arachnids - · arachnids ةكاُعنا an arachnids is an animal that has joints in...

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اميان اجملذوب: املادة دكتور ◄

Arachnids: عنوان احملاضزة ◄ السادسة: احملاضزة ◄


content-Area words:

2-Example: my knee joints were very sore and swollen after I fell.

1-joints: places where two bones meet or join, such as a knee or an elbow.

4-Example: the stomach is an organ in the abdomen.

3-abdomen: the main part of the body that contains organs in the middle region.

6-Example: the cheese in my sandwich contains the protein my body needs.

5-protein: a material in all living cells that people need for health.

8-Example: the lobster pinched my fingers with its pincers.

7-pincers: claws used for grabbing and holding.

10-Example: frogs look for flies to eat, because files are prey for frogs.

9-prey: an animal that is hunted or killed for food.


األا ار٢ ٣عرغ ك٤ا ػظا ا انفاصم: -1

٣ؼا ا٤ا, ص اشثح ا اع.

اد لاط سثر٢ رسح رثح تؼذيثال: -2

عوطد. ا

اعضء اشئ٤غ٢ اعغ از١ ٣حر١ ػ٠ جف: -3

أظضج ك٢ اطوح اعط٠.

اؼذج ٢ ظاص ك٢ اثط.يثال: -4

اح٤ح ار٢ ٣حراظا ادج ك٢ ظ٤غ اخال٣ا تزتي: -5

.ااط ظحح

اعث ك٢ شط٤شذ٢ ٣حر١ ػ٠ اثشذ٤ يثال: -6

از١ ٣حراظ ظغذ١.

هشص عشؽا اثحش اطاتؼ٢ تاعطح يثال: -8 خاة ذغرخذ الرضاع األش٤اء ذا .كاشح: -7


رؤ, ال اؼلادع ذثحس ػ ازتابيثال: -11 ح٤ا ٣ظطاد ا ٣ور اظ اـزاء.فزيسح: -9

ازتاب ٢ كش٣غح ؼلادع.

3اللغة االنكليزية


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Academic English :

2-Example: the robber's blue eyes and long nose were two features that showed through his mask.

1-features: parts of the body that people see or notice.

4-Example: sometimes I encounter my neighbor when I go for a walk.

3-encounter: to meet or come across something.


أظضاء اعغ ار٢ ٣شاا ااط ا انيزاخ: -1


اد اؼ٤ اضسهاء االق اط٣ يثال: -2

غاسم اش٤ ا٤ضاخ ار٢ أظشخ خال


اح٤اا ااظ ظاسذ٢ ػذا ارة رش٢. يثال: -4 روات ا ذؤذ٢ ػثش ش٢ء.ياج /يجز: -3



An arachnids is an animal that has joints in its legs, a though skeleton on the outside of its body, and no backbone, or spine. Insects, such as flies and ants, also have these body features. However, arachnids have several other similarities.

They have eight legs, simple eyes, and a body made up of one or two sections.

They eat liquid food. They often live alone on land and kill their food. Spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, and daddy longlegs are all arachnids. Like most other arachnids, spiders have eight walking legs, hollow teeth called fangs, and palps. Palps are fingerlike parts that an arachnid uses for touching and tasting. The two sections of a spider's body are called the head and the abdomen. All spiders spin a silky material made from protein, but not all spiders use the material to make webs. Some spiders, such as wolf spiders, hunt insect. Other spiders wait for insects to land in their webs. Spiders kill insects in two ways.


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Some spiders wrap the insects in silk and tear them apart. Other spiders kill insects with liquid poison called venom. The venom comes out of their hollow fangs.

It melts the insides of the insect, and then the spider sucks out the liquid.

You will know when you encounter a scorpion because it has front pincers, like a lobster's, and a curved tail. The tail has a poisonous stinger on the end. The sting can be very painful to humans. A stinger is a sharp organ that scorpions use to squirt poison into their prey. A scorpion uses its stinger mostly to protect, or defend, itself when it is in danger.

Scorpion come out at night and wait for prey to come close. They eat anything they can catch—mostly insects and other arachnids. Scorpions sometimes use their stingers to kill larger prey. When they catch smaller prey, they just hold it tightly and eat it. Scorpions tear their prey into pieces and cover the pieces with liquid called digestive juices. These juices break down food into liquid that the body can use. Then the scorpions suck the liquid into their stomachs. Ticks and mites are arachnids that have only one body section. Most ticks and mites have six legs when they hatch, or come out of their eggs. They grow another pair of legs as they turn into adults. Ticks and mites often feed on other living things.

They have mouth parts for sucking blood and juices from animals that are alive. Ticks eat the blood of reptiles, birds, and mammals. Mites eat blood, skin, and other materials from animals and plants.

Daddy longlegs, also called harvestmen, are special arachnids. Most arachnids can eat only liquid foods, but daddy longlegs can also eat small pieces of solid food. Also, daddy longlegs run after their insect prey instead of trapping it or waiting for it. Daddy longlegs are also different from most arachnids in that they can eat plants.



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ح٤ا الظ٤ح اؼثذ٤ح ذ٣ا لاط ك٢ اسظا, ٤ ػظ٢ هاع٢ خاسض ظغا, تذ ػاد كوش١ ا خاع

ش٢. احششاخ ص ا, ازتاب ذ٣ا أ٣ؼا ز اهغا اعغ )ز احششج( ذ٣ا اؼذ٣ذ ارشاتاخ

ظضئ٤, ذؤ ؽؼا عائ ؿاثا ا ذؼ٤ش ح٤ذج ػ٠ اسظ ػ٤ تغ٤طح ظغ ظضء ا 8األخش, ا

األسع ,ذور ؽؼاا. اؼاة, اؼواسب, اوشاد اؼس, ؽ٣الخ االسظ ظ٤ؼا كظ٤ح اؼثذ٤اخ.

أطاتغ )٢ اطاتغ اال٤اب, ذغ٠ ظكاء اعا ش٢, اسظ شا٤ح ذ٣ا اؼاة االخش, اؼاة ؼظ ص

٣غرخذا االطاتغ اظضاء ٢. تاؼ٠ راذ ٢ ا هغ٤ سظ٤ اؼثخ ح حؾ طسذا تآخش احاػشج(

.اثط اشأط ٣غ٠ اؼثخ ظغ هغ٤. ارزم ظ اؼثخ

. اشثاخ رظغ ااد ز ذغرخذ اؼاة ٤ظ اثشذ٤, ظػحا احش٣ش ادج ذغط اؼاة ظ٤غ

. شثاذ اسع ػ٠ رهغ احششاخ ذرظش االخش اؼاة. احششاخ ذطاسد ازئة, اؼثخ ص اؼاة, تؼغ

ذور االخش اؼاة. ترض٣وا ذو احش٣ش ك٢ احششاخ ذق اؼاة تؼغ. تطش٣ور٤ احششاخ ذور اؼاة

.اعكاء ا٤ات ٣خشض اغ. اغائ تاغ احششاخ

اشح ػ٠ ٣حر١ ال اؼوشب ذاظ ػذا ذؼشف عف. اغائ ٣رض اؼثخ ش اذاخ, احششاخ ٣زب كإ

ظذا ؤح ذ ا ٣ اذؿح. ا٣ر ك٢ عاح ذؿح ػ٠ ٣حر١ از٣. ح٢ ر٣ اثحش, عطؼ ,ص اا٤ح

ذكاع ا حا٣ح, ؿاثا اذؿح ٣غرخذ اؼوشب. كش٣غر ك٢ ع ثس اؼوشب ٣غرخذ از١ حاد ظاص ٢ اذؿح. ثشش

ؼظا ارواؽ, ٣ ش٢ء ا١ ٣ؤ. رورشب كش٣غر ٣رظش ا٤ ك٢ ٣خشض اؼوشب. تخطش ذ ػذا لغا ػ

اا طـ٤شج, حششاخ ٣روط ػذا. اث٤شج احششاخ ور ذؿر اح٤اا اؼوشب ٣غرخذ. اؼاة ؿ٤شا حششاخ

اؼظائش ز. اؼ٤ح اؼظائش ٣غ٠ عائ غ اوطغ ذـط٢ هطغ ا٠ كش٣غر ٣ضم اؼوشب. ذؤ تإحا ذغ كوؾ

اؼاة ٢ اؼس اوشاد. اؼذج ك٢ اغائ ٣رض اؼوشب ش. اعرخذا اعغ ٣ از١ اغائ ا٠ اـزاء ذذكغ

.اعغ احذ هغ كوؾ ذ٣ا ار٢

ػذا اغاه٤ اخش صض ذ كإا. ت٤ؼا ٣خشظا ػذا ا ذلوظ, ػذا اسظ عرح ذ٣ا اؼس اوشاد ؼظ

ار٢ اح٤ااخ اؼظائش اذ ٣رض ك ظضء ذ٣. اخش ح٤ح اش٤اء ػ٠ ذرـز ا ؿاثا اؼس اوشاد .ذثش

ااد ؿ٤شا اعذ, اذ, ٣ؤ اؼس. اصذ٤٣اخ اط٤س اضاحق اذ ٣ؤ اوشاد. اح٤اج ه٤ذ ػ٠ ٢

.اثاذاخ اح٤ااخ

اغائح, األؽؼح كوؾ ذؤ أ ٣ اؼاة ؼظ. خاطح ػاة ٢ احظاد, أ٣ؼا ذغ٠ االسظ, ؽ٣ح

كش٣غرا خق ذشغ االسظ ؽ٣ أ٣ؼا, . اظثح اـزائ٤ح ااد طـ٤شج هطغ ذا أ٣ؼا ٣ا األسظ ؽ٣ح

.ارظاس ا حاطشذ تذال احششاخ

.اثاذاخ ذؤ أ ٣ اا تح٤س االخش اؼاة ػ خرلح ا٣ؼا ٢ األسظ, ؽ٣ح

Comprehension skills )ياراخ انفى(

Mark box a ,b , or c with an X before the choice that best completes each sentence .


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Recalling facts

3- All spiders: 2-Arachnids have: 1-An animal that has eight walking legs and eats liquid food is:

a) eat plants. a) no eyes. a)a squid.

b) make webs. b) simple eyes. b) an insect. c) spin a silky material. c) compound eyes. c) an arachnid.

5- A scorpion: 4- An arachnid that eats plants is a:

a) builds a web to catch prey a) spider. b) waits for its prey to come

near. b) scorpion.

c) always uses its stinger to kill prey.

c) daddy longlegs.

الترجمة :

انحيا انذي ندي ثايح -1

ارجم يأكم انطعاو انسائم


كم انعاكة: -3 انعاكة نا: -2

ذؤ اثاذاخ.-ا ٤ظ ا ػ٤. - أ احثاس. - أ

ذظغ اشثاخ.-ب ػ٤ تغ٤طح.-ب حششج. - ب

ذغط ادج احش٣ش.-خ ػ٤ شثح ا ؼاػلح-خ اؼثخ. - خ

انعكثخ انذي يأكم انثاتاخ -4


انعقزب: -5

٣ث٢ شثح الرواؽ الش٣غح. - أ اؼثخ. - أ

٣رظش الش٣غح رورشب.-ب اؼوشب. - ب


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ور ٣غرخذ دائا اذؽ-خ ح٤ا ذ٣ اسظ ؽ٣ح. - خ


Understanding ideas:

2- the use of poison to kill prey is most common in:

1- from the article, you can conclude that not all insects and spiders have:

a) all arachnids. a) four legs. b) animals with fur. b) three body parts. c) spiders and scorpions. c) tough skeletons on the outside of their

bodies. 4- you can also conclude that almost all adult arachnids:

3- from the article, you can conclude that the word tear means:

a) have eight legs. a)spin. b) are dangerous to humans. b) chew. c) kill their prey with venom. c) rip apart.

5- by grouping animals according to the ways they look, we can often understand: a) how animals find food. b) how some animals are alike and how they are different. c) how humans are different from other animals.


ي ذ انقانح, يكك -1

انحشزاخ استتاج ا نيس كم

انعاكة نا:

استخداو انسى نقتم انفزيسح -2

األكثز شيعا في:

ك استتاج ا ي انقال, يك -3

تعي: كهح تزق

ؿض/غط.-أ اؼاة. - أ أستؼح اسظ. - أ

ؼؾ.-ب اح٤ااخ غ كش.-ب شالشح أظضاء عغ. - ب

ضم. - ز اؼاة اؼواسب.-خ ػظ٢ خاسض اظغاا.٤ - خ

يكك أيضا استتاج ا تقزيثا -4

جيع انعكثتاخ انكثيزج.

ي خالل تجيع انحيااخ -5

يكا فقا نهطزق انتي تثد,

ا فى في كثيز ي األحيا:


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٤ق ذعذ اح٤ااخ اطؼا. - أ ذ٣ا شا٤ح اسظ. - أ

٤ق تؼغ اح٤ااخ رشاتح -ب خطشج ػ٠ اثشش. - ب

٤ق اا خرلح.

٤ق ٣خرق اثشش ػ - ز كش٣غرا تاعطح اغ.ذور - خ

اح٤ااخ األخش.

Reading strategies:

1- recognizing words in context:

Find the word feed in the article. One definition below is closest to the meaning of that word. One definition has the opposite or nearly the opposite meaning .The remaining definition has a meaning that has nothing to do with the other two words. Label the definitions C for closest, O for opposite or nearly opposite, and U for unrelated.

a) find. U

b) starve. O

c) eat. C

2- Distinguishing Fact from Opinion

Two of the statements below present facts, which can be proved. The other statement is an opinion , Which expresses someone's thoughts or beliefs. Label the statements F for fact and O for opinion.

a) Ticks and mites are arachnids that have only one body section. F

b) All spiders spin silk, but not all spiders make webs. F

c) spiders are very smart hunters. O

3-Making correct inferences


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Two of the statements below are correct inferences, or reasonable guesses, that are based on information in the article . the other statement is an incorrect, or faulty, inference. Label the statements C for correct inference and I for incorrect inference.

a) the bodies of most ticks and mites change as they turn into adults. C

b) large animals are not bothered by scorpion stings. I

c) Scorpions and lobsters have some similar body parts. C

4- : understanding main ideas

One of the statements below expresses the main idea of the article. Another statement is too general, or too broad. The other explains only part of the article; it is too narrow. Label the statements M for main idea, B for too broad, and N for too narrow.

a) Arachnids are alike in many ways, but each type of arachnid also has special M features that make it different from the others.

b) Scorpions use their stingers to protect themselves. N

c) Arachnids have many of the same features. B


استزاتيجياخ انقزاءج:-1

ا٠ ؼ٠ ز اح . ذؼش٣ق احذ ذؼش٣ق احذ ادا األهشب ,ح ػق/ؿزاء ك٢ ز اادج اػصش ػ٠ (1

ذغ٤ح ارؼش٣لاخ C) اح)ػظ ا اؼظ ذوش٣ثا ,ارؼش٣ق ارثو٢ ؼ٠ الػالهح تار٤ االخش٤٣.

.٤Uظ ػالهح تار٤ ا٥خشذ٤ وات ا ػظ ري ذوش٣ثا, O)) الهشب

U )ظذ .أ

O .ب( ظاع


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C .خ( ا

تييز انحقيقح ي انزأي:-2

. اث٤ا االخش سأ١, ار٢ ذؼثش ػ أكاس شخض ا ٣ؼشع اشا اث٤ااخ ااسدج ادا حوائن, ار٢ ٣ اشثاذا

شأ١. Oحو٤وح Fا ؼروذاذ. ذغ٤ح اؼثاساخ

F ظغ٢ احذ.هغ كظائ اؼاة ار٢ ا أ( اوشاد اؼس

F )اؼاة ذغط احش٣ش, ٤غد اؼاة ذظغ اشثاخ.ب

O )اؼاة ط٤اد٣ ر٤ح ظذا. خ

يا يجعم االستدالالخ صحيحح:-3

راظاخ طح٤حح, ا ذخ٤اخ ؼوح, ار٢ ذغرذ ا٠ ؼاخ ك٢ اواح. االعرراض اشا اؼثاساخ ادا ٢ اعر

العرذال ؿ٤ش اظح٤ح. Iالعرذال اظح٤ح Cاالخش خاؽئ , ا اعرذال خاؽئ. ذغ٤ح اؼثاساخ

C )اظغا ؼظ اوشاد اؼس ذرـ٤ش ال ٣ظثحا تاـ٤.أ

I اح٤ااخ اث٤شج غؼاخ اؼوشب. طب( ال ذضػ

C )اثحش ذ٣ا تؼغ أظضاء اعغ راشح. اؼواسب عشؽاخ

فى يعاي انكهاخ:(4

ا احذ اؼثاساخ ااسدج ادا ذؼثش ػ الشج اشئ٤غ٤ح ز اادج. اث٤ا االخش ػا ظذا, ا اعؼح ظذا. األخش ٣لغش

لشج اؼ٤وح. Nلش ااعؼح , Bلشج اشئ٤غ٤ح, Mظضء ز اادج: ك٢ ػ٤وح ظذا.

M )تطشم ػذج , ع اؼاة ٤ضاخ خاطح ذعؼ خرلا ػ ؿ٤ش.اؼاة رشاتح أ

N .ب( اؼواسب ذغرخذ اذؿح حا٣ح الغ

B .خ( اؼاة ذ٣ا ػذج ٤ضاخ رشاتح

Expanding vocabulary


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Pincers Prey Protein Abdomen joints لاط تاؽ/ظف تشذ٤ كش٣غح كاشح

in my legs hurt after I ran the race. joints The -1

for a hungry wild bear. prey A swimming fish is -2

protein.When you look at a spider's web, you see tiny strings made of -3

to pull apart its food. cers pinThe lobster used its -4

of an insect contains many of its organs. Abdomen The -5


الاط ك٢ عاه٢ أط٤ثد تؼذ ا سؼد تاغثام. -1

اعاى اغثاحح ٢ كش٣غح ذب اثش١ اعائغ. -2 ػذا ذظش ا٠ شثح اؼثخ, ذش عالع طـ٤شج ظػح اثشذ٤. -3 اعرخذ عشؽا اثحش اشاذ غحة ؽؼا. -4 احششج ػ٠ اؼذ٣ذ أػؼائا.٣حر١ تط -5

انتهت احملاضرة

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