applying the mind mapping technique to...

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(A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade A

of MTs Nurussa’adah Jakarta)



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Yusri Nur Fadhilah. 2015. Applying the Mind Mapping Technique to

Improve Students’ Writing Skill of Descriptive Text; A Classroom Action

Research at the Eighth Grade A of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurussa’adah

Jakarta. A “Skripsi” of English Education at Faculty of Tarbiya and

Teachers’ Training of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Advisors: Dr. Alek, M.Pd. and Ummi Kultsum, M.Pd.

Key Words: Mind Map, Writing Skill, Descriptive Text

This study was carried out to improve students’ writing skill of descriptive

text at the eighth grade-A of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurussa’adah Jakarta

academic year 2013-2014. The subject of this study consisted of 39

students. The method used in this research is Classroom Action Research

(CAR). The classroom action research design applied in this study was Kurt

Lewin’s design. This study was carried out in two cycles. Each cycle

consisted of three meetings. The data gathered in this study used

instruments; interview guide, observation sheet, and tests. The results of the

study showed that there was improvement of the students’ writing

achievement of descriptive text. Most of students gained very good scores at

the end of cycle. The score of Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) of English lesson was 70.00. The students’

mean score of post-action test 1 in cycle I was 73.71. Meanwhile, the

students’ mean score of post-action test 2 in cycle II was 76.53. The

students’ mean score of cycle II was included as “Very Good” category

based on the rubric from J.B. Heaton’s book about assessing writing.

Besides that, the number of students who passed the KKM in cycle I were

26 students and the number of students who passed the KKM in cycle II

were 31 students. As a conclusion, the mind mapping technique could

improve the students’ writing skill of descriptive text.



Yusri Nur Fadhilah. 2015. Applying the Mind Mapping Technique to

Improve Students’ Writing Skill of Descriptive Text; A Classroom Action

Research at the Eighth Grade A of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurussa’adah

Jakarta. Skripsi. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Ilmu

Tarbiyah dan Keguruan. Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah


Dosen Pembimbing: Dr. Alek, M.Pd. and Ummi Kultsum, M.Pd.

Kata Kunci: Peta Pikiran, Kemampuan Menulis, Teks Deskriptif

Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa pada teks

deskriptif di kelas VIII-A MTs Nurussa’adah Jakarta tahun ajaran

2013/2014. Subjek penelitian terdiri atas 39 siswa. Metode penelitian yang

digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Desain penelitian yang

diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah desain penelitian model Kurt Lewin.

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melaksanakan dua siklus. Setiap siklus

terdiri atas tiga pertemuan. Data yang dikumpulkan pada saat penelitian

yaitu melalui beberapa instrumen; pedoman wawancara, lembar observasi,

dan tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya peningkatan pada nilai

menulis siswa dalam teks deskriptif. Nilai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal

(KKM) yang ditargetkan dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris adalah 70.00. Nilai

rata-rata siswa pada post-action test 1 siklus ke-1 adalah 73.71. Sementara

itu, nilai rata-rata siswa pada post-action test 2 siklus ke-2 adalah 76.53.

Nilai rata-rata siswa pada siklus ke-2 inilah yang menunjukkan bahwa nilai

siswa termasuk ke dalam kategori “Sangat Bagus” berdasarkan buku J.B.

Heaton mengenai rubrik penilaian menulis. Di samping itu, jumlah siswa

yang nilainya melampaui nilai KKM pada siklus ke-1 ada 26 siswa dan

jumlah siswa yang nilainya melampaui nilai KKM pada siklus ke-2 ada 31

siswa. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknik pemetaan pikiran telah dapat

meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa pada teks deskriptif.



All praises be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds for the health, the

strength, and the guidance to the writer in completing the research. Peace

and blessings from Allah be upon to Prophet Muhammad, his families, his

companions, and his followers.

It is moment which the writer has waited, a precious thing that the writer

finally accomplished her “Skripsi” entitled “Applying the Mind Mapping

Technique to Improve Students’ Writing Skill of Descriptive Text” (A

Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade A of MTs Nurussa’adah

Jakarta). It is presented as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Degree of Strata I (S-1) in English Language Education.

In this opportunity, the writer would like to give the deepest gratitude to

her beloved parents, H. M. Yusuf A.F., S.Ag. and Hj. Sri Nurhayati, who

always give their love, pray, ideas, motivation, warns, and opinion to the

writer in completing her “Skripsi”. Her beloved brothers, Muhammad

Shiddiq Khairul Khitam and Muhammad Rajab Yusran, who always

give their support to the writer in finishing her “Skripsi”. Her beloved

advisors, Dr. Alek, M.Pd. and Ummi Kultsum, M.Pd., who always give

advice, guidance, knowledge, motivation, and patience to the writer in

conducting her “Skripsi”. Also, the greatest thanks to all of her family who

encouraged her in finishing her “Skripsi”.

Then, the writer would like to give the highest honor to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, MA as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah

and Teachers’ Training.

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. as the Head of the Department of English



3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum. as the Secretary of the Department of English

Education and her beloved Academic Guide.

4. All lecturers in the Department of English Education for teaching all

things and giving motivation to the writer during her study at State

Islamic University “Syarif Hidayatullah” Jakarta.

5. The headmaster of MTs Nurussa’adah Jakarta, Drs. Trisno, who gave

allowance of the research at the school.

6. Takhroji Aji, S.Pd. and Akhit Anis, M.Pd. as the English teachers

who gave help and motivation to the writer and the students of VIII-A

class of MTs Nurussa’adah Jakarta who gave their participation to the

writer in conducting the research.

7. All beloved friends in the Department of English Education in A, B, and

C class of academic year 2010 and PMII organization in year 2010.

8. Her lovely best friends: Dije, Uswah, Iyank, Septia, Tami, Maya,

Mawaddah, Lia, Dian, Dhea, Putri, Indri, Aisyah, Syafri, Windy, Tewe,

Syifa, Alia, Uyun, Betha, Windi Hime, Retno, Ririn, Nadia Karimah,

Neneng Suhaimi, and Nurbaiti Rahayu.

Finally, the writer realizes that this “Skripsi” is still far from being

perfect. Therefore, with pleasure, the suggestion and critics given hopefully

can make it better.

Jakarta, March 2015

Yusri Nur Fadhilah




TITLE……. .................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL ................................................................................................... ii

LETTER OF WRITING AUTHENTICITY ............................................... iii

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ............................................................................ iv

ABSTRACT.................................................................................... ................ v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. ix

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xii

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... xiv

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 1

A. Background of the Research ............................................... 1

B. Focus of the Research .......................................................... 4

C. Questions of the Research .................................................. 5

D. Objectives of the Research .................................................. 5

E. Significances of the Research .............................................. 5

1. Theoretical Significances ................................................ 5

2. Practical Significances .................................................... 6

CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ..................................... 7

A. Writing .............................................................................. 7

1. The Definitions of Writing ........................................... 7

2. The Purposes of Writing ............................................... 9

3. The Process of Writing ................................................. 10

4. The Strategy of Teaching Writing ................................ 12

B. Descriptive Text ............................................................... 14

1. The Notion of Descriptive Text .................................... 14


2. The Function of Descriptive Text................................. 15

3. The Purpose of Descriptive Text .................................. 16

4. The Generic Structures of Descriptive Text ................. 17

5. The Language Features of Descriptive Text ................ 18

6. The Advantages of Descriptive Text ............................ 19

7. The Stages of Writing Descriptive Text ....................... 19

C. Mind Mapping Technique ................................................ 20

1. The Notion of Mind Mapping Technique .................... 20

2. The Function of Mind Mapping Technique ................ 22

3. The Steps to Make Mind Map ...................................... 23

4. The Mind Mapping Tips and Technique ...................... 24

5. The Usage and Example of Mind Mapping Technique 25

D. Previous Related Studies .................................................. 26

E. The Conceptual Development of Action .......................... 28

F. The Action Hypothesis ..................................................... 29

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................... 30

A. Research Settings ............................................................. 30

1. Setting of Place ............................................................. 30

2. Setting of Time ............................................................. 30

3. Setting of Condition ..................................................... 30

4. Setting of Situation ....................................................... 30

B. Research Method and Design ........................................... 31

1. Research Method ......................................................... 31

2. Research Design .......................................................... 31

C. Classroom Action Research Procedures .......................... 33

1. Planning Phase ............................................................. 33

2. Acting Phase ................................................................ 33

3. Observing Phase ........................................................... 34

4. Reflecting Phase ........................................................... 35

D. Research Subjects ............................................................ 35


E. Data Collecting Procedures .............................................. 35

1. Interview Guide ........................................................... 35

2. Observation Sheets ....................................................... 36

3. Tests ............................................................................. 36

F. Data Analyzing Procedures .............................................. 37

G. Trustworthiness ................................................................ 39

H. Criterion of the Action Success ....................................... 40


A. Research Findings ............................................................ 41

1. Findings of the Preliminary Study ................................ 41

2. Findings of Cycle I ....................................................... 42

a. Planning .................................................................... 42

b. Acting ....................................................................... 43

c. Observing .................................................................. 44

d. Reflecting ................................................................. 47

3. Findings of cycle II ....................................................... 48

a. Planning .................................................................... 48

b. Acting ....................................................................... 48

c. Observing .................................................................. 48

d. Reflecting ................................................................. 51

B. Discussion ........................................................................ 52

1. Findings after Implementing the Action ....................... 52

a. Cycle I ....................................................................... 52

b. Cycle II ..................................................................... 53

CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................ 55

A. The Conclusion ................................................................ 55

B. The Suggestion .................................................................. 55

REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 57

APPENDICES ................................................................................................ 60




Table 3.1 The Schedule of the Classroom Action Research (CAR)……..34

Table 3.2 Testing Composition Writing for Intermediate Level………....37

Table 4.1 The Score of Post-Action Test 1………………………………46

Table 4.2 The Score of Post-Action Test 2………………………………50




Figure 2.1 Example of Mind Mapping Technique……………………….25

Figure 3.1 Kurt Lewin’s Action Research Design…………………….....32




Appendix 1.RPP………………………………………………………......61

Appendix 2.Field Notes……………………………………………..........77

Appendix 3.Observation Sheets for Teacher...............................................83

Appendix 4.Observation Sheets for Students.............................................99

Appendix 5.Interview Guide.....................................................................107

Appendix 6.The Pre-Action Test Score of Students’ Writing..................113

Appendix 7.The Students’ Writing Products............................................115

Appendix 8.Graphic of the Students’ Writing Improvement....................133

Appendix 9.Photos....................................................................................134

Appendix 10.Instruments of Tests.............................................................136

Appendix 11.Proposal Skripsi...................................................................138

Appendix 12.Surat Bimbingan Skripsi......................................................139

Appendix 13.Surat Izin Penelitian.............................................................141

Appendix 14.Surat Pernyataan Telah Melakukan Penelitian....................142




A. Background of the Research

Many kinds of writing are applied as a subject matter at schools in

Indonesia. Such as writing about narration or story on the last time called as

narrative text, writing about opinion or argument called as argumentative

text, writing about past event called as recount text, writing about discussion

between two sides of people called as discussion text, and writing about

description called as descriptive text. Surely, descriptive text is a text taught

in Junior High School and still has to be improved because students still

have problems in their writing text.

In addition, writing needs some elements to complete the information,

like vocabulary and grammar. The teaching and learning process in Junior

High School can be successful if it is supported by the students’ motivation.

They should be interested in English lesson as it is one of the primary

subjects which is taught in this grade of school until college. Their

motivation in writing also should be increased to practice them telling ideas

through the words, moreover in English language. On the other hand,

writing is a way to tell ideas and opinions of someone who wants to explain

others about some things. Writing is also the simplest way to say something

with response that can be delayed. It is like what Harmer stated on his book

entitled “The Practice of English Language Teaching” that the response of

productive skills (like writing) can be delayed.1 It also has its own


Some techniques are applied to improve the students’ writing skill, such

as mind mapping technique. Mind mapping technique helps students in

calling their ideas before they start writing in paragraph form. Using mind

1 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (London and New

York: Longman Group UK, 1991), p. 52.


mapping technique, students are expected can improve their ability in

writing skill, primarily writing descriptive text. It seems like what Hedge

said in her book entitled “Writing”, she stated that using mind-map before

writing can make us have ideas like we make a construction in building2.

Building which is without planning will be the worst building because it

does not have any clear planning from starting until finishing. Engineers

have to have some notes about what the materials used for constructing the

building are. Even the interesting plans can affect the process of

constructing the building also the finishing. The result is affected by the

beginning. If the beginning is good, the result will be also good. Like

constructing the building as mentioned by Hedge in her book, writing also

has to have a good planning. The topic chosen and the source as the basic of

writing are the most important material before it is begun. So, whether the

writing is good or not, it is based on the mind map created before writing.

In addition, writing is a tool for communicating to other people which

has purpose to present information whether it is useful or not for the reader.

In this case, writing is useful to help students tell their ideas through the

words. Besides they tell the ideas, they also must have three significances in

their school.3 Firstly, teacher teaches grammatical structures, idioms, and

vocabulary that are been learning by the students who unconsciously

remember them when they write. Secondly, students can explore their ideas

when they write and can be a good explorer of the words finding. Lastly, the

students are interested in learning something new, new language, to be

written on their writing.

Moreover, Indonesia actually has people who have ability in

comprehending English language so they can teach others in improving

their English comprehension. The improvisation process of English has

2 Tricia Hedge, Writing, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988), p. 30.

3 Ann Raimes, Techniques in Teaching Writing, (Oxford: Oxford University Press,

1983), p. 3.


some criteria, such as skills, structures, sentences arrangement, or

vocabularies. English vocabulary has an important role for students in

comprehending four skills. Students in Junior High School still have lack

English vocabulary because they do not want to master it as their needs. In

fact, teacher who teaches in that school should teach harder so that the

students want to have an effort to remember English vocabularies and make

it be their attitude in daily activities out of school activities. Besides that,

skill is very important to comprehend English and it is divided into four

kinds; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Those kinds of skill are

differentiated into two types of skills (receptive and productive) which

listening and reading as receptive and speaking and writing as productive


However, English is one of the most crucial foreign languages that is

taught in Indonesia which has four skills. Especially, it is taught from

elementary level to advanced level. English vocabularies need to be

enriched not only in elementary level but also in advanced level. Besides

that, English vocabulary mastery is also important to answer the question of

the Daily Examination until National Examination as the students need to

understand the passage. Students should master their English skills to

support their ability to apply those skills in the school without different skill

of subject matter because all skills are important.

English is useful to help teachers in Indonesia who want to increase

their knowledge of educative information from international sources. It can

be techniques of teaching, strategies of learning and enriching English

vocabulary, and other criteria in teaching and learning process. In some

schools, teachers should have suitable method and technique in teaching

foreign language based on the needs of the subject matter in the school.

Moreover, approaches in teaching foreign language need to be applied so

that teacher knows what the students’ need. This process is usually called as

a need analysis and is done before teaching and learning done.


The reason why the topic about applying mind mapping technique of

descriptive text was chosen is based on the interview on August 25th


with the English teachers of MTs Nurussa’adah Jakarta namely Akhit Annis,

M.Pd. and Takhroji Ajie, S.Pd. said that students in this school still have

problems in their writing, the problems are as follows: (1) Students still

have any difficulties in writing descriptive text. It is because of their English

vocabulary mastery are still poor. (2) Students have lack English vocabulary

and they do not want to master it. It is because students are less motivation

to enrich their English vocabulary; meanwhile they can learn it from lyrics

of English songs, textbook, story books, and films by listening to the

conversation in it. (3) Students are low learners, less motivation, and do not

interest in learning English subject. They just follow learning by their

teacher’s motivation when they do not get motivation from teachers, they

are not able to motivate themselves. (4) Grammar is not taught deductively

in the classroom, such as tenses, subject-verb agreement, and the usage of

parts of speech in a sentence arrangement.4 Sentences written by the

students on their writing are not coherence in paragraphs arrangement.

Finally, the chosen topic is suitable to improve the students’ writing skill of

descriptive text.

Based on the explanation above, this research was conducted entitled

“Applying the Mind Mapping Technique to Improve Students’ Writing Skill

of Descriptive Text (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade A of

MTs Nurussa’adah Jakarta).”

B. Focus of the Research

Based on the problems identified above, the research was focused on:

1. Applying mind mapping technique

2. Improving students’ writing skill of descriptive text

4 Takhroji Ajie and Akhit Annis. Interview. August 28

th, 2014.


C. Questions of the Research

Based on the research focus above, the research questions are

formulated as follows:

1. How was the students’ writing skill of descriptive text improved through

mind mapping technique?

2. To what extent was the students’ writing skill of descriptive text level

through mind mapping technique?

D. Objectives of the Research

The objectives were as follows:

1. To know the empirical evidence about the improvement of the students’

writing skill of descriptive text through mind mapping technique.

2. To know the students’ writing skill level of descriptive text through

mind mapping technique.

E. Significances of the Research

The results of the research are expected to give some significances not

only theoretical significances but also practical significances, they are:

1. Theoretical Significances

- For the Teachers

Knowing suitable methods and techniques in teaching English

Knowing the way of improving students’ ability in English writing


- For the Students

Knowing the characteristics of descriptive text

Understanding the generic structures, language features, tenses, and

spatial orders used in descriptive text


2. Practical Significances

- For the Teachers

Teachers can apply mind mapping technique to solve any problems

of teaching writing, especially in teaching writing of descriptive text

It can be an inspiration to modify and to choose any methods or

strategies of teaching English language as a foreign language in


- For the Students

Writing descriptive text clearly

Describing the content of descriptive text/passage given by the


Related to the education in Indonesia, the result of this research is

expected can give useful things for increasing educational world and for

developing the way of English teaching and learning process in a school as

theoretical and practical significances mentioned above.




This chapter explains about the definitions of writing, the purposes of

writing, the process of writing, the strategy of teaching writing, the notion

of descriptive text, the function of descriptive text, the purpose of

descriptive text, the generic structure of descriptive text, the language

features of descriptive text, the advantages of descriptive text, the stages of

writing descriptive text, the notion of mind mapping technique, the function

of mind mapping technique, the steps to make mind map, the mind mapping

tips and techniques, the usage and example of mind mapping, the previous

related study, the conceptual development of action, and the action


A. Writing

1. The Definitions of Writing

The definition of writing is often similar to speaking. It is because both

skills are as productive skill. However, writing is the activity that is

continued to the next activities after the writing itself or it can be said that

writing is an ongoing process.1 In writing, we have to decide about what the

topic which we are going to write is. Because of the writing is the process in

continuity so when we write, we have to think about the draft, revise, and

rewrite and draft, revise, and rewrite again until it is clear.

On the other hand, like what Meyers said in his book entitled Gateways

to Academic Writing, “Writing is not easy. It takes study and practice to

develop this skill. It is important to note that writing is a process, not a

product”.2 From this statement, it can be said that writing is quietly difficult

1 Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, Introduction to Academic Writing, Second

Edition, (New York: Longman, 1997), p. 2.

2 Alan Meyers, Gateways to Academic Writing, (New York: Pearson Education,

2005), p. 2.


because to start writing, we have to have skill in telling our idea based on

the experiences and some other factors that can call the idea.

Then, writing is a way that the writer uses to talk to the others through

the paper. Differ to speaking, in the process of doing it, the writer and the

reader cannot meet like what the speakers and listeners do. They only can

inter-act each other by the time that the writer finishes the writing.

Today, the way of writing is not only through the words but also media.

The primary message can be produced by picture, graphics, and even

sound.3 We often do this way based on our needs. To whom we want our

writing be read become the important thing we decide. The successful of

our writing can be decided by the readers.

From all those statements, the definitions of writing can be concluded as

a process with a must in having final product named writing itself. All steps

of the process of writing actually should support the ideas, can be implied or

stated, and follow the rules of writing clearly. Then, having enough ability

in changing the ideas into written form is needed by the writers so that their

readers can easily understand the message of what the writing is about.

Effectively, different receiver of writing produces different understanding

about information that is written. Finally, the suitable methods and

techniques used in writing can make readers enjoy to the writing with

additional information for specific reason, such as media, graphics, and

pictures because they can be understood easily.

3 Andrea A. Lunsford, The Saint Martin’s Handbook, (Boston: R.R. Donnelley &

Sons Company, 2010), p. 23.


2. The Purposes of Writing

The writer’s reason for writing usually called as purpose, which can be

stated or implied. There are two kinds of purpose:

a. The General Purpose

The general purpose of writing consists of four purposes; to inform, to

persuade, to express, and to entertain.4 In writing to inform, we usually use

these purposes when we write information to inform others based on the

specific reasons. Then, in writing to persuade usually used when the writer

wants to persuade the readers to do the things that should be done. In

writing to express, it is about the writing which consists of some

expressions should be drawn in the text so that the readers can get

information about what to be expressed. The last, in writing to entertain,

surely, we find it in narrative text such as novel which its content consists of

the stories entertaining the readers.

b. The Specific Purpose

The specific purpose may be implied or stated. The implied specific

purpose used in the literature and the stated specific purpose used in the

expository writing for being easily in understanding the texts. It can be on

the first sentence of a paragraph or on the last sentence of a paragraph.

In other words, Martha Heasley Cox, in her book entitled Writing;

Form, Process, and Purpose, stated that there are four purposes of writing.

They are: To Inform, to Amuse, to Satirize, and to Persuade.5

As a writer, we should have some clear purpose before we begin

writing. Based on the explanation by Cox, it is clear that writing has

purposes that should be there in writing itself to share any information and

make it be received easily by the readers. However, if our writing is used to

inform the readers about some things, we have to choose some words that

4 Betty Mattix Dietsch, Reasoning and Writing Well, Fourth Edition, (New York:

Mc.Graw Hill, 2006), p. 7.

5 Martha Heasley Cox (ed.), Writing: Form, Process, Purpose, (San Francisco:

Chandler Publishing Company, 1962), pp. 261—330.


support our purpose. In addition, if our writing is used to amuse, as long as

possible our writing should contain of the sentences or words which can be

used to describe some amusement to the readers.

Of course, another two purposes of writing are to satirize and to

persuade. When we want to persuade the readers, we effort our writing can

be interest to others so that the writing can be successful persuades readers

how the writing is. Persuasion text is usually written to promote some things

such as advertisement.

3. The Process of Writing

There are six areas of the writing process, even though writers do

different things when they write, most successful writers turn their attention

to these areas:

a) Generating ideas, establishing purpose, and identifying audience

b) Ordering ideas

c) Writing the first draft

d) Revising (improving content, organization, and the expression of ideas)

e) Correcting errors (correcting errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization,

and punctuation)

f) Proofreading (making corrections in the final copy)6

Clouse stated that before begin to write, there are six areas of the writing

process like what have been mentioned above. Generating ideas,

establishing purpose and identifying audience is the actions that firstly have

to do before starting to write. Ideas is needed to build the writing then.

Purpose should be decided to make writing be clear to what purpose is

written. Then, identifying audience should also be paid attention to which

the writing will be read. All of these three first actions are important before

starting writing well.

6 Barbara Fine Clouse, The Student Writer, Sixth Edition, (New York: Mc.Graw

Hill, 2004), pp. 27—29.


In addition, ordering ideas we want to share in our writing is the second

area before starting writing. We may have many ideas we want to share, but

we also have to remember that the ideas will affect our quality of writing

itself. Therefore, ordering ideas is needed to make sense our writing

whether it is nice or not.

Next, if we compare writing to building construction that should have

some planning, writing also has planning and it is called as draft. Writing

the first draft is definitely important because it can throw away non-useful

sentence of writing.

After that, we have revising area before finishing our writing clearly.

Through revising our writing, we can add some ideas and remove any ideas

that do not have any relation to the topic. It is very suitable way to develop

our writing into large topic, but not out of the topic. In revising, we also

have to pay attention to the existence of our writing and what our writing

contains of. It can be said that better revising, our writing will be better too.

In writing, we must make any errors not only in generating ideas, but

also in grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Therefore, we

need to correct any grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation that

becomes our writing not well. Parts of speech and grammar, indeed, gives

more effects of audience’s mind when they read our writing. Fortunately,

we have this area to make our writing better.

Lastly, after we have done the five steps above in writing process,

primarily we have to do the proofreading so that we can get any errors that

may appear in our writing. Proofreading is done by us as a writer so that the

idea included does not make changes and the purpose of writing is still

achieved to the reader.

All of these six areas in writing process is just a step for writers who

want to have a better writing before their writing is published. Each part of

them has some advantages and disadvantages even though writers have their


own categorization in measuring and deciding whether their writing has

been revised.

4. The Strategy of Teaching Writing7

1. Identify a strategy worth teaching

Identifying the strategies worth teaching means looking for strategies

that will be genuinely helpful. In the case of struggling writers, strategies

worth teaching are the ones which will help them overcome their writing

difficulties. We can decide what the best way to identify such strategies is

by talking with struggling writers, asking them about how they write, what

they think about while writing, and what they see as difficulties. Additional

insight can be gained by studying student papers to infer where writers are

having difficulty and by observing writers at work.

2. Introduce the strategy by modeling it

Introducing strategies by modeling them generally means some form of

composing out loud in front of students. Many of the teachers in studies

prefer to do this for groups or whole classes by writing at an overhead

projector. They speak their thoughts while writing, calling particular

attention to the strategy they are recommending for students. Sometimes

they ask students to contribute to the writing the teacher is doing, to copy

the writing for them, or to compose a similar piece of writing in connection

with the writing the teacher is doing. Teachers in studies also frequently

model writing strategies during individual conferences with students.

3. Scaffold students' learning of the technique

Scaffold the learning of a writing technique means helping students to

try the technique with teacher assistance. This is best done in a writing

workshop. The workshop setting is ideal for giving varying degrees of

7 Anon, Teaching Writing Strategies,

steps.htm, Retrieved: December 10th

, 2014.


assistance according to individual needs. It is also ideal for conferring with

individuals and for setting up partnerships and peer groups so that students

can assist each other in the learning of strategies. Even when a writing

workshop is not used, some amount of in-class writing with teacher

assistance is necessary to make sure that writers practice using the technique

being taught.

4. Repeated practice and reinforcement

Helping students to work toward independent mastery of the technique

through repeated practice and reinforcement means give them opportunities

to use the technique many times with decreasing amounts of assistance each

time. The idea here is that it is better to teach a few key writing strategies

well than it is to teach many of them insufficiently. Students master the

things we have for them to do repeatedly. In a way, this gets back to

identifying strategies worth teaching-look for ones that are crucial to writing

processes, such as strategies for planning particular types of writing, or for

structuring texts certain ways. Then model, practice and repeat.

Writing also is called as a process. It is stated by Clouse in his book

entitled “Jumpstart: A Sentence-to-Paragraph Worktext with Readings”.

Writing is called as a process8 because it needs time to discover the ideas,

exploring the new information, connecting the sentence into paragraph,

even until revising.

8 Barbara Fine Clouse, Jumpstart: A Sentence-to-Paragraph Worktext with

Readings, (New York: McGraw Hill, 2007), p. 6.


B. Descriptive Text

1. The Notion of Descriptive Text

There are many writing experts declaring their perception towards what

writing is. Oshima and Hogue argue that “Description is writing about how

something or someone looks and uses space order.”9 It means that when we

describe something with its characteristics and some appearances of this

thing, we are writing a descriptive text. Meanwhile, description can be used

to describe person, place, and animal which have specific appearance. For

instance, in writing descriptive text, we have to use spatial orders such as

then, in front of, and others that can be used to support our writing.

Besides of that, Meyers stated that “Description is a useful tool in many

kinds of writing. A descriptive allows the reader to see, to hear, or even to

feel the subject matter clearly.”10

It can be concluded that using description,

the readers could feel deeply about what they are reading is. In describing

something, the writer is forced to have an ability in using their writing skill

to describe something to the readers in their text. It is surely needed because

one of descriptive writing purposes is to give description clearly to the


Finally, Barnet and Stubbs’s stated about description on their book

entitled Practical Guide to Writing that “Description represents in words

our sensory impressions caught in a moment of time. In much descriptive

writing visual imagery dominates.”11

Reading a written text which has a

picture is like watching a television. It provides some pictures so that the

readers can analyze easily about what the information is. Same as watching

a television, we can be interested when the pictures are in a good position

and suitable to the context of information.

9 Oshima and Hogue, op. cit., p. 48.


Meyers, op. cit., p. 60.


Barnet & Stubbs’s, Practical Guide to Writing, Fourth Edition, (Toronto: Little,

Brown and Company, 1983), p. 160.


For all those perceptions, it can be concluded that writing description

also has several requirements which should have been in the descriptive

writing. It is important to use a spatial orders caused by the readers’ need to

understand the text. Descriptive writing should give some stated ideas

through its content. However, before writing, especially writing about a

description of something, the writer should decide the purpose of writing so

that the readers can effectively get information from the text written.

“An effective description has a specific purpose; details are not just pleasant

filler. Significant physical details can capture the essence of a person, place,

or object. Concrete words reveal perceptions obtained through the five

senses: seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling. A single dominant

impression can unify the details.”12

It can be concluded that five senses are needed to support the sense of

reading a written text especially descriptive text. The details of description

become more important than general description because as what Dietsch

said that details are not just pleasant filler, but also are comfortable reading.

2. The Function of Descriptive Text

The function of descriptive based on the something is going to be

described. However, in the book entitled Writing, it is written that “if you

want to describe the objects in the room, you have to choose a sequence for

arranging them”13

. From this statement, a sequence is needed in writing to

make the writing clearly and finely be understood. The arranged sequence

in writing a description can give an effect of the readers’ perception. If we

are wrong in putting the sequence, it may give a negative effect of the

readers’ perception. Sometimes, to be carefulness in writing can be the

importance of the process of writing.

12 Dietsch, op. cit., p. 86.


James C. Raymond, Writing, (New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1980), p.



3. The Purpose of Descriptive Text

All kinds of text actually have their own purpose of writing. The way to

express the main purpose becomes the most important thing to be paid

attention. In this term, description tells its purpose. Successful description

has a rhetorical purpose; it is not just a meandering by an author.

Description usually serves as a minor writing technique, supplementing a

major technique, such as narration, process analysis, or comparison. Dietsch

stated the general purposes of description in descriptive text that,

“Description has three general purposes; to create imagery, a mood, or

an aura of a place, to stimulate understanding and convince, to urge the

listener to action”14

In expressive writing such as personal essays, narratives,

autobiographies, and poems, you can guide the emotional responses of

readers by describing physical details that create a dominant impression of

your main idea. Then description becomes the major writing technique.

As social beings, we want to share our experience, so we write to

others to describe things such as vacations, childhood homes, and people we

encounter. We even use description to persuade others to think or to act in

particular ways; advertisers describe products to persuade us to buy them.

Here are the purposes of descriptive text enables us to entertain,

express feelings, relate experience, inform, and persuade:

a. To entertain

An amusing description of a teenager’s bedroom

b. To express feelings

A description of your favorite outdoor retreat so your reader understands

why you enjoy it so much

14 Dietsch, op. cit., p. 140.


c. To relate experience

A description of your childhood home to convey a sense of the poverty

you grew up in

d. To inform (for a reader unfamiliar with the subject)

A description of a newborn calf for a reader who has never seen one

e. To inform (to create a fresh appreciation for the familiar)

A description of an apple to help the reader rediscover the joys of this

simple fruit

f. To persuade (to convince the reader that some music videos degrade


4. The Generic Structures of Descriptive Text

Each paragraph in the text should have a meaning to explain the main of

the text. In descriptive text, there are three main parts of paragraph that

should have been there so that the descriptive text can be understood


First of all, there is a topic sentence. It consists of statement of the

main idea and is usually one sentence only. Second part of descriptive text

is body. It consists of elements of the topic and arranged in spatial order. In

addition, it concludes supporting details with one sentence as an overview

of the topic. The last part is a conclusion. It must recover the topic and the

details of the main idea.

Generic structure of descriptive text has two kinds of structure, they are

identification and description.17

It is stated by Redno that identification is

the topic that the writer will describe. Then, description is the detail

information about the topic; it can be characteristics, colors, shape, etc.

Another source stated that the generic structure of descriptive text has also

two types, they are identification and description. Identification identifies

15 Clouse, op. cit., p. 143.


Meyers, op. cit., p. 61.


Redno, “Descriptive Text”,, February 2nd

, 2015.


thing, person, place, and even phenomenon to be described. Next,

description describes information of particular thing, person, or place to be

described parts, qualities, or characteristics.18

However, generic structure of

descriptive text has an important role to be there so that the text can easily

be understood which is divided into parts of the structure.

5. The Language Features of Descriptive Text

Besides generic structures, a descriptive text also has language features.

Language features of descriptive text are use specific participant, written in

simple present tense or simple past tense, use linking verbs, use adjective,

use relational and material processes.19

In other hand, the position of

language features of any kinds of text explains the kinds of the text itself.

As the purpose of the descriptive text; to describe things, people, etc., the

language features used have to support the information include in the text.

In other source, language features of descriptive text are using attributive

and identifying process, using adjective and classifiers in nominal group,

and using simple present tense.20

Description is a recording of concrete details that you see, hear, smell,

taste, or touch. To provide depth and understanding, authors often include

an impression of an experience and its significance. In field research, we

observe, describe, interpret, and write our impressions of concrete details

that we perceive firsthand. This four-stage process enables us to relate the

physical parts of what we observe to the whole subject or unit. Then we

contemplate its meaning, whether it is a caterpillar or the earth’s crust. In

research and technical writing, writers use description to help readers

18 Ima, “Descriptive Text”,, February 2




Junita Siahaan, An Analysis of Students’ Ability and Difficulties in Writing

Descriptive Texts, Journal of English and Education, 2013, 1 (1), 114-121.


Puguh Yulianto, “Descriptive Text”,, February


, 2015.


understand the qualities and structure of physical objects, organisms, and


6. The Advantages of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text that contains of description gives an easiness to imagine

some things, places, or persons who is to be described. It is like what Clouse

stated in the book that

“Description adds an important dimension to our lives because it moves our

emotions and expands our experience. Description expands our experience

by taking us to places we might not otherwise know much about, which

explains the popularity of descriptive travel essays in magazines and

newspapers. Description can also give us a fresh appreciation for the


From this statement, it means that description is useful to help our mind

to develop what we want to develop about the things clearly. Applied in the

descriptive text, description helps the writer in explaining characteristics,

size, and colors deeply.

7. The Stages of Writing Descriptive Text

The stages of writing descriptive text is explained by Dietsch in her

book entitled Reasoning and Writing Well that:

1) Creating a Dominant Impression

a. Subjective Description

b. Objective Description

2) Planning a Paper of Description

a. Prewriting

b. Determining the dominant impression

c. Selecting a vantage point and transition

21 Dietsch, op. cit., p. 140.


Clouse, op. cit., pp. 142—143.


3) Drafting a Paper of Description

a. Drafting an introduction

b. Developing a description

c. Organizing a description

d. Writing a conclusion

4) Revising a Description23

C. Mind Mapping Technique

1. The Notion of Mind Mapping Technique

The notion of mind mapping technique is described in Hedge’s book

entitled Resource Books for Teachers that “Making a mind map is a strategy

for note-making before writing.”24

From this statement, mind mapping is

actually about using our mind to think about what the importance

information should be in the writing is. Mind mapping is a technique used

in starting the writing. It can be said as a planning of writing.

Besides her, Tony Buzan, a famous British psychologist, developed

mind mapping as a learning technique.25

This technique was introduced as a

note taking technique. For all his attempts in developing mind mapping,

Buzan has given a very useful technique to be learnt and used by students in

a learning process.

Eppler defines a mind mapping is a multicolored and image-centered,

radial diagram that represents semantic or other connections between

portions of learned material hierarchically.26

Mind mapping has been used

for individual note taking during the class by the students. Several studies

23 Dietsch, op. cit., pp. 141—145.


Tricia Hedge, Resource Books for Teachers, (Oxford: Oxford University Press,

1990), p. 30. 25 Wen-Cheng Wang, Chung-Chieh Lee, and Ying-Chien Chu, “A Brief Review

on Developing Creative Thinking in Young Children by Mind Mapping,” International

Business Research Vol. 3, No. 3 (July 2010), p.234rs 26 Martin J. Eppler, “A Comparison Between Concept Maps, Mind Maps,

Conceptual Diagrams, and Visual Metaphors as Complementary Tools for Knowledge

Construction and Sharing,” Information Visualization (2006), p. 203


have already highlighted the beneficial use of mind mapping for the purpose

of note taking.

According to Buzan, mind mapping has a natural organizational

structure that radiates from the center and use lines, symbols, key words,

color and images according to simple, brain-friendly concepts.27

A mind

mapping converts a long list of monotonous information into a colorful,

memorable and highly organized diagram that works in line with your

brain’s natural way of doing things. It can be used to generate ideas, take

notes, develop concepts and ideas, and improve memory.

Mind mapping involves writing down a central idea and thinking up

new and related ideas which radiate out from the center. By focusing on key

ideas written down in your own words, and then looking for branches out

and connections between the ideas, you are mapping knowledge in a

manner which will help you understand and remember new information.28

In conclusion, mind map is a graphic way of showing main idea from

the center radiates out the related ideas use lines, symbols, key words, color

and images. It is helpful for visual learners as they are illustrative tools that

assist with managing thought, directing learning, and making connections.

Although it was popularized as a note taking technique, mind mapping

technique is also very useful in writing. Mind map helps a writer to develop

his or her ideas. Some research shows that mind mapping helps students

develop many skills such as dynamic thinking, critical thinking, recall and

more coherent writing.


Tony Buzan, Buku Pintar Mind Map, (Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2005),

p.5 28 Riswanto and Pebri Prandika Putra, “The Use of Mind Mapping Strategy in the

Teaching of Writing at SMAN 3Bengkulu, Indonesia” International Journal of Humanities

and Social Science, Vol. 2 No. 21 (November: 2012), p.62


2. The Function of Mind Mapping Technique

The function of mind mapping technique is explained by Hedge that

“This technique can be used to explore almost any topic.”29

The function of

mind mapping technique is also admitted as a draft of writing before it is

revised and edited and become the final project. Besides that, it is useful to

throw away any unimportant information. Mind mapping is also used to call

some ideas that come to our mind but it is difficult to be explained through

the sentence directly. The function of mind mapping is not only for the

existence of writing itself, but also for the specific purpose. For instance, we

want to write some ideas about the things or topics, to make it simple, we

can use this technique to look important vocabularies that is going to be

written in our writing about general things or topics. It is expected can help

us to write sufficiently based on the importance of writing itself.

Buzan stated that we can use mind mapping for planning,

communicating, being more creative, saving time, problem solving,

remembering, faster learning and so on.30

Mind mapping can be used by

anyone who wants to remember things easily and in a more organized way

and also by anyone who wants to simplify a difficult concept. Note-taking

can be turned to a more enjoyable activity by using the mind mapping.

There are many advantages of applying mind mapping technique in

learning process.31

a) Brainstorming - individually, and as a group

b) Summarizing information, and note-taking

c) Consolidating information from different research

d) Sources

29 Ibid., pp. 30—31.

30 Tony Buzan, Buku Pintar Mind Map, (Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2005),

p.6 31

T. K. Tee and others, “Buzan Mind Mapping: An Efficient Technique for Note-

Taking,” International Journal of Social, Management, Economics and Business

Engineering Vol:8 No:1, (2014), p.29


e) Thinking through complex problems

f) Presenting information in a format that shows the overall

g) Structure of your subject

h) Studying, retaining and recall information

i) Promotes meaningful learning instead of memorization

Mind mapping is a powerful tool for assisting any form of writing. In

some studies, there was found that most participants of the research

attributed their improvement in writing to the use of mind mapping. The

written works produced by using mind mapping have more relevant details

and better organized and connected. Mind mapping also raised the

performance of students all level of ability as they became more efficient in

generating and organizing ideas for writing. There is also a positive attitude

toward using mind mapping as pre writing activity.32

A Mind mapping can help you think with greater clarity to explore

relationships between ideas and elements of an argument and to generate

solutions to problems. It puts a new perspective on things by allowing you

to see all the relevant issues and analyze choices in light of the big picture.

3. The Steps to Make Mind Map

In his book, Buzan gives seven steps in making a mind map33

. The steps


a. Start in the center of the landscape blank paper

b. Make a central image that represents the topic about which you are

writing or thinking

c. Use multiple colors throughout the mind map

d. The lines should be connected, starting from the central image

e. Make curve lines, not straight lines

32 Mapping: Scientific Research and Studies 33

Tony Buzan, Buku Pintar Mind Map, (Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2005),



f. Use a keyword in each line

g. Use images as much as you can

4. The Mind Mapping Tips and Techniques

There are points that Buzan & Buzan write as the tips and technique in

mind mapping.34

a. Use emphasis

1) Always use a central image

2) If possible, Use images throughout your Mind Map

3) Use three or more colors per central image

4) Use dimension in images

5) Use variations of size of printing, line and image

6) Use organized spacing

b. Use Association

1) Use arrows when you want to make connections within and across

the branch pattern

2) Use colors

3) Use codes

c. Be Clear

1) Use only one key word per line

2) Print all words

3) Print key words on lines

4) Make line length equal to word length

5) Connect lines to other lines

6) Make the central lines thicker

7) Make your images as clear as possible

d. Develop a personal style


Tony Buzan and Barry Buzan, The Mind Map Book.(New York: Dutton, 1994),



5. The Usage and Example of Mind Map

Mind mapping is used for identifying students’ ideas before they write.

In writing descriptive text, they have to decide the topic they want to

explain in their writing, then. By calling their ideas from the mind map, it

can manage their way of thinking use map drawn as their drafting process.

Before they find out the important thing that written on their writing, they

should make a map about their mind based on the topic given. The usage of

mind mapping is significance to begin the descriptive writing so that it is

described orderly.

Mind mapping can limit the students’ idea so that they do not write out

of the topic. Besides that, students do not need some ideas that do not use in

their writing. For the reason, here is the example of mind mapping

technique before writing with the topic about “Hobbies”. The picture is

looked like:

Figure 2.1

(The figure is created by the writer, 2014)


Swimming Sport






Collecting Stamps Watching






From the picture, it can be gotten the idea about “Hobbies” that sport,

pleasure, and education are concluded the topic. Although, another things,

that are identified, are also concluded as the parts of part of Hobbies itself.

Clearly, the picture tells us about how mind map appeared. Even if the topic

is just one word, the part of the topic may be more than a word, like what

showed in the picture. By mapping, the related ideas can be explored and

seen how they connect one to another from discovering ideas.35

By using mind mapping technique before writing, students are expected

can apply it of their writing. Mind mapping technique has no any

significance rule in mentioning the branch of the topic. It just needs some

ideas to fill in the box of the branches as the words that will be used in

writing. From the branch, students can easily write some sentences using the

words in the branch.

D. The Previous Related Study

There are a few studies which discus about mind mapping. One of them

is a study by Alma Januar Putra entitled Improving Students’ Ability in

Learning Simple Future Tense Through Mind Map (An Action Research at

the Eleventh Grade of Office Administration Class of Purnama Mandiri

Vocational High Shool, Pondok labu, Jakarta). It was found that mind map

can improve his students’ ability in learning simple future tense. Similar

with the researcher above, he used two cycles of the the Kurt Lewin’s

Model in designing his activity phases of CAR. The results show that there

were 90.26% of students who passed the minimal mastery level criterion

(KKM) of learning achievement. The high percentages of the result

convinced that mind mapping could help students to improve their ability in

learning simple future tense. This study supports the research that the writer

35 Clouse, op.cit., p. 9.


will conduct because it shows that mind mapping is useful for English

teaching and it is interesting for the students.

Another research by Riswanto in his study published in International

Journal of Humanities and Social Science, showed the same result as Alma

Januar Putra found in his research. The article which entitled The Use of

Mind Mapping Technique in the Teaching of Writing at SMAN 3 Bengkulu,

Indonesia, inform that the researcher took two classes of tenth grade

students of SMAN 3 Bengkulu as the sample of the research. The sample

was taken by a purposive sampling technique. The data was taken by

comparing students’ writing score from pre-test and post-test. The result

showed that students who were taught writing through mind map have

higher writing score than those who were not. Therefore, the hypothesis

which is accepted is the alternative hypothesis (H1); there is a significant

positive improvement on the students’ writing achievement between the

pre-test and the post test score. In this research, the writer used the writing

category by Heaton. The writer is sure that it will help her scoring students’

writings during the research.

Besides that, there is Rizki Lutfiah with her research entitled Improving

Students’ Ability in Writing Recount Text Using Mind-Mapping Technique.

The researcher worked collaboratively with the English teacher therefore

this research is actually a collaborative classroom action research. In

designing the activity phase of Classroom Action Research (CAR) the

researcher used Kurt Lewin’s Model. She conducted two cycles which

consist of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. After conducting

cycles, she found that students’ pre-test and post-test results were higher

than the first cycle. Furthermore, the analyzing result of observing and

interviewing show that the students were motivated in teaching and learning

process during the implementation of mind-mapping technique. This

research is very useful to the research that will be conducted by the writer. It


shows that the using of mind mapping technique can improve the students’

ability in writing.

Another research is from Septia Ayu Handayani entitiled The

Effectiveness of Using Mind Mapping in the Teaching of Writing

Descriptive Text to the Seventh Grade Students of SMP Islam Al-Hikmah

Pondok Cabe. This research was carried out to get the empirical evidence of

the effectiveness of using mind mapping in the teaching of writing

descriptive text to the seventh grade students of SMP Islam Al-Hikmah

Pondok Cabe academic year 2013/2014. The research design of this

research was quasi-experimental design. The writer compared the writing

result that produced by both class, controlled class and experiment class.

Based on the calculation of the data, mean gained score of experiment class

was 11,64 and the mean gained score of controlled class was 1,88. The t-test

used to examine the research hypothesis. The result showed that the value of

t-test is 7,276 while the value of t-table significant degree of 5% is 1,677. It

means t-test (to) is higher than t-table or to > t-table. In the other word, using

mind mapping is effective in the teaching of writing descriptive text.

Based on some researches above, they showed that mind mapping

technique is successfully success to help students in improving their writing

skill. In this research, the writer is going to conduct the study about

applying mind mapping technique to improve students’ writing skill of

descriptive text. Through this technique, the writer hopefully wants to give

easiness to the students in writing descriptive text.

E. The Conceptual Development of Action

Writing is one of the ways that is used to express the meaning of the

action that can be delayed besides speaking. Writing is also a productive

skill which produces things whether it is important or not. In the school,

writing is useful in helping students tell their ideas and opinion through the

words. However, students still have to master their knowledge about how to


write well. It is crucial because in starting the writing, they have to know

firstly the steps.

In addition, there are some techniques and methods applied in the school

in order to make students get their easiness in writing. In this research, the

researcher wants the students have ability in writing descriptive text through

the specific technique. It is mind mapping technique. Mind mapping

technique is a strategy for note-making before writing. Students are asked to

make mind mapping technique before they begin to writing.

The application of mind mapping is expected can improve students’

writing skill of descriptive text. Fortunately, Tony Buzan, as the inventor of

mind mapping technique, has mentioned and proven that this technique is

suitable to be used in writing, especially writing descriptive text which

describes things, people, or places so that the reader can understand the text

easily. Also, some studies have proven that this technique is success to be

used to improve students’ writing skill and it is shown in the previous point

about the related previous studies. For this reason, the writer expects that

students’ writing skill can improve through mind mapping technique. They

can use this technique to write descriptive text so that the text written is


F. The Action Hypothesis

Action hypothesis that is proposed in this research formulate as follows:

by using mind mapping technique can improve students’ writing skill at the

eighth grade A of MTs Nurussa’adah Jakarta.




This chapter includes Research Settings, Research Method and

Design, Classroom Action Research Procedures, Research Subjects, Data

Collecting Procedures, Data Analyzing Procedures, Trustworthiness, and

Criterion of the Action Success.

A. Research Settings

1. Setting of Place

The place of research was the eighth grade A class of MTs

Nurussa’adah Jakarta in academic year 2013/2014. It is on Poltangan Raya

street, number 25, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta.

2. Setting of Time

This research was carried out for three months. It was from August to

October 2014.

3. Setting of Condition

The condition of MTs Nurussa’adah is consisted of six classes. It means

that each grade has two classes. Seventh grade has two classes, eighth grade

has two classes, and ninth grade has two classes. Besides that, there are MI

Nurussa’adah and MA Nurussa’adah. The number of classes is same with

the number of MTs Nurussa’adah. In addition, there is a laboratory which

provides computer and in-focus media.

4. Setting of Situation

The situation of MTs Nurussa’adah while teaching and learning held is

all components of school are busy with their own jobs. They do their jobs

professionally so the situation is strongly supported by the people who are

in their own notions.


B. Research Method and Design

1. Research Method

The method used in this study is Classroom Action Research (CAR). It

is called CAR because it appears in the classroom. According to Michael J.

Wallace, CAR is a type of classroom research carried out by the teacher in

order to solve problems or to find answers toward context-specific issues.1

It means that to begin the CAR, the researcher or the teacher needs to

identify any problems real found in the classroom concerning students’

condition in learning. Based on that statement, CAR is carried out as a tool

to solve any problems in learning activity in the class. It could be on the

strategy or technique in teaching or the quality of teaching and learning

process in the school.

By using this method, the researcher collaborated with the English

teachers to conduct the research. Then, the interview guide was used to take

any information about the teacher’s responses in teaching and learning

process. Next, the observation sheets were used to take any data of the

teacher’s and students’ performance in teaching and learning process. After

that, tests that consist of post-action test 1 and post-action 2 had been done

to know the students’ writing improvement of writing descriptive text

through mind mapping technique.

2. Research Design

Research design applied in this study was imported from Kurt Lewin’s

design. There were four phases in this design; planning phase, acting phase,

observing phase, and reflecting phase. Two cycles with two meetings of

each were done in this research. The Kurt Lewin’s design looks like the

following picture/chart:

1 Michael J. Wallace, Action Research for Language Teachers, (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 2006), p. 5.


Figure 3.1

Kurt Lewin’s Action Research Design2

(Adapted from Mengenal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, Wijaya Kusuma

and Dedi Dwitagama, 2012)

2 Wijaya Kusumah and Dedi Dwitagama, Mengenal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas,

Second Edition, (Jakarta: Indeks, 2012), p. 20.















C. Classroom Action Research Procedures

The description of the research design above, which consists of four

phases in each cycle, the following will be described clearly one by one of

each phase.

1. Planning Phase

After identifying and diagnosing the students’ problem in writing by

interviewing the teacher, the writer organized the planning that will be

implemented in the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The

learning methods, techniques or strategies, learning media and learning

material are made and used to support the teaching and learning process.

Lesson planning that is based on the current syllabus has been prepared. It

includes any methods, techniques, media, and evaluations that will be

implemented in the classroom.

2. Acting Phase

Acting phase or implementing phase is as realization from the action

that is planned before. The plans are about the strategies and materials

applied in the planning phase. In this phase, the writer collaborates with the

teacher in order to carry out the action. The first meeting in the first cycle,

the teacher teaches the definition and the function of descriptive text. The

second meeting, the teacher reviews the previous lessons and it is still about

descriptive text. The last meeting, the students are asked to write descriptive

text. The next cycle is also consisted of the same actions but different theme

or topic. This phase can be seen from the table below:


Table 3.1

The Schedule of the Classroom Action Research

Cycles Activities Meetings Date Themes

Interview before

Action August 25

th, 2014



Teaching and

Learning Process 1 September 18

th, 2014

Pets Teaching and

Learning Process 2 September 22

nd, 2014


Test 1 3 September 23

rd, 2014



Teaching and

Learning Process 1 September 25

th, 2014

Room Teaching and

Learning Process 2 September 29

th, 2014


Test 2 3 September 30

th, 2014

Interview after

Action October 6

th, 2014

3. Observing Phase

In this phase, the researcher carried out observation toward

implementation of the action using observation sheets and field note. The

writer observed the outcomes of the appearance and reflecting on its

effectiveness. When observing, the observer should notice and note all of

activities to take any information about the activities in the physical

classroom. It could be about the teacher’s performance, class situation,

students’ response and participation, etc. In this phase, the researcher also

collected the data derived from post-action tests.


4. Reflecting Phase

Reflecting phase will be functioned to reflect the three phases to decide

whether needs some innovations to be used in the next cycle or not.

Reflecting phase was done collaboratively to evaluate the students’ writing

skill improvement of descriptive text. Thus, the reflection could be decided

after implementing the action and taking the data from the observation and

tests. It means that in reflecting phase, the wrong things appeared in the

previous cycle would be solved in the next cycle. The steps on the next

cycles called as re-planning, re-acting, and re-observing and it is the cycle if

the problems in the previous cycle has not been solved yet.

D. Research Subjects

The research subjects were the students in the eighth grade A of MTs

Nurussa’adah Jakarta in academic year 2013/2014. The number of students

has been taken from the interview with the teachers. They were thirty nine

students. The reason why they were being the subjects of this research

because they still have lack ability in writing skill so the research is

expected can be successful to make their writing skill increase drawn from

the result of the research.

E. Data Collecting Procedures

The data taken in this research used qualitative data (experience-based)

and quantitative data (number-based).

1. Interview Guide

Interview guide was used to know what the factors of the students’ lack

ability of their writing descriptive text are and how the teachers’ roles while

the students learn in the classroom is. The interview was semi-structured

interview. It was flexible because the questions could appear during the


interview.3 The next questions might appear from the answer from the

interviewee. The interview has been done on August 25th

, 2014 with the

English teachers.

2. Observation Sheets

The instrument used for observation was observation sheet. It has been

being done while doing the research in classroom. It was used to take any

information of the teacher’s preparation before teaching and students’

motivation and activities in the classroom. It was used while researcher in

the class so that the subjects that were going to be observed could be

observed clearly.

3. Tests

The instrument of the test was a test itself. It consisted of two kinds of

test; post-action test 1 and post-action test 2. The post-action tests have also

been done to get any scores when the students applied mind mapping

technique in the cycle I as post-action test 1 and in the cycle II as post-

action test 2. The mean score of the tests were taken to know the

improvement of the students’ writing of descriptive text.

Post-Action Tests

The post-action tests were done on September 22nd

, 2014 and on

September 29th

, 2014. It is done in cycle I and cycle II at the end of each

time of their learning and the students apply the mind mapping technique on

their writing of descriptive text. It is useful to know how their writing

descriptive text scores whether improve or stable.

After doing these tests, the scores would be already taken and be

differentiated to know the improvement of the students’ writing of

descriptive text in applying the mind mapping technique.

3 Sari Wahyuni, Qualitative Research Method, Theory, and Practice, (Jakarta:

Salemba Empat, 2012), pp. 53—55.


F. Data Analyzing Procedures

The technique of analyzing data used observation data. The data were

taken from the result of observation sheets. Then, the other one was taken

from the result of the tests; post-action test 1 and post-action test 2. The

scores of the tests were analyzed by using rubric adapted from Heaton’s

book entitled Writing English Language Tests that is explained in the table


Table 3.2

Testing Composition Writing for Intermediate Level

Score Quality Description



Excellent Natural English, minimal errors, complete

realization of the task set.





Good vocabulary and structure, above the

simple sentence level. Errors non-basic.



Good Simple but accurate realization of task.

Sufficient naturalness, not many errors.



Pass Reasonably correct if awkward or natural

treatment of subject with some serious errors.



Weak Vocabulary and grammar inadequate for the

task set.

4 John Brian Heaton, Writing English Language Tests, (London and New York:

Longman Inc., 1988), p. 145.


P = f x 100%


Score Quality Description





Incoherent. Errors showing lack of basic

knowledge of English.

The kind of rubric is analytical rubric scoring and the evaluation rubric

explains the scoring for aspects of writing; vocabularies, grammar/structure,

and realization of the task set. Each quality of students’ writing has their

own criteria of scoring. For instance, if the writing is given the score

between 12—15 point, it equals with 56—75 scores. After that, the score

that the students achieved will be calculated to get mean score. The formula

that is used to get mean score is drawn like in the following:

in which:

Mx = Mean

x = Total Score

N = Number of Students5

Besides that, to get score of class percentage, the researcher used the

following formula:

in which:

P = Percentage of Class

f = Total Percentage Score

N = Number of Students6

5 Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada,

2008), p. 81.

Mx = ∑x



G. Trustworthiness

The validity of the data is used to know that the data is valid. Validity in

the research is crucial to get the trustworthiness of the research whether

successful or not. According to Kunandar, data validity is divided into

seven, they are member check, triangulation, saturation, comparison, audit

trail, expert opinion, and key respondents review.7 In this research, the

researcher used the triangulation data.

Trustworthiness that uses triangulation is needed to take an analyzing of

gathered information.8 To take data accurately in classroom action research

and to support the main data of this research (tests), the researcher used

triangulation. Triangulation was used to make sure that the data is valid.

There are some types of triangulation; theoretical triangulation, data

triangulation, source triangulation, method triangulation, instrumental

triangulation, and analytic triangulation.9 From those types of triangulation,

the data triangulation was used in this research. It is because the information

is interpreted and concluded by the instruments that were used to take the

data; interview guide, observation sheets, and tests.

Therefore, this research proved the success of the action from the

observing of the result of the students’ writing skill of descriptive text. The

result showed that the test in cycle II was better that in cycle I. Besides, the

data were also gotten from the observation sheets. It showed that the

students’ participation has improved while the teaching and learning

process. The data gathered from the observation sheets and tests were

discussed with the teacher to know the successful of the action.

6 Ibid., p. 43.

7 Kunandar, Langkah Mudah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas sebagai Pengembangan

Profesi Guru, (Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada, 2010), pp. 108—109.

8 Wahyuni, op. cit., pp. 129—131.

9 Kunandar, op.cit., p. 125.


H. Criterion of the Action Success

The successful of the Classroom Action Research (CAR) is based on the

criterion that has been determined and it is fail if it could not exceed criteria

that have been determined. In this research, the researcher made an

agreement with the English teacher that it would succeed when there were

75% of students passed the KKM. The KKM was 70.00 (seventy). If the

target of KKM success reached in cycle I and II, it did not need any cycle in

the next. But if the target of KKM has not reached yet, the research must

take the following action of the next cycle.




This chapter includes the Research Findings and Discussion.

A. Research Findings

1. Findings of the Preliminary Study

a. The Result of Interview

The type of interview was semi-structured interview. There were three

kinds of question that were asked to the teachers. Firstly, it was about the

students’ condition. Secondly, it was about students’ difficulties in learning

English. Lastly, it was about students’ interest in writing skill. Teachers as

sources of information could give answers based on the questions given and

it is flexible.

The first kind of question is about the students’ condition. The

interviewee was asked about how many students in one class were. It was

crucial to be known because a number of students in the class could affect

other students who did not want to be serious in teaching and learning


The second kind of question is about students’ difficulties in learning

English. It is needed to gather information about what the factors of the

students’ difficulties in learning English are. The result of this interview

was students do not want to learn English because it is not their own

language and they think that English language is just learned by senior high

school students who want to have a job or study abroad. Besides that, they

think English language needs some specific skills to be learned intensively.

The last kind of question is about students’ interest in writing skill. The

teacher said that students are still lack interest in writing, especially writing

English language. Students have not gotten yet the significance of writing

itself. It affects students to have no interest in writing. Teacher said that


students still have to be given motivation to increase their ability in writing

English language.

b. The Result of Pre-Action Test

Pre-action test has been done to get any scores of students’ writing of

descriptive text before applying the mind mapping. Students were asked to

write a descriptive text using the theme given. After that, their writings were

submitted and taken the score to know to what extent they have understood

writing using mind mapping. To get any mean score, the researcher used the

formula: Mx = ∑x , so the result is:


Mx = ∑x


Mx = 1.780


= 45.64

After that, the data showed that based on the result of mean score of pre-

action test was 45.64.

2. Findings of Cycle I

a. Planning

In the cycle I, the researcher has arranged the lesson plans which were

discussed with the teachers. After that, lesson plans were used to apply the

activities in the classroom as a cycle I which consist of three meetings. The

media used were laptop and in-focus media that showed the presentation of

the theme. The teacher planned the materials using power point

presentation. He added some videos about pets’ activities so that the

students could understand directly how pets act and what pets eat based on

their types. The videos were funny videos. It was reserved to get students’

interest in learning English which contains of some new vocabularies that

they surely do not know yet before. The teacher expected the students could


easily remember and use them in their writing descriptive text with the

helping of mind mapping technique.

b. Acting

The researcher has done the action of the research on September 18th



, and 23rd

2014. The first meeting in the first cycle was on September


. The activity was the teacher taught descriptive text using mind

mapping technique and explaining the topic of the theme given by the

researcher. It was done based on the lesson plan. Vocabulary and grammar

were also been taught to the students. The teacher used power point to teach

students about pets and the process of teaching and learning held in the

computer laboratory. Teacher gave some videos to support the explanation

of pets with the expectation students could easily understand the activities

and characteristics of pets. Besides that, students also were asked to

memorize the vocabularies in their home. It will be used in writing

descriptive text in the next meeting. The product of their writing was used

to take the result score as pre-test. Post-action test 1 has been done to get

any scores and students’ achievement in writing descriptive text. Students

were asked to write a descriptive text using the theme given. They wrote a

descriptive text with the mind mapping given. The words have already been

there in the mind map so they only wrote the text by arranging the words

into sentences, six sentences were asked at that time. After that, their texts

were submitted and taken the score to know to what extend they have

understood writing using mind mapping technique.

Firstly, teacher asked students to come into the computer laboratory and

they were sitting and listening to the teacher’s explanation about the theme.

Students followed the teacher’s suggestion to watch the video of activities

of pets; the theme of the meeting. Students were interested in watching the

videos. They paid attention to the activities in the videos.

Secondly, teacher gave students the vocabularies related to the theme.

The vocabularies were new for the students. Teacher asked some students to


translate them and wrote down on the whiteboard. Vocabularies given were

just ten words; such as chase, run, eat, laugh, and etc.

Thirdly, students were asked to give an example of the words. One of

them came in front of the laboratory to act like what pets in videos gave an

action. He tried to remember the meaning of “chase” and then he chased the

teacher when the teacher said that he wanted to run when the student


Finally, from those activities, teacher felt the students have understood

of the explanation of the activities of pets which is the theme of the meeting.

After that, teacher asked to the students to keep in their mind the

vocabularies given to be used in their writing in the next meeting. Before

the teaching and learning ended, students were given time to propose the

questions. Unfortunately, there was no any student who raised their hands to

ask the question. Then, teacher ended the teaching and learning process.

Then, in the second meeting, on September 22nd

, 2014, teacher taught

the descriptive text again and how to use mind map in the students’ writing.

After that, teacher also reviewed the previous explanation about descriptive

text and mind mapping technique. On September 23rd

, 2014, students were

only asked to write the descriptive text using the mind mapping technique

given in which contains of six sentences. They used the vocabularies

remembered in writing their writing descriptive text.

c. Observing

In observing the teaching and learning process, the researcher as an

observer has observed it through paying attention to the teacher’s

performance and students’ activities. The researcher also used observation

sheets to support the observation in the classroom as the instrument to

support the observing phase. The researcher has observed that as in much

the teacher used power point in explaining the materials, students were not

serious in learning. It was proven by their activities that were not actively

serious in answering the teacher’s questions. They joked each other and


they did not fully pay attention to the materials given. When teacher tried to

ask some students about some things that related to the material, only the

three students who could answer the questions clearly. Other students were

just silent and the rest were joking.

The result of the observation sheet for teacher is teacher has fully

prepared himself and presented the objective of learning in the classroom.

Teacher also motivated students and make them interested so that they can

follow the learning process well. In addition, teacher could vary teaching

method while the time of teaching was still available. On the other hand, the

teacher was good in presenting the materials of learning in this phase.

The result of the observation sheet for students is when teacher prepared

the media as the tool of teaching; the students did not pay attention to the

teacher. They prefer to talk than to prepare their own selves before learning.

Unfortunately, while teaching and learning process happening, there was no

any good response from students to their teacher. It can be drown that

students more likely did not learn well. Some of them were not active in the

class. Besides that, they also did not interest in learning English subject.

They did not do their tasks cooperatively even they did not care to the

teacher’s explanation. The media used by the teacher did not make students

feel interest moreover they joked with other students and enjoyed with the

computer inside the computer laboratory.

1. The Result of the Students’ Writing

The researcher counted the mean score primarily to get any result of the

students’ writing. The mean score derived from the following formula:

Mx = ∑x so the result is:

N Mx = ∑x


Mx = 2875


Mx = 73.71


It can be concluded that based on the result of mean score of post-action

test 1 above was 73.71. Here is the table of students’ post-action test 1


Table 4.1

The Score of Post-Action Test 1

Number of


Post-Action Test 1



Passed Not Passed

S1 95 √ x

S2 75 √ x

S3 0 x √

S4 80 √ x

S5 75 √ x

S6 75 √ x

S7 75 √ x

S8 95 √ x

S9 90 √ x

S10 95 √ x

S11 90 √ x

S12 60 x √

S13 80 √ x

S14 65 x √

S15 70 √ x

S16 90 √ x

S17 60 x √

S18 45 x √

S19 55 x √

S20 55 x √

S21 90 √ x

S22 50 x √

S23 65 x √

S24 90 √ x

S25 95 √ x

S26 75 √ x

S27 75 √ x

S28 75 √ x

S29 80 √ x


Number of


Post-Action Test 1



Passed Not Passed

S30 55 x √

S31 85 √ x

S32 95 √ x

S33 90 √ x

S34 55 x √

S35 65 x √

S36 70 √ x

S37 90 √ x

S38 90 √ x

S39 60 x √

Mean 73.71 66.67% 33.33%

* 70.00 is the KKM score

Based on the table above, the data showed that 26 students who passed

the KKM. The result of post-action test 1 was discussed by the researcher

and the teachers as collaborators. Based on the calculation of the students’

writing product in the post-action test 1, it showed that the mean score was

73.71. The innovation was needed to encourage students’ interest and

motivation in writing descriptive text using mind mapping technique.

d. Reflecting

Based on the results shown or observed since acting in the beginning of

cycle I up to the end, the researcher and teachers planned some innovations

in the next cycle as the expectation of the improvement of the students’

writing of descriptive text. The innovation of cycle I to cycle II could be

from the lesson planning, the way in teaching, materials, or media used in

teaching and learning process.


3. Findings of Cycle II

a. Planning

In this phase, the lesson plan has already been revised from the cycle I

which is the material or the topic of the lesson was different; about room. In

the cycle II, the teacher would use marker and whiteboard as media in

explaining the materials. Teacher would give the different theme of cycle II;

room. The teacher would present the theme that was going to be learned by

the students and give explanation again about the descriptive text to recall

the students’ memory about how to write descriptive text using mind

mapping. In cycle II, teacher would teach in the classroom. It was expected

could make students understand and be serious in learning writing

descriptive text using mind mapping technique.

b. Acting

The first action of cycle II was done on September 25th

, 2014. The

teacher followed the lesson plan that has been made to conduct the teaching

and learning process. The teacher introduced a new topic about room and

gave explanation about vocabulary and grammar that related to the topic.

Then, teacher asked students who want to be a volunteer to translate the

new vocabularies written on the whiteboard. After that, teacher asked

students to remember the new vocabularies in their home so that they could

use these words in their descriptive writing text in the second meeting of

cycle II. Next, second meeting of cycle II was done on September 29th


2014. The teacher explained the function of descriptive text and the usage of

mind mapping technique. Lastly, on September 30th

, 2014, teacher asked

students to write descriptive text using mind mapping technique. It meant

that the students have done the post-action test 2.

c. Observing

In this phase, the teaching and learning process has been observed

through the observation checklist when the teacher did the teaching and

learning process. From the observation sheet, it could be taken what


happened in the classroom when teacher asked students to come in front of

the class to write down the translation of some new words, there was one

student who wanted to be a volunteer besides some students just raised their

hands. The volunteered student wrote the translations of each word written

and other students wrote them on their notebooks.

The data from the observation sheet showed that teacher did the

innovations of the teaching and asked students’ to be ready of their physics

before starting the class. Teacher encouraged students to reach the purpose

of the teaching. When presenting the materials, teacher gave positive

reinforcement that can be understood by the students so that they can absorb

the lesson well. Besides that, teacher also tried to ask students giving

questions related to the materials before the class ended and it is usually

called as feedback in learning process.

It could be drown from the observation sheet for students that they were

much more active in cycle II than in cycle I. They were more enthusiast and

confident when the class started. However, there were still some students

who did not want to finish the tasks given. In addition, the active students

were not guarantee that they also wanted to finish the tasks. Then, half hour

before class ended, students are asked to conduct their writing of descriptive


1. The Result of Students’ Writing

The researcher took the mean score of students’ writing as post-action

test 2. The result showed that the mean score of class derived was 76.53.

The researcher used the following formula to count the mean score of the

students’ writing: Mx = ∑x so the result is: Mx = 2985

N 39

Mx = 76.53

Based on the result above, the mean score of the post-action test 1 in

cycle I was 73.71 and the mean score of post-action test 2 in cycle II was


76.53. It means that the mean score of the students’ writing has improved.

The following is the details of the students’ writing post-action test 2 scores:

Table 4.2

The Score of Post-Action Test 2

Number of


Post-Action Test 2



Passed Not Passed

S1 100 √ X

S2 70 √ X

S3 40 X √

S4 60 X √

S5 70 √ X

S6 80 √ X

S7 85 √ X

S8 95 √ X

S9 90 √ X

S10 100 √ X

S11 60 X √

S12 80 √ X

S13 80 √ X

S14 70 √ X

S15 60 X √

S16 100 √ X

S17 70 √ X

S18 0 X √

S19 55 X √

S20 75 √ X

S21 70 √ X

S22 70 √ X

S23 70 √ X

S24 95 √ X

S25 95 √ X

S26 60 X √

S27 80 √ X

S28 85 √ X

S29 95 √ X

S30 60 X √


Number of


Post-Action Test 2



Passed Not Passed

S31 70 √ X

S32 95 √ X

S33 90 √ X

S34 95 √ X

S35 70 √ X

S36 70 √ X

S37 100 √ X

S38 95 √ X

S39 80 √ X

Mean 76.53 79.48% 20.51%

* 70.00 is the KKM score

After getting the post-action test 2, the researcher and the teachers

evaluated the result of the tests’ score. It was the last cycle because

students’ score has improved and it was also proven through their activities

in the classroom that has moved. The result of post-action test 2 was 76.53

and there were 31 students who passed the KKM. The teaching and learning

process has done better than the cycle I. It was also proven by the

observation of the teacher’s way in teaching and learning process. Teacher

used classroom as the place of teaching so that the students could be more

focus than in the computer laboratory using power point that made students

did not interest in teacher’s explanation as they turned on the computer then

enjoyed it. The teacher and the researcher felt satisfied with the students’

writing result of cycle II. The result of post-action test 2 showed that

students got the score above the KKM. Because of the satisfaction of the

teacher shown, the researcher decided to stop the cycle and only took two


d. Reflecting

Based on the result shown or observed since acting in the beginning of

cycle II up to the end, it could be concluded that some innovations have


been made to get any improvement was success and the students were more

active and their score of writing has also improved. Finally, the cycle II was


B. Discussion

1. Findings after Implementing the Action

a. Cycle I

The data gathered in action research used triangulation. It is used to

know the validity and reliability of the data gathered because it needs some

information from instruments that were used not one instrument but more

than one instrument. Here, the researcher used four kinds of instrument;

interview guide, observation sheets for teacher and students, and tests.

1. The Result of Interview

After conducting the classroom action research, the researcher carried

out interview to the English teacher who acted as collaborator to know their

response about implementing mind mapping technique in writing.

From the interview, the teachers admitted three main points:

a. Students became more interested in writing descriptive text. It was

proven by the score they have gotten in post-action test 2. The score has


b. Teacher knew the technique of teaching writing easily. Mind Mapping

technique is suitable to be used in writing, especially writing descriptive


c. Mind mapping is used to call students’ ideas before writing so that they

could focus on just what the topic will be written on their writing.

The data gained from the interview with the English teachers indicated

that students’ writing skill was good but the students had some difficulties

in writing and students’ participation in writing class was quite active. The

researcher has already suggested applying the mind mapping technique in

students’ writing. After conducting the action, the teachers gave positive


response toward the action. The teachers felt satisfied with the improvement

made by the students that focus on writing skill and their participation in the

classroom. The teachers had also encouraged using mind mapping

technique in teaching so that the students can apply mind mapping

technique on their writing.

2. The Result of Observation

The data gained from observation sheets showed that teachers could

teach well from cycle to cycle, so the students could follow the teaching and

learning process in a serious condition. It was useful to make them teach

organizationally because it was organized from the most important thing to

standard thing to be written on the students’ writing descriptive text.

Teachers also applied the suitable method of teaching writing. It was based

on the categorization checklists given on the observation sheets. The criteria

were used to take an anticipation of them in teaching and learning process.

3. The Result of the Tests

Based on the result of the tests, students’ writing of descriptive text has

increased. It was shown by the improvement of their writing score of post-

action test 1 and post-action test 2 in which the score of post-action test 1 in

cycle I was 73.71 and their score of post-action test 2 in cycle II was 76.53.

The mean score of cycle II was categorized as “Very Good” criterion based

on the rubric of testing writing by Heaton.

b. Cycle II

In this cycle, students were not studying in a computer laboratory like in

the cycle I. Teacher used a classroom as a place to conduct the cycle II. It

drawn that students became more active and were motivated to be active in

the class. The teacher asked students to be a volunteer in translating the

vocabularies given in the whiteboard. They raised their hands but teacher

had to choose one of the students to do it. Students were competent to

comprehend the usage of mind mapping in writing descriptive text.


1. The Result of the Interview

Researcher got the data from the interview that showed the satisfying of

the teacher after applying mind mapping technique. The teacher explained

that students became more confident in writing by using mind mapping

technique before they began the writing in paragraph form.

2. The Result of the Observation Sheets

The data gained from observation sheets gave the explanation about the

improvement of students’ interest in learning English subject. After teacher

innovated some technique and media of teaching, students became more

diligent and wanted to be asked to do the task given; writing descriptive text

using mind mapping technique. The mean score of their writing was also

improved meanwhile there were still some students who did not reach the


3. The Result of the Tests

Based on the calculation of mean score of post-action test 2, the data

showed that the mean score was 76.53. It was proved the improvement of

students’ writing of post-action test 1 score and post-action test 2 score. It is

from 73.71 to 76.53 for the improvement of students’ writing score.




A. The Conclusion

Based on the result above, it could be drown that the students’ writing

skill of descriptive text could be improved through mind mapping

technique. It could be proven from the mean score of post-action test 1

cycle I that showed that there were 26 students (66.67%) who have passed

the KKM with the mean score: 73.71. Meanwhile, there were 31 students

(79.48%) who have passed KKM in post-action test 2 in cycle II with the

mean score: 76.53. All improvements in cycle II have passed the KKM

(mean score: 70.00).

The level of students’ writing that has been achieved was categorized as

“Very Good” criterion based on the rubric of testing writing by Heaton. The

improvement was gained through mind mapping technique in their writing

of descriptive text and it was seen by the analysis and interpretation of the

students’ writing skill of descriptive text.

To sum up, the mind mapping technique could improve students’

writing skill of descriptive text like what has been proved by the result of

the tests given.

B. The Suggestion

From this research, the researcher expects that the result of this research

finding can be useful for some elements of school developers and other

members of education center, they are:

1. For the Teachers

Teachers can solve their problem of teaching and learning process. In

writing skill, students should be able to have some practices to get the

ability of writing itself. However, the teachers have the most important role

to make students usual in writing the text, especially descriptive text.


2. For the Students

Students are as important subjects in teaching and learning process so

they have to be competent in the education world. In fact, students who are

not motivated need teachers who motivate them well until they reach the

objective of the subject. Positive encouragement will give positive attitude

to the students so that they will get some positive achievements.

3. For the Researchers

This research can be a reference for the next research for the researchers

who want to build the research like this research process about applying the

techniques in English teaching and learning process.



Barnet, Sylvan & Stubbs, Marcia. Practical Guide to Writing. Fourth

Edition. Toronto: Little, Brown and Company, 1983.

Buzan, Tony and Buzan, Barry. The Mind Map Book. New York: Dutton,


Buzan, Tony. Buku Pintar Mind Map. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama,


Buzan, Tony. Buku Pintar Mind Map. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama,


Buzan, Tony. Buku Pintar Mind Map. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama,


Clouse, Barbara Fine. Jumpstart: A Sentence-to-Paragraph Worktext with

Readings. New York: McGraw Hill, 2007.

Clouse, Barbara Fine. The Student Writer. Sixth Edition. New York:

Mc.Graw Hill, 2004.

Cox (ed.), Martha Heasley. Writing: Form, Process, Purpose. San

Francisco: Chandler Publishing Company, 1962.

Dietsch, Betty Mattix. Reasoning and Writing Well. Fourth Edition. New

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Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching. London and

New York: Longman Group UK, 1991.

Heaton, John Brian. Writing English Language Tests. London and New

York: Longman Inc., 1988.

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Press, 1990.


Hedge, Tricia. Writing. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.

Kunandar. Langkah Mudah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas sebagai

Pengembangan Profesi Guru. Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada,


Kusumah, Wijaya and Dwitagama, Dedi. Mengenal Penelitian Tindakan

Kelas. Second Edition. Jakarta: Indeks, 2012.

Lunsford, Andrea A. The Saint Martin’s Handbook. Boston: R.R.

Donnelley & Sons Company, 2010.

Meyers, Alan. Gateways to Academic Writing. New York: Pearson

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Oshima, Alice and Hogue, Ann. Introduction to Academic Writing. Second

Edition. New York: Longman, 1997.

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Wahyuni, Sari. Qualitative Research Method, Theory, and Practice. Jakarta:

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Wang, Wen-Cheng., Lee, Chung-Chieh., and Chu, Ying-Chien. “A Brief

Review on Developing Creative Thinking in Young Children by

Mind Mapping,” International Business Research, July 2010, Vol. 3

(3), 2015.



Nama Sekolah : MTs Nurussa’adah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas, Semester : VIII (Delapan), II (Dua)

Alokasi Waktu : 2x40 Menit

Aspek : Menulis

Jenis Teks : Descriptive, Tema: Pets

Siklus ke- : 1

Pertemuan ke- : 1

Standar Kompetensi:

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana

berbentuk Descriptive dan Procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


Kompetensi Dasar:

Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional dan essei pendek

sederhana berbentuk Descriptive dan Procedure dengan menggunakan ragam

bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.


1. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi makna teks Descriptive

2. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan dalam

teks Descriptive

3. Siswa mampu menemukan ide-ide utama melalui Mind Mapping

4. Siswa mampu memilih dan menyusun ide-ide utama untuk menulis teks


Materi Pembelajaran:

Descriptive Text

1. The function of descriptive text: to describe people, things, and place

2. Language features: action verbs, adjective, nouns and present tense

3. Vocabulary items related to Pets: Colours, Hobbies, Characteristics, and Food

4. Monologue short text about Descriptive Text

Langkah-langkah Kegiatan:

No. Tahap Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

1 Kegiatan


a) Guru mempersiapkan ruang

kelas/computer laboratorium

dan in-focus

b) Guru mengucapkan salam

untuk memulai kelas

c) Presensi siswa

d) Guru melakukan

brainstorming berkaitan

dengan topic/tema yang akan


10 Menit

2 Kegiatan Inti

a) Guru memberi penjelasan

tentang Descriptive Text dan

Language Features pada teks


b) Guru menampilkan sebuah

video yang berkaitan dengan


c) Guru membahas kosakata

yang berkaitan dengan tema

d) Guru dan siswa melakukan

tanya-jawab mengenai

Descriptive Text

20 Menit

3 Kegiatan


a) Menarik kesimpulan dari

materi yang telah dipelajari

dan menanyakan kesulitan

siswa dalam melaksanakan


b) Menugaskan siswa untuk

menghafal kosakata yang

berkaitan dengan Pets

10 Menit

Sumber dan Media Belajar:

1. Sumber

a. Silabus MTs kelas VIII

b. Buku Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII

2. Media

Teks Descriptive

Power point presentation




1. Aspek Proses

Penilaian dilakukan selama proses Kegiatan Belajar-Mengajar sedang


2. Aspek Hasil

Penilaian dilakukan setelah siswa mengerjakan tugas sebagai hasil dari

pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan.

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan:

1. Rasa percaya diri

2. Tekun

3. Rajin

Jakarta, September 2014


Guru Mata Pelajaran Guru Peneliti

Bahasa Inggris

Akhit Anis, M.Pd. Yusri Nur Fadhilah

NIM. 1110014000047



Nama Sekolah : MTs Nurussa’adah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas, Semester : VIII (Delapan), II (Dua)

Alokasi Waktu : 2x40 Menit

Aspek : Menulis

Jenis Teks : Descriptive, Tema: Pets

Siklus ke- : 1

Pertemuan ke- : 2

Standar Kompetensi:

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana

berbentuk Descriptive dan Procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


Kompetensi Dasar:

Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional dan essei pendek

sederhana berbentuk Descriptive dan Procedure dengan menggunakan ragam

bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.


1. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi makna teks Descriptive dengan baik dan benar

2. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan dalam

teks Descriptive dengan baik dan benar

3. Siswa mampu menemukan ide-ide utama melalui Mind Mapping

4. Siswa mampu memilih dan menyusun ide-ide utama untuk menulis teks

Descriptive dengan baik dan benar

5. Siswa mampu menuliskan teks Descriptive dengan baik dan benar

Materi Pembelajaran:

Descriptive Text

1. The function of descriptive text: to describe people, things, and place

2. Language features: action verbs, adjective, nouns and present tense

3. Vocabulary items related to Pets: Colours, Hobbies, Characteristics, and Food

4. Monologue short text about Descriptive Text

Metode dan Teknik Pembelajaran:

1. Three-phase technique

2. Mind Mapping

Langkah-langkah Kegiatan:

No. Tahap Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

1 Kegiatan


a) Guru mempersiapkan ruang


b) Guru mengucapkan salam

untuk memulai kelas

c) Presensi siswa

d) Guru melakukan

brainstorming yang melatih

konsentrasi siswa

10 Menit

2 Kegiatan Inti

a) Guru memberi penjelasan

tentang Descriptive Text dan

Language Features pada teks


b) Guru menampilkan sebuah

teks Descriptive dari design

Mind Mapping

c) Tanya-jawab

20 Menit

3 Kegiatan


a) Menarik kesimpulan dari

materi yang telah dipelajari

dan menanyakan kesulitan

siswa dalam melaksanakan


b) Siswa diberikan tugas

menuliskan Descriptive Text

10 Menit

Sumber dan Media Belajar:

1. Sumber

Silabus MTs kelas VIII

Buku Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII

2. Media

Teks Descriptive yang telah dipersiapkan oleh guru





1. Aspek Proses

Penilaian dilakukan selama proses Kegiatan Belajar-Mengajar sedang


2. Aspek Hasil

Penilaian dilakukan setelah siswa mengerjakan tugas sebagai hasil dari

pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan.

Jakarta, September 2014


Guru Mata Pelajaran Guru Peneliti

Bahasa Inggris

Takhroji Ajie, S.Pd. Yusri Nur Fadhilah

NIP. 198105102007101002 NIM. 1110014000047



Nama Sekolah : MTs Nurussa’adah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas, Semester : VIII (Delapan), II (Dua)

Alokasi Waktu : 2x40 Menit

Aspek : Menulis

Jenis Teks : Descriptive, Tema: Room

Siklus ke- : 2

Pertemuan ke- : 1

Standar Kompetensi:

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana

berbentuk Descriptive dan Procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


Kompetensi Dasar:

Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional dan essei pendek

sederhana berbentuk Descriptive dan Procedure dengan menggunakan ragam

bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.


1. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi makna teks Descriptive

2. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan dalam

teks Descriptive

3. Siswa mampu menemukan ide-ide utama melalui Mind Mapping

4. Siswa mampu memilih dan menyusun ide-ide utama untuk menulis teks


Materi Pembelajaran:

Descriptive Text

1. The function of descriptive text: to describe people, things, and place

2. Language features: action verbs, adjective, nouns and present tense

3. Vocabulary items related to Room: Size, Bed, Colours, and Things.

4. Monologue short text about Descriptive Text

Metode dan Teknik Pembelajaran:

1. Three-phase technique

2. Mind Mapping

My Room

I have a lovely room. Its size is enough big. There are

some things in this room. There is a small bed. This bed is the

place for me to sleep and take a rest. Then, there is a big

cupboard. There are some clothes in it. The last are many school

books. My room’s color is pink. It is my favorite color. I love this

room so much.












Name: ______________________









Langkah-langkah Kegiatan:

No. Tahap Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

1 Kegiatan


a) Guru mempersiapkan ruang


b) Guru mengucapkan salam

untuk memulai kelas

c) Presensi siswa

d) Siswa diberikan

brainstorming yang sesuai

dengan yang akan dipelajari

10 Menit

2 Kegiatan Inti

a) Guru memberi penjelasan

tentang Descriptive Text dan

Language Features pada teks


b) Guru menampilkan sebuah

teks Descriptive dari design

Mind Mapping

c) Siswa memperhatikan

penjelasan yang dilakukan

oleh guru

d) Tanya-jawab

20 Menit

3 Kegiatan


a) Menarik kesimpulan dari

materi yang telah dipelajari

dan menanyakan kesulitan

siswa dalam melaksanakan


b) Menugaskan siswa untuk

menghafal kosakata yang

berkaitan dengan Room

10 Menit

Sumber dan Media Belajar:

1. Sumber

a. Silabus MTs kelas VIII

b. Buku Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII

2. Media

Teks Descriptive yang telah dipersiapkan oleh guru





1. Aspek Proses

Penilaian dilakukan selama proses Kegiatan Belajar-Mengajar sedang


2. Aspek Hasil

Penilaian dilakukan setelah siswa mengerjakan tugas sebagai hasil dari

pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan.

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan:

1. Dapat dipercaya (Truth worthiness)

2. Rasa percaya diri

3. Tekun

4. Rajin

Jakarta, September 2014


Guru Mata Pelajaran Guru Peneliti

Bahasa Inggris

Takhroji Ajie, S.Pd. Yusri Nur Fadhilah

NIP. 198105102007101002 NIM. 1110014000047



Nama Sekolah : MTs Nurussa’adah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas, Semester : VIII (Delapan), II (Dua)

Alokasi Waktu : 2x40 Menit

Aspek : Menulis

Jenis Teks : Descriptive, Tema: Room

Siklus ke- : 2

Pertemuan ke- : 2

Standar Kompetensi:

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana

berbentuk Descriptive dan Procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


Kompetensi Dasar:

Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional dan essei pendek

sederhana berbentuk Descriptive dan Procedure dengan menggunakan ragam

bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.


1. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi makna teks Descriptive dengan baik dan benar

2. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan dalam

teks Descriptive dengan baik dan benar

3. Siswa mampu menemukan ide-ide utama melalui Mind Mapping

4. Siswa mampu memilih dan menyusun ide-ide utama untuk menulis teks

Descriptive dengan baik dan benar

5. Siswa mampu menulis teks Descriptive dengan baik dan benar

Materi Pembelajaran:

Descriptive Text

1. The function of descriptive text: to describe people, things, and place

2. Language features: action verbs, adjective, nouns and present tense

3. Vocabulary items related to Room: Size, Bed, Colours, and Things.

4. Monologue short text about Descriptive Text

Metode dan Teknik Pembelajaran:

1. Three-phase technique

2. Mind Mapping

Langkah-langkah Kegiatan:

No. Tahap Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

1 Kegiatan


a) Guru mempersiapkan ruang


b) Guru mengucapkan salam

untuk memulai kelas

c) Presensi siswa

d) Guru memberikan

brainstorming berupa guessing

the words untuk memperkaya

vocabulary siswa

10 Menit

2 Kegiatan Inti

a) Guru memberikan

penjelasan tentang Descriptive

Text dan Language Features

pada teks Descriptive

b) Guru menampilkan sebuah

teks Descriptive dari desain

Mind Mapping

c) Siswa memperhatikan

penjelasan yang dilakukan

oleh guru

d) Tanya-jawab

20 Menit

3 Kegiatan


a) Menarik kesimpulan dari

materi yang telah dipelajari

dan menanyakan kesulitan

siswa dalam melaksanakan


b) Menugaskan siswa untuk

menulis Descriptive Text

10 Menit

Sumber dan Media Belajar:

1. Sumber

a. Silabus MTs kelas VIII

b. Buku Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII

2. Media

Teks Descriptive yang telah dipersiapkan oleh guru





1. Aspek Proses

Penilaian dilakukan selama proses Kegiatan Belajar-Mengajar sedang


2. Aspek Hasil

Penilaian dilakukan setelah siswa mengerjakan tugas sebagai hasil dari

pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan.

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan:

1. Dapat dipercaya (Truth worthiness)

2. Rasa percaya diri

3. Tekun

4. Rajin

Jakarta, September 2014


Guru Mata Pelajaran Guru Peneliti

Bahasa Inggris

Takhroji Ajie, S.Pd. Yusri Nur Fadhilah

NIP. 198105102007101002 NIM. 1110014000047

a. Observation Sheet for Teachers

Lembar Observasi Aktivitas Guru

Nama Guru :

Kelas :

Hari, Tanggal :

Siklus ke- :

Petunjuk penggunaan:

Lingkarilah angka yang tepat untuk memberikan skor pada aspek-aspek

penilaian aktivitas guru dalam pembelajaran. Adapun kriteria skor adalah:

No. Aspek Penilaian Kategori

0 1 2 3 4

A. Persiapan


Guru mempersiapkan rencana

pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) dengan


2 Tujuan pembelajarannya dinyatakan

dalam kalimat yang jelas dalam RPP


Materi pembelajaran yang akan

diberikan memiliki kaitan atau dapat

dikaitkan dengan materi pembelajaran


4 Guru mempersiapkan media


5 Guru mempersiapkan seting kelas untuk


6 Guru mempersiapkan siswa secara fisik

dan mental

7 Guru menyampaikan tujuan

pembelajaran yang hendak dicapai

No. Aspek Penilaian Kategori

0 1 2 3 4

B. Presentasi/Penyampaian



Guru memotivasi siswa, menarik

perhatian agar mengikuti proses

pembelajaran dengan baik


Guru menjelaskan materi pembelajaran

dengan teknik-teknik tertentu sehingga

jelas dan mudah dipahami siswa

10 Pembelajaran dilaksanakan dalam

langkah-langkah dan urutan yang logis

11 Petunjuk-petunjuk pembelajaran singkat

dan jelas sehingga mudah dipahami


Materi pembelajaran baik kedalaman dan

keluasannya disesuaikan dengan tingkat

perkembangan dan kemampuan siswa


Selama proses pembelajaran guru

memberikan kesempatan untuk bertanya

kepada siswa


Apabila siswa bertanya, maka guru

memberikan jawaban dengan jelas dan



Guru selalu mengajak siswa untuk

menyimpulkan pembelajaran pada akhir

kegiatan atau akhir sesi tertentu

No. Aspek Penilaian Kategori

0 1 2 3 4

C. Metode Pembelajaran/Pelaksanaan



Pembelajaran dilakukan secara bervariasi

selama alokasi waktu yang tersedia,

tidak monoton dan membosankan


Apabila terjadi suatu permasalahan maka

guru dapat bertindak dengan mengambil

keputusan terbaik agar pembelajaran

tetap berlangsung secara efektif dan


No. Aspek Penilaian Kategori

0 1 2 3 4

C. Metode Pembelajaran/Pelaksanaan



Materi pembelajaran sesuai dengan

tujuan pembelajaran yang telah



Selama pembelajaran berlangsung guru

tidak hanya berada pada posisi tertentu

tetapi bergerak secara dinamis di dalam



Apabila tampak ada siswa yang

membutuhkan bantuannya di bagian-

bagian tertentu kelas, maka guru harus

bergerak dan menghampiri secara

berimbang dan tidak terfokus hanya pada

beberapa gelintir siswa saja


Guru untuk mengenali dan mengetahui

nama setiap siswa yang ada di dalam



Selama pembelajaran berlangsung guru

memberikan reinforcement (penguatan)

kepada siswa-siswanya dengan cara yang



Ilustrasi dan contoh dipilih secara hati-

hati sehingga benar-benar efektif dan

bukannya malah membuat bingung siswa


Media pembelajaran di dalam

pelaksanaan pembelajaran digunakan

secara efektif

25 Latihan diberikan secara efektif


Guru selalu bersikap terbuka dan tidak

menganggap negatif apabila siswa

melakukan kesalahanan dalam proses


No. Aspek Penilaian Kategori

0 1 2 3 4

D. Karakteristik Pribadi Guru

27 Guru sabar terutama untuk memancing

respon siswa

28 Guru berupaya memancing siswa agar

terlibat aktif dalam pembelajaran

29 Guru bersikap tegas dan jelas

30 Penampilan guru menarik dan tidak


31 Guru menggunakan bahasa yang baik

dan berterima


Guru selalu menunjukkan bahwa ia

adalah seseorang yang selalu punya

inisiatif, kreatif, dan berprakarsa


0 = tidak sesuai/tidak tampak, 1 = kurang baik, 2 = cukup, 3 = baik,

dan 4 = sangat baik

Catatan Observer:





Jakarta, September 2014


Yusri Nur Fadhilah

NIM. 1110014000047

b. Observation Sheet for Students

Petunjuk pengisian:

1. Tulislah nama siswa-siswi yang mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran

2. Berilah tanda check-list (√) pada nomor siswa yang menunjukkan tanda-

tanda aktif, terampil dan perubahan prestasi hasil belajar

3. Hitunglah presentase jumlah siswa-siswi yang Anda beri tanda check-

list (√) ketika Anda melakukan penelitian tindakan kelas

4. Refleksikan hasil penelitian Anda dengan menuliskan analisis pada

lembar refleksi. Refleksi yang Anda tulis harus menunjukkan analisis

Anda tentang adanya perubahan keaktifan siswa, kekooperatifan siswa

dan kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan tes ketika dan atau setelah

mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model

pembelajaran tertentu sebagai sebuah tindakan.

Lembar Observasi Terstruktur

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Berbasis Penelitian Tindakan Kelas


Judul Penelitian Tindakan Kelas : Applying the Mind Mapping Strategy

to Improve Students’ Writing

of Descriptive Text

Hari, Tanggal : _________, ___ September 2014

Tempat Penelitian : MTs Nurussa’adah Jakarta

Siklus Ke- : ____

Waktu Pengamatan :____________________________


Komponen yang Diamati

Jumlah % Keaktifan




Kemampuan Siswa















Keterangan Nama Siswa:

1. ____________

2. ____________

dan seterusnya.




Jakarta, September 2014


Yusri Nur Fadhilah

(NIM. 1110014000047)

Lembar Observasi Terstruktur

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Berbasis PTK

Judul Penelitian Tindakan Kelas : Applying the Mind Mapping Technique to

Improve Students’ Writing Skill of

Descriptive Text

Hari, Tanggal : Monday, September 15th

, 2014

Tempat Penelitian : 8-1 Class at MTs Nurussa’adah Jakarta

Siklus ke- : 1

Pertemuan ke- : 1

Nomor Siswa

Komponen yang Diamati

Siswa Aktif Siswa


Siswa Mampu



S1 √ x x

S2 √ x x

S3 √ x x

S4 x √ x

S5 x x √

S6 x x √

S7 x √ x

S8 x √ √

S9 √ x √

S10 √ x x

S11 x √ x

S12 x √ x

S13 √ x √

S14 x √ √

S15 x √ √

Nomor Siswa

Komponen yang Diamati

Siswa Aktif Siswa


Siswa Mampu



S16 x √ x

S17 x √ x

S18 √ x √

S19 x √ x

S20 √ x x

S21 √ x x

S22 √ x x

S23 x √ x

S24 x x √

S25 x √ x

S26 x √ x

S27 x x √

S28 √ x x

S29 x x √

S30 x √ x

S31 x √ x

S32 √ x x

S33 x x √

S34 √ √ x

S35 x √ x

S36 x √ √

S37 √ x x

S38 x √ x

S39 √ x x

Jumlah 15 19 13

Persentase Kelas 38.46% 48.71% 33.33%

Lembar Observasi Terstruktur

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Berbasis PTK

Judul Penelitian Tindakan Kelas : Applying the Mind Mapping Technique to

Improve Students’ Writing Skill of

Descriptive Text

Hari, Tanggal : Thursday, September 18th

, 2014

Tempat Penelitian : 8-1 Class at MTs Nurussa’adah Jakarta

Siklus ke- : 1

Pertemuan ke- : 2

Nomor Siswa

Komponen yang Diamati

Siswa Aktif Siswa


Siswa Mampu



S1 x x √

S2 √ x x

S3 √ x x

S4 √ x x

S5 √ x x

S6 x x √

S7 √ √ x

S8 √ √ x

S9 x x √

S10 √ √ x

S11 √ √ x

S12 √ √ x

S13 √ √ x

S14 √ x x

S15 x x √

Nomor Siswa

Komponen yang Diamati

Siswa Aktif Siswa


Siswa Mampu



S16 x x √

S17 √ x x

S18 x x √

S19 √ √ x

S20 √ √ x

S21 √ √ x

S22 x x √

S23 x x √

S24 x √ x

S25 √ √ x

S26 x x √

S27 x √ x

S28 √ x x

S29 √ x x

S30 x x √

S31 x x √

S32 √ √ x

S33 x √ x

S34 x x √

S35 √ x x

S36 x x √

S37 √ x x

S38 x x √

S39 √ √ x

Jumlah 22 15 14

Persentase Kelas 56.41% 38.46% 35.89%

Lembar Observasi Terstruktur

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Berbasis PTK

Judul Penelitian Tindakan Kelas : Applying the Mind Mapping Technique to

Improve Students’ Writing Skill of

Descriptive Text

Hari, Tanggal : Monday, September 22nd

, 2014

Tempat Penelitian : 8-1 Class at MTs Nurussa’adah Jakarta

Siklus ke- : 2

Pertemuan ke- : 1

Nomor Siswa

Komponen yang Diamati

Siswa Aktif Siswa


Siswa Mampu



S1 √ x √

S2 √ x √

S3 √ √ x

S4 √ x x

S5 x √ x

S6 √ x √

S7 x √ x

S8 √ √ x

S9 √ x √

S10 √ x √

S11 x x √

S12 x √ √

S13 x √ √

S14 √ x √

S15 x √ x

Nomor Siswa

Komponen yang Diamati

Siswa Aktif Siswa


Siswa Mampu



S16 x x √

S17 √ √ x

S18 √ x x

S19 x √ √

S20 x x √

S21 x √ x

S22 √ x x

S23 √ √ √

S24 x x √

S25 x x √

S26 √ x x

S27 √ √ √

S28 x √ x

S29 x √ x

S30 x x √

S31 x x √

S32 √ √ x

S33 √ x √

S34 x √ √

S35 x x √

S36 x x √

S37 x √ x

S38 √ x x

S39 x √ x

Jumlah 18 18 22

Persentase Kelas 46.15% 46.15% 56.41%

Lembar Observasi Terstruktur

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Berbasis PTK

Judul Penelitian Tindakan Kelas : Applying the Mind Mapping Technique to

Improve Students’ Writing Skill of

Descriptive Text

Hari, Tanggal : Thursday, September 25th

, 2014

Tempat Penelitian : 8-1 Class at MTs Nurussa’adah Jakarta

Siklus ke- : 2

Pertemuan ke- : 2

Nomor Siswa

Komponen yang Diamati

Siswa Aktif Siswa


Siswa Mampu



S1 x √ √

S2 √ x √

S3 √ √ √

S4 x √ x

S5 √ √ √

S6 √ x √

S7 √ x √

S8 √ x √

S9 √ x √

S10 x √ x

S11 x √ x

S12 x x √

S13 √ x √

S14 √ x √

S15 √ x √

Nomor Siswa

Komponen yang Diamati

Siswa Aktif Siswa


Siswa Mampu



S16 x √ x

S17 √ x √

S18 √ √ √

S19 √ x √

S20 √ x √

S21 x √ x

S22 x √ x

S23 √ x √

S24 √ x √

S25 √ x √

S26 √ x √

S27 √ √ √

S28 √ √ √

S29 √ √ √

S30 √ √ √

S31 √ x √

S32 x √ x

S33 x √ x

S34 x √ x

S35 x x √

S36 √ x √

S37 x x √

S38 √ x √

S39 √ x √

Jumlah 26 17 30

Persentase Kelas 66.67% 43.58% 76.92%

This Interview Guide was used to interview the English Teacher about Teaching

and Learning English Subject in 8-A Class before research conducted.

Interviewer : Yusri Nur Fadhilah

Interviewee : Takhroji Ajie, S.Pd.

Before Conducting the Classroom Action Research (CAR)

1. Bagaimana kondisi siswa saat pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris berlangsung di

ruang kelas?

2. Apakah siswa merasa kesulitan dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris saat aspek

menulis (writing) diajarkan?

3. Aspek apa yang Anda anggap sulit untuk siswa pelajari dalam mata pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris?

4. Media apa yang Anda gunakan saat pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

5. Apakah siswa merasa tertarik dengan pembelajaran aspek menulis (writing)

dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

6. Kenapa kemampuan siswa masih lemah dalam aspek menulis (writing) dalam

mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

7. Apakah siswa mampu memahami penjelasan materi saat Anda sebagai guru

mereka mencoba menjelaskannya dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris?

The Interview Responses by the English Teacher about Teaching and Learning

English Subject in 8-A Class before research conducted.

Interviewer : Yusri Nur Fadhilah

Interviewee : Takhroji Ajie, S.Pd.

Before Conducting the Classroom Action Research (CAR)

1. Bagaimana kondisi siswa saat pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris berlangsung di

ruang kelas?

Beberapa siswa ada yang merasa malas dan sebagian lainnya lebih memilih

untuk diam dan memperhatikan penjelasan guru. Mereka yang tidak merasa

tertarik adalah mereka yang merasa sulit dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

2. Apakah siswa merasa kesulitan dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris saat aspek

menulis (writing) diajarkan?

Siswa merasa sulit hanya di saat mereka diminta mengarang suatu teks dan

seketika itu pula mereka merasa bingung karena kosakata mereka yang kurang

dikuasai. Karna dalam menulis menggunakan foreign language, siswa dituntut

untuk menguasai kosakata bahasa asing tersebut.

3. Aspek apa yang Anda anggap sulit untuk siswa pelajari dalam mata pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris?

Aspek yang sulit dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris adalah listening, karena

mereka jarang mendengarkan pembicaraan orang yang menggunakan bahasa

asing dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya.

4. Media apa yang Anda gunakan saat pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Media yang digunakan hanya ketika berada di dalam laboratorium komputer,

yaitu in-focus dan laptop. Itu pun gurunya yang membawa laptop karena tidak

disediakan dari sekolah. Selain itu, siswa ditugaskan membawa beberapa

perlengkapan semisal karton, spidol, dan lain sebagainya yang mendukung

materi pelajaran pada saat itu.

5. Apakah siswa merasa tertarik dengan pembelajaran aspek menulis (writing)

dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Siswa tidak tertarik terhadap pelajaran aspek menulis bahasa Inggris karena

mereka malas mencari kosakata bahasa Inggris di dalam kamus terjemahan

Bahasa Indonesia—Bahasa Inggris yang disediakan.

6. Kenapa kemampuan siswa masih lemah dalam aspek menulis (writing) dalam

mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Karena siswa merasa tidak mampu dalam mengarang dan menyusun kalimat

dalam bahasa Inggris. Selain karena grammar dan vocabulary yang kurang,

mereka juga tidak mau mengasah kemampuan yang sebenarnya mereka miliki

untuk itu.

7. Apakah siswa mampu memahami penjelasan materi saat Anda sebagai guru

mereka mencoba menjelaskannya dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris?

Sebagai guru bahasa asing yang mengajar di negara dimana Bahasa Inggris

bukanlah mother tongue mereka, Saya tidak menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

dalam mengajarkan materi pelajaran di sekolah. Di samping itu, Saya

beberapa kali mencoba mengajarkan di kelas dengan menggunakan Bahasa

Inggris, hanya beberapa saat saja. Setelah itu, Saya menggunakan lagi bahasa

Indonesia sebagai bahasa pengantar Saya dalam mengajarkan materi pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris di kelas.

This Interview Guide was used to interview the English Teacher about Teaching

and Learning English Subject in 8-A Class after research conducted.

Interviewer : Yusri Nur Fadhilah

Interviewee : Takhroji Ajie, S.Pd.

After Conducting the Classroom Action Research (CAR)

1. Bagaimana pelaksanaan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris setelah menggunakan teknik

mind mapping dalam aspek menulis (writing)?

2. Bagaimana kemampuan siswa dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris dalam

menggunakan kosakata Bahasa Inggris?

3. Bagaimana keaktifan siswa terhadap pelajaran Bahasa Inggris setelah

mengetahui teknik mind mapping?

4. Apa pendapat Anda mengenai kemampuan siswa dalam aspek menulis

(writing) setelah menerapkan teknik mind mapping dalam penulisan mereka?

5. Menurut Anda, bagaimana hasil penulisan mereka setelah mereka

menggunakan teknik mind mapping?

6. Apakah masih ada siswa yang merasa malas dan tidak tertarik dalam aspek

menulis (writing) saat pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

7. Bagaimana kemampuan siswa dalam memilih kosakata saat mereka menulis

(writing) menggunakan Bahasa Inggris?

The Interview Responses by the English Teacher about Teaching and Learning

English Subject in 8-A Class after research conducted.

Interviewer : Yusri Nur Fadhilah

Interviewee : Takhroji Ajie, S.Pd.

After Conducting the Classroom Action Research (CAR)

1. Bagaimana pelaksanaan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris setelah menggunakan teknik

mind mapping dalam aspek menulis (writing)?

Siswa menjadi lebih focus dalam menulis menggunakan bahasa Inggris.

Teknik tersebut sangat cocok digunakan dalam penulisan karangan mereka

dalam bahasa Inggris.

2. Bagaimana kemampuan siswa dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris dalam

menggunakan kosakata Bahasa Inggris?

Kosakata yang mereka kelompokkan dalam mind mapping membuat mereka

lebih mampu mengarang dalam menulis menggunakan bahasa Inggris.

Kosakata mereka pun menjadi lebih jelas.

3. Bagaimana keaktifan siswa terhadap pelajaran Bahasa Inggris setelah

mengetahui teknik mind mapping?

Siswa menjadi lebih aktif dan percaya diri dalam menulis menggunakan

bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, siswa menjadi mampu mengolah kata dan

mengasah kemampuan mereka dalam penulisan bahasa Inggris.

4. Apa pendapat Anda mengenai kemampuan siswa dalam aspek menulis

(writing) setelah menerapkan teknik mind mapping dalam penulisan mereka?

Menurut Saya, kemampuan siswa meningkat karena mereka mampu

mengeksplorasi kosakata yang akan mereka gunakan dalam menulis.

5. Menurut Anda, bagaimana hasil penulisan mereka setelah mereka

menggunakan teknik mind mapping?

Menurut Saya, peningkatan penulisan mereka tergambar dari hasil tulisan

mereka dimana nilai rata-ratanya meningkat. Peningkatan penulisan mereka

terlihat dari nilai post-action test 1 sampai nilai post-action test 2. Itu artinya

teknik mind mapping berhasil meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa.

6. Apakah masih ada siswa yang merasa malas dan tidak tertarik dalam aspek

menulis (writing) saat pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Setelah penerapan teknik mind mapping, siswa tidak lagi ada yang merasa

malas dan tidak tertarik dalam aspek menulis (writing). Karena hal baru yang

mereka terapkan adalah cara mudah bagi mereka untuk mencapai hasil yang

memuaskan dalam aspek menulis (writing).

7. Bagaimana kemampuan siswa dalam memilih kosakata saat mereka menulis

menggunakan Bahasa Inggris?

Kemampuan siswa dalam memilih kosakata bahasa Inggris menjadi lebih

terarah dan terfokus karena mereka harus mengelompokkan kosakata tersebut

sebelum mereka gunakan dalam menulis berbentuk paragraf.


The Result of Pre-Action Test

The following table is the result of students’ writing of descriptive text (Pre-

Action Test) before the researcher conducted the research:

Number of


Pre-Action Test



Passed Not Passed

S1 30 X √

S2 85 √ X

S3 80 √ X

S4 20 X √

S5 20 X √

S6 55 X √

S7 55 X √

S8 40 X √

S9 60 X √

S10 60 X √

S11 55 X √

S12 35 X √

S13 35 X √

S14 80 √ X

S15 35 X √

S16 60 X √

S17 80 √ X

S18 80 √ X

S19 55 X √

S20 35 X √

S21 35 X √

S22 60 X √

S23 55 X √

S24 60 X √

S25 60 X √

S26 60 X √

S27 30 X √

S28 55 X √

S29 55 X √

S30 55 X √

S31 20 X √


P = f x 100%


Number of


Pre-Action Test



Passed Not Passed

S32 85 √ X

S33 60 X √

S34 35 X √

S35 0 X √

S36 0 X √

S37 0 X √

S38 0 X √

S39 0 X √

Mean 45.64 15.38% 84.61%

* 70.00 is the KKM score

To get mean score of pre-action test above, the researcher used the formula:

Mx = ∑x , so the result is:


Mx = ∑x


Mx = 1.780


= 45.64

The data showed that the result of mean score of pre-action test was 45.64.

The number of students who passed the KKM was six students. To know the class

percentage of pre-action test result, the researcher used the following formula:

P = f x 100%


= 6 x 100%


= 15.38%

So, there was only 15.38% of students who passed the KKM of pre-action test.

Two Cycles Table of Teaching and Learning Process

Cycles Planning Acting Observing Reflecting


Arranging lesson


Explaining the teaching and

learning generally

Observing students' attitude

towards usage of learning model

Taking notes about the

result of observation

Preparing materials of

lesson Giving materials

Observing teaching and learning

process in the class

Evaluating the result of


Preparing observation

sheets Discussing the theme

Observing students'

understanding of the materials Analyzing learning result

Concluding Observing students' writing


Evaluating the weakness

for the next cycle


Arranging evaluative


Explaining the teaching and

learning and telling the information

from evaluation in cycle I

Observing students' attitude

towards usage of learning model

Taking notes about the

result of observation

Optimizing the time Giving materials Observing transferring


Evaluating the result of


Pairing the reflecting

result of cycle I so that

cycle II can be more


Students talk about the materials of

the lesson

Observing students' activities in

the classroom Reporting

Preparing observation

sheets and evaluation Concluding

Observing students' writing


Write a descriptive text consists of six sentences (minimum) by using mind

mapping technique with the topic given!

Topic : Pets

1. Mind Map

2. Descriptive Text








Write a descriptive text consists of six sentences (minimum) by using mind

mapping technique with the topic given!

Topic : My Room

1. Mind Map

2. Descriptive Text









Graphic of the Students’ Writing Achievement

of Descriptive Text

Teaching and Learning Process in the Eighth Grade A

at MTs Nurussa’adah Jakarta

Teaching and Learning Process in the Eighth Grade A

at MTs Nurussa’adah Jakarta

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