appendix 1 newbury town council … · icthus) personnel engaged upon or associated with the...

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PRESENT Councillors Jeff Beck (named substitute); Jeanette Clifford; Jo Day (named substitute); David Fenn; David Fish; John Gardner; Anthony Pick; Tony Stretton (Chairperson). 49. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE

Councillors: Howard Bairstow, David Goff, Arthur Johnson and Martha Vickers.


The Community Services Manager declared that Councillors Jeff Beck, Jeanette Clifford, and Anthony Pick are also Members of West Berkshire Council, which is declared as a general interest on their behalf and a dispensation is in place to allow them to partake in discussions relating to West Berkshire Council business.


PROPOSED: Councillor Anthony Pick SECONDED: Councillor David Fish RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Community Services Committee held on Monday, 14 December 2015, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairperson.


There were none.


There were none.


Brian Sylvester (Chairperson of the Friends of Newtown Road Cemetery Friends Group) gave a short presentation the Cemetery, the main points of which are included below: • ‘A brief history of the Cemetery’. The Newbury Cemetery Company came into being in

1850, following an Act of Parliament allowing for a new Cemetery within the Parish of Newbury. The Cemetery Company wound up in 1950 and the Cemetery fell into dis-repair, at which point its management was transferred to the Parish. As there were no new interments being carried out, no money was coming in so soon after that it was closed for safety reasons.




• The Friends of Newtown Road Cemetery formed in 2009, they have active groups which focus on various elements within the Cemetery. The History Group collates the history of those interred within the Cemetery and the Memorial Group transcribe the inscriptions and log the type and condition of the memorial. There is also a Nature Group and a Performance Group who have now carried out 3 productions which have had sold out performances.

• In 2012 following extensive work to make the Cemetery a safe and tranquil place to visit by Newbury Town Council, with the assistance of the Friends, the Cemetery re-opened to the public. It is now open daily between 10am & 3pm and is only closed on Christmas day.

• Looking forward, the Chapel is already booked to host two art exhibitions this year. The Friends will continue to work with the Town Council on future projects, which include the installation of a water supply and possible installation of a composting toilet within the grounds, subject to permissions being granted by the Diocesan of Oxford.


Councillor David Fish, Chairperson of the Victoria Park Working Group gave an update to the committee, key points included the following: Installing additional TigerMulch around Skatepark to help improve durability of the bund

surrounding the facility and reduce general maintenance – work has been delayed due to prolonged period of bad weather – now planned to start sometime in March 2016

We are still working towards reducing some of the inflated construction costs following the restrictions placed upon us by the Environment Agency. Savings can be achieved by providing the facility as a shell with prospective lessee taking on the costs of “white goods” and furniture. We are also investigating additional external funding streams to meet the increased overall costs

A WBC Members Bid for DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) compliant swing to carry wheelchair and a toddler springer seesaw submitted by James Fredrickson has been approved (£5,000). NTC will match fund with S106 funds for the cost of the equipment. NTC will also fund the safer surfacing to match the existing surfacing in the area. It is estimated that the equipment will be installed within the next 6 weeks

An order has been placed for the supply and installation of the Splash Park and it is expected to be installed in readiness for the late Spring Bank Holiday (30 May)

Expressions of interest have been received for the repairs to the Park wall, pathways and Park Way pavement. Two companies have been selected for Tender action. We are also progressing expressions of interest for repairs to the football pitch, tennis courts and bowls club. Shrubs and 3 diseased plumb trees are being removed adjacent to the wall along Park Way on 7 March to ensure the wall repairs can progress without impacting on the birds nesting season

NTC have been offered redundant street lighting lamps and posts by WBC FOC to support the development of the proposed lighting scheme along the pathway between Park Way and St Marys Road entrance. This will help reduce the costs of the lighting scheme significantly. We are currently investigating the installation costs attributed to the provision of a power supply and installation costs

A339 Works have now started adjacent to the Park. The tree roots of the large willow tree are being protected to protect the tree root base from any construction vehicles whilst the Works progress. It is also planned to pollard the tree

A new Victoria style bench has been installed between the Bowls Club and the Bandstand. This bench was purchased as a gift for from a family for their Mothers 91st




Birthday. We hope to encourage further sponsorship of benches in the Park in the future

Councillor Tony Stretton thanked Councillor David Fish for his continued hard work within the Victoria Park Working Group and thanked Councillor James Fredrickson for securing the West Berkshire Members Bid for the DDA compliant wheelchair swing & a springer toddler seesaw.

56. VICTORIA PARK WORKING GROUP The minutes of the Victoria Park Working Group meeting held on Wednesday, 13 January 2016 were received and noted by the Committee.


The minutes of the Newtown Road Cemetery Working Group meeting, held on Wednesday 20 January 2016 were received and noted by the Committee.


The minutes of the Market Working party of Wednesday, 03 February 2016 were received and noted by the Committee.



Event Solutions Limited

Company Registration Number 08365172 VAT Registration Number 161 6154 26

Christmas Markets Events Management

Christmas Lighting Displays Total Event Technical Solutions

Power Supply & Distribution Solutions Electrical Installations and Maintenance

Live AV Production Broadcast Temporary Road Surfaces

AV Display Screens Sound Systems

Marquees Lighting Staging



Newbury Christmas Market 2016 Event Management Plan

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Contents SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 4

Purpose of this Document ................................................................................................................ 4

How to Use This Document .............................................................................................................. 4

Document control record ................................................................................................................. 5

Authority ........................................................................................................................................... 5

Event Outline .................................................................................................................................... 6

Possible Attractions ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Other ways of encouraging visitors ............................................................................................... 7

Meet the New Organisers................................................................................................................. 7

About us ........................................................................................................................................ 7

Significant Times/Dates ................................................................................................................. 8

Site Plans ......................................................................................................................................... 10

Location ....................................................................................................................................... 10

Draft Layout of the Festival ......................................................................................................... 10

SECTION 2: EVENT MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................... 11

Policy ............................................................................................................................................... 11

Planning & Consultation ................................................................................................................. 11

Publicity & Local Information ......................................................................................................... 11

Generic Issues and Controls ........................................................................................................... 12

Footfall ........................................................................................................................................ 12

Crowd Control: Stewards ............................................................................................................ 13

Crowd Control: Disabled Access .................................................................................................. 13

First Aid ........................................................................................................................................ 13

Rubbish / Litter ............................................................................................................................ 13

Our Risk Assessments ..................................................................................................................... 14

Identify Hazards .......................................................................................................................... 14

Decide who could be affected..................................................................................................... 14

Assess the risk and introduce further controls to eliminate risks or reduce them .................... 14

Record the findings of the risk assessment ................................................................................ 14

Review and revise the risk assessment ....................................................................................... 14

Risk Assessment Forms ............................................................................................................... 15

SECTION 3: PLANNING AND ORGANISING ......................................................................................... 22

Management of the Event .............................................................................................................. 22

Crowd/Traffic Management ........................................................................................................... 22

People attending ......................................................................................................................... 22

Egress / Access, parking and emergency vehicles ...................................................................... 22

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Stewards ...................................................................................................................................... 23

Emergency and Extreme Weather Plans ........................................................................................ 23

Site Suitability, Layout and Design ................................................................................................. 23

Site Plan .......................................................................................................................................... 23

Welfare ........................................................................................................................................... 23

Temporary Structures/ Specialist Equipment ................................................................................ 24

Special Effects ................................................................................................................................. 24

Utilities ............................................................................................................................................ 24

Contractors/Performers/Traders ................................................................................................... 24

Insurance ........................................................................................................................................ 24

Special Permissions......................................................................................................................... 24

Catering........................................................................................................................................... 25

Noise ............................................................................................................................................... 25


SECTION 5: GENERIC METHOD STATEMENT...................................................................................... 27

SECTION 6: FINAL PREPARATIONS ..................................................................................................... 28

SECTION 7: EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ............................................................................................. 29

Minor Incidents............................................................................................................................... 29

Emergency Situation ....................................................................................................................... 29

Major Incident ................................................................................................................................ 30

Emergency Response Plan .............................................................................................................. 30

Newbury Christmas Festival Incident Report Form........................................................................ 34

SECTION 7: EXTREME WEATHER PLAN .............................................................................................. 35

SECTION 8: AFTER THE EVENT ........................................................................................................... 36

SECTION 9: MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE ........................................................................................... 37

Description of Relevant Roles ......................................................................................................... 37

Hierarchy ........................................................................................................................................ 37

SECTION 10: NEWBURY TOWN COUNCIL CONTACTS ........................................................................ 38

Community Services: ...................................................................................................................... 38

Environmental Health Service: ....................................................................................................... 38

Legal: ............................................................................................................................................... 38

EMERGENCY Services ..................................................................................................................... 38

SECTION 11: ICTHUS CONTACTS ........................................................................................................ 39

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Purpose of this Document This document provides Newbury Town Council with the planning considerations and risk assessment of events and topics for Newbury Christmas Festival 2016 regardless of size and relevant to scale of event. It has been compiled based on the information to hand and the fact that the nature of the event is fluid and could change significantly with changes to other aspects of the event. It is intended to provide guidelines to all Icthus Event Solutions Ltd (hereafter referred to as Icthus) personnel engaged upon or associated with the installation, maintenance and operation of equipment required for fulfilment of the contract. It is intended to act as a generic method statement and risk assessment, along with mitigation of those risks, for the procedures that Icthus will employ. It is not intended as a comprehensive specification nor does it cover all operations. It attempts to codify only those operations and activities that may have a direct or indirect effect on electrical and other safety and is intended to supplement other Codes of Practice, Statutory and other requirements, and Regulations. Codifying an action necessary in every case is not possible and it is assumed that the recommendations of this Code will be used by all Icthus personnel as a fundamental guide to the application of sound engineering judgment. This Code gives advice in a consistent and practical way, setting out to ensure the electrical safety of persons engaged in the relevant works and of members of the public. Although the Code considers primarily the electrical safety aspect, certain related matters of mechanical safety are also considered. The adherence to this Code does not absolve Icthus of its contractual or common law duties regarding the safety of its operatives and/or the public.

How to Use This Document The Event Management Plan (EMP) is intended to be used by all who have any responsibility for the Newbury Christmas Festival. It should be referred to as the definitive workbook for the event and the guidelines herein must be adhered to by all concerned parties.

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Document control record Document Version

Reasons For Changes

Issue Date


1 First issue 01 April 2016

Newbury BID (BID)

Authority The Information contained within this EMP has been compiled by those with relevant responsibilities. The EMP is the control document of the whole event. Produced for and on behalf of the Producers of The Newbury Christmas Festival - Icthus Event Solutions Limited

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Event Outline The Newbury Christmas festival will be a magical and unforgettable experience for the general public and for traders. A vast amount of advertising will be used to entice visitors into Newbury, and especially to bring them over to the Christmas festival and ultimately through the Christmas Market areas. Other Attractions Attractions will be provided to encourage visitors to Newbury to come to the Christmas festival so that they can enjoy sampling the wares on offer in the tastefully decorated Chalets. The festival layout will be carefully planned to ensure that visitors are encouraged to stop at the retail chalets on their way to the food court, the ‘Venue In The Park’ which will host the Inn of Christmas Cheer, the covered heated Cafe with a play area for under 5’s and of course activities and attractions for the older ones as well. The plans include a fountain display in the pond at the centre of the entertainment and food area and other attractions. There will be a viewing area with seating around the bandstand where a selection of local talent will perform music and other entertainment throughout the day. These events will be advertised as widely as possible to draw in supporters, families and friends as well as to provide atmosphere. The event marquee will also have a demonstration area, this can be booked by craft traders to demonstrate their craft and the making of the items they are selling. The possibility of creating a unique venue in the park to host the bar facilities as well as being made available for Business Christmas Parties, Receptions and other Dinners is being investigated. This will be carefully selected to be more than just a marquee and along with the lights and the attractions like the fountains will provide a picturesque backdrop for long lasting memories. Other attractions under negotiation include a fun fair, a polar express road train, bringing people to the festival from the town centre and then picking up people to transport them on a ride through the magic of the park to Santa’s grotto, a dry ski slope, an ice rink and a number of other options. A multi speaker PA system will be installed throughout the festival to allow background Christmas music to be played throughout the operating hours and to announce events, activities and to advertise any special offers. This will be designed to allow music to be heard throughout the festival without polluting the surroundings with unwanted noise. We are also working with other businesses and individuals who are interested in using the festival as a focus for other events, including a balloon race, and a treasure hunt. All in all Newbury Christmas festival promises to become one of the premier destinations for Christmas shopping.

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Other ways of encouraging visitors

Coach and other tour operators will be encouraged to drop off and collect their passengers as near to the festival as possible.

The Christian community in Newbury and surrounding areas are excited to be involved with this project. The Christians Together in the Newbury Area (CTNA) members will be encouraging people to include a visit to the festival and active involvement in the event will be a part of the church’s organised activities. They will be helping to manage the Nativity and we hope to involve the local schools in the design of the nativity figure, drawing parents and family who might not otherwise attend.

School choirs, local bands, Drama groups, and other talent will be encouraged to entertain the masses from the bandstand, drawing bigger crowds.

Lamp post banners and others around the town centre will advertise the attraction of the Christmas festival.

The routes to and from the Christmas festival will be clearly marked with multiple signs advertising the fact that the trip is worthwhile.

The route past The Parkway is already well decorated, but signs will lead people through to the festival at the far end.

The secondary route from Northbrook Street, along Canal Walk will be tastefully decorated with Pea Lights and signage to encourage visitors to take the scenic route to the park.

Signs and banners in the Market Square will similarly encourage visitors to the festival.

The local radio station Jack FM will already be involved in the Christmas activities in Newbury, and they will be invited to participate in the advertising before the event and on a daily basis, broadcasting their normal show at certain times through the festival PA system but offering up advertising at the same time throughout their normal reach.

TV Stations will be engaged in the lead up to the event to cover the preparations and to participate in the opening evenings and other activities.

Facebook and Twitter will of course play their usual roles.

All in all we will be doing everything in our power to bring the people into the festival. We hope that you, the traders, will actively encourage sales by having bright cheery stalls with your own lights and decorations added to supplement those that we provide to make the atmosphere truly magical. We’ll even have a competition, judged by a local celebrity if possible or even perhaps the Bishop of Newbury, for the best presented chalet or stall. Prize details to be confirmed.

Meet the New Organisers About us Icthus Event Solutions Ltd (hereafter referred to as Icthus), under whose banner this event will run, is a part of the Icthus Group. Full details of the extent of our work can be found on our web page Icthus is a Member of the National Outdoor Events Association (NOEA), The Electrical Contractors Association (ECA), and The Joint Industries Board for the Electrical Contracting Industry (JIB). A number of relevant qualifications exist within the organisation ranging from labourers and those with experience operating in the events industry through to Electricians and Chartered Engineers (MIET, FIET). Our management staffs are qualified to Degree level with Honours with Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Business Administration and Project Management.

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Christmas Market Experience Icthus has been engaged in Christmas Market activities since the formation of the organisation in April 2008. We were first approached by Winchester Cathedral to provide the entire electrical infrastructure for their market and ice rink as well as the Architectural and Christmas Lighting and other decorations in and around the cathedral from 2008 to 2013. Throughout this period Icthus retained the contract for the internal electrical maintenance in the cathedral and grounds. Icthus also managed the electrical infrastructure for the Cirencester Christmas Market from 2010 through 2012 at which point the town council decided to postpone further plans for markets until after the town centre refurbishment was completed. This occurs in 2015 but at present there are no plans to continue Cirencester’s Christmas Market. In 2013 the Christmas market in Newbury was planned and operated by a private individual. Icthus was contracted to provide the infrastructure including the majority of the chalets, all the pedestrian walkways, the decorations and lighting, a number of Christmas trees, the main office trailer and the electrical infrastructure. Our contractual obligation regarding de-rig was limited to the infrastructure installed by Icthus and this was completed on time and in good order. We had no involvement with 3rd party provisions. At the same time as this event was occurring, Icthus had been contracted by St Albans City and District Council to manage their new Christmas Market project. Icthus successfully completed acquisition and build of 42 Chalets plus some additional structures in and around an 18th century protected enclosed garden in the grounds of St Albans Cathedral. This included a completely new set of walkways across the grass areas, architectural lighting for the cathedral, Christmas lighting and decorations and site security and safety lighting. Alongside this we provided a large Christmas tree and free standing base for the town centre in St Albans. This build was extended in 2014 to include 23 additional chalets, a much larger layout of paths, more lighting and a PA system covering the whole site. During the planning phases for both of these markets Icthus acted as consultants to the organisers for a number of other areas including trader liaison. Through this and other events Icthus has gained a great deal of experience and a reputation for being able to manage and preserve the public areas it utilises. Park authorities we have worked with have expressed their satisfaction about the way the land has been returned to them following the event. There have been a number of Christmas Markets where Icthus has either sold electrical equipment or acted in consultation with the Christmas Market organisers (including South Bank London, Oxford & Salisbury). We have offered advice about setup, locations, health and safety issues, electrical infrastructure, decorations, trader management, security, medical cover, and day to day stewarding. We continue to maintain a good working relationship with other market organisers.

Other Experience In addition to the Christmas Market activities Icthus has had extensive experience in the events and entertainment industry in both temporary and permanent venues supplying both staff and equipment when necessary to ensure successful completion of the activity or event.

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Icthus have contacts with entertainment agencies, individuals and bands as well as choirs and other organisations. We are currently contracted to provide all the Christmas Lighting for Winchester, Cirencester, Salisbury, Stockbridge and Newbury Town Centre and are negotiating arrangements with other towns in the area. We are ideally placed to take care of all the practical aspects of this project and we have good working relationships with the organisations with whom we will be partnering to make sure that this is a successful enterprise from all points of view. Significant Times/Dates 14 - 21 November - Christmas festival Construction 22 - 23 November - SETUP: Traders can set up from 0800 – 2000 in pre-agreed slots. 24 November - OPENING DAY: Open to the public from 1000 – 2100 (opening night) 25 November onwards – Normal Opening Hours 1000 -1800 PLUS occasional late opening when Newbury Town Centre remains open (tbc). Note: traders will be expected to have all chalets open for trade between these times without exception. 5/6 December – Changeover for traders only staying for ½ the market 18 December - Closes to the general public at 1800 following Closing Ceremony 18 December - Traders De-Rig: Traders pack away/dismantle from 1900 - 2200 (or from when the last customer leaves the site whichever is earlier). 18 December - Power is disconnected at 2400 and is removed overnight. Access to all chalets will be required from 2200. In exceptional circumstances and by prior arrangement extra time could be allowed on 21 December but Power chalet lighting will not be available at these times (Site security Lighting will remain). 19-23 December - Christmas festival De-rig

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Site Plans Location

Location of Festival within Victoria Park showing primary pedestrian routes to and from the


Draft Layout of the Festival

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Policy The Newbury Christmas Festival 2016 organisers are required to assure Newbury Town Council that Newbury Christmas Festival 2016 is a safe event. Included are risk assessments to ensure that there are adequate procedures in place to deal with possible detrimental occurrences or emergencies. The Producers and Directors seek to demonstrate to Newbury Town Council that the Newbury Christmas Festival 2016 event is going to be managed safely. The Event Organisers (Icthus) want to encourage an atmosphere of safe celebration. Our intention is to organise an event which:

Ensures safety for both participants and spectators

Minimises the risk to road users, businesses and the general public

Prevents public nuisance and disruption

Protects children and vulnerable adults from harm

Promotes an environment which allows participants and spectators to enjoy the event

Maximises the pedestrian traffic through the festival in a safe manner This EMP is an operational document intended to:

Define the route and parameters of the event

Identify roles, responsibilities and duties.

Clarify the communication lines

Assess the risks involved, safety measures required and their implementation Advice has been taken from professionals in Health and Safety and consultations have been held with NTC Environmental Health.

Planning & Consultation Regular planning meetings have taken place and will continue between NTC, BID and Icthus A signed memorandum of Understanding will be sought from the Police and emergency services regarding responsibilities for this event. As this event will take place within the confines of Victoria Park and is expected to use existing infrastructure and resources for all other areas a site specific traffic management plan is not deemed to be necessary.

Publicity & Local Information Newbury is currently realising and average footfall of 190,000 visitors per week, this figure rises to around 210,000 in November and 220,000 in December, last year we hit over 1million visitors in December with the bulk of these coming in the first three weeks of the month, naturally we had a small spike the last few days before Christmas and 27th as the sales started. Newbury is currently bucking the regional and national trends both in footfall growth and occupation levels, both outperforming the regional and national picture.

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Icthus are partnering with Newbury BID on this project, and will have a dedicated promotional campaign for Christmas in Newbury which includes but is not limited to the following:

Door-to-door Royal Mail drop to 65,000 homes within 30 mins drive time of Newbury, this will be a 38 page high quality brochure promoting Christmas in Newbury, which the Christmas festival will feature very prominently. This has a coverage including Oxford in the North, Andover/Salisbury/ Winchester in the South, Marlborough in the West and Reading/Basingstoke to the east. Radio campaign on Jack FM this has a similar reach to the above Newbury Weekly News paper ads and editorial In Newbury magazine, with a readership of 120,000 Primary times – this hits 68,000 school bags website All our social platforms A limited run of advertising in the national press Invitation to local and national TV stations to feature the project including special events

Generic Issues and Controls The following lists the generic issues that have been considered and the controls that will be put in place to deal with these. Footfall Actual footfall figures through the festival are not possible to calculate and these will vary significantly with the time of day. For the purposes of planning a figure of 10% of the overall footfall figures for Newbury has been used. This results in an average footfall through the festival of no more than 19-20,000 per week with a possible rise to 22-25,000 in December. It is possible that at peak times as many as 2-3,000 people may be in the festival at any one time. The festival area is approximately 18,000 Sqm. Apart from the open areas, the pond and the areas covered by structures an estimated 5000 sq m of pathways, temporary paths and Marquee floor space will remain. At peak times, given a peak crowd of 3000 within the festival an average of 1.66 Sqm of safe covered floor space will be available per person not including grass covered areas. This allows ample room for movement through the festival. Leaflets and signs will give people advance information about the routes through the festival and locations of attractions. Stewards in high visibility jackets will ensure the numbers of people entering a site area will be controlled to prevent overcrowding and crowd stress, and offer alternative routes through the festival. Similarly the comfort and safety of specific groups of people have been considered, e.g. children, elderly or disabled that may have specific needs and who will be directed to the Cathedral site. Any emergency evacuation procedure (see section 5) will be communicated by stewards using radio, mobile phone and loudhailer as directed. A public address system is available in all areas.

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Crowd Control: Stewards Stewards will be fully briefed on all aspects of the event including crowd control and emergency evacuation procedure arrangements (Please see section entitled Emergency Evacuation Plans)as well as Extreme Weather Plans. Detailed site plans will be made available. The Stewards will be clearly identified to the public, in high visibility jackets, appropriately briefed and directed in actions for all foreseeable and emergency event situations. They will be briefed to act in teams; ultimate steward control is with the Officer in Charge on site (OIC). Control of the site will remain with this role until relinquished to the senior emergency services officer on site during an emergency. All stewards, security staff and management staff will be available through control by radio. Stewards will receive training and be allocated to responsibility according to training and competence. They will be required to look out for hazards, guide vehicles, and clear emergency exits, give general information to people and know how and when to deal with difficult people. They will be advised what to do in the event of injury occurring, fire, and dealing with people. Stewards will be readily identified. Crowd Control: Security Overall security control of the site will be the responsibility of the OIC with delegated control to the senior security consultant engaged by Icthus to provide professional support during opening hours with crowd control and especially in the event of an emergency or extreme weather situation. In the event of escalation the OIC will pass command and control to the senior emergency services officer on site Crowd Control: Disabled Access This site has been designed to permit unrestricted access to disabled persons throughout the site. Limitations may exist on some of the fairground rides as per the rules laid out by the fairground operators. Stewards, security staff and all other Icthus personnel will be briefed about the arrangements to cater for disabled personnel in the event of emergency. First Aid A number of qualified First Aid responders will be available on site throughout the event. There will be 2 recognised First Aid points on site, both clearly marked, where persons injured in the course of their visit can receive attention. Rubbish / Litter Traders will be responsible for clearing their own litter away to a designated area at least daily. Additional rubbish facilities will be placed throughout the festival, with greater numbers of refuse bins where increased rubbish is expected (e.g. near food outlets). Stewards will be responsible for emptying these bins as required and at least at the end of every day. Bins from the main refuse compound will be placed ready for collection by waste collection services at times to be agreed.

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Our Risk Assessments Our risk assessment looks at identifying safety hazards, assess risks and measures needed to eliminate or reduce the risk of accidents or injury occurring. We have considered the 5 stages to carrying out a risk assessments and each has been addressed: Identify Hazards Hazards are identified as being something with the potential to cause harm or a source of danger. We have identified all significant hazards and given due consideration to the more trivial. Decide who could be affected Employees/volunteers/stewards; Members of the public; Contractors. Traders Assess the risk and introduce further controls to eliminate risks or reduce them Risk is being identified as likelihood that an accident/injury will occur from a hazard and the severity of injury that could occur. Risks are classified as high, medium or low. Consideration is given of what controls are in place to stop an accident happening. In our assessment of risk we have decided whether risk could be eliminated completely by change of plan or practice. Where it cannot we have considered what must be done to reduce it to an acceptable level. Health and Safety documents such as guides, codes of good practice, British Standards, have been considered to reveal if controls could be introduced to reduce risks and to comply with the law and recognised best practice. Record the findings of the risk assessment We have recorded our risk assessments. And they are enclosed or available. Review and revise the risk assessment The risk assessments have been reviewed, revisited and revised where the nature of the hazard or risk has changed during the planning of the events. The following information provided to indicate a Summary of the key hazards and controls.

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Risk Assessment Forms

Event Date of Event Site Access dates Venue Organiser

Newbury Christmas Festival 2016 24 November 2016 – 18 December 2016 14 November to 24 December inclusive * Victoria Park Newbury Icthus Event Solutions Limited in Partnership with Newbury BID * Note: Access to the Pond prior to and after these dates may be required if the display is intended to run for a longer period

Hazards Identified Who could be affected?

Risk (High, medium or low)

Measures required to control the risk Action to be taken by (Name)

Date Completed and Signature

Vehicles and Pedestrians at Site during event

Public, Traders staff, stewards

High (large numbers of people and children expected)

Control road use during build and de-rig phase including parking Prevent vehicle access during event dates Direct pedestrian routes. Provide stewards to direct pedestrians. Cones and notices to restrict parking where required Main entry gate to remain locked or be manned at all times when open Stewards to be identified and receive training. Police and local residents advised of event. Pedestrian pathways to be closed and pedestrian diversions in operation when required

Collapse of Temporary structures and Structure Security

Public, Traders staff, stewards

High Appoint competent people erect all structures View copy of risk assessments to ensure have considered hazards Get competent person to inspect structures once constructed

Water; working on, under or by

Public, Traders staff, stewards

High Place interlocking barriers around the circumference of the pond to prevent access Place Water Recue Kits (Lifebuoys) around the pond Follow guidelines in the Emergency Evacuation Plan

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Event Date of Event Site Access dates Venue Organiser

Newbury Christmas Festival 2016 24 November 2016 – 18 December 2016 14 November to 24 December inclusive * Victoria Park Newbury Icthus Event Solutions Limited in Partnership with Newbury BID * Note: Access to the Pond prior to and after these dates may be required if the display is intended to run for a longer period

Hazards Identified Who could be affected?

Risk (High, medium or low)

Measures required to control the risk Action to be taken by (Name)

Date Completed and Signature

Safety of Public - Equipment

Public, Traders, staff, stewards

High Where possible equipment will be guarded from the public by placing out of reach or behind locked doors or gates. This will be achieved through the use of barriers to prevent public access to cables and other equipment where necessary. Cable ramps will be used where appropriate. Cables crossing public areas will be suspended where possible in accordance with Safety Guidelines Access to switches and sockets on all distribution boxes or panels will be restricted by placing out of view or behind barriers or gates.

All equipment will be protected by suitably rated RCD over current devices, Miniature Circuit Breakers and, where appropriate, switches.

Hydraulic Access Equipment

Staff Medium Operated by IPAF Certified Operators and use in accordance with guidelines.

Working at Height: Ladders, Step Ladders & Scaffold Equipment

Staff Health & Safety Guidelines on safe use of Ladders & Scaffold. Staff will receive training where appropriate

All equipment will be set up and Used by PASMA approved personnel

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Event Date of Event Site Access dates Venue Organiser

Newbury Christmas Festival 2016 24 November 2016 – 18 December 2016 14 November to 24 December inclusive * Victoria Park Newbury Icthus Event Solutions Limited in Partnership with Newbury BID * Note: Access to the Pond prior to and after these dates may be required if the display is intended to run for a longer period

Hazards Identified Who could be affected?

Risk (High, medium or low)

Measures required to control the risk Action to be taken by (Name)

Date Completed and Signature

Power Supply & Distribution

Public, Traders, staff, stewards

High Installed to the requirements of The IEE Wiring Regulations - BS 7671; and The Code of practice for temporary electrical systems for entertainment and related purposes - BS 7909 and checked by competent person using approved calibrated test equipment. All circuits to be protected by RCD Final Sign off certificate to be provided to Newbury Town Council prior to commencement of the event All cables to be routed in accordance with a pre agreed design or in safe areas where access is restricted

Lighting, Power, electrical Decorations, Electrical Equipment

Public, Traders, staff, stewards

High All hired and purchased electrical equipment To have been PAT tested by a competent Person

All equipment to be installed by competent persons with due regard to guidance and regulations

Protective Clothing Staff Low All crew will have access to PPE including protective gloves, hard hats where necessary and clothing appropriate for the weather

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Event Date of Event Site Access dates Venue Organiser

Newbury Christmas Festival 2016 24 November 2016 – 18 December 2016 14 November to 24 December inclusive * Victoria Park Newbury Icthus Event Solutions Limited in Partnership with Newbury BID * Note: Access to the Pond prior to and after these dates may be required if the display is intended to run for a longer period

Hazards Identified Who could be affected?

Risk (High, medium or low)

Measures required to control the risk Action to be taken by (Name)

Date Completed and Signature

Emergency Exits Public, Traders, staff, stewards

Escape routes to be kept clear at all times including during the rigging and de-rigging. Follow guidelines laid out in the Emergency Evacuation Plan and advice received from the emergency services

Overhead Hazards e.g. supply cables

Staff Low Supply cables to be properly secured using cable ties, straps or ropes. Any cables passing over branches or attached to trees will be assumed to be potentially harmful. Trees and public property will be protected by rubber matting, foam, carpet or other appropriate protection as required.

Moving large, heavy equipment

Public, Traders, staff, stewards

High Follow Health & Safety Guidelines. Use of vehicles will always involve use of a a banks man and extra staff monitoring the passage of pedestrians in the area to inform them of the hazards and where necessary direct them away. Signs will be posted to request that pedestrians select an alternative route where possible to avoid the area

Floor loading (Public paths, or pedestrian areas)

Public, Traders, staff, stewards

Where necessary boards or other similar supports will be deployed to spread the load to reduce the chance of damage to paths

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Event Date of Event Site Access dates Venue Organiser

Newbury Christmas Festival 2016 24 November 2016 – 18 December 2016 14 November to 24 December inclusive * Victoria Park Newbury Icthus Event Solutions Limited in Partnership with Newbury BID * Note: Access to the Pond prior to and after these dates may be required if the display is intended to run for a longer period

Hazards Identified Who could be affected?

Risk (High, medium or low)

Measures required to control the risk Action to be taken by (Name)

Date Completed and Signature

Floor protection – Grass and other soft areas.

Public, Traders, staff, stewards

Medium Protective flooring specially designed for the task will be deployed in all areas where public access is required on grass or soft ground. Access will be restricted in areas where flower beds or other no go areas need to be avoided Heavy duty vehicle flooring commensurate with the task will be deployed where vehicles are required to traverse across grass or soft ground. Signs will be erected warning against any vehicular access across unprotected areas.

Slip Hazards Public, Traders, staff, stewards

Weather Dependant

Use of recognised protective flooring designed to minimise slip risk Refer to the guidelines laid out in the Extreme weather plans to deal with every eventuality with extreme weather (rain, snow, ice etc) Signs will be erected to recommend pedestrians remain on existing or temporary pathways

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Event Date of Event Site Access dates Venue Organiser

Newbury Christmas Festival 2016 24 November 2016 – 18 December 2016 14 November to 24 December inclusive * Victoria Park Newbury Icthus Event Solutions Limited in Partnership with Newbury BID * Note: Access to the Pond prior to and after these dates may be required if the display is intended to run for a longer period

Hazards Identified Who could be affected?

Risk (High, medium or low)

Measures required to control the risk Action to be taken by (Name)

Date Completed and Signature

Limited Egress & Access

Public, Traders, staff, stewards

Low Ensure that all egress / access points are available at all times during opening hours and are not blocked by equipment or rubbish. Use of emergency release mechanisms on any locked gates Follow guidelines in the emergency evacuation plans Ensure all Stewards are suitably trained to ensure that guidance is followed

Construction procedures, movement of heavy items during event

Staff, High All construction staff and stewards will be trained in heavy lifting and moving procedures

Lasers / Strobes Public, Traders, staff, stewards

Low Strobe effects are not intended for use in the Festival but the public will be made aware about the possibility that strobe effects may occur during the course of the event, particularly in the funfair area. If this is likely to happen then where possible strobe frequency will be maintained below levels recommended by the Health and safety executive (4 Hz).

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Event Date of Event Site Access dates Venue Organiser

Newbury Christmas Festival 2016 24 November 2016 – 18 December 2016 14 November to 24 December inclusive * Victoria Park Newbury Icthus Event Solutions Limited in Partnership with Newbury BID * Note: Access to the Pond prior to and after these dates may be required if the display is intended to run for a longer period

Hazards Identified Who could be affected?

Risk (High, medium or low)

Measures required to control the risk Action to be taken by (Name)

Date Completed and Signature

Sound Systems Public, Traders, staff, stewards

Low Selection of PA system will ensure that peak levels do not occur in any area and the sound is spread evenly across the site. Sound levels will be maintained where appropriate by use of sound level meters.

Working on Live Circuits

Competent staff only

High Where maintenance work must be carried out on live circuits, this will be undertaken by qualified, experienced personnel and in accordance with regulations

Name of Assessor (printed) ………………………………………………………… Signature ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Date …………………………………………

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SECTION 3: PLANNING AND ORGANISING Detailed planning and organising has occurred for each part of the Newbury Christmas Festival 2016 as this was considered essential to its success. Planning commenced in January 2015. The following has been considered and addressed by the Icthus Producers and Directors:

Management of the Event Organisation charts Identify key responsibilities for all people involved. The Icthus Producers & Directors have identified and appointed for all areas of responsibility. The Producers and Directors are responsible for liaison with organisations such as the council, local police and other emergency services. Those appointed will ensure the council and emergency services are briefed in advance of the event. Douglas Bennett as Managing Director of Icthus Group and overall project manager for this project has executive responsibility. H&S Advice has been given by Mr Daniel Gormley who has suitable experience and competence and is given overall responsibility for advising and enabling event health and safety. Although the Director Icthus Group has overall responsibility for the co-ordination and supervision of the Sites security staff and stewards the site Safety Officer, who will be nominated at a later date, will be responsible for maintaining safety standards throughout the site An event plan has been prepared to show responsibilities and how the following issues are going to be managed. Contact with other key people/ employees/volunteers will be via Personal Radio and Mobile Phone.

Crowd/Traffic Management People attending Consideration is given to the maximum number of people that the event site can hold and numbers likely to attend. Where necessary the number of people entering the site area will be controlled to prevent overcrowding. Crowd profiles have been considered. And specific groups of people, eg; children, teenagers, elderly or disabled that may have specific needs are addressed where appropriate. In an emergency a loudhailer and stewards will be used to communicate to the public the safety needs. A public address system is also available throughout the festival. Egress / Access, parking and emergency vehicles Car parking will be off site except selected controlled access for traders to a designated area for loading and unloading and for site support vehicles. Ample parking is available using Newbury Council and other private parking sites. No unplanned and uncontrolled access and egress to a site will be permitted. Barriers/signs may be used to help with closure and safe access. Emergency vehicles will be directed and controlled on and off the site. Emergency routes will be kept clear. A traffic management plan will be provided if required for the Icthus event.

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Stewards Stewards will be fully briefed on all aspects of the Icthus event including crowd control and emergency procedure arrangements. Written instructions and site plans are to be provided. Stewards are to be easily identified by the public and they will be enabled to effectively communicate with each other, their supervisor, the person responsible for health and safety and the event manager. Stewards, or their supervisors, will be provided with radios if necessary. Stewards will receive training and be competent, whether or not they are volunteers. They may be required to look out for hazards, guide vehicles, and clear emergency exits, give general information to people and deal with difficult people. They are to be advised what to do in the event of injury occurring, fire fighting and dealing with difficult people. There will be sufficient numbers to manage the event activity and movement effectively.

Emergency and Extreme Weather Plans A formal Emergency Evacuation Plan and Extreme Weather Plan have been compiled and is documented below.

Site Suitability, Layout and Design The location of the festival has been selected to ensure that maximum egress and access can be afforded at all times while maintaining maximum security for the general public, traders and Icthus Staff. Existing hazards, eg; overhead power lines, trip and fall hazards will be identified and appropriately addressed. Adverse weather conditions are being considered and action proposed a separate document details the Extreme weather plans for this event. Structures will be placed on flat ground. Additional lighting for the sites and suitable exit and access routes has been considered. Site activities are not located where they could compromise evacuation routes.

Site Plan A draft site plan is available showing the position of all the intended Act & Scene events and facilities. Entrance and exit points, circulation routes, vehicle access and emergency evacuation paths have been set out and designated. Once build of the festival has been finalised a final site plan will be disseminated to all interested parties and in particular to the Emergency Services, Newbury Town Council and the Newbury BID.

Welfare Using Newbury Town Centre footfall figures the Icthus organisers have estimated the number of people attending the event. Any requirements and the various plans to be submitted are based on these estimations. Records of incidents or accidents seen or reported will be kept and as appropriate and Icthus will initially investigate the likely cause and keep a report. Provision for dealing with lost children, missing people and lost property has been considered and the stewards are briefed of all such arrangements. A Children’s Welfare area will be provided, where children can play under parental supervision and where lost children can play safely under the supervision of personnel who have been checked by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) until parents or guardians can be located.

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Temporary Structures/ Specialist Equipment Equipment is to be obtained from reliable sources, it will be erected by appropriate staff and safety checks will be made. This particularly applies to site temporary structures such as fairground attractions, chalets, staging, tents, marquees, stalls etc. The location of any such structures is identified on the site plan. Safety barriers if required to protect the public against specific hazards will be erected and checked as safe. Specialist equipment like generators will be appropriately sited, protected and access controlled. All electrical cabling and decorative or site lighting will be routed in such a way to remove the risk to all personnel.

Special Effects Where special effects are planned and used they will be the subject of competent and specific hazard and risk assessment enabling full mitigation and control. Light shows and sound levels will be controlled by competent people who will follow the guidelines laid out in our risk assessment and in accordance with safety guidance.

Utilities Where electricity, gas or water is used, detailed arrangements are in place to ensure the facilities are safe. All portable electrical appliances including extension leads etc. should be tested for electrical safety and a record kept. Any hired equipment comes with a certificate of electrical safety. Where events are taking place outdoors, residual current circuit breakers are used. All outdoor electrics are suitably rated and protected against adverse weather conditions. Cables will be suitably routed to eliminate any tripping or electrical hazards. Generators will be suitably sited or fenced to prevent public access and away from combustible materials. All utility arrangements are shown on the site plan.

Contractors/Performers/Traders All contractors/performers/traders are to be checked to ensure they are competent to undertake the tasks required of them. All will be asked to provide their safety policy and risk assessments and have satisfied us that they will perform the task safely. Contractors/performers/traders will be provided with a copy of the event plan and we shall ensure they are adequately briefed about our health and safety procedures and will follow our rules.

Insurance Suitable Insurance will be in place indemnifying the local authorities against any third party claims due to the installation, operation, maintenance and removal of the equipment hired in or operated by Icthus. A copy of all insurance certificates will be forwarded to the local authorities if requested.

Special Permissions The Event has activities that may consist of acting, music, dancing, singing or similar but will not be collecting any money, or charging for these events. It is not believed we require any special permission that have not already been given by the City Council’s Licensing Officer.

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Catering Any caterers engaged in activities within the Newbury Christmas Festival will be required to supply details of all appropriate certification and licensing as well as suitable indemnity insurance. Use of gas fired appliances will be discouraged but where gas is required caterers will be required to hire a suitable Gas Cage to be placed at the rear of the catering area and suitable risk assessments must be submitted.

Noise A letter or appropriate communication will be sent to residents within the local vicinity of event sites advising them what time the event will start and finish and what to expect as well as our contact details. In case of complaint we will follow up and report.

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SECTION 4: COMPLIANCE WITH STATUTORY AND OTHER GUIDES AND REGULATIONS All work will be carried out in full compliance with the Following:

BS7671: 2008 Requirements for Electrical Installations 17th Edition Wiring Regulations

G 39/1 1992: Model Code Of Practice Covering Electrical Safety In The Planning, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Public Lighting and Other Street Furniture

BS 7909:2008 – The Code of practice for temporary electrical systems for entertainment and related purposes

Health & Safety at Work Act 1974

The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999

Electricity at Work Regulations 1989

Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992

Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) L22 relevant to the provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)

The International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) Code of Conduct

Equipment will be installed to the same standards as a permanent installation although it must be appreciated that for installations of this nature cables will be installed temporarily. Cable supports will be arranged so that no appreciable mechanical strain is placed on any cable termination or joint. All plugs, sockets and connectors shall comply fully with BS4343 and shall have an IP rating of not less than IP66 according to BS5490 unless used within a weatherproof enclosure with an IP rating of not less than IP66 according to BS5490.

Cables will be run out where possible in such a way as to place out of reach of pedestrians. If by necessity they cross public footpaths they will be contained in appropriate ramps to reduce the chance of tripping. No cables will be installed in a way that restricts access for emergency vehicles.

Any structures built or installed during the course of this contract will comply with all current legislation. Icthus will liaise with contractors to ensure that appropriate documentation is available and that all appropriate tests and checks have been completed.

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SECTION 5: GENERIC METHOD STATEMENT Icthus will liaise with Newbury Town Council (NTC) and Newbury BID throughout the preparations for this event and ensure that the requirements for the contract are fully detailed prior to actioning the activities required by the terms of this contract.

Icthus will have liaised with any 3rd party contractor to arrange delivery of the equipment specified in this contract in a timely and safe fashion.

On the dates specified Icthus will arrive on site and finalise arrangements to ensure that equipment is located as agreed in order to fulfil the requirement.

Icthus will ensure that delivery of equipment is carried out in a safe manner with due diligence to road safety, pedestrian safety, and appropriate guidelines and / or legislation.

Vehicles will arrive on site at pre-arranged times. Where support legs on vehicles are required appropriate protection for the ground will be used.

Cabling will be run out to the various sub sites following guidelines as laid out previously.

Power supply will be by means of generators or from local supplies if these can be provided by the Distribution Network Operator (DNO).

Once structures or equipment is in place barriers will be placed to prevent access to unauthorized personnel.

Throughout the setup phase, during the course of the event and during de-rig Icthus will liaise with the NTC to ensure that all local rules are adhered to.

Management of the equipment and the overall production control of the delivery of the event will be the responsibility of the Icthus Production Manager (PM). Please refer to Section 7 for a full breakdown of the delivery team details. The PM will maintain control of the Icthus staff and subcontractors. De-rig of the event will occur where possible immediately on completion of the event, but will not occur where public safety might be compromised. No vehicle movements will take place until after the site if declared to be safe by the Icthus PM.

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SECTION 6: FINAL PREPARATIONS Just prior to the event a detailed safety check will be carried out using an inspection checklist with noted safety hazards that need to be checked. Site communications will be checked as working. A safety inspection checklist can also be used periodically throughout the event to ensure your safety procedures are being adhered to. Defects will be recorded and remedial action taken. Records will be retained. As a final action each day before the festival opens we will check: Routes: Ensure clear access and exit routes and adequate circulation within the site. Paying particular attention to key hazards and emergency routes. Scene & Sites: Make sure that all facilities are inspected as safe and correctly sited as marked on the site plan. Any required immediate first aid facilities, fire extinguishers and safety requirements are in place. Signage: Ensure adequate signage is displayed where necessary. This should include emergency exits, first aid points, information and lost children points and other welfare facilities. Vehicles: Check that all contractors and exhibitors vehicles have been removed from the site. Structures: Ensure all chalets, seating, marquees and lighting structures have been erected safely. Special Effects: Make sure suitable safety controls are in place and signs as appropriate. Barriers: Check that all barriers and other protection against hazards are securely in place and there is no risk of falling from staging or other facilities. Stewards: Make sure that all staff have arrived and are in their correct location. Ensure all stewards are wearing the correct clothing for easy identification. Lighting: Check all lighting is working, including any emergency lighting. Public information: Make sure the public address system is working and can be heard in all areas. Briefing: Check that all stewards and staff have been fully briefed and understand their responsibilities.

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SECTION 7: EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Note: For the purposes of these procedures the Officer In Charge (OIC) on site is defined as the senior site coordinator. This will be the Icthus site manager in most occasions, but in certain circumstances this control may pass to the senior Security Consultant on site, or in exceptional circumstances all command and control will pass to the senior attending emergency services officer. At all times during the event the chain of command will be made clear to all stewards and security personnel as well as any Icthus personnel on site. At no time will the site be left without an OIC.

Minor Incidents A minor incident is here defined as one where in the majority of cases the incident can be dealt with by on site staff and First Aiders. Minor incidents may even result in a situation where emergency services need to be called but where coordination of the situation will not pass to the emergency services (e.g. First Aid response that requires further treatment in a hospital and thus an ambulance to attend or an altercation that requires a trouble maker to be removed from site by the police). Whilst Icthus, as the event organiser, is responsible for dealing with Minor Incidents, those involved must be aware of their own ability to cope and recognise the recognise the need to escalate to an Emergency Situation. If Icthus staff, stewards, or the onsite security is not able to deal with the incident they should immediately radio the OIC who will determine the appropriate action that should occur. The OIC will determine whether the situation should be classed as an Emergency Situation or whether the situation needs to be escalated to a major incident (see below).

Emergency Situation A Emergency Situation is defined as 'an occurrence that poses a threat of serious injury, loss of life or a breakdown in public order and does require the Police or other emergency services to assume the coordination of its resolution'. An Emergency Situation will result from an urgent need to engage emergency services that does not involve a large numbers of people (e.g. Cardiac arrest, seizures, significant medical trauma, public disorder that could escalate, small fires, gas leaks, floods). Emergency situations require the local authorities and / or emergency services to be involved but may not require the closure of the Christmas Festival.

If the OIC decides that potential escalation beyond an Emergency Situation is required a Major Incident may have to be declared. In such circumstances, the local authorities, the BID and emergency services will be notified and responsibility for co-ordination of the response will pass to the senior officer of the emergency services on site upon their arrival.

The declaration of a major incident will be determined by one or more of the Emergency Services and is beyond the scope of the event organisers.

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In the event of a Major Incident, all Icthus personnel will work in support of the Emergency Services under the co-ordination of the senior response manager on site. All Stewards and Officials will have a thorough understanding of the appropriate Contingency Arrangements.

Major Incident A Major Incident is defined as 'any emergency that requires the implementation of special arrangements by one or more of the Emergency Services, the NHS or the Local Authority for: a. The initial treatment, rescue and transport of a large number of casualties; b. The involvement either directly or indirectly of large numbers of people; c. The handling of a large number of enquiries likely to be generated both from the public

and the news media, usually to the Police; d. The need for the large scale combined resources of two or more of the Emergency

Services; e. The mobilisation and organisation of the Emergency Services and supporting

organisations, e.g. Local Authority, to cater for the threat of death, serious injury or homelessness to a large number of people.'

Emergency Response Plan On occurrence of an Minor Incident or an Emergency Situation the OIC will manage the response of Stewards and Officials in conjunction with the Chief Steward and/or the senior security person on site. A Minor Incident will not usually require a general broadcast nor require the site to be cleared. On occurrence of a potential Emergency Situation, the Police will require the assistance of the Event Co-ordinator and the Chief Steward in the communication of essential information to Stewards, Officials and members of the public. A general broadcast may become appropriate and the local area surrounding the situation or even the whole site may need to be cleared of all people in a controlled manner. I such circumstances a coordinated plan will be implemented. If a Major Incident is declared the entire Christmas Festival will be cleared in a controlled manner. The flexible Emergency Situation Response Plan will be implemented as follows:

1. Any Steward or official becoming aware of a potential Minor Incident or Emergency

Situation must advise their Supervisor or the OIC by radio immediately. A concise location and situation report should be given. (LIRA - location; incident; report; action)

2. On receipt of this information the OIC will conduct an assessment to determine if the

circumstances do, in fact, amount to a potential Emergency Situation. If assessed as such, the Emergency Situation Response Plan will be implemented; otherwise the occurrence will be managed as a Minor Incident.

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3. If the Festival has to be cleared, emergency services will be contacted immediately and a request for additional resources (personnel) to assist in the evacuation will be made by radio to the BID.

4. A broadcast of clear and concise instructions to the crowd will be made using the PA

system and if necessary using loud hailers, which will be available in the control centre and the security cabin. Public co-operation should be requested and some reasoning behind the shut down and subsequent evacuation explained. Message must be concise. Public should be requested to leave as quickly and calmly as possible via any available route. Message along following lines:

Ladies and Gentlemen. We are sorry that due to (insert brief explanation if appropriate)

the Newbury Christmas Festival cannot remain open. Please leave the area by any available exit and follow all instructions given by the stewards and security personnel.

OR : Please do not approach the (fire engine, stage area, burning structure cordoned off area

etc) Thank you for your co-operation. Please leave as quickly and calmly as possible and follow all instructions given by the stewards and security personnel.

4. Stewards should actively encourage the crowd to move in accordance with the

announcement. They must attempt to reassure and calm the crowd. 5. Stewards should indicate with arm gesture (straight arm pointing steadily) to the nearest

exit. 6. Radio traffic, unless essential, will be restricted to that between the initial caller and

Event Co-ordinator. 7. If an evacuation of part or all of the/site is required, stewards and security staff will

prevent any re-entry 8. In the event of a complete evacuation a rolling wall arrangement will be employed. This

will operate in a manner dependant on the location of the incident and the direction in which the crowd must be managed. For these purposes the emergency exits from the festival are marked below as A through F and the 2 sections of the festival are marked as Area 1 & 2.

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Additional Exits are available but although egress will not be restricted through these they

are not designated as exits for the purposes of emergency.

Stewards and Security personnel will have been briefed, and drills carried out to ensure that

everyone knows what their designated emergency point is given any number of scenarios.

These will be classified Alpha through Delta.

An Air horn will be sounded for a period of 5 seconds to give due warning and an

announcement will be made over the radio that states:

All Stewards and Security Personnel to designated emergency points to carry out

evacuation scenario (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo or Foxtrot). All Stewards and

Security Personnel to designated emergency points to carry out evacuation scenario

(Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo or Foxtrot).

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This message will be followed by an announcement over the Public Address System as

stated above.

Personnel will then implement a rolling wall to coax the crowds towards a specified set of

exits and away from the hazard/emergency. Security staff will man the primary exits

towards which the crowds are being encouraged. Upon arrival of additional staff these will

be deployed to all other exits to ensure no re-entry occurs until the site is declared safe.

Designated scenarios are as follows:

Alpha – Incident in the West side of the Festival Area 1 near Exit A - Festival must be cleared

from West to East towards the bandstand away from Exit A and towards B and C. As

Festival area 2 is some distance away from the incident this area will be cleared last.

Bravo – Incident in the East side of the Festival area 1 near exit C (the intersection between

the 2 areas) – Festival must be cleared from East to West towards the bandstand away from

Exit C and towards A and B. Simultaneously Festival area 2 must be cleared away from Exit C

towards all other exits

Charlie – Incident near the bandstand in the centre of the festival - Festival must be cleared

away from the bandstand in Festival area 1 towards all other exits

Delta – Incident in or near the funfair in festival area 2 - Festival must be cleared south in

Festival area 2 away from the Funfair

Echo – Incident in Festival area 2 near exit C (the intersection between the 2 areas) - Festival

must be cleared away from Exit C towards all other exits. Simultaneously Festival area 1

must be cleared from East to West towards the bandstand away from Exit C and towards A

and B.

Foxtrot – Incident near the Cafe or Venue in the Park – Festival must be cleared away from

this area towards all other exits.

9. The general public will be directed away from the Festival and instructed to make their

way into the town centre. All traders, Stewards and Security staff must be accounted for

and so will be required to muster in the car park of the ‘Furniture Centre’ or on the

Tennis courts to the rear of the bowling club where a muster will be taken by the OIC.

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Newbury Christmas Festival Incident Report Form

Time, date, location of incident

Brief description of incident, e.g. fight, accident

Number of persons involved

Injuries if appropriate and description

Any treatment rendered and by whom

Was there need to refer injury to hospital?

If appropriate, was parent present and/or notified and by whom?

Witness contact details

Was the incident directly related to the event eg falling off a stage? Give details

Is a claim likely?

Were those involved satisfied with your handling of the situation?

Were the Police called to the incident?

Name of person completing this form

Please complete a detailed statement of events overleaf This form to be handed to the OIC ASAP

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SECTION 7: EXTREME WEATHER PLAN Due to the nature of this event it is expected that untoward or uncomfortable weather is likely to occur during the Christmas Festival opening hours. This plan is not intended for implementation during bad weather. It is intended for implementation when the weather becomes so severe that action must be taken. Bad weather is defined as “weather conditions that could potentially result in traumatic injury but where action can be taken to mitigate the circumstances and thus prevent such injury”. Examples of this would include: Bad Weather Condition Solution to Problem Ice forming on pathways Grit or Salt Spreading Deep Snow on Pathways Pathways cleared using shovels or specialist equipment High Winds structures constructed using suitable methods Heavy Rain (No Flooding) use of recognised anti slip temporary walkways Extreme weather is defined as “weather conditions that could potentially result in traumatic injury or loss of life where no immediate safe option is available to mitigate the weather condition”. Extreme Weather Condition Solution to Problem Heavy Rain resulting in flooding Evacuation of flooded areas or entire Festival Thunder Storms Temporary evacuation of metallic structures such as

Marquees Extreme Heat Provision of fans for indoor public areas such as

Marquees Heavy Ice following Flooding Close off iced up areas – Seek to remove or melt ice

using salt / Grit Hurricane or High Wind Consider evacuation of the Christmas Festival (Red) Warning from the Met Office If a situation arises where extreme weather is predicted and the Christmas Festival has to close early the stewards will be informed and the traders will be given as much notice as possible that closure is imminent. 30 minutes before the agreed closure time an announcement will be made over the public address system and the gates will be closed to new entrants. Stewards and/or security staff will initially man each main entrance to inform the public of the situation and to let people out but not back in. Traders will pack away and lock their chalets and the festival will be cleared in a controlled manner. Once clear a final check of all areas will confirm that the Christmas Festival is empty of all personnel except staff and overnight security arrangements will be initiated. In the event of long term closure (i.e. more than 1 hour) as a result of either extreme weather or an emergency situation or major incident Signs will be posted at the entrances and on the approaches. A press release will be sent to local radio stations informing them of the situation with details of why the Festival is closed and for how long it expects to remain closed. Notices will be posted on social media and all partners web pages.

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SECTION 8: AFTER THE EVENT Site condition: After each day and following closure of the event, an inspection will be carried out to make sure nothing has been left on the site which could be hazardous to future users and that the site has been cleared of rubbish. This inspection should also identify any damage which may have been caused during the event. Structures will be left overnight so they must be locked, left in a safe condition and are safe from vandalism etc. Specific security arrangements will be instigated daily including closure of all gates and egress / Access routes to the festival. Accidents: If an accident occurs, the names and addresses of witnesses are be obtained, photographs taken (where appropriate) and a report made. An accident form should be completed and a copy sent to Newbury Town Council. We will also advise our own event liability insurance company. Claims: If any person declares an intention to make a claim following an alleged incident associated with the event, we will contact our insurers. They may also require a completed accident form. Evaluation: A follow up meeting will be held with all interested parties from the Newbury Town Council as well as the Newbury BID to consider what went well and what didn’t and what could be improved in future years.

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Description of Relevant Roles

Managing Director (MD) – Responsible for overall control of all projects within the

group and for final electrical sign off of this project

Production manager (PM) St Albans Christmas Market – Responsible for production

control of this project

Project Manager Christmas Lights Installation – Responsible for ensuring that all the

Christmas Lights are installed in accordance with the contract

Administrative Assistants (AA) – Providing support to MD & PMs

Warehouse, Office and Transport Manager – Providing support to MD & PMs as well

as ensuring chalets are transported to site as required

Site Chalet Build Manager – Responsible for managing the Chalet Build

Site Electrical Manager – Responsible for managing the electrical Installations

Multiple build crew – operating under direction on various aspects of the installation


Newbury Town Council Representative - Granville Taylor

Newbury BID Manager - Russell Downing

Managing Director (MD) - Douglas Bennett

Administrative Assistants (AA) -

Anne Bennett , Rachel Bean, one other tbc

Project Manager Christmas Lights

Installation -

Dominic Brown

Production Manager (PM) Newbury Christmas


Douglas Bennett

Site Chalet Build Manager

Mark Pyke

Telehandler Driver

tbc Build Crew

Site Electrical Build Manager

Christine Cook

Build Crew

H&S Consultant and Security Manager - tbc

Warehouse , Office and Transport Manager


Multiple Project Managers for other


Newbury Christmas Market 2016 Event Management Plan

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Community Services: Parks Officer – Caroline Edmunds 01635 35486

Environmental Health Service: Public Safety & Noise – Jim Sweeting 01635 42400 Food Safety -

Legal: Licensing - Licensing Hotline -

EMERGENCY Services Emergency Planning Office (West Berkshire County Council) - Berkshire Police - Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service -

Newbury Town Council Principle Liaison Officer – Granville Taylor 01635 35486

Newbury Christmas Market 2016 Event Management Plan

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SECTION 11: ICTHUS CONTACTS Website Address for details: or The Newbury Christmas Festival 2016 Directors and Producers are: (Please refer to Management Structure above)

Name Position Responsibility Contact Details

Douglas Bennett MD PM Newbury Festival Project

01264 810356 / 01264 513315 07791 058089

Mark Pyke Festival Build Coordinate build of all areas

Christine Cook Electrical Infrastructure

Coordinate electrical installation

Tbc Site Safety Office

All aspects of Safety

tbc Site Security Security during build, de-rig and during the event

5.8m 7.5m 5.8m 5.8m 7.5m 5.8m





Entrance / Exit

Newbury Christmas Market Car Park – Loading / Unloading Area – Note to Scale


Appendix 3


Suite 2, Town Hall

Thursday 12 May 2016 at 6.30pm

Present: Cllrs David Fish (Chair), Martha Vickers; Granville Taylor (Community Services Manager); Caroline Edmunds (Community Services Officer); Fiona Walker (Friends Group); Apologies: Cllrs Miles Evans; Charlie Farrow (Member of the Public)

1. Minutes/Actions from last meeting Item 9: The potential of converting the Victoria Park pond into an ice-rink during the winter has been estimated to cost around £650k, with this in mind, the idea has been shelved at present. Item 10: Victoria & Her Lions – the estimate for moving the statues to Park Way entrance of the Park was £56k, with this in mind, the idea has been shelved. The chain link fence has recently been removed around this area in the Park. It was noted that children have now taken to climbing on the lions. It was suggested that a notice, ‘Please do not climb on the lions’ is erected to protect the integrity of the statues.

2. Café Update – Design, Planning, next steps

Granville shared with the group two new designs of the proposed café building. One was a drawing of the café after the Environment Agency had placed restrictions on the original design. The other was a design which had taken out the need for a storage facility for the pedalos and kayaks to try to reduce the building cost. We have managed to source a container which could hold the pedalos and kayaks and bandstand seating currently stored in the boat shed. The container could fit along the A339 side of the pond within the woodland. Ferns and other foliage could be grown around it so it would be hardly noticeable. This would be a secure facility for the boats, and would be significantly closer to the pond. A quantity surveyor is now carrying out some revised costings to see what savings can be made using the new café design. It was suggested that we could perhaps offer the building as an empty shell and whoever takes on the lease would be responsible for


kitting it out although fully complying with our specifications. This would further help to reduce the costs. There are currently no changing room facilities in the new design but we are exploring alternative options in conjunction with the refurbishment of the tennis courts in due course.

3. Repairs to Park Update We have completed the tender process for the bowls club and football pitch. It is proposed that works will start at the end of August and completed by October so the grass seed will have a chance to take before the winter. Granville has produced a tender document for the tennis courts but we are awaiting a scoping document from the Lawn Tennis Association (The scope statement details the project deliverables and describes the major objectives) before we can go out to tender. The wall and the pavement, including the pathways in the Park are one project and we are currently reviewing a civil engineer report before proceeding with tender action submissions for this.

4. Splash Park

The Splash Park is nearing completion. All of the equipment is installed and the automatic programmer is being trialled at present. The grand opening will be on Friday 27 May at 12 noon by the Mayor of Newbury. Victoria Park Nursery School and Robert Sandilands Primary School have been invited. An area of damaged ground leading up to the Splash Park, where heavy machinery needed to access the site, has been seeded and will be brought back to grass in due course.

5. Benches

We now have three sponsored benches in the Park with a further 6 ordered to gradually replace the old ones with the new Victorian style bench.

A ‘Newbury Town Council’ plaque has been installed on each bench.

6. Litter & Dog Bins

The Skate Park area had some damaged bins which we are replacing gradually and also looking into installing in a couple more dog waste bins. We will also be installing two more dog waste bag dispensers in the Park which have been given to us by West Berkshire Council’s Planning & Countryside department.


7. Lighting West Berkshire Council has donated old lamp posts and lamps for installation along the pathway next to the Victoria Park Nursery School. We are awaiting quotes for the supply of power and installation of these. West Berkshire Council has offered to do the design for the footpath and the STAT drawing showing the utilities under the ground.

8. Planting and General Improvements

The summer bedding will be planted in the first two weeks of June, with the hanging baskets going up first. A new planting scheme with various plants is being created and will be significantly more eye catching than in previous years. The flower beds alongside the Bowls Club will not be planted as this area will be cleared in the future for the refurbishment of the bowling green.

9. AOB There was a discussion regarding the creation of a ‘sensory garden’ and some other more enclosed areas of the Park for relaxation and contemplation. Fiona Walker stated that the Victoria Park Friends Group had some funds and would perhaps be interested in contributing to a project of this kind in the future. There being no other business the meeting closed at 7:30pm

Appendix 4


20 April 2016

Attendees: Cllrs Martha Vickers (Chairperson); David Fenn, Granville Taylor (Community Services Manager), Caroline Edmunds (Community Services Officer), James Heasman (Grounds Maintenance Officer) Allotment Tenants: Sarah de Souza (One Tree Park), Chris Lawrence (Southby’s); Paula Craven (Parsons); Susan Millington (West Mills) 1. Welcome Martha welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending. 2. Apologies Isobel Collyer (One Tree Park), John Cheney (Wash Common), 3. Appointment of Chairperson Granville Taylor informed the group that the appointment of a Chairperson could not be progressed at this meeting as the current Terms of Reference for the group did not include this. The reviewed and amended Terms of Reference will be submitted for ratification at the next appropriate Community Services Committee Meeting. ACTION: Granville to review and amend the Terms of Reference to reflect this 4. Actions from last meeting 1 October 2014 The newly designed poster has been put up on some of the allotment sites. It was agreed that it should be put up on all sites to try to create an interest in allotments with the general public as waiting lists are currently very low. Paula Craven confirmed that following the previous meeting she had taken flyers in to Children’s Centres. Paula suggested that GPs could be contacted to consider prescribing allotment gardening for mental and physical health improvement. ACTION: Martha agreed to contact local the Mental Health Forum and Health Watch re this suggestion and obtain details of Clinical Commissioning Group for Paula to contact with her suggestion. ACTION: Caroline agreed to contact ‘Primary Times’ which goes into every primary school child’s bag to see if they would be able to help promote the allotments. Further to our last meeting, the use of Glysophate was discussed. It was established that Newbury Town Council contractors only used this on fence line areas of our allotment sites which were adjacent to a public footpath i.e. West Mills and One Tree Park. The

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contractors are fully trained and licensed in its use. This work is only carried out around once a year. Chris Lawrence (SATA) informed the group that at the Southby’s site SATA offered to spray tenant’s plots, taking into consideration the weather conditions, wind etc., and this ensured that it was done safely. ACTION: Granville stated that a new Grounds Maintenance Contract would be out for Tender in 2017 and the new contract would start in around 18 months’ time. The use of weed killers would be discussed during the Tender process. ACTION: It was agreed that the Stewards at each site would be asked to remind tenants, especially new ones, to be mindful about using weed killer in the correct way and encourage tenants not to use any. ACTION: Caroline agreed to ask the National Society of Allotment & Leisure Gardeners for their advice regarding the use of weed killer on allotments. ACTION: Susan Millington agreed to contact other Town and District Councils and ask how they keep areas under control at their allotment sites and whether they use weedkiller. 5. Allotment Strategy The Allotment Strategy was created in 2008 following on from the original ‘Growing in the Community’ group meetings. The Strategy was reviewed during the meeting and some changes were made. ACTION: Caroline to amend the Allotment Strategy and include with these minutes. This will then be put forward for ratification at the next appropriate Community Services Committee Meeting. Susan Millington informed the group that the West Mills Allotment Society had closed down as there was not enough interest from tenants and not sufficient numbers for a committee. The Allotment Service Plans were discussed – the group was informed that they can be found on our website. ACTION: Caroline to send everyone in the group a link and to check they are easy to access on the Town Council website. It was agreed that an annual Newsletter would be produced by Officers to include in the invoice run. ACTION: All to inform Caroline if there was anything in particular they would like to see in the Newsletter which would be compiled at the end of the year.

Appendix 4

6. Promoting the Allotments The new poster and leaflet with application form has been generated. Martha has agreed to contact local Health Groups. Ideas included contacting the NWN to see if they would be interested in doing an article about allotments, perhaps including an interview with a long standing and new allotment tenant. It was suggested that the ‘In Newbury’ magazine which is run by the Newbury BID may also be interested in doing an article. ACTION: Caroline to investigate these options 7. Beekeeping on Allotments A new beekeeping document and process has been drawn up following the most recent Steward’s meeting. This will be presented and discussed at the next Community Services Committee Meeting to be held on 23 May 2016 for ratification. Tenants would be able to apply to keep bees on our allotment sites, although the criteria is very strict and would have to be adhered to entirely. The group thanked the Community Services Team for their work on the document. 8. Newbury in Bloom 2016 Martha gave an outline of the Newbury in Bloom 2016 scheme. One of the categories is allotments and tenants need to apply to enter. Posters promoting the scheme will be put up on the gates and noticeboards of all of our 6 allotment sites in the next week encouraging tenants to participate. 9. Newbury Town Council Allotment budget 2016/2017 Granville stated that last year the allotment budget was divided equally between allotment sites. This year, to make it fairer, the budget distribution is based on the size of the allotment site and how many tenants they have. Notwithstanding this, the budget is flexible between sites should the need arise. The water costs continue to be of concern and policing the use of hosepipes has been very difficult. Granville stated that we intend to install more troughs in place in the future and have asked stewards to be more vigilant and help police sites to reduce abuse of water supplies. Susan Millington informed the group that she has found a company who could supply water butts at a reasonable price. She had tried to encourage tenants to use these at

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West Mills allotments but there was not a great deal of interest. Chris Lawrence asked Susan for the contact details as he was interested in speaking to them for the Southby’s site. It was agreed that it was worth adding to our ‘Newsletter’ the cost of the water for each site in proportion to the rents paid and encourage tenants to make use of water butts. 10. Allotment Councillor Visits 2016 22 June 2016 – Southby’s, Wash Common & One Tree Park 29 June 2016 – Parsons, West Mills & Dairy Farm 11. AOB It was agreed that the meeting would be held annually, but the group was encouraged to bring any ideas for consideration to the Community Services Team at any time. The group was asked to give any ideas for the Newsletter to Caroline by the end of October 2016. Paula asked if there were any further woodchips available. James confirmed that when available they will be delivered to sites nearest to their origination. Susan informed the group that the recent ‘Wildlife Day’ held at West Mills Allotments was a great success and worth expanding the initiative to other sites. The group thanked the Officers for their support and their efficient management of the Allotment sites. Meeting closed at 8pm.

Appendix 5


ALLOTMENTS STRATEGY Introduction Newbury Town Councils (NTC) Allotment Strategy is based on elements of best practice outlined in the “Growing in the Community Best Practice Guide” which introduces guidelines on the management and regeneration of allotments and experience established from current management methods introduced by the Services Team. To this end NTC created a “Growing in the Community Working Group” represented by councillors, members of NTC’s Services Team and tenants from allotments including representatives from allotment societies. The aim of the Working Group was to consider elements of the Growing in the Community initiative along with current Service Plans and Allotment Rules and make recommendations for consideration by the Town Council. These recommendations once agreed by the Working Group will be submitted to the Community Services Committee for ratification or otherwise and become part of NTC Allotment Strategy. NTC’s Allotment Service Plan provides detail of an annual programme of works covering all six allotment sites. 6 monthly allotment stewards meetings help contribute to the development of the Service Plan, although financial constraints may dictate priorities. The Service Plan is a “live” document, reviewed monthly by the Community Services Team and updated accordingly. The plan also considers longer term objectives for allotments of up five years into the future. The Service Plan is supported by the Town Councils allotments rules which is also a live document and may be subject to amendment annually or more frequently if the need arises. NTC supports the development of allotment societies at all allotment sites. There are currently only two, SATA at Southbys and the Wash Common Allotment Society. It is hoped that the other four allotment sites will develop their own societies in the near future or become associate members of an existing society. Allotment gardening is cherished and can be a distinctive part of a sustainable Newbury.

Appendix 5


Purpose of the Strategy The allotment strategy has been drafted for Newbury’s allotments, managed by the council’s Services Team. Every effort is made by the Services Team to maximise the resources available and work in harmony with associations, stewards and tenants to the betterment of all concerned. The Services Team endeavour to achieve excellence in the service provided to allotment holders and the broader community. The team is responsible for the management and support of all six allotment sites. The strategy will:

• Set standards for the provision of allotment in Newbury • Increase and sustain the uptake of allotments • Improve the standard of service provision • Increase the benefits derived from allotments, and • Improve the financial position of the service

In implementing the strategy the service will be enhanced in which people can expect:

• Good access, good security, well maintained roadways and pathways, adequate water provision, and freedom from neglected plots

• Efficient and effective allotment administration • Effective and appropriate allocation of resources • Fair, open and equitable treatment, and safe tenure • Opportunities for developing gardening skills • Encouragement of developing societies • Fair charges and rents

Mission Statement Newbury Town Council is committed to promoting healthy living through the development and management of six allotment sites in Newbury, encouraging innovative good practice wherever possible. Maximise the participation of Newbury residents in allotment gardening by the improvement of allotment sites and their management, and through the promotion of the benefits and enjoyment of allotments and food growing. Newbury Town Council Services Team will: Improve Communication/Support

• Be responsive to the needs and aspirations of the allotment tenants where practically possible

• Provide a channel for tenants to express their needs and preferences through contact with Stewards, Newbury Town Council Services Team and councillors

• Provide continued support to stewards as an integral part of the allotment structure

Appendix 5


• Encourage new tenants to speak with stewards and/or associations • Chair 6 monthly Stewards meetings • Interact with societies • Encourage and assist associations to apply for grants and external funding • Arrange annual general meetings which would be open to all tenants • Act as a facilitator for action by listening to tenants views and proactively looking

at carrying out necessary improvements • Deliver in partnership, where this offers best value • Produce an annual news letter to update tenants with current and future plans

and relevant contact details • Create a link within Newbury Town Council website for direct access to an

allotment folder which includes allotment rules, services plans and general information

Maintain Good Practice in Management

• Demonstrate good value for money through increased involvement of the Grounds Maintenance Officer and Stewards and make best use of funds available

• Review the allotments rules annually, although some flexibility will be used to address important issues that may arise during the year

• Carry out annual summer allotment inspections with councillors and additional bi-monthly Service Team inspections

• Help develop and create sponsorship deals (ie: GCT, Local Food Grant, “Grass Roots” etc) to enhance the facilities at each site

• Maintain detailed and accurate records • Where practical generate additional resources to meet demand and develop new

initiatives • Develop Community Payback Scheme initiative at all sites to help reduce the

burden on the allotment budget and improve the quality and appearance of allotments generally

• Create links with other councils and encourage exchange of ideas and information

• Provide wardens with keys to access allotments in case of emergency

Maximise Use and Expansion of Allotments

• Maintain shared areas (fences, pathways, signage, water troughs & taps, mature trees, wild life areas and car parks)

• Maximise use of allotment resource through generating new plots where practical • Consider restricting sizes of plots per tenant to help increase numbers of tenants

utilizing the resources and reduce waiting lists • Support the development and creation of new allotment sites within the Newbury

area to meet increased demand, although consideration should be given to the suitability of location and security issues

• Explore sound and challenging initiatives with local schools • Open opportunities for the less abled and disadvantaged through networking

between allotment sites and offering advice and guidance

Appendix 5


Promote Sustainability and Environmental Initiatives

• Deal with environmental issues in accordance with best environmental practice etc

• Encourage and support sustainable gardening methods • Encourage the use of organic production methods as much as practically

possible. • Encourage waste management along with careful cooperation of tenants, but

restricting the input of materials brought onto the allotment will help control the amount of waste generated

• Attempt to restrict the non bio-degradable materials brought onto the allotment • Support the development of recycling initiatives (ie: recycling pallets for compost

bins, re-using woodchip for pathways where suitable, reclaimed building materials for driveways)

• Insist on the safe use of pesticides by following all manufacturers recommendations (not agricultural or professional products)

• Manage and encourage wildlife features • Work with members of the Allotment Working Group (members of original GITC

working group) and other local groups to consider and develop new initiatives

Newbury Town Council is committed to providing a competent and valued Services Officer Team, working within a simple and robust staff structure. The Council and Services Team have ultimate responsibility for decisions, however we endeavour to consult with stewards, societies and tenants whenever possible.

Version 2: 21 April 2016

Appendix 6

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In attendance: Dave Cole (Joint Steward One Tree Park); Colin Dumelow (Dairy Farm Steward); John Hatchman (Southbys Steward); Chris Lawrence (Southbys Assistant Steward); Teresa & Nick Bune (West Mills Steward); James Taylor (Parsons Steward); Caroline Edmunds (Community Services Officer); James Heasman (Grounds Maintenance Officer); Cllrs Howard Bairstow (arrived at 6:50pm); David Fenn, Arthur Johnson, Martha Vickers 1. WELCOME, APOLOGIES AND INTRODUCTIONS

Apologies: Terry Cook (Joint Steward One Tree Park); Marion Fenn (Wash Common Steward); Granville Taylor (Community Services Manager); Joanne Lempriere (Community Services Officer)


John Hatchman asked if there had been any progress with investigating putting a mirror at the end of the Southby’s pathway leading to the main gate where it meets Greenham Road.

The pathway does not belong to West Berkshire Council or Newbury Town Council. It was suggested that a mirror may not be ideal and could cause problems if it moved and perhaps indicating the turning by painting the pavement with yellow box would be more suitable.

Caroline stated that we had risk assessed the turning last year and it was felt to be safe. Cllr Arthur Johnson asked if we could contact West Berkshire Council again for their advice. ACTION: Caroline to contact WBC Highways Department. It was noted that the new allotment rules had not been put up at the allotment sites yet. ACTION: Caroline to ensure that the rules are put up on all sites. 3. COUNCILLOR ALLOTMENT VISITS 2016

The dates of Wednesday 22nd June for Southby’s, Wash Common and One Tree Park & Wednesday 29th June for Parsons, West Mills and Dairy Farm were agreed for this year’s Councillor Allotment Visits. There was a request that the runners up (second and third placed best allotments for each site) were informed.

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Cllr Martha Vickers also updated the group on the ‘Newbury in Bloom’ competition this year and stated that there would be one prize for the overall ‘Best Allotment’, which would be judged by an independent judge. Further details are to be confirmed. It was agreed that this should be advertised within the allotment sites.

4. SUGGESTED RULE CHANGES It was suggested that we include a new rule to advise that the pathways around each allotment plot

should be no less than 60cm. Note: After discussion with the Community Services Manager, it was felt that this could cause

unnecessary problems with existing pathways. He suggested that we amend the existing rule 2 (j) to read:

2. The Tenant will: (j) Not obstruct, encroach or reduce the width of the pathways surrounding their

allotment and keep the adjoining path to the left and rear of the Allotment in good repair and regularly cut.

It was suggested that we amend the rules to add a note regarding polytunnels as follows: 2. The Tenant will: (l) Before erecting any structure (including polytunnels), obtain written consent

from the Council, which will not be unreasonably withheld. Sheds and greenhouses can be a maximum of 8 x 6ft with a height of no more than 8ft. Polytunnels can be of various size (to be agreed with the Council) and all structures must not cause an obstruction of light issue. (Consideration will be given to the erection of more than 1 structure).

ACTION: Stewards to agree the new rules at next meeting, then ratified at next Community Services Meeting. Rule changes can occur once a year and distributed to all tenants with annual invoicing.

5. AOB

Teressa Bune – West Mills

Teressa requested that a small tree on site is taken down. James stated that as the site is within Conservation Area permission must be sought from WBC Tree Officer.

ACTION: James to investigate and action where appropriate. Teressa also asked if some brambles could be cut down on site. ACTION: James to arrange for the brambles to be cut down by The Landscapes Group. Colin Dumelow – Dairy Farm

Colin informed the group that Dairy Farm had been broken into again. He has called the Police on a number of occasions. There have been problems with homeless people sleeping in tents next to the site and the football ground. Colin requested that we have a look at the area by the Vauxhall Garage where he believes that people may be getting in. ACTION: James to arrange to meet with Colin or acting Steward Geoff Annetts to look at the area and investigate options for improving security. Colin also requested a skip for the site.

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ACTION: Jo to order a skip for Dairy Farm for the beginning of April 2016. There was also some concern raised with regards to tyres on plots. Our new rules state that tyres should be removed from site by 1 April 2016. There are some tyres on some sites, which have been there for a number of years. Caroline confirmed that during April the Community Services Team will do an inspection of each site and write to any tenants who have tyres. This will be monitored and a plan will be proposed for what we do with remaining tyres. They cannot be put in an ordinary skip. Chris Lawrence – Southby’s Chris confirmed that Southby’s had been broken into again and around 30 sheds had been broken into. Missing items included one strimmer and some petrol. He asked if we can investigate securing some barbed wire on the fencing alongside the SATA container, which is a weak point on site. ACTION: James to investigate and get a quote for the works Chris also asked if we had any further news regarding an item from the last meeting regarding installing wildlife movement sensor cameras on site. James confirmed that this had been investigated but the cameras he found would not have good enough quality for any reasonable use. He is continuing to look at other options. ACTION: James to investigate viable options for motion sensor cameras SATA has asked if we would consider putting in a new water system at Southby’s as the main pipe is very small and therefore the plots at the bottom have low water pressure. Cllr Arthur Johnson stated that we are unable to commit to this due to budget constraints. Chris noted that the ditch that runs between Courtlands Road and the allotments has become overgrown and is causing flooding issues.

ACTION: James to investigate and arrange for the clearance of the ditch

Chris asked if they could have some more MOT for the Eeklo Place corner at Southbys to rebuild the corner. James confirmed that we could order some more MOT.

ACTION: James to obtain a quote for approximately 9 tonnes of MOT to be delivered.

Chris confirmed that there were now 14 vacant plots at Southby’s that would need to be maintained by NTC if they are left vacant. Caroline stated that we could strim and spray them. She also suggested that NTC buy some black weed suppressant material, which could be used to cover vacant plots over the summer. This would be spray painted with ‘NTC’ and pegged down. Chris agreed that the weed suppressant could be stored in the SATA container.

There are also a number of vacant plots at Parsons and therefore would arrange the matting to be used for those plots too.

ACTION: James to obtain a quote for a roll of weed suppressant and strim/spray vacant plots in April.

Further to this there was discussion regarding offering vacant plots at Southby’s to Greenham Parish Council. It was agreed that in the first instance the allotments should be promoted for residents of Newbury but if this fails and there continues to be vacant plots this option could be explored in the future, but any decision would need to be agreed by the Community Services Committee. In the meantime, Cllr Arthur Johnson will be attending the next Greenham Parish Council meeting and ask what their views are on this and will report back to the group.

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ACTION: Caroline to liaise with all and discuss a plan for promoting allotments within the Newbury Parish. Chris Lawrence agreed to write to the local press on behalf of SATA to let them know of the vacancies.

It was also suggested that when the Grounds Maintenance Contract is re-tendered we include a section for up to 30 vacant allotment plots a year to be strimmed and sprayed.

ACTION: James to ensure that this is discussed with the Community Services Manager and is included in the tender process.

Dave Cole – One Tree Park

Dave asked if we had any further with arranging a process for bees to be kept at the allotment sites. Caroline confirmed that a procedure would be drawn up to be ratified at the next Community Services Meeting.

ACTION: Caroline to liaise with the Community Services Manager and create a procedure ready for inclusion in the next Community Services Meeting to be held on 23 May 2016

David Fenn – Wash Common

David asked where the 3 wheelbarrows were that are usually kept at Wash Common as there is only one.

ACTION: James to investigate the whereabouts of the other two wheelbarrows. Jamie Taylor – Parsons The standpipe at the entrance to Parsons is broken. ACTION: James to arrange repair 6. DATE FOR NEXT MEETING The next meeting date will be Thursday 6 October at 6:30pm.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 7:55pm

Appendix 7

BEEKEEPING ON ALLOTMENTS The recent decline in honey bee numbers is of national and international concern. Newbury Town Council are keen to support bee keeping on our allotment sites in Newbury and believe that honey bees play a critical role in the biodiversity of allotment sites and the wider environment of the Town. In order to ensure the highest possible standards of welfare for the honey bees and to maintain the safety of our Tenants and the general public, we will keep a register of bee keepers and the location of all hives. Any Tenant wishing to keep honey bees on our allotment sites must be registered with Newbury Town Council and are subject to the conditions detailed below. 1. Consent Any person to keep bees on a Newbury Town Council managed allotment site must first seek the agreement of the Community Services Department. No bees shall be kept on an allotment site until this agreement has been signed and permission given in writing. The Council reserves the right to issue 14 days notice for the removal of hives. 2. Duty of Care The beekeeper owes a duty of care to:-

- the public in the vicinity of the hives - other visitors to the allotment - intruders even if it is clear that their intention was to disturb the colony

3. Consultation People will be more accepting of a perceived risk if they understand it and are clear about the benefits it can bring. It is the responsibility of the beekeeper to inform, in advance, adjoining houses and public in the vicinity of the hives, of the intention to site hives and to allay any concerns /answer any queries that they may have. The beekeeper should prominently display a notice for a minimum period of 28 days in the growing season and 56 days outside the growing season, indicating that a request to keep bees has been submitted. Should an objection be made it must be effectively addressed. If the objection is on allergy or medical grounds and the Council is satisfied that it is substantiated, permission may be refused to keep bees on site.

Appendix 7 3. Training Beekeeping requires a level of competency in maintaining hives to ensure the health and productivity of the colony. Evidence of training from a recognised body such as the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) must be provided. 4. Insurance / Membership The named beekeeper must be a member of a Beekeepers Association affiliated to the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) which provides third party insurance as well as up-to-date valuable advice and training opportunities. Insurance cover must be maintained throughout the duration of keeping the bees on the allotment which provides specifically for beekeeping risks and includes £5million Public Liability Insurance cover. A copy of the insurance must be submitted annually to Newbury Town Council. The Council accepts no responsibility for the hives including but not limited to their damage, destruction or theft and the beekeeper shall be responsible for insuring the hives. 5. Hives / Location No more than 2 hives and 1 nucleus may be located in any specified location. The number of hives on the site in total will be monitored and restricted to prevent over population of any one site. The Town Council should be informed if the Beekeeper increases the number of hives either in advance or as soon as is practical after the event (splitting due to swarming etc.). Hives should be sited as far as possible from any path within the allotment. Entrances should preferably have a southerly aspect and away from any prevailing winds and overhanging shrubbery that may cause damp conditions. The plots where the hives are situated must have high fences, fine mesh or maintained hedges of up to 2 metres height to encourage the bees to fly high over neighbouring plots. Bees need access to water and provision of areas of shallow water/damp margins provided where they are less likely to drown. Water can be made available in the form of bird baths and pond margins. 6. Beekeeper responsibilities and handling of bees Beekeepers should not put colonies of bees known to be of an aggressive temperament onto the allotment site. If this does occur then the beekeeper will be asked to remedy the situation. Inspections - Hives need to be inspected weekly from April to July in accordance with BBKA guidelines.

Appendix 7 When carrying out inspections bee keepers must be mindful of adjoining tenants and inform them that they will be carrying out an inspection and preferably carry out such inspections at quieter times and in calm, dry weather. Swarming - The beekeeper must carry out such management and manipulations of the colonies as are necessary to minimise the issue of swarms. Visitors to the allotment must be made aware that bees may swarm, an essential part of reproduction, and in the event of this happening an experienced bee keeper must deal with this. Contact Details / Standby - In the event of an emergency, such as swarming, the beekeeper must ensure that name and contact details for him/herself are displayed in the area of the hives and on the allotment notice board(s) where it is clearly visible to all users of the site. If the official named beekeeper is away a standby contact competent to deal with inspection duties and any emergency related to the hives, such as potential swarming, must be available. The contact details of the standby must be made available during the absence of the beekeeper, in the manner described above. Full contact details for both parties must be given to the Town Council prior to siting the hives. Vandalism – Please try and ensure that long objects, are not available near the hives as these may be used to push over hives from a safe distance. Diseases – Beekeepers have a legal responsibility to notify the National Bee Unit (NBU) of certain pests and diseases. The beekeeper must register hives with the National Bee Unit ‘Beebase’ (part of Defra) – Email: Telephone: 01904 462510

Once registered, beekeepers are entitled to free advisory visits from bee inspectors, up-to-date information about local outbreaks and free access to pest and disease information.

7. Withdrawal of Consent The Council reserves the right to issue 14 days notice for the removal of the hives if:

- The bee keeper contravenes any of the above conditions

- Substantiated information is received that requires a review of the arrangements

Appendix 7 The beekeeper must supply the following information: Name of bee keeper Site Name Grid reference Phone Mobile

Daytime Home

Email Evidence of training Evidence of Beekeeping Association membership (including Public Liability Insurance) Number of hives and a plan or map of the site indicating the proposed location of the hives

Procedure that the bee keeper will follow in the event of the colony swarming

Arrangements for the hives and colonies on the termination of this agreement by either party

Name of Standby Beekeeper Phone Mobile

Daytime Home

Email I hereby accept and agree to abide by the conditions of this agreement - Signed ………………………………………………………….. Dated …………………………………………………………… The Council hereby accepts the above signatory, as a beekeeper, upon adherence to the conditions set out above Allotment site …………………………………………………..

Appendix 7 Council Officer/Contact ……………………………………………………. Signed ………………………………………………………….. Date ……………………………………………………………..

Appendix 8


held on Wednesday 13 April 2016 at 10am in Suite 2, Town Hall, Market Place, Newbury

In Attendance: Cllrs Jeanette Clifford; Jo Day; John Gardner; Martha Vickers (Chair) Steve Brind (Market Manager); Hugh Peacocke (NTC CEO); Granville Taylor (Community Services Manager) Caroline Edmunds (Community Services Officer); Russell Downing (Newbury BID) Also present: John McInnes, Matt Steele & Philip Lamb from Geraud Markets UK Ltd Apologies: Cllr Kuldip Singh Kang; John Barham 1. Welcome/Apologies/Introductions Cllr Martha Vickers welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made. 2. Minutes of previous meeting 3 February 2016 The minutes from the meeting held on 3 February 2016 were agreed as a correct record of that meeting.

3. Shopping Bags Caroline confirmed that 2000 had been ordered with the Newbury Market logo on one side and Visit Newbury on the other. This was a joint venture with the Newbury BID as agreed in the previous meeting. It was agreed that the first batch of bags would be given away in conjunction with the ‘Love your Local Market’ national promotion in May, on the early May Bank Holiday (the town Crier will also be promoting the market that day) It was agreed that once we have a delivery date for the bags we will run a promotion using a Press Release and social media to promote the Market and the bags together with Newbury BID. Russell suggested that the BID ranger could also help to give out the bags to help ‘flood the market’. 4. Market Layout

Hugh highlighted that the Market is a major part of the town and very successful in many ways. He is concerned that although the Market in the Market Place looks good once you get into it, the perception from Cheap Street, The Wharf and as you come over the Bridge from Northbrook Street can be improved. The backs of the stalls can look unsightly and

Appendix 8 untidy and not inviting to a visitor and he suggested that changes to the layout and or the stalls be considered There was discussion regarding the layout including the idea that the stalls were put back to back so that at every entry point you would see a stall front. Steve expressed concern with this style of layout as this has proven to be a problem in the past as visitors to the Market come to the stalls at the front but the traders behind did not do so well. The weather is also a factor in the setup, as are the electricity points. The butcher’s wagon is used as a ‘wind break’ on windy days. It was suggested that we affix a banner to the back of the butcher’s lorry which is currently outside the Corn Exchange to at least let people know entering from Cheap Street that the Market is there. Also, if the stalls had ‘window’ back sheets you would be able to see from the back through to the Market. Philip Lamb from Geraud said that the current layout is the best we can do with the space we have, taking into the account the street furniture and the electricity points. It was agreed that the Market could be tidied up which included unnecessary vehicles being removed during trading hours and ensuring that traders rubbish is hidden away from sight. 5. Future Planning As our Market Manager will be retiring at the end of this year, we are looking into options in the future for the management of the Market. Philip Lamb from Geraud and his colleagues had been invited to attend the meeting as they run successful Markets across the country, with both local authority and private Markets. They gave a presentation detailing what their company does and how they could help with Newbury Market. They offered free consultancy advice and a free ‘trial’ to come along on two Market days in Newbury in the future and show us how they could set stalls up and work with us to help create a new look and layout using their own stall set up. It was agreed that this was a very exciting idea. Geraud stated that they would firstly canvas our existing traders, both on a Thursday and Saturday to gauge their opinion. If it was felt it could work, they would go on to set up the Market on a two day trial to show us what could possibly be done in the future. It was agreed that this would be a very good idea and we would take them up on their offer. 6. Independent Survey Further to the last meeting, Caroline had investigated the cost for an independent survey to be taken of members of the public from one supplier. Russell said that from his experience, an independent company completing the survey rather than ourselves would be of more benefit and there would be no bias involved. The survey needs to be quick and take no longer than 2 minutes and be short and punchy. He also had the idea that a survey could be done at a Supermarket to ask shoppers why they were shopping there rather than at the Market (note: we would need permission from the Supermarket if we were to do this on their land). ACTION: Caroline to investigate Market Research companies to obtain some further quotes.

Appendix 8 ACTION: Ideas for what we would like to gain from the survey from the group – please email Caroline with ideas. 7. Market Budgeting ideas We need to establish a firm cost for carrying out an independent survey as in item 6. The budget for the Marketing for 2016/2017 is £2000. 8. Coach Park Caroline has recently investigated parking options for our traders’ lorries, including private car parks in West Street but these are already full to capacity for shoppers so were not available. Caroline is looking at an area in Northcroft Lane adjacent to the Cricket Club. Hugh will be meeting with WBC once again for their help with the situation which will arise at the end of the year when the bus station is moved to The Wharf. 9. AOB Steve asked if a meeting could be held for the Market Traders to meet with the Market Working Party. It was agreed that we need to speak to the traders with regards to future planning and that Geraud would be consulting them about the possibility of a two day trial set up. It was agreed that a meeting could potentially be held on Wednesday 20 April at 10am. Caroline has contacted Wiltshire Council with regards to a visit to Devizes Market which has been suggested in the past. They are very happy for us to visit, the Market is held on a Thursday. ACTION: Members of the group to contact Caroline if they would be interested in attending. Ecchinswell & Sydmonton Primary School have contacted Caroline to ask if we could go along and speak to the children about the Market. They have booked our charity stall for June and are interested in knowing more about the Market and its traders. Cllr Jo Day offered to go along with Caroline. ACTION: Caroline to arrange The Town Crier has been booked for Saturday 30 April 2016 in the morning to help promote the Market throughout the town. It was thought that this could perhaps coincide with the shopping bag promotion should they arrive in time. It was confirmed that although the public toilets in the Wharf have been closed, Hugh Peacocke has succeeded in persuading West Berkshire Council to not turn off the water and electricity for the time being so that the Market Traders can use the disabled toilet (they have a key) during the early mornings on their arrival. This is essential as they need hand washing facilities too. Newbury Town Council is continuing to explore options for the Wharf toilets as this is an important facility for members of the public. Russell stressed the negative impact that not having coaches stopping off at Newbury would have on the town as a whole. Once the bus station is moved, there will not be the same amount of room for visiting coaches to Newbury; together with the toilets being shut this will have a huge impact on the town’s businesses as a whole. All agreed this was the case, and would also impact the Market.

Appendix 8 Meeting closed at 12:30pm Next meeting date noted as: Wednesday 20 July 2016 at 10am

Appendix 9

Town Hall, Market Place, Newbury RG14 5AA Tel: (01635) 35486 Fax: (01635) 40484

Issue No. 8 Date of Issue: 24/05/2016

MARKET REGULATIONS Contents Notes/Definitions Market Regulations Notes: 1. The following Market Regulations supersede all previous editions. Definitions: 1. Newbury Town Council, for the purposes of these regulations shall be stated as

NTC or the Council. 2. A Trader for the purposes of these regulations shall be defined as any person(s) or

company/business selling or applying to sell, goods/items etc. from a market pitch. 3. An Approved (regular) Trader for the purposes of these regulations shall be defined

as any Trader subject to written approval from NTC, who has completed the agreed probationary period. The probationary period will involve attendance of no less than 4 markets in succession (Sat/Thu or both) - at the discretion of NTC.

4. A Probationary Trader for the purposes of these regulations shall be defined as any

trader who has not completed the probationary period as defined by NTC in accordance with these regulations.

5. A Charity, Religious Group or Society for the purposes of these regulations shall

be defined as any temporary trader or one off stall which has been given prior permission by NTC to set up on a Market Day.

5. The Market for the purposes of these regulations shall be defined as the Market held

in the Market Place, Newbury, Berkshire, weekly on Thursday and Saturday or any other location or day as required by Newbury Town Council.

6. A Pitch for the purposes of these regulations shall be defined as the total area that

NTC agrees to allow traders to occupy for the purposes of trading on any one market day. NTC reserves the right to move without prior notice, any pitch it feels is in the interest of the market.


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1. The Market shall normally be held in the Market Place on each Thursday and Saturday between the hours of 9.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m*. All goods and stalls are to be removed from the Market by 5.00 p.m.

*Except where these fall on Christmas Day or Boxing Day or in such circumstances that NTC require its relocation. The Council reserves the right to cancel or move the relevant market to a more appropriate location or day.

2. The standard pitch shall have a frontage of approximately 3 metres (or 10ft) and a

depth of approximately 3 metres (or 10ft). The Council may allow a trader, (if in their opinion the conditions in the Market so permit), to occupy a pitch having a greater frontage upon the trader paying the appropriate additional frontage charge.

New traders who apply from 1 April 2016 must trade from a gazebo style canopy stall. All additional temporary space charge will be payable in cash/cheque on the day of

the market. 3. Present Pitch Charges – Please see attachment a) Electricity Charges (Included in the standard charge) b) All extra space not allocated to a traders regular pitch will be charged at the

standard rate. 4. All traders shall comply with any directions of the Council or its representative on all

matters affecting the conduct of the Market. _________________________

5. (a) The following shall apply to all Approved Traders (i) The Approved Trader shall pay the appropriate charge to NTC 4 weeks in advance by

Direct Debit. All payments relevant to approved and agreed pitch sizes shall be paid monthly to NTC by way of Direct Debit on the 28th of each month or the nearest working market day. Extra space to that agreed shall be paid on the applicable market day in cash/cheque. Failure to pay the appropriate charge to NTC on or by the appointed agreed date may incur an additional charge and may result in expulsion from the market.

(ii) An Approved Trader shall give NTC adequate notice of their expected absence from

the market. Adequate notice, for the purpose of these regulations is deemed to be 5 working days before the expected date of absence. The Trader shall contact NTC as soon as possible in cases of unexpected absence such as vehicle breakdown or illness. In the case of a Trader being too ill to attend the market, a doctor’s certificate shall be surrendered to NTC for inspection upon request. Any Regular Trader not complying with the aforementioned regulations will be deemed to be absent without authorisation, and this shall result in appropriate action being taken

5. (b) The following shall apply to all Probationary Traders

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All Probationary Traders shall pay to NTC, on each and every day of attendance to the Market, the appropriate sum in cash/cheque for their allocated pitch for that day. (The location of the allocated pitch may vary).

All payments shall be in the form of cash/cheque and shall be paid to the Council or it’s representative on arrival to the market, or before 9 a.m. on that day.

Pitches will not be reserved for Probationary Traders. Any available pitches will be allocated on Market days by the Council or it’s representative who will allocate the location and size of the pitch as it feels appropriate.

During the probationary period NTC reserves the right to exclude any probationary trader, either temporarily or permanently, from the market without notice or explanation

6. Traders selling meat and meat products must (i) pre-wrap all foods, or (ii) provide stalls of the vehicle or caravan type which are raised off the road with an integral floor. All preparation and selling must be carried out from within the stall and food exposed for sale must be additionally protected by transparent front, top and side screens.

7. Except as provided in Regulation 6, a motor vehicle or trailer or cart shall not be used

as a stall without the approval of the Council or its representative. 8. (i) A trader shall not without the express permission of the Council or it’s

representative stand any motor vehicle, trailer, or car of any kind in whole or part on the highway adjoining the Market for any period longer than is reasonably necessary for the loading and unloading of goods in connection with the setting up of the stall barrow or selling pitch, or the delivery of goods to the stall, barrow or selling pitch from time to time during the day.

ii) For purposes of unloading and loading, all vehicles must be clear of the market by 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. respectively. All traders shall comply with their allocated market breakdown times as specified by the Council or its representative.

(iii) Except as provided in Regulations 6, 8 and 9, no vehicles shall be allowed on the markets during trading hours i.e. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

9. Traders must provide their own receptacles of a type approved by the Council for the

collection of refuse. Plastic sacks for refuse may be obtained from the Market Manager. A charge may be levied for this service.

10. (i) Traders selling open food must supply their own appropriate electrical artificial

lighting. (ii) All traders shall supply appropriate electrical equipment i.e flex and sockets

for connection to the Council electrical supply. A current test certificate for all such equipment must be supplied for inspection by the Council on request. Failure to do so may result in connection to the supply being refused.

12. Any Trader operating a stall shall conduct their business in an orderly manner and

shall refrain from any remarks or conduct likely to cause offence to customers or to persons using the Market Place or occupying premises fronting thereon. No trader

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shall leave their stall unattended without the express permission of the Council or its representative.

13. No trader shall use any public address equipment, radio, or similar apparatus in the

Market without prior agreement from the Market Manager. 14. Traders may not transfer, sub-let or allow any other person to occupy a pitch without

the consent of the Council in writing. 15. A trader shall not sell/display (or store) any goods or products from their appointed

pitch other than those authorised/approved by the council and indicated as such on the traders approved product list. A trader wishing to alter or extend the product range sold/displayed may only do so with the consent of the Council in writing.

16. The use of a pitch by a trader may be terminated by the Council forthwith if a trader

commits any breach of the Food Safety Act 1990, the Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995 or the Food Safety (Temperature Control) Regulations 1995. “Open Food” means food which is not in a container of such materials and so closed as to exclude risk of contamination.

17. All Market Traders shall ensure that they comply at all times with the following


Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 The Provisions and use of Work Equipment Regulations 1992 The Electricity at Work Act 1989 Any other relevant Regulations, Act or Recommendations pertaining to the use,

erection and transportation of market stalls. NTC Market Regulations

All traders shall ensure to the satisfaction of NTC that they operate, erect equipment/stalls and transport goods, in a safe manner. Failure to do so to the satisfaction of NTC, shall result in appropriate action being taken by NTC and may result in expulsion of the said trader’s stock/stall etc. from the market.

The trader shall keep the Council at all times indemnified from and against all claims, actions and proceedings of whatsoever nature arising out of the condition, erection and use of their stall.

18. Traders are required to have a current insurance policy for third party liability

providing insurance cover for a minimum of £5,000,000. Evidence of the insurance must be produced to the Council or its representative upon request, along with relevant Health & Safety / Food Safety documentation.

19. Traders shall at all times display in a conspicuous location upon their stall/pitch an

indelible and suitably constructed sign/notice which clearly displays their name or company name. The aforementioned sign/notice shall be no smaller than 210

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mm x 297 mm (A4) and the lettering/numbering to be of a size clearly visible to all persons using the market.

20. The Council reserves the right to exclude from the Market any trader who

contravenes the provisions of the current Market Regulations. 21. The Council also reserves the right to amend these regulations as required without

notice, in consultation with the local N.M.T.F. branch. The following shall apply to all Charity Stalls, Religious Groups and Societies, in addition to the regulations set out above (and in particular, item 12).

Religious groups, Charity Stalls and Societies are welcome to have a stall on the Market as they can provide welcome variety which attracts more footfall.

An attendance date should be booked and agreed in advance with Newbury Town Council’s Services Team. Attendees are requested to remain within the allotted area (as defined by the Market Manager) and only agree to give information to members of the public who ask or who take an interest in material being offered to them.

To ensure variation, a Charity Stall, Religious Group or Society shall be booked no more than twice in the same calendar year.

The volume of any music, public speaking or preaching will be monitored by the Market Manager.

Our Market Manager will ensure these conditions are fully complied with and reserves the right to close the stall without notice or explanation.

Contact details for further information: Market Manager Steve Brind 07836 500772 Newbury Town Council Community Services Officer Caroline Edmunds 01635 35486 or Newbury Town Council Community Services Manager Granville Taylor 01635 35486 or

Appendix 10


THIS AGREEMENT is made the day of Two

Thousand and Sixteen


(1) WEST BERKSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL of Council Offices Market Street Newbury

Berkshire RG14 5LD ('the Council')

(2) NEWBURY TOWN COUNCIL of The Town Hall Market Place Newbury Berkshire

RG14 5AA ('the Town Council')

NOW IT IS AGREED as follows:


In this Agreement:

1.1 'the Charter Agency Agreement' means an Agreement dated 26th November 2002

made between the Council (1) and the Town Council (2)

1.2 ‘the Charter Market’ means the charter market held in the Market Place on Thursdays

and Saturdays

1.3 'the Co-Operative' means the Thames Valley Farmers’ Market Co-Operative Ltd

1.4 ‘the Farmers’ Market’ means the farmers’ market held in the Market Place on the

Market Days

1.5 'Goods' means the produce of local farmers and producers

1.6 'the Licence Agreement' means a Licence dated 19th March 2009 made between the

Council (1) the Town Council (2) and the Co-Operative (3)

1.7 'the Markets' means the Charter Market and the Farmers’ Market

1.8 'the Market Authority' means the market authority as defined by Section 61 of the Food

Act 1984

1.9 ‘the Market Criteria’ means the Co-operative’s market rules (2015) attached to this


Appendix 10


1.10 'the Market Days' means the first and third Sunday of each month

1.11 'the Market Hours' are the hours of 9am to 1pm

1.12 'the Market Place' means all that land known as Market Place Newbury Berkshire

shown for the purpose of identification only edged red on the Plan

1.13 'the Period' means from and including the date of this Agreement up to and including

the 25th day of September 2027 or until this Agreement is determined under clauses 5

and 6

1.14 'the Plan' means the plan attached to this Agreement

1.15 'the Principal Litter Authority' means the principal litter authority as defined by Section

86(2) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and at the date of this Agreement the

Council is the Principal Litter Authority

1.16 References to 'losses' are references to liabilities damages or losses awards of

damages or compensation penalties costs disbursements and expenses arising from

any claim demand action or proceedings

1.17 Words importing one gender include all other genders; words importing the singular

include the plural and vice versa; words importing persons include a corporate body

and a partnership and vice versa

1.18 Where any party to this Agreement for the time being comprises two or more persons,

obligations expressed or implied to be made by or with that party are deemed to be

made by or with the persons comprising that party jointly and severally

1.19 Any obligation contained in this Agreement not to do anything includes an obligation

not to permit or suffer that thing to be done by another person

1.20 Unless otherwise stated any reference to a provision of any legislation is a reference to

that provision as amended extended or re-enacted by any subsequent legislation

1.21 The clause and sub-clause headings do not form part of this Agreement and must not

be taken into account in its construction or interpretation

Appendix 10



2.1 The Council is the Market Authority and the owner of the Markets

2.2 Pursuant to the terms contained in the Charter Agency Agreement the Town Council

operates and manages the Charter Market as agent for the Council

2.3 It has been agreed that the Town Council shall also act as agent for the Council in the

management of the Farmers’ Market for the Period

2.4 The Council is empowered by virtue of Section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972

to appoint the Town Council to act as its agent in the operation of the Farmers’ Market


It is agreed that subject to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement the

Town Council shall act as the Council’s agent in the management of the Farmers’

Market and shall be entitled to use the areas shown hatched red on the Plan within the

Market Place for the purpose of erecting such booths stalls and apparatus as may be

required in connection with the Farmers’ Market



4.1. The Agreement shall operate for the Period subject to earlier determination by virtue of

Clauses 5 and 6 of this Agreement


4.2 The Farmers’ Market shall be held in the areas of the Market Place shown hatched red

on the Plan

Market Days

4.3 The Town Council shall hold the Farmers’ Market on the Market Days

Necessary Consents

4.4 The Town Council shall apply for all consents in connection with the operation of the

Farmers’ Market (including signs hoardings accessways and the approval of the

Appendix 10


Police, Fire and any other relevant authority) in order to ensure that the Farmers’

Market is undertaken in a lawful manner


4.5. The Council shall in consultation with the Town Council traders and other interested

parties make such byelaws and regulations in relation to the Farmers’ Market in

exercise of its powers under Section 60 of the Food Act 1984 and Section 75 of the

Public Health Act 1961

Standard Terms

4.6 The Town Council shall:-

4.6.1 Grant a licence to the Co-Operative to operate the Farmers’ Market for the sale of

Goods which meet the Market Criteria such licence to be in accordance with the terms

and conditions of this Agreement and shall contain the terms and obligations contained

in the Licence Agreement

4.6.2 Not permit or allow to be permitted the sale of any illegal commodities or any sales

which are prohibited in a byelaw or regulation affecting the Markets


4.7 The Town Council shall at its own expense use any equipment required for the

operation of the Farmers’ Market


4.8 The Town Council shall pay and discharge all taxes rates assessments and outgoings

of every description for the time being opposed or assessed or payable on or in

respect of the Farmers’ Market


4.9. The Town Council shall arrange for public liability insurance for such amounts

approved by the Council by an insurance company approved by the Council

Appendix 10



4.10 The Town Council shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Council from and against

all losses damages or liability whether criminal or civil and any legal fees and costs

incurred by the District Council because of:-

4.10.1 any neglect or default of the Town Council its employees traders or customers in

connection with the Farmers’ Market

4.10.2 any other reasons so long as such losses damages liabilities fees or costs are not due

to any default of the Council


4.11 The Town Council shall keep the Market Place and its precincts at all times properly

and sufficiently lit


4.12.1 The Council shall throughout the duration of this Agreement ensure that the Market

Place and its precincts are cleansed to a standard required by the Council in its

capacity as Principal Litter Authority

4.12.2 The Town Council shall indemnify the Council for the costs reasonably incurred by the

Council to any contractor appointed by the Council for the purposes set out in Clause


4.12.3 The Council shall undertake to formally contact the Town Council prior to any future

contractual arrangements being instigated in respect of the cleansing of the Market

Place and its precincts in order that the Town Council is fully consulted on the

appropriate level of service included in the Market Cleansing Specification

4.12.4 The Town Council shall ensure that the operation of the Farmers’ Market does not

obstruct any highway in the vicinity of the Market Place

Appendix 10



4.13 The Council and the Town Council are not partners nor is the Town Council able to act

as agent of the District Council save as expressly authorised by this Agreement


4.14 This Agreement is personal to the Town Council which will not assign charge or

otherwise deal with this Agreement

Special Promotions and Advertising

4.15 The Town Council may undertake any advertising campaign sales promotion

programme or other special activity to promote the Farmers’ Market. The Council may

express any concerns it has if in its reasonable opinion any promotion, advertisement

or activity is considered inappropriate for the promotion of the Farmers’ Market

Engagement of Staff

4.16 The Town Council shall employ any staff it deems appropriate to operate the Farmers’

Market but the Council shall have no liability arising from any contract of employment

between the Town Council and its employees

Contracts with Third Parties

4.17 Without prejudice to clause 4.16 the Town Council shall enter into such contracts as it

deems appropriate to operate the Farmers’ Market but the Council shall have no

liability arising from any contract

Financial Obligations/Accounts

4.18 The Town Council shall keep accurate and separate records and accounts (to be

available for inspection at all reasonable times for the Council) of the licence fees

profits and outgoings in respect of the Farmers’ Market


4.19 This Agreement shall not be varied except by a supplemental agreement in writing

signed by the authorised signatory of the Council and the Town Council

Appendix 10



This Agreement shall terminate:-

5.1 On the 26th day of November 2027 PROVIDED THAT the Town Council may serve

the Council not less than six months prior written notice of its intention to terminate the

Agreement if the Town Council resolves that it is no longer viable for the Town Council

to continue to operate the Farmers’ Market as agent for the Council

5.2 Fundamental breach

5.2.1 In the event of a breach by the Town Council of any of the provisions of this Agreement

the Council may serve notice (“the Default Notice”) requiring the breach to be remedied

within the time stipulated in the Default Notice at the discretion of the Council

5.2.2 Failure by the Town Council to comply with the terms of any Default Notice within the

time stipulated would be deemed to be a fundamental breach of this Agreement


6.1 Financial – Within 28 days of this Agreement (by expiration or any other event) the

Town Council shall:-

6.1.1 Supply to the Council a complete and accurate account of the records and accounts

described in clause 4.18 of this Agreement

6.1.2 Within 28 days of the supply of such records and accounts to pay to the Council any

sum due to the Council in pursuance of this Agreement

6.1.3 The accounts produced by the Town Council pursuant to sub-clauses 6.1.1 and 6.1.2

above shall be without prejudice to the rights of the Council to seek information and

verification under the final account between the parties

6.2. Market Traders – the Council shall notify the Market Traders within a reasonable

period of termination that this Agreement has terminated

Appendix 10



The Town Council shall at all times work diligently to protect and promote the interests

of the Farmers’ Market


In all matters to act in good faith towards the Council and the Council to act in good

faith in all matters towards the Town Council


9.1 To make full disclosure to the Council of all material circumstances regarding the

operation and conduct of the Farmers’ Market

9.2 To consult with the Council in connection with any problems and material issues

affecting the Farmers’ Market and to consult the Council on the course of action which

needs to be taken in relation to any problem or material matters


10.1 In the case of any dispute or difference arising between the District Council and the

Town Council concerning:

10.1.1 the provision of this Agreement, or

10.1.2 the rights duties or liabilities of the parties arising under this Agreement

every attempt will be made to resolve the matter between the officer of each authority

responsible for the Farmers’ Markets

10.2 If the dispute or difference cannot be resolved between the officers (referred to in

clauses 10.1.1 and 10.1.2 above) then the matter should be set out in writing and

referred to the Chief Executives of each authority

10.3 If the Chief Executives fail to resolve the issue, either party may take such action it

feels appropriate to resolve the dispute or difference

Appendix 10



11. All notices served by either party pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement shall be

in writing, and shall be sufficiently served if delivered by hand, or sent by recorded

delivery to the address of the Council or Co-operative specified in this Agreement


The Town Council shall undertake an annual risk assessment in consultation with the

Council and the Co-Operative including assessment of any new or different activities

carried out at the Farmers’ Market


It is agreed that the Council will continue to provide advice and guidance in terms of

food safety trading standards environmental protection and matters of public health

AS WITNESS the hands of the authorised officers on behalf of the parties hereto the day and year first before written

SIGNED by a duly authorised signatory ) of the Council the presence of:- ) SIGNED by a duly authorised signatory of ) the Town Council in the presence of:- )

Appendix 10


DATE 2016





Relating to Newbury Town Farmers’ Market

West Berkshire District Council Council Offices Market Street

Newbury RG14 5LD

top related