appears neuropsychology (2004)...the interim interval was 1 s. participants were told to remember as...

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  • Utilization of cognitive support in episodic free recall as a function of apolipoprotein E and

    vitamin B12 or folate among adults aged 75 years and older

    David Bunce1,2

    , Miia Kivipelto2, and Åke Wahlin


    Appears NEUROPSYCHOLOGY (2004)

    This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in the APA journal. It

    is not the copy of record

    1. Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths College, University of London, London, UK

    2. Aging Research Center, Division of Geriatric Epidemiology, Department of Neurotec,

    Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, and Stockholm Gerontology Research

    Center, Sweden

    3. Department of Psychology, University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

    Address for correspondence: David Bunce, Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths College,

    University of London, London, SE14 6NW, UK


    Bunce NP03-140-RR.doc

  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 2


    Apolipoprotein (APOE), vitamin B12, and folate were examined in relation to free recall

    among 167 community-based older adults (M=82.81 years). Cognitive support at encoding

    and retrieval was also taken into account. Participants were classified as APOE ε4 or non-ε4

    allele carriers, and as either low or normal vitamin B12 or folate status. A significant

    association was identified between low vitamin B12, and the ε4 genotype in respect to free

    recall, but only in circumstances of low cognitive support. This result was retained having

    removed incident dementia cases up to six years following testing. A similar, but

    nonsignificant, trend was evident in relation to folate. The research is discussed with reference

    to vulnerability models, and genetic influences on brain reserves.

  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 3


    Psychosocial models of life stress propose that the vulnerability of an individual faced with a

    stressful life event to adverse health consequences, is moderated by the combined influence

    of pre-existing personal dispositions and prevailing social conditions (e.g., Dohrenwend &

    Dohrenwend, 1981). Individuals of a particular disposition may be more vulnerable to

    negative outcomes if detrimental social conditions exist. A parallel exists between these

    vulnerability models and research investigating genetic associations with cognitive function

    in old age, and the extent to which non-genetic factors may influence such associations. It is

    possible that individuals of a particular genetic disposition are more vulnerable to cognitive

    deficits in later life given certain environmental conditions. Here, we test this vulnerability

    hypothesis in non-demented adults aged 75 years and older. Specifically, we investigated

    episodic memory performance in relation to apolipoprotein E (APOE), and two nutritional

    variables, vitamin B12 and folate. We evaluated how far APOE genotype and low B vitamin

    levels rendered individuals vulnerable to episodic memory deficits in old age. Also, task

    demands were taken into account by varying the level of cognitive support at the encoding

    and retrieval phases of the episodic memory task. Manipulation of such support is of interest

    as earlier work (Bunce, 2001a, b) suggests the tasks most sensitive to underlying

    physiological mechanisms in older adults, are those placing the greatest demands on

    cognitive processes (i.e., low cognitive support). Here, we ask if vitamin B12 or folate, and

    APOE genotype interact to influence episodic memory in very old age, and whether

    cognitive support affects that relationship.

    APOE is involved in cholesterol transportation, and is determined by the combination

    of three alleles, ε2, ε3, and ε4. There is clear evidence that possession of the ε4 allele is a risk

    factor for dementia (for a review see Farrer, Cupples, Haines et al., 1997). However, work

    investigating whether the presence of the ε4 allele confers a greater vulnerability to cognitive

    impairment among non-demented older adults, is more equivocal. For example, individuals

    possessing the ε4 allele exhibited more precipitous decline in face and word recognition

    (Small, Basun, & Bäckman, 1998), delayed word recall (Hyman, Gomez-Isla, Briggs et al.,

    1996), factor scores for episodic memory and processing speed (Hofer, Christensen,

    MacKinnon et al., 2002), memory and nonmemory composite measures (Jonker, Schmand,

    Lindeboom, Havekes, & Launer, 1998; Mayeux, Small, Tang, Tycko, & Stern, 2001), digit

    symbol and visuospatial skills (Mortensen & Hogh, 2001), and verbal and nonverbal

    reasoning (Deary, Whiteman, Pattie et al., 2002). By contrast, there is work suggesting no

  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 4

    association between the ε4 allele and decline in fluid intelligence (Pendleton, Payton, van

    den Boogard et al., 2002), composite visuospatial and language factors (Mayeux et al., 2001),

    and proxy measures of IQ (Deary, Whalley, St. Clair et al., 2003). Cross-sectional work

    found no association between APOE and episodic, semantic, or working memory, perceptual

    speed or visuospatial ability, after controlling for dementia (Bennett, Wilson, Schneider et

    al., 2003). Regarding measures of global cognitive performance, some studies suggest

    decline to be greater in ε4 carriers (e.g., Bretsky, Guralnik, Launer, Albert, & Seeman, 2003;

    Fillenbaum, Landerman, Blazer et al, 2001; Jonker et al., 1998), whereas others show no

    such differentials (Winnock, Letenneur, Jacqmin-Gadda et al., 2002). Given those equivocal

    findings, research that has investigated APOE in the presence of another deleterious

    physiological factor suggests that ε4 carriers are indeed more vulnerable to cognitive deficits.

    For instance, cognitive impairment was greater in ε4-carrying older adults suffering

    peripheral vascular disease, and atherosclerosis (Haan, Shemanski, Jagust, Manolio, &

    Kuller, 1999), olfactory dysfunction (Borenstein Graves, Bowen, Rajaram et al., 1999), and

    low estrogen use (Yaffe, Haan, Byers, Tangen, & Kuller, 2000).

    To date, little research has investigated nutritional factors and APOE ε4 in respect to

    cognitive performance in older adults. Earlier work suggests two B vitamins, B12 and folate,

    may provide a particularly worthwhile avenue for exploration. For instance, among older

    adults vitamin B12 and folate have been associated cross-sectionally with episodic memory

    (e.g., Hassing, Wahlin, Winblad, & Bäckman, 1999; Wahlin, Hill, Winblad, & Bäckman,

    1996), spatial, and working memory ability, and verbal fluency (Lindeman, Romero, Koehler

    et al., 2000; Robins Wahlin, Wahlin, Winblad, & Bäckman, 2001), and also with spatial

    copying skills (Riggs, Spiro, Tucker, & Rush, 1996). Intervention studies (e.g., Martin,

    Francis, Protetch et al., 1992; Meadows, Kaplan, & Bromfield, 1994) have established a link

    with improved cognition in demented or cognitively impaired individuals, and low levels of

    those nutrients have also been associated with an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s

    disease (e.g., Wang, Wahlin, Basun et al., 2001). More broadly, there is evidence suggesting

    subclinical differences in those B vitamins may influence cognitive performance (see

    Calvaresi & Bryan, 2001).

    Together, those findings raise the possibility that possession of the ε4 allele and low

    B vitamin levels will increase vulnerability to cognitive impairment due to their combined

    deleterious effect on neural structures and processes. However, no empirical research has

    tested this possibility. Here, we address this shortfall in a population-based sample of

  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 5

    dementia- and depression-free adults aged 75 years and over. As noted earlier, there is

    evidence that demanding task conditions are more sensitive to underlying physiological

    mechanisms than those that are less demanding. Therefore, we manipulated the level of task

    demands by varying cognitive support at both the encoding and retrieval phases of an

    episodic free recall task. Finally, given the possibility that cerebro-, and cardiovascular

    diseases are related to both APOE, and vitamin B12 and folate levels, we took those

    influences into account in our investigation.



    The sample was drawn from inhabitants of the Kungsholmen parish in Stockholm, aged 75

    years or older, participating in a multidisciplinary project involving medical examination,

    social and family interviews, laboratory blood analysis, and cognitive testing (see Fratiglioni,

    Viitanen, Bäckman, Sandman, & Winblad, 1992, for a detailed description). Data were

    available for a total of 528 individuals. Of this number, 130 were diagnosed according to

    criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders III-R (American

    Psychiatric Association, 1987) as suffering dementia, and a further 33 depression. As

    inclusion of those individuals would affect interpretation of our results, they were removed

    from the statistical analyses. A further 37 were removed due to incomplete vitamin B12 or

    folate data, and also 16 participants who were taking vitamin B12 or folate supplements.

    Inspection of the remaining data revealed 32 individuals to have abnormally high folate

    levels. As such high values may be indicative of undetected disease, those persons also were

    removed from the sample. Finally, APOE data were unavailable for 113 persons. The final

    sample numbered 167, with a mean age of 82.81 years (SD = 5.68), was 80.24 percent

    female, and had a mean number of years education of 8.85 (SD = 2.98). A Table providing

    descriptive data for persons included in, and eliminated from, the sample can be viewed at

    [Hyperlink here]. For a minority of cases in the statistical analyses reported below, missing

    data were replaced by imputing the group mean for that variable.

    Episodic memory measures

    Free recall of semantically unrelated words. Two lists of 12 semantically unrelated concrete

    nouns were randomly selected from a pool of 48 nouns, equivalent in respect to visual and tactile

    imagery, meaningfulness, and frequency (Molander, 1984). The two lists were presented bimodally to

  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 6

    participants at either rapid (2 s per word) or slow (5 s per word) rates, counterbalanced across

    subjects. The interim interval was 1 s. Participants were told to remember as many words as possible

    for a subsequent recall test. Immediately following presentation, two minutes were allowed for oral

    free recall.

    Free and cued recall of organizable words. A further word list of 12 nouns belonging to four

    taxonomic categories was administered (i.e., clothes, furniture, professions, musical instruments)

    bimodally, at a rate of 5 s per word. Participants were not informed of the taxonomic categories

    beforehand. In free recall, participants were given two minutes to remember as many of the words as

    possible. A cued recall condition followed where the taxonomic categories served as cues. For each

    category, 30 s was allowed for recall.

    The episodic memory tasks can be conceived of as lying along a continuum of cognitive

    support. The lowest level of cognitive support was available in the condition allowing 2 s encoding

    time for semantically unrelated words. Cognitive support was increased in each condition,

    respectively, by extending encoding time for semantically unrelated words to 5 s, providing

    organizable taxonomic categories at encoding, and finally, offering cued recall of those taxonomic


    Physiological variables

    Cardio-, and cerebrovascular factors. As cardio-, and cerebrovascular factors may be

    independently associated with APOE, vitamin B12 and folate, and also cognitive performance

    in older adults, it was desirable to take those variables into account. Therefore, computerized

    hospital inpatient admission records were examined for the entire sample for the five-year

    period prior to cognitive testing. Admissions for any of the following complaints were

    recorded: diabetes, cerebrovascular diseases, stroke (hemorrhage, ischemic, or non-specific),

    transient ischemic attack, ischemic heart disease, heart failure, myocardial infarction, angina,

    arrhythmia, and arterial fibrillation.

    Vitamin B12 and folate, and APOE. Analyses of serum vitamin B12 and folate were

    conducted in the same laboratory using the radioimmunoassay method (see Chen, Silberstein,

    Maxon, Volle, & Sohnlein, 1982). APOE genotyping was conducted blind to clinical

    information, on DNA extracted from peripheral white blood cells. A microsequencing

    method involving polymerase chain reaction was used to determine the APOE genotype (see

    Small et al., 1998, for further details of this procedure).


  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 7

    The ethical committee of the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, approved the project.

    A battery of cognitive measures, including the memory measures reported here, was

    administered. Blood samples for analyses of vitamin B12 and folate levels were collected on

    the morning of the day of cognitive testing.

    Participants were classified as either APOE ε4 (ε2/ε4, ε3/ε4, ε4/ε4), or non- ε4

    (ε2/ε2, ε2/ε3, ε3/ε3). Within those groups, vitamin B12 and folate were stratified as follows:

    low B12 < 250 pmol/liter; low folate < 12 nmol/liter. Remaining participants, with values

    above those thresholds, were designated as normal.


    Vitamin B12, APOE and episodic memory

    Descriptive data relating to the four APOE-vitamin B12 groups for age, gender, years of

    education, and vitamin levels are presented in Table 1. Before the statistical analyses of

    primary interest were undertaken, several preliminary procedures were carried out. First,

    between-group differences in the biographical variables listed in Table 1 were subjected to a

    series of 2 x 2 ANOVAs where vitamin B12 (low/normal) and APOE genotype (ε4/non-ε4)

    formed between-subjects factors. For chronological age, the ANOVA revealed significant

    main effects for APOE, F(1,163) = 7.74, 2= .045, p = .006, and B12, F(1,163) = 19.22,

    2 =

    .105, p .46). Members of the

    non-ε4 groups were older (83.61 versus 81.11 years), as were those in the low B12 groups

    (84.33 versus 80.39 years). Regarding years of education, the main effect for APOE, and the

    APOE x B12 interaction were statistically unreliable (ps>.71). However, persons with normal

    B12 levels had significantly more years of education (9.42 versus 8.21 years), F[1,163] =

    5.77, 2= .034, p = .017. Given those significant differences, both age and years of education

    were entered as covariates in the analyses reported below. Although a greater proportion of

    women made up the sample, gender was also entered as a covariate.

    Table 1 about here

    As noted earlier, it was desirable to take cardio- and cerebrovascular diseases into

    account. Initially, those variables were subjected to principal component analysis with

    varimax rotation for the following reasons. First, the procedure provides a means by which to

    reduce highly intercorrelated variables to meaningful clusters, thereby increasing reliability.

  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 8

    Also, it addresses the statistical problems associated with the use of dichotomous variables

    (i.e., participants either received a diagnosis for a disease, scored 1, or they did not, scored

    0), and for overlap of diagnoses in a particular episode (i.e., participants may receive several

    diagnoses in a specific episode of illness, underpinned by a common cause). Four factors

    resulted from this procedure, accounting for 78.09 percent of the explained variance. The

    diagnoses groupings related to stroke (hemorrhage, ischemic, and non-specific), coronary

    heart disease (ischemic, angina, myocardial infarction), other heart diseases (heart failure,

    arterial fibrillation, arrhythmia) and diabetes, and other cerebrovascular diseases (transient

    ischemic attack, cerebrovascular diseases). However, bivariate correlations did not suggest

    the factor scores arising from each of those four factors were correlated significantly with

    any of the cognitive variables. Neither did univariate analysis of variance (APOE and either

    B12 or folate formed the between-subjects factors) on each of those factors reveal any

    variation as a function of APOE, vitamin B12, or folate. Consideration of Table 1 suggests

    that the lack of association with cognitive, vitamin, or genetic variables may be due to the

    low prevalence of those diseases in this sample. Given that lack of association,

    cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases were not considered further in our analyses.

    Turning to the main statistical analyses, episodic memory variables were subjected to

    a series of 2 x 2 x 2 Analyses of Covariance (ANCOVA), where B12 level (low/normal) and

    APOE genotype (ε4/non-ε4) formed the between-subject factors, and cognitive support the

    within-subjects factor (see below for specific details). In all analyses, age, years of education,

    and gender were entered as covariates. Descriptive data for episodic memory variables as a

    function of APOE and B12 group are also provided in Table 1.

    Free recall of semantically unrelated words following 2 s or 5 s encoding time

    The cognitive support within-subjects factor in this ANCOVA was the amount of time

    allowed for encoding, 2 s or 5 s. Statistics suggested recall performance of low B12-ε4

    carriers was below that of the other groups, but only in the faster, 2 s encoding condition; this

    group exhibited more marked improvement relative to other groups, when encoding time was

    increased to 5 s.

    Specifically, while the main effect for APOE was not statistically reliable (p>.87),

    that for B12 was significant, F[1,160] = 16.86, 2 = .095, p =.001; Table 1 suggests persons

    with normal B12 levels recalled a greater number of words. The main effect for time support

    was also statistically reliable, F(1,163) = 4.17, 2 = .025, p = .043; greater time at encoding

  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 9

    was associated with superior recall. With the exception of that involving APOE and B12,

    (F[1,160] = 8.70, 2 = .052, p = .004), all two-way interactions were nonsignificant (ps>.27).

    However, that significant two-way interaction was modified by a statistically reliable APOE

    x B12 x Time support interaction, F(1,163) = 5.72, 2=.034, p = .018. Consideration of Table

    1, suggests a relatively greater benefit was incurred in the ε4–low vitamin group from 2 s to 5

    s encoding conditions. Simple effects tests confirmed this impression. In the first tests,

    APOE group (ε4/non-ε4) was assessed within each level of vitamin group. That test for

    individuals of normal B12 levels was nonsignificant (p>.48). The equivalent test within the

    low vitamin group however, reached significance, F(1,164) = 4.81, 2=.028, p =.030. Further

    simple effects tests were performed within the low vitamin group for both levels of APOE.

    That test for the non-ε4 group was not significant (p>.95). Most importantly though, the test

    for the ε4 group reached significance, F(1,165) = 8.30, 2= .048, p =.005; the recall

    performance of ε4 carriers with low B12 levels significantly benefited when encoding time

    was increased from 2s to 5 s.

    Free recall of semantically unrelated versus organizational words

    The within-subjects factor in this ANCOVA was the degree of support intrinsic to the word

    lists at study; lists either were semantically unrelated (low support), or organizable into four

    taxonomic categories (higher support). Main effects were significant for vitamin group,

    F(1,160) = 6.66, 2= .040, p = .011, and the level of support available, F(1,163) = 38.06,


    .189, p =.000; free recall means were higher for the normal B12 group, and for the word list

    with taxonomic categories embedded within it. The APOE main effect, and all interactions,

    were nonsignificant (ps>.38). In sum, increasing the level of support beyond provision of 5 s

    for encoding, resulted in parallel performance gains irrespective of APOE–vitamin group.

    Free versus cued recall of semantically organizable words

    In this ANCOVA, the level of cognitive support (the within-subjects factor) was manipulated

    through providing cued recall, relative to free recall, of taxonomic categories. The main

    effect for cognitive support was significant, F(1,163) = 261.33, 2= .616, p = .000; cued

    recall produced higher scores than free recall. However, all other statistics were

    nonsignificant (ps>.12).

    In sum, the above analyses suggest the detrimental effect of ε4 in combination with

    low B12 levels was manifest in the most demanding condition of the present experiment (i.e.,

  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 10

    free recall following 2 s encoding time for semantically unrelated words). This can be seen in

    Table 1 by examining the third data column; the magnitude of the increase in recall

    performance from 2 s to 5 s encoding is greater in the ε4-low B12 group relative to the other

    groups. This between-group differential reduces as the level of cognitive support increases.

    In considering the foregoing, it is important to take into account two factors that may

    have influenced our findings. First, dementia has a long preclinical phase, and it is possible

    that persons in our ε4-low B12 group were in the early stages of the disease. Data relating to

    incident dementia and mortality were available for participants three and six years following

    cognitive testing. In order to eliminate the possibility that our findings reflected the

    preclinical phase of the disease, all ANCOVAs were repeated, with incident dementia cases

    removed from the analyses. Regarding the second factor, investigators have used various cut-

    offs to define low vitamin B12 levels. To confirm our results were not an artifact of the cut-

    off we adopted, statistical analyses were also re-run but with low B12 status defined as

  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 11

    encoding time produced a significant main effect for cognitive support (p = .024), while main

    effects for APOE and B12 were both nonsignificant (ps>.15). As in the earlier analyses,

    greater time support was associated with superior aggregate recall performance. The APOE x

    B12 interaction was statistically reliable (p = .032), and the other two-way interactions were

    nonsignificant (p>.08). However, the APOE x B12 x Time Support interaction, again reached

    significance, this time with an increased effect size, F(1,116) = 6.77, 2= .055, p =.01.

    Inspection of group means and simple effects tests confirmed the source of the interaction to

    be the ε4/low B12 group in conditions of low cognitive support. Therefore, the removal of

    participants, who were either in the preclinical phase of dementia, deceased, or who refused

    participation three years following testing, did not affect our original results.

    We then repeated those analyses having removed individuals diagnosed as demented

    six years following testing (see Table 2, Column 4). The consequent sample was 86. With

    this reduced sample (both low vitamin APOE groups numbered 12) the pattern of results was

    virtually the same, and the APOE x B12 x Time Support interaction attained significance,

    F(1,82) = 3.96, 2 = .046, p = .050. Although of reduced effect size, this again suggests our

    findings were uninfluenced by individuals in the preclinical phase of dementia during the six

    years following testing. We repeated this analysis on persons who were removed from the

    sample due to incident dementia in the six years following testing. T-tests revealed this group

    were significantly older (83.81 versus 81.91 years, p

  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 12

    results obtained using the higher cut-off. The single statistic that differed was in the analysis

    of free recall following 2 s or 5 s encoding; the main effect for cognitive support that was

    significant in the original analysis, became nonsignificant. Removing participants either

    demented (n=11), deceased (n=16), or who declined further involvement in the study (n=7),

    three years later (consequent N = 102), rendered the main effects for B12 and time support

    nonsignificant for free recall following 2 s or 5 s encoding. All other statistics were as before.

    Although removal of individuals demented six years following testing reduced the sample

    considerably (n = 74; ε4-low B12 group = 8 individuals), again, the key interactions obtained

    in the original analyses, remained statistically reliable. Together, the reanalyses do not

    suggest that our findings were related to either the preclinical phase of dementia, or the cut-

    off used to define low vitamin B12.

    Folate, APOE and episodic memory

    The foregoing statistical analyses were repeated, but with folate values determining the

    normal and low vitamin groups. Specifically, individuals with values 12 as normal. Age, years of

    education, and gender were entered as covariates into the analyses.

    For the ANCOVA comparing 2 s and 5 s encoding time, with the exception of a

    statistically significant main effect for cognitive support (F[1,163] = 6.79, 2 = .040, p =

    .010), none of the other main effects or interactions were statistically reliable (ps>.12).

    However, there was a nonsignificant trend in the data suggesting low folate-ε4 carriers to

    benefit from time support (2 s to 5 s) at encoding to a greater extent than other groups (see

    Table 3). We elected to explore this trend further through hierarchical multiple regression

    where the APOE x Folate cross-product interaction term was entered into the regression at

    the third step following age, education and gender (Step 1), and APOE and folate (Step 2).

    For 2 s encoding time for words, that interaction term added a 1.6 percent increment to the

    variance explained (p = .083), whereas for all other conditions that interaction was

    nonsignificant (ps>.21). Therefore, although unreliable at conventional levels of statistical

    significance, the trend in the data suggests that had the sample size and consequent statistical

    power been greater, the findings in respect to folate would have replicated those for vitamin


    Returning to the ANCOVAs comparing recall at higher levels of cognitive support, as

    was predominantly the case in analyses involving vitamin B12, only the cognitive support

  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 13

    main effect was statistically reliable (p

  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 14

    As no previous research has assessed either vitamin B12, or folate, and APOE in

    respect to episodic memory, we elected to evaluate the two B vitamins separately. Although

    the variables are related, it is not yet known if any associations with APOE are mediated by

    the same, or differing, biochemical mechanisms. Our data suggested a dissociation, as a

    significant interaction was identified in relation to APOE and vitamin B12, but not folate.

    Before too much weight is attached to this finding though, consideration should be given to

    the following. First, in the statistical analyses involving ANCOVA, although the APOE x

    Folate x Cognitive support (2 s to 5 s) interaction was nonsignificant, the data trend was

    similar to that involving vitamin B12, suggesting the ε4-low folate group benefited more from

    additional time at encoding than the other groups. Second, after stratification according to

    APOE genotype, there were only 15 participants in the ε4-low folate group. Therefore,

    statistical power was limited in confirming differences where they existed. Additionally, as

    McClelland and Judd (1993) note, there are notorious difficulties associated with detecting

    statistically significant interactions in field studies such as this. Third, when hierarchical

    multiple regression was employed instead of ANCOVA, the amount of variance explained by

    the APOE x Folate cross-product interaction term approached conventional levels of

    statistical significance (p = .083). Finally, the small ε4-low folate group meant that we could

    not lower the threshold further to

  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 15

    adults of lower, relative to higher, neuropsychological function. The present findings add to

    this work in two ways. First, in non-demented adults it appears that cognitive support also

    moderates biologically-based individual differences in respect to episodic memory. Second,

    when the statistical analyses were rerun only on persons who became demented up to six

    years following testing, the APOE x B12 x Cognitive support interaction became

    nonsignificant. Although on a smaller sample, this re-analysis suggests that the pathological

    progression of neurodegenerative diseases may reach a point at which cognitive support is no

    longer of benefit. Further work is required to explore such limitations in more detail.

    Our findings have some important theoretical implications. Structural neuroimaging

    studies suggest that nondemented APOE ε4carriers have smaller hippocampi (Plassman,

    Welsh-Bohmer, Bigler et al., 1997), and suffer greater hippocampal atrophy (Cohen, Small,

    Lalonde, Friz, & Sunderland, 2001; Moffat, Szekely, Zonderman, Kabini, & Resnick, 2000).

    Moreover, there is work showing a greater magnitude and extent of brain activation among

    APOE ε4 carriers in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and parietal cortex during a

    challenging memory task (Bookheimer, Strojwas, Cohen et al., 2000). It is suggested that

    such differences may represent compensatory recruitment of additional brain regions by

    APOE ε4 carriers while encoding into episodic memory in demanding conditions (Burggen,

    Small, Sabb, & Bookheimer, 2002). In addition, although the biological mechanisms by

    which B vitamins affect cognitive function are uncertain, two hypotheses have emerged

    (Calvaresi & Bryan, 2001). The hypomethylation hypothesis suggests low levels of B12 and

    folate interact to inhibit methylation throughout the central nervous system. Amongst other

    effects, this inhibits the metabolism of the neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine, and

    serotonine, to the detriment of cognitive function. Alternatively, the homocysteine hypothesis

    proposes impaired neurocognitive function due to elevated levels of homocysteine arising

    from low vitamin B levels, and related cerebrovascular changes. From the present

    perspective, the notable feature is that both hypotheses suggest physiological mechanisms by

    which neurological processes either are impaired or damaged. Together, the deleterious

    influence of low B vitamin levels on neurological processes and structures in combination

    with the compromised neuroanatomical structures reported in ε4 carriers, may explain the

    free recall deficits we identified in ε4 carriers with low vitamin B12 levels.

    Such an explanation is consistent with the vulnerability hypothesis, and it is also

    worth noting the link with the concept of brain reserve (e.g., Cummings, Vinters, Cole, &

    Khachaturian, 1998; Katzman, 1993; Mortimer, 1988; Satz, 1993; Skoog, 2002; Stern, 2002)

  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 16

    commonly used to explain the later onset of dementia among persons of higher education.

    Brain reserve is determined by the integrity of neuroanatomical structures and neural

    processes, and provides protection against the pathological progression of neurodegenerative

    disease in old age. In the present context, the neuroimaging work described earlier suggests

    that APOE ε4 carriers may have compromised or more vulnerable neuroanatomical reserves

    relative to non-ε4 carriers. Therefore, if an additional factor such as low B vitamin levels

    further depletes those reserves, the threshold at which cognitive deficits occur is more likely

    to be reached in ε4 carriers than non-ε4 carriers. Our data support this possibility, and

    highlight the value of future research investigating associations between APOE and cognitive

    performance in older adults while taking into account additional physiological factors that

    may influence that relationship.

    Several investigators have argued that associations between the APOE ε4 allele and

    cognitive performance reflect the preclinical phase of dementia (e.g., Bondi, Salmon,

    Galasko, Thomas, & Thal, 1999; Small, Graves, McEvoy et al., 2000). Our findings

    however, suggest the picture may be more complex. Here, having removed incident dementia

    cases up to six years following testing, the findings remained statistically significant. It is

    possible therefore, that in certain complex circumstances, APOE exerts an influence on

    cognitive performance, independently of future dementia. The evidence here indicates the

    deleterious influence of an additional physiological factor, in combination with high

    cognitive demands, is one such circumstance. However, there is also empirical research

    showing APOE-related cognitive deficits disappear when future dementia is taken into

    account (Bondi et al., 1999). Given the lengthy preclinical phase of the disease, we cannot

    dismiss the possibility that the six-year period we took into account, was insufficiently long

    to identify all eventual dementia cases. Until further research is produced demonstrating

    APOE-related cognitive deficits having controlled for future dementia, our conclusions

    should be treated with caution.

    The present study is not without its limitations. First, data relating to homocysteine

    levels were not available. Inclusion of such information would have helped demonstrate the

    extent to which low vitamin values were indicative of true deficiencies. Second, the

    advantages of a population-based study such as this, is that participant selection bias is

    limited. The downside though, is that analyses are restricted to the data available in that

    population. Here, the effects were twofold. After stratification by APOE and vitamin level,

  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 17

    the group sizes were restricted, particularly in the case of folate. This not only limited

    statistical power, but also meant that we were unable to examine the ε4 dose effect.

    Practically, the research suggests that a subsample of the non-demented elderly

    population (i.e., APOE ε4 carriers) may derive relatively greater benefits to cognitive

    performance from B12 and folate supplements, particularly when task demands are high.

    Recent research using transgenic mice (Kruman, Kumaravel, Lohani et al., 2002) has

    demonstrated depleted folate levels to be associated with the formation of the amyloid

    plaques found in Alzheimer’s disease, and work in humans also suggests a link between

    vitamin B12 and folate, and Alzheimer’s disease (Wang et al., 2001). Such findings, together

    with those of the present study, confirm there is good reason to consider inclusion of vitamin

    B12 and folate supplements as part of preventive health regimes for older persons.

    The main conclusion of this study is that brain reserve may vary as a function of

    APOE genotype, and that ε4 carriers may be particularly vulnerable to cognitive impairment

    in the presence of an additional factor that deleteriously influences neuroanatomical

    structures and processes. The present study suggests vitamin B deficiencies to be one such

    factor. The findings appear unrelated to impending dementia up to six years following

    testing. It is clearly important that population-, and laboratory-based research further

    explores associations between APOE and cognitive performance in nondemented older adults

    while taking into account additional factors that may influence the vulnerability of

    neuroanatomical reserves.


    David Bunce’s collaboration in the research was supported by the Wellcome Trust, UK. Åke

    Wahlin was funded by the Swedish Council for Social Research in the Humanities and Social

    Sciences, and Svenska Läkaresällskapet. We are grateful to Prof. Laura Fratiglioni for

    providing the biological data.

  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 18


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  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 24

    Table 1. Biographical and memory variables as a function of apoE and vitamin B12

    Non-ε4 ε4

    Low B12 Normal Low B12 Normal

    N 54 64 28 21



    85.91 (5.87)

    81.31 (5.32)

    82.75 (5.00)

    79.48 (2.98)

    % Women 75.93 79.69 92.86 76.19

    Education (yrs.) 8.38 (2.58) 9.41 (3.46) 8.04 (1.71) 9.43 (3.39)

    Diseases (n) 7 10 4 5


    B12 (pmol/l)

    170.82 (57.27)

    381.59 (113.80)

    177.18 (53.81)

    386.38(126.02) Folate (nmol/l)

    15.83 (5.89) 20.55 (9.90) 15.93 (7.94) 20.05 (10.02)



    2 s encoding

    4.78 (1.72)

    5.32 (1.62)

    3.68 (1.42)

    6.48 (2.18)

    5 s encoding 4.77 (1.90) 5.71 (1.64) 4.68 (2.13) 6.38 (2.56)


    Free recall

    5.92 (2.24)

    6.91 (2.24)

    5.93 (2.36)

    7.14 (1.68)

    Cued recall 7.81 (2.32) 8.78 (2.10) 8.11 (2.67) 8.81 (1.66)

  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 25

    Table 2. Significance levels for statistical analyses with B12 cut-offs at

  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 26

    Table 3. Biographical and memory variables as a function of apoE and folate

    Non-ε4 ε4

    Low folate Normal Low folate Normal

    N 30 88 15 34



    84.97 (6.01)

    82.89 (5.96)

    81.33 (4.22)

    81.35 (4.71)

    % Women 70.00 80.68 93.33 82.35

    Education (yrs.) 9.67 (4.11) 8.69 (2.68) 8.00 (1.65) 8.91 (2.94)

    Diseases (n) 8 9 2 7


    Folate (nmol/l)

    10.27 (1.44)

    21.16 (8.27)

    10.67 (1.18)

    20.79 (9.26) B12 (pmol/l) 259.48 (142.90) 293.89 (138.64) 212.67 (105.26) 290.74 (145.90)



    2 s encoding

    4.68 (1.73)

    5.22 (1.65)

    4.27 (1.67)

    5.15 (2.44)

    5 s encoding 5.21 (2.04) 5.32 (1.74) 5.00 (2.24) 5.59 (2.55)


    Free recall

    6.23 (2.19)

    6.55 (2.32)

    5.67 (2.09)

    6.79 (2.13)

    Cued recall 8.00 (2.07) 8.46 (2.30) 7.87 (1.92) 8.65 (2.07)

  • ApoE, B vitamins, and episodic memory 27

    Hyperlink Table. Means and standard deviations for persons included in, and excluded from, the sample (Bunce, Kivipelto, & Wahlin)

    Variable Included Excluded Significance level

    Age 82.81 (5.68) 85.05 (5.05)

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