are you good at sports? which one(s)? which is your favorite sport to play? and to watch? why? which...

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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Are you good at sports? Which one(s)?

Are you good at sports? Which one(s)?

Which is your favorite sport to play?

And to watch? Why?

Which is your favorite sport to play?

And to watch? Why?

Bossaball is played on a

specially designed inflatable court with a circular trampoline on

each side of a net. It is a ball game

between two teams, each

consisting of 3 to 5 players. The

sport was invented in


The sport alternates

between games of chess and boxing.

A Chess Boxing match between two individuals

lasts up to eleven rounds, starting

with a four minute chess round and followed by two

minutes of boxing.

People who play this unusual sport

go to extreme places (extreme

altitude, underwater, hanging from

cliffs, on top of vehicles) and iron clothes. They also

photograph themselves doing


It is a combination of juggling and

jogging. The rules for the sport are simple too – the

competitors must juggle while

running, and if an object is dropped, the joggler must

return and continue from the point where the

object fell.

J.K Rowling invented the sport

for her “Harry Potter” books.

Without the help of magic there

were a few modifications

required to the rules: there's no

actual flying involved - players

hold brooms between their legs

and throw balls through round


The Finnish Wife Carrying Festival is held annually in

early July, and requires a man to negotiate a 253.5

m course while carrying their wife

on their back.


Which of these weird sports would you most like to try?


Why do you think these sports were invented?

ConversationConversationIs there a sport you would like

to try, but never had the


Is there a sport you will never play again? Why?

What sports should receive more media coverage, in your


Slide 5 | Elicit from students the kinds of sports they can see on the screen.Click to reveal answers. Ask sts what kind of sport they like the most.

Slide 6 | Tell students they are going to play a game. Divide students into small groups. They will have one minute to remember as many sports of each kind as possible.Move on to slide 7 and click to reveal some suggestions. If the sport on the screen is also on the students’ list, they receive 1 point. If they wrote down a sport that is not on the board, they receive 2 points.

Slides 10-22 | Tell students they are going to see weird sports. They are the result of a mix of two other sports. Refer students to the images on the slide. Elicit from them the names of the items on the board. Click to reveal answers.Allow students some time to think about the result of the mix. Click on the image to open a video link to illustrate the sport (play only some seconds of each video so as not to tire sts). Repeat procedure for the following slides.

Slide 25 | Have students design their own weird sport. Encourage students to compare their ideas and vote on the best ones.

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