april 12, 1861 – may 10, 1865 civil war generals

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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APRIL 12 , 1861 – MAY 10 , 1865

Civil War Generals

Union Generals Confederate Generals

Ulysses S. Grant

George McClellan

W. T. Sherman

George Meade

Robert E. Lee

Stonewall Jackson

PGT Beauregard

J.E.B. Stuart

Ulysses S. Grant

• Led the Union Army in the last years of the war• Won the battles at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Chattanooga• Victory at Appotamax Courthouse ended the war• Overland Campaign and Victory• Became president in 1869

George McClellan

• Led the Army of the Potomac• Leadership skill questioned by Lincoln• Insubordinate to the President• Removed of his command after retreats• Became governor of NJ

W. T. Sherman

• Harsh “scorched earth” policies• Conducted total war against Confederate States• Captured Atlanta in “march to sea” campaign• March through Georgia & Carolinas • His military success led to reelection of Lincoln

George Meade

• Civil engineer and army office before war• Nicknamed “Old Snapping Turtle”• Criticized for not pursuing Confederate Army• Best known for defeating Confederates at Gettysburg• Overshadowed by General Grant

Robert E. Lee

• Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia• Nicknamed “The Marble Man”• The most successful Confederate General• Was offered command of the Union Army• Surrendered to Grant at Appotamax Courthouse

Stonewall Jackson

• Considered one of the best tactical commanders• Corp commander under Robert E. Lee• First Battle of Bull Run (Manassas)• Battle of Harpers Ferry• Died from complications from “friendly fire”

P.G.T. Beauregard

• Started the war with the attack on Fort Sumter• Battle of Shiloh• First Battle of Bull Run• First Confederate Brigadier General• Commander in Battle of Shiloh in Tennessee

J.E.B. Stuart

• Calvary officer known for his reconnaissance• Nicknamed “Knight of the Golden Spurs”• Known as the eyes and ears of Robert E. Lee• Cavalry Commander of Army of Northern Virginia• Killed at the Battle of Yellow Tavern 1864

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