are we educated

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 Are we educated...


    Are we educated?

    One of the purpose of education is to improve the human living condition. But, the current trend

    indicates that the suicidal rate has not decreased. The crime rate has not declined. But, it is increasing in

    an alarming rate. Graduations are made without standards. The so-called educated people make nodistinction between a thing and its properties. Teachers are not able to make any distinction between 'study'

    and 'education'. The so-called students are not able to list the properties which can be studied of things.

    The fact is that nothing except the properties can be studied of a thing. Another set of clever people made

    'education' as industry.

    As a humble professor, my question is: are we educated? Yeah, there is another group who claim

    technological innovations as education. There is still another group of old people who proclaim that the

    intellectual capability increases with age and experience. The other way round is the history!

    In this context, I too invested nearly 20 years to discern the normative and axiomatic principlesfrom which the secondary principles are derived and to list the properties which can be studied of a thing.

    My heart and mind says that our activities, despite the differences among them, are governed by the same

    natural laws. It ironical to say that the scientific community whose profession is based on the unchanging

    axiomatic and normative principles claims that everything changes. The ultramodern philosophy of teaching

    experts is that everyone and everything changes. It directly implies that no one should be trusted. Now the

    human kind is educated not to have faith on anything except money. No one is trustworthy because

    everything changes. You can change your wife as many times as you like. You can change your daughter as

    your wife. You can change everything as promised by the modern educational policy makers. Consequences,broken marriages, unstable families, identity crisis. We are reaping the fruits of modern educational system.

    It is evident from the newspaper reports that: Fathers rape their daughters. Sons rape the mothers, even

    their grand mothers. All these happen in the highly educated society. According to modern teachers, mother

    can be changed to wife. I have not said everything changes.

    I think of my teachers often who taught me the unchanging principles upon which life is based. I

    am thankful to them because they have not me how to beg, but they have taught me how to fight and

    how to deliver justice. Many of my friends and students surrendered to the general will. Their activities and

    thoughts are completely controlled by money. They are ready to kill their fellow human beings. I have lived

    with the same principle: with malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness toward right, shine

    with justice and truth. The ideas upon which I have lived my life have not changed. I said to myself that if

    I am intellect I can make others to follow me. I was convinced with the fact that my elders do not show

    the right ways to the younger generation. The have not taught us how to live like human. They have made

    the younger generation people to fight with each other. They have divided the entire humanity on the basis

    of the slight differences among people. The present day elder generation is one of most sadistic generation

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    in the human history. They have made the younger generation to cry. They are responsible for the present

    day despair. So, the teaching system which promotes barbaric attitude must be overthrown. The teaching

    system does not educate the public to improve the human living condition. People commit suicide because

    they find the people around them are not good. People kill their fellow human beings. It is also obvious

    that the educational enterprises have become money mints. I have now morally prepared the younger

    generation to overthrow the present system which lives by killing their fellow human beings. Every one is

    educated to earn wealth. But, no teacher except very few teach you how to be a king of justice. Justice

    must be delivered at any cost and it will be delivered. Again, I repeat the same question: Are we educated?

    Do we educate ourselves to improve the human living condition? Is there any single human being who have

    acquired the power to deliver justice? You may be rich, you may be an intellect, you may have a lot of

    knowledge, you may have so many friends, you might have received several degrees by bribing the

    authorities. I know very well about the integrity of people in the university. They can sell their wife just for

    the sake of money and position. They can sent their daughters to brothel just to get another honorary

    degree. Such is the integrity of the many professors working in universities. There is another set of

    criminals who proclaim that science provides luxuries. Yes, I accept that. But, can the luxuries be considered

    as an indicator of improvements in the human living condition? Certainly no.

    Education means drawing your inner being into expression in your living, your day-to-day life. Your

    honesty, your love, your compassion, should come from your inner being, not from teachings and scriptures.h

    My vision of a right education is to how to grow the ego and how to be able to drop it; how to

    become great minds and yet be ready any moment to put the mind aside. You should be able to just put

    your personality, your ego, your mind, on and off, because these are good things if you can use them. But

    you should know the mechanism, how to put them off. Right now you know only how to put them on.y

    A real education will not teach you to compete; it will teach you to cooperate. It will not teach you

    to fight and come first. It will teach you to be creative, to be loving, to be blissful, without any comparison

    with the other. It will not teach you that you can be happy only when you are the first. That is sheer

    nonsense. You can't be happy just by being first. And in trying to be first you go through such misery that

    you become habituated to misery by the time you become the first.y

    Society teaches you, Become this, become that. It teaches you becoming. Its whole education

    system is based on the idea of becoming. And what I am telling you here is just the opposite of it. I am

    talking about BEING, not about becoming. Becoming is an invention of the crafty politicians and the priests

    and these are the people who have poisoned the whole humanity. They go on giving you goals. If you

    become tired of the worldly things money, power, prestige they are there to tell you about paradise,

    God, samadhi, truth. Again the whole process starts.G

    The child when he is born functions from the center; we teach him how to function from the

    circumference. That is our whole educational system all over the world: teaching the child how to function

    from the circumference. We pull him away from his center, we make him more and more accustomed to

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    the circumference, to living on the circumference... twenty-five years of conditioning, education: good names

    we have given to ugly things. We call it education -- it is not education, nothing can be a greater mis-


    The very word 'education' means drawing something out, to draw something out. When you draw

    water out of the well it is education. Just like that, when something is drawn outwards from your center it

    is education. But this is not what is going on in the name of education; it is forcing things upon you. It is

    not bringing your center to function. It is not sharpening your center; it is dulling it, making it more and

    more sleepy, dozy. The society succeeds the day your center goes into a coma and your circumference

    remains functioning. Then you are a robot, a machine, no more a man.r

    In the coming century the whole education system is going to be totally transformed and changed

    because of the computer. It will be stupid to teach children history, geography -- unnecessary, there is no

    need. All that can be done by a computer; the child can carry the computer. And my own observation is:

    the less you depend on memory, the more intelligent you become. That's why it happens that in the

    universities you will not find very intelligent people.u

    In the future, education will have that dimension. My own vision is that each student should be

    given an opportunity to teach too. The students who are reading and studying for their master's degree

    should be allowed to go to lower classes to teach; those who are working for their bachelor's degree, they

    should be allowed to teach the lower classes. Every student should be a teacher also, and vice versa. Every

    teacher once in a while should sit with the students and start learning again. Each teacher once in a while

    should be a student, and each student once in a while should be a teacher too. This difference between the

    teacher and the taught has to be dissolved; the teacher and the taught are part of one process.t

    We have failed, up to now, in creating a society which needs human beings, simple human beings.

    The society is interested that you should be more skillful, more productive, and less creative. It wants you

    to function like a machine, efficiently, but it does not want you to become awakened. It does not want

    buddhas and christs -- Socrates, Pythagoras, Lao Tzu. No, these people are not needed at all by the society.

    If sometimes they happen, they don't happen because of the society; they happen in spite of the society.

    Education is more for cultural indoctrination than for the purpose of providing a means for

    informed critical thought. Understanding the value of cultural indoctrination before attempting to critique

    and or improve any system of formal education is important.

    When is the purpose of education to improve the human living condition. What would it take in

    terms of change in society to achieve that. When is it accessible to all. When is it the focus of our faith.

    Everyone is educated to earn wealth, yes. Knowing it, is a small step toward awareness of how the human

    living condition is controlled by money, by the animal instinct, The war we wage is with ourselves, one

    person at a time. There is hope, not all are unaware or blind followers. There are people who are curious

    and independent thinkers. They are not the majority and they may not make the world better today. But I

    have hope, every bit helps, change will come but not likely in our lifetime.

  • 8/9/2019 Are we educated...


    Education is a luxury not willingly afforded by a Mammon culture. Universities only enable enough

    thinkers to graduate to quell the criticism. Most graduates are trained in useful arts. Most are not taught

    inquiry into the non-monetarily useful. Changes of perspective are feared above the loss of life itself.

    Today's world has turned into a graveyard..............The contemporary motto is "I"............ I should only

    live.......You live or not,eat,happy or not I should live, I should enjoy......................... There is a theory which says

    that "People of an advanced civilization tends to destroy themselves".....That's what is going on

    today........People turn into extremists who go against the government. What is government??? People is the

    government........Then it is a war between people......I pray to God 2012 "Doomsday" if it is real or unreal

    should happen.......If not humans would destroy this world.......If other creatures should exist humans should


    Look at the world. It is run by the educated. Education has become a fraudulent excuse for

    intelligence. I rather not say they're are not. but education has purposes and if none of the purposes is for

    individual development but only to serve others such as government, country, employers, etc. then that

    education can only promote competition and as result, the society can become obsessed by money and

    positions including social status. generally contentment is looked down and laughed at. I've seen video clips

    about Indian students driven to get high marks etc in school that sounds extreme competition amongst

    students etc. I think such education is quite terrible. So is in Australia, students are not allowed to know

    how to be a good person - rather they have to find out themselves and hopefully the majority could find

    it. Education is just a test case these days and evolving to be better whilst funding it is a crisis. After all,

    without self improvement, psychologically and intellectually, students will not be able to contribute the

    society more than materialistically. Chasing for fame, positions, luxurious lifestyles etc have drained all

    resources (both natural and human capacities) and the world is heading a breaking point. We all know the

    global warming is a significant issue but the world has just ignored it in terms of financial crisis. And the

    population is growing and societies are facing problems to feed them, educate them, to give them some

    positions etc. whence religious (including human right) campaigners are claiming a difference whilst morality

    is not touched to be used as a solution. It seems talking about morality is a social failure. That's a sad

    condition of the world.

    But there are some individuals who are great leaders in social activities for a better society. Most

    societies have them I think. As a critical thinker i would say that its as much our own responsibility as any

    formal education...To question,to ponder,to wonder,to examine other points of view,seek truth,dare to

    imagine,examine etc...And yes,..if need disrupt the class, engage in debate with the teacher,the

    system,and any status quo which might be past its use-by date..We are too easily led,coerced into

    conforming,.brain-washed ,estranged from the big-picture..etc.. There is always a need for conscientious

    objectors,mavericks,antagonists,.subversives even... Civilized debate is the basis of civilization and its evolution

    towards a better future.

    There is some truth to that but better educated cultures, even if it is education only for the support

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    of that culture, are better for the world. Education in itself is proof of a willingness to improve and learn.

    We do need more "informed critical thought" but we also need our cultures to survive. Improve on what

    we have, but don't loose sight of how we got to where we are.

    It is becoming that way and is almost completely that way in many schools now, but it is wrong.

    School is for learning the arts and sciences of this world as well as learning critical thinking and not just

    politically. Politics have little purpose when taught one sided. That kind of teaching also destroys true

    critical thinking. Correct, most of the time educators present a point of view that furthers a organization or

    governments agenda. Its not meant for critical thought to think outside the box.

    Anna Justin, New York

    Samlyn Josfyn, Beijing

    Soundaryanayaki, Cochin

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