areas of life this chakra governs manifestations ways to

Post on 16-Oct-2021






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Solar Plexus (Manipura)



Crown of head, cerebral cortex (reasoning, thought, emotions, judgment, personality), right eye, pineal gland (sleep, dreams, and sleep cycles), skin, nervous system

Crown (Sahasrara) Spirituality, a sense of connection of self to something bigger, realization that there is no separationThis chakra mirrors the root chakra. We can only rise up to heavenly energies as much as we can experience the physical realm. Otherwise we will not be able to truly manifest long-term goals and support because we won’t feel safe or deserving in this life. Develops in ages 43-49

Balanced: Magnetic, achieves seemingly miraculous things, at peace with self, strong sense of connection to spirit or source, visionary intuition and strong sense of a life purpose

Out of Balance: Dissociation from body, spiritual addiction, spiritual bypassing, over-intellectual, live in head, manic depression, spiritual cynic, no sense of belonging, learning difficulties, close minded

Find ways to connect to your sense of spirituality. Start a meditation, prayer, and/or journaling practice and allow space for otherness.

Ask yourself: How is Source or God working through me?

Physical associations

Areas of life this chakra governs Manifestations Ways to balance

Third Eye (Ajna)Eyes (left), base of the skull, cerebellum, face, sinuses, sight, hearing, pituitary gland

Intuition, intelligence, wisdom, imagination, awareness, the ability to see and know in the physical and non-physical realms, how you understand and perceive your reality

Develops in ages 36-42

Balanced: Charismatic, highly intuitive, not attached to material things, may experience psychic phenomena, imaginative, balanced use of right and left brain (in the “flow”)

Out of Balance: Highly logical, dogmatic, authoritarian, arrogant, obsessive, difficulty concentrating, undisciplined, fear of success, sets sights low, forgetful, in denial about reality

Practice connecting to your intuition and non-intellectual sense of knowing. Close your eyes, feel your body, ask, “What should I do next?” and see what comes up.

Ask yourself: What do I need to see in my life right now?

Throat (Vishudha)

Mouth, throat, ears, nose, voice, thyroid and parathyroid glands

Communication, self-expression, speaking and living ones truth, the will to be oneself and take responsibility for ones actions and living authentically

Develops in ages 29-35

Balanced: Great communicator, expresses self and emotions in a healthy and purposeful manner, artistically inspired in the music, arts, writing, or language, can ask for what one wants

Out of Balance: Over talkative, always talking over others and not listening, dogmatic, self-righteous, arrogant, gossipy OR hold back self-expression, unreliable, holding inconsistent views, excessively shy, fear of speaking, can’t articulate self, purpose, needs or wants

Get comfortable expressing yourself. Express one want, need, AND emotion every day. Practice listening to another person do this.

Ask yourself: What is my truth?

Heart (Anahata)

Heart, chest, lungs, circulation, breasts, ribs, arms, hands, thymus gland

Unconditional love, forgiveness, empathy, compassion, grief, betrayal, jealousy, joy

This chakra connects the lower chakras of the physical realm to the upper chakras of the intangible realm.

Develops in ages 22-28

Balanced: Compassionate, love uncondition-ally, nurturing, forgiving, ability to truly forgive and love self and others

Out of Balance: Loves conditionally, possessive, withholds emotion to punish people, overly dramatic, co-dependent, martyr, fear of rejection, antisocial, lack of empathy, fear of intimacy, unworthy of receiving love

Connect to your sense of unconditional love and compassion. Spend time meditating on the feeling of love and forgiveness while visualizing the feeling around your heart center.

Ask yourself: Who do I need to forgive? What do I need to forgive myself for?

Digestive system, liver, enteric nervous system, gall bladder, pancreas

How we relate to ourselves, personal power and self esteem, self will, ability to be our true selves in the world, personal boundaries

Develops in ages 15-21

Balanced: Respect self and others, strong self-esteem, spontaneous, go with the flow, strong personal boundaries, always act like self no matter what is happening or who one is hanging out with (no chameleon), very warm and charismatic

Out of Balance: Anger, controlling, judgmental and superior, competitive, submissive, fear of being alone, insecure, food issues and eating disorders, body image issues, concerned with what others think

Find ways to get comfortable with and honor YOU. Acknowledge how your unique life experiences (good and challenging) give you the exact tools you need to do your work in the world.

Ask yourself: Who am I? Do I openly share this part of myself with the world?

Reproductive organs, bladder, kidneys, prostate, uterus

How we relate in 1:1 relation-ships, power, money, emotional balance, sexuality, creativity and art, life force, pleasure, shame, creation

Develops in ages 8-14

Balanced: Trusting, expressive, attuned to own feelings, creative, healthy boundaries with other people in 1:1 relationships, can create ideal relationships, work, ideas, etc. in the physical realm

Out of Balance: Feel frustrated and can’t create ideal relationships, work and enjoyable life, addictions of all kinds, emotionally dependant, mood swings, GUILT, no sexual desire, resistant to change, emotionally numb or overly sensitive

Get in touch with what brings you joy and pleasure; dance, eat slowly and taste your food, draw, make love with a partner. Also, notice and honor how you feel every day.

Ask yourself: What would I like to generate in my life?

Pelvis, legs, knees, feet, teeth, nails, blood formation, bones, adrenal glands (fight, flight, or freeze), immunity

How we relate to and manifest in the physical realm. How we relate to our societal and social structures and beliefs; family, religion, and cultural norms. Survival, stability, physical needs (money and social support), groundedness

Develops in ages 0-7

Balanced: Grounded, physically healthy, feel supported and safe, trust there is enough, feel comfortable in nature and in own body

Out of Balance: Lack trust in life, afraid there is never enough, not comfortable in body, fearful, hoarding, disconnected from body, restless, over materialistic, workaholic, self-centered, act out physically

Find your sense of rootedness and connection. Do activities that ground you in your body (yoga) and nature.

Ask yourself: What beliefs from my original tribe do and don’t serve me now?

©2014 For more chakra resources go to

Solar Plexus (Manipura)



Crown of head, pineal gland

Crown (Sahasrara)

SpiritualityAbility to trust your life, spirituality, connection to something greater than the physical realm

Ask yourself: How is Source or God working through me?

Physical associations

Areas of life this chakra governs Manifestations Ways to balance

Third Eye (Ajna)

Center of head between eyes, pituitary gland

Intuition and mindAbility to trust intuition and balance with intelligence

Ask yourself: What do I need to see in my life right now?

Throat (Vishudha)Base of the throat, thyroid and parathyroid glands

Communication, self-expression

Ability to speak and live your truth

Ask yourself: What is my truth?

Heart (Anahata)

Heart, thymus gland

Unconditional love, forgiveness, grief

Ability to receive and give love

Ask yourself: Who do I need to forgive? What do I need to forgive myself for?

Center of the belly, pancreas

Self-esteem and personal powerRelationship to Self

Ability to feel confident with, respect, and honor oneself

Ask yourself: Who am I? Do I openly share this part of myself with the world?

Reproductive organs, bladder, kidneys, prostate, uterus

Creation and power1:1 relationships

Ability to create, express, and feel worthy

Ask yourself: What would I like to generate in my life?

Base of the spine, adrenal glands

Survival and material realmRelation to tribe

Ability to feel safe, secure, and grounded in the physical realm

Ask yourself: What beliefs do and don’t serve me from my original tribe?

©2014 For more chakra resources go to

Chakras at a Glance

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