arizona’s ela college and career ready standards dvusd session 2

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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DVUSD Mission

To ensure our success today… Use of technology is purposeful and related to training

Take time to meet and share with new colleagues

Engage in today’s activities enthusiastically and stay focused

Be open to divergent perspectives and other participants’ point of view

Share in the responsibility for the success of today’s work

Limit side conversations during the direct instruction portions of the day

Return promptly after lunch and scheduled breaks

Silence your cell phone

Thank you for your commitment to

making today a successful experience!

Foci of today’s training…Strategic Priority Areas

Excellence in student learning Excellence in workforce

DVUSD Primary WorkAZCCRSMTSS – Tier 1 Effective Instruction

AZCCRS ELA Training focusShift #2 – Knowledge in the DisciplinesShift #3 – Staircase of ComplexityShift #4 – Text Based Answers

As a result of today’s training… In the classroom, expect teachers to…

Understand the goal of independent learning which empowers students to develop self-regulation skill, increase self-confidence and set their own goals

Analyze similarities and differences between independent reading and silent reading

Examine the four elements of reading conferences, the purpose of reading conferences, and understand how to use conferences for formative assessments

In the classroom, expect students as independent learners to… Utilize opportunities to self-regulate, manage time, monitor progress,

and solve problems Develop competence and effort needed to accomplish a task Gain experience in setting and achieving goals Predict, infer, and make hypotheses based on text

As a result of today’s training…Teachers will understand how independent reading will support students in their gradual shift in assuming responsibility for their learning through:

• Examining the goals of independent reading staircase• Nurturing student development through independent

reading • Analyzing the similarities and differences between

independent reading and silent sustained reading• Examining the four elements of conferences and

understanding how to use conferring for formative assessments

Today’s AgendaReview Learning from last training

Share: Close Reading and Letsgeddit experiences

An Independent Reading Staircase Inductive Learning (Review from last year’s Core 6)Independent Reading

Technology IntegrationPadletRewordify

Independent Practice & Planning Time

Technology IntegrationGoogle Forms – sign in sheet & Plus/Delta feedback

Blackboard – ELA AZCCRS Training 2014-2015

SDOHS Library Website (SDOHS Library)

Share Close Reading and Letsgeddit Experiences

Share with groups of 4 how letsgeddit went

Share the successes and challenges

Offer opportunity to share with group

Core 6 Inductive Learning Review

Steps for Inductive Learning Students examine, group, and label specific “bits” of

information to find patterns

Students use their labeled groups to develop a working hypothesis about the content to come

Students collect evidence to verify or refine each of their hypotheses during the learning cycle

Three Reasons for using Inductive Learning

1) Inferences - emphasizes the sub-processes that go into making inferences: examining information closely, looking for hidden relationships, generating tentative hypotheses, and drawing conclusions that are not explicitly stated

2) Evidence - students actively seek out information to support their hypotheses as well as collect and consider evidence that runs counter to their hypotheses

3) Academic Vocabulary - forces students to search for key attributes and relationships among words

Independent Reading Staircase

What is anindependent reading

staircase?• Provide complex texts, but not as complex as those used

during close reading instruction

• Skills are built over years and over phases of instruction (K-12)

• Purpose is to gradually push students to read more complex text, more independently

SSR versus Independent Reading

Goals of Independent Reading

1. Independent reading workbook pages, worksheets, or busy work.

2. Goals of independent reading are• To empower students to develop self-

regulation skills• For students to increase their sense of

competence• For students to set their own goals

Independent Reading ToolsReading Logs

Comment Cards

Sticky Notes

Reflection Journals

Conferring with Students

Reading Logs

Example located behind “Independent Rdg.” tab

Comment Cards

Example behind “Independent Rdg.” tab

Sticky Notes

Reflection Journal

Two Examples: last pg. behind “Independent Rdg” tab and behind “Breakouts” tab.

A Word About Conferring with Students

Inquiry - Decisions - Instruction - Recordkeeping

Four Elements of Effective Conferences

• Begin by conversing with the student about his or her work

• Goal: Assess the student on one literacy focus topic per session

• Based on the evidence culled from the opening conversation, rapidly make a decision about what should be taught next

• Brief procedural, literary, or strategic instruction to help the student move to the next level of independent learning

• Student attempts the work with teacher support

• Make anecdotal notes about the main points of the conference






Take it to…….

Final Thoughts Teachers artfully steer students to more challenging reading, with strategic bursts of instruction and peer conferences to foster metacognitive awareness (Frey & Fisher, 2013).

We want students to be able to read complex text progressively and more independently

Providing guidance in the classroom helps students develop these skills and move up the independent reading staircase

Independent reading activities are interwoven with collaborative activities

For students to develop essential reading and thinking habits, which are vital for successful college and career, they need to consistently read independently and confer with teachers about their reading

Break – 10 MinutesWhen you return we will …

Demonstrate the steps to create and use a PadletLearn how to differentiate instruction using


Have time to practice using and create Padlets

Have time to practice using Rewordify

Have time to plan how you can incorporate today’s learning to develop your students’ independent reading skills with more challenging text

Padlet Demonstration

How to Differentiate Instruction Using


Support for Today’s Training

Library’s website – SDOHS Library

Silver, H.F., Dewing, R.T., & Perini, M.J. (2012). The core six. Alexandria, VA: ASCD

Frey, N., & Fisher, D. (2013). Rigorous reading. Thousand Oak, CA: Corwin Literacy.

Process, Practice, Create

The remaining time is for you to:Process today’s information and determine how

you can apply this information into your near, future instruction

Practice working with Padlet and RewordifyCreate a Padlet to use with near, future instruction

ORUse Rewordify to differentiate a reading text for

near, future instruction that includes reading challenging text independently.

Plus/Delta for Today

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