are you planning a caesarean birth? by choice, need or pressured?

Post on 14-Jan-2015



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There's a subtle message in the childbirth conversation that having a non-labouring Caesarean delivery is not a birth! Women choosing an elective c-section often feel defensive about their decision. Women needing one agree with that need or not. Those pressured to have one may feel very violated, angry and disempowered. Where does Birthing Better with The Pink Kit Method® stand on this issue of non-labouring Cesarian? Because The PK is the voice of families and developed by families, this is where families stand: No matter how a baby is born, the activity of the baby's birth can be participated in by using birth and birth coaching skills. Think about it. If you're pregnant and know, think or are afraid that you are going to have a non-labouring cesarean you are still pregnant and using skills to prepare your pregnant body to give birth is enjoyable and should be part of transforming from pregnancy thru The Birth. And while you're at it, when you learn, practice and use birth and coaching skills you can use your skills on way to hospital, while being prepped and during The Birth just because your baby is being born! So why not? When there is so much conflict in the childbirth conversation it obscures reality. We get pregnant to have a baby not a 'type' of birth! And giving birth is always an activity. All activities are always best done by using skills! It's simple. Birth and birth coaching skills matter and will enrich your baby's birth journey. Skilled non-labouring C-sections feel great. You're doing something and not just lying there feeling passive.


Planned, Non-Laboring Caesarean

Birthing Better with The Pink Kit Method® and

Road Map Caesarean vs Vaginal Deliveries

Linking pregnancy with learning skills no matter how you’ll birth your baby.

Women in your position may be: Agreeing to what you don’t want Happily accepting a caesarean Not minding much either way

The benefits of skills for your non-laboring caesarean Being involved in birthing your baby + with partner Seeing birth is an activity you do.

Birthing Better with The Pink Kit Method® and

Caesareans vs Vaginal Deliveries

Birthing Better with The Pink Kit Method® and

Linking Pregnancy with Learning Skills Having a caesarean does not mean you should not enjoy preparing your

body for birth. An important thing you can do is spend time learning how to birth your

baby now, while you get pregnant.

But you might think “I’m not going to birth my baby – they are!” Mostly people gather information and make a birth plan Yet, birth cannot always be planned. Skills give you the ability to engage in the birthing process, relax, stay

present, reduce stress/anxiety and fill time.

Pink Kit is all about thinking and acting differently during pregnancy. Link pregnancy with “doing, coordinating, and practising” skills you can put into place on the way to the hospital, while being prepped, during surgery, and in recovery

Birthing Better with The Pink Kit Method® and

Women in Your Position

Birthing Better with The Pink Kit Method® and

If you are agreeing to what you don’t want …

Put your energy into what you can do to improve your experience, rather than focus on what you don’t like.

Find ways to do what you do want, within what you will have.

Time you take during pregnancy to prepare for birth can do a long way through your grief, anger, and disappointment.

Using your birth and coaching skills on the way to hospital, being prepped and in surgery will keep you focused on birthing your baby even if you hate the way the birth is unfolding.

Birthing Better with The Pink Kit Method® and

If you are happily accepting a caesarean… Wanting caesarean has nothing at all to do with your desire to be

involved with birth of your baby.

“I didn’t care what anyone said; I was not going to go through a labor and delivery. My mother had died giving birth to me, and I wasn’t going to risk my life. My husband shoved the Pink Kit into my face, because he is one of those men who would give their eyetooth to be pregnant. I went through everything with him. The skills certainly did not change my opinion, but they did settle me down and reduce my fears. We did use some of the skills the day our son was born, but mostly we used them afterwards, during all the discomforts of recovery and breastfeeding. I’m glad we did.”

Birthing Better with The Pink Kit Method® and

If you’re not minding much either way…

You are not plagued by negative or positive emotions that surround surgical births.

You can pick up your Pink Kit and dig in.

“This might sound funny, but when our doctor recommended I have a Caesarean with the twins, I was okay with it. I had labored and had a vaginal birth with my daughter four years earlier, so I knew about that. We didn’t want to risk our babies, so we decided on an elective Caesarean. The biggest difference was we did use the Pink Kit Package, because we were keen to be as involved as possible. Funny, I went into labor before the scheduled surgery and had one baby on the way to hospital. The other baby didn’t come out right away, and after an hour I had a Caesarean for the second. So, I got to use our skills for both births. Except for nuisance of the fiddle of the surgery, my husband and I just continued breathing together and using the relaxation.”

Birthing Better with The Pink Kit Method® and

The Benefits of Skills for Your Non-Laboring Caesarean

Birthing Better with The Pink Kit Method® and

How to Use Your Skills A timeframe for using your Pink Kit skills the day of your surgery

Whether you go to the hospital the night before or morning of the surgery, begin to use your Pink Kit skills on the way there.

When you arrive at the hospital, there will be quite a bit of time before you are prepped for surgery. Just use your skills to calm your excitement and anxiety. No one even needs to know you are using them.

As you get prepped, increase your use of the skills. This is no different from the changes that occur in a labor as it approaches the birth.

As you get wheeled into surgery, focus entirely on using skills. Now you are truly beginning to work with your baby’s efforts to be born.

When you are placed on the surgical table and draped, permit yourself and your partner to become more closely connected through the skills you use. Everyone in the room will really see that you are involved with your baby. They will respect this.

Now you are at the stage that, for you, is “the birth.” This special period requires deep concentration as you “deliver” your child. Engage fully in this unique period.

Baby is now in your arms. Birthing Better with The Pink Kit Method® and

Opting for a Vaginal Birth Anyway

If you are considering against having the recommended Caesarean, you have 2 choices;

1. Accept the procedure and do everything you can do to get as much out of the experience as possible

2. Don’t go to the hospital. Stay at home or go into the mountains or desert and have your baby.

Small groups of families reject planned Caesareans due to health risk or religious belief.

With second option (#2), comes risk – taking risk is all about taking responsibility.

Normal or natural birth does not just mean easy, good, or instinctive. If you decide to step outside the convention and advice of medical care, you

need to be highly skilled, and must take an exponentially more active role.

Birthing Better with The Pink Kit Method® and

Be the Change When you use your Pink Kit skills throughout the day you give

birth, you lift up to a higher level the birth of your child. Your decision to use Pink Kit as an avenue for enjoyment and

connection will help to change all of society – once you get it, you’ll tell others.

Birthing Better with The Pink Kit Method® and

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