are you climbing a mountain and feeling desperate?

Post on 16-Apr-2017



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Are you climbing a mountain and feel desperate?

Rock and mountain climbing can be a great hobby but in our life we can also be climbing a mountain or two.For climbing a mountain like this, we are not prepared and we always see the mountain as huge and in front of us.

You might feel like this woman in the picture whose just got a straight rock wall in front of her and you cant see nothing else at all.

You think life is just making the wall greater with every stepYou feel desperate and feel like giving up seeing this scene in front you.

I can understand if you feel like this as we all do at times but if I told you climbing a mountain can also look great if you look back where you came from

looking from the mountain down

how far you have already come

and you might see that you are almost at the top.

At the top means you have succeeded in what you wanted to do your goal.

Climbing a mountain is never easy and what we face in this world is: a mountain after mountain is put in front of us but every mountain isnt as big and if you already have experienced one , you can get over the next mountain more easily.You have to use your experience as well as your strength and wisdom to run up the mountain if you can.

Put on your spike shoes and make the next mountain the fastest as it wont be the last.

As humans our mountains can be illness, poverty, redundancy, separation from partner, death and we all have to get over them and we all do it differently so I cant tell you what to do and what not to do.

When you are climbing a mountain like that and how ever way you feel during your climb, you must have the goal in mind!

A goal ,in what I listed above, can feel strange but a goal can be to survive and decide to make your life a better one.

You might not have a negative experience but just want to make your life and/or your familys life a better one and it can seem like climbing a mountain as you dont really know what to do.

Having faith does help as it will give you confidence that you will get where you are going and that you WILL conquer that mountain of yours! Climbing a mountain will feel so good once you get to the top and achieve what you started.

Have you defined your goal and dream in life?

If not I suggest you do it now. Take a piece of paper and decide what you want and dont think what kind of the journey it will be or how long just do it!I wrote my dream and goal down 3 years ago and bit by bit my life is falling into place.I am climbing a mountain my own and I dont know how big my mountain is but I know I am almost at the top as I want to believe so, as it gives me more strength to continue.

If I didnt, I would feel like giving up dont get me wrong I do have times when I get a faint I dont want to do this any more but then I focus on my dream and goal again and I get more strength to carry on.

As I dont know your situation I dont exactly know what you are going through but if you read all this I am sure you needed encouragement and hopefully you got it.

I might not know you or I might but if you want a hand when climbing a mountain, I am here climbing my own and we can get to the top together YOU and ME!

They say climbing a mountain alone is not a good idea, and I think it goes to life too. Having support from someone can surely make the journey easier and the mountain less scary.

I really hope the person in the picture above is you so that you can face the difficulties in your life and you can stand on the top of your mountain and shout from the top of your voice...

On the top of the world and it feels GOOD!

So take your shoes and my hand and lets do it so that we can enjoy our dreams when we are the top and face the next mountain climb with a strong mind that we will make it!

I will leave you with these words and hope climbing a mountain has become a bit easier for you.

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