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F1Question & Answer

The sun’s diameter is _______.752,000 n. miles

The orbital speed of the earth is ______.16.1 nm/s

The motion of bodies in the solar system relative to surrounding stars is known as motion

Which triangle is formed by arcs of great circles of a sphere?spherical triangle

A spherical triangle on the celestial sphere is called ________.celestial triangle

The precession of the equinoxes occurs in a/an _____.westerly direction

The change in the length of day becomes greater as latitude increases because of the:inclination of the diurnal circle to the equator

How far is Polaris from true north for observers between the equator and Lat 60 N? it is always within:2

If Polaris is directly above celestial pole, its azimuth is _______.000

What will become of an ellipse if the distance between the foci is zero?circle

In the daily pages of the Almanac, the tabulated times in UT are based from the ______.mean sun

The GHA tabulated in the Nuatical Almanac is for the:apparent sun

The GMT in the Nautical Almanac is based on the reference point of:mean sun

The time of meridian passage in the Nautical Almanac is given in:LMT

What will become of an ellipse if the distance between the foci is equal to the length of the major axis?a straight line

The orbit of each planet is associated with ______.Kepler law

In a Mercator projection _______.the length of the meridians is increased to provide for equal expansion in all directions

If a plane is tangent to the Earth, and points are projected geometrically from the center of the Earth, what projection is formed?Oblique gnomonic

The type of chart projection wherein the points on the surface of the sphere are projected by radial from the center of the tangent plane is called _______.gnomonic projection

The sun at the first point Aries is at __________.0° declination going to northerly declinations

A time diagram is on the plane of the ________.celestial equator

The sun follows a path towards Vega called:Sun’s way

A vessel was at the Tropic of Capricorn, if the Zenith distance is NIL when a meridian passage was observed, the sun was at the:Winter Solstice

Navigationally, the Vernal Equinox is also the:First Point of Aries

The geographical position of a celestial body is determined from its declination and the ______.Greenwich hour angle

In the equinoctial system of celestial coordinates, what is not similar to the longitude of the Earth?Azimuth Angle

The celestial coordinate of a star that is relatively constant in value is the:Sidereal Hour Angle

The tabulated GHA on the sun column in the daily pages of the Almanac is for the:apparent sun

The time are of the celestial equator between the hour circle of the vernal equinox to the observer’s meridian is called _______.local sidereal time

The amplitude will be numerically equal to the declination only when:the observer is on the equator

In May, the sun was observed in the morning for amplitude. How is the amplitude named?East Amplitude North

In October, the sun was observed in the afternoon for amplitude. How is the amplitude named?West Amplitude South

The international code signal indicating a compass adjustment in progress is:Oscar Quebec

Any change of soft iron correctors to reduce normal compass errors is called ________.compass adjustment

Any change in the current supplied to the compass compensating coils to reduce degaussing errors is called _______.compass compensation

When a piece of metal becomes magnetized it will delop regions of concentrated magnetism called:poles

A permanent component that tilts the compass card and when the ship rolls or pitches, causes oscillating deflections of the card is the _______.vertical component

On top center margin of a new chart is the original date of issue written with ______. first edition

Where is the original date of issue of a new chart shown?top center margin

When corrections are too numerous, a printing is made edition

New edition is marked on the chart’s ________.lower left hand corner

A print which does not supersede a current edition is called _______.revised print

Where is the date of a revised print shown on the chart?right of the edition date

A projection made upon a plane, the cylinder conceived as being tangent along the equator is a _______.mercator

A projection where points on the earth are transferred directly to a plane and the origin of the projecting rays is the center of the earth is called _______.gnomonic

A projection where points on the earth are transferred directly to a plane and the origin of the projecting rays is the point opposite the plane’s point of tangency is called______.stereographic

A projections where points on the earth are transferred directly to a plane and the projecting lines are parallel to each other is called _______.orthographic

When an observer is at 250 N latitude, his zenith is______________.250 N of the celestial equator

The primary use of apparent time is to________.determine the of time of meridian transit

Apparent time is based on______________.the visible sun moving along the ecliptic

What is the maximum difference between mean time and apparent time?about 16 minutes

When time is based on the visible Sun along the ecliptic the time is known as __________.apparent time

Which error is caused by the miscalculation of azimuths rather than effects of unsymmetrical arrangements of horizontal soft iron?A error

Which error results from the athwartship permanent magnetic field across the compass and a resultant unsymmetrical vertical induced effect atwartship of the compass?C error

Which error is caused by induction in the unsymmetrical arrangements of horizontal soft iron?E error

This error is due to the induction in the symmetrical arrangements of horizontal soft iron, and requires correction by spheres, generally athwarship by the compass.D error

The heeling effects of both the permanent and induced magnetism are corrected by adjusting the position of the __________.vertical permanent heeling magnet

How do you apply compass errors from compass directions to true directions?add easterly and subtract westerly

The error of a magnetic compass if deviation is zero is _______.error equals variation

Which deviation change signs approximately each 90 degrees change of headings caused by induced magnetism in horizontal soft iron?Quadrantal deviation

Where is the rotor shaft of the gyro compass aligned when operating properly?North-South

A radio navigation system which operates hyperbolic is known as ______.Loran C

A radio navigation system which operates in very low frequency is called ______.Omega

The line that connects the Loran-C master station with a secondary line is called the:base line

In GPS, the receiver’s position is determined by intersection of:spheres of position

What causes the diurnal inequality of the tides?the declination of the moon

The tide that prevails in the greatest number of important harbors on the Atlantic Coast is _______.semi-diurnal

You would have the best chance of refloating a ship agrounded in soft mud on the next tide if it grounded at:low water spring

One of the factors which affect the circulation of ocean current is:varying densities of water

Spring tides are tides that __________.have lows lower than normal highs higher than normal

The tide where the presence of a diurnal wave is conspicuous by a large inequality in the heights of either the two high tides or two low tides usually occurring each tidal day is called _______.mixed tides

The vertical displacement of high or low tide from same mean level is called _______.amplitude

The vertical displacement of high or low tide from same mean level is called _______.amplitude

The tide is said to be flooding, when _______.the flow is towards the shore

Mariners are FIRST warned of important changes to aids to navigation by means of:marine broadcast Notice to Mariners

Light Lists for coastal waters are __________.accurate thru NM number on title page and must be corrected

Information on radio beacons used for marine navigation in foreign waters will be found in the __________.List of Lights

Information on search and rescue procedures and special, local communications used in Mexican waters will be found in the __________.Sailing Directions (Planning Guides)

A vessel encountering typhoon conditions is required to transmit reports to the closest meteorological service station every:3 hours

A radar contact remains stationary on a relative motion radar display when ________.on the same course and speed of the other vessel

The greatest potential advantage for a ship weather routing exists when the following factors are present EXCEPT:the economic gain of the shipowner as a result of a shorter route during the voyage

What is issued to a ship normally two to three days before sailing as a weather advisory.initial route recommendation

Which is an underway adjustment in track and is intended to avoid or limit the effect of adverse weather conditions forecast to be encountered along the ship’s current track?diversion

A recommendation to the master to take independent action to avoid, as much as possible a potentially dangerous weather system is called ______.evasion

What transmission is sent to the ship advising the master of expected adverse conditions, their

duration, and geographic extent?weather advisory

An outlined arrow in a TSS and deep water routes is called_____.established direction of traffic flow

A dashed outlined arrow applied on precautionary areas, two-way routes, recommended routes and deep-water routes is called______.recommended direction of traffic flow

A tint, 3 mm wide in TSS and between TSS and inshore traffic is____.separation line

A tint, any shape in TSS and between TSS and inshore traffic is _____.separation zone

T-shaped dashes in areas to be avoided and defined ends of inshore traffic zones are____.limits of restricted areas

The key to execute a voyage in a safe and efficient way is/are:People, officers and crew

The key to execute a voyage in a safe and efficient way is/are:People, officers and crew

The main requirement of a lookout posted on the bridge is ______.Good eyesight and able to communicate with the OOW

How would you increase the effectiveness of the lookout? a. To be briefed what to expect and when ships and lights should be detected

What are the quickest and most certain way of keeping a look out in clear weather?Take a visual search of the sea around the ship

The OOW can be the sole lookout ________Only during day time when visibility, traffic etc make it safe

Radar makes the most accurate determination of the_______________.Distance to a target

Which will cause the ARPA to emit either, or both, a visual or audible alarm?A tracked target entering your preset CPA-TCPA limits

Your ARPA has been tracking a target and has generated the targets course and speed. The radar did not receive a target echo on its last two scans due to the weather. What should you expect under these circumstances?The ARPA will generate data as if the target was still being tracked by radar.

Your ARPA has automatic speed inputs from the log. Due to currents, the log is indicating a faster speed than the speed over the ground. What should you expect under these circumstances?The targets true course vector will be in error.

A vessel constrained by her draft may display a ______.cylinder

A vessel displaying single black cone indicates _______.her outlying gear extends more than 150 meters

The distance for which side lights and stern light of a vessel 50 meters or more in length is _______.3 miles

The distance for which masthead lights of a vessel 50 meters or more in length is:6 miles

You are approaching a bend on your starboard. What signal would you make?one prolonged blast

You hear one prolonged blast round the bend on your starboard bow. What would your action be?keep to the starboard side of the channel

You hear one prolonged blast from behind the bend on your starboard bow, what signal would you make?one prolonged blast and stay on the starboard side of the channel

If you wish to overtake a vessel on the starboard side of the other in a narrow channel you must sound ________.two prolonged blasts followed by one short blast

If you wish to overtake a vessel on the portside of the other in a narrow channel you must sound _______.two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts

Which size of vessels should use inshore zones under Rule 10?vessels of less than 20 meters

Are fishing vessels allowed to fish in traffic separation zones?yes, provide they do not impede vessels in traffic lanes

You are proceeding at 20 knots in clear visibility when you sighted a fog bank ahead. Should you reduce speed before you enter the fog?Yes, you must proceed at safe speed adapted to the prevailing circumstances

What would be the signal in restricted visibility of a power driven vessel underway, making way through the water?one prolonged blast at intervals of not more than 2 minutes

What would be the signal in restricted visibility of a power driven vessel underway, but making no way?two prolonged blasts at intervals not more than 2 minutes

What would be the signal in restricted visibility of vessels not under command; restricted in their ability to maneuver; constrained by her drafts; towing or pushing; fishing or sailing?one prolonged blast followed by two short blasts at intervals of not more than two minutes

What would be the signal in restricted visibility of a last vessel of tow?one prolonged blast followed by three short blasts at intervals of not more than two minutes

You have already reduced your speed to 4 knots in a ½ mile visibility when you hear one prolonged blast apparently on your starboard bow, what is your immediate action?take all way off the ship and sound two prolonged blasts

If you hear two prolonged blasts in restricted visibility on your port bow, what should you do? stop engines and take all way off the ship

The visibility is one mile, your speed is 8 knots. You hear a fog signal ahead, very faintly, which you cannot identify, What action do you take?reduce speed, keep your course until danger of collision is past

Upon entering a fog bank, the following is done EXCEPT:advice Chief Engineer about engine maneuverability

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

the OOW in restricted visibility is to spend most of the time watching the radar constitute a proper lookout

Which vessel should be provided with a whistle and a bell?12 meters or more in length

In addition to whistle and bell, a gong should also be provided on vessels _______.100 meters or more in length

Masthead lights of a power driven vessel are visible ________6 nm

Not under command signals at night are _______.2 red lights one over the other, not less than 2 meters apart

A vessel anchored in foggy weather shall sound _______.1 short blast, 1 prolonged blast, and 1 short blast

While sounding fog signals underway, what is the signal upon losing propulsion?one prolonged blast followed by two short blasts at two minutes interval

One prolonged blast followed by 3 short blasts during foggy weather indicates ________.a manned vessel being towed

In a narrow channel 2 prolonged blasts and 2 short blasts indicate ________.a vessel intends to overtake you on your port side

What is the minimum length of a vessel required to show two anchor lights?50 meters

A “ special circumstance “ is ________more than two vessels meeting

A vessel aground at night is required to show ________two red lights in a vertical line and anchor lights

In order to avoid a collision, a vessel stopped all movements through the water so that it was only drifting. Is she under way?Yes, since she is not at anchor nor made fast nor aground

In which of the situations listed below is the vessel regarded as being under way?all of these

In which of these situations are you bound by the Rules which apply to vessels in sight of one another?whenever you see another vessel by eye

How long is a short blast by definition of the Rules?1 second

You are a stand on vessel and see a vessel about 30 degrees on your port bow but appear not to be taking any action, what should you do?sound at least 5 short blasts and stand-on with caution

In Rule 17, if collision cannot be avoided by the action of the giving way vessel alone, which Rule allows you to take appropriate action even if you are a stand-on vessel?Rule 2

If you see another vessel and she gives a five or more short blasts signal. What does this signify?wake up, you are not taking sufficient action to avoid me

You see a sailing vessel about 30 degrees on your port side with a hoisted apex pointing downwards on almost steady bearing. What action would you take?keep your course and speed

Three black balls hoisted in a vertical line 1.5 meters apart indicate _______.vessel aground

Rule 3(g) defines vessels ________.restricted in their ability to maneuver

Which Rule states that a proper lookout must be maintained at all times?Rule 5

Which of the following would you not consider before you give full rudder?turning space

In a large twin screw ship, you must come around 180 degrees to board your pilot. How will you turn the ship fastest in the least amount of space?half ahead with hard over rudder, then full astern on inboard engine

You are approaching a pilot with 3 knots, the wind on the starboard bow. You can help calm the seas by taking what action just before the pilot comes along on the portside?a short burst of ahead full with left rudder

The pivot point of a vessel moving ahead is situated about _____.1/6 ship length abaft the bow

In which pf the following situation is best to approach the quay when berthing?against the current

When a vessel unberths during heavy weather, it is best to:any of these

Unberthing a vessel with the stream ahead:let go all lines first and leave the back spring last

What is the anchor’s holding power in tons on good anchoring ground?7 – 8 times the anchor’s weight

The length of cable laid out measured from the hawse pipe to the anchor divided by the distance measured vertically from the hawse pipe to the sea-bed is called:scope

What is dependent upon the scope of the anchor to be used?all of these

The scope of the anchor to be used depends upon:all of these

When the vessel lies with the anchor and cable fine on its own bow about one to one and a half point, this is called _____.natural sheer

When the cable nips round the stern and breaks the anchor out of its holding ground, this is called ______.breaking sheer

A vessel is anchored with both achors leading ahead, she is said to be on moor

The forces associated in anchor handling can be the following EXCEPT:

forces under control

The forces and moments in ship handling under indirect control are the following EXCEPT:the ship’s speed and type of propulsion

The forces not under control in ship handling are the following EXCEPT:force majeure

Which of the following is FALSE in shiphandling?only the master knows the maneuvering characteristics of his vessel

The hydrodynamic resistance on a ship in shiphandling are the following EXCEPT:hull resistance

What describes a ship’s tendency to remain at rest when at rest?inertia

What describes a ship’s tendency to remain in motion when in motion?momentum

What describes a ship’s underwater hull friction?underwater hull resistance

A vessel’s stopping characteristics are dependent on the following EXCEPT:type of engine propulsion

The larger the vessel you are handling and maneuvering, the ______ must be used when maneuvering.less initial speed

Maneuvers to achieve transverse speed can be the following EXCEPT:round turn

The best way to control a reduced speed is by ______.kick ahead

Which of the following is TRUE about speed in shiphandling?all of these

The movements of a vessel can be described by a coordinate system fixed in the vessel. These

independent movements of a vessel is called ______.6 degrees of freedom

The 3 movements of a vessel along its axis are the following EXCEPT:roll

The 3 movements of a vessel rotating about its axis are the following EXCEPT:sway

Distance over time is called ______.speed

Displacement over time is called ______.velocity

In ship handling, change of velocity per unit time is called ______.acceleration

The maneuvering information of a vessel is presented through:all of these

The following are the presentation of maneuvering information EXCEPT:master card

Which of the following describe the current condition of the ship with regard to its loading, propulsion and maneuvering equipment?pilot card

Which describes the general particulars and detailed information about the maneuvering characteristics of the vessel?wheelhouse poster

Which describes full details of the maneuvering characteristics of a vessel?maneuvering booklet

In the maneuvering booklet, the following is contained EXCEPT:speed of vessel with the corresponding RPM

In the maneuvering booklet, the following is contained EXCEPT:speed of vessel with the corresponding RPM

In the maneuvering booklet, the following is contained EXCEPT:speed of vessel with the corresponding RPM

In the maneuvering booklet, the following is contained EXCEPT:speed of the vessel with the corresponding RPM

A rudder that is completely underhung is the _______.spade type

Which of the following is a rudder with a horizontal break?horn type

Which rudder has a blade fully unbalanced?door type

A rudder with a fixed butt is the ______.door type

A rudder with a hinged flap or fin is the ______.Becker Rudder

What is the purpose of the fin of a nozzle rudder?all of these

Why is a rotating cylinder rudder not widespread? Because ________.all of these


Question & Answer

Vessel free surface correction was 10,910.Find the Corrected GM if the Displacement was 68,968 m/t; Vertical Moment 746,032 m/t; KM 13.24 M.2.26 M

What will be the rolling period of a vessel if the Breadth was 32 M and the GM 2.26 M?17 seconds

The amount of tons required to be loaded or discharged on the tipping center of an even keel ship to increase or decrease her draft by one centimeter is:Tons per centimeter immersion

Under which circumstances may a metacentric height be considered an indication of a vessel's stability?For small angle of inclination

Repairing damage to the hull at or above the waterline reduces the threat of:Continued progressive flooding

This is the important stability parameter, KG is defined:Height of the center of gravity above the keel

When the height of the metacenter has the same value as the height of the center of gravity, the metacentric height is equal to

The value of the maximum righting arm is dependent upon the position of the center of buoyancy and the __________.vertical location of the center of gravity

In the absence of external forces, the center of gravity of a floating vessel is located directly above the __________.geometric center of the displaced volume

If the cause of severe list, or trim is due to off-center ballast, counterflooding into empty tanks will __________.

decrease list or trim

The important stability parameter 'KG' is defined as the __________.height of the center of gravity above the keel

The abbreviation 'GM' is used to represent the __________.metacentric height

If a vessel loses its reserve buoyancy, it will __________.most likely sink

If a vessel rolls to the starboard side, and there are no movable or moving weights onboard, the center of gravity will __________.stay in the same position

With no environmental forces present, the center of gravity of an inclined vessel is vertically aligned with the of buoyancy

If the cause of severe list, or trim is due to off-center ballast, counterflooding into empty tanks will _Decrease list or trim

In the event of a collision, watertight integrity may be lost if __________.the sounding tube cap from a damaged tank is missing

When a vessel is inclined, the tendency to return to its original position is caused by the :Movement of the center of buoyancy

A vessel's center of gravity is lowered when the __________.tanks are ballasted

You can generally improve the vessel's stability in a hazardous situation by __________.ballasting appropriate port or starboard deep tanks

The inclining experiment conducted on a merchant ship is the method for determining the exact location of the __________.position of the ship's center of gravity

Vessel stability can be adversely affected by __________.increasing the free surface effect

When any tank or compartment is partially filled with a liquid free to move as the ship rolls, the free surface effect is present. This condition will usually __________.reduce ship stability

Transverse oscillating rotation about the longitudinal axis of a vessel is known as __________.rolling

When a vessel is inclined, the tendency for it to return to its original position is caused by the __________.movement of the center of buoyancy toward the low side of the vessel

The tendency of a ship to resist a change in trim is __________.longitudinal stability

A vessel having a concentration of weight toward the top of the vessel is said to be __________.tender

The effects of free surface on initial stability depend upon the surface area dimensions of the free liquids and the __________.volume of displacement of the MODU

Increasing the free surface of a confined liquid has the effect of raising the __________.virtual height of the center of gravity

The reserve buoyancy of a vessel varies directly with changes in the vessel's __________.freeboard

Reducing the free surface of a liquid within a tank has the effect of lowering the __________.virtual height of the center of gravity

The weight of the liquid displaced by a vessel floating in sea water is equal to the weight of the vessel

Stability is determined principally by the relationship of the center of gravity and the of buoyancy

Which abbreviation represents the height of the center of buoyancy?KB

The stability term for the distance between the center of gravity (G) to the Metacenter (M), when small angle stability applies is known as the __________.metacentric height

The quality of initial stability is indicated by __________.GM

A vessel should normally behave as if all of its weight is acting downward through the center of gravity and all of its support is acting upward through the of buoyancy

Find the Displacement of a vessel if the lightship is 4,547 m/t; FO 134 m/t; DO 33 m/t; FW 40 m/t; Constant 200 m/t; Cargo 11,550 m/t; Remaining Ballast 80 m/t and the Total Moments 18,632.01 16,854 m/t

Where would you find the draft marks on a vessel?Area of waterline near stem and stern

What would you do if you wanted to keep the same draft if you came from salt water to fresh water?Discharge ballast

This means storing all cargo for a port in the same area.Block Stowage

Which location on a ship's structure of the sheering stress are usually the greatest?Ship's quarter length points

A vessel is fitted with deep tanks with a capacity of 1,000 tons of fresh water. What quantity of oil with specific gravity of 0.9200 could be carried in such tanks?920 tons

Which of the following will increase the positive stability of your vessel?Shifting weights from upper to lower decks

How much volume of seawater will increase the displacement by 1 ton?35 cuft

The term Deadweight is:Cargo carrying capacity of a vessel including water, bunkers and stores

Multiplying weight to distance divided by MTC is a formula to find:Change in Trim

A tanker fully loaded with oil pumped out from the stern most tank across. What will be the effect on the draft?The forward draft will increase

Which of the following describes a tender vessel?Long rolling period

A vessel going from salt water to fresh water would:Decrease her freeboard

In ship construction, the hull frame members extending athwart ship are called __________.transverse frames

The double bottom in a vessel is a space comprised of __________.compartments between the inner and outer bottoms

What is used in the calculation of stresses in beams and columns?moment of strain

To reduce the number of strakes at the bow, two strakes are tapered and joined at their ends by a single plate. This plate known as a:stealer plate

Molded depth is measured from the:Top of the center vertical keel

The moment of any point in a ship's structure that tends to produce sagging or hogging is:Bending

Vessel displacement 1,500 tons a weight of 25 tons shifted from the starboard side to port side of the lower hold on deck through a distance of 15 meters.0.15 meters

The metacentric height is equal to when the height of the metacenter has the same value as the height of the center of gravity.Zero

There will always be an increase if the result of loading a vessel is an increase in the height of center of gravity.Vertical Moments

This is the amount of work necessary to heel the vessel through a given angle.Dynamic Stability

This is define as the point to which G may rise and still permit the vessel to possess positive stability.Transverse metacenter

What will happen to your vessel if from the upper tween deck you are going to transfer cargo weights to the lower hold?make the vessel more stiffer

Which of the following would have the greatest effect on a vessels longitudinal strength?Grounding damage to the bilge strake, just aft of midships

When handling cargo, the majority of cargo gear breakdown is due to:Guy failures

All lashings and components used for securing should possess a breaking strength of not less than:133 Kn

What is the purpose of the inclining experiment on a vessel to determine?Lightweight and lightweight center of gravity location

What action should be taken when results concerning the application and effectiveness of new ballast water management technologies and associated control equipment?Should be notified to the Organization with a view to evaluation and incorporation.

When exchanging water ballast at sea guidance and recommended should be taken.All the mentioned guidance are correct.

The ________ and suitable access points for sampling ballast or sediment should be described in the ship's ballast water management.location

One precaution should be taken once a bulker ship flood hold has been pumped out prior to commence loading?

Cover properly all wells to protect both pumping systems and ballast

The bottom transverse frames have _________, to allow for the drainage of water when pumping outlimber holes

Damage due to ___________ results from poor stowage in placing the commodities in compartmentsinherent vice

One factor which affect the allocation of the Plimsoll Mark to a vessel that, the deeper the draft of a ship that is underwater.Structural Strength

The moduli of wood uprights shall be determined by multiplying by________ the corresponding moduli for steel uprights12.5

When utilizing bagged grain for the purpose of securing partly filled compartments, the free grain surface:All of the mentioned are correct

What will be the maximum unsupported span if the thickness of shifting boards is 60mm?3.0 m

How often for inspection visually all cargo gears in normal condition?Daily Before Operations

A portable traverse beam placed across a cargo hatchway that acts as a bearer to support the hatch covers.Hatch Boards

What is this term that weight concentration in which of the following areas will cause a vessel's bottom to be subjected to tensile stress?Forward

What do you call this plates that cover the top of the hawse pipes?Buckler Plates

Every ship that carries ballast water should be provided with a ___________ to assist in the minimization of transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens.Ballast Water Management Plan

In cases, where ballast exchange or other treatment options are not possible, ballast water may be _________ in tanks or holds.retained

Ship's engaged in ballast water exchange at sea should be provided with procedures which account as applicable.Admissible weather conditions.

The use of aluminum alloy in a structure can result in reduction of how many percent of the weight of an equivalent steel structure60%

Who carried out the test of cranes or hoist and accessory gears?Shore firms

This is called the point to which G may rise and still permit the vessel to have positive stability.Metacenter

If you shift a weight vertically to a position above the vessel's center of gravity it will:Decrease the righting moment

A name applied in which stem curves forward as it rises above waterline.Clipper bow

What is this correction to be applied if the draft markings are not exactly in the perpendiculars?Correction due to Trim

What will happen to your vessel if the metacentric height is small?Be tender

What will be the draft of your ship in dock water with relative density of 1009, if she enters a port with arrival sea water draft of 11.00 meters?11.16 m

What will be the new KG of a vessel with a displacement of 2,400 tons and KG 10.5 meters moved a weight of 40 tones vertically through a distance of 4.5 meters?11.05 meters

What volume of water does it displace if a log weighing 9.0 tons floating in water density of 1.023 t/cum?

8.798 cum

The garboard strake is the: Row of plating nearest keel

A twin screw vessel is easier to maneuver than single-screw vessel with the engines half ahead. If there is no wind or current and the rudder is amidships, which of the following will happen?Can return without using her rudder

When the vessel is stationary and in hogging condition, the main deck is under:tension stress

The outer strake of the inner bottom on each side of the ship is called the __________.margin plate

The structural members of the hull extending in a fore and aft direction are called __________.longitudinals

This is built with a double bottom and continuous fore-aft middle line member of any ship.Vertical Keel

What do you call this term "ships the keels of which are laid or which are at similar stage of construction"?Ships Constructed

No vessel in Canadian waters shall load concentrates except in accordance with a Certificate of __________ issued to the vessel by the Minister.Readiness to Load

In the case of sulphide concentrates, the height differences between the peaks and troughs in the square of the hatch of the hold do not exceed _______ of the vessels breadth in the athwartship direction for the full width of the hold.5%

Vessels that load and unloads coal at a Canadian port does not have electrical cables and components situated in spaces adjacent to cargo spaces that are safe for use in hazardous zones, the master shall ensure that means are provided for ____________ isolations.positive

The person in charge of loading incompatible dangerous goods shall ensure that they are ________ in accordance with the BC Code.segregated

Before the ship can load the next cargo, cargo holds should be:Must be adequately cleaned

The cargo that reduces the stability of the vessel due to sea water that weights the cargo.Timber cargo

A type of lashing system used by means of levers and turnbuckles for chains, quick release tensioned for wire.Lashing gear

What condition can a vessel are exempted from the requirements of obtaining a Document of Authorization that may carry grain in bulk subject to the limitations imposed by Sections 8.3 or 9?Each slack surface has been leveled

What is this precaution to be taken to prevent damage to grain cargoes and engineers should be advised regarding this hazard?Overheating of double bottom or other fuel tanks

A certificate that will be issued only if, after completion of grain loading and prior to departure, the vessel is upright or is listed more than one degree.Certificate of Loading

A relative weights of water and vapour forming damp air, expressed as number of grams of water vapour combined with a kilogram of dry air.Humidity-Mixing Ratio

Horizontal strength members going fore and aft alongsides of hold.Hold Stringers

What do you call this term at which a wire may become permanently distorted?Yield Point

A method of making a rope where the lay of the wires in the strand is opposite to the lay of the strands in the rope.Ordinary Lay

This should be stowed tightly together and flat so that each of them rests against an adjacent of each of them.Wire coils

In securing containers, timber shoring should not exceed __________ in length.2 meters

The condition of a ship when it is deformed so that the forward and aft draughts are deeper than the midships draught.Hog

The arithmetical mean of the forward draught and the aft draft.Arithmetical Mean Draught (AMD)

19. In salt water the vessel is floating with an AMD 6.10 m corrected for deflection and a trim of 1.40 m by the stern, MCTC for 5.60 m = 310.0, MCTC for 6.60 m = 322.9, LBP 170 m. Calculate the second trim correction in tons for the vessel in this condition.(-) 7.4 tonnes

The vessel has a sleek form for a fast passage, but is suffering from hull deflection. Draughts at the perpendiculars are forward 5.64 m, aft 6.42 m. Draught midships 6.11 m. What is the true mean draught , taking into account the distortion of the hull?6.09 m

Find the cargo loaded after the draft survey, if the corrected displacement is 35,553.065 m/t, non-cargo weights 614.0 m/t and the initial displacement is 6,874.81 m/t.28,064.255 m/t cargo loaded

What may cause the lashing of a stack container with interlocking fittings restrain the forces?Racking

Refers to substances when swallowed, inhaled or by skin contact liable to cause death, serious injury to human health.Poisoning

It is the volume below deck beams and inboard of cargo battens, that is free for the stowage of bags, barrels, crates, bales, pallets etc.Bale Capacity

This indicates how many cubic meters one metric ton of a particular type of cargo occupies in a hold, taking account of unavoidable stowage losses in the means of transport.Stowage Factor

The net molded underdeck volume, after deductions for the volume of frames, floors and other structures, that is available for the stowage of granular bulk cargo.Grain Capacity

Liquid having a flash point or above 61 degrees centigrade (140 degrees Fahrenheit) closed cup test or corresponding to 65.6 degrees centigrade (150 degrees Fahrenheit) open cup test.Combustible Liquid

How many tiers when securing a stack of container with non-locking fittings, lashings are required when the tier exceeded under normal weather and sea conditions?Locking are always required

Which is correct Constant if the corrected displacement of a vessel is 15,579.81 m/t, non-cargo weights 8,705 m/t and the Lightship is 6,645 m/t?229.81 m/t

Find the forward draft, aft draft, AMD and deflection if the observed draughts forward is 6.00 m, midships 6.40 m, aft 7.40 m. Distance of forward mark from FP 2.0 m aft. Distance of AFT mark from AP 5.0 m forward. LBP 100 m.Fwd 5.983 m Aft 7.511 m AMD 6.70 m, Hogged

The extracted hrydrographic displacement equivalent to the observed draughts of 5.30 m = 15,250 tonnes for salt water where 1 cum of salt water = 1.025 tonnes. Find the true displacement if the average observed apparent density = 1.015 t/cum.15,101.2 tonnes

This is the center of loadline circle should indicate this position between the forward and aft perpendiculars.Midships

The first trim correction for the draught survey is to correct the draught _________ to the true mean draught.midships

These rolling cargoes where practicable, be stowed close to the ship's side and close to each other to prevent any lateral shifting.Wheel-based cargoes

What should be protected by substantial dunnage before loading metal scrap in bulk in order to reduce damage?Lower battens of the spar ceiling

If light and heavy scrap is to be stowed in the same cargo space, what will be loaded first?Heavy scrap

The maximum draft to which a vessel may be safely loaded is called.Loadline draft

What is this smallest load at which a wire rope breaks when tested to destruction?Minimum Breaking Load

Measurement of total internal volume of a vessel and includes all under deck tonnage and all enclosed spaces above tonnage deck; 100 cubic feet of space being considered as one ton.Gross Tonnage

It expresses the relationship between heat energy and mechanical work as 778-foot pounds; being equal to heat required to raise one pound of water through one degree fahrenheit is called:Joule's Equivalent of Heat

What do you call this small compartment in which such valves or group of valves are placed for pump suctions and deliveries?Manifold

An indication will be cause for rejection by government inspectors before grain loading and that may also require fumigation prior to acceptanceInfestation

Before a vessel can be accepted to load bulk grain at United States ports, the vessel should have on board this document issued by the Administration of the country of registry or any agency authorized to issue such documents on behalf of that Administration.Document of Authorization

The lowest temperature in which air can be cooled without condensation or its water vapour.Dew point

The act of installing solid pieces of wood at a deck bulkhead or overhead to prevent the movement of cargo in the horizontal plane also known as ________.Blocking

Every person on a vessel who enters either a cargo space containing dangerous goods or a space adjacent to that cargo space shall:Comply with the requirements of the BC Code regarding wearing self-contained breathing apparatus

Before dangerous goods are loaded into a cargo space, the master shall ensure that the space is cleaned of all loose debris, dunnage and oil residue and is _________.dry

While solid bulk cargo is carried on a vessel, the vessel's master shall keep on board the:BC Code

The master of a self-unloading vessel that loads or unloads coal at a Canadian port before, during or after an inland voyage need not ensure that supply-ventilation equipment for tunnels is safe for use in an ____________ atmosphere.explosive

Vessels that load coal at Canadian port before or during an inland voyage may ensure that the holds are _____________ by other methods that reduce methane concentration.ventilated

Why should you wear a self-contained breathing apparatus before entering a closed compartment to fight a fire?All of the above.

The explosive range of methane is 5% to 15% by volume in air. This means a vapor/air mixture of __________.5 percent methane by volume will give a reading of 100 percent L.E.L. on a combustible gas indicator

The physical data term on a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) that indicates if the vapor formed by a material is lighter or heavier than air is called __________.vapor density

Before entering a fuel tank that has been cleaned, it should be checked with an oxygen indicator and a/an __________.combustible gas indicator

Which health hazard term is listed on a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) to indicate that contact with the substance will freeze body tissue on contact?Cryogenic

What term is listed on a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) to describe a chemical that can produce life-threatening or seriously disabling health hazard ?High toxicity

Material listed on a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) that violently self-reacts under commonly occurring conditions is called __________.unstable

An instrument used to detect explosive gas/air mixtures, usually measures the concentration in

terms of the lower explosive limit, and is known as a __________.combustible gas indicator

The atmosphere of an empty fuel tank is tested and designated "gas free". Which of the following statements is correct concerning this tank?All of the above.

When taking samples of a tank atmosphere with an explosimeter, you should __________.sample as much of the tank as possible, especially at the bottom

Which of the following can result in an oxygen deficiency in a closed space?All of the above

When testing the atmosphere of a compartment with a combustible gas indicator, the operator must remember that __________.the indicator tests only the atmosphere at the end of the suction tube

A good approach to personnel safety is to assume that all tanks and pumprooms are potentially dangerous. You should immediately leave an area whenever __________.any of the above conditions occur

If, in a compartment or space, the gas or oxygen content is not within permissible concentration, and dangerous gases are either present, or may be produced by residues, what would be the safety designation listed on a marine chemist's certificate?Not Safe for Men - Not Safe for Fire

For a ship of 10,000 gross tons, constructed after 30 June 1974, a fixed container, or enclosed deck area, must exist under or around each fuel oil tank vent. The container must have a capacity of at least __________.42 gallons (158.9 l)

When the ship carries timber deck cargoes, the master of the ship at that time it shall be assumed that the weight of the deck cargo in the arrival conditions due to water absorption. Has increased to about 10%

This will occur as a result of high humidity and changes in temperature that liable to corrosion in cofferdams and other voids.Heavy Condensation

This is called the microbiological corrosion that can occur in oil tanks, ballast tanks etc.Bacterial Corrosion

What will be the percentage of broken stowage and number of case-goods loaded if the capacity of a ship's hold is 2,560 cum and a cargo of 1,216 tonnes case-goods, SF 2 cum/tonne and weighing 160 kgs. Each case fills the hold?5% and 7,600 cases

Who recommended the dangerous goods groupings or classes of hazard which are to be transported have been categorized or classified?United Nations

An indirect effect of toxic, poison into the body affecting any parts.Systemic Effect

This is the amount of heat absorb or loss when a substances changes state without change in temperature.Latent Heat

The heat to be absorbed in changing a solid to liquid is called ___________.Latent Heat of Fusion

Empty packaging which contain the residue of dangerous goods should be so indicated by placing the words:"Empty Uncleaned"

Stresses in rough seas are greater ____________ than fore and aft and the loading capacity of container side walls is designed to be higher than that of the end walls.Athwartships

Are carriers and large hold that can be loaded with rolling cargo via a stern ramp as well as from above using the lo-lo method.Container and Dock ship

A term called that the barges are picked up and set down at the stern by the ________ on board gantry crane using spreaders.LASH

These kind of carriers the container foundations are recessed in the double bottom and the ISO holes are covered with plastic or steel lids.Open Bulk Containers Carriers

A multipurpose freight carriers developed and highly versatile and are fitted with high capacity on-board electrohydraulic cranes with a long reach.Ore Bulk Container Carrier

If you observe any situation which presents a safety or pollution hazard during fuel transfer operations, which of the following actions should be taken FIRST?Shut down the transfer operation.

A chemical that causes a substantial proportion of exposed people or animals to develop an allergic reaction in normal tissue after repeated exposure is listed on a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) as a __________.sensitizer

To detect the presence of explosive gases in any space, tank, or compartment, you should use a __________.combustible gas indicator

What danger to personnel exists when a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is discharged in a small enclosed space?Suffocation

In using the combustible gas indicator to test a cargo tank, and the hydrocarbon content of the atmosphere exceeds the upper explosive limit (UEL), __________.the needle will move to the maximum reading and return to zero immediately

Before entering any space that has been sealed, its oxygen level should be tested. What level of oxygen in the space is equal to fresh air?20.80%

Which is the best way to ensure adequate oxygen is present for safe entry into a seldomly used cargo tank?Ventilate the tank with fresh air and test with an oxygen indicator.

If a compartment is partly filled with bulk grain, what is much greater than it would be if the compartment was filled?Grain Heeling Moment

The cargo in which freight is charge by volume, approximately more than a SF of 1.2 cum per metric ton.Measurement Cargo

What should you do as the officer in charge after reporting the discharge of oil accidentally into the water?Remove as much of the oil as possible from the water to prevent spreading

The standard that applies the cleanliness of unpainted steel substrates is checked.

IMO Standard 8502

The effect whereby the paint itself acts as a sacrificial anode that coating can prevent corrosion.Cathodic Effect

This will remove oxygen and reduce corrosion particularly in the top ranks.Inert Gas

An explosive which effects almost the entire load virtually instantenously.Mass Explosion

The property of a substance to wear away or damage surface of other materials when either expose or when it comes in contact with it.Corrosion

A term called composed of two or more substance that have a definite proportion of masses.Compound

What do you call the amount of heat to be loss in changing a liquid to solid? Latent Heat of Solidification

For waste dangerous goods or foe processing or disposal, the proper shipping name should be preceeded by the word ______________."Waste"

On most ships which are specially designed for container traffic, the containers are carried ___________ fore and aft stowage.Lengthwise

"BACO" liners abbreviation means:Barge/Container Liners

What is this abbreviation "LASH" mean?Lighters Aboard Ship

An imaginary point within the ship through which all gravity can be seen to act.Center of GRAVITY

What do you call this imaginary point within the ship through which the buoyant force can be seen to act.Center of BOYANCY

An intersection of two successive lines of action of the buoyant force as the ship heels through a very small angle.List

An abbreviation used or a point along the line forming the metacenter that creates a right triangle.Z

When inclining a ship, this produces either a righting moment or an upsetting moment depending on the relative location of Righting Arm

What do you call this term that vessel moves back/forth motion transversely.ROLL

Ship moves back/forth motion longitudinally.PITCH

A motion of a vessel at sea that moves side to side.yaw

A term that differs between port and starboard side.list

This occurs when a compartment or tank is only partially flooded/filled.Free surface effect

Any repair of a vessel, including, but not restricted to, alterations, conversions, installations, cleaning, painting, and maintenance work.Ship repair

Any breaking down of a vessel's structure for the purpose of scrapping or disposing of the vessel, icluding the removal of gear, equipment, or any component of the vessel.Ship breaking

The construction of a vessel, including the installation of machinery and equipment.Shipbuilding

A facility in which vessels are constructed and fitted out.shipyard

This term also applies to a ship repair yard or a shipbreaking facility.shipyard

Materials which are board a vessel for the upkeep, maintenance, safety, operation, or navigation of the vessel.Ship stores

Material handling devices located shore-side that are used to move cargo, materials, or materials, or equipment to/from vessel's or within a marine terminal.Shore base cargo handling gear

A vessel not subject to inspection by the US Coast Guard under 46 USC 3301 and not a recreational vessel under 46 USC 2101(43).Uninspected vessel

Every description of motor watercraft or other artificial contrivance used, or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water, including special purpose floating structures not primarily designed for, or used as a means of, transportation on water.Motor vessel

What do you mean when faking a line?

A homogeneous cargo not enclosed in a container.Bulk cargo

This refers to the saturation of a dry bulk product with water to the point where it acts as a liquid.Flow State

This is called _________ that cargo is susceptible to damage by tainting from odorous cargo.Delicate cargo

This is capable of absorbing moisture in the form of a gas.Hygroscopic cargo

This cargo is of high value or easily pilferage.Special cargo

This give off fumes that may damage other cargoes.Odorous cargo

Are cargoes in canned or bottled liquid such as beer.Wet cargo

The most frequent cause of its being infected at the discharging port when fruits are loaded as refrigerated cargo.Improper handling

Is most likely to be loaded full but not down.Break Bulk

This unused volume are known between the tank top and the surface of the liquid in any cargo tank.outage

Known as the internal volume of a cargo hold measured from the inside faces of the cargo battens, the lower side of the deck beams, and the top of the tank ceiling.Bale capacity

Is the internal volume of a cargo hold measured from the inside of the side shell the underside of the deck and the tank top.Grain capacity

Are cargo goods having a stowage factor over 40.Measurement cargo

This are total weights of a crates containing cargo declared in the cargo manifest.Gross wieght

What do you call cargo all stored for a port in the same cargo holds?Block stowage

A term in the cargo manifest, the total weight of an empty cargo container.Tare weight

Separating cargoes so that the inherent characterestics of one cannot damage the other.segregation

This are used to protect the upper part of a load.spreader

If a single shackle to use to attache such lashings the proof-load of that shackle would need to be 11 tonnes and ________ SWL.5.5 tones

When the dew point of a cargo of the outside air is lower than or equal to the dew point of the air in the hold, you should ___________.ventilate

F3Question & Answer

The minimum pressures to be maintained at all hydrants on a passenger ship of 4,000 GRT and upwards with two pumps simultaneously delivering through nozzles, through any adjacent hydrants?0.31 N/mm2

The minimum pressures to be maintained at all hydrants on a passenger ship of 1,000 GRT and upwards but under 4,000 GRT with two pumps simultaneously delivering through nozzles, through adjacent hydrants?0.27 N/mm2

Human resource management does NOT deal with_____production

The function which is most important in the accomplishment of objective is _______.coordinating

This term states a goal and what behavioral performance or activity the trainee will be doing when he has achieved the goal of a particular educational objective.instructional objective

Emergency-battery of a GMDDS portophone__________

must be replaced before the expiry date is exceeded

Emergency-battery of a GMDDS portophone__________cannot be replaced

What must be regularly checked with the emergency battery of a GMDSS portophone__________the date when the battery must be replaced

At the impact of collision, the following should be noted:the compass heading and approximate angle between the two ships

Signals and maneuvers are common in any parts of the world. The use of ship's whistle to communicate with tugs, one long blast means:come ahead full slow

In a search, a RU would like to communicate by VHF radio telephone on channel indicated, what code group she must signal?YY

Air escaping from the liferaft just after it has inflated, you should: not panic since the safety valves allow excess pressure to escape

Hoist which relates to phrases that are very important and of common use is a:Single letter hoist

How is the external flotation bladder of an immersion suit inflated?It is inflated by blowing through an inflation tube

Part of a sea anchor that allows it to be easily brought back aboard a life raft is the: trip line

Letter hoists that begin with the code flag MIKE signifies:Medical signals

Psychological mechanism of blaming difficulties on someone else is called____projection

Subdivision of instruction objectives where the trainees must exhibit performance when assessment takes place at the end of the training program is_______.Terminal Performance Objective

Motivation is_____. factor that cause, channel and sustain people's behavior

Statements usually used as a point of departure for base line data from which the more specific instructional objective can be developed are termed______educational objectives

While approaching a port you see three lights in a vertical line. The upper and lower are green and the middle white. What does this mean?"A vessel may proceed only when it has received specific orders to do so."

On ECDIS can voyage planning be executed?No

Ship to ship communication during SAR should be executed by?VHF and MF

You wanted to ask a nearby vessel if she has a doctor on board, What flag signal you will hoist?AM

Your life raft on the water is to leeward of a fire, you should first:cut the line of the sea anchor

For any reason, it is necessary to abandon ship while far out at sea, it is important that the crew members should ________.remain together in the area because rescuers will start searching at the vessel's last known position

After abandoning a vessel, lookouts should be posted aboard the liferafts and look for ________.survivors in the water

Letter "Q" pronounced when spoken on the radiotelephone?KEH BECK

Letter "T" pronounced when spoken over the radiotelephone? TANG GO

Letter "O" be pronounced over the radiotelephone? OSS CAH

Letter "I" be pronounced over the radiotelephone?IN DEE AH

"Man overboard" is heard over the radio, what precedes the message?PAN PAN

A person is unconscious from electric shock, you should first remove him from the electrical source and then ______.determine if he is breathing

Merchant vessels are arriving at the distress scene. One of them must take the duties of Coordinator Surface Search (CSS). Which of the following statements is TRUE?The CSS must be established by mutual agreement between the vessels concerned

In a distress situation, two tone alarm signal should be followed immediately by the: spoken words "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday"

If fire extinguisher has been partially discharged, it should be: labeled empty and recharged as soon as possible

Ship's bow has penetrated the side of the other ship in a collision it would be safe to:stay in place in order to plug the hole on the other vessel

My ship is infected with infectious disease, What international flag signal I will hoist?QQ

OOW should make regular checks on navigational equipment to ensure safety of navigation. Which of the following does NOT apply?the automatic pilot is tested in the manual position at least once a week

Sequence of importance in addressing damage control:Control fire, control flooding, repair structural damage

A person suffers a simple fracture of a limb, you should____prevent further movement of the bone

Management of career is ultimately the responsibility of the ______individual

Efficiency is the ability to_____get things done right

Your course of action if you have to abandon ship and enter a liferaft should be;remain in the vicinity of the sinking ship

Familiarization onboard includes the following EXCEPT__________.getting used to emergency exits, where they lead to

Kind of learning principle where the trainee must see why he should study something.perceived purpose

Why passageway fires be fought from one end only?so that one hose team does not push the flames heat and smoke directly at the other hose team

Word "organization" has two meaning, the first is a/an _____, the second is __________.institution, a process

The time limit a person can remain in an atmosphere of less than 15% oxygen while using a fresh air breathing apparatus?indefinite

Lubrication would you use on an immersion suit zipper?paraffin

Correct lifting technique?legs bent, back straight, using leg muscles to lift

Activity that has the greatest fire-fighting effect in case of a fire?Extinguishing attempt is started immediately

Which type of injury should be the first to receive emergency treatment?Severe shock

In abandon ship drill, PSCO should observe the following EXCEPT__________.sounding the correct alarm

The principles to be observed in determining the safe manning of a ship, the PSCO should take into account the following on-board functions, when applicable and emergency drills

The code signal meaning "I require immediate assistance" is __________.CB

Using the International Code of Signals to communicate, the end of a radiotelephone transmission is indicated by the signal__________.AR

While approaching a port when you see three flashing red lights in a vertical line at the entrance. What does this indicate?Serious emergency - all vessels to stop or divert according to instructions.

GMDDS portophone emergency battery must be __________.tested once a week

Convention on civil liability, no claim for compensation for pollution damage may be against _______.consignee or receiver of the cargo

As per Pollution regulations, the discharge into the sea of oil or oily mixtures is allowed only under the these conditions:All of these

Regulations implementing Marpol, an offshore drilling units is required to have an International Oil Prevention certificate when the unit:engages in a voyage to a port of another country which is a party to Marpol

In the Interpretation of Annex I of Marpol, "IGS" means what?inert gas system

Which category are substances are practically non-toxic to aquatic life? Category D

Critical time for preventing an accidental oil spill during bunkering is when the:tanks are being topped off

Oil Record Book shall be completed on each occasion whenever any operations, involving oil is performed. Which of the following occasions need not be recorded in the Oil Record Book?Loading fuel for the voyage, but maybe recorded in the appropriate log book

The owner of a ship registered in a member State shall maintain insurance or other financial security if she carries a cargo of oil of more than _______.

2,000 tons

The discharge of oil in liters/hour divided by the speed of the ship in knots at the same instant is called:instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content

The slop tank shall have the necessary capacity to retain the slop generated by tank washings, oil and dirty ballast residues. The total capacity of the slop tank/s shall not be less than ____% of capacity.3%

"OIL" as used in the oil pollution regulations, means _____.All of the above

Term "slop tanks" as used in MARPOL pollution regulations means a tank specifically designated for the collection of which of the following?oily mixtures

Term "total quantity" of discharged of the particular cargo of which the residue formed is part under Reg 9 (1) (a) and 3.2.1 of Annex 1 , relates to the total quantity of the particular cargo which was carried on _______.the previous voyage

Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk, that is mandatory under MARPOL 73/78.BCH Code

International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ship Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in bulk that is mandatory under MARPOL and SOLASIBC Code

The activities listed below are essential entries in the Oil Record Book of an oil tanker during discharge of dirty ballast of tanker. Which need not be included?date and time inert gas started and duration of operation

The following is essential to be recorded in the oil record book of A cargo vessel in discharging dirty ballast or cleaning water from fuel oil tanks. Which one is NOT?quantity of polluted water transferred to slop tanks

To allow for the rise or fall in tide and for change in height of a ship during cargo transfer, cargo hose must be suspended with ______.Enough slack in its bight

Level "A" Oil Spill Removal Organization (OSRO) Under OPA90 has:the lowest recovery capability

Under OPA 90, diligence describes:All of these

Shipboard pollution containers (OPA90) should be capable of recovering oily waste at least __________.12 barrels

The term OSRO (OPA90) means:Oil Spill Response Organization

Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, a certificate attesting that insurance or other financial security shall contain the following EXCEPT:the maximum amount of insurance in U.S. Dollars or Sterling Bank

Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, any occurrence, or series of occurrences having the same origin, which causes damage or creates a grave and imminent of causing damage is called ________.incident

"Oil Fuel" is defined by MARPOL as any oil used as fuel in connection with the propulsion and auxiliary machinery of a ship. Which of the following is not in this category.JP - 1 kerosene

Pursuant to Annex 1, Reg. 1, Par. 24 of Marpol 73/78 "Permeability" is define as:The ratio of the volume within a space assumed to the occupied by water to the total volume of that space

Vessel in ocean service that does not have an approved means of processing oily bilge slops or oily ballast much have __________.A fixed piping system for ballast discharge to a reception facility

Designation of an oil carrying vessel is recorded in the IOPP certificate issued to the vessel in compliance with Reg. 5 of Annex 1 to Marpol 73/78. A vessel with an IOPP certificate indicating that the ship is a "crude oil/product carrier" is allowed to carry what cargo?crude oil or diesel or both at the same time

Information about possible violation of the discharge provisions under Annexes I and II of MARPOL by the PSCO can be indicated on the following, EXCEPT__________.reports by crewmember/s, Article 6 of MARPOL 73/78

Administrative matter are you to comply with if an accident under Marpol occurs?A report shall be made without delay to the fullest extent in accordance to protocol

What is a serious source of pollution of the ocean which affect marine environment and human environment?deliberate, negligent or accidental release of oil and other harmful substances from ships

What is a serious source of pollution of the ocean which affect marine environment and human environment?Any release howsoever caused from a ship and includes the items mentioned above under A, B and C

"Discharge" as per MARPOL in relation to harmful substances?Any release howsoever caused from a ship and includes the items mentioned above under A, B and C

Associated hazzard with the water washing of the cargo tanks and slop tanks containing residues of certain substances which may produce dangerous reaction?Reactivity

The instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content is:rate of discharge of oil in liters per hour at any instant divided by the speed of the ship in knots at the same instant

Required for each scupper in an enclosed area, to prevent oils spill?Mechanical means of closing

Description of a "special area" as per Marpol?A sea area where for recognized oceanographical and ecological conditions and in view of traffic special prevention is required

"Harmful Substances" under Marpol?Any substances creating harm to health and life or able to damage amenities

What is the meaning of "Slop Tank" as per Marpol?A tank specifically designed for the collection of tank drainings, washings or other oily mixtures

MARPOL 73/78 objective?all of these

Purpose of the fresh air intake of the inert gas system?Enables the inert gas piping to be used for gas freeing the tanks

What must be fitted on an ocean going vessels of 100 GT for oily mixture?A fixed system to discharge oily mixtures to a reception facility

Where do you record the discharged at sea of bilge water containing any oil from machinery area of a cargo vsl?maintenance record book

A10,400 GRT is prohibited to discharge oil from the ship unless certain conditions are satisfied. Which of these meet such condition?the ships more than 12 nm the nearest land

Water ballast carried in a ballast tank since oil was last carried and if unloaded in clean calm water when the ship is stationary will _____.not produce visible traces of oil on the surface of the water

Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, any exclusively to the following except:Pollution damage in the high seas and territorial waters of any contracting State

Ojectives of making the guidelines for SOPEP are: I. To assist aster in the implementation of environment protection. II. To assist ship owners in preparing SOPEP. III. To assist governments in developing and enacting domestic laws which give force and implement the cited regulation.II and III

Common type of containment device(s) for spilled oil on water is (are):Booms

The mandatory section of the shipboard oil pollution emergency plan?Reporting requirements

Which of the following do not fall under the meaning of Conversion as defined by Reg. 1 par 8 (a) of Marpol 73/78?a ship whose loadline is repositioned

Which of the these does not meet the purpose of SOPEP?it must be in the English language for everybody to understand

Which of the these vessels is not required to have a pollution placard posted?15 - foot passenger vessel

Which statement is true concerning the placard entitled "discharge of oil prohibited"?All of the above

Substance that is not considered to be "oil" under the pollution prevention regulation?oil mixed with dredge oil

Why is it important for the Master to obtain from the operator of a shore reception facility a receipt or a certificate detailing the quantity of tank washing, dirty ballast, residues, or oily mixture transferred ashore, together with the time and date of transfer?to serve as proof that his ship is not involve in any alleged pollution incident

The date of entry into force of Marpol 73 is "H". What does "H+5" mean?The acceptance and entry of a country of the International Convention for the Prevention of Oil Pollution Marpol (73/78)

Sea designated as special area by Annex V.Red Sea

Which of the ff circumstances is an exception to the garbage discharge requirements in Annex V?A person falls overboard and a plastic ice chest is thrown for floatation

Which of these description as per MARPOL is the nearest to the description of Clean Ballast?If discharged from a ship stationary in clean calm water on a clear day will not provide visible traces of oil on the water surface nor emulsion below

Which of the ff description is the nearest to the Marpol Segregated Ballast?The ballast water introduced in a tank which is completely separated from cargo or fuel oil system and permanently allocated to ballast

Which is CORRECT to claims in respect of expenses incurred or sacrifice made by the owner voluntarily to prevent pollution damage?shall rank equally with other claims against the fund

STCW 95 Convention is a complete package of measures designed to improve the overall standards of seafarer's competence worldwide. These essential areas are the following EXCEPT:new ship management staff onboard responsibilities in relation to safety

Chapter I of the STCW 1978 contain what?General Provisions

Chapter VIII of the STCW 78 contain what?

Watchkeeping provisions

Alcohol content in the blood acceptable under US legislation before it is defined as intoxication?0,04 %

When must the Master of a ship must record the position of load line marks in relation to the surface of the water in the Off. Logbook?Prior to getting underway

Ship in distress should transmit the appropriate alarm signal followed by the distress call and message in distress frequencies. Which of the frequencies are in accordance with the present recommendations?500 kHz, 2182 kHz and 156.8 MHz

Fire hoses required for cargo ships of 1000 tons gross and above? (SOLAS II-2/ hose for each 30 meter length of ship plus one spare. Hoses for engine and boiler room in addition

Onboard training of breathing apparatus is necessary. Which is improper before using the apparatus?shake the bottle to check if full or not

Port State Control concept is enshrined in Chapter I, Part B, Regulation 19 of the __________ Convention as amended.SOLAS 1974

At what depth shall the hydrostatic release on a float-free liferaft automatically release the liferaft?not more than 4 meters

Performance standards of AIS specify requirements by satisfying the following EXCEPT:generation of about 5,000 reports per minute

Position information accuracy of AIS is only as good as:The information transmitted from each ship

On all ship life saving appliances shall not be damaged in stowage in air temperature range:- 30 deg C to + 65 deg C

Life-saving appliances covered under Chapter III, Regulation 30, Section I, Part C of the SOLAS, shall not be damaged in stowage with temperature range ______ degrees celsius.minus 30 to plus 65

What Section of the STCW Code is Safety Familiarization?Section A - VI/1 paragraph 1 of the STCW Code

In helicopter evacuation of an injured man, what course should the ship steer?as instructed by the helicopter pilot

The abbreviation HEL-H of helicopter radius of action for rescue purposes. What are the radius and evacuating capacity of the helicopter?200 nm and capacity for evacuating more then 15 persons.

Suspicious act threatening the security of the ship or of a port facility or ship to ship activity. security incident

During lifeboat drill, the following shall be done EXCEPT: help facilitate the immediate lowering of the lifeboat

At the sound of the lifeboat alarm, one of the following should NOT be done:stop working immediately and secure your working place

What Marsec level is appropriate additional protective security measures to be maintained for a period of time as a result of heightened risk of security?Security Level 2

What Marsec Level is further specific protective security measures to be maintained for a limited period of time when a security incident is probable, although it may not be possible to identify the specific target?Security Level 3

ISPS code was adopted by the 108 contracting governments of IMO with parts ‘’A” and “B” as the mandatory requirements and guidance respectively of the provisions of: chapter XI – 2

"SSO is designated by the Company as responsible for the security of the ship, including implementation and maintenance of the ship security plan and for the liaison with the: I. Company Security Officer II. Port Facility Security Officer "Both I and II

Known as the 1988 SOLAS protocol.International Conference on seafarer’s certificate

Which Chapter of SOLAS 74/78 was expanded to accommodate the ISPS Code?Chapter XI

Of the following information which shall NOT be included in AIS?rate of approach

Of the ff which is FALSE why there may not be enough oxygen in an enclosed space or tank?enclosed as it is, no proper circulation of air

Of the following which is NOT included in static information for AIS?type of cargo whether hazardous or not

Port State Control Officer can detain a ship if he believes that the Watchkeeping standards are not being maintained. What provisions of the STCW 95 empowers the PSCO to effect such detention?regulation I/4

STCW 1978 Chapter I contains the ________:General provisions

OIC of a Navigational Watch competencies on ships of 500 GRT or more is under ______.STCW Code Table A - 11/1

STCW Convention backbone.Article I

OIC of navigational watch on ships of 500 GRT or more shall hold an appropriate certificate in accordance with _________ of the STCW as amended.Regulation II/1

If weight should be suspended from and how long after should the post examination take place when testing a lifebuoy?90 kgs, after 30 minutes

In reporting to any PSCO or flag State of possible contravention of the MARPOL 73/78 Annex II discharge provisions, the following particulars of the slicks shall be noted EXCEPT__________.type of slick observed

In an AIS sensor failure, w/c the following should happen?The AIS automatically display a message

To maintain safe working conditions onboard the vessel, every crewmember should do the following EXCEPT:be attentive to all what is happening in the surroundings

Rescue boats shall be so constructed as to be capable of withstanding exposure for __________ in all sea condition.30 days

Lifejacket light shall have a luminous intensity of not less than _________ in all directions.0.75 cd

Fixed high-expansion system in machinery spaces shall be capable of rapidly discharging a quantity of foam at a rate of at least _________ mm per minute?100 mm

How AIS broadcast mode be overload without any significant operation effect?400 – 500%

If weight should be suspended on a life buoy how long should it remain floating during testing?14.5 kgs. of iron for a period of 24 hrs.

Responsible for ensuring that ratings doing part of a watch and personnel assisting cargo operations on tankers are properly qualified?It is incumbent on the shipowners and the master to ensure that the requirements are complied with and documented.

Which of the listed requirements regarding the launching and recovery arrangements for rescue boats corresponds to present SOLAS regulations?Rapid recovery shall be possible with the boat's full complement of persons and equipment.

Which of the following items has to be included in an abandon ship drill according to SOLAS regulations?Checking that life-jackets are correctly donned.

Which of the listed requirements regarding abandon ship drills corresponds to present SOLAS regulation?Each lifeboat shall be launched with its assigned crew, and maneuvered in the water at least once every three months during an abandon ship drill.

Which of the following requirements regarding lifebuoys corresponds to present SOLAS regulations?Be constructed of inherently buoyant material.

In which of the following loadline marking has a vessel the least submersion?winter waterline

What a rescue person use if he has to jump into the water in order to assist a survivor?survival suit and lifeline

Inflatable life raft with 6 men capacity shall be carried as far forward as practicable. Where is the best stowing position?under the forecastle.

Of the given requirements regarding survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements do not correspond with present regulations? (SOLAS III/11)searchlight to be provided at the launching station

As per GMDSS requirement vessels must carry two-way VHF for survival craft. When the regulations apply and how many are required?3 sets. New-builds from February 1992, other vessels from February 1995

Least number of channels required for the portable two-way VHF's for survival craft?channels 6, 13 & 16

In helicopter evacuation, the helicopter lowers its winch wire to the deck. Which of the following should NOT be done with the winch wire?all of the mentioned actions

Requirements concerning medical standards for seafarers are contained in ________.The International Convention on STCW '95, Regulation I/9

STCW rest periods need not be maintained in cases such as:emergency overriding operational conditions

Annex to 1978 STCW Convention authorizes PSCO to test the seafarer performing support duties in keeping a safe watch to establish:their ability to perform standard duties in keeping the ship seaworthy

Overtime work restriction is that the person shall not be required, under normal conditions, to work more than:14 hours per day

Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate is issued after the survey regarding:

all of these

Disinfection, disinfecting, derrating operations shall be so carried out as:Not to cause undue discomfort to any person, or injury to his health

Provisions concerning medical for seafarers are contained in:The International Convention on STCW '95, Regulation I/9

Researchers on the effect of exposure to excessive noise on the hearing, health and comfort of seafarers is one of the area of concern of ship owners and seafarers provided for in the:Maritime Labour Recommendation No. 141

International standards concerning medical examinations and certificates are established in:The Medical Examination (Seafarers) Convention of 1946

It is an expression frequently used when negotiating for chartering of a ship, as regards rate of loading and discharge, loading and unloading expense, appointment of charterer's or owner's agents at port of loading and discharge.Both ends

COC issued to Master Mariners should demonstrate theory of operation of the ship mainly from a safety and legal points of view. The following training courses are part of the requirement for COC EXCEPT:Personnel Management

COC issued to Master Mariners should demonstrate theory of operation of the ship mainly from a safety and legal points of view. The following training courses are part of the requirement for COC EXCEPT:General Management Skills Training

COC issued to Master Mariners should demonstrate theory of operation of the ship mainly from a safety and legal points of view. The following training courses are part of the requirement for COC EXCEPT:Computer Literacy

An FEU container is equivalent to:2 TEUs

Government agency that was created by PD 857?Philippine Ports Authority

SSO and AIS training accreditation is being administered by what government agency?


Local equivalent of the STCW implemented by MARINA?Qualification Documents certificate

Measurement of a standard container specified by the ISO?20 ft x 8.5 ft

Certificate issued by MARINA with regards The Phil. National Standard for Watchkeeping and Certification?Qualification Documentation Certificate

MARINA field offices which deliver services and are organized into semi-autonomous units.Port District Offices

PPA is under what govt. agency?Department of Transportation and Communication

Phil. Registered vessel shall be de-registered from the Phil. Registry in any of the following EXCEPT:when the ship is undergoing repairs

In 1997 PMMRR, electrical power shall be made available for 12 hours on the following EXCEPT:paint lockers and store rooms

In 1997 PMMRR, electrical power shall be made available for three hours on the following:at the steering gear, if any

In 1997 PMMR, engine telegraph can be dispensed with if the main propulsion engine:directly controlled from the navigating bridge

In 1997 PMMRR, ships shall be provided with at least two independent means for communicating orders between navigating bridge and the machinery space or control room, one of which shall be:engine telegraph

In 1997 PMMRR, the moulded depth amidships, plus the thickness of the freeboard deck stringer plate is:depth of freeboard

In 1997 PMMRR, the tonnage as measured in accordance with the International Tonnage Convention 1969 and for ships of less than 24 meters in length is called:gross tonnage

In 1997 PMMRR, the uppermost complete deck exposed to weather and sea which has permanent means of closing all openings in the weather thereof is:Freeboard deck

In 1997 PMMRR, the vertical distance measured from the top of the keel to the top of the freeboard deck beam at side is:moulded depth

In 1997 PMMRR, three sets of fireman's outfit shall be carried on ships of:5,000 GRT

In 1997 PMMRR, a Philippine registered vessel shall fly the national flag:at all times

In 1997 PMMRR, a required portable fire extinguishers shall weigh not exceeding:23 kgs

In 1997 PMMRR, Class C ships are:tankers

Following provisions of the PMMR shall NOT apply to the following EXCEPT:passenger ship of 500 GRT or more

Manning requirement for tugboats, dredgers and anchor handling vessels engaged in coastwise voyage between 35 and 100 gross tonnage as required by Chapter XVIII of the PMMRR comprise:2 deck personnel and 2 engine personnel

What is the exception for a Philippine registered ship not to be completely manned by Filipinos?When it is authorized by the Administration

What type of accommodation is prescribed for first class passengers for Category 1 vessels?air-conditioned cabin with single or double tiered beds and private toilet and bathrooms

In the domestic trade, what vessels are classified as Category I by MARINA rules?vessels whose travel time between ports exceed 4 hours

For tanker vessels of 250-500 GRT that are on limited coastwise operation, the ______ can act as Master.Third Mate

How often should vessels engaged in coastwise trade shall be fumigated, as stipulated in the 1997 PMMRR?once a year

Sleeping room for officers where no private sitting room is provided, the floor area per person for 3,000 GRT and above shall not be less than how many square meters?7.5 sqm

Taking of sounding to the satisfaction of MARINA shall be provided for which of the following as provided by Regulation III/5 of 1997 PMMRR. I. The bilges of compartments which are not readily accessible at all times during a voyage II. All tanks and cofferdamsBoth I and II

The Administration shall require all ships registered in the Philippines except those mentioned in Chapter I Regulation I/3 of the PMMRR, the following certificates, EXCEPT:Certificate of Registration

In 1997 PMMRR, the capacity of required portable fire extinguishers not be more than:13.5 liters

High speed crafts as defined by Regulation XVII/2 of the PMMRR '97 are passenger crafts carrying not more than how many passengers?450

Chapter XVII of the 1997 PMMRR requires that the master of tugboat of between100 and 250 gross tonnage engaged in coastwise voyage should be at least a licensed:second mate or major patron

Chapter XVIII of the 1997 PMMRR requires that the master of a cargo vessel engaged in domestic voyage of 500 to 999 gross tonnage should at least be a licensed:Second Mate

Chapter XVIII of the 1997 PMMRR requires that the master of fishing vessels engaged in domestic voyage 150 to 250 gross tonnage should at least be a licensed:Minor Patron

Which type of sea craft is governed only by MARINA circulars and exempted from the effect of the 1997 PMMRR?Motorized boats and outriggers

Innovative feature of the Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention, No. 147, is the incorporation of its text of reference to an ILO Recommendation, requiring that due attention be given to ensure that seafarers are properly trained and qualified for the duties for which they are engaged. What is the ILO recommendation called?Skills Training (Seafarers) Recommendation, 1970

Imported disease as defined in the International Health Regulations as a:infected person in a international voyage

As stipulated in Health Protection and Medical Care Convention, what are the minimum conditions, for a vessel to be required to carry a medical doctor as member of the crew responsible for providing medical care on board?with 100 or more seafarers engaged on foreign trade of more than 3 days duration

As stipulated in the Health Protection and Medical Care Convention, the competent Authority shall ensure that the contents of the medicine chest are listed and labeled the following, EXCEPT:date manufactured

Person who shall assume, use the title of Marine Deck Officer under his name, or any description to convey the impression that he is a professional marine deck officer without a valid certificate of registration and/or certificate of competency shall be imprisoned for a period of not less than: one (1) year nor more than six (6) years

For the Board of Marine Deck Officers, he must have navigated as Master Mariner for at least two (2) years on board a sea-going vessel and with an aggregate total of at least how many years of practice as Merchant Marine Officer?7 years

1998 Philippine Merchant Marine Act is also known as: R.A. 8544

P D 97 was replaced by which Republic Act?R.A. 8544

COC issued to Master Mariners should demonstrate theory of operation of the ship mainly from a safety and legal points of view. The following training courses are part of the requirement for COC EXCEPT:Practical Ship handling

How often are the P & I Club’s Statutes & Rules revised?annually

What does "FAQ" in fixture note mean?Fair average quality

A charter party clause which refers to the maximum & minimum amount of fuel remaining on board on delivery & redelivery of a vessel.Bunker clause

What type of Charter would best fit into a commercial situation under which the charterer undertakes to arrange and pay for the transport of the goods?voyage charter

What does 'DWC" in fixture note mean?Deadweight capacity

What does "DDO" in fixture note mean?Dispatch discharging only

Signal used by a life saving station or rescue unit indicating that distress signals are observed at night time ?3 White star rockets

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