as a troop, list some ways that you can be a good citizen. · of good citizenship. to earn the...

Post on 30-Sep-2020






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citizenship - 1EXPLORERS

Task 1: citizenship

We want to be good citizens in our community, state, and country and that means we must learn to respect and honor our home. A hymn of our country says, “God bless America, land that I love.” How do we love our community, state, and country? We learn about them and celebrate what makes them unique and special for each one of us. During this emblem, you will investigate the different places where you are a citizen and how you can show qualities of good citizenship.

To earn the Citizenship emblem, you must complete FIVE tasks.

Citizenship is more than just living somewhere. Knowing your history and where you come from is important. Once you know that, you should be a good citizen of your hometown, state, and country. Being a good citizen means that you use your opportunities to show respect to your home.

As a troop, list some ways that you can be a good citizen.

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________

A community is made up of its members — young, old, and all the ages in between. When these members work together and support each other, it makes the community stronger. Choose a project in your neighborhood or around the corps that will make your community a better place.

Discuss with your leader some project options, and complete a project.

Project we completed: __________________________________________________

What I did: ________________________________________________________________

Task 2: project

citizenship - 2EXPLORERS

Why our project was important in our community:




Task 3: state

There are many parts that make up our country. It is important to know about the state or territory that you live in and what rich history and unique traditions set it apart from other places in the United States of America.

With the assistance of your troop leader, learn about your state. When was it first settled? What is your state flower, bird, or song? Do you have a state flag and, if you do, what does it look like?

Learn the answers to these, and make a mobile displaying the information. Your leader has a worksheet you can use.

Task 4: history

We live in the United States of America. Watch a video about our country’s beginnings, read a book, or invite a historian to visit your troop and tell you about how this great land became the United States. You can learn about the first settlers, the Revolutionary War, and more.

We watched: _____________________________________________________________

Three things you learned about the United States:

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

citizenship - 3EXPLORERS

Task 5: flag

The American Flag is a symbol of our country. The way it looks at the present time is quite different from how it looked when our country was first started.

The first flag had 13 red and white stripes, and 13 stars arranged in a circle on a blue field. This flag was known as “Old Glory.”

With each state that was added to the country, a new star was added on the blue field. On the flag, the 13 stripes remain, representing the original 13 colonies.

The current flag of the United States has:

______ white stars

______ red stripes

______ white stripes

Flag CareIt is necessary that the flag of our country should always be treated with respect since it is a symbol of the place we call home. It is tradition to salute the flag when it is raised and lowered. People should stand when a flag goes by in a parade.

There is also a special way to fold the American flag. You never want to let the flag touch the ground. If a flag is badly torn and weathered, it should be turned in to your local veterans group or Boy Scout troop for disposal. Your troop leader will show you the proper technique for folding the flag of the United States of America.

citizenship - 4EXPLORERS

Task 6: pledge

Memorize the Pledge of Allegiance. The pledge promises our loyalty and devotion to our country. To complete this task, memorize and quote the Pledge of Allegiance to your leader. As you learn the words, ask questions about any parts that you do not understand. It is important to know what you are saying and memorizing.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America;

and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible,

with liberty and justice for all.

Listen to a recording or watch a video of “The Star Spangled Banner” or “America the Beautiful”.

In 1931, Congress declared that the song “The Star Spangled Banner” would be the National Anthem of the United States. Francis Scott Key wrote it as a poem in 1814, and later, the words were put to music. The song was inspired by the sight of the American flag flying over Fort McHenry after a night of battle with the British soldiers. It has four verses. Today, you can hear the song played at sporting events, political rallies, parades, and more.

Another patriotic song is “America the Beautiful.” The words were written by a woman, Katherine Lee Bates, who had seen many areas of the country and wanted to express what she saw in words. The words were set to music and, today, it is one of the most popular patriotic signs.

Task 7: music of our country

One way to serve our country is by joining one of the military branches. There are five branches that specialize in different aspects of service.

Air Force: This branch’s job is defending our nation through air strength. Their primary mission is to fly planes and helicopters and to operate satellites.

Army: Our land power comes from this branch of the military. It is their job to move into an area, secure it, and help work out the problems before they leave. It is also their job to guard U.S. properties and interests around the world.

Task 8: armed forces

citizenship - 5EXPLORERS

Task 9: in god we trust

Coast Guard: This military branch guards the country’s waterways. They are the ones who rescue people stranded out on the water. They also are the law enforcement on our waterways.

Marines: This branch is the first to be called on when fights start. They are usually the first “boots on the ground.” They are trained on water and land, and are known as the world’s fiercest warriors.

Navy: The men and women in the Navy do all of their work on or near the sea. They are also trained in air and land combat, but their main work deals with protecting the oceans around the world.

To complete this task, do one of the following:Write a letter to a current soldier, and mail it to them. This may include a drawing, a poem or just a note saying “Thank you for your service!” Your leader has a sample.

– OR –

Interview a veteran, a person who has served our country in the military. Ask the following questions:

What branch did you serve in? ___________________________________________

What was your training like? ___________________________________________

Tell me about your favorite part of serving. ____________________________

What ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE who wanted to join the military? ________________________________________________________________

We live in a country that was founded on a strong belief in God. Many of our first colonists came to escape religious torture. Although our government has a separation of church and state, there are declarations in our society that show trust in God.

Dig into your pocket, and pull out some change or paper money. Often, you can find a phrase on the money of the U.S. What words do you see about God? Write them below.

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

citizenship - 6EXPLORERS

What does the Pledge of Allegiance say about God?




What do you think those words in our pledge mean?




Do you think God cares about us being good citizens? Why or why not?




Let’s look at scripture. Read Philippians 3:20. What does this scripture say about being a citizen?




God is excited about the day we will join Him in heaven. Until then, we must strive to exhibit good citizenship here, and allow others to see Jesus’s love in us!

bible time

Date Completed

citizenship - 7EXPLORERS

Leader’s or Resource Person’s Signature

Emblem Completion

ON TARGET!Think about the things that you try not to do any more now that you have heard about Jesus. Each day, we can work hard to be more like Jesus and less like what we used to be.

Romans 12: 1–2 NIV

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God — this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

reach for the stars

citizenship - 8EXPLORERS

Star Completion

Date Completed

Leader’s or Resource Person’s Signature

To complete the Reach for the Stars project, finish one of the choices below.

Design your own flag. Answer the following questions, and then make a flag.

1. What will your flag represent?

2. Will you put symbols on it to stand for particular ideas? If so, what symbols?

3. Why did you pick the colors you used?

4. Make a rough draft of your flag on paper.

5. Buy the fabric or felt you need to make your flag. Cut out the pieces.

6. Assemble your flag with glue or stitching.

7. Share the story of your flag with your troop.

– OR –

Follow the lead of Francis Scott Key and Katherine Lee Bates. Write a poem or song about how you feel about your community, state, and country. Share your work with your troop leader.

leader resource

citizenship - 9EXPLORERS

Task 1: citizen

There are so many parts of exhibiting good citizenship. Have a discussion with the Explorers about citizenship. What are examples of good citizenship?

Examples of possible answers:• Volunteering in your community

• Signing up to volunteer at a state rally

• Walking in a Memorial Day or Fourth of July parade

• Honoring the flag

• Being respectful to city, state, and country leaders

• Obeying laws

• Voting when you reach the age

• Keeping the area you live and visit clean and litter free

• Helping the homeless

• Adopting a section of highway

Encourage the Explorers to think of things in your area that could use some tender, loving care.

• Clean up a bike trail in your area

• Pick up trash at a playground

• Put out blankets for homeless people in your community

• Put together small meals in bags and deliver them to people on the street

• Pass out free cold water bottles at a local sporting event

• Volunteer at your community animal shelter

Task 2: project

citizenshipTo earn the Citizenship emblem, Explorers must complete FIVE tasks.

citizenship - 10EXPLORERS

Visit your library or look online, and learn about your state’s or territory’s history. Have Explorers fill in the information on the worksheet (on the next page) and make their mobile.

Materials• A hanger or branch for each Explorer

• Yarn or string cut into different lengths

• Copy of the shapes for the Explorers to fill in

• Crayon or markers

Instructions to assemble the mobiles1. Color the shapes that are appropriate for your state or territory.

2. Fill in the information.

3. Cut out the shapes and punch a hole in the top of each item.

4. Tie a string to the top of the shape.

5. Attach the strings to the hanger or branch to make a mobile to display.

6. Make a title decoration to attach to the hanger displaying the name of your state or territory.

Task 3: state

• Weed, landscape, and cut the grass of an elderly person in your area

• Volunteer at the city building for a project

citizenship - 11EXPLORERS

citizenship - 12EXPLORERS

Task 4: history

Invite a local historian, tour a historic site, or watch a video sharing information about the formation of the United States.

BooksThe Boston Tea Party by Steven KrollColonial America by Patrice ShermanColonial Life by Bobbie KalmanColonial Voices: Hear Them Speak by Kay WintersThe Dreadful, Smelly Colonies: The Disgusting Details about Life in Colonial America by Elizabeth RaumGeorge Washington’s Teeth by Deborah ChandraGive Me Liberty! The Story of the Declaration of Independence by Russell Freedman Mayflower 1620: A New Look at a Pilgrim Voyage by National GeographicA New Nation by Betsey and Giulio MaestroRoad to Revolution by Stan Mack


citizenship - 13EXPLORERS

Task 5: flag

The flag of the United States has: 50 white stars, 7 red stripes, and 6 white stripes.

Task 6: pledge

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America;

And to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible,

with liberty and justice for all.

citizenship - 14EXPLORERS

Task 7: music of our country

Share a recording of “The Star Spangled Banner” or “America the Beautiful.” There are videos for the songs available on the Internet, or pick up a copy at a local music store or on iTunes.

Task 8: armed forces

There are many ways to show our military men and women that we care. To complete this task, have the Explorers write a letter to a person serving in one of the branches of the military. As a troop, you could also send a care package. There are many ways to get letters and packages to our troops. Below, you will find several choices. Provide letter writing guidance to the Explorers, as well as paper and pencils or pens. If needed, make copies of the next page for Explorers to color and sign. They could write a personal note on the back. These could be included in a care package.

Online resources for letter writing

Postal address for lettersA Million Thanks 17853 Santiago Blvd. #107-355 Villa Park, CA 92861

Signed: ______________________________________

citizenship - 16EXPLORERS

Task 9: history

Dig into your pocket, and pull out some change or paper money. Often, you can find a phrase on the money of the U.S.

What words do you see about God? IN GOD WE TRUST

What does the Pledge of Allegiance say about God? That we are one nation, under God.

What do you think those words in our Pledge mean?

(Accept any reasonable answers.)

Our country is under one God. We trust Him.

Do you think God cares about us being good citizens? Why or why not?

(Accept any reasonable answers.)

God wants us to act responsibly and show the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. So yes, He wants us to be good citizens and take care of the world around us.

Let’s look at scripture. Read Philippians 3:20. What does this scripture say about being A citizen?

(Accept any reasonable answers.)

This Scripture verse tells us that, ultimately, we will be citizens of heaven. While we are here, we should act in a way so that others can see that!

God is excited about the day we join Him in heaven. Until then, we must strive to exhibit good citizenship here and allow others to see Jesus’s love in us!

citizenship - 17

bible time


Leader Resource: citzenship - Bible Study

Romans 12: 1–2 NIV“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer

your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God — this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but

be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.”


• A preschool shape sorter and the shapes that fit into the holes

• A banana that won’t fit into a hole in the sorter or a toy that won’t fit into a hole in the sorter

Introduction: Oh my goodness! I loved these when I was little! I loved to put all of the shapes in the right holes. Do I have a volunteer who will come up and try to get all of these shapes in as fast as you can? (Call up a volunteer. Give them all the shapes that fit AND the toy or banana that does not fit.) Okay, now I will time you. It is important to get everything into the sorter! Are you ready? GO! (Time the Explorer. When he gets to the end and the last piece won’t fit, tell him that piece is going to keep on causing problems because it just isn’t like the others!) Now, our volunteer did a great job, but this piece just isn’t like the others. It just doesn’t conform to what is needed in order for it to fit into the sorter. You know this reminds me of a passage I was reading in my Bible.

Scripture: In Romans 12, verses 1–2, it says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God — this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.” This Scripture tells me that I’m not always going to fit just like that toy didn’t fit into our sorter. Because, when we come to know Jesus and ask Him into our heart, then we are not like the rest of the people who don’t know Him. Things will be different. We can’t fit into the same holes. We are made new! Isn’t that exciting!


Think about the things that you try not to do any more now that you have heard about Jesus. Each day, we can work hard to be more like Jesus and less like what we use to be.

citizenship - 18

bible time



Dear Jesus, I want to be remade! I don’t want to fall back into the old things I used to do. Help me not to follow and fit into the ideas around me, but to look to Your Word, the Bible, for the right way to live. Amen.

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