as transformation exam 2016

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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There is also a “Transformation Exam Unit” Pinterest board in which you need to create your own Pinterest board from.

Expected outcomesA01 – DEVELOPMake sure all set class tasks are completed. By the end of the unit, you must have analysed 5 images by photographers relevant to your ideas using the Form, Process, Content structure we followed within the last project. Use your research to inform your development (links to your own work). A good response does not mean an exact copy.

AO2 – EXPERIMENTAfter the initial tasks, start by taking 3 sets of different observations in response to 3 ideas based on your own research. It is important to show refinement of ideas and techniques throughout the project. Make sure annotation considers subject, concept, approach, technique, formal elements etc as appropriate. You MUST include your contact sheets for each idea/refinement, edits and enlargements.

AO3 – RECORDI expect to see a minimum of 8 sets of observations/recordings over the duration of the unit. Remember that you must always show good technical and compositional understanding in your work, along with a clear explanation of ideas. This is where you can gain marks for technical control so remember to consider composition, white balance, depth of field, exposure etc whilst taking your photographs and during editing.

AO4 – REALISEDevelop and refine your best ideas further working towards an exhibition outcome, which will be completed during your examination period (10-hours) at the beginning of the Summer Term.

Lucas SimoesImages are made by burning photographs, layering pictures together and cutting out precise patterns to reveal what is underneath.The identities of the subjects are blurred, and some seem confused or even damaged.

Marlo PascualSometimes the newly ‘objectified’ image is propped up by a rock. “I want it to be physically imposing, like theatrical props,” Pascual says, reminding us that the photographs she uses are already constructions – positioned, framed, posed, lit.

Joseph ParraOneself - references the 'fractured, multiple, and twisted ways we often view ourselves’.This work is sculptural, giving the photographs a presence and body.

Space and composition on the actual paper can signify meaning

Aaron Siskind Ironic charm in cracked surfaces – inspired by Abstract Expressionism

John PfahlWhile making my "picture window" photographs, I came to think that every room was like a gigantic camera forever pointed at the same view. In the dictionary, of course, the word camera in Latin means chamber or room. I searched the country for these cameras and their views: the more unusual or picturesque, the better. It was often hard to tell from the outside what could be seen from the inside, so I was usually surprised when I discovered a scene in its new context. Strangers with puzzled looks were amazingly cooperative in letting me into their rooms with my photographic gear. They let me take down the curtains, wash the windows, and rearrange the furniture. Often, too, they expressed their desire to share their view with others, as if it were a nondepletable treasure.I liked the idea that my photographic vantage points were not solely determined by myself. They were predetermined by others, sometimes years earlier, and patiently waited for me to discover them.

William Henry Fox Talbot –

Latticed window at Lacock Abbey, August 1835

The oldest photographic

image ever found

Photographs of objects meticulously deconstructed, altering their purpose and maneuvering them from useful and with meaning to objects that are purely visual

Cornelia Parker Twenty Years of Tarnish (wedding Presents) – pun to connote failing relationships – transform the value of objects

Irving PennExtraordinary in the mundane – changing our expectations and perceptions, Irving Penn’s still life images of cigarette butts and other discarded items, elevating objects from mundane to worthy of admiration.

Shirin Neshat Within these images, four distinctive and incongruent elements occupy the limited space, and they combine within the framework to create a threatening message: the softness of the veil’s fabric, the rigidity of the gun’s metal, the fluidity of the black ink, and the young women’s flesh appear to coexist amidst physical and material differences. The written calligraphy invokes the Iranian woman’s silence and her inability to have a voice. Because Neshat’s residence in the West allows her the freedom of expression, she covers the entire visible surface of her female figure with her chosen words. However, Neshat’s chosen words are in total compliance with the militancy of the veiled Iranian women in that they are poetic words supporting Iranian martyrs of the Iran-Iraq war.

Transformations to our world.

Our world is forever changing and altering. You as a photographer don’t just have to document this transformation itself, you could think of ways to represent man-kinds incessant need to continue developing and adapting the world around us to suit our needs.

Martin ParrPhotographer obsessed with representing the effect recession has on the British Culture and how our identity has transformed as a nation

Gillian Wearing

Optical illusions

Our eyes provide us with a vital connection to the world around us. We tend to be somewhat cautious about what we read and hear, but often people only “believe what they can see”.

However, our eyes can play tricks on us, and as visual manipulators we can play tricks on our audience.

Could you create a series of images that incorporate optical illusions which force the audience into a position of doubt?

Erwin Blumenfeld – plays with perception and toys with our expectations

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