quality · areas. tal ben-sahar, a harvard professor, states that we must have multiple rest...

Post on 30-Apr-2020






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Quality Magazine • www.laqi.org 1




Neuroscience and stress Johan Stuve

We need conscious organizations and conscious individuals in latin-americaSteve Weitzman Kopplin “Quality is scary…gets too technical!”PRASHANT HOSKOTE

Modern collection: myth or fact?Enrique Rosas González

What are emotional vampires and 9 ideas to control themPEDRO AMADOR


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EditorialEdition Nº18804





12-14 Johan StuveNeuroscience and Stress

Enrique RosasModern Collection: Myth or Fact?

Steve WeitzmanWe need conscious organizations and conscious individuals in la-tin-america

Pedro Amador What are emotional vampires and 9 ideas to control them

Prashant Hoskote “Quality Is Scary…Gets too Technical!”

30-32 Bolivian And Mexican Companies Received Awards For Their Quality

4 Quality Magazine • www.laqi.org Quality Magazine • www.laqi.org 5

Daniel Maximilian Da CostaFounder & CEO

Latin American Quality Institute



Dear readers,I salute you and welcome you to edition 188 of the Quality Magazine, where you will find the most complete information about our wide corporate network of more than 3,000 members from 19 countries in Latin-America, as well as useful content that may be implemented in your corporate management.

We have finally ended this year’s Quality Summit series in Bolivia, Mexico and recently in Peru. As a whole, we can gladly say that we have achieved our goal of attracting and including more successful organizations on the path to Total Quality. It has been manifested in the several workshops that took place during the Summit events, where our corporate leaders shared different actions and good practices implemented in their businesses, which illustrates their commitment to excellence and good corporate management.

We have already started to pave the way towards our next and most important international event: the Quality Festival 2016, which will take place in Mexico City on November 22nd, 23rd and 24th. I would like to take this opportunity to invite all our members to participate in this transcendental convention, where the major organizations of Latin America will be present. It is important to stress that this year we are celebrating the tenth edition of the Quality Festival, which is cause of great satisfaction to all of us, members of the LAQI network.

As for the topics in our digital magazine, this edition offers a select list of sophisticated articles written by our experts. All the content is related to relevant themes in the corporate world such as social responsibility, interpersonal relationships in organizations, quality in management, among others.

We renew our invitation to keep collaborating with Quality Magazine, and to enjoy the contents of this publication made exclusively to you all.


Managing directorDaniel M. Da Costaceo@laqualityinstitute.org

Editor-in-chiefAna Lucía Ramos analucia@laqualityinstitute.org Art editorAndrea Frondaandrea@laqualityinstitute.org

Copy editorMariano Calveramariano@laqualityinstitute.org

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Modern Collection: Myth or Fact?









The collection as a social and economic fact has been around since the beginning of humanity. Upon studying Darcy Ribeiro’s contributions in the field

of the socio-economic evolution, we identify several elements that prove the existence of this process: 1) adaptive system; 2) associative system; and 3) ideological system. Maybe the most important of them all is the adaptive system, for it encompasses an integrated set of cultural modes of action about nature, necessary for the production and reproduction of the material conditions of a society.

The need to satisfy needs of an individual and collective order emerged about 10,000 years ago among the peoples of Mesopotamia and Egypt, and again later in India (6,000 B.C.), in China (5,000 B.C.), in Europe (4,500 B.C.), in Tropical Africa (3,000 B.C.) and in the Americas (2,500 B.C.). Such needs were satisfied with the exchange of objects and provisions. This event became known as trade. Trade as a commercial transaction created in the individual the need to wait for and demand the delivery of what was exchanged. Perhaps we will find here the origins of collection.

Today, commercial and financial transactions determine the behavior of world markets and the fluidity of our economies. Defining collection may result in a task that is in itself as difficult and complex as implementing it. However, the need to find a valid and renewed concept leads us to assume this act of negotiation as a process of interdependent decision making, by means of which the creditor will effectively and efficiently try to affect the debtor’s decision in order to obtain a negotiated agreement that assures the fast and safe return of the money invested.

The pattern of modern collection implies the existence of a multidimensional and independent decision-making process. Such decision making is determined by the business cycles of those organizations that coexist within a given system. According to today’s view, we must fully understand the elements that coexist and define the environment where relationships are established, because several irregularities that appear in a commercial relationship are the product of imperfections in the business cycles.

According to the modern pattern, several of these multidimensional and interdependent decision-making processes are constantly caused inside and outside the system, which positively or negatively affects the organizations. Several imperfections that appear in business cycles emerge from two types of conditions: 1) Conditions that foster sales; and 2) Conditions established during the sales of products. When the sequence negatively affects the system, organizations may incur in delays in their collection and favor mechanisms of participation and decision making among the elements that integrate the team.

How and when does this transformation process in collection occur? What really happens in our minds? Are we part of a process from which we cannot escape? Are our conceptual structures being altered? In order to answer so many questions, we must start by understanding the variables that define modern thinking, and how they affect our patterns.

The principles of causal determination, naturalism, essentialism, rationalism, dichotomous logic, the idea of transcendence, the belief in a universal goal, as well as the abrupt separation between objectivity and subjectivity, are merely some of the elements that define our thinking. Several of these principles have been during the past decades immersed in a constant transformation process. When these principles change, our thoughts change as well so as to find satisfactory answers to the questions that arise.

As it evolves, our thinking changes the way we perceive and understand our environment. This explains why recently such topics as international trade, economy, politics, philosophy, law, among several others, have been exposed to a series of changes. Collection is undoubtedly no exception; we are living in an era of interdependency, where collection as a social and cultural process validates the existence of new changes of pattern, most of them maybe unknown.

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With the emergence of Positive Psychology and its studies on the effects of happiness, well-being

and exceptional performance in the Human Being, other studies that demonstrate the positive effects of stress became more relevant.

Stress is an element external to the Human Being; it is an environmental element, very common in current life dynamics, and especially in the work environment, which affects us in our performance, our health and our well-being. However, it is important to pay close attention to the neutral term “affects us.” If on the one hand stress may have negative effects, on the other hand it is correct to say that it helps us to in our work on occasion.

Johan Stüve Bello


Quito, Ecuadorcel +593 99 5699279


Johan Stuve

For instance, a paramedic who responds to an emergency feels stressed, and it is this stress that allows him or her to act calmly, but with speed and assertiveness in order to save a patient’s life. An entrepreneur performs according to his or her ideas, turning them into business projects and prototypes, when he or she moves along the fine line between success and failure. In other words, we are tired of reading, listening to, seeing and living the negative effects of stress. Nevertheless, stress in itself also has positive effects:

• It liberates adrenaline in the body, which helps us to act faster.• It increases our performance levels.• It generates endorphin discharges that give us the sensation of

pleasure that comes from the activity we are performing.• It increases our ability to concentrate on multiple tasks.

Well, what makes us suffer the negative effects of stress, or enjoy its positive effects? Our levels of internal energy.

Stress consumes energy, and its positive or negative effects on our well-being and performance depend precisely on our levels of energy, as shown in the following diagram:

Whenever we do not have control over the outside (stress), then the key lies in consciously regulating our levels of energy in order to remain in the high energy / high stress zones most of the time.

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Just like our levels of happiness, we can regulate our levels of energy by developing good habits in certain areas. Tal Ben-Sahar, a Harvard Professor, states that we must have multiple rest cycles:

Macro cycles (weeks – months): which most people recognize as vacation. Well, maybe not everyone has the opportunity to go on vacation for several months, but anyway it refers to long duration cycles, during which we can completely move out of daily routines. The ideal situation would be to have breaks of this type every four months, or at least once a year.

Mid cycles (nights – days): Curiously, the more stress we experience, the more we ignore these cycles of rest and recovery. The excess of responsibility leads to excess work; we work additional hours or days, under the belief that working for a longer time equals higher performance. However, several studies prove that performance is much higher when people rest adequately. It is essential to avoid the burnout syndrome by watching clock-in and clock-out times, as well as adequately enjoying days off work.

Micro cycles (minutes – hours): with our daily hustle and bustle, it is essential to allocate short cycles to break our routine. Having active breaks every one and half hour, taking a nap at noon, eating with friends far from the computer, all this represents small doses of energy that help us perform better in stressful environments or moments. Studies in Neuroscience have identified several activities that allow us to enjoy mid and micro cycles efficiently. In her book Entrena Tu Cerebro [Train your Brain], Marta Romo, an Educator at the Universidad Cumplutense de Madrid and an expert in Neuroscience, describes powerful scientifically sound ideas to be practiced daily.

For instance, three areas in which it is possible to create habits in mid and micro cycles may be the following:

a. Sleep

Just like our body, our mind needs rest. It is during this cycle that our brain organizes the information it has received during the day. This process needs at least six hours of rest for most people.Suggestion: In order to have more hours of sleep, it is advisable to establish routines before going to bed; our body, then, will know that we are about to rest.

b. Play

All animal species play, and the Human Being in his or her adult age must not be an exception. Play is a distraction for the mind and a generator of motivating emotions; these are ideal elements to be free from stress..Suggestion: 15 minutes of play twice a day are enough to improve individual and team mood. No matter what play; it may be a video game, an app, throwing a ball, or simply telling jokes. It is much better when it is repeated with the family at home.

c. Connection with others

Allocating quality time, talking to and listening to other people, dedicating all our attention to the individuals with whom we spend the day, all this liberates endorphins and dopamines that help us to enjoy much more what we do, and find the meaning of each activity.Suggestion: A good chat over a coffee is a privileged opportunity to develop the habit of being more connected with others.

To conclude, it is worth emphasizing one element that has been mentioned in this article. The key to make these ideas work lies in developing the habit that allows us to adequately and timely recover the level of energy needed for the level of stress that we experience. The problem of stress is then solved with adequate cycles of energy recovery.

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Especialista en Coaching y Comunicación

E-mail: pedro@autocoaching.es

Teléfono: : +971 55 179 1508

Web: www.autocoaching.es www.migpsvital.com




We all know vampires. Personally, I feared them when I was a

kid, and I used to cover my neck completely with the bed sheet when I went to sleep. They want your blood, and they get it with a quick bite on the neck. Any movie can bring to memory the typical sadistic face they put on when they enjoy themselves as if they had taken the pill of happiness

An emotional vampire will feed off your mood without the need to bite your neck. This kind of vampire does not have to wait for the night to come; it is present all the time. It will suck your energy completely several times whatever you do, and will leave happily, although your life is a total disaster.

They follow you in your work, they are the eternal whiners of the company, and will not leave of their own volition. They follow you when you are with friends, always seeing the mote in their brother’s eye and not the rafter in their own; they flee when you try to discuss a problem. They also show up among your family when they are not capable of forgiving old stigmas of the past; then they try to punish you every second.

Probably several people have come to your mind, right? Now I will share some very effective tricks so that you can learn how to handle them and avoid headaches:

• Don’t be rational. ,You may lose control. Common sense does not work with them; therefore, when you find out that there is no chance of dialogue, simply smile and leave. There is no better victory than a timely retreat.

• Do not waste time trying to change them. They don’t want to change. They will come up with a thousand reasons to justify their actions. There will be a thousand people to blame before they decide to change their attitude.

• The question “Why?” will not help you. If you want to press them, it is better to say something like “what would your life be if you were not like that?” “what blocks you from changing your attitude tomorrow?” “when was the last time you thought you could change something in your life?”

• Whatever happens… Don’t despair. Practice the above questions, even for fun; otherwise, you will lose it.

• Whenever you have a problem, do not count on them. They do not understand that friendship involves two people.

• If they have a problem, for sure they will tell you. Do not even consider listening, but learn how limitations block people from achieving what they want.

• Control your emotions. If at any moment you feel like a wild animal and want to “eliminate them from the planet,” congratulations! This is the time for YOUR learning. Excuse yourself and go to the restroom (or any other place). In a different place, breathe and ask yourself: “what moves you inside?” “what makes you disgusted?” “how is it making you so nervous?” Remember this moment, relax and think. The value of respect will emerge, and then you must ask yourself: “why can’t I allow people to be idiots?” “aren’t they grownups already?”

• Most importantly, do not carry other people’s crosses. As the saying goes... “Everyone has their problems.”

Finally, the best one, THE ONE THAT WORKS BETTER, get these people out of your life. You deserve something better, so remember: NO STRESS.

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Steve Weitzman

Steve Weitzman KopplinDirector de Desarrollo

Empresas Conscientes - Chile





According to a CEPAL study, 134 million people live on the poverty line in Latin-America. However, almost half of the

world’s wealth is in the hands of only 1% of the population, i.e., 85 wealthy people on the planet have the same purchasing power as 3,570 million poor people in the whole world.

When we see these data, we can understand why there is so much unhappiness, discomfort, hatred and anger from most part of the population concerning organizations and their owners, as well as against governments that preach they will defend the people, but in fact they do not.

In this scenery, I have long asked myself if those who earn multimillion-dollar salaries and have ridiculously expensive goods think that they could earn even more, and at the same time create a radical change so that no individual on our planet continued living in many cases on less than one dollar a day. This is the typical attitude of deciding that today is never the right moment, but that if people make an effort, they will maybe have less money for luxury, but their souls will certainly be filled with spiritual wealth, thus giving the opportunity to many others who dream about luxury to live well, with dignity. We get nothing by going to church or any temple in order to ask forgiveness for our sins, because if we really believed it, we would be committing one of the worst sins: greed.

Is it necessary to destroy the model? In fact, I have never believed that static things are the problem; the problems are not the organizations or the models. The problems come from the individuals who do not want to act, or those who have become blinded by materialistic ambition. Because of that, the point is that we must strengthen the organizations, strengthen labor, and I should not worry about the fact that the owners make millions. The problem is that it happens before we achieve real equality and dignity for each inhabitant of this planet.

At times we must go back some steps so that we can go forward more safely, but the big question is whether this 1% of the population is willing to abandon temporarily the eccentric luxuries in exchange for something much more luxurious and feel a part of something historical, something unknown: that no individual must die of hunger, that every individual has a home and education, and above all that no individual has to die for not being able to afford health treatment. When all this is a reality, no one will care about yachts, jet planes, one house in each continent or 1,000 pieces of jewelry, because if this is happiness for them, for 33% of the inhabitants in the world, luxury is living with dignity.

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Prashant Hoskote Senior Director - Quality and

Service Excellence for the Max India Group, New Delhi, India.

Member on the ASQ’s Quality Management Division (QMD) Council and the Chair - Orga-nization Excellence Technical

Committee at the QMD.

Member on the National Board for Quality Promotion at the Quality Council of India, New

Delhi, India.

Email id: phoskote@maxindia.com



Well, with all due respect to my early mentor, I made that up. If there isn’t a psychological classification for not

embracing quality methods, there should be, and I’ll explain why.

To issue fair warning, this article isn’t for the experienced Quality practitioner. Over the years, many authors, trainers and consultants have done an excellent job of providing guidance to help quality professionals continue to improve their business skills.

This also isn’t for leaders of large organizations, who already use a variety of methods and tools to improve performance. They understand the complexity of integrating Lean, Six Sigma, ISO and other approaches into their business models.

What this is, is an attempt to explain why most small businesses do not use quality methods and how they can begin improving their organizations with some basic Quality concepts.

The LandscapeIn almost every country, small organizations dominate the business landscape and have a significant impact on employment, production and exports.1

In the US, small businesses make up 99 percent of employer firms, 64 percent of net new private-sector jobs, 49 percent of private-sector employment, 46 percent of private-sector output, and 98 percent of firms exporting goods.2

Yet, eight out of ten small businesses fail in the first eighteen months and fifty percent fail in the first five years.3 4

The challenge for small businesses to survive is further complicated by the global economy. As Leo Sun explains,

“Once you start up a new business, you plunge into an ocean populated by a few smaller fish, which compete with you for food, and lots of bigger ones, eager to eat you alive. The big fish in the sea tend to be well-connected, multinational beasts taking full advantage of the perks of globalization – such as outsourcing, uneven exchange rates, and low-margin high-volume sales models – making them nearly impossible to compete against.”5

The only differentiators a small business can depend on are efficiency, effectiveness, continuous improvement and customer loyalty – fundamentals

of what we call Quality. Unfortunately, many small business leaders and their employees believe Quality and its deployment are complicated and difficult to understand. Therefore, many avoid engagement in traditional quality improvement and, if they do recognize a need, they delegate the mysteries of Quality to a junior Quality Technician / Manager, consultants, whom they hire but may not understand, or sometimes, even trust.

If small businesses want to be competitive and sustainable in the new global economy, they will have to understand and use some fundamental tools that can help them reduce costs, understand customers and accelerate productivity. What has worked up until now, may not work as global markets and their customers evolve.

While the changes required to improve organizations can be difficult and take time, the tools of quality improvement are simple and can be learned and used by anyone.

What follows is a somewhat simplified generalization about small businesses and how they might use some fundamentals of Quality for improvement and sustainability. It is understood that not all small businesses are alike and businesses of all types are complex in both structure and leadership.

When you consider that 48% of all small businesses have 1-4 employees and 98% have a staff of less than 100, broad use of complex quality systems isn’t realistic.6 The Quality solution must be simple, cheap, and easy to understand by everyone in the organization.

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What Is Quality?

Let’s start by defining what we’re talking about. The ASQ Quality Glossary defines Quality as, “A subjective term for which each person or sector has its own definition.”

This description is only partially correct. The inability to define what we mean by quality adds to the confusion of those new to the concept that are trying to understand the complex methods with which they are confronted.

For the sake of this this discussion, let’s consider that there are two aspects of the word Quality – two ‘Qualitys’, if you will.

On one hand, there is Attribute Quality. This Quality is, what the 20th century guru, Dr. Joseph Juran, called “fitness for use”. Simply put, it’s what the customer wants, can use, and will buy more of. Only the customer can define Attribute Quality. He or she sees it in their mind when they place an order, and they anticipate receiving the attributes they are expecting. As the definition suggests, each customer or sector may have their own definition of the attributes they want.

While this is important to the customer, in a sense, it is an after-the-fact type of Quality. That is to say, when the customer receives their order, it is or is not what was expected and it’s too late to change the attributes. The real issue is, how do we get the right attributes; at the right price, at the right time, so the customer is happy and our business makes a profit?

There is another more important kind of Quality. This may be simply called, ‘Method Quality’ – the systemic approaches to production, operations and improvement an organization takes, to ensure that the customer receives the right attributes.

1 ‘Nurturing Start-ups and Small Businesses Around the World”, Catherine Rampell, New York Times, June 20112 Source: U.S. Bureau, SUSB, CPS; International Trade Administration; Bureau of Labor Statistics, BED; Advocacy-funded research, Small Business GDP: Update 2002- 2010, www.sba.gov/advocacy/7540/42371. 3 Forbes, September 12, 20134 “Why So Many Companies Fail During Their First Five Years”, Sangeeta Badal, Gallup Business Journal, October 23, 20145 “Impact of Globalization On Small Businesses”, Leo Sun, BusinessDictionary.com, May 20146 SMB Research, January 2010Other Online Resources There is literally no end to the volume of advice about how small businesses can use Quality, and even more opinions about making small businesses successful. These few offer some useful information, but frankly the more you read, the more confused you will get.

“Principles of Total Quality Management in Small Business Environment,” John T. Williams, Charon

“Should a Small Business Practice Total Quality Management?,” Business Dictionary.com

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MANAGEMENTThe Latin American Quality Institute awarded the “Premio Empresa Boliviana del Año 2016” to companies of different sectors.

The facilities of the Los Tajibos Hotel, in Santa Cruz, were the scenario to the IX Edition of the corporate meeting Bolivia Quality

Summit, which had as its central theme “Goal 2016: Implementing the path towards Total Quality.” The event gathered the main representatives of more than 100 leading companies in the country, the same ones that were awarded as the best of the year for their responsible actions and practices as an indication of their quality management.

Among the activities was a series of lectures about interesting topics, presented by renowned experts who shared their vast experience and knowledge with the attending entrepreneurs.

The first one was entitled “Quality and Innovation: From continual improvement to continual innovation,” led by Mr. José Durán Guillén, Executive Director of the Instituto Boliviano de Normalización y Calidad (IBNORCA) and an expert in development design models for productive SMEs, business innovation and international trade. The presentation aimed at providing knowledge about how innovation is related to the role of learning in continual improvement, and how both are necessary to assure the survival of the business.

Then the second presentation took place: “CSR management for Corporate Reputation: Identifying opportunities through good practices and effective communication,” led by Dr. Javier Espada Valenzuela, renowned expert and promoter of CSR in Bolivia, founder of HumanizaRSE. The presentation discussed CSR as a key element in building corporate reputation, as well as the importance of its adequate communication within each interest group of the organization.

The third presentation focused on the topic “I am the Brand: Tendencies and strategies in Branding”; the presenter, distinguished motivational speaker and an expert in corporate development, Maurício Louzada, showed the latest tendencies on how organizations are designing their branding strategies: from connecting emotionally to optimizing their interaction channels to using social media to achieve a true engagement with the consumer.

Additionally, after the presentations, our innovative module Masterminds® took place with the theme “Actors of change: Building a responsible corporate culture,” led by Colombian corporate development expert Jaime España. During the session, the participant entrepreneurs exchanged experiences and contributed new ideas that will help future implementations in the management of their organizations.

Closing the event there was the ceremony to award the “Premio Empresa Boliviana del Año 2016,” which recognized the best practices in Quality and Corporate Social Responsibility implemented by the organizations present in the event. “We are pleased to see that each year there are more organizations committed to good corporate practices and quality management. We congratulate and acknowledge the effort made by all these organizations, leaders in their own sectors, which, through their constant search for excellence, have consolidated their position in a highly competitive and demanding market,” said Daniel Maximilian Da Costa, founder and CEO of the Latin American Quality Institute (LAQI), the organization responsible for the event.

For more information about this event, please write to: info@laqi.org

About the IX Bolivia Quality Summit

It was the ninth edition of the annual corporate meeting that gathers distinguished corporate leaders of the country, with the goal of exchanging experiences, best responsible practices, and successful cases, thus helping them to acquire new knowledge on topics such as Total Quality Management and Corporate Social Responsibility.

32 Quality Magazine • www.laqi.org Quality Magazine • www.laqi.org 33


MANAGEMENTThe Latin American Quality Institute awarded the “Premio Empresa Mexicana del año 2016” to companies of different sectors.

The facilities of the Hotel Fiesta Americana Reforma, in Mexico City, were the scenario to the IX Edition of the corporate meeting

Mexico Quality Summit, which had as its central theme “Goal 2016: Implementing the path towards Total Quality.” The event gathered the main representatives of more than 100 leading companies in the country, the same ones that were awarded as the best of the year for their responsible actions and practices as an indication of their quality management.

Among the activities was a series of lectures about interesting topics, presented by renowned experts who shared their vast experience and knowledge with the attending entrepreneurs.

The first one was entitled “Quality and Innovation: From continual improvement to continual innovation,” led by Mr. Francisco Yáñez, international speaker and a specialist in corporate development, with more than 11 years of experience. The presentation aimed at providing knowledge about how innovation is related to the role of learning in continual improvement, and how both are necessary to assure the survival of the business.

Then the second presentation took place: “CSR management for Corporate Reputation: Identifying opportunities through good practices and effective communication,” led by specialist Marco Antonio Pérez Ruiz, Master in Senior Management, and Coordinator of the United Nations Global Compact in Mexico. The presentation discussed CSR as a key element in building corporate reputation, as well as the importance of its adequate communication within each interest group of the organization. The third presentation focused on the topic “I am the Brand: Tendencies and strategies in Branding”; the presenter, distinguished motivational speaker and expert in corporate growth, Edner Granados, showed the latest tendencies on how organizations are designing their branding strategies: from connecting emotionally to optimizing their interaction channels to using social media to achieve a true engagement with the consumer.

Additionally, after the presentations, our innovative module Masterminds® took place with the theme “Actors of change: Building a responsible corporate culture,” led by Colombian corporate development expert Jaime España. During the session, the participant entrepreneurs exchanged experiences and contributed new ideas that will help future implementations in the management of their organizations.

Closing the event there was the ceremony to award the “Premio Empresa Mexicana del Año 2016,” which recognized the best practices in Quality and Corporate Social Responsibility implemented by the organizations present in the event. “We are pleased to see that each year there are more organizations committed to good corporate practices and quality management. We congratulate and acknowledge the effort made by all these organizations, leaders in their own sectors, which, through their constant search for excellence, have consolidated their position in a highly competitive and demanding market,” said Daniel Maximilian Da Costa, founder and CEO of the Latin American Quality Institute (LAQI), the organization responsible for the event.

For more information about this event, please write to : info@laqi.org

About the IX Mexican Quality Summit

It was the ninth edition of the annual corporate meeting that gathers distinguished corporate leaders of the country, with the goal of exchanging experiences, best responsible practices, and successful cases, thus helping them to acquire new knowledge on topics such as Total Quality Management and Corporate Social Responsibility.

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Proteção contra

roubo, furto e colisão





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