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Kvale defines qualitative research interviews as "attempts to understand the world

from the subjects' point of view, to unfold the meaning of peoples' experiences”

(1996, p. 1).

Interviews allow the researcher to acquire detailed information about a person’s

thoughts and behaviors in order to explore new issues in depth (Kvale, 1996). In the

case of this paper, interviews are used to provide context to the case study analysis

(cf. Chapter 4). The primary research gives the paper another viewpoint, a second

dimension that creates a more complete picture of the problem area.

According to Welman and Kruger (2001), qualitative interviews have several

important advantages. The primary advantage is the detail interviews provide and

their ability to uncover underlying trends that would not be identifiable through

quantitative research. Furthermore, the information collection essentially occurs in the

form of a conversation, which makes the atmosphere more relaxed and the

participants more likely to contribute.

However, qualitative interviews also have some limitations (ibid, 2001), which have

to be considered. Responses may be biased or dishonest, as participants may feel the

need to answer “what is expected of them”.

Another drawback of qualitative interviews is the fact that they are not generalizable.

This is due to the small sample size and the specific choice of participants. However,

interviews still provide valuable information, particularly when combined with other

research methods (Daymon, 2002). As this paper is not aimed at creating a general

rule, the qualitative interviews were included to provide an additional perspective and

to serve as a comparison for the results of the quantitative data.

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The concrete purpose of the interviews within this paper is to examine the target

audience’s experience with Facebook and their opinion about it as a tool to connect

and interact with brands. The interviews are semi-structured, as a guideline is in place

prior to their realisation. However, interesting themes that emerge during the

interviews are followed up with probes to understand as much as possible about the

subject and the participants’ perspective (Welman & Kruger, 2001).


After evaluating Burberry and Prada’s financial performance, it was clear that the

market with highest growth and most potential for both brands is Asia. However, the

existence of local social networks in most Asian countries is seen as a challenge given

the limited scope of the paper. Therefore, the decision was made to concentrate the

research solely on the European market, where both brands recorded their second

highest growth during the past year (Prada Group, 2011 ; Burberry, 2011).

The participants in the interview were chosen based on Kapferer and Bastien’s (2009)

socio-demographic profile of the core luxury buyers. The profile is founded on

European data on 12,500 clients (2009, p. 106).

Firstly, age is linked to the likelihood of buying luxury with the peak being reached

among the 35 - 49 age group (Kapferer & Bastien, 2009). The principal factor behind

luxury consumption is still income. This is natural considering the high price of

luxury goods – the higher a person’s income is the more likely they are to purchase

luxury goods.

However, relying solely on income and age is not enough to establish whether a

person is a luxury consumer. According to Kapferer and Bastien, there is a third

factor that plays a vital role in determining the purchase of luxury goods; they refer to

it as “modernity” (2009, p. 104). Modernity in this case represents a person’s

openness to change and to external influences. A modern orientation can motivate a

person with a lower income to indulge and purchase luxury once in a while. On the

other hand, a more conservative mind-set can be a reason not to buy luxury,

regardless of being able to afford it.

All of the participants fit the above socio-demographic description and reside in

European countries. Three of the participants live in Denmark and one in the UK. It is

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important to note that one of the interviewees is an American, living in Denmark for a

number of years. This could potentially have some implications on the responses, but

the difficulties in recruiting participants and the fact that interviews are not the sole

source of data for the analysis allow the assumption of enough lifestyle similarities to

accept the interview as relevant.

When it comes to their use of Facebook, three of the participants are members and

active users of the site. The fourth participant is not, but was chosen for the interview

anyway, to give the research another perspective. In the course of the interviews, it

became clear that none of the participants had interacted with the concrete brand

pages that the thesis is focused on. This, of course, highlighted a communication issue

in the context of the paper. However, a future possibility might be to interview luxury

brand consumers who have interacted with the pages prior to the interviews, to see

whether there is a significant difference in their perception.

The researcher’s relationship with the participants must also be taken into account.

All the participants are part of the author’s work network, which may be considered

as a limitation of the research. The respondents may feel the need to give the “right”

answers in order to be helpful, therefore being dishonest and reducing the validity of

the study. However, as mentioned previously, the goal is not to generalize the results

but to broaden the perspective of the thesis. Furthermore, knowing the participants

helps to create a more relaxed atmosphere that encourages the participants to express

themselves freely.

Regardless of its challenges, the gathered data succeeds in showing common patterns

among the participants and uncovering underlying issues, which is the ultimate goal

of qualitative interviews.


The questions in the interview guide are based in three broad categories – general

opinion of the brands, interaction with the brands on Facebook and purchase


The first questions were aimed at establishing general patterns such as the reasons

behind their luxury brand purchases. Then, the conversation was focused concretely

on Burberry and Prada, as the participants were asked to share their opinion and

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perception of the brands. This question is relevant, as it shows the current opinion of

consumers and whether Facebook communication has the potential of influencing

perception at a later stage.

The second set of questions deal with users’ activity on Facebook, the way they

understand and use the social network. Then, participants are asked about and shown

the Facebook pages of Burberry and Prada and asked to comment on what stands out

for them. This is indicative of the pages’ effectiveness because participants quickly

examine the content and decide whether it provides value for them or not.

The final set of questions deals with the participants’ typical purchase behaviour

when it comes to luxury brands. They are asked about their preferred channel (online

or in-store) and the motivation behind this choice. This question aims at uncovering

the potential effect on Facebook communication, i.e. if consumers do not typically

shop online, providing links to online stores would be redundant. Furthermore,

participants are also asked directly whether anything they saw on the page could

influence their purchase decision.

Overall, the interviews carried out provided the paper with an additional perspective

and built upon the findings of the secondary analysis to reach a common conclusion.

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 The Facebook pages are designed like a Timeline, with a two-column layout,

providing brands the possibility to tell their story from the beginning.

The most prominent elements of the Timeline are visual, namely the Cover Photo and

the profile picture (cf. Figure 1, (1) and (2)). According to Facebook, these images

allow brands to creatively express their identity (2012e). As seen in Figure 1, (3) is

the section that displays additional brand information, such as “Number of Likes”. It

is also where branded apps are shown. These applications are created by brands to

encourage engagement (Facebook, 2012e); an example is presented in Appendix 3.

The new page clearly attempts to draw attention to the branded apps.


The next significant part of the page is the highlighted story – a post that brands can

“pin” to the top of the site. The said post will be displayed first for a week, thus

drawing attention and ensuring that users visiting the page will definitely see it.

Facebook encourages brands to “pin” a different post every week, in order to make

sure their customers “always see [ the ] most important content first” (ibid, 2012).

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The major change from the previous version of the pages is that a brand’s Facebook

presence no longer must date to when it joined the site. Businesses are encouraged to

add important events throughout their history. This clear emphasis on storytelling is

supported by the choice of words describing the new page format, i.e. posts are now

called stories. They are not referred to as updates for a reason: according to Hanna,

Rohm and Crittenden social technologies are about engagement rather than exposure

and impression (2011). This is why Facebook is attempting to shift the focus of the

branded pages from pushing messages produced for other channels (such as print

advertising campaigns or television commercials) to creating unique content meant to

tell the brand’s story online.

Some of the challenges of the new layout were identified in an eye-tracking study,

which recorded and analysed the eye movements of users as they browsed the

timeline pages of six large brands (Cohen, 2012). Many of the users saw the Cover

Photo as an advertisement and quickly continued towards the content. Furthermore,

users were not drawn to the pinned post at the top of the page and did not realize it

was intentionally highlighted. The final and possibly most significant concern,

uncovered in the study, was the reluctance of people to scroll down through the

brand’s history. They were not encouraged to do so by the brands in the first place, as

none of the pages attempted to draw attention to the historical aspect. Moreover, the

slow loading time created breaks that caused users to quickly lose interest. Such

technical issues diminish the effect of the most advertised feature by Facebook, the

actual Timeline. These challenges may certainly cause difficulties for brands and

users interacting with the new layout. However, it is important to note that Facebook

is a regularly updated platform with the capacity to find a solution to these issues.

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 Image  1  

Intel's Facebook Application “Museum of Me” creates a "visual archive of your

social life" (cf. Image 1). Once connected with Facebook, Intel's app downloads a

user’s Facebook data (such as friends, photos, likes and interests) and renders it into a

museum display. The users are then taken on a video “tour” of the museum, looking

at the various exhibits. The experience features a high level of detail; e.g. the tour

includes random people looking at the “exhibits” (cf. Image 2). The application is

ultimately an advertisement for Intel’s processors but also shows how the experience

economy can be applied to Facebook communication.


 Image  2  


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 (L2,  2011,  p.  4)  



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All the following information was retrieved on the 26th of March, 2012 from


 Figure  2  Burberry  joins  Facebook  


 Figure  3  Metrics  for  the  Burberry  page  


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 The highlighted posts signify attempts to address consumers directly and involve

them in a dialogue. The most popular post is also highlighted.

 Date Type Content Likes Comments Shares 1 Photo album

(12 photos) + Link to

View the new additions to the Burberry Spring/Summer 2012 Campaign featuring Eddie Redmayne and Cara Delevingne, shot in London by Mario Testino.

27935 728 2145

2 Video Footage from the Burberry London S/S12 campaign with Eddie Redmayne and Cara Delevingne. Footage from photoshoot – 30 second clip.

3611 321 319

3 Photo album (13 photos)

View behind the scenes images of the Burberry Spring/Summer 2012 Campaign featuring Cara Delevingne and Eddie Redmayne, shot in London by Mario Testino

25170 496 1353

6 Photo of products + Link to online store

Women's bags Raffia Stripe Peaked Hat

4680 281 587

6 Photo of product + link to online store

Striped Wedge Woven Leather Boots

4419 279 868

7 Photo of a heart made out of fabric in Burberry’s signature colors + link to online store

Burberry Valentine's Day gifts for the one you love

16036 548 1664

9 Photo of product + link to online store (men’s accessories)

Burberry men’s accessories - the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day

12898 489 715

14 Holiday Greeting + Photo

Happy Valentine's Day to all of our Burberry Facebook fans

25098 525 1906

16 Video (trailer for

Live from London: Watch the Burberry Prorsum Womenswear

5540 117 598

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live show) A/W12 show on the Burberry Facebook page - Monday 20 February, 4PM GMT, 11AM EST

18 Photo (invitation to show the online show)

Burberry invites you to watch the Prorsum Womenswear Autumn/Winter 2012 show live from London on the Burberry Facebook page - Monday 20 February, 4PM GMT, 11AM EST

5088 107 206

18 Video from show (live)

Live from London: Watch the Burberry Prorsum Womenswear Autumn/Winter 2012 show on Facebook - Monday 20 February, 4PM GMT, 11AM EST, 8AM PST

5541 94 588

19 Photo – behind the scenes of a photoshoot

Final show preparations - Christopher Bailey, Burberry Chief Creative Officer, ahead of the Prorsum Womenswear Autumn/Winter 2012 show, streamed live from London on Facebook - Tomorrow, 4PM GMT, 11AM EST

4768 97 188

19 Video – music video part of the Burberry Acoustic campaign

Rae Morris, filmed exclusively for Burberry Acoustic, next to the Burberry Prorsum Autumn/Winter 2012 show space in Hyde Park, London

6116 115 787

19 Video – Chief Creative officer speaking to followers

Christopher Bailey, Burberry Chief Creative Officer, speaking from the Burberry show space in Hyde Park ahead of the Prorsum Womenswear Autumn/Winter 2012 show tomorrow

4964 82 288

20 Photo + link to official site

Burberry Day!

5406 127 169

20 Video from show (live)

Burberry Prorsum Womenswear Autumn/Winter 2012 Show, live from London

6082 204 343

20 Video from the show on YouTube

Watch the full Burberry Prorsum Womenswear Autumn/Winter 2012 show, shot in London

10798 402 2118

21 Photo album – Photos from runway + link to video

Runway Images Of The Burberry Womenswear Autumn/Winter 2012 Show (56 photos) Runway images of the Burberry Prorsum Womenswear Autumn/Winter 2012 show, shot in London on Monday 20 February View the full

10826 228 913

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21 most popular post

Photo album – Photos from show (including celebrities, etc.)

The Burberry Prorsum Womenswear Autumn/Winter 2012 Show (63 photos) View the full show

31141 642 2379

22 Video Highlights from Burberry show

Highlights of the Burberry Prorsum Womenswear Autumn/Winter 2012 show shot in London on Monday

7094 182 917

22 Photo album – photos from show including celebrities, etc.

Burberry added 34 photos to the album The Burberry Prorsum Womenswear Autumn/Winter 2012 Show.

31141 same as above

642 2379

23 Photo album – photos from show including celebrities, etc.

Burberry added 6 photos to the album The Burberry Prorsum Womenswear Autumn/Winter 2012 Show.

31141 same as above

642 2379

24 Video – CCO answering fan questions

Christopher Bailey, Burberry Chief Creative Officer, answers Facebook fans' questions

5288 175 257

27 Photo album – Beauty photos from fashion show with a focus on makeup

Burberry Beauty - The Burberry Prorsum Womenswear A/W12 Show (19 photos) Application tips from the Burberry Prorsum Womenswear Autumn/Winter 2012 Show

8673 169 448


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All the following information was retrieved on the 26th of March, 2012 from


 Figure  4  Prada  joins  Facebook  


 Figure  5  Metrics  for  the  Prada  page  


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The highlighted posts signify attempts to address consumers directly and involve

them in a dialogue. The most popular post is highlighted.

 Date Type Content Likes Comments Shares 1 Video on

youtube – Advertisement for Spring/Summer Campaign

The iconographic language of Americana in the 50’ is re-drawn through more than half a century of pop and style culture. The gas station is cast as a central symbol in this post-modern crossroads of new horizons and economic fulfilment, a stage set where fashion, fantasy and the promise of new discoveries collide

1127 69 366

3 Video on youtube – behind the scenes footage of campaign

EDWARD NORTON AND DARIA WERBOWY for Prada phone by LG 3.0 Photographer: David Sims

925 38 190

3 Photos album – Posters from advertising campaign

Prada phone by LG 3.0 – Advertising Campaign (4 photos)

2216 75 222

7 Photo of a celebrity wearing Prada

Scott Speedman in Prada SS2012 “The Vow” premiere Los Angeles, 6 February 2012

1024 50 42

9 Photo of a celebrity wearing Prada

Prada added 1 photo to the album PRADA FRIENDS.

881 26 123

10 Photo of a celebrity wearing Prada

Léa Seydoux wearing Prada SS12 Berlin International Film Festival “Les Adieux à la Reine" photocall & red carpet February 9, 2012

576 29 51

13 most popular post

Photo of a celebrity wearing Prada

Miranda Kerr carries the Prada Pyramide bag from the Spring/Summer 2012 collection.

3500 175 225

16 Photo of a celebrity at a Prada event

MIU MIU Tales Screening of " The Woman Dress" a short film by Giada Colagrande Leighton Meester BFA

832 57 51

17 Photo of a celebrity wearing Prada

Zhao Wei wearing Prada SS 2012 “Love” press conference Beijing, 13 February 2012

927 43 41

23 DIY invitation for Prada show + Links to live stream

Are you getting ready for Prada Fall/Winter 2012 Womenswear Show? Live on and @ 6:00 pm CET

733 29 54

23 Photo of a celebrity wearing Prada

Florrie Arnold in Prada SS12 Brit Awards 2012 London, February 21, 2012

1436 61 63

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23 Video – sneakpeek from a look from the collection (12 seconds)

Prada Fall/Winter 2012 sneakpeek - Look #1

1423 26 144

23 Video – sneakpeek from a look from the collection (12 seconds)

Prada Fall/Winter 2012 sneakpeek - Look #8

1572 44 152

23 Video – sneakpeek from a look from the collection (12 seconds)

Look 9 1234 22 75

23 Video – sneakpeek from a look from the collection (12 seconds)

Look 17 1185 20 100

23 Video – sneakpeek from a look from the collection (12 seconds)

Look 20 1004 14 60

23 Video – sneakpeek from a look from the collection (12 seconds)

Look 21 1145 16 93

23 Video – sneakpeek from a look from the collection (12 seconds)

Look 26 1143 15 73

23 Video – sneakpeek from a look from the collection (12 seconds)

Look 34 1122 17 102

23 Video – sneakpeek from a look from the collection (12 seconds)

Look 37 1174 34 101

23 Video – sneakpeek from a look from the collection (12 seconds)

Look 41 1706 77 192

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The following Appendix presents valuable quotes from the interviews that are

referred to throughout the analysis in the paper. These are not complete transcripts;

the full version of the interviews can be heard on the attached CD.

Interviewee 1 – Denmark, 44 years old

Q: Have you bought anything from Burberry?

A: I did earlier but I think now they are a little bit too old-fashioned for me.

Q: What made you think that?

A: If you look into the […] designs, the materials. They haven’t been able to find out

new things. I think they’ve been a little bit too old-fashioned and not trying to make a

more modern product. I think that’s why I’m not buying it.

Q: What about Prada? Have you bought anything from Prada recently?

A: Yes, sunglasses. I like the glasses from Prada.

Q: How would you describe Prada then?

A: I think it’s a little bit more […] I think it has more edge. It’s much more modern

than Burberry, they have been able to ‘move’ their mind-set much better than


Q: So how do you use Facebook, what do you mostly use Facebook for?

A: I use it to give an update of my life for friends and relations. I also use it […] to

check in places, so people can follow my day […] people can see how involved I am

with some of the charity jobs. […] I find some of the brands I like. For instance,

Chanel has a very good webpage there.

Q: So, you follow [brands on Facebook] because of the news that they share?

A: Yeah, but also I think that there are things about their history and so on.

Q: Have you ever commented on anything that they posted, have you clicked “Like”

on any of their posts?

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A: I’ve often “Liked” the Chanel things. I think that’s it.

Q: Does it matter to you whether a brand is on Facebook or not?

A: Yes, of course, because when the brand is there and they are updating […] then

you can see their interest. Of course, I think it’s done to (get people to…) buy things.

Q: Once you click “Like” […] do you feel somehow closer to the brand; do you feel


A: I feel more close because then you go out in public and you say “actually, I do like

this brand”. […] I feel like we are connected somehow.

Q: Do you think, let’s say you went on the [Prada] page and saw something, do you

think it could make you buy it?

A: Yes, if it is sunglasses or whatever I like, I think so.

Q: And would it matter to you whether other people have “liked” it or shared it. I

mean, if more people “like” it, would you be more likely to buy?

A: No. I would not look at that.

Q: So, in the end it’s still about your taste and what you like.

A: Yes. […] It would not be important what others think about it.

Interviewee 2 – United Kingdom, 46 years old

Q: You’ve never bought anything from Burberry but you know the brand, what’s your

general opinion of it?

A: I’ve never particularly liked it. I know that in countries I’ve been, it’s been the

most copied. […] I don’t like the pattern. […]

Q: Ok, but how do you see it? In general, do you see it as more traditional?

A: I’m close to being over 50 myself but, in fact, it seems like an old woman’s brand.

Q: What are the differences between Prada and Burberry then, in your opinion?

A: I don’t know, I see them as different age… almost.

Q: Different age, how?

A: I’ve just got Burberry stuck in my head… I just associate it with some old relative

who had Burberry.

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Q: So more out-dated in a way?

A: Yes, cause they’ve sort of kept to their style. I know they’ve changed some things

but it’s always had that image for me, of being older.

Q: And Prada is then younger in your opinion?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you use Facebook often?

A: Often when I’m on holiday, not daily I would say.

Q: Why?

A: Time more than anything.

Q: What do you mostly use it for, when you do in fact use it?

A: To keep in touch with my family. […] My mother keeps me up to date on what

happens on Facebook.

Q: Because she has more time?

A: Yes, she has more time. And she’s like “have you seen?”; “you should see the

picture of…”

Q: What does it mean to you to “Like” a brand on Facebook?

A: I suppose you are ‘waving a flag of loyalty’ for that brand.

Q: Just comment on it (the Burberry page) as you see it. What stands out for you?

A: Oh, it looks much younger than my impressions of it. […] Definitely different

designs than what I have stuck in my head.

Q: Let’s look again at the content of the (Burberry) page. Would any of this make you

want to buy something?

A: I think I might go and look at Burberry with a different view now. I didn’t realize

that it was so different now.

Q: Would you follow it (the Burberry page) now that you’ve seen it?

A: I very well might do.

Q: If you see something on this page […] would you buy it or would you look for

more information? How would it affect you, if it did affect you?

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A: I think I might just might go and investigate in the Burberry store. I will actually

go and have a look because it’s always had that sort of image to me […] and now I

see it differently.

Q: Which page do you think sells the brand better, the Burberry or the Prada page?

A: I quite like the variety that’s on the Prada page. There’s a lot of different content.

Q: So you find it more valuable than the Burberry page?

A: I like both.

Interviewee 3 – Denmark (originally from USA), 39 years old

Q: Do you consider Burberry trendy?

A: No, I don’t consider it trendy. I consider it classic and old. So, the woman that I

saw wearing too much Burberry was out of style, in my opinion, was completely out

of style.

Q: What about Prada then?

A: I’ve seen more bags that say ‘Prado’ than Prada. […] The luxury brands that are, I

would say, that have the most knock-off products, in my mind, are less valuable.

Q: If you compare Prada to Burberry, what are the differences, in your opinion?

A: Well, I would definitely consider Prada more trendy than Burberry. […] I think

Burberry consider themselves trendy. […]

Q: Why do you think that, why do you think they consider themselves trendy?

A: I think that based on what I saw in the store. Years ago I’ve been to a Burberry

store: it looked really traditional, had a lot of traditional items, very signature, I would

call it signature products. And, then when I went into Burberry this time, there were a

number of items that did not resemble in any way shape or form the signature

Burberry products. It didn’t have the pattern, it didn’t have the name, it was just


Q: And do you think that’s good or bad?

A: I think it’s good. I think that, if they are trying to market themselves as beyond

classy, beyond old lady, they should be creating more… a wider range of products.

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Q: You said you consider Prada more trendy than Burberry. Why do you think that is?

A: I think based on the ads that I see in the magazine. […] I can’t remember a specific

photograph or ad, but Prada strikes me as more trendy than Burberry.

Q: How do you typically use Facebook? What do you mostly use it for?

A: I use it to keep in touch with acquaintances. Close friends… I don’t typically write

on their walls or send them messages, I prefer calling them or seeing them in person.

Facebook is more of a tool to keep in touch with people you wouldn’t normally see.

Q: Do you spend a lot of time on Facebook?

A: I do. I log in daily, and, look at the News Feed a lot, actually. I probably check it at

least 20 times a day.

Q: (looking at the Burberry page) So do you think this content could influence your

buying decision?

A: I have never been compelled to buy any Burberry product in my life. So, I’m

looking at the page to see if it would compel me to buy it. And, I will say that the

images that I see are younger and more fashionable than what I had in my head. So, in

my head, my mind is changing and saying ‘well, maybe it’s not just for old people


A: (looking at the Prada page) It seems more dimensional than Burberry. When I go

back to Burberry, I see a series of photos of their 2012 collection, I see images and

products, and that’s it. In Prada, however, I see a far more dimensional image being


Q: So you find the Prada page more interesting than [Burberry’s]?

A: Oh, yeah, definitely!

Interviewee 4 – Denmark, 48 years old

Q: What do you think about Burberry?

A: If we take the line “Burberry”, I think for me, because of my age, it’s old-

fashioned because when I was younger it was older people who were wearing it.

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Q: What do you think about Prada?

A: I like it. I have one bag and a pair of shoes. […]

Q: When you compare Burberry to Prada, what are the differences?

A: I like Prada much better.

Q: Why?

A: The style is more ‘me’. Sometimes, the Prada things can be a bit boring […] they

are all the same.

Q: But you’d still prefer Prada to Burberry?

A: Yes.

Q: What would have to happen [for you to join Facebook]?

A: I don’t know. If I only could shop from there and not from their website, I would


Q: What if they had a sale on Facebook, would you go then?

A: Yes.


A: I could see if you had a comment on something that was wrong or you needed

something, then I think I could use it.

Q: When you look at something, you know, a watch or a bag, do you think this page

could make you buy it?

A: Yes but I’m not sure that I will get from here to here (meaning from the top of the

page, to the posts that feature products).

Q: But if you did get further, and you saw something you liked, you would consider

buying it?

A: Yes but I would never buy a watch without seeing it. Such an expensive watch I

want to see it. But if I have seen it in a shop here, I would buy it on the Internet.

Q: If you first saw it on the Internet then maybe you would go to the shop, to check it


A: Yes.

Q: That way, it could work?

A: Yes. I do that, yes. Definitely.

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