arxiv:2010.15305v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 19 jan 2021

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Valley-polarization in biased bilayer graphene using circularly polarized light

A. Friedlan∗ and M. M. DignamDepartment of Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy,Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 3N6

Achieving a population imbalance between the two inequivalent valleys is a critical first stepfor any valleytronic device. A valley-polarization can be induced in biased bilayer graphene usingcircularly polarized light. In this paper, we present a detailed theoretical study of valley-polarizationin biased bilayer graphene. We show that a nearly perfect valley-polarization can be achieved withthe proper choices of external bias and pulse frequency. We find that the optimal pulse frequencyω is given by ~ω = 2a, where 2a is the potential energy difference between the graphene layers. Wealso find that the valley-polarization originates not from the Dirac points themselves, but ratherfrom a ring of states surrounding each. Intervalley scattering is found to greatly reduce the valley-polarization for high frequency pulses. Thermal populations are found to significantly reduce thevalley-polarization for small biases. This work provides insight into the origin of valley-polarizationin bilayer graphene and will aid experimentalists seeking to study valley-polarization in the lab.


Since its first realization in 2004 [1], graphene haspromised to revolutionize electronics with its high elec-tron mobility [2, 3], impressive mechanical strength [4],and tunable Fermi level [5]. There exist two inequiva-lent local minima in graphene’s band structure known asvalleys or Dirac points which we label K and K ′. In anal-ogy with spintronics [6], the valley index is binary and theconcept of using this two-state system to perform logicaloperations is known as valleytronics [7]. To realize such asystem, we require a way to induce a valley-polarization,that is, a differential electron population between the Kand K ′ valleys.

There have been many proposals for valleytronic de-vices based on monolayer graphene, however most haverelied on configurations that may be difficult to realizein the lab [8–12]. Intrinsically, the K and K ′ valleys areindistinguishable from one another. This means that it isdifficult to selectively populate the valleys, say, using anoptical field. Inversion symmetry breaking is necessaryfor graphene-based valleytronics [13, 14]. One solution isto use a staggered sublattice potential, for instance, bygrowing graphene on a substrate of hBN [15]. Anotheroption is to consider materials with intrinsically brokeninversion symmetry. TMDs such as monolayer MoS2

have gained significant interest recently, in part due tothe presence of an intrinsic band gap at the Dirac points[16–19]. In this work we consider bilayer graphene, whichconsists of two graphene sheets stacked in an AB/Bernalstacking arrangement [20]. Biasing the bilayer by apply-ing a potential difference across the two graphene sheetsbreaks the inversion symmetry and opens a band gap[21–24]. Not only that, but the band gap can be tunedcontinuously from zero to the mid-infrared by adjustingthe strength of the external bias [25–27]. For an excellentreview of the electronic properties of both monolayer and


bilayer graphene, please see McCann [28].

It has been proposed that circularly polarized lightcan be used preferentially inject carriers into the K andK ′ valleys of bilayer graphene [14]. Right-hand circu-larly polarized light couples strongly to the K valley,while light of the opposite helicity couples strongly toK ′. There has been significant work towards inducingvalley-polarized currents in bilayer graphene with brokeninversion symmetry [29–31], but very few studies havefocused on using circularly polarized light to induce avalley-polarization [32, 33]. To the best of our knowledge,no studies have yet sought to maximize the optically-induced valley-polarization, leaving experimentalists ill-equipped to study this phenomenon in the laboratory.Several important questions remain unanswered: Whatis the optimal operating external bias? What is the opti-mal operating pulse frequency? And what pulse durationshould be used? It is also to date unknown as to whichscattering processes fundamentally limit performance ofbilayer-graphene-based valleytronic devices: How cleana sample is required? Can a valley-polarization be ob-served at room temperature? In this paper, we seek toanswer these questions as well as offer valuable insightinto the underlying physics of valley-polarization in bi-layer graphene.

Our findings can be summarized as follows. At lowtemperatures, and in the absence of scattering, a near-perfect valley-polarization can be obtained for pulse fre-quencies ω satisfying ~ω = 2a, where 2a is the potentialenergy difference between the graphene layers. This re-sult originates from a k-dependent valley-contrasting op-tical selection rule that becomes exact when ~ω = 2a.This finding is qualitatively consistent with some previ-ous calculations [14, 32], but so far seems to have goneunnoticed in the literature. Our calculations indicatethat intervalley scattering via optical phonons greatlyreduces the valley-polarization when operating at highpulse frequencies. We also find that thermal electronpopulations significantly reduce the valley-polarizationfor small external biases. Taken together, intervalleyscattering and thermal electron populations complicate















the simple picture that the valley-polarization is max-imized along ~ω = 2a. In all cases, to maximize thevalley-polarization, the pulse duration should be closeto or larger than the sample decoherence time. For typ-ical samples, with the proper choice of pulse frequencyand external bias, a valley-polarization of up to 70% canbe achieved at room temperature. At low temperatures(< 150 K), the valley-polarization can be as large as 97%.

This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II,we present our theoretical model. We construct thegraphene Hamiltonian and solve for the energy bands andeigenstates. We then develop our density matrix equa-tions of motion, solving them perturbatively for excita-tion by circularly polarized light. In Sec. III, we studythe resulting valley-polarization, primarily as a functionof the frequency of the exciting field and of the exter-nal bias between the graphene layers. We first examinea simplified model before proceeding to introduce inter-valley scattering and thermal effects. We also examinethe effects of varying the pulse duration and decoherencetime before concluding in Sec. IV.


We employ a four-band nearest-neighbor tight-bindingmodel to calculate the low-energy electron bands andBloch eigenstates. We perturb the system with an opti-cal field, treating the interaction within the length gauge.We develop density matrix equations of motion and solvethem up to second-order. We calculate the electron popu-lations in the K and K ′ valleys that result from the linearabsorption of a circularly polarized Gaussian pulse.

A. Tight-binding

We use as our basis the single-atom Bloch functions

Φi(k, r) =


eik·Rjφ(r−Rj,i), (1)

where k is the Bloch wave vector, r is the position vector,and φ(r) is a carbon 2pz orbital [28]. The sum is overthe N different unit cells, and Rj,i ≡ Rj + ri, where Rj

is a Bravais lattice vector and ri is a basis vector, whichdenotes the position of one of the four atoms in the unitcell. Following the coordinate conventions of Ref. [34],we have rA1

= dz, rB1= a0x + dz, rA2

= −a0x − dz,and rB2

= −dz, where a0 = 1.42 A is the interatomicdistance, and 2d is the interlayer spacing (see Fig. 1).

Using these basis states, we construct our eigenstates

Ψnk(r) = 〈r|nk〉 = An(k)∑i

Cin(k)Φi(k, r), (2)

where An(k) is a normalization factor, the Cin(k) are ex-pansion coefficients, i indexes the atoms, and n labels



FIG. 1. Bilayer graphene lattice. The A1 and B1 atoms arein the top layer at energy +a (black), while the A2 and B2

atoms are in the bottom layer at energy −a (white).

the band. In the basis i = A1, B1, A2, B2, includ-ing hopping between nearest-neighbors within each layer,and between the overlapping A1 and B2 atoms in oppo-site layers, we obtain the nearest-neighbor tight-bindingHamiltonian [28]

H0 =

a f(k)t‖ 0 t⊥f∗(k)t‖ a 0 0

0 0 −a f(k)t‖t⊥ 0 f∗(k)t‖ −a

, (3)

where (by convention) 2a ≥ 0 is the potential en-ergy difference between the graphene layers, and wheret‖ = 3.3 eV and t⊥ = 0.42 eV are, respectively, theintra- and inter-layer hopping energies [20]. The functionf(k) = 1 + e−ik·a1 + e−ik·a2 describes hopping between

nearest-neighbor sites, where a1 = a0(3x +√

3y)/2 and

a2 = a0(3x−√

3y)/2 are the primitive translation vec-tors (see Fig. 1). In what follows, we will fo-cus on the dynamics in the vicinities of the Diracpoints K = 4πy/3

√3a0 and K′ = −4πy/3

√3a0. To

obtain the Hamiltonian for electrons close to thesepoints, we expand f(k) about K and K′ and obtainf(k) ≈ i 3

2a0ke±iθk , with the plus and minus signs cor-

responding to the K and K ′ valleys respectively. Notethat we have transformed to a polar coordinate systemwith origin at K or K′, where k = |k| = (k2

x + k2y)1/2,

and θk is the angle k makes with the kx axis. The func-tion f(k) may also be expressed in terms of the grapheneFermi velocity vf = 3a0t‖/2~ ≈ 106 m s−1 according to

f(k) = i~vfke±iθk/t‖.Neglecting overlap between inequivalent atoms, we

solve for the energies En(k) and eigenvectors Ψnk(r) ofH0. The dynamics of the system will be studied using


FIG. 2. The conduction and valence band energies as a func-tion of k for four different biases a. From darkest to lightest,a = 0, 100, 200 and 300 meV. For comparison, the intersectingdashed lines are the energy bands of monolayer graphene.

only the two lowest-energy bands whose (dimensionless)energies are given by [22]

En(k) = En(k) = ±√t2|f(k)|2 + a2 +


2− ε(k), (4)

where En(k) ≡ En(k)/t⊥, where n = c, v labelsthe conduction band and valence band, and where wehave introduced the dimensionless quantities a ≡ a/t⊥,t ≡ t‖/t⊥, and ε(k) ≡ ((4a2 + 1)t2|f(k)|2 + 1/4)1/2. Theconduction and valence bands are shown in Fig. 2 for fourdifferent biases. The energy bands are isotropic in-plane,but we show the bands reflected across the k = 0 axis toemphasize the symmetry. The dispersion is electron-holesymmetric. At the Dirac points (k = 0), Ec(k) = a andEv(k) = −a. The band gap for a particular bias a is givenby [28]

∆E(a) =2at⊥√

4a2 + t2⊥. (5)

The expansion coefficients of Ψnk(r) are

CA1n (k) = En(k)− a,

CB1n (k) = tf∗(k),

CA2n (k) =

CB2n (k)

(CB1n (k)

)∗En(k) + a


CB2n (k) =

(CA1n (k)

)2 − ∣∣CB1n (k)

∣∣2. (6)

B. Connection elements

We treat the carrier-field interaction using the lengthgauge Hamiltonian HL = −eE(t) · r, where e = −|e| is

the electron charge, E(t) is the (classical) electric field ofthe optical pulse at the graphene, and r is the electronposition operator. The density matrix equations of mo-tion we will derive in the following section require matrixelements of r. Following Blount [35], we have

〈nk|r|mk′〉 = iδnm∇kδ(k− k′) + δ(k− k′)ξnm(k), (7)

where we have defined the connection elements

ξnm(k) ≡ i (2π)2


∫d3ru∗nk(r)∇kumk(r), (8)

where Ω is the area of a real-space unit cell, and the inte-gration is over Ω, and over −∞ < z < ∞ perpendicularto the plane. The cell-periodic function unk(r) is definedby

Ψnk(r) = eik·runk(r). (9)

Imposing orthonormality on Ψnk(r), we obtain∫d3ru∗nk(r)umk(r) =


(2π)2δnm, (10)

and, in the nearest-neighbor tight-binding approxima-tion, the normalization factor

An(k) =




. (11)

The connection element for transitions between theconduction band and valence band is [36]

ξcv(k) = i(2π)2



(Ci∗c (k)∇kC

iv(k)− iriCi∗c (k)Civ(k)

). (12)

In what follows, we neglect the term proportional to riin Eq. (12), as we neglect terms of similar magnitudewhen we expand f(k) to first-order in k about the Diracpoints. Eq. (12) can be evaluated analytically, but asthe expression is very long we do not present it here ex-plicitly. We find that when f(k) is taken to first-order,the connection element takes the form

ξcv(k) = iA(a, k)k±B(a, k)θk, (13)

where k and θk are the standard unit vectors in our polarcoordinate system, and where the plus and minus signscorrespond to the K and K ′ valleys respectively. Here, Aand B are real, positive functions that depend only on themagnitude of k and the external bias a. Although ξcv(k)depends on the choice of gauge (i.e. the k-dependentphase of the Bloch eigenstates |nk〉), the action of a gaugetransformation is to simply multiply ξcv(k) by an overallphase factor [35], rendering the magnitudes of A and B,as well as the ratio A/B, gauge-invariant quantities. We


FIG. 3. The connection element functions A (dark) and B(light) as a function of k for a = 100 meV.

plot A and B as functions of k in Fig. 3 for an exam-ple bias of a = 100 meV. As can be seen, A = B = 0at k = 0 (i.e. at the Dirac points) [37]. Besides k = 0,there is second k for which A = B, whose value dependson the external bias. In the large-k limit, B ∼ 1/k, justas it does in monolayer graphene [38]. Biased bilayergraphene is unlike monolayer graphene or unbiased bi-layer graphene (a = 0) in that A is nonzero [34, 38, 39].In the limit of large k, A ∼ 1/k3. Under a → −a, A isunchanged but B → −B. We will return these functionsin Sec. III when we discuss the results of our calcula-tions. As we shall see, it is the non-vanishing of A, andthe crucial sign difference between the K and K ′ valleysthat unlocks the possibility of valley-polarization.

C. Equations of motion

The Heisenberg equations of motion for the reduceddensity operator ρ in the basis of Bloch states |nk〉 inthe relaxation time approximation are [38, 40]


dt= −iωnm(k)ρnm(k)− e

~E(t) · ∇kρnm(k)


~E(t) ·


[ξnl(k)ρlm(k)− ξlm(k)ρnl(k)]

− γnm(k) [ρnm(k)− ρeqnm(k)] , (14)

where ~ωnm(k) ≡ En(k)− Em(k), ρeqnm(k) = ρeqnn(k)δnmis the equilibrium density matrix, and γnm(k) is a matrixof scattering rates. If n = m, we refer to γnm(k) asthe intraband scattering rate. If n 6= m, we refer toγnm(k) as the interband decoherence rate. We allow forthe γnm(k) to be in principle k-dependent but will saveour discussion of these quantities for Sec. III. Using first-order perturbation theory, we solve Eq. (14) subject to

the initial conditionsρeqnn(k) = fn(k)

at t = −∞,ρ

(1)nm(k) = 0


where fn(k) = fn(k) is the Fermi-Dirac distribution. To

zeroth-order we obtain ρ(0)nm(k) = fn(k)δnm. Using stan-

dard techniques, the first-order result for the off-diagonaldensity matrix element at time t is found to be

ρ(1)cv (k) = e−(iωcv(k)+γcv(k))t

∫ t



· ξcv(k)[fv(k)− fc(k)

]e(iωcv(k)+γcv(k))t′dt′. (16)

We are interested in the total electron populationsaround the K and K ′ valleys, not the k-space distribu-tions. Therefore, when calculating the populations tosecond-order, we neglect the second term in Eq. (14) be-cause this term simply redistributes carrier momentumwithin each valley. We find that the second-order contri-bution to the conduction band population is

ρ(2)cc (k) = e−γcc(k)t

∫ t




vc (k)− ξvc(k)ρ(1)cv (k)

]eγcc(k)t′dt′, (17)

where ξvc(k) = ξ∗cv(k). Although ξnm(k) is gauge-

dependent, ρ(1)mn(k) transforms in the opposite sense and

so the product ξnm(k)ρ(1)mn(k) is gauge-invariant. The

mth-order contribution to the carrier density in the con-duction band about each Dirac point is given by

n(m)V (t) =



∫ρ(m)cc (k) d2k, (18)

where V = K,K ′ labels the valley, the factor of twoaccounts for spin degeneracy, and the integration is onlyin the vicinity of the particular Dirac point. The zeroth-order contribution gives the thermal carrier density, whilethe second-order contribution gives the injected carrierdensity.

D. Calculating the injected carrier density

To evaluate the injected carrier density, we must spec-ify the electric field of the optical pulse. It is well knownthat a valley-polarization can be induced in biased bi-layer graphene using circularly polarized light [14]. InAppendix A, we discuss the possibility of using light of amore general elliptical polarization, but here we limit ourdiscussion to circularly polarized light as we find circu-larly polarized light to always be optimal. We take E(t)to be a right-hand circularly polarized Gaussian pulsewith central frequency ω, amplitude E0, and pulse dura-tion tp. Thus,

E(t) = E(t)(x + iy

)e−iωt + c.c., (19)


where E(t) = E0e−t2/t2p . Given the form of the connec-

tion element [Eq. (13)], it will be convenient to expressthe field in the local k-space coordinate system. Takingthe origin to be either K or K′,

E(t) = E(t)(k + iθk

)e−i(ωt−θk) + c.c. (20)

With Eqs. (17) and (18), one has, for the injected carrier


n(2)V (t) =



∫ ∞0

k dk

∫ 2π


dθk e−γcc(k)t

∫ t

−∞dt′ (21)

× i e~E(t′) ·


vc (k)− ξvc(k)ρ(1)cv (k)

]eγcc(k)t′ .

Since the energy bands are isotropic, we assume thatthe scattering rates are as well so that we may writeγnm(k) = γnm(k). We may then pull e−γcc(k)t throughthe angular integral, and interchange the order of thetemporal and angular integration. Performing the angu-lar integral first, one can show (after significant work)

n(2)V (t) =


(2π)2π3/2 e




∫ ∞0

k dk e−γcct∫ t






tp+ λ−

)+ 1


(λ2− +


tpδ− −

t′ 2


)+ (A∓B)




tp+ λ+

)+ 1



+ +t′

tpδ+ −

t′ 2


)]+ c.c., (22)

where we have suppressed explicit k-dependence, andwhere the upper and lower operations correspond to theK and K ′ valleys respectively. The Greek letters repre-sent the quantities

λ∓ ≡ −tp2

(γcv + i(ωcv ∓ ω)) , (23)

δ∓ ≡ 2λ∓ + γcctp, (24)

where the subscripts indicate whether the term is reso-nant (−) or anti-resonant (+) with the optical field.

We are faced with the following integral:

J(t) =

∫ t




tp+ λ

)+ 1

)× exp

(λ2 +


tpδ − t′ 2


). (25)

Making the replacement η = t′/tp+λ, and completing thesquare in the exponential, Eq. (25) may be re-expressedas

J(t) = tp exp(β)

∫ t/tp+λ


dη (erf (η) + 1)

× exp(−(η + c)2

), (26)


β ≡ λ2 +1


c ≡ −λ− 1

2δ. (27)

To the best of our knowledge, the integral in Eq. (26)cannot be performed analytically. However, an analyticresult is provided by Ref. [41] in the limit t → ∞. InAppendix B, we address the subtleties of taking this limitgiven that λ is in general complex. We find

J(t→∞) =√π tp exp(β) erfc


). (28)

For times t = tf by which the integrand of Eq. (26) hasdecayed essentially to zero, we may make the approxima-tion J(tf ) ≈ J(t → ∞). This approximation limits theapplicability of this analytic result to times tf that are atleast several times the pulse duration tp. This should notpose a problem in practice, because one would likely onlywish to manipulate the valley-polarized carriers after theexciting pulse has passed. The pulse durations we willbe considering are only on the order of 10s to a few 100sof femtoseconds, so this delay is very small. Using Eq.(28) in Eq. (22), we obtain the key result of this section:the carrier density injected into valley V at time t = tf ,

n(2)V =





0 t2p

∫ ∞0

k dk e−γcctf[(A±B)

2exp (β−) erfc



)+ (A∓B)

2exp (β+) erfc



)]+ c.c. (29)


Again, the upper and lower operations correspond to theK andK ′ valleys respectively, and the subscripts indicatewhether the term is resonant (−) or anti-resonant (+)with the field. Recalling that A and B are real and posi-tive, observe that in the K valley, the resonant term cou-ples to the large (A+ B)2 term, while the anti-resonantterm couples to the small (A−B)2 term. The situation isreversed in K ′, in that it is the anti-resonant term whichcouples to (A+ B)2, while the resonant term couples to(A − B)2. This asymmetry leads to a stronger responsein K than in K ′, or in other words, a valley-polarization.For unbiased bilayer graphene (a = 0), Eq. (29) shouldreturn equal populations for the K and K ′ valleys. In-deed, if a = 0, then A(a, k) = 0 and the asymmetrybetween K and K ′ disappears. As a check for our code,we have confirmed that Eq. (29) returns equal popula-tions in K and K ′ for the a = 0 case when integratednumerically.


We wish to compare the carrier densities in the con-duction bands of the K and K ′ valleys shortly after ex-citation by a pulse of circularly polarized light. Depend-ing on the temperature, a significant contribution to thecarrier density can come from the zeroth-order thermal

population n(0)V . We will consider this in more detail in

Sec. III D, but for now we focus solely on the second-order response. To this end, we define the second-ordervalley-polarization P(2) to be the difference between thecarrier densities injected around the K and K ′ valleys attime t = tf , normalized by their sum:

P(2) ≡n

(2)K − n


n(2)K + n


. (30)

When the system is completely valley-polarized in favorof K (K ′) electrons, P(2) = 1 (−1). If the system isnot valley-polarized, P(2) = 0. Throughout this section,we consider a (Gaussian) right-hand circularly polarizedpulse, so we expect the system to be valley-polarized infavor of K electrons.

We vary the external bias and pulse frequency to ex-amine how the valley-polarization depends on these twoparameters. We consider the frequency-bias pairs thatresult in the strongest valley-polarization to be the opti-mal operating parameters for valleytronic devices. Unlessotherwise stated, we take the temperature T to be 300 Kand the chemical potential to be at the charge-neutralitypoint (µ = 0). However, we emphasize that the second-order valley-polarization is only weakly dependent on Tand µ. Because of electron-hole symmetry, the choiceµ = 0 leads to identical results for both electron andhole populations. For this reason, we discuss only elec-tron populations. In what follows, we restrict ourselvesto external biases greater than 50 meV, because for lower

biases, thermal populations and spatial variations in thesystem gating can severely limit the valley-polarization.

The relaxation dynamics of photoexcited carriers inmonolayer graphene have been studied extensively [42–45]. For bilayer graphene, the relaxation processes areexpected to be similar, but the associated time scalesare not precisely known and depend on the substrate,fabrication process, and bias. The general consensus inthe literature is that an initial period of rapid thermal-ization occurs due primarily to electron-electron scatter-ing in which the photoexcited carriers relax to a quasi-thermal equilibrium within a few 10s of femtoseconds[46–48]. This process is then followed by a period of car-rier cooling due to the emission of optical phonons overa timescale of 100s of femtoseconds. Finally, there is aperiod of cooling due to acoustic phonon scattering andcarrier recombination on the scale of picoseconds. In thiswork, because we are interested in the valley-polarizationa few 10s to 100s of femtoseconds after the pulse arrives,we neglect these picosecond processes completely and fo-cus on the early-time dynamics. As we are working inthe perturbative regime, we will consider only intrabandscattering processes.

To help develop the main ideas, in Sec. III A we workwith a simplified model in which we neglect intrabandscattering, accounting only for interband decoherence. InSec. III B, we will introduce intraband scattering via op-tical phonons. In particular, we will allow for intervalleyscattering, which acts to reduce the valley-polarization,and for intravalley scattering, which limits the intervalleyprocess. In Sec. III C, we will examine the effects ofvarying the pulse duration and decoherence time. InSec. III D, we will examine the effects of the thermal elec-tron populations on the valley-polarization.

A. Without intraband scattering

In this section, we examine the second-order valley-polarization when there is no intraband scattering, butwhere there is interband decoherence. Thus, we letγcc(k) = 0 and γcv(k) = 1/τ0, where τ0 is a phenomeno-logical decoherence time. We take τ0 = 30 fs and thepulse duration tp = 50 fs. We restrict ourselves to pho-ton energies greater than 50 meV, because for lower en-ergies, the pulse duration can be shorter than a singleperiod. In Fig. 4 we plot 1 − P(2), that is, the de-viation of the valley-polarization from perfect polariza-tion (P(2) = 1), on a logarithmic scale as a functionof the external bias a and the central photon energy~ω of the exciting right-hand circularly polarized Gaus-sian pulse [49]. Lighter colors correspond to strongervalley-polarizations. The strongest valley-polarizationsare concentrated in the low-frequency—low-bias regime,along the line ~ω = 2a (indicated by a straight dashedline). The valley-polarization falls off on either side of~ω = 2a. The valley-polarization degrades and broad-ens with increasing frequency and bias. The innermost


FIG. 4. (Color online) [50] Deviation of the second-order

valley-polarization from perfect polarization log10(1 − P(2))as a function of the external bias a and central photon energy~ω of the exciting Gaussian pulse. Lighter regions correspondto stronger valley-polarizations. From lightest to darkest, thecontours correspond to P(2) = 0.97, 0.95, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, and 0.5.The straight dashed line is the line ~ω = 2a. The lower dashedcurve is the band gap energy [Eq. (5)], while the upper dashedcurve is the energy of the next-lowest transition involving thehigher-energy bands that we have neglected [Eq. (31)]. Thepulse duration is tp = 50 fs, and the valley-polarization isevaluated long after the pulse has passed. Intraband scatter-ing is neglected (γcc(k) = 0), and the interband decoherencetime is taken to be τ0 = 30 fs. The temperature is 300 K andthe chemical potential is µ = 0.

contour corresponds to P(2) > 0.97. The two next-to-innermost contours correspond to P(2) > 0.95 and 0.90respectively. Over the parameter space considered in Fig.4, the valley-polarization ranges from 0.10 ≤ P(2) ≤ 0.98.The optimal operating frequency-bias pair occurs for(~ω, a) ≈ (241, 127) meV. Note however that both theoptimal operating pair and the corresponding valley-polarization depend on the pulse duration and decoher-ence time.

Except at very low biases, the optimal operating fre-quencies do not coincide with the band gap energy (in-dicated by the lower dashed curve). In fact, the valley-polarization appears to be somewhat suppressed for fre-quencies resonant with the band gap energy. The upperdashed curve in Fig. 4 gives the energy of the next-lowest transition, involving the high-energy bands thatwe have neglected [51]. Energies above this curve willinduce significant transitions between bands other thanthe two low-energy bands we have considered. This curveis given explicitly by

∆EHB(a) = (a2 + t2⊥)1/2 + a, (31)

which is strictly greater than 2a.We now examine in detail the origins of the main

features of Fig. 4, and in particular, why the valley-

FIG. 5. A/B ratio for several biases (dashed curves, leftmostaxis), and corresponding conduction band energies Ec(k) forthe same biases (solid curves, rightmost axis) as a function ofk. From lightest to darkest, a = 100, 200, and 300 meV. Thedashed horizontal line indicates A/B = 1.

polarization is generally greatest along the line ~ω = 2a.First, note that the first-order interband coherence

ρ(1)cv (k) is proportional to the carrier-field interaction

ξcv(k) ·E(t) [see Eq. (16)]. If ξcv(k) ·E(t) can be forcedto zero in one valley but not the other, a strong valley-polarization is expected. For a right-hand circularly po-larized field with central frequency ω, it can be easilyshown using Eqs. (13) and (20) that the carrier-field in-teraction is given by

ξcv(k) ·E(t) ≈ iE(t)e−i(ωt−θk)(A(a, k)±B(a, k)

), (32)

where A and B are the real, positive functions that wereintroduced in Sec. II B, and where the approximationsign indicates that we are considering only the resonantcontribution. Again, the plus and minus signs corre-spond to the K and K ′ valleys respectively. We see fromEq. (32) that in the K valley, the interaction is propor-tional to the sum of the (positive) functions A and B,while in the K ′ valley the interaction is proportional tothe difference. When A = B, Eq. (32) amounts to avalley-contrasting optical selection rule in favor of the Kvalley. Because A and B are k-dependent, the selectionrule is in general not exact, except for very specific stateswithin each valley (namely, states for which A = B).Note that if one uses light of the opposite helicity, thedominant piece of the carrier-field interaction is insteadproportional to (A ∓ B), such that when A = B the se-lection rule favors K ′.

The ratio A/B gives a measure of the “exactness”of the optical selection rule (A/B = 1 when A = B).In Fig. 5, we plot the quantity A/B as a function ofk for three different biases (dashed curves), along withthe corresponding conduction band energies, Ec(k) (solidcurves). For all biases, A/B = 1 at k = 0, indicat-ing an exact selection rule. As one moves away from


k = 0, the selection rules softens as the A/B ratio de-viates from unity. The A/B ratio reaches its maximumat the band-minimum. The A/B ratio then decays tozero as k → ∞. However, as the A/B ratio decays, itpasses through A/B = 1 at some k = k1. In other words,for any given bias, the optical selection rule is exact atprecisely two values of k: k = 0 and k = k1. If we wishto achieve a strong valley-polarization, we should try toinduce excitations at these very k. However, as was dis-cussed briefly in Sec. II B, both A and B vanish at k = 0.The carrier-field interaction [Eq. (32)] therefore vanishesat k = 0 (for both K and K ′), and so there is no carrierinjection at k = 0. Therefore, in what follows, we focusour discussion on the states near k = k1.

In Fig. 5, we saw that the A/B ratio peaks at theband-minimum. In fact, one can show that




Ec(k). (33)

Thus, A/B = 1 when Ec(k) = a, which occurs preciselyat k = 0 and k = k1, where

k1 =4a



~vf. (34)

To target these states, we must tune the frequency ofthe exciting field such that it is resonant with interbandtransitions at k = k1. Due to electron-hole symmetry, thetransition energy at k1 is simply 2Ec(k1), and so the opti-mal operating frequency for a particular bias is expectedto be given by

~ω = 2Ec(k1) = 2a, (35)

which explains why the optimal operating frequency-biaspairs in Fig. 4 lie along the line ~ω = 2a. In monolayergraphene with a staggered sublattice potential, one findsan exact selection rule at the Dirac points (k = 0) [14].In contrast, in biased bilayer graphene, because A andB both vanish at exactly K and K′, there are no car-riers injected at k = 0 and therefore there is no valley-contrasting optical selection rule at k = 0. Rather, theoptical selection rule is found along a ring of states withradius k = k1 surrounding the Dirac points. The exis-tence of such a k value seems to have gone unnoticed inthe literature. However, evidence for this result can beseen in Fig. 2 of Yao et al. [14].

The valley-polarization is robust to deviations from~ω = 2a. In Fig. 4, the innermost contour correspondedto P(2) > 0.97. Consider operating near the optimal fre-quency and bias (~ω, a) = (241, 127) meV, for whichP(2) = 0.98. For fixed ~ω = 241 meV, external biaseswithin the range 110 < a < 161 meV yield P(2) > 0.97.For fixed a = 127 meV, central photon energies within198 < ~ω < 284 meV yield P(2) > 0.97. Similarly, thethird-to-innermost contour corresponded to P(2) > 0.90.For fixed ~ω = 241 meV, 84 < a < 230 meV yields P(2) >0.90. For fixed a = 127 meV, 146 < ~ω < 396 meVyields P(2) > 0.90. Thus, deviations of several 10s of

meV in either frequency or bias from the optimal operat-ing pair still yield valley-polarizations well-over 90%. Ifone cannot target the optimum precisely, it is better toerr towards larger frequencies and biases.

In Fig. 4, the optimal operating frequencies coincidewith the band gap for small biases. This is because theband gap energy ∆E(a) → 2a in the limit of small a[see Eq. (5)]. For more moderate biases, we see fromFig. 4 that the valley-polarization appears somewhat re-duced at frequencies close to the band gap energy. Thisis because for any given bias, the A/B ratio reaches itsmaximum at the band edge and therefore in general leadsto a poor valley-polarization [see Fig. 5 or Eq. (33)]. Forfrequencies less than the band gap energy, carriers arestill predominantly excited at the band edge due to thefinite bandwidth of the Gaussian pulse. Only once thecentral frequency exceeds the band gap energy do carriersaway from the band edge begin to dominate the response.The valley-polarization is therefore not reduced near theband gap, rather, the valley-polarization “stalls” at theband gap energy as one sweeps upwards in frequency.This result is in agreement with Fig. 3 of Ref. [32],where a strong valley-polarization was calculated for pho-ton energies close to resonance with the band gap energy∆E(a) ≈ 2a for a small bias of 2a = 20 meV.

In Fig. 4, the stripe of optimal operating frequency-bias pairs is seen to broaden with increasing a and ~ω.This can be understood as follows. The energy-derivativeof the A/B ratio at k = k1 is a measure of the sensitivityof the optical selection rule to small deviations in photonenergy from ~ω = 2a. One may easily verify that





) ∣∣∣∣k=k1

= −1

a. (36)

Thus, as the bias is increased, the system becomes lesssensitive to small deviations from the optimal operatingconfiguration and the valley-polarization broadens.

For a couple of reasons, one can never achieve a per-fect valley-polarization. First, targeting states for whichA/B = 1 exclusively is impossible. Even when the pulseduration is very long, the decoherence time results inlinewidth broadening. This means that even when thecentral photon energy of the pulse is ~ω = 2a, carrierswill be excited not just at k = k1, but also in the vicinityof k = k1 where A 6= B and the valley-contrasting opticalselection rule is inexact. In Fig. 4, we observed that thevalley-polarization degrades along ~ω = 2a with increas-ing frequency and bias. This degradation is only observedin the presence of finite decoherence times. Second, thevalley-polarization is limited by the presence of the anti-resonant piece of the carrier field interaction. In contrastto the resonant term [Eq. (32)], the anti-resonant termis proportional to (A ∓ B), meaning that the selectionrule can never be truly exact. That is, when A = B theresonant term vanishes but the anti-resonant term doesnot. For the particular pulse duration and decoherencetime chosen in Fig. 4, the difference between the valley-polarization obtained if one includes both the resonant


and anti-resonant terms, and the valley-polarization ob-tained when one includes just the resonant terms, can beas large as ∆P(2) = 0.05 along the line ~ω = 2a (overthe parameter space considered). The greatest differ-ences occur at the edges of the parameter space. Closeto the optimal operating frequency-bias pair, the differ-ence is significantly smaller, about ∆P(2) = 0.01. Sincethe valley-polarization can reach up to P(2) = 0.98, adifference of 0.01 is significant. The anti-resonant termmust therefore be included to obtain accurate results.Taken together, a finite decoherence time and the pres-ence of the anti-resonant term ensures that the valley-polarization is never complete. However, as we shall dis-cuss in Sec. III C, the impact of these two effects canbe reduced by increasing the decoherence time and pulseduration.

In the ideal limit of infinite decoherence times andinfinite pulse durations, with tp τ0, one can showthat the valley-polarization approaches unity when op-erating at ~ω = 2a. To see this, consider Eq. (29). Inthe ideal limit, the exponentials exp(β∓) approach deltafunctions centered on ωcv(k) = ∓ω. Since ω > 0 andωcv(k) = 2Ec(k)/~ > 0, the anti-resonant (+) term con-tributes nothing to the carrier density, leaving only theresonant (−) term. If ~ω = 2a, then A = B and theresonant term vanishes in K ′, resulting in perfect valley-polarization.

B. With intraband scattering

We now improve upon our model by accounting forintraband scattering processes which act to reduce thevalley-polarization. Intervalley scattering (IVS) is a pro-cess in which an electron in (say) the K valley scatters toK ′, degrading the valley-polarization. As was discussedin the beginning of Sec. III, the relevant relaxation path-ways for photoexcited carriers in bilayer graphene arecarrier-carrier and carrier-phonon scattering. Due to mo-mentum conservation, IVS via carrier-carrier interactionsis very weak [42]. We find it crucial, however, to ac-count for carrier-phonon interactions as IVS via opticalphonons can significantly reduce the valley-polarizationwhen the frequency of the exciting pulse is large.

Carrier-phonon scattering in monolayer graphene(MLG) has been studied extensively [52–54]. Unfortu-nately, the literature on carrier-phonon scattering in bi-layer graphene (BLG), and in particular in biased bilayergraphene (BBLG), is somewhat lacking and there is noclear consensus on the dominant scattering modes. Inthis work, we treat scattering to be the same as in MLGwhere optical phonons dominate at room temperature[53]. This is certainly an approximation, for it is notclear whether scattering in BBLG is similar to scatteringin MLG. For instance, a 2011 study has suggested that,in contrast to MLG, low-energy acoustic phonons domi-nate in unbiased BLG, while optical phonon scattering ishighly suppressed [55]. However, it is unclear if this result

FIG. 6. Scattering rates ΓIVS (dark) and ΓDS (light) as func-tions of energy for an example bias of a = 205 meV. Thesharp onsets of ΓIVS and ΓDS occur at energies EIVS(a) andEDS(a), respectively. The scattering rates are cut off at amaximum value of Γ = Γmax = 40 ps−1 (see text). The insetschematically depicts the corresponding scattering processes.

holds for a biased bilayer: a 2015 study found that opti-cal phonons are the dominant scattering mode in BBLGat biases above a = 150 meV [56]. If it turns out thatacoustic phonons play an important role in BBLG trans-port, our calculations can be easily modified to accountfor them.

To incorporate intraband scattering into our model,we adopt the formalism of Ref. [57]. In this approach,scattering is treated microscopically, rather than phe-nomenologically, as we have done up to this point. Be-ginning with a Frohlich Hamiltonian and making thesecond-order Born-Markov approximation, one obtainsscattering rates Γ(k) that appear analogously to γcc(k)in Eq. (14). Electron-phonon scattering can thereforebe incorporated in our model by simply replacing γcc(k)with Γ(k) in Eq. (29). At room temperature, the ther-mal population of optical phonons is very small, and sothe dominant inelastic scattering process in MLG is op-tical phonon emission. Optical phonons with crystal mo-menta near the K points are the only phonons capableof assisting in intervalley scattering. However, opticalphonons near the Γ point can assist in intravalley “down-scattering” (DS), a process which leaves the scatteredcarrier in its original valley. IVS and DS processes are de-picted schematically in the inset of Fig. 6. It is importantto include DS along with IVS because DS will limit thenumber of carriers available to IVS. The dominant contri-bution to IVS comes from the TO mode at the K points,while the dominant contribution to DS comes from thedegenerate TO and LO modes at Γ [58]. All other phononmodes are neglected, and all other elastic/quasi-elasticscattering processes are accounted for through the phe-nomenological decoherence time τ0.

The scattering-out rates for conduction band electrons


due to K- and Γ-phonon emission are [57]

ΓIVS(k) =2π



2g2K(1− ρ(0)

cc (k− q)) (nK + 1)

× δ [Ec(k− q)− Ec(k) + ~ωK ] , (37)

ΓDS(k) =2π


2g2Γ(1− ρ(0)

cc (k− q)) (nΓ + 1)

× δ [Ec(k− q)− Ec(k) + ~ωΓ] , (38)

where N is the number of unit cells, and where we haveapproximated the angle for IVS events to be 60 (theangle between the K and K′ points, as measured fromthe zone-center). The quantities g2

K and g2Γ are con-

stants, but there is some debate in the literature as totheir precise values [58–61]. Following Ref. [54], we takeg2K = 0.2098 eV2 and g2

Γ = 0.0558 eV2, noting that theirprecise values will have little effect on our conclusions.Since the high-energy phonon dispersion of BLG (andBBLG) is very similar to MLG [62, 63], we follow Ref.[57] and take the phonons to be dispersionless near the Kand Γ points with constant frequencies ~ωK = 160 meVand ~ωΓ = 196 meV. We treat the phonons as thermalbaths at 300 K so that the phonon populations nK andnΓ are given by Bose-Einstein distributions at energy~ωK and ~ωΓ respectively. Since Ec(k) = Ec(k) and

ρ(0)cc (k) = fc(k), the scattering-out rates are isotropic and

we may write ΓIVS(k) = ΓIVS(k) and ΓDS(k) = ΓDS(k).We now let

γcc(k) = ΓIVS(k) + ΓDS(k). (39)

We also modify the interband decoherence rate accordingto γcv(k) = 1/τ(k), where





2, (40)

and where the factor of 1/2 arises from the usual relation-ship between decoherence and population decay rates.

In Fig. 6, we plot ΓIVS(k) and ΓDS(k) as functionsof energy for an example bias of a = 205 meV. As isdemonstrated in the figure, the Dirac delta functions inEqs. (37) and (38) ensure that intraband optical-phonon-scattering is forbidden unless an excited electron can af-ford to lose the energy of a phonon and remain in theconduction band. In other words, ΓIVS(k) and ΓDS(k)are, respectively, strictly zero unless

Ec(k) ≥ ~ωK/Γ + ∆E(a)/2 ≡ EIVS/DS(a), (41)

where ∆E(a) is the band gap. Since ~ωK < ~ωΓ, IVS be-comes energetically possible before DS. Due to electron-hole symmetry, the photon energy required to excite anelectron from the valence band to an energy EIVS(a) orEDS(a) in the conduction band is given by ~ω = 2EIVS(a)or ~ω = 2EDS(a), respectively. A second consequence ofthe delta functions is that ΓIVS(k) and ΓDS(k) divergewhen Ec(k) = EIVS(a) and Ec(k) = EDS(a), respectively.

Away from these energies, the scattering rates are well-behaved and on the order of a few 10s of ps−1, whichis consistent with rates found in Refs. [53, 64]. Due tothe approximations we made when evaluating the car-rier density (Sec. II D), a divergent intraband scatteringrate results in numerical difficulties unless the observa-tion time tf is very large. More precisely, large values ofγcc(k) push the peak of the integrand of Eq. (25) towardst =∞. In requiring that the integrand decay sufficientlyto zero by t = tf , a divergent γcc(k) forces us longer andlonger tf at which to evaluate the carrier density. Toaddress this problem, we limit ΓIVS(k) and ΓDS(k) to amaximum value Γmax = 40 ps−1 (see Fig. 6). With thisvalue of Γmax, for pulse durations tp on the order of 10sto a few 100s of fs, and for typical decoherence times, weobtain convergence for tf = 5tp. We find that althoughchanging the value of Γmax affects the high-frequency re-sults (where scattering is strong), it has very little effectin the optimal operating region.

1. Intervalley scattering

To begin with, let us simplify things and neglect down-scattering by setting ΓDS(k) = 0, such that γcc(k) =ΓIVS(k). Because we treat the K and K ′ valleys as dis-connected in k-space, and we do not account for carri-ers scattering-in, we cannot keep track of IVS explicitly.That is, γcc(k) simply acts as a population decay rate forelectrons in each valley independently [see Eq. (29)]. Wetherefore require a systematic way to keep track of thenumber of carriers which IVS from each valley. Once wehave that, we can then add those carriers into the oppos-ing valley before computing the valley-polarization.

To this end, we calculate the carrier density in eachvalley twice: once subject to decay from IVS, and a sec-ond time without population decay. If IVS is the onlyscattering process, then the difference between these twoquantities gives an estimate of the density of carriers thathave intervalley scattered. Concretely, let nIVS

K be thecarrier density injected into the K valley at time t = tf ,calculated using Eq. (29) with γcc(k) = ΓIVS(k). As

before, n(2)K is the carrier density injected into K, cal-

culated using Eq. (29) with γcc(k) = 0. A summary ofthese quantities are given in Table I. The quantity

∆nIVSK′ = n

(2)K − n

IVSK (42)

gives the density of carriers intervalley scattered from Kto K ′ (the subscript on ∆nIVS

K′ denotes the final valley).The carrier density in the K ′ valley is then modified ac-cording to

n(2)K′ = nIVS

K′ + ∆nIVSK′ . (43)

In other words, the carrier density in K ′ is given by thecarrier density remaining in K ′ (after allowing for pop-ulation decay from IVS), plus the carriers that have in-tervalley scattered from K to K ′. The carrier density in


TABLE I. Summary of the notation used for the carrier den-sities in the K valley and their associated scattering rates.Each density is calculated using Eq. (29) with γcc(k) as indi-cated and γcv(k) according to Eq. (40). The K′ densities aredefined analogously.

n(2)K nIVS




the K valley is obtained by interchanging K ↔ K ′ inEqs. (42) and (43).

The valley-polarization is modified to

P(2) =n

(2)K − n


n(2)K + n


, (44)

which we plot as a function of the external bias and cen-tral photon energy in Fig. 7(a) under the same conditionsas Fig. 4 (tp = 50 fs, τ0 = 30 fs, T = 300 K, µ = 0). Aswas the case in Fig. 4, the strongest valley-polarizationsare concentrated in the low-frequency—low-bias regime,along ~ω = 2a. The most obvious difference betweenFig. 7(a) and Fig. 4 is the emergence of a dark blueregion of poor valley-polarization in the high-frequencyportion of the parameter space. This is due to the pres-ence of intervalley scattering, the onset of which is indi-cated by the dashed white curve corresponding to ~ω =2EIVS(a). Notice that the onset of IVS intersects the line~ω = 2a, meaning that IVS effectively cuts off high fre-quencies from the parameter space of optimal operat-ing frequency-bias pairs. Unfortunately, high frequenciesmay be desirable due to hot-carrier multiplication, whichwould result in a larger population imbalance and thus astronger valley-polarization [65, 66]. If low-energy acous-tic phonon scattering turns out to play an importantrole in BBLG, one would expect to see an onset curveanalogous to the one in Fig. 7(a), but shifted towardslower photon energies. In comparison to Fig. 4, theoptimal operating frequency-bias pair is shifted slightlytowards lower frequencies, (~ω, a) = (236, 126) meV, buta very strong valley-polarization of P(2) = 0.98 is re-tained. The difference is slight because the optimal op-erating region is largely unaffected by the presence ofintervalley scattering, but nonzero because the pulse ex-cites over a broad energy range. In Fig. 7(a), the valley-polarization is evaluated long after the exciting pulse haspassed (tf = 5tp = 250 fs).

At photon energies greater than the onset of IVS, thevalley-polarization can become negative, meaning thatthe system is valley-polarized in favor of K ′ electrons.In fact, the five darkest shaded regions in Fig. 7(a) cor-respond to P(2) ≤ 0. This is because the IVS rate is sostrong in this region that more carriers intervalley scatterfrom K to K ′ than remain in the K valley. This resultsuggests that it may be possible to achieve an inverse

valley-polarization, that is, a valley-polarization in fa-vor K ′ electrons, even though the exciting pulse is right-hand circularly polarized. We emphasize that a signifi-cant fraction of this region of inverse valley-polarizationlies above the upper black dashed curve ∆EHB(a) andtherefore should be taken with a grain of salt [Eq. (31)].

By neglecting down-scattering thus far, the results pre-sented in Fig. 7(a) give an underestimate of the valley-polarization. Carriers that DS contribute to the valley-polarization in the same way as if they had not scatteredat all because they remain in their original valley. How-ever, down-scattered carriers will likely have scatteredinto states below the energy threshold EIVS(a) requiredto IVS. In other words, DS acts to limit IVS by reduc-ing the number of carriers available to IVS. We are againfaced with the problem of keeping track of these carriersgiven that γcc(k) simply acts as a population decay rate.

2. Down-scattering

To achieve a better estimate of P(2), we must adjustEqs. (42) and (43) to account for down-scattering. Thisessentially amounts to keeping track of another contri-bution to the carrier density in each valley. In the exactsame way we estimated the density of carriers that inter-valley scattered, let us define

∆nDSK′ = n

(2)K′ − nDS

K′ (45)

to be the density of carriers scattered within the K ′ valley(again, the subscript on ∆nDS

K′ denotes the final valley).Analogously, nDS

K′ is the carrier density injected into K ′,calculated using Eq. (29) with γcc(k) = ΓDS(k) (seeTable. I). The carrier density in the K ′ valley becomes

n(2)K′ = nIVS+DS

K′ + ∆nIVSK′ + ∆nDS

K′ . (46)

Here, nIVS+DSK′ is the carrier density obtained by allowing

for decay from both IVS and DS, that is, for γcc(k) =ΓIVS(k) + ΓDS(k). In other words, the carrier density inthe K ′ valley is given by the carrier density remaining inK ′ (after allowing for population decay from both IVSand DS), plus the carriers that IVS from K to K ′, plusthe carriers that DS within K ′.

In Fig. 7(b), we plot Eq. (44) for P(2), modifiedto include down-scattering according to the redefini-tions above, and under the same conditions as Fig. 7(a).The general features that were observed in Fig 7(a)are unchanged. In comparison to Fig. 7(a), the valley-polarization recovers somewhat after the onset of down-scattering, which is indicated by the upper dashed whitecurve corresponding to ~ω = 2EDS(a). However, thevalley-polarization does not recover significantly enoughto make this regime attractive for valleytronics. Wetherefore conclude that, even when accounting for DS,one should operate in the low-frequency—low-bias regimebefore the onset of IVS. The optimal operating frequency-bias pair is unchanged from the previous calculation:


(a) (b)

FIG. 7. (Color online) Deviation of the second-order valley-polarization from perfect polarization log10(1−P(2)) as a functionof the external bias a and central photon energy ~ω of the exciting Gaussian pulse with the inclusion of (a) intervalley scatteringand (b) both intervalley scattering and down-scattering. The dashed black curves are as in Fig. 4. In (a), the dashed whitecurve is the onset of intervalley scattering, given by ~ω = 2EIVS(a) [Eq. (41)]. In (b), the lower dashed white curve is the samecurve as in (a), while the upper dashed white curve is the onset of down-scattering, given by ~ω = 2EDS(a). From lightest to

darkest, the contours in (a) and (b) correspond to P(2) = 0.975, 0.95, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0,−0.15,−0.3,−0.45 and −0.6. Notethat the final three contours are not visible in (b) because the data does not extend to these values. In both (a) and (b), thephenomenological decoherence time is τ0 = 30 fs, the pulse duration is tp = 50 fs, and the valley-polarization is evaluated attf = 250 fs. The temperature is 300 K and the chemical potential is µ = 0.

(~ω, a) = (236, 126) meV, P(2) = 0.98. Due to ourapproximate scheme for estimating carrier scattering,Fig. 7(b) simultaneously overestimates the number ofcarrier that IVS and the number of carriers that DS.Overestimating the number of carriers that IVS (DS)tends to reduce (increase) the valley-polarization. Be-cause these two effects act in opposition, it difficult todiscern whether Fig. 7(b) provides an overestimate or anunderestimate of the valley-polarization. However, webelieve it provides a better estimate than Fig. 7(a), whichshould be considered a worst-case scenario.

C. Pulse duration and decoherence time

In this section, we study the effects of varying thepulse duration tp and decoherence time τ0 on the second-order valley-polarization. As might be anticipated, theeffect of increasing tp and τ0 is to improve the valley-polarization and sharpen the response, as we explorein Fig. 8. In Fig. 8(a) we fix the bias to a constantvalue of a = 205 meV, and plot the second-order valley-polarization as a function of the central photon energy ~ωof the exciting pulse. We use the scattering model devel-oped in the previous section, accounting for both inter-valley scattering (IVS) and down-scattering (DS). Thus,Fig. 8(a) can be thought of as a vertical slice of Fig. 7(b)along constant a. In general, the valley-polarization in-

creases steadily as ~ω approaches 2a, stalling briefly atthe band gap energy, for reasons discussed in Sec. III A.The valley-polarization peaks close to ~ω = 2a, then de-cays. The decay is accelerated by the presence of IVS,and an inverse valley-polarization is observed. The pres-ence of DS counteracts the decay due to IVS. These gen-eral features are observed for all biases, but are particu-larly prominent for a = 205 meV. In Fig. 8(a), the bandgap energy, ~ω = 2a, and onsets of IVS and DS can beclearly seen (indicated with dashed vertical lines).

Six different pulse durations are considered in Fig. 8(a),and the response is evaluated at tf = 5tp for a rela-tively long decoherence time of τ0 = 100 fs [67]. As canbe seen, increasing the pulse duration tends to sharpenthe response about ~ω = 2a and improve the maximumvalley-polarization. For a tp = 10 fs pulse, a maximum

valley-polarization of P(2) = 0.976 is achieved, while fora tp = 100 fs pulse, the maximum valley-polarization

achieved is P(2) = 0.989. Note that the tp = 100 fs curveand the tp = 200 fs curve are virtually indistinguishable.This can be attributed to the finite decoherence time(which results in linewidth broadening), making target-ing Ec(k) = a precisely impossible even when the pulseduration is very long. Therefore, from the point of viewof valley-polarization, there is no reason to use a pulseduration that is much longer than the decoherence time.On the other hand, from the perspective of carrier den-sity, using a very long pulse duration can be beneficial.


(a) (b)

FIG. 8. Deviation of the second-order valley-polarization from perfect polarization log10(1− P(2)) as a function of the centralphoton energy ~ω of the exciting Gaussian pulse for a fixed bias of a = 205 meV. In order of increasing energy, the vertical linesindicate the band gap energy, ~ω = 2a, the onset of intervalley scattering, and the onset of down-scattering. The horizontalline indicates P(2) = 0. (a) From lightest to darkest, tp = 10, 15, 25, 50, 100, and 200 fs for a fixed decoherence time of τ0 = 100fs. The valley-polarization does not visibly change for tp > τ0. (b) From lightest to darkest, τ0 = 10, 30, 100, 200, and 300 fs fora fixed pulse duration of tp = 100 fs. Note that the scale of the valley-polarization axis is different in (a) and (b). In both (a)and (b), the valley-polarization is evaluated at tf = 5tp, the temperature is 300 K, and the chemical potential is µ = 0.

In Fig. 8(a), the optimal operating frequency does notin general coincide exactly with ~ω = 2a, and in factvaries somewhat with the pulse duration. For a tp = 10 fspulse, the optimal operating frequency is ~ω = 422 meV,while for a tp = 100 fs pulse, the optimal operating fre-quency is ~ω = 400 meV. The value of the optimal op-erating frequency is a result of a complex interplay be-tween the pulse duration, decoherence time, external bias(with corresponding A/B ratio and density of states),the presence of intervalley scattering, and perhaps otherfactors. Taken together, these factors lead to violationsof the simple rule of thumb that the optima lie along~ω = 2a. For the particular bias chosen in Fig. 8(a), thepresence of IVS seems to play an important role in theinterplay, pushing the optima towards lower values asthe pulse duration is increased. Some experimental fine-tuning may therefore be useful for finding the optimaloperating frequency-bias pair for each particular sampleand laser. As was discussed in Sec. III A, in the ideallimit of long pulse durations and decoherence times, theoptimal operating frequency converges to ~ω = 2a.

In Fig. 8(b) we again set the bias to a = 205 meV,but this time fix the pulse duration to tp = 100 fs andvary the decoherence time. The same general featuresof Fig. 8(a) are observed. The main difference is thatthe maximum valley-polarization obtained in Fig. 8(b)can be much larger than in Fig. 8(a) (note the dif-ferent scales on the vertical axes). For a decoherencetime of τ0 = 10 fs, a maximum valley-polarization ofP(2) = 0.930 is achieved, while for τ0 = 300 fs, the max-

imum valley-polarization achieved is P(2) = 0.996. Themaximum valley-polarization continues to grow even asthe decoherence time is increased through 500 fs (notshown). In Fig. 8(a), improving the valley-polarizationby increasing the pulse duration was limited by the de-coherence time. Conversely, in Fig. 8(b), the valley-polarization can be increased indefinitely by using verypure samples with long decoherence times, regardless ofthe pulse duration. Comparing Figs. 8(a) and (b), it isclear that the decoherence time is the limiting factor withrespect to the valley-polarization. While clean samplesare preferable, a very strong valley-polarization can stillbe achieved when the decoherence time is short.

D. Thermal carriers

Up to this point we have only considered the valley-polarization arising from the second-order response P(2),and have so far neglected the background of thermal car-riers. In this section, we examine how thermal carriersact to reduce the valley-polarization and comment onstrategies for minimizing their impact. To account forthe thermal background, we simply add the thermal car-rier density to the injected carrier density [see Eq. (18)]and compute the valley-polarization. That is, we write

nV = n(2)V + n

(0)V , where n

(2)V was defined in Sec. III B

to account for intraband scattering via optical phonons(both IVS and DS). Since the thermal carrier density is


the same in both the K and K ′ valleys, this corresponds

mathematically to adding a factor of 2n(0)K = 2n

(0)K′ to the

denominator of Eq. (44). The valley-polarization is now

P =n

(2)K − n


n(2)K + n

(2)K′ + 2n


. (47)

Since n(2)V ∝E2

0 [Eq. (29)], the field strength had noeffect on the second-order valley-polarization, but itwill become important now as the zeroth-order re-sponse does not depend on E0. We take E0 = 1.5 ×(ω/ω0)1/2 kV cm−1, with ~ω0 = 50 meV. By scaling thefield with the pulse frequency, we ensure that the num-ber of photons per pulse is fixed across all frequencies.

The magnitude of E0 is chosen to ensure that ρ(2)cc (k) is

at most 1% for any k, such that first-order perturbationtheory is sufficient.

In Fig. 9(a), we plot the valley-polarization under thesame conditions as Fig. 7(b) (tp = 50 fs, τ0 = 30 fs,tf = 250 fs, T = 300 K, µ = 0), but this time ac-count for the thermal background. As can be seen,the valley-polarization is reduced significantly, with amaximum valley-polarization of P = 0.70 obtained at(~ω, a) ≈ (368, 308) meV. The region of optimal op-erating frequency-bias pairs has also moved away from~ω = 2a and now hugs the band edge. This can be under-stood by considering the following. Along ~ω = 2a, thesecond-order response is very strongly valley-polarized,however the actual number of carriers excited is quitesmall because we are operating away from the band edgewhere the joint density of states is small. Along the bandedge, many more carriers are excited and even thoughthe second-order response is not as pure, the differencein carrier density between the K and K ′ valleys is ableto overcome the thermal background. Note also that incontrast to Fig. 7(b), the valley-polarization obtained be-low band gap is now essentially zero. This is because atfrequencies below the band gap, very few carriers are ex-cited and so the thermal population dominates.

In Figs. 9(a) through (d), we show the evolution of thevalley-polarization as the temperature is decreased from300 to 150 K. As the temperature is decreased, the ther-mal carrier density decreases, so the valley-polarizationimproves and the optimal operating region returns to~ω = 2a. At 150 K, the optimal operating frequency-bias pair is (~ω, a) ≈ (235, 126) meV, yielding a verystrong valley-polarization of P(2) = 0.97. However, evenat 150 K, thermal carriers significantly reduce the valley-polarization for small biases. This is because the bandgap ∆E(a) ≈ 2a for small biases, and so the thermalpopulation is non-negligible. The presence of thermalcarriers effectively cuts off small biases from the optimaloperating region, much in the same way as intervalleyscattering cut off high frequencies (Sec. III B). Smallbiases may be desirable due to reduced electron mobil-ity with increasing external bias a [68]. For T = 50 K(not shown), the thermal population is negligible, andthe valley-polarization observed in Fig. 7(b) is restored.

In order to operate in the low-bias regime, one must workat low temperatures. If one works at a larger bias, a verystrong valley-polarization can be achieved at 150 K.

It would be nice if a strong valley-polarization couldbe achieved at room temperature. One possibility is toincrease the field strength, which has the effect of miti-gating the thermal population, and follows a similar pro-gression as Fig. 9. We must be careful with increasingthe field strength however, because as alluded to earlier,we begin to push the limits of first-order perturbationtheory. To restore Fig. 9(a) to Fig. 7(b) by increasingthe field amplitude alone, E0 would need to be increased

by about a factor of 50. Since ρ(2)cc (k) ∝ E2

0 , this puts uswell outside the realm of first-order perturbation theory[57, 69–71].


In this work, we present a detailed study of valley-polarization in biased bilayer graphene. The energybands are calculated using a tight-binding model, anddensity matrix equations of motion are derived withinthe length gauge. Electron populations in the K and K ′

valleys are calculated for an incident circularly polarizedGaussian pulse. The resulting population imbalance be-tween the valleys is quantified by the valley-polarization,which we seek to maximize with respect to the externalbias, pulse frequency, and pulse duration.

In the ideal limit (omitting thermal carriers, takingthe pulse duration to be infinite, and neglecting car-rier scattering and decoherence), we find that a perfectvalley-polarization can be achieved when operating atpulse frequencies ω satisfying ~ω = 2a, where 2a is thepotential energy difference (the external bias) betweenthe graphene layers. This result originates from a k-dependent valley-contrasting optical selection rule thatbecomes exact when ~ω = 2a. In the presence of in-terband decoherence or finite pulse durations, it is notpossible to achieve a perfect valley-polarization, evenat zero temperature. However, a near-perfect valley-polarization (> 98%) can still be achieved by operatingclose to ~ω = 2a.

Intervalley scattering and thermal electron populationscomplicate the simple picture that the optimal operatingfrequency-bias pairs lie along the line ~ω = 2a. Whileintervalley scattering via optical phonons has little effecton the valley-polarization for low-frequency pulses, wefind that intervalley scattering greatly reduces the valley-polarization when the central photon frequency is largeenough to inject carriers to an energy greater than thatof a K-optical phonon. When we account for thermalpopulations, we find that the valley-polarization is sig-nificantly reduced when the external bias (and hence theband gap) is small. Thermal populations drive the op-timal operating frequency-bias pairs away from ~ω = 2aand towards the band edge, where the density of states isgreatest. At room temperature, thermal populations re-


(a) T = 300 K (b) T = 250 K

(c) T = 200 K (d) T = 150 K

FIG. 9. (Color online) Deviation of the valley-polarization (including thermal carriers) from perfect polarization log10(1− P)as a function of the external bias a and central photon energy ~ω of the exciting Gaussian pulse at four different temperaturesand including both intervalley scattering and down-scattering. The black dashed lines are as in Fig. 4. The white dashed linesfrom Fig. 7 have been omitted for clarity. The field amplitude is given by E0 = 1.5× (ω/ω0)1/2 kV cm−1, with ~ω0 = 50 meV.The contour values are not the same for all four plots, but the color scale is consistent throughout. In all plots, the interbanddecoherence time is taken to be τ0 = 30 fs, the pulse duration is tp = 50 fs, and the chemical potential is µ = 0.

duce the maximum obtainable valley-polarization to just70%. However, the effect of thermal populations can bemitigated by working at low temperatures.

While the valley-polarization can be improved signifi-cantly by limiting defects and impurities, a strong valley-polarization can be achieved in any reasonably pure sam-ple. To maximize the valley-polarization, the pulse du-ration should be close to or larger than the interbanddecoherence time of the sample. For a decoherencetime of 30 femtoseconds and a pulse duration of 50 fs,we obtain the following optimal operating conditions.For room-temperature experiments, the optimal oper-ating frequency-bias pair is (~ω, a) = (368, 308) meV,

for which a valley-polarization of 70% is obtained. Atlow temperatures (T < 150 K), the optimal condition is(~ω, a) = (235, 126) meV, where a valley-polarization ofover 97% can be achieved. Given these promising results,we believe that bilayer graphene is a strong candidate forvalleytronic applications.


This work was supported by Queen’s University andthe Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Councilof Canada (NSERC).


Appendix A: Elliptical polarization

In this section, we examine why circularly polarizedlight is optimal to induce a valley-polarization in biasedbilayer graphene. We also explore whether a general el-liptical polarization is ever preferable to circular polar-ization. Consider a general electric field

E(t) = αEL + βER + c.c, (A1)

which we have written in the basis of left- and right-handcircularly polarized components

EL = (k− iθk)e−i(ωt+θk), (A2)

ER = (k + iθk)e−i(ωt−θk), (A3)

expressed in polar coordinates with origin at either K orK′ (the field takes the same form in both valleys). Here,α and β are complex coefficients that characterize thepolarization of E(t), with |α|2 + |β|2 = 1. If α = 0 orβ = 0, E(t) is circularly polarized. If |α| = |β|, E(t)is linearly polarized, the polarization axis determined bythe phase difference. If α 6= β and neither α nor β arezero, we have some general elliptical polarization.

The first-order interband coherence ρ(1)cv (k) is propor-

tional to the carrier-field interaction ξcv(k) · E(t) [seeEq. (16)]. If ξcv(k) · E(t) can be forced to zero in onevalley but not the other, a strong valley-polarization isexpected. For the field of Eq. (A1), the carrier-field in-teraction takes the form

ξcv(k) ·E(t) ≈ ie−iωt[A(αe−iθk + βeiθk)

±B(−αe−iθk + βeiθk)], (A4)

where the approximation sign indicates that we are con-sidering only the resonant contributions, and where theplus and minus signs correspond to the K and K ′ valleysrespectively. Here, A and B are the real, positive, k-dependent functions which were introduced in Sec. II B.Setting Eq. (A4) to zero, we obtain the condition

β(B ±A) = α(B ∓A)e−2iθk , (A5)

which is valid for any choice of gauge. The problem offorcing the resonant piece of ξcv(k) · E(t) = 0 has beenreduced to satisfying Eq. (A5). On the surface, we arefaced with serious problem: Eq. (A5) depends on θk,suggesting that Eq. (A5) can only be satisfied along a

single radial direction in k-space. Since A and B are k-dependent, this then implies that Eq. (A5) can only besatisfied at (at most) a couple of points in k-space. Oneway to circumvent this issue is to use circularly polarizedlight. If we set α = 0 (right-hand circular polarization)we obtain

(B ±A) = 0, (A6)

which can be satisfied in the K ′ valley when A = B, butnever in K [72]. Similarly, if we set β = 0 (left-handcircular polarization), we obtain

0 = (B ∓A), (A7)which can be satisfied in the K valley when A = B, butnever in K ′. Thus, for any non-circular elliptical polar-ization, the phase-dependence of Eq. (A5) limits the op-tical selection rule to just a couple of k-space points. Bychoosing circularly polarized light, the phase dependenceof Eq. (A5) is removed, and a valley-contrasting opti-cal selection rule is obtained for the specific constraintA = B. Since A = B occurs for k = k1 (see Sec. III A),the valley-contrasting optical selection rule is simultane-ously satisfied around an entire ring of states in k-space,as opposed to just a couple of points. Circular polariza-tion is therefore always preferable to elliptical.

Appendix B: Complex-shifted integral

In Eq. (26), λ is in general complex, but the integralbounded by (−∞,∞) is equivalent to a complex-shiftedintegral bounded by (−∞+ iγ,∞+ iγ) for some real γ.

Proof: By Cauchy’s integral theorem, an integral overthe closed contour C = [−R,R,R + iγ,−R + iγ,−R] iszero:

0 =



∫ R


∫ R+iγ



∫ −R+iγ



∫ −R−R+iγ

, (B1)

where R is real and f(η) = (erf (η) + 1) exp(−(η + c)2


For R →∞, the integrals over the segments of constantR are zero because f(η) goes to zero. Thus, the integralalong the real axis is equal to an arbitrarily complex-shifted integral over the same real limits

0 =

∫ R


∫ −R+iγ



∫ R

−R−∫ R+iγ


. (B2)

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