art of the body in oceania lecture 1

Post on 07-Jul-2018






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  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


    Art of the Body in OceanDay 1


    MWF 9:30-10:40 !"#anitie$ %ect"re !a&&' (n$tr"ctor: )ta*a#ehiro +a#ehiro,"c$c.ed"

    Oce !o"r$: Wedne$day$ 12-2 /orter D210

  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


     eachin A$$i$tant$ Otiona&)ection$5Oce !o"r$•

    *ara !i$ata+e +hi$ata+,"c$c.ed"' $ection5oce)ect. A - Wed. 8-9:10 o&&ee 8 240

    7 cry$ta& a# ne&$on crane&$o,"c$c.ed"' $ection5oho"r$: )ect. B - Wed. 11-12:10 o&&ee 8 240

    7 Maie Wander #ander,"c$c.ed"' )ect. - W12:30-1:40 /hy$ica& )ci. 114

    7 Danie&&e raford dcrafo,"c$c.ed"' )ect. D 2-3:10 o&&ee 8 240

  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


    o"r$e ;e

  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


    @AM MA@;(A% () O%(@

    1 o"t of the 4 e$$ay$ i&& e cho$en for each e>a#

  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


    18th ent"ry (#ae$ /aciCc Bodie$

  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


    @"roean$ are co#in into the aciCc area and a#a+in i#ae$ of the eo&e

    • !o doe$ it re&ate to art and ender and thenco&onia&i$#E

  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


    %: ohn Weer atain a#e$ oo+ 1G82;: a#e$ Ba$ire after W. !ode$ enra=in of a!oo+ 1GGG

     a#e$ !oo+ #ode&ed after a#e$ oo+• !e did 3 =oyae$.

    • arrati=e$ i=e ood idea$ hat haened in th)o#eti#e$ the ict"re$ do not #atch " ith thi#ae$. Why i$ thi$ $oE

    • Hi$"a&$ i#ortant eca"$e the i#ae$ ro=ide inte>t$ do not.

    • (f e donIt &oo+ at it e et a one $ided =ie of fro# the eo&e that on&y read and rite

  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


    Left: ohnWeeratain a#e$oo+ 1G82

    Right: a#e$Ba$ire after W.!ode$enra=in of

     a#e$ !oo+ 1GGG

  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


    /o"&ar i#ae$ of Oceania in @"

    When they J@"roean$K ca#e ac+ ho#e i#aeeca#e o"&ar

    • %eft' i&&"$trated oo+ that too+ i#ae$ fro# oo+=oyae. @>otic $cene$ deicted in i&&"$tration

    • ;iht: a&&aer ith a troica& the#e. )hoed


  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


    %: ohn &e=e&ey he Death of oo+ c. 1G8L;: Wi&&ia# !ode$ War Boat$ of the ($&and of Ot1GGG

    • /o"&ar i#act of oo+ Hoyae

    • Bro"ht $cho&ar&y attention

    • Bi ar$hi$ on ;iht

  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


    oo+I$ 3 =oyae$ Arti$t$

    1. )ydney /ar+in$on or+in 5o$eh Ban+$ @n1G68' oo+I$ $hi i$ the endea=or. (t a$ an hor+ ith Ban+$

    2. Wi&&ia# !ode$ or+in 5ohann ;einho&d Fo;e$o&"tion and Ad=ent"re 1GG2-GL. Wi&&ia# !

    or+ed ith $cienti$t$. ohann a$ a nat"ra&i$t!ode$ a$ an Arti$t. Want$ to $ati$fy $cience a ood $cience i&&"$trator "t he a&$o ant$ to re"tation a$ an Arti$t.

    3. ohn Weer and Wi&&ia# @&&i$ ;e$o&"tion andDi$co=ery 1GG6-1G80 ;e$o&"tion and Di$co=e

  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


    @nra=er$ e.. Wo&&ett a&de)herin Barto&oi )har ByrnB&a+e•

     hey #a$$ rod"ced hat the Arti$t$ #ade d"ri=oyae$.

    • )o#eti#e$ they #ade chane$.

  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


    Acade#ic Arti$t$

    %: o$h"a ;eyno&d$ )ir o$eh Ban+$ c. 1GG3• ;: ohann Noany Death of oo+ c. 1G9L

    2 i $ocietie$:

    ;oya& $ociety de=oted to $cientiCc $t"dy

    ;oya& Acade#y art acade#y

     hey #ade ortrait$ and aintin that deicted thheroic5dra#atic ay


  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


     o$h"a;eyno&d$O#ai JMai


    • /ortrait e&e=ated theer$on.

  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


    (. Di$co=ery @#irici$# and)cience- he Ae of @n&ihten#ent

    - rore$$

    - e#irici$#' direct o$er=ation of nat"re

    - Art and $cience

    More hi$torica&&y deCned in a narro ay

    (n @"roe: the en&ihten#ent =a&"ed the c"&ti=ation of the art$ and the $cience toard

    e$tern #an. (nte&&ect"a& e>an$ion a$ a ood ay to e>and earth&y e>i$tence. @#irthe direct o$er=ation of nat"re o"&d he& erfect yo"r e>i$tence. he arti$t had to e e>act&y hat he $a. ;ecord hat yo" $ee and nothin #ore.

     ?o" can oen " ne territorie$ ith thi$ +no&ede. @>andin i#act on aciCc #ore yo" ha=e acc"rate rere$entation of eorahy.

    Ha&"e of art and $cience$ a$ h"eP Art can de$crie thin$ in a ay te>t cannot. hey rthat hen $o#eone too+ a ict"re of a &and #a$$ yo" +ne #ore ao"t it than ritten

  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


    Ae of @n&ihten#ent


    (ntere$t in $cience and e#irici$#- Qc&a$$ica&R trend$ of tho"ht' e#ha$i$ on ;ea$o

    - !"#ani$# JJe#erin h"#ani$tic concern that co"&d chane their co"r$e a$ed on the +no&edained fro# the or&d. @=erythin i$ not deter#

    yo" and yo" can $hae the or&dKK

    - De=e&oin nationa&i$#$

    Q $a the or&d a$ $o#ethin to e co#rehende

    h"#an rea$on and erfected y h"#an actionR f

  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


    - ationa&i$#- o#etiti=e territoria& e>an$ion and $earch for+no&ede

    - o#etition for econo#ic and o&itica& oer

    - %oo+in for territoria& and $cientiCc ac

  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


    oo+I$ Cr$t =oyae: Ban+$/ar+in$on•

    Fir$t ict"re $hon on &ect"re of a en"in ta+en he @ndea=or.

    • /artic"&ar fondne$$ for otany.

    • /ar+in$on fa=or$ nat"ra&i$tic detai& a$ oo$ed toa$traction.

    • (t a$ hi$ ic+in " the =a&"e of the art that "$cience. !e "nder$tood the art$ to e a oerf"$cience.

    • /ar+in$on contri"ted a &ot for Ban+$. !e too+ iof &ant$ eo&e had ne=er $een efore.

  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


    )ydney /ar+in$on

    %: hree Maori anoe /add&e$ c. 1G69;: Artifact$ fro# the )ociety ($&and$ fro# /ar+in$ o"rna& c. 1GG3

    )o /ar+in$on did not S"$t i&&"$trate &ant$ "t oSe&&.

  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


    L: /ar+in$on /ortrait of a e Nea&and Man1G69R: /ar+in$on A e Nea&and Warrior in hi$ Dre$$ 1G84

    • hi$ i&&"$tration$ are done in detai& $o they cande#on$trate ho the$e eo&e &oo+ed &i+e.

  • 8/18/2019 Art of the Body in Oceania Lecture 1


    /ar+in$on A e Nea&and Waranoe 1GG0•

    %oo+ at car=ed a$ect$ of canoe. here i$ a deta$tried $c"&t"re on end of canoe.

    • (n the conte>t of $cientiCc $t"dy.

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