art nouveau furniture design

Post on 03-Aug-2015






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Art Nouveau Furniture Design by

Sinopsis about Art Nouveau A movement that beginning in the late 1

9th and early 20th centuries Mostly appear in Europe, the movement

issued in a wide variety of style Art Nouveau was aimed at modernizing

design, seeking to escape the eclectic historical styles

The style went out of fashion after it gave way to Art Deco in the 1920s, but it experienced a popular revival in the 1960s

Art Nouveau Furniture

Combination in many different European styles

The diversity found in Art Nouveau is particularly evident in furniture.

In essence, three developments can be made out:

1) natural forms designs in France and Belgium

2) geometric shape and pattern in Austria3) the formal art nouveau, which developed

in Germany.

Characteristic of Art Nouveau Natural forms Decorations related to nature: flowers,

trees, leaves, vines, plants, and females with long hair

Curved & wide lines Ornamental motifs (pattern) Lines without sharp angles The use of everyday objects

Famous Belgian Art Nouveau furniture designerApply English principles in design. Employing dynamic and curvy lines to functionality. He believed in working with the lines dictated by an object, rather than imposing artificial ornamentation onto existing features.

Henry van de Velde

-The design of this chair is closely linked with one of Henry van de Velde’s most spectacular creations.

-The earliest version, which was more playfully organic in style, was created for the artist’s friends.Not long afterwards a more austere version of this piece was made, which took up a great deal of space - it was nearly three metres wide - with a matching chair. Forming a suite with matching print cabinets and bookcases, these pieces were exhibited to great acclaim and often published.

Graf Kessler Diplomat's Chair

Chair Design by Henry Van De Velde

-Gallé had reached international fame and his style, with its emphasis on naturalism and floral motifs.

Émile Gallé (Nancy, 8 May 1846 – Nancy, 23 September 1904) was a French artist who worked in glass, and is considered to be one of the major forces in the French Art Nouveau movement.

Émile Gallé

Dawn and Dusk bed (Aube et Crépuscule) by Émile Gallé, 1904.

The Dawn and Dusk bed (Aube et Crépuscule) is a piece by Emile Gallé made in 1904. Dawn is mentioned at the foot of the bed by two winged pearly mayflies. Dusk is at the headboard with a landscape at night.

- A vase commissioned by Countess Henri Greffulhe as a wedding gift for Princess Marguerite de Chartres-Multi-layered blown crystal with inclusions of glass and gold dust, cabochons and handles added on and fused, 1896.

Vase with lilies and daisies

Louis Majorelle

Louis Majorelle was a French decorator and furniture designer who manufactured his own designs, in the French tradition of the ébéniste. He was one of the outstanding designers of furniture in the Art Nouveau style, and after 1901 formally served as one of the vice-presidents of the École de Nancy (art school in French).

Louis Majorelle, wall cabinet

This cabinet is thought to have been designed by Louis Majorelle, who along with Emile Gallé, was a leading exponent of the Art Nouveau movement in the town of Nancy in northwestern France. Art Nouveau varied from country to country and city to city. As practiced in Nancy, it was a Symmetrical with decorative details, frequently inspired by Japanese design.

Why Art Nouveau so popular?

Simple design Beautiful, luxurious, durable, comfortable, colorful, unique and functionable

The End

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