argus. - washington secretary of state · ar &....~.., argus.... ' ~ "

Post on 11-Sep-2018






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=============~============,PORT TOWNSEND. W. T.. THURSDAY, JULYIO.J8ilJ.VOL. I).

=-== '\£\'.:--~~~--===========:===='="~--=========

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•'lUlIl uur fl';:nluf' "I'I'--;"'IIlI"II: I

T~ o'S.b<oc'rlpllun.-8a •tHl "fOr II ......In MII\'lltl\'~; ",lllll'+llIIl~.ft.~I"


J, e.I'cuuWX.IJUl)lJ.

NOlel[ to Ste.mboat men or Com­mander. ot Covernment V'..ol••

"' 'LMiI'EU::l uf \' ES::iI~I,tt HE\lL' JH..l.V Ill; lIlt: M ..rvl~'C-. 0111 pll'IC III Alllok '.UI" :111)' "I Ilie 11I!:IIIlJ \lltltlN of tll'l emt-[.~'llll I~ 1l1'l.'UlIlllIUllll(~1 b.I' nPIII)'IIl~ lu tilt:lllllh·r,.lttl,~d. ",h~NlI'S,"'r1t'II''\: Ila 111101 "11G. :-I, U,,\'eflllllcllt /lud orllt'r yco"':,l, l'X­fellll- u,'t'r II Ill'tllltl or t\\ l'l"t n.'llti, ,\ I'III~'br leI""IIII,ll or 111/111. ,I. ~r, f\Et:S,·SIt:I~'itt.;l[)'. WtUhltlgtOl1 Ter)·. [;!:;JUI


~o ~. EtUNT, Prop.

Wlter at.. PORT TOWNSEND.Thl"'~"IlIIlI.Il"".' ,'It'l['IInl "n,1 d,"lnll!I)"'>'

I'" etl 11,,1c! lot IU'''' 111\.1,'1 Itlll l'1ull'lj'e ,11 I ~

..111"111111' 1II'lIIIrl,·("r, ..'h.. will t" "'hId II ht II "1'I11''''I{<'I'''11I1 ..I)h' \I hio-h l'I'IIlSI'n....llt .., IM't...1II1'I"'I'I'llIWI'\', hr 11o"lr,1 loy 1111' 'llly,.r",~'II. t.lIO"Io~UII"'~'IlII1UOtlllllkil1.lul'(1Illllllt,tI

Cosmopolita.n Hotel.



ATTUIl:H;l'.!! AT L.\W A.'iD 1'1101.:'10115III AI!IIJIt'UII)'.

lOOn To....n'eAt!. W. T

.\TTtllI~t;\' I\~II t'OV~'llt;I.f.uU .\1' I.,\W1'lltcllOi' I.. ,\(hIlII'1l11)'.

~1"1l\')' hll\lIed., Ih'nl E!!Ilnlll hUloighl IIIIlI NIH, t nr,"" 10"\.',

1 1I1"'I'I\t'lI lundl', ('III1I'C)lIl1clllll. '\'.1~II..t TOWSllt:SI,. W, T.


Sil R11lcllll( helll of t'lIhm WStllrl•"."1 "·•• '1.<'''111' " w. T.

Tilloli IIn"~ 1_ Ih'to' 1Illlllltltrl)' rlltal .. llI'tl, lill I1.......•...""'.. 1111 Ihe "1'1",lllllnelll"UIIO~t·Ol.... ~otol.

11.1"11' I- .1I11111It:d ",1111 Ill" l.vll" Win••J,i'lllOrtlllntl IlfltN, 1'lwl"1' I~lt Ilr..I~IiI~~ 1,1111....11·1I..le Mild Kt'lldln:r K'",m In Ilie U"" ISIUhl"1I' .'111 l~ I,'" lIu,ltOne '" 1I11llr.:tI till"lime! ~ntl 10 11011,,111 lilt! T.,ttllllr)',

:tl 1I01Jlht 1'1,;(;11.

J. R LEW IS,11 f f () l' 'II, e1/-1t t • L (l '10

~'-lJrrl/'I':,-ItIIIII'r'"1mlltllnl{. ",f\lII~ I,t ,iJlIlttl',; ~11'Ilt!1•• fl'I ...... IIIlIJo,·... llicnltll Ilot"',

~o..'ttlOt -"v_h.. Torr'y'

James M. Gassaway, M,D.PHYSICIAN .. SURCEON

om~··Wlllt'r SI., Oppeslte I'ostoftfrr,roUT TO\\"SSt:SD. w, T. ~II(


C1trrlJlKceal nil IlulCl 100011\'(')' IJM,liCngetll

To Port DisCOTerT, Chimacum, or PortLU':DLO-.v.

Dispatches carried oy crNllht. Horaes on Llvory.'l'rtlwlltlK lI.1lClllA \\'111 S:l\'u h)' Kollll{ wll h

II Q, II." \\'1' IlllCll" 10 ll~ "II llIt'lI nllt.,.

P'l'll~l1rI' ""rllcK t1r1n'lI /lilt 1111)' IhUt,.11111' 111111 (1'l'tI "II hlllul!llId t'Oni wOOlllllrsulc 1111111." IllllllltlrJ, DrS. fl. _ Himlludfllldnlll pl".'.llih1llptd

.U,J' 1III1t'e, l·/tl't!lull.r Iu u".I"r,T. ~l. JlA)I.\IOXU .to SUXS.


Port Townsend. W. T.TUllltnr 'IUIH' 1"1 1~1l~''''mlllll lo'I'Ul"

C.-,.. .\llClIl.I'll' tlo·t,).,tr Iln,... lin' I t,Ull'r-Oll

r.11~"I':7':;111'a,III'~""I"lfllll-,Uti '''''11111' 1.._.....

h,i:I~~ '~~'::~~l~r~',~"I~~:;'::~I'Olhlelll01 11111\.11..\---- -,

......II'U.. IW"..-, ""I"e ".pt..l.

J·~n·~ 'l.~u"·lh.CIU., 'Yo ...~.

I.:all !.It.' «llletlll~. nlSh! or till)', at 11011011..1

Dr. Tho•. T Minor


,\LT, KI:t:lliI 0'



Good Board and Lodgings canbe obtalnad .t

:M:RS. :M:YERS''!'IlAS,IlIt.:ST lJO,\IlIlt;ItS WIU. t'IXI) .\T

Ihu _loul I' IIIIII~' n 11111,,1 rt"Io(ltl \II'llel'\! thll,r'lltlnl nil h"~tll.(lIt:'orll)·"ll~lItlL'IIIIJ,

Terms Very Re..onable.ti:"" ,\11"'" (I( :Itll. ltlll1ll'llillrelr IJuck (tll'l\

t:nlUll ,,11111'(l'\JIlT T,)WS~t:SII. w. T.

To Plea.&ure Seekers.C:\I'TAIX W>c. ur.ACI\. ~11l'ler or the

J. t\. KUliS• .ruII",,,, nUl)(':I nllldo cwrk 01 iIIkll't\urt.

1111126tll. l~j:l. 1~:4,,·

racltt FllANCES

TIlEASl.:RY DEPARnIEXT,Ort'let: OF TilE SEcm:TA.R\'. )

W'a.hillgtOIl, D.C.,JuIlO :.!I, ';0. fTo Collectors o( elljtOmS IIIJ

"·holtl it Ill"y cUllcorn:-This Dl'parunellt hu ruccit"t'J ill.

(ormlltion thlLt the gO\'t'rllllU"lIt of

Uolit·ill. h"l t.I('cnru tile ilO!ltlO Ill' Ll't,

ters or Marlluo. wilh authmilJ t11l'ri.utccrs to !letzn Chilil\n properr.\· ill

neultIIl 'lSsel,~. and Ihllt ""I'III!l1I1'lloli\'ill. 11Il\'l~ Jtlpiltted (ur th\! Ullitt:JStates.

ColleCluns of Customs, in wllt'~e

p(lrts IlllCIllJlts mny be IIllal!) til tit

out "nrlik" c:cpcditions ill nid uf

eithor o( Ihe btJllit:'p,rltnt (lnn'''r". "illtake cnre to scn tllllt Sectillll ,j'.!!10 o(

the RC\'ised Stlllllh'!I be \';"dlalltly

cnforcellngllill!jt all \'f!ssel" llillt IJl'plllr to he distilled to ,'i"ralo tlle

neutrality law!l of the Ullil"L1 Slates.The Sectioll iii here reproouced:

uSeo.5200. The se\'I"'" ColI~ctnr5

o( th. Cusloms !Ihall delKin any vel,

sci 1Il1l11ifestl)' IHlilt ror warlike pur.

poses,ltlld uLuut to dep"rt the UnitedStates, the o( which prillcipal.

Iy cOlllinl o( arms and munitions o(

war, WIU.'lIlhe number o(men shiplJetl

011 bOlru, or O1h.r circumstauces,

r(tlluer it probable that luch "use!is iutelHllHI to be emploJed by tbe

OWIII"1 10 cru 58 or commit hostilities

upon tho suhj('cts, citizeos, or prop.

erlY o( IllY (oreign prine. or Stat,.,

or o( an1 culuny, tli,trict or peoplewilh whum the United State. ara at

p.acc, until tho uecision or thft Pres·iLlp,l1t i, bad thereon, or until the

owner gi ves luch bontJ Ind securityas i, rf'quired or the owners of armed

yes,ell.l by the precedillJt section."JOUliI SHEIUIAN,



NOTICE.~.Uft- fbI' NeUI...eut or Flna. Af'C'O.....

In tile 1111th:r of ti,e l':Itlite 01:\fttr;y ,L'. IIU:"liT. d()(lCftJ!lcd.

N O"" eElS HEHI:IlY OIVE:-Ithnt lIellry 50:. )Iorglill. 1Illlllllllstm­

tflt or th~ ellll1lc of ~llIr\" }-'. HUllt. dll'~lLat. ... I, 11It~ f'CIlIll'ral /lilll !IN-CIHCillorseulum.llt 111111 IIlt.'t1ln 'Aid l'Ollrt hi' MU·1Il1ll11\Ild 1l1l1l1Ill'\.'1)II11t or hi~ alhnll1l~[tIL·

tlOIl of 'Iitl t.'tlllttt"; "11<.1 pt3)'lllK Ilm[ linonll!r ortllstrlburlo.m lxllllmll! 011110 !.'SUt torellu\lnhlll: III hii 1I:t1ll!;1; IlIlll Ihllt

SATURDAY, th. 12th DI, 01 JULY, 1879(belli' fl 1111)' 011\ leMn of Mid court, towl tIllIr terlli. A. D. 1S1U. Ht 10 o'clock n.lIl.tit 'lit! ('Ourt ~Ill Of I:llil \.'OUl't, In PortTOWIl5L!llll, Jl'lt~l~lI rolUlt)'. w. T,. h:li~Il duly 8111101Ull't1 by lI..l !III1t1 (''l''Iurt lilfthe ~ltlellll'nt or "<lid :tt'\.'Ollllt. "lItl tIlt!tllatrllJlllloll uf~flutl tt'lImlllltl):. At whit-IIt1mu lllld pllllo.'O 1111)' IleNlN! Illlt'rcllt.!tllll,,",111 l"-tHtl' 1lI111l1ppellr :11141 itle hli tlXl't'I\ooIioll.!! III wrlllllJ( 10 th,' !mklllt'UHlIll. or Int1k'lli.nrlbutloll 1I1111'C.1\1t1, UllIlt'OlIteAt tht·lalUe.


NEW 81'OllE

General Merchandisec. W. MORSE.

.."'K 'U.IWIR. " .,~ S'\'Olhll'tI ""ul(lIl. .nll.Ultl'llrillollllllllutLi(urnl'llOuJ III lhalUW\lli1 ~.."h Iltietr.

autl unite in chokinit od' J,blta. Tho

re.ult was an all night session, therepublicans resisting tbe pll5&ge o{

tbo bill in luch a blind "a,., Ind Hiedcmocrats unitOlll1 (orcin,lt it. The

running fire .... as,ltood perhaps asa (uller debate, anti Senators Conk·

linK, Ulaine, Willtloln .nd othfJrsIlilio to expose the e\'it purposos o(

the bllt \'I'ith torriLle ItIT",ct. Llunar,

EKtOIl allli Beck 011 Iho Confederate

aiJ(l ,:tot \'('ry llllj{tl allli IIcnou. UIl·

dtr the casli::alillllj IW.J Llllllllr \tCIiI.

110 far Il.9 to c1l1trKO (Dl~l'hHnd UpOIl

Mr, Conkling. The Ntlw rurk SlIll­

ator, who 1\I.tJ hc.n wnlkillg I:Ilo"'lybllck alltl (orth ltl'hind the bCllohe••

Htluncpd lO his lent, illld tilliJ: "Mr•

Prcsit.lcnt, I Will di,('rtou during tb,

COllltlltncement or the r,mnrklJ theoullllillllion o( \.hich [ heard (rom

thai member from ~li:tlisJlippl. If IcauKllt his "urus .ri,l:ht .I have only

to Ill)', thilS nnt heillg the v!ace tomeasure \.itll 1111)' "Iltl! the capacity

to violate tJCCilI\C)', to Tiolate the

rules tof Ihe Sen.u', or to commit

anlo( tho improprietios of li(e, I•1I1\·e ollly to oy tlUIt ir tho Sellator

-the IIlt'lnller-(rulll .\lississippi, diJ

impute or iutlillll to illll)Ule to mo a(1t:l.lchollt.l, nothillg cxcept the (act

tlillt tllilt iii tlUI Sen.te wuullll'rut'ellt

Ill! uenouncing him as a black~llrd

anu a co".,.I." This createtl ~reat

l'JxcitQlIlf"nt, but it is lIoticeahle that

the COllfe~l.ratuhaJ all tb ...y "anted

of "llInt"lillll m"nllenr, allil \l'i~1 be',JI III Illiit ill their ("Ilreer. It is ..IIto HIII,I," Inere les iOIl o( this sort10 tIlt'lIl UCCISiOIl",lIy. The 101al

peoill.: tlf Ihis country shoukl ulilIer·

slunt! dUll it is only by such U1luslllllfIlt!lhodl Il!5 that adopt4Jd b,r ~enator

ConkliuJit on this t'ICclttioll that the

ellt:rnachlllellts or the btllJJozin~ ilia·jority Cltll bo lucc''''I(ully rUllisleu.

SlJlUltllrs Blain. autl \VilllJom wurial!ill SI'\'llru ill their dCIlunl'illlioll o(

the a!1I1ll'u'rlltic se:llLturs (or Ihe moth

otis lilt:." Illlllptet! to (urce ablloJ.ious

mUI:lIlI'''J "I'tln the miuorit)'. lluJ tore\'t~rSlJ lh~ Icgisllttioll lIIudo neuea.Hwry I!y tit'" wllr o( tho rebdlliull.

Thy ~eoetlll appropriatiun bill will

I'roLahl! ;;0 to the PreliLltlllt today,auu it i. IhouKht he will 8i~n it, &1.

thou~h it ii IiU full of Itu(liLl blun.

11"ra lhat it call Illmlly he intorpreted

TIle arlll}' bill \till C,tHltuRlly pUll, as

tha 11.mucratic caucus ortJered it.

IIUlI reach lh. Pre!iiilullt perhllJl!l byS Itun!R,. HepubliclI.lls ar. di'ided

till Ihe I'r~'baLility oi hiif 81/otlling thisThe jmliciat e.apenscs Lill lilt will

1Jfllllllbl1 t"Qto, inLleed, it is wClIIi·ofti.

l'ill.lIy aillluullcad tbat h.. 'IIdll. This

will (orca tbe democrals to Illtt lut

dilch 1I~lIiu. Will the! hick Iluwn111\11 lIIak. appropriatiulls without

Iilllitin~ llle uecuth'l!~ relati".

tu ellfnreiug the electioll law., orwill th,,)' IIcljourn autJ leate the bill

""itll the PruiJ.nt. anJ pruba"I.~ to1111 ,'HII..d in anotber extra linlioll ?Aln'lItly badly Jelllo.....lizeJ. tha1 willIt,,, IlrntJlull)' up hy am.,tbllr .oto

Ther. .rli signs or tJi,contellt

.mUll/{ the ire.ubacker. at the treat.

lIlt!ut the,. hue receinltJ lilt the hildatI( Iho democrats ill COIlgrt.!1Il anu ill

Ih. Stat' clmp.igus. Ulllaru'jJfillllllCO COlllllliuee ur tllu SOllate hili

sct down On tho .iI"" hill har.I, IUlLlit will llot ba reported. In ~Iaille

the I)tlluocrat. illudlu t~H~ green.

Lllck COIIYQution and rubhoJ

vlllform o( .everal of its Ih"Unj{

plallks. In Ohio DlJlllncrars are

ua-oLhliul up" tbo Hncnhllck P"rtl'LouII complaiots ar, lIludu ill ("UIISC'

Cjttence and the illLliclltious billie nogonJ to tb, democrats. Leo.

J:tlllllP.U\· "'S. FISH .urr,

~ew \·urk Jon nothing 111 ""h'es-"XCi'Jlt mimi her 0'.11 Iiusinus.:::hc sits Oil two lIt the mu~t lOagllifi.CCllt Willf'r rrnuts in the ",urh.l ami~illt;'!i "l"lIIa(or('," whilo t61t Iniles orw(o·tch.d, ruttan, rllt·etucn whancsIin\'e IlWltY her ("lIll1ll1Crce. Th"t's111:1: l,u:-i~H~!'l:O! ThulIoflllUJti u( bel'11\:1.. cll;ltlrt'llllre IlIlH.l,·r"tl In o'·er·n,,",,)',1! IUlil iil)' \'t!lltllltlllll· .choot1'11"111", IIml slip f!1'1"1U<; If.Ati~hltrl. Thati!J "her l,ulSille:;.,.:· t ..lI! Silll-w.II,LUlh .iues uf ,"Ollr (JI"er I.uulu nut1lI',J.:in t" It'll !tnl" jlluri .."sly ijhu1l'1I\'l's 1111,hmu \\,!lllle\'er ill h~r cor,p'"lt' .. cllpacity !III" Ullllht to J"j IUltJIf I IIIl1st lIru\t' thn lille sultlc1.lltJn.',it 1l1;lCht II!I \.,11 be o"I'r 11111' I",ur l·hil·IIn'u's jtr'lt\'el Il~ Illlywlll·rtJ. UutwhCll ."1'11 c'une\'~'I(' f"lItf'rprisellll~ !lCl'110 t'Il&1tI(CS, Fl.Illlllutis Slllll~

1I1l11 b0l111clh·Jl!j oliorJrilu "0 flllt1reJlike "lifer np'ln tlte thurltlmill::.t1til'l'iUl-! whtltl tlillt drh' !j Iii,' luri·..u~, IJ\'ct IlliIllUIMh'l) C;\'diza li"l1 uf1/11' "11111.. It ltllLtt",rll littlu \\'1I"III"rtlll't'llt"rl'tiSlI LJu guulI or e~·i1. il isdlll'l,le.1 ",\' Ifblt(l cUlIllJetitit111 lint.!III~ Il.ltrili"l1 of IlCllte llIilllls to II. Iillt'Ilrl ur ~citmc.... J:,lbhl'r~' il, ulle lirIh",.e fillu IIrl:l 110'. hilI/Ill' rdllCUl'tlflOlII loW' Illc,Jincrity. h is illll"IId1'lItitl",tll,' LJt= cllI~sed IInlorllit lhlt tx.MCl licit'm'I''', Uur IhitJ\'u "re IIklll.I'ul. Itllim·ll. IIl11hitiotliii 111111 am Ihl)"!II' hud,\' II! IIU'II IllIt tu la Ilillpilr.U::I;l'1. TlltI!)' klluw when c"..ry hMllk·Ct pUlll UII hiil exchllhlle5j ,,11011I'\'''r. IIII'rehalll S~lIcJ, hi. cll!lh IIIInmkj .... htlll o•• r\' IllllllUftiClUrertlmwli out his W"",";IIlIllH'Y.IlIIt! tlteImhilti u( IIclrly ""'cr)' IIlIlII wurdl r"h·1m,·,. TlIl'\' .rtl conl"lIt II)"'e,~ks nr lilOllths fur th .. IlIf('st IUtJl;ellclt l;lllU fur 1'11I1IdoJrill~ tiL",ir Til}·

tilll~. Cuurt rl'cord. hll\'a Jlro"tI!lli111111l~su il tlllltllil.llllll;lIlvtl . .Ill lIul,~r

,'",rllt'SI I 11.."1' t!lllt whum"uw,"ltr tllc\'tlltilltl it {prufitahle allli illfe tu ruilWII.I. he rubl.".Jj IIlItI he ,.ho 'H.lII!lt:i

ht! Cltllllot be ,lU!th~tI .illlply !huw.IIUI\' lillIe he knu\\'ns u( lifl' III ~rclit

l'it1lil':f, An HClJuaitllAIlt:e nf lltlllt:willi hllli (r"'II"t'lItIJ Illaol" th"t hUllst\~u~ robul·t1 uric .. in 11110 ,Illy Ian1II11111h. ~lt'll Whtl Iltll "l.IwfullySlllllrt" 11111.1 1'lImtl the tlli,nes,' Vro'\'Idl·t! tbuy wltllr vHlullbl",!! ollly illl\'Iti~. CUlll, lmltUII up tighl, resulllt~·

I)' 1'00t'lis. lu lhillk uf 1t1l~'lhillg ellie,KIIlI Krtl Incll!,ll.lI\u u( bl'illg thruwlIulf Ih~.\' f,(lIllrJ. Bllt It IllILIl CIUlllut~tI Ihru"",h li(e wilh 110 thnught butIIf "pickl'"d".,tli" ill hi8 lIlitid. Jrtlwsw ",Ullin' Ibill" it worth ",hilo tuhlt\'. y"llr 'w:ltch or V""k"t IIu"k,lhey w.r~ ;.cuillJ{. :0 1111\'0 it-llllll·.II .. II.

All th('l!1! IllIil\"'iI Ilrt' "'0Il kllllWII10 tlltl puliclJ. hut the blue COllt$ IIrl1b.lill\'"u 10 be of ill llllill.rlc\: wilhIhcm, ami sln'llnl tlC.llt illve~li),ratiulls thH'f"lup the filet thl&t thurlt II.rttprofBs!liulllll burKlllrli Oil tho IJI,J11cw

(orcI'. kilO"" tu hilt''' Vlieu tlil'ir Iltt·f"riouli arn on their OWIl lJealli, IUIiIyet n('ilh"r impri.oyetl lIor nen r.·movvd (ru," the (orce! Thero.,olIlal11 ex~ellent a.lInuble men 011 the(ure", but us. budl they hUl\ IituJI..Ile),rlnerlltcll in tha put (aw )'''lIrlljallu whell Gothalll, Iiomt'lillle III th~

,lim future. makel up ill lIliuu to Ill·te"t! t.J il» own bUliues., it "ill hll¥l!Ia liV'ely lime lookillg aller ."cum·plislul'1.1 ("riminal, wbo hu. Crlluu.t,e,1 eluring tbo .,rlleut rijigll or lHllic"iu.mcittllcy, 1I01lLICY.


W "'JIIU~IlTO"'. u. t:...fulIt" 1!). 1;;;9.

The eri..J"ac purpule lIt the )JIIIIl'octals to IIp.,ly tbeir inJacellt. mUlh·

od. 10 elTo:ctuat in th. Huus.. to th.

Si::llatl l "ill fail o( 1(f~CC. Plillltll'tion lllallll('ri ua thl part o( tlll.! rtl,

bel Brigatlier. in that buJ1 rwceiv.t.l

a severa cbtlck y••terJ"y ... lJ la.c

ui~hl, the occa.ion helut{ the l!lftJrt

to cro"ll throurb til. 'iciuulI Arlll1bill without L1ebate. Tbe Sellilte

never half hlon ruleLl by cha oralllill"procfll InJ pure p.rci..uhi.,a uutil

110_. but chi Con(ed.rltes are Ilure

that thoir alSau!t1i 011 tbe arm)' alHI

the Fedural power _III not ltOIr tiiA

light of 1l1t~lIiillllt Ji.c\l!l.ioll, 1111,1110

tbey .flIck tbo wbip o( th, CIUCU.,

ARGUSPUGH SOUNDU l'lflll.ISUIlD 1\"11111' Tllnt~IMT "'T.

rtrl TO\lUtol'Utl, Wllslillll;tllll Territor)',

AJ..... :S \\']-:1 n,

EI)JTOIt .\SII 1'!:tII'UI.:TOIt.

Il.\Tl:S fit/' .\/I\'I:I:T1:-I.'IOU :

QllfO 1'11'11. Tlr-' 111-',,111111 ,••1.:-.0~:;lI'h(llh"~IIl"hl 111-'-..[1,,/1, , ,;to

Trull"I'<111 :"'\"'1"1"'1l1l'1l1~ til hl~IIIC

Ill.:crll'1I1 11111~1 I", Jl"""IIlI~ullt'd hr l'U-!I.

t"f411 ",'NIUla.. !'Iwlll,,1 llnUIIi']' •.J..""

Xl;\\, \"nIlK . .IW/l' :.!U. JojfJ,

Sl'\!MJ-:I: ,\"\' I.M.T.

J WUllld liktJ ttl 'l'llltl' ,I.,· ""ldt""tiuh.hiltlllt,·' but It I_IIultl lIu u.... I.,"' .. ;111)00,1\' woul,1 Ihllil'\'M IIIUl, IIwl I1'CIlUII:e 10 !OII.\'. lOll lll.\' 1"'r:-1I1I1I1 n'li'

IJUII!lillllll)'. Ihul I 01 .. " ..I rf'~'I"lIIl"'rto ttJllIlIrkll.lIh· U l"·M1'oIjll. \\ I' lilt \'I.!

1\lIrl1ll\'l'rCUII:,s durin:: Ilu' !", .. I ",,·t·i..Iml Llm'l,! L1!'\'~ h'h'll' I'ltd IJI'r:<I'Il"11IIml .. r Piallll;"\.!! "I lIilll'l."'r.!'I,.'1I illthe 1'''''1'1., J.!('ll'Uud,\' r"r Illu~lullOiC olle ,Ill.'. alo,1 til.. 1I,·"t put IOlll11tlr I"illt ... r t1l1l111t·ls, Bllt II"W

IlJlllll1.r hII" lIpp:II"ClIII}' cOLlie III sla~

unullliter 10'10111 til ,,( ,JIlI\'. llUd leut.:UIOPUI1~' !Stuck IS l.tlto~lI11·t lI,..:ltill.

'·\\'.\n~11 t'.\l:MIS,I."

tr the lill .. ~"ulltl.s fUIlIl\' fllf' "'Ill.jr:cc is ~u illh"~"~tl~'1l thMt 1"1',,(,,11.1111.h rtgrl·t Illy 1I11111L1lt)' :0 II.. It JU'"I~ee, It i!l II. "t'uIl1in!! illlOlI"," till!,mltler of ,,"'lIler F,rlllllll:." 111,,1t'our (llruwr "'alh'ril lu,,1 CIll' ~1I11'

;rriberi Ilrl! Ithkc hlt .. tI'IOII·'( ill il.A pere'"1 lI11t al'll'llli~lh'll ,qd~ th~!1

.nl,jwct I"oulll 11I1I).l:h III .\'''lIr hiCI' IfYOll shlllllJ 11·11 hilll t1111t II thr,'~ :H;rllfNlg I)olld l"vuhl hu 1111.,1,1 III .\,jeldrnnr~ vrolit III U (Ilrlllt·r thlll! "tlm.'elere l"ltllln lillIe/.; lllllllliat It ~tn'llill

nf wllter clIlll" I,u "':lllti'lIlc,I" Iv hiliItrellt p"l'lllllllr.\· 1It1\'1llllll;.:I... ~'~rlIhil i$lllllt~ Inlt' 1\1'> /tll\' r.lct 11111111.Fi,h .re Ih'J llIulil prhliiio "filII! ILl"iug crt!ullltl'. A ",illiliu ,.;lllrjll·l.ncout"inl' llt'llrI,Y lI'lIl11illi\.u l'Ilj.:", COldIud htlrtiujl lUilli,,"l'>, lihurl ILlludn,d~

til thnll!lluld~. 111111 e\'u'l ItOut Illltlhllu liHerul IhIlU~lllllhl. A pUIIII urSlrellll1 CUll I,,,, Itlu'lk",1 Wit II ltmH.

bll!l~,liall1l'Jn l\lll1 Ilth,'r (Icail Willerti'h, ur l'1;1;!j uf lh~ Iilllllt: III practical,Iy no COlt lu tho 1I\\'III'r. Wilh J:ltodmanll~~lIll'"t lh(':i!w call ho hllldlf'll,lind ill aUlIIe Clllit'l§ illil \'et\' lew 1111\'s.Once 11&ldll'll tilt.! li:-h l;t\I,'itlo rtlrthenls ... h'~s; tho)· lII'Utl H"ilhllr (uIIIIIlor care, IIlld llll')' \·ull\'.rl ft'llrthll'~li

iunell !'lId Wll!lty Jltll~li"'l :lIttl Ih.helhhielil uf hUlIllUl ruud, 1'11(' Irulltor bl. ilia ~lIll1h:r'!t pOilU eClat hilllnOlhing ltut Iht! lI'UlIhI" uf CllidtillKIInd oolnJl:lrp (Il\·otahl." on hi. tllLIt,wilb hit 0 oi:"'at 1)lIultl1 or porktlllithit COit Ililll CUll!ltllllt Clue It"t.! u·pen ('. TrelUl 11011 Itt thuir Ilt'hunhero at 1,j eClIlIi II. pOUIIlJ. III1J urtellhigher. ami Itll (ruiih wllter ~lih liml.• ROOt.! u'ar"ct lit (.ir pric'u. Theonly loal o( time or lahur iii ill IhI!ratcbing aUllw retluco this il ij nlllylIecesnr~ (0 llHlk~ Illu lish KhulIlbllt

For tbo Nl<:our";c~,,ulllto( fish cui·ture the Ginerllllltwt a"u mallY o(the Stltel hava I'rO\'idnll IJlttchiligboultl from "'hich )'llUI~Jf trou~, 11I1~.and olh.r lish .r\l (urulliheJ III IUl1dflir,.J IIUluuity at ollly lho co~l u(PI..,klllllllid (rOl'ij.Clu. A t.!UitCII IKrlll·ell or g.lItltlllell lJ"uiug. cuulliry,..tllIliilJt. u1 tlla llIUst wlllu¥, u:·plnlw, camhi". lIutilill tbeir IhJtHlsand Itroaml "idl 1uullg fhlt. Ihllt.'Would multiplv (llstllrthull th"1 l'OUItJcaleh thurn, ufiu thul (uruillh IlliCiulu(ood (ur OWII tIlltlu "lliltJ a(·iordilll:' profit_III. occupation (vr the"Itnlll bOyK" of tim 11011"', "ho coul,1

often earn IIli llllJoh wittl lhtllir huok~tld liu as. (ulillrowlI man wouldIn the corllfiuli!.

We hUI "lill. hatohin.ll establi.h·ment and a Uultru o( State filh Com·ftIillion.,., who ar. 01111, too an.liou.that people Ihuuld lUll them,el".of thu importallt addition to tho II.r" dy long liet or p.o6table (arm pro·duell.

-Oreson ,!.tema.

Th\! )ld'\·11l.ic 1'(,o;,,! i~ c1car of Illl.......'.HIl,\ill,; lIa~ Cl'IIIII1I;1H.'\·'\ thr"ll,h tilt! 1

I,,;,>', \';t.

'1",.' Wllb·lIdt· i~ I"'k...... 1>I.Iltilte' ,t;\,1J.llru.j,ur.,:. .. . ~ :It

I r"I'~ al.IIllt 1;..·1,,·:: louk .... dl, Ilu: Itil fill J.lOOlll. Jol:llg

file :":11... 111 T(JWll Tnl:': 111"U'\'''1 lU It ii lull of It.. ttl!', •

.\ Ill''''' l.uiJ,Jilll; i•• OOli t() to\! (·I\.'ete I ,)1 .... )hUU\·lIle l·ull"l;e. • or

U)' Ih.· h·1 "r .\U':Ullt tilt' :\lilltv Paq moor..l.t,l! to:tol \\1111...· "lllllc 110 'Ilu f,'ut l,f )Ioou'.1.11,·r·'/·I,

'!'!It' I:i\c:"hll' .a.\" Ill.: ~t:\,lill~ Ollilul \rut:-. ,:,' n~" I I.. I.. 1II;'; I' ..11 ..~1 :11'1::1.,1 t:l1.i,II)· tu­\lllrl1:l, J.lWL.mlllllt,·.

'I'''I.I:I~h,ltnllll'I, liJU W.lrt'houlCr". Illl\'': dlde,1 W. I' !lill],,,!, .\. J, "Ct."r.lUll'. II. AU,," ::lIlflUitt.ll·t. y

The l"hl'ri.llln c')rf('IIIICJ111!Cllt "j the Re.I,urter!"p t!l:tt tho 1,luJrI e,.,p lof that \'i.I'illit) III I l"llllll.lauti)·e f.liluto.

l'n)l. l:lltdl 11M ltllen dl'CI{~1 l'nlrclUClr of~:Ilgli~h l.iturntul'lI, IInll l'rof. l:ullyer orl'h"· lit t)1\: Sl:ltll l:1li\·erllit)·.

,1.1·I:tg,Ccll, I,f In,11'1'l'llllcnce, Wl1Il knocketlIiClll\t.ICI!..Il.'I\· II'" Ilf limlllJr, while workiogUll tIm r:t.Llru:l11 Iwi'I:,"\: at lu.lel'l'Il,!cncc.

A j.,'Ul,1 mille hAA hC':1l i1tnlek ill the !lig(,':111)'1,11 "".1."11' of 11l\IlHll, ;\~aYIi of KUr(i1l'Urlltk 11:1\'0 11>L"'l.'1l lll:llio which "h"wA :thout fh'oIluUal"ll to Iho ttlli.

'l'he fmme work 1,1 thc ll\!W Im'ilion nt. theFnlr 1:""IlIUI. ~1I101111, i. "I', ) 1', i'utl\!r, tho:Cfllltmctur, ill IIIl~llillg the WllI'k f"rwllr,1 IIImphlly Iii' 1'lO~~lhlu. lIll!II1XllCct~ til IUlI'1.! theIlIliltlill~ .:u~uplcte,1 l.u~ON thu lilll.'Cillcll tillle.

Tllu HlIrri.I.lUre Xuclclllt ijll)'lI: t\ll K1I:I)'cl\ "'il>t W'lll~ t'J tllO pi"uie lit 1l"lIert'aIIr~ll.':o witllld.ltllllilr ill n \\'11:;1111. t"'lliittletWill hoy~ 1I'1lro IItlllllllllg lip afltl illlllllll.!lllall'IlI'r olle "f them \\n<'l thl'OWll ..ut UlIlI\!r thowngoll Rn'! u"th \\'111'cl>l IIM~e,I/)\'el' itlt IW:lllilljul'iu;; it 5u tllnl it ,lie,l 1I1101'lIy IIfto:t. '

TIIO '1",'1\'11 Tnlk I!<'lYII: A rriclltlll:1l1jll~t re.turn"I! fl'''lll 0 liulll (t);ellr~iOll ttl lIuwcliI'r.,irh'~ :m,1 l'n,I,liug l'j"llr. lit: IItllle~ thntthn .:utiN er"I''' ill Ihorio .\i"lriclll promiw\leli. I:: II ):I'Cllt Illlllly liul.11l thfl whent"tnlul. "i" (c,·t hh;h, wilh Inrg\! Iwwlll tllllll'llt.httlo ..f it 10111:.:,1. TlIII frUit CI'O]l i" gool.lIay fail'. ,XIl\'U;' ,1111 :Ilt.! l"'OUlllr)' 1\1'1"'4rm"N 1·ll1l'llIl1lg.

.\ j.;'ultl,mllll 1\111' 11:1" " III tr.t\'I·!mg~hr"uJ.;h )!an"!1 1:'~U1lt.v cun",ll'l'nl,ly lor I. tl',:11 \~r.l· '·lltlllll\14~tll: ..\I r thl! J,.UI"I'UIIIlll!illl'U"ulllI"I.. Hu fIIllnrh i'll!'!'v{ll,n"I'L, iii "UII'

t"UllllllU"U I<IIIII'e9' 111111'1. lIuli tC:lllI!\ CUll'!lllllltl)' eml,luy...! Ul IllAkm;,l :tlhl Ilclh'erm;tlz11uller f"r (':IIl:inl: IIlIIIJuil,lillJ.: 11lIl'J1OIM'" :\tSll.1I1U· mill from h:n to tlnnt)· tl!:allli I~II,!t\ily rur /'Ialclll, l'$ilnrlOll nllli other Rtlle.IIlt'lIt... fh(l 111111.' 1:1.\1' tllul 1,lJllll'r I",tll ,,·orkto II' horm 11.1111 thc /~iIl lurn. lJut 000 feetof '-llltllUl,,1 lumlJCr}·. '

The IJIUtl HiI'!""1, lit J:..~"UI"& ha,'CIllUt ,I"" II Imeluc..a ulltllllrst rail.

All '-'llll.::r:tllt tr:aill nf ~:! \la;;:OIll' 11.'\Ul't1tlJrvoAh 1:1160 Imr..: U1I3 tiny Illl t _cel•.

NIIUI'!t1'1I1 :O:lIlhtlrlhl i~ ;.cui II" III ..I:lrt n "t, "'III FUU·lIolk•• eight Inilu :,,;"11 l,bld:llill.

)Ir, ""lbnl w:u '\'et\!ly injllrt'll:at O;lk·bn,ll:tit II.L'l.:k I,y lUI! Ilu\">oI: fallm,,; ul""n 111m.

Luck)' )Ir. lI()olgkiu,. "r 111.!1ll000t:l.t l:uldl.J.lo'tJ!'hilll: COUllty, el,·uII.:,1 up$.·.oo ill It II.'eek'.nlll.

Tim Ti,lill~8 lell, II lIall tnl.: of nil tlmi!;r.llltf,llIlil)' ill .11~tl·I'~", th\! rl\tllo:r ,Iyiug cr C'lII''1IlIlI'tiun.

I'csch~.. nrlloll'! t\..hlnlltl nro AloOnl't.l. hiltt!lll ftuit. i. nut ICriolllil}' Ilnlll:l81),1 t" nil Dr'111":\l1uleef.

A 1101i ,:ulltninillj; n hllltl:l.lI Ilkcletoll \I'MfOlln,1 nmoll~ tlw hlly ill ~JIW}·"r'. llt....hl\! otKerh\'\'i11Il, r.:o.:t'III1)· 1,), tl to:lllllltcr.

'J'lw thhbml Ti.ling_ ~a)'11 thu hUI'llllCfOP inJnckllOl1 L'UllIlt}' i, &'(JIjl, ll.-~ (armel'll :Ito mi•.il1~ lllllr~u Illlllll"'r llf l-it.lOl!cultli.

It. I., L:a\'illliltl 1...,fu EllKleli It:fL itfNllllmtgI:tAt \l'c\!k fill' lhll IllIrllOlItl "r eOllll,llltill$; l\

Iit.ock trail frlllil thill l'lIl1o)' til Ill\! llIi1it:trynJ:ul callt II( tlll.l tllOulltnillll, ThiK tl':lil \l'llll'lJlllplllted IJI.~t lillllllllllr til thu ~~'Illt UlIlljjlllt\.lit whicll 1,ln.:u th.:'W I~u'liell \l'iIl COlrl!llI'UC(l\l'lll'k.

Tho !t''''llIJllrK 1tI,ll'IICIUJ, ll~ ll\Y>lt ,\ rlillruteu of wvrkmllll nru eIlKII\lu,1 ill wurk lit thutillick"ih'c:" InIlW~. :lll,lth... lmllllce nlhl returt:tro hdll;; 1"llIhc'! towlu,1 cnm!,lutl'Jlllll\ f(ll\t IlI.I

pOI~il.le. ~0411l tll\! milling Will CHIiUlICllCC in"Guo: Cllrlhllit tllltl \tIU 111l11il .... ith Ilxct'iI'lIt re'Ilult~. Tho lllillU i"l!itualCtI nil(jllt lillie lIIilc.cut of U"klallii.

l't\IIYUIl L:ity i. to !la\'u 1I IIOW loa-t. office1I1111~ tu or.ler.

Ibkcr ClJUnty lla.! :!"!.i,OOO l"lIml~ ul 11.'1.101ror alo thi" yl.':tr.

Tllllllhl.<tlll 1111'11 of Uln.:h Crt.'lk alltl \'icillityliN ,hi\'in" .hC1!ll to thll 1lI0unbilil.

It i. l,.tirnnll't.1 Ihllt :!.i,OOO tu :JO,OOIJ butb·ell 11£ whent remllill in flr"t hllud nt WIiUllWIIU:a.

The M:thu :'i1:atUIll:tll i. 'feIY :t.lIxiUUt tohave All Ilgnclliturul fair heM:a' BoilO City.thi. t'::t.II.

A Ilis·fcar.ol,) ton.,r It. A. Hiee. wl:~lil'ea

on the \\ allil \\'nll:t. fell (rom a trt."U aUII brokebutll I>oue. of hil ri~ht. ann Ileal' the wrist,

J\ Iloily al:lgtI line hu been establilh,,1 lie·t\l'cell l'.:ll.lI.:klu NIII Umatilla, which will beII gn:at a ..'Ullllllli.. llo.:U to tllil tl':lveling IlUblic.

II. \\'.•'ruIKv, t."OIL\·icteJ of killing ~lIllven.

illnl)i'llIlhl rtlll,llt lallll, 11.'1\11 Ielltl.'llcrtl AtIJa}·toll, \\'. T .• to horJ l:aoor inlh.. peuitcu·tiu)' fur to II ycart.

The Iitl!:\llIcr Annie "'U:'IOII l'lmO III colli_ion"itb )ltJlJrtl·' W.",hUlIIIU nt ,\llIIota 1l1l<l11~1'aj.,...~1 thllt Luil,li ..~. IW "'ull M llovo U!' hcrIolllrliollni wlll.d·hulIM:.

)!rI. L:h:ll'I..." Plucker. of \\'nll:\ \\'nlln. thll\\'nldlll1:1l1lO1t)·., hlllilier leg l'l'uko:ll lIy I,ciug£rillllltclIt.'\I. nllli jUllllling (Will 1\ IlU~)' II'Il..uth\! h,nlllll"t. frightclle.1. •

r\ yuulIH llItlll iI)' thlt Ilnllle of 1:':0. Thonll"'\111, \\'1\>1 lJulIlhl I,}' the ju.tiCtl of UreMCwOOtI1'n:C'in<:t. UllIlltillll COUlI:y, tu 0lllll'lIr IlIIrol'\lt111'1~raU!1 jur)' lin n dUlrgu or h01l1ltlhn:aklllll'

Til\! Ulliollll.'I}·" thllre ill much wh(lat grow­ing t\t til\! h~lltl of V<lll,huall tllnt iluot '1'111.';,.,,1in ntlll tllu llllil of 0 .hot "Ull in ketlilill"t ~t~kolf thcllO lilliti. :aCCOOllt.. ror mllny InlUIU!lhor~•.

Tho Watdllllllli U}'I: wt Mou,lay !lighl,betweull 9 Illtl 10, Hllllry Stuochout WAllknuckl'll JOWl! IlII llin.:h Itn!et.. UWlr 'he M.K churcb, by tWI) rulthuli. and ..hilo lyi!'1thUll bleedin, autlllen..)ae, \htl1 rubbed hUllof II •• which WII all tha poor 1,1I0W' had,

UCll'r be right thaLI conquer in lUIMgUIU .1It. BeIlUI' I./Cnt tlll~ llMSUIIl)ltiollllof Iyll,r:lllt lIIell limn wllHte yuur 110o.rly.lJougl,. t'xpel'illllcll 011 £00111.----.

Y"u Cllllnot tell lllllllll who ill conlent·Ct.1 ill the wOI'hl IIIcrel)' by looking athim. 'flu-, lIeatat fitting hoot oftenCQVt;l'l:I Q raging ,"'Orn.

lI ...l.I~".Artu lite "lI~IOlllllf}' lltfllollol f'lplllnllllqn.

l!.le lIi1l pruult<llillg political n~eumtnlll'111'118tllkellllil.

DUlitol'y llltliioll!! 1l~1 till tLLo morningbour l\ntl t:l1) bin ""eut over,

A 1l1tl.... ,' :1' Willi t(!l'dftld frow tbe ~lInle

lItllllllg: It h'ltluUrl!etl10 Hanft! 1'1.'llQlnlifJlI Jor1I11111l11j'1·.rlluleut with nil ollleutllllflli Iidugthe tlmo: at;j o'clock hJ.lI,11.

:\lurri~ tI U10Vl'lIIO COIIC{lr lu Ihu amelltl·Illent Ill'" I'ole took IIhlCll ou the wotloD.

TIll' r, .oltltlou WILli cuucurretllu-d:J lo Gii.

" ....nil'.W.ulll:<40TClf, Jnly I.

EatOll cllllt!tllll1 tltenlljollrumt'llt n'101uliollaUll mon'll to OIuellll i.)' rlsing;j 1'. )1. 10-<1l1yas tbe time.

'rbo Ilijournwelll reaolutiolJ lIS IlmcmltdllnallJ 1l/OIIl!tl.

'fuc VOle tJY which 1116 frt'c IllliulllC bill....111 referrtd to thtl l'olllmillL-fl ou flnllnce1t1tenlay. '111'1111 rel"'OuAhlcred aud tho billpUHd.

~IaSi!)' nloved to diacullrgG tbo cowmitte.on forl'ilPl nllilirtl frolll furlber couider::t.llouo( ROD..C jolnl rflM»ntlolll'KJking to (luthertruly ,,·itb )telico, iu onler tbat It lIIigbtbe wnliiJfrt'll ,ulIl I..,,~I in tbe SeWltll lo­dllY·

tAton OPP(l~(",1 Ibt' mfltioll. The matter"1111 rcrcrrt>.llo Ihe romluilleo }'e~ter,I11Y lUll)W1I.iI of IIl1l'b i,uJJOrt,lN.clt lbll it Iiboultl btlearefnllye:lllllliuni.

lIun..e.A 11Ict"a:;:tJ \tai rl'Ci!i rl~1 from tho l'N!ilitlllnt

nUlIolluclu;,t hi .. :II'I"ural ,.f tu~ JlhlidlllllS­Ilt-'IlI'!C lill :tullnlMJ Ibc"l tJ lUell~r;1! of'lllI IIill.

0:11)' il f.:w hUlli o~ allY :';(lIl£'I".I1 iutf"rttlt""'Ire IlllrOtluectl iu A call ot Illll 'IUlet,OIltIIUllch of Hie Illloruiuj.luOllr "'B" CtIlhluUJet1 ill1\:nJhll: lbe lJilllllutt~lllcrd1111\1 11Ikilll,; 1t'1Il1I11.IILll~·1I 1:1'011 Illollml!! vf reference. 'l'ue1(lIlt \'c'lc Ol!l(1wcll Iii; lll<,w!Jettt l't\!JlCUI. 1:1iliON I):UI n 'lllorulu.

'fbI' JlVllll~ rdU~fd lo pll."!! the Lill OTertllo l'tlU. Ille Vlltt} .tallllillJl: )'ellll ~:I, uaylll;3.IIOt l!.le 1l1'1.:t!1I110Iy t"',HlJinllllu thellOlrwll'11'0.

'rbo IlIHlllker rllCJ1U!5ted lllulIlbers nol 10lell\'u tbtl cit)· to.tlo)·.

A lUl!lIlillfltl Willi relit} frolll Ibe l'rclldclItcolling Iltlcutiou 10 Iho illlmclliBto ucceillityof tllukilll( ~.,mu IllltKlunlO pru\'illion for t1w111111 c!t>cmlioll by IlIriubulil IIUI) Ileruty lIlar.!llllthlof ilUlIOrlulItllntiell ulilrulltet to tbuw.The lllt!lIl11lgU \fll rt'fcrrfld to COllluJitteu otlnl1proprilltlollK. •

HenU11Il IUO\·llt) to all!lllcntllbtt rulell Budnllotlt tbo tI~Kollllioll j,;nlulill~ Ihu CflDIllliu6Cuu "OIUlIlCrlJO leuytl 10 nit IIUl'lug hllll'lIli forIbtl I'nrl'0llo ur iUfJuiliul( into 1111 IIIlnoriinffectinq illter·l.'illtle or furt'iHu cOlllwerce;ddealNI.

enllllOIl 1l10VI'I! til II11Ml'eutl thll rnlell ontlIln.IIlI the bill nllI1rollri'l!iug $tiOO.OOO 10 I'~y

Ibo f"e~ of U.IS. ~lnrll.l111hl t\Dllfhei. Hello'rnlIlepl1lil'lIlll1riliK Ibe lI~enl )'I!nr elltliUH Juno30, Ilt:lll; rt-'jL'CII."\1 h)' a pnrl)' fOtO, }'CR:I til.IIB)'a M:I, Illllllllt-'lllier VOUII$( III IbollegotivoIn vnler t" makc It (IUOrlllll. Atljullrulll1,

HJlrI \' .SIX','II , 1I~lnn:SS

llollJle.Tbe Seollte bill e:lewvtillg frOUl !I('{lllIlC

null t'llrullmf'ul teell vel~el;, not propelled bylall or by iUlt!tlllll mothe powor ot Ibelrown wall ulnl'nded and 11II!>Ifil.

Atklnll reporled the Lill alllenJiug Ihe,uudry rhillict al)proyetl ~Iureh :ld, JlO nl toauthorize the IUI}fIriuleud('ot of Ihe lleolog.leal,urYeya 10 euend hll eumlnlltlou.,

Wilion repotted back a Join' felolutionpro.tdlng fllr fnrther treatJ with lIesico:pUNd,


W.unl:soTOlt, June 28,Vtst'. Isolution declariag In (:l'\'or of freo

coina~e wall tRken up. Ibe quetltiou bciuK 00referring Ibe al1balitl:le DC<:el'letl lIy tiUl tothe commiltee 011 enlDee.

Tbe MII-fllballl' bill bt'IDRllnd(lf dilltUHioll.Wllldom eaillthat tbil bill wakes It a IJtuaJofft'nse for MUlbail 10 obeylhe II". Iuduid that tbere ll'U not a paralM in all ollrbi.lOry for Ilicb a 11)1;&1111"'.

AlliilOQ WOfOO to Itrike out tb. c1l1uaem.king it a Jlenal OfftlUie tn Tlollle I\n)' o(tbe pruTiaioul of Ibo bill, or of 'furiou .ee,tiOnil oJ Ibe rOTiaed llatilliCi. ltejecteJ;yeal. H, ully.:a.

la[eil,tiUon moftd 10 striko oul all of ll1ebill nfler tbft wordl "Ihat tbe IUD.! $tlOO,OOOb hercbl approprillleel," de" (or 1':\)'D1tllltdu:,inK tbe fl.'lC:a1 year etl,lIllg Juue :10, 1880.or fetll 01 U. S. M:lrllbllill lIlUl thcit y:euemldepulie.; rejl'<:ted-yellil Hi. n1l1i1 2.. Tbebill Vb read a third tiwe nlld puaetl-yt'Jtll2:i, ua)·1I1G.

H "'1111 nM'tlMry for MO'fer.1 HemdoflJ toIIreak their pllirlllD ottIer to ruakll a quoruw.

Chnndler IJ:lovl.'d to llmend 'be IlIle of thebill b)' I\lliling tbe worlill "nml for other lIur­P0!lU;" 1011.

Au eSllcuthe Il!I~ioll Wll!! tbell held, AlIllwheu Ihe Jllorll 0llfuCll Ibe SaUtl1I1 utl~jourlltll.

n ..n.....Th{· tuorllius hom "'all Ill~p(-'·.!W't1 .·Hn,

llnd tbo HOIIIIC \\'cut into cOlUluittf'o of tilewholo 011 Ihc uill ilPgroprintillg ~t.iOO.OI)O tolin)' fel''' a( Uuill'll 8111 '·1 1:llIn!ln\>t lIuIl tbdrJ{cut'rnl t1ClllltiCll. Tile j,;elleral ,1eb:ulI onIbo bill \\"U.illimill!ll to ouc' bour.

The Hoo II wcnt iulo roulUliltl'e uf thl',.'bole. llIackbtlrn iu the chAir, ou tbe IIiIIwaking npproprlationll f'lr cerlalu jllllciulCllIM."naei\, dlibatCi limitt'<l 10 OUll mlllllt...'fbero Wh. bo...ner. geuCfll) Ileb:t.11 III1tI tbobill wn l'umNilaleh' rellil ill lIt>ctlou.. forlUllfUdltlt'nt, .

ltolieml to icercllfIll tuo 111.r llien! of juro,,"wero t1e(t':t.ltltl.

Turner 1ll0ff'Cl to Iltl'ikc Ollt AplOviitu lllnt11<1 cilizeu sb!lU bo dl."'l'lftlint'11 from jur}'lIurvico ou account 01 r.\Cd. color or preTlon..C.lIr1iliOIl uf IIenitll' c.

A mo'ion to IItrike (Jut tbll Ilroylgo ,.Ina lie­ft'llted. the ouly voto Iu flivor uf It \,riug c:u.tby 'l'uruu bimself,

Moliollll to .trike OIU tl c10UIIC III rt"';lIr,1to tbe df1lwin~ of jllrlell were tlefentell.

'\'rover lubmittoo aUlllllen,Jl1lellt llrovill.iUJ: Ib:lln COUllUi!llliODer aLLrt.lI lae n)l!,oime,1from 'he IlrlncifllllllOlltiesl pllrl)' III tbe 11111'triet In whlcb eourt 15 held, 0PI)Qscll to Ihnt10 which tbe clerk of tb.. court lllB)' bttloull;atlopted.

Can'ell mO\'ed to !ltrike out Lho ... IUlllWl re·peulin(;: tbe tcst oaLh. He Ilitl not kuo\\' I'utthlt if tbo Ilrcvllliou were Ilrelleuted lu nIIcllQrllte bill be wonltl yole (or it. Ho wnM,bowever, 0ppCilled to Iho pmctice o( plncillgGllllerallcglldntioll ou npproprialiou 1Ji1l1l,

'l'bo ntuentIweut Willi tbl'lI rcjootctl, nUlltho cOUlllllttec r01l8 oud reporletl thll!olll toIbtl Houlle .Iud It wn~ pnll:ttul-}'on!lllll, 1Inyl67. All GreeuIJn.ckeril llrel{lut. with Ihoelcolllloll of ForM),tb. \'oted ill tbe llfUrullI'Ihe,

Collb moyed U.U}t tho House So iulo eom.mittoe onlbo hill lllllklllq IIU Ilppropril\tioll10 pR), tbe feell or ll1e United ;';llItCii IIlnr·IIblllll t111tllbcir "IUleral dbl'ul!ea, lind li1o\'tdIbllt aU generAl 1111bale c1o.ielu oue willlltc.

H::t.ker moved 10 iu.:rulle Ille timu rorgeDeral debnle 10 oue hoor; ndOI)tt'll-127te 3:J.

TLtt lrolt" thea adjourued.

lb· r. oI.IUlllU lllllhoril.ut tbe l,rl.'lhh'1I110I iii"" ml 1 ..1, \ .. , ..1inl.: ILIt'" c"mmi.i!!iQnl'rll.

".•• ,,"1", f fli II ".llry ur to ·,.l.~(/•• u,h I" lake "1..1''' withW,.m' :,~\. ,lUll' '_". 'I' .... Itl t uhrltll.! 1I1tll .1 fllrtlilr Irl',l!\' ~'ilb

)11 u... .'1 h, r, t"\rl of ,Il~ r 111',1' ." .,",mlnllll, \1), If.,tt t, 1,IkC tllll.I.'Uh ,~~ 011 thl' ~!... Jtk.

(Ill Iii .. 1.1I~t t.',ltfl'I" ,I, ,~rl: ,I;t 11111 II.w· ,r" ,I .1; w~~ 1".1. 11"'I IlrillOi I'.,tiu~.:1,1"1'10.1. 1 b.· 1'lm.11 :\l.IlIC..IIll .,!lull I- lit tt I IU.l. klmrn. 'r";l1 lill' 101'l'r')j!rH,lllill 1~1I1i'11.. 1I111f'Jlltl"." II f, r I •..1;.... , 1111" 1oI1lr J\ 1111:1",. ,. l''Irl••1 I.uck lilt. l'ol.'li lit. r. ~Olllti"l1ull nil rOll I"'" III .:nd., II 1I111. . • \1111, to ~'fl'Ul'o III c·ulutuill,,· t'ilrkll.. lh'.,

1111');. rr"w Itt, '·In.ClIll'l' I IltJ III' ,., "'1 IIH'I, itiH lila .... Iuru he ,:ml Wl re:, null11tll.ll'p t:, ,I fll.\·tJuI..I.,· II j"ml rt lIIU!IUU l'r"\1 !Ill,.: tllIl r J' l'!I"lIlof • 1'1 ff f..:ltllr.· vf tbe juiutI,'r t!.l& (,'Oll.IlUlh, :' 11.1" ..II.::,,,, Ille I" ,t ",... !tIU III •m.m, (r j..'U ••r,hlJl; .I:' 1••Iiildll.j,! Ih· Imhl~l' I ·Il•. I. I . t1 ',,;oJ I,'. :l1hi II f'ottlluitte.,11\" 11'.\'. :,::,1 11 .. tll .1., 11.. r .1IJ: ..IHUIL.;4l I· of .....U~'I ..l.·. ,.ttl. tt,I, .\'fj"'lrtlt'.i.U,CI ~'lItl !II tIl' :".II.,·I ..! Ul.I!.Ul~ 1I11J11'1.'·1I'riall"u... 'fh u:,..lulIt·u '" Iwl...... ,!. It MI...,f'.I,ro,vi,lfl tl",1 Ibl co·:.::llIlt.. ' h.lIl ~,\):hl;>t v( W -11lS,. r...., Jillie ~J.I,

Il.r",' m"rnhlr" fr.-nu Ndl I! I'·~'. lll_h.l,1 "'I . '1 , 'r .I." .... ' ••1 : .... ,11 : \0 n I: i':u.,llilli,·, , t .1·1 I I ltte,ll \\~.. r•.:Il'~, 1I. \l ..I ... It.-

• .. 11 t' ' I n, .... t :It,'':1 "f I>.h'r I,;.!. ,h. IIl':II.Ill:.;f,'/ I' ':I ,It ..~l: ':11; 'l'\l~~",,, h I: ~1~·I.L·~ 1.11• "II. II 1"-'1111;' II II mulio'l of .\lh~ ..11 1.1 r, ~"" '..' f 'f II' I' , I' f, r 111' r' Ii ,1I1I101t 10 I!I'· fill ,11~1' .·O·lllollll'·.',

Ill' I.' nt!ll'u..l:ll·:.hl l.n.,· :,1. II· ·.Ii . I"gJdhl (orming tb.. d! phllrut.l. \111 11,<'11 Mil. ••.• f' lI,lIll1t1 \tu .. "~r..~tllCl. ~.•.:>,.. :... ; lta~·Il.

l'uhti("ll lI~,;;r ~!..lllh 1111, ,tl'.• \1.1,' "·IIIt· a~:nl" II m~••. ,illt n'liOlulhn In :"rOurllIlnH\'1l Ij~' UUallUUHtl'; ''om'I'ul. nll.l llle rt'· "in.' Ih, nt:! I'.J)1. l()oll:n' ('AlIhl 011 ror JCOli ..iNl,llIlif)u ,I'.\Sll~ 1I,. r"I:Nle..l fruw tit\! Ct.lW· 'i,I"r.lliOIl. ••1:'1I~t!·· \tub ~hJ;ht :lnl.tlhll~t'III~. Wiu,lotu olljC'Clhl to Itl pr('l"nt rUllliiiller••

E:'t~u'd lilt' JU.hrilll ..lrl•U', 'I :Ill- lioll. mill tbe rCl§()lutioll GOCII ovt'r uutll to.11:'Qprmllt':1 1<11.1 J16! ,I )'I'literllu}' il~' lhl' LlltlftOW.lion..... 1I~ 1:l..ld :hcr,' woul,l be 11(1 aUI'lllpt l'(Il"i,II'r;lllol\ Wllll rt~uml't-) of SeuMo billlJ;'>~, Ihl! . :!I;ljon.ts to ..OOrtl'lI .1t·Ii:ll,; 111,11,:1 r.l.ltill'; til \'l'!t.wl, not IIruI)(lllcI1 Wholly byllIobt lIt~~l\IU :,ollitl \lot btl for('tll, fbt'LIn ...111 or int"runlluolift' 110wI.r or tbtlr 1l..'U•'"','" Ib~III"1llbl~I'~tt"~'" t II o( t I' t' l'xl'mllling: ll.ncb .'ruft frOlll cllrollelt'llt or Ii·

.o~l\n 1111 lUlt et n II J e N II I" IC~ !,re· CI!U-I'.IHII'{'t1 ill tbll trelllOnry tlel'arlUll'Ut llhowlulo: Tile C1111'1It101l \fa. ou couellrrill~ iu Ibo~rt'atl r ClI,it :11111 10"" of life III l'tllll"ctlll~ , f I IIre\"\.nUt'i iu Ctr:l1itl iJ'-'IllOl'mlill t111m ill It,.. U. 0\\ II,: Ollll.e IUlIl'IlIItUClH: "XOI' ..ball

thl,. 1'1' 1111)' l'S1~tiu~ law Lc NUlltI'OMI" rc.Iluhlicnu t1illtrirb, whicb \\'1I_4 1'1Irti:dly rrOil1 1{l1i!,,' Ii ... "UI',)llil'b:. rc;,:i~kriu~ or lietHI!lIII:.f11lI,llIllowrtllfl lJ .. Ilrill\l'I1. I 1 I b

The Sl'llllh' tl.l'l1 \l1'llt hilt! rxf't;lIth.11l1'1l' 1I llU~ \ltl I,mt. ar~,· ur like crtlfl ror tb\!('Ilrrill/>:Il 01 fn I~bl lIut IltlIl'l'lIell II)' Jl:liI IIr

.. lOll, WLLl'u tilt' 1100fil w"rll olJeuell. the L~' illtll'llil mOlh' •. 1'1I1\'I.r ttf i:1\ oWlI 011 lUllI/rrllilling ul1icer (Hollin,,) Inid Iw(ore the ril'l'r" Ilf tllO l'llltul :;hlllli,":;cnMe thll j\ltlidlll e~llmllll' nI1Ill'O)lrllllioll }'"' hlU\'ellLu illst'r: H!td lit\! wortlbill. jltUlllel1 b)' I1Il! I[oull.e to'llny, oUlllt Wllll "rh'(!r" IiiI' worll>4 "111' Inl;(''';'' II ll\llteti.reRII Iha tirsl timc, TILl! LIII Will'! r"ll!Jl'tcd hack lo tuo &mllio

WIIlIIow objf't'lfll to 1I~ il'coud re81liuIj: to· mulllll nlllw.lm.:nl to Hl6 llUUi'll'll!lll~etltlctlllu\·. I

bi\\'ill. (\\'. Yll.) nII1111111.',} tJ Wlll(lol1\ to n ('OllllllltlL'O 11<10ll1\'d.,..'ilhtlraw Ili~ ohjectillll. ~o tlmt Ibu LII! oolli,l SI'Ulltu w"ut llllo U{fllti\'': 1I1!1JJIlOU nlH\

he rt'llli II Ioel'OIIlI tiuH) Olll! ttr"rre.l lollw \I'!I"1\ Iho .Ioou l·j'Opl·"",1 tJIll pn;lIlzlelll'lIIU..'II;·tlg ... ('nllhl~ llt!I'lltioll 10 Ibll fllilllrll or

IlH' c(lllltUluec ioU IIpproJirintiollK, L"ul:rl'tl,~ to IIJ1lJrOl'rinllt 1Il01ll:~' for tho IlllC-TIll! 1't'l:flllnr or.ll·r WIl'l rl'SllUlo,l. ill'llJ~ 11 ..."",ilil.'li of thu gO\'l'f1II1H'llt \l'R/I r{'lUi outl

joinl re"Oluliotl rel:ltillo to '·ltr.1 llll)' for r"f,.ftl',llo tlltl COlllllliUc(I 011 npJlrnprliltiolla.COlJl,:rl!l:Iiou:tl~mlllo~·eii. ElltOIl nJ.:lIiu lUI1"'11 cuusfol,llo cOIl"ill"r Ihtl

Winllul1l Ifithdn'w Ilia olljeeliullil nlll) thll n.ljollrU!Iltllil rt'~ohltilJlI tl\lll WiUllolU all­j1ltliciBI tlSIILIl!l1l t,m \\':1.' rl.',l1l 11 Kl"l'01II1 lillie j''f't{',1.unll rd<'rretl to Ibe cotllUllut-'1l o( npprol'rin. Willtlohl intro,luccK :l 1,i11 whit'b i~ tltoliODII, nUll I!lil fii'ualo 1I11jourut'tl. lunr"btll lIJ>pN)lriliticu bill \"CltI\.'tl to.dlly

miulll1 polili"n\ rilh'r~. Tho bill wnll rl'llliIwil·I·. :11111111\1 ljlll.'.tittu !Jriu,.: UII illl thir,lr':R,linl.:. I: 11011 1Il0\',,1 tOllllll!lItl 11)' I\tMill"till.! !,1,Wit',11 C:Il1'(( i ur thl! \'llh,k'il lllUfllblllll'oP(ltOI,rinliou Lill. 1I1likillU Ibe bill eSll('tl)'til.' ..ume Ih Ihe uno \'etoo{llO-tb}'; AgrCt.'t!ttl: ~·t'rL~, :!i; UIl}'!I, J(J.

'l'1l1' IJili WUlI hllietluilcif :>Oi'lJloncdi )·<'lIa.'!I: U:1)·l'. Ii.

Un Illotioll o( COt');h'1I tuo t;eultto wl.'n\lulU ,x\'t"lllh"1l llelbioll, l\u,1 when lblt dooril"'..I" rl'lIl ..... III'11, utljollrned liII to'luorrow.

r,lelFIC "'U,\~'I',

W·I ....IOIIi.

Pnrosu:, June 28.-Lielllellaut VonScbroeder, 12tb iU(lIlltr)', whllo 1lC0lltlUg InTouto count,y ou lba :.lalh iUlit .. litruck n.Jlllrty or rClltlj;ndil 'fOllloK five miles belowTonto neek, cOUllistiuR of ~flVell bllclut 1I1l11out'lqunw. Th, buekll weril killed nnd theIllUlIW cllpture,!.' The tlJtbt IllMted twohoutll. No C&111t\ltiell on V"II Scbroeller'lIlIide. Theile llrfl the Jndiuu~ tbltt bnve bflencommittlllS deprodoliollll in Tonto III1~iu andvieioit}'.

'·.cllle 111.11 ".U..r ••SAS .'n..:scllIOo, Juue 2!t,-A chllnge ha,

beellll1l1tle by the l'Blllflo UIlt111uU,orhiu inIbe luperiuleulleully 01 ",bltlTellnnd docklluthil cit".. Cnl't. SillDlle!J, wbo ....ent e/llt IIlew dl)'/I ago. hili been retired oud Capt. C.H. Saher, wbo arrh'eJ (roOI tb') flalt II rflWdays ngo, take. hll plBCe. Capl. Salter ('ame10 tbls ('au t in flatly dll)'1l1\I cowntllnd"r oftbe Ibip T)'IIlIoou. IIl1d ..·at IU1)C1'illlt'udentof Ibe ,UIIU eOlllpllny'lI doek. Rnd ysrd titnenicitl. lIu,1 rt'llignoo and wtlnl e:\.~t 011 ncoCOnDt of ill heAltb. II is reported Ibat tberetiremeul of Capt. Samuelll Will made bltbe agenta of WilllaDl., Dlauchnnl It. Co. oucoollitlon of their relaiDiog tbe ll.g.ncy.Thcr1!l AN uII.oy rllmorl floatinjl: about Inconuection witb P::t.cillll.1Illil atr3iu amongwhich ono tb" Ihe bllliueu i. abo~t to goiDto Ihe baud. oJ the railroad oolDl)any. nudllbo tbnt the l'aOluo:altltHroad Co. lutend 10'!nd lOme il~:awen OUt here nud Itart oppo.aillon; but t prHeut no confirnlallon ofthese reporl. ClW be oblained.

A. 01 ..1 Horr'blT an..nld.OaonLu. Jnne 30.-ARUetI SehD aged

aboll~ Iii yunt. 11'111 bortlbly burnt:d tbiamO~U1ug by her clolhl'llakltlR flft ",bile pre­p:arlng brenlr.f"st, a;ba ru beel ICreawlnglnl!) the IItrt'el. Ib6 tlnmel riling above berhpatl. The fnolily bad not risell. lIad llrs.Itciyfll. 0. neiabbor, leiztd A bhluket, nudah!!:r ° hard .lruSHI, with the frantic Wrl~nll b;elug. b~~1t b;ully burnc:d, lue<:eedetlID eliUIii:Ulliblul:t thll dre. Sbo il< horriblyburued. nntl nhhou~b )'llt coo5l:101l1. it illthought Ibe C:lllllQt lh·e.

1iI1"m TtUIII ..1 .·Inldlell,S.l.X FU..XClICO, Juuo 3O.-A Sutro di•.

paleh "'y. thnt n grulltl cclt'brnHonl! nowgoiug oa. Houllte. on Ibolmnouudiug blliJI,ginnt )lowtler "alultI'lI and olber Ileoloulltrl­lIonli nre bel UK 1:1l11la in bouor of tbe com.Illlilion of tbe~ntro lunoel The englnell oflbe SavaSIl, UII.le Bud N'or~rOllj combinAtlou_baft IIlnrtrd at .11: tbll mornln~ ond ar6diilChllrglng witter froUl tbe IlOO<llld mluuinlo the tunutl. fll alRb~ boun tbo waterIn tbe mln811 lowered 100 (etll. EverylbiDgII workinR well. Water 'roUl Ib, Sierra!'fUlda. Union. Ophir, HonD-Cu.. neat &.Daieher autl Gould k Corr1 will uot beturned 10 lor about ttrO weelr.l.

'111111'11111111\111'''.1: ':: ..hlll'· ;I.', .\llt r \'\1'" lII"utll~ ll.loftle

:~: !1.11l.tt1 I'ht·I· .. : ': I'•• '1:1<'1" Ill•• 'I'1,11I\,.,1 Ib' !1;H:i·:,t .1 rl.l .... '.\' l'ill ,.thu'u1,!'<ln,ll't) 1.; II, 1',lll·lrt: '::"1.•11 ... ,,!u,,­UI. Ir.'" of r .ih ll~" witblll :.II ;t ,·"t~. :u .IU tit:·nl1al t-':lt.\kUlhlllr., 1'( l:!AlV.lIt..IV.

Tit" XlllmlMlIII.. ""II1t!>l)'.

)'.\lU",••Iuul! :;'1. -~ I. ·llrllrr. otJ.:<t:: ofUonll..r, hll\::," till' 10111>\\ iu.; 1\l't'lltr,"tiot1:Print;) J.. rolUl! ~UllOII'olt il rLl."ogulzilt1 a;l{'bief of lilt! :\.lllOh'Oni!.' J~'U:li>:~·. uUII "Olll<e­qllflltly cbi.·! 01 lilt' 1~1)1w.pnrtlsl purl~·. He(':\nnot '[lil to rh'lh'(' Ibe rr..olllte nuJ Ill"\'ohtl 1I0III)Ort 01 till r",ithfllilo tbe t'lupire.

.\t n 1Url'tin~ of nonaimrtbt~ :1.1 tbe rl'lli­.leut" 01 )1. t:oullttr tU·ILI)·, Ihi! ",ill of theInto l'rillell Imperial W.),.i ren·1 hilt 110 dt...ciliou \I'WI n.rril'c;] lit rr"peeling tbe fulurerontse of the INlrly. A .1i!111U:uiou of thoWI'('till~ 1·,JllIlDl1llirnh-..l tlle ~'i1I 10 1'rlllc,'J"rolllo Ilol\lIll.Lrlt·. \1 110 ~illllll~' :u:kllo\\'lelll.(NIit. ltoubl·r rl'fuae,llo parlil'ilMle witb IlJllll~illllllliClll, ~tnt:u~ :bat I:rlll:dorth bj' \I'nll1!"Il,rUliut-'1I toJ 'l1k"110 ,1t·til'l! ]lnrt III politirll.

TI... IJI,rlrll ('nllnl.Tlill HepuuU'l'l\! frOllClliiM.', cOllsillt'rillR:

Sr,untor ]jlll'I,~i<lll'ri l'l~olu:ioll, C(llIl1);lIi1 thehlcrt thnt Iho l'nlletl Klntl'll filloultl \'iew IbocOllrilrnclioll (If Ihl' Dnl'ien cllllni l111tll'rLlIrO!'t'nll 1l1\~I,ir('" \l'illl ,lillqlllctu,lc. IUllll)oilllll Ollt tbulIl\I' lUlll"rluliing ill 11lI1l:)11'1l11.ellt or ofllcilll llllppon 01' Nlltrol; 11mt 110

ElIrollC'tllL ':O\'I·rUllh'ut will roull'ibute nfilftbilll: or W(l.lI In itll C'onstrlletl:lll, 0lH1

Ihlll tho rQUlp'Ill)· \I'i1Illlt'rel)' ok ol1l111rtlCftto ooltsiJer tll.: ('nuol 1I1>11ollltel)' uelllrnlIl!rritor)'.

.'11111 1I1hl"r'" \\'1111«'''1.LnsDO~.·Jul~· I.-Tho atealll coal collicn

o( ).[erlb)'r T)·lh·i1. Iu Walct. llllwberlug32,()()(lIK'r~ouiI, 1111\'0) rl'loh'cd to SCCfpt IbltDlnllerl' demlbtl o( 10 pC'r l'C1l1. retluelionof Ibelr wnlo:e~

AIUI'rfC'lI. 11"..... ' U·lIh'Ir.....LorillluJ' 11111KKU.,. Xrritlllau,1 Gemldiue,

wbicb Wl're t'llll'UtI to nln (or tbl' ,Joll' atllk"for t""o'ydr-oltl collI! and tlIIIM, lit N~ ..••nlUrkel July lul't!liu~ to-duy. bave beenac:tlltehetl.

Tb...'1'111"'. MboelfoA Timel Coftetlpoulleut At l~arll 111)'11 that

tbe mnjollt,. 01 lhe Bonllpl1rlilll life uDdrr·&100\1 to CODeur wilh Jlouher in acknowleda·ing PriO("fl JefOwellonap'rte all cblef of tbeXspoloonio d}·uIII)'.

11••or (0 1be .....11.The Qneen bal COlnwllllded tbBt the lrooll

"bip OrouiCii. briu:;iug Ihe rClUltiu of tbcPriU("fl11nl>erial.llhnll be eacorlro p.ut of her\'o)'ago by tho channel fleel.

a"con.Tbe Jllly Iloku nt ~elll'Ulllrkct III'frc woo

by ~[U5ki Amb" I,,'or. llI.'OOud; Evasion.thlnl. Lttrilliml'" Cherokte, :agaiual whlcbbt!lIing Wl\.:f til one, cnOlO In tHill,

L"rI.AUU:SIlDf.I.. July 1.-'rhe el.KhediI"8, hill

IOns HaueiD anll Husen. nnd 1~.U1hftATailUltlIud ltllgbeb. stll.rltll for Sllp)t>. ou lKlard tbeKhedive's Ylleht. Tbe Englilb nUll Frencbwen·of·wnr ulutCil tba Khedive's veuel.

,11I1I'1 "lin' II.1.,,\:0(1'\' ••lmw ::".-1:. :ll',lIh1\' 1,1', II~I\ .11"

Ilr,r, tan' \I riC. 4 '1'1.1<'\ 'I'nrUl' r..11I til It 111.1·r{\!l ..:id:1 ,':\I11h': :""~')'l Ibl' -:,,1,1.11 II.r.:lILL!'lIr(')11I- .•1 I.~· lil,· I' llll;t· ..Ill.., rll,1I 1Il~. "f...:!.~ll\ll""II.·. JIl, 1,It,rlll;.I. Ihlll Iur·lIilrt'lh 1.. :1 1 hr. l.llI.t'l ,,11,11-:": 1lI'\!I" IIf·llIi; fr,11ll 1" r·,'lull llUll..... '1'1:.1' utllir1'.),11,..1 ",111,11 ri,l!.'lll· Ill'I'II."lliull l' I!" N,

('n;I(II.1: tllf' .Co:,,,r,\"TI:.ic I': I. .h:llt, :: '. -S'''tholl~14t'"

:lf~ {1.rl,i,t.I. lit' I·IILII.!. J::)·,.riolll 11' 1\". all1llh~ nll!lIoliti,,, 11'\\ ,,1 1'1' ,I :. k,::r..uuI fromEllr"l"·


Lat..", \ ("tit MC••AII:t'_

Tbe IlruidlDI Ii .. t'dOt=\l ".\ll nct mnkingI1llprollrintiotll to I"Y feti of ruilel\ Slate,.mar.tulil and lhdr s"nerll1 d~IJlltiea:' HerM'itea tbe 11ift'freul nell IltelK'rlblDj,; Ibe du­tiel of warabll.ll. Ibo..iu. that "tbey are. ineffecl. the onl". poliu of tbe G, 5. gOt'em·menl" allli Idtl.:

To deprife the Ulllio:llll gonmwent oftbl'le olilt:en wonlJ bt nit tlilln troua to llO·elely AI to Dbolilh Iberift" eousillbleli Amlpolice omC't1'l iu Iba Ii!\'eral Stllitl. It....ould bo I denial to tbe Uilited Sinies of tberighl 10 e:seoule it. In\\'I auJ n JruiDI of nilnutborit1 wbiclJ req\lirt!. tho' 11Ie of cit'jJfoftr,

The IIIW cnlitllll Ihti 11 olUeen to he pnid,4n<1 tbe fundluet'dl'd for tbllilurplliie bl\'elieeu ('OneGted frotll the propl\! nlld nru uo,,·in tbe trellury, ~o obje~llon il tbereforemade to Ibllt plirt of the bm herON mewbicbapprollrtaltll mOllcr for tile 5upport of themAnhailDud dellUl)' wnublll~ of Lbo UnitedStalea.

Tbe blll contniul, 1I01"8\'.,r, olbl'r pro~i.

lionl wbich llt' i<1olUliclll in teuor and ~ffe<:t

with lhe Iec!oull I\!eliou~ of Iba hillnUlled "All. act mukiuK llfproprlntionll forcutllin judlelll cltleu,e • ' ,.'bleb all. the23d 01 Ibe vrUiiUt woulh ,.,'al reluruel1 10the Hou.e of Reprlllentoti,.t'l .... itb tn\· ob-jection. to itlnplHO'fnl. .

U",lnK Tetoed Ihe fornler bill because itcontained tbete l1ro"i~lonl, tbe Prni<1eutvelOfl thia lor Ibe L\llle caUie. :md refel"ll tobia conclulionllheu lilotf\l wltbout repeat­iug tbfm.

... W.r"... tJI In En..IAI..LC81C..00, JnDe 3O.-A TimH' Loudon Ill&­

cial U".I: The wutber continues Il'rioull,.emb&nauin8 to l\grieuhurl!l punuitll. An·olher bod hs""t I. n~ted, whlcb wean.large unporll of .\ml'rit'an Vbfll. Theprices of all kind. of 100<1 prodncu are in­cruling. which atNogtheu. I~e t'lDM of frettrade, thonah there ill no impranment inmu.nractllriDg. Fast!!:r, wembtr of PorUa·ment for Dradford, mlUle Il great ull.pratte­don Ip*uh lut nillbl. Hit laid Ibllt tberecould bt but OQe meaDiui o( vrotet:Lioll orrteiprodt,.. Ind tbat .....1 a tas 00 food. Tbepeopla of Eniland ....ould nner .tnDd aueb atu,

- ..1'.1\.SOIml .\DUO, llu... Jutla 3O,-A giant

l)Owder tnAguiue at )lobn,... nitro g1yee:rineworlrt "sllloded thia aflernoon. Jllck Pierceud WIUWII Lo~' W'orknuHI. ll'fte blo.u10 atowi. Tb. IIdjillulns building waa lhat·teredo

Ihtt' In~ft'..".WUUllI'OTO."l, Jnll1.- ·The debt Itatemen'

iuufd tGoday ibo..... the incrl'a e of Ibe Jeblfor Jnce to be $'H.'IlS.

.suml"•• hlll.Tbe Prl'liltent bM 1I0nliUAtf<1 Jobn .\.

Huuhr, 01 ~liuouri. cbitf jnalice o( Ibe$oprii!lU COUrt of GllIb.

••....' ..1 '·h"I:1I1'''''.FollowiuU II Il.lillt 01 rcet!ntpll tal cbnoge.

ill Orel:o'l IUld W..hiuj;j:ton ;Omee EttabILibed-Lilll, Roe'lr. TbutIltou

eQUnll, W. T., 'Tbolna!! E. U'ltltdge, pIllt.mUler.

omca DllCOlllllluetl-PtJro, Baker eount)',Oregon.

Po-tWlller Appo(nletl-D1M 1·1'lrie. LnnoCOtlDt" Ore"on. Thorn.s U. ~leL:lDe; laabtl,Lua CODoty. Colombult Cole; ~Iebama.

Karion county. JClbo W. Labare: Pine Cruk,Wbllmlll oountl, W. T .• Fnuk Hn.nington;Poma~l, Colambla count" Engene 8.WUton.

1',-111"1111 "nil.Wr.Ot:\1I1 ", \" I" JnUl' ::".-Tb~ rup:iol'

t\.11.1thrH' tfih ef ll.t· lIl,lil n.lIn thilluoroillllbrl"ke tlir""gk 1\ l'ri<h::& IIdt' thiil rl!\el! null(,11" 11i,lllOr" of SO (II:. Tbl" (Xllff'ill n1t'!i.

IIfn'"l'f. L."ulj:horu. wa,.. l.i1It>tl: rOIl.luctorF"i~fal: Rlul,'tro tUlii! ll.!=ftltii ":Ch' iujnr",1.Sevu1Io1 pllWOgtU \\'el' hun.

AplHt··1IUflU''',WA~nt"'llTO~. JIllh" 3\).-Thl.' llrl',idfUl

nomiontl!J Col. Hor:\tio li. Wright cbid ofellgiOf'f~, willi fl\uk l.'f llri:::lliit'f,,,';!ul'ml,"rice Geo. Unmpbril:i'. rl'tiw1.

Chief Eugiueer E. D. l~obin Ii ,1('loelle(l(rolU 1JK'C11l1,lut~· 111 tbl' Wl!stl'oiut fOllU\h'~ao\l of.lert'illo l·('mat',,~.l n- t!e~t I'ug-inl!'f ofthe lInd!'" l'otlltloll.

;\,,, ':"'lr,I ."'lOllIl1.'fht" Ilr('~l.leul 1J1l~ :lU:1I111,'uI',1 11lC i.lell. (·f

rl\lI\u" nuo:ber ~1',,"iOIl (If C.,)lu;r,'u hy renoMU of Uacl,) rOllshlt'I'n!ion" fir~t-JJl.'("allseho ""NlIlIO l'Oll\'iurel\ fhllt Illtre wnll 110

I:ugcr nuy hOl~ of n "hil!' iu ,111,) DClllo"crallC rnllk~. wllirlt nlou\l rOIl!.1 rl'll,II'r )10.­Ilbio Ille l'n...t1~c of till' IU:lr.lbal ... ' nppropri.aliou bill without ri,Il.'I''', :'ecou.I-UIlC:lIUOit WnJ IK'rceh'l'll Ihlll the ubjl'{': of ('1II111u.a\ziug tlill pOllitioo.. t:t\,eo h.\ IIlI! )lI·l'~i<ll.'lItaull tbe )}1'mocrJlll c l:OOgfl .... r(llJ11H·t1wll~·.

ollluut'll 011 Ibll 11rl"I'UI C<!lIlrO\',·r,lr coullljusl ll>t dfd'lunlly be 1IllaiU"11 b~' Ill.'nding In100l.IB,.·1I apccinl nllll.lAgtl hllUlIJlliBteJ)' uftertho nClioll uf lbe Hou~ uu Ibe ,'et(k'J hill:aUlI, tbirtl-DccJII1~e L~' wllblloltliug nu}'cn.1I for nnother eltril lell lOll, tbe llOhibilil~'"'ouM be n\'erletl of Con:-,tth. l'uhriuj,; upoulurlhn ngitl.tiou of flullut'iBII},Ilt'atiuus nn<1otber l:cul.'r,111.:a,:i Imiou.•\u iUlimnte Ril·"i"r of Ihc )lft'li\leUl Inforwl ;,>'our l.'Orre·'I)OUllecl tblll Ihi~ Ibirtl cuuihler:ltioll wn!ltbe uUtJ which tllrue.1 Ibe lK"nle nUll pro­ductd ~IlUr(l uDl1uimit;t' Iu llit' liun) Ileci8ionthat "'u r('lIcbl,.1 ill Ibe C'lIbluft l.'OuuC'i1 111the Clll1il01 oul.l· Ibb nftl.'mOOll.

,'tU·n ..lull .... t.Tbe Uouae ndjollrulUful fftOlutioll will be

~11 till in til St'u:t.:,: dnrin;: the morninghour 100worroW'. llUIl'Ullt'll 0 111110 profidetor the filla) ItJjollrumeul of both HOUlflAttbe Isme hOllr in tbe .fternoon. Tbelur.eouwent ...iII <lonbtlHI he Ilrowllilyconcnftf\l in b;t' Ihe HOll.~e of Rept1!ik'utn­tinl, nod th,' ~lt!'iou wlllierwinnle .ttON­ingly.

PUGET SOUND ARGUS..U','UI , •••',.', N til' .'tmN:U-,.'m 'II".


House·Furni~~g Hardware.PI: DI E tH-.\ I.tTY,

TIIi~ iA the r.~rgt"~t nntl Best l\c1eetcd"iod: of nOOtK mill ShOf'S on

]JIII1(·t ~uli\I, cOll1pri~ing

Unl".enlull!i"tlll UrH~IIlIr.

....OU·II ('III1II"IIK4I Jlla.kJnl',IIp• l1 k III'h'p'll

\\'llt('r-I'NOOr nlltekl•••,"",(-'hlnc Nil" Ami ~'llf'fllf"

!!lb... 11i1l1lh,,,. urel\·cr,. df'lIertlttl•••n'...luC Ittlll 1I.,lIeM '.e,,'''.'_

1:1(-'" 1;le" t:te.

-,:lort Townsem~

Stoves, Tinware,I'U)Il'''<, l-··{ J1:ox 1'11'1"PU.\IP~, .- InOK PIPE,PIJ.:\ll':-:1 J - £1:0:-:- l'[PB,

-Ult'OI~T"J: 0"-


A 1'0lnrletc n8S0rtmont ofW~IIS0ELLANEOUS !ITOOK.J!II

eUSTOMWORKAnd nepf\.iring executed :\8 1I811:ll, :lIId

lllltiRflll:tiOiI gunl'lUllectl.

A'·"1.'.... Orltlllll'llAll,I&'n onbC' l'Il:"UeJ.. 1I"lIeUl'd.

Il'iT'I ha"o " eR};,I'!' HEVERENOEfor CtL'ih Clllltoll1f'f'\ll.


H, L. TIBBALS &CO, '8SUPElm)J: U:.I.l1S.

Til. abon h"UIIlUO. ba"I"" 11«11 pl.~1 OD.

:1:[:~D~~~3.~.t~~Ui~t~~I~~d~r::;proprl.torUll':H plHlare In eUIl(lDbtlu:: lba,DO palDior taPUN wlJl t» IpIlrrt.l In lulnl.·t,rlal It. tb. COllltOI\ aod COtlYeutlONor prt·

"~~r.-t~~~~"1ar'Itll0'11'1"111 llfl.plt, I north 0:I!.D rraDelJeO, lall b11'llt th. In~L I:'IJlIll'Iew

~~~~::8~r:~id.HIll::::~~O;'.~~:lh::~t~eommodalJonl rttr about on. bunllred. palleota.nllau" PH_lInl, adllptfd lor cu•• nqulrla.clbol mOl~ C'lrtflll tre:a.tll1tnt and COntll,utln·

~~·llft~O: ~~I~I:~~t~~~n;ri"~:r:::f1~~I~tlatll"fl)' .eJllrat. aull "'lII1I1CI, at. a lllllit ",u,Jl·1~~b:'::ilADtIoD or )i1lJ owoe"" aIlli IhOMhUOlrUI~d 10 thIPf,IIlI.11 tailed kith. Ilct tha',,,"llIrn lutrerttll rolD fCllllawlOal dlle:.." wUIbe rNllr.et1 UUtlllle lbl IlU4PIUlI Wltboul. ex·pfa... lo Ih. "alMI,

'J'hOIU~81.'. Jlinor, 31, H. tffHI Mlul\Wlniii l'illl~~

JJ11ur "/lnt/t'I'N


,t~U .\ 1',\11& tl.\llJt.l:·r 1'1:1(:&

F"I ...·\ Ul'ddl: hl.hll· Ot·1IOW.


ArctIc Over-Shoes.

ADy lick Mllorwbohe' pnld HOIpUal dUti tor'1'0 U:~rll~=~llil :~~I~r~}~~euoll

HOIpUal relltr,

Port ToI.lUe",1 IIOBpUat.

U. S. Marine Hospital!POIlT TOWNSEKD. 11'. T.

Vcuels Dillchllr£.t.·ll.Frci::;:hu Cnlll'Cletlt

·''t·.II11in).:: of IlI1 kinlls Jone,At. t·('ll.\Ol\oI"J\lI.U~t\.llll Nltisful:lion


.·0....·••111":1' 111111 (·..mmh.11II1 Ila"lue.l,rullI"Il)·IlICI'.,oIetllu,

Rubber Over-Shoes.

Boots Bud ShoesOi the \U,· htetlt uunlitic. Rill! of the

.rAtellt P·.lU('ru

GO£kllJn "n,1 Onocu \\'00t1lllwf\)" 011 hailll. Also,good Bark.

TUIUTJlT 11,\\'. "LU'U'" os IU.~D.

-AGENTS FOH­Steilncoom JJctr,

Socr.ttlo Decl', BIlII Lon' Bra. I"Sodn Wlltt'l'lIilll Root Beer.

Tot,he Mllrehllnl~ "t I'M! or"\\'"",,nol 1\'" 1'111Ill)' III lit ""'Il nJ('('1\'f' II I " ••"r' ....,'" 1\.1 ",I ""IlCOIbe t~lln (.., )'ulIr 11'<'1" 10 :', .. l.j,·h w.~r~~~~:~,r r~~~:~~~\ ~II~:I••~ i~i:;ll ~': '"1' .1' .~"7::·,~~1::yl'nrllilld. '''t m_ll' ,,-,,r. I""'.l..i~·:I~I,~t'r~~;11~11~~I~I:~I~'~';' ,:" .. II ~"llr "'. flt:l'

II, L ':'II:U,\I.O; ,\ '·l'..l'urIT"",'u-'·llOl. W.T,

A.11 blilltl... elllrll~I"'ll",,"rCllr(lwill H'col".tlrolnl'~ lltll·nl!l'Il1.

:\1.:"',,, DOYA',1..1,li('1" :'1 i..~,,,,,',


~o~t and ." W11:'ILk" Shoe St6!'e


C. C. B~RTlm, Prop'r.


JewelryStoreCellttft.l Howl building,Heat! or Union 'Vharf,

Port TOWDBend,W.T.

.Vum'l'l ,,"ft '''hulolUB,

Fat'lJLl"fI Im,plellte"ts,


W"ll Pap"",PIOIll6,

AntI (l Lnrgo Q.8sortment. of Goods DOtenumemted, which we

will aell o.t

~. ~ ... ::r II~ :gars~iTOBACCO,

Uardwnre,Uo.rJwo.rf·, llarowQ.t(-',


The Lowest Prioes.






Tho Finest SlOe-if: oi


•\!i40 .1 lilllJ n.,,~rt llICllt of

l'lock<, i Soli,tondClocks, y,,:.; Pll1tcd~ilcctl\cl('s. '#c Sih'er:SllOct:tcIcl'i, Wore,

W E~'t', Fit'M Rlhl :\l:U'inc G1:1Sfl1IJrlt:\[ullica! JII8trUlllentll,

J:tl'., Et(·.





ClcnneJ find n'pain,1 Lr n tirst <'In'!!\\'orkm:all :lUll w:l.rl':\l\tcll

fOl' (lllc ~·t'ltr.

ll1ll-·0LlD (:01.0 AND SILVER

Crocker\'Croda','~" , '::;ockny,

t r''''.t,,·r.I·,

l'Oltl' TO"·XSEX», w. T.


WIlolesale nml Retail-D£A.LER IS-

Goods Warranted as represented,




On the 1St of januu)', 18;6. there werein Eng!amt 9:!ri registered cooDuati"esocietiesi 237 in Scolland, and fh'e onlyin Ireland; the J::uglish socielies number.inR 410.000 members With 0. capitallitockoff.nds amounting 10 '16.100.oooi theSCOIch with 59.000 members and Il capi.lal of $1,108,000. In Ihe course 01 Ihissame l'ear the number of English societieswas increased bv 63 new ones, of whichfouneen only \\'ue producing societies,the olhers being dislribulivt. We seethat Ih:: number of the lalter ii largely inprepollderanee, and it would bf' tlO exag·Iteration 10 dum four-fifth, of the lOlalof cooperative soeil.:ties as distributi\'e so·cieties. They come into collioilon ..... ithfar fewer difficulties than other socielies,and when they avoid thai rock on whichso many have been wrecked-furnishinggoods on credit-the)' are almost (erlainofsuccess, The oldest and most famous ofIheir is Ihe Pioneers of Rochdale which,'IIl'3j established in 18013 by some flannel·weaver, 01 this Iiltle town who furnis~ed

aho~ether only the "ely modest sum of$1401 owned twenty l'ears later I capitalof S1l5,.:tOo, and did ai' annual business01 8750,000, The distributive socielv ofGloucester. established in IS64t did 'nolset OUt in a fashion an)' more brilliJnt.Atlhe beginning it only 20 members.wilh a capital stock or about $100; bUI inIS77 the nember of its membc!rs had in­creased to 2,019, and itsnpllal amountedto more Ihan $95,200, without includir>gthese thlec warrholJScs \'alued at $55t~OO•Theil ~cmi·annual IranSiclions require$133,800. ::nd in tlte space of si;(~een

\'ears ha\'e amounted 10$2,208,000. Weought also to refcr ttl the distributive so­cielY of the ciwil emplo,es of London, Ihecivil sen'ice supply ~ssoci3lion, which has~,~8S rtgul3.r mernber:l, with 14,980 cu,­tomen admitted Ihrough fa\'or, whoieannual purchase o( merchan{lise calls for8:,:! 1;,5°0, while lheir sales )'icld $z,-40k2oo.-Sunda)' Afternoon.

Societies In Great Britain.

The 1lI0at renmrknblc fact in connection Wilh tho iJI'fLTl1Iicnl hUMhlllld is tlultho ill continunlly laying tht' fluttclillgunction to hiK soul t11t1t. 110 is tho mOllt.uIlsclliHII olill !ictf'8flerifieing of men.Notwitlllitandiug thnt. 110 II/US n,'Clllcet.l hi8wife to tho levcl of a noncntit.y lUl11tukell 1I1l the henlthy l'U1'llO!lC out oi hCI'life, 1ll'11 couscclliclltly dOlle n gl1!nt dealto mllko hel' l1lilSCl'au!lJ ami to shortclIhl'l' cxilltence, hI.! will appenl to you forsymputhy 1\1It1 cl1t.'OllIimulS. 110 will, in·i1L'Ct.I, OCl'llllicll1ally POliO (\8 n Illartyl·. I fcwill My : .1 Look Itt. mc, allli lll.'O w!mt. 1hal'O to tIo. Where is tile JlUsliallt1 wlto110011 118 much for IIi,. wife a.o« [ 110 formine 1 Sho hM not the least trouuleI~Lout. IUlythillg. I ulIl~,.nnlliIllOIt~I)' 1'Co

heve hel' of n IOIll1 of n·tiIK.lll.llilJiliL)' Iltlllcal'C. :then J alii contilltlllll)' tort\ll'iuj:111)' LJrnm AA to how 1 sllllll plealiC her."When he nrgue8 10 thils etlect onosCllrcely know» whether to ~u,1 himns n fool or R Ii)'lloentl" }'l'\)lInbly he illa bit of both. ..h tim SI1.llIC time thereill l'C.WIll to .!X'lil'\·c tb:It, Ly punmingsome cxtroortlmlLrr prOCCli.o« of r<'nIiOlling,ho renlly UOCIl IlCnluuue bimo;clf into thebelief thnt he iii II mooelllllsoond. Stnrt,.illS' frt.'1U ~he .t\SlIllII11Jtion, 118 ho llOt'lJ,tlUl.t In'4 Wife I~ It to,)', rllthCl' dlnn hisl:OU'lIIo'\niont it ill, perhaplJ, HOt to 00wontlered. n~ that. he \;erollll'\4 l'O com·l}lnC'Cnt, nud iii nule to C,1I1'y alit hill ut­terl), selS.1I polic.•· with 110 1lIIIch rase!tIItl compOiIure. The misfortune iJ'l dInt.hi8 o.etluaintlt.nL·e:i toltmtc hill1 wlcilu IlCpruillell hilllfleli :u Ihe eXIJClIsc of theWOlllnll wholll he Ims)oo il·I'(~p.'\rn1.o1\' in·jured, :UIl: whil.. 11(' .. talk~ I'lt" Iwi· he·('IUl"ill "h,~ i:; IlI't......·i..c1y .\ Ia:H h,. lIu'S 1111\011'her, llml wlillt flll\' \\ fllll:l .. 1'.0.11\· to be1IIUL1111t'\I, would ~COUI\l if' 'illU ~'I'IOC tiO

1I11fortllllnw 1115 t.o filII into his chltclu'liH IIIl got. the illt'a into hilS hend tlmt. It~were looking 011 us what ho i:t-n. 1111':111­llOulell tyrllnt-thu prt!thl\Lility hi tlult)lrlldtJl1~('t if 110 highfl!, 1I10tiw, would ill'lluce hnll to t10lllewlllu U1lLrutl hilS COil'duct•. Bllt, untler exi'itills CiI'CIlIllR1fUICl-i'l,IIOW, III the UlUliC uf gOOllncKH, h 1\1' toget Illlch an illell into hi!! 11I'n,11

l·:.IIlt.'~tioll ii n l,;UlILJI()/'lit,· I'roc('Si'I, Hot...'OIl[mC" to houk.i :II,~I t"aelll'I", butILI'lII,· 111' of tIll' Yllrit'll illlltlclIL'Coi ofhVIIll', I.... ' [\1'" .u·l UlrJ~' :I~il'.h.'il1titll!.

The Tyrannloal Husband,

of Ill'r>ol'lf, tILe wOl'lI11 111m lin, I t1101I,t;lttIllCktll in IIl~l' ill'lll't Lllrll~ frolll IWI':.. E'lr!, Ilu 'lUlt ':;0. I \"'111101 heal' it r'

"Irene J" ""heru hall IIi>! i('y illliitler·CIll:U f1l'd now f HiJ'l f,ll'll WllH pa!e: Iii'S\'oil'" u'I'llILICfl in his Btl'lI,l:::le fur l'llhu·lIl'S.... .. Wllnt mnller>! it to ,)'0'11"

,I E\"'I·.Ythillg :" she 1-'~duillllJII, ll'l herI'ri,lft by \\ith fol,lcd Will;':" :4t 11t'l' fL'('(."Ill', if \t'tl 1ll1;ot. :':0. lak,' Ill', with\'011 :" •

. .. ll'\:lIl', dn 'yOIl 1:1\11\\ wlia~ ~ourWl'rtli luean :lIal I ".'Ult tal... )'1111 0111..'

UH Ill\' wif.. 1 ~Il' Jlllliu!.:', i.. ti,i.; tnll''''0;1t. in nnllw~r l'ihc sl,nulJ; inlo hi»

01)('11 l\I'UII', llimly 1'rolizil1g Ihllt the colormnntling Ilerchcck WM tllO nuholTed I'f'dIllig: with which iho hlltl lUIlIOlillCI't1 tllCllUClioll of hel1lC.lf to the J.igh~l'it biJt!er,Lut. Earl, holding bt'r close to hi" lIenrt,"'ill ~'iftltl Ilis l'rizo lIC\·erUlore.

--- ,Ir('ne's AuotIon. IHi~II·IlIOlU~, n'r~' l'illtlll~·. \'-1',\ truly, ~.f't

I with n C<'rtnin hlllllhl,·11......~. liP I.,ld her".\llIIIllU~t all t:0f I 'nil Mthill!; WI thnt)IO lo\,etl hrr, 11ll,la"kc,llll'r ttl i,e·

In.~U" IIU"I'"lnu~ly 'I"i'lltiou,,->,I ~II"lol. Ar· come lIer wifp.~."r 11l~r Il:Ill~ls lil.tlt·riIll\" fold.,} 1h.·~M I "J CflIllWt, 11l-'UT rO! 1tI'" rOil "u'u,".:I,·.",", ·Ik· ' ..') ."h 'r 131' Itl'!" Illf 1C1l' 't'lllll:': Uller hcll~ lie k:Uu. "1 11(,", II:{ yuu wdl 1:1I0W, I1~1lI'~ 11" "hl.!. Junk...l I'itifull)' town,,1 co.ultl not. luwc Illlk~1 ~·ou to IJCl'OIIll' Illylh" IIl'llIUii'll ~11'1 Wllllill ",iLl~ n.ldrt.'AAl.'il wlft.'; nll,t t1ll)lI~h I Ila\'l' 11m fUIYOlt~ll,

"'\othim.', lIIlUlllllLl," :U1s",I'l'l~1 tlll'l:ll- tll':4T, tleat I 11 II1:m whu has ol1h' h'lUm'

ler :I""will~ lll'an'I' 1\-' !lltl' "!'I(lkll mull lIn,1 :nlllli~ion, j yet (''\1: tukl' ~'~H I'mlllkn~'('lill" lit 11.1' otlll·I·'1l ~i,"" ",·hill· I<h,· thi:; Iii,· (,i t(.lil, ":Ul :-lJidd Yll\t \\ illl Ill.'

~,i.1 hl~ till""r ,,-~u\:K....ill~ly "11Oll Ill'r 11'~I.aM,. "-~Ul i'lf ~ulI allll yUUI'>l, it' Y"~ln1otlll'r'p; Idc l:hf'l'~~-'·olll... I'ILl:1a 01111'1': \\ III ~I\'t' Iu,' Ill!' 1·I'''l'iuu.... a"...·ll~ml... · I1,111 I(II~"~ Ih~llh j.:\..~tllll:.;Itt.IIS how Uluch K('('k,"tilat i~. lion \ won·.... rll·IIn.·..l. J IlI'po \\'I~ t!lf' 1!I:'\l1 Illt\111 TIll: prill.' ..In'the 5:lle will cllaLI", us to Lny (IIntitll\"(' Itnll for,;;ut\('ll ill tlll'~' fllli,·t IIlnnthll nuwmore sllilnhle to tilt' fCIA' roOlll.i which Jol!rgt'\l.lIp.....nnl, 1lJ{ llll(' .tUl1H...I townnlfor a lillltllIlU:-\' l,ll~ our flllUTe 1t0Ult', \Ill· 111m wIth pulu IIIl1I "ll(l,rkllllg C"'£'K.till mn ,,('('moc 1tI11lltl pupils nlh1llel thfl "Sir, JOIl illllult l1le:"little hOIl\\' ill thc <:olllllr)' ""here \'011 "No lIlan Illllullil n WOIllan with IliMare to IInl. 1l1lrrOUlllk..1 1,,)' Lirfll'i illld honelit. lo\'l', :\liss Arthur/' he ,lll}>wel'f'll,ftO\\'eOl, 1I1l11 fOl1;I':' thllt till' n,IIIl'" C\'f:r Ihll llriltn in hcr hcaring it.H rellcx on hisVA.\"'l.1 frull! YUill' tIOOI·." 3 fIU,-e. "I 10\0 JOIl-nn)', r 10\'\1 ~'Oll:

'fhr)' ',n'll' IU'll\'O wonl"" Lrn\'f'l,)' ~I)'.lo\'e Y?III1J1l1ru. I can nc\,erotlcl·it.llpokcn-!,(,lmlwly IIl1nOI (0'll.y thu ng:ullI, ~111'11 lrellf'j llllt l'CIlICIIlIJcI'­elfort tlll'Y co..t. till' "\,mk(·I·. IHhoulll )'011 nooJ il, it. iM nlwl\Ys )'Olln!.

Six 1Il0nthll II£:fOl'f', 1l~~1I" Artlilll' h:l..( rCluly to 110 fUI' )'011, to HlIO'cI' fol' ,)'011, toreigll('\IIIIIl·lItJ ill 111'1' father'lI 1I111J;uili· llie fel' rou '"~nt, IIWIll', W1WII lik,· n t1lllll'!I'I!lolt • .... ., .... .. ...froUl n d"al' :-lllllllllCI' sk". UIIIIII dUlL "Why JOCH nol, l-:CU'l (:011101" 'IlU'H'

ft\thl.'l'·/i 1'1lilul·f.J llllll 111'nl h 'in 'Iuick S1l!.:- tiun~1 the in\'nlid. 'lJ wnll! to KCC hilU­cession, with thc 1t"l."lOIlK ol1ly I·Xlll.·I·i('llCO I millH him. Writc, ]rellj', lUlIl tell himIl'lLClINl of frif'l\ll", 11''!ICI·till'' in tho hOllr 110 lllUlit roll t.hils o,·t:llinf.;."of IIcCtI-littl,' Ity littlo learlling t111~ 81m wrote in obtHlil'IH:C:llf.'CC!PIit\' of tltundilll.: alone 111111 ~t,'f'llI" ":\tnlllllllL l\iSkM for ,)'0\1. tllm kllOWRhope Ilrlftiug fllrthui· !Lilli fUl'tllllr ill th~ !Iothing. If ),OU will occtl.!ooiollnll)' tlropdil'itnTlccj ulltil tho Iln'lIent, I"itll it'! nl;. In to MCU her', l11lmH IltJ glnd,"8Oluwellwr':;PllCicll, l'ousetl her to I\l'tioll. It. t06t. her prido lL Htrut!'l;le to llcml

Tho IIlIlUl! hC1UI, l'i -t. I«) l'~gal1y ul.a1l c\'ell thiH j Lilt. WlUl it. pOlUiiLln it nlllOthe IIlight, slopil1~ HIIOIl!llC~, held itself LI·ought. n thrill of llomething like plen·mOl'e I'\.'gltll.v Ktill; tlau 1'Cl1, filII curnlt.! "lure tllnt Khe "houltl me'·t. Ililll OIlt'C

lipit were 11I'I's"II~1 Illoru prollllJ,)' LOgetlll'rl mol'(' 11IS11'\lllrhuckiedoll hrl'nl'lllol' fur thcflll..·. The weekH hlld Kl'('llI~l '1ltnllgel)' IUlig

The 11llrdl'~t p:~rt WlUl o\,('r 110...... 11"r without. Ilim. Why hml aho thll!'!mother Ilall 1Jl.'C1i tolll tllf' won.t tllut IUl'lWCrCII him1 Of <:Qurso the thing lIProuM hefall thcllI. l':oilm tum.lllOW I"k,· :t"kl)l.l Wl\.'I illl(loloiSiulc; Lut, nli, Ito","'her from tlai"" tlpul, ll!llloWL~111,)' IllClltul')', cruelly Kile hlllililmrlled him!ldon' till' dn.'Il'CI'lltin;.; foot. lif IIll'U1gf'l1S HUll 1m f0l'h'Otten it.1 She hlLd ex-vlterctl it pcetl~1 sollie tmcc of 80rrow 011 tlto

A fow Iiapi sellrell, IUl,1 ",11(' WrL'I re- IL:ll1Il;;omo brow j 11Ut. when be onteret!,,,·aTlk..1 \J~' lilliling ill l\ 'Iuiet IU)UIiC, in,diellcc 10 Iler summOlls, tllIl old,a l'rry colllfortaLJo IIl1ite of t'OOlII16 fnmk MlIIilc lit. 111) hill fnce, lUi Ilc"odll,!;'ll'hidl met nt. Ollce her Jluree llnd her re, himself to lho ill\'tlIiJ, Iltl Hlx>ko to hel'quireulI'I\til, in ~ull'Ontm.'1t to the c1c· olll~' .....hen rouru.'S,)' rctluin.'tl.It'lUtt. IllxurillllL'(',with which she 11l1i1 hcen .' lllchow, th('lll' wet'k8stOClUetl to 11(l\'esurrounded her lifo long, hilt where, :It. illll'ron.·d him. ton. lie hrnlllCfjuiretl11least, her mother WlUl Ii/lw'l.l the Hight of polish j or WI18 it. ollly imliUercnce.the rtJ Rag, which *"-'CllH~1 tlI hi r to Ue .....heI'C 10.'0 Illul rcigllCl.I fu)·et.1 in her he.lrt'lJ ulood. ":\tell easily for",'Cl/' ~Jm thought,lIl1d

"1M theN' 1I0thinl: yon woulll wish .0 wilh lhe tbought 1'1110 Mighed.• ve, MiSi:! Artllllr I" 111WstiulI,.,lll \·oil't., Tile Willter wore to :l.llclltl,l\wl ) hcr "ifll', th<l U1ol11iu,I(l,f the liit\le. Ily the in\'nlill gre..... wenkel' anti 1Il01'C

Shtl tllrnctl ho.llghtil~· tow.lnl tile W{-'ftk. Tl.e Hhock lutll l.Il.'Cll greater thRnsttanJ,-er, hilt. IlOUlt'lhing ill hiM eI,.,lr Mue hj'r lIer\'ous ~,)'8teTll couhl Lt.·lll'. nmlslieeyt:8 kilt. "11On Ill'r willlf'Il~'t.1 tile wonl:l "lUll: 11Iuter it dlly hy t111~', \lmil thehelu hOllCltL IllclIlling, excrtion of 1II0.illg frolll h"r tx."l to hl'r

"I bel; .\'ollr pnrtlon lIir," 11110 llllll\o\'el't~I, conch l\C\lnlnc too gl'f'lIt l wlll'u, for theulIRble to Ilili~ui'i(J wlloll)' thf'l'ritll' tlll'so tit'llt. tilllC', the l'f'a1izRtion hurst. UpOIl h£'rlatter 1111,)'" hllli ,lc\'l'I0l't.~11IO forcilJly- Illtllghtcr thnt. Jihc wn.<J KOOlI to be left"I IUl"o 1I0t. tllll I'ktullll'tl of )'0111' (lC. IIl"'RolntR imk'C\l.qUllilltllllt.'C." E Lt'I, duriug thl'HU 1I10ntl"., ClIIIlO Rntl

"It iK fur mc to hc); Jlunloll. I fo\'· I\'j'nt II" of oil I j Lnt. ijjJIIlf'timeJot Irenegot I llliJ.(ht. not IJtl known 10 ,)'0\1 pCI" l\.Sketl hel'llclf if lLi~ wOI'lJ1I to hcr hnd1OIIIIIIj,,11101l);1I I alii tho l\lIclioJll.'I!r 1111- nut. Lccn n tlI'tJRIn.point.....1 Ly tho Clltnru, YonI' father Not Olleo diu hhl eyes rcllt all hCI' withonoo IlilllllO II gl't'llt. killllll('Ml4, nlld though tho oltl look-not. 01lt.'O Ilitl lio holU fot' 11

1 \fOUlllliot I\Plll'IU' illtrlllsi\'e, L Khoultl lIingle mOlllcnt the littlo linge.,. within1'Ilry much liko to presCl'\'''' nny nrt.ielo hi~ own 111m' (l 8ClIIlO of ?lIIpt.y Ilmlil"you lIlRy IlcKirc. JI Jlollltmcnt"110110 tho JOSH t)lttcr IJccnuKe

llWith IIlnny thnnk!!, /lil', 1 ,lmliro to ulinckllowk'(I~'(.~I, hrollght. to tho PI'Ollllreceil'fJ IHI fll\'OI'Il," Mill! rCl'liel1 ('ol,lly, )'011111; c,)'lJiS IIl1\uy nil ullllhcd tel\l'. Untoanti pn.'t'l'·11 011, to ll\kn OllO tlccting look tho hittel' MOrrow \\'IlK in Ktore, M thcero Mho IINI to the plaell tihc IIIlht now illmlill'lI ri'ltt npproaclLctllllol'u nlltlmorolenrll to l'ILlI h"I' hOlllf', to be hrmntClI nil ueul', Ullti! thu AIlj,'C1 ~f Demit lltoopetltiny "y tllO tloUlll1 of tll(' Rllctioucer'H lllHI !-"llthoml her to hiH urensl. 1'.111'1hnl:llllcr, null the \'OiCI';1 oj' fitl'RIlJ;I'rli, WlUI there nt thtl InlJt, 111111 llli sho lay 1'i0dl.'lleCnltill;.\ tho hullll. 'luiedr 011 111'1' l'iIlow!l-they tlLought.

Hilt wllcn, ill thu llllSk of tho twcnill).:', IICI' 'ipirit had tlown-lIllt1 IUlthlelll~'

I eart Iilt)PIH~1 lJ('foro thll dour, "lid OlllJ roust'll, a\llIIRitl her ,1l\u;;htl'r'K hRllJ inby olle Rrliclel'llmllowrd 1,)' :ISJIOCi:lliell- laiR.b~r flllIICI··1l dmil', Ilt'r OWII tll'sk, Ill'r "'l',lko her/' Knid :dJ(~, "1 gh'o her to~her'M fn\'orito l'ictlll'Cl'I-WCt'f' l;rou;ht )'011 :.,in, thtl fl'Clill"K 110 IOllg ~1'n.'l>St-'C1 gll'·c 1'Ilcn thu c,)'ell dulit.'I.1 fonn'cr,WRy to ~ hUI~1. of tf'lIrH, "Do 1I0t. milll! it.; 111m meant. ollIY:l!4

Wh" luul Iiono thill thin,:.c1 ~"')J' onn 1\ urolher, lrclle/' ho gaill, ill comfort,DlOl1l('lIt the hOlll'Ht. Ullle C)'l'M wllieh luul tln)"l' urter, to till' wCl'lling ~.jrl, 1\llll (relit'me~ her own lhat. e111y f'O!lO before )Il'r, wOllllcl"Ct1 WhY.Hh~ l'OulJ not nil s\lch8l1t, 1I0! Hach ,lclil'l\C'v 1){'lon':"'Cl1 not. to nt.-eep!. it.their OWller'lI mnk ill 'life. Nor Wl18 it. So thtl Wetlr.\' tlRrll mcrgCtI into w...'('ks,'Itranger'" work, Home Olll" I1\Ullt. II/n'll the week. into month., nmt the lll'OUllknown her wrll to lul\'o Melrctal t.he few young MJlirit.lenruetl its OWII hittt'ru<'M.thingM it. IInti lift>n IIllI'h uitter wllrfare ~he 8:tW Earl mrcl)' n w-there wml noto part. with. Il)nl::~I' the ill\'lllill's illlJlllticnt llrlll:Ultlll

TI,cv wen.' imh,'('Ij lik,' olel fricmlli "I)(.ou Iliff tillle. 'me of tho olel fricnll"lent W Ctlln(~rt lI{'r. 'n"I, ill lil,. wear)' hlul como forwanl ill thillllC\.'OI\l1 hO~lr ofdays tlint follo.\o\'L'\I, hcr c')'ell ",oulll 1'f'lIt. l'iulli'rin~; but thouSh all Illae IlUli!~eJ.t1~n them in Imr hitter Mtrllggle for the him, RlItl the thought thllt. he hnilioornoodaily ncccJ«jjiliCfl of lifu for hCI1If'lf-tlte forgClfulnC!UI lJrOllgllt. her 110 comfort.Itlxuriell which to her 1II0tll{'r hlld Lct'OOIe ~he WRft thinking of Ililli one c\"t'lIiug,~iti('M. whNI hn eutett..1.

HUllilll'liJot 11I1I1 thl'O\o\l1 her morn thon II I nm f,:oing n""II)', ~Ii~ 1n:'lIc.' 1mOnce with ~:Url Kcnneth, the OWlU~r of H;llli. ,. Will ,)'011 uillllle UoJ "IIC'CIII"tbe hluu e)'CK. Them IllulllCen 1IlIlW'n\ Tim old pdll~ It~tlggll..1 for U1Mtcryconnected with tim KIlle which hlltl com, n~'l1imt thu chokwg 111 th~ 1I11"11.I..r t1l1'OlIt,polletl her tu IUCllt. him, ulllil Ito gfllw to but. tho wonlKKbe luron~ to uttCI' rf'fuSt.'llhtr alltlOllt. Il... n frif,lItl luulllt. tilllCM shu to 001111'.

-oul(1 forgl't. tho HOCil:1 sul£ which lit'll!t· II I hnl'f' wcn KluJ)'in,l{ III\\' duringI1.letl tlll'lII _ IIhe tim ollce w~llhh\' thew ,)'Cllt!l uf IlIml work, nllli Rill 110 .....~nkCI'·K dr\U"hter' hi' l\ 1Il01l who Im~1 nulc to wnit £01' tho Jlmctice I hope ""illrillell fl'OUI ~hu illlllliJlill'it nmkioll Lilt ('OlIlt'. You will think of me JiOuletinUla,-/10110 l\Oul WI\H tlillt. of II ILOltIClllllll. IrclIl', f1l11l if in tl'Ouulc, l'elllcmllfl' thu

1110 fdUlUlH flho "rul OIlCfl known. ,.lle WOl~llS I Olll.'tllll\hl-thl't r IItl1ll1l nh\'n)'Hno longer kllow. 'I'IJr'y roil,' Khr' wlllkcll, rr.:tdv to !lCt. the IIRt't. of l~ (I'iumll IIIantllllllllt. lttnnd 011 tho cuI'!: to I(-'t tI' u\'mi thi~ llsking too 1lI11dl /" hf' ndlletl,Qlrringt'l t1rifL L,)'. nf4II('1 1'lilcueu contilluCtI.

Eorl'lI chf'I'ry \·o:t.~ allllllleMallt MllliI,·, Balllwl then, for~olten nil hill wonblbermother, too, glOCl" to wl'k'OlIlc, .wi!1t -tho I.o.·~ Ill, lind 1'11111 W~III hel~ fore\'crthe re ..... choieo 110\lo'(,t", or tho enrl, lflllt, I-or 11111 It II pale ghost he l,urlet.I, too Ihee\'cr lilill flO '1IIick!)' in :\IJ'll. Al'tlllu'l'l J~1lt. Rho mUllt "ll1"ak-KllI'mutit. 1I0t leth&n~, ~'TOWillg ,hlily 11:\I"r nlill thinner. blm know. .

But OM c\'I'lliU!f, 11M he &.'\t. Ly .rene·s II UOOl.I-lJy t" Ilhu fahcret.1 j thcn, IIplte



lion........ the Utb ."7 ot .lui)' nt'xf,Mt Ihe ell/llnc roolll~ or B~I1C lo:lt~hll' Co.~o. 1. 011 Al!IlIll~ Hn.'tl. III tht, elf\' \Ifl'ort T,)\\·llJ!eUti. W. 'I'.• /I gullenlll'I'....·rlflllwill W IIt:ltll\}rllll cll)' oltll't!l'If r~llllh!lll"lie dt.'t.'lcll. tet-wlt:

~1:1)·or or the clt1 of Port TowlillmtJ, fm'Il rurm nuo j'\·ur.

Mllrl!lml or tho dly or Port TOIVlli!tJlltl.f.'r" tel'lll of olle )·tttr.

'l'lln'O (.UllllClllllllll of tllo C,mllllO:lCouncil M Ihe dly o!' Port 'I'0¥0'1I!t(·1Il1. II",Ihe lerln llftll'o }'ellr5, III Ihe .ICllllllr MI·_D. C. II. Untlllt:hu,l. ~Ir. N. 0.111111111,1Air. \\'111. XClYtDn, wll()ijo tenl\s If' ollit'llIlxl,lrv.

Tlk'f'e wilt lllJo. at ~Altl ele<'Uoli. I.. ,fl;nbllllu~1 to Ihe volo f)("11 reshlcllt IlrOl'­crt)' Itnllll'~ III Iho clf)' B 1II'OItOiliflOil r••I~v)' Ii Ilt'clll\IIlX of tlVo- lUI Is 011 lhe 11,,·­a.r. fllrlhu 11IlrlXHC of I'rovh.JIIl~ 11th'"cllglu .... fllr lilt' t.ity !llIller Ordlllll::l'l' N".80. Mild for eilit 1J1lrpfl:"e thertl 1I11nll Ii Iove" lie lho II01Is n 1l1l4.'t.:lttl bAllot box I,.rel'tlh'U till' VUlt''' Illi I 1111 flue.llon. "'hl"1ballots !l;ltzlll hll\'e lhe words....·Or 81'(,1'\ d'I'us." or "AlClllll3t llpedll.1 tlllt" 'A'1'11l ,I

or l,dllb.'11 !lltln'ou. All,1 or AAld 101l'cll . I.1. O. (,;111I"..'r t,. 111)1)(l!rlll'll InJlI>ectM; G,·.•Uarthrop. lIor.II.'O Tucker•. llllJtt'~; ",,",A. ./\.l"hlllluwr• .Ir.• ltlll! to;. n. ~It.~, .c1ur~. h, l'Ulllhk:t III\! "'1Il1l,!.

\\'hlcll c1l'Ctlull '1'0'111 blJ Oll~llrll I\t llinuo'clock III the nWl'lllnll. IImlwllll."Olll" ''',I1nl1l tlvu o'l'lock of till: ~lllO lilly wllll"u,dwllli th~ pOlI~.

'.J'h1~ dnllO Illnl glvpn utul"'r Ille ,ltrrcli,,"!lUll b)' ortler'CI( till' <,:1I.y 0u1luclllll14~th ll,l)' ol.lunl'. A. J). 187fl.

G. 1l0ltlHS JlAI••~.:n,Cll.y Oltrk.


pot a.rz:n. ~rocl.u~c),

Wll~A·I'. J1A Y.

OATa flAM.

D:\COX, nu'."'

Wbarf.... Halvn", B,:U-r,. CO.u..)13•


Port Townsend ~ Portland. Ogn.UM "bo.' Ihe HUb or eArh )hlll'lI.

For Freight or l~lIJlellge. AI'Il1y 011 !JolIl, Ur to k\JTmICHlLD It co, "vena.

Pilot Notice.



Port Townsend for Ditko.Aluklt'l'crr'y, lUll! Wlt1 Purl'.

4.... r"boul 'he I .., vi ea~" !lunlh,

The First-class steamshior--:£-t

~ r~lbel'lll AlI\·hlll..'t'S Illade OIL f:.llISIJ;u­IUlllllil.

NOTIOEOf Sheriff's Sale OfReal


O"rlCE OF' ['cnn SoUND I'Il.OT 0031'". lPort TtlWUst'lld. \V .1'.. Jlllltl :.tS. '71). fNOne,,; I.~ IICl'tll1y ,qIVf.'lI to lllll't,'r~ "t

!ell guhl,l( ~I..~·l~ l'ellulrlnl: pllot.•. allli rl"f'lhcrwlllICn.'Itlt'tl, Ihllt Iht! Jll'CllfI;(J 01 10; .• 1.llcAIlIIflIul lIoJ oue or Iho/IIIuU ot PUIl,·tSollnd \VII! 1't\'okL11IJy Ol1l'r of rho 1111111.1ot 1'1101 Cllllltlll.~lolll·", 011 Ih.,. Dlh Ihl\" tXOVtlllllter; 11472. !llId h" Ilot "hIOl'I~"llf\'llt'wt'll. 'J'ho unly JIIIIHIS 1I0\l\' hCl)IlIIl~IlIlrtJVflk~d 1I{\'lIitf'R 111'11 Peter Thollll""Il.1\'1'l"01I 'I'. QII'er. ll(ltl ,'IUlIeil t..ltlj{lh I"".ll11d no olll"r penoon or IJCrilOnft lire Il·/l.:l ­I)' flllllllflL'fIIO pilot vl~ll(ll" to Illilt /t"III)

&1.·11. 011 th~ Wl'IltlNl 011 PlIgN l'Iollllll.ll)' 1I1'l1~r II. E. MOnGAl'lt·.

I'rlll't U·t! l'll/.:l't SlillInl 1'1I1~ ....:Oltl.Alfc.ll: ,t".m::t G. :;'\1\',,:-..

to:l,n St'Cl'\Jtrlt)·,

By VIRTUE 010' AX 'EXr.CUTIOYISlued Ollt of tile !.Ilsl rlct (,;ourt III 1111t

'I'hlnt JUlllcillt IJI~trlet or \\'ll~h­IIIItOll Territory. 1181lllllg tcrll1i1 litPurl 'I'IIWfl"C1II1. Iu ,he ~\llt "rM:U""llnll n!lllll Agllin!' 8. F. Ocl1l1l~nll.duly fltle-Il..'tl 1110 illl lilt)· or .JIII)" A. D.•IS';\). J IlaWl levied upou lit. follo"'llI~111~_

crilJt.'f..1 Heal ESllito tu Jelltl~1I wit:

'I'ho}o: hlorNE qr nt Sec. I} Tp30;\i It1 W lCDllllllllllI:.t 7:1 IICI'l'S.

W llfot XW qr8foc4'1'll:JO Nit 1 \\':SJ-:llrof81':'lrS!·l..lJ:.l'1'j>:l1 X It 1 \\'; :IIUII.ot U:-ite :J;J ·I':n ~ n 1 \Y--oollllllnll1((150 63-100 aure~.

Thf prlll*l·t)' of B. F. !>fnni-or..Notice I-:t hl'rl:by j(IYcn that nil

Saturday, 9th day of Itt lhu hour 01' tW(I o'l'!l)('k 1'..\1. lItthe lloor 111 tile l.'I'lUl't hl>l15t! III I"nrt '1'0\\'11.l'f!1ll1. ,1t'11i'I"nn m .• W:I'.. {wllllol·llllt 1'111­nc IUll'111l11 tim MI)O\'c 11l'.'lcrllA·(1 1~':11 I~lIl1uII) the Itlgl,,·.t hldd"r fur \·~~Il, I" .;I,I.rvIh,' ..:.Ihll·:h'Clui!"1 of III,. llll,"u"r nl <IXInllllll'l.~1 ullil ell!~OIl 011.100 :'0111: ) I,.:;1"". willI IUIl,rt"'t lit rhu rUIl' hI " ... P'r­l·l·ltt. 11I'r IIIOUlIl 11'1'111 rlll'llll! 11;.\, nr.I'lll'·A. 0. lSi... 11111111l11111l~ t.) 1111\'''' hllllllu~1lIu,1 "Ixly-~Il ir,1-IOU 1':lrIU~I) llolllll'" awl,~\'<I. "f ."ul! ""llltlllllug Iu ttlll (,WI ,llIIII"·,,1I1l.llllt:n:I~:tlt:Ulihl.

It S. ltll.U.;n.SIIl"rlll' of .h·fl'tr~,," CiluulY'. W. '1'.

I'orr TowllCCllll. .1 Illy 7. '871). ~I

N OTiCE ]S UEREDY OI\·i!:.S'llwlt 011

Electio'n Notic.e.

Oomlni~sion Agentl"lAlill DclllCfM III


Family II



One Concert Only

:'Ilium aHl,)l.'T AI.Al!I',\.-lll m:ll!llllll fo1t~1I18 C!l>CWIII'rl,l III tlw·u 1.'OllIlLlII~. Wtl CUllnow IltlIIOIllII.'O tll(' alTh':11 01 DI·. I.hllhh')'of .'ortlnnl1. 011 hl~ WilY to AllI~k:1, IIc11:15011 Ihe litcllillor mntt!rlnlll lor lmllillnl-:"school·holl'ro BlltlllCllllrch ut Fort Wr:lll.gtl. where 110 ~i"tnhllsht'll the l1r!t !ChoolIIml ml!!loll c\'/~r llcgllu 111 Alllcl'ic:ln$ IIIlIult IH.·~It.'Ctetl rc~ioll 01 0111' relHlbllc,,l~lt~), I.~ .1.;0 conllni8lilonel1 to orgallizedlUrchc8 :llltl sellools In olher 1l:lrtJl; of AI­llSl.(Il. th~ fuml..; (jelng contrlhutl't.l b)' Jlhll.Ililthrol>h.: llLl{1 Chrl311an flCUpll.', aIUOlI!!"hom :11'0 members of Dr. I.11l\lihl)'·S COli.greglllloli. Wo expect lllUore mphl !>Ct.tloluellt l\llt! cl\·llllf.nt!OH of our slstc r Tcr·rltorr, w!l{'l1 i1l1elll~~l1t clt.l1-cns tllke holt!01 It, 111111 Clnl~tl:lllli IJrovo tlJelr fulth lJytheir \\'ork'J.

Tho !'arnOllaOlli Tlmo anl),OnlyOrilrlnRI


AT PORT TOWNSEND. ONFrldu;y CVCUhlK, .July 11. 'TO

In Cood Templar.' Hall.IJoore open ... t 7,SO. SlnlJlll" to COIIIlllllll:lO at

I (I·clodr. ~1llirlJ•CArda oC.t1ml'llo \ 1.00

CirNoaJ:lra thillyll ror ruefv~1 leU" IIIJllwtllr)' vtllN. J. W. Cot' tlIlAl'l', e'ec')',

r have, this dllY, tnkeu nlY 11011, DAIII~IH. Hili. Info ~Irtncr,hlpwilli me 1n the01'111(. PRint. Oil, GlllM Illld Book bllgillelfliIII 1'lIrt 'l'owllk'llIl. W. '1'. Mlylw or firmllllllle-S. D. U11l& Soil.

NA'I'IL D. HILT".1~llrt Townsend. July 7th, 1870.

w.: ha ..o from :Mr. 1-:(1. Cllrrel()11 01Kellogg point IIglltllOll~C Illllt IhIJ bOth'

01 Il fcumlc 'A'118 fOUlII1 011 lhe bellch I;t

Whltlb,)' 1~l:1.I1l1. No !th.'l1tll1l'allllu ,,:oulllbe llllUlc.


PORT A:..:<a:I.II.!, W. 1'...Iullo 10, '';f''

EDl'rOR AIlOtis:-Xotldng !lOW" lOOlll­

lIlenu Irl tlll~ 1l1lIJCf lloout the Illcklllg 1111of a 00:1: of chain; from Iha i11·fnletl ":1(lllm·

ef, RepublIc. \\''''ckcd hl.~I\lc tho t'oilltllbinriver bllf, I thought II \\,ollhlllot lie 0111 ofplll.l.'C to "-'llrOf.lnoo Ill" eXIKlrl"Ill'C ul ,1t·11l.ahowlng the afroTlA: 114:t of llorllll'rl~' alnl1([ tilt> l'OlI-t nr WlIshln/ollllll Terri­tor)' Aud lll'llish Oolumbla. So'1I0 llllliliu!UO the 8tCll.lllCl· l'llcllh: lo~t IllIrt nf herdetk loat! 011 tho <':ulllLllblll rh'cr b:lr-l.'UIl.Ilstlllg of Ilpplcil, &c.-I(l\·PlI ooXflI (Ifwhich WllN pickel! 1111, l.IIlrf~tl)· I5OUlId, OIlQueen GllI\rlocrc'j billmi. I'urt of till'\Yr'eck of the old Jllnk. YeruOll, 81111~t1

to he IoU 011 \'lllll'OuYtr's h.1aIlt!, WII.'!plckl,'tl up III KOlIlnk. AlAska. The b:trkM:uln L ~hnlth, Illlllmlollt'<.l off B~n:lll)'

SoUIllJ. drlRetI lutlll1 1l1l(IJ ,lie 6I:fOl1tIl't:d111 ~liII D:lllk Sound, B. O. DIIO)" fromCal\forllin I\ut! Cohunbla rl,er havo bo.!Cll

pld.t<.I tip "tUtu Ihe /llr.llts 01 rlK.... ,'fhen the Pneltlc "'" lUll Inlo Ind

8unk. all t11fl tlrlft wa, north llu(1 t11d 1"5tlurvlvor WM plckt.'flup by Ihe Olh'er \Vol­,,:oU, 00.' l~llIow l'olut. AUowlnA' tileatMlDer to hRve been flunk off Pliltler1rocks, it WOllW llIl\ke any miles drilt In!"flvlmty honT'll. The J~. H. S.• Shulirlck.t1ln!\V O\'erlJoslnl fill olll Ilcrt'lck, lit Astor·lA, which lIevt'fltolll~d uutll It Itllllied 011till! (AnKulet) 1111" wlllJl'4l It now IIlY~.

oneil hnv~ I IlickPl.I ul' ,.,."IB (rom th,'oceAn, whIch' tell of 61ll1lter to MIme Itlll­lAnt \·t:Ill!l!l Inrther lOuth. SlnOl:lthe WM!ckof til(' Grellt Itllpllblh: l hne Illckl'!oll 111111lew "Icoot 01 glugl!rbreal1 work 1'1111 giltmOUldings which t'Oulli otlly>101l1C 10 I'lIleamer o( her kind, 011(' mile (rom Ihl'!1I.11:lIt hC1ll15tl arc two re,t·wootl lop Il"hlchtell their own tale of fl;trollg lIorlflcrly cur­"lnla which act all dr1l1e t111i1 wily.

One thin, Temuk"lJle It the "I!I.h~current" which brings thln,l[j from till!r:orth. r h""o picked' lip 8110W IhOfJ AllilpArta of fll~ bottoma trom loll' 1Ilulceli.which could nlll)' be 1l~1 on t~rucr orStlCWll river, which pCOVC!l that rheft 1MI AOutherly H;llill fl;hore. Ollt. of tile Illtlillnortherly lIrllt. DY' kef'plng c10Ml WAlch.r lIIay tlud lOme lutcreilt1lli wlllfll lrolllthe "Tl8ty tlOl~p.-, Rusut:u.

.A;;:K 1I0Icol11b)3 j;how )'011 ;;:01110 ofrl1nQl'flue d Gllrs~h~ Imt! nmuo w."llCdrdlr ror IIItrulle.

CIlIIIIl~ litention to Iho lIbove lIotlt.'!'!.we wOllld AAk ror the tlew flrlll R l'Olllllln_Illl''t! 01 the Vil:ronAlCe 1M) lil"lIlly ~to\'tl\1UIIOII thc 01l.l1101l1le. It will btl our tOll.'Ulut OIlUelYUr to keep " lull IlIppl'y 0'all 10 lilli, o( Drug8 & )lllI.llc1ll~ III1t.'t.1ttl.Ulgcthcr wIth the Stnllll"rd Pilteut )fl'<ll­dllt:~ tllld J(11\8lIW'flrt!. pttlllt6 lI.utl 011•• Indstlltloner)' uml tlno cutlcr)', \vhldl W(Iwill sell At reliOliliblo n\tell, wholCllllcIU111 retoll.

\\Te are allQ ligen.!! (or the !lew ICrlCli,,' &Chaol books, Jklliotl CAli 00 UPI)Ut'tl.



Inaurance And Real Eatate4.Qo:IIJN'T

)lon01IOOlluu, "nil 1011.1111 llCHOUAtod. noua",nt.-II1. liml IlcllT. l'Ull«h..'I), All b,ulullioilOrrll;Jr;-J1s~a>ilt~;I~CI~I~~d!lgrt TownlOlUl,


\\'V,RTe plelLlt't1 10 lIeu I' III 1\ )Ir. Qlrle~

lUll. (II KelloRi Pr. IIgh! !lull .... \¥Ili 111M­rlt'tlllll the Sih Inlit. DIU IHdy'~ URtIlCIII,! tlld 1I0t lurn.

'1'111.: IlIlllllgl':ltlull IOClcly lIIeo:1 thlll

evelll"g at 8 p. m. III 11tt.: nit! l'GllrthOIl:te. Let ever)·b,jll)· tUfU 0111.


It i, to he hopcd thllt those or ourrPaocrs who Ilro entitled to Tote at

Ihg coming election, \~i1lllot negleot10 du their duty 011 ~Ionday no:ttlind will d~polSit a ballot in favor oflov)'in,l( a special tll.X fur tho purposeo( Ils:siiSling fie,cue fire .ngine COIR·

plU)' to purclllu8 In Ililparatul.

It 8eems to U~ lHlUltCl'SlIllr! to re­mind our citiZilliS uC whllt tbey cer·tainly oUllht not to (orget-thlt ii,how el!SAlllilll 1o :ho prelierYILtion ofnul' huihlings (rom JllstructiOIl bylirt) is II fire en,lZ'ioe. Situilled I' weIHe 110"1 ....ood heing t>mfllo)·.d fiX·clusivelyas builllin,lZ' 1IIIlh·rilll. mllnyU( Iho ,truoture. olrl. anti in a dryIInJ highly combustillie IIlete no,bingill till! "nrld would pre"'ll t, ",llat illlh. b./llnn:ng mip;ht he hnt a sm"l1fir., elld 0110 tbut cuuld hfl easilycnntrol1erl, were tho rt"l'drvtl Il.ppli­ullces lit lll\lld. from tumillJl illin atlhutrous COllflll/lrlilioll, 1111' pntl o(wlJil·h would ouly come from thelick nf fuel (or thl': flllme.

Our ~Ollll", citizl'ufi h"V8 Ihown~re"t /ilnerll.' in the f1tgauizlltioll ofthl! fire comp..ny, Rnd fllr IcfH'I.inJt itl(\~ether u!lut!r luch dil'clJllrll~illJ.t

CirClll1lbt"ucl'8, Jt'I('rve Ihe liiJ;heiStcrrdit.

Lllt the people, theil, by their\'nt~1 mallif,.lit thuir nPl'rohtLtiun o(,.\,Iull 0111 1Liready bC(O!I dOlle, IllJsi)(ui(V their wiJIin~nen to f')llCOllr·li~Q further efT,lrts for th~ protectionof tht!ir property (rom liro.


I l'llIIlIJf'titioll in Ittlsinr!'!!, lllust strik ..rill lillt'nil lhillkl'r:i 1\5 ril1icIlII'Il~.

\\'1' han' Ilj/t"d n( llln"l·lr lIUlI mOll,·\·

ill lIUIN! f'''Ulllit'S lUll! let il CLllll~.ThllUllO ",ill \loJ\'elope the'rilllfor Iho otller to I.r(~p"rt Cur us£' anti~'lll.(tft. Mlll1)' Jlcnplo nlllko muchbusilleiO!!. I ( Wi' kuup tllOm ulI'ay"u Mit LlilHllo O\.lr nwn interest andto Ihem 11\' hillill~ the very coulltrywhion thoil!lll.nll l,ro IIUW I"oking for:\'"ilher roatli, liteomholll!l, or rail·rOld RO in Ild.llllce or ClltlIllHlllitiuhut 1l1"I,S (0110" thtHll, tlH'refore \~c

must hll\·e cornmuuitictl first.l~eL tlH'm como!

Now thl'lt tho !lity el(,olio.. ill onour hllnds, I (u"" rl'll1lVks ou thl aull·

jeet wilt not b. out or plll~e. 1 uour oommon affairs o( Ii Ie ITO hueleamuJ tha~ ",heu we .ltOUr8llli KOlltl

ulil\tpnt in In,. depltrtlllont thllt it i.for dur beat illtl'reiSt tllll\'ohl ohrlu!teand keep Ihose 111 ..t we ba\'e tried,

Ind found true in the p'laoelt o( reoIpon,illility and trult. 'J lilt IU it is

in public Itrair. i when "e 6ud 1)i1i­cell' lind r..itbful ..runta, "e b.­

lieve they Ihould he .kept ill theplace. they han filled Ie. ".11. Witare c·allid upon .n Monday lIut, to"0\1 fur thr•• Councilmen the MayorInd llie It.rahaJ. O( tb. M.rur "eueed onl,. lIa,., lbllt the prelent one,Han. Chll.' Eisenbei¥, mUlllh", lip­proYaI,o( the whole COllllllUliity, and,f he will COlisellt to Icce~t It 1l0mlO.liOll, w, prediot hi, 11Il1tllililOUI eleo·tiOII. The three councillTl~1l \\'htls~

t~rm. nf office expirfl IlrD Dr. N. U.Hill. Mr. D. C. B. RUlhscllild 'IlldMr. Wm. Newton. 1)r. Hill III'"lerred .. City TritlSurer uuri .. " till!p"t 1elr, alld b.. h.ln ind.("tl)r"l,11lhi hi, care o( tbe filllillcial inlert':tla\If the city. Mr. RUlhlohiid 111l1iblten a prom pI Ind elB.:iellt 1llt'lultttro( tbe heard, al.lYI hltillg 011 hlilld.Ind e\llr rlllld,. to luilt ill .. IT thillg.oonduci.e ofth. citY'1 woel, lIud "'1'

recommend thu tbell tw" ~~lItl~'·

men he r&elMted to thei~ yreilimt I'U'lition! in II(I Council. Mr. NIIt.ftllllh... in_~ leh tbo ci~, ill the lunica 01tb. U. S. CUltOID" it b~culnu 1l1!1.·CIS...ry to look for a nil" miD tu fill hilllpl.ce, and "0 "uulu be ill f.\·nr ufthe election of IOIDI pruperlv hold .. rwbo hal tb. real inler••t 0(t111~ cilyet bearl, ':Id whu will tilice ell intltrel\ in the helutificaliull Clf our Cil)'.Iud h.lp carry ou~ tbtt worlc 10 weltbegun.

Warthll Finn hIS p.rformeJ "I'llanJ failhfully tb., dutieM ui hi~ '111lCI!Inll'lb.r. i. DO atrulla-.r (lulIrulll'lu'for lb. future thall tbe eXI'''!rivu\l''.i?f lbe ~...t.

'rux rftlQWnttJ lJlltclllll~(lli FlIlIlU",14'110 will pnf'C1rDI hf'11' 011 lo'rlll:11 III;.:hr.l'Mrry .louJ with t!1"UI Ihelr (1111 ~Plllll­

tlnn for 1P1lt'fOIllry. 11!W. 11t'11; M~ l!hl'.where. they will duvoto ollo.Lhll'll 1)1 thoI'ruceetI ot tho enwrtaiulliout Iu til" Sllll_11:1)' IoClh1011, though thllY lIllll'r l1I":H1 "I

thlUIl ~I IJUIrOlllllte. Ht:llll'lllbo'r 111(1\':Hl' hl-lftrh,tJi to .....~ .1II:i hellr Ih\'lIl I'fOlllcthlll'lO II)lIIl!t or III r,lt.:r till I'!.

TUUHSi):\Y. ,1l"I.Y 10. IS;\1




1t i. 'I""'y gr.ti(yill~ to notice theincreasill.l: intert!st lJcillg Illllnir.stedby our citi7.el1s ill the tJ,UbjEct or 1m­miirluion, Dnd it iii to ho rep-rotted

that the mO:lment to organize •permanent immiJlfation society, no~10 (a,'orably reeth'oJ. W&5 1I0t dOlle

yeln ago.'Vhy i. it thlt tbe counti•• of .Tef·

ferson, Island, CI.llam and SanJuan hue liD 81i~htl)' increl'ed th(>ir

llopulation within the past U )'t!Ars,

while oth.r localitirs hi"" doubledInd trebled thein ?

,,'\1\' ill it thilt the thousands of

peop'; who hue cnme til th, wtlSt·

ern.part or tho Tf'rritt,ry ill s..roh ofhomlll, within the ,,&It four yearl,hue pll5Heli rlll~lt by our door. "hb·out stoPPl",!: ~

Why i, it tlll\l Port Town••nll, themost charminllly II'ClIllOd cit), ntl Ihe

COISI, .nd the h".hhil'llt on urlh­"ilb thl! RIO&l enchlulill, 1I1111 grind.est o( Ic('nllrY-6itullt',t tid "ht' is It

the ..ery"'''''''y tCl Ihl! ol'Pln-"I·most surruunded hy t""llm"l;llilicluthlrhllf'llllIl more cl":lIrully Incltl('llTO thu"J{ricultliraIICNitinii o( Weltl'

ern Wuhin,crlon tlinn lilly llttwrpIIC'OIl thu ~rirteip'l: mnttl (l(lflll'~1

un the Sound-why i, ii, we :ulk,Ih~t her IIlIIiUracJurillJ: aud in,hul'trill intt'relts 10 "II/Illy nf'~I(!ct.

.d' Tbat Ih. nltllnl luJvllrll,l[el

"itb "hieh Iho ere-WI' IJlII enclrolptlher-eomoillinll Ihe rfluurC"J Mild(Icilitits (or I Rrelt cnnlml'rcillr cily_Ire left JlIrmant .nl! UIIUIl!c1 ?

Why i. it thlt t~e pr(llni!lill~ fu·lure,h" onCf h.d il no,," 10 dim InaIll' (IOID being r"flhled? Wh)·h.. Ur. f1110rmOUI trlid. ahe 0110,.controllf'd gr",uIIl, 11I\lPil IIfF del".Niun i. a .uhj~ct o(

r.n.ralll.rm? Why-u. prllln;.nentcitizen rltmlrked thl' other uay-i. it, thlt dulllrll"''' .elroer now

thin t"ellt! dollar pitc'l w~re fif­teen yearl IRo? Why mUlt lilllm.

oC our belt mechloics go (rom humeto fintl work? Why is it thJt weimport the lOOse of .,lId w. elt Ilnuweir-our hou68hulJ (urnitur. Itlll

I farmiug impleI'D,nll. hour loilull'

produoti•• o( Ih, mal.rial 10 mlllc",.ba~ we COlllmR', or dll '" hick

Ikilled labor to connrt. it?Wb, do •• Ibi., "bu.t 111(1 011.11­

and import 80llr ll3d oatmeal j ham·bf!r-.nd import. (umitu,.. and (.rm

machinery; hhhtl-lllJ import b..:ot.and shoel j wQtlI-lnu im1JOrt readymlde clothing, eto., ,Ic. f

\\"ho ever knew I" inJi\·,duII whopa,1 out more than he collectl ill, to

prosp.r; and II it lIut tb. Slme "ilhoommunitiel! .

Do not let UI df'cei,e our.el,,".hit bop. Iud inloli\'ity Inylollg.r.Such a COli.... b.. tvidenlly' heentb, maio cau.. o( present dull tim.l.

The remedy for III our ill, are• iLbio our reacb. W .. haY, oul, to"ake up (rom the lelhlr~y of Ih,paM, dra" our I..t lrom the wornrug ot d.buin. oU.tuM .ud itnJiO".r·

JInCland l&alld Od& on the IlIlher IudlDuli,r rroQnd of ..,11 r.tienN. d,·\ermin.d 'bI' II &community we Ibannot. IlO do.n. wblla our nei,hbul'lare rilina' in th. 181, of " ..Itb andpower; but tblt •••!II rellin ollr

loat. cQrDm.rci.1 P"fItltre and "Itore

••ninc prolperity. "'I

Then, iu proportion kI our .eal,shall a rnolutioa in bUlin... berin

and incre..., .nn pue"itb th. enlerpri,e ot our citiz.n,until, aac,leTlttd It, itt own momen.tum, itl cootlnu..nce "ill be Ulured(or8\'vr.

No.. is our 1inul to leed off', aadlet none bing bliCk, (or in union i.II,n.'lth.

Let ueryone join our irumigrationlociet.,. and coopel'ltinll on.' beformed in oth.r locilliti.i. OthermePlIrel belidel aidinlC unmigrllllii.nd equIlly irnlJlman1t will be let inmotion.

Tb. (ooli.1: t.lddl~ Ihout ~eople

comiar bert to I'an., Ind aboutboUdinl road. &,.~ Ind makinl





[0. c. u. ROTIISClJlLI>

Genuine slrainhl Bourbon~ey.

F~ K_tot:kT.

D. C. H. ItOTHICHI&.D,Conlular aaenl of 'UIcaj

.. W. P.a\TiVice .. Conaul or • NICAIUOll'A.;

.. U" URAOUJ.I',

Vlr-'nl• ..,. Whl.k.,

From JlldllllOnd. Va•• dll'fCt b'Om tire m.-

s .a. L T.

•Itook Cov. .ourbon Whl.'

kO,..18:78 and 1810, "

WE OFFP.R .·OR MAT~E. IN LO'r..iTO ~vrr. A BRASO or


Durh.m Old VI"lnl. ..,.Wbluer-1t11'.

17 For 0IIe by BOTII8CHILD '" Co.

F.Ql,;AT. III I'fffY rNpt't!C 10 , .... two.tLl1'l'q)fln} Nit tor all flIlrJWl"'l4 fnr ..bldlI.'I~'11fM 1J IIOC teqalte\.1.


~ J.1\D DE.lLEllS IS 0---


H. RotlUlcltild,o.




f"ort Townsend. Wa~h. TeI"J'

Casta Ricauhi» lalliI4e.

U3 Front ,t., St.u Fr&.ndK'O.

ES'l'AUlASIiEn I~'i.]



Vewlib CoasiiDet 10 Roll1ll:hilt I CO.,


Exchange Bought and Sold.

Port Townsend. March fe7, 1879.


CALlFon:S'IA WIXF..5. PORT. SIIf.RHY. ANOF.J.JC.A AXr, MUSCA'rr.fallli Wille \'IIII"~llr. hUI'lIrlt'fII1I~,t br WI from the f1l1e)'~nts: In pile lind n;,;:

ttll.. Iud (or PW RL:)a1l Frallci:il'O rales hy


One 3 1-4- in elL FISH. waion for' sale at a bar­jam by

Liberal Advances made on Con8ignment8~


The Highest Price Paid for Wool, Hides, Fursand Produce.


o. F. OLAPP, Propr:1e,&or.


Dry Goods, Clothing,Boots a.nd shoes,

Shipchandlery, Hardware, Groceries.Tobacco,, Wines, ~ liquors

'1 illS F_~'I'AUI.r:3IUIr.S'"l' liAS .Wln OI'EXF.D wl'rn A "~U1.L .."XUComplete :ih....·1i. uf Conera. Merchandlee. CtIIl,L.llug In JHIrf or

Hardware, Groceries, Provisions, Crockery,Boots, (£Jut Shoes, Dry Goods, Notions, ~·c., ~5'c"

Whloh will be lold at Port Townlend Price., ffW C..h.


,'" U U LUI 1.>.1o:~. J:' U Jt. to;. A N I) 0 I L

Fer which lhu higlw!it lIlarket price will Utf jJllid. Flwners Will tilld it to iutt'rClit 10 call "nd CXllmillQ gocx.!s At thi. e5u,blilhmen~

Boro,o purcb..iug ol•• "horo, NO rllOUllLE TO SHOW GOODS.

•Ihaut~ kllnl ~tron"lOr tho pille,

R~ NOTIClU. I.",=====================~&:r"l1_ will be hehJ hi St. l"u.I·'l:burch Oft I'

~lt11.lA) IIlald II A, •• IUlII 7 1'. 31. !\UlltiaV.. 1100111111', •• t."I!IlIi1WJlnI)"rUII \\,,,,1,,, 1 o'l.'Jooll, Llttlll)' on t'l'llla)' llIutllillll',11l1~

I'rew':lllnr neIL Sunlla)' in Ib_ lI. Eo Cbun:h1l1llrt1h.jC lIuli tncnlmr, Loy Ue .., 8••\, :Slurr., .. 1(11'. IlCllooI .t 1:1). I', liC.-3. A.,elK". Supt, t"')·er Wa:tlJliI on l·ltlll'ldll,)''''·~Iltn...t 7 0~1Ot:1I:. In Ihtll'l"t:llhrletlan t.:bu",-h~1:Lot:r~~~ti:r.:..b~.~: U, W. 'uaclk:, JlllItor,

UljK:S'.-ln I'ort TOIYIlMlud, July UtJ,1,si'U. to tile wife of Ctlpt. Jill, 8t.:!lt.Wn,\.i. S. H• .!II,. Ill1lllllllll:~.


Gt!u. RuthlOp, Houjf, ~llu Pahlt,.r,

.t,'., (:n )"l"rs amolll you) " ta from Ihe

tlUIIn-Judked a Ihare of P'l1.toUr..a-i Illd

LOCAL NOT.....iJ:r II line llUOrtlllcllt 01 1('1(llI blnl1k~

Ilt UUll:lJlUb·l.

U(J (0 WIloUlrmflll It Katz rOt tho belt1.'11t!IilU, It reMOuable prll'c8.

~ The AHOUI I, trpl (ul' illl~. I\'}(u,hll'I~. Itot Mt. UolL'OllIb', Vlltl ... l)' SlUN.'rwo IIl1t-cllli'ol 1l\\'hIK UUlchlllt!l!,I! -\\ !liOn Iud" Ijiugcr, fH,W. lor I,ll\!."\1,,,1)" l\t tht! Anous olllt'C.

c..~rI' Sftrsapatlll. III1fI ~11I \\""t\lt. (+IrIltu wllllon, I" lloh:owu'. \'lu:ld~ ::\tOI't.

'I'h:1I da)' ofllll dll)'j, the 4th or Julyopellcd with I drlzzlnl nltl, lint.! bCIl.VJlIk;r. and te) one unl~'(llJlllllet.l with thealllOllllt or 70 Iplrlt amollg t)ur chlzenthe ftrU klea would hllTe been that noM..oognltloll would Ol' of thnt dAY-IUoo;ll.uloll '1I\'hen leolS IhlLn 3,000,000 01Itunly l'Otonlsti told lllJauthr parliament.ant.! gouty old klllillm, tbey were wrong.

Tlmc, that. hen1er or bitter lneworJ, hasefrl\cN the Imprellloni & ~'ar for 11l(k,...

pemlenct',laslllIg eight reart, bat.! left;"lid now, 011 tllb our 103d annh'etSAty orIn Independelll'e 80 bra vely rought (or, 10charily Ih-en. And IOJllpuokU, O\alutalnetl,our 45 mIllion. or people oofetlug thefill ml part ofGod', green earth, call roe.view. with leti aud leu .crlmolly lit eachlucceedltl~ Fourlh, the pUUrloUi SLorT oCOOr ellfly l.illtor)·.

JIl.plte of the ralll ",hlcb prec:lutletl openair fettl,itlel, (Iud here we ')'mpa~h1ze

wilh Otlr blIiebllll dubo) the town wu tutl01 people, ant.! g()()(1 humor and a deillOto malte the be"t ut Iha Illiller WII pre­dowltlllllt, ..\1 lUI ~arly hOllr • ulute "Ai

t11'\'1.1 by t1.e cUller W"kOIl, and lit U~

Cort. Tho Woleon wu ~pecllUy notlce­.-ble for tho gay bllutlill whichclothed her 1Il1l$l hCRI!J, lent. .. It1I1ifoltIt'iJ III Iho b~7A:, IUklltional l\ttrne­tlon to thll 1ll0llt Deltlltlhll veillel. At 9:30a. m" Ihe ~'Ue .Ellgllie l'OtDpan" amIl)urt 'l'u,,'nscnd bl'llM baud formed all1I1l.!If\falk In lrollt oC Ihll EIlglne houJe,allll, man:hlllg 10 Uulnll wluut. reo:lvootho armfl.l CnlW or liar U. S. R, CutterWolloott, J.lvttL McGuIre In COWmllIt.I.All tbe prot.:e8tllon 1l1lVllolll'\'t.l up the "harfl

thl'T were DIet by 11. L. 'l'lbbal.. Ell(h)1.-t1thal or Ihe lillY. who took commaud,llud wbuk "GOd Dlallll~emen& IhroUll.ionttt.o dnylt wotth)' ur"UllrJlte. 'fhliitn­tlenum ~fllllnl)' u,*n'~ credit lor tilepalnll mallircstd!lo IUIll,oe tbe wr" pleat­um"lucwy.

TIst! fONe (rom the cutter retlUnet1 totho "~Siel early ill Ihe dar. lIut ellol1JhWf.S ieC!1I oftbt!m to !how the people Itiut! bod)' 01 llkll. "'huM 1lIl\1'CbIIlK and&eUIlI'UIIM'nrlll&: Will I.l.:rtdlt to U.IUIlIh-es.-Ild their otlll'l!l"I.

At 2 II. Ill., thtl lJroct'I3lon aled hnoOotJIl'ftIUpl&rt' UlIlI, ant.!, Iltler mwlc bythe b:lud, Dr, N. D. Hili took tbe cliIllr,lind wnh • (e" patriotic wonk. Intro­~Iul'etllhe Rc:v, llr, Jiladle. oru.. Pretby.wl hill dlUn:b, who Opl:IU....J the uen:1MdWill, A WOtit 11I1.e~UIlI pIl~ o.the ttremeulea. wu lhe I1ngtlll. TbilWill IllInt b)' lOme little KI.rII, who bidIJft;,IUlul}' IIgurt'll hl the l)tOOllIIlolt. eachIIIlU ~IIl'\lklltlllg one 01 the 11 or1llilall'Ulllula. 1I1u Nettlo 'fllJtnts, u Coo­IIIXtlt..11!- lllllg: "A TbouIIu\l Yblrl myOWIl CUIUll1bla," Tel')' "uel)", tuu'l:1,lo'"I)" l'OlllllllllloDllClvtng the CooM. ' Con·l.ccth..'Ut Ilenr hatlall)YelletrepmelllAtlv~

Dr, '1'. 1'. lIt!lor theu tl*J Iho "Owbtra­11011, II alld. at he ptOOl>fde4J, Olle wouldhave tholl,ht tha& It w... & prollutllon or)'t!illl'nlay, and 10t the drwt tilMe ptlbl'-llI!l1,10 .th·uti.. WlU'8 the audience to IhOIO"l;t."'.ruo:k" truths tlwroln delaned. 'l'beIjf"tIUII. by G. lIlorrle HaUer, EIq•• \,SUM

Itt'SI. Till' productlon1 thoulh ,hort, wulUll of Iiltt.·ttl'" aooundlnl... it dlt.!, Inhl~Wtk"ll1etlll1a, aud W&l deliftred In tbelLJl!llkt'f't1 hlllppint ;Uf.uuer, .AUtt theurlltloll the lIRlld pw auother telectioD.MUt.! th~ well IlIltl~flt\J amlleul'tl dllpcl'ltld.

JII the \\T\luIUK • well aUendud u.nC'&1I\'OlllltlUl' til" u~rnlll'*'lof the day, IludIIlUlIl{h II", IJrogr.lI1111~ "111 Inillerlll·I)' ..:urtltlllld by tilt! l).,t.1 wOlItller. *lIOugh otIllarrlolic eiretfl.'~'l'lll'" W"I maulftlltOO toIIhow 111e "'otl~I ....~ filii, "Pl>m:llltal then:'Utll uf tiM IIOtlulW l!'Ulmb, elld 101111"llld'lh\lll COlllt!rn"illJy tiltS ..Det.:la,.t1ou 'l·UllliCI.U.d 011 tlloltt d.)'.

JOSEPII Oobrlll, 0101)'101,111. hIlS beelll'OlUlultloo to tht 1l&i11e hrllllli.

AS!l;;YA~iT IJO"tlllllltetl 'J'PIl'I' IIIIUIhzell IlAye 1I1!C1t1lld th:1t 1't1rtl:uul 1.J "t'.11·tltlt'iJ laa f~t1eIlY.. rY'}'''klll.

IT I estlmalec.l were lin I..,~ tllallulle hnlllll'l:fllll~t1tlUt "ourth uf Jllry I,."tlt'­bnuluill III W.-!liluKtoli '!'errlllJry.

JOIIS 001\'111')'. til.. ex-tn:uII~r ofrl...n.'t: COli III)', 11111 bl!i:1I flJlUltlll defllulwrIII tlk: lUlU o( ,t,OOO.-ol)'lUVla "Slund,liN."

Wt-: IId:nOI\,Il't)ae R ClIIl. Ihl. week.from Ht'v. ShelJoli JlIlJ!o.UlI, D. 0" 01lkll\'l~t, ColOrAdo, lupt. nr Pmh,\·tt'rhul1ll1'fI01l8 JOt Hocky IUOllllllllll tl'trllorl~1.

~r, ,I. unll wll'l In. III 0011I11'''1)' with thefullo1\'I/l1 plltl)', ",holllColllllclr WilY toAIII·kllo to wttt:III.IIO ,he lutwf\'!ltl or tl,K!CIIIlI'\:II, Ilolld fot tile l)IltlJ{}OO o( en!t·tlill1lI1,,~IOIl blllldltl"~ lilt! (1l1llU lor .'hlch Mr.Jllc~1\ 1111.1 t'IIl!tt1 :

HI!\·. lIellr)' Keml(\IL D. 0 .. 111l(1 wife,X~,,' Yotk CII)'l s..-ClellltrO( J'1"Il~bYletllll

Bull'tl o( UUlIIt' 111&51011(: lkv, A, L•Liml·l"y, D. 0" alit.! wlfl!, of l'o:llAno.un'iCou i )I\,,",~. J. lJmlb;'r, mwloulIt)'10 FtJrt Wl1lll~lI.

)(,unn Frauk na"IIII, fOn oO(r. Gen,Ihll:04,!ll. retllnlW tu acaltle ult KondA)'.alld will rnUlue Ill. ~IUlIlt"S &l"'llI'tatory 10cUlt!t1I1J( II~ Tcrrltorld UUIVtDIt!.

Local and News lIems.

",UUDE". R, J.e"l. went ealt o( theIUOUUUalus I.~t "'et!k, Illd wll~II"eI11t10nr

OV!!t IlItlN with hI, l.llllI)· JaWt Iu chetlt:llIIOU.

'1'lIt; Oilier <IllY there WUN 1,300,000 11MeCloK1 turl1C..'illltlrU\ (1'O1ll lilt boom' litPur' Olllllbic. tl~ beluK dWlIIt!l1 WIIr/ !lIeubJ tl!lllk)ll 01 b.'ltt, rot~lIllollll Wurlll e:ltell

DU:D,-Iu A1'IUK'l.lll, CIII.• Jlllill aOlh, o(l'OtUUllllJtlull•.U", Cllurlc. JJlIrllclt. nfSetlltl~·. Ullr 1II.1I1cll lI:lIllU \'I;l! liflJ'K1elh:I":llll-rOt I'ort Llltllow.

Ib;\', Or. Alklnson, Or PorUulld, \\',,"t110WIl to ::ltIllIMhlllOO, In \\'lulIl'Olil 1'O11l1()'.Ullti wl't!k. IIHII'dlcllte a 1lt!IY CUIIJ'lt'KIIIIUlIall-hun:h at thAt I,IAOO.

WEl\reSOr1'YlolUfe thllt )11'. So2l1luonlUu' ilium ~'Ol1tltll,", 1lI1HJ I~or 'U "4l'rlutl." l1alnre u to altuOtlt ptt!Cllllltl • IIOJM lithi. re'OO"rr. 'It. 181'll!'1 II ,utlllllt:rbrotl~r 11 with 111m III 8lI1l t'!1&ucllk.'O,

'l'm: PorclAnd Crld:t'L Club "'II 1I"'''t.IlAll. l'llpllAl llllle, 1I01wlth.l.-llllhllC lilt·pin, 011 tbe FOIlrth. III Vll.1ori., 'l'tlt')'"'-ere wol'UetJ lu tb. matt.:h ""!th the VIt..10tUlIl!lItlemell, blH cru~t t41 r, deottlll 11,,·lr100 laurI!ll Ol1lOlIlC (\IIun! lk.'C!ttkm. The,)'art dtfll.h~1 wleh thclr ); otll,,'rll 1r1v.They are et:rtalul, II Cue 1U'~luu, tu:lt ufIIlfll.

A~,"'Onlllllt10 fill AIlHrIlltlltl l.:rlter. I""utdl"lltl~u or t1lJ1t CtJl.llllry lint IIlxHlL 10 ntl.1I01lllCIU to the worM" t.lletlt()ll IJ1 ,,,1110 It~,rCllItI" l"1.l1 be rentlc't..,1 illll!lllilble IIr

IClllpol'Arlly deAII allli Iht:ll Iru/.l.'ll nullIlhlllllCd 1011111 pllre o( the wOlltl, ."nctowartiilllC)' Cllil bu retll.cillot.tJ Iltt.!.lllllt;"\.'d 1Ili.u ulherclIUIt'.

A!f fxchallic Ill)'. Ihe peolll, 01 \'lclootil' lin: f<!lttlh' thllt thc,)· Il", Oil thl! U'll o(• t.!lre Cllhlllllt)' I( soUlctlllng Ij l.tle ~Iolltl

10 lI\'olc.llt. Thu, Olll'U btalltllhillull llll;j,·\110111 hlll'bot It Illit illllUK UII, 1I11d .'lU IIll1tl·10lY Is It llOW th:lt IU lo\v Ihlu II III ~~3c:rll"t1

1Il'It olll}' the "millIe}' t11llA.,1 t:rllrt clln 1'l\,It;

U\'cr the Lwu. '1'he cnll~tIIlICIII'C 18. that 1111Ihe IlIrgu 'Q:loellllltrl,ll1g ut l·lJlllltie 1I11l:itdUll'r IllY oW lOt fUllle 11IIurli ur 11111 IntoE-lllllullltllt, Au ",rurt 11Il.i bloctl Illmlu tohllh: thll harbor pru~jl'rly 1l11~I,ct.!.

Jh;v. SIlI:U)():of J ..CItSON.-!t 15 notoneil Ihat Ollt church gQllla: people aretrellletllO i111ch eIOfl"t!IIl'C (rom Ihe pu1llitll. th~·)' WtlN l:tsl Stllllhl)". brItef'. Sheldoll.hlckson, O. 0'1 of 1)ullver. Colonu)(), Thett:rmoll III the ruorllllll was of rare meth,uull a sulljt.'d lilt tbOllKbt lor all wholIe:tn1It. III Ihee\'elltllg the ~tor lee­11Ift'I'IlI('lOlt IIIe ilullject "l\ln.It",'· Ami bl11IIerestinK teUlUe were attentively Ils­tenttl to by lL well Clled houi!e, Dr, Jllck·@Oil III on a IIlI !OIllUr tOllrl and hI.! vleafOf thl! tJevl!lol)ewent of Ihe land o( \'(IUtFUli1l IIml Fliherlt!.·' lU Sewnnl calli It,8nll for tooaltK'l\Llo" 01 It! bt'1I1ghttd pe0­ple W41 10 flnquellt, IIIHJ hll pom-ra1 01theltt.!egrndatlon 10 touching, thM 1l0~

ollly were all entertalnal, but many auere Wb wet with til" tent or 'rmp.,thy.:S'est weck we way publuh the Wilinpoillu ot the lecture.

n ... Yr. Sotomeu Walker, wn. hal jU!tatrivel.1 from c., liar. we hn. rather un·r,\\'or:lble repolU, This ~(!ntlem&ll ,,"y'thc J;:olt.! ylultl thl, k:tlOn will be 'tCrrlI~hl. Thl'l1Ilre ~1I1tl 1500 men til tho\1I~:;ltlgll, 300 or 400 of \vhkh are ChlneM!,Ih~_""C IlIttet bl'lll,IC 1U1l~11)' btl.., wotllhlKO\'ct oil! dJlIIllI. ~llII:h t.!t"t1IUtJOll esl,"­111111 h;w UIlW 11Ik'O\'crln IIttl m.c.Ic. l'hewe:.thur Wll.i IlbvllllunlilL'. t'Jtu Iud Ino""00111,1: thl! tille, :\Ir. W.. hnw\.!,er, 11)·1

tlult tht' Chllll~ nlift or Itltnte tlch min­cl'1\l t1"'l!lt1PCllll'lIlli In tlun r{!gloll, Tilt'little 'Iellill 'f ellit,I"r, whl\'h Ullr cltlzenlwllllt'Uleullltlr, wa.llolug IflOllltCtytoeontile Stlckoon rh'cr, aul1 Willi well llt.!alJtedfur her btl~llltlM.




STII.L lUe hUUlI:;L':ltlon 1lI0rcmCII1


1;,\1'1'. JlIlhli Flint. or topn Island, j,l

Dmtd ut Ihtllt~IlUler D1~plltch.

'1'111': glorious Fuurth hllJ ~"Olle. Iml \W'fI"on'l IH"-C .notller natlonnl blrthd:LJ till

I1C3:t l'eHr.

1\OW th:lt the pleuks are all O\'cr, Il(rlend lI~gtSlt tint 1\'0 wtll h.'we IOlll~

dne ",·fllthtlr.

'flit ateamer DlJpAteh "'1\ senml hOlml:ate IlIlf:nlul' 011 Suni,lar. (or Xcah Dar.O"'lll~ 10 M)1IIt" 1I1!:IIt l1:tUlUge to Iwr lUlu.

Qtpt. Yackle. the IlOllUlu l'OTlIIIl:l.Il,ler

o(tlle ell)' 01 CheilLt-r. tllf'OretJ nut dtlzt'llon leo.\'lug the whart for Selttlt', with Ilfine dl~",lltr or t\re--work-,

TilE lllt~t wi~k liaS bl'l.'11 Il busy 111111'

with our l1lCrchIUII~. 11/111 bll·hll~ Kl'IlI·r,tl.J}' teem' If) hu I!w,k!IIK 11(1. The holel·are rrmnh'll BlllllnlTcl IIlCrrlUllllt.

ON Slllltltly• .Iulle 2fuh. Clipt. 11. B.t'llItk. uf Ihl ..:II)'. W.I_ t\,\'C!\'t,\1 to fuJi1~lllllf'CIIOIl Wllh Ihe \I.•:. CllIIl\·h. hJnt't'. S. A Stllrl', I"ilflr on lhe Port '1'OWll o

IIlIllJ c1Ulr~\!.

'l'II.:u.; will 111' II 11ll'1'tlll: I,fllll' chlzl'lI):Iltlll. IIIt1ll'llurt hllilott 1111 H 1111...1:1,\', eyen­lul!', 10 lllkl' 11110 t~jll~lth'rlllll'h lilt' 11l1,,1~1l·

bUllY 01 h·\')'lultlt 1 1It'dll) 11'1' \lh"I"J\llth10 IlllrdUltftM til'\! l'IIJCIIIC' I"l' Ihl_ dlY.

'l'noStt ,,"'1'11 tl""8111 (1"1111 ul llll' O'u.trall'l'ti '''1011111[ 10 10111.: It. '1'11\1 W,.·ho

Ingtoll ,,1~11 h:lolllllc'lpll... ltht· lIlt:!ll}' "hIIlY"o

lion:' A It· II' tiny. Ilk... 1I11~ I\'CIII,IIfOOlI nlt\lr Ih!! It'rlll "IIlIIIIII~\I'1l )'ntlr VI·.. t"

11110 ","Ilt' It 011'," \\I:ru It nul lilt 11lt,·~

,llIld)' pllll..,'.'

GH,WI,;ALI.Y Ihl! 114,1'" .h!tl\\'nl1<;" III 1011\'11lin! bthll \!xtellllt\.l. Tlw h"l j;1I1J·lalltlollItWitIon llI'U. IWlj~ Ill' 11)'1111: I' ';lI.I'·lIlhll'Iulk lrotuUJ tl'l'tllIllk'ol o( Ihll 0111 "Ullll~

•;SrJWlll~ " 11110011 hlllkllll,t, III (!'filii 1'(

;\Ir, SChur',! ·a!OoIlI. 1I1lt.! ltl~lal'';'''& Ihl' 101bt'IOIIKllllC In ~tr. JIUI'IC IlI:Xt to the hl;tck­'lUllii i1h4'11.

WIIIU: hen'. A t, flOf'llIlIt'll't TYIlt't",MJk.· III h1ith h:"II- ill Ihe dU"II'IIl-')' 01lh. W, II, lJ. l,mrllt.,1. II IIiJ IUla,klAtthl'IIL1ce. amI l~ .. "hh:""''ll Ihe urtk,: 11K'mon hUllOl1l1l11 Iu lho 'J't'rrllw")', w.· "I''')Jt'1ll1 ' ,t·low the alllflllllr of!.Kl·hllll' IMIII·.al'IN t.!urhl'" Ihu il'lllrlUt \!1ll1l1l1C JIlU41 :ro.1879: ~1lI111l\:r orolfdctl 45i: IIW,lll1lt IIinl"lk'N"xdtl.h·ellrktolJ. ~lJ.OU l,l;t; 1111I11'bl'r ullclh'r rojl;I..II:rel ZB,

W£ 1M'llr thltt :Ur. TIII~. Drulllm,,,ul ofIhlll I,tll'\!, Iw llrtll e·tlllllllh,~ ll~ I,.".t 01

II ")1\...1,,11 hnu~" III F()tt Wr"I:.;h·, ,\In~·

k". Till,! blllltlilll: \\'11I IJt! :rox{lO Il1'I, 21l0~"" IIll:lt. \\'lIh II GO I''t!l h\l!lt}'. 'I'll,'KOOlI \t'url<; fur the !)I'u1'1I1 .. f btul::llh....1Ali",," 11e."tlr\'" 1111 pml ..•• nlld eyer)' I'll·culll_,lCellll'llt, 1114 1I1111"r Ihll IIU.lltt..·• "I

,he l~rc~bylelllll &\11"1 nf 1I01ll~ )11~1,11l

&lIti .wlll "I~I. ,,'tj Ii'll". Illlnllwr 1'",~1I1

milk to thlllr 1011' lIrril)' 01 g..Ml I'(vrll:.doue uuto mell.

FRO. ellp'. \rUJolllchll~'. 111.11:\11 lllcn!It N4:Jlh Da).. whi't Ilttl'(I~1 011 tlln 6th. nnthe Itlil ·I'noomn. \\'41 hUH tIm! tI.e ]o'lll\ Ihl\t poillt. .....8 tlltl "~'C1l,101i 'If nmel!'dl,ptlly. 11I111 of ~ t'OIl'IIIt:I1111hi It lUll 111\',hat C 'pt. MlU.'kl, or Iht' .tt'Jllllllr l:lty 01Chetltr, I !Will" lit till! ,luII', ~l,llllet.!. 110doubt lurprllWCl IIllll IhI' rl!Uu:11' 11l1/11i11NtU",uellt I:onltl lrlllU 1lO Kn'llt II Ill_pIli.''rhe leItl,lIltl1l:l~\\'IrIl. 11n1.~'U III lilt'eYelllu,. •

TllIt It.m~,CllyofCIk.... tt-t. P. llllCkll!,toMmalU"r, Jlul1e<11fo11l :':111 rl'lllll'l,jl'() on}louela,••11111' 90th, IU 110011, Pllj....ul>-"l.'",for the ~1U:d-M. H, t'll!f\ll. wUu Itnd 3\'hlltl~n, H. ,Jaduoll, lIri, I·, E, Oll1l:h:y,lIf. \\. {;..IIIIl'" SI', 1I1l1rl". MI"I AlIlileN'tl!Mm, G. W. 00)'1.1. ~1,...llaryG;tkIl111'

and 3 chlldnlu. r. Shuh.r, allt.l1~ III lhi::lteefll~. .~rel"llt fnr Port TownJt:lld.40 tOIlI; for ~ule. 89 tuliA. for Ol)'mplu..7 tonli for Tacoma, 12 tOIl-,

A l:tORPIII I. _We Iee!lIllllklt'lit III ....'Irtlug thllt J;l6l@laluI\I1I1eYl'ullloC \II'lU tl",hIl'l,leIt It(MI~ In I" lite ufOllt."Ul'ily001l' toWlllllb&ll. P.n'l fl. 11111; 111"1 hnwmn 0... IOYllntl &1. 1o,lul telult!nMl4ll u­ptrwllcetJ by tho gOOlJ (ather all\l motl..,... tl14:)' noall-.l III&t Ihelr "00'" "11.:4 ontheeYouflUl\lIhntd", PIlllfo1 h/lol wou. by

1.lj uxcllll,~r)' c1.'r.etrr "ml ""rIO IIC'. 01IlPlIrt, Illarge dn:!e lI(trlltl frlelllij. IOnliror whom. 11"t SIUlHU:tr t\'lwhl)(, IlIrl'tl~11

hltn by '-ttlJlI)IUKlulo the hllflllY hOllle 10l'Ol1&tltlllafl! lum till 11K' f:\'1! or hit :H·tblrtJk1I,.. II" IIIL' IInW' "trlv~l lit thltt"UllInlt III IIlu rrom which" nil'll l'nu lnokIlltu Ihts futuro. with hil !»,ollbilltln, lVitrlU11I1J111. alld, pl"n,'haIlCf. lu rnllUJ'Cl'­0111 1I1"'ftyl. lit liloit IlOlnt look/l wllh Mil·~Illne ")"5. 011 tlw 71h. Or, N. D. 1111I.hill littl~'r, T'll'O,,"lE1ll~ hl~ !Oil" ilion)'l!lltlll1" IIIIUllll,K. hl'gllll the Wetll: "ltll "IIlUlctl," Illroke of pollc)'. b}' takllli 01111'1Into file UtUl. n'lltll'l' ,'oulll hlt ha"t' llI11tll'

" t>.'tll~rliCII'Clloll' BIOUl;I,t up untlet hll0"" ~.vC,.l, 1m h.\ll ttllhll'll Itla IiOU In :lto"'OCiIthm hu hllUiClf hilS ftIlUlu a ~II'\:CU,

l)roiIperlty 10 tllu nUIf t.!,JVl* 'tUrf, "Sl>

HUll' I OUII tJ'"








FROM 'rHE EAil1',


"Come Early and Ofler..,lll') .

Bros. & Co.,eattle,: : : W. T.


l::iA.\(· t 'II J I.I1I~HG, PI·op'r.-"I·,t:f~~tul'Cr ,,,_

All Kinds of BrooDllAt S:lD J..:l'lIllcisco prict:1l. Brooml war.

mnted t1J f,rive 8ati~rll.Ct.ion. Pa.t­ronize Home Indu8try.


Will nllow:1l1cu 011 nil cn..~h I!:llea iatho 0.00\'1' Ii1lt' of 1:t'OO11I.

Boap"Perfumery, Oilo,

And 011 Articles uaed fOJ' tho Toile\




Taylor' Sulky U.k.,

ltitohell'. Fu.nn. \Vagon,

, Sweep.take Plows,

Haiuc.' Hcn.d~r,

Meline Plow"

Etc., Etc.,



ETC.Quick Bales anJ SmplJ Profit,ll.

'Oe r e fully .Compou nded,

Joe, F.UO~A"orlT.

--Whol...lo and R.tail-



GERRISH " C~,--Who1eaalo QDd ReWl Dealei'll in--

Ul,nlll'ill, W. T.

HOTEL.SPARKS, PI'Oprictor, .

Olympill., ,V. T.


N. D. DILL, Port Townsend, .W. T.



• BnLlhe..A I,u'go I\lillOrtlUC-I1t.


Of e~tra Qualitv.



Gonofal MOfchandiso




Promptly attended. to.

Geo. W. Harris,(Su"""""r to J. F. Morrill.)

OLY,:\IPIA ADVERTISJ8.l\IEN".l'8.--=--====~===.~~~--=-:."""::::

il. 6. PORTER, E. N. OUlrJlETTE.A 'j' T 0 i: ~ E y .. A or _ L A 'V, Il'·'J~rirl~nkmlt.ot

11I1.\' (;O(lIlS ANII llll,LINEII.YC"r"", 11,"', ..",I F,ILh Sl",,~. 0l1ml,!a, w. T. '


H. C. STRUVE,.\ 'I' l' 0 1\ N E Y - ,\ '1' •. LAW,

OI),IIJ1lil, \V.T.

.. t" r




HOU80 am! Ship CurpcntcrI' Too1I,

Ship Chandlel1,



Boo'" lll>d Sh....





.. ".II.'II~'~;'T':~~ ,w;'.~·"OIETO.. Sc hwabacherr,;:e COIIll~ 1.0 alltl'l'fim ~I,,: lIolilt.


Ohemicala,and TruaacJ.

Pa.tont 1tfedicin~ of all kind-.



- ..\ N1)_


A Jel"ftCy City ","oman was re.:entIyarl't'fltt!d for Imuhing her JlUabADdacrollS the 110"8 with Il red and wontedmotto bearing the wOrdl, "God bleaour Lowe."-,..--,..---,..-

liMy u«!u," Mid a gentleman to hiewife, "our club ill going to have all thebOffil' comfo>r.s." "Indeed," replied thewife j Ul\nd whell, praYJ ill OUt homo tohl\\'e nil tbe club comforts t"


1''',m•.li''JI, July 3. 18.,..I",pl WlI,ltr' III I'ullbnol, llllyJll", I~r, and ...Illn;

al ""I'.tilln', roll! ill !'orllantl \hu boil,h tll/OIC at l/iJl} 1""1'

~ut. 1i1""'U:~'''~-:.,..--:-_::---:-.,..lIoale ..rtHllI~C Mlllrkf!l.

Tho IoIlowln.f IIU!lWtIOlII rCpNltlit tho whol~'tllic

I'lltn tronl prUl.Jnl"t:rI or lint Illm,b ;.'I,oUIt-Qu!ll:Iblc III IV1JLlm: loll at: SllU\llard ],I',uul••

~ ~r.(""', 00: b~t ... ,ulllr,' Ll1Iuo.1I. 'I ~:><O'~l i:':IlIllllrflllll.'1 01:1.;'$1 2.'0.

Wll~;t'l~fl O:.{l~l \I~t I.·r IIHl""~.": willi,,;,;, H 006

l'OTATot;S-Qllotr.lob nt ~",el 00 Jnl' 100 lI.I, M IiiIIe...TlI'tlun I'''! lIU:allt)·.

lllnlll,lS'uS_Julobh,:; n~ f~",', !'M.!I~~; ~n", S~.jQ

tJ7i \l to'l.mtAN-Jobbltll:' III pcr ton, '1-1.O.\Tl'I-.·lIeII, llol)r ~nbl, H ~'Oil.l'l 2.'J; cboicu n IlIa..Io



l""llll-ln ktgl none; ne.. In Ilnl, O"UDe.PL.""lTER-W'lluot. cllolce dalTy at 2'~~: good truh

roll, I8(f!OC; ordlnar" l~Ule, wbelher brllli orlOUd; HUlIIXlII, l:t@l~j U1arltot .tod,j Californiafrub roll. 20@2!).

QREKN II'RUlTS_AppICII. JlGlIlI til ChlllclI, flOto@11 f'l!rboll; Um_, Iltttl 00 pilI' bOl; O,aniCI, tJ 6O@N

D1n~D ~~mT8-APPk': 11I11 dl'letl, 4(iJ~; machInedried 'ff1Oe. I'""",, machlno tlrltd, 7(1k. I'JUN,matbln. dried, 16q1l6e; pJtted, 11)@12ei wltll rlt.,nolalt.

EOO8-18c pel' I!oun.

t~~l~o~~~O@"fti~~o.t1o~~'l:JilIiC.1l00B-Drelllod ~;on foo\, 4c.nt,EF-Uvo we(ll'hl, 2Wle, lor rood to choIce.8IU;EP Llv, .r.l,lIt, 2~*'"HIDItj;¥;d~o:nend~~lbat~~~O~n:!1b~~l'o~Df~'C~n:: hi. )lcS'.wonr.

TALLQW_"".....'·"I'!.I· McNauiCht Brothers.WOOL--valf.y,IMIIl'; Eutcm 0rtlfOll, l5(jJ!lc.O._ adJ_. A'fTORNEYS·-AT .. LA'V,RIC~~r~~~~~l.~r~l@ll~llld,Ii!OIl; Jlpad, So I W TCOI''''K~la 1Ucr., Illl@17le: Jara, 1Wc; Rio. non.; aU eJ • •

~::a:uaO~'~~'ln nowmel bolO' so@uo; ...·quend box..~j I't?tl'l _nlc.

SUQAR8-.IIulttt rafrlllUpplloa-w, qufltt: CruIIhodA, Uki nil. mll,.btdJ lIkl: Cubt.llle: Kltra(.l,Dlo' OOld.nC.De: MlIQwle'h laIand, 71~

8YRllrs::QUotabJ. at .7lo In bbll, IiIe III lIf.. and 66c

I'~SARDI bolN, II DO; hfborOl, ttlft!.'Y&AST row &R-DolIIMJl711Dtt2:00' rru-j »<to1l.7,

qt2c ''''''j Preatoll /I )htTIll. 2k. Jf"OII.WJND-8b.I'!J, 10""111 In bUr, I' toO@Ii; In CI, 17fit'~'

ShOlTY, dOIllett.Jc 111 blk, 11 ~2 60; 10 cf. It 6C....Vort, foNian In bill, S2 1iC@17: In ct, li@ID:Pon,domutlc Ill. blk, 'I 6l,.(!!l'lj In CI, !4 IiO@StJ,Allrellea, dOlDCltlc In blk. 51 601:! liei II 01, •• tAl

I~I, dOIDellUc Jn hlk. 11 15a1'! 00,Reltlln" dflm_\Icln bIll, 'I IOtJ: 00.IIantJm& Wblto, dOlUllltlc III blk, '1 Q(I&f1. 25; III 01,til oo.t5 00.

t!::::: ~~I::I~nl~I:I'k~\~~fn :,:~3ll~ /iOafI. ---CANDLr:8-Kmerr,l'lk: l'Ick • Shovel, IkI: IIMk· THE MOST

nllll :«Iic' Ora"" hc; .U', lie.SPIHJni Alifo .'IULT I.IQUOR.!-Thl followlnll W'I S

tht prll'tl tulTlnt of eenaln b""dt of whllkJOIand Complete tock...." J.IL ""'.', .hI .."boo _hi"" _... ,laeturtd by c. P. M'OOI1!IIn!: OC.. Kln'lIc1ty, t:I U11i 11.11 M'1nIlaI1, Ktn'utky, Pi oth'l'braal1l, ~ el &a~

Oll':'~..~~' 7t.brandl 01 ooaJ 26c; bi h tftdee Do...•nl!' t Co;-~tte; boiled IJIIIMd,~; I'I.W l{nllHd,::M::~~811 to; caetol', It 2581 60: 'UI'·

• .a•••U(lIlCU .aUDIJCI!: •••11.£'1'

S~JU.XOlIOO, 30.nUT DtllP"''l'CB.

WHEAT-Dun. O,lIeetion day.BARLEY-Wmer under lURe rectlptl,CORN-Dull and weak.F.hOUR-Uoohanged,WOOI,-Unimpro"ed.

l&OOten DU....oro•.WHEAT-Qlliot.FLOUR-Qaiet.POTATOES-DemoraUzed Itlll.OATS-Feed, lappUea largo Ilod rllceiptll ,f .

1rom aU qaartol'l mueh largllr to-dAy. 'Phe "-'" rdlmand ill aman and bUJen bid lower bJ • •10@15c per 100. Wo qaoto common $1 00@1 15. FAir, '1 20(91 SO. Gcod tochoicl,'I 3U@1 (0. Hllllog," '5@1 60, N.lalt.


C.lcaoo, JQDe SO.WHEAT-910 paid for JUDe.BAOON-Sborl rib old.., " 90.URD-fa 10 p$ld lor Juno.POBK-'9 67Y. paid f.t JUDe.

KIliWIOU ....un.Nn You, Jnne 30.

PLOUR-:-Qulet at $1 01@1 10 per bu.FLOUR-SI.ady.OOTTON-Dull.WOOL-F~II, ,13@2Oc. :Rurry, ll@14c.

:S;t.20@SOo. Durry, H@18c. Pulled,

HIDES-Steady At 19Y.@200.Whale 011. Iteady. Winter un'ulelcbed,

S5:S(Oc; Uleaohed, 42~(90. Sperm. oil,qnteti Wioterunble.cbed, 75@80o; bleachedO0@98c. '

IliIfGWH COTTO~ ....UIT.. LnuPOOL, June 30.

OOTTOll' -Hardening. Uplandl, G 16·16.Orllllu1I, 7d•

Eoo'"."'",..=_-:w=-.-.•-.=-=.:-:.-.'"_""...LoIfDOIf. June SO - Floating cargo..,

quit' bat lleady.Oargoel on pallag. and for IbJpment,


~:.~:='01U~~ ""g... 0« ....~ (SO AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS AT THE LOWEST PRICE IIII 10& damago fer I&l!lItrt' ICtlOQllt, leuunal By' per ceat. commiulon: Med. Ob.or Ki1., ,,5,: Red Winter, "51; Cal&"GOO h, ...... 6d.

Good IblpplnR Cata. whlat on p....a.,per 600 .. Queenatown for orden, jutahipped or to he prompU, IblppeU, (61inearlJ due, {51; Oregon for Iblpmen\,4.611.

Fair ....~ CblC&llo or MUwaukie, forIhipmlilt dllriDIl pr..-n' montb llild lollow.iDi one, per 4.80 Ill, Am. terml, (01.

Enallah OOQDtrr marklt., tUrD a,,",,FrtDCh OOUDlr'Y mubtl, InD.Fumel'l' pal' daLlnrill1 .week, 30,000@

40,000 qn.LJ"ltIUOOL, JGD' 3O.-Wbeat, on Ipot,

Inn.Bed Win"r, 0. Id.While Mlcbipn, 91 {d.No. 1 Itudud.·a. 7d. No. ~ ltandard.


Red Am. 8prio_g~No.3 WNo. ~,Ibippina,per eClltal, 71 (d@S1 sa.

Anothel \'e'1 remarkable instancc, weare informed, IlLY' an English poper, hasjUli'oome to light as to the Ilreservingor petrir,ing effect. of nitrate of soda.A 'Well koo'W'U and inSuential city firm,who haTe very extenaivo oonnecUonBwi~ Bol1th American planten, minen,ltc., bave recen.tly recelvld from Pern acurioaity in ~e ahape of wha.t may betermed a cry.ta.liud female body. whicb,ILl their correapondent advil88 them, "ulOme abort time dilCOvered by " Bet ofminers at Piugua, in that country, oom·pletely e..bedded irl on. of the greatnitrate of aoJ. depc1lite peculiar to thlitdiltriet. The body i. dOlCribed as hav­ing the appearance of a petrified mummylU1.d is ainted to be in a aingult\r state ofpreservation. This curiosity hB8 alreadybeen aeon by Bevcnl of our belt knownnaturalilt.R and .oientmo analyuu, o.nd itill belioved that the womlW, who appar­ently WII of middle age, must hve per:ilhed eithf.f through accident or designat .. remote period of the }lut, probably,II lOme even go 80 flU' &8 to Bay, two o.rthree thousand yean ago. That berdeath wu violent tbere Us little room 10doubt, iUlaluch u wben diarovered thebody W&I in a recumbent polition.., parilyOD. one aide, witb chelt slightly cru.bed,u if throush .. 8Ovcro faU, with log.drawn up, and the angen and toes eon·&ncted. The hair 11 in .. mOHO perfect•tate and maintaina ita contact with thelkoll in .. peculiarly utoniahing manner,Ilnd the mouth is open displaying thoteeth and tongue, which IU'fJ plainly vi.i­ble. The extremities Horo retna.lkablyawall and perfect, e\'en thfl naila heingin their reapect.ive place. The hair ondie htad, we eould add, appean to bepl.llited in a very peculiar manner, and itof great length and tbickneu, though inlOme patti detacbed, owinct to part oftile Kull baviDa' been destroyed. ThocuriOlity at pl-esent is at the offices ofthe finn ....ho have imported it fromSolltb America, but we undentand thatiLrrangementa are D1at1o thllt it .hall beI>uhlic IhoWD at the WC!ltmin8~r Aquae­ium Hot an early date.. .

A mAD mUlt be aick to throw up Illituat.ion.

Bright ~1i-'t'"I.-g-i"'r"'I'-"-=T"'b-.-robberlNn'tatea.1 my ml\mm,,'11 di:mlond carrinpJ'caUIe ,mpa.'ahid them." Visitor: "Whereho.a he hid themt" "Little girl: "Why,1 ht'bortl him tell lIlamml\ he hnd p"tthem 111) the SpOilt, nnd he guC88ed theywOllhl ita)' therc."

rhe Queen oft'lle Antlllee

TIle :O:l'lIl1ish WI~8t flothes, t:1I1ll\ nnd1'IJrto Hieo togf'lhcr, lHl.\'C n populationof II little O\'cr t .....o millions. (;Ubll it­licit is lill\'Cll !Iundl....") milcH long, with1I11 l\VI'lllg" 1,I'CUllth of eighty miles, nml.llO~IICSWII roIlOUI"\:CK which, if tilt,), WtJl'tl

IIm'eloped, wouhlllust:du nllOJllllntionoftwclvu lJ1illioll!4. Its "urine!J, thoughfot' tho 1l1{)."l~ Illlrt \'IJI"Y 1l1i~lItly lIUJUllll·

ing 6u,t covcrctl with dl.'nKe fOroHts, islincly t!in'rsitictl. A llIoulltI\in nlnb'Ol'UllS tllroUgil ilK wholo length Ilent' thec:!lItcr, tho IJighcst clcvntiollJtt nnketl androck.v, Leillg 'light thousnml feet 1\1>0\'6the SCD.. It has nUIllCf(lU!i rivers wellstocked with tish, nlHI llIany beautifuland fertile \'I\1Joys. One of ita caaclLdcsis remllrknblc for bea.uty. Its hill Bidet!nnd defilCfl (\\,0 olothed with 1\ "ariety ofhard-wood trees of the evergreen apecles,of which tho more \'alullble are the rna·hogany, which grows there to a hugesize, the littnum \'itro, and the ebony.The palm, tlquoon of the Cuban foredts,"with ita deep green l>hlmn::;e; the alflnt­lelwed and prolifio baMnl\. aud plantain,l'ellewbiiu8 t:tll Indinn corn; the cocoa,..... it-h its weeping foliage; and tJle "primorange." lIfe Ilbundant. Twa hundredHOrts of birds are nlltivo to the iBIllnd.Marble of tino qull.lity is found i:J. themountains. CoO'oo has been culti­\'ated on the lower hill slopes with 8UC·

cellH, and its production could 00 largelyoxtended. The Cuban tobaccc has pecul.iar value, aDd is BOught for the wot'ldover, the Americ&n8 alone being pur.chasen of over two million dollars' worthof cigan from thero every year. Cub.l'.principal crop, however, is sugar, whichIl.mounts in valuo to over one bundredmillion dol1&n '" year. Her advantagein its production over Louisiatla, for ex·ample, il that in Cuba thero ia a apaceof (our or fivo months, when aU the mechanirol work mUlt be done, betweenthe time when enough calln is ripe tojustify atarting the mills And the dmo"ben the cane begins to spoil j whereMin Louisiana tbis pel iod i, only abouttwo monthl. Though lOme of Cuba'sCO&8t llU1da are subject to ov~rftow, abeis unoommonly well supplied with fineharbon. Of her cities, Havana, thocapital, haa a popuJ"tion of two hundredllnd thirty.five thou.nd, Santiago deCul. forty tbouaand ud MatanZ&IJ thir­ty·seven tbouaad. The al1mptuolll mlU·ble. manUonl of ita c::apital, with thE'irlofty porticoeB and long colonnadE's, in­dicate IOmething of i14 tropical wealthand luxury. ItIJ cafes and restaurantsare aM to be but little inferior to thOfioof Paria.-July Atlantic.

A OrYltaIJzed Woman.

Modesty of Women,

It i8 Iitmngo how different ch·iliUltiOlilcob Ul)()U tho Mille tlllttlrf. 111 J,I\PIIIl,for iUlItauct', men womon lllld childrenbatho together without n \·cstigfl ofdotlling, Bnd with no thought 01' Iillg­~ation of imlitl'CllcJ", Them i~ in theUnited Slates eren, 1\ wido dil1erencc illtho ,·iowa "'hicli llitrlll'f'lIt Ilcetions enter­tain in reapect to whnt cOlistitntcK aninsult froD1n mnn. ,It ill undeniAbletlmL, fit the North, 1\ dCgrcB of. eontnctnnd fllwilil\rity is tolcrntec.l Without nthought of impropriety, which, in theSouth, is resented lUI 1m impertinonl'cand insoleDf..'e. The recent trngedy AtRichmond, VI\., in which Charlea C.Curtia ",as ahot dead by John Poindex· ilJ a cnae in point. The murdered1D~ had complimented .Mig hllbellaCottrell, Poindexter'a sweetheart, on herpretty form, and had, &!I the young indydecIR~, squeezed her "rm ntber warm­ly in helping ller into the carriage.\ViLh this as a rrovocation, Poindextercowhided CurtiS and then ahot himdead, lUl.d the jury ootlhl not Agree tbatPoindexter had committed II. Clime intaking CurtiH' life.

A New'York girl tbe other clay in·vited hff aunt from Savannah, who ",,'asvisiting ber, to enter. Bro&dway shoe,tore with ber. Araminta., tho nie:e,much to her aged relatiTe'. horror, pro·jeewl ber pretty root acrou the olerk'sknee, had her old boob reruo\'e-.l andauhmittct1 interestedly, holding bercJ.reIIl eonveniently lut of the W&1, whilethe clerk began. the pl'OOllll8 of encuiDgthe fail' one'. nether extremiti81 in anew and utra long pair of fi.{iMn·dol1ar"bigb.buttonen.'t The &,.annah auntwu Ibocked beyond E'::tp~on at bel"niece'l strange immodeaty in expoaln$ther stockinged foot to male gaze, andwhen tile Ihoe clerk, beginning at thelo....t button, gradUAlly progresaed up­ward in hie work, Georaia modeliy and~1.rop'riety could DO longer endul'EJ theMotiklng "))8CtIc.le, and anwn CADle theaun umbrella on the .hoe clerk'. beadwith n wback, and her Bngen, tinglingwith dame, mado bua,. with hil hair.It wu to DO purpoee that Araminta 9·

pJ&inecl that IUch oocurreucel were thet'reguJar thing" in New York. This iaundoubtedly the truth, and the reporterwho h.. been interviewinR New Yorkbell... apropoe of the hloody tragody atRichmond, douhU.. oorm:tly reporlltlte vie... which pn'lvllil amoDg womenin Gotham. He .Y':

I aaked on. 01 tho bell.. of the Fifthavenue if lhe allowed a llhoe clerk toput 00 her shoe&.

"Why, of coune I do," she laid, "andlace them tlPl too. That is what themoe clerk 1ft for. Only .. fIilly woman'With OOUDtry ideu, 01' .. eommon W:lmanwbo loon upon the clerk u a probable.weet.beart. would object to .. Iboe clerkpu""" 00 h.. oh_ EYory ..n·btedlady in N.... York "poc\oI the .Ierk to~ a ..", pair of .h....• ..

"Bnt tappeoe lb. ....k'ahoold ....mark. JYou uve .. pretty foot,' or 'Yourfoot is 1I1DIJI.' would JOu be indipant f'

"Certainly oot. I ohould oonaiderthe remark the lIome u 11 a len'ant hadlI*le it. If t.bil~ Cottrell of Rich­..ond had been a true lady"'. ",ould:never had_made lOch a IUly fool of her­lelf; and if Poindexter bad not been "harum-ftClU'Um gooee, without truegentlemanly inatinctt, he would nothave killed Mr. Cunia, tbe limple arulinnooent Iboe clerk."

I_Do you allow a youn, gentlemlUtclerk to put on .. ne" kid glove ttl

uYea; in Parit the glove clerk alw....~':~Ion a new glove for yOIl. Wlule· I.....uwd not allow • young gentlemenfriend ItO put' on my gloy8, I couider ithighly proper for a glove clerk: to do it. II

ul!uppoI8 & gentleman at a party inTOur own 1fI~ lIhould tqueae your bandIn tbe laDcen, what would you do Y'

uNow, that ie • clifl'erent thiDa- H bfl'Were ~l wwwate friend, lllboald takflltu a joke; it be were mylorer, I .boaldreturn itj bat if be were a canal ac­quaintance, and I thought he Iquel!zcdmy band impenineDtly, I WlDld cuthim deAd. I .houltln't tell anyone, butthe man would lUff"". aileot puniah­ment."

IlWGuld you go.1t te tbe .1De clerkthroe ti..... .. did !oIiao Cottrell, if heMid ,yoar foot wu pretty f'

lo YflII, if I baoJ. bUli... there. If hi!remarks ofFended m~, I abould tell himto pleue mike DO l'ell1&l'kL I abouldn'tbaV'l gone to my lover with alliUyltory.The ftiCt ill., tbia wbolo Ricbmond fool­iahneu o<........t among iII.brodpeople, not well to the uaaget of ",Hoed.lOcietYi" and th~n the ariltoorauc younglady buttoned up her ten·button kidiland prepared for a promenade.-Oincin.Dati Enquirer.-----

There are aerloU' tcarl entertainN of• failnre of the &ilk crop in Italy t1.ndFranet'. In Fraoce wore JIl'rticularlythe IitWltion ia very critical If beatsoUt-oly Ileta in af'~r UJo wet and coldof .he Spring, the leavelorthemulhtrrylrett ..ill be dried up quickly, anJ no."eD&Dct! will ft' for Ihe cocoonl.


Will spare no paiDB orexpen." to make tw.

bOll. the belt ho-tel in Portland.


tN'. r a.IHI ftJM~

Kat UM 8&amIbI, 'aM.illP IIId IlIJlroIlI Of,,*,

U:W'l31'O. * FRm..uro,(t.t. of Mia.....~ ..

Pon'and, : Or.l.

So 1,,1'1:. a portlaa of th. G __ .a.Orala C.ropI of tll. P"ella eo..t Ita_'beea eat 'bJ'tlt. 2UCK..EYE. that DO tar._.,. 11.,. caa 1M of U. _ ...U*or ",UN ucu.-eDt to COllriDc. ki-. otitl nperlorlt)' I u it is teo ...u aad ,....ora'bl, bown to need. OOnu:ae.Dt. It btlae £'':::0& of aU Reaper And •.-_._--W. call e.pealal attention to aur N.UJ

and Perfected'J.' ••zunn•••


lmportct"l' MId DC1\lel'8 in


Agricultural Implements~OUSEL

Newbury, Chapman &; Co.,


farm Implements and Machines,261 and 263 Front Street, and 262 First Street Ponland OreGo

.Drnnch Houlles n(WI1Ila. Wall~ W, T" Ilnd AlbAny, Oregon.Agoncietllil all important. points in OreJ::0n, WlllIhington Territory and Wettern

Idaho. General Agenl<t for D. 1\f. O.bome,~ fu'. Mowen. Reapent,and ~ If.Binding IIll.n·es~ lmprond \Vbite....attr Wagon..

• i .l\folTi on "Bro'.. Plo....... Lion Self DUl7'l1) "Illky Rakts,E"tpy Hncks, Miruu~5ot.a TbMhcrw., Hendcn,

\Vhipplc Guides, Bolster Sflrin~ 'Farme" ~'riend Drilt.. Eaterty Broad~ Seed·ers. lind A .'llll Line oi Steel and Wood Oood& '

WJ'he ~st lPel Binding Wire in the Market. JU 2-tf

01 request of thl" m,\nufJ.cturer" W~ lut.\'e IICCeilted the Agency ror.thi. StAtf: alld"tip tuljoinin ' Territorie!l of tho Abo\'e justly Celebrat.ed .M.clnnes.

We ba\'e tt:\tillliet.l ouuelv('fJ lh;tt the lLbo\'e are Rl)1I)' SUPERIOR Machines. andare s«'Ouun~nllf'lt.ll,;y fanllers who uw 'lbelJllan !IOn all THE BEST.a.r...e~inl'e they hl\\'~ ever ~n.

W.' nil for Ctlt.llo':;lIe~ RUti d~.!ICripth'e CirculAnt.

Agent., \\'llllh',1 in ~\-~'ry (:ounly in this. tllte lIud lhe TerritorieL

1':.•J. "iORTHRUP & CO.,ju 3 If Portland. Oregon.

_'er:"nl'~·re~e~~~T:;~aad rECUJ .. A.M, and ItDOW.eAud.tbe ••

m.PIOI nmm Of lYE rOiLD.~.,.... 0 11&.0 .... or..p""''' thb 1t7" ofTI&rMII.... ill aalte tMt1J'JiaaUlat tile)' an tJle m..r nanro!rDIIIII Dr OSI: It fa a.ipeclaa4 hUt eqrl'Ml1, tIDr 0....­..a w..1aiap_. "I' ... •..Ul.l'Oaaltl, ..tlerdaa.4. til• ., ef til. tIT, ... t.. iianlU.t... " .. fOr

HAI.E.' (CIe••'••) .'.OLE OEARED HUDlER,SpecIally Improved for thl. Season -Ton or Twelve r••t out.

SotE AQENrs roR THE OLD RlLlA'l1

SchuH••, Farm, Freight, and Sprin,:; Wagons..tad.b....' ••gona, Studebaker 4 Spring Hacks.Regulator, Wind M"'a, The most complete windmill in use.EI••rd Han••'era, Vaslly sU)JCrior to any other hand biDder

Harvester in m:uket. Will handle lodged or fallen grain and elmteit better than any known'mllChinc of its class. I

Ta,lor SUlk, Rak.a, Self Dum~ing and Plain,

.~nl'or and ...... ............ E..gmes, ......:.1 c.talm ......---Uercha.ndise !

:(fl.I" .......11' "'t, ......l"'f.".d.Or


J' SIMON & 00.,Da"",h,

IIOOr8, \\'101(1011'8, Blinds and Glass'''1':1001$. COROS "',,, PULLEYS.

IllS "r'H" "I,. bel. W_blalll..... Aldu.Jtt till I'OR'rI.ANI\. OREGON,

Centennial Block, the Middle StureNo. 1M) lllltl171 Seeoml St.

Comstock &Pfluger.

...__ ASD,._..

WhOIU"i1110 .Hld neb-it Dealers

blllrs p'0mj./Iy aruwtrttf. CounJ,J' Jttfrpk WIll savt DJ'CflTTtsjJonti/ng !vtJh us.

Good.• .scI/I by ltJlll/. 0" IrellA.Faroo.

Orders from the Co~fry Sonci1M1\11 kimL'I of PJ'(IIluce Botudll and Sold

or . hi On Comnllinon.

... A. -·..·IL(.J'V JIULUG J'::.Nr..e. I_10"'"' .<001 u..I... III


The Best Spring Medicine andBeautifler of the Complexion inuse, Cures Pimples, Boils,Blotches, Neuralgia, Scrofula,Gou~ Rheumatic and MercurialPains, and a:l Diseases arisingFrom a disordered state of the

IBlood or liver, .H.LD"'YALJ. naIlUOI8T8.


1\1 0 K'1'



___F1R _

YO. n. KII"O.



Til anI pan 01 1M linlt.ll !!Uta, I" t.l - r<JJ.

65Sent to our Office, ,vo ,vill send

The San Francisco



III W.\SIIISOTOS IT.. 1.)5 nonsr.8M p", ~ I' 'Id.

1Il<.*l u...... IIll'& Ill' e-.ruJ"""I"'"10 "11~-="",,",,__

sou: AO&ltT:f roll Tilt: I/NKlv,ul.f.11ST!JlDAKD An ~STEY .1l&UJ.llS,

D, w. ,aPJrn'ICII: lO(\,11_ DfNfrl, 0I'IaMd ftIIOlt

fln:nIJUII It f'AltltEI,I"



DuBOIl;> It

Wool Commission

L. K. C. Smith,lap;l~r .o.ntl Whol~ I......r In

9igars and TobaccosThe lVi- aIIlIIlln...tod: (.f .x.rxMtlm an.t "!IIkt

0.-» tn lhl dl,. l'anleulu attentionpald &0 ..J .... 11VUl th. _IILty

~.r.F__1 aad lU.,k .1.....rll••d,O....10 !

1E pJle"d, 0....... & ooe,Of"FER FOR saLE AT LOWEST PRICES, A FULL Ll.E 0'



Sf-nd ror Clreular aud Sample Copy. S.nt Free 011 application.TER~IS-WEEKLY CHH01/]CLE, $2.50 pe, i'ea,; DAILY CHHONICLE

86, iO per )'cnr, postage pnid, AddreMChaH. De YounK "= Co., PubUtben,


t3" Tift: WE£J{L\' CIiROSltU: Mll'JIIls Ilt.lnltileclual ~"'" Ill, !.he f.rlDl!r. lb, bboter, ,h.I.l'UN~.t.h IUC'tdwlt. thl nUllfr, lhe old ..1l11bo )1KI1l1. Tilt: OIlY.AT ..,,)IlL" l'AI't:Jt of als1)'·four

(al) Iarl' t'OllmtWltf rndln;' IlWltr 0lIft. weell for IWtln lIlunta, It t.o behnoefonh fIImbh for :I.H In lId"UCf.

THE WEEKLY CHRONIC~E IS AN EIOHT PAGE PAPER, 64 CDLUMNS,COlltainin:; tho ('ntire II('WS of tim w~k.

The MOfit VnlUllblc )[ctIicul J)isco\,m')"hnQWll lo 1I11:i \Vurld-No Mol''' UIiOfor Quinine, Onlomcl or Minenll Pois·ons-Lifo for the l~loo", Strcll:,tlh fortile NervC8, lind Health £01' A II,

.&1\ OPF.N L.:-rTI:;H. TO 'r.. ,: l'unl,IC,n.lloIvlol 1l1Re. b)' I"ll'nnllll.l(llI" blood IUld I

bulll.llllJ til' thOOOliltllullulI WJ,. thO oul)' Iru..

:rl{1~e~:::~~ ~r~ 1~~Bte:::~ ~~~l(:lIl:~~I~~t!~~~:I~;::btoktln UOIll'1l III co'nUlullon ele. IInu "tlelIr,lnll: lh" bell ph,..ldIiDlI I\ml r.,yIDI out myIU.QIll,l, (orln.n, kinds or ml'dlc lIet1l1o.l,otUaed.llbout t1l1dlnll'. perlnnn(!Illcure. I bcgandoe­torlll' mYlMllr, ulIlnllJlttUc!nCl 1011.1.1' rrom rooLi.011 htrbll, J tortuu"tIlITdlteoVfll'lld" won,Jcr­Inl BUltn or HiOOl.I Oltnnlf'r.lho aRt bolll4!1 uf

:n'L~::J~V:''::~~~~~~:,~I.ll.1tV!::::i'~1Ir:::~ttlrrb, Tn)' lUDKI beeame .tmni( "ul1,louall, b&o

l~u~~e~:~M~~~~~,,= :~~h~:~ An~~3;fa ."abt, Jo'ee!IIJC conl1dealllulll Itlr'nllldf1\ wouderlul dheoverylll m"<.lIelne, I prep.l.ret1aquaQ.t1ty urlhe Hout. J)lU..u, eml ..... Ill 1l1 ...11l¥ ,1I,m 1\."" lollick Ifrlouda nndafl,bbort. I fountll"o m@dleilio flfkt.etl t!lt'm'nt 'lI"Ondt,nll cur'. or all dlltUl'.1 rall~

~':':':'~B~Oijl·;[r:~~[~~·;,,:::.,~I~JD~~~;I~:eue. TorpId l..h·tr.elc•• elC', The ne.,.o( my

~~';'f~:~~W"Ji::It'Ir~-;le~'?::!I,:ell=~~,lIppl, palltntll Wllb llIed 1'Ineti lIar"nu .100e•• nd I "'lUI Induced \l) fltILl.blbh .1.ooJ'lll10r, torClOmpoundhll:; altd Mllllltl:' nUt Kool HllteN In11111(" qu.nlllltl, IInJ I now do"ote all m)' time10 Ibl. bualn_,

Ir;I~~:':I~::d~e:~u~:&WRWTEH~,e ~~~;bav....I!'IJ malty llvuof C'c:m.umptl.e~wnnbad bftn lih'tn up b, (rltudl lIod phl.lell.n"

I~~l:i:~"vrC':.~~:~l~~~i;,~e';i:'JI()~~~."I!I.:J Skin lJIUIIH4, where ,,11 oth~r1~.uneI1Ul blUl"'led. A", yc.u tNMIbletl wllhlek hcadlll'he. COIIU\.Il~-.!l. dl..ln",••tllk·

nelll. bad 1I,"'l.4I In the moulb, nn'flluanp II; ,,\ldbroktllt down In 1'I)11.lltUllnD 1 You 1'1111 beCUlet:11f )'011 take the HOOT IJITTJo;HH. II"..."

t-~~l~;lC~lrl"~I~~UI;~: o~J~':.lIr:~~ IJl::III~:1I1'''Dllh II"" lIt.nly .. HOOT UIl71::1I••"S,

No ,n.ller .bllt Jour rHUu,a Or IIJwplflm.

~1':;.,:~III~~;ld~':,~~~rllll;I~~e~~1:1cuk·"bl~e.~JI'IU ani,. feel bAd or 11l1.'nlbl•• \llf' Ibe HluerlIIe.OU«, Ie. mlY !ia\'" )'001' IIrf.

J IJ:n~w Ihllt juinul pbr.'tlaI11 will crlhUlUbrut bieCAUJC lilY dlaeovllr, cun'1l"~mal1.ror Ibelr pAuentlt, btn 1 Il'" 1101. It I. no. m~

Wi!'JT"t;~~1I~4-::r:.I~I~;~,~~Il~lln:,.l~~hnr &U IbMtl luflerlnl 1I11'01l1hQl,1t lho .orili.~,Id b,. wholea.l" .. lid ....tAlI 01'11'11." lindCQuntry lnt'Cb"Il~. or MI'l by tlsp,eu on reo('dpl of prIce, II Iler bollle.or alll brttl(!~.l.·orcertlnMt8 Orll'uodetru! eur"',lIfllnJ)' lar¥1r!1rt.1I1"r l'lOllltd Clch tlnlUe nr ml'lfleln" HOI,,1IIt'1djudtre ror youmlt,

llite~JTfl~~f~~ ~l~;~~~~ll~~ lt~~~~:Ir. lind lillie lIO III bllitule he 11\_)' n!ClOlU)IIoud~lIl1111 h .. ","k".1* ",rlll!r IlnJlIl.

0, W, lfHAZI~:I(. m,c 'v,rer,·:l:BAullfrtnrRI., Clevflaud, O.

1"01' III Ie w!lolfllnlu byltedlo:r1olt ., 4'0.. N.u .'rl'lo('I"l"o. 4'''1,

NO' TICEI The unlll~lr,cl1ed willnlllill eolleellou~ Ind Ht,

umu ""lIIUIU••1I UI Ill! .11l,1~ 'ur l",rUellln 'h.COUDU,.. c1I1I1'Ilnll'onl,. ,mf\11 romulh"lulI r"r

:=~~I~~Mn~r;Nr~~~r~~:~~~'~lf':m~~~~,~;Imllllldlli'" .'tfllll"n, All Irl,,,l. :..r IIIlor,o.·linn rural.'lhed, l~rlll!'< bolulIl)( bill_ .I,,,'olt)It'rlfln~ lu l'1:lItl1m,j ..... a hn'fllihelillme.ttetld·,d ,n, "dtlre·" W L. F;P ..ISlJl'::tt.).~U JJnx m, PI' 1I'''lIon,

ve You?

w•••• 111.....,. ...reba-.r hi.....111•• I .. II'ftl'On." 10 .-7 1...:::t I. 1a-IJlINIper ,.au ....111 pi .." fIIen.

tile I.UltH".r ".e p"lN'r.

Painters'Stock.!VIllI. Lr."tls-,--

W,,'ltc ZblClf,LllI •••d Ott,




....HOdge. Davis a. Co••- ....1 :D.rutIas.-...

t lI


• Val_'l. :IltMIdae~

DIL FRAZIER:-"lu'yconsututioll WIU!I

my much broken down for )'ean. .Myep.Uon, bo....els and nen'oull S) stem'I'ft in " \'cry lMd condition. M.y .s'.. WM not properfy oourisbeJ. After8tin~ I 'lo'lUI distretl8OO, lind Ill." food~Id DOt asaimilatc properly, 80 thl)t !_h'ed little henefit.' r '1t'(lS weak lind.. uluerable, bllt on tr.ring )·our HootBitten llCCmoo 00 be womlcrfull)' llCted

1pOII, Iln~ they hnve gi\'~11 me grent._fol1 whilo uBin; them. EnclllJl'<1lid e.J for six bottlCH, 'lfhich plcl\.l;j~ ..end_lOOn, J. J. SI'IJiNIYOI

Oincinnllti, ullinD•• FlAZlu:_ll l hll.\'" IUlliu tll'lendiJ.

'!'de on ,onr Jtoot BitWnl, The1 en·tirely cured one ~f my customers. Ii wo­MB, of DYIIJ), who had IUlOO nilkiDcII of mooicint!lI without Itony b"OOd TO-

ilia A, J,, 'PI'ug~rillt,28480uth.,Ctlt stroot,JudiaIlBI>clis, [nil.

Bee tW.vcrtiJcclllollt hClutOti .. Lifo in nBotllo" in anothor colullln,

If YOIl AN going tu j>Q,lnt your house,~ wagon or loachinery, the wondcl'~ !Dll'Kttillhnblo lItlxcd Pnint is surel,ihe best. for it ill wurrnnted b)' l!lfllrtemtl in your own town not to chnlk,ClIck, peel or bli.llter; to~r better andtwt. ....Ier lh... lUI, Olher "-luI, "all 'mper.~lll'alhl.'".",,,roed Ine ape. pnlnll'nn,;: .11 other .-.'n"•• I.e. lhlt CaUrorala 81.lf ~~r~lt~~bll ~ild" M"~·~I:: Ifl:gn?~11~1~~~.hleb up'.t"" thu..o,.I.rl'\illl""'O'I".'Uo~I::r,P"IIH el1d )1lU rirla.lO·r ~lUd

~:: '''''' "' "..,. lto ."rr• .I~ .11&11 ,..••It. ",••• !tlttlc:.'d,......::.:~--:.:-.::'b$~~~l ~:~~.......u ..e toe... fl.l·~bllld,",I""ller _rrl"'.,,·.:::.....,. "'.kIII II 1t8••r .U. ;lUll , ••

~~~I:-=:~·="'J.~~~t.!N'ft~;:: ..... "fliP'. 111 .'" aff:.' bI....•

~' ':'.-:~~.- ,ltle-Utle u IU••eT ...... b, .." lair IU.

.:~~ _ ••,"u..,. ~.rc."lla.""d•

..~.. ,f'IM"f'M ....... erl.I ••I" ••

..... ...,. ""el... r"'a4fc:r'••,....••..., "Ier h • c:e....I" r .......

Truth froUl goodU('8If. ill 80ft Illlil gen,tlf; fltlsehood from c\'il I! hnrll nlluDtrcej hence tho oriain 01 linrd llnd bit,~r llrceclu.'R. GoodnclIB of uiBIKl6itionmnif ls il8clf L~' gentleness. in thlll i\it dnid to do hurt, and by sweetniD that il lo\'cs to tlo !,'O<.d,

::::=--Wbat Gu<1en

1'h brat paying plot Oll any farm,~ t:o one yielding tiiO most enjo,r-

I IN\. ill the vegctalJle garden-or»len. VV'I " -t' f U~itchell gnrde~, Iill I l~ rcquen rtslJed nnll (IUlte I1Pl'l'Ollrmtcl.\', esiMl'daUr '""ben tbe I'kitchen .folk" luwolke chief or sole Clue of It. A good

pPl" of garden products [or the table::-a less tban the IitnndLLl'\1 brend, ment,aDd potD-teet. iti lUOro healthful I\IlU

aooriabiug than 1\11 corn beef, 1141t l>crk,d tho !m:lil assortment 11.unlly fouml

sn the fttrnlcr's tnblc. Keed we GddCDythin" about P:lhll/lhlellC~, comfort,~ e~oYlUcnt I Contm.'Jt a t blc setCl'lly tbo nar nround wilh brmu, 6I\ltp<II'l ",rned beef, I'0tatoos, boilctl mb­bagt' \'nried with }ulih, mush, bucle·...h~tS, anti OCCOJIionnlly n fe ....• items,'l'idlll table l\'elL Bupplied in lUlCCCSlrionaDd BbundlUltly wilh .....pnragtU!, greenptU! lim:! beans, string benns, sweet(Ol'D, mdishes, rorro~ beets, pat'8nill3,ceJery, ialsif)', ttlMlips, cauliOowcr,~b, lettucc, egg pJant&, toDlllt0e8(all tbe yellr), rhub.rb, okra, 8CJ.tlllShes,<mions cubbAge, cucumbcn (1), ulld otherthings:-fllled in with curmnts, 8tmw·b!rrie, rnsllberrics, ulnckbel'ries. not tomention gntpes, pears. etc, \Ve do notaccept tho standing excuse, III nm tooJUOf too !Lilt'll driven, too much to do illIlly fieMa to bother with the gardeu."W8 repent with clIll'hOJlis. ihnt. C\'CIT

fAmlOf CRn hnvu mOllt, if not all\'e plC:l.llll11t nml healthful v"ricty,ntb loIS Jnbor nnll 10M cXJlcnllC thnnthctaMo CIUl bo :4upplicll ill 'I\lIy oth('rny, E\'cry ~1l\Y'1i work ill tho gnrdenlfill pt"Olluco K0\'eral clo11ll1"l" worth ofgood tbinws- Onc.(lunrtcr of nil nere,more or Ies..., nccordiu.'; to tlac lIizc of thefamily, will snfti«, Select. the bellt BOil1mi.1A~le, all IIcar thu IIOU8O as possible,but at n distnnco if ab8Clutcly uoccfWlry,_Amtriet\ll Agriculturist.




• AT" 1Jl"'a&n'.

a--'orl .1.~U ClMtnd. W. '1••


"DV .....1:ab1e••

AltO, Cornetl Beel .lId Pork. Smoket)leala. Pork .lId BologII" lSall!Agd.

Head Cheel'.lt, 'I·rlpe. Ae.,Ac.

L. IMi T H • ,.. T E It itT




eonatantl, on KIInd tt..

Ohoicest of Meats




Pioneer Bakery,"ORT TOWN8END. T. W.


~O:n.TSE P.A.O%~ZO


The Lowe.t Itat•• for Cuh

Oppolite Wa.hinat<>n Hotel


CHIMACUM, W. T.,'Vnl. Jlh.hOi) •••• '.rol,rlulol'.

~·W" .......,"otlr~ Ifl lot' 1",..ea.'.i In fill I II hlUlIMII)friorQIIAlIr) IUl1l1fiiTlhSlJll!riitol...... r._....... I. ,...••• 1....._f



ConsistinJ:r in part of


Company's Express

Facilities for Purchasing Inthe Leading Markets are

Superior to any.



Wells, Fargo &


-- I tI" .\lkll't"o' aU 0"1to,. t6 W",. ~SM ".W. have alao Opened • ,lrn-ota.. ............... LI UIA'W _ ""'MT 'I••~

RESTAURANT,!"'"·..· ,"And will Ntvl tile public wtlh M••l. l!lIT. D. TOD:JDY

to order Il.t .U haulS, •GIVE U" A CALL. Ship Wright and Caulker

tT Opposites Central llllel, herad 0Uuloa ,,'har(

rOR'!' TOWNSEND, W. T. (0

Furniture, Lumber, Doors, and Windows,WA GONS, g' All Kind8 of Building .~JlLteri(tt

F((l'lninJf Implement8, Sa.tldlel'y, g·o.And will Sell

CHEAPER FOR CASH,Than any House en Puget Sound I



We ·will oi'lJe and tc(ke Excltct1toe on

SA FRANCISCO AND NEW YORKAt the most IiilJerctl Discount.


Foreign &: Domestic FruitCAN 01 El:S,



ETC.• ETC.o. :.E. ~OLCOlWtB,



Keep tonstnntlll on Hand



Bollee Or Application to Pnrcbase Tim·ber Laud.UXITED 8TATES.j

OJ TRIC1' I.A" 1) on·ICE.(,U:\U·IA. W.auISOTON Tn',..

Notice I. hereby jllyell that, In COIlll'II­aIM" wllh tho ptodslnn o( the Act. of tAn·II""' "pprovpl June 3. Idl8, ell1ltled "AllAet.l'or the. .Ie o( T1l11lJer Land! III ~htl

Stale o(e!lill(lltula. Ol't~). su"ea andWuhlnlClon Territory,' WIIII"DI P.ylle,otClaltem COlllltJ, WuhlllC10n T~rrltorT,

h.. thll day d~ In thlJ oftiCill hit alll)IJtoa •tlon to purchuu' the l:" o( NW J:l o(lle(."tlOIl No. 28. III towlllhip No. :n 1oI0rth•Hanll' No. l!I west o( tM WllliamelleMeridian.

Any And Mil pel'tOn!l clalmlnlC M1fttllllytI"lIld dt:ICrlbc.-<I land. or .ny l)(Irtlolitbt'reof. wru hen:lly l"f'Qultrtl to tne theirclalml In this OmCiP within sixty (601 ciA".(rom ciatti hereof.

Glyell IIm""r I1IJ h.oo. at mT omoc. IIIOlympiA. W. 'r., tltt. 18th lIay c)( JUlieA. D. 1810.

J. 1'. BROWX.10:10 Reglller of the L"l1d Olftce.


C.D. 6i1~."" A. A.THo...uLate ~latf'\rat

Klnrln, Kau...

Gilmore & Co.,8211F .t.WA8HINCTON. D.C

WILL PRACTICE BEFORE TilE6eneral lAnd Offk:e, oftIce o( Indian Ar­tal.... De~rtmtllt of tbe Inurlor. tileCourt c( Clalm& Iud UrllWd 8tatee Su·.preme Court, Cilim. o( .U klndJ artllllgunder la... lO,enllnJ[ the dl.tpollal of IJlI~

Ik-Iand, or the RlUuument of .·ftllch. I8palll,,~ .nd Hexl('lI.n Jrrantl. or ollltrprl¥ate land t.'llllru.. SI)l'(:tal atuntlonIlyen til caleS III"oIYhl" title. to JrnlntIArKII alld mllllnll cl.llIli. r.and w.r­rantl and land ""rlp bought. Cash palllfor 8Qldle...• "klltlon hornelteMI rllhtl.Send stAmp tor cln:ullir of In tnlCtTon•.'rhrft .tamp' ~ pal1. postage I( Joo wallt(Illlee' o( b1.I1k.4 and 1l1ltttletlons.

Acr ~)(.J tilJanetO.. ..

~ I~.. ..."

J. N. LaUNch.


Aprll •....".J 1.JunCi 8....


J. H. Limbert,

..,.~~'l:.. ..Jone 10

Green and Dried Fruits

Cl;TY OF CHESTERI ,.eN) uwa.. rUI'K JiACIilJ:, CO••.l.JlDU

WlI.t. L~AVB os TIUI.' FOLLOWING11111~":

Sole ageot" for Lambert" Son..(;elelJrated

1l.l.:If rW;A:-CllI(n PT. 'IO.JI.Oo. 't'ICTOaIA.

Flour. Fct..~. Omtn Et.c•• Etc.So.l~ .·ront wd Tarlor treet&,

U:U l'uttTLA.'l't), Orfo.on.

17 The' )latlou ..1 Gflld Medlll WI.,I\wlll1lt..d to bradley & Hlll(1l~111 tor tttelleit l·hoc:ograph.lll the Uulr,d SCltt"", andtht' \,1(1It1.. )f1.'C,Ial ror chi: tIt'I' 11IIhe workJ

"'l'J ,)lolltgower,' .trett. Sru .'nlUel :0

U. S. :Mail SteamerDISPATCH,

CAPYAIJI .o•••a,WllIlene I'ort Town••nd net)'

Thutld:ly OIornln" at .liut o'clock, (or

San Juan and: Lope. Ialanda,Behome, Bemiahmoo and:

888mt..,Itclurliing 00 SaturdlY 6f't!ului' Will

• 110 leave

Port Town.end for NeeahBay, and way port.

011 SlImla,. mornings. at nlll~, n:lIltlllll~'fllillJay. I


slitThe .pleudid ,k)ewhPel

Sieanuul!ilJ DAKOTA2100 Tone. IL G, IIORl!E, OO••.l.fl)o,

W ILL t.1U VIC O~ TUIC DA.TU lIJUtJ:IlUW' t*!Dtluaed;



"he!e .teflm'hlplle.n Vlctorl_ at noonon the IIIlyadycrtl8eCt. 11cketl atl:lloodonl)' 011 the IteIlmet (or which thtly areI'un:haitd. Alld are not tran,ferable.Fare ..... Pert T....... ..... F....._

Firat iabln, 8sao,I".,ale 810

It........ Ff'IlIIlL - IJeomttn the(ttl"lIlA whlch. II ptr larlft'. han bern •I~r Inll will be d-rced at f3 Il'!r ton.

tJ'" Prolll Ind after tbj, date.· aU BAG·0.\0 F. n( ruKe' Sound pullt'lIgtri bl P.)1. S.:oI. en'. ~men •• Vk1nrla. willI.. 1I11,"'r CIl'fOtD HOUN. lI\.'ML Ind .11IXOT 108 _uhjt.u to eSAllIltlatiOIl b1 Ct...tum lIunae Iluthorttlet VI 8JII "'rano"".

Fo, r"'ght D' _ .. app'Y 0" boom,or to n.L. 'l'IBBAr.s,.

General AltDt (or PU~ Sound.Port. 'rowntetltl.

l'.\'n:~T!"o:lml how 10 ohulln 111('11I.PUll1pltll·t ot tiO 1l:1J,:e-" fn...... nl'0ll Tt'\.~il)t

01 .Wlllp~ (\lr ro--tll.~o:. :\lliIrc3IJGIUIUHE. Slll'l·U.•t 0.,

&lidtol'$ of 1~lellti. Uox ..... ~ ...Wtihlugton. 0 y •


AprROVED SoI.DlER·S ADDITIONALUO)lESTEAD!l can be located upon anylalldi, "hher slllJ{le or t.loub~ minimuml"lllls., sullJel't to home!tellll whetlHlr lim·bereJ or not. and luning the Dilly ftntclllH paper In the ",'Runtry. have mAde llr·tllIu5[PnlellLl willi t~ loll()wlng gtntlewentn WellCrll WII!lllnl£toll:

A. lIncklut(l!llh. SMule..101:11 R. Whl'l1t. 01)'11I1>'4.O. )flltrli Ua!lo:r. I"'ort'l'o\.,nl('lld,JlclIry .facklOlI. Snohnml8h Clt,y.

Who wllllHwo 011 lIalllL at 111 times. my1lCr111 (or tilt! llC\.'OIIlOllAlloll o( lllflll(l c1e­ilrhlll to l,un:hIl5le. "I \lit! rate nf fS,26per al're l'llt S(N "Ilel 12Q:;. IIInd fI),76 ptrAcre lor $; rti!ctil>ll. 'I>eelal. AnotherInmdulellt Clll~1 o( iCTlpt "nown .. ·n().'lU'CII11 ()fl gntten at lI1llch leu. rata; but notltleClCII be Klvtlll. lllld I~. (It \.'(I11rNl, not &0vllhlllble. A d~ll'IUI be 1l0llell (tom theorlStlnAl apl1llcnnt of lUIY hilld IOCRted by~l'Ipt pnrclmeed n( mI'. l\ll I In nn cnsebuyIroRl otll(lr Ihlln the orlKlllat homestel\der."lid know "'here to luldf'Clll him lor' <1eOOII one be 1't'Q"1~. ,"'ull hl\'e8tlptlon I,lI aked th:1t lhl' 1\'orth 01 my paper IOn! bekllowll. (All U~1l or write In/' 0 Iho6t~lItlemell nauwtlllhn"c. who wll MIll "OCI11M! '1"11.10(. Rlklltlnu",1 honlcsteRd ,,"-'ripwhlt'lI will en~lIfC ~·lfll. loMitent to yourI,,"d ., well :"1 fltTfl'l't title. and also IIl'hcalla. you call lttlV It o( me.

'0. II. TALBOT.Gem'l tAnd-teripalld \V.rrlnt Broker,

Sioux ClIy, Iowa.

AIAO dt'&len In aU lI:indi 01

Oregon and CaliforniaFruit. and Produce.




......!IID "'M1E er .AABI~GTOJI ....._ITJUI NLI,l•••A.

The Unh'i!rtl1r o( Wn.lIlllrtnu Te".lrn­Ij Iw 1\ Fli\.'ultJ ollliutl IIISlruetu.... Iwd

Four Courses of Study:Cla••lcal. aclentflc Normal,



. omceN.~.l.."'" 0....1(·1.:&, P.o. .l.OOM....S.O,llIl1•• G.W.C.T. PortTOWlIllClIHlW.TSlit L C C.h..rt ....U "V T....htt)e, ..W H &llbert~ .•G W Treu •,Port To.n.nd ..AIkin U 'fV 8flt't'y. , l'ort Town'Mlnd ..)18 ..nrter n A !cM..1.'y .....Olympl.. ..r. KennedJ·••OIJuy Tem, ••• Kaunllchle, ..lin BJ SbArp..O ...1I.1'I "lIlt.. Ih'er, ..W J COlkelt ......O w ItAr Cf!upcl"UIe, ..8'-1 L ll'o.Almond ..ll V )( ,••. DUllf'Ontwt, ..Slat A II IIInW! •• G UUrd•• P't TownlOnd ..

Jno II carT •••. c: JfeNl8n~llr •••• LoI)U, ..Ili Calvert. .....tll!lflullna! 8clnllle, ..W. Rayllould ..0. CQun S.nlllmo, B C

Subordiuate Lotu Directory.WASHINGTON nltltITO'"

l~lIpll. oot lully pn:\,.M.I to flllt'r "u.\·\.nnrot'. l..n rewlve a IhOtUuah llrllllu,ll IIIlho \.'OflIlIlon brMnchel!.. I1tovklt.'1l (lIe" Nnl"bit! 10 1'eII1Iin the ImJepelllJ..lltOlh Ih'luler"'lid '",ke corrtllpolldlllK "'IMlh~•.

Vnrnl .ml InUturnellt"llnnlk. fUllullul(ltrnwhli. mllltllry ta~IlCl RIIII lcl.".tll/,h.hili: fllugllt In «tllntli..:tlrm with t!lu I';;lit tu­lion..., The Unl,mlty boarding hllll~ I.lI11tkr the cl'lh,:hmt rnAllllieUl~lIt 0( :\Ir.D. J:s. Ward.

Sprtnl Term opus )faf'('h 17, b7J,


SOUND ARGUS I'ISI itulilill uf worthy gralld lodgesI rnt Grell llrilliin Atlli Irelaml, and

Cur Australia IInl IH.Ilcd in the re-

ULES ON 'l'EMPSIUNCS. 11"''''.~..... _ ....I...:;"'.h-"....... ...... A. S. Draper, G. 'V. C. T. for

............ New Vork,u,s:

GOOD TEJ:PU,a RIEl"ITIES. The I.gislation of the seSSiOD will__ t.1I (OJ the good or the ord.r. Tbe

TilE Dell Ie lion of the I body WII mad, up oC Itronl menR. \Y. Grand Lod"8 "ill he held in anll womell, known tllfOUghout thetbe cit.,. or XI. York, Ind the wei· world (or tb,ir de.otioll to the ofl)ercome :'hich w. utend mUll be well Ind itll cause, "ho clm~ tog.therworthy oC the fint nate in the Union with. Cull appreciation of tbe diffi·and the banDu grand lodge of the cuhies under which tbe luprem.'VorJd.-uGood Tempi" G.m," bod)' "as laborioi alld with full de·

How maoy time••hould • lodge termi~a~ioD to. root OU~ and. r.medIfor,h" a member who Tiolatas tbe tbolle ..dlfficnl.ulI•. "e tblllk tbatobligation? That depends elltirel~ they accomphllhed It. All expe~lle.upoo the circum.tanc:es. We .bouM "'e~e cut down to th" loweac pOlilb.18lay .. often .. he manifosts true reo basil, ,"en to IIIcb ..nd ext.ot Inpen'taDc., and witb sinceriCIof hurt lOme cases ..1 to be unju.t,.e fear.

...ant. to trr Igain. Tbe lodge il to All purchasel art to be made atbe tbe jud.e a. to whether the re lh. lowelt Itriee 1t08,ible in the mar·pentane, i, li~oere or not. l( it il. keto Grand Ludg"l 'ure diltino~ly

if lh.n i, any JrOQlI (round for hop. toll.l that theyl1lust pl.! up all In'

that he m,y mllke In hOllrs' ,.nd,.,·- t1ebtedlle II, hoth fnr tn and .up·or 10 kt"ep Ilis oblhlAlion, forgi.,,., plies, if th.y would hl&Vt! their repre­Ind try "Juin, f1un thnu,h it b, .tl'·· seotativel admittl!d to Ihe R. 'V. G.,nty times die 15nPlIlh lime. If Lodge. It WWI tude red that thethere i, no .uch Jl'roullJ fnr hupt', if a'ielitorl ,hould Illllt lung ea:perit'nce .ho~1I th ..t he "ill hefure the next "!!lIiou to naminenot try to he f.ithfnl, 111111 expel ell book. and trlnsaction and h..ehim. Th. looJ(lt IlIUlt ho chMrltlthle their "'portl in print h! the ti:ne theto it.lfrail cne~ hut it mu,t he jUM botly convened. All tlds IIllin. re·to itlelf. The "hllll,pherfl oi tilt' Iloted Clonlitl.ncft in bUllilltll, "Ii.flod,e room mUllt be kel't pure. tlu. frum fillancial t:nbarrllllllelltl, andhonor of the i118t.itutiun mUlt be kept renewed .igur in the ogltniZiltion.

.bo." r.prtNluh. That l,;lnllot bf' A mOit agrteable feature of tbednn, by harboring unrept"l.nt lin· IUli(}1l " •• the .ntitt Ibunce of IIIDen. .eetional fltelillg end eonttQnrllY,

aud a determination towork lo,.ther uncellinjiCly for tbe.d"anc.ment of the order al·d thtloverthrow of the urinlc traffic. n!cornman conulU the nfjitto qfttltionh.. gnDe, and gune forn.r, into thehiltory of the patt ; and the duty ofcbe bour it: "A long pull, a It tongpull, and a pull all lC'gethe,,"&ilinlt a common enem~.


The t"tnty-6fth annual "elainll of,h. R. W. G,and Lod~•• I. O. G. T.... opened It Merrill Hall. cit.' ofDeJrnit, Mich., un, May 27,by R. W. G. Templar Klnouse. Allthe ollicen were prel..nt neeptin)lUr. F. R.~ G. W. Cnulllt'lInr(detlineJ in England by siekne'lI)G. 'V. Manbll, Ind Ot-puty Manh.l.At the opening the Committfle 00

Credential. repOl ted pre,entl02 r.p­reaentaciy", from thitlI·three Gr.ndLodl{fll. There .ere lieD pre tntu yilitora a Jarl{e bod! of memhersof che Ord.r f om the leural GrindLad,. jurilKliclionl. N...,I, theenti" firlt d.,. (Tutldar) w.. del'ot.ed t'" liuenilltC to the ufti~tll an­

Da,1 reporl. and the ref..n-nce of theeabject. contain" to appro.I'Male cummittt...

R. W. G. Templ.r, T. D. K.nnu..,

in hil annual report, lay. thlt lb.deb~ of lhe R. W. Grand LocI,e h..been rtdue.d by '3,000 during the,.r; that there i. a conslent call(rolD Gnnd l.odg." for aid In theirlocal work; that durinll theJear ""eban mlrl" Rood advancemellt inGlIPJ juri.diotioa'j" a Grand Lod,eh.. been inllituted for Nevada andUtah; eiihl &ada.. in Indi. under\he (cetering cart nf Silter Afary ATbomu, n. R. W. G. T.; th,••loclln in Bermuda, by JOIpeph L.Wald, n. R. W. G. T. Q. M. So,......t Jobn G. Be.itt, of lbe U. S.Anay.lo;ceted a' Fnrt Gibtoll, In.diu Territory, bad don, loth" ende'ectin work II D. R. W. G. T. fortbe pu& year. Aa I ,.Ialt.of bi,II'bon, in ooanection .itb otber ~ootl

brotben and ,illtn, NUl. lodgel

ha". befn in.titu'~'lOme oompoeedehu,.I! Judi.., and on. uclu.inlyo( colored people. The ritual h..been trand..ted into th, eh.robelangual" and application made forprintingtb. aam. in th..t lallgulg•.

\V. 8. William... R. \V. G. Seer••

tary. in bit report, ,how, that duringthe year loding Januar1 31. 1879,tbe Dumt..r of peraonl initiated in~o

the Order .... J2S,'l66; .hole num.ber of memben in load "anding atdl&t date, 208,fltUj tOlal numb.r oCJodI''' in the Order,6,183. Th,,,porc allO ,..,i••• tb••ork thai,n done lb. pall. year, and .hati. being done for th, utenlion of thoOrder in tb, Jndbln Territor!1 hi.

uell ot JallIaiCl;. B.rmuda. Japaa,Chio.. Jodi.. AfMa, Norlfa1 And

8 ...., IIDd o~, 00 UD tri... Thf'

top related