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Apprenticeships and traineeships A guide for employers




Congratulations on considering employing apprentices and trainees

You’ll discover there are lots of business advantages in developing your own skilled workforce.

We’re making it easier and simpler to take on apprentices/trainees. There are now more apprenticeships/traineeships than ever; training is competency based rather than fixed to time; and there are more options to employ part-time, in school and mature age apprentices and trainees.

At the same time, incentives for employers have increased and training is more flexible. You can employ an apprentice/trainee directly or become a host employer through a group training organisation.

ApprentiCentre is part of the Department of Training and Workforce Development and can help you build your skilled workforce.

So discuss how you can get started now with one of our industry specialists.

Find out more:

T: 13 19 54



F: 6551 5307

Disclaimer: Information within this document is correct at the time of publication.



2 Apprenticeships/traineeships: practical experience and structured training

4 Getting started

6 Your obligations as the employer

8 Finding your apprentice/trainee

11 Support during the apprenticeship/traineeship

12 Financial assistance

13 Key organisations and their services

15 Awards and competitions

16-20 Contacts


Apprenticeships/traineeships: practical experience and structured training

Apprenticeships/traineeships combine practical experience at work with structured training.

Apprenticeships generally include traditional technical trades such as bricklaying and cabinet making. Traineeships are usually in non-trade areas such as hospitality, business and health.

Both are available to people of all ages. Most can be undertaken on a full-time or part-time basis and many can be started at school.

What apprenticeships are there?There are more than 100 apprenticeships in the following industries:

• Automotive

• Building and construction

• Health

• Electrical

• Food

• Light manufacturing

• Metals, manufacturing and automotive services

• Primary industry

• Printing

• Process manufacturing

• Wholesale, retail and personal services.


What traineeships are there?There are more than 500 traineeships in these industries:

• Art

• Automotive services

• Building and construction

• Community services, health and education

• Electrotechnology

• Finance, property and business services

• Food

• Hospitality and tourism

• Information and communication technologies

• Light manufacturing

• Metals, manufacturing and services

• Mining industry

• Primary industry

• Printing and graphic arts

• Process manufacturing

• Public administration

• Sport and recreation

• Telecommunications

• Transport and storage

• Utilities

• Wholesale, retail and personal services.

For a complete list:


T: 13 19 54


Getting started

If you have not employed an apprentice/trainee before it can appear to be a bit daunting. ApprentiCentre’s industry specialists can give you advice and support through every step.

1 Selecting the right apprenticeship/traineeship for your businessThere are more than 700 apprenticeships and traineeships in Western Australia. Many are new and some have had name changes. ApprentiCentre’s industry specialists can help you select the right apprenticeship/ traineeship to suit your business.

2 Employing an apprentice/traineeYou can employ an apprentice/trainee directly as you would any member of staff or be a host employer through a group training organisation. A group training organisation arrangement is ideal if you don’t have enough work to employ a person for the full term of the apprenticeship/traineeship, or you are not able to provide all aspects of the required training. You can also register vacancies for apprentices/trainees on ApprentiCentre’s Jobs Board.

Find out more:

T: 13 19 54


3 Completing and registering a training contract An Australian Apprenticeships Centre helps you complete a training contract and other paperwork you need to employ an apprentice/trainee. You need to sign and register a training contract within 21 days of your trainee/apprentice starting work with you. For a list of Australian Apprenticeships Centres see page 16.

54 Choosing a training

organisationYour Australian Apprenticeships Centre representative helps you select the registered training organisation to train your apprentice/trainee. The training organisation works with you and your apprentice/trainee on a training plan that outlines all on and off the job training required during the apprenticeship/traineeship. Your registered training organisation is legally required to work with you to develop a training plan within the first few months of employing your apprentice/trainee.

5 Training and assessing your apprentice/traineeThe registered training organisation is responsible for training and assessing your apprentice/trainee. Your role as employer is to provide day to day training and supervision – and make sure your apprentice/trainee has access to every possible opportunity within the workplace to gain the skills required.

6 Supporting you and your apprentice/traineeApprentiCentre’s industry specialists can give you and your apprentice/trainee information, advice and support throughout the apprenticeship/traineeship. The registered training organisation monitors and assesses the training.

7 Completing and issuing the qualificationThe apprenticeship/traineeship is completed when the apprentice/trainee has completed all on and off the job training and has been assessed as competent in all units required to complete the qualification listed on the training contract. You, your apprentice/trainee and your registered training organisation need to agree that the training has been completed and to the date of completion of the training contract. This can be completed ahead of the nominal apprenticeship/traineeship term.


Your obligations as the employer

Training contractEvery apprentice/trainee in Western Australian is required to enter into a training contract with their employer at the start of the apprenticeship/traineeship.

This is a legal requirement and the training contract must be registered with ApprentiCentre within 21 days of your apprentice/trainee starting work. It is your responsibility to ensure this contract is completed.

Contact an Australian Apprenticeships Centre on 13 38 73 to organise signing the training contract as soon as your apprentice/trainee starts work.

Code of Good PracticeThere is a National Code of Good Practice that details the obligations of both employers and apprentices/trainees. It is available at or from your Australian Apprenticeships Centre when you sign the training contract.

TrainingYou are expected to have a strong commitment to training and support and encourage your apprentice/trainee by providing:

• employment, training and supervision for the duration of the apprenticeship/traineeship to give your apprentice/trainee every opportunity to learn the skills they need to complete the qualification listed on the training contract

• necessary time off work to complete the relevant off the job training if required (the formal training and assessment, whether undertaken on or off the job must be paid working time)

• a working environment and conditions which contribute to developing skills and meet industrial relations and occupational safety and health regulations.

You are required to work with your training provider to develop a training plan and review your apprentice/trainee’s progress.

7Employment conditions and wagesApprentices/trainees are generally paid less than other employees because they are being trained. Wages vary according to the industry, stage of the apprenticeship/traineeship and age of the apprentice/trainee. Industry awards may regulate wages and conditions of employment. You are required to pay apprentices/trainees for all time spent in on and off the job training as shown in the training plan.

Find out more:

(about wages and conditions for WA awards):

T: Wageline 1300 655 266

Find out more:

(about wages and conditions under Australian Government awards):

T: Fair Work Australia 13 13 94


ProbationThe probation period is one month for each year of the traineeship/apprenticeship. Most trainees will be on probation for the first month and most apprentices will be on probation for the first three months. During the probation period the training contract can be cancelled by either party.


Finding your apprentice/trainee

Employing an apprentice/traineeYou can either employ an apprentice/trainee directly or through a group training organisation.

If you wish to employ an apprentice/trainee directly you can recruit someone in the same way you recruit other employees such as by advertising in newspapers or on the internet. You can also advertise for free on ApprentiCentre’s Jobs Board at

ApprentiCentre has a list of apprentices/trainees who are looking for new employers. If you are looking for a person who has already started their apprenticeship/traineeship (for example a second or third year apprentice/trainee) telephone ApprentiCentre which can then pass your details on.

Choosing the right personA good option is to look for someone who is genuinely interested in a career in your industry and has relevant work experience or has completed a related course.

You might wish to consider an applicant’s career goals, their communication, school results and team working skills.

Apprentices/trainees generally need to have completed at least Year 10 to meet literacy and numeracy requirements of the qualification.

Group training organisationsGroup training organisations employ apprentices and trainees and host them to other employers.

This arrangement can help you if you do not have enough work to employ a person for the full term of an apprenticeship/traineeship, or you are not able to provide all aspects of the required training.

Some group training organisations operate in specific geographical areas and others in particular industries.

If you are looking for an apprentice/trainee, advertise for free on ApprentiCentre’s Jobs Board at

Find out more T: 13 19 54

9Contact a group training organisation for further information about hosting an apprentice or trainee – see pages 17–19, visit or talk with your ApprentiCentre industry specialist.

Apprenticeship and traineeship optionsAll apprenticeships/traineeships can be undertaken on a full-time basis and most can also be part-time.

Training in SchoolsEmploying a school based apprentice/trainee, or offering a work placement for a student in the Pre-Apprenticeships in Schools program, is a great way to encourage young people into your industry.

Students generally attend school three days a week, are in the workplace one day a week and spend one day training at TAFE or another registered training organisation.

You can employ a school based apprentice/trainee directly or through a group training organisation.

The Australian Government provides financial incentives for employers of school based apprentices/trainees.

Pre-Apprenticeship in SchoolsPre-Apprenticeship in Schools are Certificate II programs that have been nominated by Western Australian industry training councils as valid pathways from school to a traditional trade apprenticeship. Students attend school, train at a registered training organisation and are linked to an employer for work placement.

The student must complete a work placement as nominated in the pre-apprenticeship program. The registered training organisations will coordinate work placements in partnership with the schools.

When the student has successfully completed the program they are eligible for a three month reduction in term if they go on to an apprenticeship with the same title. The apprenticeship may also be delivered in a school based or a full-time arrangement.

Find out more: W: T: 13 19 54

10School based apprenticeships/traineeshipsSchool based apprenticeships/traineeships allow students to start an apprenticeship/traineeship while still at school. They can start on a part-time basis at school with an option of continuing on a full-time or part-time basis after leaving school. They also complete their Western Australian Certificate of Education.

As a school based apprentice/trainee the student and their parent/guardian enter into a training contract with their employer. They are also paid while they learn for the duration of the contract.

The student’s attendance at school, work and the registered training organisation is negotiated with the student and their employer, school and registered training organisation.

Find out more:


T: 13 19 54

Training your current workforce Your existing staff can do an apprenticeship/traineeship – just apply to ApprentiCentre for your staff to start their apprenticeship/traineeship.

Staff with extensive industry specific experience will take less time to complete their apprenticeship/traineeship.

A registered training organisation conducts an assessment to decide what formal training is required for the staff member to complete their apprenticeship/traineeship.

Finding your apprentice/trainee


Support during the apprenticeship/traineeship

Dealing with problemsIf problems arise with your apprentice/trainee, deal with them straight away. If you need advice or help contact ApprentiCentre. ApprentiCentre’s industry specialists can help you mediate and resolve disputes with your apprentices/trainees.

Changing the apprenticeship/traineeship arrangementsYou can make changes during an apprenticeship/traineeship, such as changing the registered training organisation. It is important to contact ApprentiCentre for help if you are planning on making changes to the training contract.

Cancelling an apprenticeship/traineeshipAn apprenticeship/traineeship is a contract that should be entered into in good faith by both parties. Cancelling the training contract should be a last resort. However, if both you and your apprentice/trainee want to cancel the training contract, contact ApprentiCentre. A training contract cannot be legally cancelled without ApprentiCentre’s approval.

ApprentiCentre can also help you and your apprentice/trainee try to maintain the training contract. You and your apprentice/trainee may access mediation and formal dispute resolution if terminating a training contract.

Suspending an apprenticeship/traineeshipYou and your apprentice/trainee may agree to suspend the training contract for a period of time (for example, due to illness or family considerations). After the suspension period ends the apprentice/trainee will return to work.

Completion of an apprenticeship/traineeshipAn apprenticeship/traineeship is formally completed when the apprentice/trainee has finished all on and off the job training and is assessed as competent in the qualification listed on the training contract. This can be either before or on completion of the nominal apprenticeship/traineeship term.

The training contract cannot be completed until you, your apprentice/trainee and your training organisation agree. When the contract is completed the apprentice/trainee receives a nationally recognised qualification from the registered training organisation.


Financial assistance

Australian Government incentivesThe Australian Government provides incentives to employers to reduce the cost of training apprentices/trainees.

You may be eligible for additional incentives, eg if your apprentice/trainee has a disability or they are mature age.

Find out more:

T: 13 38 73 (Australian Apprenticeships Centre)


Payroll Tax exemptionYou are exempt from Payroll Tax for wages of apprentices/trainees.

Find out more:

T: 9262 1300 (Department of Treasury and Finance)

Funding for training The Department of Training and Workforce Development provides funds for training most new apprentices/trainees.

Funding for training existing workers may be available for those entering higher level qualifications at certificate IV and above. Apprentices/trainees are required to pay some fees to their registered training organisation.

Construction Training FundThe funding provides substantial incentives for employing an apprentice/trainee in specified building trades.

The level of funding depends on the nominal term of the apprenticeship/traineeship. Bonus subsidies are available to employers who employ mature age apprentices (aged 30 years and over when the training contract is registered).

Find out more:

T: 9244 0100



Key organisations and their services

ApprentiCentreApprentiCentre is part of the Department of Training and Workforce Development and supports employers and apprentices/trainees and their parents/guardians through every stage of the apprenticeship/traineeship. Industry specialists can also help with:

• your rights and obligations

• training options

• problem solving, mediation and disputes

• managing contracts including registering, changing and suspending contracts.

Australian Apprenticeships Centres Australian Apprenticeships Centres are contracted by the Australian Government. Staff help complete and lodge the training contract. They also provide general information on apprenticeships/traineeships and process claims for employer incentives and apprentice/trainee allowances.

Registered training organisationsRegistered training organisations are responsible for training apprentices/trainees.

They negotiate training plans with the employer and apprentice/trainee, provide training and assessment and issue qualifications.

Registered training organisations include TAFE and private training providers.


Key organisations and their services

Group training organisationsGroup training organisations employ apprentices/trainees and place them with host employers. They may operate in defined geographical areas or specialise in particular industries.

Group training arrangements are ideal for employers who do not have enough work to employ a person for the full term of an apprenticeship/traineeship or who are not able to provide all aspects of the required training.


Awards and competitions

WA Training AwardsEach year the WA Training Awards showcase employers, trainers, apprentices and trainees achieving outstanding results in training both on and off the job. There are specific awards for WA Apprentice of the Year, WA Trainee of the Year and WA School Based Apprentice of the Year as well as for businesses which employ apprentices/trainees.

Apprentice and trainee winners at the State level automatically go on to represent Western Australia at the Australian Training Awards. State winners in the business categories can also go on to the Australian Training Awards.

The awards give you the opportunity to showcase the talented people you have working as apprentices and trainees – as well as your commitment to your industry and to skilling Western Australians.

The WA Training Awards are run by the Department of Training and Workforce Development.

Find out more:


T: 6551 5609


WorldSkills Australia competitionThe WorldSkills Australia competition challenges young people to be the best in their skill area. In WA competitions are held every two years to test young people’s skills against those of their peers in about 40 categories including most trades and other skill areas such as information technology and business.

Winners at the State level go on to represent Western Australia at the national level and can then even go on to the international level to be the best in the world.

What better way of boosting your business than having winners in your team!

Find out more:


T: 13 19 54



Organisations to help youApprentiCentre

ApprentiCentre registers training contracts and gives advice and support to employers, apprentices/trainees and parents/carers through every stage of the apprenticeship/traineeship process. It is part of the Department of Training and Workforce Development with staff who help with all aspects of apprenticeships/traineeships including:

• your rights and obligations

• training options

• problem solving, counselling and help with disputes

• managing contracts including registering, changing and suspending contracts.

Australian Apprenticeships Centres

Australian Apprenticeships Centres are contracted by the Australian Government. They help complete and lodge the training contract. They also provide general information on apprenticeships/traineeships and process claims for employer incentives and apprentice/trainee allowances.

Registered training organisations

Registered training organisations provide training and assess apprentices/trainees. They negotiate training plans with the employer and apprentice/trainee, provide the training and assessment and issue the qualifications. Registered training organisations include State Training Providers and private registered training organisations.

Group training organisations

Group training organisations employ apprentices/trainees and place them with host employers. They are ideal for employers who do not have sufficient work to employ a person for the full term of an apprenticeship/traineeship, or who are unable to provide all aspects of the required training. Group training organisations may operate in a defined geographical area or specialise in a particular industry.

17ApprentiCentreT: 13 19 54 E:

Goldfields T: 9091 3560

Great Southern T: 9842 0600

Kimberley T: 9192 1029

Midwest T: 9964 1022

Peel T: 9581 1154

Pilbara T: 9185 1946

South West T: 9791 1966

Wheatbelt T: 9622 7999

Australian Apprenticeships Centres – metropolitan

AMA Services Pty LtdNedlandsT: 9273 3042

CCI Apprenticeship SolutionsEast Perth and KwinanaT: 1800 224 224

MEGT (Australia) LtdPerthT: 9263 7888

Australian Apprenticeships Centres – regional

The Apprenticeship and Traineeship CompanyAlbany T: 9841 7740Bunbury T: 9725 6565Busselton T: 9754 3001Mandurah T: 9586 9000Manjimup T: 9777 2115

CCI Apprenticeship SolutionsAlbany, Bunbury, Broome, Christmas Island, Esperance, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Karratha, Kununurra, Mandurah, Northam, Port HedlandT: 1800 224 224

MEGT (Australia) LtdAlbany T: 6819 5222Bunbury T: 9722 6900



Group training organisations – metropolitan

ABN Training(most building trades)Osborne Park T: (08) 9200 4500

Aboriginal Employment Strategy Ltd(communications, community services andhealth, finance, insurance and businessservices, mining, public sector industry, retailand wholesale)Victoria Park T: (08) 6365 5160

AFL Sports Ready Ltd(most sport and recreation traineeships)Subiaco T: (08) 9382 8333

Apprenticeships Australia(all industries)Naval Base T: (08) 9437 0111

ChoiceOne Pty Ltd(metal, wood and glass)Perth T: (08) 9215 3888

Directions(all industries)Midland T: (08) 9274 8502

Electrical Group Training Ltd(most electrical trades)Balcatta T: (08) 6241 6100

Health Training Australia Inc(aged care and business administration)Nedlands T: (08) 9273 3000

HIA Apprentices Ltd(most building trades)Osborne Park T: (08) 9492 9200

Hospitality Group Training WA Inc(hospitality industry)West Perth T: (08) 9481 1602

MEGT(all industries)East Perth T: (08) 9263 7888

Motor Industry Training Association of WA Inc(most vehicle industry trades)Joondalup T: (08) 9233 9800

MPA Skills(most plumbing and painting trades)East Victoria Park T: (08) 9471 6600

My Freight Career Pty Ltd(transport and distribution)Belmont T: (08) 9477 4633

Richards Mining Services(mining, transport, civil construction, businessand mechanical)Joondalup T: 08 9400 7577

19Skill Hire WA Pty Ltd(most building and construction trades)Belmont T: (08) 9477 1900

Skilled Group Ltd(metals, mining, railway operations andprocess manufacturing)Welshpool T: (08) 9229 8222

SMYL Community Services(childcare, retail, I.T., horticulture, buildingand construction, youth work, businessadministration)Fremantle T: (08) 9430 4921

The Apprentice and Traineeship Co(all industries)Osborne Park T: (08) 9204 4566

The West Australian Group TrainingScheme Inc(most building trades and hairdressing)Wangara T: (08) 9408 0025

Workplace Employment and TrainingServices Inc(most furniture and textile trades and engineering)Victoria Park T: (08) 9362 4122

WPC Group Ltd(Automotive, Hospitality, Business andHorticulture.)Osborne Park T: 1300 787 202

Group training organisations – regional

ABN Training(most building trades)Bunbury T: (08) 9792 0555

Apprenticeships Australia(all industries)Bunbury T: (08) 9791 5288Esperance T: (08) 9071 6467Kalgoorlie T: (08) 9091 3249Karratha T: (08) 9144 2140Port Hedland T: (08) 9172 1899

ATC Work Smart(all industries)Albany T: (08) 9841 7740

Directions(all industries)Kalgoorlie T: (08) 9022 4299Merredin T: (08) 9041 2322Moora T: (08) 9653 1320Narrogin T: (08) 9881 4183Northam T: (08) 9622 6500

20Indian Ocean Group Training Association(all industries - Christmas Island)Christmas Island T: (08) 9164 7220

Kimberley Group Training Inc(all industries)Broome T: (08) 9192 8877Kununurra T: (08) 9168 3808(all industries)Broome T: (08) 9192 8877Kununurra T: (08) 9168 3808

Skill Hire WA Pty Ltd(most building and construction trades)Albany T: (08) 9892 7444Broome T: (08) 9191 9300Bunbury T: (08) 9722 4222Carnarvon T: (08) 9941 7777Esperance T: (08) 9076 2000Geraldton T: (08) 9921 0999Kalgoorlie T: (08) 9026 4777

The Apprentice & Traineeship CompanyMidwest(all industries)Geraldton T: (08) 9923 1400

The Apprentice and Traineeship Co(all industries)Bunbury T: (08) 9725 6565Busselton T: (08) 9754 3001Mandurah T: (08) 9586 9000

TITLE: Apprenticeships & traineeships: A guide for employers SCIS NO.: 1414270 ISBN: 978 0 7307 4318 7

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2013

Reproduction of this work in whole or part for educational purposes, within an educational institution and on condition that it is not offered for sale, is permitted by the Department of Training and Workforce Development.

This material is available on request in appropriate alternative formats.

Further information please contact: ApprentiCentre Telephone: 13 19 54 +61 8 6551 5499 Facsimile: +61 8 6551 5307 Email: URL:

If you’re an employer looking for an apprentice or trainee, or you’re looking for an employer to do an apprenticeship or traineeship with, find each other with the free Jobs Board app.

Find each other withthe free Jobs Board app.

w: 13 19 54




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