application success application forms through to assessment centres graduate and undergraduate...

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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Application Success Application forms through to assessment centresGraduate and Undergraduate Programmes 2012


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Objectives of this session

► To provide practical advice on completing application forms

► Guidance on how to prepare for and to act in the interview

► To provide practical advice on attending assessment centres

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The Graduate Recruitment process


Ability tests

Selecting 1

Selecting 2

Selecting 3

Application form techniques

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How to

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Application form strength

► 2 answers to the question

Please describe the most significant achievements (beyond the demands of your degree) that you have attained over the last 3 years, which you feel differentiates you from your peers?

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► A

► I think my A-level grades were a great achievement coupled with my university degree as I was able to prioritise my studies over my social life. This I found particularly challenging as at University its is difficult to discipline yourself and focus on your work. Since graduating, I have continued to be highly self-motivated and registered myself self-employed to get ahead in my career by obtaining free guidance from HMCE (VAT and Import/Export compliance), Inland Revenue (Payroll processes and policy) and Venture Capitalist companies (for basic bookkeeping skills taught freely by qualified accountants) in order to provide a quality service to my first clients. I have taken this pro-active attitude forward into my employed career and registered myself as an ACCA candidate and have thus far self-funded my studies.

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► B► I feel that one of my greatest achievements thus far is my membership of the departmental football

1st XI. I committed four days a week to training and matches. My position as a midfielder was to help the strikeforce and help them score goals. Our success depended on commitment, the ability to think under pressure and good communication throughout the team. By applying all these factors and being dedicated, I made an invaluable contribution to our success. What singled me out was the encouragement I gave others and the effort I put in. It also taught me how to best balance my academic commitments to the time I gave to sport. Additionally, I helped the team bond by being elected Social Secretary.

►  ► Another major achievement was my time as a Group Leader in camp in Peru. I had to plan the trip

while studying for my first year exams. To achieve this I had to be dedicated and organised. In charge of counsellors there as well as children, I was forced to learn quickly, having to organise and attend meetings, be creative in my spare time, assign responsibilities, remain positive, encourage others, remain vigilant myself whilst all the time prioritising the children’s safety. A particular difficulty I had to over come was their behaviour, so to solve this I placed two members of the group in charge at a time, with rewards for their performance. Another difficulty was overcoming the culture barrier with the Peruvian staff, which I accomplished by being friendly and organised. Ultimately, I received a nomination for the Best Counsellor award.

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Application forms - guidance

► Read the web site► Understand the application form/ read the question► Pre-plan answers► Give broad range of activities / interests and include

specific examples► Give a clear explanation of your responsibilities► Do not give unnecessary detail► Do not leave questions unanswered

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Application forms - guidance

► Sell yourself► Be honest► Write a draft ► Review your form - could it be improved?► Check accuracy► Submit final copy

Interview skills

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Preparing for the interview

What do employers look for?

What practical things can you do before the interview?

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Academic achievementIntellectual skillsInterpersonal skillsMotivationMaturity

What qualities do employers look for?

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Academic achievements

• Grade A or B for GCSE Maths and English language

• 300 (24) UCAS points

• 2.1 Degree in any discipline

• Mitigating circumstances are considered

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Intellectual ability

Capacity to argue from principleThe ability to make decisionsEvidence of using initiative

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Interpersonal skills

Ability to leadAbility to motivateAbility to play alternative roles within groups

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Motivation and commitment

Desire for the jobThe ability to actually finish a job even in the face of adverse and unexpected challenges

What practical things can you do?

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Logistics: Location/TimeKnow your application formResearch the organisation & roleDress codePractice: Questions and AnswersThink about your examples and how you can fit them in► Role plays & mock interviews

Preparation for interviews

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In the interview

Do not worry about being nervousShake hands warmlySpeak clearlyRemember body language: sitting position/eye contact Get to specific examplesSell yourself!

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Organisational:What attracts you to this organisation?What differentiates our company from competitors?How have you researched careers?Competency:Give me an example of a time when you have worked successfully in a teamGive me an example of a time when you achieved a task under a time constraint. How did you react? Were you successful?

Questions you may be asked

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Other questions you may be asked

GeneralWhat do you know about the role you have applied for?Why did you choose your university?Why did you decide to drop an A-level subject?What are your career aspirations?

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What training is available at your organisation?What are the possibilities of using my languages & overseas travel?How would you describe your organisation culture?How do you see the company performing in the next few years?

Types of questions you may ask

Assessment Centre

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What is an assessment centre?

► Employer► “An alternative selection tool which allows the employer

to test candidates in a variety of different situations”

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Content of an assessment centre

• Interviews

• Exercises

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• Not the same as your first interview

• Still need to prepare• Know what employers what in their employees• Think about your strengths and weaknesses

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Typical Exercises may include:

Job specific exercises Individual exercises Group exercises

AnalysisWritten exercises

Individual presentationsIn-tray exercises

Report writing

Group discussionTeam exercise

Group presentation

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In-tray Exercises

Tests various skills including: Ability to understand and interpret information Planning & organisation Ability to provide well-reasoned conclusions Decision-making Written communication Financial/problem solving skills

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Case study exercise

• Analysis of business information • Extracting relevant information & making

recommendations• Limited time frame

Need to learn how to process information quickly

and accurately!

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Group discussion & Team building exercises

► Skills being assessed:• Communication & persuasion• Understanding of material• Listening• Compromise and flexibility• Utilising all team members• Team dynamic• Not only looking for “Leaders”

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Group discussion & Team building exercises

• Know what you want to say

• Put your points of view forward clearly

• Listen to, and build on, other’s points

• Help the group reach goals

• Be prepared to change mind

• Body language

• Be part of the team

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Individual/Group Presentations

You may need to present by yourself or with others • Identify main points to convey• Structure presentation• Good eye contact and body language• Do not over-rely on visual aids• Try to be confident

Go on a presentation skills course if possible

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Final advice to candidates

• Play an active role in any group exercises• Be part of the team• In written exercises, make use of headings and PLAN• Try to incorporate your own business awareness• Be confident, speak clearly and precisely• Keep to the time frames given • Meet all of the objectives set out in all exercises

Any questions?

Thank you

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