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Post on 01-Nov-2014






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• Mauricio Rodríguez Osorio • Mauro • Colombian • 22-11-1990/Bogotá/9:00 AM • 310-859-0996 • mrodriguez2290@gmail.com/mauricio.rodriguez@aiesec.net • Skype ID: Maucho22 • The Police in Mexico apprehended me, for peeing in the street.


1. I believe that Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind´s Potential is possible because of three main pillars. The first, H is tory ; I believe that humans are getting more and more intelligent, we are learning from our blunders. There are more developed cultures and civilizations than others, but it is a matter of time when we, as a human race acknowledge ourselves as a global civilization and begin tolerating and understanding our natural differences. Great and old civilizations that endured thousand of years of poor development and devastating wars are now day’s examples of tolerance, development and peace. Second, A IESEC ; the fact that there is an NGO with more than 80,000 members across the world that fights for this vision, is one of the most important pillars by which I believe in these powerful statement, just to think that there are 80,000 young minds daily working to achieve this promise, gives me energy, joy and tons of faith. Not only this, to think that this NGO can, and has to be more relevant, also gives me a scent of warmth and security that Peace and Fulfillment of humankinds Potential is Possible. And last and most important, Dream; I have a dream of peace, of peace structured thanks to a prepared society that is interested in global issues, in education, a society with tolerant and inclusive bases, where its 100 % potential is released. I have to believe in my dream, and my dream is to have peace, and to see how our society and civilization unleashes their complete potential for good causes.

2. I consider that my mission in life is to, work by educat ing soc ie ty w i th s t rong va lues tha t a re based on respect and communa l coex is tence . Why? Because I think that, the great majority if not all the conflicts that we as society endure are based on poor education and lack of values that structures a path of coexistence between us. This is directly linked with Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind´s Potential because AIESEC has a very strong leadership standard and model, which drives us to this. It pushes our society to a more inclusive environment, that permits us to understand our peers, and by understanding we tolerate. It drives us to act correctly, and to think in a communal standard; this allows us to understand that we are not alone in this world and that by acting as a global community we can be stronger based on correct ways of demeanor. And by fulfilling humankind´s potential, with a correct path of demeanors and values, we can structure a more inclusive, respectful, prepared, tolerant, and open society, where peace will flow as natural as a river.

3. Motivational Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y83Q7wsKIT8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y83Q7wsKIT8


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I want to tell the story of my life. Maybe some will think writing the story instead of doing something different is a prove of my lack of

creativity, however wr i t ing and read ing is one of my greatest passions, and I feel writing my h is tory , is the best way for explaining

who am I and what things have shaped me as an individual.

I will begin this short but in my meek opinion, exiting story, by explaining the reason I was born. I come from a traditional middle –high

class, Roman Catholic Family from Bogotá. My dad is a Medical Doctor and Surgeon, and my mother is a Pre-School teacher. In order to

explain the reason for my existence I must explain my family’s context. It was mid 80’s, both my parents where recently married, and

went to live in the United States. Here, my older brother was born, Colombia had a very difficult political and social situation going on,

but my parents came back in the late 80’s to Colombia. Back in Colombia, my parents had a second child, but this one marked our way

of life, and as my parents say, it was a miracle. Tatiana was born; she is a little angel with Down syndrome that split my family’s story in

two. Since I have memory me parents always told me that I was born with one sole purpose; to accompany my sister, and serve as a

support for her. And that is the reason I was born. This importance that I give to my sister has taken me to be a fam i ly or ien ted

person , I do everything for her welfare and happiness. My childhood marked me in a very strong way. I was educated with very strong

traditional values, where family and communal coexistence was vital. They taught me to forget individualism, and perhaps because of my

parent’s vocation and of my sister I always gave other’s happiness and welfare a great sense of importance, and still do. Therefore I

consider myself as a strong va lue or ien ted person, with great sense of loyalty. However, my childhood was also paced by strong

personal experiences, when I was fourteen years old, y was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. This transformed my life completely, it gave

me a different way of seeing things, it gave a much bigger sense of responsibility and it changed almost all of my daily habits.

Past my childhood, I developed several characteristics that defined me in a very strong form. I graduated from school, and began feeling

completely ignorant, ignorant with the Colombian reality, and society reality. I was admitted in Rosario University in Bogotá, and began

my International Relations mayor. I’ve always been extremely cur ious , and love reading, since I was little geography and being aware

of what happened worldwide was a must; that’s why this is the perfect mayor for me. In college, I changed completely; previously I had

lived in a very closed and hermetic bubble. Henceforth, and thanks to this new world that opened for me, I met great friends that

thought me the meaning of loya l ty , began to get very interested in po l i t i cs , which developed into a great interest in social issues, and

social justice. However, due to the academic requirement, I began to be more and more re laxed , leaving work for last minute, and

developed a strong sense of competition with my peers, I guess negative competition, that now a days still exists. I consider myself a

very compet i t i ve person. Living in Bogota also developed two things that I consider very negative. First, s t rong temper . I am a very

relaxed person and think that have patience, but when it runs out i have a terrible temper and can be very offensive. This goes hand by

hand with the fact that I am a very d is t rus t fu l person. It may sound as an excuse, and it probably is, but living in Bogotá can be

overwhelming and develops negative behaviors, which I am not proud of.

I joined AIESEC and the rest is history. My life has taught me many things, and I love to learn. I consider myself as a constant learner,

and constantly I’m working to develop my defects and grow as an individual. This is Mauricio



Organizational Development is my main option. I consider I am a reliable option for this role because three main bases. First my LCP

experience. I think one of the mayor lessons I learned being an LCP is that knowledge and innovation is the key. Being aware of what is

happening and based on that execute new strategies is key to transform AIESEC reality. Being an LCP, and not only a LCP but an active

general assembly member gives me a very good knowledge of how a LC works, what an LC needs, and how AIESEC in Colombia is

transforming. Second my NST OD experience, at this date, I haven’t had a very strong experience, but with the little time, I’ve noticed

and learned a big deal. In this experience I’ve hade the opportunity to know different realities, to support them with my knowledge and

to understand AIESEC Colombia not with an LC perspective, but with a national one. And third, curiosity and nerdiness, I am constantly

looking how to prepare myself, how to do it better, how to implement it in the best way possible. It may be a very empiric reason for

many, but it is one of the most important ones for me.

I consider my academic background important, because we have a very strong emphasis in history, and I believe that history gives us

many insights where, based on knowing our past (information) we can execute a better present (strategies) we are taught to always

analyze and contextualize, and that can be a very important tool regarding organizational development. Concerning my experience and

academic background, I’ve developed different competencies and skills that consider very important in order to succeed in this role,

such as; Creativity, action oriented (execution), solution oriented, I consider that problems always exist, it depends in your solution

capacity to reduce them. Team Management, both my IGCDP and EB team had a very clear and successful way of working. Facilitation, I

like messages to be short and clear, no taboos included.


My second choice is regional director because it’s directly linked with OD, and because it involves direct intervention and work with local

entities, based on the OD model. It’s very similar to my actual NTS job, but with more responsibilities and the fact that I already have

experience, with the role, and with the region, makes me a reliable choice. As explained before, my role as VP IGCDP, and LCP gives me

an advantage, and gives me important insight to execute the role accordingly. I believe communication skills are very important in this

role, and the ability to connect with people will be constantly put into consideration. I think, and consider that this role, is OD in a more

specific level, so the same academic background and skills developed apply here, with the difference on having to rely on empathy as a

prime ally to be able to establish clear communication channels with the LC’s.


IGCDP is my great passion; I’ve worked in this specific program half of my AIESEC life. I love the programs impact and its enormous

power; however have a work line that differs from the tendency that the program has developed in the past 2 years. I believe that I am a

reliable choice because of; my social knowledge. Because of my career and political interest, I am constantly aware and investigating

social trends and issues that develop in Colombia. I believe I have very good market knowledge, and have a very wide panorama in this

specific area. Today, I think LC’s are not implementing the IGCDP program the correct way, and everybody is offering the same, leaving

us with a very serious and profound problem of supply and demand. I always implemented a diversified supply of TN’s and I think that

has to begin nationwide. In my AIESEC experience, I was LCVP IGCDP 2012, and realized 66 exchanges, finishing second at national

level, and being recognized in IGN as the second LC with more growth in the program. We began executing a local project called Winter

Camp, which is based with third sector (one of the biggest sector in the Colombian market, and it only has 30 % of the TN’s at national

 level). My selling skills, team management, international negotiations ability, and sector knowledge, are the main abilities and

competencies y think are fundamental for the role execution.


Ana Maria Vela VP ICX 2011 anamaria.vela@aiesec.net 300-677-7297

Carlos Julia VP IM 2012 carlos.julia@aiesec.net 317-700-5095

Ricardo Suarez IGCDP Coordinator suarezdaza.ricardo@gmail.com 312-441-3171

Claudia Hernandez Program Coordinator (Corporacion Sindrome de Down) cabihernandez@yahoo.com 310-559-8330


I. AIESEC was born realizing GIP internships; we have done this type of exchange since 1948. In Colombia we have a great taboo or fear

for this specific program, and I think it’s just that, a fear. I don’t think it´s so difficult as we think it is and I think we haven’t explored new

segments that can help us boost the program, however I also think it is not so feasible to force the programs execution in all of the

country. So what is the concrete strategy to achieve 500 GIP exchanges? First I will focus in specific cities such as Bogotá, Cali, Medellin,

Cartagena and Barranquilla. I think that these cities have the best market segment and diverse pool of companies where we can impulse

the program. If each of these cities achieves 100 realizations we can achieve the goal, however these is a big number taking into

account the LC reality. Therefore the strategy will be accompanied by the following:

After structuring a national segmentation, and choosing an specific sales team per zone, these teams will be responsible of selling in

their entire region, focusing on the previously named cities, with an specific Mof, KPI`s and MOS that the MCVP IGIP will be tracking. I

would focus on MT’s at large scale, but especially IT’s taking into account that the biggest EP supply. I would work with LC with good

experience and knowledge in the program, Cartagena, Manizales, EIA, EAFIT, Uninorte, and Andes. However, strategies with Cali based

LC`s and Bogotá are very important.

II. Winning Together is a very complex but necessary strategy and culture that we need to begin executing. I think that the new Regional

Director Strategy attacks this problem, at least at an MC level, because the MC is also responsible for this. So, answering the question
















 This strategy is a long-term strategy; I think that’s the first important thing that we have to consider. It starts with a strong message and

a clear execution strategy from de regional directors, which are essential in the implementation process. LCP’s must receive special

trainings during events. It’s very common that LCP’s don’t enjoy conferences because the information given is not very useful for them.

Having special agenda for LCP’s will drive the network in a more specific and prepared way. I think LCP’s are giving to much freedom,

and little tracking, and freedom without tracking is dangerous. By knowing exactly what is happening, in leadership and LC info, the

strategy can be implemented in a mucho more sane and structured form.


AIESEC in Colombia, as well as the whole AIESEC network, is not achieving their @2015 goals. As seen in the table, all of the programs

have serious gaps between the plan, and the executed. There is a total of 705 GAP of exchanges, which we still need to recuperate in

order to get and achieve @2015. The program with the biggest gap is IGIP with 223 exchanges, followed by the OGX programs, both

with a 209 gap, being IGCDP the program with the best, or least worst gap with a total of 64. Taking them into OGX and ICX statistics,

OGX has a total GAP of 418 exchanges, 60 % of the total gap. ICX by the other hand, has a total GAP of 287, 40% of the total GAP.

Regarding programs, GCDP has a total of 273 GAP, occupying a total of 38 % of the total GAP. GIP has a total of 432 GAP, and the 62

% of the total gap. Be seeing and evaluating this analysis I came out with various conclusions. First, AIESEC in Colombia biggest

strength is ICX, while OGX is dragging our GAP year by year. If we want to achieve our 2015 goal, we have to put a big focus in the

outgoing programs. Second, the GIP program has many issues and is clearly slowing us down, we are getting better and better in the

GCDP program, but GIP is giving us many problems. And considering the total GAP, we have to have a very productive 2014 and 2015

and the planning process must include this GAP for us to be able to achieve our @2015 goals.

2014 -2015 Milestones


PLAN RE GAP PLAN RE GAP PLAN RE GAP PLAN RE GAP PLAN RE GAP 2011 111 111 0 204 204 0 219 219 0 455 454 -1 989 988 -1

2012 200 143 -57 300 242 -58 650 558 -92 750 697 -53 1900 1640 -260

2013 340 174 -166 480 329 -151 800 828 28 1120 965 -155 2740 2296 -444

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