arches an architecture for he services. the research team prof. l. uden first supervisor dr. w. a....

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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An Architecture for HE Services

The Research Team

Prof. L. Uden First Supervisor

Dr. W. A. Eardley Second Supervisor

Janet FrancisResearch Student

Service Science

• This research study is housed in the area of Service Science

• Service science “applies insights from service science, management, and engineering (SSME) perspectives to analyse how to align people and technology effectively to generate value for both services providers and clients”, (Steven and Paul, 2006).


• Innovation of education services in universities is essential to maintain a competitive edge.

• As the requirement for industry based, multi-disciplinary awards increases, so does the requirement for resources and expertise which are not necessarily owned or managed by universities.

• These can be made available through strategic partnership arrangements


• To model co-creation of value within HE Services

• To identify of factors important to productivity, value and quality.

• To create an architecture to promote innovation and efficiency in Higher Education (HE) Services

The research will involve

• A practical study to gain understanding of value co-creation in educational partnerships through in-depth face-to-face field work.

• An analytical study to determine the value propositions

• A technical study to investige the emerging technologies which could be used to support the architecture.

Methods of investigation

• The research will necessitate subjectivity since it will involve interaction with and observation of service processes in action.

• The research strategy will therefore be qualitative and best fits into the perspective of critical theory.

• It seeks to use an interactive inquiry process to interpret a real world scenario through a theoretical lens with a view to change.

Research Methods

• Action research is proposed as the main research method.

• Lewin (1958, p201) defined three steps in action research namely – Unfreezing– Changing – Refreezing.

Step 1: Unfreezing:

• Primary research to gather data and to gain a holistoic understanding.

Step 2: Changing:

• This step is divided into sub-steps:• 2.1 Secondary research – to understand the theories used– to construct the theoretical lens – to clarify the ontological assumptions

• The theories to be considered are Activity Theory and Actor Network Theory. Since both have their roots in social theory, there will be other ontological assumptions from this domain which need to be understood.


• 2.2 Modelling– The construction of a theoretical model

(through deduction) for description, explanation and problem solving purposes.

• 2.3 Testing – Leading to potential refining of the model

based on further primary research.

Step 3:Refreezing:

• Creation of an architecture for HE services (using induction) and the identification of key indicators which will be used to create hypotheses against which to evaluate the effectiveness and reliability of the architecture both in the definition and delivery of HE Services and the management of their productivity, quality and value.


• Steven, G.A., Paul, M. (2006), "Services science to be taught at NC state", Research Technology Management, Vol. 49 No.6, pp.6-8.

• Lewin, Kurt (1958). Group Decision and Social Change. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston

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