are you harnessing the power of facebook marketing for your business?

Post on 15-May-2015






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"The Purpose of A Business is To Create and Keep A Customer” - Brian Tracy. Facebook is a hugely powerful medium for achieving both those goals, in a non aggressive, goodwill generating and amazingly viral way! There are only a few key points you need to know, though. You do not need to know the ins and outs of every Facebook feature to market effectively using this platform. You need to know the 20% of things you MUST be doing daily and weekly that will give you the 80% of results which there are key actions you should be taking to make the biggest difference to your business in the shortest amount of time possible. Whilst there have been some signiJicant changes to the way Facebook handles businesses this year, it is still one of the most powerful marketing medium on the web today. It’s vital you understand where marketing is going and how you should be looking to use Facebook and Social Media in general, in your business moving forward. In all the years of marketing, never have we seen changes this huge, this fast. So stay ahead of the game and don’t get left behind! Take Your Business To The Next Level with Facebook Marketing Today!


Are You Using Facebook Marketing for Your Business Yet?

Coca Cola’s Onboard - $173 Billion Market Capitalization- 64 Million Facebook Likes

Adidas Ran In Some Time Back - $21 Billion Market Capitalization- 13 Milllion Facebook Likes

Nike Has Done It Too - $49 Billion Market Capitalization- 12 Milllion Facebook Likes

McDonald’s Lovin’ It - $99 Billion Market Capitalization- 28 Milllion Facebook Likes

Starbucks Serving Their Happy Hour - $43 Billion Market Capitalization- 34 Milllion Facebook Likes

So is Jo’s Diner Down at Hoboken - 102 Facebook Likes

With Over 1 Billion Users, 167 Million Unique Users a Month, 500+ Million Likes a Day - Facebook is A Marketing Powerhouse!

Is Your Business Onboard Facebook’s Marketing Gravy Train Yet?

Take Your Business to The Next Level with Facebook Marketing Today!

Discover 3 Proven, Powerful Ways to Build A List of Targeted Customers Fast with Facebook!

Discover The Little Secret to Get in Front of Over 60% of Your Facebook Fans for FREE!

Discover How To Build a Huge Community of Targeted Buyers without Ever Asking for an Email Address with Facebook!

Discover How to Create Hot, Attention Grabbing Facebook Ads that Make You Money!

Discover The One Traffic Method You Can Start Using TODAY to Get All the Clicks You Need Using Facebook!

Discover How To Spend 30 Minutes a Day on Facebook and Still Get Maximum Results!

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Hurry! It Won't Be FREE Forever!

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