apwh chapter 19 reading questions

Post on 28-Sep-2015






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AP World HistoryChapter 19 Reading QuestionsChina, the Ottoman Empire, and Japan (1800-1914)Due Date/Quiz Date: Monday, March 5th

1. What are the four dimensions of Europe that other states/societies were confronted with in the 19th century?1)




The External Challenge: European Industry and Empire2. What territories were incorporated into the European colonial empire in the 19th century?

3. What were the two major motives for European expansion in the 19th century?1)


4. Explain how nationalism drove European expansion.

5. How did the following industrial era developments aid European expansion?A) Steam-powered ships:

B) Underwater telegraph:

C) Quinine:

D) Breech-loading rifles and machine guns:

6. In the 19th century, what became the criteria by which Europeans judged themselves and others?

7. Explain how Europeans used science to support their prejudices and prove their racial superiority. BE DETAILED.

8. (A) How did this idea of racial superiority shape Europeans views of their own expansion?

(B) What did the European civilizing mission include?

9. Describe Social Darwinism.

Reversal of Fortune: Chinas Century of Crisis10. What problems emerged as a result of massive population growth in China during the 18th and 19th centuries?

11. (A) Because the Chinese government did not expand with the population, what functions was it unable to perform effectively?

(B) Who gradually took over power of China?

12. (A) Describe the leader of the Taiping Rebellion.

(B) What were the goals of this uprising? List all of them!

13. Why did the Taiping Rebellion ultimately fail? List all reasons.

14. What were the major problems Chinese authorities had with the increasing importation of opium into China?1) Political problem =

2) Economic problem =

3) Social problem =

15. What actions started the 1st Opium War?A) Chinese actions =

B) British actions =

16. What were the results of the Treat of Nanjing?

17. What were the results (list all of them) of Britains victory in the 2nd Opium War?

18. What territories did China lose control of as a result of its military losses to France (in 1885) and Japan (in 1895)?

19. List the self-strengthening policies that China implemented in the 1860s-70s.

20. Describe the Boxer Rebellion (1898-1901). Be detailed Include who started it, what they did, how it ended, etc.

21. (A) What did Chinese nationalists in the late 19th early 20th century believe would save China from foreign powers?

(B) What happened to China in 1911?

The Ottoman Empire and the West in the Nineteenth Century22. What were the two major causes of the Ottoman Empires territorial losses in the 19th century?1)


23. Explain all of the reasons for the economic decline of the Ottoman Empire.

24. What measures were implemented in the Ottoman Empire under the Tanzimat?

25. (A) Who were the Young Ottomans?

(B) What were their beliefs and ideals?

26. What reforms did the Young Turks make following their successful military coup in 1908? Use bullet points to list all of them.

27. Explain why Islam retained a hold on its civilization after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, unlike Confucianism in China.

The Japanese Difference: The Rise of a New East Asian Power28. (A) Who ruled Japan from 1600 to 1850?

(B) What was the chief task of this government?

29. What policy did shoguns implement to control the daimyo?

30. What changes/achievements were made during the Tokugawa era regarding economic growth, commercialization, and urban development? Use bullet points.

31. What demands did Commodore Perry express to Japan on behalf of the United States in 1853?

32. (A) Why did Japan give in so easily to the demands of the U.S. and other Western powers?

(B) What were the results of this decision in Japan?

(C) What was the political takeover (from Part B) called?

33. What were the goals of the Meiji Restoration?

34. Why was Japan of less interest to the U.S. and Europe than other territories?

35. What changes did the new Japanese regime make to foster national unity and equalize all Japanese citizens?

36. Describe the new Japanese government as outlined in its new Constitution of 1889.

37. What did the Japanese government establish as part of its industrialized program? List all items.

38. What were the social results of Japanese industrialization? List all results.

39. What was the significance of the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of 1902?

40. (A) What military victories jumpstarted Japanese imperialism and established Japan as a strong military competitor?

(B) What territories did Japan gain as a result of these victories?

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