, which reaction to conflict is likely to occur?CompetitionCollaboration ►Compromise Accommodation Question No: 54 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements about gender difference in leadership is correct? There is no difference in leadership on the basis of gender Women leaders are not good at negotiationMen leaders seem to be more supportive and patient Women tend to adopt democratic leadership style Question No: 55 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The main advantage of division of labor is that it promotes:Worker satisfactionWorker autonomyThe creation of stimulating jobs► Efficient use of labor Question No: 56 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The process of constructing and adjusting an organization's structure to achieve its goals is:Strategic managementStrategy-structure fit Organizational design Organizational reconfiguration Question No: 57 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the manner in which divided tasks are combined and allocated to work groups?

► Departmentalization SpecializationFormalization


Standardization Question No: 58 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following selection technique is most commonly used worldwide?

Work sample test Interview Background checkPerformance-simulation tests Question No: 59 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following states the minimum acceptable qualifications that the incumbent must possess to perform the job successfully?

Job description Job specification Job evaluationJob enrichment Question No: 60 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

All of the following are examples of internal forces for change EXCEPT:

Company CrisisChanging work climateDeclining effectiveness Globalization Question No: 61 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

ABC is a manufacturing company. R&D department suggested some changes in their product line. But employees of marketing department were reluctant in accepting this change. A meeting was held to remove the ambiguity and all pros and cons were discussed which resulted in better decision. In this case the resistance to change from the marketing department resulted in which of the following?

► Positive decision Negative decisionConflicting decisionIrrational decision Question No: 62 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following is the individual source of resistance to change?

Structural inertiaThreat to expertiseDislike of change agent Threatened power Question No: 63 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the organizational source of resistance to change?Fear of unknownEconomic threatNew social relationship► Fixed investment Question No: 64 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The CEO of ABC manufacturer is not satisfied with the sales of his products. He has decided to operate in international market to earn the targeted sales. What can be the possible reason of this expansion?To work with untrained laborTo avoid cultural diversity► To acquire resources To work under poor working conditions Question No: 65 ( Marks: 3 )

How can charismatic leadership hurt an organization?

Answer : A charismatic leader is one who might not have legitimate authority over the followers but followers respect him for his charisma, knowledge, expertise and his vision.

Charismatic leaders can hurt an organization because their followers might go against the legitimate chain of command of the organization to follow the leader. As it is not necessary for the charismatic leader to have legitimate authority therefore he might not follow the proper chain of command. This creates the problem of unity of command. People will follow two managers. One will be their manager according to the company hierarchy or structure and one will be the leader. This might create people-role conflict for employees. This affects the organization in a negative way and hurt the organization..


Question No: 66 ( Marks: 5 )

“As important as attracting good employees is, it is just as important to retain them”. How you can justify this statement.

Answer : Employees are the biggest assets for an organization. They are the real distinctive competency of an organization. The organizations who pay heed to this fact are the most successful ones. Technology and other resources that a successful organization holds can be acquired by other organizations as well but motivated, expert and skilled employees that one firm has cannot be duplicated easily by other firms. That is the main reason competing firms try to buy out employees from their rivals in an attempt to gain the distinctive competencies that the rival holds because of these employees.

Therefore for an organization to be successful, it should not only attract or hire good employees but it should also retain them. There are a number of reasons why retaining is also as important or even more important than hiring good employees. Some of the reasons are:

1) The company might spend a lot of money on the training and development of employees and once the employee leaves the company, the company not only suffers in terms of employee loss but also financial loss which was caused because of the wastage of training resources on the leaving employee.

2) When an employee leaves and his position is vacant, the company will need to hire someone new in his/her place. The new person will need to be trained or will take time to get to work on the same position. This wastes valuable company resources and lowers productivity of the company..

3) The employee who has been working for a company for a longer time knows the company culture and has accepted it to a great extent. But when this employee leaves and a new employee is hired in his place, it will take time for the new employee to get acquainted with the culture and norms of the organization.

4) When an employee leaves this does not only affect him but demoralizes other employees as well and gives an impression that people don’t like to work for this company and the employees who are sticking around might be making a mistake. This often urges other employees also to either look for better opportunities and they loose loyalty and commitment to the company.

5) The employee working for a company might have acquired good experience after a considerable amount of time working for the company and if he leaves then this experience can’t be replaced. The company might hire some one with the same


qualification but the experience that the leaving employee has will not be there.

Because of all the important reasons mentioned above, it is very important that a company not only attracts good employees but should also strive to retain them by making policies that foster long term commitment and loyalty.

Question No: 67 ( Marks: 10 )

What is flextime? What are the advantages of flextime from an employee’s perspective and from management’s perspective?

Answer : Flextime is a work arrangement where an employee works for the same core hours during the day but the arrangement of these hours or how he makes up these hours from the day is flexible. For example a company might have a policy for employees to work for eight hours every day and the company starts at 8.00 AM. So in flextime arrangement the employee might be given the discretion of working for eight hours but not necessarily from 8 AM. An employee might start for example at 10 AM and work up to 6 AM thereby completing eight hours of work and starting at his convenient time. This is only one example of flextime. Other methods include flexible or compressed work weeks where the employee can work for more hours during some days and thereby reducing the total working days during the week. Others include job sharing , part time work arrangements and telecommuting.

Advantages from employee’s perspective:

1) Flexible working hours will suit many people and they will be more satisfied with their work and will not have to look for other employment options.

2) Working husbands and wives can easily arrange work to take care of their children. For example the wife might arrange her working hours so that either she or the husband is always with the children.

3) If a company allows telecommuting for example then it can get more work force options because then those women can also work who need to be at home. Working from home can help these women earn money as well as attending to their family commitments.

4) Compressed working weeks might help those people who can work for a less number of days for a week for example four out of seven days and extend their working hours per day and then go to their families during the three days off in case their families live in some other area or away from their place of work.


5) There might be many people who would not work at all if flextime option was not available for example for college students who want to work part time because during the day they cannot work. So for these cases flextime will make more types of jobs available to them and they can easily work for example during the evenings and earn without affecting their education.

Advantages from employer’s perspective

1) The biggest advantage from the employer’s perspective is that he will get better productivity from employees working in flextime

2) The employees will be satisfied and hence the employer will not have to worry about boosting the morale of the employees or for employees leaving the company to find other jobs that suits them..

3) This is a very good method to retain employees because when employees get such a good option of flexible timing, they will not be tempted to leave the organization.

4) Using flextime the company can hire experts who will not be willing to work for example during the day maybe because they might be working with some other company. So this way the company can get the experts they need by allowing them to work as part-timers.

Question No: 68 ( Marks: 10 )

Sometimes data gathered from interview is biased. Explain different interviewing mistakes that can lessen the effectiveness of a job interview.

Answer : Interview is a method of verbal communication and therefore is subjective. It depends a lot on the context under which the interview was conducted and also on the interviewer’s skills as well his perceptions. As human interaction gets involved here, therefore the interview can become very subjective instead of being objective. A lot of issues related to human nature can be introduced during the interview which might make it biased. The biasness depends on many factors. These factors can lead to interviewing mistakes which adversely affects the effectiveness of the job interview.

Some of the mistakes that can lessen the effectiveness of the job interview are :


1) Selective perception: The selective perception of the interviewer might affect the interview. Different people perceive the same situation at the same time in different ways. This is due to their life experiences, education, values and personality. So based on these they might interpret the same situation in different ways. This might create biasness in their judgment.

2) Projection: Some interviewers might have some qualities and they might value them a lot and might want to see the same qualities in the interviewee and if they don’t see the same qualities, they will be biased in their interview.

3) Stereotyping : Stereotyping is the preset judgement a person makes based on the group to which the interviewee belongs. For example the interviewer might have a stereotype that women are not good for managerial positions so he might get biased into not giving good review in job interview to a woman who applied for the a management position.

4) Halo effect: Halo effect is when a person makes good or bad judgement based on just one quality. In this the interviewer might get biased based on just one quality and might give good reviews without paying attention to other good qualities or bad qualities that a person has. Similarly the same thing goes for a bad quality that the interviewer might see in the interviewee.

5) Similar to me effect :: In this the interviewer might try to find qualities in an interviewee which is similar to the interviewer. If he doesn’t find any such quality he will be biased to not hire the job applicant. If on the other hand he sees such a quality then he will be biased to hire the job applicant without paying attention to other qualities needed for the job

6) Inadequate knowledge about the job: Some times the interviewer might not be well-versed with the exact requirements for a position for which he might be conducting the interview. For example an HR manager hiring for a technical job in the information technology department. As this is a completely technical field so the manager taking the interview might not be capable enough to do the interview because of his limited knowledge of the field of computer sciences. In this case he will be biased to see human or communications skills more than the technical skills the job applicant has that are more important to the job than his human skills. Similarly the interviewer might be hiring for a non technical position but he might lack the knowledge of the exact requirements or specifications for the job opening.

7) Previous interviewee effect: If an interviewee is being interviewed immediately after a perceived good or bad interviewee then he will be judged against the previous interviewee. If the previous interviewee was perceived as very good by the interviewer then the next person will have difficulties in making a good impression on the interviewer and if the previous interviewee was perceived as


bad then the next one will be considered good even if he is just slightly better than the previous. So this creates a bias on the part of the interviewer and is one of the mistakes in job interviews which lessens its effectiveness.

8) Preconceived notion about the interviewee : If the interviewer has already heard about the job interviewee before the interview from some other sources whether it is something good or bad about him, the interviewer will already have made an impression about the interviewee even before the interview begins. So this can introduce a good or a bad bias on the part of the interviewer and lessens the effectiveness of the interview.

9) Emotional state of the interviewer : As interview is a human interaction so it is prone to human emotions. If the interviewer is not emotionally stable then it might bias the interview. For example an interviewer sitting down to take the interview has just heard some bad news before the start of the interview sessions and that might affect his judgement in reviewing the right person for the job.

All the factors mentioned above are mistakes that are involved in the interview process and that might affect the effectiveness of the job interview. There are many techniques to cope with these problems and make the interview as objective as possible so that exactly the right person can be hired for the right job.

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which one of the following is defined as a social entity composed of two or more people which functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals.

► Community ► Organization ► Partnership ► Treaty Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are identified as new managerial functions?

► Planning and organizing ► Leading and controlling ► Directing and monitoring ► TQM and continuous improvement Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is defined as intellectual and mechanical processes used by an organization to transform inputs into products or services?


► Mechanism ► Technology ► Operational system ► Information system Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Faizan, a supervisor, has to choose between two different suggestions offered by employees about work schedule. Which one of the following will be most suitable for Faizan?

► Inductive reasoning ► Spatial visualization ► Deductive reasoning ► Perception Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to the Big Five model; people having personality dimension of openness to experience are:

► Caring and dependable ► Flexible and risk taker ► Outgoing and talkative ► Tolerant and self-hearted Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


ability of a person to manipiulate his/her emotions according to a given situation is called________________. ► Emotional Intelligence ► Emotional Constraints ► Affective Emotions ► Cognitive dissonance Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to which of the following decision making model; people seek solutions that are satisfactory and sufficient?

► Bounded Rational ► Three Component Model ► Contingency ► Rational Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


When individuals compare their outcomes and inputs against those of others, the framework is ______________.

► Equity theory ► Expectancy theory ► Reinforcement theory ► Two Factor theory Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a biographical characteristic?

► Region ► Age ► Sex ► Tenure Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What does MBO provide for the individual employee?

► Specific performance objectives ► Precise job descriptions ► Clear direction and purpose ► Higher salaries Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following groups is defined by the organization’s structure?

► Informal ► Friendship ► Interest ► Formal Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


team in which a significant amount of communication and interaction occurs electronically rather than face to face is referred to as:

► A research and development team ► A self-managed work team ► A problem solving team ► A virtual team


Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are the two dimensions of leader behavior explained in the Ohio State studies?

► Initiating structure and consideration ► Employee-oriented and production-oriented ► Concern for people and concern for production ► Operant conditioning and classical conditioning Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which step determines whether understanding has been achieved during the communication process?

► Decoding ► Feedback ► Channel ► Encoding Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT an example of upward communication?

► Informing employees of policies ► Suggestion boxes ► Grievance procedures ► A letter to your boss Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


tells his boss only what he believes the boss wants to hear. Bilal is engaging in: ► Filtering ► Defensiveness ► Selective perception ► Selective selection Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following leadership model integrates the expectancy theory of motivation with the Ohio state Leadership research?

► Contingency ► Path-goal


► Leader-participation ► Cognitive arousal Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


transactional and transformational leadership should be viewed as:

► Opposing approaches to accomplishing goals ► Subcomponents of situational leadership ► Building blocks of charismatic leadership ► Cumulative forms of leadership Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a feeling of devotion, duty, or attachment to somebody or something?

► Integrity ► Consistency ► Loyalty ► Reliability Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


new manager-employee relationship is an example of which of the following type of trust?

► Deterrence-based ► Knowledge-based ► Identification-based ► Supposition-based Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

When a bank robber points a gun at a bank employee, which of the following is his base of power?

► Coercive ► Legitimate


► Positional ► Authoritative Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following types of power requires acceptance of the leader’s authority by members of the organization?

► Personal ► Organizational ► Legitimate ► Positional Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Cricket stars influence people's choice of athletic shoes and cola drinks. People are admired due to which of the following power? ► Referent ► Expert ► Legitimate ► Personal Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

High job specialization can lead to which of the following type of conflict?

► Communication ► Structural ► Personal-variable ► Job-related Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is mostly likely to promote the success of mediation?

► High motivation of the disputing parties


► Shared perceptions of the mediator as coercive ► Shared perceptions of the mediator as biased ► Extensive experience of the mediator Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following can be described as being loose in structure and a catalyst for open lines of communications throughout the organization which results in an increased flow of information?

Centralization DecentralizationDepartmentalization

Simple organizations Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


tall, centralized hierarchy of authority and top-down communication and decision making are characteristics of which of the following organizational structures?

Organic structureMatrix structureMechanistic structure Functional structure Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Plant Manager overseeing the functions of the Manager of Engineering, the Manager of Accounting, and the Manager of Manufacturing is an example of:

Product departmentalizationGeographical departmentalization

Functional departmentalizationProcess departmentalization Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is TRUE with regard to boundaryless organizations?

These organizations attempt to emulate simple structureThese remove the horizontal boundaries of managementThese do not adopt participative decision making styleTeam members will be rewarded for mastering multiple skills


Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are the forces that affect how an organization designs its structure?

Suppliers, competitors, job design Suppliers, job design, customers Environment, economic forces, competitors Environment, technology, and human resources Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Giving workers more control over how a task is to be completed often leads to job enrichment because:

Workers can think out their own way of tackling the taskChange their pattern of working when they wantFeel more responsible for achieving the end productAll of the given options Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following characterizes non-routine or complicated technologies?

High task variety and high task analyzability Low task variety and high task analyzability Low task variety and Low task analyzability High task variety and low task analyzability Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

When the people are asked to envision the organization in five years and to describe what is different is called:DiscoveryDreamingDesignDestiny Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


practice, organizations use interviews _____.

To determine applicant-organization fit


Solely to assess specific, job relevant skillsTo manipulate an applicant’s image of the companyTo assess a candidate’s credit history Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following are operational activities of HR EXCEPT __________________ which is a strategic activity.

Analyzing HR metrics and measurements Recruiting and selecting employeesResponding to goals and objectives set by executives Complying with laws, policies, and procedures

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Performance is a function of which of the following factors? Skill, willingness to act and rewardAbility, motivation and opportunity Knowledge, skills and abilitiesTasks, incentives and rewards Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Cultures within an organization, typically defined by department designations and geographical separation are called:Multi culturesNational CulturesDominant CulturesSubcultures Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which characteristic is NOT reflective of subcultures?

Includes core values of the organizationTypically defined by department designationsIncludes values shared only within the organizationIncludes values unique to members of a department or group Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Consistency of behavior is an asset to an organization when it faces which of the following?


Massive changesA dynamic environmentAn unknown environmentA stable environment Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Looking for better way to stay is called:Reactive changeAnticipatory changeRadical ChangeIncremental Change Question No: 41 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

When there is some change in organization that is intentional and goal-oriented activity then it is called;

Planned change Unplanned change Evolutionary change Revolutionary change Question No: 42 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following technique refer to the application of direct threats or force upon resisters?

ExploitationCooptationManipulationCoercion Question No: 43 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If a

manger is responsible to define goals, establish an overall strategy for achieving those goals and matching activities accordingly, then which one of the following functions is he/ she performing?

PlanningOrganizing Leading


Controlling Question No: 44 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which emotions are the emotions an individual actually is experiencing, despite what they might apparently show?

Felt Displayed Conditional Exposed Question No: 45 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


communication used by managers to provide job instructions is an example of:

Downward communicationLateral communicationDirectional communicationDiagonal communication Question No: 46 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following are the examples of reward power EXCEPT:PayWork assignmentsPromotionTransfer Question No: 47 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


person in the organization may have crucial information about a statistical breakthrough of great importance to the organization and its strategic marketing plan. This is an example of which of the following power?

ReferentLegitimateRewardExpert Question No: 48 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Keeping subordinates informed about company policies and the penalties for violating those policies is an example of using which of the following power?Referent


LegitimateExpertCoercive Question No: 49 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following best describes a leader?

Being a leader also means being a managerLeaders can emerge from with in a groupLeaders are appointed to their positionsLeaders influence others beyond the formal authority Question No: 50 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements about gender difference in leadership is correct?There is no difference in leadership on the basis of genderWomen leaders are not good at negotiationMen leaders seem to be more supportive and patient Women tend to adopt democratic leadership style Question No: 51 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the system of task, reporting, and authority relationships within which the work of the organization is done?

Organizational goalsOrganizational structureOrganizational systemOrganizational charts Question No: 52 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the manner in which divided tasks are combined and allocated to work groups?

DepartmentalizationSpecializationFormalizationStandardization Question No: 53 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Environmental uncertainty exists when managers:


Relax the constraints on product demandAttempt to simplify the general environmentAttempt to stabilize the task environmentHave difficulty predicting the impact of environmental factors Question No: 54 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


job design method aimed at increasing the motivational factors in a job is called:Job enrichmentJob enlargementJob rotationCross-training Question No: 55 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following selection technique is most commonly used worldwide?

Work sample testInterviewBackground checkPerformance-simulation tests Question No: 56 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Website and internet is changing the way companies and individuals communicate. It is an example of which of the following forces for change?

PeopleTechnologyCommunicationSocial Question No: 57 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following are examples of internal forces for change EXCEPT:

Company CrisisChanging work climateDeclining effectivenessGlobalization Question No: 58 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the individual source of resistance to change?


Structural inertiaThreat to expertiseDislike of change agentThreatened power Question No: 59 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the organizational source of resistance to change?Fear of unknownEconomic threatNew social relationshipThreatened power Question No: 60 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


years earlier there was a huge market of Window Air conditioner in Pakistan. Now split air conditioners have replaced window AC. This change occurred due to which of the following driving forces of change?Changing values Changing nature of workforceKnowledge explosionRapid product obsolescence Question No: 61 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the process in which data is gathered, analyzed, summarized and returned to those who generated them?

Process ConsultationSurvey feedbackInter-group developmentSensitivity Training Question No: 62 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Textile industry of Pakistan is facing huge losses due to the downfall of electricity. These conditions are causing great stress among the employees and owners of textile mills. Which of the following is the potential source of stress in this scenario?

Economic uncertaintyTechnological changePolitical uncertainty


Task demand Question No: 63 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following performance management component is about acknowledging good performance?

PlanningMonitoringRewardingRating Question No: 64 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT an HR’s role in career development?Taking career development initiativesPolishing leadership qualities Matching individual and organization needsIdentification of career opportunities

MGT502 - Organizational Behaviour  

Question # 1 of 10 ( Start time: 10:48:09 PM ) Total Marks: 1What are the three classes of factors that influence perception?Select correct option: Factors in the setting, factors in the environment and factors in the motives Factors in the perceiver, factors in the target and factors in the situation Factors in the character, factors in knowledge and factors in experience Factors in the personality, factors in the character and factors in the values  Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 10:49:22 PM ) Total Marks: 1Job satisfaction is best described as ____________.Select correct option: A result A valueAn attitude A discipline  Question # 3 of 10 ( Start time: 10:50:30 PM ) Total Marks: 1In the following steps in decision making, which would come first?Select correct option:  Generate alternatives 


Rating of alternative Make a choice Implement the decision   Question # 4 of 10 ( Start time: 10:51:00 PM ) Total Marks: 1Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best describes these values?Select correct option: Terminal values Instrumental values Theoretical values Social values  Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 10:52:23 PM ) Total Marks: 1Which of the following is the most productive stage in group development?Select correct option:  Producing Increasing Maturity Performing  Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 10:53:23 PM ) Total Marks: 1What does consensus refer to in attribution theory?Select correct option:  There is general agreement about a perception Different people perceive a situation similarly Different people respond the same way in the same situation All people behave precisely the same way in certain situations     Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time: 10:54:40 PM ) Total Marks: 1In attribution theory, what is distinctiveness?Select correct option:  Whether an individual displays consistent behaviors in different situations Whether an individual displays different behaviors in different situations Whether an individual displays consistent behaviors in similar situations Whether an individual displays different behaviors in similar situations  Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 10:55:08 PM ) Total Marks: 1Organizational members who intentionally violate established norms that result in negative


consequences for the organization, its members, or both, show:Select correct option:  Deviant Workplace Behavior Emotional Labor Interpersonal Skills Social Skills   Question # 9 of 10 ( Start time: 10:55:46 PM ) Total Marks: 1Today’s managers understand that the success of any effort at improving quality and productivity must include _____.Select correct option:  Quality management programs Customer service improvements Employee’s participation Manufacturing simplification Reference Question # 10 of 10 ( Start time: 10:56:21 PM ) Total Marks: 1What does MBO provide for the individual employee?Select correct option:  Specific personal performance objectives Precise job descriptions Explicit task objectives Clear direction and purpose

MGT502 - Organizational Behaviour

All of the following are true about learning EXCEPT that it :

 Select correct option:

Can have a very short duration Requires a change in behavior

Requires some form of experience

Affects aptitude


_____ is a measure of how organizations are becoming more heterogeneous in terms of gender, race, and ethnicity. Select correct option:

Workforce diversity Affirmative action

Organizational culture


Operational homogeneity


The degree, to which a person identifies with his or her job, actively participates in it, and considers his or her performance as being important to self-worth is __________. Select correct option:

Job satisfaction

Job involvement Job stability

Job enrichment




What is/are the key element(s) of motivation? Select correct option:




All of the given options 

Ref: “The processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal”



Eden Corp has installed a new email system, but many staff members do not know of its features. Upper management decides to allocate a small portion of the company’s budget to solving this problem. A team that uses rational decision making to arrive at a solution should be aware that this case deviates from the assumptions of the rational decision making model in what way? Select correct option:


There are cost constraints

The problem is not clearly defined

The options available to the team are not known

There are constraints on the options available



Mr. Hussain is a salesperson. He remembers the names of his customers easily because he is able to retain and recall past experience. He is able in which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability? Select correct option:

Memory Number Aptitude

Deductive Reasoning

Perceptual speed



What is the term used for a general impression about an individual based on a single characteristic such as intelligence, sociability, or appearance? Select correct option:

The contrast effect

Personal bias

The halo effect Projection



Which one of the following words is the best synonym for “ability”, as the term is used in organizational behavior? Select correct option:


Capacity Experience



Factors other than satisfaction that impact one’s decision to leave a current job include all of the following EXCEPT: Select correct option:

Labor market conditions

Length of tenure with the organization

Expectations about alternative job opportunities

Organizational citizenship behavior 


What do we call it when we judge someone on the basis of our perception of the group to which he/she belongs? Select correct option:

Stereotyping Categorizing

Halo effect


Question # 1 of 10 ( Start time: 10:48:09 PM ) Total Marks: 1 What are the three classes of factors that influence perception? Select correct option:

Factors in the setting, factors in the environment and factors in the motives

Factors in the perceiver, factors in the target and factors in the situationFactors in the character, factors in knowledge and factors in experience

Factors in the personality, factors in the character and factors in the values


Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 10:49:22 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Job satisfaction is best described as ____________. Select correct option:


A result

A value

An attitudeA discipline

 Two important work attitudes are job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Job satisfaction is the collection of feelings and beliefs that people have about their organization as a whole. Work attitudes have three components: an affective component (how a person feels about a job), a cognitive component (what a person thinks about a job), and a behavioral component (what a person thinks about how to behave on the job).

Question # 3 of 10 ( Start time: 10:50:30 PM ) Total Marks: 1 In the following steps in decision making, which would come first? Select correct option:

Generate alternativesRating of alternative

Make a choice

Implement the decision

Question # 4 of 10 ( Start time: 10:51:00 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best describes these values? Select correct option:

Terminal values

Instrumental valuesTheoretical values

Social values

( Instrumental values. • Preferences for the means to be used in achieving desired ends.)Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 10:52:23 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the following is the most productive stage in group development? Select correct option:




PerformingThere is no such thing producing rather performing

  Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 10:53:23 PM ) Total Marks: 1 


What does consensus refer to in attribution theory? Select correct option:

There is general agreement about a perception

Different people perceive a situation similarly

Different people respond the same way in the same situationAll people behave precisely the same way in certain situations

Consensus occurs if everyone who is faced with a similar situation responds in the same way. If consensus is high, you would be expected to give an external attribution to the employee’s tardiness, whereas if other employees who took the same route made it to work on time, your conclusion as to causation would be internal.

Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time:10:54:40 PM ) Total Marks: 1 

In attribution theory, what is distinctiveness? Select correct option:

Whether an individual displays consistent behaviors in different situations

Whether an individual displays different behaviors in different situationsWhether an individual displays consistent behaviors in similar situations

Whether an individual displays different behaviors in similar situations

Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 10:55:08 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Organizational members who intentionally violate established norms that result in negative consequences for the organization, its members, or both, show: Select correct option:

Deviant Workplace BehaviorEmotional Labor

Interpersonal Skills

Social Skills


Question # 9 of 10 ( Start time: 10:55:46 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Today’s managers understand that the success of any effort at improving quality and productivity must include _____. Select correct option:

Quality management programs

Customer service improvements

Employee’s participationManufacturing simplification


Question # 10 of 10 ( Start time: 10:56:21 PM ) Total Marks: 1 


What does MBO provide for the individual employee? Select correct option:

Specific personal performance objectivesPrecise job descriptions

Explicit task objectives

Clear direction and purpose

1. An OB study is least likely to be used to focus in which of the following problems?

A. An increase in absenteeism at a certain companyB. A fall in productivity in one shift of a manufacturing plantC. A decrease in sales due to growing foreign competitionD. Excessive turnover in volunteer workers at a non-profit organization

2. The topic of motivation in OB has been most influenced by which behavioral science discipline?

A. PsychologyB. SociologyC. Political scienceD. Corporate strategy

3. As a manager, one of Ali’s duties is to present awards to outstanding employees within his department. Which Mintzberg’s managerial role is Ali performing, when he does this?

A. Leadership roleB. Monitor roleC. Figurehead roleD. Spokesperson role

4. Which one of the following would NOT be considered a human skill in Katz’s structure?

A. Decision makingB. CommunicatingC. Working as part of a teamD. Listening to others

5. Using operant conditioning, which of the following is NOT a method that can be used to change behavior?


A. Negative reinforcementB. PunishmentC. CounselingD. Positive reinforcement

6. Suspending an employee for dishonest behavior is an example of which method of shaping behavior?

A. ExtinctionB. PunishmentC. Positive reinforcementD. Negative reinforcement

7. Which of the following terminal values was ranked as the most important by executives?

A. FreedomB. Self-respectC. Family securityD. Social security

8. A high score in which dimension of the Big Five model predicts good job performance for all occupational groups?

A. AgreeablenessB. ConscientiousnessC. Emotional stabilityD. Openness to experience

10. Which of the following is an example of an attitude? A. Satisfaction of a person with a job well doneB. The opinion that it is never acceptable to stealC. Anger at being unfairly accused of a wrongdoingD. The avoidance of a restaurant where one once received bad service

11. Factors other than satisfaction that impact one’s decision to leave a current job include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Labor market conditionsB. Length of tenure with the organizationC. Expectations about alternative job opportunitiesD. Organizational citizenship behavior

12. Job satisfaction is best described as _____.


A. A resultB. A valueC. An attitudeD. A discipline

13. Hanif is dissatisfied with his job but believes that his supervisor is a good man who will do the right thing. Hanif has decided that if he just waits, conditions will improve. Hanif’s approach to this problem is termed _____.

A. ExitB. VoiceC. LoyaltyD. Neglect 14. “Fawad is easy-going at home, but at work he becomes very tense and anxious.” This statement attributes Fawad’s personality more to which of the following?

A. HeredityB. EnvironmentC. SituationD. Locus of control

15. People with which type of personality trait commonly make poor decisions because they make them too fast.

A. Self-monitorsB. ExtrovertsC. Type AsD. Type Bs

16. Asad, one of your newest employees, is an extravert. Which of the following statements is least likely to be true?

A. Asad will probably attend the company picnicB. Asad will be suited to a managerial or sales positionC. Asad will probably have a large number of relationshipsD. Asad will perform well on specialized, detail-oriented tasks

17. Sadaf has a low absenteeism rate. She takes responsibility for his health and has good health habits. She is likely to have a(an):A. Internal locus of controlB. External locus of controlC. Core locus of controlD. High emotional stability level


18. Rizwan is low on conscientiousness. This would lead you to suspect that which of the following statements is most likely to be true about Rizwan?

A. He will find comfort in the familiarB. He will be easily distractedC. He will be comfortable with solitudeD. He will be nervous, depressed, and insecure

19. Emotional intelligence appears to be especially relevant in jobs that demand which of the following?

A. CharismaB. CommitmentC. Social InteractionD. Leadership Skills20. Asma is an honest and straightforward lady. She believes her employees are all similarly honest and straightforward, ignoring signs that they may be manipulating her. What perceptual shortcut is Asma most likely using?

A. Contrast effectB. Halo effectC. StereotypingD. Projection

The time at which an object or event is seen is an example of what type of factor influencing the perceptual process?Select correct option: 





 The time at which an object or event is seen can influenceattention, as can location, light, heat or any number of situational factors Mrs. Hillary Clinton gained political capital by her marriage to the President Clinton is an example of which of the following power?Select correct option: 


  Referent power

  Legitimate power

  Reward power

  Expert power

 Some examples of referent power are: (a) each of the last seven White House press secretaries have been paid handsomely for their memoirs relating to their presence at the seat of government;(b) Mrs. Hillary Clinton gained political capital by her marriage to the President;

These MCQ are not crossed checked these are just for idea


 A threatened strike action by a labor union to force the management to accept their demands is an example of which of the following power?Select correct option:       Referent power       Legitimate power       Reward power       Coercive power 

 When a bank robber points a gun at a bank employee, his base of power is:

Select correct option:       Coercive       Punitive       Positional       Authoritative


Which of the following departmentalization can be considered necessary in an organization where the company’s products fall into several categories with very different production methods for each category?Select correct option:       Customer       Production       Process       Matrix



Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best describes these values?Select correct option:       Terminal values       Instrumental values       Theoretical values       Social values

Which of the following techniques most restricts discussion or interpersonal communication during the decision-making process?Select correct option:       Nominal group       Brainstorm       Electronic meeting       Groupthink According to attribution theory, which of the following is an example of externally caused behavior?Select correct option:       An employee is late because of a flat tire       An employee was promoted because of his abilities       An employee was fired because he slept on the job       An employee was promoted because he was hard working  Several key dimensions to any organization’s environment have been found. Which of the following is one of these key dimensions?Select correct option:       Productivity       Complexity       Interdependence       Collaboration As a manager, one of Ali’s duties is to present awards to outstanding employees within his department. Which Mintzberg managerial role is Ali performing, when he does this?Select correct option:       Leadership role       Monitor role       Figurehead role       Spokesperson role


Which of the following types of teams would most likely empower its team members to make work-related decisions?

Select correct option:       Technical       Self-managed       Problem-solving       Management


What do we call the process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment?Select correct option:       Perception       Interpretation       Social verification       Environmental analysis


Which of the following factors make it imperative that organizations be fast and flexible?Select correct option:       Temporariness       Corporate excess       Advances in corporate strategy       Globalization



Spring 2009

MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 2)

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

________________ is the study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities.

► Sociology

► Anthropology

► Social work

► Social psychology

Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


migrated from Pakistan to a foreign country. He is disorientated by the country’s customs and has difficulty in adapting it. He also feels homesickness. What is Ali experiencing?

►Culture shock

Foreign culture►


Alien culture►

Adventure ►

Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Two people see the same thing at the same time yet interpret it differently. Who is responsible for this difference?

►The perceiver

The timing►

The context ►The situation►

Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements is NOT an example of stereotyping?

There is no need to offer child-care to him; men aren’t interested in child care►

Don’t hire an older worker; they can’t learn new skills►►She was good at her last job, so she will be good at this one

She won’t relocate for a promotion, since women don’t relocate►

Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following are all forms of variable-pay programs?

►Wage incentive plans, flextime, piece-rate

Piece-rate, wage incentive plans, gain sharing►

Profit-sharing, lump-sum bonuses, extended vacations►Retirement benefits, extended vacations, flextime►

Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What sort of plan is a company-established benefit plan where employees acquire stock as part of their benefits?

MBO program►Gain sharing plan►

►Employee stock ownership plan

Piece-rate plan ►

Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is likely to generate the least innovative alternatives?

►Face-to-face interacting groups



Delphi technique►Nominal group technique►

Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to John Kotter, leaders establish direction by:

Developing a vision of the future►

Inspiring people to overcome hurdles ►Aligning people by communicating their vision►

►All of the given options

Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to the Ohio State studies, which of the following is the extent to which a leader is likely to have job relationships characterized by mutual trust and respect for his/her employees?


Initiating structure►



Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are the two dimensions of leadership behavior identified in the University of Michigan studies?

Emotional and rational ►

Autocratic and democratic►Initiating structure and consideration►

►Employee-oriented and production-oriented

Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Rabia writes a memo to his employees. Putting her thoughts onto paper is an example of:




Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding face-to-face communication?

It is highly personal►

It has high channel richness►►It usually results in delayed feedback

It offers multiple information cues►

Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


______ is a senior employee who guides and supports a less-experienced employee.

Facilitator►► Leader


Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


path-goal theory was developed by ______________.

►Robert House

Fred Fiedler►


Blake and Mouton►

Vroom and Yetton►

Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a dimension of trust?





Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a feeling of devotion, duty, or attachment to somebody or something?






Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Trust and trustworthiness affect a leader’s access to:

Dedication and achievement►►Persuasion and control

Power and influence►Knowledge and cooperation►

Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Power can be defined as:


The ability to influence the behavior of others►

The right to influence the behavior of others►The actualization of the dependency of others►

Downward influence on one’s followers►

Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

One reacts to _____ power out of fear of the negative consequences if one fails to comply.

Legitimate ►

Coercive ►►Punitive

Referent ►

Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is least likely to create dependency?


Scarcity of resources►Non substitutability►

Power legitimacy►►Supply and demand

Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Activities that influence the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within an organization are known as:

Human resources►►Political behaviors

Influential power moves►Interactive initiatives►

Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following is NOT considered one of the potential sources of conflict?

Too much communication►►Value similarities

Too little communication►Jurisdictional ambiguity►

Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


focus of relationships in distributive bargaining is:


The long term►The short term►


Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which one of the following dichotomies of organizational structure specifically defines where decisions are made?


Specialization/enlargement►Formalization/in formalization►


Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following organizational design superimposes product or project based design on existing function-based design?

►Matrix Structure

Functional Structure►

Divisional Structure►Holding structure►

Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


bureaucracy is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:


►Highly routine operating tasks

Formalized rules and regulations►

Decentralized decision making►High work Specialization►

Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

How do most employees react to job enlargement efforts?

Unqualified approval ►Somewhat enthusiastically ►

With a lack of enthusiasm ►►The reaction tends to be mixed

Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which one of the following can impact international business operations by its affect on business hours, holidays, and days of rest?

Paralanguage ►

Communication barriers►Religion►

►Cultural knowledge

Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Essential elements of TQM include all EXCEPT:

Analysis of customer quality needs►



Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Focusing on controlling or eliminating stressors that might provoke the stress response is called:

Managing stress►►Stress Prevention


Job stress►

Stress management►

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


individual or group who undertakes the task of introducing and managing a change in organization is called:


►Change Agent


Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following are advantages of internal change agents EXCEPT:

Better Knowledge of the organization►Available more quickly►

►May be close to the problem

Requires higher out of pocket costs►

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


is working as a Finance Officer in a private limited company. His boss periodically


observes his work on specific parts of his job and writes down using specific behavioral descriptions, what he sees him doing. The boss is using which one of the following appraisal technique?

►Critical incident methods

Written essays►

Graphic rating scale ►

Paired comparison►

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Most important elements in managing culture include all EXCEPT:

What leaders pay attention to►How leaders react to crises►

How leaders behave►►What leaders think about work

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are indicators of a strong organizational culture?


Weak managers►Narrowly defined roles►

►Widely shared values

High levels of dissention►

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Consistency of behavior is an asset to an organization when it faces which of the following?

Massive changes►

►A dynamic environment

An unknown environment►

A stable environment►

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a means of transmitting culture within an organization?




Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a source of individual resistance to change?




Economic factors►

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which one of the following is not listed as a tactic for dealing with resistance to change?




Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


practice, organizations use interviews for which of the following reason?

►To determine applicant-organization fit

Solely to assess specific, job relevant skills►To assess a candidate’s credit history►

To manipulate an applicant’s image of the company►


Question No: 41 ( Marks: 5 )

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a conflict?

Answer: Conflict: A process in which one party thinks that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another.

There are advantages as well as disadvantages attached to conflict. A conflict of a mild level is always healthy because it brings innovation and creativity.

Functional conflict is a healthy, constructive disagreement.

Whereas, dysfunctional conflict brings about destruction because it does not end up in resolution.

Generally relationship conflicts focusing on interpersonal relationships are dysfunctional because it affects performance as it decreases mutual understanding.

Task conflicts relate to how work will be carried out a moderate level of conflict at this level is good. It enhances performance because it brings about discussion.

Question No: 42 ( Marks: 5 )

What is globalization? Why is Globalization Significant for Organizational Behavior?

Answer: Globalization: Globalization is doing the business across the world.

Significance of Globalization for organizational Behavior:


There are many significances of globalization for organizational behavior.

It helps in avoiding uncertainty It focuses on long and short term orientation It helps in language issues Use of space Uses time orientation Helps learning culture Issue of power distance Religion matters

Question No: 43 ( Marks: 10 )

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of External Change Agents.

Answer: Change Agents: A change is an alteration in organization's design and change agents refer to an individual or group who is responsible for bringing and managing change within an organization.

The change agent can internal or external to the organization.

Advantages and Disadvantages of External Change Agents:

Advantages Disadvantages

More diverse experience Less knowledge of organization

More specific experience and knowledge

An unknown quantity

Views are more objective Requires higher out of pocket costs


Hurts management image

Longer start up time

Question No: 44 ( Marks: 10 )

What do you think how organizational culture is developed and how can management attempt to maintain it.

Answer: Organizational Culture: Organizational culture is a set of shared, taken for granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines it perceives, thinks about and reacts to its various environment

Developing Organizational Culture: Organizational culture is a combination of peoples' shared values, routine behaviors of employee, rules and regulation of the organization, various norms shared by teams and climate of organization. Interaction of all these help developing organizational culture.

In order to develop a strong organizational culture organization needs to develop a mission statement for the firm, strategic objectives to back and support the mission, identifying core values and operating principles that support the mission and strategic objectives. Socializing new employees into culture of firm and hiring employees who are compatible with firm's culture. Needs to communicate culture to employees is also an important aspect of developing a strong culture.


Maintaining Organizational Culture: Maintaining a stable organizational culture is one of the very important aspect management must look into for a smooth running.

Maintaining a culture needs a strong knowledge of culture first, communicating it effectively to the employees. Helping new comers learn the culture. How leaders react to crisis also helps maintaining and managing culture.

Question No: 45 ( Marks: 10 )

Suppose you are CEO of a well-reputed ceramic company which is successfully operating at national level. Now you have decided to extend your business in the global market. Describe what the expected benefits of doing so are? And what competencies you need to acquire in order to be successful in global market?

Answer: Being a CEO of a company decision of going into global market needs many things to take into consideration.

The benefits attached to globalization

Increased market share Low costs Enormous economic power and impact Diverse workforce

Competencies required going into global market

Must understand difference cultures Knowledge of language Managerial skills vary across world so managers should learn what is


demanded outside country Communication needs to be more strong Requires foreign exchange knowledge Openness to diversification


Spring 2009

MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 3)

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


migrated from Pakistan to a foreign country. He is disorientated by the country’s customs and has difficulty in adapting it. He also feels homesickness. What is Ali experiencing?

► Culture shock

► Foreign culture

► Alien culture

► Adventure

Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Hussain is a salesperson. He remembers the names of his customers easily because he is able to retain and recall past experience. He is able in which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability?


► Memory

► Number Aptitude

► Deductive Reasoning

► Perceptual speed

Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Following a response by the termination or withdrawal of something unpleasant is called----------------.

► Positive reinforcement

► Extinction

► Negative reinforcement

► Punishment

Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is true regarding “perceiver”?

► The person making interpretations

► The person making accurate judgments


► The person handling problems

► The person appointed to transmit information

Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement best describes “motivation?”

► Results in a level of efforts put by a group

► Intensifies an individual’s efforts from others

► Guides an individual’s efforts towards a goal

► Meets an individual’s needs, wants and demnands

Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is likely to decrease as a worker grows older?

► Productivity

► Likelihood of quitting

► Work ethic

► Absenteeism

Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


After which stage of a group’s development is there a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership within the group?

► Norming

► Storming

► Development

► Forming

Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Individual decisions are generally preferable to group decisions when which of the following is required?

► Speed

► Creativity

► Acceptance

► Quality

Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


trait theories of leadership are valid, then leaders are _____.


► Educated

► Trained

► Born

► Authoritarian

Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Ali is apprehensive regarding oral communication, which of the following behaviors is he least likely to display?

► He prefers to talk on the phone

► He prefers to send emails

► He relies on memos or letters

► He avoids face-to-face communication

Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Asad telephones his employee, Usman, to let him know that today’s meeting has been moved to one o’clock. In the communication process, Asad is:

► The sender

► The receiver

► The channel


► The encoder

Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


path-goal theory was developed by ______________.

► Robert House

► Fred Fiedler

► Blake and Mouton

► Vroom and Yetton

Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Sumeera has been working in a packaging company for last ten years. She is the most senior employee of her department that’s why her manager frequently relies on her judgment. Whenever manger goes out of city for work, he put Sumeera in charge because he knows she will handle work efficiently in his absence. What type of trust relationship is this?

Reward-based trust►►Knowledge-based trust

Identification-based trust►Deterrence-based trust►


Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Computer specialist, tax accountants, economists and industrial psychologists possess which of the following power?



Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Leaders achieve goals, and power is:

A goal in and of itself►Usually used by poor leaders►

A means of achieving goals►A strong influence on leaders’ goals►


Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is least likely to create dependency?

Scarcity of resources►

Non substitutability►Power legitimacy►

Supply and demand►

Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Dependency is decreased when the resource you control is:


Important ►Insufficient►

Easily replaced►


Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a form of illegitimate political behavior?

Forming coalitions►

Symbolic protests►Complaining to supervisors►

Bypassing the chain of command►

Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which bargaining strategy is preferable for use in intra-organizational behavior?

Positive negotiation►


Distributive bargaining►

Integrative bargaining►Equal bargaining►

Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


wants to buy a motor bike. He goes to the showroom and sees different models of bikes. He likes one of them very much and wants to purchase it. He asks the price from dealer which is more then his range. Both of them then negotiate over price. This is an example of:


Distributive negotiation ►

Integrative negotiation►

Third party negotiation ►

Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


focus of relationships in distributive bargaining is:



The long term►

The short term►


Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements is true pertaining to the role of personality traits in negotiations?

Charming personalities quickly resolve the conflicts►Competent individuals make excellent negotiations►

Extraverts are less effective negotiators than introverts►

Iinternal locus of control people are better negotiators►

Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment resulting from in-group pressures?

Decision making ►235

Groupthink ►

Brainstorming ►

Group polarization►

Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is right about the encoding step in the communication process?

It is not necessary for verbal communication►

It is difficult for recevier to understand ►

It involves converting the idea into message ►

It follows the transmission of the message to receiver►

Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following terms involves the use of power and influence tactics for personal benefit ?

Political seasoning►Coalition formation►

Legitimate authority ►

Organizational politics►236

Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


achieve a compromise approach, one needs to________________.

Avoid overt disagreement ►

Value openness and trust►

Dominate the other conflicting party►Give up something of value►

Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


you have a narrow span of control, you have which of the following type of a (n) organization?






Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT one of the strengths of the Matrix Structure?

It facilitates coordination in complex activities►It facilitates the efficient allocation of specialists►

It eliminates the duplication of resources►It minimizes ambiguity in reporting ►

Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Setting Goals, establishing and communicating elements and standards is called:




Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

---------------- is a management strategy aimed at embedding awareness of quality in all organizational processes.




Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following include behavioral symptoms of stress EXCEPT:

Asthma►Bad moods►

Being irritable►Defensiveness►

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following include Physical symptoms of stress EXCEPT:

Bad moods►

Faster heart beat►

Increased sweating►Cool skin►

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


When the people are asked to envision the organization in five years and to describe what is different is called:




Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following are operational activities of HR EXCEPT __________________ which is a strategic activity.

Analyzing HR metrics and measurements ►Recruiting and selecting employees►

Responding to goals and objectives set by executives ►

Complying with laws, policies, and procedures ►

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


technical specialists working with a reputable organization is allowed to continue to contribute his expertise to the company without having to become manager. He makes recommendations in a wide range of business areas, participates in


high level decisions, and acts as mentor to other employees. This situation is represented by which one of the following option?

Traditional career path ►

Network career path ►

Lateral skill path ►

Dual career path ►

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which characteristic is NOT reflective of subcultures?

Includes core values of the organization►Typically defined by department designations►

Includes values shared only within the organization►Includes values unique to members of a department or group►


Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Phrases such as “more cultural diversity,” “many new entrants with inadequate skills” are all

examples of which force for change?


World politics►Nature of the work force►

Social trends►

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


an organization used an insider as a change agent, as opposed to an outside consultant then which of the following is true?

The change would probably be more cautious►

The change would probably be more drastic► The change would probably be more objective►


The change would most likely be second order►

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the last step in job analysis process?

Select representative positions to be analyzed►Review relevant background information►

Analyze the job by collecting data on job activities ► Develop a job description and job specification►

Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a strategy to reduce social loafing?

Have group members evaluate each other's contributions ►

Keep work groups as small as possible►Make individual contributions or levels of performance in a group identifiable►

Contributions of the group, not the individual, are most important►


Question No: 41 ( Marks: 5 )

What purposes do performance evaluations serve in organizations?

Performance evaluations have good effect on organizations. An employee’s performance appraisal is very much dependent on the perceptual process. Although the appraisal can be objective, many jobs are evaluated in subjective terms. Subjective measures are, by definition, judgmental. To the degree that managers use subjective measures in appraising employees, what the evaluator perceives to be good or bad employee characteristics or behaviors will significantly influence the outcome of the appraisal.

Question No: 42 ( Marks: 5 )

When it is said that organizational change is due to some internal forces then what sort of forces you will recognize that are responsible for this change?

There are some internal forces which make change in organizations.

Declining effectiveness

Company Crisis

Changing work Climate

Changing employee expectations


Question No: 43 ( Marks: 10 )

Distinguish between the roles of mediator, arbitrator, conciliator, and consultant.

Consultant: The consultant works with the client in jointly diagnosing what processes need improvement. The consultant’s expertise lies in diagnosis and developing a helping relationship.

Arbitrator: An arbitrator undertakes an awesome responsibility. He or she will be judge, jury, clerk, stenographic reporter and appellate review tribunal compressed into a single individual. When an arbitrator decides a case it is assumed that the arbitrator heard the evidence, understood it completely and applied the law and/or principles of justice and equity to achieve the correct result. The parties must have complete confidence in the arbitrator's fairness and integrity and in his or her ability to do all of these things.

How do the parties know that the person they selected has these attributes and will do these things? In classic arbitration they knew and trusted the individual. The arbitrator was the wise old man on the fishing boat dock, whom everyone knew, and who was trusted to know more about fish than anyone else. The fishermen were able to place complete confidence in him because they knew him intimately. Today we have gone to the opposite extreme. The arbitrator who is sufficiently close to a party to have instilled this type of confidence is for that very reason arguably disqualified. The arbitrator selected ideally has no relationships with any of the parties or their counsel. The parties must attempt to select the right person based in large part upon the information they can obtain from the potential arbitrator. The disclosure process has thus become the modern surrogate for the common knowledge of the marketplace.


Mediator: A mediator is a neutral third party who facilitates a negotiated solution by using reasoning and persuasion, suggesting alternatives, and the like.

Conciliator: The conciliator can contact and interview disputing parties over the telephone, provide information about the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008, assist the parties in the exchange of information including relevant documents such as receipts, facilitate the resolution of disputes by sharing offers and suggesting options, provide a notice of unresolved dispute to enable an application to the tribunal for a hearing where a dispute remains unresolved.

Question No: 44 ( Marks: 10 )

What is flextime? What are the advantages of flextime from an employee’s perspective and from management’s perspective?

Flextime: Employees work during a common core time period each day but have discretion in forming their total workday from a flexible set of hours outside the core.

In today's competitive work place employers must remain attuned to the needs of their work force. Those that do will have a distinct advantage. One of the tools being used by U. S. firms to meet this objective is the use of flextime. The reason is simple: it is very popular from the employee's viewpoint. A recent survey


showed that 78 percent of the respondents favored flexible work schedules so that they could spend more time with their families, even if it meant slower career advancement.

The concept of flextime refers to a variety of flexible arrangements including unconventional hours, part-time work, job sharing, leaves of absence and working at home. From a company's perspective, allowing employees to work fewer and more pliable hours is a powerful way to attract and retain top caliber people.

From the employee's perspective, having flexible work arrangements gives one a greater sense of empowerment. Flextime gives many a stronger feeling that their company trusts them. Additionally, in these times of dual-career parents, it helps parents raise their children more responsibly. It also turns out that professional who have such arrangements are fiercely loyal to their employers

Question No: 45 ( Marks: 10 )

Survey feedback is an organizational development technique for bringing change. Discuss.

Survey feedback

One tool for assessing attitudes held by organizational members, identifying discrepancies among member perceptions, and solving these differences is the survey feedback approach. Everyone can participate, but of key importance is the organizational “family.” A questionnaire is usually completed by all members in the organization or unit. Organization members may be asked to suggest questions or may be interviewed. The questionnaire asks for perceptions and


attitudes on a broad range of topics. The data from this questionnaire are tabulated with data pertaining to an individual’s specific “family” and to the entire organization and distributed to employees. These data then become the springboard for identifying problems and clarifying issues. Particular attention is given to encouraging discussion and ensuring that discussions focus on issues and ideas and not on attacking individuals. Finally, group discussion in the survey feedback approach should result in members identifying possible implications of the questionnaire’s findings.


Spring 2009

MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 2)


Question No: 1    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 ________________ is the study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities.


       ► Sociology

       ► Anthropology

       ► Social work


       ► Social psychology


Anthropology is the study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities. Anthropologists work on cultures and environments


Question No: 2    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Ali migrated from Pakistan to a foreign country. He is disorientated by the country’s customs and has difficulty in adapting it. He also feels homesickness. What is Ali experiencing?


►Culture shock

►Foreign culture

►Alien culture



Question No: 3    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Two people see the same thing at the same time yet interpret it differently. Who is responsible for this difference?

►The perceiver

►The timing

►The context

►The situation



Question No: 4    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statements is NOT an example of stereotyping?


►There is no need to offer child-care to him; men aren’t interested in child care

►Don’t hire an older worker; they can’t learn new skills

►She was good at her last job, so she will be good at this one

►She won’t relocate for a promotion, since women don’t relocate


Question No: 5    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following are all forms of variable-pay programs?


►Wage incentive plans, flextime, piece-rate

►Piece-rate, wage incentive plans, gain sharing

►Profit-sharing, lump-sum bonuses, extended vacations

►Retirement benefits, extended vacations, flextime


Pay and Motivation

1. Variable Pay Programs can take the form of piece-rate plans, wage incentives, profit sharing,

bonuses, and gain-sharing.


2. A portion of an employee’s pay is based on some individual and/or organizational measure of

performance. Unlike more traditional base-pay programs, variable pay is not an annuity—there is no guarantee.


Question No: 6    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 What sort of plan is a company-established benefit plan where employees acquire stock as part of their benefits?


►MBO program

►Gain sharing plan

►Employee stock ownership plan

►Piece-rate plan


Question No: 7    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is likely to generate the least innovative alternatives?


►Face-to-face interacting groups


►Delphi technique

►Nominal group technique



Question No: 8    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 According to John Kotter, leaders establish direction by:


►Developing a vision of the future

►Inspiring people to overcome hurdles

►Aligning people by communicating their vision

►All of the given options

John Kotter feels that management is about coping with complexity.

• Good management brings about order and consistency by drawing up formal plans, designing

rigid organization structures, and monitoring results against the plans.

• Leadership is about coping with change.

• Leaders establish direction by developing a vision of the future; then they align people by

communicating this vision and inspiring them to overcome hurdles.


Question No: 9    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 According to the Ohio State studies, which of the following is the extent to which a leader is likely to have job relationships characterized by mutual trust and respect for his/her employees?




►Initiating structure




Consideration is described as “the extent to which a person is likely to have job relationships

that are characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees’ ideas, and regard for their


Initiating structure refers to the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his/her

role and those of employees in the search for goal attainment



Question No: 10    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following are the two dimensions of leadership behavior identified in the University of Michigan studies?


►Emotional and rational

►Autocratic and democratic

►Initiating structure and consideration

►Employee-oriented and production-oriented


Researchers at the University of Michigan identified two behaviors corresponding to

consideration and initiating structure: employee-oriented and job-centered behaviors. An approach to organizational change, called the Managerial Grid, makes managers effective leaders by focusing how much they show concern for people and production. The Hersey and Blanchard model focuses on consideration and initiating structure behaviors


Question No: 11    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Rabia writes a memo to his employees. Putting her thoughts onto paper is an example of:






“Translating the message into symbols or language that the receiver can understand”

Question No: 12    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding face-to-face communication?


►It is highly personal

►It has high channel richness

►It usually results in delayed feedback


►It offers multiple information cues


Question No: 13    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 A ______ is a senior employee who guides and supports a less-experienced employee.


► Leader



    When senior employee takes an active role in guiding another individual, we

refer to this activity as mentoring and coaching.


Question No: 14    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The path-goal theory was developed by ______________.

►Robert House

►Fred Fiedler

►Blake and Mouton

►Vroom and Yetton

    One of the most respected  approaches to leadership is the  path-goal theory developed by

Robert House.

Question No: 15    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Which of the following is NOT a dimension of trust?






    The key dimensions that underlie the concept of trust are integrity, competence, consistency, loyalty, and openness.


Five Dimensions of Trust

• Integrity (honesty and truthfulness)

• Competence (technical/interpersonal)

• Consistency (reliability, predictability and good judgment in handling situations)

• Loyalty (willingness to protect and save face for a person)

• Openness (willingness to share ideas and information freely)


Question No: 16    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is a feeling of devotion, duty, or attachment to somebody or something?









Question No: 17    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Trust and trustworthiness affect a leader’s access to:


►Dedication and achievement

►Persuasion and control

►Power and influence

►Knowledge and cooperation


Trust and Leadership


1.   Trust is a primary attribute associated with leadership.  When trust is broken, it can have serious adverse effects on a group’s performance.

2.   It is evident that it is impossible to lead people who do not trust you. Trust and trust-worthiness modulate the leader’s access to knowledge and cooperation.





Question No: 18    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one257

 Power can be defined as:


►The ability to influence the behavior of others

►The right to influence the behavior of others

►The actualization of the dependency of others

►Downward influence on one’s followers


Power - the ability to influence another person

Influence - the process of affecting the thoughts, behavior, & feelings of another person

Authority - the right to influence another person

Question No: 19    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 One reacts to _____ power out of fear of the negative consequences if one fails to comply.







Coercive power depends on fear One reacts to this type of power out of fear of the negative results that might occur if one fails to comply





Question No: 20    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is least likely to create dependency?


►Scarcity of resources

►Non substitutability

►Power legitimacy

►Supply and demand


Question No: 21    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Activities that influence the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within an organization are known as:


►Human resources

►Political behaviors

►Influential power moves

►Interactive initiatives


Question No: 22    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Which of the following is NOT considered one of the potential sources of conflict?


►Too much communication

►Value similarities

►Too little communication

►Jurisdictional ambiguity


Question No: 23    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The focus of relationships in distributive bargaining is:


►The long term

►The short term


   Distributive bargaining can resolve disputes but it often negatively affects one or more negotiators’ satisfaction because it is focused on the short term and because it is confrontational. Integrative bargaining, in contrast, tends to provide outcomes that satisfy all parties and that build lasting relationships.

Question No: 24    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which one of the following dichotomies of organizational structure specifically defines where decisions are made?





►Formalization/in formalization



Question No: 25    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following organizational design superimposes product or project based design on existing function-based design?

►Matrix Structure

►Functional Structure

►Divisional Structure

►Holding structure

Matrix Structure

  It combines two forms of departmentalization--functional and product:


·         The strength of functional departmentalization—putting like specialists together and the pooling and sharing of specialized resources across products



Question No: 26    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 A bureaucracy is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:


►Highly routine operating tasks

►Formalized rules and regulations

►Decentralized decision making

►High work Specialization


Question No: 27    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 How do most employees react to job enlargement efforts?


►Unqualified approval

►Somewhat enthusiastically

►With a lack    

►The reaction tends to be mixed


Question No: 28    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which one of the following can impact international business operations by its affect on business hours, holidays, and days of rest?



►Communication barriers



►Cultural knowledge


Question No: 29    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Essential elements of TQM include all EXCEPT:

►Analysis of customer quality needs





Essential Elements of TQM

• A supportive organizational culture

• Management commitment and leadership

• Provide a sense of direction

• Analysis of customer quality needs

• Benchmarking

• Standards

• Strategies to close quality gaps

• Training

• Quality teams

• Progress monitoring and measurement

• Exceeding customer expectations



Rewarding is part of  Performance Management


Question No: 30    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Focusing on controlling or eliminating stressors that might provoke the stress response is called:

►Managing stress

►Stress Prevention

►Job stress

►Stress management

Ref: Stress Prevention: Focusing on controlling or eliminating stressors that might provoke the stress response


Question No: 31    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The individual or group who undertakes the task of introducing and managing a change in organization is called:



►Change Agent


Ref: Change agent - the individual or group who undertakes the task of introducing and managing a change in an organization



Question No: 32    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 All of the following are advantages of internal change agents EXCEPT:

►Better Knowledge of the organization

►Available more quickly

►May be close to the problem

►Requires higher out of pocket costs

 Ref: Advantage of Internal Change Agents is Lower out-of-pocket costs


Question No: 33    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Ali is working as a Finance Officer in a private limited company. His boss periodically observes his work on specific parts of his job and writes down using specific behavioral descriptions, what he sees him doing. The boss is using which one of the following appraisal technique?


►Critical incident methods

►Written essays

►Graphic rating scale

►Paired comparison


Ref: The Critical Incident Technique (or CIT) is a set of procedures used for collecting direct observations of human behavior that have critical significance and meet methodically defined criteria.   

Question No: 34    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Most important elements in managing culture include all EXCEPT:

►What leaders pay attention to

►How leaders react to crises

►How leaders behave

►What leaders think about work


Question No: 35    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

Which of the following are indicators of a strong organizational culture?

►Weak managers

►Narrowly defined roles

►Widely shared values

►High levels of dissention

Ref: strong cultures: The organization’s core values are both intensely held and widely shared.


Question No: 36    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

Consistency of behavior is an asset to an organization when it faces which of the following?

►Massive changes

►A dynamic environment

►An unknown environment

►A stable environment


Ref: So consistency of behavior is an asset to an organization when it faces a stable environment

    Question No: 37       ( Marks: 1 )       - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a means of transmitting culture within an organization?






Question No: 38    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT a source of individual resistance to change?




►Economic factors


Question No: 39    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which one of the following is not listed as a tactic for dealing with resistance to change?







Question No: 40    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

In practice, organizations use interviews for which of the following reason?


►To determine applicant-organization fit

►Solely to assess specific, job relevant skills

►To assess a candidate’s credit history

►To manipulate an applicant’s image of the company



Question No: 41    ( Marks: 5 )

 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a conflict?

Answer:  Conflict: A process in which one party thinks that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another.

There are advantages as well as disadvantages attached to conflict. A conflict of a mild level is always healthy because it brings innovation and creativity.

Functional conflict is a healthy, constructive disagreement.

Whereas, dysfunctional conflict brings about destruction because it does not end up in resolution.


 Generally relationship conflicts focusing on interpersonal relationships are dysfunctional because it affects performance as it decreases mutual understanding.

Task conflicts relate to how work will be carried out a moderate level of conflict at this level is good. It enhances performance because it brings about discussion.



Question No: 42    ( Marks: 5 )

 What is globalization? Why is Globalization Significant for Organizational Behavior?

Answer: Globalization: Globalization is doing the business across the world.

Significance of Globalization for organizational Behavior:

             There are many significances of globalization for organizational behavior.

It helps in avoiding uncertainty It focuses on long and short term orientation

It helps in language issues

Use of space

Uses time orientation

Helps learning culture

Issue of power distance

Religion matters


Question No: 43    ( Marks: 10 )

 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of External Change Agents.


Answer: Change Agents: A change is an alteration in organization's design and change agents refer to an individual or group who is responsible for bringing and managing change within an organization.

  The change agent can internal or external to the organization.

Advantages and Disadvantages of External Change Agents:


Advantages Disadvantages

More diverse experience Less knowledge of organization

More specific experience and knowledge

An unknown quantity

Views are more objective Requires higher out of pocket costs

  Hurts management image

  Longer start up time




Question No: 44    ( Marks: 10 )

 What do you think how organizational culture is developed and how can management attempt to maintain it.


Answer: Organizational Culture: Organizational culture is a set of shared, taken for granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines it perceives, thinks about and reacts to its various environment


Developing Organizational Culture: Organizational culture is a combination of peoples' shared values, routine behaviors of employee, rules and regulation of the organization, various norms shared by teams and climate of organization. Interaction of all these help developing organizational culture.

     In order to develop a strong organizational culture organization needs to develop a mission statement for the firm, strategic objectives to back and support the mission, identifying core values and operating principles that support the mission and strategic objectives. Socializing new employees into culture of firm and hiring employees who are compatible with firm's culture. Needs to communicate culture to employees is also an important aspect of developing a strong culture.

Maintaining Organizational Culture: Maintaining a stable organizational culture is one of the very important aspect management must look into for a smooth running.

   Maintaining a culture needs a strong knowledge of culture first, communicating it effectively to the employees. Helping new comers learn the culture. How leaders react to crisis also helps maintaining and managing culture.




Question No: 45    ( Marks: 10 )

 Suppose you are CEO of a well-reputed ceramic company which is successfully operating at national level. Now you have decided to extend your business in the global market. Describe what the expected benefits of doing so are? And what competencies you need to acquire in order to be successful in global market?

Answer: Being a CEO of a company decision of going into global market needs many things to take into consideration.

 The benefits attached to globalization


·        Increased market share

·        Low costs

·        Enormous economic power and impact

·        Diverse workforce


Competencies required going into global market

Must understand difference cultures Knowledge of language

Managerial skills vary across world so managers should learn what is demanded outside country

Communication needs to be more strong

Requires foreign exchange knowledge

Openness to diversification


Spring 2009

MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 3)

Tariq Mahmood <tariq6382@gmail.com>



Question No: 1    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Ali migrated from Pakistan to a foreign country. He is disorientated by the country’s customs and has difficulty in adapting it. He also feels homesickness. What is Ali experiencing?


       ► Culture shock

       ► Foreign culture

       ► Alien culture

       ► Adventure


    Ref: Culture shock can include homesickness, and citizens living abroad tend to buy

national newspapers or frequent stores or restaurants similar to those in the home country.

Question No: 2    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Mr. Hussain is a salesperson. He remembers the names of his customers easily because he is able to retain and recall past experience. He is able in which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability?


       ► Memory

       ► Number Aptitude


       ► Deductive Reasoning

       ► Perceptual speed


The perceiver’s knowledge base is organized into schemas, abstract knowledge structures stored in memory that allow people to organize and interpret information about a given target of perception.


Question No: 3    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Following a response by the termination or withdrawal of something unpleasant is called----------------.


       ► Positive reinforcement

       ► Extinction

       ► Negative reinforcement

       ► Punishment


Ref: The withdrawal of negative consequences to increase the likelihood of repeating the desired behavior in similar settings.

Question No: 4    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statement is true regarding “perceiver”?


       ► The person making interpretations

       ► The person making accurate judgments


       ► The person handling problems

       ► The person appointed to transmit information


Ref: The perceiver’s knowledge base is organized into schemas, abstract knowledge structures stored in memory that allow people to organize and interpret information about a given target of perception.


Question No: 5    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statement best describes “motivation?”


       ► Results in a level of efforts put by a group

       ► Intensifies an individual’s efforts from others

       ► Guides an individual’s efforts towards a goal

       ► Meets an individual’s needs, wants and demnands




 Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested in and committed to a job, role, or subject, and to exert persistent effort in attaining a goal. Motivation is the energizer of behavior and mother of all action. It results from the interactions among conscious and unconscious factors such as the (1) intensity of desire orneed, (2) incentive or reward value of the goal, and (3) expectations of the individual and of his or her significant others.



Question No: 6    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is likely to decrease as a worker grows older?


       ► Productivity

       ► Likelihood of quitting

       ► Work ethic

       ► Absenteeism

Ref:    Older workers are also perceived as lacking flexibility and as being resistant to new technology.

• Some believe that the older you get, the less likely you are to quit your job. That conclusion is based on studies of the age-turnover relationship.

Question No: 7    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one



       ► Norming

       ► Storming

       ► Development

       ► Forming

   Ref: Storming:

• One of intra-group conflict. Members accept the existence of the group, but there is resistance to constraints on individuality.

• Conflict over who will control the group.276

• When complete, there will be a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership within the group.

Question No: 8    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Individual decisions are generally preferable to group decisions when which of the following is required?


       ► Speed

       ► Creativity

       ► Acceptance

       ► Quality


 Example of Synergy90

• The social facilitation effect can either enhance group productivity (synergy) or restrict it (process loss):

• The performance of simple, routine tasks tends to be speeded up and improved by the presence of other people (synergy)

• When tasks are complex and require closer attention, the presence of other people will hurt performance (process loss)


Question No: 9    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 If trait theories of leadership are valid, then leaders are _____.



       ► Educated

       ► Trained

       ► Born

       ► Authoritarian

Ref: The trait approach fails to explain why or how effective leadership occurs. Many individuals who possess these traits never become leaders, and many leaders who possess them are ineffective. Researchers then considered other factors affecting leadership, such as leader behaviors.


Question No: 10    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 If Ali is apprehensive regarding oral communication, which of the following behaviors is he least likely to display?


       ► He prefers to talk on the phone

       ► He prefers to send emails

       ► He relies on memos or letters

       ► He avoids face-to-face communication


Oral Communication

– Advantages: Speed and feedback.

– Disadvantage: Distortion of the message.



Question No: 11    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Asad telephones his employee, Usman, to let him know that today’s meeting has been moved to one o’clock. In the communication process, Asad is:


       ► The sender

       ► The receiver

       ► The channel

       ► The encoder

    Ref: The information the sender needs or wants to share with other people. Effective messages are clear and complete

Question No: 12    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The path-goal theory was developed by ______________.

       ► Robert House

       ► Fred Fiedler

       ► Blake and Mouton

       ► Vroom and Yetton

Ref:One of the most respected approaches to leadership is the path-goal theory developed by Robert House.


Question No: 13    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Sumeera has been working in a packaging company for last ten years. She is the most senior employee of her department that’s why her manager frequently relies


on her judgment. Whenever manger goes out of city for work, he put Sumeera in charge because he knows she will handle work efficiently in his absence. What type of trust relationship is this?



►Reward-based trust

►Knowledge-based trust

►Identification-based trust

►Deterrence-based trust

  Ref:  Trust based on the behavioral predictability that comes from a history of interaction

• Identification-based trust

• Trust based on an emotional connection between the parties

Question No: 14    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Computer specialist, tax accountants, economists and industrial psychologists possess which of the following power?






Question No: 15    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Leaders achieve goals, and power is:


►A goal in and of itself

►Usually used by poor leaders

►A means of achieving goals

►A strong influence on leaders’ goals  

 Ref: Leaders achieve goals, and power is a means of facilitating their achievement.  

Question No: 16    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is least likely to create dependency?


►Scarcity of resources

►Non substitutability

►Power legitimacy

Supply► and demand


Question No: 17    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Dependency is decreased when the resource you control is:






►Easily replaced


Question No: 18    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is a form of illegitimate political behavior?

►Forming coalitions

►Symbolic protests

Complaining to supervisors►

►Bypassing the chain of command


Question No: 19    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which bargaining strategy is preferable for use in intra-organizational behavior?


Positive negotiation►

Distributive bargaining►

►Integrative bargaining

►Equal bargaining

Ref: In terms of intra-organizational behavior, all things being equal, integrative bargaining is preferable to distributive bargaining.

Question No: 20    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Ali wants to buy a motor bike. He goes to the showroom and sees different models of bikes. He likes one of them very much and wants to purchase it. He asks the price from dealer which is more then his range. Both of them then negotiate over price. This is an example of:



►Distributive negotiation 

►Integrative negotiation

►Third party negotiation


Question No: 21    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The focus of relationships in distributive bargaining is:



The long term►

►The short term


Ref: Distributive bargaining can resolve disputes, but it often negatively affects one or more negotiators’ satisfaction because it is focused on the short term. 

Question No: 22    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statements is true pertaining to the role of personality traits in negotiations?



►Charming personalities quickly resolve the conflicts

►Competent individuals make excellent negotiations

►Extroverts are less effective negotiators than introverts (not sure)

►Internal locus of control people are better negotiators


Question No: 23    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment resulting from in-group pressures?


►Decision making



►Group polarization


Ref:   Groupthink - a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment resulting from in-group pressures


Question No: 24    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is right about the encoding step in the communication process?



It is not► necessary for verbal communication

►It is difficult for receiver to understand

►It involves converting the idea into message

►It follows the transmission of the message to receiver


Question No: 25    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following terms involves the use of power and influence tactics for personal benefit ?

►Political seasoning

►Coalition formation

►Legitimate authority

►Organizational politics


Question No: 26    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 To achieve a compromise approach, one needs to________________.


Avoid overt disagreement►

►Value openness and trust

►Dominate the other conflicting party

►Give up something of value

Question No: 27    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 If you have a narrow span of control, you have which of the following type of a (n) organization?







Question No: 28    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT one of the strengths of the Matrix Structure?


►It facilitates coordination in complex activities

►It facilitates the efficient allocation of specialists

It eliminates the duplication of► resources

►It minimizes ambiguity in reporting


Question No: 29    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

Setting Goals, establishing and communicating elements and standards is called:







Question No: 30    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 ---------------- is a management strategy aimed at embedding awareness of quality in all organizational processes.






    Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management strategy aimed at embedding awareness of quality in all organizational processes. TQM has been widely used in manufacturing, education, call centers, government, and service industries, as well as NASA space and science programs.


Question No: 31    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 All of the following include behavioral symptoms of stress EXCEPT:


►Bad moods

Being► irritable



    Asthma is Long-term Physical Symptoms



Question No: 32    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 All of the following include Physical symptoms of stress EXCEPT:

►Bad moods

►Faster heart beat

Increased► sweating

►Cool skin

    Bad mood is behavioral symptoms of stress



Question No: 33    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 When the people are asked to envision the organization in five years and to describe what is different is called:





 Dreaming. The information from the discovery phase is used to speculate on possible


futures for the organization. For instance, people are asked to envision the organization in

five years and to describe what is different.


Question No: 34    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 All of the following are operational activities of HR EXCEPT __________________ which is a strategic activity.


►Analyzing HR metrics and measurements

►Recruiting and selecting employees

►Responding to goals and objectives set by executives

►Complying with laws, policies, and procedures


not sure


Question No: 35    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 A technical specialists working with a reputable organization is allowed to continue to contribute his expertise to the company without having to become manager. He makes recommendations in a wide range of business areas, participates in high level decisions, and acts as mentor to other employees. This situation is represented by which one of the following option?


►Traditional career path

►Network career path


►Lateral skill path

►Dual career path


Dual-Career Path— A career-path method, that recognizes that technical specialists

can and should be allowed to continue to contribute their expertise to a company

without having to become managers.



Question No: 36    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


Which characteristic is NOT reflective of subcultures?


►Includes core values of the organization

►Typically defined by department designations

►Includes values shared only within the organization

Includes values unique to members of► a department or group


A dominant culture expresses the core values that are shared by a majority


Question No: 37    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


Phrases such as “more cultural diversity,” “many new entrants with inadequate skills” are all  examples of which force for change?


►World politics

►Nature of the work force

►Social trends


Nature of the workforce More cultural diversity

Aging population

Many new entrants with inadequate skills



Question No: 38    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 If an organization used an insider as a change agent, as opposed to an outside consultant then which of the following is true?


►The change would probably be more cautious

►The change would probably be more drastic

►The change would probably be more objective

►The change would most likely be second order



    Consultant change agents can offer a more objective perspective than insiders can.

• They are disadvantaged in that they often have an inadequate understanding of the

organization’s history, culture, operating procedures, and personnel.


Question No: 39    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


Which of the following is the last step in job analysis process?


►Select representative positions to be analyzed

►Review relevant background information

►Analyze the job by collecting data on job activities

►Develop a job description and job specification


Steps in Job Analysis

Job Analysis process has following steps:

a. Identify how the information will be used because that will determine what data will be

collected and how it should be collected. Interviewing and position analysis

questionnaire are some examples of data collection techniques.

b. Review relevant background information, such as organization charts, process charts,


and job descriptions.

c. Select representative positions to analyze because there may be too many similar jobs to

analyze, and it may not be necessary to analyze them all.

d. Analyze the job by collecting data on job activities, required employee behaviors,

working conditions, and human traits and abilities needed to perform the job.

e. Review and verify the job analysis information with job incumbents to confirm that it is

factually correct and complete.

f. Develop a job description and job specification from the job analysis information.


Question No: 40    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT a strategy to reduce social loafing?


►Have group members evaluate each other's contributions

►Keep work groups as small as possible

►Make individual contributions or levels of performance in a group identifiable

►Contributions of the group, not the individual, are most important



To reduce social loafing, group members must know that each individual's contributions will be evaluated. The more a person can evaluate individuals the less social loafing will happen in a group




Question No: 41    ( Marks: 5 )


What purposes do performance evaluations serve in organizations?


Performance evaluations have good effect on organizations. An employee’s performance appraisal is very much dependent on the perceptual process. Although the appraisal can be objective, many jobs are evaluated in subjective terms. Subjective measures are, by definition, judgmental. To the degree that managers use subjective measures in appraising employees, what the evaluator perceives to be good or bad employee characteristics or behaviors will significantly influence the outcome of the appraisal.


Question No: 42    ( Marks: 5 )


When it is said that organizational change is due to some internal forces then what sort of forces you will recognize that are responsible for this change?


There are some internal forces which make change in organizations.

Declining effectiveness


Company Crisis

Changing work Climate

Changing employee expectations



Question No: 43    ( Marks: 10 )

 Distinguish between the roles of mediator, arbitrator, conciliator, and consultant.


Consultant: The consultant works with the client in jointly diagnosing what processes need improvement.  The consultant’s expertise lies in diagnosis and developing a helping relationship.


Arbitrator: An arbitrator undertakes an awesome responsibility. He or she will be judge, jury, clerk, stenographic reporter and appellate review tribunal compressed into a single individual. When an arbitrator decides a case it is assumed that the arbitrator heard the evidence, understood it completely and applied the law and/or principles of justice and equity to achieve the correct result. The parties must have complete confidence in the arbitrator's fairness and integrity and in his or her ability to do all of these things.

How do the parties know that the person they selected has these attributes and will do these things? In classic arbitration they knew and trusted the individual. The arbitrator was the wise old man on the fishing boat dock, whom everyone knew, and who was trusted to know more about fish than anyone else. The fishermen were able to place complete confidence in him because they knew him intimately. Today we have gone to the opposite extreme. The arbitrator who is sufficiently close to a party to have instilled this type of confidence is for that very reason arguably disqualified. The arbitrator selected ideally has no relationships with any of the parties or their counsel. The parties must attempt to select the right person based in large part upon the information they can obtain from the potential


arbitrator. The disclosure process has thus become the modern surrogate for the common knowledge of the marketplace.



  Mediator: A mediator is a neutral third party who facilitates a negotiated solution by using reasoning and persuasion, suggesting alternatives, and the like. 

Conciliator: The conciliator can contact and interview disputing parties over the telephone, provide information about the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008, assist the parties in the exchange of information including relevant documents such as receipts, facilitate the resolution of disputes by sharing offers and suggesting options, provide a notice of unresolved dispute to enable an application to the tribunal for a hearing where a dispute remains unresolved.




Question No: 44    ( Marks: 10 )

 What is flextime? What are the advantages of flextime from an employee’s perspective and from management’s perspective?


Flextime: Employees work during a common core time period each day but have discretion in forming their total workday from a flexible set of hours outside the core.


In today's competitive work place employers must remain attuned to the needs of their work force. Those that do will have a distinct advantage. One of the tools being used by U. S. firms to meet this objective is the use of flextime. The reason is simple: it is very popular from the employee's viewpoint.  A recent survey


showed that 78 percent of the respondents favored flexible work schedules so that they could spend more time with their families, even if it meant slower career advancement.

The concept of flextime refers to a variety of flexible arrangements including unconventional hours, part-time work, job sharing, leaves of absence and working at home. From a company's perspective, allowing employees to work fewer and more pliable hours is a powerful way to attract and retain top caliber people.

From the employee's perspective, having flexible work arrangements gives one a greater sense of empowerment. Flextime gives many a stronger feeling that their company trusts them. Additionally, in these times of dual-career parents, it helps parents raise their children more responsibly. It also turns out that professional who have such arrangements are fiercely loyal to their employers



Question No: 45    ( Marks: 10 )

 Survey feedback is an organizational development technique for bringing change. Discuss.


Survey feedback


One tool for assessing attitudes held by organizational members, identifying discrepancies among member perceptions, and solving these differences is the survey feedback approach. Everyone can participate, but of key importance is the organizational “family.” A questionnaire is usually completed by all members in the organization or unit. Organization members may be asked to suggest questions or may be interviewed. The questionnaire asks for perceptions and attitudes on a broad range of topics. The data from this questionnaire are tabulated with data pertaining to an individual’s specific “family” and to the entire organization and distributed to employees. These data then become the springboard for identifying problems and clarifying issues. Particular attention is given to encouraging


discussion and ensuring that discussions focus on issues and ideas and not on attacking individuals. Finally, group discussion in the survey feedback approach should result in members identifying possible implications of the questionnaire’s findings.


Fall 2009

MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 3)

 Shared by Fahad Gulzar<fahad.gulzar@gmail.com>



Question No: 1    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one The lowest level positions require ____________ skills but as you move up_____________ skills are more required.        ► Conceptual, Technical       ► Technical, Conceptual

       ► Human, Conceptual

       ► Human, Technical 

Line managers need Technical skill the most while top manager will need minimum. Top mangers/CEO needs Conceptual type of skill the most.

   Question No: 2    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Mr. Hassan, Professor of Mathematics, when he starts teaching about a concept, he praise any answer that is close to the right answer. This is an example of which of the following learning theory?        ► Classical conditioning       ►   Operant conditioning        ► Social learning       ► Contemporary theoryOperant conditioning where there is reinforcement of the behavior by a reward or a punishment. The theory of operant conditioning was developed by B.F. Skinner and is known as Radical Behaviorism. The word ‘operant’ refers to the way in which behavior ‘operates on the environment’. Briefly, a behavior may result either in reinforcement, which increases the likelihood of the behavior recurring, or punishment, which decreases the likelihood of the behavior recurring. It is important to note that, a punishment is not considered to be applicable if it does not result in the reduction of the behavior, and so the terms punishment and reinforcement are determined as a result of the actions. Within this framework, behaviorists are particularly interested in measurable changes in behavior.   Question No: 3    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Which of the following can be considered a method of social learning?        ► Classroom       ►   Workshop        ► TV commercial       ► Work ManualSocial learning theory focuses on the learning that occurs within a social context. It considers that people learn from one another, including such concepts as observational learning, imitation, and modeling.    Question No: 4    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one “Smoking is injurious to health”. This statement is an example of which one of the following components of attitude?          ► Cognitive       ► Affective       ► Behavioral       ► Behavior intension 


The belief that "discrimination is wrong" is a value statement. Such an opinion is the Cognitive component of an attitude. So above answer is almost same in nature.

The belief that “discrimination is wrong” is a value statement and an example of the cognitive

component of an attitude    Question No: 5    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Asif is late for work each day by about ten minutes. How would Attribution Theory describe this behavior?

        ► It shows consensus       ► It shows similarity       ► It shows reliability              ►   It shows consistency

Attribution theory suggests that when we observe an individual’s behavior, we attempt to determine whether it was internally or externally caused. That determination depends largely on three factors:

• Distinctiveness: shows different behaviors in different situations.

• Consensus: Response is the same as others to same situation.

• Consistency: Responds in the same way over time.   Question No: 6    (Marks: 1)    - Please choose one Which of the following statement best describes “motivation?”        ► Results in a level of efforts put by a group       ► Intensifies an individual’s efforts from others       ►   Guides an individual’s efforts towards a goal        ► Meets an individual’s needs, wants and demnands Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested in and committed to a job, role, or subject, and to exert persistent effort in attaining a goal. Motivation is the energizer of behavior and mother of all action. It results from the interactions among conscious and unconscious factors such as the (1) intensity of desire orneed,


(2) incentive or reward value of the goal, and (3) expectations of the individual and of his or her significant others    Question No: 7    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one What are the three key elements of motivation?        ► Interest, activity and reward       ► Awareness, effort and outcome       ► Stimulation, progress and achievement       ►   Intensity, direction and persistence

Key Elements of Motivation

Intensity: how hard a person tries. Intensity is concerned with how hard a person tries. This is the element most of us focus on when we talk about motivation.

Direction: toward beneficial goal. Direction is the orientation that benefits the organization.

Persistence: how long a person tries. Persistence is a measure of how long a person can maintain his/her effort. Motivated individuals stay with a task long enough to achieve their goal.

   Question No: 8    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Hassan derives a great sense of belongingness, acceptance and friendship from his relationships with his extended family. Which of Maslow’s needs is Hassan fulfilling through these relationships?        ► Self-actualization       ► Esteem       ►   Social        ► PhysiologicalMaslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

1. Physiological needs: food, drink, shelter, sexual satisfaction, and other physical requirements.

2. Safety needs: security and protection from physical and emotional harm, as well as assurance that physical needs will continue to be met.


3. Social needs: affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship.

4. Esteem needs: internal esteem factors such as self-respect, autonomy, and achievement and external esteem factors such as status, recognition, and attention

5. Self-actualization needs: growth, achieving one's potential, and self-fulfillment; the drive to become what one is capable of becoming.

   Question No: 9    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Who developed ERG theory?        ► Mcclelland       ► Maslow       ►   Alderfer        ► OuchiClayton Alderfer’s existence-relatedness-growth (ERG) theory is also a need theory of work motivation.   Question No: 10    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one What continuum in the two-factor theory is made up of the hygiene factors?        ►   No dissatisfaction to dissatisfaction        ► No dissatisfaction to satisfaction       ► Satisfaction to no satisfaction       ► Satisfaction to dissatisfaction

According to Herzberg, the factors that led to job satisfaction were separate and distinct from those that led to job dissatisfaction. Therefore, managers who sought to eliminate factors that created job dissatisfaction could bring about workplace harmony but not necessarily motivation. Because they don't motivate employees, the extrinsic factors that create job dissatisfaction were called hygiene factors. When these factors are adequate, people will not be dissatisfied, but they will not be satisfied (or motivated) either. To motivate people on their jobs, Herzberg suggested emphasizing motivators, the intrinsic factors that increase job satisfaction.

   Question No: 11    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one All of the following are problem solving techniques EXCEPT:


        ► Consensus       ► Brainstorming       ► Nominal Group Techniques       ►   Synergy

Group Problem Solving Techniques

• Consensus presenting opinions and gaining agreement to support a decision

• Brainstorming process to generate a quantity of ideas

• Nominal Group Technique process to generate ideas and evaluate solutions

• Delphi Technique process to generate ideas from physically dispersed experts

• Computer-Aided Decision Making 

Synergy is a biological term referring to an action of two or more substances that result in an effect that is more than the mere summation of the individual substances; the whole is more than the sum of its parts (2 + 2 = 5).

     Question No: 12    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Which of the following are the two dimensions of leader behavior explained in the Ohio State studies?        ►   Initiating structure and consideration        ► Employee-oriented and production-oriented       ► Concern for people and concern for production       ► Operant conditioning and classical conditioning

• They narrowed over a thousand dimensions into two dimensions—initiating structure and consideration

   Question No: 13    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 According to the University of Michigan studies, which of the following is used to define a leader who takes personal interest in the needs of his/her subordinates?       ► Situation-oriented       ►   Employee-oriented        ► Production- oriented       ► Task-orientedEmployee-oriented leaders emphasized interpersonal relations. They took a personal interest in the needs of their employees and accepted individual differences among members


Question No: 14    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 According to the Managerial Grid, managers perform best using which of the following styles?


       ► 9, 9

       ► 9, 1

       ► 1, 9

       ► 5, 5


Question No: 15    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is an example of downward communication flow?


       ► Suggestion boxes

       ► Disscussing problem with boss

       ► Feedback on job performance


       ► Letters to your boss


Question No: 16    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Suggestion boxes, employee attitude surveys, and grievance procedures are examples of:

       ► Downward communication

       ► Horizontal communication

       ► Upward communication

       ► Lateral communication


Question No: 17    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Asif is the manager of a petroleum company. He lets the employees know what is expected of them, schedules work to be done, and gives specific guidance as to how to accomplish tasks. He observes which of the following leadership style?

       ► Supportive

       ► Participative

       ► Directive

       ► Achievement-oriented


Question No: 18    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT true of charismatic leaders?


        ► They have ability to articulate their vision305

       ► They have behavior that is unconventional

       ► They are unwilling to take high personal risk

       ► They have high self belief and exhibit determination


Question No: 19    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Trust and trustworthiness affect a leader’s access to:


        ► Dedication and achievement

       ► Persuasion and control

       ► Power and influence

       ► Knowledge and cooperation


Question No: 20    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one The most fragile relationships are contained in which of the following types of trust?        ► Reward       ► Deterrence       ► Knowledge

       ► Identification

 Deterrence-Based Trust:          The most fragile relationships are contained in deterrence-based trust. One violation or inconsistency can destroy the relationship

    Question No: 21    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Naveed is relatively new employee and wants to make sure that he makes a good impression on his coworkers and supervisor.  He agrees with the supervisor’s opinion most of the time and is always doing nice things for him.  Naveed is attempting to use:        ► Political behavior       ► Defensive behavior       ► Fastidious behavior       ►   Impression management    Question No: 22    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Which type of conflict will you experience  among the multiple roles in your life,  like role of a father and a manager?       ► Intergroup Conflict       ► Interpersonal Conflict       ►   Interrole Conflict        ► Intrarole Conflict   Question No: 23    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one In which stage of the conflict process does conflict become visible?          ► Illumination       ► Intentions       ► Behavior       ►   Cognition    Question No: 24    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Which bargaining strategy is preferable for use in intra-organizational behavior?        ► Positive negotiation       ► Distributive bargaining       ►   Integrative bargaining        ► Equal bargaining   Question No: 25    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one The example of labor-management negotiations over wages exemplifies which of the following bargaining?


 ►Integrative►Reflective►Distributive►Restrictive   Question No: 26    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Which of the following is NOT a conflict resolution technique? ►Creating super ordinate goals►Appointing a devil’s advocate►Exercising authoritative command►Generating additional resources   Question No: 27    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one UNO wants to bring in a neutral third party who will facilitate a negotiated solution by using reasoning, persuasion, suggesting alternatives, and the like.  This person is a(n): ►Mediator►Arbitrator►Conciliator►Consultant

   mediator is a neutral third party who facilitates a negotiated solution by using reasoningand persuasion, suggesting alternatives, and the like. a. ... to facilitate problem solving through communication and analysis


Question No: 28    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one If you have a narrow span of control, you have which of the following type of a (n) organization? ►Efficient►Short►Tall►Matrix   


Question No: 29    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Which of the given options is the expansion of job content to include a wider variety of the tasks and to increase the workers'  responsibility for checking quality and direction for the method?  ►Job enlargement ►Job rotation►Job enrichment►Job reengineering

Job enlargement means increasing the scope of a job through extending the range of its job duties and responsibilities

   Question No: 30    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Seema is working with a pharmaceutical firm; as a means of balancing her work and family responsibilities she typically works a standard 40-hour week or only work 3 or 4 days of the week (i.e., putting in more than 8 hours but working fewer days). Which one of the following work schedule Seema is following?► Compressed work week ►Shorter work week►Longer work week ►Job sharing   A compressed work week, also known as a flex schedule, gives you the benefit of an extra day off by allowing you to finish your usual number of working hours in fewer days per pay period. Work four 10-hour days each week with one day off with a 4/40 schedule, or work 80 hours in nine days with an extra day off every other week    Question No: 31    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Which one of the following is NOT an example of regional economic alliances? ►European Union►Democratic Union of Hungarians►North American Free Trade Agreement►Caribbean Community

   Regional economic alliances examples


–European Union (EU).

–North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

–Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

–Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Forum (APEC).

Question No: 32    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Personal management skills such as attitudes and behaviors that drive one's potential for growth and team work skills is called _____________. ►Soft skills►Hard skills►Technical skills►None of the given options Question No: 33    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one All of the following include Physical symptoms of stress EXCEPT:►Bad moods

►Faster heart beat

►Increased sweating►Cool skin   Question No: 34    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one When the people are asked to envision the organization in five years and to describe what is different is called:►Discovery►Dreaming►Design►Destiny

    Dreaming. The information from the discovery phase is used to speculate on possible

futures for the organization. For instance, people are asked to envision the organization in


five years and to describe what is different. Question No: 35    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Which one of the following involves lateral transfers that enable employees to work at different jobs? ►Job enlargement►Job enrichment►Job rotation►Job enhancement

   Job rotation and temporary assignments in other departments help people see another perspective. Promotions, transfers, and firings remove individuals from conflict situation.


Question No: 36    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Job analysis can be used in performance review to identify or develop:►Goals and objectives►Performance standards►Evaluation criteria►All of the given options

Performance Review Job Analysis can be used in performance review to identify or develop:

goals and objectives performance standards

evaluation criteria

length of probationary periods

duties to be evaluated

 Question No: 37    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one A technical specialists working with a reputable organization is allowed to continue to contribute his expertise to the company without having to become manager. He makes recommendations in a wide range of business areas,


participates in high level decisions, and acts as mentor to other employees. This situation is represented by which one of the following option?►Traditional career path ►Network career path ►Lateral skill path ►Dual career path

Dual-Career Path— A career-path method, that recognizes that technical specialists

can and should be allowed to continue to contribute their expertise to a company

without having to become managers.    Question No: 38    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one The centerpiece of most diversity programs is: ►Money

►Employer commitment

►Training     ►Human resource personnel   The centerpiece of most diversity programs is training Question No: 39    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statement is true regarding a dominant culture?   ►The sum of an organization’s subcultures►Defined by the leader of an organization►Synonymous with an organization’s culture►Likely to be a weak culture of an organization



• An organization’s culture is its dominant culture.

Question No: 40    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one All of the following are examples of material symbols EXCEPT:  ►Use of the company jet►New employee orientations►Luxury cars for executives►Private parking spots

Question No: 41    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Responding to changes in external or internal environment is called:►Incremental Change►Anticipatory change►Radical Change►Reactive change   Question No: 42    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Phrases such as “more cultural diversity,” “many new entrants with inadequate skills” are allexamples of which force for change?

   ►Technology►World politics►Nature of the work force►Social trends   Question No: 43    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is an example of change in the nature of competition?

 ►Growth of e-commerce►Decline in global oil prices►Increased interest in urban living►A decrease in interest rates   Question No: 44    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Which tactic for overcoming resistance to change basically assumes that the source of resistance lies in misinformation?  ►Training and development►Facilitation and support►Education and communication►Cooptation and manipulation

Six tactics used by change agents in dealing with resistance to change:

1. Education and communication:

2. Participation:

3. Facilitation and support:

4. Negotiation:

5. Manipulation and cooptation:

6. Coercion:   Question No: 45    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one A bachelor degree holder is most likely to have a job that requires: ►Human skills►Technical skills►Conceptual skills►Leading skills    Question No: 46    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which emotions are the emotions an individual actually is experiencing, despite what they might apparently show?



Question No: 47    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Desires for associations with those who are significant to us, such as family members, supervisors, and friends, are examples of which of the following Alderfer’s needs? ►Relatedness   ►Existence►Association►EsteemRelatedness Needs: social and external esteem (involvement with family, friends, co-workers and employers)(Maslow's third and fourth levels)   Question No: 48    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one A person in the organization may have crucial information about a statistical breakthrough of great importance to the organization and its strategic marketing plan. This is an example of which of the following power?  ►Referent►Legitimate►Reward►Expert   Question No: 49    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Keeping subordinates informed about company policies and the penalties for violating those policies is an example of using which of the following power?►Referent►Legitimate►Expert►Coercive   Question No: 50    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one The reasons for political behavior include all of the following EXCEPT:  ►Ambiguous goals►Scarce resources►Control of information►Non-programmed decisions   


Question No: 51    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Samina and Naeem are Senior managers of marketing depertment. Samina wants her department to grow and expand into new products. While Naeem feels that the department is already too big and should reduce its size and trim its product line. Samina and Naeem are experiencing which of the following conflict?►Legal conflict►Task conflict►Process conflict►Relationship conflict   Question No: 52    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one The degree to which two party’s goals can be achieved simultaneously is called:  ►Goal interdependence►Goal accommodation►Goal avoidance►Goal compatibility   Question No: 53    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one When two party’s goals are incompatible, but their interactions are important to meeting their goals, which reaction to conflict is likely to occur?►Competition►Collaboration ►Compromise ►Accommodation   Question No: 54    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Which of the following statements about gender difference in leadership is correct?►There is no difference in leadership on the basis of gender►Women leaders are not good at negotiation►Men leaders seem to be more supportive and patient►Women tend to adopt democratic leadership style   Question No: 55    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one The main advantage of division of labor is that it promotes:►Worker satisfaction►Worker autonomy


►The creation of stimulating jobs►Efficient use of labor   Question No: 56    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one The process of constructing and adjusting an organization's structure to achieve its goals is:►Strategic management►Strategy-structure fit►Organizational design►Organizational reconfiguration   Question No: 57    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Which of the following is the manner in which divided tasks are combined and allocated to work groups? ►Departmentalization►Specialization►Formalization►Standardization   Question No: 58    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Which of the following selection technique is most commonly used worldwide? ►Work sample test►Interview►Background check►Performance-simulation tests   Question No: 59    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Which of the following states the minimum acceptable qualifications that the incumbent must possess to perform the job successfully?  ►Job description►Job specification►Job evaluation►Job enrichment   Question No: 60    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 All of the following are examples of internal forces for change EXCEPT: ►Company Crisis►Changing work climate►Declining effectiveness►Globalization   Question No: 61    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one ABC is a manufacturing company. R&D department suggested some changes in their product line. But employees of marketing department were reluctant in accepting this change. A meeting was held to remove the ambiguity and all pros and cons were discussed which resulted in better decision. In this case the resistance to change from the marketing department resulted in which of the following? ►Positive decision►Negative decision►Conflicting decision►Irrational decision   Question No: 62    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Which of the following is the individual source of resistance to change? ►Structural inertia►Threat to expertise►Dislike of change agent►Threatened power   Question No: 63    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one Which of the following is the organizational source of resistance to change?►Fear of unknown►Economic threat►New social relationship►Fixed investment   Question No: 64    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one The CEO of ABC manufacturer is not satisfied with the sales of his products. He has decided to operate in international market to earn the targeted sales. What can be the possible reason of this expansion?


►To work with untrained labor►To avoid cultural diversity►To acquire resources►To work under poor working conditions



Question No: 65    ( Marks: 3 )

 How can charismatic leadership hurt an organization?


Answer :

A charismatic leader is one who might not have legitimate authority over the followers but followers respect him for his charisma, knowledge, expertise and his vision.


Charismatic leaders can hurt an organization because their followers might go against the legitimate chain of command of the organization to follow the leader. As it is not necessary for the charismatic leader to have legitimate authority therefore he might not follow the proper chain of command. This creates the problem of unity of command. People will follow two managers. One will be their manager according to the company hierarchy or structure and one will be the leader. This might create people-role conflict for employees.  This affects the organization in a negative way and hurt the organization.





Question No: 66    ( Marks: 5 )


 “As important as attracting good employees is, it is just as important to retain them”. How you can justify this statement.



Answer : Employees are the biggest assets for an organization. They are the real distinctive competency of an organization. The organizations who pay heed to this fact are the most successful ones.  Technology and other resources that a successful organization holds can be acquired by other organizations as well but motivated, expert and skilled employees that one firm has cannot be duplicated easily by other firms. That is the main reason competing firms try to buy out employees from their rivals in an attempt to gain the distinctive competencies that the rival holds because of these employees.


Therefore for an organization to be successful, it should not only attract or hire good employees but it should also retain them. There are a number of reasons why retaining is also as important or even more important than hiring good employees. Some of the reasons are:


1)     The company might spend a lot of money on the training and development of employees and once the employee leaves the company, the company not only suffers in terms of employee loss but also financial loss which was caused because of the wastage of training resources on the leaving employee.

2)     When an employee leaves and his position is vacant, the company will need to hire someone new in his/her place. The new person will need to be trained or will take time to get to work on the same position. This wastes valuable company resources and lowers productivity of the company.


3)     The employee who has been working for a company for a longer time knows the company culture and has accepted it to a great extent. But when


this employee leaves and a new employee is hired in his place, it will take time for the new employee to get acquainted with the culture and norms of the organization.


4)     When an employee leaves this does not only affect him but demoralizes other employees as well and gives an impression that people don’t like to work for this company and the employees who are sticking around might be making a mistake. This often urges other employees also to either look for better opportunities and they loose loyalty and commitment to the company.


5)     The employee working for a company might have acquired good experience after a considerable amount of time working for the company and if he leaves then this experience can’t be replaced. The company might hire some one with the same qualification but the experience that the leaving employee has will not be there.


Because of all the important reasons mentioned above, it is very important that a company not only attracts good employees but should also strive to retain them by making policies that foster long term commitment and loyalty.





Question No: 67    ( Marks: 10 )

 What is flextime? What are the advantages of flextime from an employee’s perspective and from management’s perspective?



Answer : Flextime is a work arrangement where an employee works for the same core hours during the day but the arrangement of these hours or how he makes up these hours from the day is flexible. For example a company might have a policy for employees to work for eight hours every day and the company starts at 8.00 AM. So in flextime arrangement the employee might be given the discretion of working for eight hours but not necessarily from 8 AM. An employee might start for example at 10 AM and work up to 6 AM thereby completing eight hours of work and starting at his convenient time.

This is only one example of flextime. Other methods include flexible or compressed work weeks where the employee can work for more hours during some days and thereby reducing the total working days during the week. Others include job sharing , part time work arrangements and telecommuting.


Advantages from employee’s perspective:


1)     Flexible working hours will suit many people and they will be more satisfied with their work and will not have to look for other employment options.


2)     Working husbands and wives can easily arrange work to take care of their children. For example the wife might arrange her working hours so that either she or the husband is always with the children.


3)     If a company allows telecommuting for example then it can get more work force options because then those women can also work who need to be at home. Working from home can help these women earn money as well as attending to their family commitments.



4)     Compressed working weeks might help those people who can work for a less number of days for a week for example four out of seven days and extend their working hours per day and then go to their families during the three days off in case their families live in some other area or away from their place of work.


5)     There might be many people who would not work at all if flextime option was not available for example for college students who want to work part time because during the day they cannot work. So for these cases flextime will make more types of jobs available to them and they can easily work for example during the evenings and earn without affecting their education.




Advantages from employer’s perspective


1)     The biggest advantage from the employer’s perspective is that he will get better productivity from employees working in flextime


2)     The employees will be satisfied and hence the employer will not have to worry about boosting the morale of the employees or for employees leaving the company to find other jobs that suits them..


3)     This is a very good method to retain employees because when employees get such a good option of flexible timing, they will not be tempted to leave the organization.




4)     Using flextime the company can hire experts who will not be willing to work for example during the day maybe because they might be working with some other company. So this way the company can get the experts they need by allowing them to work as part-timers.




Question No: 68    ( Marks: 10 )

 Sometimes data gathered from interview is biased. Explain different interviewing mistakes that can lessen the effectiveness of a job interview.



Answer :

Interview is a method of verbal communication and therefore is subjective. It depends a lot on the context under which the interview was conducted and also on the interviewer’s skills as well his perceptions. As human interaction gets involved here, therefore the interview can become very subjective instead of being objective.  A lot of issues related to human nature can be introduced during the interview which might make it biased. The biasness depends on many factors. These factors can lead to interviewing mistakes which adversely affects the effectiveness of the job interview.


Some of the mistakes that can lessen the effectiveness of the job interview are :


1)     Selective perception: The selective perception of the interviewer might affect the interview. Different people perceive the same situation at


the same time in different ways. This is due to their life experiences, education, values and personality. So based on these they might interpret the same situation in different ways. This might create biasness in their judgment.


2)     Projection:  Some interviewers might have some qualities and they might value them a lot and might want to see the same qualities in the interviewee and if they don’t see the same qualities, they will be biased in their interview.



3)     Stereotyping : Stereotyping is the preset judgement a person makes based on the group to which the interviewee belongs. For example the interviewer might have a stereotype that women are not good for managerial positions so he might get biased into not giving good review in  job interview to a woman who applied for the a management position.


4)     Halo effect:  Halo effect is when a person makes good or bad judgement based on just one quality. In this the interviewer might get biased based on just one quality and might give good reviews without paying attention to other good qualities or bad qualities that a person has. Similarly the same thing goes for a bad quality that the interviewer might see in the interviewee.


5)     Similar to me effect :: In this the interviewer might try to find qualities in an interviewee which is similar to the interviewer. If he doesn’t find any such quality he will be biased to not hire the job applicant. If on the other hand he sees such a quality then he will be biased to hire the job applicant without paying attention to other qualities needed for the job



6)     Inadequate knowledge about the job:  Some times the interviewer might not be well-versed with the exact requirements for a position for which he might be conducting the interview. For example an HR manager hiring for a technical job in the information technology department. As this is a completely technical field so the manager taking the interview might not be capable enough to do the interview because of his limited knowledge of the field of computer sciences. In this case he will be biased to see human or communications skills more than the technical skills the job applicant has that are more important to the job than his human skills. Similarly the interviewer might be hiring for a non technical position but he might lack the knowledge of the exact requirements or specifications for the job opening.


7)     Previous interviewee effect:  If an interviewee is being interviewed immediately after a perceived good or bad interviewee then he will be judged against the previous interviewee. If the previous interviewee was perceived as very good by the interviewer then the next person will have difficulties in making a good impression on the interviewer and if the previous interviewee was perceived as bad then the next one will be considered good even if he is just slightly better than the previous. So this creates a bias on the part of the interviewer and is one of the mistakes in job interviews which lessens its effectiveness.


8)     Preconceived notion about the interviewee :  If the interviewer has already heard about the job interviewee before the interview from some other sources whether it is something good or bad about him, the interviewer will already have made an impression about the interviewee even before the interview begins. So this can introduce a good or a bad bias on the part of the interviewer and lessens the effectiveness of the interview.


9)     Emotional state of the interviewer :  As interview is a human interaction so it is prone to human emotions. If the interviewer is not emotionally stable then it might bias the interview. For example an interviewer sitting down to take the interview has just heard some bad news


before the start of the interview sessions and that might affect his judgement in reviewing the right person for the job.


All the factors mentioned above are mistakes that are involved in the interview process and that might affect the effectiveness of the job interview. There are many techniques to cope with these problems and make the interview as objective as possible so that exactly the right person can be hired for the right job.


Fall 2009

MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 2)

shared by Tahir Qazi<tmqazi@gmail.com>

Zubair Hussain<zubair254@gmail.com>

Time: 120 min

Marks: 92


Question No: 1    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Which one of the following is defined as a social entity composed of two or more people which functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals.


       ► Community

       ► Organization

       ► Partnership

       ► Treaty 


Question No: 2    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following are identified  as new managerial functions?


       ► Planning and organizing

       ► Leading and controlling

       ► Directing and monitoring

       ► TQM and continuous improvement


Question No: 3    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is defined as intellectual and mechanical processes used by an organization to transform inputs into products or services?


       ► Mechanism

       ► Technology328

       ► Operational system

       ► Information system


Question No: 4    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Faizan, a supervisor, has to choose between two different suggestions offered by employees about work schedule. Which one of the following will be most suitable for Faizan?


       ► Inductive reasoning

       ► Spatial visualization

       ► Deductive reasoning

       ► Perception


Question No: 5    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 According to the Big Five model; people having personality dimension of openness to experience are:


       ► Caring and dependable

       ► Flexible and risk taker

       ► Outgoing and talkative

       ► Tolerant and self-hearted



   ref handouts page 35  Sensitive, flexible

Question No: 6    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The ability of a person to manipiulate his/her emotions according to a given situation is called________________.

       ► Emotional Intelligence

       ► Emotional Constraints

       ► Affective Emotions 

       ► Cognitive dissonance

    Ref: Emotional Intelligence (EI) describes the ability, capacity, skill or, in the case of the trait EI model, a self-perceived ability, to identify, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups.

Question No: 7    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 According to which of the following decision making model; people seek solutions that are satisfactory and sufficient?


       ► Bounded Rational

       ► Three Component Model

       ► Contingency

       ► Rational

   Reference: Bounded Rationality; People satisfice—they seek solutions that are satisfactory and sufficient

Question No: 8    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 When individuals compare their outcomes and inputs against those of others, the framework is ______________.



       ► Equity theory

       ► Expectancy theory

       ► Reinforcement theory

       ► Two Factor theory


Question No: 9    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT a biographical characteristic?


       ► Region

       ► Age

       ► Sex

       ► Tenure


Question No: 10    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 What does MBO provide for the individual employee?


       ► Specific performance objectives

       ► Precise job descriptions

       ► Clear direction and purpose


       ► Higher salaries             


Question No: 11    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following  groups is defined by the organization’s structure?



       ► Informal

       ► Friendship

       ► Interest

       ► Formal


Question No: 12    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 A team in which a significant amount of communication and interaction occurs electronically rather than face to face is referred to as:


       ► A research and development team

       ► A self-managed work team

       ► A problem solving team

       ► A virtual team


Question No: 13    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Which of the following are the two dimensions of leader behavior explained in the Ohio State studies?


       ► Initiating structure and consideration

       ► Employee-oriented and production-oriented

       ► Concern for people and concern for production

       ► Operant conditioning and classical conditioning

    The most comprehensive and replicated of the behavioral theories resulted from research that

began at Ohio State University in the late 1940s. These researchers sought to identify

independent dimensions of leader behavior. • They narrowed over a thousand dimensions into two dimensions—initiating structure and consideration. 

Question No: 14    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which step determines whether understanding has been achieved during the communication process?


       ► Decoding

       ► Feedback

       ► Channel

       ► Encoding


Question No: 15    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Which of the following is NOT an example of upward communication?


       ► Informing employees of policies

       ► Suggestion boxes

       ► Grievance procedures

       ► A letter to your boss


Question No: 16    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Bilal tells his boss only what he believes the boss wants to hear. Bilal is engaging in:

       ► Filtering

       ► Defensiveness

       ► Selective perception

       ► Selective selection

    Filtering refers to a sender's purposely manipulating information so it will be seen more favorably by the receiver. For example, when a manager tells his boss what he feels his boss wants to hear, he is filtering information

Question No: 17    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following leadership model integrates the expectancy theory of motivation with the Ohio state Leadership research?




       ► Contingency

       ► Path-goal

       ► Leader-participation

       ► Cognitive arousal


Question No: 18    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The transactional and transformational leadership should be viewed as:


       ► Opposing approaches to accomplishing goals

       ► Subcomponents of situational leadership

       ► Building blocks of charismatic leadership

       ► Cumulative forms of leadership


Question No: 19    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is a feeling of devotion, duty, or attachment to somebody or something?





       ► Integrity

       ► Consistency


       ► Loyalty

       ► Reliability


Question No: 20    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The new manager-employee relationship is an example of which of the following type of trust?


       ► Deterrence-based

       ► Knowledge-based

       ► Identification-based

       ► Supposition-based





Question No: 21    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 When a bank robber points a gun at a bank employee, which of the following is his base of power?


       ► Coercive

       ► Legitimate

       ► Positional


       ► Authoritative


Question No: 22    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following types of power requires acceptance of the leader’s authority by members of the organization?


       ► Personal

       ► Organizational

            ► Legitimate

       ► Positional




Question No: 23    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Cricket stars influence people's choice of athletic shoes and cola drinks. People are admired due to which of the following power?

       ► Referent

       ► Expert

       ► Legitimate

       ► Personal


Question No: 24    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 High job specialization can lead to which of the following type of conflict?


       ► Communication

       ► Structural

       ► Personal-variable

       ► Job-related



Question No: 25    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is mostly likely to promote the success of mediation?


       ► High motivation of the disputing parties

       ► Shared perceptions of the mediator as coercive

       ► Shared perceptions of the mediator as biased

       ► Extensive experience of the mediator

    The key to success—the conflicting parties must be motivated to bargain and resolve their conflict, intensity cannot be too high, and the mediator must be perceived as neutral and no coercive.


Question No: 26    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Which of the following can be described as being loose in structure and a catalyst for open lines of communications throughout the organization which results in an increased flow of information?





Simple organizations►

    A decentralized organization can be described as being loose in structure and a catalyst for open lines of communications

Question No: 27    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 A tall, centralized hierarchy of authority and top-down communication and decision making are characteristics of which of the following organizational structures?


Organic structure►

Matrix structure►

Mechanistic► structure

Functional structure►


Question No: 28    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 A Plant Manager overseeing the functions of the Manager of Engineering, the Manager of Accounting, and the Manager of Manufacturing is an example of:



Product departmentalization►

Geographical departmentalization►

Functional► departmentalization

Process departmentalization► 


Question No: 29    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statement is TRUE with regard to boundaryless organizations?


These organizations attempt to emulate simple► structure

These remove the horizontal boundaries of► management

These do not adopt participative decision► making style

Team members will be rewarded for mastering► multiple skills


Question No: 30    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following are the forces that affect how an organization designs its structure?



Suppliers, competitors, job design►

Suppliers, job design, customers►

Environment, economic forces, competitors►


Environment, technology,► and human resources 


Question No: 31    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Giving workers more control over how a task is to be completed often leads to job enrichment because:


Workers can think out their own way of► tackling the task

Change their pattern of working when they► want

Feel more responsible for achieving the end► product

All of the given► options


Question No: 32    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following characterizes non-routine or complicated technologies?


High task variety and high task analyzability►

Low task variety and high task analyzability►

Low task variety and Low task analyzability►

High task► variety and low task analyzability

    Non-routine or complicated technologies are characterized by high task variety and low task analyzability.

Question No: 33    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 When the people are asked to envision the organization in five years and to describe what is different is called:





Dreaming. The information from the discovery phase is used to speculate on possiblefutures for the organization. For instance, people are asked to envision the organization infive years and to describe what is different.


Question No: 34    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 In practice, organizations use interviews _____.





To determine► applicant-organization fit

Solely to assess specific, job relevant► skills

To manipulate an applicant’s image of the► company

To assess a candidate’s credit► history



Question No: 35    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 All of the following are operational activities of HR EXCEPT __________________ which is a strategic activity.


Analyzing HR metrics and► measurements

Recruiting and selecting► employees

Responding to goals and► objectives set by executives

Complying with laws,► policies, and procedures


    not sure


Question No: 36    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Performance is a function of which of the following factors?

Skill, willingness to act and► reward

Ability, motivation and opportunity►

Knowledge, skills and abilities►

Tasks, incentives and rewards►


Question No: 37    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Cultures within an organization, typically defined by department designations and geographical separation are called:

Multi cultures►


National► Cultures

Dominant► Cultures



Question No: 38    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which characteristic is NOT reflective of subcultures?




Includes core values of► the organization

Typically defined by department► designations

Includes values shared only within the► organization

Includes values unique to members of a► department or group


Question No: 39    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Consistency of behavior is an asset to an organization when it faces which of the following?


Massive changes►

A dynamic environment►

An unknown environment►

A stable environment►



Question No: 40    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Looking for better way to stay is called:

Reactive► change

Anticipatory► change

Radical Change►

Incremental Change►


    – Radical change  • Major adjustments in the • ways a firm does business

– Incremental change  • Evolution over time • Many small routine changes

• Reactive Change: – Responding to changes in the external or internal environment.

• Anticipatory Change: – Looking for better ways to stay – Ahead of the competition

Question No: 41    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 When there is some change in organization that is intentional and goal-oriented activity then it is called;



Planned change►

Unplanned change►

Evolutionary change►


Revolutionary change►


    Some organizations treat all change as an accidental occurrence, however, change as an intentional, goal-oriented activity is planned change.

Question No: 42    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following technique refer to the application of direct threats or force upon resisters?







    Overcoming Resistance to Change•      Negotiation

–    Exchange something of value for a lessening of resistance.

•      Manipulation and Cooperation

–    Twisting and distorting facts to make them appear more attractive.

•      Coercion

–    The application of direct threats or force upon resisters.


Question No: 43    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 If a manger is responsible to define goals, establish an overall strategy for achieving those goals and matching activities accordingly, then which one of the following functions is he/ she performing?






    Planning requires a manager to: 

Define goals (organizational, departmental, worker levels) Establish an overall strategy for achieving those goals

Develop a comprehensive hierarchy of plans to integrate and coordinate activities.


Question No: 44    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which emotions are the emotions an individual actually is experiencing, despite what they might apparently show?






    Felt emotions are an individual’s actual emotions.


Displayed emotions are those that are organizationally required and considered appropriate in a given job. They are learned.

Question No: 45    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The communication used by managers to provide job instructions is an example of:


Downward communication►

Lateral►  communication

Directional►  communication

Diagonal communication►


Question No: 46    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 All of the following are the examples of reward power EXCEPT:


Work assignments►




Question No: 47    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 A person in the organization may have crucial information about a statistical breakthrough of great importance to the organization and its strategic marketing plan. This is an example of which of the following power?









Question No: 48    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Keeping subordinates informed about company policies and the penalties for violating those policies is an example of using which of the following power?






Question No: 49    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following best describes a leader?



Being a leader also means► being a manager

Leaders can emerge from with in a► group

Leaders are appointed to their► positions

Leaders influence others beyond the formal► authority


Question No: 50    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statements about gender difference in leadership is correct?

There is no difference in► leadership on the basis of gender

Women leaders are not good at► negotiation

Men leaders seem to be more supportive and► patient

Women tend to adopt democratic leadership► style


Question No: 51    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is the system of task, reporting, and authority relationships within which the work of the organization is done?




Organizational goals►

Organizational structure►

Organizational system►


Organizational charts►


Question No: 52    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is the manner in which divided tasks are combined and allocated to work groups?







Question No: 53    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Environmental uncertainty exists when managers:

Relax the constraints on product► demand

Attempt to simplify the general► environment

Attempt to stabilize the task► environment

Have difficulty predicting the impact of► environmental factors


Question No: 54    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The job design method aimed at increasing the motivational factors in a job is called:

Job enrichment►


Job enlargement►

Job rotation►



Question No: 55    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following selection technique is most commonly used worldwide?


Work sample test►


Background check►

Performance-simulation tests►


Question No: 56    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Website and internet is changing the way companies and individuals communicate. It is an example of which of the following forces for change?









Question No: 57    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 All of the following are examples of internal forces for change EXCEPT:


Company Crisis►

Changing work climate►

Declining effectiveness►



Question No: 58    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is the individual source of resistance to change?


Structural inertia►

Threat to expertise►

Dislike of change agent►

Threatened power►


Question No: 59    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Which of the following is the organizational source of resistance to change?

►Fear of unknown

►Economic threat

►New social relationship

►Threatened power


1.   Habit:  Life is complex, to cope with having to make hundreds of decisions everyday, we all rely on habits or programmed responses. 2.   Security:  People with a high need for security are likely to resist change because it threatens their feelings of safety. 3.   Economic factors:  Another source of individual resistance is concern that changes will lower one’s income. 4.   Fear of the unknown:  Changes substitute ambiguity and uncertainty for the known. 5.   Selective information processing:  Individuals shape their world through their perceptions. Once they have created this world, it resists change.



Question No: 60    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Few years earlier there was a huge market of Window Air conditioner in Pakistan. Now split air conditioners have replaced window AC. This change occurred due to which of the following driving forces of change?

►Changing values

►Changing nature of workforce


►Knowledge explosion

►Rapid product obsolescence


not sure


Question No: 61    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is the process in which data is gathered, analyzed, summarized and returned to those who generated them?


Process Consultation►

Survey feedback►

Inter-group development►

Sensitivity Training►


Survey Feedback

Survey feedback techniques can form the basis for a change process. In the process, data are gathered, analyzed, summarized, and returned to those who generated them to identify, discuss, and solve problems. Survey feedback is usually initiated by   top management or by a consultant   to management.


Question No: 62    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Textile industry of Pakistan is facing huge losses due to the downfall of electricity. These conditions are causing great stress among the employees and owners of


textile mills. Which of the following is the potential source of stress in this scenario?


Economic uncertainty►

Technological change►

Political uncertainty►

Task demand►


Question No: 63    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following performance management component is about acknowledging good performance?







Question No: 64    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT an HR’s role in career development?

Taking career development► initiatives

Polishing leadership qualities►

Matching individual and organization► needs


Identification of career► opportunities


Question No: 65    ( Marks: 3 )

 Who in organizations are responsible for managing change activities?



Question No: 66    ( Marks: 5 )

 What can management do to create a more ethical culture within an organization?


Question No: 67    ( Marks: 10 )

 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of External Change Agents.



Question No: 68    ( Marks: 10 )

 Discuss the contemporary change issues managers are facing these days.

FINALTERM  EXAMINATION MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 4)



Time: 120 min

Marks: 92


Question No: 1    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which one of the following is not considered as a part of organizational output?


       ► Finished goods

       ► Services

       ► Dividends

       ► Capital


Question No: 2    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The degree to which people in a country accept that power in institution and organizations is distributed unequally is called:


       ► Terminal Values

       ► Power Distance

       ► Fairness

       ► Uncertainty Avoidance



Question No: 3    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Emotional Responses that the organization requires workers to show and considers appropriate in a given job are called:


       ► Felt Emotions

       ► Displayed Emotions

       ► Moods

       ► Emotional Intelligence


Question No: 4    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 When an employee expresses organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transaction, it is called:


       ► Alexithymia

       ► Felt Emotions

       ► Emotional Labor

       ► Displayed Emotions


Question No: 5    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Asif is late for work each day by about ten minutes. How would Attribution Theory describe this behavior?


       ► It shows consensus

       ► It shows similarity

       ► It shows reliability

       ► It shows consistency


Question No: 6    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Amna is an honest and straightforward person. She believes her employees are all similarly honest and straightforward, ignoring signs that they may be

manipulating her. What perceptual shortcut is Amna most likely using?


       ► Prototyping

       ► Contrast effect

       ► Halo effect

       ► Projection


Question No: 7    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 What is generally considered to be the single best thing that managers can do to improve performance?


       ► Allocate tasks depending on personality

       ► Restrict the use of punishment as a means of motivating workers

       ► Give abundant opportunities for employee growth


       ► Concentrate on intrinsic rewards rather than extrinsic rewards


Question No: 8    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 In equity theory, individuals assess the ________________.


       ► Cost-benefit ratio

       ► Efficiency-effectiveness trade-off

       ► Quantity-quality trade-off

       ► Outcome-input ratio


Question No: 9    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Who sets MBO objectives?


       ► The immediate supervisor

       ► The superior and subordinate

       ► The head of department

       ► The employees themselves


Question No: 10    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Fahad, Zain and Usama work in different departments, but often take lunch together. They are an example of what type of group?









Question No: 11    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 When the group energy is focused on the task at hand, the group has moved to the _____________ stage.







Question No: 12    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Demand on leader is ___________ in a team comprising of 2-7 members.








Question No: 13    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following best demonstrates the effectiveness of self-managed teams? 


An increase in the number of teams required to► manufacture a product

A reduction in the number of employees► qualified to participate in the teams

A significant reduction in response time for► resolving customer concerns

An increase in the technology budget for► connecting team members


Question No: 14    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT true about electronic meeting?


Participants type their responses onto a► computer screen

It can be highly effective under certain► conditions

Group cohesiveness will be considered► high

Participants will be honest and► anonymous



Question No: 15    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 There is fairly strong evidence that traits can predict _____ more accurately than leadership effectiveness.


Leadership emergence►

Extr►aversion in leaders

Leadership awareness►

Leadership competence►


Question No: 16    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The University of Michigan researchers concluded that:

       ► Employee-oriented leaders had lower productivity

       ► Employee-oriented leaders had higher productivity

       ► Production-oriented leaders created lower employee satisfaction

       ► Production-oriented leaders created higher employee satisfaction


Question No: 17    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of House’s leaders from path-goal theory are friendly and show concern for the needs of followers?





       ► Directive

       ► Supportive

       ► Participative

       ► Achievement-oriented


Question No: 18    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The charismatic leaders are likely to:





       ► Invoke high performance among followers

       ► Encourage women to seek leadership positions

       ► Motivate followers to become more extroverted

       ► Avoid media attention regarding their achievements


Question No: 19    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Sumeera has been working in a packaging company for last ten years. She is the most senior employee of her department that’s why her manager frequently relies on her judgment. Whenever manger goes out of city for work, he put Sumeera in charge because he knows she will handle work efficiently in his absence. What type of trust relationship is this?




       ► Reward-based trust

       ► Knowledge-based trust

       ► Identification-based trust

       ► Deterrence-based trust


Question No: 20    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Legitimate power is based on which of the following element?





       ► Positive rewards

       ► Interpersonal trust

       ► Structural position

       ► Expert knowledge


Question No: 21    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Your physician has advised you to take a series of medications. You comply because of her which of the following power?






       ► Formal

       ► Expert

       ► Referent

       ► Information


Question No: 22    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which type of conflict will you experience  among the multiple roles in your life,  like role of a father and a manager?

       ► Intergroup Conflict

       ► Interpersonal Conflict

       ► Interrole Conflict

       ► Intrarole Conflict


Question No: 23    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 All of the following are types of conflict EXCEPT:

       ► Task Conflict

       ► Person-role Conflict

       ► Relationship Conflict

       ► Process Conflict



Question No: 24    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The interactionist view of conflict proposes that functional conflict is:





       ► Necessary for effective group performance

       ► An indication of the group maturity level

       ► Always focused around relationships

       ► Make group members static and apathetic


Question No: 25    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 UNO wants to bring in a neutral third party who will facilitate a negotiated solution by using reasoning, persuasion, suggesting alternatives, and the like.  This person is a(n):










Question No: 26    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 In comparing the organizational design needs of the small organization and the large organization, which of the following is a consideration for the small organization?


More formalization►

More specialization►

More centralization►

Flat hierarchy of authority►


Question No: 27    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which one of the following is consistent with a simple structure?

High centralization►

High► employee discretion




Question No: 28    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 You have eliminated horizontal, vertical, and external barriers within your organization. You are operating as a/an:







Boundaryless organization►

Organizational pyramid►

Matrix organization►

Virtual organization►


Question No: 29    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 A trucking company routinely makes all of its office staff work for a week in the warehouse area; loading trucks, cleaning trucks, and doing other work which they are capable of. This program is an example of which of the following?



Job► rotation

Job enlargement►

Job► enrichment

Job► sharing


Question No: 30    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Essential elements of TQM include all EXCEPT:

Analysis of customer quality► needs





Question No: 31    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The purpose of --------------- is for an outside consultant to assist a manager, “to perceive, understand, and act upon process events”.

Process Consultation►

Team► Building

Appreciative► Inquiry

Sensitivity► Training


Question No: 32    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Once the causes of difficulty have been identified, the groups can move to the _____________ to develop solutions that will improve relations between the groups.

Process► Consultation

Appreciative► Inquiry

Integration phase►

Team► Building



Question No: 33    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which type of selection technique is given the most weight?


Written test►

Performance-simulation test►

Electronic test►



Question No: 34    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The centerpiece of most diversity programs is:



Employer commitment►


Human resource personnel►


Question No: 35    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 A strong culture can act as a substitute for which of the following?








Organizational rules►


Question No: 36    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Consistency of behavior is an asset to an organization when it faces which of the following?





Massive changes►

A► dynamic environment

An► unknown environment

A stable environment►


Question No: 37    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is an example of change in the nature of competition?






Growth of e-commerce►

Decline in global oil prices►

Increased interest in urban► living

A► decrease in interest rates


Question No: 38    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT a source of individual resistance to change?








Economic factors►


Question No: 39    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 What term is used for feelings that tend to be less intensive than emotions?







Question No: 40    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of  group in organization?

Common goal►

Interaction with one► another

Accept expectations and obligations►

Mutually independent►


Question No: 41    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following refers to the network of personal and social relations that is developed spontaneously between people associated with each other?


Formal organization►

Informal organization►

Business organization►

Government organization►



Question No: 42    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 All of the following are the primary bases of personal power EXCEPT:

Referent power►

Position power►

Expert power►

Coercive power►


Question No: 43    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Trying to make someone else accept blame for a problem is an example of which of the following conflict handling intention?









Question No: 44    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 At Sawera Manufacturing, Inc., the sales representatives often argue with the production employees because promised orders are often behind the schedule. The


production employees claim that the sales representatives frequently fail to submit orders until they are already past due. The sales representatives and the production employees are experiencing which of the following conflict?

Competition for scarce► resources

Intergroup conflict►

Interpersonal conflict►

Representative conflict►


Question No: 45    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 When two party’s goals are incompatible, but their interactions are important to meeting their goals, which reaction to conflict is likely to occur?






Question No: 46    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT a personal cause of conflict in organizations?




Authority relationships►




Question No: 47    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 To achieve a compromise approach, one needs to________________.


Avoid► overt disagreement

Value► openness and trust

Dominate the other conflicting► party

Give up something of value►


Question No: 48    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Division of labor is often referred to as which of the following?






The organizational chart►


T►he administrative hierarchy



Question No: 49    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 When there is a narrow span of control, to improve the span of control there is likely to be:



An increase in the number of► workers

Less► control over production workers

More► administrative levels

Less► bureaucracy


Question No: 50    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Jobs grouped according to traditional business tasks such as marketing, manufacturing, and personnel are departmentalized by:






Question No: 51    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The process of constructing and adjusting an organization's structure to achieve its goals is:


Strategic management►

Strategy-structure fit►

Organizational design►

Organizational► reconfiguration


Question No: 52    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 An alternative work arrangement in which employees must be present to perform job duties during a required core time but starting and ending work times can vary is called which of the following?




Job► sharing

Compressed workweek► scheduling

Task restructuring►



Question No: 53    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The tools, techniques, and actions used by an organization to transform inputs into outputs are called:

An► organization's technology

The► throughput


The transformation process►

Work► design


Question No: 54    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following states the minimum acceptable qualifications that the incumbent must possess to perform the job successfully?



Job► description

Job specification►

Job► evaluation

Job► enrichment


Question No: 55    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following specifies the relative value of each job in the organization?



Job► description

Job► specification

Job evaluation►

Job► enrichment



Question No: 56    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 All of the following are examples of external forces for change EXCEPT:

Workforce diversity►


Company Crisis►

Ethical behavior►


Question No: 57    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 All of the following are examples of external forces for change EXCEPT:



Changing work climate►

Workforce diversity►


Ethical behavior►


Question No: 58    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is the individual source of resistance to change?



Structural inertia►


Threat to expertise►

Fear► of unknown

Threatened power►


Question No: 59    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is the individual source of resistance to change?



Structural inertia►

Threat to expertise►

New► social relationships

Threatened power►


Question No: 60    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is the process of planned change and improvement of the organization through application of knowledge of the behavioral science?





Organizational culture►

Organizational theory►


Organizational Change►

Organizational Development►


Question No: 61    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following can be termed as organizational development program?




Switching from manual to computerized► system

Technological change►

Total Quality Management►

Designing changes for other► organization


Question No: 62    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is the process in which data is gathered, analyzed, summarized and returned to those who generated them?


Process Consultation►

Survey feedback►

Inter-group development►

Sensitivity Training►



Question No: 63    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following performance component is about addressing poor performance and improving good performance?







Question No: 64    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Usman is a production in charge in an organization. His performance can be judged on the criteria of cost of per unit of production or total units produced. Identify the criteria on which his performance has been evaluated.




Individual task outcomes►



Question No: 65    ( Marks: 3 )

 What can organizations do to help employees develop their careers?

Organizations will need to develop a strategy for attracting and keeping the desired workers.


Organization need to develop employee career development program.

Some of them are following


Mentoring & Coaching:

senior member of organization  takes an active role in guiding other employees or management is called mentoring.


Tuition assistance programs

Provide additional information to employee so they have  better choice of the career.


Job rotation:

 Change the employee to one kind of job to other kind of job so they get knowledge of wide variety of jobs.



Question No: 66    ( Marks: 5 )

 Discuss why reward power is the easiest base of power to use.


The opposite of coercive power is reward power.


People get motivation when they get positive benefits; therefore, one who can distribute rewards they view them as valuable.



If we  can give someone something of positive value or remove something of negative

value, we  have reward power over that person.


These rewards could of different types depending upon the how the person value these rewards



• Coercive power and reward power opposite of each other.


If we can remove something of positive value from someone or give  something of negative value upon him then we have coercive power over that person.


Being an agent of change we like to proceed




Question No: 67    ( Marks: 10 )

 What factors provoke the organizational change; as being the initiator of such change how will you proceed?



    Organizational change is the process to take an organization away from its present state and toward some future state to increase its effectiveness.  Due to changing nature of our environment its necessary to keeping changing organizational strategies to adjust with environment.


 Force like economic, Policies , diversity , competitive forces keep changing with the passage of time and an organization is continuously interacting with these forces.


So its become necessity for the organization to change to handle those external changes.


Managers are the primary change agents in most organizations.


There are two type of forces of change

Internal and external

External foces : economics, Technology, social and Political forces


Internal : company crises, effectiveness of decision making,



During the change we face the different type of internal resistance.

Will try to over com the resistance by



Education and communication: we can reduc resistance by provide more information about the change and giving positive view of that change


Manipulation and cooptation:

Twisting and distorting facts to make them appear more attractive, and hide undesirable information, and creating false rumors to get employees to accept a change


Support and Training  Employee counseling is very powerful tool to get support, New-skills training, or a short paid leave also can  facilitate adjustment. Only draw back of it is,  time-consuming, expensive, implementation offers no guarantee  of success.


Negotiation Negotiation as a tactic may be necessary when resistance is from powerful source.

Coercion we can use  threats of transfer, loss of promotions, negative performance

Evaluations, and a poor letter of recommendation




Question No: 68    ( Marks: 10 )

 Which bases of power are more effective, also explain how these bases can be used productively.?


Power :


Power refers to a capacity that A has to influence the behavior of B, so that B acts in

accordance with A’s wishes


Referent Power: 


Referent power is based on identification with a person who has desirable resources or personal qualities.

If I like, respect and admire you, you can exercise power on me because I want to please you. It helps explain, for instance why celebrities are paid so high to introduce  products in commercial Marketing. These celebrities has referent power.



Expert power


Expert power is influence as  a result of expertise or  special skill or knowledge.


As jobs become more specialized we become increasingly dependent on experts to achieve goals. Like doctors have expert power what prescription or advice they give they exercise their expert power.


Most of us follow their advice that our they gives us.



you should also recognize that computer specialists are able to wield power as a result of their expertise. Expertise has become one of the most powerful sources of influence as the world has become more technologically oriented. 


Legitimate Power:  in organization  most frequent access to one or more of the power bases is structural  position. This is called legitimate power. It represents the formal authority to control and use organizational resources.


It include reward and coercive power. Legitimate power, is border  than the power to coerce and reward. Specifically, it includes acceptance by members in an organization of the authority of a position. School  principals, CEO of company are some of example of legitimate power.



Charismatic Power:

• Is an extension of referent power.  An individual’s personality and interpersonal style make others to follow because they can articulate attractive visions.

Holder of this kind of power , take personal risks, demonstrate follower sensitivity.


Coercive Power:


Base of coercive power is dependent on fear or threat of application of physical pain or generate the fear.

In the organizationa, A has coercive power over B if A can dismiss, suspend, or demote




Reward Power:

The opposite of coercive power is reward power. People comply because doing so produces positive benefits; therefore, one who can distribute rewards that others view as valuable.  These rewards can be anything depending upon the person how much that reward is valuable for him.


I think Reward power is more powerful because you can give reward to person depending up on that how much they value that reward. Like in organization if you wanted to get something done and your subordinate know that their work will be given a proper reward then he/she put his best to give output by keep his reward in mind



Spring 2009

MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 3)

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which emotions are the emotions an individual actually is experiencing, despite what they might apparently show.

► Felt

► Displayed


► Conditional

► Exposed

Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding face-to-face communication?

► It is highly personal

► It has high channel richness

► It usually results in delayed feedback

► It offers multiple information cues

Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following are examples of downward communication flows EXCEPT:

► Managers informing employees of procedures

► Managers pointing out problems that need attention

► Employees completing attitude surveys

► Managers telling employees to work more quickly


Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


leader high in initiating structure would do which of the following?

► Exhibit laissez-faire type of leadership

► Maximize leader-member relations

► Assign group members to particular tasks

► Empower employees to make their own decisions

Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Teams are very useful in which of the following situations:

► The work to be performed is very basic

► The tasks are interrelated

► No one wants to be accountable

► The group is homogeneous

Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is true about virtual teams?


► There is an absence of verbal cues

► There is limited social context

► People collaborate online

► All of the given options

Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Team members with good listening, feedback, and conflict resolution skills possess ______________.

► Technical expertise

► Problem-solving skills

► Decision-making skills

► Interpersonal skills

Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT one of the key components of effective teams?

► Effective work design

► Recognized company identity

► Supportive contextual influences


► Well-managed team processes

Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

After which stage of a group’s development is there a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership within the group?

► Norming

► Storming

► Development

► Forming

Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements is true?

► All command groups are also task groups

► All task groups are also friendship groups

► All command groups are also informal groups

► All informal groups are also command groups

Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



which of the following situation Synergy is most likely to occur?

► The activities of all group members are fully dependent on one another

► The performance of one member of a group affects what other members do

► Group members must perform specific behaviors in a predetermined order

► Group members acting together produce more or better output than alone

Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which one of the following groups may want government to direct more attention to environmental problems?

► Interest group

► Command group

► Formal group

► Task group

Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a job that does not lend itself to telecommuting?


► An attorney who spends most of her time researching on the computer

► A car salesman who demonstrates the features of a new model of car

► A telemarketer who uses the phone to contact clients

► A product support specialist who fields calls from customers

Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is an example of a piece-rate plan?

► Stock options

► Rs20 for each unit produced

► Productivity bonus

► Commission

Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What sort of goals does Management By Objectives (MBO) emphasize?

► Attainable, verifiable and measurable

► Achievable, controllable and profitable

► Inspirational, teachable and creative

► Challenging, emotional and constructive


Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a biographical characteristic?

► Region

► Age

► Sex

► Tenure

Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is the largest demographic change in the last few years in Pakistani workforce?

► Increasing ethnic diversity

► A fall in married workers

► Increasing age of workers

► More women in the workforce

Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which one of the following would be considered a motivator in the two-factor theory?

► Salary

► Working conditions

► Bonuses

► Responsibility

Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following method is used for strengthening desirable behavior?

► Negative Reinforcement

► Neutral Reinforcement

► Pleasant Reinforcement

► Positive Reinforcement

Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is generally considered to be the single best thing that managers can do to improve performance?


► Allocate tasks depending on personality

► Restrict the use of punishment as a means of motivating workers

► Give abundant opportunities for employee growth

► Concentrate on intrinsic rewards rather than extrinsic rewards

Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT an important issue relating to goal-setting theory?

► Defining the goal

► Goal difficulty

► Goal specificity

► Equity among co-workers

Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to Maslow, when does a need stop motivating?

► When it is substantially satisfied

► It never stops motivating

► When one returns to a lower level need

► When one chooses to move to a higher level need


Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If a

person responds the same way over time, attribution theory states that the behavior shows ______________.

► Distinctiveness

► Consensus

► Consistency

► Continuity

Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


is late for work each day by about ten minutes. How would Attribution Theory describe this behavior?

► It shows consensus

► It shows similarity

► It shows reliability

► It shows consistency

Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


According to attribution theory, which of the following is an internally caused behavior?

► Working late in order to get a promotion

► Arriving at work late because heavy traffic

► Working weekends because of your employer’s orders

► Depending on luck for success

Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is the name of the theory that deals with how we explain the cause of behaviors of others?

► Judgment Theory

► Selective Perception Theory

► Attribution Theory

► Equality Theory

Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT an ethic in decision making?


► Utilitarianism

► Focus on right

► Focus on justice

► Favoritism

Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following decision making style shows low tolerance for ambiguity and seeks rationality?

► Directive

► Analytical

► Conceptual

► Behavioral

Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to which of the following decision making model; people seek solutions that are satisfactory and sufficient?

► Bounded Rational

► Three Component Model

► Contingency


► Rational

Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Asma is experiencing conveyance problem for her college pick and drop. She decides to use the rational decision-making model to decide what to do. What might be the next step she takes if she follows this model?

► Define the problem

► Identify the decisions criteria

► Evaluate other available alternatives

► Select the best alternative

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the dimension of emotional intelligence that describes the ability to manage your own emotions and impulses?

► Self-awareness

► Self-management

► Commitment

► Social-skills


Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Big Five model is related to ________________

► Perception

► Personality

► Experience

► Culture

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are defined as accepted principles or standards of a person or a group?

► Traditions

► Norms

► Attitudes

► Values

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


is an employee in a company. He expresses his dissatisfaction by discussing the


problem with the superiors, suggests improvements and involves the unions in problem solving, He expresses his dissatisfaction in which of the following ways:

► Exit

► Voice

► Loyalty

► Neglect

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Rabia is working in a software house. She is a very hard working, motivated to achieve organizational goals and due to her attachment with the organization she wishes to continue her job with the same organization. Her behavior is showing:

► Job involvement

► Job satisfaction

► Job commitment

► Job enrichment

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is defined as a way of looking at life; a way of thinking, feeling or behaving?


► Value

► Attitude

► Behavior

► Mood

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Learning theories include all of the following EXCEPT:

► Classical conditioning

► Social learning

► Operant conditioning

► Contingency theory

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is not considered as a characteristic of organizations?

► Social entities

► Goal oriented

► Closed system


► Deliberately structured

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which one of the following set of skills is best representing the required competencies of managers?

► Technical skills, human skills and conceptual skills

► Leading skills and motivational skills

► Organizing skills and interpersonal skills

► Motivating skills and intrapersonal skills

Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Management functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling were first classified by_______.

► Stephen Covey

► Henry Mintzeberg

► Henri Fayol

► Marry Parker

Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )


Which biographical characteristics best predict productivity? Absenteeism? Turnover? Satisfaction?

Satisfaction and absenteeism• We find a consistent negative relationship between satisfaction and absenteeism. The moresatisfied you are, the less likely you are to miss work.• It makes sense that dissatisfied employees are more likely to miss work, but other factorshave an impact on the relationship and reduce the correlation coefficient. For example, youmight be a satisfied worker, yet still take a “mental health day” to head for the beach nowand again.31


Spring 2009

MGT502- Organizational Behavior (Session - 1)

Ref No:

Time: 60 min

Marks: 50


Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


opinion or belief segment of an attitude is described by which component of attitude?

► Cognitive

► Affective

► Behavioral

► Behavior intension

Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best described these values?

► Terminal values

► Instrumental values

► Theoretical values

► Social values

Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following country is a representative of collectivism as a nation i.e. group harmony, cohesiveness, consensus and corporation?

► Canada

► Japan

► United States

► Cape Town

Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Guatemala is a country where inequalities exist showing gap between rich and poor. Which of the following value is truly representing the state of Guatemala?

► Power distance

► Individualism

► Collectivism

► Uncertainty avoidance

100%sure Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Big Five model is related to ________________


► Perception

► Personality

► Experience

► Culture

Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which dimension of the Big Five model refers to be pleasant and accommodating in social situations?

► Extroversion

► Openness to experience

► Emotional stability

► Agreeableness

Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT one of the traits according to the Big Five Model?

► Conscientiousness

► Extroversion

► Agreeableness


► Self actualization

Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Emotional Responses that the organization requires workers to show and considers appropriate in a given job are called:

► Felt Emotions

► Displayed Emotions

► Moods

► Emotional Intelligence

100%sure Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT one of the six universal emotions, as agreed upon by most contemporary researchers?

► Anger

► Fear

► Hate

► Sadness

100%sure Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one(chap 12)

Sana is a group leader at interior designing firm. She is concerned with the


achievement of her peers and subordinates, she appreciate their suggestions and motivates them to come up with something new and unique. Which of the following is Sana’s style?

► Conceptual

► Behavioral

► Directive

► Analytical

100%sure Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one (chap 11)

“Just because he was late in his first class, his teacher thinks he is irresponsible student". Which error teacher has commited in this case?

► Selective perception

► Stereotyping

► Hallo effect

► Social perception

100%sure Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one(chap 11)

It is

not possible for Mr. Asim to understand everything he sees, he notices a few of the things, we can say that he engages in:


► Assimilating

► Selective perception

► Halo Effect

► Target Perception

Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to attribution theory, which of the following is an example of externally caused behavior?

► An employee is late because of a flat tire.

► An employee was promoted because of his abilities

► An employee was fired because he slept on the job.

► An employee was promoted because he was hard working.

Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to attribution theory, if someone shows different behaviors in different situations then this can be termed as___________.

► Consensus

► Distinctiveness

► Reliability


► Consistency

Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement best describes “motivation?”

► Results in a level of efforts put by a group

► Intensifies an individual’s efforts from others

► Guides an individual’s efforts towards a goal

► Meets an individual’s needs, wants and demnands

Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Shahid is a salaried employee whose job is to proof read legal documents. He discovers that he is paid substantially more than his colleagues, even though their jobs and performances are very similar. What is likely to be his reaction to this discovery according to equity theory?

► The quantity of documents he proofreads will decrease

► The quality of documents he proofreads will decrease

► The quantity and/or the quality of documents he proofreads will increase

► There will be no effect of this fact on his performance


Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


degree to which an individual believes that performing at a particular level will generate a desired outcome is defined by expectancy theory as what kind of relationship.

► Performance-reward

► Effort-performance

► Reward-personal goal

► Effort-satisfaction

Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Two-factor theory suggests that dissatisfaction is caused by extrinsic factors. Which of the following is an example of such a factor?

► Advancement

► Working condition

► Achievement

► Recognition

Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


What continuum in the two-factor theory is made up of the hygiene factors?

► No dissatisfaction to dissatisfaction

► No dissatisfaction to satisfaction

► Satisfaction to no satisfaction

► Satisfaction to dissatisfaction

Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a biographical characteristic?

► Region

► Age

► Sex

► Tenure

Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements concerning tenure is NOT true?

► Tenure does not appear to be a good predictor of employee productivity


► Tenure and satisfaction are positively related

► Tenure is a good variable in explaining turnover

► Tenure and organizational investment are negatively related

Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What does MBO provide for the individual employee?

► Specific performance objectives

► Precise job descriptions

► Clear direction and purpose

► Higher salaries

Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Who sets MBO objectives?

► The immediate supervisor

► The superior and subordinate

► The head of department

► The employees themselves


Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are all forms of variable-pay programs?

Wage incentive plans, flextime, piece-rate►

Piece-rate, wage incentive plans, gain sharing►

Profit-sharing, lump-sum bonuses, extended vacations►

Retirement benefits, extended vacations, flextime►

Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is one advantage of variable pay plans to management?

They turn fixed labor costs into variable labor costs►

They turn low producers into high producers►

They turn slow employees into fast employees►They turn high fixed costs into low fixed costs►

Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements most accurately describes interest groups?


They are longer lasting than friendship groups►

They are formed because of some common objective►

They are governed by labor laws►

They are likely to involve great social conflict►

Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Teams typically outperform individuals when the tasks being completed ______________

►Require multiple skills

Require judgment►

Require experience►

All of the given options►

Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Team members with good listening, feedback, and conflict resolution skills possess ______________.

Technical expertise►

Problem-solving skills►Decision-making skills►


►Interpersonal skills

Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is one of the drawbacks of a small team?

Lack for diversity of views►

Less chances of disagreement ►Less rigidity ►

Less difficult to assemble ►

Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Individual decisions are generally preferable to group decisions when which of the following is required?




Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



main difference between a leader and a manager is:

Managers seek change and leaders don't►Leaders are thought of as better people because they don't punish►

Leaders are advocates for change, and managers for the status quo►

Managers are concerned with people, and leaders with events►

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a behavioral theory of leadership?

Trait theory►

Fiedler model►Ohio State studies► and definitely University of Michigan.

Equity Theory►

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to the Ohio State studies, the extent to which a leader’s behavior is directed toward getting the job done is called:

Initiating structure►




Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


leader high in initiating structure would do which of the following?

Exhibit laissez-faire type of leadership►

Maximize leader-member relations►Assign group members to particular tasks►

Empower employees to make their own decisions►

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


graphic portrayal of a two-dimensional view of leadership styles by Blake and Mouton is known as:

Least preferred co-worker scale►

Leader-participation model►Autocratic-democratic continuum►

Managerial grid►


Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


means by which a communication is passed is called:


Instrument ►


Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Bulletin, notice boards, circulars are considered to be which type of communication?

Upward communication►Downward communication►

Horizontal communication►Lateral communication►

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is an important nonverbal component of communication?


Written memo ►

Paraphrase ►Eye contact►

E-mail ►

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following communication network occurs when a checkout clerk reports to a department manager, who in turn reports to a store manager, who reports to a regional manager?




Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


_____ network best serves to promote high member satisfaction.



Wheel► All-channel►

Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )

What are the common skills exhibited by an effective manager?

A skill is an ability to act in a way that allows a person to perform highly in her or his role. Managers need three types of skills:

1. Conceptual Skills2. Human Skills3. Technical Skills

Technical Skill





Conceptual Skill

Developing a Mission of (LIFE OR COMPANY)

1. Conceptual skills to analyze and diagnose a situation to distinguish between cause and effect;

2. Human skills to understand, work with, lead, and control the behavior of individuals and groups

3. Technical skills job-specific knowledge and techniques required to perform an organizational role.

Effective managers need all three types of skills—conceptual, human, and technical. For example,

Entrepreneurs often are technically skilled but lack conceptual and human skills. Scientists who become managers have technical expertise, but low levels of human skills.


Management Skills

Robert Katz has identified three essential management skills: technical, human, and conceptual.

1. Technical Skills

• The ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise. All jobs require some specialized

expertise, and many people develop their technical skills on the job.

2. Human Skills

• The ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in

groups, describes human skills. Many people are technically proficient but interpersonally incompetent

3. Conceptual Skills

1. The mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations

2. Decision making, for example, requires managers to spot problems, identify alternatives

that can correct them, evaluate those alternatives, and select the best one.


Skills Exhibited by an Effective Manager

1. Clarifies goals and objectives for everyone involved

2. Encourages participation, upward communication, and suggestions

3. Plans and organizes for an orderly work flow

4. Has technical and administrative expertise to answer organization-related questions

5. Facilitates work through team building, training, coaching and support

6. Provides feedback honestly and constructively

7. Keeps things moving by relying on schedules, deadlines, and helpful reminder

8. Controls details without being over-bearing

9. Applies reasonable pressure for goal accomplishment

10. Empowers and delegates key duties to others while maintaining goal clarity and commitment

11. Recognizes good performance with rewards and positive reinforcement


Spring 2009

MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 4)

Time: 60 min

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



behavior of people is influenced by which of the following factors?

► Psychological needs

► Individual drives

► Social roles and status

► All of the given options

Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is defined as intellectual and mechanical processes used by an organization to transform inputs into products or services?

► Mechanism

► Technology

► Operational system

► Information system

Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is not one of the types of attitude?

► Job satisfaction

► Job Involvement


► Organizational Behavior

► Organizational commitment

100%sure Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT included in the ways employees can express dissatisfaction?

► Exit

► Voice

► Loyalty

► Noise

Exit: Behavior directed toward leaving the organization, including looking for a new position aswell as resigning.31

Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best described these values?

► Terminal values

► Instrumental values


► Theoretical values

► Social values

Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


relatively stable set of psychological attributes that distinguishes one person from another is called __________

► Attitude

► Personality

► Perception

► Mind-set

Personality“The relatively stable set ofpsychological attributes thatdistinguish one person fromanother”


Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to the Big Five model; people having personality dimension of openness to experience are:


► Caring and dependable

► Flexible and risk taker

► Outgoing and talkative

► Tolerant and self-hearted

Openness to ExperienceReflects the extent to which an individual has broad interests and is willing to be a risk-taker


Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Abad thinks that his own actions and behaviors have an impact in determining what happens to him. What do you think he has?

► Core locus of control

► Personal Locus of control

► Internal Locus of control

► External Locus of control

100%sure Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following is the dimension of emotional intelligence that describes the ability to manage your own emotions and impulses?

► Self-awareness

► Self-management

► Commitment

► Social-skills

Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a factor in the individual perceiver?

► Attitude

► Motive

► Location

► Perception

Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


decision making model that describes how individuals should behave in order to maximize some outcomes is:


► Rational decision making

► Bonded rational model

► Intuitive decision making

► Contingent decision making

100%sure Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is the first step in the Rational Decision-Making Model?

► Defining the problem

► Weighing the decision criteria

► Identifying the decision criteria

► Developing alternatives

Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT an assumption of the rational decision-making model?

► The decision maker has complete information

► The decision maker is aware of all consequences

► The decision maker can identify all the relevant criteria


► The decision maker is constrained by time and costs

Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


someone wishes to emphasize the importance of making decisions consistent with fundamental liberties and privileges, the focus of his/her teaching will be on which of the following?

► Rights

► Privilege

► Justice

► Utilitarianism

Focus on rights—calls on individuals to make decisions consistent with fundamental liberties andprivileges as set forth in documents such as the Bill of Rights


Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to attribution theory, which of the following is an internally caused behavior?

► Working late in order to get a promotion

► Arriving at work late because heavy traffic


► Working weekends because of your employer’s orders

► Depending on luck for success

100% sure Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one (chap 11)

Amna is an honest and straightforward person. She believes her employees are all similarly honest and straightforward, ignoring signs that they may be

manipulating her. What perceptual shortcut is Amna most likely using?

► Prototyping

► Contrast effect

► Halo effect

► Projection

100%sure Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs deals with satisfying one’s hunger, thirst, and need for sex?

► Esteem

► Safety

► Physiological

► Social


Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Sheraz wants to become a surgeon, not only because achieving this goal will give him self-respect and autonomy, but also because he wants a job with high status and recognition from others. Which of Maslow’s needs is Sheraz trying to fill?

► Self-actualization

► Social

► Esteem pakka

► Safety

Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Hassan derives a great sense of belongingness, acceptance and friendship from his relationships with his extended family. Which of Maslow’s needs is Hassan fulfilling through these relationships?

► Self-actualization

► Esteem

► Social

► Physiological

Social needs: affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship



Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is the primary organizational factor that satisfies people’s physiological needs?

► Relationship

► Recognition

► Pay

► Admiration

Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of Maslow’s needs best approximates McClelland’s need for achievement?

► Esteem

► Self-actualization

► Physiological

► Social

Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following is NOT a comparison an employee can use in equity theory?

► Self-inside

► Self-goal

► Other-outside

► Self-outside

Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


degree to which an individual believes that performing at a particular level will generate a desired outcome is defined by expectancy theory as what kind of relationship.

► Performance-reward

► Effort-performance

► Reward-personal goal

► Effort-satisfaction

Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following concepts is inconsistent with the expectancy theory of motivation?


► Self-interest is pursued

► Performance and rewards are related

► Attractive rewards will motivate

► One’s inputs and outputs are compared to another’s

Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is the largest demographic change in the last few years in Pakistani workforce?

► Increasing ethnic diversity

► A fall in married workers

► Increasing age of workers

► More women in the workforce

Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is the name for an incentive plan where improvements in group productivity determine the total amount of money that is allocated?

► Gainsharing

► Profit-sharing


► Piece rates

► Employee ownership

Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


which of the following situation Synergy is most likely to occur?

► The activities of all group members are fully dependent on one another

► The performance of one member of a group affects what other members do

► Group members must perform specific behaviors in a predetermined order

► Group members acting together produce more or better output than alone

Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following type of teams would most likely empower its team members to make work-related decisions?

► Technical

► Self-managed

► Problem-solving

► Cross functional


100% sure Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is true about virtual teams?

► There is an absence of verbal cues

► There is limited social context

► People collaborate online

► All of the given options

Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following are problem solving techniques EXCEPT:

► Consensus

► Brainstorming

► Nominal Group Techniques

► Synergy

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement best defines leadership?


► Implementing the strategy provided by management

► Least concerned in bringing organizational change

► Coordinating and handling day-to-day problems

► The ability to influence a group in goal achievement

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following leadership style gave the group members complete freedom?

► Autocratic

► Democratic

► Laissez-faire

► Consideration

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a behavioral theory of leadership?

► Trait theory

► Fiedler model


► Ohio State studies

► Equity Theory

100%sure Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


the communication process, which of the following steps occurs first?

► Transmitting

► Decoding

► Encoding

► Understanding

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the product of a sender’s encoding?

► Channel

► Message

► Transmission

► Medium

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



Ali is apprehensive regarding oral communication, which of the following behaviors is he least likely to display?

► He prefers to talk on the phone

► He prefers to send emails

► He relies on memos or letters

► He avoids face-to-face communication

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is an important nonverbal component of communication?

► Written memo

► Paraphrase

► Eye contact

► E-mail

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


ability to do speedy and accurate arithmetic is called:


► Verbal Comprehension

► Number aptitude

► Perceptual Speed

► Memory

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which emotions are the emotions an individual actually is experiencing, despite what they might apparently show.

► Felt

► Displayed

► Conditional

► Exposed

Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


group composed of MBA marketing students similar in age, type of problem, and personality characteristics can be called_____________________

► A homogeneous group

► A heterogeneous group

► A command group


► A task group

Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )

Zahid is responsible for purchasing a new computer system for her offcie. Given the significant financial investment, Zahid has decided to use the rational decision-making model. You are required to identify six steps of rational decision making model and explain how Zahid proceeds according to this model.

A decision-making model that describes how individuals should behave in order to maximize some outcomes.

There are following Steps in the Rational Decision- Making Model

1. Define the problem.

2. Identify the decision criteria.

3. Allocate weights to the criteria.

4. Develop the alternatives.

5. Evaluate the alternatives.

6. Select the best alternative


Zahid can use the following steps for selecting a good decision for buying a computer system.

Step 1.

• Many poor decisions can be traced to the decision maker overlooking a problem or defining the wrong problem.

Step 2: Identify the decision criteria important to solving the problem.

• The decision maker determines what is relevant in making the decision. Any factors not identified in this step are considered irrelevant to the decision maker.

• This brings in the decision maker’s interests, values, and similar personal preferences

Step 3: Weight the previously identified criteria in order to give them the correct priority in the decision.

Step 4: Generate possible alternatives that could succeed in resolving the problem.

Step 5: Rating each alternative on each criterion.

• Critically analyze and evaluate each alternative

• The strengths and weaknesses of each alternative become evident as they are compared with the criteria and weights established in the second and third steps.

Step 6: The final step is to compute the optimal decision:

• Evaluating each alternative against the weighted criteria and selecting the alternative with the highest total score.



Fall 2008

MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 2)

Time: 60 min

Marks: 50

Student Info


Center: OPKST

ExamDate: 12/13/2008 12:00:00 AM

For Teacher's Use Only

Q No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total


Q No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Q No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


Q No. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32


Q No. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40



Q No. 41 42



Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Receivers in communication see and hear based on their needs, motivations, experience, background, and other personal characteristics. This is called:

► Filtering

► Defensiveness

► Selective perception

► Selective selection

Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

When manager marketing is communicating with the manager production, it is called:

► Upward communication

► downward communication

► Lateral communication

► Vertical communication

Horizontal Communication - This type of communication is alsoknown as "lateral" communication. It may be defined ascommunication that takes place between co-workers in the same department, or in different departments, with different areas ofresponsibility. For example; Sales Managers and Advertising Managers in the Marketing department, or Marketing


For example; Sales Managers and Advertising Managersin the Marketing department, or Marketing


Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following process is followed by a receiver when he/she translates a sender’s message?

► Encoding

► Decoding

► Feedback

► Recoding

Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


the communication process, which of the following steps occur first?

► Transmitting

► Decoding

► Encoding

► Understanding


Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a group decision making method in which individual members meet face-to-face to pool their judgments in a systematic but independent fashion?

► Brainstorming

► Groupthink

► Nominal group Technique

► Delphi model

Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a tendency for members of a cohesive group to reach decisions without weighing all the facts, especially those contradicting the majority opinion?

► Group conformity

► Group shift

► Groupthink

► Social loafing


Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is true about virtual teams?

► There is an absence of verbal cues

► There is limited social context

► People collaborate online

► All of the given options

Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following type of teams allows for collaboration between team members who are physically dispersed?

► Local

► Global

► Virtual

► Interactive

Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Team members with good listening, feedback, and conflict resolution skills possess ______________.

► Technical expertise

► Problem-solving skills

► Decision-making skills

► Interpersonal skills

Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

After which stage of a group’s development is there a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership within the group?

► Norming

► Storming

► Development

► Forming

Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the stage of group development characterized by the development of close relationships and cohesiveness?


► Forming

► Norming

► Storming

► Adjourning

Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements most accurately describes interest groups?

► They are longer lasting than friendship groups

► They are formed because of some common objective

► They are governed by labor laws

► They are likely to involve great social conflict

Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Fahad, Zain and Usama work in different departments, but often take lunch together. They are an example of what type of group?

► Formal


► Informal

► Command

► Task

Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

When do informal groups appear?

► In response to the need for social contact

► In reaction to formal groups

► Most frequently in bureaucracies

► When formal groups cannot meet their goals

Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a strategy to reduce social loafing?

► Have group members evaluate each other's contributions

► Keep work groups as small as possible

► Make individual contributions or levels of performance in a group identifiable


► Contributions of the group, not the individual, are most important


Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If a

group of employees has been given an assignment and one of the group members does not usually take responsibility and depends on others for completion of tasks, he is acting as:

► An irresponsible

► An unskilled

► A free rider

► A Parasite

Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a job that does not lend itself to telecommuting?

► An attorney who spends most of her time researching on the computer

► A car salesman who demonstrates the features of a new model of car

► A telemarketer who uses the phone to contact clients

► A product support specialist who fields calls from customers


Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a direct monetary incentive given by the organizations to its employees?

► Promotion

► Gain sharing

► Flexible work hours

► Appreciation certificate

Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which one of the following statement is not true regarding the relationship between age and job performance?

► Older workers bring to their job: experience, judgment and strong work ethics

► Older workers have more commitment to quality

► Older workers are perceived as flexible and welcome new technologies

► Older workers are perceived as lacking flexibility and resistant to new technologies


Older workers are also perceived as lacking flexibility and as being resistant to newtechnology


Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements concerning tenure is NOT true?

► Tenure does not appear to be a good predictor of employee productivity

► Tenure and satisfaction are positively related

► Tenure is a good variable in explaining turnover

► Tenure and organizational investment are negatively related

Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is one of the relationships proposed in expectancy theory?

► Reward-satisfaction relationship

► Satisfaction-performance relationship

► Rewards-personal goals relationship

► Effort-satisfaction relationship


Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


theory Y manager would assume that employees would ________________.

► Dislike work

► Need to be controlled

► Attempt to avoid work

► Exercise self direction

It assumes that workers canexercise self-direction


Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following theories was proposed by Douglas McGregor?

► Hierarchy of needs theory

► Theories X and Y

► Two-factor theory

► ERG theory

Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Hunger, thirst, sex, pay, and physical work environment are examples of which of Alderfer’s needs?

► Existence

► Safety

► Growth

► Physiological

Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

How is the satisficing decision maker best characterized?

► As using rationality

► As using bounded rationality

► As using creativity

► As relying on others to make decisions

Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Asma is experiencing conveyance problem for her college pick and drop. She decides to use the rational decision-making model to decide what to do. What might be the next step she takes if she follows this model?


► Define the problem

► Identify the decisions criteria

► Evaluate other available alternatives

► Select the best alternative

Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the difference between men and women when it comes to emotional reactions?

► Women show greater emotional expression

► Men express emotions more intensely

► Men express anger more frequently

► Women may have a greater need for social approval

Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Emotional Responses that the organization requires workers to show and considers appropriate in a given job are called:

► Felt Emotions

► Displayed Emotions

► Moods

► Emotional Intelligence


Displayed emotions are those that are organizationally required and considered appropriatein a given job.



Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


you believe that outside forces are largely responsible for your fate, you are the person having:

► External Locus of control

► Personal Locus of control

► Internal Locus of control

► Core locus of control

who believe that outside forces arelargely responsible for their fate have anexternal locus of control. 35

Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



Abad thinks that his own actions and behaviors have an impact in determining what happens to him. What do you think he has?

► Core locus of control

► Personal Locus of control

► Internal Locus of control

► External Locus of control

Individuals who think that their ownactions and behaviors have an impact indetermining what happens to them havean internal locus of control


Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT one of the traits according to the Big Five Model?

► Conscientiousness

► Extroversion

► Agreeableness

► Self actualization



Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are defined as accepted principles or standards of a person or a group?

► Values

► Traditions

► Norms

► Attitudes

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is defined as a way of looking at life; a way of thinking, feeling or behaving?

► Value

► Attitude

► Behavior

► Mood

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following abilities one should have to perform the job of a beach lifeguard?

► To have strong muscles only

► To have inductive reasoning skills

► To have deductive reasoning skills

► Strong spatial-visualization abilities and body coordination

The specific intellectual or physical abilities required depend on the ability requirements ofthe job. For example, pilots need strong spatial-visualization abilities


Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


boss who praises his employee for a job well done falls in the category of:

► Negative reinforcement

► Positive reinforcement

► Extinction

► Punishment

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



Hussain is a salesperson. He remembers the names of his customers easily because he is able to retain and recall past experience. He is able in which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability?

► Memory

► Number Aptitude

► Deductive Reasoning

► Perceptual speed

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Ali can identify visual similarities and differences quickly and accurately. He is expert in which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability?

► Deductive Reasoning

► Memory

► Perceptual Speed

► Number Aptitude


Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is defined as intellectual and mechanical processes used by an organization to transform inputs into products or services?


► Mechanism

► Technology

► Operational system

► Information system

Technology - the intellectual and mechanical processes used by an organization totransform inputs into products or services that meet


Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Ahmed is responsible to transmit information to outsiders on organization’s plans, policies, actions and results. Which managerial role is he playing in organization?

► Disseminator

► Spokesperson

► Representative

► Figurehead

Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in groups, describes which one of the following skills?

► Technical skills

► Human skills

► Conceptual skills

► Organizing skills

Human Skills• The ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and ingroups, describes human skills


Question No: 41 ( Marks: 5 )

How does the size of a group affect its productivity ?

Question No: 42 ( Marks: 5 )

How organizations can create an ethical culture?


Spring 2009


MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 2)

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of group in organization?

► Common goal

► Interaction with one another

► Accept expectations and obligations

► Mutually independent

Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Jobs in which success demands stamina, leg strength and manual dexterity require management to identify an employee’s which characteristics?

► Physical abilities

► Motor abilities

► Mental abilities

► Emotional abilities

Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following communication network is best illustrated by an unstructured committee?


► Vertical

► Wheel

► All-channel

► Chain

Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

When all communication is channeled through one person, which of the following communication network exists?

► All-channel

► Chain

► Horizontal

► Wheel

Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Formal guidelines and authority hierarchies are examples of which function of communication?

► Control


► Agreement

► Motivation

► Information

Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is an example of downward communication flow?

► Suggestion boxes

► Disscussing problem with boss

► Feedback on job performance

► Letters to your boss

Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


means by which a communication is passed is called:

► Medium

► Instrument

► Conductor

► Transmission


Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


the Leadership Grid, a manager who has a medium concern for both, people and production is a (n):

► Team manager

► Country club manager

► MIddle of the road manager

► Authority-obedience manager

Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If a

leader’s main concern is accomplishing his/her group’s tasks, the University of Michigan studies label this leader as:

► Production-oriented

► Laissez-faire

► Consideration-oriented

► Employee-oriented

Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following are the two dimensions of leadership behavior identified in the University of Michigan studies?

► Emotional and rational

► Autocratic and democratic

► Initiating structure and consideration

► Employee-oriented and production-oriented

Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


trait theories of leadership are valid, then leaders are _____.

► Educated

► Trained

► Born

► Authoritarian

Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


main difference between a leader and a manager is:

► Managers seek change and leaders don't


► Leaders are thought of as better people because they don't punish

► Leaders are advocates for change, and managers for the status quo

► Managers are concerned with people, and leaders with events

Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following techniques most restricts discussion or interpersonal communication during the decision-making process?

► Groupthink

► Nominal group

► Brainstorm

► Electronic meeting

Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a tendency for members of a cohesive group to reach decisions without weighing all the facts, especially those contradicting the majority opinion?

► Group conformity

► Group shift

► Groupthink


► Social loafing

Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is generally the result of groupthink?

► Higher quality decisions

► More risky decisions

► Less critical analysis

► Unpopular decisions

Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is true about virtual teams?

► There is an absence of verbal cues

► There is limited social context

► People collaborate online

► All of the given options

Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following helps to explain the current popularity of teams?

► Easy to manage

► Less expensive

► Use employee talents better

► Promote socialization

Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements concerning tenure is NOT true?

► Tenure does not appear to be a good predictor of employee productivity

► Tenure and satisfaction are positively related

► Tenure is a good variable in explaining turnover

► Tenure and organizational investment are negatively related

Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What other name is the two-factor theory known by?

► Theories X and Y


► Motivator-Hygiene Theory

► Hierarchy of Needs Theory

► Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction Theory

Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following method is used for strengthening desirable behavior?

► Negative Reinforcement

► Neutral Reinforcement

► Pleasant Reinforcement

► Positive Reinforcement

Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

How does McClelland define the need for affiliation?

► Drive to excel, to strive to succeed

► Need to make others behave in a novel way

► Desire for friendship and mutual understanding

► The desire to control & influence their behavior


Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Who developed ERG theory?

► Mcclelland

► Maslow

► Alderfer

► Ouchi

Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs arranges those needs in which of the following orders?

► Physiological, esteem, safety, social, and self-actualization

► Physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization

► Safety, physiological, esteem, social, and self-actualization

► Physiological, social, safety, esteem, and self-actualization

Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What are the three key elements of motivation?


► Interest, activity and reward

► Awareness, effort and outcome

► Stimulation, progress and achievement

► Intensity, direction and persistence

Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Amna is an honest and straightforward person. She believes her employees are all similarly honest and straightforward, ignoring signs that they may be

manipulating her. What perceptual shortcut is Amna most likely using?

► Prototyping

► Contrast effect

► Halo effect

► Projection

Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Asma is experiencing conveyance problem for her college pick and drop. She decides to use the rational decision-making model to decide what to do. What might be the next step she takes if she follows this model?

► Define the problem


► Identify the decisions criteria

► Evaluate other available alternatives

► Select the best alternative

Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


time at which an object or event is seen is an example of what type of factor influencing the perceptual process?

► Situation

► Perceiver

► Reality

► Target

Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is the most relevant application of perception concepts to OB?

► The perceptions people form about each other

► The perceptions people form about their employer

► The perceptions people form about society

► The perceptions people form about external reality


Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Imran is the head of a group at an advertising agency working with artists and designers to come up with effective branding of new products. Why is it particularly important for him to keep his team happy?

► People are more conscientious when they are in a good mood

► People are more efficient when they are in a good mood

► People are more productive when they are in a good mood

► People are more creative when they are in a good mood

Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is true regarding Big five Model?

► The Big Five traits are related to intrinsic motivational factors

► The Big Five traits are related to extrinsic motivational factors

► The Big Five traits are related to both intrinsic and extrinsic factors

► The Big Five traits have no relationship to motivational factors

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



degree to which people value relationships and show sensitivity and concern for the welfare for others is called:

► Quantity of life

► Quality of life

► Long-term orientation

► Social Loafing

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following are sources of the values EXCEPT:

► External Reference Groups

► Role Models

► Achievement

► Teachers

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best described these values?


► Terminal values

► Instrumental values

► Theoretical values

► Social values

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT one of the scales to measure job satisfaction?

► Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire

► The Faces Scale

► The mentor scale

► Descriptive Index

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Following a response by the termination or withdrawal of something unpleasant is called----------------.

► Positive reinforcement

► Extinction

► Negative reinforcement


► Punishment

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


year, Ali had taken lunch at a fast food restaurant that caused him food poisoning. Now whenever he passes by the restaurant, he feels nauseous. This is an example of which of the following learning theory?

► Classical conditioning

► Social learning

► Operant conditioning

► Reinforcement theory

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are identified as new managerial functions?

► Planning and organizing

► Leading and controlling

► Directing and monitoring

► TQM and continuous improvement

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



Ahmed is responsible to transmit information to outsiders on organization’s plans, policies, actions and results. Which managerial role is he playing in organization?

► Disseminator

► Spokesperson

► Representative

► Figurehead

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


greatest contribution of which one of the following to OB is through their study of group behavior in organizations, particularly formal and complex organizations?

► Psychology

► Sociology

► Anthropology

► Social Psychology

Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If a

manger is responsible to define goals, establish an overall strategy for achieving those goals and matching activities accordingly, then which one of the following functions is he/ she performing.


► Planning

► Organizing

► Leading

► Controlling

Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )

What are the common skills exhibited by an effective manager?


Skill: Skill is defined as an ability to act in a way that allows a person to highly perform his roles.

Skills required by Effective Manager:

There are various skills which must be possessed by a manager in order to be effective. Some of such skills are listed below

Define proper goals for everyone. Must plan and organize the work properly so that it flows smoothly. Enables proper communication in all directions. Promotes participation of individuals Provide honest feedback Empower and delegate the important tasks to subordinates Have full control over the whole process Motivate the subordinates to goal achievement Exhibits technical as well as administrative expertise to answer related

questions. Facilitates work through teams and proper training


Keep the activities move by following the schedule and deadlines. Rewards good performances


Spring 2009

MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 3)

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which emotions are the emotions an individual actually is experiencing, despite what they might apparently show.

► Felt

► Displayed

► Conditional

► Exposed

Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding face-to-face communication?

► It is highly personal


► It has high channel richness

► It usually results in delayed feedback

► It offers multiple information cues

Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following are examples of downward communication flows EXCEPT:

► Managers informing employees of procedures

► Managers pointing out problems that need attention

► Employees completing attitude surveys

► Managers telling employees to work more quickly

Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


leader high in initiating structure would do which of the following?

► Exhibit laissez-faire type of leadership

► Maximize leader-member relations

► Assign group members to particular tasks

► Empower employees to make their own decisions


Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Teams are very useful in which of the following situations:

► The work to be performed is very basic

► The tasks are interrelated

► No one wants to be accountable

► The group is homogeneous

Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is true about virtual teams?

► There is an absence of verbal cues

► There is limited social context

► People collaborate online

► All of the given options

Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Team members with good listening, feedback, and conflict resolution skills possess ______________.


► Technical expertise

► Problem-solving skills

► Decision-making skills

► Interpersonal skills

Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT one of the key components of effective teams?

► Effective work design

► Recognized company identity

► Supportive contextual influences

► Well-managed team processes

Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

After which stage of a group’s development is there a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership within the group?

► Norming

► Storming

► Development


► Forming

Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements is true?

► All command groups are also task groups

► All task groups are also friendship groups

► All command groups are also informal groups

► All informal groups are also command groups

Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


which of the following situation Synergy is most likely to occur?

► The activities of all group members are fully dependent on one another

► The performance of one member of a group affects what other members do

► Group members must perform specific behaviors in a predetermined order

► Group members acting together produce more or better output than alone

Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which one of the following groups may want government to direct more attention to environmental problems?

► Interest group

► Command group

► Formal group

► Task group

Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a job that does not lend itself to telecommuting?

► An attorney who spends most of her time researching on the computer

► A car salesman who demonstrates the features of a new model of car

► A telemarketer who uses the phone to contact clients

► A product support specialist who fields calls from customers

Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is an example of a piece-rate plan?

► Stock options


► Rs20 for each unit produced

► Productivity bonus

► Commission

Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What sort of goals does Management By Objectives (MBO) emphasize?

► Attainable, verifiable and measurable

► Achievable, controllable and profitable

► Inspirational, teachable and creative

► Challenging, emotional and constructive

Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a biographical characteristic?

► Region

► Age

► Sex

► Tenure


Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is the largest demographic change in the last few years in Pakistani workforce?

► Increasing ethnic diversity

► A fall in married workers

► Increasing age of workers

► More women in the workforce

Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which one of the following would be considered a motivator in the two-factor theory?

► Salary

► Working conditions

► Bonuses

► Responsibility

Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following method is used for strengthening desirable behavior?


► Negative Reinforcement

► Neutral Reinforcement

► Pleasant Reinforcement

► Positive Reinforcement

Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What is generally considered to be the single best thing that managers can do to improve performance?

► Allocate tasks depending on personality

► Restrict the use of punishment as a means of motivating workers

► Give abundant opportunities for employee growth

► Concentrate on intrinsic rewards rather than extrinsic rewards

Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT an important issue relating to goal-setting theory?

► Defining the goal

► Goal difficulty


► Goal specificity

► Equity among co-workers

Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to Maslow, when does a need stop motivating?

► When it is substantially satisfied

► It never stops motivating

► When one returns to a lower level need

► When one chooses to move to a higher level need

Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

If a

person responds the same way over time, attribution theory states that the behavior shows ______________.

► Distinctiveness

► Consensus

► Consistency

► Continuity


Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


is late for work each day by about ten minutes. How would Attribution Theory describe this behavior?

► It shows consensus

► It shows similarity

► It shows reliability

► It shows consistency

Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to attribution theory, which of the following is an internally caused behavior?

► Working late in order to get a promotion

► Arriving at work late because heavy traffic

► Working weekends because of your employer’s orders

► Depending on luck for success

Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


What is the name of the theory that deals with how we explain the cause of behaviors of others?

► Judgment Theory

► Selective Perception Theory

► Attribution Theory

► Equality Theory

Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT an ethic in decision making?

► Utilitarianism

► Focus on right

► Focus on justice

► Favoritism

Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following decision making style shows low tolerance for ambiguity and seeks rationality?


► Directive

► Analytical

► Conceptual

► Behavioral

Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to which of the following decision making model; people seek solutions that are satisfactory and sufficient?

► Bounded Rational

► Three Component Model

► Contingency

► Rational

Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Asma is experiencing conveyance problem for her college pick and drop. She decides to use the rational decision-making model to decide what to do. What might be the next step she takes if she follows this model?

► Define the problem

► Identify the decisions criteria


► Evaluate other available alternatives

► Select the best alternative

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the dimension of emotional intelligence that describes the ability to manage your own emotions and impulses?

► Self-awareness

► Self-management

► Commitment

► Social-skills

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Big Five model is related to ________________

► Perception

► Personality

► Experience

► Culture


Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following are defined as accepted principles or standards of a person or a group?

► Traditions

► Norms

► Attitudes

► Values

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


is an employee in a company. He expresses his dissatisfaction by discussing the problem with the superiors, suggests improvements and involves the unions in problem solving, He expresses his dissatisfaction in which of the following ways:

► Exit

► Voice

► Loyalty

► Neglect

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Rabia is working in a software house. She is a very hard working, motivated to achieve organizational goals and due to her attachment with the organization she wishes to continue her job with the same organization. Her behavior is showing:

► Job involvement

► Job satisfaction

► Job commitment

► Job enrichment

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is defined as a way of looking at life; a way of thinking, feeling or behaving?

► Value

► Attitude

► Behavior

► Mood

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Learning theories include all of the following EXCEPT:


► Classical conditioning

► Social learning

► Operant conditioning

► Contingency theory

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is not considered as a characteristic of organizations?

► Social entities

► Goal oriented

► Closed system

► Deliberately structured

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which one of the following set of skills is best representing the required competencies of managers?

► Technical skills, human skills and conceptual skills

► Leading skills and motivational skills


► Organizing skills and interpersonal skills

► Motivating skills and intrapersonal skills

Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Management functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling were first classified by_______.

► Stephen Covey

► Henry Mintzeberg

► Henri Fayol

► Marry Parker

Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )

Which biographical characteristics best predict productivity? Absenteeism? Turnover? Satisfaction?


Spring 2010

MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 2)


Time: 60 min

Marks: 47

Student Info


Center: OPKST

ExamDate: 5/29/2010 12:00:00 AM

For Teacher's Use Only

Q No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total


Q No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Q No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


Q No. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32


Q No. 33 34 35 36 37



Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Hussain is a salesperson. He remembers the names of his customers easily because he is able to retain and recall past experience. He is able in which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability?

► Memory

► Number Aptitude

► Deductive Reasoning

► Perceptual speed

Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


year, Ali had taken lunch at a fast food restaurant that caused him food poisoning. Now whenever he passes by the restaurant, he feels nauseous. This is an example of which of the following learning theory?

► Classical conditioning

► Social learning

► Operant conditioning

► Reinforcement theory


Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Advertisements are directed at changing a person's:

► Attitude

► Value

► Ethics

► Custom

Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following lay the foundation for the understanding of attitudes and motivation because they influence our perceptions?

► Moods

► Behaviors

► Values

► Customs

Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the difference between men and women when it comes to emotional reactions?


► Women show greater emotional expression

► Men express emotions more intensely

► Men express anger more frequently

► Women may have a greater need for social approval

Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT an important issue relating to goal-setting theory?

► Defining the goal

► Goal difficulty

► Goal specificity

► Equity among co-workers

Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a comparison an employee can use in equity theory?

► Self-inside

► Self-goal

► Other-outside


► Self-outside

Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Two-factor theory suggests that dissatisfaction is caused by extrinsic factors. Which of the following is an example of such a factor?

► Advancement

► Working condition

► Achievement

► Recognition

Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a direct monetary incentive given by the organizations to its employees?

► Promotion

► Gain sharing

► Flexible work hours

► Appreciation certificate

Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


When the group energy is focused on the task at hand, the group has moved to the _____________ stage.

► Storming

► Norming

► Maturation

► Performing

Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement best defines leadership?

► Implementing the strategy provided by management

► Least concerned in bringing organizational change

► Coordinating and handling day-to-day problems

► The ability to influence a group in goal achievement

Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to the Ohio State studies, the extent to which a leader’s behavior is directed toward getting the job done is called:


► Initiating structure

► Consideration

► Maximization

► Path-goal

Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to the University of Michigan studies, which of the following is used to define a leader who takes personal interest in the needs of his/her subordinates?


Production- oriented ►Task-oriented ►

Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Suggestion boxes, employee attitude surveys, and grievance procedures are examples of:

►Downward communication

Horizontal communication►Upward communication►

Lateral communication►


Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the most effective communication network for facilitating the emergence of a leader?




Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Asad telephones his employee, Usman, to let him know that today’s meeting has been moved to one o’clock. In the communication process, Asad is:

The sender►The receiver►

The channel►The encoder►

Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which one of the following statement is NOT true regarding the relationship between age and job performance?

Older workers bring to their job: experience, judgment and strong work ethics ►Older workers have more commitment to quality►

Older workers are perceived as flexible and welcome new technologies►Older workers are perceived as lacking flexibility and resistant to new ►technologies

Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Following a response by the termination or withdrawal of something unpleasant is called _________.

Positive reinforcement►

Extinction►Negative reinforcement►


Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which emotions are the emotions an individual actually is experiencing, despite what they might apparently show?



Displayed ►Conditional ►

Exposed ►

Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is least accurate about Ohio-State Study?

High-high styles sometimes had negative relationship►High-high leaders generally had superior subordinate performance►

High initiating structure is positively related to grievances ►High consideration is positively related to manager’s evaluation►

Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Organizations that do not pay attention to diversity may face all of the following problems, Except:

Lower productivity►►Increased tensions among workers

Decreased turnover►


Increased complaints►

Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

CEO of a computer manufacturing organization rewards his employees with computers, vacations or bonuses for meeting personal or organizational goal. He is practicing which of the following method of shaping behavior?

►Positive reinforcement

Negative reinforcement ►Punishment ►

Extinction ►

Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


suspension of a construction employee for one day without pay for not wearing hard hat when instructed strictly, is an example of which of the following method of shaping behavior?

►Negative reinforcement


Extinction ►Positive reinforcement►


Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Action of a person consistent with one's personal values and the commonly held values of the organization and society is called which of the following behavior?

Legal behavior►

►Ethical behavior

Cognitive behavior►

Loyal behavior►

Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following component of an attitude includes beliefs, opinions and information that a person has about the object he observed?




Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


founder of TL Corporation has to face many difficulties while establishing his


company even banks were not ready to grant loan. But he showed persistence and after four years he was able to generate finance by the mortgage of his own house. He was exhibiting which of the following personality trait of Big Five Personality Model?


Emotional Stability►►Conscientiousness


Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is an example of positive emotions?




Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the study of social system such as families, occupational classes and organizations ?





Social Psychology►

Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


an interview, the interviewer's first impression of the interviewee (or target) is likely to be based upon:

Nonverbal cues of the target►Verbal communication by the target►

The intentions of the target►►The target's physical appearance

Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


rational decision-making approach assumes that decision makers:


Have complete information►Are motivated by greed►

Are often distracted by the environment►Are subjective►

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


decision making process when managers define their limits and make their decision within the limits, it is called:

►Bounded rationality

Optimal decision making►

Intuitive decision making►Rational decision making►

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

People with which of the following decision making style work well with others and enjoy social interactions?





Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Zia is directly involved in the production of the automobiles. He is facing low motivation due to repetitive tasks. His manager changes his responsibilities and now he has to perform different tasks. His motivation has increased because of which of the following strategy?

Job enrichment►

Job enlargement►Job sharing►

►Job rotation

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


of the following are examples of downward communication flow EXCEPT:

Managers informing employees of procedures►Managers pointing out problems that need attention►

►Employees completing attitude surveys

Managers telling employees to work more quickly►


Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

How the barriers of communication can be minimized or eliminated?

These barriers can be eliminated or minimized by increasing the readability of and clarity of written communication and by improving the quality of electronic devices and other communication devices. Use of appropriate wording is also very important. Motivation of the receiver, communicate feelings as well facts etc.

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 5 )

How “employee stock ownership program” positively influence employee motivation?

Employee stock ownership plans can be used to keep plan participants focused on company performance and share price appreciation. By giving plan participants an interest in seeing that the company's stock performs well, these plans are believed to encourage participants to do what's best for shareholders, since the participants themselves are shareholders.

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 5 )

What is difference between groupthink and groupshift?


Group Think: Tendency of the members of a group to yield to the desire for consensus or unanimity at the cost of considering alternative courses of action. Group-think is said to be the reason why intelligent and knowledgeable people make disastrous decisions.

Group Shift: When people are in groups, they make decision about risk differently from when they are alone. In the group, they are likely to make riskier decisions, as the shared risk makes the individual risk less


Spring 2009

MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 1)

Time: 60 min

Marks: 50


Question No: 1    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The opinion or belief segment of an attitude is described by which component of attitude?


       ► Cognitive

       ► Affective


       ► Behavioral

       ► Behavior intension


Question No: 2    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best described these values?


       ► Terminal values

       ► Instrumental values

       ► Theoretical values

       ► Social values 


Question No: 3    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following country  is a representative of collectivism as a nation i.e. group harmony, cohesiveness, consensus and corporation?


       ► Canada

       ► Japan

       ► United States

       ► Cape Town


Question No: 4    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one528

 Guatemala is a country where inequalities exist showing gap between rich and poor. Which of the following value is truly representing the state of Guatemala?


       ► Power distance

       ► Individualism

       ► Collectivism

       ► Uncertainty avoidance


Question No: 5    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The Big Five model is related to ________________


       ► Perception

       ► Personality

       ► Experience

       ► Culture


Question No: 6    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which dimension of the Big Five model refers to be pleasant and accommodating in social situations?


       ► Extroversion

       ► Openness to experience


       ► Emotional stability

       ► Agreeableness


Question No: 7    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT one of the traits according to the Big Five Model?


       ► Conscientiousness

       ► Extroversion

       ► Agreeableness

       ► Self actualization 


Question No: 8    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Emotional Responses that the organization requires workers to show and considers appropriate in a given job are called:


       ► Felt Emotions

       ► Displayed Emotions

       ► Moods

       ► Emotional Intelligence

   Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage one’s own feelings and emotions and thefeelings and emotions of others


Question No: 9    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT one of the six universal emotions, as agreed upon by most contemporary researchers?

       ► Anger

       ► Fear

       ► Hate

       ► Sadness

There are many emotions. Six universal emotions have been identified: anger, fear, sadness,happiness, disgust, and surprise


Question No: 10    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Sana is a group leader at interior designing firm. She is concerned with the achievement of her peers and subordinates, she appreciate their suggestions and motivates them to come up with something new and unique. Which of the following is Sana’s style?


       ► Conceptual

       ► Behavioral

       ► Directive

       ► Analytical


Question No: 11    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 “Just because he was late in his first class, his teacher thinks he is irresponsible student". Which error teacher has commited in this case?

       ► Selective perception

       ► Stereotyping

       ► Hallo effect

       ► Social perception


Question No: 12    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 It is not possible for Mr. Asim to understand everything he sees, he notices a few of the things, we can say that he engages in:


       ► Assimilating

       ► Selective perception

       ► Halo Effect

       ► Target Perception

   Selective Perception• Any characteristic that makes a person, object, or event stand out will increase theprobability that it will be perceived


Question No: 13    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 According to attribution theory, which of the following is an example of externally caused behavior?



       ► An employee is late because of a flat tire.

       ► An employee was promoted because of his abilities

       ► An employee was fired because he slept on the job.

       ► An employee was promoted because he was hard working.


Question No: 14    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 According to attribution theory, if someone shows different behaviors in different situations then this can be termed as___________.


       ► Consensus

       ► Distinctiveness

       ► Reliability

       ► Consistency

Distinctiveness: shows different behaviors in different situations.

Question No: 15    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statement best describes “motivation?”


       ► Results in a level of efforts put by a group

       ► Intensifies an individual’s efforts from others

       ► Guides an individual’s efforts towards a goal


       ► Meets an individual’s needs, wants and demands

“The inner drive that directs a person’s behavior toward goals”


Question No: 16    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Shahid is a salaried employee whose job is to proof read legal documents. He discovers that he is paid substantially more than his colleagues, even though their jobs and performances are very similar. What is likely to be his reaction to this discovery according to equity theory?


       ► The quantity of documents he proofreads will decrease

       ► The quality of documents he proofreads will decrease

       ► The quantity and/or the quality of documents he proofreads will increase

       ► There will be no effect of this fact on his performance


Question No: 17    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The degree to which an individual believes that performing at a particular level will generate a desired outcome is defined by expectancy theory as what kind of relationship.


       ► Performance-reward

       ► Effort-performance

       ► Reward-personal goal


       ► Effort-satisfaction


Question No: 18    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Two-factor theory suggests that dissatisfaction is caused by extrinsic factors. Which of the following is an example of such a factor?


       ► Advancement

       ► Working condition

       ► Achievement

       ► Recognition

extrinsic factors such as company policy andadministration, supervision, interpersonal relationships, and working conditions


Question No: 19    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 What continuum in the two-factor theory is made up of the hygiene factors?


       ► No dissatisfaction to dissatisfaction

       ► No dissatisfaction to satisfaction

       ► Satisfaction to no satisfaction

       ► Satisfaction to dissatisfaction

the extrinsic factors that create job dissatisfaction were called hygiene factors


When these factors are adequate, people will not be dissatisfied, but they will not be satisfied (ormotivated) either


Question No: 20    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT a biographical characteristic?


       ► Region

       ► Age

       ► Sex

       ► Tenure


Question No: 21    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statements concerning tenure is NOT true?


       ► Tenure does not appear to be a good predictor of employee productivity

       ► Tenure and satisfaction are positively related

       ► Tenure is a good variable in explaining turnover

       ► Tenure and organizational investment are negatively related


Question No: 22    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 What does MBO provide for the individual employee?



       ► Specific performance objectives

       ► Precise job descriptions

       ► Clear direction and purpose

       ► Higher salaries             


Question No: 23    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Who sets MBO objectives?


       ► The immediate supervisor

       ► The superior and subordinate

       ► The head of department

       ► The employees themselves


Question No: 24    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following are all forms of variable-pay programs?


Wage incentive plans, flextime,► piece-rate

Piece-rate, wage incentive plans, gain► sharing

Profit-sharing, lump-sum bonuses, extended► vacations

Retirement benefits, extended vacations,► flextime


Variable Pay Programs can take the form of piece-rate plans, wage incentives, profit sharing,bonuses, and gain-sharing.


Question No: 25    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is one advantage of variable pay plans to management?


They turn fixed labor costs into variable► labor costs

They turn low producers into high► producers

They turn slow employees into fast► employees

They turn high fixed costs into low fixed► costs

The fluctuation in variable pay programs makes them attractive to management. The organization’sfixed labor costs turn into a variable cost reducing expenses when performance declines


Question No: 26    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statements most accurately describes interest groups?


They are longer lasting than friendship► groups

They are formed because of some common► objective


They are governed by labor► laws

They are likely to involve great social► conflict


Question No: 27    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Teams typically outperform individuals when the tasks being completed ______________


Require multiple skills►

Require judgment►

Require experience►

All of the given options►

   evidence that teams typically outperform individualswhen the tasks being done require multiple skills,judgment, and experience


Question No: 28    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Team members with good listening, feedback, and conflict resolution skills possess ______________.


Technical expertise►

Problem-solving skills►

Decision-making► skills

Interpersonal skills►


   Good listening, feedback, conflict resolution, and other interpersonal skills85

Question No: 29    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is one of the drawbacks of a small team?


Lack for diversity of► views

Less chances of disagreement ►

Less rigidity►

Less difficult to assemble►


Question No: 30    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Individual decisions are generally preferable to group decisions when which of the following is required?







Question No: 31    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The main difference between a leader and a manager is:


Managers seek change and leaders► don't


Leaders are thought of as better people► because they don't punish

Leaders are advocates for change, and managers► for the status quo

Managers are concerned with people, and► leaders with events


Question No: 32    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is a behavioral theory of leadership?


Trait theory►

Fiedler model►

Ohio► State studies

Equity Theory►

The Ohio State Studies• The most comprehensive and replicated of the behavioral theories resulted from research thatbegan at Ohio State University in the late 1940s


Question No: 33    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 According to the Ohio State studies, the extent to which a leader’s behavior is directed toward getting the job done is called:


Initiating structure►






Question No: 34    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 A leader high in initiating structure would do which of the following?


Exhibit laissez-faire type of► leadership

Maximize leader-member► relations

Assign group members to particular► tasks

Empower employees to make their own► decisions


Question No: 35    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The graphic portrayal of a two-dimensional view of leadership styles by Blake and Mouton is known as:


Least preferred co-worker► scale

Leader-participation model►

Autocratic-democratic► continuum

Managerial grid►


Blake and Mouton proposed a managerial grid based on the styles of “concern for people” and “concernfor production



Question No: 36    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The means by which a communication is passed is called:







Question No: 37    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Bulletin, notice boards, circulars are considered to be which type of communication?


Upward communication►

Downward► communication

Horizontal communication►

Lateral communication►



Question No: 38    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is an important nonverbal component of communication?



Written memo►


Eye contact►



Question No: 39    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following communication network occurs when a checkout clerk reports to a department manager, who in turn reports to a store manager, who reports to a regional manager?







Question No: 40    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The _____ network best serves to promote high member satisfaction.








Question No: 41    ( Marks: 10 )

 What are the common skills exhibited by an effective manager?


A skill is an ability to act in a way that allows a person to perform highly in her or his role. Managers need three types of skills:


1. Conceptual Skills 2. Human Skills

3. Technical Skills


1. Conceptual skills to analyze and diagnose a situation to distinguish between cause and effect;

2. Human skills to understand, work with, lead, and control the behavior of individuals and groups

3. Technical skills job-specific knowledge and techniques required to perform an organizational role.



Effective managers need all three types of skills—conceptual, human, and technical. For example,

Entrepreneurs often are technically skilled but lack conceptual and human skills. Scientists who become managers have technical expertise, but low levels of human skills.


Management Skills

Robert Katz has identified three essential management skills: technical, human, and conceptual.


1. Technical Skills

• The ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise. All jobs require some specialized

expertise, and many people develop their technical skills on the job.


2. Human Skills

• The ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in

groups, describes human skills. Many people are technically proficient but interpersonally incompetent


3. Conceptual Skills

1. The mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations

2. Decision making, for example, requires managers to spot problems, identify alternatives


that can correct them, evaluate those alternatives, and select the best one.



Skills Exhibited by an Effective Manager

1. Clarifies goals and objectives for everyone involved

2. Encourages participation, upward communication, and suggestions

3. Plans and organizes for an orderly work flow

4. Has technical and administrative expertise to answer organization-related questions

5. Facilitates work through team building, training, coaching and support

6. Provides feedback honestly and constructively

7. Keeps things moving by relying on schedules, deadlines, and helpful reminder

8. Controls details without being over-bearing

9. Applies reasonable pressure for goal accomplishment

10. Empowers and delegates key duties to others while maintaining goal clarity and commitment

11. Recognizes good performance with rewards and positive reinforcement


Spring 2009


MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 2)

Question No: 1    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of  group in organization?

       ► Common goal

       ► Interaction with one another

       ► Accept expectations and obligations

       ► Mutually independent


Question No: 2    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Jobs in which success demands stamina, leg strength and manual dexterity require management to identify an employee’s which characteristics?


       ► Physical abilities

       ► Motor abilities 

       ► Mental abilities

       ► Emotional abilities


Question No: 3    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following communication network is best illustrated by an unstructured committee?


       ► Vertical


       ► Wheel

       ► All-channel

       ► Chain


Question No: 4    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 When all communication is channeled through one person, which of the following communication network exists?


       ► All-channel

       ► Chain

       ► Horizontal

       ► Wheel


Question No: 5    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Formal guidelines and authority hierarchies are examples of which function of communication?



       ► Control

       ► Agreement

       ► Motivation

       ► Information



Question No: 6    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is an example of downward communication flow?


       ► Suggestion boxes

       ► Disscussing problem with boss

       ► Feedback on job performance

       ► Letters to your boss


Question No: 7    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The means by which a communication is passed is called:


       ► Medium

       ► Instrument

       ► Conductor

       ► Transmission


Question No: 8    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 On the Leadership Grid, a manager who has a medium concern for both, people and production is a (n):


       ► Team manager


       ► Country club manager

       ► MIddle of the road manager

       ► Authority-obedience manager


Question No: 9    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 If a leader’s main concern is accomplishing his/her group’s tasks, the University of Michigan studies label this leader as:


       ► Production-oriented

       ► Laissez-faire

       ► Consideration-oriented

       ► Employee-oriented


Question No: 10    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following are the two dimensions of leadership behavior identified in the University of Michigan studies?


       ► Emotional and rational

       ► Autocratic and democratic

       ► Initiating structure and consideration

       ► Employee-oriented and production-oriented



Question No: 11    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 If trait theories of leadership are valid, then leaders are _____.


       ► Educated

       ► Trained

       ► Born

       ► Authoritarian


Question No: 12    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The main difference between a leader and a manager is:


       ► Managers seek change and leaders don't

       ► Leaders are thought of as better people because they don't punish

       ► Leaders are advocates for change, and managers for the status quo

       ► Managers are concerned with people, and leaders with events


Question No: 13    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following techniques most restricts discussion or interpersonal communication during the decision-making process?


       ► Groupthink

       ► Nominal group


       ► Brainstorm

       ► Electronic meeting   

Question No: 14    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is a tendency for members of a cohesive group to reach decisions without weighing all the facts, especially those contradicting the majority opinion?


       ► Group conformity

       ► Group shift

       ► Groupthink

       ► Social loafing


Question No: 15    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 What is generally the result of groupthink?


       ► Higher quality decisions

       ► More risky decisions

       ► Less critical analysis

       ► Unpopular decisions


Question No: 16    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is true about virtual teams?



       ► There is an absence of verbal cues

       ► There is limited social context

       ► People collaborate online

       ► All of the given options


Question No: 17    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following helps to explain the current popularity of teams?


       ► Easy to manage

       ► Less expensive

       ► Use employee talents better

       ► Promote socialization


Question No: 18    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statements concerning tenure is NOT true?


       ► Tenure does not appear to be a good predictor of employee productivity

       ► Tenure and satisfaction are positively related

       ► Tenure is a good variable in explaining turnover

       ► Tenure and organizational investment are negatively related



Question No: 19    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 What other name is the two-factor theory known by?


       ► Theories X and Y

       ► Motivator-Hygiene Theory

       ► Hierarchy of Needs Theory

       ► Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction Theory


Question No: 20    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following method is used for strengthening desirable behavior?


       ► Negative Reinforcement

       ► Neutral Reinforcement

       ► Pleasant Reinforcement

       ► Positive Reinforcement


Question No: 21    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 How does McClelland define the need for affiliation?


       ► Drive to excel, to strive to succeed


       ► Need to make others behave in a novel way

       ► Desire for friendship  and mutual understanding

       ► The desire to control & influence their behavior


Question No: 22    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Who developed ERG theory?


       ► Mcclelland

       ► Maslow

       ► Alderfer

       ► Ouchi


Question No: 23    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs arranges those needs in which of the following orders?


       ► Physiological, esteem, safety, social, and self-actualization

       ► Physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization

       ► Safety, physiological, esteem, social, and self-actualization

       ► Physiological, social, safety, esteem, and self-actualization


Question No: 24    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 What are the three key elements of motivation?


       ► Interest, activity and reward

       ► Awareness, effort and outcome

       ► Stimulation, progress and achievement

       ► Intensity, direction and persistence

Motivation is the processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal

4 sure



Question No: 25    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Amna is an honest and straightforward person. She believes her employees are all similarly honest and straightforward, ignoring signs that they may be

manipulating her. What perceptual shortcut is Amna most likely using?


       ► Prototyping

       ► Contrast effect

       ► Halo effect

       ► Projection



Question No: 26    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Asma is experiencing conveyance problem for her college pick and drop. She decides to use the rational decision-making model to decide what to do. What might be the next step she takes if she follows this model?


       ► Define the problem

       ► Identify the decisions criteria

       ► Evaluate other available alternatives

       ► Select the best alternative 


Question No: 27    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The time at which an object or event is seen is an example of what type of factor influencing the perceptual process?


       ► Situation

       ► Perceiver

       ► Reality

       ► Target


Question No: 28    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 What is the most relevant application of perception concepts to OB?


       ► The perceptions people form about each other558

       ► The perceptions people form about their employer

       ► The perceptions people form about society

       ► The perceptions people form about external reality


Question No: 29    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Imran is the head of a group at an advertising agency working with artists and designers to come up with effective branding of new products. Why is it particularly important for him to keep his team happy?


       ► People are more conscientious when they are in a good mood

       ► People are more efficient when they are in a good mood

       ► People are more productive when they are in a good mood

       ► People are more creative when they are in a good mood


Question No: 30    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statement is true regarding Big five Model?


       ► The Big Five traits are related to intrinsic motivational factors

       ► The Big Five traits are related to extrinsic motivational factors

       ► The Big Five traits are related to both intrinsic and extrinsic factors

       ► The Big Five traits have no relationship to motivational factors



Question No: 31    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The degree to which people value relationships and show sensitivity and concern for the welfare for others is called:


       ► Quantity of life

       ► Quality of life

       ► Long-term orientation

       ► Social Loafing


Question No: 32    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 All of the following are sources of the values EXCEPT:

       ► External Reference Groups

       ► Role Models

       ► Achievement

       ► Teachers


Question No: 33    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best described these values?


       ► Terminal values

       ► Instrumental values 560

       ► Theoretical values

       ► Social values 


Question No: 34    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT one of the scales to measure job satisfaction?


       ► Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire

       ► The Faces Scale

       ► The mentor scale

       ► Descriptive Index


Question No: 35    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Following a response by the termination or withdrawal of something unpleasant is called----------------.


       ► Positive reinforcement

       ► Extinction

       ► Negative reinforcement

       ► Punishment


Question No: 36    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Last year, Ali had taken lunch at a fast food restaurant that caused him food poisoning. Now whenever he passes by the restaurant, he feels nauseous. This is an example of which of the following learning theory?


       ► Classical conditioning

       ► Social learning

       ► Operant conditioning

       ► Reinforcement theory


Question No: 37    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following are identified  as new managerial functions?


       ► Planning and organizing

       ► Leading and controlling

       ► Directing and monitoring

       ► TQM and continuous improvement


Question No: 38    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Mr. Ahmed is responsible to transmit information to outsiders on organization’s plans, policies, actions and results. Which managerial role is he playing in organization?


       ► Disseminator


       ► Spokesperson

       ► Representative

       ► Figurehead


Question No: 39    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The greatest contribution of which one of the following to OB is through their study of group behavior in organizations, particularly formal and complex organizations?


       ► Psychology

       ► Sociology

       ► Anthropology

       ► Social Psychology


Question No: 40    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 If a manger is responsible to define goals, establish an overall strategy for achieving those goals and matching activities accordingly, then which one of the following functions is he/ she performing.


       ► Planning

       ► Organizing

       ► Leading

       ► Controlling



Question No: 41    ( Marks: 10 )

 What are the common skills exhibited by an effective manager?



Skill: Skill is defined as an ability to act in a way that allows a person to highly perform his roles.

Skills required by Effective Manager:

       There are various skills which must be possessed by a manager in order to be effective. Some of such skills are listed below

Define proper goals for everyone. Must plan and organize the work properly so that it flows smoothly.

Enables proper communication in all directions.

Promotes participation of individuals

Provide honest feedback

Empower and delegate the important tasks to subordinates

Have full control over the whole process

Motivate the subordinates to goal achievement

Exhibits technical as well as administrative expertise to answer related questions.

Facilitates work through teams and proper training

Keep the activities move by following the schedule and deadlines.

Rewards good performances




Spring 2009

MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 3) 

Question No: 1    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which emotions are the emotions an individual actually is experiencing, despite what they might apparently show.


       ► Felt

       ► Displayed

       ► Conditional

       ► Exposed


Question No: 2    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding face-to-face communication?


       ► It is highly personal

       ► It has high channel richness

       ► It usually results in delayed feedback

       ► It offers multiple information cues



Question No: 3    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 All of the following are examples of downward communication flows EXCEPT:


       ► Managers informing employees of procedures

       ► Managers pointing out problems that need attention

       ► Employees completing attitude surveys

       ► Managers telling employees to work more quickly


Question No: 4    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 A leader high in initiating structure would do which of the following?


       ► Exhibit laissez-faire type of leadership

       ► Maximize leader-member relations

       ► Assign group members to particular tasks

       ► Empower employees to make their own decisions


Question No: 5    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Teams are very useful in which of the following situations:


       ► The work to be performed is very basic


       ► The tasks are interrelated

       ► No one wants to be accountable

       ► The group is homogeneous


Question No: 6    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is true about virtual teams?


       ► There is an absence of verbal cues

       ► There is limited social context

       ► People collaborate online

       ► All of the given options


Question No: 7    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Team members with good listening, feedback, and conflict resolution skills possess ______________.


       ► Technical expertise

       ► Problem-solving skills

       ► Decision-making skills

       ► Interpersonal skills

Good listening, feedback, conflict resolution, and other interpersonal skills



Question No: 8    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT one of the key components of effective teams?


       ► Effective work design

       ► Recognized company identity

       ► Supportive contextual influences

       ► Well-managed team processes


Question No: 9    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 After which stage of a group’s development is there a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership within the group?


       ► Norming

       ► Storming

       ► Development

       ► Forming


When complete, there will be a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership within the group

Question No: 10    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Which of the following statements is true?


       ► All command groups are also task groups

       ► All task groups are also friendship groups

       ► All command groups are also informal groups

       ► All informal groups are also command groups


Question No: 11    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 In which of the following situation Synergy is most likely to occur?


       ► The activities of all group members are fully dependent on one another

       ► The performance of one member of a group affects what other members do

       ► Group members must perform specific behaviors in a predetermined order

       ► Group members acting together produce more or better output than alone


Question No: 12    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which one of the following groups may want government to direct more attention to environmental problems?


       ► Interest group

       ► Command group

       ► Formal group


       ► Task group


Question No: 13    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is a job that does not lend itself to telecommuting?


       ► An attorney who spends most of her time researching on the computer

       ► A car salesman who demonstrates the features of a new model of car

       ► A telemarketer who uses the phone to contact clients

       ► A product support specialist who fields calls from customers


Question No: 14    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is an example of a piece-rate plan?


       ► Stock options

       ► Rs20 for each unit produced 

       ► Productivity bonus

       ► Commission


Question No: 15    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 What sort of goals does Management By Objectives (MBO) emphasize?



       ► Attainable, verifiable and measurable

       ► Achievable, controllable and profitable

       ► Inspirational, teachable and creative

       ► Challenging, emotional and constructive

Management by objectives emphasizes participatively set goals that are tangible, verifiable, andmeasurable. It is not a new idea. It originated more than 50 years ago.


Question No: 16    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT a biographical characteristic?


       ► Region

       ► Age

       ► Sex

       ► Tenure


Age• Gender• Marital status• Length of service, etc



Question No: 17    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 What is the largest demographic change in the last few years in Pakistani workforce?


       ► Increasing ethnic diversity

       ► A fall in married workers

       ► Increasing age of workers

       ► More women in the workforce


Question No: 18    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which one of the following would be considered a motivator in the two-factor theory?


       ► Salary

       ► Working conditions

       ► Bonuses

       ► Responsibility


Question No: 19    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following method is used for strengthening desirable behavior?



       ► Negative Reinforcement

       ► Neutral Reinforcement

       ► Pleasant Reinforcement

       ► Positive Reinforcement

Leader reward behavior occurs when a leader positivelyreinforces subordinates’ desirable behavior. A leader


Positive reinforcement increases the probability that a behavior will occur by administering positiveconsequences (called positive reinforces) following the behavior


y b krdna save

Question No: 20    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 What is generally considered to be the single best thing that managers can do to improve performance?


       ► Allocate tasks depending on personality

       ► Restrict the use of punishment as a means of motivating workers

       ► Give abundant opportunities for employee growth

       ► Concentrate on intrinsic rewards rather than extrinsic rewards


Question No: 21    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Which of the following is NOT an important issue relating to goal-setting theory?


       ► Defining the goal

       ► Goal difficulty

       ► Goal specificity

       ► Equity among co-workers


Question No: 22    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 According to Maslow, when does a need stop motivating?


       ► When it is substantially satisfied

       ► It never stops motivating

       ► When one returns to a lower level need

       ► When one chooses to move to a higher level need


Question No: 23    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 If a person responds the same way over time, attribution theory states that the behavior shows ______________.


       ► Distinctiveness

       ► Consensus

       ► Consistency


       ► Continuity

Consistency: Responds in the same way over time


Question No: 24    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Asif is late for work each day by about ten minutes. How would Attribution Theory describe this behavior?


       ► It shows consensus

       ► It shows similarity

       ► It shows reliability

       ► It shows consistency


Question No: 25    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 According to attribution theory, which of the following is an internally caused behavior?


       ► Working late in order to get a promotion

       ► Arriving at work late because heavy traffic

       ► Working weekends because of your employer’s orders

       ► Depending on luck for success



Question No: 26    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 What is the name of the theory that deals with how we explain the cause of behaviors of others?


       ► Judgment Theory

       ► Selective Perception Theory

       ► Attribution Theory

       ► Equality Theory

Attributiontheory describes how people explain the causes of their own and other people’s behavior.


Question No: 27    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT an ethic in decision making?


       ► Utilitarianism

       ► Focus on right

       ► Focus on justice

       ► Favoritism


Question No: 28    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Which of the following decision making style shows low tolerance for ambiguity and seeks rationality?


       ► Directive

       ► Analytical

       ► Conceptual

       ► Behavioral


Low tolerance for ambiguity and seek rationality


Question No: 29    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 According to which of the following decision making model; people seek solutions that are satisfactory and sufficient?


       ► Bounded Rational

       ► Three Component Model

       ► Contingency

       ► Rational


Question No: 30    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Asma is experiencing conveyance problem for her college pick and drop. She decides to use the rational decision-making model to decide what to do. What might be the next step she takes if she follows this model?


       ► Define the problem

       ► Identify the decisions criteria

       ► Evaluate other available alternatives

       ► Select the best alternative 


Question No: 31    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is the dimension of emotional intelligence that describes the ability to manage your own emotions and impulses?


       ► Self-awareness

       ► Self-management

       ► Commitment

       ► Social-skills

Self-management. The abilityto manage one’s ownemotions and impulses


Question No: 32    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 The Big Five model is related to ________________


       ► Perception

       ► Personality

       ► Experience

       ► Culture


Question No: 33    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following are defined as accepted principles or standards of a person or a group?


       ► Traditions

       ► Norms

       ► Attitudes

       ► Values


Question No: 34    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Ali is an employee in a company. He expresses his dissatisfaction by discussing the problem with the superiors, suggests improvements and involves the unions in problem solving, He expresses his dissatisfaction in which of the following ways:


       ► Exit

       ► Voice 579

       ► Loyalty

       ► Neglect


Question No: 35    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Rabia is working in a software house. She is a very hard working, motivated to achieve organizational goals and due to her attachment with the organization she wishes to continue her job with the same organization. Her behavior is showing:


       ► Job involvement

       ► Job satisfaction

       ► Job commitment

       ► Job enrichment


Question No: 36    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is defined as a way of looking at life; a way of thinking, feeling or behaving?


       ► Value

       ► Attitude

       ► Behavior

       ► Mood


Question No: 37    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one580

 Learning theories include all of the following EXCEPT:


       ► Classical conditioning

       ► Social learning

       ► Operant conditioning

       ► Contingency theory


Question No: 38    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is not considered as a characteristic of organizations?


       ► Social entities

       ► Goal oriented

       ► Closed system

       ► Deliberately structured


Question No: 39    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which one of the following set of skills is best representing the required competencies of managers?


       ► Technical skills, human skills and conceptual skills

       ► Leading skills and motivational skills

       ► Organizing skills and interpersonal skills


       ► Motivating skills and intrapersonal skills


Question No: 40    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Management functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling were first classified by_______.


       ► Stephen Covey

       ► Henry Mintzeberg

       ► Henri Fayol

       ► Marry Parker


Question No: 41    ( Marks: 10 )

 Which biographical characteristics best predict productivity? Absenteeism? Turnover? Satisfaction?


Fall 2009

MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 4)

Time: 60 min


Marks: 50


Question No: 1    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The behavior of people is influenced by which of the following factors?

       ► Psychological needs

       ► Individual drives

       ► Social roles and status

       ► All of the given options


Question No: 2    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The greatest contribution of which one of the following to OB is through their study of group behavior in organizations, particularly formal and complex organizations?


       ► Psychology

       ► Sociology

       ► Anthropology

       ► Social Psychology


Question No: 3    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which one of the following set of skills is best representing the required competencies of managers?


       ► Technical skills, human skills and conceptual skills

       ► Leading skills and motivational skills

       ► Organizing skills and interpersonal skills

       ► Motivating skills and intrapersonal skills


Question No: 4    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The smell of fresh cake baking makes Saima’s mouth water is an example of which one of the following learning theory?


       ► Classical conditioning

       ► Social learning

       ► Operant conditioning

       ► Reinforcement theory


Question No: 5    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Managers should be interested in their employees’ attitudes because: 


       ► Attitudes influence behavior and perception

       ► Attitudes give warning signs of potential problems

       ► Attitudes are associated with job satisfaction

       ► All of the given options



Question No: 6    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT one of the scales to measure job satisfaction?


       ► Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire

       ► The Faces Scale

       ► The mentor scale

       ► Descriptive Index


Question No: 7    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Zahra’s personality shows that she is dependable, well organized, and responsible. According to the Big Five model; which of the following is the right dimension for describing Zahra’s personality?


       ► Agreeableness

       ► Emotional stability

       ► Extroversion

       ► Conscientiousness


Question No: 8    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following are the categories into which emotions are usually grouped?


       ► Simple and Complex585

       ► Positive and Negative

       ► Positive and Complex

       ► Complex and Negative


Question No: 9    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Emotional Responses that the organization requires workers to show and considers appropriate in a given job are called:


       ► Felt Emotions

       ► Displayed Emotions

       ► Moods

       ► Emotional Intelligence


Question No: 10    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Organizational members who intentionally violate established norms that result in negative consequences for the organization, its members, or both, show:

       ► Deviant Workplace Behavior

       ► Emotional Labor

       ► Emotional disorder

       ► None of the given options


Question No: 11    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 What do we call the process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment?


       ► Environmental analysis

       ► Social verification

       ► Outlook

       ► Perception


Question No: 12    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The awareness that a problem exists and that a decision needs to be made is a/an:


       ► Perceptual issue

       ► Emergency issue

       ► Cognitive issue 

       ► Ethical issue

The awareness that a problem exists and that a decision needs to be made is a perceptual issue.•


Question No: 13    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Which of the following is NOT an assumption of the rational decision-making model?


       ► The decision maker has complete information

       ► The decision maker is aware of all  consequences

       ► The decision maker can identify all the relevant criteria

       ► The decision maker is constrained by time and costs


Question No: 14    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 According to which of the following decision making model; people seek solutions that are satisfactory and sufficient?


       ► Bounded Rational

       ► Three Component Model

       ► Contingency

       ► Rational


Question No: 15    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 How is the satisficing decision maker best characterized?

       ► As using rationality

       ► As using bounded rationality

       ► As using creativity


       ► As relying on others to make decisions


Question No: 16    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT an ethic in decision making?


       ► Utilitarianism

       ► Focus on right

       ► Focus on justice

       ► Favoritism


Question No: 17    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statements is NOT an example of stereotyping?


       ► There is no need to offer child-care to him; men aren’t interested in child care

       ► Don’t hire an older worker; they can’t learn new skills

       ► She was good at her last job, so she will be good at this one

       ► She won’t relocate for a promotion, since women don’t relocate


Question No: 18    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 What is the primary organizational factor that satisfies people’s physiological needs?



       ► Relationship

       ► Recognition

       ► Pay

       ► Admiration


Question No: 19    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Who developed ERG theory?


       ► Mcclelland

       ► Maslow

       ► Alderfer

       ► Ouchi


Question No: 20    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Shahid is a salaried employee whose job is to proof read legal documents. He discovers that he is paid substantially more than his colleagues, even though their jobs and performances are very similar. What is likely to be his reaction to this discovery according to equity theory?


       ► The quantity of documents he proofreads will decrease

       ► The quality of documents he proofreads will decrease


       ► The quantity and/or the quality of documents he proofreads will increase

       ► There will be no effect of this fact on his performance


Question No: 21    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statements is true?


       ► Older employees have lower rates of avoidable absence than younger workers

       ► Older employees have lower rates of unavoidable absence than younger workers

       ► Older employees are more likely to quit their job than younger workers

       ► Older employees are perceived to be more flexible than younger workers


Question No: 22    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Research does NOT support which of the following statements about gender in the workplace?


       ► Women are more willing to conform to authority than men

       ► Men are more aggressive than women

       ► Women are more productive at work than men

       ► Men have higher expectations of success



Question No: 23    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT one of the most widely used variable-pay programs?


       ► Piece-rate wages

       ► Merit-based pay

       ► Fixed pay

       ► Profit sharing plans


Question No: 24    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 In which of the following situation Synergy is most likely to occur?


       ► The activities of all group members are fully dependent on one another

       ► The performance of one member of a group affects what other members do

       ► Group members must perform specific behaviors in a predetermined order

       ► Group members acting together produce more or better output than alone


Question No: 25    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is the stage of group development characterized by the development of close relationships and cohesiveness?


       ► Forming592

       ► Norming

       ► Storming

       ► Adjourning


Question No: 26    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following does NOT explain the characteristics of teams?


       ► Commonality of purpose

       ► Interconnectivity among individual members

       ► Flexibility and degree of responsiveness

       ► Restrictions on expression of ideas  


Question No: 27    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOTconsidered an advantage of electronic meetings?


       ► Maintains the secrecy of ideas

       ► Speed up decision making process

       ► Receiving credit for the best ideas

       ► Accurate exchange of opinions


Question No: 28    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Which of the following statement is true about decision making using nominal group techinque?


       ► This method is good to generate a quantity of ideas

       ► This method is good for building group cohesiveness

       ► This method is good for encouraging independent thinking

       ► This method is an inexpensive way of generating maximum ideas


Question No: 29    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is the product of a sender’s encoding?


       ► Channel

       ► Message

       ► Transmission

       ► Medium


Question No: 30    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 If Ali is apprehensive regarding oral communication, which of the following behaviors is he least likely to display?


       ► He prefers to talk on the phone

       ► He prefers to send emails


       ► He relies on memos or letters

       ► He avoids face-to-face communication


Question No: 31    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Sami is developing marketing page for the company web site and is concerned about the appearance of his active links. He seeks reactions from fellow employees. The reactions he seeks are part of the:


       ► Adjourning phase

       ► Encoding phase

       ► Decoding phase

       ► Feedback phase


Question No: 32    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is an important nonverbal component of communication?



       ► Written memo

       ► Paraphrase

       ► Eye contact

       ► E-mail



Question No: 33    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 A communication channel with greater channel richness is most likely to provide:


       ► Greater feedback density

       ► Greater filtering capability

       ► Greater perceptual wellness

       ► Larger amounts of information


Question No: 34    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Jobs in which success demands stamina, leg strength and manual dexterity require management to identify an employee’s which characteristics?


       ► Physical abilities

       ► Motor abilities 

       ► Mental abilities

       ► Emotional abilities


Question No: 35    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 If a manger is responsible to define goals, establish an overall strategy for achieving those goals and matching activities accordingly, then which one of the following functions is he/ she performing?


       ► Planning596

       ► Organizing

       ► Leading

       ► Controlling


Question No: 36    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 A bachelor degree holder is most likely to have a job that requires:


       ► Human skills

       ► Technical skills

       ► Conceptual skills

       ► Leading skills 


Question No: 37    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following type of values determine the preferences for the means to be used in achieving desired ends?


       ► Terminal values

       ► Instrumental values

       ► Theoretical values

       ► Social values  


Question No: 38    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Ali is an employee in a company. He expresses his dissatisfaction by discussing the problem with the superiors, suggests improvements and involves the unions in problem solving, He expresses his dissatisfaction in which of the following ways?


       ► Exit

       ► Voice

       ► Loyalty

       ► Neglect


Question No: 39    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The degree to which an individual believes that performing at a particular level will generate a desired outcome is defined by expectancy theory as what kind of relationship?


       ► Performance-reward

       ► Effort-performance

       ► Reward-personal goal

       ► Effort-satisfaction


Question No: 40    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The communication used by managers to provide job instructions is an example of:



       ► Downward communication

       ► Lateral  communication

       ► Directional  communication

       ► Diagonal communication


Question No: 41    ( Marks: 10 )

 How does ERG theory differ from Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?



Answer :


Abraham Maslow’s theory of needs describes five levels of needs and from bottom to top order they are :


1)      Physiological needs : These include basic needs of food, existence, shelter etc. This is the lowest level of needs in Maslow’s hierarchy.

2)      Safety needs :These include the needs for feeling safe and protected from environmental hazards.

3)      Social needs : These include the need for belongingness and having social relationships

4)      Esteem needs : These needs include the need for being recognized and having respect in society

5)      Self actualization needs : This is the highest level of needs and means that a person reaches the full potential he is capable of reaching.



In contrast to this, Clayton Alderfer’s ERG needs are three and they are :


1)      Existence needs : The need for existence i.e food, shelter etc.


2)      Relatedness needs : The need for having social relationships and being related to.


3)      Growth needs  : The needs for growth and achieving something and doing something good in life.


The major difference however between the two is that according to Maslow the lowest level needs starting from physiological needs will be more important for an individual to fulfill before he moves on to the next level of needs. This means that the needs at a next higher level will not be important for an individual until he completely or to a good extent satisfies his needs at the immediate lower level. Once the needs at the lower level are met completely or sufficiently they will no longer remain the source of motivation for the individual and he will move on to the next level up and will try to fulfill those needs and they will become the motivation for him. But according to Alderfer this was not the case. The needs priority for different people can be different. Some people might give more importance to the growth needs and will be motivated to behave in ways that satisfies their need for growth more than the satisfaction of the need for relatedness or existence.


This assumption of Maslow that the lower level needs should be fulfilled before the individual deems higher level needs as a source of motivation was the biggest flaw in the theory as different people have different




Time: 60 min

 Marks: 50


Question No: 1    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The behavior of people is influenced by which of the following factors?

       ► Psychological needs

       ► Individual drives

       ► Social roles and status

       ► All of the given options


Question No: 2    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The greatest contribution of which one of the following to OB is through their study of group behavior in organizations, particularly formal and complex organizations?


       ► Psychology


       ► Sociology

       ► Anthropology

       ► Social Psychology


Question No: 3    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which one of the following set of skills is best representing the required competencies of managers?


       ► Technical skills, human skills and conceptual skills

       ► Leading skills and motivational skills

       ► Organizing skills and interpersonal skills

       ► Motivating skills and intrapersonal skills


Question No: 4    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The smell of fresh cake baking makes Saima’s mouth water is an example of which one of the following learning theory?


       ► Classical conditioning

       ► Social learning

       ► Operant conditioning

       ► Reinforcement theory



Question No: 5    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Managers should be interested in their employees’ attitudes because: 


       ► Attitudes influence behavior and perception

       ► Attitudes give warning signs of potential problems

       ► Attitudes are associated with job satisfaction

       ► All of the given options



Question No: 6    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT one of the scales to measure job satisfaction?


       ► Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire

       ► The Faces Scale

       ► The mentor scale

       ► Descriptive Index

Reference: The most widely used scales to measure job satisfaction include the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, the Faces Scale, and the Job Descriptive Index.

Pg no. 30



Question No: 7    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Zahra’s personality shows that she is dependable, well organized, and responsible. According to the Big Five model; which of the following is the right dimension for describing Zahra’s personality?


       ► Agreeableness

       ► Emotional stability

       ► Extroversion

       ► Conscientiousness


Reference: Conscientiousness Is exhibited by those who are described as dependable, organized, and responsible. Pg no. 35


Question No: 8    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following are the categories into which emotions are usually grouped?


       ► Simple and Complex

       ► Positive and Negative

       ► Positive and Complex

       ► Complex and Negative

Reference:  Women show greater emotional expression than men, experience emotions more intensely, and display more frequent expressions of both positive and negative emotions. Emotions are classified as positive & negative only.




Question No: 9    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Emotional Responses that the organization requires workers to show and considers appropriate in a given job are called:


       ► Felt Emotions

       ► Displayed Emotions

       ► Moods

       ► Emotional Intelligence

Reference: Displayed emotions are those that are organizationally required and considered appropriate in a given job. Pg no. 39



Question No: 10    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Organizational members who intentionally violate established norms that result in negative consequences for the organization, its members, or both, show:

       ► Deviant Workplace Behavior

       ► Emotional Labor

       ► Emotional disorder

       ► None of the given options


Question No: 11    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one605

 What do we call the process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment?


       ► Environmental analysis

       ► Social verification

       ► Outlook

       ► Perception

Perception is the process by which individuals select, organize, and interpret sensory input. Attributionis an explanation of the cause of behavior.


Question No: 12    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The awareness that a problem exists and that a decision needs to be made is a/an:


       ► Perceptual issue

       ► Emergency issue

       ► Cognitive issue 

       ► Ethical issue

The awareness that a problem exists and that a decision needs to be made is a perceptual issue



Question No: 13    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT an assumption of the rational decision-making model?


       ► The decision maker has complete information

       ► The decision maker is aware of all  consequences

       ► The decision maker can identify all the relevant criteria

       ► The decision maker is constrained by time and costs

Reference: No time or cost constraints. The rational decision maker can obtain full information about criteria and alternatives because it is assumed that there are no time or cost constraints. Pg no. 53



Question No: 14    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 According to which of the following decision making model; people seek solutions that are satisfactory and sufficient?


       ► Bounded Rational

       ► Three Component Model

       ► Contingency

       ► Rational


Reference: Bounded Rationality;People satisfice—they seek solutions that are satisfactory and sufficient. Pg no. 53



Question No: 15    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 How is the satisficing decision maker best characterized?

       ► As using rationality

       ► As using bounded rationality

       ► As using creativity

       ► As relying on others to make decisions


Question No: 16    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT an ethic in decision making?


       ► Utilitarianism

       ► Focus on right

       ► Focus on justice

       ► Favoritism


Question No: 17    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statements is NOT an example of stereotyping?



       ► There is no need to offer child-care to him; men aren’t interested in child care

       ► Don’t hire an older worker; they can’t learn new skills

       ► She was good at her last job, so she will be good at this one

       ► She won’t relocate for a promotion, since women don’t relocate


Question No: 18    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 What is the primary organizational factor that satisfies people’s physiological needs?


       ► Relationship

       ► Recognition

       ► Pay

       ► Admiration


Question No: 19    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Who developed ERG theory?


       ► Mcclelland

       ► Maslow

       ► Alderfer

       ► Ouchi


  Reference:  Alderfer’s ERG Theory Pg no. 61


Question No: 20    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Shahid is a salaried employee whose job is to proof read legal documents. He discovers that he is paid substantially more than his colleagues, even though their jobs and performances are very similar. What is likely to be his reaction to this discovery according to equity theory?


       ► The quantity of documents he proofreads will decrease

       ► The quality of documents he proofreads will decrease

       ► The quantity and/or the quality of documents he proofreads will increase

       ► There will be no effect of this fact on his performance


Question No: 21    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statements is true?


       ► Older employees have lower rates of avoidable absence than younger workers

       ► Older employees have lower rates of unavoidable absence than younger workers

       ► Older employees are more likely to quit their job than younger workers

       ► Older employees are perceived to be more flexible than younger workers



Question No: 22    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Research does NOT support which of the following statements about gender in the workplace?


       ► Women are more willing to conform to authority than men

       ► Men are more aggressive than women

       ► Women are more productive at work than men

       ► Men have higher expectations of success


Question No: 23    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT one of the most widely used variable-pay programs?


       ► Piece-rate wages

       ► Merit-based pay

       ► Fixed pay

       ► Profit sharing plans

Variable Pay Programs can take the form of piece-rate plans, wage incentives, profit sharing,bonuses, and gain-sharing.2. A portion of an employee’s pay



Question No: 24    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 In which of the following situation Synergy is most likely to occur?


       ► The activities of all group members are fully dependent on one another

       ► The performance of one member of a group affects what other members do

       ► Group members must perform specific behaviors in a predetermined order

       ► Group members acting together produce more or better output than alone


Question No: 25    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is the stage of group development characterized by the development of close relationships and cohesiveness?


       ► Forming

       ► Norming

       ► Storming

       ► Adjourning


Question No: 26    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following does NOT explain the characteristics of teams?


       ► Commonality of purpose


       ► Interconnectivity among individual members

       ► Flexibility and degree of responsiveness

       ► Restrictions on expression of ideas  


Question No: 27    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOTconsidered an advantage of electronic meetings?


       ► Maintains the secrecy of ideas

       ► Speed up decision making process

       ► Receiving credit for the best ideas

       ► Accurate exchange of opinions


Question No: 28    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statement is true about decision making using nominal group techinque?


       ► This method is good to generate a quantity of ideas

       ► This method is good for building group cohesiveness

       ► This method is good for encouraging independent thinking

       ► This method is an inexpensive way of generating maximum ideas


Question No: 29    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Which of the following is the product of a sender’s encoding?


       ► Channel

       ► Message

       ► Transmission

       ► Medium


Question No: 30    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 If Ali is apprehensive regarding oral communication, which of the following behaviors is he least likely to display?


       ► He prefers to talk on the phone

       ► He prefers to send emails

       ► He relies on memos or letters

       ► He avoids face-to-face communication


Question No: 31    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Sami is developing marketing page for the company web site and is concerned about the appearance of his active links. He seeks reactions from fellow employees. The reactions he seeks are part of the:


       ► Adjourning phase

       ► Encoding phase614

       ► Decoding phase

       ► Feedback phase


Question No: 32    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is an important nonverbal component of communication?



       ► Written memo

       ► Paraphrase

       ► Eye contact

       ► E-mail

It is mentioned in the handouts of ENG301. Pg no. 15


Question No: 33    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 A communication channel with greater channel richness is most likely to provide:


       ► Greater feedback density

       ► Greater filtering capability

       ► Greater perceptual wellness

       ► Larger amounts of information



Question No: 34    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Jobs in which success demands stamina, leg strength and manual dexterity require management to identify an employee’s which characteristics?


       ► Physical abilities

       ► Motor abilities 

       ► Mental abilities

       ► Emotional abilities


Question No: 35    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 If a manger is responsible to define goals, establish an overall strategy for achieving those goals and matching activities accordingly, then which one of the following functions is he/ she performing?


       ► Planning

       ► Organizing

       ► Leading

       ► Controlling


Question No: 36    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 A bachelor degree holder is most likely to have a job that requires:


       ► Human skills616

       ► Technical skills

       ► Conceptual skills

       ► Leading skills 


Reference:  Technical Skills

                                         • The ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise. All jobs require some specialized expertise, and many people develop their technical skills on the job Bachelor degree holder will certainly prefer the job that requires his expertise in certain field. Human and conceptual skills are required for the jobs as of disturbance handlers, figure heads and liaison etc.


Question No: 37    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following type of values determine the preferences for the means to be used in achieving desired ends?


       ► Terminal values

       ► Instrumental values

       ► Theoretical values

       ► Social values  

Reference: Instrumental values.

                                     • Preferences for the means to be used in achieving desired ends.

Pg no. 25




Question No: 38    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Ali is an employee in a company. He expresses his dissatisfaction by discussing the problem with the superiors, suggests improvements and involves the unions in problem solving, He expresses his dissatisfaction in which of the following ways?


       ► Exit

       ► Voice

       ► Loyalty

       ► Neglect

Reference: Voice is an Actively and constructively attempting to improve conditions, including suggesting

improvements, discussing problems with superiors, and some forms of union activity.Pg no. 32



Question No: 39    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The degree to which an individual believes that performing at a particular level will generate a desired outcome is defined by expectancy theory as what kind of relationship?


       ► Performance-reward

       ► Effort-performance

       ► Reward-personal goal


       ► Effort-satisfaction

Reference: Expectancy theory states that an individual tends to act in a certain way based on the expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome. Pg no. 66

If we note in the above definition the word ‘act’ can be replaced by performance and ‘outcome’ can be used instead of reward. This theory states that an individual expect to achieve reward for his/her performance.



Question No: 40    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The communication used by managers to provide job instructions is an example of:


       ► Downward communication

       ► Lateral  communication

       ► Directional  communication

       ► Diagonal communication

Reference: In downward communication Organizational decisions are made at top level and then flow down to the people who carry them. Pg no. 6 of ENG301 H.outs


Fall 2009


MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 4)

Shared by Imran <dinehaqprinter@gmail.com>



Question No: 1    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Giving an employee a two-day suspension from work without pay for showing up drunk is an example of which of the following:

       ► Punishment

       ► Positive reinforcement

       ► Extinction

       ► Negative reinforcement


Question No: 2    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Rabia is working in a software house. She is a very hard working, motivated to achieve organizational goals and due to her attachment with the organization she wishes to continue her job with the same organization. Her behavior is showing:


       ► Job involvement

       ► Job satisfaction

       ► Job commitment

       ► Job enrichment



Question No: 3    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following lay the foundation for the understanding of attitudes and motivation because they influence our perceptions?


       ► Moods

       ► Behaviors

       ► Values

       ► Customs


Question No: 4    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 _________________ are the preferences concerning the ends to be achieved.


       ► Terminal values

       ► Instrumental values

       ► Theoretical values

       ► Social values 


Question No: 5    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT included in the values across cultures?



       ► Uncertainty Avoidance

       ► Power Distance

       ► Assertiveness

       ► Individualism versus collectivism


Question No: 6    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statements is TRUE for affect?


       ► Affect is a type of emotion and religion

       ► Affect is a type of mood and environment

       ► Affect can be a mood or an emotion

       ► Affect is the result of conscious thought

Affect is the emotional or feeling segment of an attitude. Example: “




Question No: 7    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The ability of a person to manipulate his/her emotions according to a given situation is called________________.

       ► Emotional Intelligence


       ► Emotional Constraints

       ► Affective Emotions 

       ► Cognitive dissonance


Question No: 8    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Organizational members who intentionally violate established norms that result in negative consequences for the organization, its members, or both, show:

       ► Deviant Workplace Behavior

       ► Emotional Labor

       ► Emotional disorder

       ► None of the given options


Question No: 9    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 What is the most relevant application of perception concepts to OB?


       ► The perceptions people form about each other

       ► The perceptions people form about their employer

       ► The perceptions people form about society

       ► The perceptions people form about external reality


Question No: 10    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Whenever Sana is successful she takes full credit for what has happened, but whenever she is unsuccessful she attributes her failure to bad luck

or blames one of her fellow employees. She is doing__________.


       ► Self-serving biase

       ► The halo effect

       ► Distinctiveness

       ► Projection


Question No: 11    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Hunger, thirst, sex, pay, and physical work environment are examples of which of Alderfer’s needs?


       ► Existence

       ► Safety

       ► Growth

       ► Physiological


Question No: 12    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT an important issue relating to goal-setting theory?


       ► Defining the goal


       ► Goal difficulty

       ► Goal specificity

       ► Equity among co-workers


Question No: 13    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is one of the relationships proposed in expectancy theory?


       ► Reward-satisfaction relationship

       ► Satisfaction-performance relationship

       ► Rewards-personal goals relationship

       ► Effort-satisfaction relationship


Question No: 14    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 What continuum in the two-factor theory is made up of the hygiene factors?


       ► No dissatisfaction to dissatisfaction

       ► No dissatisfaction to satisfaction

       ► Satisfaction to no satisfaction

       ► Satisfaction to dissatisfaction

When these factors are adequate, people will not be dissatisfied, but they will not be satisfied



Question No: 15    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Some MBO programs fail to live up to expectations. Which of the following is NOT a common reason that MBO programs fail?


       ► Allowing subordinate to participate in setting goals

       ► Unwillingness to reward goal accomplishment

       ► Unrealistic expectations regarding results

       ► Lack of commitment by top management


Question No: 16    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Who sets MBO objectives?


       ► The immediate supervisor

       ► The superior and subordinate

       ► The head of department

       ► The employees themselves

1 The superior meets with the subordinate to develop and agree on subordinate objectives



Question No: 17    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The tendency of individuals to exert less effort when they work in a group than when they work alone is referred to as:


Sucker effect►

Social loafing►

Social facilitation►


strong potential for social loafing, thetendency to exert less effort in a group. Social loafing can impact work-group effectiveness


Question No: 18    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Teams generally have a(n) _____________ impact on employee motivation.







Question No: 19    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Demand on leader is ___________ in a team comprising of 2-7 members.






Dimension 2-7 Members 8-12 Members 13-16Members1. Demands on leader Low Moderate High

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Question No: 20    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is one of the drawbacks of a small team?


Lack for diversity of► views

Less chances of disagreement ►

Less rigidity►

Less difficult to assemble►

Very small teams are likely to lack for diversity of views





Question No: 21    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following type of teams allows for collaboration between team members who are physically dispersed?



Global  ►



Virtual teams use computer technologyto tie together physically dispersed members in order to achieve a common goal

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Question No: 22    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is true about virtual teams?


There is an absence of verbal► cues

There is limited social► context

People collaborate online►

All of the given► options

They allow people to collaborate online


Limited social context. Virtual teams often suffer from less social rapport and less directinteraction among members.

The absence of Para-verbal and nonverbal cues


save it

Question No: 23    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is described as a tendency for group discussion to produce shifts toward more extreme attitudes among members?

Group think►

Group shift►

Group polarization►

Social loafing►


Question No: 24    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is a group decision making method in which individual members meet face-to-face to pool their judgments in a systematic but independent fashion?






Nominal► group Technique

Delphi model►


Question No: 25    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is likely to generate the least innovative alternatives?


Face-to-face interacting► groups


Delphi technique►

Nominal group technique►

Brainstorming process to generate a quantity of ideas


Question No: 26    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following techniques most restricts discussion or interpersonal communication during the decision-making process?



Nominal group►


Electronic meeting►


Restricts discussion or interpersonal communication during the decision-making process



Question No: 27    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 According to Robert House, which of the following statement is true?


Managers use the authority inherent in their► designated formal rank

Leaders are the primary agent for bringing► organizational change

Leaders establish direction by developing a► vision of the future 

Leaders align and direct people by► communicating their vision

Robert House of Wharton basically concurs:• Managers use the authority inherent in their designated formal rank to obtain compliance


Question No: 28    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The University of Michigan researchers concluded that:

Employee-oriented leaders had lower► productivity

Employee-oriented leaders had higher► productivity

Production-oriented leaders created lower► employee satisfaction632

Production-oriented leaders created higher► employee satisfaction


Question No: 29    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The means by which a communication is passed is called:






The Medium“The pathway through which anencoded message is transmitted to areceiver”


Question No: 30    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 When manager marketing is communicating with the manager production, it is called:


Upward communication►

Downward communication►

Lateral communication►


Vertical communication►


Question No: 31    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Sami is developing marketing page for the company web site and is concerned about the appearance of his active links. He seeks reactions from fellow employees. The reactions he seeks are part of the:


Adjourning phase►

Encoding phase►

Decoding phase►

Feedback phase►


Question No: 32    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Memos, letters, e-mail, fax transmissions, and organizational periodicals represent examples of:


Informal communication► channels

Formal communication► channels

Written► communication

Non► verbal communication

written communication usingmemos, letters, and reports, transmitted electronically through e-mail or fax machines



Question No: 33    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is an important nonverbal component of communication?



Written memo►


Eye contact►



Question No: 34    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Rumor would most likely flourish in situations where there is:

Ambiguous situation  ►

Well-communicated change►

Assurance by management►

A► chain communication style


Question No: 35    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which one of the following study in the field of OB has contributed knowledge on a number of topics including:  learning, perception, personality, emotions, training, leadership, motivation, job satisfaction, decision making, etc? 








Question No: 36    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 __________ are the shared beliefs about expected behaviors aimed at making groups function effectively.


Group ethics►

Group norm►

Group criteria►

Group unity►


Question No: 37    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following type of values determine the preferences for the means to be used in achieving desired ends?


Terminal values►

Instrumental values►

Theoretical values►


Social values  ►


Question No: 38    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The Big Five model is related to ________.





The Big Five Model of Personality



Question No: 39    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which emotions are the emotions an individual actually is experiencing, despite what they might apparently show?








Question No: 40    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Process variables include all of the following EXCEPT:


Climate of trust►

Team efficacy►

Minimized social loafing►

Specific goals►

Process variables reflects that things that go on in the team that influence effectiveness


Question No: 41    ( Marks: 10 )

 Compare and contrast command, task, interest, and friendship groups by giving practical examples.

Formal Groups• Result from the demands and processes of anorganization• Designated by the organization as a means toan end– Command group• Comprises subordinates reportingdirectly to a give supervisor– Task group• Comprises employees who worktogether to complete a particular task


Informal Groups• Result from natural groupings of people inwork environments in response to socialneeds• Are important for their own sake– Interest groups• Comprises workers comingtogether to achieve a mutualobjective– Friendship groups• Comprises workers who share


MIDTERM  EXAMINATION MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 1)

Time: 60 min

Marks: 50


Question No: 1    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The behavior of people is influenced by which of the following factors?

       ► Psychological needs

       ► Individual drives

       ► Social roles and status

       ► All of the given options



Question No: 2    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following statements best describes the goals of Organizational Behavior?


       ► To understand the behaviors of people at work

       ► To appreciate the behavior of people at work

       ► To align behaviors according to the organizational goals 

       ► To describe, understand, predict, and control human behavior at work

Question No: 3    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Management functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling were first classified by_______.


       ► Stephen Covey

       ► Henry Mintzeberg

       ► Henri Fayol

       ► Marry Parker


Question No: 4    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Learning theories include all of the following EXCEPT:



       ► Classical conditioning

       ► Social learning

       ► Operant conditioning

       ► Contingency theory


Question No: 5    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 “Smoking is injurious to health”. This statement is an example of which one of the following components of attitude?  


       ► Cognitive

       ► Affective

       ► Behavioral

       ► Behavior intension


Question No: 6    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is not one of the types of attitude?


       ► Job satisfaction

       ► Job Involvement

       ► Organizational Behavior

       ► Organizational commitment



Question No: 7    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The  measure  of  the  degree  to  which  a  person  identifies  psychologically  with  his/her  job  and  considers  his/her  perceived  performance  level  important to self-worth is called:


       ► Job involvement

       ► Job satisfaction

       ► Job commitment

       ► Job enrichment

A workable definition: the measure of the degree to which a person identifiespsychologically with his/her job and considers his/her perceived performance levelimportant to self-worth.• High levels of job involvement


Question No: 8    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 All of the following are attitudes associated with job satisfaction EXCEPT:


       ► The work itself

       ► Promotion opportunities

       ► Supervision


       ► Negligence


Question No: 9    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following lay the foundation for the understanding of attitudes and motivation because they influence our perceptions?


       ► Moods

       ► Behaviors

       ► Values

       ► Customs

Values lay the foundation for the understanding of attitudes and motivation because they influenceour perceptions


Question No: 10    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 _________________ are the preferences concerning the ends to be achieved.


       ► Terminal values

       ► Instrumental values

       ► Theoretical values

       ► Social values 


Terminal values Personally preferred end-states of existenceInstrumental values Personally preferred ways of behaving

140 page and 25 page

Question No: 11    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT included in the values across cultures?


       ► Uncertainty Avoidance

       ► Power Distance

       ► Assertiveness

       ► Individualism versus collectivism


Question No: 12    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 All of the following are sources of the values EXCEPT:

       ► External Reference Groups

       ► Role Models

       ► Achievement

       ► Teachers

Values Across CulturesPower DistanceIndividualism or CollectivismQuantity or Quality of LifeUncertainty AvoidanceLong-Term or Short-Term



Question No: 13    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 What is the most relevant application of perception concepts to OB?


       ► The perceptions people form about each other

       ► The perceptions people form about their employer

       ► The perceptions people form about society

       ► The perceptions people form about external reality


Question No: 14    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT consistent with rational decision-making?


       ► Consistency

       ► Value-minimization

       ► Ranking of criteria

       ► Evaluating alternatives

Steps in the Rational Decision-Making Model1. Define the problem.2. Identify the decisioncriteria.3. Allocate weights to the


criteria.4. Develop the alternatives.5. Evaluate the alternatives.6. Select the best alternative.


Question No: 15    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 According to attribution theory, which of the following is an internally caused behavior?


       ► Working late in order to get a promotion

       ► Arriving at work late because heavy traffic

       ► Working weekends because of your employer’s orders

       ► Depending on luck for success


Question No: 16    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 If a person responds the same way over time, attribution theory states that the behavior shows ______________.


       ► Distinctiveness

       ► Consensus

       ► Consistency

       ► Continuity


Question No: 17    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Hassan derives a great sense of belongingness, acceptance and friendship from his relationships with his extended family. Which of Maslow’s needs is Hassan fulfilling through these relationships?


       ► Self-actualization

       ► Esteem

       ► Social

       ► Physiological

Social needs: affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship


Question No: 18    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 According to Maslow, when does a need stop motivating?


       ► When it is substantially satisfied

       ► It never stops motivating

       ► When one returns to a lower level need

       ► When one chooses to move to a higher level need

Maslow argued that each level in the hierarchy must be substantially satisfiedbefore the next is activated and that once a need is substantially satisfied it no longer motivatesbehavior. In other words, as each need is substantially



Question No: 19    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Who developed ERG theory?


       ► Mcclelland

       ► Maslow

       ► Alderfer

       ► Ouchi

Alderfer’s ERG Theory


Question No: 20    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Our intrinsic desire for personal development is included in Alderfer’s _____________ needs.


       ► Existence

       ► Relatedness

       ► Esteem pakka

       ► Growth



Question No: 21    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 McClelland’s theory of needs concentrates on which three needs?


       ► Power, acceptance and confirmation

       ► Affiliation, control and realization

       ► Achievement, realization and acceptance

       ► Achievement, power and affiliation

McClelland’s descriptions of theneeds for achievement, affiliation, and power

save it


Question No: 22    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


   Which of the following appears to be the combination of needs found in the best managers?

► High achievement, high power► High achievement, low power► High power, low affiliation► Low power, high affiliation


Question No: 23    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is NOT a comparison an employee can use in equity theory?



       ► Self-inside

       ► Self-goal

       ► Other-outside

       ► Self-outside


Question No: 24    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following method is used for strengthening desirable behavior?


       ► Negative Reinforcement

       ► Neutral Reinforcement

       ► Pleasant Reinforcement

       ► Positive Reinforcement


Question No: 25    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is the most likely explanation for the higher absentee rate of women in the workplace?


       ► Women tend to have more illnesses that keep them from work than do men

       ► Traditionally, women have had the responsibility of caring for home and family

       ► Women tend to be less satisfied with their jobs than men

       ► Women tend to work in jobs that have less flexible schedules than men do



Question No: 26    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is a job that does not lend itself to telecommuting?


       ► An attorney who spends most of her time researching on the computer

       ► A car salesman who demonstrates the features of a new model of car

       ► A telemarketer who uses the phone to contact clients

       ► A product support specialist who fields calls from customers


Question No: 27    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which one of the following groups may want government to direct more attention to environmental problems?


       ► Interest group

       ► Command group

       ► Formal group

       ► Task group


Question No: 28    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following type of teams would most likely empower its team members to make work-related decisions?



       ► Technical

       ► Self-managed

       ► Problem-solving

       ► Cross functional

Question No: 29    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is one of the drawbacks of group decision making?


       ► More knowledge through pooling of group resources

       ► More amount of time is required to make a decision

       ► Increased acceptance & commitment due to voice in decisions

       ► Greater understanding due to involvement in decision stages


Question No: 30    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is a tendency for members of a cohesive group to reach decisions without weighing all the facts, especially those contradicting the majority opinion?


       ► Group conformity

       ► Group shift

       ► Groupthink

       ► Social loafing


Groupthink Janis's term for a cohesive in-group's unwillingness to realistically viewalternatives


Question No: 31    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Group decisions are generally preferable to individual decisions when which of the following is required.


       ► Acceptance of the solution

       ► A complicated solution

       ► Speed and efficiency

       ► Clear responsibility


Question No: 32    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 John Kotter’s view argues that management focuses on coping with complexity, whereas leadership focuses on coping __________.


       ► Conflict

       ► Success

       ► Morale

       ► Change


John Kotter feels that management is about coping with complexityLeadership is about coping with change102

Question No: 33    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 If behavioral leadership theories are correct, then which of the following statement is true?


       ► Leadership behaviors are consistent

       ► Leaders are born with leadership behaviors

       ► Leaders’ behavior should be altered

       ► Leadership skills can be trained


Question No: 34    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following communication network is best illustrated by an unstructured committee?


       ► Vertical

       ► Wheel

       ► All-channel

       ► Chain


Question No: 35    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


 Which of the following is the most effective communication network for facilitating the emergence of a leader?


       ► Chain  

       ► All-channel

       ► Wheel

       ► Direct


Question No: 36    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which one of the following study in the field of OB has contributed knowledge on a number of topics including:  learning, perception, personality, emotions, training, leadership, motivation, job satisfaction, decision making, etc? 


       ► Psychology

       ► Sociology

       ► Anthropology

       ► Physiology


Question No: 37    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 How do proponents of reinforcement theory view behavior?


       ► As a product of heredity

       ► As a function of one’s power need655

       ► As the result of a cognitive process

       ► As environmentally caused

Reinforcement theory argues that behavior is externally caused


Question No: 38    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 A bachelor degree holder is most likely to have a job that requires:


       ► Human skills

       ► Technical skills

       ► Conceptual skills

       ► Leading skills 


Question No: 39    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The relatively stable set of psychological attributes that distinguishes one person from another is called _______.


       ► Attitude

       ► Personality

       ► Perception

       ► Mind-set


Personality“The relatively stable set ofpsychological attributes thatdistinguish one person fromanother”


Question No: 40    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Teams are very useful in which of the following situations?


       ► The work to be performed is very basic

       ► The tasks are interrelated

       ► No one wants to be accountable

       ► The group is homogeneous


Question No: 41    ( Marks: 10 )

 Compare Hofstede’s cultural dimensions with the GLOBE framework.

 Quantity of life versus quality of life

in quantity of life people values money and acquisition of resources.



Hofstede’s cultural dimensions



Quantity of life versus quality of life:


In quality of life people give more values to the relationships and to concentrate on welfare of others


Uncertainty avoidance:

which people structured over unstructured situations



Power distance:  people think that power in the country is not distributed equally.


Individualism versus collectivism


Individualism is the degree to which people pefer to act  individuals instead of group.

 Collectivism give  low priority  to individualism.



Global Frame work


• Future Orientation: The extent to which a society encourages and rewards future-oriented behaviors such as planning, investing



This is almost like Long-term versus short-term orientation of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions



Assertiveness: A society encourages people to be tough, and competitive versus

modest and tender .


assertiveness is equaling to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions Quantity of life versus quality of life


Uncertainly avoidance: Society relay on social norms and procedures to avoid the uncertainity


uncertainty avoidance is explain in both the views



Performance orientation: society encourages and rewards group members for the improvement in performance.


Humane orientation: society encourages individuals for being fair and caring to others in society.




Spring 2010

MGT502- Organizational Behaviour (Session - 5)

Ref No:

Time: 60 min

Marks: 47

Student Info


Center: OPKST

ExamDate: 5/26/2010 12:00:00 AM

For Teacher's Use Only

Q No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total


Q No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Q No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24



Q No. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32


Q No. 33 34 35 36 37



Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


migrated from Pakistan to a foreign country. He is disorientated by the country’s customs and has difficulty in adapting it. He also feels homesickness. What is Ali experiencing?

► Culture shock

► Foreign culture

► Alien culture

► Adventure

Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


year, Ali had taken lunch at a fast food restaurant that caused him food poisoning. Now whenever he passes by the restaurant, he feels nauseous. This is an example of which of the following learning theory?

► Classical conditioning

► Social learning

► Operant conditioning

► Reinforcement theory


Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Faizan, a supervisor, has to choose between two different suggestions offered by employees about work schedule. Which one of the following will be most suitable for Faizan?

► Inductive reasoning

► Spatial visualization

► Deductive reasoning

► Perception

Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a component of attitude?

► Cognition

► Affect

► Behavior

► Myths

Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Individuals having an intense desire to achieve, are extremely competitive, have a sense of urgency, are impatient and can be hostile, are called:

► Self Monitoring

► Self Esteemed

► Type A personality

► Type B personality

Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statements is TRUE for affetc?

► Affect is a type of emotion and religion

► Affect is a type of mood and environment

► Affect can be a mood or an emotion

► Affect is the result of conscious thought

Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

How is the satisficing decision maker best characterized?

► As using rationality

► As using bounded rationality


► As using creativity

► As relying on others to make decisions

Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

When people tend to use intuitive decision making?

► When a high level of uncertainty exists

► When facts and figures are available

► When programmed decions are made

► When there is no time constraint

Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement is true regarding “analytical decision making style”?

► Tries to avoid conflict and seek acceptance

► Provides creative solution to the problems

► Uses minimum information

► Takes little time in making decisions


Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Hunger, thirst, sex, pay, and physical work environment are examples of which of Alderfer’s needs?

► Existence

► Safety

► Growth

► Physiological

Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

How would a theory X manager view employees?

► Seeking responsibility

► Needing to be coerced to achieve goals

► Viewing work as a normal daily activity

► Exercising self control

Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What sort of plan is a company-established benefit plan where employees acquire stock as part of their benefits?


► MBO program

► Gain sharing plan

► Employee stock ownership plan

► Piece-rate plan

Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is true about virtual teams?

► There is an absence of verbal cues

► There is limited social context

► People collaborate online

► All of the given options

Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

What result does groupshift have on the decisions a group makes?

► They are less effective

► They are generally riskier

► They are made more quickly


► They are objectively incorrect

Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following statement best defines leadership?

► Implementing the strategy provided by management

► Least concerned in bringing organizational change

► Coordinating and handling day-to-day problems

► The ability to influence a group in goal achievement

Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


the communication process, which of the following steps occurs first?

► Transmitting

► Decoding

► Encoding

► Understanding

Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one



of the following are examples of nonverbal communication EXCEPT:

► Instant messaging

► Physical distance

► Facial expressions

► Hand gestures

Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following types of networks is most likely to promote accuracy?

► Chain

► Direct

► Horizontal

► All-channel

Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


is an employee in a company. He expresses his dissatisfaction by discussing the problem with the superiors, suggests improvements and involves the unions in problem solving, He expresses his dissatisfaction in which of the following ways?


► Exit

► Voice

► Loyalty

► Neglect

Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


relatively stable set of psychological attributes that distinguishes one person from another is called _______.

► Attitude

► Personality

► Perception

► Mind-set

Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which emotions are the emotions an individual actually is experiencing, despite what they might apparently show?

► Felt

► Displayed

► Conditional


► Exposed

Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

According to McClelland, what is the need to make others behave in a way that they would not have behaved otherwise?

► The need for power

► The need for achievement

► The need for affiliation

► The need for control

Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is the major source of change affecting large number of organizations today?

► Corporate governance

► Globalization

► Business ethics

► Cultural change

Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Which of the following is the ability to correctly perceive, evaluate, express and regulate emotions and feelings?

► Emotional Intelligence

► Mental Ability

► Physical Ability

► Memory Ability

Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Imran has the ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people. He is exhibiting which of the following components of emotional intelligence?

► Self-awareness

► Empathy

► Handling relationship

► Managing emotions

Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


process of managing emotions with organizationally desired emotions exhibit which of the following concept?


► Emotional frustration

► Emotional contagion

► Emotional labor

► Emotional conflict

Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following stage of perceptual process model involves noticing some of the information available to the person and filtering out the rest?

► Interpretation

► Organization

► Selective attention

► Judgment

Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which one of the following set of skills is best representing the required competencies of managers?

► Technical skills, human skills and conceptual skills


► Leading skills, motivational skills and human skills

► Organizing skills, interpersonal skills and leading skills

► Motivating skills, intrapersonal skills and conceptual skills

Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Ali is a top level manager at ABC Corporation. He has achieved everything he desired in his life. The only thing he misses is the relationships. At this point of career he really needs warm friendships. Identify the need of Mr. Ali.

► Need for achievement

► Need for affiliation

► Need for power

► Need for motivation

Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


kashif is the member of a team who voluntarily meet and discuss different issues like how the quality of products be improved, what possible changes can be made to improve working conditions etc. Mr. Kashif is the member of which of the following team?

► Self-Managed team

► Problem solving team

► Cross functional team

► Virtual team


Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


Usman is the part of the team whose members takes the responsibility for their work, monitor their own performance and alter their behaviors when required to solve a problem. Usman is the member of which of the following team?

► Self-Managed team

► Problem solving team

► Cross functional team

► Virtual team

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is a technique that is valuable in its ability to generate a number of independent judgments without the requirement of a face-to-face meeting?

► The nominal group technique

► Dialectical inquiry

► Brainstorming

► The Delphi technique


Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one


person or a group with a direct or indirect interest or involvement in organization and who is highly affected by the operations of the organization is called _______.

► Shareholder

► Stakeholder

► Stockholder

► Patron

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Who proposed that there are three major relevant motives, or needs, in the workplace?

► McClelland

► McGregor

► Herzberg

► Maslow

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )


What are the major strengths of today’s advanced means of communication as compared to the traditional means in past?

More knowledge. Multiple choices. Can share more in shorter time. Everything became almost instant. (SMS, Internet connectivity, cellular

phone technology, Wi-Fi and other technologies).Question No: 36 ( Marks: 5 )

Identify and explain the two dimensions of leadership described in the Ohio State studies.

Following two dimensions of leadership behaviours were discovered in Ohio State studies:


2- Consideration

1. Consideration: leaders emphasized interpersonal relations. They give trust, respect and friendship to their followers.


2. Initiating Structure: leader assure that work has been competed and employees have done their jobs and duties. In this planning, setting goals, motivating them and coaching them are included.

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 5 )

Motivation is based on the perception of equity and fairness. Do you agree with the statement or not? Discuss it in the light of Equity theory.

Motivation is based on the worker’s perception of the work situation.

Yes i am fully agreed to this statement.

Equity occurs when an individual’s outcome/input ratio equals that of the referent. Because the comparison of these ratios (rather than absolute levels) determines whether equity is perceived, equity can exist if the referent receives more than the person making the comparison. When workers perceive ratios to be equal, they are motivated to maintain the status quo or increase inputs to receive greater outcomes.

Unequal ratios result in tension and a desire to restore equity. Overpayment inequity occurs when an individual perceives his/her outcome/input ratio is greater than the referent’s. Underpayment inequity occurs when the individual perceives his/her ratio is less than the referent’s. In either case, the individual is motivated to restore equity, according to equity theory.


Unequal ratios create tension inside the worker, and the worker is motivated to restore equity. When the ratios are equal, workers are motivated to maintain their current ratio of outcomes and inputs if they want their outcomes to increase

MGT502 - Organizational Behaviour (Online quiz # 2)

 Question # 1 of 10 ( Start time: 10:48:09 PM ) Total Marks: 1What are the three classes of factors that influence perception?Select correct option: Factors in the setting, factors in the environment and factors in the motives Factors in the perceiver, factors in the target and factors in the situation Factors in the character, factors in knowledge and factors in experience Factors in the personality, factors in the character and factors in the values SituationFactors Influencing Perception• Perceiver• Target• Situation

44 page no


Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 10:49:22 PM ) Total Marks: 1Job satisfaction is best described as ____________.Select correct option: 


A result A valueAn attitude A discipline  Two important work attitudes are job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Job satisfaction is

the collection of feelings and beliefs that people have about their organization as a whole. Work

attitudes have three components:


Question # 3 of 10 ( Start time: 10:50:30 PM ) Total Marks: 1In the following steps in decision making, which would come first?Select correct option:  Generate alternatives Rating of alternative Make a choice Implement the decision   Question # 4 of 10 ( Start time: 10:51:00 PM ) Total Marks: 1Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best describes these values?Select correct option: Terminal values Instrumental values Theoretical values Social values Instrumental values.• Preferences for the means to be used in achieving desired ends pge 24


 Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 10:52:23 PM ) Total Marks: 1Which of the following is the most productive stage in group development?Select correct option:  Producing Increasing Maturity Performing  Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 10:53:23 PM ) Total Marks: 1What does consensus refer to in attribution theory?Select correct option:  There is general agreement about a perception Different people perceive a situation similarly Different people respond the same way in the same situation All people behave precisely the same way in certain situations  Consensus: Response is the same as others to same situation

3 aega


   Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time: 10:54:40 PM ) Total Marks: 1In attribution theory, what is distinctiveness?Select correct option:  Whether an individual displays consistent behaviors in different situations Whether an individual displays different behaviors in different situations Whether an individual displays consistent behaviors in similar situations 


Whether an individual displays different behaviors in similar situations • Distinctiveness: shows different behaviors in different situations.

• Consensus: Response is the same as others to same situation.

• Consistency: Responds in the same way over time.

 Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 10:55:08 PM ) Total Marks: 1Organizational members who intentionally violate established norms that result in negative consequences for the organization, its members, or both, show:Select correct option:  Deviant Workplace Behavior Emotional Labor Interpersonal Skills Social Skills  6. Deviant Workplace Behaviors

Negative emotions can lead to employee deviance in the form of actions that violate established

norms and threaten the organization and its members.

i. Productivity failures

ii. Property theft and destruction

iii. Political actions

iv. Personal aggression

42 page  Question # 9 of 10 ( Start time: 10:55:46 PM ) Total Marks: 1


Today’s managers understand that the success of any effort at improving quality and productivity must include _____.Select correct option:  Quality management programs Customer service improvements Employee’s participation Manufacturing simplification Reference Question # 10 of 10 ( Start time: 10:56:21 PM ) Total Marks: 1What does MBO provide for the individual employee?Select correct option:  Specific personal performance objectives Precise job descriptions Explicit task objectives Clear direction and purposeIntensity Direction Persistence All of the given options Ref: “The processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal”  Eden Corp has installed a new email system, but many staff members do not know of its features. Upper management decides to allocate a small portion of the company’s budget to solving this problem. A team that uses rational decision making to arrive at a solution should be aware that this case deviates from the assumptions of the rational decision making model in what way? Select correct option: There are cost constraints The problem is not clearly defined The options available to the team are not known


There are constraints on the options available  Mr. Hussain is a salesperson. He remembers the names of his customers easily because he is able to retain and recall past experience. He is able in which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability? Select correct option: Memory Number Aptitude Deductive Reasoning Perceptual speed What is the term used for a general impression about an individual based on a single characteristic such as intelligence, sociability, or appearance? Select correct option:The contrast effect Personal bias The halo effect Projection  2. Halo Effect

• The halo effect occurs when we draw a general impression on the basis of a single

46 page no

Which one of the following words is the best synonym for “ability”, as the term is used in organizational behavior? Select correct option: Motivation Capacity Experience Wisdom  Factors other than satisfaction that impact one’s decision to leave a current job include all of the following EXCEPT: Select correct option: Labor market conditions Length of tenure with the organization Expectations about alternative job opportunities Organizational citizenship behavior


   What do we call it when we judge someone on the basis of our perception of the group to which he/she belongs? Select correct option: Stereotyping Categorizing Halo effect PrototypingStereotyping—judging someone on the basis of our perception of the group to whichhe or she belongs


MGT502 - Organizational Behaviour (Online quiz # 2) 2

All of the following are true about learning EXCEPT that it :

 Select correct option:

Can have a very short duration

Requires a change in behavior

Requires some form of experience

Affects aptitude



_____ is a measure of how organizations are becoming more heterogeneous in terms of gender, race, and ethnicity. Select correct option:

Workforce diversity

Affirmative action

Organizational culture

Operational homogeneity


The degree, to which a person identifies with his or her job, actively participates in it, and considers his or her performance as being important to self-worth is __________. Select correct option:

Job satisfaction

Job involvement

Job stability

Job enrichment

Job involvement• A workable definition: the measure of the degree to which a person identifiespsychologically with his/her job and considers his/her perceived performance levelimportant to self-worth.• High levels of job involvement is thought to result in fewer absences and lower






What is/are the key element(s) of motivation? Select correct option:




All of the given options

Defining Motivation“The processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction and persistence ofeffort toward attaining a goal”



Eden Corp has installed a new email system, but many staff members do not know of its features. Upper management decides to allocate a small portion of the company’s budget to solving this problem. A team that uses rational decision making to arrive at a solution should be aware that this case deviates from the assumptions of the rational decision making model in what way? Select correct option:


There are cost constraints

The problem is not clearly defined

The options available to the team are not known

There are constraints on the options available




Mr. Hussain is a salesperson. He remembers the names of his customers easily because he is able to retain and recall past experience. He is able in which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability? Select correct option:


Number Aptitude

Deductive Reasoning

Perceptual speed


What is the term used for a general impression about an individual based on a single characteristic such as intelligence, sociability, or appearance? Select correct option:

The contrast effect

Personal bias

The halo effect




Which one of the following words is the best synonym for “ability”, as the term is used in organizational behavior? Select correct option:







Factors other than satisfaction that impact one’s decision to leave a current job include all of the following EXCEPT: Select correct option:

Labor market conditions

Length of tenure with the organization

Expectations about alternative job opportunities

Organizational citizenship behavior



What do we call it when we judge someone on the basis of our perception of the group to which he/she belongs? Select correct option:



Halo effect


MGT502 - Organizational Behaviour (Online quiz # 2) 3

Question # 1 of 10 ( Start time: 10:48:09 PM ) Total Marks: 1


What are the three classes of factors that influence perception? Select correct option:

Factors in the setting, factors in the environment and factors in the motives

Factors in the perceiver, factors in the target and factors in the situation

Factors in the character, factors in knowledge and factors in experience

Factors in the personality, factors in the character and factors in the values


Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 10:49:22 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Job satisfaction is best described as ____________. Select correct option:

A result

A value

An attitude

A discipline

 Two important work attitudes are job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Job satisfaction is the collection of feelings and beliefs that people have about their organization as a whole. Work attitudes have three components: an affective component (how a person feels about a job), a cognitive component (what a person thinks about a job), and a behavioral component (what a person thinks about how to behave on the job).

Question # 3 of 10 ( Start time: 10:50:30 PM ) Total Marks: 1 In the following steps in decision making, which would come first? Select correct option:


Generate alternatives

Rating of alternative

Make a choice

Implement the decision

Question # 4 of 10 ( Start time: 10:51:00 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best describes these values? Select correct option:

Terminal values

Instrumental values

Theoretical values

Social values

( Instrumental values. • Preferences for the means to be used in achieving desired ends.)Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 10:52:23 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the following is the most productive stage in group development? Select correct option:






There is no such thing producing rather performing

Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 10:53:23 PM ) Total Marks: 1 What does consensus refer to in attribution theory? Select correct option:

There is general agreement about a perception

Different people perceive a situation similarly

Different people respond the same way in the same situation

All people behave precisely the same way in certain situations

Consensus occurs if everyone who is faced with a similar situation responds in the same way. If consensus is high, you would be expected to give an external attribution to the employee’s tardiness, whereas if other employees who took the same route made it to work on time, your conclusion as to causation would be internal.

Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time:

10:54:40 PM ) Total Marks: 1

In attribution theory, what is distinctiveness? Select correct option:

Whether an individual displays consistent behaviors in different situations

Whether an individual displays different behaviors in different situations


Whether an individual displays consistent behaviors in similar situations

Whether an individual displays different behaviors in similar situations

Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 10:55:08 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Organizational members who intentionally violate established norms that result in negative consequences for the organization, its members, or both, show: Select correct option:

Deviant Workplace Behavior

Emotional Labor

Interpersonal Skills

Social Skills


Question # 9 of 10 ( Start time: 10:55:46 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Today’s managers understand that the success of any effort at improving quality and productivity must include _____. Select correct option:

Quality management programs

Customer service improvements

Employee’s participation

Manufacturing simplification


Question # 10 of 10 ( Start time: 10:56:21 PM ) Total Marks: 1 What does MBO provide for the individual employee? Select correct option:


Specific personal performance objectives

Precise job descriptions

Explicit task objectives

Clear direction and purpose

MGT502 Solved MCQ from Quiz #3

1. An OB study is least likely to be used to focus in which of the following problems?

A. An increase in absenteeism at a certain company

B. A fall in productivity in one shift of a manufacturing plantC. A decrease in sales due to growing foreign competitionD. Excessive turnover in volunteer workers at a non-profit organization

2. The topic of motivation in OB has been most influenced by which behavioral science discipline?

A. PsychologyB. SociologyC. Political scienceD. Corporate strategy

3. As a manager, one of Ali’s duties is to present awards to outstanding employees within his department. Which Mintzberg’s managerial role is Ali performing, when he does this?

A. Leadership roleB. Monitor role


C. Figurehead roleD. Spokesperson role

4. Which one of the following would NOT be considered a human skill in Katz’s structure?

A. Decision makingB. CommunicatingC. Working as part of a teamD. Listening to others

5. Using operant conditioning, which of the following is NOT a method that can be used to change behavior?

A. Negative reinforcementB. PunishmentC. CounselingD. Positive reinforcement

6. Suspending an employee for dishonest behavior is an example of which method of shaping behavior?

A. ExtinctionB. PunishmentC. Positive reinforcementD. Negative reinforcement

7. Which of the following terminal values was ranked as the most important by executives?

A. FreedomB. Self-respectC. Family securityD. Social security

8. A high score in which dimension of the Big Five model predicts good job performance for all occupational groups?


A. AgreeablenessB. ConscientiousnessC. Emotional stabilityD. Openness to experience

10. Which of the following is an example of an attitude?

A. Satisfaction of a person with a job well doneB. The opinion that it is never acceptable to stealC. Anger at being unfairly accused of a wrongdoingD. The avoidance of a restaurant where one once received bad service

11. Factors other than satisfaction that impact one’s decision to leave a current job include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Labor market conditionsB. Length of tenure with the organizationC. Expectations about alternative job opportunitiesD. Organizational citizenship behavior

12. Job satisfaction is best described as _____.

A. A resultB. A valueC. An attitudeD. A discipline

13. Hanif is dissatisfied with his job but believes that his supervisor is a good man who will do the right thing. Hanif has decided that if he just waits, conditions will improve. Hanif’s approach to this problem is termed _____.

A. ExitB. VoiceC. LoyaltyD. Neglect



14. “Fawad is easy-going at home, but at work he becomes very tense and anxious.” This statement attributes Fawad’s personality more to which of the following?

A. HeredityB. EnvironmentC. SituationD. Locus of control

15. People with which type of personality trait commonly make poor decisions because they make them too fast.

A. Self-monitorsB. ExtrovertsC. Type AsD. Type Bs

16. Asad, one of your newest employees, is an extravert. Which of the following statements is least likely to be true?

A. Asad will probably attend the company picnicB. Asad will be suited to a managerial or sales positionC. Asad will probably have a large number of relationshipsD. Asad will perform well on specialized, detail-oriented tasks

17. Sadaf has a low absenteeism rate. She takes responsibility for his health and has good health habits. She is likely to have a(an):A. Internal locus of controlB. External locus of controlC. Core locus of controlD. High emotional stability level

18. Rizwan is low on conscientiousness. This would lead you to suspect that which of the following statements is most likely to be true about Rizwan?

A. He will find comfort in the familiarB. He will be easily distracted


C. He will be comfortable with solitudeD. He will be nervous, depressed, and insecure

19. Emotional intelligence appears to be especially relevant in jobs that demand which of the following?

A. CharismaB. CommitmentC. Social InteractionD. Leadership Skills

20. Asma is an honest and straightforward lady. She believes her employees are all similarly honest and straightforward, ignoring signs that they may be manipulating her. What perceptual shortcut is Asma most likely using?

A. Contrast effectB. Halo effectC. StereotypingD. Projection

The time at which an object or event is seen is an example of what type of factor influencing the perceptual process?

Select correct option:








The time at which an object or event is seen can influence

attention, as can location, light, heat or any number of situational factors


Mrs. Hillary Clinton gained political capital by her marriage to the President Clinton is an example of which of the following power?

Select correct option:


  Referent power

  Legitimate power

  Reward power

  Expert power


Some examples of referent power are: (a) each of the last seven White House press secretaries have been paid handsomely for their memoirs relating to their presence at the seat of government;

(b) Mrs. Hillary Clinton gained political capital by her marriage to the President;

These MCQ are not crossed checked these are just for idea




A threatened strike action by a labor union to force the management to accept their demands is an example of which of the following power?Select correct option:       Referent power       Legitimate power       Reward power       Coercive power


 When a bank robber points a gun at a bank employee, his base of power is:

Select correct option:       Coercive       Punitive       Positional       Authoritative


Which of the following departmentalization can be considered necessary in an organization where the company’s products fall into several categories with very different production methods for each category?Select correct option:       Customer       Production       Process       Matrix




What sort of actions is most likely to be attributed to external causes?  Select correct option:  

Actions that have high distinctiveness, high consensus and high consistency Actions that have high distinctiveness, high consensus and low consistency Actions that have high distinctiveness, low consensus and low consistency Actions that have low distinctiveness, low consistency and high consensus



Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best describes these values?Select correct option:       Terminal values       Instrumental values       Theoretical values       Social values

Instrumental values. • Preferences for the means to be used in achieving desired ends.)


Which of the following techniques most restricts discussion or interpersonal communication during the decision-making process?Select correct option:       Nominal group       Brainstorm       Electronic meeting       Groupthink



According to attribution theory, which of the following is an example of externally caused behavior?Select correct option:       An employee is late because of a flat tire       An employee was promoted because of his abilities       An employee was fired because he slept on the job       An employee was promoted because he was hard working



Several key dimensions to any organization’s environment have been found. Which of the following is one of these key dimensions?Select correct option:       Productivity       Complexity       Interdependence       Collaboration


which of the following tactics involves an individual in the decision-making process?Select correct option:       Ingratiation       Exchange       Pressure       Inspirational appeals


As a manager, one of Ali’s duties is to present awards to outstanding employees within his department. Which Mintzberg managerial role is Ali performing, when he does this?Select correct option:       Leadership role       Monitor role       Figurehead role       Spokesperson role


Which of the following types of teams would most likely empower its team members to make work-related decisions?

Select correct option:       Technical       Self-managed       Problem-solving       Management


What do we call the process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment?Select correct option:       Perception       Interpretation       Social verification       Environmental analysis


Which of the following factors make it imperative that organizations be fast and flexible?Select correct option:       Temporariness       Corporate excess       Advances in corporate strategy       Globalization


“Fahad is easy-going at home, but at work he becomes very tense and anxious.” This statement attributes Fahad’s personality more to which of the following?Select correct option:       Heredity       Environment       Situation       Locus of control



Which of the following is NOT considered as a driving force of internal change?Select correct option:       Organizational crisis       Working environment       Declining effectiveness       Societal pressures


An individual most likely to engage in political behavior would have all of the following except a/an :Select correct option:       High need for power       High ability to self monitor       High charisma rating       Internal locus of control



Which of the following is NOT considered as a driving force of internal change?Select correct option:       Organizational crisis       Working environment       Declining effectiveness       Societal pressures

All of the following are characteristics of the organic model except:Select correct option:       Cross-functional teams       Narrow spans of control       Cross-hierarchical teams       Employee discretion



People with which type of personality trait commonly make poor decisions because they make them too fast?Select correct option:       Type As       Type Bs       Self-monitors       Extrovert


All of the following are characteristics of the organic model except:Select correct option:       Cross-functional teams       Narrow spans of control       Cross-hierarchical teams       Employee discretion



The belief that “violence is wrong” is an evaluative statement. Such an opinion constitutes which of the following component of an attitude?Select correct option:       Cognitive       Affective       Behavioral       Reflective


The management of Chanab Corporation discovers that its market is clearly divided between very different types of clients, with different support needs. To respond to this market diversity, management will probably choose to which of the following type of departmentalization?Select correct option:       Requirements       Support


       Customer       Matrix


 Ineffective planning of workforce would be highlighted by:Select correct option:       Recruitment and selection problems       The need to out source some of the production       A need to offer retraining to current employees       An opportunity to increase the use of mechanization



Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best describes these values?Select correct option:       Terminal values       Instrumental values       Theoretical values       Social values


Organizing workshops and meetings to explain the changing nature of work is an example of which of the following tactics to overcome resistance?Select correct option:       Manipulation and cooptation       Education and communication       Participation       Negotiation



How is the satisfying decision maker best characterized?Select correct option:       As using rationality       As using bounded rationality       As affected by anchoring bias       As relying on others to make decision


A person or group with a direct interest, involvement, or investment in organization is called ____________.Select correct option:       Shareholder       Stakeholder       Stockholder       Patron


Trust and trustworthiness affect a leader’s access to:Select correct option:       Dedication and achievement       Persuasion and control       Power and influence



One of the shortcuts used to judge others involves evaluating a person based on how he/she compares to other individuals on the same characteristic. What is this shortcut called?Select correct option:       Selective perception       The contrast effect       The halo effect       Stereotyping



Which of the following abilities one should have to perform the job of a beach lifeguard?Select correct option:       To have strong muscles only       To have inductive reasoning skills       To have deductive reasoning skills       Strong spatial-visualization abilities and body coordination


Sabohi has a job which pays an excellent salary. She has a good relationship with her peers and her supervisors. She also likes the fact that the company policy fits well with what she personally believes, and that she has received considerable recognition for her achievements at the company. Which of these factors is 'MOST likely' responsible for the fact that Sabohi loves her job?Select correct option:       High compensation       Good nature of peer relationships       Good nature of supervisor relationships       Recognition for her achievements


Which of the following is one of the most popular ways to group activities?Select correct option:       Product       Function       Geography       Process


Asad, one of your newest employees, is an extravert. Which of the following statements is LEAST likely to be true?Select correct option:       Asad will probably attend the company picnic       Asad will be suited to a managerial or sales position


       Asad will probably have a large number of relationships       Asad will perform well on specialized, detail-oriented tasks


Which is NOT a type of conflict identified by the interactionist view?Select correct option:       Organizational       Relationship       Process       Institutional


Transactional leadership is addressed by all of the following leadership theories EXCEPT:Select correct option:       Transformational leadership theory       Path-goal theory       Fiedler's leadership model       The leader-participation model


The basis by which jobs are grouped together is termed ___.Select correct option:       Bureaucracy       Specialization       Centralization       Departmentalization


Which of the following is the strength of the matrix structure?Select correct option:       Economies of scale       Social empowerment       Ability to facilitate coordination       Adherence to chain of command



Which of the following is not a core topic of organizational behavior?Select correct option:       Motivation       Attitude development       Conflict       Resource allocation


Which of the following term refers to how an organization transfers its inputs into outputs?Select correct option:       Production       Technology       Operations       Process


Which of the following option shows the quality of continuing steadily despite of problems or difficulties?Select correct option:       Persistence       Intensity       Direction       Meditation

Hanif is dissatisfied with his job but believes that his supervisor is a good man who will do the right thing. Hanif has decided that if he just waits, conditions will improve. Henry’s approach to this problem is termed as:Select correct option:       Exit       Voice


       Loyalty       Neglect


The two parties eventually agree to ask M.S Qureshi, an attorney and trusted friend, to help them informally to solve their problem. Sam's role is that of a(n):Select correct option:       Mediator       Arbitrator       Conciliator       Consultant



While managing political behaviors in organization, the manager requires discouraging:Select correct option:       Negotiation       Relationships       Self interest       Dialogue


Which of the following is NOT a key component of emotional intelligence?Select correct option:       Self-awareness       Self-management       Commitment       Empathy



Your physician has advised you to take a series of medications. You comply because of his _________power.Select correct option:       Referent       Formal       Expert       Personal


Conflict a mother feels between being a friend to their children and also being a disciplinarian explains which of the following type of conflict?Select correct option:       Intergroup Conflict       Interpersonal Conflict       Interrole Conflict       Intrarole Conflict



Which of the following will influence the method of recruitment and selection used by a company?Select correct option:       The size of organization       The economic conditions of country       The emerging trends in technology       The social and ethical demands


in which of the following career stage; an individual gets his first job, gets accepted by his peers, learns in this job, and also gains the first tangible evidence of success or failure?Select correct option:       Growth stage       Exploration stage


       Establishment stage       Maintenance stage


Asad and Saad are working in a company. There occurs a conflict between the two due to different views on some decisions. Both are indulging in what type of conflict?Select correct option:       Interpersonal Conflict       Interorganizational Conflict       Intergroup Conflict       Person-role Conflict


Ability to understand what is read or heard and the relationship of words to each other is called _________Select correct option:       Verbal comprehension       Non verbal comprehension       Perceptual speed       Memory


Which of the following network structure requires high emergence of leadership?Select correct option:       Wheel       Chain       All-channel       Diverse


What is generally the result of groupthink?Select correct option:       Higher quality decisions       More risky decisions


       Less critical analysis       Unpopular decisions

How is gain-sharing an improvement on profit sharing?  Select correct option:  

It focuses on productivity gains rather than profits Superior employees can receive incentive even when the organization isn’t profitable It does not distribute profits, only gains in profits It rewards behaviors that are less influenced by external factors



The ___ of an environment refers to the degree to which it can support growth.  Select correct option:  

Capacity  Qualifications  Capability  Permeability


When an organization introduces step by step small routines changes then it is called:  Select correct option:  

Radical change  Incremental change  Reactive change  Anticipatory change




The management of Z&H Corporation is rethinking and redesigning those processes by which the organization can create value and get-ridding itself from operations that have become antiquated in the computer age. What is Z&H doing?  Select correct option:  

Merger  Downsizing  Rightsizing  Reengineering


Which of the following point determine stable environment?  Select correct option:  

High rate of change  Organic structure  Predictable change  Ambiguous change


Asim telephones her employee, Nadeem, to let him know that today’s meeting has been moved to one o’clock. In the communication process, Asim is:  Select correct option:  

The sender  The receiver  The channel  The encoder


Which of the following network structure requires high emergence of leadership?  Select correct option:  


Wheel Chain All-channel Diverse


Which of the following is one of the relationships proposed in expectancy theory?  Select correct option:  

Reward-satisfaction relationship Satisfaction-performance relationship  Rewards-personal goals relationship  Effort-satisfaction relationship



A threatened strike action by a labor union to force the management to accept their demands is an example of which of the following power?  Select correct option:  

Referent power  Legitimate power  Reward power  Coercive power



Rizwan is low on conscientiousness. This would lead you to suspect that which of the following statements is most likely to be true about Rizwan?  Select correct option:  


He will be easily distracted He will find comfort in the familiar He will be comfortable with solitude  He will be nervous, depressed, and insecure


Which of the following is not considered as a characteristic of organizations?  Select correct option:  

Social entities Goal oriented  Closed system Deliberately structured


Which of the following is not considered as a characteristic of organizations?  Select correct option:  

Social entities Goal oriented  Closed system Deliberately structured


In the modern work world, where higher-level trust has been largely destroyed because of broken promises, it is likely to be replaced with which of the following type of trust?  Select correct option:  

Reliance-based  Dependence-based Knowledge-based Identity-based


Which of the following terms is part of the definition of a strong culture?Select correct option:       Low behavioral controls       Narrowly shared values       Deeply held values       Weakly held values


by most contemporary researchers?Select correct option:       Anger       Fear       Hate       Sadness


Which of the following departmentalization can be considered necessary in an organization where the company’s products fall into several categories with very different production methods for each category?Select correct option:       Customer       Production       Process       Matrix


The ABC company has trouble in filling the open positions with appropriate candidates. The selection processes used by human resources have not yet adjusted to the new criteria required for the restructured job positions. This problem is an example of which kind of resistance to change?Select correct option:       Structural inertia       Limited focus of change       Group inertia       Threat to expertise




A reduction in the rank, status, or position of somebody or something is known as:Select correct option:       Layoff       Attrition       Demotion       Firing

Which of the following has proven to be a particularly good predictor for jobs that require cognitive complexity?Select correct option:       Intelligence tests       Integrity evaluations       Work sampling

MGT502 – Organizational Behavior

Solved MCQs

Contributors includes:

1. How many determinants of human behavior in an organization are studied in Organizational Behavior(OB)?Select correct option:1234

2. After which stage of group development the group formed a common set of expectations of member behaviors? Select correct option:


Norming Storming Maturation Forming

What does MBO provide for the individual employee? Select correct option:

Specific personal performance objectives Precise job descriptions Explicit task objectives Clear direction and purpose

3. In the following steps in decision making, which would come first? Select correct option:

Generate alternatives Rating of alternative Make a choice Implement the decision

4. Management functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling were first classified by: Select correct option:

Henry Mintzeberg Henri Fayol Marry Parker Stephen Covey

5. Research suggests that which of the following increases with increase in tenure? Select correct option:


Absenteeism Job Productivity Turnover Dissatisfaction

6. The Big Five Model of Personality contains all of the following dimensions EXCEPT: Select correct option:

Extroversion Introversion Emotional stability Agreeableness

7. Studies indicate that which of the following tends to decrease with increased tenure? Select correct option:

Job satisfaction Productivity Absenteeism Raises and promotion

8. Ahmed believes that men perform better in oral presentations than women. What shortcut has been used in this case? Select correct option:

The halo effect The contrast effect Projection Stereotyping


9. _____________ refers to the network of personal and social relations that is developed spontaneously between people associated with each other. Select correct option:

Formal organization Informal organization Business organization Government organization

10.Group behavior, power, and conflict are central areas of study for ___________. Select correct option:

Sociologists Anthropologists Social psychologists Operations analysts

11.Which one of the following is not considered as a part of organizational output? Select correct option:

Finished goods Services Dividends Capital

12.Ali migrated from Pakistan to a foreign country. He is disorientated by the country’s customs and has difficulty in adapting it. He also feels homesickness. What is Ali experiencing? Select correct option:

Culture shock


Foreign culture Alien culture Adventure

13.In Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, the individual's sense of belonging and love is classified in which of the following needs? Select correct option:

Self-Actualization Needs Esteem Needs Safety Needs Social Needs

14.Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best describes these values? Select correct option:

Terminal values Instrumental values Theoretical values Social values

15.Sana is an honest and straightforward person. She believes her employees are all similarly honest and straightforward, ignoring signs that they may be manipulating her. What perceptual shortcut is Sana most likely using? Select correct option:

Contrast effect Halo effect Stereotyping Projection


16.Group behavior, power, and conflict are central areas of study for___________.

Sociologists Anthropologists Social psychologists Operations analysts

17.Maslow's Need theory was widely recognized by practicing managers during: Select correct option:

1950s and 1960s 1960s and 1970s 1970s and 1980s 1980s and 1990s

18.Barriers to Social perception includes all EXCEPT: Select correct option:

Halo effect Stereotyping Projection Selective Perception

19.Which of the following is an environmental force that shapes personality? Select correct option:

Gender Height Brain size Experience


20.Which of the following theory is proposed by Clayton Alderfer? Select correct option:

Theory X and Theory Y Hierarchy of Needs ERG Theory Theory Z

21.Suspending an employee for dishonest behavior is an example of which method of shaping behavior? Select correct option:

Extinction Negative reinforcement Punishment Positvie reinforcement

22.Asad, one of your newest employees, is an extravert. Which of the following statements is LEAST likely to be true? Select correct option:

Asad will probably attend the company picnicAsad will be suited to a managerial or sales position Asad will probably have a large number of relationships Asad will perform well on specialized, detail-oriented tasks

23.Job satisfaction is best described as __________. Select correct option:

A result A value An attitude A discipline


Ref: specific predictors of job satisfaction were identified as a result of this study. ...


24.If personality characteristics were completely dictated by ______, they would be fixed at birth and no amount of experience could alter them. Select correct option:

Job satisfaction Heredity Environment Situations

25.Increasingly, we can expect that women will be hired into ___ positions. Select correct option:

Unskilled Traditionally female Socially-oriented Professional

26.Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best describes these values? Select correct option:

Terminal values Instrumental values Theoretical values Social values


27.Alia has just presented her paper and has done a really good job. Why should you not want to present your own paper directly after she does? Select correct option:

To avoid the stereotyping effect To avoid the halo effect To avoid the contrast effect To avoid the projection effect

28.Individuals with a high need to achieve prefer all of the following EXCEPT: Select correct option:

Job situations with personal responsibility A high degree of risk Overcoming obstacles Personal empowerment

29.______________ refers to manager's mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations. Select correct option:

Human Skill Managerial Skill Conceptual Skill Technical Skill

30.What does MBO provide for the individual employee? Select correct option:

Specific personal performance objectives Precise job descriptions Explicit task objectives Clear direction and purpose


31.The study which enables us to learn about human beings, their activities and societies is known as Select correct option:

Political Science Sociology Anthropology Organizational Behavio

32.What sort of actions is most likely to be attributed to external causes? Select correct option:

Actions that have high distinctiveness, high consensus and high consistency Actions that have high distinctiveness, high consensus and low consistency Actions that have high distinctiveness, low consensus and low consistency Actions that have low distinctiveness, low consistency and high consensus

33.Organizational members who intentionally violate established norms that result in negative consequences for the organization, its members, or both, show: Select correct option:

Deviant Workplace Behavior Emotional Labor Interpersonal Skills Social Skills

34.Mr. Zulfiqar, Manager in ABC Company, always assume that employees don't like to work and avoid working whenever possible, So he uses to threaten employees to achieve their goals. Which theory is he applying? Select correct option:

Theory Z


Theory Y Theory X Goal Setting Theory

35.According to attribution theory, which of the following is an example of externally caused behavior? Select correct option:

An employee is late because of a flat tire An employee was promoted because of his abilities An employee was fired because he slept on the job An employee was promoted because he was hard working

36.What is the term used for a general impression about an individual based on a single characteristic such as intelligence, sociability, or appearance? Select correct option:

The contrast effect Personal bias The halo effect Projection

37.Which of the following is not one of the four primary management functions? Select correct option:

Planning Staffing Organizing Leading

38.Sadaf has a low absenteeism rate. She takes responsibility for his health and has good health habits. She is likely to have a(an): Select correct option:


Internal locus of control External locus of control Core locus of control High emotional stability level

39.Which of the following is one of the relationships proposed in expectancy theory?Select correct option:

Reward-satisfaction relationship Satisfaction-performance relationship Rewards-personal goals relationship Effort-satisfaction relationship

40.Which of the following option shows the quality of continuing steadily despite of problems or difficulties? Select correct option:

Persistence Intensity Direction Meditation

41.Which of the following is NOT a key component of emotional intelligence? Select correct option:

Self-awareness Self-management Commitment Empathy

42.Characteristics such as age, gender and marital status are known as_______________


Select correct option:

Psychographic characteristics Biographical characteristics Geographical characteristics Behavioral characteristics

43.Which of the following answer choices is the best definition of attitude? Select correct option:

Attitudes are the yardstick by which one measures one’s actions Attitudes are the emotional part of an evaluation of some person, object or event Attitudes are evaluative statements of what one believes about something or someone Attitudes are a measure of how the worth of an object, person or event is evaluated

Ref: An emotion generated in response to a person, object or event…..


44.Achievements, Honesty, Fairness and Concern for other are related with _________Values Select correct option:

Personal Work Instrumental Terminal

45.The smell of fresh cake baking makes Saima’s mouth water is an example of which one of the following learning theory?


Select correct option:

Classical conditioning Operant conditioning Social learning Reinforcement theory

46.Which of the following is NOT an important issue relating to goal-setting theory? Select correct option:

Goal specificity Equity among co-workers Feedback Defining the goal

47.What sort of goals does Management By Objectives (MBO) emphasize?Select correct option:Tangible, verifiable and measurableAchievable, controllable and profitableChallenging, emotional and constructiveHierarchical, attainable and effective

Ref: Management by objectives emphasizes participatively set goals that are tangible, verifiable, and measurable. It is not a new idea. It originated more than 50 years ago.

48.As a manager, one of Ali’s duties is to present awards to outstanding employees within his department. Which Mintzberg managerial role is Ali performing, when he does this?Select correct option:Leadership roleMonitor role


Figurehead roleSpokesperson role

49.Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best describes these values?Select correct option:Terminal valuesInstrumental valuesTheoretical valuesSocial values

50.Mr. Hussain is a salesperson. He remembers the names of his customers easily because he is able to retain and recall past experience. He is able in which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability?Select correct option:MemoryNumber AptitudeDeductive ReasoningPerceptual speed

51.Which of the following is NOT one of Hofstede’s five dimensions of national culture?Select correct option:Power distanceFuture orientationUncertainty avoidanceFlexibility versus rigidity

52.Biological Characteristics included the following EXCEPT:Select correct option:Marital StatusGender




• Age • Gender • Marital status • Length of service, etc.

53.What is the term used for the situation where employees are allowed to pick and choose from among a menu of benefit options?Select correct option:Flexible payBenefit menu optionsFlexible benefitsBenefit participation

Ref: Flexible benefits schemes enable employers to allow staff to select the benefits that suit them… http://www.employeebenefits.co.uk/benefits/flex_bens.html

54.Mr. Fahad believes that the participation of employees in all aspects of company decision making is essential, Which management philosophy is he following?Select correct option:ERG TheoryTheory XTheory YTheory Z


Ref: Alderfer’s ERG Theory

Clayton Alderfer’s existence-relatedness-growth (ERG) theory is also a need theory of work motivation. Alderfer reduces the number of needs from five to three and states that needs at more than one level can be motivators at any time.

55.Which of the following would not be considered an organization?Select correct option:HospitalCharity centersRed crossDairy farmers in Punjab

56.Which of the following statements is true?Select correct option:Older employees have lower rates of avoidable absence than younger workersOlder employees are more likely to quit their job than younger workersOlder employees are perceived to be more flexible than younger workersOlder employees generally have lower productivity than younger workers

Ref: In general, older employees have lower rates of avoidable absence. However, they have higher rates of unavoidable absence, probably due to their poorer health associated with aging and longer recovery periods when injured.

57.Which of the following is NOT a key component of emotional intelligence?Select correct option:Self-awarenessSelf-managementCommitmentEmpathy


58.Which one of the following is NOT included in the 4-Ps of Continuous Improvement:Select correct option:ProductPlacePeopleProcesses

59.Eden Corp has installed a new email system, but many staff members do not know of its features. Upper management decides to allocate a small portion of the company’s budget to solving this problem. A team that uses rational decision making to arrive at a solution should be aware that this case deviates from the assumptions of the rational decision making model in what way? Select correct option:

There are cost constraints page 53 The problem is not clearly defined The options available to the team are not known There are constraints on the options available

60.The more consistent a behavior, the more the observer is inclined to ___. Select correct option:

Attribute it to interpretation Attribute it to internal causes page 49Attribute it to consensus Attribute it to external causes

61.If everyone who is faced with a similar situation responds in the same way, attribution theory states that the behavior shows ___. Select correct option:


Consensus Similarity Reliability Consistency

Ref: Consensus occurs if everyone who is faced with a similar situation responds in the same way

62.What is the relationship between what one perceives and objective reality? Select correct option:

They are the same They cannot be the same They are rarely if ever the same They can be substantially different

63.Protecting the interests of deprived and less powerful is known as__________ Select correct option:

Obligation Right Justice Duty

64._______________ creates problem for employees when their job requires to display emotions incompatible with their actual feelings Select correct option:

Depression Emotional Labor Stress Anxiety


Ref: Emotional labor creates dilemmas for employees when their job requires them to exhibit emotions incongruous with their actual feelings

65.Top executives, lower-level managers and business students tends to score highest in which of the following decision-making styles

Select correct option:ConceptualAnalyticalBehavioralEthical

Ref: Business students, lower-level managers, and top executives tend to score highest in the analytic style.

66.Mr. Rahman discusses job related problems with supervisor and attempts to improve conditions actively. It is an example of which of the following ways through which employees express dissatisfaction?Select correct option:NeglectLoyaltyExitVoice

67.Barriers to Social perception includes all EXCEPT

Select correct option:Halo effectStereotypingProjectionSelective Perception

68.Which of the following values would be most likely to be considered a terminal value by Rockeach


Select correct option:AmbitionSelf-controlBroad-mindednessSense of accomplishment

Ref: Terminal values.• Preferences concerning the ends to be achieved.

69.Mohsin has already presented two excellent reports. The report he has just presented is clearly not as good as the first two reports, yet he is given the same high grade as before. What shortcut has been used in this case? Select correct option:The contrast effectThe halo effectStereotypingProjection

70.The degree, to which a person identifies with his or her job, actively participates in it, and considers his or her performance as being important to self-worth is ________. Select correct option:

Job satisfaction Job involvement Job stability Job enrichment

Ref: Job involvement• A workable definition: the measure of the degree to which a person identifiespsychologically with his/her job and considers his/her perceived performance levelimportant to self-worth.


71.Ali migrated from Pakistan to a foreign country. He is disorientated by the country’s customs and has difficulty in adapting it. He also feels homesickness. What is Ali experiencing? Select correct option:

Culture shock Foreign culture Alien culture Adventure

Ref: Culture shock can include homesickness, and citizens living abroad tend to buynational newspapers or frequent stores or restaurants similar to those in the home country, page 14

72.: Which one of the following words is the best synonym for “ability”, as the term is used in organizational behavior? Select correct option:

Motivation Capacity Experience Wisdom

73.According to the goal-setting theory of motivation, highest performance is reached when goals are set to which level? Select correct option:

Impossible but inspirational Difficult but attainable Only marginally challenging Easy and attainable


74.If a person responds the same way over time, attribution theory states that the behavior shows: Select correct option:

Distinctiveness Consensus Consistency

75.What is the last step in the Rational Decision-Making Model? Select correct option:

Developing alternatives Collecting relevant data Weighing the decision criteria Computing the optimal decision

76.Your boss never gives you the benefit of the doubt. When you were late back from lunch, he assumed that you had simply taken too much time. He never considered that the elevators were out and you had to walk up 10 flights of stairs. Your boss is guilty of ___. Select correct option:

Self-serving bias Selective perception Fundamental attribution error page 49Inconsistency

77.Which of the following is NOT a factor in the individual perceiver? Select correct option:

Attitude Motive


Location Perception

Ref: The more relevant personal characteristics affecting perception of the perceiver are attitudes, motives, interests, past experiences, and expectations

78.People with which type of personality trait commonly make poor decisions because they make them too fast? Select correct option:

Type As Type Bs Self-monitors Extroverts

79._________ focuses on the study of people in relation to their social environment. Select correct option:

Psychology Sociology Corporate strategy Political science

80.: Rizwan is low on conscientiousness. This would lead you to suspect that which of the following statements is most likely to be true about Rizwan? Select correct option:

He will be easily distracted He will find comfort in the familiar He will be comfortable with solitude He will be nervous, depressed, and insecure


81.Which of the following is an example of an attitude? Select correct option:

Satisfaction of a person with a job well done The opinion that it is never acceptable to steal Anger at being unfairly accused of a wrongdoing The avoidance of a restaurant where one once received bad service

82.Which of the following is an environmental force that shapes personality? Select correct option:

Gender Height Brain size Experience

83.Analyzing relationships, determining causes and effects, and basing conclusions on scientific evidence all constitute aspects of _____________study. Select correct option:

Organizational Intuitive Theoretical Systematic

84._____________ refers to the network of personal and social relations that is developed spontaneously between people associated with each other. Select correct option:

Formal organization Informal organization


Business organization Government organization

85.Two people see the same thing at the same time yet interpret it differently. Where do the factors that operate to shape their dissimilar perceptions reside? Select correct option:

The perceivers The target The context The situation

86.What term is used for the extent to which an individual displays different behaviors in different situations? Select correct option:

Continuity Integrity Stability Distinctiveness

87.Which of the following is NOT one of the most common types of teams? Select correct option:

Problem-solving Interdepartmental Self-managed Cross functional

88.People who consistently believe they control their own destinies have a/an ___________. Select correct option:


Type A personality High self esteem Internal locus of control External locus of control

89.Which of the following theories was proposed by Douglas McGregor?Select correct option:Hierarchy of needs theoryTheories X and YTwo-factor theoryExpectancy theory

90.The primary change agents in an organization are:Select correct option:EmployeesManagersLeadersStakeholders

91.Mr. Hussain is a salesperson. He remembers the names of his customers easily because he is able to retain and recall past experience. He is able in which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability?Select correct option:MemoryNumber AptitudeDeductive ReasoningPerceptual speed

92.Ability to understand what is read or heard and the relationship of words to each other is called ___________Select correct option:Verbal comprehensionNon verbal comprehension


Perceptual speedMemory

93.The degree to which a person identifies with a job, actively participates in it, and considers performance important to self-worth is known as ________:Select correct option:Job SatisfactionJob EnrichmentJob SpecificationJob Involvement

94.A high score in which dimension of the Big Five model predicts good job performance for all occupational groups?Select correct option:AgreeablenessConscientiousnessEmotional stabilityOpenness to experience

95.Which of the following factors make it imperative that organizations be fast and flexible?Select correct option:TemporarinessCorporate excessAdvances in corporate strategyGlobalization

96.Which of the following countries ranks highest in long-term orientation?Select correct option:AfghanistanBangladeshRussiaChina


97.Increasingly, we can expect that women will be hired into ___ positions.Select correct option:UnskilledTraditionally femaleSocially-orientedProfessional

98.Which of the following term is used to describe broad range of feelings that people experience?Select correct option:MoodAffectEmotionEmotional Intelligence

99.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of physical ability?





100. Eliminating any reinforcement that is maintaining an unwanted behavior is called:Extinction


Negative reinforcement

Positive reinforcement



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