art in marketing

Post on 19-Mar-2016






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A more refreshing approach to brand management. Art in Marketing help businesses make their brands truly extraordinary.


The art in

The art in

by John Hawkes and Joni Hawkes

by John Hawkes and Joni Hawkes



‘Let each man exercisethe art he knows.’


© art in MARKETING ltd. 2009

‘The one great principle of English law is to make business for itself.’Charles DickensWriter

On this basis our lawyers tell us we have to print this...

The quotations contained in this publication are shown as an illustration of the interconnectivity of skill, art, science and vision in our craft and the quotations are not to be taken as personal endorsements of our work by those quoted or that we have any rights in relation to the quotations.

The images and illustrations in this publication have been reproduced with the kind permission of their respective owners and copying or reproducing them or any part of them without permission is prohibited.

We have worked hard to put this publication together and we therefore reserve our rights to its contents and layout. You may not reproduce this publication in whole or in part in any manner without our permission. If you do need additional copies - just ask!

© art in MARKETING ltd. 2009




‘Art arises when the secret vision of the artist and the manifestation of nature agree to fi nd new shapes.’Kahlil GibranPoet


Dancing the steps does not make an Astaire.Writing a sonnet does not make a Shakespeare.Painting a picture does not make a Rembrandt.

Playing a piano does not make a Beethoven.Kicking a ball does not make a Pele.

‘Where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art.’Leonardo da VinciScientist and Artist

There is little specialness or magic to be found in the science alone.

It takes personal vision, creativity,imagination, discipline, experience, and

passion to make a masterful artist.

Cunning; imaginative skill...Practical application of any science.(The Concise Oxford Dictionary)

ART: n.

ARTist. n.



‘True art is the intermediary between man’s ordinary nature and his higher potentialities.’EF SchumacherEconomist

Artists, from all walks of life, are at their best when grounded in sound technical capability combined with

something quite extraordinary.


‘After a certain high level of technicalskill is achieved, science and art tend to coalesce... The greatest scientists are always artists as well.’Albert EinsteinPhysicist

It is the unique ability to perfectly blend a skilful hand with a seeing eye and a soulful heart.

Great artists master the technical side of their trade with great precision. They then reach deep within themselves to bring to life a powerful and

personal expression that truly moves people.

ART: n.Cunning; imaginative skill. The practical application of [MARKETING] science.

We believe that the world of marketing can learn and apply a great deal from the world of art - in all its forms -

be it painting, writing, acting, dance, music or sport.

Just as an audience appreciates and values the performance of a master artist, a brand’s audience will

have higher regard for that brand when it assures them at a functional level and amazes them at an emotional level.

Marketing, like art, is more than the outcome of scientifi c analysis, more than obeying the rules, more

than logic. It is about taking the understanding that the science helps provide and discovering an idea that

transcends the very science that helped conceive it.

This is the art in marketing.

‘When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.’John RuskinCritic

We believeEvery brand should have an extraordinary purpose.

Everyone who looks after a brand should have an extraordinary purpose.

Such extraordinary purpose cannot be found through science alone.

It takes science PLUS guts, imagination, passion and a commitment to doing something very good for people.

It requires exceptional talent delivering valuable brands that make a real difference to the people they serve.

It’s what we call marketing artistry.

MARKETING ARTISTRYSuccessful Marketing Artistry is the bringing together of science, skill, soul, and sight in a carefully scripted and signature way.






‘Science is built up of facts, as a house is with stones; but a collection of facts is no more a science than a heap of stones is a house.’ Henri PoincarePhysicist

‘Science does not know its debt to imagination.’ Ralph Waldo EmersonEssayist




Marketing Artistry is rooted in, but not paralysed by

effective marketing science. It is disciplined and insightful.

It transforms information into useful knowledge and

understanding. It gives people fi rm ground to stand upon.

Science: n. Study or knowledge of the physical or natural world, based on observation and experiment.

Profi cient application of facts or principles.

‘Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.’ Jonathan SwiftSatirist

‘An artist must have his measuring tools not in the hand, but in the eye.’MichelangeloPainter, Sculptor and Engineer


Sight: n. The ability to see; seeing; the

distance within which you can see.Something seen or worth seeing.



Marketing Artistry sets a clear vision for the brand

and its people. It sees things through a high-powered lens,

stretching the business toward the highest place possible.

‘It is possible to fl y without motors, but not without knowledge and skill.’Wilbur WrightInventor

‘Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.’Chinese Proverb


Skill: n. Ability to do something well.



Marketing Artistry taps into all the special talents and experiences

of the people that come together for the good of the brand. It

inspires a culture of rewarding and enjoyable learning.

‘In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can inspire.’Ralph Waldo EmersonEssayist

‘All great art is the work of the whole living creature, body and soul, and chiefl y of the soul.’John RuskinCritic



Soul: n. The emotional part of human nature;

the seat of the feelings or sentiments. Deeply felt emotion, as conveyed or

expressed by a performer or artist.



Marketing Artistry discovers how to make a brand really tick with

people. It sets the rhythm for the organisation. It is the soul-stirring

heartbeat of the business.

‘What is the use of running if you are not on the right road.’ German Proverb

‘Every script I’ve written and every series I’ve produced have expressed the things I most deeply believe.’Michael LandonDirector



Marketing Artistry creates a compelling script for the brand

and the organisation to follow. It provides a clear strategic plot for

the business that liberates people to perform to their full potential.

Script: n. To plan or devise;

make arrangements for; a manuscript or document.

‘Always be a fi rst-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.’ Judy GarlandActress

‘A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament. Its beauty comes from the fact that the author is what he is.’ Oscar WildePoet



Signature: n. Any unique, distinguishing aspect,

feature, or mark.



Marketing Artistry transforms a commodity into a treasured

asset that must be safeguarded and nurtured. It distinctively and

affi rmatively declares the brand’s beliefs, values, and certainties.

‘However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.’ Winston ChurchillPolitician

‘It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.’Leonardo da VinciScientistMathematicianEngineerInventorAnatomistPainterSculptorArchitectBotanistMusicianPoetand Writer




Marketing Artistry creates and delivers value continuously for a brand and its people. Every action is purposeful.Its appetite for betterment

and prosperity is insatiable.

Success: n. The favourable or prosperous attainment

of an aim or endeavours.

‘Art is not a mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it.’Bertolt BrechtPlaywright

‘The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward signifi cance.’AristotlePhilosopher

For many years we have travelled through the world of marketing, nurturing large and small brands, globally and locally. We have

been steeped in the most rigorous of scientifi c disciplines and have been thrown into the

most complex of corporate experiences.

Having emerged with our own philosophies,we co-founded art in MARKETING ltd in order

to help organisations fi nd their way through a myriad of brand challenges. We are committed to

helping people make extraordinary things happen.




‘Art is not a thing; it is a way.’Elbert Hubbard


Studio: n. Workplace for the teaching or

practice of an art.

Fine artists develop and hone their talents in studios to ready their performance for the main stage. It is where they put in the

hard work, enhance their skills, and fi ne-tune their artistry.

Our MARKETING Studio takes clients to the next level of performance and addresses the full spectrum of marketing

challenges. We believe each client has their own unique marketing needs and talents so we choreograph our work to

meet those special requirements. Each tailored Studio session takes place in the most suitable location.

Our introductory MARKETING Studio features a 5-step process which can be readily put into practice by brand owners from both large and small organisations and their agencies.

In addition to Studio sessions, our services are provided in the form of: Consultations Workshops Lecture Series Master Classes

Projects Papers Interim Assignments Board Appointments

Here’s a sample of the range of areas we address:

Acumen The Art in Brand Marketing and Positioning to Win The Art in Advertising and Writing Inspirational Briefs The Art in Great Retailing The Art in Marketing a Global Brand Locally

Relationships The Art in Brand-Consumer Relationships The Art in Nurturing Healthy Agency-Client Relationships The Art in Integrating Marketing Throughout the Business The Art in Turning Properties into Useful Marketing Assets

Talent The Art in Marketing Training and Developing Marketing Artists The Art in Embedding Brand Discipline into Business Plans and Processes The Art in Creating a High Impact Marketing Culture The Art in Building Personal Marketing Credentials

art in MARKETING ltd was established in 2003, founded on over 50 years of cumulative global marketing experience across FMCG, retail, communications agencies, and fi nancial services industries.

We exist to refresh marketing organisations by artistically providing a source of creative inspiration, problem-solving relief, and capability-building support to brand owners and their agencies.

We are passionate about brands and the people who look after those brands. We help our clients discover and practice the ‘art’ in marketing by taking the scientifi c essentials of marketing and infusing them with innovative thinking, consumer passion, and company convictions to deliver a more valuable brand marketing approach.

This gives our clients the capability and confi dence to:

adopt new growth strategies garner more knowledge from existing research investments fi nd a clear and compelling point of difference for their brand engage the entire business (all levels, all functions) in brand delivery inspire extraordinary creative work improve organisational structure nurture their own unique fl air and talent embed better operating disciplines enhance internal and external working relationships

We provide strategic marketing consulting and training services to brand owners across all industries and to the agencies who serve them. We also provide lectures and advise for educational programmes.

2John Hawkes and Joni Hawkes

art in MARKETINGis just 2 people:

Together we have developed our own special recipe of marketing with leadership roles on the world’s most

famous brands -- John as Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Offi cer for McDonald’s UK and Joni

as Vice President of Worldwide Marketing for The Coca-Cola Company. We’ve worked at all levels from

the front line to the board room. We’ve worked on both sides, as client and as agency. To this, we add our close experience working both domestically and

internationally in the retail, manufacturing, educational, communications, and fi nancial services industries.

John HawkesA creative marketing leader with 30 years experience and recognised by the industry as one of the UK’s top ten marketers. As Chief Marketing Offi cer for McDonald’s UK, John led the UK Company’s growth and built a reputation for new product innovation, creative excellence and new marketing ideas in an aggressive and fast moving retail environment. John has extensive experience working with complex global advertising agency networks and with high profi le marketing associations across sports, music, and media industries.

Joni HawkesA versatile consumer marketer with over 20 years experience, including 10 years with The Coca-Cola Company in leading brand and customer roles across domestic and international markets which included the development and launch of the famous Coca-Cola Christmas campaign. Originally a student of psychology, Joni mastered the art of marketing by working across a range of high-powered organisations and brands such as Coke, McDonald’s, Chiquita, Abbey, and Tyson Foods. She has also been recognised for her work with students, recently awarded Young Enterprise Advisor of the Year.




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