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ap us problems



Advanced Placement: United States History

Practice Problems


ContentsChapter 1 Multiple Choice...................................................................................................5

Answer Key – Chapter 1............................................................................................................14

Chapter 2 Multiple Choice.................................................................................................15Answer Key – Chapter 2............................................................................................................24

Chapter 3 – Multiple Choice Worksheet...........................................................................25Chapter 3 – Answer Key............................................................................................................35

Chapter 4 – Multiple Choice..............................................................................................36Chapter 4 Multiple Choice........................................................................................................46

Chapter 5- Multiple Choice...............................................................................................47Answer Key- Chapter 5.............................................................................................................58

Chapter 6 – Multiple Choice..............................................................................................59Answer Key- Chapter 6.............................................................................................................68

Chapter 7 – Multiple Choice..............................................................................................69Answer Key- Chapter 7.............................................................................................................80

Chapter 9 – Multiple Choice..............................................................................................82Chapter 10- Multiple Choice.............................................................................................92

Chapter 10- Answer Key.........................................................................................................105

Chapter 11- Multiple Choice...........................................................................................106Chapter 11- Answer Key.........................................................................................................117

Chapter 12 Multiple Choice.............................................................................................118Chapter 12 –Answer Key.........................................................................................................128

Chapter 13- Multiple Choice...........................................................................................129Chapter 13- Answer Key.........................................................................................................139

Chapter 14- Multiple Choice...........................................................................................140Chapter 14-Answer Key..........................................................................................................149

Chapter 15- Multiple Choice...........................................................................................150Chapter 15 – Answer Key........................................................................................................159

Chapter 16 – Multiple Choice Worksheet.......................................................................160Chapter 16 Multiple Choice....................................................................................................167




AP U.S. History Chapter 1 Multiple Choice

1. The European explorers who followed Columbus to North America a) intended to found a new nationb) continued to view themselves as Europeans c) did not consider America as the western rim of the European world d) no longer saw themselves as subjects of European kings e) saw little difference in their lives in America and their lives in Europe.

2. The colonists who ultimately embraced the vision of America as an independent nation had in common all of the following characteristics except

a) the desire to create an agricultural society b) learning to live lives unfettered by the tyrannies of royal authority c) learning to live lives unfettered by the tyrannies of official religion d) an unwillingness to subjugate others e) learning to live lives unfettered by the tyrannies of social hierarchies

3. The ideals that the colonists cherished as synonymous with American life included reverence for all of the following except

a) individual liberty b) self-government c) opposition to slavery d) religious tolerance e) economic opportunity

4. By the 1770s which of the following issues helped bring about a crisis of imperial authority?

a) trade relations b) slavery c) few colonists clung to any hope of accommodation with Great Britain d) the coronation of a new king e) the rise to power of radical patriots in the American colonies

5. The existence of a single original continent has been proved by the presence of a) similar mountain ranges on the various continents b) the discovery of nearly identical species of fish in long-separated

freshwater lakes of various continents c) the discovery of marsupials on the various continents d) the continued shifting of the earth’s crust e) all of the above

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6. Which of the following mountain ranges was probably created before the continental separation approximately 350 million years ago?

a) the Rockies b) the Sierra Nevada c) the Cascades d) the Coast Range e) the Appalachians

7. Which of the following was not a feature created in North America ten thousand years ago when the glaciers retreated?

a) the Great Lakes b) the Great Salt Lake c) a mineral-rich desert d) thousands of shallow depressions which formed lakes e) the Grand Canyon

8. The Great Ice Age accounted for the origins of North America’s human history because

a) it exposed a land bridge connecting Eurasia with North America b) the glacial withdrawal allowed migration from South America c) the glacial withdrawal formed freshwater lakes that supported life d) when it ended European migration to the west became possible e) i9t prevented the migration of dangerous animals from the Bering isthmus

9. Most likely the first Americans were a) Vikings from Scandinaviab) Spanish explorers of the fifteenth century c) People who crossed the land bridge from Eurasia to North America d) Portuguese sailors of Prince Henry the Navigator e) refugees from Africa

10. In 1492, when Europeans arrived in the Americas, the total of the two continents’ populations was perhaps

a) 20 million b) 54 million c) 50 million d) 4 million e) 200 million

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11. Some of the more advanced Native American cultures did all of the following except

a) engage in significant ocean voyages of discovery b) establish large, bustling cities c) make strikingly accurate astronomical observations d) study mathematics e) carry on commerce

12. The size and sophistication of native America civilizations in Mexico and South America can be attributed to

a) Spanish influences b) their way of life based on hunting and gathering c) the development of agriculture d) influences brought by early settlers from Siberia e) their use of draft animals and the wheel

13. The crop that became the staple of life in Mexico and South America was a) wheat b) potatoes c) tobacco d) corn e) beans

14. Native American (Indian) civilization was least highly developed in a) North America b) Mexico c) Central America d) Peru e) Latin America

15. One of the main factors that enabled Europeans to conquer native North Americans with relative ease was

a) the pacifistic nature of the native North Americans b) the settled agricultural societies of North America c) the absence of dense concentrations of population or complex nation-

states in North America d) the use of native guides e) all of the above

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16. At the time of the European colonization of North America the number of Indian tribes was estimated at approximately

a) 100 b) 500 c) 1,000 d) 50 e) 200

17. The development of “three sister” farming on the southeast Atlantic seaboard a) lead to the dominance of the potato b) enabled the Anasazis to prosper c) ultimately failed to produce adequate amounts of food d) was attributed to three young women of the Cherokee peoples e) produced a rich diet that led to high population densities

18. Before the arrival of Columbus, most native peoples in North America a) lived in large communities b) were more advanced than those in South America c) lived in small, scattered, and impermanent settlements d) populated the greater part of the continent e) relied on horses for transportation

19. The Iroquois Confederacy was able to menace its Native American and European neighbors because of

a) its military alliance, sustained by political and organizational skills b) the Iroquois warriors’ skill with Europeans’ muskets c) the scattered nature of the Iroquois settlements, which made it difficult for

their enemies to defeat them d) the alliance with the Aztecs and Incas e) its use of new weapons

20. Men in the more settled agricultural groups in North America performed all of the following except

a) hunting b) gathering fuel c) tending crops d) clearing fields for planting e) fishing

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21. The early voyages of the Scandinavian seafarers did not result in permanent settlement in North America because

a) the Native Americans drove them out b) the area in which they landed could not support a large population c) no nation-state yearning to expand supported these ventures d) British adventurers defeated the Scandinavians in 1066e) the settlers died of disease

22. The Christian crusaders were indirectly responsible for the discovery of America because they

a) were victorious over the Muslims b) brought back news of valuable Far Eastern spices, drugs, and silk c) succeeded in establishing improved business relations between Muslims

and Christians d) returned with captured Muslim maps showing the North and South

American continents e) developed better navigational devices

23. Europeans wanted to discover a new, shorter route to eastern Asia in order to a) break the hold that Muslim merchants had on trade with Asia b) reduce the price of goods from Asia c) gain more profits for themselves d) reduce the time it took to transport goods e) all of the above

24. Before the middle of the 15th century, sub-Saharan Africa had remained remote and mysterious to Europeans because

a) there was little of value there for them b) sea travel down the African coast had been virtually impossible c) Islamic societies prevented Europe from making inroads there d) they did not know that it existed e) they feared the people who lived there

25. In the last half of the 15th century some forty thousand Americans were forced into slavery by Portugal and Spain to

a) work on plantations in Africa b) establish plantations in North America c) establish plantations in South America d) help pay for the gold they took e) work on plantations on the Atlantic sugar islands

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26. The origins of the modern plantation system can be found in the a) American South b) Arab slave trade c) Portuguese slave trade d) European feudal system e) African slave system

27. Spain was united into a single nation-state when a) it was invaded by Portugal in the late 15th century b) Christopher Columbus returned with news of his discovery of the New

World c) Prince Henry the Navigator came to the throne d) the African Moors were expelled from the Iberian Peninsula e) Ferdinand and Isabella were overthrown

28. The stage was set for a cataclysmic shift in the course of history when a) Europeans clamored for more and cheaper products from Asia b) Africa was established as a source of slave labor c) the Portuguese demonstrated the feasibility of long range ocean navigation d) the Renaissance nurtured a spirit of optimism and adventure e) all of the above

29. In an effort to reach the Indies, Spain looked westward because a) Portugal controlled the African coast b) the Pope granted Spain the right to sail this route c) Muslims blocked the sea route d) the Moors had convinced them to do soe) all of the above

30. After his first voyage, Christopher Columbus believed that he had a) discovered a New World b) failed at what he had set out to do c) sailed to the outskirts of the East Indies d) sailed around the world e) reached the shores of Japan

31. Columbus called the native people in the “New World” Indians because a) that was what they called themselves b) he believed that he had skirted the rime of the “Indies” c) it was a form of the Spanish word for heathen d) the Vikings had first called them by that name e) all of the above

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32. In the new interdependent global system that emerged after Columbus’ discovery, the new world provided

a) markets b) technology c) raw materials d) capital e) labor

33. Which of the following New World plants revolutionized the international economy?

a) maize b) potatoes c) beans d) tomatoes e) all of the above

34. The introduction of American plants around the world resulted in a) rapid population growth in Europe b) many illnesses, caused by the new germs contained in these food-stuffs c) an African population decline d) very little change e) an increase in obese people

35. European contact with Native Americans led to a) the Europeans’ acceptance of the horse into their culture b) the deaths of millions of Native Americans, who had little resistance to

European diseases c) the introduction into the New World of such plants as potatoes, tomatoes,

and beans d) an increase in the Native American population e) the use of tobacco by Native Americans

36. Within a century after Columbus’ landfall in the New World, the Native American population was reduced by nearly

a) 50 percent b) 20 percent c) 70 percent d) 90 percent e) 40 percent

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37. European explorers introduced _________ into the New World. a) syphilis b) maize c) tobacco d) smallpox e) pumpkin

38. The flood of precious metal from the New World to Europe resulted in a) a price revolution that lowered consumer costs b) the growth of capitalism c) a reduced amount of trade with Asia d) more money for France and Spain but less for Italy and Holland e) little impact on the world economy

39. The institution of encomienda allowed the a) native people to enslave members of other tribes b) Europeans to marry Native Americans c) European governments to give Indians to colonists if they promised to

Christianize them d) governments of Europe to abolish the practice of Indian slavery and to

establish African slavery e) Europeans to establish an economy based on capitalism

40. Men became conquistadores because they wanted to a) gain God’s favor by spreading Christianity b) escape dubious pasts c) seek adventure, as the heroes of classical antiquity had done d) satisfy their desire for gold e) all of the above

41. The Aztec chief Montezuma allowed Cortes to enter the capital of Tenochtitlan because

a) Cortes’ army was so powerful b) Montezuma believed that Cortes was the god Quetzalcoatl c) there was little in the city of interest to the Spanish d) he was told to by the gods e) all of the above

42. In which of the following is the explorer mismatched with the area he explored? a) Coronado – New Mexico and Arizona b) Ponce de Leon – Mississippi River Valley c) Cortes – Mexico d) Pizarro – Peru e) Columbus – Caribbean islands Page 9.


43. Spain began to fortify and settle its North American border lands in order to a) protect its Central and South American domains from encroachments by

England and France b) gain control of Canada c) gain more slaves d) find a passage to the Pacific Ocean e) look for gold in Florida

44. As a result of Pope’s Rebellion in 1680, a) the Pueblo Indians destroyed every Catholic church in the province of

New Mexico b) the Pueblo Indians were destroyed c) the Spanish destroyed Pueblo temples and erected Catholic churches on

those sites d) the Spanish missionaries suppressed native religions e) the French gained control of New Mexico

45. The treatment of the Native Americans by the Spanish conquistadores can be described as

a) at times brutal and exploitative b) firm but fair c) unmotivated by greed d) scornful of intermarriage e) leaving little of Spanish culture


AP U.S. History

Answer Key – Chapter 1

1) B2) D3) C4) A5) B6) E7) E 8) A9) C10) B11) A12) C13) D14) A15) C16) E17) E18) C19) A20) C21) C22) B23) E

24) B25) E26) C27) D28) E29) A30) C31) B32) C33) E34) A35) B36) D37) D38) B39) C40) E41) B42) B43) A44) A45) A

AP U.S. History


Chapter 2 Multiple Choice Practice Problems

Make the best selection. 1. The settlement founded in the early 1600s that was most important for the United

States was a) Santa Fe b) Quebec c) Jamestown d) Massachusetts Bay e) Saint Augustine

2. The English treatment of the Irish can best be described as a) firm but fair b) better than their treatment of any English subjects c) the prime example of salutary neglect d) violent and unjust e) supportive of their Catholic faith

3. Match each individual on the left with the correct description: A. Francis Drake 1. “sea dog” who plundered the treasure B. Walter Raleigh ships of the Spanish Main C. Humphrey Gilbert 2. adventurer who tried by failed to establish a colony in Newfoundland 3. explorer whose voyage in 1498 established England’s territorial claims in the New World 4. courtier whose colony at Roanoke Island was mysteriously abandoned in the 1580s 5. the colonizer who helped establish tobacco as a cash crop in Georgia

a. A-2, B-1, C-3 b. A-1, B-4, C-2 c. A-3, B-2, C-1d. A-4, B-3, C-2e. A-5, B-4, C-1

4. Spain’s dreams of empire began to fade with the a) War of Spanish Succession b) defeat of the Spanish Armada c) loss of Brazil d) Treaty of Tordesillas e) conquest of Mexico


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5. The first English attempt at colonization was in a) Newfoundland b) St. Augustine c) Jamestown d) Roanoke Island e) Massachusetts Bay

6. England’s defeat of the Spanish Armada a) led to a Franco-Spanish alliance that prevented England from establishing

its own American colonies b) allowed England to take control of Spain’s American colonies c) demonstrated that Spanish Catholicism was inferior to English

Protestantism d) helped to ensure England’s naval dominance in the North Atlantic e) occurred despite weather conditions which favored Spain

7. Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) Reformation, (B) founding of Jamestown colony, (C) Restoration, (D) defeat of the Spanish Armada, (E) colony of Georgia founded

a) A, B, C, D, Eb) C, A, D, B, Ec) D, A, B, C, Ed) A, D, B, C, Ee) E, D, A, C, B

8. The spirit of the English on the eve of colonization included all of the following except

a) restlessness b) self-confidence c) curiosity about the unknown d) thirst for adventure e) limited patriotism

9. On the eve of its colonizing adventure, England possessed a) a unified national state b) a measure of religious unity c) a sense of nationalism d) a popular monarch e) all of the above


Page 3.

10. The financial means for England’s first permanent colonization in America were provided by

a) a joint-stock company b) a royal proprietor c) Queen Elizabeth II d) the law of primogeniture e) an expanding wool trade

11. All of the following provided motives for English colonization except a) unemployment b) thirst for adventure c) desire for markets d) desire for religious freedom e) need for a place to exploit slave labor

12. The guarantee that English settlers in the New World would retain the “rights of Englishmen” proved to be

a) an empty promise b) unpopular among the settlers c) the cause of revolutions in Spain and France d) the foundation of American liberties e) a catalyst for French colonization of North America

13. The early years at Jamestown were mainly characterized by a) starvation, disease, and frequent Indian raids b) economic prosperity c) constant fear of Spanish invasion d) major technical advancement e) peace with the Native Americans

14. Despite an abundance of fish and game, early Jamestown settlers continued to starve because

a) they had neither weapons nor fishing gear b) their fear of Indians prevented them from venturing too far from the town c) they wasted time looking for gold d) they lacked leaders to organize efficient hunting and fishing parties e) there were not enough gentlemen to organize the work force

15. Captain John Smith’s role at Jamestown can best be described as a) very limited b) saving the colony from collapse c) persuading the colonists to continue their hung for gold d) worsening the colonists’ relationship with the Indians e) reducing the terrible death toll


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16. Chief Powhatan had Captain John Smith kidnapped in order to a) impress Smith with the chief’s power b) demonstrate the Indian’s desire for war c) punish Smith for refusing to marry Pocahontas d) hold him for a large ransom to be paid by King James e) all of the above

17. When Lord De La Warr took control of Jamestown in 1610, he a) halted the rapid population decline b) re-established better relations with the Indians c) brought many Irish immigrants with him d) died within a few months of his arrival e) imposed a harsh military regime on the colony

18. The result of the Second Anglo-Powhatan War in 1644 can best be described as a) halting white settlement on the frontier b) returning the Chesapeake Indians to their ancestral lands c) making peaceful coexistence possible between the European and native

peoples d) ending any chance of assimilating the native peoples into Virginia society e) bringing together areas of white and Indian settlement

19. The native peoples of Virginia (Powhatans) succumbed to the Europeans because they

a) died in large numbers from European diseases b) lacked the unity necessary to resist the well-organized whites c) could be disposed of by Europeans with no harm to the colonial economy d) were not a reliable labor source e) all of the above

20. As part of the change brought about in the lives of the Lakotas, theya) were forced to move to the west b) became sedentary forest dwellers c) died out d) lost their oral traditions e) became nomadic

21. The biggest disrupter of Native American life was a) horses b) loss of culture c) disease d) fire amrs e) the formation of new tribes


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22. The Indians that had the greatest opportunity to adapt to the European incursion were

a) those living on the Atlantic seaboard b) those in Florida c) inland tribes such as the Algonquians d) those in Latin America e) the Pueblos

23. After the purchases of slaves in 1619 by Jamestown settlers, additional purchases of Africans were few because

a) they were poor workers b) many colonists were morally opposed to slavery c) their labor was not needed d) indentured servants refused to work with them e) they were too costly

24. The cultivation of tobacco in Jamestown resulted in all of the following except a) the destruction of the soil b) a great demand for controlled labor c) soaring prosperity in the colony d) diversification of the colony’s economy e) the broad-acred plantation system

25. The summoning of Virginia’s House of Burgesses marked an important precedent because it

a) failed b) was abolished by King James I c) was the first of many miniature parliaments to convene in America d) forced King James I to revoke the colony’s royal charter and grant it self-

government e) allowed the seating of non-voting Native Americans

26. A major reason for the founding of the Maryland colony was to a) establish a defensive buffer against Spanish colonies in the South b) create a refuge for the Catholics c) help the Protestants d) allow Lord Baltimore to keep all the land for himself e) repudiate the feudal way of life


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27. At the outset, Lord Baltimore allowed some religious toleration in the Maryland colony because he

a) hoped to secure freedom of worship for his fellow Catholics b) was a committed atheist c) wanted the colony’s Jews to be able to practice their faith d) hoped to maintain a Catholic majority e) was asked to do so by the King

28. Maryland’s Act of Toleration a) was issued by Lord Baltimore b) abolished the death penalty c) gave freedom only to Catholics d) protected Jews and atheists e) actually sanctioned less religious toleration than what previously existed

29. Tobacco was considered a poor man’s crop because a) it could be produced easily and quickly b) it was smoked by the lower class c) the poor were sued to plant and harvest it d) it could be purchased at a low price e) it required complicated processing

30. Sugar was called a rich man’s crop for all of the following reasons except that it a) had to be planted extensively b) required the clearing of much land c) could be purchased only by the wealthy d) required an elaborate refining process e) was a capital-intense business

31. Under the Barbados slave code of 1661, slaves were a) guaranteed the right to marry b) denied the most fundamental rights c) protected from the most vicious punishments d) given the opportunity to purchase their freedom e) assigned specific monetary value

32. The statutes governing slavery in the North American colonies originated in a) England b) Virginia c) Brazil d) Barbados e) Spain


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33. One of the earliest and most important exports from the Carolinas was a) tobacco b) naval stores c) fish d) Indian slaves e) corn

34. The colony of South Carolina prospered a) by developing close economic ties with the British West Indies b) only after Georgia was established c) as a result of the importation of Indian slaves d) because of its thriving shipbuilding industry e) under the leadership of Oliver Cromwell

35. Two major exports of the Carolinas were a) rice and Indian slaves b) sugar and corn c) tobacco and furs d) black slaves and cotton e) sugar and cotton

36. Some Africans became especially valuable as slaves in the Carolinas because they a) had experience working in dry, desert-like areas b) were experienced in rice cultivation c) were knowledgeable regarding cotton production d) exhibited skill as soldiers e) were skilled craftsmen

37. The busiest seaport in the southern colonies was a) St. Augustine b) Jamestown c) Savannah d) Baltimore e) Charleston

38. North Carolina and Rhode Island were similar in that they a) were very aristocratic b) exercised no independent prerogative c) depended on trade with Spain d) were the tow most democratic colonies e) were founded by Roger Williams


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39. The inhabitants of North Carolina were regarded by their neighbors as a) hostile b) too submissive to authority c) irreligious d) far too friendly with Spain e) too Catholic

40. The attitude of Carolinians toward Indians can best be described as a) friendly b) neutral c) hostile d) promoting interracial marriage e) none of the above

41. The colony of Georgia was founded a) by a joint-stock company b) as a defensive buffer for South Carolina c) by eight proprietors chosen by Charles II d) in the seventeenth century e) by King George

42. Georgia’s founders were determined to a) conquer Florida and add it to Britain’s empire b) create a haven for people imprisoned for debt c) keep Georgia for Catholics d) restrict the colony to British citizens e) establish slavery

43. All of the following European imports threatened the Iroquois’ existence except a) religion b) whiskey c) diseases d) muskets e) all threatened their existence

44. The purpose of the periodic “mourning wars” was a) to avenge the deaths of Huron warriors b) to stop the spread of European settlements c) the result of diplomatic failures among the Indians d) to break up the Iroquois Confederacy e) the large-scale adoption of captives and refugees


Page 9.

45. The Iroquois leader who helped his nation revive its old customs was a) Powhatan b) Handsome Lake c) Pocahontas d) De La Warr e) Pontiac

46. Georgia grew very slowly for all of the following reasons except a) its unhealthy climate b) early restrictions on black slavery c) Spanish attacks d) John Oglethorpe’s leadership e) lack of a plantation economy

47. Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia were similar in that they were all a) economically dependent on the export of a staple crop b) proprietary colonies c) founded after the restoration of Charles II to the throne d) founded as refugees for persecuted religious sects in England e) able to live in peace with the Native Americans

48. By 1750, all the southern plantation colonies a) based their economies on the production of staple crops for export b) practiced slavery c) provided tax support for the Church of England d) had few large cities e) all of the above

49. Arrange the following events in chronological order: the founding of (A) Georgia, (B) the Carolinas, (C) Virginia, (D) Maryland

a) A, C, B, Db) B, D, C, Ac) C, D, B, Ad) D, C, B, A e) C, B, A, D


Answer Key – Chapter 2

1) c2) d3) b4) b5) a6) d7) d8) e9) e10) a11) e12) d13) a14) c15) b16) a17) e18) d19) e20) e21) c22) c23) e24) d25) c

26) b27) a28) e29) a30) c31) b32) d33) d34) a35) a36) b37) e38) d39) c40) c41) b42) b43) a44) e45) b46) d47) a48) e49) c


AP U.S. History Chapter 3 – Multiple Choice Worksheet

Make the best selection. 1. Colonists in both the North and the South established differences in all of the

following areas except a) patterns of settlement b) economies c) political systems d) values e) allegiance to England

2. Match each item on the left with the correct definition: A. predestination 1. belief that from the moment of creation some so B. conversion souls were “saved” and others “damned”

C. antinomianism 2. belief that faith, good works, and repentance could earn salvation 3. the sign of receipt of God’s free gift of saving grace 4. belief that those whom God had marked for salvation need not obey secular laws

a) A-1, B-3, C-2 b) A-3, B-2, C-1c) A-1, B-3, C-4d) A-4, B-1, C-3e) A-2, B-4, C-3

3. In Calvinist thought the “conversion” was a) something experienced as a group b) earned by a person’s good works c) a Catholic heresy d) an event that freed a person from having to live a holy life e) an intense, personal experience when God revealed an individual’s

heavenly destiny

4. In Puritan doctrine, the “elect” were also referred to as a) Separatists b) “patroons”c) “visible saints” d) Pilgrims e) Anglicans

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5. Henry VIII aided the entrance of Protestant beliefs into England when he a) allowed Martin Luther to journey to England b) broke England’s ties with the Catholic church c) removed himself as the head of the Church of England d) ordered John Calvin to got to Switzerland e) supported the Puritans

6. King James I opposed the Separatists who wanted to break away entirely from the Church of England because he

a) realized that if his subjects could defy him in spiritual behavior, they could defy him as a political leader

b) strongly believed in the concept of “visible saints” c) never understood the political implications of their actions d) believed that they were turning their backs on the true Calvinist faith e) was a strong Catholic

7. The Separatists migrated from England to Holland to the New World in order to a) avoid the coming war with France b) gain wealth c) establish a new nation d) practice their purified Protestantism e) escape the jurisdiction of the Virginia Company

8. Match the colony on the left with its associated item. A. Plymouth 1. General Court B. Connecticut 2. Mayflower Compact C. Massachusetts Bay 3. Fundamental Orders 4. patroonships

a) A-3, B-2, C-4b) A-2, B-3, C-1c) A-4, B-1, C-2d) A-1, B-4, C-3e) A-3, B-2, C-1

9. The Mayflower Compact can be best described as a) an agreement to follow the dictates of Parliament b) a document which allowed women limited participation in government c) a constitution d) a complex agreement to form an oligarchy e) a promising step toward genuine self-government

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10. The leader that helped the Pilgrims survive was a) John Smith b) John Winthrop c) Roger Williams d) William Laud e) William Bradford

11. The historical significance of the Pilgrims of Plymouth Bay lies in their a) numerical size b) economic power c) moral and spiritual qualities d) unique charter, which permitted self-government e) unwillingness to merge with the Puritans in Massachusetts Bay

12. Unlike Separatists, Puritans a) advocated strict separation of church and state b) practiced passive resistance to oppression c) remained members of the Church of England d) were Calvinists e) rejected belief in witchcraft

13. Initially, the Massachusetts Bay Colony enjoyed all of the following advantages except that of

a) being a well-equipped expedition b) starting off on a larger scale than any other English colonyc) receiving many fairly prosperous and educated immigrants d) receiving a majority of the Puritans coming to the New World e) a shared purpose among the first settlers

14. Puritan doctrine included acceptance of a) antinomianism b) the Pope’s supremacy c) the idea of a covenant with God d) the doctrine of good works e) the King as the final religious authority

15. With the franchise in Massachusetts extended to all adult males who belonged to Puritan congregations, the proportion of qualified voters in this colony was compared to England was

a) larger b) somewhat smaller c) about the same d) not known e) a great deal smaller

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16. In Massachusetts, clergymen

a) could be elected to political office b) could not be fired by their congregations c) were not allowed to marry d) were barred from holding formal political office e) could not have children

17. Puritan religious beliefs allowed all of the following except a) drinking alcohol b) eating plentifully c) challenging religious authority d) making love discreetly e) singing songs

18. Among the Puritans, it was understood that a) they would establish democratic government in America b) clergymen would hold the most powerful political office c) the purpose of government was to enforce God’s laws d) all adult white male landowners could vote for political leaders e) women could become religious leaders

19. People who flouted the authority of the Puritan clergy in Massachusetts Bay were subject to which of the following punishments?

a) fines b) floggings c) banishment d) death e) all of the above

20. According to Anne Hutchinson, a dissenter in Massachusetts Bay, a) predestination was not a valid idea b) the truly saved need not bother to obey the laws of God or man c) antinomianism was heresy d) direct revelation from God was impossible e) a person needs to only obey the law of God

21. As the founder of Rhode Island, Roger Williams a) established religious freedom for all but Jews and Catholics b) supported some types of special privileges c) established complete religious freedom for all d) demanded attendance at worship e) became a very wealthy man

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22. Roger Williams’ beliefs included all of the following excepta) breaking away from the Church of England b) challenging the legality of Massachusetts Bay’s charter c) condemning the taking of Indian land without fair compensation d) denying the authority of the civil government to regulate religious matters e) demanding oaths regarding religious beliefs

23. As a colony, Rhode Island became known for a) its poor treatment of Indians b) unified religious beliefs c) support of special privilege d) never having secured a charter from Parliament e) individualist and independent attitudes

24. Settlers of the Connecticut River colony developed a document known as the Fundamental Orders, which

a) marked the beginning of the colony of Connecticut b) established a regime democratically controlled by “substantial” citizens c) set up a military alliance in New England d) pleased King Charles I e) supported a government controlled by all people

25. The city of New Haven was settled by a) supporters of Charles II b) refugees from Rhode Island c) supporters of religious freedom d) Germans e) Puritans

26. Unlike other English voyagers to the New World, the Puritans a) transplanted entire communities b) lost most of their Old World habits c) immigrated as individuals rather than in groups d) came only for religious reasons e) renounced their membership in the Church of England

27. After the Pequot War, Puritan efforts to convert Indians to Christianity can best be described as

a) vigorous but successful b) more zealous than those made by Catholics, but still unsuccessful c) filling “praying towns” with hundreds of Indians d) feeble e) very successful

Page 6.


28. The New England Indians’ only hope for resisting English encroachment lay in a) acquiring English muskets b) enlisting the aid of the French c) intertribal unity against the English d) building fortifications e) allying themselves with the Dutch

29. King Philip’s War resulted in a) the lasting defeat of New England’s Indians b) France’s moving into Canada c) the formation of a powerful alliance among the Indians to resist the

English d) the last victory for the Indians e) none of the above

30. During the early years of colonization in the New World, England a) closely controlled its colonies b) maintained an excellent relationship with the Indians c) paid little attention to its colonies d) made sure all the colonies had royal charters e) began the importation of African slaves in large numbers

31. The New England Confederation a) included all of the New England colonies b) was designed to bolster colonial defense c) led the America colonies to seek independence from England d) was created by the English government to streamline its administration e) was an economic and trade alliance

32. The Dominion of New England a) included all of the New England colonies b) was created by the English government to streamline the administration of

the colonies c) was designed to bolster colonial defense d) eventually included New York and east and west New Jersey e) all of the above

33. As the head of Dominion of New England, Sir Edmund Andros was all of the following except

a) an able military man b) conscientious c) a Puritan d) tactless e) a leader who restricted the press

Page 7.


34. As a result of England’s Glorious Revolution, a) the Dominion of New England collapsed b) Sir Edmond Andros gained control over Massachusetts c) Massachusetts regained its original charter d) opposition to English rule in the colonies subsided e) much blood was shed

35. As a result of Sir Edmund Andros’s rule, a) the power of town meetings was curbed b) officials tried to enforce the Navigation Laws c) taxes were levied without the consent of the elected representatives d) smuggling was suppressed e) all of the above

36. New York was a) the best advertised of the colonies b) designed as a Quaker refuge c) originally founded by the Dutch d) a major contributor to political democracy and religious tolerance in the

English colonies e) the last of the middle colonies to be established

37. The Dutch colony of New Netherland (later New York) was noted for a) allowing only Dutch immigrants to settler there b) its lack of enthusiasm for democratic practices c) tolerating Quakers from nearby Pennsylvania d) is support of free speech e) all of the above

38. New York and Pennsylvania were similar in that they both a) were established by joint-stock companies b) experienced slow population growth c) had ethnically mixed populations d) were founded as religious refuges e) had poor soil

39. New England Confederation regarded Dutch New Netherland as a) a welcome friend b) an enemy to be wiped out c) an easy target for Indian raids d) the next victim of New Sweden e) a trading partner

Page 8.


40. When the English gained control over New Netherland, a) the autocratic spirit survived b) democracy replaced the old autocratic system c) the colony grew quickly d) new leaders distributed land grants in a more democratic fashion e) they did so with great bloodshed

41. One of the traits that made Quakers unpopular in England was a) their refusal to do military service b) the high pay given their clergy c) their support of slavery d) their violent treatment of their enemies e) their refusal to hold public office

42. The physical growth of English New York was slowed because a) of the Indian threat b) of an unhealthy climate c) the Dutch engaged in guerilla warfare d) of the monopolistic land policies of the aristocrats e) of the French threat

43. Cultural contributions the Dutch made to America include all of the following except

a) Easter eggs b) Santa Claus c) sauerkraut d) skating e) soccer

44. Pennsylvania was a) the best advertised b) the most lied about c) the slowest to attract setters d) the only one with royal colony status e) all of the above

45. Indian policy in early Pennsylvania can be best described as a) extremely harsh b) bad at first, but improving later c) influenced mainly by the state supported church d) benevolent e) none of the above


Page 9.

46. Economically, the colony of Pennsylvania a) got off to a very slow start b) never prospered c) received much help from New York d) became profitable very quickly e) had extensive plantations

47. All of the middle colonies were a) founded by proprietors b) established by joint-stock companies c) notable for their fertile soil d) intended as religious havens e) dependent on slave labor

48. The middle colonies were notable for their a) lack of good river transportation b) unusual degree of democratic control c) lack of industry d) status as the least “American” of the colonies e) established churches

49. Recently, historians have increasingly viewed the colonial period as a) one in which the Puritans have been overlooked b) one of contact and adaptation between native populations c) one in which the settlement of the Caribbean has been stressed too much d) one in which economic ambition was the main reason all colonists came e) all of the above

50. The section of the America colonies where there was the greatest internal conflict was

a) New England b) the Deep South c) the western frontier d) the middle colonies e) the southwest

51. The picture of colonial America that is emerging from new scholarship is a society formed by

a) encounters with native peopleb) European heritage c) many intertwining roots d) American heritage e) all of the above

Page 10.


52. Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) restoration of Chrles II to the English throne, (B) English Civil War, (C) Glorious Revolution, (D) Protestant Reformation.

a) D, B, A, C b) C, A, B, Dc) D, C, B, Ad) B, C, A, De) A, B, C, D

53. Arrange the following events in a chronological order: (A) great Puritan migration, (B) founding of Plymouth Colony, (C) Protestant Reformation, (D) founding of Rhode Island.

a) A, B, D, Cb) C, B, A, Dc) C, A, B, Dd) B, D, A, Ce) D, A, C, B

54. Arrange the following in chronological order: the founding of (A) New York, (B) Massachusetts Bay, (C) Pennsylvania, (D) Plymouth

a) C, B, A, Db) B, D, C, Ac) A, C, D, Bd) D, B, A, Ce) A, C, B, D

AP U.S. History


Chapter 3 – Answer KeyPractice

1) e2) c3) e4) c5) b6) a7) d8) b9) e10) e11) c12) c13) d14) c15) a16) d17) c18) c19) e20) b21) c22) e23) e24) b25) e26) a27) d

28) c29) a30) c31) b32) e33) c34) a35) e36) c37) b38) c39) b40) a41) a42) d43) e44) a45) d46) d47) c48) b49) b50) d51) e52) a53) b54) d

AP U.S. History


Chapter 4 – Multiple ChoicePractice Problems

Make the best selection. 1. As the seventeenth century wore on, regional differences arose, most notably

a) the use of indentured servants b) loyalty to England c) the continuing rigidity of Puritanism d) the breaking of the Atlanta economy e) slave labor

2. The population of the Chesapeake colonies throughout the first half of the seventeenth century was notable for its

a) fast growth rate b) scarcity of women c) low death rate d) stable family life e) sizeable percentage of middle aged men

3. In the seventeenth century, due to a high death rate families were both few and fragile in

a) New England b) the Chesapeake colonies c) the middle colonies d) Georgia e) Florida

4. During the seventeenth century, indentured servitude solved the labor problem in many English colonies for all of the following reasons except that

a) the Indian population proved to be an unreliable work force because they died in such large numbers

b) African slaves cost too much money c) In some areas families formed too slowly d) Spain had stopped sending slaves to its New World colonies e) families procreated too slowly

5. The “headright” system made some people very wealthy, entailed a) using Indians as forced labor b) giving land to indentured servants to get them to come to the New World c) giving the right to acquire fifty acres of land to the person paying the

passage of a laborer to America d) discouraging the importation of indentured servants to America e) fiving a father’s wealth to the oldest son

Page 2.


6. By 1700, the most populous colony in English America was a) Massachusetts b) Virginia c) New York d) Pennsylvania e) Maryland

7. Seventeenth century colonial tobacco growers usually responded to depressed prices for their crop by

a) selling slaves to reduce productive labor b) selling land to reduce their volume of production c) growing more tobacco to increase their volume of production d) planting corn and wheat instead of tobacco e) releasing unneeded indentured servants early

8. _______________ reaped the greatest benefit from the land policies of the “headright” system.

a) Indentured servants b) African slaves c) Merchant planters d) New England colonists e) Slave owners

9. For their labor in the colonies indentured servants received all of the following except

a) passage to America b) a suit of clothes c) a few barrels of corn d) a headright e) at times a small parcel of land

10. English yeomen who agreed to exchange their labor temporarily in return for payment of their passage to an American colony were called

a) headrights b) burgesses c) indentured servants d) slaves e) birds of passage

Page 3.


11. Throughout the greater part of the seventeenth century, the Chesapeake colonies acquired most of the labor they needed from

a) African slaves b) white servants c) captured Indians d) West Indian natives e) prisoners of war

12. Most immigrants to the Chesapeake colonies in the seventeenth century came as a) indentured servants b) slaves from Africa c) yeomen farmers d) urban artisans e) refugees from civil war in Europe

13. Over the course of the seventeenth century, most indentured servants a) became landowners b) devolved into slavery c) managed to escape the terms of their contracts d) faced increasingly harsh circumstances e) saw their wages increase

14. By the end of the seventeenth century, indentured servants who gained their freedom

a) often gained great wealth as more land opened for settlement b) rarely returned to work for their masters c) almost always found high paying jobs in the cities d) had little choice but to hire themselves out for low wages to their former

masters e) often returned to England

15. Bacon’s Rebellion was supported mainly by a) young men frustrated by their inability to acquire land b) the planter class of Virginia c) those protesting the increased importation of African slaves d) people from Jamestown only e) the local Indians

16. The immediate reason for Bacon’s Rebellion was a) Indian attacks on frontier settlements b) the wealthy planter class losing control of the colony c) a shortage of indentured servants d) to halt the importation of African slaves e) all of the above

Page 4.


17. As a result of Bacon’s Rebellion, a) African slavery was reduced b) Planters began to look for less troublesome laborers c) Governor Berkeley was dismissed from office d) Nathaniel Bacon was named to head the Virginia militia e) Better relations developed with local Indians

18. The majority of African slaves coming to the New World a) went to English North America b) were delivered to South America and the West Indies c) came to New England d) were brought by the Dutch e) died before reaching their destination

19. After 1680, reliance on slave labor in colonial America rapidly increased because a) higher wages in England reduced the number of emigrating servants b) planters feared the growing number of landless freemen in the colonies c) the British Royal African company lost its monopoly on the slave trade in

colonial America d) Americans rushed to cash in on slave trade e) all of the above

20. Many of the slaves who reached North America a) came from western Africa b) were originally captured by African coastal tribes and then sold to

European slave traders c) were captured in southern Africa d) eventually gained their freedom e) settled in the middle colonies

21. For those Africans who were sold into slavery, the “middle passage” can be best described as

a) the trip from the interior of Africa to the coast b) the easiest part of their journey to America c) the journey from American parts to their new homes d) the gruesome ocean voyage to America e) none of the above

22. The physical and social conditions of slavery were harshest in a) Maryland b) Virginia c) South Carolina d) Massachusetts e) Pennsylvania

Page 5.


23. African American contributions to American culture include all of the following except

a) jazz music b) the banjo c) the guitar d) a variety of words e) bongo drums

24. While slavery might have begun in America for economic reasons, a) it soon became clear by 1700 that profits were down b) race was rarely an issue in relations between blacks and whites c) racial discrimination also powerfully molded the American slave system d) profit soon played a very small role e) Europe profited most from the institution

25. The slave society that developed in North America was one of the few slave societies in history to

a) produce a new culture based entirely on African heritage b) rebel against its masters c) reduce their numbers by suicide d) develop its own techniques of growing corn and wheat e) perpetuate itself by its own natural reproduction

26. The slave culture that developed in America a) was derived exclusively from African roots b) rejected Christianity c) was Muslim in its religious teachings d) contained many Western elements that remained thoroughly European e) was a uniquely New World creation

27. Slave Christianity emphasized all of the following in their faith except a) Jesus was the Messiah who would deliver them from bondage b) God’s freeing the Hebrews from slavery c) Heaven was a place where they would be reunited with their ancestors d) the concepts of humility and obedience e) using religious songs as encoded messages about escape

28. Compared with indentured servants, African American slaves were a) less reliable workers b) more likely to rebel c) cheaper to buy and own d) a more manageable labor force e) less expensive to buy but more expensive to keep

Page 6.


29. As slavery spread in the South, a) social differences within society narrowed b) the great plantation owners worked less c) gaps in the social structure widened d) planters tried to imitate the ways of English country gentlemen e) it also increased dramatically in New England

30. Most of the inhabitants of the colonial American South were a) merchant planters b) landowning small farmers c) landless farm laborers d) black slaves e) native Americans

31. Urban development in the colonial South a) rivaled that of New England b) kept pace with the growth of large plantations c) led to the construction of an excellent highway system d) was slow to emerge e) occurred without the development of a professional class

32. It was typical of colonial New England adults to a) marry early and have several children b) be unable to read and write c) arrive in New England unmarried d) die before becoming grandparents e) live alone

33. The New England family can best be described as a) relatively small in size due to the frequency of deaths from childbirth b) a very stable institution c) a limiting factor in the growth of the region’s population d) not very close-knit e) similar to the family in the Chesapeake colonies

34. The special characteristics of New England’s population led to the observation that these colonists “invented”

a) premarital sex b) grandparents c) family life d) religious piety e) women’s rights

Page 7.


35. Southern colonies generally allowed married women to retain separate title to their property because

a) of religious beliefs b) of English tradition c) southern men frequently died young d) southern families were stable e) of a smaller number of men than women

36. Puritans refused to recognize a woman’s separate property rights because a) of the short life span of New England women b) they worried that such rights would undercut the unity of married persons c) New England families were so rare d) there was so little land available e) of all of the above

37. In the seventeenth century colonial America all of the following are true regarding women except

a) women had no rights as individuals b) women could not vote c) women were regarded as morally weaker than men d) a husband’s power over his wife was not absolute e) abusive husbands were punished

38. The expansion of New England society a) proceeded in an orderly fashion b) was a rather haphazard process c) was undertaken by lone-wolf farmers on their own initiative d) took place without the approval of the colonial legislaturee) led to little concern about the community as a whole

39. When new towns were established in New England, all of the following were true except

a) a land grant was given by the legislature b) a meeting house was built c) a village green was laid out d) schools were required in towns of more than fifty families e) families did not automatically receive land

40. The Puritan system of congregational church government logically led to a) an authoritarian political government b) the early establishment of religious toleration c) democracy in political government d) the end of town meetings e) none of the above

Page 8.


41. Thomas Jefferson once observed that “the best school of political liberty the world ever saw” was the

a) College of William and Mary b) Virginia House of Burgesses c) New England town meeting d) Chesapeake plantation system e) the English parliament

42. The Half-Way Covenant a) allowed full communion for all nonconverted members b) strengthened the distinction between the “elect” and all others c) brought an end to the Jeremiads of Puritan ministers d) resulted in a decrease in church members e) admitted to baptism but not full membership the unconverted children of

existing members

43. The Salem witchcraft trials were a) a result of Roger Williams’ activities b) the result of unsettled social and religious conditions in rapidly evolving

Massachusetts c) caused by ergot in the Puritans’ bread d) unique to the English colonies e) accusations made by the daughters of business owners

44. During the Salem witchcraft trials, most of those accused as witches were a) from families associated with Salem’s burgeoning market economy b) from the ranks of poor families c) primarily un-Christian Indians d) women in their late teens e) from subsistence farming families

45. The Salem “witch hung” in 1692 a) was the largest “witch hung” in recorded history b) was the first in the English American colonies c) was opposed by the more responsible members of the clergy d) was ultimately of little consequence for those who were accused of

witchcraft e) did not see anyone put to death

Page 9.


46. As a result of poor soil, all of the following conditions prevailed in New England except that

a) hard work was required to make a living b) the area was less ethnically mixed than its southern neighbors c) frugality became essential to economic survival d) reliance on a single, staple crop became a necessity e) diversification in agriculture and industry were encouraged

47. The New England economy depended heavily on a) slave labor b) the production of many staple crops c) fishing, shipbuilding, and commerce d) tobacco e) all of the above

48. In contrast to the Chesapeake colonies, those in New England a) had a more diversified economy b) expanded westward in a less orderly fashion c) had a more ethnically mixed population d) were more oriented toward the individual than toward community interests e) followed the land use pattern established by the local Indians

49. The English justified taking land from the native inhabitants on the grounds that the Indians

a) were not Christians b) wasted the earth by underutilizing its bounty c) burned woodlands d) refused to sell it e) all of the above

50. The combination of Calvinism, soil, and climate in New England resulted in the people there possessing which of the following qualities:

a) energy b) stubbornness c) self-reliance d) resourcefulness e) all of the above

51. The impact of New England on the rest of the nation can best be described as a) greatly exaggerated b) generally negative c) confined primarily to New England d) extremely important e) moderately important

Page 10.


52. Compared with most seventeenth century Europeans, Americans lived in a) relative poverty b) larger cities c) affluent abundance d) a more rigid class system e) more primitive circumstances

53. The late seventeenth century rebellion in New York was headed by ____________, whereas that in Maryland was led by __________________.

a) Nathaniel Bacon, Catholics b) William Berkeley, slaves c) Puritans, Indians d) Jacob Leisler, Protestants e) the Dutch, Catholics

AP U.S. History


Chapter 4 Multiple ChoicePractice Problems

1) c2) b3) b4) d5) c6) b7) c8) c9) d10) c11) b12) a13) d14) d15) a16) a17) b18) b19) e20) a21) d22) c23) c24) c25) e26) e

27) d28) d29) c30) b31) d32) a33) b34) b35) c36) b37) a38) a39) e40) c41) c42) e43) b44) a45) c46) d47) c48) a49) b50) e51) d52) c53) d


AP U.S. History Chapter 5- Multiple Choice

Practice Problems

Make the best selection. 1. All of the following are reasons the thirteen Atlantic seaboard colonies sought

independence except a) distinctive social structures b) distinctive economic structures c) distinctive political structures d) distinctive racial structures e) the appearance of a recognizably American way of life

2. One outstanding feature common to all of the eventually rebellious colonies was their

a) relatively equal wealth b) economic organization c) similarly social structures d) rapidly growing populations e) support of religious freedom

3. As a result of the rapid population growth in colonial America during the 18th century,

a) a momentous shift occurred in the balance of power between the colonies and the mother country

b) the British government was pleased that more workers would be available to fill an increasing need for laborers in Britain

c) the need for slave labor declined d) the colonists became more dependent on Britain for the goods that they

needed to survive e) the British government granted greater autonomy to colonial governments

4. The population growth of the American colonies by 1775 is attributed mostly to a) white immigration from Europe b) the natural fertility of Native Americans c) the importation of slaves from Africa d) the influx of immigrants from Latin America e) the natural fertility of all Americans

5. The average age of the American colonists in 1775 was a) 25 b) 30 c) 40d) 20e) 16


Page 2.

6. By 1775, which of the following communities could not be considered a city in colonial America?

a) New York b) Charlestown c) Philadelphia d) Boston e) Baltimore

7. Regarding government, the Scots-Irish colonists a) showed remarkable willingness to follow authority b) supported only Britain c) cherished no love for the British or any other government d) stated a preference for Catholic authority e) established good relations with local Indians

8. By 1775, the ____________ were the largest non-English ethnic group in colonial America.

a) Africans b) Germans c) West Indians d) Scots-Irish e) Irish

9. The population of the thirteen American colonies was a) about evenly divided among Anglo-Saxons, French, Scots-Irish, and

Germans b) perhaps the most diverse in the world, although it remained predominantly

Anglo-Saxon c) about one-half non-English d) most ethnically mixed in New England e) none of the above

10. The most ethnically diverse region of colonial America was _______________, whereas ______________ was the least ethnically diverse.

a) New England, the South b) the middle colonies, the South c) the South, New England d) the middle colonies, New England e) the frontier regions, New England


Page 3.

11. In contrast to the 17th century, by 1775 colonial Americans a) had become more stratified into social classes and had less social mobility b) had all but eliminated poverty c) found that it was easier for ordinary people to acquire land d) had nearly lost their fear of slave rebellion e) had few people who owned small farms

12. By the mid-1700s, the number of poor people in the American colonies a) became greater than in all of Europe b) had increased to the point of overpopulation c) had begun to decline from 17th century levels d) remained tiny compared with the number in England e) was about one-third of the population

13. On the eve of the American Revolution, social and economic mobility decreased, partly because

a) some merchants made huge profits as military suppliers b) of peacetime economic developments c) fewer yeomen farmers were arriving from Europe d) of the religious impact of the Puritans e) of the increase in the slave trade

14. During the colonial era, all of the following peoples created new societies out of diverse ethnic groups in America except

a) English b) Africans c) Asians d) Indians e) French

15. All of the following conditions caused many Scots to migrate to Northern Ireland and thence to America except

a) the poor quality of farmland in Scotland b) the spread of commercial farming c) extremely high rent increase d) persecution for their Catholic religion e) paying taxes to support the Anglican church

16. The Scots Irish can best be described as a) fiercely independent b) loyal to the British King c) people who did not like to move d) builders of sturdy homes and well-kept farms


e) strong supporters of the Catholic Church Page 4.

17. When the Scots Irish established a new community, one of the first tasks they undertook was to

a) build a tavern b) erect a church c) establish a court d) institute a theocracy e) make peace with local Indians

18. When it came to religion, the Scots-Irish a) showed little interest b) supported the idea of a theocracy c) supported the Anglican church d) advocated the policy of established churches e) found it to be a bond that held them together

19. The most honored profession in early colonial society was a) medicine b) law c) the ministry d) farming e) merchants

20. The riches created by the growing slave population in the American South a) were distributed evenly among whites b) helped to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor c) created a serious problem with inflation d) were not distributed evenly among whites e) enabled poor whites to escape tenant farming

21. When several colonial legislatures attempted to restrict or halt the importation of slaves, British authorities

a) applauded the efforts b) vetoed such efforts c) allowed only South Carolina’s legislation to stand d) viewed such colonial actions as morally callous e) did nothing

22. The most important economic enterprise in the American colonies was a) fishing b) manufacturing c) commerce d) agriculture e) slave trading


Page 5.

23. One of the surest avenues to speedy wealth in the American colonies was a) a commercial venture b) a plantation c) fishing d) manufacturing e) selling slaves

24. The triangular trade of the colonial American shipping industry a) was not profitable b) involved America, France, and England c) relied on the Spanish fleet for protection d) saw the Spanish gaining the largest profits e) involved the trading of rum for African slaves

25. Of the following, the least important economic activity of colonial Americans was a) fishing b) commerce c) farming d) manufacturing e) slave trading

26. Although manufacturing in the colonies was of only secondary importance, they did produce which of the following?

a) rum b) beaver hats c) lumber d) iron e) all of the above

27. The major manufacturing enterprise in colonial America in the 18th century was a) iron making b) arms and munitions production c) lumbering d) rum distilling e) making clothes

28. Which of the following was not considered to be a naval store? a) tar b) pitch c) rosin d) turpentine e) glass


Page 6.

29. One feature of the American economy that strained the relationship between the colonies and Britain was the

a) British demand to halt the importation of slaves b) growing desire of Americans to trade with other nations in addition to

Britain c) lack of any British regulations regarding trade with foreign nations d) British rejection of the Molasses Act e) the Americans’ unwillingness to trade with the French West Indies

30. When the British Parliament passed the Molasses Act in 1733, it intended the act to

a) stimulate the colonies’ “triangular trade” with Africa and the West Indies b) satisfy colonial demands for earning foreign exchange money c) inhibit colonial trade with the French West Indies d) increase the colonists’ standard of living and protected the livelihood of

colonial merchants e) require Americans to sell their molasses to the British

31. American colonists sought trade with countries other than Great Britain a) in order to gain their independence b) mainly to anger the king c) to anger Parliament d) to help strengthen the French e) to make money to buy what they wanted in Britain

32. Transportation in colonial America was a) surprisingly fast for the time b) safer by road than by any other means c) slow by any of the means available d) so poor that no mail service was established until the 1800s e) fast only on the waterways

33. Colonial American taverns were all of the following except a) frequented mainly by the lower class b) another cradle of democracy c) hotbeds of agitation for the Revolutionary movement d) important in crystallizing public opinion e) places providing amusements


Page 7.

34. English officials tried to “establish” the Church of England in as many colonies as possible because

a) they were concerned about the eternal souls of the colonists b) the church would act as a major prop for kingly authority c) such an action would restore enthusiasm for religion d) the American colonists supported such a move e) such an action brought in more money to England

35. In 1775, the __________________ churches were the only two established (tax-supported) churches in colonial America.

a) Methodist and Anglican b) Presbyterian and Congregational c) Congregational and Anglican d) Quaker and Catholic e) Presbyterian and Anglican

36. Match each denomination of the left with the region where it predominated. A. Congregationalist 1. the Frontier B. Anglican 2. New England C. Presbyterian 3. the South

a) A-2, B-3, C-1b) A-2, B-1, C-3c) A-1, B-3, C-2d) A-3, B-2, C-1e) A-3, B-1, C-2

37. As the Revolution approached, Presbyterian and Congregational ministers in general

a) remained neutral b) supported the Revolutionary cause c) sided with the Anglican clergymen d) opposed the idea of revolution e) split on the issue of independence

38. By the early 18th century, religion in colonial America was a) stronger than at any previous time b) holding steadfastly to the belief that spiritual conversion was essential for

church membership c) moving away from clerical intellectualism d) lass fervid than when the colonies were established e) becoming less tolerant


Page 8.

39. The religious doctrine of the Armenians held that a) predestination determined a person’s eternal fate b) good works could get you into heaven c) Calvin’s ideas should be followed without questiond) emotion had no place in religion e) individual free will determined a person’s eternal fate

40. Match each individual on the left with his or her talent. A. Jonathan Edwards 1. poet B. Benjamin Franklin 2. scientist C. Phillis Wheatley 3. theologian

4. portrait artist

a) A-2, B-1, C-3 b) A-1, B-3, C-2 c) A-3, B-2, C-1 d) A-1, B-2, C-3 e) A-2, B-3, C-1

41. The “new light” preachers of the Great Awakening a) delivered intensely emotional sermons b) rarely addressed themselves to the matter of individual salvation c) reinforced the established churches d) were ultimately unsuccessful in arousing the religious enthusiasm of

colonial Americans e) opposed the emotionalism of the revivalists

42. The Great Awakening a) undermined the prestige of the learned clergy in the colonies b) split colonial churches into several competing denominations c) led to the founding of Princeton, Dartmouth, and Rutgers colleges d) was the first spontaneous mass movement of the American people e) all of the above

43. The time-honored English ideal, which Americans accepted for some time, regarded education as

a) essential training for citizenship b) designed for men and women c) reserved for the aristocratic few d) unimportant for leaders e) designed for rich and poor alike


Page 9.

44. In colonial America, education was most zealously promoted a) in the South b) in New England c) on the frontier d) in the middle colonies e) in those areas controlled by Spain

45. Colonial schools and colleges placed their main emphasis on a) math b) science c) modern languages d) literature e) religion

46. The first American college free from determined control was a) Harvard b) Yale c) New York University d) Brown University e) The University of Pennsylvania

47. Culture in colonial America a) involved heavy investment in art b) was generally ignored an unappreciated c) showed its native creativity in architecture d) was always important to the colonists e) for a long time rejected any European influence

48. The person most often called the “first civilized American” was a) Thomas Jefferson b) John Trumball c) John Winthrop d) Phillis Wheatley e) Benjamin Franklin

49. All of the following are achievements of Benjamin Franklin except a) the lightening rod b) author of Poor Richard’s Almanack c) bifocal glasses d) a highly efficient stove e) influential poetry


Page 10.

50. The jury’s decision in the case of John Peter Zenger, a newspaper printer, was significant because

a) he was found guilty b) it supported English law c) it pointed the way to open public discussion d) the ruling prohibited criticism of political officials e) it allowed the press to print irresponsible criticism of power people

51. One political principle that colonial Americans came to cherish above most others was

a) the property qualification for voting b) one man, one vote c) the separation of powers d) self-taxation through representation e) restricting the right to vote to men only

52. By 1775, most governors of American colonies were a) appointed by colonial proprietors b) appointed by the king c) elected by popular vote d) elected by the vote of colonial legislatures e) appointed by the British Parliament

53. Colonial legislatures were often able to bend the power of the governors to their will because

a) the governors often had a greater sense of loyalty to their colony than to the king

b) the governors were usually chosen by colonial legislatures and could be removed from office by the legislatures

c) the king generally held the views of colonial legislators in higher regard than those of the governors

d) colonial legislatures controlled taxes and expenditures that paid the governors’ salaries

e) of the threat of violence

54. In colonial elections, a) most eligible voters zealously exercised their right to vote b) the right to vote was reserved for property holders c) only a small landed elite had the right to vote d) average citizens were usually elected to office e) true democracy had arrived


Page 11.

55. By the mid-eighteenth century, North American colonies shared all of the following similarities except

a) same degree of ethnic and religious toleration b) basically English in language c) protestant in religion d) opportunity for social mobility e) complete democracy


AP U.S. History

Answer Key- Chapter 5Practice Problems

1) d2) d3) a4) e5) e6) e7) c8) a9) b10) d11) a12) d13) a14) c15) d16) a17) b18) e19) c20) d21) b22) d23) a24) e25) d26) e27) c

28) e29) b30) c31) e32) c33) a34) b35) c36) a37) b38) d39) e40) c41) a42) e43) c44) b45) e46) e47) b48) e49) e50) c51) d52) b53) d54) b

55) e


AP U.S. History Chapter 6 – Multiple Choice

Practice Problems

Make the best selection. 1. During the seventeenth century, America established the precedent of

a) staying out of European wars if possible b) relying totally on the British for defense c) starting was in Europe d) being involved in every world war since 1688e) fighting wars on both land and sea

2. The soldier and explorer whose leadership entered him the title “Father of New France” was

a) Samuel de Champlain b) Robert de La Salle c) Antoine Cadillac d) Des Moines e) Edward Vincennes

3. France was finally able to join in the scramble for colonies in the New World as a result of the

a) Protestant takeover of the French government b) end of the religious wars c) revocation of the Edict of Nantes d) St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre e) Seven Years’ War

4. Government in New France (Canada) was a) almost completely autocratic b) democratic c) similar to that of the English colonies d) noted for its trial by jury e) free from the king’s control

5. Unlike the English colonies in America, in New France a) there were no popularly elected assemblies b) the crown refused to promote the welfare of French colonization c) the population grew very rapidly d) no valuable resources for exploitation existed e) the colonists practiced religious toleration


Page 2.

6. The one valuable resource in New France was a) fish b) gold c) trees d) corn e) beavers

7. The coureurs de bois werea) French soldiers b) French boatmen c) Catholic priests d) French farmers e) French fur trappers

8. The population in Catholic New France grew very slowly because a) French peasants were not allowed to move b) the Protestant Huguenots refused to move there c) the French government was more concerned with its Caribbean island

colonies d) disease took a heavy toll on New France’s inhabitants e) of constant attacks by the Huron Indians

9. The primary economic pursuit of early settlers in New France was a) farming b) fishing c) mining d) fur trapping e) rum manufacturing

10. The Indians suffered from their association with the French in New France in all of the following ways except

a) exclusion from the fur business b) decimation of their numbers by the white man’s diseases c) violation of their religious beliefs d) debauchery by the white man’s alcohol e) weakening of their traditional way of life

11. The Jesuit priests played a vital role in New France because a) of the many converts to Catholicism b) of the health care c) they made peace with the Indians


d) they encouraged the Indians to participate in the fur trade e) of their exploration and work as geographers

Page 3.

12. The French wanted to control Louisiana because they a) liked its climate b) wanted to keep the area unfortified c) would then control the mouth of the Mississippi d) feared Dutch expansion into the territory e) saw it as a dumping ground for undesirables

13. French motives in the New World included the desire to a) establish agricultural communities to produce profitable staple crops b) convert Indians to Protestantism c) compete with Spain for an empire in America d) provide a place for French religious dissenters to settle e) compete with Portugal for an empire in America

14. The early wars between France and Britain in North America were notable for the a) large number of troops committed by both sides b) lack of Indian participation c) carry over of European tactics to America d) use of primitive guerilla warfare e) all of the above

15. During a generation of peace following the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht, Britain provided its America colonies with

a) large military presence for protection b) decades of salutary neglect c) higher taxes passed by Parliament d) stronger parliamentary direction e) all of the above

16. The War of Jenkins’s Ear was a) fought in European waters b) a great victory for Spain c) actually started when Captain Jenkins had his ear cut off d) the event that established the policy of salutary neglect e) a defeat for France

17. The War of Jenkins’s Ear resulted in a) France allying itself with Britain b) British troops being involved in every territory in North America c) France losing its vast holdings in North America d) the colony of Georgia fighting the Spanish to a standstill


e) all of the above

Page 4.

18. New England colonists were outraged when diplomats returned _____________ to France in 1748.

a) Hudson Bay b) Acadia c) Louisbourg d) Newfoundland e) Nova Scotia

19. The climactic clash Britain and France for control of the North American continent sprang from their rivalry for control of

a) Cape Breton Island b) the Ohio River Valley c) the Mississippi River d) the Great Lakes e) the St. Lawrence River

20. A key reason France needed to control the Ohio Valley was to a) stop Spain from extending its empire b) help with the War of Jenkins’s Ear c) stop the Indian attacks on its outposts d) link its Canadian holdings with those of the lower Mississippi Valley e) be able to put more of its settlers there in order to increase farm production

21. In his first military command in the French and Indian War, George Washington a) won at Fort Duquesne b) was defeated but was allowed to retreat c) received strong support from the British d) helped to force the French out of Nova Scotia e) turned his twenty years of military experience to great success

22. The French and Indian war was also known in Europe as a) the War of Jenkins’s Ear b) the Seven Years’ War c) the War of Austrian Succession d) King William’s War e) Queen Anne’s War

23. In the colonial wars before 1754, Americans a) functioned as a unified fighting force b) received more support from France than Britain c) demonstrated an astonishing lack of unity


d) were not involved in combat e) rarely involved Indians in the fighting

Page 5.

24. The immediate purpose of the Albany Congress of 1754 was to a) request the help of the British military b) keep the Iroquois tribes loyal to the British c) prevent the French form attacking American outposts d) support George Washington’s desire to head the colonial militia e) block British efforts to take control of New York City

25. Unlike the first three Anglo-French wars, the French and Indian War a) won the British territorial concessions b) united British colonists in strong support of the mother country c) was fought initially on the North American continent d) did not affect American colonists’ attitudes toward England e) resulted in a stronger French presence in North America

26. Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) George Washington surrenders Fort Necessity; (B) General Edward Braddock is defeated near Fort Duquesne; (C) British troops capture Louisbourg in their first significant victory of the French and Indian War; (D) General James Wolfe’s army defeats Montecalm’s on the Plains of Abraham.

a) B, A, D. Cb) A, B, C, Dc) C, B, A, Dd) A, C, B, De) A, B, D, C

27. The long range purpose of the Albany Congress in 1754 was to a) achieve colonial unity and common defense against the French threat b) propose independence of the colonies from Britain c) declare war on the Iroquois tribe d) prohibit New England and New York from trading with the French West

Indies e) gain peace with France

28. Benjamin Franklin’s plan for colonial home rule was rejected by the individual colonies because

a) it did not provide for the common defense b) the British approved it c) it did not seem to give enough independence to the colonies d) they did not feel that they had been well represented at the Albany

Congress e) it placed to much power in the hands of the local governments


Page 6.

29. As a result of General Braddock’s defeat a few miles from Fort Duquesne, a) the British controlled the frontier b) George Washington was left without a military command c) the frontier from Pennsylvania to North Carolina was open to Indian

attack d) General Braddock was forced to leave the military e) the British called off their planned invasion of Canada

30. The British invasion of Canada in 1756 during the French and Indian War a) resulted in victory for Britain b) concentrated on Quebec and Montreal c) followed sound strategic planning d) ended in defeat e) resulted in British control of the St. Lawrence River

31. When William Pitt became prime minister during the French and Indian War, he a) ended Parliament’s practice of reimbursing the colonies for their war-

related expenditures b) ordered a full-scale assault on the French West Indies c) relied heavily on the older, more cautious generals in the British Army d) focused his military strategy on the capture of French Canada e) remained popular with the wealthy but not the poor

32. The 1759 Battle of Quebec a) had little impact on the French and Indian War b) was a key turning point in Queen Anne’s War c) was a dramatic victory for the French d) ended the war of French succession e) ranks as one of the most significant victories in British and American


33. In the peace arrangements that ended the French and Indian War, a) France surrendered all of its territorial claims to North America b) England turned Florida over to Spain c) Spain ceded all of Louisiana, including New Orleans, to Britain d) France lost all of its valuable sugar islands in the West Indies e) the British got all of Canada except Nova Scotia

34. As a result of the French and Indian War, Great Britain a) gained control of Louisiana b) became the dominant power in North America


c) annexed the island of Cuba d) gained exclusive control of the slave trade e) all of the above

Page 7.

35. For the American colonies, the French and Indian War a) ended the myth of British invincibility b) left them in need of experienced officers c) offered the opportunity to grow closer to the British d) gave them the opportunity finally to gain control of Mississippi e) helped improve relations between Britain and the colonies

36. During the French and Indian War, a) colonial militiamen were impressed with the seeming invincibility of the

British regulars b) British officers roundly praised the skillful fighting ability of colonial

troops c) British officials were disturbed by the lukewarm support of many

colonials d) the colonists lost confidence in their own military capability e) all American trade with Spain and France ended

37. With the end of the French and Indian War, the disunity, jealously, and suspicion that long existed in the American colonies

a) continued without change b) began to melt c) finally came to a complete end d) resulted in renewed acts of violence e) none of the above

38. The disunity that existed in the colonies before the French and Indian War can be attributed to

a) the enormous distances between the colonies b) geographical barriers like rivers c) conflicting religions d) varied nationalities e) all of the above

39. France had to give up its vision of a North American New France when a) its fishing industry faltered b) farming proved to be unprofitable c) King Louis XIV died d) it was defeated by the British in 1713 and 1763e) it could not entice enough settlers to America


Page 8.

40. When the Acadians left Canada, they went to a) Florida b) Louisiana c) France d) Nova Scotia e) the French West Indies

41. The isolation of Louisiana’s Cajun communities ended a) during the Civil War b) only with the civil rights movement of the 1960s c) with bridge building in the 1930s d) with intermarriage to Germans, English, and Spanish e) during the American Revolution

42. The primary thing that the Acadians and Quebecois believed that bound them together was their

a) religion b) culture c) military experience d) exile to Louisiana e) language

43. With the British and American victory in the French and Indian War, a) the American colonies grew closer to Britain b) Americans now feared the Spanish c) a new spirit of independence arose, as the French thereat disappeared d) the Indians were stopped from ever again launching a deadly attack

against whites e) the British no longer retaliated against the Indians

44. In a sense, the history of the United States began with the a) Revolutionary War b) July 4, 1776, signing the Declaration of Independence c) Boston Tea Party d) founding of the first colony of 1607 e) fall of Quebec and Montreal

45. With the defeat of the Chief Pontiac and his alliance, the British decided to a) stabilize Indian-white relations b) let the colonists assume financial responsibility for defending themselves c) remove troops stationed in the colonies


d) enlist the aid of France to halt the Indian menace e) open land west of the Appalachian mountains to settlement

Page 9.

46. Chief Pontiac decided to try to drive the British out of the Ohio Valley because a) the British were weak as a result of the French and Indian War b) the British had deliberately infected Indians with smallpox c) of the Proclamation of 1763 d) the Indians were in a precarious position e) the French government had promised to help

47. The Proclamation of 1763 was issued mainly to a) oppress the colonists b) punish the Indians c) show the power of Parliament d) allow western settlement by the colonists e) work out a fair settlement of the Indian problem

48. In the wake of the Proclamation of 1763a) American colonists obeyed the law they hated b) relations with France improved c) relations between the American colonies and the British government were

destroyed d) the American colonies believed their destiny had been destroyed e) American colonists moved west, defying the Proclamation

49. The Proclamation of 1763 a) was warmly received by American land speculators b) removed the Spanish and Indian menace from the colonial frontier c) declared war on Chief Pontiac and his fierce warriors d) prohibited colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains e) opened Canada to American settlement


AP U.S. History

Answer Key- Chapter 6Mr. Jones

Make the best choice. 1) d2) a3) b4) a5) a6) e7) e8) d9) d10) a11) e12) c13) c14) d15) b16) c17) c18) b19) d20) b21) b22) c23) b24) c25) b

26) a27) c28) c29) d30) d31) e32) a33) b34) a35) c36) b37) e38) d39) b40) c41) e42) c43) e44) a45) d46) e47) e48) d


AP U.S. History Chapter 7 – Multiple Choice

Practice Problems

Make the best selection. 1. One change in colonial policy by the British government that helped precipitate

the American Revolution involved a) removing British troops from American soil b) beginning a war with Spain c) removing the majority of the British navy from American waters d) compelling the American colonists to shoulder some of the financial costs

of the empire e) all of the above

2. When it came to the Revolution, it could be said that the American colonists were a) eager revolutionaries b) up until the end wanting more than the “rights of Englishmen” c) little concerned about economics d) clearly opposed to tightening commercial bonds to the British e) reluctant revolutionaries

3. In a broad sense, America was a) a revolutionary force from the day of its discovery by Europeans b) a place that nurtured a love for Britain c) completely dependent on Britain for economic support d) a place few new ideas took shape e) none of the above

4. The American colonial exponents of republicanism argued that a just society depends on

a) a powerful central government b) a weak army c) a strong aristocratic tradition d) support for hierarchical institutions e) the willingness of all citizens to subordinate their private interests to the

common good

5. Republican belief held that the stability of society and the authority of the government

a) rested with the legislature b) depended on a strong hierarchical culture c) rested with a strong monarchy


d) rested on an interdependence of all citizens e) depended upon the virtue of its citizenry

Page 2.

6. The “radical whigs” feared a) too much democracy b) a written constitution c) the arbitrary power of the monarchy d) a too powerful parliament e) all of the above

7. Mercantilists believed that a) a nation needed to import more goods than it exported b) power came from a small colonial empire c) the mother country produced raw materials and colonies produced the

finished product d) a country’s economic wealth could be measured by the amount of gold

and silver in its treasury e) colonies drained a country of its resources

8. The founding of the American colonies by the British was a) accomplished in a well-planned fashion b) based on the high-minded aspirations of groups such as the Puritans and

the Quakers c) undertaken by the government in every case d) undertaken in a haphazard manner e) rarely undertaken by trading companies or religious groups

9. Under mercantilist doctrine, the American colonies were expected to do all of the following except

a) supply Britain with raw materials not available there b) become economically self-sufficient as soon as possible c) furnish ships, seamen, and trade to blaster the strength of the Royal Navy d) provide a market for British manufactured goods e) refrain from exporting woolen cloth

10. The first Navigation Laws were designed to a) help colonists get the best possible price for their trade goods b) eliminate Dutch shippers from the American carrying trade c) foster a colonial economy that would offer healthy competition with

Britain’s d) encourage agricultural experimentation in the colonies e) support the mapping of the Atlantic trade routes


Page 3.

11. The British Parliament enacted currency legislation that was intended primarily to benefit

a) Virginia tobacco planters b) British merchants c) New England merchants d) backwoods farmers e) the Crown

12. The British Crown’s “royal veto” of colonial legislation a) was used frequently to overturn laws passed in colonial assemblies b) prohibited colonists from conducting the slave trade c) was what finally provoked the War of Independence d) restrained colonies from printing paper currency e) was opposed by Parliament

13. Under the mercantilist system, the British government reserved the right to do all of the following regarding the American colonies except

a) restrain the colonies from printing paper currency b) restrict the passage of lax bankruptcy laws c) nullify any colonial legislation deemed bad for the mercantilist system d) prevent the colonies from developing militias e) enumerate products that must be shipped to Britain

14. Before 1763 Navigation Laws a) were very effective b) hurt Great Britain more than the American colonies c) were a great burden to only India d) discouraged smuggling by American colonists e) were only loosely enforced in the American colonies

15. Despite the benefits of the mercantile system, the American colonists disliked it because

a) it forced New England into a one-crop economy b) it favored the northern over the southern colonies c) it forced economic initiative on the colonists d) they found it debasing e) all of the above


Page 4.

16. In some ways, the Navigation Laws were a burden to certain colonists because a) northern merchants derived greater benefit from the system than did

southern planters b) those colonists were heavily taxed to help provide financing for the Royal

Navy, which protected colonial and British trade c) they stifled economic initiative d) Britain had the only European empire based on mercantilistic principles e) They gave greater benefits to slave holders

17. A new relationship between Britain and its American colonies was initiated in 1763 when _________________ assumed charge of colonial policy.

a) Charles Townshend b) George Grenville c) Lord North d) William Pitt e) King George III

18. Match each Act below with the correct description. A. Sugar Act 1. British law intended to raise revenues in B. Stamp Act colonies C. Declaratory Act 2. asserted Parliament’s absolute power over the colonies

3. required colonists to lodge British troops in their homes

4. generated the most protest in the colonies

a) A-3, B-2, C-1b) A-1, B-4, C-3c) A-1, B-4, C-2d) A-4, B-1, C-2e) A-2, B-1, C-4

19. The first law ever passed by Parliament for raising tax revenues in the colonies for the crown was the

a) Stamp Act b) Declaratory Act c) Townshend Duties d) Quartering Act e) Sugar Act


Page 5.

20. The British Parliament passed the Stamp Act to a) raise money to support new military forces needed for colonial defense b) punish the American colonists c) reduce the number of printed documents in the colonies d) enable tax collectors to become wealthy e) raise taxes to a higher level than Britain

21. Passage of the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act a) led many colonists to believe that the British were expanding colonial

freedom b) convinced many colonists that the British were trying to take away their

historic liberty c) resulted in fewer laws being passed by Parliament regarding the colonies d) exemplified to many colonists the difference between legislation and

taxation e) required action by each colonial legislature

22. Unlike the ___________________ Act, the ____________________ Act and the ________________ Act were both indirect taxes on trade goods arriving in American ports.

a) Townshend, Stamp, Sugar b) Stamp, Sugar, Townshend c) Stamp, Quartering, Townshend d) Declaratory, Stamp, Sugar e) Quartering, Stamp, Sugar

23. Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) Sugar Act, (B) Declaratory Act, (C) Stamp Act, (D) repeal of the Stamp Act

a) A, C, D, Bb) C, A, D, Bc) C, B, A, Dd) B, A, C, De) A, B, D, C

24. Colonists objected to the Stamp Act because a) it was a very expensive tax b) they believed it could not be repealed c) Parliament passed the tax, not the colonists d) they opposed all taxes


e) they wanted their independence

Page 6.

25. When colonists shouted “No taxation without representation,” they were rejecting Parliament’s power to

a) legislate for the colonies in any matter whatsoever b) levy revenue-raising taxes on the colonies c) enforce the old Navigation Acts d) regulate trade in the empire e) choose colonial legislators who would pass taxes

26. Actions taken by the colonist that helped them unite include a) the Stamp Act Congress b) nonimportation agreements c) spinning bees d) the making and wearing of homemade woolen goods e) all of the above

27. “Virtual” representation meant that a) almost all British subjects were represented in Parliament b) every member of Parliament represented all British subjects c) colonists could elect their own representatives to Parliament d) Parliament could pass virtually all types of legislation except taxes e) each member of Parliament represented only people in his district

28. Colonial protest against the Stamp Act took the form of a) convening a colonial congress to request repeal of the Act b) a colonial boycott against British goods c) violence in several colonial towns d) wearing homemade woolen clothes e) all of the above

29. As a result of American opposition to the Townshend Acts, a) British officials sent regiments of troops to Boston to restore law and order b) the port of Boston was closed c) Americans killed several British soldiers in the Boston Massacre d) Parliament repealed all of the taxes levied under this legislation e) Prime Minister Townshend was forced to resign

30. The colonists took the Townshend Acts less seriously than the Stamp Act because a) they saw the futility of resistance b) smuggling was nearly impossible


c) it was a direct tax d) the items taxed were rarely used e) it was light and indirect

Page 7.

31. Arrange these events in chronological order: (A) Boston Massacre, (B) Townshend Duties, (C) Tea Act, (D) Intolerable Acts.

a) A, B, C, Db) D, B, C, Ac) C, B, D, Ad) B, A, C, De) A, C, D, B

32. Match each individual on the left with the correct description. A. Samuel Adams 1. a casualty of the Boston Massacre B. John Adams 2. a foreign volunteer who drilled American C. Crispus Attucks troops during the War of Independence

3. a pamphleteer who first organized committees to exchange ideas and information on resisting British policy 4. a Massachusetts politician who opposed the moderates’ solution to the imperial crisis at the First Continental Congress

a) A-4, B-3, C-2b) A-3, B-4, C-1c) A-2, B-4, C-2d) A-2, B-1, C-3e) A-4, B-1, C-2

33. The tax on tea was retained when the Townshend Acts were repealed because a) the people loved tea b) the money was needed to support troops c) it kept alive the principle of parliamentary taxation d) it was the only tax passed by the colonists e) colonial governors requested it

34. The local committees of correspondence organized by Samuel Adams a) promoted his bid to become governor of Massachusetts b) promoted independent action in each colony to support the British c) kept opposition to the British alive, through exchange of propaganda d) served as a precursor to the United States Postal Service e) led the Boston Massacre


Page 8.

35. Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) clash at Lexington and Concord, (B) meeting of the First Continental Congress, (C) Quebec Act, (C) Boston Tea Party

a) C, D, A, Bb) B, A, C, Dc) D, C, B, Ad) A, B, D, Ce) A, D, C, B

36. When Parliament passed the Tea Act, colonists a) rejoiced that Parliament had seemingly accepted the American definition

of representation b) suspected that it was a trick to get them to violate their principle of “No

taxation without representation.” c) immediately called the First Continental Congress into session d) avoided the tax on tea by buying their tea directly from the British East

India Company e) gave up tea and turned to coffee

37. The Boston Tea Party of 1773 was a) an isolated incident b) directed only at the British East India Tea Company c) not the only such protest to occur d) supported by friends of America in Britain e) the result of the Intolerable Acts

38. The most dramatic measure of the Intolerable Acts was the a) Quartering Act b) Quebec Act c) Sugar Act d) Courts Act e) Boston Port Act

39. The Quebec Act a) outlawed Catholicism in British Quebecb) denied Quebec a representative assembly c) restricted Quebec’s boundaries to the area north of the Great Lakes d) was generally ignored by the thirteen seaboard colonies because it had

little effect on their relations with Britain


e) was a shortsighted, unstatesmanlike measure

Page 9.

40. The Quebec act was especially unpopular in the American colonies because it did all of the following except

a) turn an extensive amount of territory over to Catholic control b) affect many colonies, not just Massachusetts c) deny the French the right to retain many of their old customs d) alarm land speculators, who saw a huge area snatched from their grasp e) it set a dangerous precedent against jury trials

41. The First Continental Congress was called in order to a) consider ways of redressing colonial grievances b) become a legislative body c) write a Declaration of Independence d) decide which of Parliament’s taxes the colonies would and would not pay e) help implement provisions of the Quebec Act

42. The First Continental Congress a) was attended by delegates from each of the thirteen colonies b) adopted a moderate proposal for establishing a kind of home rule for the

colonies under British direction c) made a ringing declaration of America’s independence from Britain d) called for a complete boycott of British goods e) adjourned shortly after convening

43. As a result of Parliament’s rejection of the petitions of the Continental Congress, a) Americans reluctantly obeyed the British laws b) fighting and bloodshed took place, and war began c) Sam Adams and John Hancock were arrested d) America sent new petitions to Parliament e) Ben Franklin returned to the colonies since his efforts failed

44. As the War for Independence began, Britain had the advantage of a) overwhelming national wealth and naval power b) an alliance with Spain and Holland c) a well-organized and united home government and population d) first-rate generals and a well-supplied professional army e) all of the above

45. All of the following were weaknesses of the British military during the War for Independence except


a) second-rate officers b) soldiers who were incapable of fighting effectively c) the need to keep many soldiers in Europe in case of trouble d) the long supply lines e) a brutal treatment of their soldiers

Page 10.

46. Many Whigs in Britain hoped for an American victory in the War for Independence because they

a) favored French domination of North America b) were strongly pacifist c) feared that if George III triumphed, his rule at home might become

tyrannicald) rejected colonialism e) opposed the mercantilist system

47. As the War for Independence began, the colonies had the advantage of a) highly reliable and well-supplied troops b) potential aid from the Armed Neutrality League c) a well-organized, strongly committed, and united population d) many outstanding civil and military leaders e) able naval leaders

48. The colonists faced all of the following weaknesses in the War for Independence except

a) poor organization b) sectional jealousy, which constantly interfered with the appointment of

military leaders c) great difficulties in raising money to support the army d) the use of numerous European officers e) a weak central authority running the war effort

49. By the end of the War for Independence, a) the majority of Americans supported independence with selfless devotion b) America had an army larger than Britain’s c) the American military no longer needed foreign assistance d) a few thousand American regular troops were finally whipped into shape e) America had built a strong navy

50. African Americans during the Revolutionary War a) fought for both the Americans and the British b) fought only for the British c) fought only for the Americans d) supported neither side, as both enslaved them e) seized the opportunity to gain their freedom by running away to Barbados


Page 11.

51. Regarding American independence, a) a majority of Americans supported the cause selflessly b) most of the American business community sacrificed profit for victory c) France gave little assistance d) only a select minority supported independence with selfless devotion e) Spain was in total opposition

52. “Varying Viewpoints” notes that the most influential view of the American Revolution currently holds that

a) it was an inevitable step in the progress of humanity b) struggle among different social groups brought about change c) fear of losing their liberty drove the colonists to war d) the war was more a battle for who should rule at home than for home rule e) our struggle for independence had little effect on the world

53. As noted in “Varying Viewpoints,” historians since the 1960s have interpreted the Revolutionary struggle as

a) a battle between British regulars and the Continental Army b) the exportation of European rivalries to North America c) one in which economic concerns played a crucial role d) a war of large battles, e.g., Saratoga, Brandywine, and Yorktown e) having little to do with economics


AP U.S. History

Answer Key- Chapter 7Mr. Jones

1) d2) e3) a4) e5) e6) c7) d8) d9) b10) b11) b12) d13) d14) e15) d16) c17) b18) c19) e20) a21) b22) b23) a24) c25) b26) e27) b

28) e29) a30) e31) d32) b33) c34) c35) c36) b37) c38) e39) b40) c41) a42) d43) b44) a45) b46) c47) d48) d49) d50) a51) d52) c53) c




AP U.S. HistoryChapter 9 – Multiple Choice

Mr. JonesMake the best selection.

1. Continental army officers attempting to form the Society of the Cincinnati a) were brought to trial for trying to sabotage the civil government b) were ridiculed for their lordly pretentions c) were trying to force the Congress to pay them their pensions d) reflected the Revolutionary War generation’s spirit of equality e) represented the best of the officer corps

2. The American Revolution was a) truly radical b) inconsequential in world history c) an example of accelerated evolution rather than outright revolution d) very much like the French revolution e) very much like the Russian revolution

3. The world’s first antislavery society was founded by a) Thomas Jefferson b) Quakers in Philadelphia c) Puritans in New England d) Catholics in Maryland e) the Congregational church

4. As part fo the egalitarian movement of the American Revolution, a) several northern states abolished slavery b) most states outlawed the overseas trade in indentured servants c) many states repealed laws against interracial marriage d) some southern states passed legislation providing for the gradual abolition

of slavery e) laws against interracial marriage were eliminated

5. Early signs of the abolitionist movement can be seen in the a) Articles of Confederation b) Constitution c) emancipation of some slaves d) passage of laws allowing interracial marriage e) abolition of slavery in a few southern states

6. The Founding Fathers failed to eliminate slavery because a) they did not truly believe in democracy b) a fight over slavery might destroy national unity c) they were more concerned with securing equality for women d) the North began to rely more heavily on slave labor e) economic conditions would not allow such a loss


7. As a result of the Revolution’s emphasis on equality, all of the following were achieved except

a) the reduction of property qualifications for voting by most states b) the growth of trade organizations for artisans and laborers c) the establishment of the world’s first antislavery society d) full equality between white women and men e) abolishing medieval inheritance laws

8. The most important outcome of the Revolution for white women was that they a) permanently gained the right to vote b) were allowed to serve in the national legislature c) were elevated to a newly prestigious role as special keepers of the nation’s

conscience d) finally gained fully equal status with white males e) were given the right to vote in some states

9. As written documents, the state constitutions were intended to a) represent a fundamental law superior to ordinary legislation b) be subordinate to state laws c) grant the governor more power than the legislature d) keep the government in the hands of the well-to-do e) reaffirm states’ rights

10. As a means of ensuring that legislators stay in touch with the mood of the people, state constitutions

a) were rewritten once every ten years b) were rewritten once every five years c) required yearly visits to the homes of their constituents d) stipulated that ordinary legislation could override the constitution e) required the annual election of legislators

11. As a result of the Revolution, many state capitals were relocated westward a) because better roads now made this territory more easily accessible b) due to a fear of British capture c) because water routes were not opened to the interior regions d) to get them away from the haughty eastern seaports e) all of the above

12. One reason the United States avoided the frightful excesses of the French Revolution is that

a) America declared martial law until the Constitution was enacted in 1789 b) the American Revolution suddenly overturned the entire political

framework c) chap land was easily available d) political democracy preceded economic democracy e) a strong sense class consciousness already existed


13. It was highly significant to the course of future events that a) political democracy preceded economic democracy in the United States b) deflation rather than inflation resulted from the Revolution c) no economic depression occurred as a consequence of the Revolution d) economic democracy preceded political democracy in the U.S. e) the U.S. went off the gold standard after the Revolution

14. The economic states of the average American at the end of the Revolutionary War was

a) better than before the war b) probably worse than before the war c) about the same as before the war d) more closely tied to Britain than before the war e) more closely tied to France than before the war

15. Immediately after the Revolution, the new American nation’s greatest strength lay in its

a) ingrained respect for authority b) excellent political leadership c) lack of inhibiting political heritage d) sound economic structure e) economic ties to Franc e

16. The Second Continental Congress of Revolutionary days a) operated with strong constitutional authority b) still did not comprise representatives from all 13 states c) took away the sovereignty of the states d) was little more than a conference of ambassadors with very limited power e) did little of lasting value

17. The Articles of Confederation were finally approved when a) agreement was reached on who would be president b) states gave up their right to coin money c) all states claiming western lands surrendered them to the national

government d) the states gave up their power to establish tariffs e) a two-house national legislature was added

18. The major issue that delayed ratification of the Articles of Confederation concerned

a) taxation b) tariff policy c) monetary policy d) western lands e) monetary standards


19. The Articles of Confederation left Congress unable to a) organize development of the western lands b) deal with foreign affairs c) apportion state representation equally d) enforce a tax-collection program e) establish a postal service

20. A major strength of the Articles of Confederation was its a) control over interstate commerce b) strong judicial branch c) presentation of the ideal of a united nation d) ability to coin money e) strong executive branch

21. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 a) provided for the survey and sale of public lands in the Old Northwest b) established a procedure for governing the Old Northwest territory c) banned slavery from all territories of the U.S. d) cleared the way for ratification of the Articles of Confederation e) gave control over land to the territories in which they were located

22. On of the most farsighted provisions of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 a) set aside a section of each township for education b) abolished slavery in all of the U.S. c) prohibited slavery in the Old Northwest d) kept power in the national government e) none of the above

23. The Land Ordinance of 1785 provided for all of the following except a) money from land sales should be used to pay off the national debt b) the land should be surveyed before its sale c) the territory should be divided into townships six miles square d) the 16th section should be sold to support education e) prohibiting slavery

24. Match each nation on the left with the correct description of the problem it presented for U.S. foreign relations following the Revolutionary War.

A. Britain 1. threatened American commerce in the Mediterranean

B. France 2. demanded repayment of wartime loans C. Spain 3. occupied a chain of trading forts in the Old

Northwest D. Barbary Coast 4. controlled important trade routes from the

interior North America


a) A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4 b) A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3c) A-2, B-2, C-3, D-4 d) A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1e) A-4, B-2, C-1, D-3

25. After the Revolutionary War, both Britain and Spain a) tried to gain control of Florida b) did their best to win the friendship of America c) prevented America from exercising effective control over about half of its

total territory d) helped America to fight the pirates in North America e) abandoned their fortifications in the Old Northwest

26. Shays’ Rebellion was provoked by a) fear that the Articles of Confederation had created too strong a national

government for the U.S. b) efforts by wealthy merchants to replace the Articles of Confederation with

a new constitutionc) a quarrel over the boundary between Massachusetts and Vermont d) foreclosures on the mortgages of backcountry farmers e) the government’s failure to pay bonuses to Revolutionary War veterans

27. Shays’ Rebellion convinced many Americans of the need for a) lower taxes b) granting long-delayed bonuses to Revolutionary War veterans c) a vigilante effort by westerners to halt the Indian threat d) a stronger central government e) a weaker military presence in the West

28. Under the Articles of Confederation, the relationship between the 13 states a) improved to the point of total unity b) was good economically but poor politically c) led to a single currency d) convinced many that a stronger national government was needed e) was good politically but poor economically

29. The debate between the supporters and critics of the Articles of Confederation centered on how to

a) reconcile states’ rights with strong national government b) transfer territories to equal statehood c) abolish slavery yet preserve national unity d) balance the power of legislative and executive offices of government e) conduct foreign policy


30. The issue that finally touched off the movement toward the Constitutional Convention was

a) control of public lands b) control of commerce c) Indian policy d) Monetary policy e) Foreign threats to our independence

31. By the time the Constitution was adopted in 1789,

a) the American economy was continuing to experience problems b) prosperity was beginning to return c) foreign trade was still in terrible shape d) inflation was continuing to increase e) the issue of states’ rights had all but disappeared

32. The Constitutional Convention was called to a) write a completely new constitution b) allow the most radical Revolutionary leaders to write their ideas into law c) weaken the power of the central government d) revise the Articles of Confederation e) reassess our foreign alliances

33. Which of the following Revolutionary leaders was present at the Constitutional Convention?

a) Benjamin Franklin b) Thomas Jefferson c) John Hancock d) John Adams e) Benedict Arnold

34. The delegate whose contributions to the Philadelphia Convention were so notable that he has been called the “Father of the Constitution” was

a) George Washington b) Benjamin Franklin c) James Madison d) Thomas Jefferson e) Patrick Henry

35. The delegates at the Constitutional Convention were concerned mainly with a) abolishing slavery b) establishing a very powerful military c) protecting America from its weaknesses abroad and its excesses at home d) ensuring that the states continue to control tariff policies e) establishing the principle of states’ rights


36. Most of the delegates at the Constitutional Convention could best be labeled as a) states’ rightists b) antifederalists c) nationalists d) ordinary citizens e) counter revolutionaries

37. Motives of the delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia include all of the following except

a) to preserve the union b) to forestall anarchy c) to ensure the security of life and property d) to curb unrestrained democracy e) to increase individual freedom

38. The “large-state plan” put forward in the Constitutional Convention a) ultimately provided the framework of the Constitution b) was proposed by Patrick Henry c) favored states such as New Jersey d) favored southern states over northern states e) based representation in the House and Senate on population

39. The Great Compromise at the Constitutional Convention worked out an acceptable scheme for

a) regulating commerce b) levying taxes c) apportioning congressional representation d) electing the president e) choosing Senators

40. Under the Constitution, the president of the United States was to be elected by a majority vote of the

a) general public b) Senate c) Electoral College d) House of Representatives e) state legislatures

41. The idea that all tax measures should start in the House of Representatives was made to appease

a) the least populated states b) western states c) eastern states d) the industrialists e) the big states with the most people


42. The Constitutional Convention addressed the North-South controversy over slavery through the

a) “large-state plan” b) “small state plan” c) “three-fifths compromise” d) closing the slave trade until 1807 e) Northwest Ordinance

43. Which following is a compromise in the Constitution? a) counting all slaves in apportioning membership in the House b) continuation of the foreign slave trade c) direct election of the president d) control of interstate commerce by the national government e) prohibiting Congress from abolishing the slave trade

44. The one branch of the government directly elected by the people is the a) military b) House of Representatives c) executive d) judiciary e) Senate

45. The new Constitution established the idea that the only legitimate government was one based on

a) a strong central government b) an unwritten constitution c) the authority of the state d) control by wealthier people e) the consent of the governed

46. The ultimate guarantor of liberty and justice was a) the authority of the state b) a written constitution c) an independent judicial system d) the virtue of the people e) all of the above

47. The delegates at the Constitutional Convention stipulated that the new Constitution be ratified by

a) state conventions b) state legislatures c) popular referendum d) majority vote in the Congress e) the judiciary


48. The antifederalist camp included all of the following groups except a) supporters of a strong central authority b) states’ rights supporters c) backcountry dwellers d) paper money advocates e) debtors

49. Probably the most alarming characteristic of the new Constitution to those who opposed it was the

a) creation of a federal district for the national capital b) creation of a standing army c) absence of a bill of rights d) omission of any reference to God e) creation of the presidency

50. Among other views, The Federalist, written during the ratification debate, argued that it was

a) impossible to safeguard the rights of states from the power of a strong central government

b) possible to extend a republican form of government over a large territory c) inevitable that slavery would be abolished in the new republic d) illegal to replace the Articles of Confederation with a new constitution e) best to establish a direct democracy

51. Antifederalists believe that the sovereignty of the people resided in which branch of the central government?

a) executive b) legislative c) judicial d) cabinet e) all of the above

52. The federalist believe that the sovereignty of the people resided in which branch of the central government?

a) executive b) legislative c) judicial d) none of the above e) all of the above

53. One of the enduring paradoxes of American history is that a) conservatives supported democracy b) liberals supported democracy c) both liberals and conservatives have championed the heritage of

democratic revolution d) conservatives and liberals were on opposite sides in the Revolution e) conservatives opposed democracy


REfer to big packet


AP U.S. History Chapter 10- Multiple Choice

Mr. JonesMake the best selection.

1. When the new government was launched in 1789, a) the nation’s population was doubling about every twenty-five years. b) Most people lived in the fast-growing cities c) Most people lived west of the Allegheny Mountains d) New York was the largest city in the nation e) Great Britain refused to establish diplomatic relations with the United


2. Regarding central authority, early Americans saw it as all of the following except a) a necessary evil b) something to be distrusted c) something to be watched d) something to be curbed e) something to be ultimately eliminated

3. The new Constitution did not provide for the creation of a(n) a) Electoral College b) Vice president c) Supreme Court d) Cabinet e) federal court system

4. Match the individual with his office in the new government. A. Thomas Jefferson 1. attorney general B. Alexander Hamilton 2. secretary of state C. Henry Knox 3. secretary of war 4. secretary of the treasury

a. A-1, B-3, C-2 b. A-3, B-1, C-4 c. A-2, B-4, C-3 d. A-4, B-2, C-1 e. A-1, B-4, C-3

5. One of the major criticisms of the Constitution as drafted in Philadelphia was that it

a) was too long and detailed b) was far too short and required more detail c) failed to guarantee property rights d) failed to provide a mechanism for amendment e) did not provide guarantees for individual rights


Page 2.

6. The Bill of Rights was intended to protect _______________ against the potential tyranny of ________________.

a) the prerogatives of Congress, the president b) the army and the navy, the national government c) the South, the northern majority d) individual liberties, a strong central government e) civilian authorities, the military

7. One of the fist jobs facing the new government formed under the Constitution was to

a) establish a powerful army b) reestablish diplomatic ties with Britain c) draw up and pass a bill of rights d) establish economic ties with France e) all of the above

8. All of the following are guarantees provided by the Bill of Rights except a) the right to vote for all citizens b) freedom of speech c) freedom of religion d) freedom of the press e) right to a trial by jury

9. The ________________ Amendment might rightly be called the “states’ rights” amendment.

a) First b) Sixth c) Ninth d) Tenth e) Eighth

10. Alexander Hamilton’s financial program for the economic development of the United States favored

a) agricultural interests b) trade with France c) the wealthy d) the poor e) the middle class


Page 3.

11. Hamilton believed that, together, his funding and assumption programs would a) gain the monetary and political support of the wealthy class for the federal

government. b) restore the principles of state sovereignty c) be the qui9ckest way to pay off the national debt d) guarantee the fairest treatment of the original holders of government bonds e) keep taxes low

12. As Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton’s first objective was to a) help the wealthy b) bring more industry to the United States c) see that more agricultural products were exported d) bolster the national credit e) put the country on the gold standard

13. All of the following were part of Alexander Hamilton’s economic program except a) a national bank b) funding the entire national debt at “par”c) assumption of state debts by the federal government d) tariffs e) paying only domestic debts but not foreign debts

14. Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan for strengthening the economy and bolstering national credit proposed all of the following except

a) funding the national debt b) assuming state debts c) abolishing tariffs d) establishing a national bank e) a low protective wall around infant industries

15. Alexander Hamilton believed that a limited national debt a) would do great harm to the nation’s economy b) might lead to military weakness c) could persuade individuals and nations not to lend money to the United

States d) was beneficial, because people to whom the government owed money

would work hard to make the nation a success e) could help his economic plans but not his political plans


Page 4.

16. The aspect of Hamilton’s financial program that received the least support in Congress was

a) funding at par b) assumption c) the National Bank d) a protective tariff e) excise taxes

17. Hamilton expected that the revenue to pay the interest on the national debt would come from

a) sales taxes and licensing fees b) customs duties and excise tax c) income and property taxes d) western land sales and foreign loans e) foreign aid

18. Alexander Hamilton’s proposed bank of the United States was a) rejected by the House of Representatives b) supported by Thomas Jefferson c) enthusiastically supported by George Washington d) based on the “necessary and proper,” or “elastic,” clause in the

Constitutione) never fully enacted

19. Which of the following pairs of items are not directly related to each other? a) implied powers – “necessary and proper” clause b) strict construction – Tenth Amendment c) loose construction – “elastic” clause d) states’ rights – loose construction e) “necessary and proper” clause – vested powers

20. Hamilton’s major programs seriously infringed on a) checks and balances b) national security c) states’ rights d) free enterprise e) federal authority


Page 5.

21. The Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 arose in southwestern Pennsylvania when the federal government

a) levied an excise tax on whiskey b) tried to prohibit the sale of whiskey c) allowed the import of foreign whiskey d) halted the export of American whiskey e) tried to prohibit the manufacturing of whiskey

22. Alexander Hamilton’s Bank of the United States was modeled on the a) Bank of England b) Swiss National Bank c) Bank of France d) National bank that existed in the United States prior to the Constitution e) National bank of the Netherlands

23. The Founding Fathers had not envisioned the existence of permanent poltical parties because they

a) opposed anyone who disagreed with them b) disliked politics c) had existed in Britain d) saw opposition to the government as disloyal e) all of the above

24. Match each political leader with his positions on public policy in the 1790s A. Hamilton 1. privileges for the upper classes B. Jefferson 2. pro-British 3. sympathy for the common people 4. potent central government 5. pay off the national debt (don’t finance) 6. government support for business 7. pro-French 8. universal education

a. A-1, 2, 4, 6 / B-3, 5, 7, 8 b. A-1, 5, 6, 7 / b-2, 3, 4, 8c. A-2, 3, 5, 8, / B-1, 4, 6, 7d. A-3, 6, 7, 8 / B-1, 2, 4, 5e. A-5, 2, 6, 3 / B-1, 4, 7, 8


Page 6.

25. Opposition by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison to the financial plan of Alexander Hamilton resulted in

a) the formation of permanent political parties b) Hamilton’s dismissal from the cabinet by George Washington c) politics drifting too far out of kilter with the wishes of the people d) the rejection of Hamilton’s plan by Washington e) all of the above

26. The event of the 1790s that has left the deepest scare on American political and social life is

a) the Whiskey Rebellion b) the French Revolution c) Hamilton’s economic plan for the country d) the trouble with Native Americans e) the development of the political party system

27. The political party of the ‘outs’ that provided the ‘loyal opposition’ to the party in power in the 1790s was

a) the anti-Federalists b) the Federalists c) started by Jefferson and Madison d) the Whigs e) the Tories

28. The Franco-American alliance of 1778 a) was ended by mutual agreement in 1789 b) bound the United States to neutrality in the vent of war between France

and Britain c) bound the United States to help the French defend their West Indies d) was invoked by the French to obtain American aid in France’s war with

Britain after 1793 e) led the United States to war with Great Britain in 1812

29. When the French Revolution developed into a war with Britain, George Washington and the American government

a) supported Britain b) assisted France militarily c) tried to capture French possessions in North America and the West Indies d) remained neutral e) captured British possessions in North America


Page 7.

30. Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation of 1793 a) was based on calculations of American self interest b) fulfilled America’s obligations under the Franco-American Treaty c) was opposed by both Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson d) dealt a sever blow to French military and naval strategists e) had little impact on future American foreign policy

31. Arrange the flowing events in chronological order: (A) XYZ affair, (B) Neutrality Proclamation, (C) Jay’s Treaty, (D) Kentucky and Virginia resolutions

a) C, B, A, D b) B, A, C, Dc) B, C, A, Dd) C, B, D, Ae) A, B, D, C

32. During its first quarter-century as a nation, one of the major problems facing America was

a) the rivalry and warfare between France and Britain b) a lack of good political leadership c) the continued fighting between the U.S. and the Armed Neutrality League d) Indian affairs e) separation of church and state

33. Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation clearly illustrated the truism that a) he was unprepared for the demands of foreign policy b) foreign policy should be handled by a group and not a single individual c) the U.S. was trying to do was best for its allies d) self-interest is the basic cement of alliances e) none of the above

34. The Treaty of Greenville signed in August, 1795 with the Miami Confederation resulted in all of the following except

a) giving to the United States vast tracts of land in the Old Northwest b) the Indians receiving a $20,000 lump sum payment c) an annual annuity of $9,000 to the Indians d) the right of the Indians to hunt the land they had ceded e) the establishment of an equal relationship with the Indians


Page 8.

35. Britain made neutrality very difficult for the United States during the French and British conflicts of the 1790s by

a) granting America numerous trade privileges b) seizing American merchant ships in the West Indies c) leaving frontier outposts on American soil d) helping to relieve tensions between Indians and Americans e) blocking the major United States’ seaports

36. Hamilton’s position on the war between Britain and France in 1793 was primarily influenced by

a) his commitment to the Franco-American alliance of 1778 b) the threat of British naval action against the American coast c) the national government’s dependence on customs collections for revenue d) his personal commitment to democratic government as a world ideal e) ties to business

37. In Jay’s Treaty, the British a) pledged to stop seizing American ships b) released Americans from their pre-Revolutionary War debt obligations to

British merchants c) promised to evacuate the chain of forts in the Old Northwest d) refused to pay damages for seizures of American ships e) were denied most favored nation status

38. The United States acquired free navigation of the Mississippi River in a) the Treaty of Greenville b) Jay’s Treaty c) The Convention of 1800 d) The Pinckney Treaty e) The Treaty of Paris

39. John Jay’s 1794 treaty with Britain (the Jay Treaty) a) increased George Washington’s huge popularity b) provided further evidence of American support for France c) alienated America from Spain d) created deeper splits between the Federalists and the Democratic-

Republicans e) led to the election of Thomas Jefferson


Page 9.

40. One of George Washington’s major contributions as president was a) keeping the nation out of foreign wars b) the signing of Jay’s Treaty c) his advice against forming permanent alliances with foreign nations d) securing a pledge from Britain to stop arming Indians on the western lands e) establish the political party system

41. Jay’s Treaty contained all of the following provisions except a) a British promise to evacuate its chain of forts on U.S. soil b) British consent to pay damages for the recent seizure of American ships c) that Americans were bound to pay debts still owed to British merchants on

pre-Revolutionary accounts d) no promise by the British to pay for future seizure of American ships e) a promise by the British to stop selling arms to the Indians

42. Washington’s Farewell Address in 1796 a) warmly endorsed the appearance of two contending political parties in

America b) warned against the dangers of permanent foreign alliances c) was delivered to a joint session of Congress by Washington himself d) proposed a two-term limitation on the presidency e) all of the above

43. In the election campaign of 1796, the Republicans made their primary issue a) the content of Washington’s Farewell Address b) Washington’s refusal to consult Congress before issuing the Neutrality

Proclamation c) the terms of Jay’s Treaty d) the terms of the Pinckney Treaty e) Alexander Hamilton’s idea for a national bank

44. The 1796 presidential campaign focused heavily on a) the Bank of the United States b) the candidates’ personalities c) slavery d) foreign trade e) real issues

45. The French grew angry with the United States after 1794 because a) of Jay’s Treaty b) Congress appointed second-rate ambassador c) of the XYZ affair d) John Adams had been elected president e) Thomas Jefferson was removed as ambassador


Page 10.

46. Foreign relations between the United States and France deteriorated in the late 1790s over

a) the deportation of Citizen Genet b) French seizure of American merchant ships c) The adjustment of the Florida boundary d) America’s unilateral withdrawal from the Franco-American alliance e) Pinckney’s Treaty

47. The immediate cause of the undeclared war between the United States and France was

a) the XYZ affair b) the Genet mission c) the Neutrality Proclamation d) Washington’s Farewell Address e) Jay’s Treaty

48. The United States finally negotiated a peace settlement with France in 1800 mainly because Napoleon

a) had also reached a peace agreement with Britain b) wanted to concentrate on gaining more power in Europe c) realized that the French could not win a military victory over the

American forces d) had been convinced by the Democratic-Republican pleas for cooperation e) was removed from power

49. President Adams sought a peaceful solution to the undeclared war with France in order to

a) ensure his chances of reelection in 1800 b) align himself with the Hamiltonian wing of the Federalist party c) save the Franco-American alliance of 1778 d) prevent the outbreak of a full-scale war e) keep trade with France in place

50. The main purpose of the Alien and Sedition Acts was to a) capture French and British spies b) control the Federalists c) silence and punish critics of the Federalists d) keep Thomas Jefferson from becoming president e) provide support for the Republican party


Page 11.

51. The Federalist-dominated Congress’ Alien Act was aimed at _______________, whereas the Sedition Act was primarily aimed at ________________.

a) rebellious slaves, newspapers b) recent immigrants, newspapers c) recent immigrants, merchants d) merchant smuggling, rebellious slaves e) Indians, farmers

52. The Sedition Act a) threatened First Amendment freedoms b) established criteria for deporting dangerous foreigners c) changed naturalization requirements for new citizens d) was never enforced e) was found by the Supreme Court to be unconstitutional

53. The Virginia and Kentucky resolutions were written in response to a) the XYZ affair b) Thomas Jefferson’s presidential candidacy in 1800 c) The Alien and Sedition Acts d) The compact theory of government e) The Federalist papers

54. According to the compact theory advocated by Jefferson and Madison,a) the national government was the creation of the thirteen sovereign states b) nullification was an invalid policy c) the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions were illegal d) legislation such as the Alien and Sedition Acts was proper e) slavery was illegal

55. According to the Federalists, the duty of judging the unconstitutionality of legislation passed by Congress lay with

a) state legislatures b) the president c) state supreme courts d) the Supreme Court e) the people

56. Federalists advocated rule by a) the majority b) the “best” people c) farmers d) industrial workerse) native born citizens only


Page 12.

57. Federalists strongly supported a) law and order b) states’ rights c) strict construction d) popular democracy e) a wake military

58. For its continued success, Hamilton’s financial program relied heavily on a) trade with Britain b) removal of the Spanish from the Mississippi Valley c) aid from France d) retiring the national debt e) high taxes

59. Hamiltonian Federalists advocated a) government interference in private enterprise b) a strong central government c) a full-blown democracy d) strong ties with France e) a low national debt

60. Thomas Jefferson appealed to all of the following groups except a) small shopkeepers b) the underprivileged c) the middle class d) shippers e) artisans

61. To the Jeffersonian Republicans, the “ideal” citizen of a republic was a(n) a) seaboard merchant b) town artisan c) indentured servant d) independent farmer e) industrialist

62. Thomas Jefferson favored a political system in which a) the central government possessed the bulk of the power b) cities were the primary focus of political activity c) a large standing army ensured peace d) the states retained the majority of political power e) manufacturing interests dominated


Page 13.

63. Jeffersonians believed in all of the following except a) opposition to a national debt b) agriculture as the ideal occupation c) every adult white male’s right to vote d) freedom of speech e) central authority should be kept to a minimum

64. Thomas Jefferson argued that a landless class of voters could be avoided in part by

a) a redistribution of land b) a reduced property tax c) abolishing the property qualification to vote d) continuing slavery e) restricting the amount of property owned by each citizen


AP U.S. History

Chapter 10- Answer KeyPractice Problems

1) a 2) e 3) d4) c5) e6) d7) c8) a9) d10) c11) a12) d13) e14) c15) d16) d17) b18) d19) d20) c21) a22) a23) d24) a25) a26) b27) c28) c29) d30) a31) c32) a

33) d34) e35) b36) c37) c38) d39) d40) a41) e42) b43) c44) b45) a46) b47) a48) b49) d50) c51) b52) a53) c54) a55) d56) b57) a58) a59) b60) d61) d62) d63) c64) d


AP U.S. History Chapter 11- Multiple Choice

Practice ProblemsMake the best selection.

1. One of the first lessons learned by the Jeffersonians after their victory in the 1800 presidential election was

a) the need to strengthen diplomatic ties with Britain b) to go off the gold standard c) to decrease tariffs d) to institute an excise tax e) that it is easier to condemn from the stump than to govern consistently

2. One of the greatest problems that John Adams and the Federalists faced in the election of 1800 was

a) Adams’s efforts to get American involved in a war with France b) Increased public debt brought on by war preparations c) Adams’s refusal to take the country to war against France d) Alexander Hamilton’s support of Adams e) The stories circulating about Adams’s relationship with a slave woman

3. In the election of 1800, the Federalists accused Thomas Jefferson of all of the following except

a) having robbed a widow b) having fathered numerous mulatto children by his own slave women c) being an atheist d) supporting high taxes e) having robbed children of their trust funds

4. In the 1800 election Jefferson won the state of New York because a) of a reaction against Alexander Hamilton, Jefferson’s enemy b) Aaron Burr used his influence to turn the state to Jefferson c) of the high taxes passed by the Adams administration d) Napoleon promised to sell the Louisiana Territory only to Jefferson e) all of the above

5. Jefferson received the bulk of his support from the a) South and West b) North c) cities d) areas where only the wealthy could vote e) New England


Page 2.

6. In 1800, Jefferson was chosen president by the a) people b) Electoral Collegec) House of Representatives d) wealthy e) business sector

7. Jefferson’s ‘Revolution of 1800’ was remarkable in that it a) moved the U.S. away from its democratic ideals b) marked the peaceful and orderly transfer of power on the basis of election

results accepted by all parties c) occurred after he left the presidency d) caused America to do what the British had been doing for a generation

regarding the election of a legislative body e) was in no way a revolution.

8. Jefferson was elected president by the House of Representatives when a) a few Federalists refrained from voting b) Aaron Bur withdrew from the race c) Jefferson agreed to appoint John Marshall to the Supreme Court d) additional Jeffersonians became members of the House e) the electoral college gave up its responsibility

9. Jefferson saw his election and his mission as president to include all of the following except

a) to return to the original spirit of the revolution b) restore the republican experiment c) check the growth of the republican experiment d) halt the decay of virtue e) support the establishment of a strong army

10. As president, Jefferson’s stand on the political issues that he had previously championed

a) remained unchanged b) was reversed c) grew even more rigid d) compelled him to repeal the Alien and Seditions Acts e) caused him to reject slavery


Page 3.

11. With Jefferson’s election as president, the Democratic-Republican party a) grew stronger and more unified b) removed many Federalists from government jobs c) soon resented its leaders’ lavish life-style d) grew less unified as the Federalist party began to fade and lose power e) sought to extend the Alien and Sedition Acts to punish their enemies

12. Jefferson’s presidency was characterized by his a) unswerving conformity to Republican party principles b) rigid attention to formal protocol at White House gatherings c) moderation in the administration of public policy d) ruthless use of the patronage power to appoint Republicans to federal

offices e) inability to get legislation passed by Congress

13. Upon becoming president, Jefferson and the Republicans in Congress immediately repealed

a) the Alien and Sedition Acts b) the charter of the National Bank c) the excise tax on whiskey d) the funding and assumption of the national debt e) money to fund the naval build-up

14. When it came to the major Federalist economic programs, Jefferson as president a) left practically all of them intact b) quickly dismantled them c) slowly undid everything the Federalists achieved d) attacked only the Bank of the U.S. e) vetoed any new tariffs

15. Jefferson and his followers opposed John Adams’s last-minute appointment of new federal judges mainly because

a) the men appointed were of poor quality b) they believed that the appointments were unconstitutional c) they did not want a showdown with the Supreme Court d) the appointment was an attempt by a defeated party to entrench itself in

the government e) these judges were not needed


Page 4.

16. The chief justice who carried out, more than any other federal official, the ideas of Alexander Hamilton concerning a powerful federal government was

a) James Madison b) William Marbury c) John Marshall d) Samuel Chase e) John Jay

17. Before he became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall’s service at Valley Forge during the American Revolution convinced him

a) to support Jefferson and his republican principles b) to give up the life of a soldier and return to law school c) of the drawbacks of feeble central authority d) of the futility of opposing Britain e) all of the above

18. As a chief justice of the U.S., John Marshall helped to ensure that a) states’ rights were protected b) the programs of Alexander Hamilton were overturned c) the political and economic systems were based on a strong central

government d) both the Supreme Court and the president could rule a law

unconstitutional e) Aaron Burr was convicted of treason

19. The legal precedent for judicial review was established when a) the House of Representatives impeached Justice Samuel Chase b) the Supreme Court declared the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional c) Congress repealed the Judiciary Act of 1801 d) President John Adams appointed several ‘midnight judges; to the federal

courts e) the Judiciary Act of 1801was passed

20. The case of Marbury vs. Madison involved the question of who had the right to a) commit the U.S. to entangling alliances b) impeach federal officers for ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ c) declare an act of Congress unconstitutional d) purchase foreign territory for the U.S. e) appoint Supreme Court justices


Page 5.

21. John Marshall, as chief justice of the U.S., helped to strengthen the judicial branch of government by

a) applying Jeffersonian principles in all of his decisions b) asserting the doctrine of judicial review of congressional legislation c) overriding presidential vetoes d) listening carefully to and heeding the advice of lawyers arguing cases

before the Supreme Court e) increasing the number of justices on the Supreme Court

22. Jefferson’s failed attempt to impeach and convict Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase for “high crimes and misdemeanors” meant that

a) no federal judge could ever be removed from office b) judicial independence and the separation of powers had been preserved c) Jefferson’s effectiveness as president had been lost d) an unfortunate precedent had been established e) Aaron Burr would go free

23. Jefferson distrusted large standing armies because they a) were usually ineffective in battle b) always developed a destructive rivalry with the navy c) could be used to establish a dictatorship d) all of the above e) none of the above

24. Jefferson saw navies as less dangerous than armies because a) they were generally smaller in numbers b) they had little chance of starting a war c) they were in less contact with foreign powers d) they could not march inland and endanger liberties e) all of the above

25. Jefferson had strong misgiving about the wisdom of a) states’ rights b) maintaining a large standing army c) having the presidency and Congress controlled by the same party d) removing federal judges by the process of impeachment e) juridical review

26. Jefferson’s first major foreign-policy decision was to a) purchase Louisiana from France b) send a naval squadron to the Mediterranean c) drive the British out of the northwest forts d) purchase Florida from Spain e) form an alliance with Spain


Page 6.

27. Jefferson ceased his opposition to the expansion of the navy when the a) Pasha of Tripoli declared war on the U.S. b) U.S. Marine Corps was established c) “mosquito fleet” was defeated by the pirates at Tripoli d) Army was disbanded e) British blockaded the east coast

28. To guard American shores, Jefferson a) built a fleet of frigates b) constructed coastal fortifications c) approved the construction of two hundred tiny gunboats d) signed a peace treaty with Great Britain e) enlisted the aid of France

29. Arrange these events in chronological order: (A) Louisiana Purchase, (B) Chesapeake incident, (C) Burr’s trial for treason, (D) Embargo Act

a) A, B, D, C b) C, D, A, B c) A, C, B, D d) D, B, C, Ae) B, D, C, A

30. In order to purchase New Orleans from France, Jefferson a) threatened to form an alliance with France’s enemy, Spain b) was unwilling to go to war c) proposed to break away from all alliances to prove our neutrality d) was willing to use funds from private individuals if Congress would not

authorize enough money for the purchase e) decided to make an alliance with his old enemy, Britain

31. Napoleon chose to sell Louisiana to the U.S. because a) he had suffered misfortunes in Santo Domingo b) he hoped that the territory would one day help America to thwart the

ambitions of the British c) he did not want to drive America into the arms of the British d) yellow fever killed many French troops e) all of the above


Page 7.

32. Jefferson had authorized American negotiators to purchase only ___________ from France.

a) New Orleans and the Floridas b) New Orleans and St. Louisc) Santo Domingo d) The Missouri River basin e) The entire Louisiana Territory

33. Jefferson was conscience-stricken about the purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France because

a) the Federalists supported his actionb) he believed that the purchase was unconstitutional c) he felt that the purchase was not a fair deal for France d) war with Spain might occur e) he feared the British might use it as an excuse to declare war on the U.S.

34. Lewis and Clark’s expedition Louisiana Purchase territory yielded all of the following except

a) a rich harvest of scientific observations b) treaties with several Indian nations c) maps d) hair-raising adventure stories e) knowledge of the Indians of the region

35. Lewis and Clark demonstrated the viability of a) travel across the isthmus of Panama b) an overland trail to the Pacific c) settlement in the southern portion of the Louisiana Territory d) using Hessian guides e) all of the above

36. After killing Alexander Hamilton in a duel, Aaron Burr a) fled to France b) ran for the Senate in New York, but was defeated c) was arrested and found guilty of murder d) was arrested and found innocent of murder e) engaged in a plot to separate the western part of the U.S. from the east

37. The British policy of impressment was a kind of a) naval blockade b) economic boycott c) forced enlistment d) diplomatic pressure e) punishment for the U.S.


Page 8.

38. The British impressed American sailors into the British navy because a) the Americans took the Chesapeake b) they needed more men c) Parliament passed a law d) of the XYZ affair e) they wanted to punish the U.S.

39. The Chesapeake incident involved the flagrant use of a) patronage b) impeachment c) judicial review d) impressment e) naval blockades

40. To deal with British and French violations of America’s neutrality, Jefferson a) declared war on Britain b) hastily enacted an embargo c) declared war on France d) did nothing e) sought trade relations with Spain and Holland

41. Jefferson’s embargo failed for all of the following reasons except that a) he underestimated the determination of the British b) he underestimated Britain’s dependence on American trade c) Britain produced a bumper grain crop d) Latin America opened its ports for commerce e) he miscalculated the difficulty of enforcing it

42. Jefferson’s foreign policy of economic coercion a) underestimated British dependence on American trade b) adversely affected France’s economy more than Britain’s c) stimulated manufacturing in the U.S. d) destroyed the Federalist party in New England e) succeeded in its goal of forcing the British to halt is impressment of

American sailors


Page 9.

43. Macon’s Bill No. 2 a) forbade American ships from leaving port b) permitted trade with all nations but promised that if either Britain or

France lifted its commercial restrictions on American trade, the U.S. would stop trading with the other

c) forbade American trade with Britain and France but promised to open trade with either nation if it would cease its violations of American neutrality rights

d) repealed the Embargo Act of 1807 e) halted trade with Britain

44. President James Madison made a major foreign-policy mistake when he a) accepted Napoleon’s promise to recognize America’s rights b) vetoed Macon’s Bill No. 2 c) allied the U.S. with Britain d) refused to trust Napoleon e) declared war on France

45. By 1810, the most insistent demand for a declaration of war against Britain came from

a) New England merchants b) The West and South c) Federalists d) The middle Atlantic states e) Southern states

46. The war hawks demanded war with Britain because they wanted to do all of the following except

a) wipe out renewed Indian resistance b) defend American rights c) gain more territory d) retaliate for British burning of Washington, D.C. e) revenge the manhandling of American sailors

47. Of the following, the only argument not put forward by the war hawks as a justification for a declaration of war against Britain was that

a) the British armed Indians and incited them to raid frontier settlements b) British impressment policies were an affront to American nationalism c) Britain’s commercial restrictions had come close to destroying America’s

profitable New England shipping businessd) British Canada and Spanish Florida were attractive and easily obtainable

prizes of war e) The orders in council stopped the flow of Western farm products to



Page 10.

48. Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) war hawks enter Congress, (B) declaration of war on Britain, (C) Embargo Act, (D) Battle of Tippecanoe

a) A, B, C, D b) C, A, D, Bc) B, C, A, D d) B, A, D, C e) B, C, D, A

49. Tecumseh argued that Indians should a) never give control of their land to the whites b) move west of the Mississippi River c) not cede control of land to whites unless all Indians agreed d) exchange traditional buckskin clothing or cloth garments e) fight as individual tribes and not as a confederacy

50. Native American leader Tecumseh was killed in 1813 at the a) Battle of Tippecanoe b) Battle of the Thames c) Battle of Horseshoe Bend d) Battle of New Orleans e) Battle of Fallen Timbers

51. The Battle of Tippecanoe resulted in a) defeat of the British b) a Shawnee loss and a Creek victory c) a declaration of war by the U.S. on Britain d) the expulsion of the British from Florida e) William Henry Harrison becoming a national hero

52. In 1812, James Madison turned to war a) to help him win re-election b) due to his hatred of Britain c) to fulfill alliance obligations with France d) to fulfill alliance obligations with Spain e) to restore confidence in the republican experiment

53. Seafaring New England opposed the War of 1812 because of all of the following except

a) the Northeast Federalists sympathized with England b) it resented the Republican’s sympathy with Napoleon c) Federalists opposed the acquisition of Canada d) it could result in more agrarian states e) their strong trade ties with France


Page 11.

54. Once begun, the War of 1812 was supported strongly by a) practically all Americans b) New England and the seaboard states c) very few people d) the West and the South e) Native Americans

55. Federalists opposed the acquisition of Canada because a) there were too many French there b) Canadian business would prove too competitive c) it was too agrarian and would give more votes to the Democratic-

Republicans d) they believed that the Canadians could never become Americanized e) too many Indians lived there

56. During the War of 1812, the New England states a) supported the U.S.’ war effort b) lent more money and sent more food to the British army than to the

American army c) gave no support to either the Americans or the British d) allowed their militias to fight wherever the federal government requested e) declared their independence from the U.S.


AP U.S. History

Chapter 11- Answer KeyPractice Problems

1) e2) c3) d4) b5) a6) c7) b8) a9) e10) b11) d12) c13) c14) a15) d16) c17) c18) c19) b20) c21) b22) b23) c24) d25) b26) b27) a28) c29) c

30) e31) e32) a33) b34) b35) b36) e37) c38) b39) d40) b41) b42) c43) b44) a45) b46) d47) c48) b49) c50) b51) e52) e53) e54) d55) c56) b


AP U.S. History Chapter 12 Multiple Choice

Practice ProblemsMake the best choice.

1. The War of 1812 was one of the worst-fought wars in U.S. history because a) Native Americans supported the British b) too much national anger prevented clear thinking on strategy c) of the poor state of the economy d) of a non-existent militia e) of widespread disunity

2. When the U.S. entered the War of 1812, it was a) militarily unprepared b) allied with France c) united in support of the war d) fortunate to have a strong and assertive commander in chief e) New England that pushed for the conflict

3. The War of 1812 was one of the worst-fought wars in American history for all of the following reasons except that

a) there was no militia to draw on to supplement the regular army b) disunity was widespread c) only a zealous minority supported the war d) the army was scandalously inadequate e) the militia was poorly trained

4. The performance of the U.S.’ Navy in the War of 1812 was a) unusual for its brilliant military leadership b) a complete failure c) marked by good coordination of a complicated strategy d) notable for its support by New England e) a success on land but a failure on the water

5. Perhaps the key battle of the War of 1812, because it protected the U.S. from full-scale invasion and possible dissolution, was the Battle of

a) Mackinac b) Plattsburgh c) the Thames d) Horseshoe Bend e) Fallen Timbers


Page 2.

6. British plans for their 1814 campaign did not include action in a) New York b) the Chesapeake c) Florida d) Louisiana e) Vermont

7. The British attack on Baltimore a) resulted in another British victory b) made possible the British invasion of Washington, D.C. c) inspired the writing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” d) produced the “Bladensburg Races”e) resulted in the destruction of many British shops

8. The most devastating defeat suffered by the British during the War of 1812 took place at the Battle of

a) New Orleans b) Horseshoe Bend c) Tippecanoe d) the Thames e) Fallen Timbers

9. The Battle of New Orleans a) resulted in one more American defeat b) helped the U.S. to win the War of 1812c) saw British troops defeated by Andrew Jackson’s soldiers d) prevented Americans from taking Canada e) resulted in Louisiana becoming part of the U.S.

10. One result of the victories of the American navy was a) a British naval blockade of the U.S. b) the improvement of the American fishing industry c) an increase in British naval operations in Canadian waters d) the final elimination of British raiding parties landing on America’s east

coast e) more warships being built

11. At the peace conference at Ghent, the British began to withdraw many of their earlier demands for all of the following reasons except

a) reserves in upper New York b) a loss at Baltimore c) increasing war weariness in Britain d) concerns about the still dangerous France


e) the American victory at New Orleans Page 3.

12. The delegates of the Hartford Convention adopted resolutions that included a call for

a) a Constitutional amendment requiring a two-thirds vote in Congress before war was declared.

b) New England’s secession from the Union c) a separate peace treaty between New England and the British d) the dissolution of the Federalist party e) war with England

13. The resolutions from the Hartford Convention a) helped to cause the death of the Federalist party b) resulted in the resurgence of states’ rights c) called for southern secession from the union d) supported use of state militias against the British e) called for the West to join the War of 1812

14. From a global perspective, the War of 1812 was a) a highly significant conflict b) more important to Europeans than to Americans c) of little importance d) responsible for the defeat of Napoleon e) more important than the American Revolution

15. In diplomatic and economic terms, the War of 1812 a) was a disaster for the U.S. b) could be considered the Second War for American Independence c) was considered a victory for Britain d) resulted in the fall of the British government that concluded the conflict e) was a disaster for Britain

16. The outcome of the War of 1812 was a) a decisive victory for the U.S. b) a stimulus to patriotic nationalism in the U.S. c) an embarrassment for American diplomacy d) a heavy blow to American manufacturing e) a decisive victory for the British


Page 4.

17. The Rush-Bagot agreement a) required the Indians to relinquish vast areas of tribal lands north of the

Ohio River b) ended the traditional mutual suspicion and hatred between the U.S. and

Great Britainc) limited naval armaments on the Great Lakes d) provided for Canadian independence from Great Britain e) gave Florida to the U.S.

18. After the War of 1812, Europe a) became more democratic and liberal b) developed very close ties to the U.S. c) continued to have an important impact on American shipping d) returned to conservatism, illiberalism, and reaction e) sought more trade with China

19. One of the most important by-products of the War of 1812 was a) a renewed commitment to states’ rights b) a heightened spirit of nationalism c) a resurgence of the Federalist party d) increased economic dependence on Europe e) the subjugation of the Indians

20. One of the nationally recognized American authors in the 1820s was a) Washington Irving b) Edgar Allan Poe c) Walt Whitmand) Stephen Decatur e) Stephen Douglas

21. Post-War of 1812 nationalism could be seen in all of the flowing except a) the way in which American painters depicted the beauty of American

landscapes b) a revival of American religion c) the building of a more handsome national capital d) an expanded army e) development of a national literature

22. At the end of the War of 1812, British manufacturers a) discontinued trade with America b) conducted only limited trade with America c) began dumping their goods in America at extremely low prices d) demanded a high tariff against American goods


e) say their profits fall dramatically Page 5.

23. The Tariff of 1816 was the first in American history a) to be enacted b) intended to raise revenue c) that aimed to protect American industry d) to impose customs duties on foreign imports e) designed to protect agriculture

24. Henry Clay’s call for federally funded roads and canals received whole-hearted endorsement from

a) President Madison b) New England c) the West d) Jeffersonian Republicans e) the South

25. New England opposed the American System’s federally constructed roads because

a) the cost too much b) the Democratic-Republicans favored them c) canals were a superior means of transportation d) they would drain away needed population to the West e) they were poorly constructed

26. Democratic-Republicans opposed Henry Clay’s American System because a) it favored only the South b) it would provide stiff competition to the Erie Canal c) they believed that it was unconstitutional d) the Bonus Bill of 1817 made it unnecessary e) they favored a road system that included Canada

27. The Era of Good Feelings a) was characterized by the absence of any serious problems b) was noted for cooperation between the Democratic and Republican parties c) marked a temporary end to sectionalism d) was a troubled period e) saw the start of the Whig party

28. With the demise of the Federalist party, a) the Democratic-Republicans established one-party rule b) another party arose very quickly to take its place c) little political trouble ensued d) sectionalism disappeared e) the Whig party rose to take its place


Page 6.

29. The panic of 1819 brought with it all of the following except a) inflation b) unemployment c) bank failures d) soup kitchens e) bankruptcies

30. One of the major causes of the panic of 1819 was a) bankruptcies b) over-speculation in frontier lands c) deflation d) the failure to recharter the Bank of the United States e) a drought that resulted in poor agricultural production

31. The western land boom resulted from all of the following except a) it was a continuation of the old westward movement b) land exhaustion in older tobacco states c) speculators accepted small down payments d) the frontier was pacified with the defeat of the Indians e) the construction of railroad lines as far west as the Mississippi River

32. One of the demands made by the West to help it grow was a) sound money b) a stronger Bank of the U.S. c) cheap money d) the closing of “wildcat” banks e) higher land prices to gain more revenue for the territories

33. When the House of Representatives passed the Tallmadge Amendment in response to Missouri’s request for admission to the Union, the South thought that the amendment

a) would threaten the sectional balance b) might keep alive the institution of slavery c) would slow the growth of the West d) would silence the abolitionists e) would keep Main out of the Union

34. The first state entirely west of the Mississippi River to be carved out of the Louisiana Territory was

a) Kansas b) Louisiana c) Texas d) Arkansas


e) Missouri Page 7.

35. As a result of the Missouri Compromise, a) there was more slave than free states in the Union b) slavery was outlawed in all states north of the forty-second parallel c) slavery was banned north of 36 degrees 30 minutes north latitude in the

Louisiana Territory d) Missouri was required to free its slaves when they reached full adulthood e) there were more free states than slave states in the Union

36. All of the following were results of the Missouri Compromise except that a) extremists in both the North and South were not satisfied b) Missouri entered the Union as a slave state c) Maine entered the Union as a free state d) Sectionalism was reduced e) The balance of power in the Senate between the North and the South in the

Senate maintained

37. In interpreting the Constitution, John Marshall a) favored “loose construction” b) supported “strict construction” c) supported an unchanging document d) advocated state control of interstate commerce e) set few precedents

38. John Marshall uttered his famous legal dictum that “the power to tax involves the power to destroy” in

a) Gibbons vs. Ogden b) Fletcher vs. Peck c) McCulloch vs. Maryland d) Dartmouth College vs. Woodward e) Marbury vs. Madison

39. In McCulloch vs. Maryland, Cohens vs. Virginia, and Gibbons vs. Ogden, Chief Justice Marshall’s rulings limited the extent of

a) states’ rights b) judicial review c) federalism d) constitutionalism e) federal authority


Page 8.

40. People moved into the Old Northwest for all of the following reasons except a) better transportation b) the Indian threat was gone c) to achieve better social position d) to get their own democratic community e) as a haven for runaway slaves

41. Settlers from the South who moved into the Old Northwest territory were known as

a) Yankees b) carpet baggers c) planters d) slave holders e) Butternuts

42. When moving to the Old Northwest, settlers from the North wanted to do all of the following except

a) tame the land b) tame the people c) build roads d) build canals e) oppose increased taxes to fund their programs

43. John Marshall’s rulings upheld a defense of property rights against public pressure in

a) McCulloch vs. Maryland b) Marbury vs. Madison c) Cohens vs. Virginia d) Fletcher vs. Peck e) Gibbons vs. Ogden

44. The U.S.’s most successful diplomat in the Era of Good Feelings was a) John C. Calhoun b) Daniel Webster c) John Quincy Adams d) Andrew Jackson e) James Monroe


Page 9.

45. The Treaty of 1818 with England a) used the watershed of the Missouri River to define the U.S’s border with

Canada as far west as the Rocky Mountains b) formally recognized America’s conquest of West Florida c) called for a ten-year joint occupation of the Oregon country by both

American citizens and British subjects d) granted Canada exclusive use of Newfoundland fisheries e) saw the U.S. forced to give up its tariffs on British goods

46. Andrew Jackson’s military exploits were instrumental in the U.S. gaining a) a favorable boarder with Canada from the Great Lakes to the Rocky

Mountains b) possession of Florida c) joint fishing rights in Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundlandd) naval limitations on the Great Lakes e) gaining control of eastern Texas

47. Spain sold Florida to the U.S. because it a) wanted to help America to become a rival to Britain b) could not defend the area and would lose it in any case c) received America’s promise to give up claims to Oregon d) was pulling out of the Western Hemisphere e) decided to concentrate its efforts in Mexico

48. Britain opposed Spain’s reestablishing its authority in Latin American countries that had successfully revolted because

a) Britain had now allied itself with France b) Britain had great sympathy toward democratic revolutions c) the U.S. had asked for such a policy d) the ports of these nations were now open to lucrative trade e) it waned to take control of these nations

49. The doctrine of non-colonization in the Monroe Doctrine was a) applicable only to Central and South America b) a response to the apparent designs of the Russians in Alaska and Oregon c) included in the doctrine only over the opposition of Secretary of State

John Quincy Adams d) mostly a symbolic gesture of good will to the Latin American republics e) aimed at British efforts to gain control over Cuba


Page 10.

50. At the same time it was issued, the Monroe Doctrine was a) incapable of being enforced by the U.S. b) greeted with enthusiasm and gratitude in South America c) universally acclaimed in Britain as a great act of statesmanship d) welcomed with relief by European powers who favored British power in

the Western Hemisphere e) opposed by the Whig party

51. Latin America’s reaction to the Monroe Doctrine can best be described as a) enthusiastic b) fearful of the U.S. c) unconcerned or unimpressed d) relying on Britain to void it e) none of the above

52. The Russo-American Treaty of 1824 fixed the southernmost limits of Russian occupation of North America at

a) 54 degrees, 40 minutes b) 36 degrees, 30 minutes c) the forty-second parallel d) the forty-ninth parallel e) the fifty-first parallel

53. The Monroe Doctrine was a) a striking new departure in American foreign policy b) quickly codified into international law c) a binding pledge on each subsequent administration d) an expression of the illusion of deepening American isolationism form

world affairs e) a commitment by the U.S. to internationalism


AP U.S. History

Chapter 12 –Answer Key

1) e2) a3) a4) e5) b6) c7) c8) a9) c10) a11) e12) a13) a14) c15) b16) b17) c18) d19) b20) a21) b22) c23) c24) c25) d26) c

27) d28) a29) a30) b31) e32) c33) a34) e35) c36) d37) a38) c39) a40) e41) e42) e43) d44) c45) c46) b47) b48) d49) b50) a51) c52) a53) d


AP U.S. History Chapter 13- Multiple Choice

Mr. JonesMake the best selection.

1. In the 1820s and the 1830s one issue that greatly raised the political stakes was a) economic prosperity b) the Peggy Eaton affair c) a lessening of political party organizations d) the demise of the Whig Party e) slavery

2. The new two party political system that emerged in the 1830s and 1840s a) divided the nation further b) was seen at the time as a weakening of democracy c) resulted in the Civil War d) fulfilled the wishes of the founding fathers e) became an important part of the nation’s checks and balances

3. In the 1820s and 1830s the public’s attitude regarding political parties a) grew more negative b) saw little change from the early years of our nationc) reinforced the belief of the Era of Good Feelings d) accepted the sometimes wild contentiousness of political life e) none of the above

4. By the 1840s new techniques of politicking included all of the following except a) the use of banners b) free drinks c) parades d) baby kissing e) deference

5. By the 1840s voter participation in the presidential election reached a) nearly 50 percent b) 25 percent c) 40 percent d) 15 percent e) nearly 80 percent


Page 2.

6. Match each individual below with the correct description. A. Andrew Jackson 1. was vice president on the ticket ofB. Henry Clay two candidates in 1824 C. John C. Calhoun 2. received more popular votes thanD. William Crawford any other candidate in 1824

3. was eliminated as a candidate when the election of 1824 went into the H of Reps

a. A-2, B-3, C-1b. A-2, B-1, D-3 c. B-1, C-3, D-2 d. A-3, C-2, D-1 e. A-1, B-2, D-3

7. The House of Representatives decided the 1824 presidential election when a) no candidate received a majority of the vote in the Electoral College b) William Crawford suffered a stroke and was forced to drop out of the race c) the House was forced to do so by “King Caucus” d) Henry Clay, as Speaker of the House, made the request e) widespread voter fraud was discovered

8. John Quincy Adams, elected president in 1825, was charged by his political opponents with having struck a “corrupt bargain” when he appointed _________________ to become _________________.

a) John C. Calhoun, vice president b) William Crawford, chief justice of the U.S. c) Henry Clay, secretary of state d) Daniel Webster, secretary of state e) John Eaton, secretary of the navy

9. As President, John Quincy Adams a) was more successful than as secretary of state b) adjusted to the New Democracy c) was one of the least successful presidents in American history d) put many of his supporters on the federal payroll e) was successful in getting his programs enacted into law

10. John Quincy Adams could be described as a) an excellent politician b) a man who sought popular support c) a politician with great tact d) possessing almost non of the arts of the politician e) a man of limited intelligence


Page 3.

11. John Quincy Adams’ weaknesses as president included all of the flowing except a) a deep nationalist view b) only one-third of the voters voted for him c) he was tactless d) his sarcastic personality e) his firing good office holders to appoint his own people

12. Andrew Jackson’s political philosophy was based on his a) support of a strong central government b) advocacy of the American System c) suspicion of the federal government d) opposition to the old antifederalist ideals e) family’s economic status

13. The purpose behind the spoils system was a) to press those with experience into governmental service b) to make politics a sideline and not a full-time business c) to reward political supporters with public office d) to reverse the trend of rotation in office e) the widespread encouragement of a bureaucratic office-holding class

14. The spoils system under Andrew Jackson resulted in a) a clean sweep of federal job holders b) the replacement of insecurity by security in employment c) the destruction of the personalized political machine d) the appointment of many corrupt and incompetent officials to federal jobs e) the same actions of those taken by John Quincy Adams

15. The people who proposed the exceptionally high rates of the Tariff of 1828 were a) supporters of John Quincy Adams b) abolitionists c) ardent supporters of Andrew Jackson d) Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun e) southern plantation owners

16. The section of the U.S. most hurt by the Tariff of 1828 was a) New England b) the Westc) the Southwest d) the South e) the middle states


Page 4.

17. Southerners feared the Tariff of 1828 because a) it would hurt their manufacturing sector b) they believed that the federal power this bill represented could be sued to

suppress slavery c) it might hurt Andrew Jackson’s political career d) they were convinced that it would destroy the American woolen industry e) it could damage the chances of he American System’s success

18. John C. Calhoun’s “South Carolina Exposition” was an argument for a) secession b) protective tariffs c) majority rule d) states’ rights e) trade with New England

19. The “nullification crisis” of 1832 -1833 erupted over a) banking policy b) internal improvements c) tariff policy d) public land sales e) Indian policy

20. The strong regional support for the Tariff of 1833 came from a) the South b) New England c) the middle Atlantic statesd) the West e) the frontier

21. The Force Bill of 1833 provided that a) the Congress could sue the military for Indian removal b) the Congress would employ the navy to stop smuggling c) the President could use the army to collect excise taxes d) the military could force citizens to track down runaway slaves e) the President could use the army and navy to collect federal tariff duties

22. The person most responsible for defusing the tariff controversy that began in 1828 was

a) Andrew Jackson b) John C. Calhoun c) John Quincy Adams d) Daniel Webster e) Henry Clay


Page 5.

23. The nullification crisis of 1833 resulted in a clear-cut victory for a) South Carolina b) Andrew Jackson and the Union c) States’ rights d) neither Andrew Jackson nor the nullifiers e) the industrialists

24. In response to South Carolina’s nullification of the Tariff of 1828, Andrew Jackson

a) hanged several of the nullifiers b) dispatched modest naval and military forces to the state while preparing a

larger army c) asked Henry Clay for help d) said nothing about nullification e) sought help from the Supreme Court

25. The nullification crisis started by South Carolina over the Tariff of 1828 ended when

a) Andrew Jackson used the court system to force compliance b) the federal army crushed all resistance c) Congress used the provisions of the Force Bill d) Congress passed the compromise Tariff of 1833 e) South Carolina took over the collection of tariffs

26. Andrew Jackson’s administration supported the removal of Native Americans from the eastern states because

a) the Indians assimilated too easily into white society b) the Supreme Court ruled in favor of this policy c) whites wanted the Indians’ lands d) Georgia and Florida tried to protect the Indians and their lands e) they continued their attacks on white settlements

27. In their treatment of Native Americans, white Americans did all of the following except

a) recognize the tribes as separate nations b) argue that Indians could not be assimilated into the larger society c) try to civilize them d) trick them into ceding land to whites e) promise to acquire land only through formal treaties


Page 6.

28. In an effort to assimilate themselves into white society , the Cherokees did all of the following except

a) adopt a system of settled agriculture b) develop a written constitution c) become cotton planters d) refuse to won slaves e) develop a notion of private property

29. The policy of the Jackson administration toward the eastern Indian tribes was a) a war of genocide b) gradual assimilation c) forced removal d) federal protection form state governments e) to encourage them to preserve their traditional culture

30. Andrew Jackson and his supporters disliked the Bank of the United States for all of the following reasons except that it

a) minted gold and silver coins but issued no paper money b) controlled much of the nation’s gold and silver c) was a private institution d) foreclosed on many western farms e) put public service first, not profits

31. Andrew Jackson made all of the following charges against the Bank of the U.S. except that

a) the bank was anti-western b) it was controlled by an elite moneyed aristocracy c) the bank was autocratic and tyrannical d) it refused to lend money to politicians e) profit, not public service, was its first priority

32. One of the positive aspects of the Bank of the U.S. was a) its officers’ awareness of the bank’s responsibilities to society b) its preservation of the public trust c) its promotion of economic expansion by making credit abundant d) its issuance of depreciated paper money e) that it loaned money to western farmers

33. While in existence, the second Bank of the U.S. a) was the depository of the funds of the nations government b) irresponsibly inflated the national currency by issuing federal bank notes c) limited economic growth by extending public credit d) forced an ever-increasing number of bank failures e) did little to help the economy


Page 7.

34. Andrew Jackson’s veto of the re-charter of the bill for the Bank of the U.S. was a) the first presidential veto b) a major expansion of presidential veto power c) unconstitutional d) overturned by a two-thirds vote in Congress e) supported by the Anti-Mason party

35. Andrew Jackson based his veto on the re-charter bill for the Bank of the U.S. on a) constitutional grounds b) advice from Henry Clay c) the Supreme Court’s McCulloch vs. Maryland decision d) the fact that he found the bill harmful to the nation e) all of the above

36. The Anti-Masonic party of 1832 appealed to a) the supporters of Andrew Jackson b) American suspicions of secret societies c) those who wished to keep the government from meddling in social and

economic life d) people opposed the growing political power of evangelical Protestants e) supporters of the American System

37. Innovations in the election of 1832 included a) direct election of the president b) adoption of written party platforms c) election of the president by the House of Representatives d) presidential nominations of “favorite sons” by state legislatures e) abandonment of party conventions

38. One of the main reasons that Jackson decided to weaken the Bank of the U.S. after the 1832 presidential election was

a) his fear that Nicholas Biddle might try to manipulate the bank to force its re-charter

b) his desire to halt the rising inflation rate that the bank had created before 1832

c) his desire to fight the Specie Circular, which hurt the West d) that he lost money he had invested in it e) all of the above


Page 8.

39. Supporters of the Whig party included all of the following except a) backers of the American System b) backers of southern states’ rights c) large northern industrialists d) many evangelical Protestants e) opponents of public education

40. The “cement” that held the Whig party together in its formative days was a) hatred of Andrew Jackson b) support of the American System c) opposition to the Anti-Masonic party d) the desire for a strong president e) opposition to the tariff

41. The Whigs hoped to win the 1836 election by a) supporting Henry Clay b) using smear tactics c) forcing the election into the House of Representatives d) emphasizing personality over issues e) outspending their opponents

42. The Panic of 1837 was caused by all of the flowing except a) rampant speculation b) the Bank War c) financial problems abroad d) failure of whet crops e) taking the country off the gold standard

43. Americans moved into Texas a) when invited by the Spanish government b) after an agreement was concluded between Mexican authorities and

Stephen Austin c) upon Sam Huston’s defeat of General Santa Anna d) to spread Protestantism e) after the Battle of San Jacinto

44. The government of Mexico and the Americans who settled in Mexican-controlled Texas clashed over all of the following issues except

a) slavery b) immigration c) allegiance to Spain d) local rights e) Santa Anna raising an army to use against Texas


Page 9.

45. Texans won their independence as a result of the victory over Mexican armies at the Battle of

a) Santa Anna b) Goliad c) the Alamo d) San Jacinto e) the Rio Grande

46. Texas gained its independence with a) help from Britain b) no outside assistance c) help form Americans d) the blessing of the Mexican government e) help from the French

47. Spanish authorities allowed Moses Austin to settle in Texas because a) they believed that Austin and his settlers might be able to civilize the

territory b) they believed that the militarily powerful Austin would otherwise have

taken the land by force c) Spanish control of the territory was a subject of a dispute between Spain

and the U.S. d) Spain planned to sell the land to the U.S. e) He paid them a sizeable sum of money

48. One reason for the Anglo-Texan rebellion against Mexican rule was that a) the Mexicans opposed slavery b) the Mexican government refused to allow the “Old Three Hundred” to

purchase land c) the Anglo-Texans wanted to break away from a government that had

grown too authoritarian d) the Anglo-Texans objected to the Mexican government’s execution of

Stephen Austin e) the Mexicans tried to establish slavery among the Americans

49. President Jackson and Van Buren hesitated to extend recognition to and to annex the new Texas Republic because

a) Texans did not want to be annexed to the U.S. b) Antislavery groups in the U.S. opposed the expansion of slavery c) They were old political opponents to the Texas president, Sam Houston d) Public opinion in the U.S. opposed annexation e) The feared war with Mexico’s ally, Spain


Page 10.

50. Most of the early American settlers in Texas came from a) New England b) the South and the Southwest c) the Old Northwest d) the middle Atlantic states e) the Ohio Territory

51. The “Tippecanoe” in the Whigs’ 1840 campaign slogan was a) Daniel Webster b) Martin Van Buren c) William Henry Harrison d) Nicholas Biddle e) Henry Clay

52. William Henry Harrison, the Whig party’s presidential candidate in 1840, was a) a true “common man” b) a very effective chief executive c) made to look like a poor western farmer d) born in a log cabin e) the first military officer to become president

53. Both the Democratic party and the Whig party a) favored a renewed national bank b) supported federal restraint in social and economic affairs c) were mass-based political parties d) clung to states’ rights policies e) reared the rise of the Anti-Masonic party

54. The two political parties of the Jacksonian era tended to a) promote sectionalism over nationalism b) take radical and extreme positions on issues c) take similar positions on issues such as banking d) be socially and geographically diverse e) be socially exclusive but geographically diverse


AP U.S. History

Chapter 13- Answer Key

1) e2) e3) d4) (throw out the question) 5) e6) a7) a8) c9) c10) d11) e12) c13) c14) d15) c16) d17) b18) d19) c20) a21) e22) e23) d24) b25) d26) c27) b

28) d29) c30) e31) d32) c33) a34) b35) d36) b37) b38) a39) e40) a41) c42) e43) b44) c45) d46) c47) a48) c49) b50) b51) c52) c53) c54) d


AP U.S. History Chapter 14- Multiple Choice

Practice Problems

Make the best choice. 1. Life on the frontier was

a) fairly comfortable but not for men b) downright grim for most pioneer families c) free of disease and premature death d) rarely portrayed in popular literature e) based on tight-knit communities

2. Pioneering Americans marooned by geography a) remained well informed b) grew to depend on other people for most of their clothing c) abandoned the “rugged individualism” of colonial Americans d) looked to state governments for economic help e) became provincial in their attitudes

3. In early-nineteenth-century America, a) the annual population growth rate was much higher than in colonial days b) the urban population was growing at an unprecedented rate c) the birthrate was rapidly declining d) the death rate was increasing e) the center of population moved northward

4. The dramatic growth of American cities between 1800 and 1860 a) led to a lower death rate b) contributed to a decline in the birthrate c) resulted in unsanitary conditions in many communities d) forced the federal government to slow immigration e) created sharp political conflict between farmers and urbanites

5. “Ecological imperialism” can best be described as a) the efforts of white settlers to take land from Native Americans b) the aggressive exploitation of the West’s bounty c) a desire for the U.S. to acquire California d) the spread of technology and industry e) none of the above

6. George Caitlin advocated a) placing Indians on reservations b) efforts to protect American’s endangered species c) continuing the “rendezvous” system d) keeping white settlers out of the West e) the preservation of nature as a national policy


Page 2.

7. The influx of immigrants to the U.S. tripled, then quadrupled, in the a) 1810s and 1820s b) 1820s and 1830s c) 1830s and 1840s d) 1840s and 1850s e) 1860s and 1870s

8. Ireland’s great export in the 1840s was a) people b) potatoes c) wool d) whiskey e) music

9. The Irish immigrants to early-nineteenth-century America a) were mostly Roman Catholics b) tended to settle on western farmlands c) were warmly welcomed by American workers d) identified and sympathized with American free blacks e) were often members of the Irish Republican Army (IRA).

10. When the Irish flocked to the U.S. in the 1840s, they stayed in the larger seaboard cities because they

a) preferred urban life b) were offered high-paying jobs c) were welcomed by the people living there d) were too poor to move west and buy land e) had experience in urban politics

11. When the “famine Irish” came to America, they a) moved to the West b) mostly became farmers c) moved up the economic ladder quickly d) mostly remained in the port cities of the Northeast e) formed alliances with Yankees against the Germans

12. Native-born Protestant Americans distrusted and resented the Irish mostly because these immigrants

a) were poor b) were thought to love alcohol c) were Roman Catholic d) frequently became police officer e) were slow to learn English


Page 3.

13. German immigrants in the early nineteenth century tended to a) settle in eastern industrial cities b) retain strong ties to Germany c) become slave-owners d) join the temperance movement e) support public schools

14. German immigrants to the U.S. a) quickly became a powerful political force b) left their homeland to escape economic hardships and autocratic

government c) were as poor as the Irish d) contributed little to American life e) were almost all Catholics

15. When German immigrants came to the U.S., they a) often became Baptists or Methodists b) often mixed well with other Americans c) remained mostly in the Northeast d) prospered with astonishing ease e) dropped most of their German customs

16. Those who were frightened by the rapid influx of Irish immigrants organized a) the Order of the Star Spangled Banner b) the “Molly Maguires” c) Tammany Hall d) The Ancient Order of Hibernians e) The Ku Klux Klan

17. The sentiment of fear and opposition to open immigration was called a) the cult of domesticity b) nativism c) Unitarianism d) rugged individualism e) patriotism

18. Native-born Americans feared that Catholic immigrants to the U.S. would a) want to attend school with Protestants b) overwhelm the native-born Catholics and control the church c) “establish” the Catholic church at the expense of Protestantism d) assume control of the “Know-Nothing” party e) establish monasteries and convents in the West


Page 4.

19. Immigrants coming to the U.S. before 1860 a) depressed the economy due to their poverty b) found themselves involved in few cultural conflicts c) had little impact on society until after the Civil War d) settled mostly in the South e) helped to fuel economic expansion

20. The “Father of the Factory System” in the U.S. was a) Robert Fulton b) Samuel F.B. Morse c) Eli Whitney d) Samuel Slater e) Thomas Edison

21. Eli Whitney was instrumental in the invention of the a) steamboat b) cotton gin c) railroad locomotive d) telegraph e) repeating revolver

22. Most of the cotton produced in the American South in the early nineteenth century was

a) produced by free labor b) sold to England c) grown on the tidewater plains d) consumed by the southern textile industry e) of the long-staple variety

23. The American phase of the industrial revolution first blossomed a) on southern plantations b) with textile mills c) in rapidly growing Chicago d) with shipbuilding e) in coal-mining regions

24. As a result of the development of the cotton gin, a) slavery revived and expanded b) American industry bought more southern cotton than did British

manufacturers c) a nationwide depression ensured d) the South diversified its economy e) the textile industry moved to the South


Page 5.

25. The underlying basis for modern mass production was the a) cotton gin b) musket c) use of interchangeable parts d) principle of limited liability e) assembly line

26. The early factory system distributed its benefits a) mostly to the owners b) evenly to all c) primarily in the South d) to workers represented by unions e) to overseas investors

27. Match each individual below with the correct invention. A. Samuel F. B. Morse 1. telegraph B. Cyrus McCormick 2. mower-reaper C. Cyrus Field 3. steamboat D. Robert Fulton

a) A-3, B-1, D-2 b) A-1, B-2, D-3 c) A-1, C-2, D-3d) B-2, C-1, D-1 e) B-2, B-1, D-3

28. The American work force in the early 19th century was characterized by a) substantial employment of women and children in factories b) strikes by workers that were few in number but usually effective c) a general lengthening of the workday from the to fourteen hours d) extensive political activity among workers e) reliance on the system of apprentices and masters

29. One reason that the lot of adult wage earners improved was a) support gained from the U.S. Supreme Court b) the passage of minimum wage laws c) the passage of laws restricting the use of strikebreakers d) the enactment of immigration restrictions e) the enfranchisement of the laboring man


Page 6.

30. In the case of Commonwealth vs. Hunt, the supreme court of Massachusetts ruled that

a) corporations were unconstitutional b) labor unions were legal c) labor strikes were illegal d) the Boston Associates’ employment of young women in their factories

was inhumane e) the state could regulate factory wages and working conditions

31. The “cult of domesticity” a) gave women more opportunity to seek employment outside the home b) resulted in more pregnancies for women c) restricted women’s moral influence on the family d) glorified the traditional role of women as homemakers e) was especially strong among rural women

32. Early-nineteenth-century America families a) were becoming more loosely knit and less affectionate b) usually included three generations in the same household c) taught their children to be unquestioningly obedient d) usually allowed parents to determine choice of marriage partners e) were getting smaller

33. One of the goals of the child-centered family of the 1800s was to a) raise children who were obedient to authority b) allow parents to spoil their children c) raise independent individuals d) increase the number of children e) preserve childhood innocence

34. The effect of early 19th century industrialization of the trans-Allegheny West was to encourage

a) specialized, cash-crop agriculture b) slaveryc) self-sufficient farming d) heavy industry e) higher tariffs

35. With the development of cash-crop agriculture in the trans-Allegheny West, a) subsistence farming became common b) farmers began to support the idea of slave labor c) farmers quickly faced mounting indebtedness d) the South could harvest a larger crop


e) the issue of farm surpluses came to the fore Page 7.

36. The first major transportation project linking the East to the trans-Allegheny West was the

a) Baltimore and Ohio Railroad b) National (Cumberland) Road c) Erie Canal d) St. Lawrence Seaway e) Lancaster Turnpike

37. Western road building faced all of the flowing problems except a) the expense b) states’ rights advocates’ opposition c) eastern states’ opposition d) competition from canals e) wartime interruptions

38. The major application for steamboats transporting freight and passengers in the U.S. was on

a) New England Streams b) western and southern rivers c) the Great Lakes d) the Gulf of Mexico e) coastal waterways

39. The “canal era” of American history began with the construction of the a) Mainline Canal in Pennsylvania b) James River and Kanasha Canal from Virginia to Ohio c) Wabash Canal in Indiana d) Suez Canal in Illinois e) Erie Canal in New York

40. Construction of the Erie Canal a) forced some New England farmers to move or change occupations b) showed how long-established local markets could survive a continental

economy c) helped farmers so much that industrialization was slowed d) was aided by federal money e) created political tensions between the Northeast and the Midwest

41. Most early railroads in the U.S. were built in the a) North b) Old South c) Lower Mississippi Valley d) Far West


e) Appalachian Mountains Page 8.

42. Compared with canals, railroads a) were more expensive to construct b) transported freight more slowly c) were generally safer d) were susceptible to weather delays e) could be built almost anywhere

43. In the new continental economy, each region specialized in a particular economic activity: the South ________________ for export; the West grew grains and livestock to feed ________________; and the East _________________ for the other two regions.

a) raised grain, southern slaves, processed meat b) grew cotton, southern slaves, made machines and textiles c) grew cotton, eastern factory workers, made machines and textiles d) raised grain, eastern factory workers, made furniture and tools e) processed meat, southern slaves, raised grain

44. As a result of the transportation revolution, a) division of labor became a thing of the past b) New Orleans became an even more important port c) each regions in the nation specialized in a particular type of economic

activity d) self-sufficiency became easier to achieve for American families e) the Midwest became the first industrialized region

45. In general, __________________ tended to bind the West and South together, while _____________ and ______________ connected West to East.

a) steamboats, canals, railroads b) railroads, canals, steamboats c) canals, steamboats, turnpikes d) turnpikes, steamboats, canals e) turnpikes, railroads, steamboats

46. As the new continental market economy grew, a) individual households became increasingly self-sufficient b) the home came to be viewed as a refuge from the workday world c) traditional women’s work became more highly valued and increasingly

important d) respect for women as homemakers declined e) the home lost most of its importance for family life


Page 9.

47. A major economic consequence of the transportation and marketing revolutions was

a) a lessoning of the gap between great wealth and poverty b) a stabilization of the work force in industrial cities c) the declining significance of American agriculture d) the declining significance of American agriculture e) a steady improvement in average wages and standards of living f) the growing realization of the “rags-to-riches” American dream


AP U.S. History

Chapter 14-Answer KeyPractice Problems

1) b2) e3) b4) c5) b6) e7) d8) a9) a10) d11) d12) c13) e14) b15) d16) a17) b18) c19) e20) d21) b22) b23) b24) a

25) c26) a27) b28) a29) e30) b31) d32) e33) c34) a35) c36) e37) d38) b39) e40) a41) a42) e43) c44) c45) a46) b47) d


AP U.S. History Chapter 15- Multiple Choice

Practice ProblemsMade the best selection.

1. The Deist faith embraced all of the following except a) the concept of original sin b) the reliance on reason rather than revolution c) belief in a Supreme Being d) belief in human beings’ capacity for moral behavior e) denial of the divinity of Jesus

2. Deists like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin endorsed the concept of a) revelation b) original sin c) the deity of Christ d) a Supreme Being who created the universe e) the imminent end of the world

3. By 1850, organized religion in America a) retained the rigor of colonial religion b) was ignored by three-fourths of the people c) had lost some of its austere Calvinist rigor d) had grown more conservative e) had become tied to the upper classes

4. All of the following are true of the Second Great Awakening except that it a) resulted in the conversion of countless souls b) encouraged a variety of humanitarian reforms c) strengthened democratic denominations like the Baptists and Methodists d) was a reaction against the growing liberalism in religion e) was not as large as the First Great Awakening

5. Unitarians endorsed the concept of a) the deity of Christ b) original sinc) salvation through good works d) predestination e) the Bible as the norm of doctrine

6. An early-nineteenth-century religious rationalist sect devoted to the rule of reason and free will was the

a) Unitarians b) Seventh-Day Adventists


c) Methodists d) Mormons e) Roman Catholics

Page 2.

7. Religious revivals of the Second Great Awakening resulted in a) little increase in church membership b) a strong religious influence in many areas of American life c) surprisingly few humanitarian reforms d) greater attention to church history and doctrine e) all of the above

7. As a revivalist preacher, Charles Grandison Finney advocated a) opposition to slavery b) a perfect Christian kingdom on earth c) opposition to alcohol d) public prayer by women e) all of the above

8. The greatest of the revival preachers of the Second Great Awakening was a) Joseph Smith b) Horace Greeley c) Calr Schurz d) Charles Grandison Finney e) Angelina Grimke

9. The Second Great Awakening tended to a) promote religious diversity b) reduce social class differences c) blur regional difference d) discourage church membership e) weaken women’s social position

10. The Mormon religion originated in a) Utah b) New England c) Nauvoo, Illinois d) Ireland e) The Burned-Over District of New York

11. The religions sects that gained most from the revivalism of the Second Great Awakening were

a) Roman Catholics and Episcopalians b) Unitarians and Adventists c) Methodists and Baptists d) Congregationalists and Presbyterians


e) Lutherans and Mennonites

Page 3.

12. The Second Great Awakening tended to a) widen the lines between classes and religions b) open Episcopal and Presbyterian churches to the poor c) unite southern Baptists and southern Methodists against slavery d) bring the more prosperous and conservative eastern churches into the

revivalist camps e) increase the influence of educated clergy

13. The original prophet of the Mormon religion was a) Ralph Waldo Emerson b) Brigham Young c) Charles Grandison Finney d) the angel Moroni e) Joseph Smith

14. Which of the flowing is least related to the other four? a) Brigham Young b) William Miller c) The Book of Mormon d) Salt Lake City e) polygamy

15. One characteristic of the Mormons that angered man non-Mormons was their a) highly individualistic life-styles b) unwillingness to vote c) refusal to take up arms and defend themselves d) emphasis on cooperative or group effort e) flirtation with foreign governments

16. Many of the denominational liberal arts colleges founded as a result of the Second Great Awakening

a) were academically distinguished institutions b) lacked much intellectual vitality c) eventually gained tax-supported status d) offered a new nontraditional curriculum e) opened their doors to Catholic students

17. Tax-supported public education a) existed mainly for the wealthy b) eliminated private and parochial education in the U.S. c) began in the South as early as 1800


d) provided little opportunity for the poor e) was deemed essential for social security and democracy

Page 4.

18. In the first half of the 19th century, tax-supported schools were a) chiefly available to educate the children of the poor b) most in evidence in the South c) continuously opposed by wealthy, conservative whites d) open only to tuition-paying children of the well-to-doe) more academically demanding than private academies

19. Noah Webster’s dictionary a) had little impact until the twentieth century b) helped to standardize the American language c) was used to educate 19th century slaves d) came to the U.S. from Britain in the 1800s e) gave legitimacy to American slang

20. One strong prejudice inhibiting women from obtaining higher education in the early nineteenth century was the belief that

a) they would gain political and economic power through education b) women were inherently conservative and opposed to social reform c) children should grow up without the influence of educated women d) the Constitution prohibited women from attending colleges e) too much learning would injure women’s brains and ruin their health

21. Women became especially active in the social reforms stimulated by the Second Great Awakening because

a) evangelical religion emphasized their spiritual dignity and religious social reform legitimized their activity outside the home

b) they refused to accept the idea that there was a special female role in society

c) they were looking to obtain as much power as possible d) many of the leading preachers and evangelists were women e) they saw the churches as the first institutions that needed to be reformed

22. Two areas where women in the 19th century were widely thought to be superior to men were

a) physical strength and mental vigor b) moral sensibility and artistic refinement c) political ability and organizational shrewdness d) sexual appetite and physical desire e) economic competitiveness and capacity for education


Page 5.

23. New England reformer Dorothea Dix and is most notable for her efforts on behalf of

a) prison and asylum reform b) the peace movement c) the temperance movement d) abolitionism e) women’s education

24. The excessive consumption of alcohol by Americans in the 1800s a) was not recognized as a social problem b) did not involve women c) held little threat for the family because everyone drank d) had little impact on the efficiency of labor e) stemmed from the hard and monotonous life of many

25. Sexual differences were strongly emphasized in 19th century America because a) frontier life necessitated these distinctions b) men were regarded as morally superior beings c) it was the duty of men to teach the young how to be good, productive

citizens d) the market economy increasingly separated men and women into distinct

economic roles e) women believed this emphasis brought them greater respect

26. One sign that women in America were treated better than women in Europe was a) that American women could vote b) that the law in the U.S. prohibited men from beating them c) that rape was more severely punished in the U.S. d) that their ideas of equality were well received by American men e) that American women earned respect by engaging in male activities

27. One sign that women in America were treated better than women in Europe was a) that American women could vote b) that the law in the U.S. prohibited men from beating them c) that rape was more severely punished in the U.S. d) that their ideas of equality were well received by American men e) that American women earned respect by engaging in male activities

28. Neal Dow sponsored the Maine Law of 1851, which called for a) the abolition of capital punishment b) a ban on war


c) a ban on polygamy d) woman suffrage e) a ban on the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquor

Page 6.

29. By the 1850s, the crusade for women’s rights was eclipsed by a) the temperance movement b) the “Lucy Stoners” c) abolitionism d) prison reform advocates e) evangelical revivalism

30. According to John Humphrey Noyes, the key to happiness is a) acceptance of a sinful mankind b) the suppression of selfishness c) the abandonment of “complex” marriages d) a rejection of Bible communism e) political reform

31. The key to Oneida’s financial success was a) its move from Vermont to New York b) the establishment of Bible communism c) the manufacture of steel animal traps and silverware d) its tax-exempt religious status e) its linkage of religion to free-market capitalism

32. The Oneida colony declined due to a) widespread criticism of its sexual practices b) a decline in animal trapping c) their adoption of capitalism d) the loss of Noyes’s leadership e) all of the above

33. The American medical profession by 1860 was noted for a) its still primitive standards b) having abandoned the practice of bleeding c) its discovery of germs as the cause of illness d) pioneer work in dentistry e) its well established medical schools

34. Most of the utopian communities in pre 1860s America held ______________ as one of their founding ideals.

a) rugged individualism b) pacifism c) capitalism d) opposition to communism


e) cooperative social and economic practices

Page 7.

35. Of the following, the most successful of the early 19th century communitarian experiments was at

a) Brook Farm, Massachusetts b) Oneida, New York c) New Harmony, Indiana d) Seneca Falls, New York e) Shaker Heights, Ohio

36. When it came to scientific achievement, America in the 1800s was a) a world leader b) a nation from which other countries borrowed c) most noted for its successes in medicine d) more intere3sted in practical matters e) focused primarily on biology and chemistry

37. Match each individual below with the correct description A. Louis Agassiz 1. author of Birds of America B. Gilbert Stuart 2. portrait artists C. John J. Audubon 3. romantic novelist 4. Harvard biologist

a. A-3, B-2, C-4 b. A-4, B-3, C-1 c. A-2, B-1, C-1 d. A-1, B-4, C-2 e. A-1, B-4, C-2

38. America’s artistic achievement sin the first half of the 19th century a) were remarkable for their creativity b) were least notable in architecture c) built on the achievements of the Puritans d) took very little from Europe e) were closely linked to democratic ideals

39. The Hudson River school excelled in the art of painting a) portraits b) classical Frescos c) still life d) daguerreotypes e) landscapes


Page 8.

40. A genuinely American literature received a strong boost from the a) wave of nationalism that followed the War of 1812 b) writing of Charles Wilson Peale c) religious writings of the Second Great Awakening d) federal support for the arts e) none of the above

41. Match each writer below with his work. A. Washington Irving 1. Walden B. James Fenimore Cooper 2. Leatherstocking Tales C. Raplph Waldo Emerson 3. The Sketch Book, with “Rip Van Winkle”

4. “The American Scholar”

a. A-1, B-2, C-3 b. A-3, B-2, C-4

c. A-2, B-3, C-1 d. A-3, B-1, C-4e. A-4, B-2, C-1

42. Transcendentalists believed that all knowledge came through a) the writings of John Locke b) the senses c) observation d) inherent rational capacity e) an inner light

43. All of the following influenced transcendental thought except a) German philosophers b) Oriental religions c) Catholic belief d) individualism e) love of nature

44. “Civil Disobedience,” an essay that later influenced both Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., was written by the transcendentalist

a) Louisa May Alcott b) Ralph Waldo Emerson c) James Fenimore Cooper d) Margaret Fuller e) Henry David Thoreau


Page 9.

45. The Poet Laureate of Democracy, whose emotional and explicit writings expressed a deep love of the masses and enthusiasm for expanding America was

a) Edgar Allan Poe b) Emily Dickinson c) Walt Whitman d) Herman Melville e) Elizabeth Cady Stanton

46. The most noteworthy southern novelist before the Civil War was a) William Gilmore Simms b) John C. Calhoun c) James Russell Lowell d) Oliver Wendell Holmes e) William Faulkner

47. One American writer who did not believe in human goodness and social progress was

a) James Russell Lowell b) Henry David Thoreau c) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow d) Edgar Allan Poe e) Walt Whitman

48. Match each writer below with his work. A. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1. The Scarlet Letter B, Edgar Allan Poe 2. Moby Dick C. Nathaniel Hawthorne 3. “Hiawatha” D. Herman Melville

a. A-3, B-2, C-1 b. A-1, B-3, D-2c. A-1, C-3, D-2 d. B-2, C-1, D-3e. A-3, C-1, D-2

49. Virtually all the distinguished historians of early 19th century America came from a) the South b) the middle Atlantic states c) New England d) the Midwest e) the frontier


AP U.S. History

Chapter 15 – Answer Key

1) a2) d3) c4) e5) c6) a7) b(Second question marked #7 – e)8) d9) a10) e11) c12) a13) e14) b15) d16) b17) e18) a19) b20) e21) a22) b23) a24) e

25) d26) c27) c28) e29) c30) b31) c32) a33) a34) e35) b36) d37) d38) b39) e40) a41) b42) e43) c44) e45) c46) a47) d48) e49) c


AP U.S. History Chapter 16 – Multiple Choice Worksheet

Practice Problems

Make the best choice. 1. As a result of the introduction of the cotton gin,

a) fewer slaves were needed on plantations b) short-staple cotton lost popularity c) slavery was reinvigorated d) Thomas Jefferson predicted the gradual death of slavery e) the African slave trade was legalized

2. Members of the planter aristocracy a) produced fewer front-rank statesmen than the North b) dominated society and politics in the South c) provided democratic rule in the South d) promoted tax-supported public education e) kept up with developments in modern thought

3. Plantation agriculture was wasteful largely because a) it relied mainly on artificial means to fertilize the soil b) it required leaving cropland fallow every other year c) excessive water was used for irrigation d) it was too diversified, thus taking essential nutrients from the soil e) its excessive cultivation of cotton despoiled good land

4. Plantation mistresses a) had little contact with slaves b) primarily controlled male slaves c) frequently supported abolitionism d) commanded a sizeable household staff of mostly female slaves e) were almost universally loved by their slaves

5. Plantation agriculture a) led to a slow return on investments b) remained diverse until the Civil War c) was economically unstable and wasteful d) discouraged immigration to the West e) encouraged southern democracy

6. The plantation system of the Cotton South was a) increasingly monopolistic b) efficient at utilizing natural resources


c) financially stable d) attractive to European immigrants e) unable to expand westward

Page 2.

7. All of the following were weaknesses of the slave plantation system except that a) it relied on a one-crop economy b) it repelled a large-scale European immigration c) it stimulated racism among poor whites d) it created an aristocratic political elite e) its land continued to remain in the hands of the small farmers

8. German and Irish immigration to the South was discouraged by a) competition with slave labor b) southern anti-Catholicism c) Irish antislavery groups d) immigration barriers enacted by southern states e) their inability to tolerate the hot climate

9. As their main crop, southern subsistence farmers raised a) cotton b) tobacco c) corn d) rice e) sugar cane

10. Most white southerners were a) planter aristocrats b) small slaveowners c) merchants and artisans d) ‘poor white trash’ e) nonslaveowning subsistence farmers

11. By the mid-nineteenth century, a) most southerners owned slaves b) the smaller slaveholders owned a majority of the slaves c) most slaves lived on large plantations d) slavery was a dying institution e) southerners were growing defensive about slavery

12. Most slaves in the South were owned by a) industrialists b) mountain whites c) plantation owners d) small farmers


e) subsistence farmers

Page 3.

13. The majority of southern whites owned no slaves because a) they opposed slavery b) they could not afford the purchase price c) their urban location did not require them d) their racism would not allow them to work alongside African Americans e) they feared the possibility of slave revolts

14. The most pro-Union of the white southerners were a) “poor white trash” b) mountain whites c) small slaveowners d) nonslaveowning subsistence farmers e) people with northern economic interests

15. Some southern slaves gained their freedom as a result of a) the prohibition of the Atlantic slave trade after 1807 b) purchase by northern abolitionists c) fleeing to mountain hideaways d) purchasing their way out of slaver e) the objection to slaveholding by some white women

16. The great increase of the slave population in the first half of the nineteenth century was largely due to

a) the reopening of the African slave trade in 1808 b) larger imports of slaves from the West Indies c) natural reproduction d) re-enslavement of free blacks e) the deliberate “breeding” of slaves by plantation owners

17. Northern attitudes toward free blacks can best be described as a) supporting their right to full citizenship b) disliking the race but liking individual blacks c) advocating black movement into the new territories d) politically sympathetic but socially segregationiste) very racist

18. For free blacks living in the North, a) living conditions were nearly equal to those of whites b) voting rights were widespread c) good jobs were plentiful


d) education opened the door to economic opportunity e) discrimination was common

Page 4.

19. The profitable southern slave system a) hobbled economic development of the region as a whole b) saw many slaves moving to the upper South c) led to the textile industry’s development in the South first d) relied almost totally on importing slaves to meet the unquenchable

demand for labor e) enabled the South to afford economic and education progress

20. Regarding work assignments, slaves were a) given some of the most dangerous jobs b) generally spared dangerous work c) given the same jobs as Irish laborers d) usually given skilled rather than menial jobs e) generally supervised in small groups

21. Perhaps the slave’s greatest horror, and the theme of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, was

a) the enforced separation of slave families b) slaveowners’ frequent use of the whip c) the breeding of slaves d) having to do the most dangerous work on the plantation e) forcible sexual assault by slaveowners

22. By 1860, slaves were concentrated in the “black belt” located in the a) border states of Kentucky, Missouri, and Maryland b) Deep South states of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana c) old South states of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina d) new Southwest states of Texas, Arkansas, and Indian Territory e) mountain regions of Tennessee, West Virginia, and Kentucky

23. As a substitute for the wage-incentive system, slaveowners most often used the a) promise of eventual freedom b) reward of some legal rights c) right to hold private property d) whip as a motivator e) incentive of free time for holidays

24. By 1860, life for slaves was most difficult in the a) Atlantic states of North and South Carolina b) Deep South states of Georgia and Florida


c) territories of Kansas, Nebraska, and New Mexico d) upper South states of Virginia and Marylande) new states of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana

Page 5.

25. Forced separation of spouses, parents, and children was most common a) in the Deep South b) on the large plantations c) on small plantations and in the upper South d) in the decade before the Civil War e) as a punishment for running away

26. Most slaves were raised a) without the benefit of a stable home life b) never knowing anything about their relatives c) without religion d) knowing both African languages and English e) in a stable two-person households

27. Slaves fought the system of slavery in all of the following ways except by a) slowing down the work pace b) refusing to get an education c) sabotaging expensive equipment d) pilfering goods that their labor had produced e) running away when possible

28. As a result of white southerners’ brutal treatment of their slaves and their fear of potential slave rebellions, the South

a) formed alliances with white imperialists in Africa b) adopted British attitudes toward the “peculiar institution” c) emancipated many slaves d) shed its image as a reactionary backwater e) developed a theory of biological racial superiority

29. In the pre-Civil war South, the most uncommon and least successful form of slave resistance was

a) feigned laziness b) sabotage of plantation equipment c) running away d) armed insurrection e) stealing food and other goods

30. Which of the following has least in common with the other four? a) Nat Turner b) David Walker


c) John Quincy Adams d) Denmark Vesey e) Sojourner Truth

Page 6.

31. The idea of transporting blacks back to Africa was a) proposed by William Lloyd Garrison b) never carried out c) advocated by Frederick Douglass d) suggested by the African nation of Liberia e) the result of the widespread loathing of blacks in America

32. Match each abolitionist below with his publication. A. William Lloyd Garrison 1. Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World B. Theodore Dwight Weld 2. The Liberator C. Frederick Douglass 3. Narration of the Life of …. D. David Walker 4. American Slavery as It Is

a. A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2 b. A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1 c. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1 d. A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4e. A-4, B-2, C-1, D-3

33. Arrange the following in chronological order: the founding of the (A) American Colonization Society, (B) American Anti-Slavery Society, (C) Liberty party

a) A, B, C b) C, A, Bc) B, C, A d) A, C, Be) C, B, A

34. William Lloyd Garrison pledged his dedication to a) shipping freed blacks back to Africa b) outlawing the slave trade c) preventing the expansion of slavery beyond the South d) forming and antislavery political party e) the immediate abolition of slavery in the South

35. Match each abolitionist below with his role in the movement. A. Wendell Phillips 1. abolitionist martyr B. Frederick Douglass 2. black abolitionist C. Elijah P. Lovejoy 3. abolitionist orator 4. abolitionist financier

a. A-4, B-2, C-1


b. A-1, B-4, C-2 c. A-1, B-3, C-4 d. A-2, B-1, C-4 e. A-3, B-2, C-1

Page 7.

36. Many abolitionists turned to political action in 1840 when they backed the presidential candidate of the

a) Free Soil party b) Republican party c) Know-Nothing party d) Liberty party e) Anti-Mason party

37. The voice of white southern abolitionism fell silent at the beginning of the a) 1790s b) 1820s c) 1830s d) 1840s e) 1850s

38. In arguing for the continuation of slavery after 1830, the southerners a) placed themselves in opposition to much of the rest of the Western world b) were in opposition to the North but on the side of the Western world c) failed to compare slaves with the northern factory worker d) allowed considerable dissent in the South e) aligned themselves with leading European intellectuals

39. Those in the North who opposed the abolitionists believed that these opponents of slavery

a) were creating disorder in America b) were defending the American way of life c) deserved the right to speak freely d) had turned their backs on religion e) were undermining fundamental American beliefs

40. “Varying Viewpoints” notes that Ulrich B. Phillips made certain claims about slavery that have been challenged in recent years. Which of the following is not one of his conclusions?

a) slaves were racially inferior b) slavery was a dying economic institution c) planters treated their slaves with kindly paternalismd) slaves were passive by nature and did not abhor slavery e) slavery was comparable to the Nazi concentration camps


AP U.S. History

Chapter 16 Multiple Choice

1) c2) b3) e4) d5) c6) a7) e8) a9) c10) e11) c12) c13) b14) b15) d16) c17) e18) e19) a20) b21) a

22) b23) d24) e25) c26) e27) b28) e29) d30) c31) e32) b33) a34) e35) e36) d37) c38) a39) a40) e41)

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