aqa mobile controlled assessment fusion table and web database

Post on 13-Dec-2014






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working on task three of the AQA computer science gcse. looking at introducing fusion tables to app inventor


Controlled assessment Task 3 / creating fixtures

Lesson Objectives

• Look at key features of web design• Web Viewer

• Database

• Lists

Fusion table

Task 2

• Develop the part of the app that allows a P.E. teacher to add details about a new fixture. The details that need to be entered are the:

• • type of fixture

• • description of the fixture (eg ‘away match at AQA High School’)

• • date of the fixture

• • result of the fixture.

Quick task bring up your designs showing your intentions

Group task

• Using the marker pens and paper state key features and functions for this task to work• 10 minutes

Web Viewer

• What is a web viewer?

• What purpose does it have

• Could it play a part in your app?

Online databases

• Key Databases for MIT APP INVENTOR• Fusion Table

• Tiny DB

• Web DB

• Advantages/Disadvantages of each?

Web Databases

• Many apps have data that is stored in a web server and shared amongst users and devices. Facebook and Twitter are examples of this, they would not refresh on airplane mode.

What do you want to store?

• On the reverse of the large paper• List data to be stored, what format will

this be stored in? Can you validate the data?

• Look carefully at task five, how will you allow users to complete this?


The exam board have purposely

put in a couple of tasks within this

task to get your brain to think

(hopefully). How can we use lists to help us with this task?

Fusion Table

• Google Fusion Tables is a Web service provided by Google for data management. Data is stored in multiple tables that Internet users can view and download.

• In 2011 this trial service was includede in google drive using the title ‘tables (beta)’

Pizza Party / link

• User enters data

• Data is stored online

• Can be seen by anyone with access

• Or API key, presuming its been


Key requirements• Fusion tables are kept on your

google drive. Your apps are stored on mit.appinventor we need them to connect together. What purpose do the following serve?

• Table ID

• Table _URL


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