apply perfectly presentation

Post on 06-Aug-2015






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The Art and Science of Applying

Problem: • The Medical School Application Process is Competitive and Expensive

o 50,000+ Applicants Apply to 14 Schools Each Per Year on Averageo Applicants Spend $5,500 Each on Average, ~ $275M Annually and Growing

• Finding the Right Schools is Very Difficult and Time Consuming ○ What are Each School’s Requirements and Recommendations?○ Is Applicant Competitive? Is the School a Good Fit for Applicant?○ Every Unnecessary Application Wastes Time and Money

● Inadequate Books and Online Resources Available○ Generic, Incomplete, Out-of-Date, and Grossly Inaccurate Data○ Unsophisticated; Lack Personalized Analysis and Feedback○ Poorly Organized Media is Inefficient and Unwieldy ○ No Single Resource Covers All 190+ North American Medical Schools

Applying to Medical School is Hard

Solution: ApplyPerfectly enables applicants to find the perfect set of schools based on their

preferences and how their stats compare to each school’s requirements.● Includes All 190+ North American Medical Schools● Data Updated and Confirmed by School Representatives ● Tools to Search, Sort, Filter, Highlight, Group, Track, and Compare● Instant Analysis and Visualization of Each Applicant’s Scores, GPA, Coursework, and

Extracurriculars vs Each School’s Requirements and Averages● Automatically Find All Schools Matching Customer’s Preferences and Stats● Novel Fields Like Personalized Acceptance Rates Based on Residency● Track Application Status for All Selected Schools - Including Upcoming Deadlines

Validation: ● 97% would have used had it been available● 372 invitees, 160 respondents; 31% MS1, 33% MS2, 17% MS3, 19% MS4● 72% had difficulty finding information● 81% devised their own organizational system by using a spreadsheet or by simply

writing information down● 73% spent more than 25 hours researching medical schools; 37% spent more than 50

hours; 58% spent between 25 and 100 hours ● Average need rated at 7.19, where 0 = “no need” and 10 = “tremendous need”● 50% valued the product at $50.00 or more; 83% valued it at $20.00 or more

● Dr. Benjamin Chan, Assistant Dean of Admissions at UUSOM● Mr. John Nilsson, Premedical Advisor at U of U● 15+ Premeds Interviewed

Survey Results, Nov 2013

Milestones: ● Milestone 1

● Complete premed MVP: finalize and test MCAT, GPA, and Coursework analyses (2 weeks from present)

● Milestone 2● Beta test premed student MVP with 50 premeds (4 weeks from present)

● Milestone 3● Revenue, release premed MVP (4 weeks from present)

● Milestone 4● Attend Stanford Premed Conference to sign up 50 premeds (4 weeks from present)

● Milestone 5● Contact remaining 150 med schools via telephone and email (4 weeks from present)

Feb 2015

Ask: ● Stanford Premedical Conference Exhibitor’s Table: $450

○ Saturday, Feb 21, 2015○ 500 Pre-Health Students, 25 Medical Schools○ Launch Product, Develop Traction: Sign Up 50 Premeds & Med Schools○ Premed & School Feedback, Word-of-Mouth○ Tests:

○ Can we sign up 50 premedical students and develop traction?○ Does address the biggest concerns premeds have when applying to

medical schools?

● Airfare to Conference: $450● Already Completed

Feb 2015

Raised $10,000 Developed Unique Analysis Algorithms

Collected Medical School Data Established LLC Developed Premed & School MVPs


Appendix A: Potential Revenue vs. Expenses

Appendix B: Potential Revenue

Appendix C: Premed MVP Screenshot

Appendix D: School MVP Screenshot

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