applying value engineering concept in project life cycle ...aug 11, 2020  · the islamic university...

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    MEDRC Series of R & D Reports MEDRC Project: 11-AS-002

    Applying Value Engineering Concept in Project

    Life Cycle Case Study: Deir El Balah Desalination


    Master of Science Thesis


    Eng.Samer El Namara

    Supervisors Dr. Nabil Sawalhi

    Islamic University of Gaza

    The Middle East Desalination Research Center


    Sultanate of Oman

    March 2013


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    The Islamic University Gaza

    Higher Education Deanship

    Faculty of Engineering

    Civil Engineering Department

    Engineering projects management

    غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية

    العليا الدراسات عمادة

    كلية الهندسة

    قسم الهندسة المدنية

    ادارة المشاريع الهندسية

    حياة المشروعتطبيق مفهوم هندسة القيمة على دورة

    حالة دراسية : محطة تحلية مياه دير البلح

    Applying Value Engineering Concept in Project Life Cycle

    Case Study: Deir El Balah Desalination Plant

    Submitted by:

    Eng.Samer El Namara

    Supervised by:

    Dr. Nabil Sawalhi

    A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Master of

    Science in Engineering Projects Management

    م 3131-هـ 3414

  • iii

    بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

    َوَما َتْوِفيِقي ِإالَّ ِباّللهِ َعَليِْه ))

    (( َتَوكَّْلُت َوِإَليِْه ُأِنيبُ

    88سورة هود اآلية

  • iv


    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to people who assisted me in the realization of

    this research:

    The Middle East Desalination Research Center (MEDRC), based on Muscat, Sultanate of

    Oman for their generous scholarship covering the cost of this research along with the their

    continuous cooperation and great support to the researcher in all research stages

    Dr. Nabil Sawlhi, Islamic University of Gaza, who is my supervisor for his efforts and


    Eng.Rebhy El Sheikh, Deputy Chairman of Palestinian water authority, for his great

    support and generous assistance and encouragement

    Eng.Omar Shataat, Costal municipalities water utility, for his collaboration and assistance

    in providing me with the relevant material.

    To the Coastal Municipalities Water Utility staff, for their valuable contribution in the


    The value engineering team, for their support and technical assistant

    The professionals I interviewed and those who either responded to the questionnaire or

    apologized for other engagements, and finally

    I would like also to express my sincere gratitude to the Islamic University of Gaza for its

    effort in the facilitation of the graduate studies.

  • v


    To my dear mother and to my faithful wife for their honest supplications to Allah to facilitate my mission in performing the enclosed thesis.

    Also, to my kids whom motivated me to apply for this master wishing them good health and promising future inshAllah.

    Samer El Namara

  • vi


    One of the most important challenges that face the people in Gaza Strip is the scarcity of

    natural water resources along with continuous growth of consumption level. This situation

    lead to a huge deficit in aquifer balance and force the authorities to look for an optimal

    alternative source to overcome this difficulty through seawater desalination.

    However, the cost of construction of desalination plants have been rapidly increasing in the

    last few years, this issue may refer to different reasons related to the project components

    and /or other factors affecting the establishment of the plant.

    Accordingly, it was very important to find an effective technique to explore this

    phenomena and reduce its effect on the cost of water production offered to beneficiaries.

    This was clearly presented through the application of value engineering concept.

    In order to practically examine the impact of applying this concept through desalination

    plants, an intensive survey was conducted to elaborate the most important factors affecting

    the establishment of the desalination plant.

    Moreover, several interviews were conducted with experts in the field to cross check the

    validity of the survey results and figure out other possible considerations

    The findings from this investigation was considered in applying the value engineering

    concept on a selected case study located in Gaza Strip : Deir El Balah desalination plant in

    order to examine the impact of application value Engineering on this project .

    Through the value engineering application process, several proposals were discussed and

    considered in the study, it was found that the application of the value engineering concept

    on the selected case study lead to direct impact in cost saving of approximately 10.33 % for

    this project in addition to saving of annual operational cost approximately 330,000USD.

    On the light of this result , it was confirmed that applying value engineering is very helpful

    tool for such project which will lead to significant saving in cost.

    Due to the limited experience in this field in Gaza Strip, its strongly recommended to have

    further studies in Gaza strip in this domain to reach to the optimum alternatives in

    implementing the value engineering in similar projects

  • vii

    ملخصالمستمر في قطاع غزة هو ندرة الموارد المائية الطبيعية بالتوافق مع النمو المواطنين من أهم التحديات التي تواجه

    السلطات الي البحث إلى عجز ضخم في توزان طبقة المياه الجوفية و إجبار أدى االستهالك. هذا الوضعلمستوى ومع ذلك، فإن تكلفة بناء محطات البديل للتغلب على هذه الصعوبة من خالل تحلية مياه البحر. المصدر األمثلعن

    األمر يرجع إلى أسباب مختلفة قد تتعلق مكونات ، هذافي السنوات القليلة الماضية تحلية المياه قد ازدادت بشكل مطردالمشروع و/ أو عوامل أخرى مرتبطة بإنشاء المحطة .بالتالي ، كان من المهم جدا العثور على تقنية فعالة الستكشاف

    ل تطبيق إنتاج المياه المقدمة للمستفيدين. هذا االمر يمكن تقديمه من خال هذه الظاهرة والحد من تأثيرها على تكلفةومن أجل دراسة تأثير تطبيق هذا المفهوم عمليا من خالل محطات التحلية، تم إجراء دراسة . مفهوم هندسة القيمة

    باإلضافة لذلك، تم إجراء عدة مقابالت على إنشاء محطات تحلية المياه. المؤثرة العواملمكثفة لتحديد أهم استقصائية . ممكن توافرها أخرىومعرفة اي اعتبارات نتائج الدراسةتحقق من صحة للمع خبراء في هذا المجال

    وهي: محطة تحلية تم استخدام نتائج هذا المسح في تطبيق مفهوم هندسة القيمة على حالة دراسية مختارة في قطاع غزةمة ، يالقمن خالل عملية تطبيق هندسة . بدير البلح من أجل دراسة أثر تطبيق هندسة القيمة على هذا المشروع المياه

    قيمة في الحالة الدراسية المختارة الوجد أن تطبيق مفهوم هندسة في الدراسة، الواردةتمت مناقشة العديد من المقترحات في التكلفة التشغيلية توفيرباإلضافة إلى المشروع٪ من قيمة 33.11التكلفة بنحو يؤثر بشكل مباشر على تخفيض

    دوالر أمريكي.113،333السنوية قرابة

    إلى لما سيؤديهندسة القيمة هو أداة مفيدة جدا لمثل هذا المشروع ه النتيجة، فمن المؤكد أن تطبيق على ضوء هذراء المزيد ونظرا للخبرة محدودة في قطاع غزة في هذا المجال ، فانه يوصى بشدة أن يتم إج توفير كبير في التكاليف.

    مفهوم طبيقتفي هذا المجال في قطاع غزة للوصول إلى البدائل المثلى في مشاريع مماثلة من خالل من الدراسات .هندسة القيمة

  • viii



    1.1. BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................................. 2

    1.2. RESEARCH PROBLEM .................................................................................................................... 2

    1.3. RESEARCH AIM ................................................................................................................................ 3

    1.4. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................... 3

    1.5. JUSTIFICATION ................................................................................................................................ 4

    1.6. PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RESEARCH .................................................................. 4

    1.7. HYPOTHESIS ..................................................................................................................................... 5

    1.8. CONCEPTUAL FRAME WORK ...................................................................................................... 5


    A. PART ONE: VALUE ENGINEERING ..................................................................................................... 7

    2.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 7

    2.2 HISTORY OF VALUE ENGINEERING .......................................................................................... 7

    2.3 DEFINITION OF VALUE ENGINEERING .................................................................................... 9

    2.4 VALUE METHODOLOGY APPLICABILITY ............................................................................. 10

    2.5 WHEN VALUE ENGINEERING IS USED .................................................................................... 11

    2.6 PROCESS OF VALUE ENGINEERING APPLICATION ........................................................... 12

    2.6.1 SAVE INTERNATIONAL APPROACH (1999) ................................................................................... 12 PRE-STUDY ................................................................................................................................. 13 The Value Study ..................................................................................................................... 15 Post Study ............................................................................................................................... 20

    2.6.2 VALUE MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................... 20 2.6.3 ACQUISITION LOGISTICS ENGINEERING. ...................................................................................... 21 2.6.4 CALDWELL ...................................................................................................................................... 22 2.6.5 DELL'ISOLA .................................................................................................................................... 24

    B. PART TWO: WATER DESALINATION ............................................................................................... 25

    2.7 HISTORY OF DESALINATION ..................................................................................................... 25

    2.8 DESALINATION TECHNOLOGIES ............................................................................................. 27

    2.8.1 THERMAL TECHNOLOGIES ............................................................................................................ 28 2.8.2 MULTI-STAGE FLASH DISTILLATION (MSF) ................................................................................ 28 2.8.3 MULTI-EFFECT DISTILLATION (MED) ......................................................................................... 29 2.8.4 VAPOR COMPRESSION DISTILLATION ........................................................................................... 30 2.8.5 MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGIES ......................................................................................................... 30 Electrodialysis (ED) and Electrodialysis Reversal (EDR) .................................................... 30 Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Nanofiltration (NF) .................................................................. 31

    2.9 FACTORS AFFECTING COST OF DESALINATION ................................................................ 33

    2.9.1 SELECTION OF INTAKE AND CONCENTRATE DISCHARGE............................................................. 33

  • ix

    2.9.2 FEED AND FINISHED WATER QUALITY .......................................................................................... 35 2.9.3 DISTRIBUTION ................................................................................................................................. 36 2.9.4 PERMITTING AND REGULATORY ISSUES........................................................................................ 37 2.9.5 PROJECT DELIVERY MECHANISM ................................................................................................. 37 2.9.6 OTHER ASSOCIATED COSTS ........................................................................................................... 38 2.9.7 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COST ......................................................................................... 38 2.9.8 QUALITY OF FEEDING WATER ........................................................................................................ 39 2.9.9 PRETREATMENT ............................................................................................................................. 39 2.9.10 OTHER ELEMENTS AFFECTING THE COST ANALYSIS ................................................................. 39


    3.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 42

    3.2 QUANTITATIVE APPROACH ...................................................................................................... 42

    3.3 DATA ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................. 42

    3.4 THE POPULATION OF STUDY .................................................................................................... 43

    3.5 THE SAMPLE OF THE STUDY ..................................................................................................... 43

    3.6 SETTING OF THE STUDY ............................................................................................................. 43

    3.7 ELIGIBILITY OF THE STUDY ..................................................................................................... 44

    3.7.1 INCLUSION CRITERIA ..................................................................................................................... 44

    3.8 QUESTIONNAIRE MAIN CATEGORIES .................................................................................... 44

    3.8.1 PART ONE (DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION) .................................................................................. 44 3.8.2 PART TWO (THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS AFFECTING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF DESALINATION PLANTS).............................................................................................................................. 45 3.8.3 PART THREE (THE PARTIES INVOLVED) ....................................................................................... 45

    3.9 STUDY INSTRUMENT (DATA COLLECTION TOOL) ............................................................ 45

    3.10 STATISTICAL ASSUMPTIONS AND CRITERIA ...................................................................... 46

    3.10.1 QUESTIONNAIRE SCALING ......................................................................................................... 46 3.10.2 RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY OF THE MEASURE ....................................................................... 46 VALIDITY OF THE MEASURE ..................................................................................................... 46 CONTENT VALIDITY ................................................................................................................... 46 STATISTICAL VALIDITY OF THE MEASURE ............................................................................... 47 INTERNAL CONSISTENCY ........................................................................................................... 47 3.10.3 RELIABILITY OF THE SCALE ...................................................................................................... 50 CRONBACH’S ALPHA .................................................................................................................. 50 SPLIT HALF METHOD ................................................................................................................ 50

    3.11 STATISTICAL METHODS ............................................................................................................. 51

    3.12 QUALITATIVE APPROACH ......................................................................................................... 52

    3.12.1 DATA ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................................... 52

    3.13 EVALUATION OF THE METHODOLOGY ................................................................................ 52

    3.14 DEVELOPING OF THE COMPARISON MODEL ...................................................................... 53

    3.15 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FLOW CHART ......................................................................... 53 CHAPTER (4) SUREVY ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS

    4.1 INTRODUCTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 55

    4.2 QUESTIONNAIRE ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................... 55

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    4.2.1 PART ONE ....................................................................................................................................... 55 4.2.2 PART TWO ...................................................................................................................................... 59 4.2.3 PART THREE ................................................................................................................................... 63


    4.4 INTERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................... 72

    4.4.1 INTERVIEW PROTOCOL .................................................................................................................. 72 4.4.2 INTERVIEW (1) ................................................................................................................................ 73 4.4.3 INTERVIEW (2) ................................................................................................................................ 73 4.4.4 INTERVIEW (3) ................................................................................................................................ 74 4.4.5 CONCLUSION OF INTERVIEWS ........................................................................................................ 74


    5.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 76

    5.2 PROJECT DATA .............................................................................................................................. 76

    5.3 V.E TECHNICAL SUPPORTING TEAM ...................................................................................... 77

    5.4 APPLICATION OF VALUE ENGINEERING STUDY ................................................................ 78

    5.5 QUALITY MODEL........................................................................................................................... 79

    5.6 COST ESTIMATE FOR MASTER FORMAT (BILL OF QUANTITIES ) ................................ 81

    5.7 UNIFORMAT PRESENTATION FOR THE BILL OF QUANTITIES ...................................... 82

    5.8 APPLICATION OF PARETO LAW ............................................................................................... 82

    5.9 WORKSHOP STAGE ....................................................................................................................... 84

    5.10 CREATIVITY PHASE ..................................................................................................................... 84

    5.11 PRESENTATION OF THE PROPOSALS ..................................................................................... 85

    5.11.1 PROPOSAL NO(1) ........................................................................................................................ 85 5.11.2 PROPOSAL NO. (2) ...................................................................................................................... 86 5.11.3 PROPOSAL NO (3) ....................................................................................................................... 89 5.11.4 PROPOSAL NO(4) ........................................................................................................................ 90 5.11.5 PROPOSAL NO (5) ....................................................................................................................... 91

    5.12 SUMMARY OF COST SAVING FROM ALL PROPOSAL ........................................................ 92


    6.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 94

    6.2 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................ 94

    6.3 RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................................................. 95


    ANNEX (1)Questionnaire

    ANNEX (2)Standard Bill Of Quantities

    ANNEX (3)Uniformat Bill Of Quantities

    ANNEX (4)Drawings

  • xi


    No. Title


    1.1: Research Conceptual Frame Work


    2.1: The Value Engineering Elements


    2.2: Potential influence of value during project phases


    2.3: Worth versus Cost Graph


    2.4: Value Engineering Methodology


    2.5: VE Methodology


    2.6: Elements used for cost analysis in RO plants


    3.1: Methodology Flow Chart


    4.1: Type of the Company or Organization of the Study Sample


    4.2: Position in the Company or Organization Of The Study Sample


    4.3: Experience in the field of water (years) of the study sample


    4.4: Experience of the Company In The Field Of Water (Years)


    4.5: Kind of Projects the Organization Is Working On Of the Study Sample


    4.6: The presented weights and orders for the factors affecting the

    establishment of desalination plants


    4.7: Orders, percentages, for all parties’ participations importance


  • xii


    No. Title


    2.1: Desalination Technologies and processes


    2.2: Source Types Range from Beach Wells to Open-Ocean Intakes


    2.3: Concentrate Disposal Cost


    2.4: Operation and Maintenance Parameters for Desalination Plant


    3.1: Questionnaire Scale


    3.2: Correlation between Items of Factors Affecting The Establishment Of

    Desalination Plants & Total Degree Of The Domain


    3.3: Correlation between Items of Parties Involved & Total Degree of Factor


    3.4: Cronbach’s alpha values for the Scale and its domain


    4.1: The Results of Descriptive & Presented Weight for The Factors Affecting

    The Establishment of Desalination Plants


    4.2: The suggested factors affecting the establishment of desalination plants


    4. 3: One-way ANOVA for differences of factors importance and importance

    participation of parties in terms of the type of company


    4.4: LSD Differences of Importance of Factors In Terms of Company Type


    4. 5: One-Way ANOVA For Differences Of The Importance Of Factors And

    Importance Of Participation Of Parties In Terms Of The Position


    4.6: One-way ANOVA for differences of factors importance and of

    participation of parties in terms of the experience in the field of water


    4.7: One-way ANOVA for differences of the importance of factors &

    importance of parties participation in terms of organization experience in water


    4.8: One-way ANOVA for differences of importance of factors & importance of

    parties’ participation in terms of project type in organization


  • xiii

    5.1: V.E Technical Support Team


    5.2: The Main Quality Model Elements


    5.3: Summary of Project Bill Of Quantities


    5.4: Significant Part of the Unifromat Bill of Quantities


    5.5: Summary of Recommended Proposals for The Bill Of Quantities


    5.6 : Eliminated Items From Original BoQ Due to Redisgn of RO Unit


    5.7 : Operation chemicals rates for pre-treatment process


    5.8 : Yearly Operational Cost Saving from Redsign of RO Unit


    5.9 : Tentative Power Demand Analysis for the Plant System


    5.10 : Summary of Cost Saving from All Proposals 92

  • xiv

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  • 2

    CHAPTER (1)



    Many regions of the world are facing formidable freshwater scarcity. The water resources

    are very limited and the consumption rate is hugely increased over the last few years. Gaza

    strip in particular suffering from shortage in the aquifer by 55 million cubic meters till

    2017. (PWA, 2011)

    With the light of the current political and economical circumstances, all relevant bodies

    working in water sector agreed on adopting the construction of central desalination plant as

    an exclusive solution to get over this problem (PWA, 2011)

    However, the cost of construction of desalination plants projects have been rapidly increase

    during the different plant life cycle. This may refer to different reasons which depend on

    the project itself and /or other related circumstances; accordingly it was very important to

    find an effective technique to face these phenomena which may be presented by value

    engineering. (Durham, 2001)


    The value engineering technique is now being applied in most advanced countries in the

    world, using these studies effectively by many international companies and institutions that

    are specialized in various fields.

    The concern of applying the concept of value engineering on the desalination plant project

    refer to its clear effect to face the obstructions, whether in terms of technical or financial

    issues, and thus the value engineering share significantly on the analysis of these

    obstructions and then find the suitable solutions through saving various alternatives, with

    keeping functions and features that the owner of product or project looks to achieve, such

    as beauty, environment, safety, flexibility and other important factors.(Abdul-Fattaha and

    Husseiny, 2001).

  • 3

    Moreover, it is significantly important to focus on applying this concept in desalination

    plant in Gaza strip since Gaza is suffering from serious water consumption problems and in

    bad need to establish new desalination plants to come over the huge shortage in water

    production. (PWA, 2011)

    Therefore, and due to the importance of applying this concept in the construction of

    desalination plants in terms of cost reduction, this research will study the impact of

    applying value Engineering on selected case study :Deir El Balah desalination plant by

    identifying the most effective factors affecting water desalination in the plant in different

    stages (planning, design, implantation and operation and maintenance) based on the

    available information in this regard.

    Obviously as Deir El Balah plant is already existing and operating, the first three stages

    will be examined theoretically in comparison model to develop guidelines that may be

    considered in establishing the central plant serving Gaza strip

    Regarding the fourth stage (operation and maintenance) the research will evaluate the

    possibility of any current corrective action that may be taken to expand the capacity of the

    existing plant or decreases the unit cost production by applying value engineering in this



    Contributing in resolving the water crisis in Gaza strip by considering the value engineering

    concept as main factor affecting the cost of potable water production


    1. Identification of factors affecting the water desalination plant

    2. Conducting "practical comparison model" for the cost reduction by applying the

    value engineering concept on the selected case study (Deir El balah Desalination


  • 4


    Scientific significance of the research

    There are many advantages related to the application of value engineering in projects, and

    the most important of these advantages include:

    1. The value engineering is considered from distinctive studies and capable of

    providing a number of alternatives through the collective participation in the

    brainstorm and evaluation it in order to reach the right decision.

    2. Past experiences verified by using value engineering, the efficiency and control in

    performance functionality and the projects costs.

    3. The value engineering studies contribute in the direct link for the project parties and

    approximate the different points of view through collective participation and

    creative brainstorm.

    4. Value engineering is not limited to one field or a particular area but also beyond to

    the possibility of applying it in all areas, whether in the construction section,

    agricultural, industrial, or as well as the administrative area.

    5. The value studies contribute in the benefit of previous experience of implemented

    projects or which have already been studied by avoiding errors which increase the

    unjustified cost. (Al-Yousefi, Abdulaziz,2006).


    The value engineering is new concept in the context of Gaza projects and practically not

    applied in most of the implemented or planned projects.

    Accordingly the application of this concept on the desalination plant may give guide for

    other researcher to extent this application in other projects.

    Moreover, the research may represent a valuable practice for the decision makers in the

    process of adopting the best alternatives for the central desalination plant serving Gaza strip

    in accordance to the master plant.

  • 5

    It will be tried to outline all predictable obstacles that may face the implementation of such

    project in Gaza strip which will be an early alarm for donors and researcher in this context.

    Also the research will be helpful for interested NGOs who are currently implementing

    emergency small scale desalination units.


    The cost of potable water production is lower when value engineering concept is applied in

    constructing and operating the desalination plant


    Figure 1.1 indicated the main components of the conceptual frame work of the intended


    Figure 1.1: Research Conceptual Frame Work

    •Affects And Guidlines For Central Deslalantion Plant

    •Contribution From, Pwa,cmwu And Ingo To Reach Practical Findings

    •Access For Adequate Data And Gathering Methodology

    •Level Of Knowledge And Interest Of VE Concept For Relevant Parties





  • 6


  • 7

    CHAPTER (2)




    The methodology of value engineering is now being applied in most of the countries

    which is the most advanced in the world, using these studies effectively by many

    international companies and institutions that specialize in various fields.

    Value engineering, is an analysis of the functions to identify and classify it and then

    achieve those required functions by other creative methods that achieve the required

    balance between the cost, functionality, performance, appearance and quality by

    offering different alternatives, which means making rational changes to the design or

    maybe going out with new design achieve the required functions with the highest

    quality and lowest cost.

    Most studies have indicated that the design phase accounts for 50% of the factors

    affecting the cost while the owner only affects the cost by 10%. This is because the

    owner is affected by the vision and analysis of others, such as the designer or the

    consultant, and sometimes the owner imposes a certain perception which contributes

    significantly to unjustified higher costs. Also the owner claims the knowledge and the

    experience which makes him to intervene in the design works so he impose specific

    ideas which are usually far from reality, such as simulation of designs or similar use of

    materials not available or appropriate that fit with the local environment, and all that

    under the context that the owner reserves the right to spend the money.(Al-Yousefi,



    Larry Miles an Engineer in General Electric Co. of America. Considered as the founder

    of the value engineering technique worldwide.

  • 8

    In the first years after World War II, Miles was able to overcome at the acute shortage

    of basic materials for manufacturing through the use of alternative materials and

    designs while maintaining the different functions performed by the products to continue

    production and meet commitments.

    Miles then worked on the development of this approach between 1947 and 1952 in

    order to bring improvement and development in a way of function analysis or

    performance and not through the study of materials, parts, and he called it the

    "functional analysis" (VA).

    This method was a new step to improve and develop the products with reduction in

    costs rather than the traditional method to reduce costs which often leads to reduction in

    quality or performance level. Then this method moved to government institutions,

    specifically the U.S. Navy (Jerjeas and Revay, 1999)

    By early of 1961 the actual application was begun for value engineering protocol

    through promotion of the various sectors from applying these studies, and followed that

    by legislation the necessary laws, and also make training programs and introduction

    workshops for value engineering methodology.

    With the beginning of 1970, these studies have seen widespread in Japan, Europe,

    India, passing to Australia.

    As a natural result for these successful experiences and the growing interest in this

    profession inside and outside the United States, professional organization has been

    established concerning this profession, organized it and enact the necessary laws for

    exercise it and exchange experiences.

    This organization was called American Society of Value Engineering (SAVE), which

    later became an international organization caring with the affairs of the profession

    inside and outside the United States (SAVE-International), where the team work

    consists of a group of specialists and experts in all fields and being on the top of this

    team engineer value supported from the organization "( Al-Yousefi, 2006).

  • 9


    There are different names to Value Engineering studies as value analysis , value

    engineering and value management , and all these with a single concept attach with the

    methodology of the search about solutions and creative practical ideas that contribute in

    overcoming many administrative and technical obstruction of the project through

    searching for suitable alternatives and solutions working on raising quality and reducing

    costs as well as the exceptional performance, taking into account conservation of the

    functionality and the time factor.(Al-Yousefi, 2006)

    It must be noted that there is a significant difference between the reduction of cost and

    Value Engineering.

    “Value engineering is not simply about money …it’s about value “(Kirk et al 2002:5)

    So it’s according to Hegan (1993) seeking to offer the client acost saving without

    determinant to quality or performance .the power of the value engineering rooted in its

    objective and disciplined methodology.

    The reduction of cost is usually through the elimination of parts of the project and

    hashed it to fit the available budget, but the value engineering is as already noted, it

    aims to identify items that are not necessary according to functional analysis leading to

    the exclusion of unnecessary costs, which usually cause an unjustifiable increase in

    costs, accordingly we may hereby mention different definitions concluded in several

    value engineering studies:-

    "An organized collective effort directed to analyzing the functions of jobs and comply

    them with the requirements of the beneficiary then to innovate alternatives to lead those

    functions to the lowest or the most appropriate possible cost without compromising

    quality and basic functions "( Al-Yousefi, 2006).

    "An organized effort directed at analyzing the function of products and services to

    achieve the desired functions and the essential characteristics at the best use of costs in

    accordance with the wishes and expectations of the user". (SAVE International, 2011).

  • 10

    Accordingly, the main elements consisting the value engineering frame work is quality

    ,function and cost as indicated in Figure 2.1

    Figure 2.1: The Value Engineering Elements, (Al-Yousefi, Abdulaziz, 2006)


    The possibility of applying the V.E. concept has wide range in several fields as

    illustrated hereunder:

    A. The Value Methodology can be applied wherever cost and/or performance

    improvement is desired. That improvement can be measured in terms of monetary

    aspects and/or other critical factors such as productivity, quality, time, energy,

    environmental impact, and durability. VM can beneficially be applied to virtually all

    areas of human endeavor

    B. The Value Methodology is applicable to hardware, building or other construction

    projects, and to “soft” areas such as manufacturing and construction processes, health

    care and environment services, programming, management systems and organization

    structure. The pre-study efforts for these “soft” types of projects utilizes standard

    industrial engineering techniques such as flow charting, yield analysis, and value added

    task analysis to gather essential data.

    C. For civil, commercial and military engineering works such as buildings, highways,

    factory construction, and water/sewage treatment plants, which tend to be one time

    Value engineer


    Cost Function

  • 11

    applications, VM is applied on a project to project basis. Since these are one-time

    capital projects, VM must be applied as early in the design cycle as feasible to achieve

    maximum benefits. Changes or redirection of design can be accomplished without

    extensive redesign, large implementation cost, and schedule impacts. Typically for

    large construction projects, specific value studies are conducted during the schematic

    stage and then again at the design development (up to 45%) stage. Additional value

    studies may be conducted during the construction or build phase.

    D. For large or unique products and systems such as military electronics or specially

    designed capital equipment, VM is applied during the design cycle to assure meeting of

    goals and objectives. Typically a formalized value study is performed after preliminary

    design approval but before release to the build/manufacture cycle. VM may also be

    applied during the build/manufacture cycle to assure that the latest materials and

    technology are utilized.

    E. VM can also be applied during planning stages, and for project/program

    management control by developing function models with assigned cost and

    performance parameters. If specific functions show trends toward beyond control

    limits, value studies are performed to assure the function’s performance remains within

    the control limits. (SAVE International, 1999)


    VE application is of greatest benefits early in the development of a project with

    improvement in value gained. Department of Housing and Works in the Government of

    West Australia Value Management Guideline 2005, presented the potential influence of

    Value Management according to Figure 2.2.

  • 12

    Figure 2.2: Potential influence of value during project phases, (Value Management

    guidelines: 2005, West Australia)


    The process of Value engineering was described by several organization and VE

    specialists. By going through these different methodologies we may find that all of

    them agreed in the concept and main components of the process application , while

    some of them like to merge some stages and others go in further detailed tasks and

    activities .

    Hereunder will explore the most common approaches in this concern

    2.6.1 SAVE International Approach (1999)

    The VM Job Plan covers three major periods of activity: Pre-Study, the Value Study,

    and Post-Study. All phases and steps are performed sequentially. As a value study

    progresses new data and information may cause the study team to return to earlier

    phases or steps within a phase on an iterative basis. Conversely, phases or steps within

    phases are not skipped.

  • 13 Pre-Study

    Preparation tasks involve six areas: Collecting/defining User/Customer wants and

    needs, gathering a complete data file of the project, determining evaluation factors,

    scoping the specific study, building appropriate models and determining the team


    A. Collect User/Customer Attitudes

    The User/Customer attitudes are compiled via an in-house focus group and/or

    external market surveys. The objectives are to:

    1. Determine the prime buying influence;

    2. Define and rate the importance of features and characteristics of the product or


    3. Determine and rate the seriousness of user-perceived faults and complaints of

    the product or project;

    4. Compare the product or project with competition or through direct analogy with

    similar products or projects.

    For first time projects such as a new product or new construction, the analysis may

    be tied to project goals and objectives.

    The results of this task will be used to establish value mismatches in the

    Information Phase.

    B. Gather a Complete Data File

    There are both Primary and Secondary sources of information. Primary sources are

    of two varieties: people and documentation. People sources include marketing (or

    the user), original designer, architect, cost or estimating group, maintenance or field

    service, the builders (manufacturing, constructors, or systems designers), and

  • 14

    consultants. Documentation sources include drawings, project specifications, bid

    documents and project plans.

    Secondary sources include suppliers of similar products, literature such as

    engineering and design standards, regulations, test results, failure reports, and trade

    journals. Another major source is like or similar projects. Quantitative data is


    Another secondary source is a site visitation by the value study team. “Site”

    includes actual construction location, manufacturing line, or office location for a

    new/improved system. If the actual “site” is not available, facilities with

    comparable functions and activities may prove to be a valuable source of usable


    C. Determine Evaluation Factors

    The team, as an important step in the process, determines what will be the criteria

    for evaluation of ideas and the relative importance of each criteria to final

    recommendations and decisions for change. These criteria and their importance are

    discussed with the user/customer and management and concurrence obtained

    D. Scope the Study

    The team develops the scope statement for the specific study. This statement defines

    the limits of the study based on the data-gathering tasks. The limits are the starting

    point and the completion point of the study. Just as important, the scope statement

    defines what is not included in the study. The scope statement must be verified by

    the study sponsor.

    E. Build Models

    Based on the completion and agreement of the scope statement, the team may

    compile models for further understanding of the study. These include such models

    as Cost, Time, Energy, Flow Charts, and Distribution, as appropriate for each study.

  • 15

    F. Determine Team Composition, Wrap-Up

    The Value Study Team Leader confirms the actual study schedule, location and

    need for any support personnel. The study team composition is reviewed to assure

    all necessary customer, technical, and management areas are represented. The

    Team Leader assigns data gathering tasks to team members so all pertinent data will

    be available for the study. The Value Study

    The value study is where the primary Value Methodology is applied. The effort is

    composed of six phases: Information, Function Analysis, Creativity, Evaluation,

    Development, and Presentation.

    A. Information Phase

    The objective of the Information Phase is to complete the value study data package

    started in the Pre-Study work. If not done during the Pre-Study activities, the

    project sponsor and/or designer brief the value study team, providing an opportunity

    for the team to ask questions based on their data research. If a “site” visitation was

    not possible during Pre-Study, it should be completed during this phase.

    The study team agrees to the most appropriate targets for improvement such as

    value, cost, performance, and schedule factors. These are reviewed with

    appropriate management, such as the project manager, value study sponsor, and

    designer, to obtain concurrence.

    Finally, the scope statement is reviewed for any adjustments due to additional

    information gathered during the Information Phase.

    B. Function Analysis Phase

    Function definition and analysis is the heart of Value Methodology. It is the

    primary activity that separates Value Methodology from all other “improvement”

  • 16

    practices. The objective of this phase is to develop the most beneficial areas for

    continuing study. The team performs the following steps:

    1. Identify and define both work and sell functions of the product, project, or

    process under study using active verbs and measurable nouns. This is often

    referred to as Random Function Definition.

    2. Classify the functions as basic or secondary,

    3. Expand the functions identified in step 1 (optional),

    4. Build a function Model - Function Hierarchy/Logic or Function Analysis

    System Technique (FAST) diagram.

    5. Assign cost and/or other measurement criteria to functions,

    6. Establish worth of functions by assigning the previously established

    user/customer attitudes to the functions,

    7. Compare cost to worth of functions to establish the best opportunities for


    8. Assess functions for performance/schedule considerations,

    9. Select functions for continued analysis,

    10. Refine study scope,

  • 17

    C. Creative Phase

    The objective of the Creative Phase (sometimes referred to as Speculation Phase) is

    to develop a large quantity of ideas for performing each function selected for study.

    This is a creative type of effort, totally unconstrained by habit, tradition, negative

    attitudes, assumed restrictions, and specific criteria. No judgment or discussion

    occurs during this activity. The quality of each idea will be developed in the next

    phase, from the quantity generated in this phase.

    There are two keys to successful speculation: first, the purpose of this phase is not

    to conceive of ways to design a product or service, but to develop ways to perform

    the functions selected for study. Secondly, creativity is a mental process in which

    past experience is combined and recombined to form new combinations. The

    purpose is to create new combinations which will perform the desired function at

    less total cost and improved performance than was previously attainable.

    There are numerous well accepted idea generation techniques. The guiding

    principle in all of them is that judgment/evaluation is suspended. Free flow of

    thoughts and ideas - without criticism - is required.

    D. Evaluation Phase

    The objectives of the Evaluation Phase are to synthesize ideas and concepts

    generated in the Creative Phase and to select feasible ideas for development into

    specific value improvement.

    Using the evaluation criteria established during the Pre-Study effort, ideas are

    sorted and rated as to how well they meet those criteria. The process typically

    involves several steps:

    1. Eliminate nonsense or “thought-provoker” ideas,

    2. Group similar ideas by category within long term and short term implications.

    Examples of groupings are electrical, mechanical, structural, materials, special

    processes, etc,

  • 18

    3. Have one team member agree to “champion” each idea during further

    discussions and evaluations. If no team member so volunteers, the idea or

    concept is dropped,

    4. List the advantages and disadvantages of each idea,

    5. Rank the ideas within each category according to the prioritized evaluation

    criteria using such techniques as indexing, numerical evaluation, and team


    6. If competing combinations still exist, use matrix analysis to rank mutually

    exclusive ideas satisfying the same function,

    7. Select ideas for development of value improvement,

    If none of the final combinations appear to satisfactorily meet the criteria, the value

    study team returns to the Creative Phase.

    E. Development Phase

    The objective of the Development Phase is to select and prepare the “best”

    alternative(s) for improving value. The data package prepared by the champion of

    each of the alternatives should provide as much technical, cost, and schedule

    information as practical so the designer and project sponsor(s) may make an initial

    assessment concerning their feasibility for implementation. The following steps are


    1. Beginning with the highest ranked value alternatives, develop a benefit analysis

    and implementation requirements, including estimated initial costs, life cycle

    costs, and implementation costs taking into account risk and uncertainty,

    2. Conduct performance benefit analysis,

    3. Compile technical data package for each proposed alternative,

    a. written descriptions of original design and proposed alternative(s),

  • 19

    b. sketches of original design and proposed alternative(s),

    c. cost and performance data, clearly showing the differences between the

    original design and proposed alternative(s),

    d. any technical back-up data such as information sources, calculations, and


    e. schedule impact,

    4. Prepare an implementation Plan, including proposed schedule of all

    implementation activities, team assignments and management requirements.

    5. Complete recommendations including any unique conditions to the project

    under study such as emerging technology, political concerns, impact on other

    ongoing projects, marketing plans, etc.

    F. Presentation Phase

    The objective of the Presentation Phase is to obtain concurrence and a commitment

    from the designer, project sponsor, and other management to proceed with

    implementation of the recommendations. This involves an initial oral presentation

    followed by a complete written report.

    As the last task within a value study, the VM study team presents its

    recommendations to the decision making body. Through the presentation and its

    interactive discussions, the team obtains either approval to proceed with

    implementation, or direction for additional information needed.

    The written report documents the alternatives proposed with supporting data, and

    confirms the implementation plan accepted by management. Specific organization

    of the report is unique to each study and organization requirements.

  • 20 Post Study

    The objective during Post-Study activities is to assure the implementation of the

    approved value study change recommendations. Assignments are made either to

    individuals within the VM study team, or by management to other individuals, to

    complete the tasks associated with the approved implementation plan.

    While the VM Team Leader may track the progress of implementation, in all cases the

    design professional is responsible for the implementation. Each alternative must be

    independently designed and confirmed, including contractual changes if required,

    before its implementation into the product, project, process or procedure. Further, it is

    recommended that appropriate financial departments (accounting, auditing, etc.)

    conduct a post audit to verify to management the full benefits resulting from the value

    methodology study. Further, it is recommended that appropriate financial departments

    (accounting, auditing, etc.) conduct a post audit to verify to management the full

    benefits resulting from the value methodology study.

    2.6.2 Value Management

    The Department of Housing and Works in Western Australia developed value

    management guidelines. It almost has the same steps for VE methodology as SAVE Int.


    The steps of Value Management process are:

    1. Information Phase: essentially preparatory work for the study, including items

    such as the development of objectives, key issues and concerns, background

    information, key assumptions, cost overview and study scope.

    2. Analysis Phase: includes functional analysis, establishing system links, testing

    parameters and rationalizing data.

    3. Creative Phase: is predominantly concerned with encouraging divergent ideas,

    lateral thinking and brainstorming, and generating alternatives for better value


    4. Evaluation Phase: ideas are assessed, culled and prioritized to identify viable


  • 21

    5. Development and Reporting Phase: options and rationale are refined and

    documented into action plans for recommendation to the project decision maker.

    2.6.3 Acquisition Logistics Engineering.

    Acquisition Logistics Engineering (ALE) presented the Value Engineering six

    phase’s job Plan as The Department of Housing and Works in Western Australia did

    with addition of Implementation Phase and with some differences. ALE

    methodology steps are:

    1. Information Phase: in addition to gathering information, ALE added that VE

    team establishes the areas that will allow for the most improvement and isolates

    the major cost items.

    2. Function Analysis Phase: sometimes it is performed within information phase.

    FAST model is developed as well as cost and cost worth models. An initial

    assessment is done to find mismatch between cost and value. This can be shown

    graphically by plotting each item's worth versus cost percentage as shown in

    Figure below where the numbers in the circles represents the value index of

    functions. (El Sadawi, 2008)

    Figure 2.3:Worth Versus Cost Graph, (El Sadawi, 2008)

  • 22

    3. Creative Phase: in this phase, team brainstorming identifies many alternative

    ways of performing the functions of the candidate items having the greatest

    worth/cost mismatch.

    4. Evaluation Phase: a first cut through alternatives should eliminate impractical or

    unfeasible alternatives. Advantages and disadvantages of each alternative in

    addition to cost are concluded. If every alternative is eliminated during this

    phase, the team must return to the creative phase.

    5. Development Phase: the remaining alternatives are refined and developed into a

    value engineering proposals including detailed description of the alternatives

    including benefits in terms of cost and performance.

    6. Implementation Phase: it is sometimes broken into two parts, one for

    presentation, and approval and the other for formal implementation.

    2.6.4 Caldwell

    Caldwell (2006) methodology is composed of the following phases:

    1. Information Phase: presentation is made to the VE team to explain the main

    concepts of the design. This includes project objectives, design constrains,

    drawings, specifications, the special conditions and the estimated cost. Caldwell

    prefers that those who present the information should not be part of the VE team.

    2. Function Analysis: in this phase major project components are identified as well

    as their functions and estimated cost.

    3. Speculation: during the speculation phase, the VE team considers each design

    component and suggests alternative means of accomplishing the function of the

    component. Brainstorming is the most suitable technique.

    4. Alternative Comparison: this phase is done to define comparison criteria so that

    alternatives can be compared. This phase is preferred to be performed using

    brainstorming initially and then through a detailed definitions of each criteria

    Weights of criteria are developed by VE Team.

    5. Analysis: analyzing alternatives involves comparing them to the criteria. Each

    team participant numerically evaluates each alternative against a specific

  • 23

    criterion. Scores may vary from 1 to 5 with 1 identified as poor and 5 is very


    6. Concept Development: during the concept development phase, the concept

    selected by the VE team is organized and refined before presentation to the

    owner. Sketches may be prepared or a narrative report compiled. Cost estimates

    may be refined.

    7. Presentation and Implementation: in the presentation/implementation phase, VE

    recommendations are presented to the client, owner, or project manager who is

    sponsoring the project. The project manager decides whether the VE

    recommendations should be incorporated into remedial action.

    8. Report: depending on the budget, topic, and significance of the VE workshop, a

    formal report may be prepared. Generally the most cost-effective method is to

    have the flipcharts photo-reproduced, copied, collated, and distributed. This

    provides a full record of deliberations, scores, recommendations, etc.

    Caldwell elaborates the criteria for both the facilitator of the job plan and the

    participants as follows:

    a. The Facilitator

    The facilitator should be chosen with care. He is not required to have specific

    knowledge of the project or even of the technologies involved. His role is simply to

    act as a neutral presence and to make certain that the workshop is conducted in

    accordance with standard VE procedures.

    b. Participants

    The number of participants is between five and twelve. Never let the number of

    participants rise above twelve. There should be a balance of senior and mid-level

    experience. The majority should be well versed in the technology being examined.

    Caldwell presents VE methodology in Figure 2.4

  • 24

    Figure 2.4:ValueEngineering Methodology, (Caldwell,2006)

    2.6.5 Dell'Isola

    Dell’Isola method is described simply in Figure 2.5, which presents a schematic

    flow chart for the methodology of applying VE concept

    Figure 2.5: VE Methodology, (Dell'Isola, 1998)

  • 25


    As the research will extrapolate the impact of applying value engineering in existing

    desalination plant in Gaza, it will be essential to provide an intensive overview on

    desalination literature related to the application of value engineering.

    Therefore, the presented literature hereunder will focus mainly on the importance

    factors affecting the quality, cost and function in desalination plants.


    Obviously Desalination can be considered as a natural phenomenon through natural

    distillation cycle of water evaporating from the sea and then condensing to form Pure

    rain water, also there is other kind of natural occurrences leaded to desalination such as

    freezing of seawater near the polar region. Where The ice crystals formed are pure

    water, the salt being excluded from participation in the crystal growth.

    However, since the turn of the century, necessity has driven scientists and engineers to

    utilize desalination technology of varying effectiveness to produce pure water from

    saline water. (Al-Shayji, 1998)

    With the development of temperature and pressure measurements, together with an

    understanding of the properties of gases, land desalination began to play an important


    The first commercial land-based seawater desalination plant was installed by the

    Ottomans in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This crude distillation unit was a boiler working

    under atmospheric pressure, but this unit suffered from severe scale deposits and

    corrosion problems. It is now part of a historical monument on Jeddah Corniche.

    With the improvement in submerged-tube technology, the first evaporators with a total

    capacity in excess of 45,000 m3/d were built in Kuwait Curacao in the early 1950’s.

    But it was not until the development of the multistage flash distillation method by

    Professor Robert Silver in the 1950’s, when the research and development of saline

    water conversion was promoted, that desalination became a practical solution to the

    shortage of drinking water.

    The historical turning point in the history of desalination is the introduction of multi

    stage flash desalination (MSF) in Kuwait in 1957. The Kuwait Department of

  • 26

    Electricity and Water placed an order with Westinghouse for four 0.5-million-gallon-

    per-day (MGD),evaporator units each with four stages, designed by Rowland Colte.

    Their success encouraged the authority in Kuwait to go for larger and more efficient

    desalination units, and to accept an offer from G and J Weir to supply a new

    desalination concept known as the “Multistage Flash”.

    The innovator of the multistage flash system was Professor Robert Silver. Although he

    held patents on the process both in Europe and the USA, he never received any

    financial rewarded for his work.

    With this success, companies all over the world, especially in the USA and the UK,

    undertake extensive research and development on large flash-type evaporator units to

    achieve lower production cost.

    The installation of similar evaporators manufactured by other contractors followed the

    great success of flash evaporation. Subsequently, Sasakura installed the first 5 million

    gallon-per-day MSF units at Shuwaikh in Kuwait. Similar units were then installed in

    the new Kuwait plants located at Shuiabah. The success of these large units, proving

    that the MSF process could produce water economically and with greater reliability

    than previous systems, set the stage for the great advances in desalination capacity that

    were to follow in the 1970-1980’s (Temperly, 1995).

    In 1953, Reid, C. E. and Breton, E. J. at the University of Florida proposed a research

    program to the Office of Saline Water (OSW). They developed a membrane that was

    made of a cellular acetate material and had the ability to reject salt. However, the water

    flux through the dense membrane was too low to have commercial significance.

    The major breakthrough in membrane development came in a parallel research


    from 1958 to 1960, at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) where

    S.Leob, and S. Sourirajan were credited with making the first high-performance

    membranes by creating an asymmetric cellulose acetate structure with improved salt

    rejection and water flux.

    In 1965, the UCLA team installed the first municipal reverse osmosis plant in Coalinga,

    California. The plant was desalting water containing 2,500 ppm salts, and

    producing5,000 GPD with a tubular cellular acetate membrane. The development of the

  • 27

    tubular, spiral-wound, and hollow-fine-fiber modules together with the development of

    the polyamide membranes takes place from 1965-1970.

    Through the 1980s, improvements were made to these membranes to increase water

    flux and salt rejection with both brackish water and seawater. Brackish water is water

    that contains dissolved matter at an approximate concentration range from 1,000-35,000

    mg/l. (Al-Shayji,1998)


    A desalination process essentially separates saline water into two parts - one that has a

    low concentration of salt (treated water or product water), and the other with a much

    higher concentration than the original feed water, usually referred to as brine

    concentrate or simply as ‘concentrate’.

    The two major types of technologies that are used around the world for desalination can

    be broadly classified as either thermal or membrane. Both technologies need energy to

    operate and produce fresh water. Within those two broad types, there are sub-categories

    (processes) using different techniques. The major desalination processes are identified

    in Table 2.1.

    Table 2.1: Desalination Technologies and Processes

    Thermal and membrane capacity on a worldwide basis was about 7 billion gallons per

    day (bgd) in early 2000, with about 50% in thermal processes and 50% in membrane

    technologies. This is total installed capacity since the early 1950s, and not all of that

    capacity may be in operation. On a global basis, desalination capacity increased at

    almost 12 percent per year, from 1972 through 1999. There have been over 8,600

    desalination plants installed worldwide, with approximately 20 percent of them in the

    Thermal Technology Membrane Technology

    Multi-Stage Flash Distillation (MSF) Electrodialysis (ED)

    Multi-Effect Distillation (MED) Electrodialysis reversal (EDR)

    Vapor Compression Distillation (VCD) Reverse Osmosis (RO)

  • 28

    U.S., the largest number of any country in the world. In terms of capacity however, the

    U.S. ranks second globally (U.S Ministry of Interior, 2003).

    2.8.1 Thermal Technologies

    Thermal technologies, as the name implies, involve the heating of saline water and

    collecting the condensed vapor (distillate) to produce pure water. Thermal technologies

    have rarely been used for brackish water desalination, because of the high costs

    involved. They have however been used for seawater desalination and can be sub-

    divided into three groups: Multi-Stage Flash Distillation (MSF), Multi-Effect

    Distillation (MED), and Vapor Compression Distillation (VCD).

    2.8.2 Multi-Stage Flash Distillation (MSF)

    This process involves the use of distillation through several (multi-stage) chambers. In

    the MSF process, each successive stage of the plant operates at progressively lower

    pressures. The feed water is first heated under high pressure, and is led into the first

    ‘flash chamber’, where the pressure is released, causing the water to boil rapidly

    resulting in sudden evaporation or ‘flashing’. This ‘flashing’ of a portion of the feed

    continues in each successive stage, because the pressure at each stage is lower than in

    the previous stage. The vapor generated by the flashing is converted into fresh water by

    being condensed on heat exchanger tubing that run through each stage. The tubes are

    cooled by the incoming cooler feed water. Generally, only a small percentage of the

    feed water is converted into vapor and condensed.

    Multi-stage flash distillation plants have been built since the late 1950s. Some MSF

    plants can contain from 15 to 25 stages, but are usually no larger than 15 mgd in

    capacity. MSF distillation plants can have either a ‘once-through’ or ‘recycled’ process.

    In the ‘once-through’ design, the feed water is passed through the heater and flash

    chambers just once and disposed of, while in the recycled design, the feed water for

    cooling is recycled. Each of these processes can be structured as a ‘long tube’ or ‘cross

    tube’ design. In the long tube design (built at Freeport in 1961), tubing is parallel to the

    concentrate flow, while in the cross tube design, tubing is perpendicular to the

    concentrate flow.

  • 29

    MSF plants are subject to corrosion unless stainless steel is used extensively. In

    addition to corrosion, MSF plants are also subject to erosion and impingement attack

    (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 2003). Erosion is caused by the turbulence of the feed

    water in the flash chamber, when the feed water passes from one stage to another.

    Distillation processes produce about 3.4 billion gpd globally, which is about 50 percent

    of the worldwide desalination capacity. MSF plants provide about 84 percent of that

    capacity. Most of those plants have been built overseas, primarily in the Middle East,

    where energy resources have been plentiful and inexpensive.

    2.8.3 Multi-Effect Distillation (MED)

    The MED process has been used since the late 1950s and early 1960s. Multi-effect

    distillation occurs in a series of vessels (effects) and uses the principles of evaporation

    and condensation at reduced ambient pressure. In MED, a series of evaporator effects

    produce water at progressively lower pressures. Water boils at lower temperatures as

    pressure decreases, so the water vapor of the first vessel or effect serves as the heating

    medium for the second, and so on. The more vessels or effects there are, the higher the

    performance ratio. Depending upon the arrangement of the heat exchanger tubing,

    MED units could be classified as horizontal tube, vertical tube or vertically stacked tube


    There have been several MED plants built in the U.S. and overseas. Three low-

    temperature MED plants with a combined capacity of 3.5 mgd have been operating

    successfully in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, where desalinated water is the principal

    water supply source (Krishna, 1989). The MED units are operated by the Virgin Islands

    Water and Power Authority. Steam from the power plant is directed to the evaporators

    in the desalination units. Product water is obtained as condensate of the vapor from

    each vessel. Several MED plants are found overseas, both in the Caribbean and in the

    Middle East.

  • 30

    2.8.4 Vapor Compression Distillation

    The vapor compression distillation (VCD) process is used either in combination with

    other processes such as the MED, or by itself. The heat for evaporating the water comes

    from the compression of vapor, rather than the direct exchange of heat from steam

    produced in a boiler (Buros, 2000). Vapor compression (VC) units have been built in a

    variety of configurations. Usually, a mechanical compressor is used to generate the heat

    for evaporation. The VC units are generally small in capacity, and are often used at

    hotels, resorts and in industrial applications.

    2.8.5 Membrane Technologies

    Membrane technologies can be subdivided into two broad categories: Electro

    dialyis/Electro dialysis Reversal (ED/EDR), and Reverse Osmosis (RO). Electro dialysis (ED) and Electro dialysis Reversal (EDR)

    Electro dialysis (ED) is a voltage-driven membrane process. An electrical potential is

    used to move salts through a membrane, leaving fresh water behind as product water.

    ED was commercially introduced in the 1960s, about 10 years before reverse osmosis

    (RO), Although ED was originally conceived as a seawater desalination process, it has

    generally been used for brackish water desalination.

    ED depends on the following general principles:

    - Most salts dissolved in water are ions, either positively charged (cations), or

    negatively charged (anions).

    - Since like poles repel each other and unlike poles attract, the ions migrate toward the

    electrodes with an opposite electric charge

    - Suitable membranes can be constructed to permit selective passage of either anions or


    In a saline solution, dissolved ions such as sodium (+) and chloride (-) migrate to the

    opposite electrodes passing through selected membranes that either allow cations or

    anions to pass through (not both). Membranes are usually arranged in an alternate

    pattern, with anion-selective membrane followed by a cation-selective membrane.

    During this process, the salt content of the water channel is diluted, while concentrated

  • 31

    solutions are formed at the electrodes. Concentrated and diluted solutions are created in

    the spaces between the alternating membranes, and these spaces bound by two

    membranes are called cells. ED units consist of several hundred cells bound together

    with electrodes, and is referred to as a stack. Feed water passes through all the cells

    simultaneously to provide a continuous flow of desalinated water and a steady stream of

    concentrate (brine) from the stack.

    In the early 1970s, the Electro dialysis Reversal (EDR) process was introduced (Buros,

    2000). An EDR unit operates on the same general principle as an ED unit, except that

    both the product and concentrate channels are identical in construction. At intervals of

    several times an hour, the polarity of the electrodes is reversed, causing ions to be

    attracted in the opposite direction across the membranes. Immediately following

    reversal, the product water is removed until the lines are flushed out and desired water

    quality restored. The flush takes just a few minutes before resuming water production.

    The reversal process is useful in breaking up and flushing out scales, slimes, and other

    deposits in the cells before they build up. Flushing helps in reducing the problem of

    membrane fouling.

    Because of the inherent characteristics of the electrical process used in ED units, they

    are normally used to desalinate brackish water, rather than high salinity water such as

    seawater. The few ED units that are located in Texas are those that are used in low-

    salinity applications such as surface water desalination (Lake Granbury and Sherman,

    2001). Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Nano filtration (NF)

    In relation to thermal processes, Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a relatively new process that

    was commercialized in the 1970s (Buros, 2000). Currently, RO is the most widely used

    method for desalination in the United States. The RO process uses pressure as the

    driving force to push saline water through a semi-permeable membrane into a product

    water stream and a concentrated brine stream. Nano filtration (NF) is also a membrane

    process that is used for removal of divalent salt ions such as Calcium, Magnesium, and

    Sulphate. RO, on the other hand, is used for removal of Sodium and Chloride. RO

    processes are used for desalinating brackish water (TDS>1,500 mg/l), and seawater.

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    Osmosis is a natural phenomenon by which water from a low salt concentration passes

    into a more concentrated solution through a semi-permeable membrane. When pressure

    is applied to the solution with the higher salt concentration solution, the water will flow

    in a reverse direction through the semi-permeable membrane, leaving the salt behind.

    This is known as the Reverse Osmosis process or RO process.

    An RO desalination plant essentially consists of four major systems:

    a) Pretreatment system,

    b) High-pressure pumps,

    c) Membrane systems,

    d) Post-treatment.

    Pre-treatment is very important in RO because the membrane surfaces must remain

    clean. Therefore, all suspended solids must be first removed, and the water pre-treated

    so that salt precipitation or microbial growth does not occur on the membranes. Pre-

    treatment may involve conventional methods such as a chemical feed followed by

    coagulation/flocculation/sedimentation, and sand filtration, or pre-treatment may

    involve membrane processes such as microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF). The

    choice of a particular pre-treatment process is based on a number of factors such as feed

    water quality characteristics, space availability, RO membrane requirements, etc.

    High pressure pumps supply the pressure needed to enable the water to pass through the

    membrane and have the salt rejected. The pressures range from about 150 psi for

    slightly brackish water to 800 - 1,000 psi for seawater.

    The membrane assembly consists of a pressure vessel and a semi-permeable membrane

    inside that permits the feed water to pass through it. RO membranes for desalination

    generally come in two types: Spiral wound and Hollow fiber. Spiral wound elements

    are actually constructed from flat sheet membranes. Membrane materials may be made

    of cellulose acetate or of other composite polymers. In the spiral wound design, the

    membrane envelope is wrapped around a central collecting tube. The feed water under

    pressure, flows in a spiral path within the membrane envelope, and pure (desalinated)

    water is collected in the central tube. As a portion of the water passes through the

    membrane, the remaining feed water increases in salt content. A portion of the feed

    water is discharged without passing through the membrane. Without this discharge, the

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    pressurized feed water would continue to increase in salinity content, causing super-

    saturation of salts. The amount of feed water that is discharged as concentrate ranges

    from about 20 percent for brackish water to about 50 percent for seawater (Krishna,



    Cost is sensitive issue which affects the decision makers preferable and selections;

    however each technology may have its own characteristics in terms of resources, design

    aspects and other direct and indirect cost parameters.

    As the adopted technology in intended case study and the planned central desalination

    plant in Gaza strip is the sea water reverse osmosis, we will highlight herewith the most

    effective factors affecting the cost terminology (Water reuse Association Desalination

    Committee, 2012)

    2.9.1 Selection of Intake and Concentrate Discharge

    Feed water intake configuration directly affects capital and operational costs of the

    treatment process. Without consideration for the cost of land associated with each

    option, beach well intakes are usually less costly on an equipment basis. However, once

    land acquisition and easements are factored into the process, this intake type is typically

    40 to 50%more costly than an open intake of similar capacity. Horizontal and slant

    wells are comparable to open intake (yet more costly than co-located open intakes using

    existing infrastructure), and infiltration galleries typically cost more than open intakes.

    Of all the intake options, only open intakes have the longest-running installation history

    and reliability necessary to support the full-scale development of a large desalination

    facility at a new site. As a result, there is a significant depth of understanding related to

    the costs associated with constructing open intakes as well as the associated discharge


    Few SWRO facilities exist employing an intake type differing from the conventional

    open-intake. This lack of available installations for use as a qualitative benchmark for

    costing same-site alternatives is important for planners and engineers focused on

    process considerations and/or cost comparisons. However, published information is

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    limited and can be site-specific. Generalized guidance is contained in Table 2.2: Source

    types range from beach wells to open-ocean intakes (Water Reuse Association, 2012)

    Table 2.2: Source Types Range from Beach Wells to Open-Ocean Intakes

    Various methods are available to dispose of the concentrate stream, and the availability

    of alternatives will vary due to many site-specific variables. With that consideration,

    conveyance alternatives and a range of costs associated with each alternative are

    contained in Table 2.3 The costs do not include conveyance attributable to connecting

    the desalination plant to the disposal location (in the case of discharge to the ocean, this

    would be from the desalination plant to the shore line) because the conveyance distance,

    terrain, and associated costs are site-specific and highly variable, and this conveyance

    cost can dominate disposal costs.

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    Table 2.3: Concentrate Disposal Cost

    By comparison, most of the desalination plants yielding the lowest water production

    costs have concentrate discharges either located in coastal areas with very intensive

    natural mixing or are combined with power plant outfall structures which use the

    buoyancy of the warm power plant cooling water to provide accelerated initial mixing

    and salinity plume dissipation at lower cost. The intake and discharge facility costs for

    these plants are usually less than 10% of the total desalination plant costs.

    2.9.2 Feed and Finished Water Quality

    The type of pretreatment system and type of pretreatment technology selected are very

    dependent on the feed water quality. Because open ocean feed water (compared with

    well water, for example) will typically contain a greater level of suspended material and

    impurities that could possibly foul a reverse osmosis membrane, the capability of the

    pretreatment necessary to suitably pre-condition the feed water is crucial to ensure a

    long, sustainable membrane service life. For example, some coastal well water supplies

    and certain open ocean sources are generally expected to contain very low levels of

    foulants and particulates; therefore, a lesser-degree of pretreatment may be warranted. It

    is important to keep this

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