art essay

Post on 10-Apr-2015






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My "What is Art?" essay for Digital Design.


What is Art?

Thatʼs the big question. What makes art art? What makes something not art?

Everyone has their opinions on this subject, but hereʼs what I believe.

Art is something that comes from soul creativeness. Itʼs not something that

comes out of an accident, or something thatʼs just flashy and easy to show off. For

example, music that someone writes about something they actually feel something

about is real art. Music that just involves screaming and stupid guitar riffs (i.e. grindcore)

is not art. Those are the rules of art.

Art plays a very big role in my life, and I hope it continues to make this impact.

For years now, Iʼve been learning and playing the guitar. Itʼs been one of the most

constant things in my life, and itʼs one thing I never, ever want to lose.

For this project, I chose to observe two kinds of music as art. The first was a

genre of music called “Grindcore.” The first thing I have to say about “Grindcore” is that

out of all music I have ever heard EVER, this is the WORST music. It lacks any

creativity whatsoever, itʼs lyrics donʼt mean anything and are inaudible, and just loud

screaming. I can see why some people would enjoy this type of sound, but I fully believe

this is not art. Noise, noise, noise. Thatʼs it.

The second kind of music I observed was classic rock. In comparison, classic

rock, like The Who and Led Zeppelin, is 200% more arty than “grindcore.” it features

real written and audible lyrics about real things and real situations. Itʼs not just

screaming and just one emotion. Itʼs about more than just yelling and getting one

emotion out, itʼs about more expression.

Noel Anderson12/12/08Denmark

I think that music is a true form of art, and is one of the most expressive art

forms, but not all music is art. In fact, not all music is really music to me. I think itʼs

important for music to meet standards like being truly creative, and having a meaning.

I wonʼt even call myself a musician, because I donʼt write songs, I just play them.

Thatʼs what I think most “grindcore” music people are. Just people who play loud,

annoying music. I think that one day I will enhance my creative side, and start to create

music on my own. Itʼs like people who play music like “grindcore” are just learners, too.

But they make it seem like theyʼre creating something creative when theyʼre not. With

most other music, the creativity of the song is the important thing, if you ask me. I donʼt

care if new pop songs are just sung by airhead blondes who just have a talent, but if

someone wrote some good lyrics and chords to it, itʼs all good.

To sum it up, this comparison goes for most art forms, not just music. Some “art”

is really uncreative and thrown together, while other art is born out of pure creativity and

talent. If you canʼt see the distinction between something creative and something

uncreative, you are blind to beauty.

Noel Anderson12/12/08Denmark

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