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Appendix: Cover Letter and Questionnaire

�Objectives of Study� Identify and understand different types of innovation

strategies - via a new conceptual approach� Empirically assess the relationship between innovation

strategy and firm performance – using capital market data� Understand how internal and external conditions of a firm

influence the relationship between innovation strategy and firm performance

� Approach: The results of the enclosed questionnaire will be linked to capital market data of your company

Study on Innovation Strategy and Firm Performance

Innovation Strategy

Firm Performance

Influencing Factors

�Target Group� Publicly listed companies� Manufacturing companies in selected industry sectors� Decision makers with a good overview of the firm‘s innovation activities

�Benefits for Participating Companies� Systematic reflection on your innovation strategy and activities� Individual evaluation of your innovation strategy relative to top and low performers� Final report of the study including key results about innovation strategies and their

relationship with - capital market data based - firm performance� Upon request: individual feedback session

�Your Contribution� Fill out the attached questionnaire (maximum duration 30 minutes) – either

electronically in Word or printed out...� … and send it back via fax or email – before the end of February!� Note: All data will be treated in a confidential manner and only serve academic

purposes. The analysis is done anonymously!

Karl-Franzens University Graz (Austria)Institute for Technology- and Innovation Management

Prof. Dr. Soeren SalomoContact person: Dipl. Wi.-Ing. Nanja Strecker

Phone: ++49-175-2964133, Fax:

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